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Competition (law) in the era of algorithms 403

at John Marshall Law School), David Mamane LL.M.

Competition (law) in (Partner, Schellenberg Wittmer), Professor Salil K. Mehra
(Professor & Director of the LL.M. in Asian Law, Temple
the era of algorithms University), Dr Marcel Meinhardt LL.M. (Partner,
Lenz&Staehelin) Cyril Ritter (Policy officer, DG COMP,
* EU Commission), Professor Rolf H. Weber (Professor
Peter Georg Picht emeritus, University of Zurich, and Counsel, Bratschi
** AG), and Professor Peter Georg Picht LL.M. (Professor,
Benedikt Freund —together ***
University of Zurich). Following the workshop, its results
with CIPCO workshop were presented to a wider audience by way of a round
table discussion hosted jointly by CIPCO and the Europa
participants Institute at the University of Zurich.
To encourage an open exchange of ideas, workshop
participants agreed that information shared during the
Artificial intelligence; Collusion; Competition law; workshop may be used freely but that statements should
EU law; Pricing; United States not be assigned to a specific participant (Chatham House
Algorithm-driven computer programs have become key Session 1—Technical and Economic
instruments for market success in a digitised economy. Fundamentals
On the one hand, they can certainly generate positive The first part of this session2 aimed at describing the inner
effects on consumer welfare and welfare in general. On workings of algorithm-driven computer software, with a
the other hand, algorithms may foster tacit collusion, main focus on algorithmic pricing. The second part
adversely affect consumer choice, even pose a threat to focused on economic aspects, in particular the economic
pluralism. Especially since algo-driven market rationale underlying (the legal treatment of) tacit collusion
interactions call traditional economic models into and the question how algorithm-driven computer
question, it is still unclear whether and how the new programs might foster this type of conduct.
challenges can be addressed within the existing
framework of (competition) law or whether new legal
tools, such as algorithm-focused regulation, must be Technical Fundamentals
developed. The use of algorithm-driven software is, in itself, not an
To approach these questions, the Center for Intellectual entirely new phenomenon. Today’s possibilities of
Property and Competition Law (CIPCO) at the University collecting and processing vast amounts of data without
of Zurich held a workshop on Monday 19 February 2018 direct human intervention, however, makes a difference.
in Zurich.1 The first part of the workshop focused on The technical developments coincide with, and partly
technical and economic fundamentals, the second on drive, a shift in focus from supply chain optimisation to
effects on consumers, and the third part on the existing demand chain optimisation. Algorithmic computer
case law, as well as on the practice and policy of programs independently collect large amounts of data,
competition agencies. Key note speakers represented a inter alia by monitoring algo-driven transactions with
mix of agency officials, academics and practitioners. consumers, analyse it, and utilise the results in setting
Among them were Antonio Capobianco, LL.M. (Senior consumer prices, at a speed that is impossible for humans
Competition Law Expert, OECD), Professor Michal Gal, to reach.3
LL.M. (Professor, University of Haifa), Dr Hubert Orso In order to perform its core functions, namely
Gilliéron (Partner, Baker McKenzie), Professor Andreas monitoring and repricing, a pricing algorithm needs to
Heinemann, DIAP (ENA, Paris) (Professor, University be coded and the user has to set the parameters according
of Zurich, President of the Swiss Competition to the task at issue. By appropriately selecting these
Commission), Dr Pranvera Këllezi LL.M. (Kellezi Legal, parameters, it is also possible to have the algorithm follow
member of the Swiss Competition Commission), a certain strategy, for instance to always match the highest
Professor Daryl Lim, LL.M. (Professor & Director, Center price of a competitor.4
for Intellectual Property, Information and Privacy Law
Professor Dr, LL.M. (Yale), Chair for Business and Commercial Law, Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law—CIPCO, University of Zurich. Affiliated
Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich.
MLaw, Attorney-at-Law, PhD-Candidate and Research Assistant to Professor Dr Peter Georg Picht.
*** [Accessed 31 July 2018].
1 [Accessed 9 July 2018].
For further reading, see Salil K. Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1323 et seq.; OECD
(2017), “Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”,
-digital-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].
See also Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1346.
Setting good strategies can be a tricky task: In 2011, the biology textbook Making of a Fly offered on Amazon was traded for a price of over $23 million, apparently
because two pricing algorithms were pursuing strategies that drove, in their interaction, the price to an absurd level; see Michael Eisen, “Amazon’s $23,698,655.93 book
about flies, It is NOT Junk” 22 April 2011, [Accessed 2 August 2018].

