HWC Kayakalp Checklist - JUNE HWC

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Kayakalp Clean Hospital Awards 2019

Checklist for Assessment of Health & Wellness Center

The Cleanliness Score Card

Name of Facility Level of Assessment

Grading Improvement

Thematic Scores

A. PHC Upkeep B. Sanitation & Hygiene C. Waste Management

20 20 20

D. Infection Control E. Support Services F. Hygiene Promotion

20 10 10

G. Beyond Hospital

Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
A. Centre/Sub Centre level Health and Wellness Centre Upkeep
A1 Pest & Animal Control 2

A1.1 No stray animals within the facility OB/SI Observe for the presence of stray animals 1
premises such as dogs, cats, cattle, pigs, etc. within
the premises. Also discuss with the facility
Also look at the breach, if any, in the
boundary wall and presence of secured

A1.2 Pest Control Measures are SI/RR/OB Check for the evidence at the facility 1
implemented in the facility ( Presence of Pests ,Record of
Purchase/availability of Pesticides and
availability of the rat trap) and interview the

A2 Landscaping, Gardening & Yoga 2

A2.1 Surrounding area/ Open spaces are OB Check that wild vegetation does not exist. 1
well maintained Shrubs and Trees are well maintained. Over
grown branches of plants/ tree have been
trimmed regularly.
Dry leaves and green waste are removed.

A2.2 Provision of Yoga room OB Check for adequate space and cleanliness. 1

A3 Maintenance of Open Areas 2

A3.1 Approach walkway from gate to the OB Check that walkway is even and non- 1
facility is even and clean slippery and well maintained

A3.2 No water logging in open areas OB Check for water accumulation in open areas 1
because of faulty drainage, leakage from
the pipes, etc.

A4 Hospital/Facility –Appearance 2

A4.1 Walls are well-plastered ,painted OB Check that wall plaster is not chipped-off 1
and name of the facility is displayed and the building is painted with yellow color
wall & Brown color windows.
The paint has not faded away.
Name of the Centre is prominently

A4.2 Branding of Health & Wellness OB Check for:- 1

Centre has been under taken as per 1- Outer surface of the building is yellow
current guideline. with specified shade.
2- Windows & their frame in the brown
specified shade.
3- Six illustrations drawn on the façade.
4- Logo of NHM and Ayushman Bharat.

A5 Infrastructure Maintenance 2

A5.1 Facility Infrastructure is well OB No major cracks, seepage, chipped plaster & 1
maintained floors in the Centre .Periodic Maintenance
is done.

A5.2 Centre has intact boundary OB Check that there is a proper boundary 1
wall/Fencing and functional gates at wall/fencing of adequate height without
entry any breach.

A6 Illumination 2
A6.1 Adequate illumination in inside and OB Check for Adequate lighting arrangements 1
outside of the Centre through natural light or electric
bulbs(CFL/LED) inside Centre .
Check that Centre front, entry gate and
access road are well illuminated.

A6.2 Use of energy efficient bulbs OB Check thatCentre uses energy efficient bulb 1
like CFL or LED for lighting purpose within
the Centre Premises
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
A7 Maintenance of Furniture & Fixture 2

A7.1 Window and doors are maintained OB Check, if Window panes are intact, and 1
provided with Grill/ Wire Meshwork. Doors
are intact and painted /varnished.

A7.2 furniture and fixtures are in good OB Check that Examination table, foot Step, 1
condition. Table, Chair, stool, etc. are not rusted and
are painted. Mattresses are clean and not
Almirah, Fan , Tube lights etc. are well
maintained( As applicable)

A8 Removal of Junk Material 2

A8.1 No junk material within centre OB Check if unused/ condemned articles, and 1
premises outdated records are kept in the haphazard

A8.2 Centre has system for removing OB/SI Check for any system of removing junk from 1
junk materials Centre with support from PHC

A9 Water Conservation 2

A9.1 Water supply system is maintained OB Check for leaking taps, pipes, over-flowing 1
in the Centre tanks and dysfunctional cisterns.
Over-head tank is covered.

