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Format of the legal Scrutiny Certificate on property of proposed colleges


The Registrar

University of Calicut


Sub:- Legal Scrutiny Report on the property of --------------- ----------------------------------------------------

_________ __ __________ _ u u___ (name of the Educational Agency)

for an extent of acres of land in _

Ref:- Report of the verification Committee meeting held on 19.02 .2014

a Name of the Applicant

b Name of the ovvner of the property

c Name of the Branch

d Name of the Subsciber

e Name of the Mortgage

f Title deed of the mortgager

Documents rece ived for Scrutiny

SINo Registration No. & Description of document Whether

Original or Copy

1 Settlement deed executed by Original

2 Jenmam Assignment deed executed by

3 Partition deed executed by

4 Release deed executed by Original

5 Purchase certificate issued by

6 Encumbrance certificate for the period from Original

01.01 .1999 to 03 .08.2013

7 Possession Certif icate issued by Original

8 Location Certificate issued by Original

9 Location Sketch issued by Original

10 Land Tax Receipt issued by Original

11 Survey Sketch with demarcation of the Original

Scheduled property issued by

12 Affidav it Original

Description of Property

The property offered as scrut iny .

Schedule (as per the title document)

Boundaries of 1 thakku property

East -

South -

West -

North -

Boundaries of 1 thakku property

East -

South -

West -

North -

Description of prop erty


Taluk :

Village :

Desom :

Classification :

Right :

Survey No. :

Re.Survey No.:

Extent :

De riv ation of the prope rty

As per the recitals in the documents produced , the above schedule property along with other
properties were originally belonged to .

Evidence of Possession of the Property

The certificate of possess ion issued by the Village Officer, shows that .

is in absolute possession and enjoyment of the security property. More over, Tax receipts, Location
Sketch and certificate were produced supports the possession of applicant over the security

Details of Encumbrance

Encumbrance Certificate for the period from 01 .01.1999 to 03 .08 .2013 of SRO, ..

vvith respect to the securit y property do not show any subsisting encumbrance or charged debts
over it.

Remarks if any


I have carefully gone through the original title deeds and other documents of the security property

including the affidavit of the .

I certify that the said documents are perfect evidence of title. I am of opinion that the educational
agencies have valid title deed on the scheduled property without any encumbrance from 01.01.1999
. to 03.08 .2013.

All the documents entrusted to me for verificat ion are returned herewith
. . .ee: Yours faithf ully,

Legal Advisor/D istrict/Additional GoV!. Pleader

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