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404 European Competition Law Review

As this example shows, even more traditional, the e-commerce sector inquiry undertaken by the
non-learning algorithms need not be limited to European Commission revealed that the use of pricing
monotonously performing a pre-defined set of rules algorithms has become commonplace: 53 per cent of the
without reacting to their environment. They can be told responding retailers track online prices of competitors,
to take external conditions, such as competitors’ pricing 67 per cent of these retailers do the tracking by way of
strategies, previous consumer choices, or even the software, and 78 per cent of the responding retailers adjust
weather, into consideration. At this level of sophistication, their prices based on the tracking results.8
it is, however, still the user who defines the relevant
external parameter and the formula according to which Economic Fundaments—rethinking tacit
the algorithm shall react to changes in the parameter.5 collusion?
So-called “deep-learning” algorithms go a step further.
Their underlying concept is the replication of the human The concept and traditional legal treatment
brain by creating an artificial neural network similar to
of explicit and tacit collusion
the structure of biological neurons driving humans’
thoughts and actions.6 Contrary to “ordinary” algorithms, Collusion is usually understood as a form of co-ordination
deep-learning algorithms are able to make decisions based among competitors that aims at raising profits to a level
on their own neural network, i.e. to a large extent which is higher than the non-cooperative equilibrium,
independently of pre-set rules and parameters. In thus creating a deadweight loss.9 While “explicit
particular, they can find patterns in a given set of data collusion” is based on an agreement or some other form
and develop, by monitoring their own operations, a of concertation between the involved market players,
suitable reaction or strategy with regard to these patterns. “tacit collusion”, also called “parallel behaviour”, requires
The output which deep-learning algorithms produce over no such concertation and can, in particular, spring from
time can be hard to predict or steer even for those who market players monitoring and reacting to each other’s
have developed or implemented them. Not only are the independent business decisions.10 A classical model for
programs oftentimes much faster and more efficient in describing this type of behaviour is the Cournot duopoly.11
identifying patterns and corresponding strategies than In this model, two firms act independently but they are
human brains could ever be, they may also find patterns aware of each other’s actions. Hence, they do not
a human would not detect. Furthermore, deep-learning explicitly agree on prices and make their choices
algorithms do not usually provide information about the independently, but they are aware of each other’s
decision-making process going on inside them, which production functions and calculate their economic
turns them into something like a “black box”.7 response accordingly.12 In consequence, each firm will
Evidently, the level of control and predictability present price at a supra-competitive level rather than competing
in the relation between algorithms and their away—as in a market with perfect competition—all profit
developers/implementers can be of importance in tailoring to costs.13
appropriate conduct requirements and legal sanctions. From an economic point of view, both types of
Although the sweeping implementation of complex collusion are undesirable.14 Even where collusion is only
deep-learning algorithms still seems to lie in the future, tacit, it is likely to result in supra-competitive prices,
the development of a legal framework for algorithms of lower output, deadweight losses, and, ultimately, a
a more limited capacity is an urgent task. For instance, reduction in (consumer) welfare.15

See also Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1336.
“Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, p.11,
-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].
The question of how to deal with deep-learning algorithms was further discussed in the third session.
Commission Staff Working Document, Preliminary Report on the E-commerce Sector Inquiry, Brussels, 15 September 2016, SWD(2016) 312 final, Part 1/2, n.125, http:
// [Accessed 10 July 2018].
“Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, p.19,
-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].; see also Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics – A modern Approach, 9th edn, (New York/London: W.W. Norton & Co., 2014),
pp.531 et seq.
“Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, p.19,
-digital-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].; see also OECD (2015), “Competition Enforcement in Oligopolistic Markets”, DAF/COMP(2015)2, n.13,
/document/DAF/COMP(2015)2/en/pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018]; Michael K. Vaska, “Conscious Parallelism and Price-fixing: Defining the Boundary” (1985) 52(2) University
of Chicago Law Review 508, 509, 519 et seq.
Augustin Cournot, Recherches sur les Principes Mathematiques de la Théorie des Richesses (Paris: L. Hachette, 1838); Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics – A modern
Approach, 9th edn, (2014), pp.526 et seq.; see also Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review
Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1343 et seq., on how tacit collusion can be promoted
by pricing algorithms under a Cournot model.
Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1345.
OECD (2017), “Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, p.19,
-policy-in-the-digital-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].
See Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review; OECD (2017), “Algorithms and Collusion:
Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, p.19, [Accessed 9 July

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Competition (law) in the era of algorithms 405