A9.2 Check if the facility has rain-water SI/OB Check for its functionality and storage 1
harvesting system system

A10 Work Place Management 2

A10.1 The Staff periodically sorts useful SI/OB Ask the Staff, how frequently they sort and 1
and unnecessary articles at work remove unnecessary articles from their
station work place..
Check for presence of unnecessary articles.

A10.2 The Staff arranges the useful SI/OB Check if drugs, instruments, records are not 1
articles, records in systematic lying in haphazard manner and kept near to
manner and label them point of use in systematic manner. The
place has been demarcated for keeping
different articles
Check that drugs, instruments, records, etc.
are labelled for facilitating easy

B Sanitation & Hygiene

B1 Cleanliness of Circulation Area (Corridors, Patient Waiting area) 2

B1.1 No dirt,grease,stains, cobwebs, bird OB Check that floors and walls of Corridors, 1
nest, dust, vegetation on walls and Waiting area etc for any visible or tangible
roof in the circulation area dirt, grease, stains, etc.
Check that roof, walls, corners of Corridors,
Waiting area for any Cobweb, Bird Nest, etc.

B1.2 Corridors are cleaned at least once SI/OB Ask the staff about frequency of cleaning in 1
in the day with wet mop a day.

B2 Cleanliness of Clinic room 2

B2.1 No dirt,grease,stains, cobwebs, bird OB Check floors and walls of the clinic room for 1
nest, dust, vegetation on walls and any visible or tangible dirt, grease, stains,
roof in the Clinic room etc.
Check that roof, walls, corners of clinic for
any Cobweb, Bird Nest, vegetation, etc.

B2.2 Clinic room is cleaned at least once OB/SI Ask staff about frequency of cleaning in a 1
in a day with wet mop day.
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
B3 Cleanliness of Procedure Areas(Laboratory / Diagnostic) 2

B3.1 No dirt,grease,stains, cobwebs, bird OB Check that floors and walls of storage for 1
nest, dust, vegetation on walls and any visible or tangible dirt, grease, stains,
roof in the procedure area etc.
Check roof, walls, corners of these area for
any cobweb, bird nest, vegetation, etc.

B3.2 Procedure area are cleaned at least OB/SI Ask staff about frequency of cleaning in a 1
once in a day and as required day

B4 Cleanliness of Storage Space 2

B4.1 No dirt, grease, stains, cobwebs, OB Check that floors and walls of storage for 1
bird nest, dust, vegetation on walls any visible or tangible dirt, grease, stains,
and roof in the storage space. etc.
Check roof, walls, corners of these area for
any cobweb, bird nest, vegetation, etc.

B4.2 Storage space are cleaned at least OB/SI Ask staff about frequency of cleaning in a 1
once in the day with wet mop day

B5 Cleanliness of Roof top 2

B5.1 No dirt, cobwebs, bird nest, junk OB Check roof top of the Centre for any dirt, 1
articles on roof top Cobweb, Bird Nest, etc.
Check for any junk articles on roof top

B5.2 Roof top are cleaned at least once in SI/OB Ask staff about frequency of cleaning 1
the month

B6 Cleanliness of Toilets 2

B6.1 No dirt/Grease/Stains/ Garbage in OB Check the toilets randomly for any visible 1
Toilets dirt, grease, stains, water accumulation in
Check for any foul smell in the Toilets

B6.2 Separate male & female toilets have OB/SI Check availability of separate male and 1
running water and functional cistern female toilets
Ask staff to operate cistern and water taps

B7 Use of standards materials and Equipment for Cleaning 2

B7.1 Availability of Detergent SI/OB/RR Check for good quality cleaning solution 1
Disinfectant solution / Hospital preferably a ISI mark. Composition and
Grade Phenyl for Cleaning purpose concentration of solution is written on label.
Check with staff if they are getting adequate
supply. Verify the consumption records.
Check, if the cleaning staff is aware of
correct concentration and dilution method
for preparing cleaning solution.

