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e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy

2007, Volume: 2, Number: 4
Article Number: A0037


Received: May 2007 University of Gazi
Accepted: October 2007 [email protected]
© 2007 0Hwww.newwsa.com Ankara-Turkiye



In this study, the effect of polypropylene fiber on the strength
and durability of adobe with ferrochrome addititive is investigated.
For this purpose, 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of polypropylene fiber by
weight of adobe is used instead of straw. The compressive strength
test and disintegration experiment of adobe blocks under water attact
was performed. Besides, tension and mudding experiments were performed
on the soil to be used in the adobe. According to the results of the
experiment, it is observed that there is an increase in the strength
and durability of the adobe compared to those produced with usual
Keywords: Adobe, Polypropylene Fiber, Ferrochrome, Straw,
Compression Strength


Bu çalışmada, polipropilen lifin ferrokrom atığı katkılı
kerpicin dayanım ve dayanıklılığı üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu
amaçla kerpiç ağırlığının %0, %5, %10 ve %15’i miktarlarında saman
yerine ikame edilmek suretiyle polipropilen lif kullanılmıştır.
Polipropilen lifli kerpiç bloklar üzerinde basınç dayanımı ve kerpiç
blokların su etkisiyle dağılma deneyleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca kerpiç
blokların üretiminde kullanılan toprak üzerinde çekme ve çamurlaşma
deneyleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney sonuçlarına göre polipropilen
lif ve ferrokrom atığı katkılı kerpiç blokların standard kerpiç
bloklara göre dayanım ve dayanıklılık değerlerinde belirli oranlarda
artmalar tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kerpiç, Polipropilen Lif, Ferrokrom,
Saman, Basınç Dayanımı
e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.

As it is known, soil is one of the foremost materials used by
human beings for sheltering. Today most of the people living in the
world are staying in soil made houses. This is because soil as a
structure material can be easily obtained at huge amounts and
structure made of soil is more useful in several aspects than that
made of other materials. Soil structure, in places and periods where
there is no other facility, is used compulsorily. With increase in
prosperity of the public, it has become a material which can be given
up when the conditions allow. Yet, recently social and economic
conditions have again made the useful properties of soil come to fore.
Soil structure provides for construction of house, office and
service buildings with use of ample sources in country in an easy and
efficient way, opportunity for use of customs and traditions of
public, efficient energy saving, lowering the use of materials in
construction sector which are necessary for development to the least,
the dweller with the most convenient living conditions in every
season, benefit form the solar energy with easy and the most efficient
methods, use of every equipment required by the civilization in the
structure. For these reasons, soil structure, today gained the
qualities of “Contemporary Structure”. Certainly, soil structure as
other types of structure, has negative aspects. These aspects may be
totally eliminated or drawn down to the minimum by taking necessary
precautions and applying the provisions [1 and 6].
In the Iran Earthquake, thousands of adobe structures
collapsed, thousands of people were killed. In this earthquake, due to
weakness of adobe (powdering of adobe to dust) the number of deaths
reached serious values. The study, here, also aims at lessening the
powdering of adobe [2].
Adobe is one of the cheap and quick ways of sheltering. It
provides a comfortable life at ultimate level. It is the only material
at minimum cost which does not require foundation of production
facility. It provides the one who builds his or her home with the
opportunity of using his or her capabilities. Mass production is
possible and provides considerable reduction in cost and energy saving
in material production and transportation. It provides the use of own
sources. Construction of house gets easier; offices, coops, and sheds
can be constructed. In the rural areas which are obligatory for
development of agricultural production and handicrafts, it provides
conditions for civilized life. In rural areas, it helps benefit from
known construction techniques and develop it. A building with
sufficient strength can be constructed. Adobe has significant
contributions to prevention of environmental pollution [1, 4, and 6].
Şimşek and Erol, in their study, investigated the reuse of fly
ash produced from thermal power plants, both for preventing
environmental pollution and revealing the mechanical properties of it
in the adobe which is used as a construction material in rural areas.
By weight, 5%, 7%, 10% fly ash, cement and depending on the clay
content of soil 7 kg of straw are mixed and from this mixture adobes
are produced. Compressive strength and water resistance of these
adobes are compared according to their admixtures. From the results it
is seen that adobe with fly ash gave better results that those with
cement and straw [3 and 4].
Kafesçioğlu produced the alker (gypsum plaster adobe) which is
also known as contemporary adobe. In his study he used 100 kg soil, 22
liters water, 2 kg lime and 10 kg gypsum are used to produce alker,
which is mixed in mixer 3 minutes and placed in the form then become
ready to be used in the construction after 20 minutes. It is a water
resistant material. It is observed that with the applied pressure,

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.

adobe is two times as strong as brick and concrete. The experts have
the opinion that with these bricks up to 4 floor masonry structures
can be constructed [1].
Balaban and Şen used different admixtures to increase the water
resistance and compressive strength of adobe. The primary stabilizing
admixtures used for this purpose are Portland cement and emulated
asphalt. It is found that the adobe soil with cement and emulated
asphalt, when compressed, depending on the ratio of admixtures, the
resistance of press adobe increases [5].
Potacıoğlu found that addition of cement to adobe material has
increased primarily the compression strength, resistance to water and
durability to freezing. In this way, important superiorities are
obtained compared to very small increase in cost. With this material
important superiorities are obtained in the lifetime of the
structures. With this material, it is stated that there is a
significant increase in the lifetime of structures [5 and 7].