Competition law, however, prohibits—at least in unpredictable decisions taken by human beings. Secondly,
Switzerland, the EU and the US—only explicit collusion transactions which defect from the supra-competitive
but tolerates tacit collusion.16 One reason is the concern equilibrium can destabilise tacit collusion as they force
that banning tacit collusion may inhibit market players competitors to adapt their conditions as well. The use of
from intelligently adapting their business strategy to their algorithms reduces the risk that firms make mistakes when
competitors’ prices or other market conditions (demand, they try to meet, with their transaction conditions (prices
cost, etc.), after all a key component of competitive in particular), the collusive equilibrium. Algorithms can
behaviour.17 Another probably lies in competition law’s thereby prevent involuntary destabilisation of collusive
traditional role as an “anti-cartel law”, focused on fighting equilibria. Thirdly, algorithms are unlikely to succumb
illicit agreements which do not exist in tacit to human biases (“agency slack”), e.g. the human
collusion-scenarios.18 tendency to favour short-term and/or personal gains from
violating the collusive equilibrium over long-term and/or
Likelihood of tacit collusion in algorithmic company gains from maintaining tacit collusion.26 And,
markets fourthly, algorithms tend to increase the frequency and
decrease the latency of transactions between market
Traditionally, the likelihood for tacit collusion appeared participants. Price deviation is therefore less likely to go
high in (1) oligopolistic markets19 for (2) homogeneous unnoticed for a timespan sufficiently long to yield
goods and services,20 especially where (3) transparency21 attractive deviation gains to a price maverick. These four
and (4) entry barriers22 are high.23 Not very many markets factors may have a particularly strong impact on
pronouncedly display these features and, consequently, traditional “brick and mortar” markets for which, hitherto,
the relevance of tacit collusion seemed hitherto to be low transparency, slow transactions, and non-digitalized
limited.24 It was not least against this background that decision-making were characteristic.
competition law and policy deemed it acceptable to refrain Apart from the possibility to re-interpret the term
from fighting this type of conduct. If, however, the “agreement” and/or the term “concerted practices” in a
intensive use of algorithms in a market were to make tacit broader way than traditionally, other (new) issues also
collusion more likely by removing the relevance of merit attention: The improvement of transparency and
traditional conditions for its successful implementation, accountability (including aspects of data access, data
the traditional approach towards tacit collusion may have governance and auditability) can help market participants
to be reconsidered. to better understand the functioning of algorithms.
The workshop discussions showed that algorithms may Furthermore, the regulatory redress on autonomous
facilitate tacit collusion in at least four ways25: first, an systems as such instead of enterprises might become a
increased capacity to collect and analyse large amounts viable alternative.27 Finally, the compliance with the
of data helps competitors to understand each other’s improved protection of privacy rights (General Data
production functions and business strategies. This effect
may be reinforced when business decisions are
increasingly taken by rule-based, “rational” algorithms
whose patterns can be detected by competitors’ algorithms
more easily than the sometimes erratic, irrational and

For Switzerland, see Thomas Nydegger and Werner Nadig, in Marc Amstutz and Mani Reinert (eds), Basler Kommentar, Kartellgesetz (Basel, 2010), art.4, n.116; for
the EU, see Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin, EU Competition Law, Text, Cases, and Materials, 6th edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), p.694; Ariel Ezrachi and
Maurice Stucke, “Artificial Intelligence & Collusion: When Computers Inhibit Competition” (2017) 5 University of Illinois Law Review 1775, 1793; for the US, see Mehra,
“Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1328 with further reference.
For the EU, see A. Ahlström Osakeyhtiö and others v Commission of the European Communities (C-89/85 DEP) EU:C:1993:120, n.71; Coöperatieve Vereniging “Suiker
Unie” UA and others v Commission of the European Communities (C-40/73) EU:C:1975:174, n.174; see also Jones and Sufrin, EU Competition Law, Text, Cases, and
Materials, 6th edn (2016), pp.694 et seq.; the US, see: In re: Text Messaging Antitrust Litig., No. 14-2301 (7th Cir. April 9, 2015), (“Slip Op.”), pp.10 et seq.
OECD (2017), “Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, p.19,
-policy-in-the-digital-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].
Jan Potters and Sigrid Suetens, “Oligopoly experiments in the current millennium” (2013) 27(3) Journal of Economic Surveys 439, 448.
Marc Ivaldi, Bruno Jullien, Patrick Rey, Paul Seabright and Jean Tirole, “The Economics of Tacit Collusion, Final Report for DG Competition, European Commission”,
IDEI, Toulouse, March 2003, pp.47, 66, [Accessed 9 July 2018].
See Christian Schultz, “Transparency on the Consumer Side and Tacit Collusion” (2003) 49(2) European Economic Review 279, 280.
OECD (2017), “Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, pp.20 et seq.,
-competition-policy-in-the-digital-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].
Michal S. Gal, “Algorithmic-Facilitated Coordination: Market and Legal Solutions” (2017) May CPI Antitrust Chronicle 22, 23 et seq.
Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1328; Rolf H. Weber, “Disruptive Technologies and
Competition Law” in Klaus Mathis (ed.), New Developments in Competition Law and Economics (Berlin: Springer, 2018 (forthcoming)), Ch.4.2.1; see also Autorité de la
Concurrence and Bundeskartellamt (2016), “Competition Law and Data”, pp.14 et seq.,
%20Papier.html?__blob=publ [Accessed 9 July 2018].
See also for a non-numeric illustration Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke, Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy (Massachuchusetts:
Harvard University Press, 2016), Ch.2, pp.27 et seq., see also Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law
Review, and Weber, “Disruptive Technologies and Competition Law” in Klaus Mathis (ed.), New Developments in Competition Law and Economics (2018 (forthcoming)),
Mehra, “Antitrust and the Robo-Seller: Competition in the Time of Algorithms” (2016) 100 Minnesota Law Review 1328; see also Ezrachi and Stucke, “Artificial
Intelligence & Collusion: When Computers Inhibit Competition” (2017) 2017(5) University of Illinois Law Review 1792; Jan Blockx, “Antitrust in digital markets in the
EU: policing price bots”, Paper for the Radboud Economic Law Conference, June 2017, p.3, available at
[Accessed 9 July 2018].
For more details see Weber, “Disruptive Technologies and Competition Law” in Klaus Mathis (ed.), New Developments in Competition Law and Economics (2018
(forthcoming)), Ch.4.2.4.