B7.2 Availability of Cleaning Equipment SI/OB Check the availability of mops, brooms, 1
collection buckets etc. as per requirement.

B8 Use of Standard Methods for Cleaning 2

B8.1 Use of Two bucket system for SI/OB Check if cleaning staff uses two bucket 1
cleaning system for cleaning. One bucket for
Cleaning solution, second for wringing the
mop. Ask the cleaning staff about the
process, Disinfection and washing of mops
after every cleaning cycle

B8.2 Use unidirectional method and out SI/OB Ask cleaning staff to demonstrate the how 1
word mopping they apply mop on floors. It should be in
one direction without returning to the
starting point.
The mop should move from inner area to
outer area of the room.
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
B9 Monitoring of Cleanliness Activities 2
B9.1 Monitoring of cleanliness by Mid OB/RR Ask Mid Level health provider (MLHP) 1
Level health provider (MLHP) on about monitoring mechanism of cleanliness.
daily basis Check for records

B9.2 Periodic Monitoring of SI/RR Periodic Monitoring is done by Block Nodal 1

Housekeeping activities office at least once in a month.

B10. Drainage and Sewage Management 2

B10.1 Availability of drainage and sewage OB/SI Centre has a functional septic tank and soak 1
system pit within the premises.

B10.2 No blocked/ over-flowing drains in OB/SI Observe that the drains are not overflowing 1
the facility or blocked and they are covered.

C Waste Management
C1 Segregation of Biomedical Waste 2

C1.1 Segregation of BMW is done as per OB/SI General & Biomedical Waste are not mixed 1
BMW management rule,2016 & together.
amendment Display of work instructions for segregation
and handling of Biomedical waste

C1.2 Check if the staff is aware of SI Ask staff about the segregation protocol 1
segregation protocols (Red bag for re-cyclable, Glassware into
puncture proof and leak proof boxes and
container with blue marking, etc.)

C2 Collection and Transportation of Biomedical Waste 2

C2.1 Centre waste is collected and OB Check for records of linkage with CWTF 1
transported in safe manner operator or has functional deep burial pits
within the facility.

C2.2 The waste is transported in closed OB Check availability of bag for transportation 1
bag of waste.

C3 Sharp Management 2

C3.1 Disinfection of Broken / Discarded OB/SI/ RR Check if such waste is either pre-treated 1
Glassware is done as per with 1% to 2% Sodium Hypochlorite (having
recommended procedure 30% residual chlorine) for 20 minutes

C3.2 Sharp Waste is stored in Puncture OB/SI Check availability of Puncture & leak proof 1
proof containers container (White Translucent) at point of
use for storing needles, syringes with fixed
needles, needles etc.

C4 Storage of Biomedical Waste 2

C4.1 BMW should not be stored more OB Check if facility has functional Deep burial 1
than recommended time and sharp pit, they should dispose BMW on
daily basis/ Facility having linkage with CTF
should not store BMW more than 48 hours

C4.2 Facility for storage of BMW SI/RR Facility with deep burial and sharp pit not 1
required any storage facility/ Facility with
linkage to CTF requires an isolated place
with separate bins for storage of BMW

C5 Disposal of Biomedical waste 2

C5.1 Centre has adequate facility for RR/OB/SI The Health facility within 75 KM of CTF shall 1
disposal of Biomedical waste have a valid contract with a Common
Treatment facility for disposal of Bio
medical waste. Or else facility should have
Deep Burial Pit and Sharp Pit within
premises of Health facility. Such deep burial
pit should have approval of the Prescribed
Authority and would meet the norms.
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
C5.2 Facility manages recyclable waste as OB/SI Check management of IV Bottles (Plastic), 1
per approved procedure Syringes, etc.
(shredding/mutilation or a combination of
sterilization and shredding and handed over
to registered vendor are ensured after
linkage with block PHC/CHC).