It is known that the adobe which has low strength and low
durability in the case of water attact is a traditional structural
material. Because of its poorly properties, researchers performed lots
of investigations in order to improve engineering properties of the
As it is known, adobe consists of clay and straw that works as
fiber. Generally, pozzolon (gypsum, fly ashes, etc.) is used as an
addititive in the improvement investigations of durability and
strength of the adobe. However, there is not enough research on fiber
which works as a reinforcement in the adobe.
For this purpose, polypropylene fiber is used instead of
straw, and ferrochrome dust is used as pozzolon in this study. It is
considered that the investigation of effect of using these addititives
will be very appropriate for improving durability and strength of the


3.1. Material (Malzeme)
The polypropylene fiber to be used in the mud of adobe is taken
from Beksa and Polyfibers factories. Ferrochrome dust is obtained from
Elazığ Eti boron ferrochrome mine. For soil, the clayey soil taken
from 0.5 m depth from foundation level in Ankara Beşevler is used.
Water from Ankara drinking water network is used. In the mixture,
polypropylene is used in place of straw, 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% by
weight. The numbers of samples to be used in the tests are given in
Table 1. Prepared samples
(Tablo 1. Hazırlanan numuneler)
Adobe Mixture For Compression For Water
Additives Ratios (%) Strength Resistance
0 3 6
Polypropylene 5 3 6
Fiber 10 3 6
15 3 6
Ferrochrome 71.45 kg/m3
Total 36 unit

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.

3.2. Method (Yöntem)

3.2.1. Preparation of Experiment Samples
(Deney Numunelerinin Hazırlanması)
In this study, 71.45 kg/m3 constant by weight ferrochrome dust is
used. Besides, 7 kg/m3 polypropylene fiber is used in 5% of the sample.
The fiber amount to be used in other samples is determined fiber
amount used in the 5% of the sample. According to TS 2514, the amount
of water to be used in 1 m3 of adobe is accepted as 500 liters [8].
From each ratio 9 adobes are made. In this study, it is evaluated
whether ferrochrome dust can be used in adobe with polypropylene fiber
or not. In the mathematical calculations, the mixing ratios of
materials in the adobe are determined. From these calculations, the
numbers of samples given in Table 2 are computed.

Table 2. Material amount table as a whole

(Tablo 2. Malzeme miktarları tablosu)
Amount of Total
material Fiber+
for one Polypropylene Ferrochrome Water Ferrochrome
sample(g) fiber(g) Dust(g) (liters) Soil(g) + Soil (g)
5 % 45.36 462.99 3.24 8817.65 9326
10 % 90.72 462.99 3.24 8772.29 9326
15 % 136.08 462.99 3.24 8726.93 9326

Normally, when polypropylene is used in concrete, selection of

fiber is based on the maximum aggregate diameter. Therefore, the type
of fiber to be used in a concrete containing aggregate size of maximum
20 mm is F19: 900 g/m3. But, since the maximum size of clay in the
adobe is 3-5 mm, it is accepted that this type of fiber is unsuitable.
Straw used in normal adobe production is exists in different
dimensions and distributed homogeneously. Dimension of straw in the
adobe generally varies between 3 mm and 25 mm, although greater straws
are seldom come encountered. Therefore, M12: 600 g/m3–12 mm (1/2"),
M19: 900 g/m3–19 mm (3/4"), F19: 900 g/m3–19 mm (3/4") types of
propylene fibers are mixed at equal weights by mass and fibers to be
used are obtained.

3.2.2. Experiments About Adobe (Kerpiç Deneyleri) Compression Strength Experiment
(Basınç Dayanımı Deneyi)
In compliance with TS 2514, adobes are placed, maximum 1.5 cm
apart, one on top of other in a pattern frame. In between adobes is
filled with mortar which is made of (1) part cement, (3) part washed
fine sand (0.2 mm–1.0 mm). By positioning the frame vertical, the
outer faces of adobes are smoothed by covering by maximum 3 mm mortar
parallel to the opposite faces. Compression test is applied after 7
days to the sample prepared this way. The sample which is rested for 7
days is removed from the pattern frame and ultimate load under press
machine is determined. Disintegration of Adobe Blocks by the Effect of Water

(Su Etkisi Altında Kerpiç Blokların Dağılma Deneyi)
Adobe sample, 12x18x30 cm, is immersed to the half in a
container which is filled with water. The dispersion time of the
immersed part is determined. Results are compared to topic 12.1.3 in
TS 2514.

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.