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406 European Competition Law Review

Protection Regulation) and with the constitutionally Algorithmic consumers
guaranteed non-discrimination principle will gain
Consumers are already using algorithm-based digital
agents quite frequently, for instance in their interaction
Although algorithms can facilitate tacit collusion, it
with online shops or digital social networks.35 The latest
would be wrong to assume that they always bring it about.
generation of these “digital butlers” does not only assist
Further empirical research is needed to quantify increased
consumers, for instance by performing web-searches or
tacit collusions risks and identify vulnerable market areas.
comparing prices, but makes independent decisions based
Without the results of such research, competition law and
on the consumer’s preferences.36 Potentially, a digital
policy should avoid radical changes in their treatment of
butler can even identify consumer preferences using data
tacit collusion.
actively provided by the consumer or collected from
previous searches or choices. Based on these preferences,
Explicit Collusion the butler can look for an appropriate purchase or other
Regarding explicit collusion, the situation is more type of transaction and independently execute the
straightforward. There are several ways in which transaction on its own or by employing specific shopping
algorithms can serve as tools for explicit collusion but all bots.
of them fall within the scope of competition law. Using digital helpers appears to be convenient and
Long-standing case law holds,29 for instance, that rational. “Wasting” less decisional energy on small,
facilitating indirect level pricing e.g. by colluding on a day-to-day choices, humans will be able to invest this
price formula is as illicit as outright price fixing.30 This energy into their more important decisions. Assuming
does not change if the formula is expressed as an digital butlers’ algorithms are (coded to be) benevolent,
algorithm, the coding and relevant parameters of which they can reduce information and transaction costs, take
are shared between competitors. Another example—and decisions more speedily, and—most likely—with greater
one of the oldest concerns of competition law—is the sophistication as they are not subject to typical consumer
direct or indirect outsourcing of pricing decisions to a biases.37 Regarding adverse price differentiation, digital
common agent.31 Whether the common agent uses an butlers may protect consumers by evaluating pricing
algorithm for directly determining the prices that ought structures and turning down or re-negotiating
to be charged or whether the parties have their individual discriminating offers.38 Psychologically, consumers may
pricing algorithms coded by the common agent so as to be happier when relieved from choices which may lead
produce collusive pricing strategies, the firms to undesired results, e.g. bad restaurants or boring novels.
participating in such structures do form a sort of “hub On the other hand, digital agents distance consumers
and spoke” cartel32 and venture into forbidden territory.33 from their transactional choices.39 Assuming that the
The sending of collusive signals to competitors is equally ability to make good decisions—the “decision-making
forbidden regardless of whether the signalling is done by muscle”, as it were—takes practice in order to operate
algorithms sending and receiving coded messages—for smoothly, relieving consumers from routine decisions
instance in the form of patterned, short-term price may, in the long run, negatively affect the quality of their
changes—or by more traditional means. important decisions.40 Furthermore, even the ability of
digital agents to play a helpful role in daily life depends
Session 2—Challenges to Consumers on a number of conditions and is, therefore, relatively
fragile. If, for instance, humans change their preferences
The second session of the workshop assessed individual for non-rational reasons or reasons the digital agent cannot
pricing, as well as the potential advantages and (immediately) detect, they may find themselves entangled
disadvantages of using algorithms to assist consumers in in a decision-making and transaction mechanism which
their decision-making. no longer serves their needs and wishes. The technological
capacity of digital butlers or settings made by those who
coded their algorithms can limit the range of decisions

Weber, “Disruptive Technologies and Competition Law” in Klaus Mathis (ed.), New Developments in Competition Law and Economics (2018 (forthcoming)), Ch.4.3.
See, e.g. Corus (T-48/00) EU:T:2004:219, n.82 with further references.
See, e.g. Corus (T-48/00) EU:T:2004:219, n.82; see also Jones and Sufrin, EU Competition Law, Text, Cases, and Materials, 6th edn (2016), pp.663 et seq. with further
See, e.g. Commission Decision no.73/212 of 11 May 1973 in Société Commerciale des Potasses et de l’Azote (SCPA) and Kali und Salz (formerly VDK) (IV/791), [1973]
OJEU L217, p.3.
“Algorithms and Collusion - Note from the European Union”, DAF/COMP/WD(2017)12, n.26, [Accessed
9 July 2018].
Ezrachi and Stucke, Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy (2016), p.47.
For further reading, see Michal S. Gal and Niva Elkin-Koren, “Algorithmic Consumers” (2017) 30(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 309, as well as Michal
S. Gal, “Algorithmic Challenges to Autonomous Choice”, available at [Accessed 9 July 2018].
Gal and Elkin-Koren, “Algorithmic Consumers” (2017) 30(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 314.
Gal and Elkin-Koren, “Algorithmic Consumers” (2017) 30(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 309 et seq.
Gal and Elkin-Koren, “Algorithmic Consumers” (2017) 30(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 318, 320, 329.
See Gal and Elkin-Koren, “Algorithmic Consumers” (2017) 30(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 331 et seq.
Gal and Elkin-Koren, “Algorithmic Consumers” (2017) 30(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 322.
See Michal S. Gal, “Algorithms Challenge Human Autonomous Choice: Should we care?”, August 2017, Oxford Business Law Blog,
-law-blog/blog/2017/08/algorithms-challenge-human-autonomous-choice-should-we-care [Accessed 30 July 2018].