C6 Management Hazardous Waste 2

C6.1 Staff is aware of Mercury Spill SI/OB Ask staff what he/she would do in case of 1
management Mercury spill. (If facility is mercury free, give
full compliance)

C6.2 Availability of Mercury Spill SI Check availability of Mercury Spill 1

Management Kit Management Kit.(If facility is mercury free,
give full compliance)

C7 Solid General Waste Management 2

C7.1 Disposal of General Waste OB/SI There is a mechanism of removal of general 1
waste from the facility and its disposal.

C7.2 Innovations in managing general OB/SI/ RR Look for efforts of the health facility in 1
waste managing General Waste, such as Recycling
of paper waste, vermicomposting, waste to
energy initiative, etc.

C8 Liquid Waste Management 2

C8.1 Facility has provision of liquid waste OB/SI/ RR Check for onsite provision of liquid waste 1
management disinfection set-up

C8.2 Liquid waste is made safe before OB/SI Check for the procedure - staff interview 1
mixing with other waste water and direct observation

C9 Equipment and Supplies for Bio Medical Waste Management 2

C9.1 Availability of Bins and plastic bags OB/SI One set of appropriate size bins at each 1
for segregation of waste at point of point of generation for Biomedical and
use General waste.
Check all the bins are provided with chlorine
free plastic bags. Ask staff about adequacy
of supply.

C9.2 Availability of Needle/ Hub cutter OB/SI At each point of generation of sharp waste 1
and puncture proof boxes

C10 Statuary Compliances 2

C10.1 Centre has a valid authorization for RR Check for the validity of authorization 1
Bio Medical waste Management certificate
from the prescribed authority

C10.2 Centre maintains records, as RR Check following records - 1

required under the Biomedical a. Annual report submission
Waste Rules 2016 and Amendment b. Yearly Health Check-up record of all
c. BMW training records of all staff (once in
year training)
d. Immunisation records
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
D Infection Control
D1 Hand Hygiene 2

D1.1 Availability of Sink and running OB Check for washbasin with functional tap, 1
water at point of use soap and running water at all points of use

D1.2 Staff is adheres to hand washing SI Check Display of Hand washing Instructions 1
protocol Ask facility staff to demonstrate 6 steps of
normal hand wash and 5 moments of hand

D2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2

D2.1 Use of Gloves during procedures SI/OB Check, if the staff uses gloves during 1
and examination examination, and while conducting

D2.2 Use of Masks, gloves and aprons SI/OB Check, if staff uses mask, gloves, aprons as 1

D3 Personal Protective Practices 2

D3.1 The staff is aware of use of gloves, SI/OB Check with the staff when do they wear 1
when to use (occasion) and its type gloves, and when gloves are not required.
The Staff should also know difference
between clean & sterilized gloves and when
to use

D3.2 No re-use of disposable personal SI/OB Check that disposable gloves and mask are 1
protective equipment not re-used. Reusable Gloves and mask are
used after adequate sterilization.

D4 Decontamination and Cleaning of Instruments 2

D4.1 Staff knows how to make Chlorine SI Ask the staff about the procedure of making 1
solution chlorine solution and its frequency

D4.2 Decontamination of instruments SI/OB Check whether instruments are 1

and Surfaces like examination table, decontaminated with 0.5% chlorine solution
dressing tables etc. for 10 minutes. Check instruments are
cleaned thoroughly with water and soap
before sterilization
Ask staff when and how they clean the
surfaces either by chlorine solution or
Disinfectant like carbolic acid

D5 Reprocessing of reusable instruments and equipment 2

D5.1 Adherence to Protocols for items SI/OB/RR Check reusable instruments like 1
that come in contact with intact skin thermometer, Stethoscope etc. are free
from visible contamination and they are
washed with soap and water before use.

D5.2 Adherence to Protocol for High SI/OB Check with the staff process about of High 1
Level disinfection Level disinfection using Boiling for 20
minutes with lid on, soaking in 2%
Glutaraldehyde/Chlorine solution for 20

D6 Spill Management 2

D6.1 Staff is aware of how to manage SI Check for adherence to protocols 1


D6.2 Spill management protocols are SI/OB Check for display 1

displayed at points if use

D7 Isolation and Barrier Nursing 2

D7.1 Infectious patients are separated OB/SI Check patients with respiratory infectious 1
from other patients cases are separated from general patients in
clinic room.

