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Grade 6 agriculture note questions

Lesson 1

1. Name the 7 branches of agriculture’

2. Describe the activities involved in each branch.

Lesson 2

1. List 5 ways of maintaining farm tools.

2. List 3 characteristics of a good storage facilities for farm tools.
3. State two techniques that maybe used to identify tools.
4. Name two tools that can be kept in a shed.

Lesson 3

1. What are agrochemicals?

2. Agrochemicals are _________
3. State 5 precautions when using agrochemicals.
4. What do the following colour codes in agriculture mean
a) Green
b) Orange/amber
c) Red
d) Purple
5. What are the effects of poor handling of agrochemicals to
a) Our health
b) The environment

Lesson 4

1. What is weather?
2. List the 5 weather elements.
3. What is climate?
4. State the activities done by the farmer in each of the four seasons
5. Define the following
a) humidity
b) Temperature
c) Wind
d) Rainfall
e) Cloud cover

Lesson 5

1. How many agriculture regions is Zimbabwe divided into?

2. These regions are classified based on ______,______,________ and ___________
3. Give 3 crops grown in each of the regions.
4. Name 1 area found in each of the regions
5. State the average annual rainfall of each region

Lesson 6

1. List the soil components and their percentages.

2. Give 2 functions of each of the soil components
Lesson 7

1. What is weathering?
2. What is parent rock?
3. List and explain 5 agents of weathering.

Lesson 8

1. What is soil texture?

2. What is soil structure?
3. Which soil particle has the largest grains?
4. Which soil type is best suitable for growing plants?

Lesson 9

1. Which soil component determines the level of fertility?

2. Name four sources of organic matter?
3. Explain any two of the sources mentioned above.

Lesson 10

1. What is soil erosion?

2. List four causes of soil erosion.
3. State and explain four effects of soil erosion.

Lesson 11

1. What is soil pollution?

2. What is soil contamination?
3. State and explain the 5 causes of soil pollution.
4. List three effects of soil pollution.

Lesson 12

1. What is soil moisture conservation?

2. List and explain four soil moisture conservation methods.

Lesson 13

1. What is water pollution?

2. List and explain 5 causes of water pollution.
3. State and explain four effects of water pollution.

Lesson 14

1. Draw a plant and label the different parts. Flower, leaf, stem and roots
2. State the function of each part.
3. What is chlorophyll?
4. What is photosynthesis?
5. What is stomata?
6. What is plant reproduction?

Lesson 15
1. Define plant nutrients.
2. What are major nutrients?
3. What are minor nutrients?
4. State the functions of the following nutrients
a) Zinc
b) Boron
c) Copper
d) Iron
e) Manganese

Lesson 16

1. What is a legume?
2. Choose one from tomatoes, peas and beans and explain how they are grown
a) Land preparation
b) Varieties/ cultivars
c) Planting time
d) Planting method
e) Spacing
f) Management of the crop
g) Harvesting
h) Marketing
3. Name the one pest and one disease that affect the above crop and how to control them.

Lesson 17

1. Select one cereal crop and explain

a) Land preparation
b) Varieties
c) Planting time
d) Planting method
e) Spacing
f) Management
g) Harvesting
h) Marketing
i) Pests and diseases

Lesson 18

1. Identify any two factors considered when choosing a site for an orchard.
2. Explain the factors mentioned above.
3. Name two methods of laying out an orchard.
4. What are the benefits of pruning fruit trees?

Lesson 19

1. What is a woodlot?
2. Besides climate, list any three factors considered when choosing a woodlot site.
3. How are weeds removed during clearing in a woofdlot?
4. Seedlings are raised in ____________.
5. At what height are seedlings ready for transplanting?
6. State any two steps in site preparation.

Lesson 20

1. What is a pest?
2. What is a weed?
3. Name two effects of pests on crops.
4. State any two effects of weeds on crops.
5. State any three ways to control pests.
6. State any three ways to control weeds.

Lesson 21

1. What are animal products?

2. What is a by-product?
3. Why is light an important feature in a brooder?
4. Why are chicks transferred to the deep litter house after 4 weeks?
5. List any two poultry products.

Lesson 22

1. What is a balanced diet?

2. What is a supplement?
3. What are the functions of the following nutrients
a) Carbohydrates
b) Proteins
c) Minerals
d) Fats
e) Vitamins

Lesson 23

1. What is a parasite?
2. What is a host?
3. Give two examples of internal parasites.
4. The three main external parasites found on poultry are ______.
5. State any one method of controlling and preventing external parasites.
6. State any one method of controlling and preventing internal parasites.
7. list 3 common diseases of small livestock.

Lesson 24

1. what is an artificial bee hive?

2. List the material used to build the following bee hives
a) Top bar hive
b) Langstroth hive
c) Bark hive
3. State any two factors a beekeeper considers when selecting materials to make a beehive.

Lesson 25

1. List any four examples of four examples of farm machinery.

2. What is the difference in use between a plough and a harrow?
3. Which farm machine removes weeds and loosens soil in depth?
4. How is a planter an efficient machine?
5. List any four animal drawn machines.
6. Name any one engine driven machine.

Lesson 26

1. What are national markets?

2. Give four examples of national markets.
3. What is a depot?
4. What is an enterprise?
5. What are fixed costs?
6. What are direct costs?
7. State any two examples of agricultural inputs.

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