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Competition (law) in the era of algorithms 407

and actions consumers can make. This may occur, in question whether welfare effects of price differentiation
particular, when consumers are required to employ digital are to be considered on a national or on an international
agents, such as—for instance—algorithms used by level.
insurance companies for monitoring behaviour and In spite of these and other concerns, price
adapting insurance conditions accordingly. On a more differentiation is not illegal in the analogue sphere and it
personal note, consumers who have delegated does not become illegal just because it is implemented
considerable autonomy to their digital butlers may be via the use of (pricing) algorithms. Nonetheless, in the
deprived of social interactions, learn less about life and view of the workshop participants, algorithm-based
face contempt by their fellow people for being no longer individual price differentiation is—so far—something
in command of their own lives. like a “Loch Ness Monster”, often conjured-up but rarely,
In sum, while acknowledging the positive potential of if ever, reliably detected. Among the reasons which may
digital agents, consumers and competition authorities explain this apparent lack of implementation is the fact
should remain vigilant and ensure that they understand that price differentiation comes at a cost. Coding
the inner workings of these tools, that digital butlers’ appropriate algorithms, tracking consumers, processing
algorithms are designed benevolently, and that they are the collected data, determining the conditions to be
not employed in inappropriate areas, such as the exercise offered to each individual, and getting customers to accept
of voting rights.41 the individualised offers can require considerable
resources. Furthermore, sustainable price differentiation
Individual Price Differentiation arguably requires some degree of market power as,
otherwise, it is too easy for customers to switch to
Individual price differentiation is another way in which competitors that do not individualise their prices or offer
algorithms may have a far-reaching impact on access to a more favourable price bracket.47 Data
consumers.42 Generally speaking, there are reasons why protection is a worry not only for those whose data is in
price differentiation may be efficient and procompetitive, need of protection but also for companies whose
inter alia because it can increase output by offering lower algorithms may violate data protection laws in the process
prices to less solvent buyers who could not afford to pay of determining and implementing individualised prices.
an average price.43 Last but not least, consumers might strike back when they
On the other hand, if consumers are charged the realise they are being tracked and price-discriminated.
maximum price they are respectively willing to pay, they Holding back precious personal data and covering their
may perceive their welfare to decrease. In addition, some tracks by browsing incognito, consumers could not only
assumptions on which a positive assessment of price thwart effective price differentiation but also endanger
differentiation rests are questionable. For instance, online business models based on data collection and
companies may actually charge wealthy consumers lower targeted advertising.
instead of higher prices because it is particularly lucrative
to turn them into long-term customers by offering
attractive prices. This pricing pattern has taken place in
Session 3—Regulatory Issues and
offline markets44 and it will plausibly occur in online
Present Practice
markets, too. The impact of price differentiation on
particular national economies may also matter. In Regulatory Issues
Switzerland, for instance, consumer prices tend to be Since Swiss competition law does not contain an explicit
significantly above European levels.45 Can it be in the provision on algorithm-driven market behaviour, its
country’s interest to accept this form of price general rules apply, in particular the rules on (explicit)
differentiation when the positive welfare effects collusion. Recent case law by the Swiss Federal Court48
materialise somewhere else while Swiss customers bear and the Swiss Federal Administrative Court49 has
the brunt of higher prices? With its recent legislation reinforced the convergence between Swiss and EU
against geo-blocking,46 the EU has, to a certain extent, competition law in this area, inter alia regarding
addressed this “geographical” aspect and the underlying awareness of the involved players as a prerequisite for
See Gal, “Algorithms Challenge Human Autonomous Choice: Should we care?”, August 2017, Oxford Business Law Blog,
/blog/2017/08/algorithms-challenge-human-autonomous-choice-should-we-care [Accessed 30 July 2018].
Ezrachi and Stucke, Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy (2016), pp.117 et seq.
See Ezrachi and Stucke, Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy (2016), p.118; OECD (2016), “Roundtable on Price Discrimination,
Background note by the Secretariat”, n.32, [Accessed 9 July 2018].
See Omer Tene, “Privacy: For the Rich or for the Poor?”, [Accessed 9 July
2018], with further references.
See [Accessed 9 July 2018].
Regulation (EU) 2018/302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 February 2018 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination
based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market and amending Regulations (EC)2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394
and Directive 2009/22/EC, [2018] OJ L60I, pp.1–15.
See Terrell McSweeny and Brian O’Dea, “The Implications of Algorithmic Pricing for Coordinated Effects Analysis and Price Discrimination Markets in Antitrust
Enforcement” (2017) 32(1) Antitrust Magazine, Vol. 75, 76; Penelope Papandropoulos, “How should price discrimination be dealt with by competition authorities?” (2007)
3 Droit & Économie, Concurrences 34.
See, e.g. judgment of the Swiss Federal Court of 26 June 2016, BGE 143 II 297, consid. 5.3.4.
See, e.g. judgment of the Swiss Federal Administrative Court of 19 December 2017, BVGer B-844/2015, consid. 7.1., as well as the judgment of the Swiss Federal
Administrative Court of 14 November 2017, BVGer B-552/2015, consid. 4.1.