D7.2 Staff is aware about Standard OB Ask staff about Standard precautions and 1
Precautions how they adhere to it.

D8 Infection Control Program 2

Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
D8.1 Monitoring of infection control RR/SI Check if the Centre has a system to monitor 1
practices infection control practices by Mid-level
Health provider (MLHP) ,Village Health
Sanitation and Nutrition Committee at least
in a month.

D8.2 Immunization and medical check-up RR/SI Check record of staff, immunized against 1
of Service Providers Hepatitis B and at least once a year medical
check-up done.

D9 Surveillance Activity 2
D9.1 Surveillance activity at the centre RR/SI Check for surveillance about any abnormal 1
increase in cases of diarrhea /dysentery,
fever with rigors,
fever with rash, fever with jaundice or fever
with unconsciousness and early reporting to
PHC as per IDSP guidelines.

D9.2 Facility reports all notifiable diseases RR/SI Check facility has list of all notifiable disease 1
and events needs immediate/periodic reporting to
higher authority.
Check records that notifiable disease have
been reported in program such as IDSP and
AEFI Surveillance.

D10 Environment Control 2

D10.1 Cross-ventilation OB/SI Check availability of Fans/ air conditioning/ 1

Heating/ exhaust/ Ventilators as per
environment condition and requirement

D10.2 Preventive measures for air borne OB/SI Check location of the Centre , it should be 1
infections has been taken away from Garbage dump
Cattle shed, Stagnant pool, Pollution from

E1 Laundry Services & Linen Management 2

E1.1 Available linens are clean RR/SI Check linen such as table cloth, bedsheets, 1
curtains etc. are clean and spotless

E1.2 Arrangements for washing linens OB/SI Check facility has in-house or outsourced 1
arrangements for washing linens at least
once in a week.

E2 Water Sanitation 2

E2.1 The facility receives adequate RR/SI/PI Water is available on 24x7 basis at all points 1
quantity of water as per of usage

E2.2 There is storage tank for the water RR The Centre have capacity to store 48 hours 1
and tank is cleaned periodically water requirement Water tank is cleaned at
six monthly interval and records are

E3 Storage Space 2
E3.1 Medicines are arranged OB/SI Check all the shelves/racks containing 1
systematically medicines are labelled in Storage and drug
Heavy items are stored at lower
Fragile items are not stored at the edges of
the shelves
Drugs and consumables are stored away
from water and sources of heat, direct
sunlight etc.
Drugs are not stored at floor and adjacent
to wall
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
E3.2 Cold storage equipment's are clean OB Check refrigerators / Ice packs are clean 1
and managed properly Check if there is a practice of regular
Cold box are not been used for purpose
other than storing drugs and vaccines.

E4 Housekeeping services 2
E4.1 Routine Cleaning of the facility at Cleaning includes dry and wet mopping 1
least once in a day OB/RR

E4.2 Thorough Cleaning of the facility Thorough cleaning with warm water and 1
fortnightly soap/detergent

E5 Outreach Services 2
E5.1 Biomedical waste generated during RR/SI Check the records and ask staff 1
outreach session are transported to
the centre on the same day

E5.2 Reporting PHC monitor cleanliness RR/ SI Check records that reporting PHC staff/In 1
and hygiene of outreach sessions charge has checked cleanliness and hygiene
and the center of the centre and its outreach session at
least monthly basis.

