Financial Model

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Sr Paritculars Specification nos Cost

Financial Modelling
Fixed Capital CAPEX Assumptions
1 Solar panels 400 watt 5000 ₹ 5,50,00,000 1 kw panel avg generation 4.5 units/day
2 Solar inverter MPPT (2mw) 1 ₹ 2,00,00,000 2 MW = 2000 KW 9000 units/day
3 SCADA monitoring system web based real time 1 ₹ 700,000 Monthly 270000 units/month
4 Protectin devices SPD,MCB,DC, Fuse ls ₹ 2,000,000 yearly 3240000 units/year
5 Cables, combiners and junctions DC,AC ls ₹ 4,000,000 Life Cycle eff adj 25 years
6 Solar Structure fabrication Groundmount ls ₹ 7,000,000 PPA Rate Normalised 5.5 Rs/Unit
Total ₹ 8,87,00,000 Yearly return ₹1,78,20,000 Rs/year
Working Capital OPEX less OPEX ₹1,58,20,000 Rs/year
1 Human Resource 8 staff 20000 pp
2 Solar panel maintenance watering and cleaning ls 1 Financing
Total 2,000,000
₹ Debt financing ₹ 7,00,00,000
Total Costs A+B = 500 lakhs intrest rate 9.25
no. of years 7
Amount ₹ 13,00,31,376
lifetime Profit ₹ 39,55,00,000 ₹ 13,18,333
Equity Finance 40,000,000
Profit ₹ 39,55,00,000
50% Equity lifetime ₹ 19,77,50,000
Yearly Mean ₹ 7,910,000
Monthly Mean ₹6,59,167

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