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408 European Competition Law Review

explicit collusion. In order to establish the existence of detailed provisions on such behaviour, competition law
an unlawful agreement or concerted practice, an element should keep an eye on the potential lessons to be learned
such as “concurrence of wills”, “awareness”, or from this sector.
“consensus” has to be established, presupposing From an EU viewpoint and regarding non-learning
individual knowledge of the co-ordination. The algorithms, most of the cases in which algorithms are
awareness-requirement is of pivotal importance in the used to achieve explicit collusion qualify quite clearly as
assessment of algorithm-driven collusion as it separates anti-competitive, illegal behaviour. These cases tend to
accidental, anti-competitive mishaps in the results be challenging not on the conceptual but on the
algorithms produce from planned and concerted evidentiary side as it can be difficult to establish
anti-competitive strategies worthy of competition law requirements such as “intent” or “agreement” with regard
sanctions. to the workings of algorithms. Assessing cases which
In 2016, the Swiss Competition Commission lean towards tacit instead of explicit collusion, (EU)
(“ComCo”) conducted an inquiry into market sectors on competition authorities should be cautious not to
which digitalisation has a particularly strong impact.50 overstretch the existing competition law framework. A
Among them were network infrastructure, online trading, more frequent occurrence of tacit collusion in
sharing economy business models, big data applications, algorithm-driven markets does not as such justify
and (other) digital platforms. The results of this sector overenforcement.
inquiry confirmed that, on the one hand, algorithm-driven Regarding deep-learning algorithms, the situation is
automated pricing can intensify competition to the benefit less clear. This type of algorithm may develop collusive
of consumers while, on the other hand, there are concerns strategies autonomously, i.e. without the strategy being
that strategic coding or the interaction between algorithms encoded in the algorithm from the beginning.
can lead to harmful co-ordinated pricing.51 Among the Furthermore, deep-learning algorithms may present
types of potential anti-competitive price co-ordination, themselves as “black boxes” the workings and interactions
restrictive or exploitative price differentiation between of which are hard to decipher in detail. The challenges
Swiss markets and EEA markets is particularly relevant these features present to traditional competition law
to the Swiss economy. It can be challenging to effectively notions, such as causality or intent, may be reduced by
fight algorithms which implement anti-competitive pricing focusing on the outputs and their correlations resulting
strategies if these algorithms are being run on servers from the (inter-)action of deep-learning algorithms. Where
located abroad since ComCo’s investigational unwanted outputs and correlations are detected,
competences end at the Swiss borders. In case of competition law can—under this approach—request the
uncertainty about whether their algorithms comply with creators and/or implementers of deep-learning algorithms
competition law, firms may—at least in theory—submit to modify their tools without having to show that further
the software to the ComCo for analysis in the framework requirements are met.
of an “ex-ante audit”, a particularity of Swiss competition Although the current political climate favours more
law. If ComCo did not initiate a preliminary investigation (competition) law enforcement in the digital sector, it
as a result of the audit, firms would no longer risk being seems important not to hasten new legal rules or even a
sanctioned for using the respective software. detailed regulatory framework.56 Regulation should be
Contrary to the Swiss Cartel Act, the Swiss Financial considered to address recurrent issues which produce—as
Market Infrastructure Ordinance (“FMIO”)52 contains substantive experience tells—almost always negative
provisions dealing with algorithms and high-speed outcomes. Furthermore, new competition law rules ought
trading. Inspired by “MiFID II”,53 the FMIO stipulates to preserve—as far as possible—technological neutrality,
that algorithmic trading systems must “not cause or i.e. apply regardless of the technology which is used to
contribute to any disruptions in the trading venue”.54 As implement a certain conduct. Against this background,
a consequence, algorithmic orders have to be identified new competition law rules, let alone detailed regulation,
and algorithmic financial instruments have to be designed specifically addressing types of algorithms that are at a
and tested in an appropriate way.55 As financial markets forefront of technological development might, at present,
generate substantial experience in the use of algorithmic be premature.
market behaviour and in the effectiveness of relatively