F Hygiene Promotion
F1 Community Monitoring & Patient Participation 2

F1.1 Patients are made aware of their PI/OB Ask patients about their roles & 1
responsibility of keeping the health responsibilities with regards to cleanliness.
facility clean Patient’s responsibilities should be
prominently displayed

F1.2 Patient rights and responsibility are SI/RR/OB Check for IEC regarding the role and 1
displayed responsibility

F2 Information Education and Communication 2

F2.1 IEC regarding importance of Hygiene OB Check IEC regarding hand washing, water 1
practices are displayed sanitation, use of toilets are displayed in
local language

F2.2 IEC regarding Swachhta Abhiyan is OB Should be displayed prominently in local 1

displayed within the facilities’ language

F3 Leadership and Team work 2

F3.1 Staff worked as a team to improve SI/OB Ask staff about sanitation and hygiene 1
sanitation and hygiene of the facility

F3.2 Roles and responsibility of different SI/RR Ask different members about their roles and 1
staff members have been assigned responsibilities to make facility clean
and communicated

F4 Training and Capacity Building and Standardization 2

F4.1 Bio medical waste Management SI/RR Ask staff and look for any record 1
training has been provided to the

F4.2 Infection control Training has been SI/RR Check staff are trained at the time of 1
provided to the staff induction and at least once in every year

F5 Staff Hygiene and Dress Code 2

F5.1 Centre has dress code policy for all OB/SI Mid-Level Healthcare Provider and other 1
cadre of staff health workers are in dress code.
Check for I card and name plates

F5.2 There is a regular monitoring of SI/OB Check about personal hygiene and clean 1
hygiene of staff dress of staff

G Beyond Hospital Boundary

G1 Promotion of Swachhata & Coordination with Local bodies 5
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
G1.1 Facility is situated in ODF area RR/SI Centre is located in ODF village 1

G1.2 Local community actively RR/SI Check for activities carried out under the 1
participates in VISHWAS campaign leadership of VHSNCs for improving water,
sanitation and hygiene situation during
VISHWAS campaign.

G1.3 Implementation of IEC activities OB/RR/SI Check for any pamphlets/Posters/wall 1

related to ' Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' writing-promoting use of toilets, hand
washing, safe drinking water and tree
plantation etc.

G1.4 The Facility coordinates with local RR/SI Look for evidence of collective action for 1
Gram Panchayat and NGOs for improving water, sanitation and hygiene.
improving the sanitation and
G1.5 The Facility coordinates with other RR/SI Look for evidence of coordination with 1
departments for improving departments such as Education (school
Swachhata programs on hygiene promotions), Water
and Sanitation (making area ODF), PWD
(Repair & Maintenance), Forest Department
(Plantation Drive) etc. which contributes
strengthening towards of hygiene &

G2 Cleanliness of approach road and surrounding area 5

G2.1 Area around the facility is clean, OB Check for any litter/garbage/refuse and 1
neat & tidy water logging in the surrounding area of the

G2.2 On the way signages are available OB/SI Check for directional signage with name of 1
the facility on the approach road.

G2.3 Approach road is clean and even OB/SI Check that approach road are clean and 1

G2.4 All drain and sewer are covered. OB Check for overflowing drains surrounding 1
the facility.

G2.5 Functional street lights are available OB/SI Check for street lights and their 1
along the approach road functionality.

G3 Aesthetics and amenities of Surrounding area 5

G3.1 Parks and green areas of OB/SI Check that there no wild vegetation & 1
surrounding area are well growth in the surroundings. Shrubs and
maintained trees are well maintained. Dry leaves and
green waste are removed regularly.

G3.2 No unwanted/broken/ torn / loose OB Check that facility surrounding are not 1
hanging posters/ billboards. studded with irrelevant and out dated
posters, slogans, wall writings, graffiti, etc.

G3.3 No loose hanging wires in and OB Check for any loose hanging wires. 1
around the bill boards, electrical
poles, etc.

G3.4 Availability of public toilets in OB/SI Check for separate toilets for male and 1
surrounding area female and they are conveniently located
and clean.

G3.5 Availability of adequate parking OB/SI Check for parking stand for auto/ 1
stand in surrounding area rickshaw/taxi etc., and they are not parked

G4 Maintenance of surrounding area and Waste Management 5

G4.1 Availability of bins for General OB Check availability adequate number of bins 1
recyclable and biodegradable for Biodegradable and recyclable general
wastes waste in the nearby area.