Law and Policy on Competition (LPC) (2017) 1 Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft 15.
LPC (2017) 1 Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft 18.
Ordinance on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading of 25 November 2015, SR 958.11.
Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and
Directive 2011/61/EU, [2014] OJ L173, pp.349–496.
See art.31 para.2 lit. c FMIO.
See art.31 para.2 lit. e FMIO.
See, e.g. OECD (2017), “Algorithms and Collusion: Competition Policy in the Digital Age”, pp.20 et seq.,
-competition-policy-in-the-digital-age.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018] 52; see also Maureen K. Ohlhausen, “Should We Fear The Things That Go Beep In the Night? Some
Initial Thoughts on the Intersection of Antitrust Law and Algorithmic Pricing”, p.8,
_concurrences_5-23-17.pdf [Accessed 9 July 2018].

(2018) 39 E.C.L.R., Issue 9 © 2018 Thomson Reuters and Contributors

Competition (law) in the era of algorithms 409

Present Practice arbitrated,59 District Court Judge Rakoff released, on 5

March 2018, an opinion setting forth that (despite his
Several cases have already been decided in the US and own misgivings) the case would head to arbitration.60
the EU which deal with collusion in an algorithmic
context. The other features and competition law issues 61
Lufthansa Group
of these cases, however, differed considerably, which
makes it hard to derive general trends from the case law. The German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) is
currently conducting a preliminary investigation to
United States v David Topkins determine whether it will initiate proceedings against the
Lufthansa Group for excessive pricing. The group runs
The Topkins case concerned a price-fixing agreement a fully automated, algorithm-driven booking system.
under which the cartelists used pricing algorithms to fix Following the insolvency of a competitor (Air Berlin),
prices of posters sold online. They agreed explicitly to prices for tickets offered by the Lufthansa Group
co-ordinate their pricing by using the same algorithm increased, on certain routes, by 30 per cent. The
embedded in their software. Interestingly, the affected Bundeskartellamt is now assessing whether this amounts
market was not particularly vulnerable to cartelisation by to excessive pricing. As one algorithm-related facet, the
traditional standards as transaction intensity was relatively case raises the question of whether and in which way a
low and neither products nor prices were homogeneous. competitor’s insolvency—or similar changes in market
The fact that explicit collusion on prices worked structure—can legitimately serve as a pattern guiding a
nonetheless corroborates the assumption that algorithms pricing algorithm. This question becomes more
may spread collusion beyond its traditional contexts. fundamental if the insolvency brings about market
The case was the first of its kind and David Topkins dominance of the remaining player, and with it the
the first defendant in a criminal prosecution against a limitations competition law imposes on the acceptable
conspiracy aimed at e-commerce. Being charged with a (pricing) conduct of a market dominant firm. Does
violation of s.1 of the Sherman Act made it clear that competition law oblige companies to adapt their pricing
competitors using algorithmic pricing must keep their algorithms to changes in their market position, in
price setting independent. Future, similar cartels may at particular to the acquisition of dominance? And if so,
least be smarter in that they avoid explicit agreements on should a grace period apply to give companies a realistic
using the same pricing algorithm. chance for altering their algorithms?
Meyer v Kalanick (Uber) Eturas UAB and others

The case Meyer v Kalanick (also called Uber-southern In the Eturas case, 30 travel agencies in Lithuania used
district of New York case) is still on-going and has a the online booking system E-TURAS, owned by the
special feature to it as Uber is not a party to the case, but company Eturas. Eturas imposed—through its booking
Travis Kalanick, (former) CEO of Uber, was personally system—a technical restriction on the discount rates the
involved. Travis Kalanick in addition to being the CEO travel agencies could offer to their clients. It posted a
was also an Uber driver. It is alleged by Spencer Meyer, notice in the system informing the travel agencies about
an Uber customer from Connecticut that the Uber the new discount policy. The notice was not sent via
application allows third-party drivers to illegally fix ordinary email but through a message system incorporated
prices. The US District Court (Southern District of New into the booking system. The notice could only be read
York) held that Spencer Meyer’s claims were sufficient using a password-protected gateway. The Lithuanian
to assume a hub and spoke agreement between the Uber Competition Council declared this behaviour to be an
drivers and Travis Kalanick, as there was a vertical illegal concerted pricing by the travel agencies. The case
agreement between the drivers and Travis Kalanick setting was appealed to the Lithuanian Supreme Administrative
prices for Uber rides. After it had been unclear whether Court which sought clarification as to the correct
the dispute would go to trial or whether it would be interpretation of art.101 TFEU through a preliminary
ruling by the ECJ.

Plea Agreement, United States v David Topkins [30 April 2015] [Accessed 9 July 2018]; Information,
United States v David Topkins [6 April 2015] [Accessed 9 July 2018]; see also Salil K. Mehra, “U.S. v.
Topkins: can price fixing be based on algorithms?” (2016) 7(7) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 470 et seq.; Virgílio Pereira, “Algorithm-driven collusion:
pouring old wine into new bottles or new wine into fresh wineskins?” (2018) 39(5) European Competition Law Review 212, 214 et seq.
Meyer v Kalanick, No.1:2015cv09796, Doc.37, Opinion on Motion to Dismiss, (S.D.N.Y., 2016).
In August 2017, the Second Circuit referred the case back to the District Court in order to determine whether Uber waived his right to mediate through active litigation.
Meyer v Uber Techs., Inc., 866 F.3d 66, 94; see also Chanakya Basa, “Does price fixing, by app based on-demand taxi services pose a competition law concern in India?”, [Accessed
9 July 2018].
60 [Accessed 9 July 2018].
61 [Accessed 9 July 2018].
‘Eturas’ UAB v Lietuvos Respublikos konkurencijos taryba (C-74/14) EU:C:2016:42; see also Andreas Heinemann and Aleksandra Gebicka, “Can Computers Form
Cartels? About the Need for European Institutions to Revise the Concertation Doctrine in the Information Age” (2016) 7(7) Journal of European Competition Law &
Practice 431 et seq.

(2018) 39 E.C.L.R., Issue 9 © 2018 Thomson Reuters and Contributors

410 European Competition Law Review

In the ECJ’s application of art.101 TFEU to the Topkins). Explicit collusion violates competition law,
electronic sales system, it constituted the main issue regardless of whether it is implemented by algorithms or
whether the addressees were—or ought to have more traditional tools (cf. Topkins, Uber). Algorithmic
been—aware of the system notice announcing the rebate explicit collusion may, however, pose evidentiary
caps. The Court stated that participation in a concertation challenges. If algorithms prove to heavily increase tacit
cannot be inferred from the mere existence of a technical collusion and its corresponding negative economic effects,
restriction implemented in a system.63 It has to be competition law may have to re-evaluate its permissive
established on the basis of other objective and consistent position towards this type of conduct. Among the types
indicia that undertakings tacitly assented to an of potentially anti-competitive price co-ordination,
anti-competitive action.64 This seems to mean that restrictive or exploitative price differentiation between
technology alone cannot violate art.101 TFEU and leads Swiss markets and EEA markets is particularly relevant
on to the question of whether existing competition law to the Swiss economy.
rules can be applied at all to autonomous computer “Dynamic”, deep-learning algorithms may, once they
systems which no longer require interaction with natural are broadly implemented, require an adjustment of
persons.65 Is the requirement that natural persons must be competition law concepts such as causality, awareness
aware of a violation still appropriate or has it become (cf. Eturas), and intent. As a prerequisite for requesting
overly “anthropocentric” in algorithmic markets? How changes in algorithmic market activity, competition law
do the concepts of “concurrence of wills”, “meeting of enforcement may, possibly, not have to show more than
the minds” and “intention” refer to computerised systems unwanted outcomes or correlations—for instance a failure
which require less and less human intervention?66 Should of pricing algorithms to react to structural market changes
there not be a transition from an anthropocentric point of resulting in potentially excessive prices (cf. Lufthansa).
law to a holistic concept encompassing enterprises in their Further sanctions, however, may depend on (the degree
entirety? If this were the case, awareness by natural of) human awareness or intent. Before adjusting its rules,
persons would lose its pivotal importance and in future however, law-makers and enforcers must gain a better
a cartel of machines would also amount to a cartel of the understanding of how dynamic algorithms work.
connected firms, just as today a cartel of employees of Furthermore, it would be helpful to consider the
competing undertakings amounts to a cartel in its proper experience financial market regulation has already gained
sense.67 regarding algorithmic market activity.
On the consumer level, “digital agents” can be a helpful
Conclusion tool, not least in fending off algorithmic strategies which
would harm consumers. At the same time, competition
Using algorithmic software to perform market activity is authorities, as well as consumers themselves, should try
neither an entirely new phenomenon nor one that would to ensure that digital butlers’ algorithms are designed
automatically mandate much fiercer competition law benevolently, that they are not employed in inappropriate
enforcement. The spreading of “static”, non-learning areas, and that their use does not atrophy human
algorithms may, however, facilitate collusion in markets decision-making power and independence.
that were not, hitherto, prone to such conduct (cf.

‘Eturas’ UAB v Lietuvos Respublikos konkurencijos taryba EU:C:2016:42, n.45; Heinemann and Gebicka, “Can Computers Form Cartels?” (2016) 7(7) Journal of
European Competition Law & Practice 440.
‘Eturas’ UAB v Lietuvos Respublikos konkurencijos taryba EU:C:2016:42, n.45.
Heinemann and Gebicka, “Can Computers Form Cartels?” (2016) 7(7) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 440.
See Heinemann and Gebicka, “Can Computers Form Cartels?” (2016) 7(7) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 432.
See Heinemann and Gebicka, “Can Computers Form Cartels?” (2016) 7(7) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 440 et seq.

(2018) 39 E.C.L.R., Issue 9 © 2018 Thomson Reuters and Contributors

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