G4.2 Availability of garbage storage area OB Garbage storage area is away from 1
residential/commercial areas and is
covered/fenced. It is not causing public
Ref. Criteria Assessmen Means of Verification Compliance Remarks
No. t Method
G4.3 Innovations in managing waste OB/SI Check, if certain innovative practices have 1
been introduced for managing general
waste e.g. Vermicomposting, Re-cycling of
papers, Waste to energy, Compost
Activators, etc.

G4.4 Surrounding areas are well OB Check that there is no over grown shrubs, 1
maintained weeds, grass, potholes, bumps etc. in
surrounding areas

G4.5 Regular repairs and maintained of OB/SI/RR Check current condition of the road 1
G Beyond Hospital Boundary

G1 Promotion of Swachhata & Coordination with Local bodies 5

G1.1 Facility is situated in ODF area RR/SI Centre is located in ODF village 1

G1.2 Local community actively participates in RR/SI Check for activities carried out under the leadership of 1
VISHWAS campaign VHSNCs for improving water, sanitation and hygiene situation
during VISHWAS campaign.

G1.3 Implementation of IEC activities related OB/RR/SI Check for any pamphlets/Posters/wall writing-promoting use 1
to ' Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' of toilets, hand washing, safe drinking water and tree
plantation etc.

G1.4 The Facility coordinates with local Gram RR/SI Look for evidence of collective action for improving water, 1
Panchayat and NGOs for improving the sanitation and hygiene.
sanitation and hygiene

G1.5 The Facility coordinates with other RR/SI Look for evidence of coordination with departments such as 1
departments for improving Swachhata Education (school programs on hygiene promotions), Water
and Sanitation (making area ODF), PWD (Repair &
Maintenance), Forest Department (Plantation Drive) etc.
which contributes strengthening towards of hygiene &

G2 Cleanliness of approach road and surrounding area 5

G2.1 Area around the facility is clean, neat & OB Check for any litter/garbage/refuse and water logging in the 1
tidy surrounding area of the facility.

G2.2 On the way signages are available OB/SI Check for directional signage with name of the facility on the 1
approach road.

G2.3 Approach road is clean and even OB/SI Check that approach road are clean and even 1

G2.4 All drain and sewer are covered. OB Check for overflowing drains surrounding the facility. 1

G2.5 Functional street lights are available OB/SI Check for street lights and their functionality. 1
along the approach road

G3 Aesthetics and amenities of Surrounding area 5

G3.1 Parks and green areas of surrounding OB/SI Check that there no wild vegetation & growth in the 1
area are well maintained surroundings. Shrubs and trees are well maintained. Dry
leaves and green waste are removed regularly.

G3.2 No unwanted/broken/ torn / loose OB Check that facility surrounding are not studded with 1
hanging posters/ billboards. irrelevant and out dated posters, slogans, wall writings,
graffiti, etc.
G3.3 No loose hanging wires in and around OB Check for any loose hanging wires. 1
the bill boards, electrical poles, etc.

G3.4 Availability of public toilets in OB/SI Check for separate toilets for male and female and they are 1
surrounding area conveniently located and clean.

G3.5 Availability of adequate parking stand in OB/SI Check for parking stand for auto/ rickshaw/taxi etc., and they 1
surrounding area are not parked haphazardly.

G4 Maintenance of surrounding area and Waste Management 5

G4.1 Availability of bins for General recyclable OB Check availability adequate number of bins for Biodegradable 1
and biodegradable wastes and recyclable general waste in the nearby area.

G4.2 Availability of garbage storage area OB Garbage storage area is away from residential/commercial 1
areas and is covered/fenced. It is not causing public nuisance.

G4.3 Innovations in managing waste OB/SI Check, if certain innovative practices have been introduced for 1
managing general waste e.g. Vermicomposting, Re-cycling of
papers, Waste to energy, Compost Activators, etc.

G4.4 Surrounding areas are well maintained OB Check that there is no over grown shrubs, weeds, grass, 1
potholes, bumps etc. in surrounding areas

G4.5 Regular repairs and maintained of roads OB/SI/RR Check current condition of the road 1

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