3.2.3. Experiments About Soil of Adobe

(Kerpiç Toprağı Üzerinde Yapılan Deneyler) Tension Experiment (Çekme Deneyi)
After the sample is prepared according to TSEN 2514, it is
placed to the instrument measuring the tension resistance given in
Figure 8 (TS 2514). Sample is loaded until breaking by the dry sand of
1 mm diameter flowing from the silo given in Figure 8 in TSEN 2514.
Load increment is continuous and maximum at a rate 750 g per
minute. The tension strength of mud is the arithmetic average of the
experiment results which are different by at most 10%. And it is
expressed by g/cm². The area of the cross-section of the sample used
in the calculations is 5 cm2 [8]. Mudding Experiment (Çamurlaşma Deneyi)

A sample prepared and dried according to TS 2514 Item 2.1.3. is
hung such that the bottom 5 cm part is in the water as in Figure-11 in
TS 2514. The time between the placing the bottom part in the water and
breaking off this part from the sample is measured. If the sunken part
separates from the main part in less than one hour, this sample is
accepted to become is mud. If this time is longer than one hour, it is
hard for this sample to be mud. If separation occurs in 45 minutes or
less, from the mud the sample is taken should not be used for
producing adobes [8].


The results of the experiments in this method are expressed in
tables and figures and reliability is checked by variation method.

4.1. Experiments About Adobe (Kerpiç Deneyleri)

4.1.1. Compression Strength Experiment (Basınç Dayanımı Deneyi)
As stated in Chapter, results of compression strength
experiment about adobe are given in Table 3 and Figure 1.

Table 3. Compression strength experiment results

(Tablo 3. Basınç dayanımı deneyi sonuçları)
Number Compression Average
Polypropylene of Strength Compression
Fiber and Clayey Samples Kg/cm2 Strength Standard
Soil Ratio Used 1 2 3 Kg/cm2 Deviation
Witness Sample
(5% Ferrochrome
Added) 3 12.6 13.9 14.5 13.67 0.971
5% 3 25.5 26.1 25.4 25.66 0.378
10% 3 28.9 30.0 27.0 28.63 1.517
15% 3 31.5 29.2 32.3 31.00 1.609

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.


30 Witness sample

Strength (Kgf/cm2)
% 5 Polypropylen added
20 sample
15 % 10 Polypropylen added
% 15 Polypropylen added
5 sample

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Figure 1. Compression strength experiment distribution

(Şekil 1. Basınç dayanımı testi dağılımı)

4.1.2. Disintegration of Adobe Blocks by the Effect of Water

Experiment (Su Etkisindeki Kerpiç Blokların Dağılma
As stated in Chapter, results of disintegration under
effect of water experiment are given in Table 4 and Figure 2.

Table 4. Disintegration by the effect of water experiment results

(Tablo 4. Su etkisi altında dağılma deneyi sonuçları)
Disintegration Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample
by water effect 1 2 3 4 5 6
experiment (min) (min) (min) (min) (min) (min)
Witness Sample 55 50 59 47 60 46
5% Addition 91 87 95 88 85 100
10% Addition 95 92 105 98 110 108
15% Addition 105 115 98 103 109 112

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6

Witness Sample Sample with 5 % Propylene

Sample with 10 % Propylene Sample with 15 % Propylene

Figure 2. Disintegration by water effect graph

(Şekil 2. Su etkisiyle dağılma grafiği)

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.

4.2. Experiments About Soil of Adobe

(Kerpiç Toprağı Üzerinde Yapılan Deneyler)
4.2.1. Tension Experiment (Çekme deneyi)
As stated in Chapter, results of tension experiment
about soil of adobe are given in Table 5 and Figure 3.

Table 5. Tension experiment results

(Tablo 5. Çekme Deneyi sonuçları)
Tension Failure Value Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Obtained Value (g/cm3) 138.6 150.4 145.3

160 150.4
Rupture Value (gr/cm3)


Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Obtained Value (gr/cm3)

Figure 3. Tension experiment distribution

(Şekil 3. Çekme deneyi dağılımı)

4.2.2. Water Absorption (Mud) Experiment

(Su Emme (Çamurlaşma) Deneyi
As stated in Chapter, results of water absorption of
soil of adobe experiment are given in Table 6 and Figure 4.

Table 6. Water absorption (Mud) experiment results

(Tablo 6. Su emme (Çamurlaşma) deney sonuçları
Water Absorption Experiment Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Time Elapsed (min) 72 68 65

80 72
70 65

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Time Elapsed (min)

Figure 4. Water absorption (Mud) experiment distribution

(Şekil 4. Su emme (Çamurlaşma) deneyi dağılımı)

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.

4.3. Examination of the Experiments by One-Tail Variance

(Deneylerin Tek Yönlü Varyans Analiziyle Incelenmesi)
Y = μ +T + E
ij j ij
The mathematical expression: is used to test the
reliability of the results of the compression strength and
disintegration by water effect (mud) experiments about adobe and
tension strength and water absorption (mud) experiments about soil of
adobe. The results are as followings [8].
Result of compression of adobe experiment: Sum of squares
general; SSgeneral=133.352, Sum of squares between trials;
SStrials=129.876, Sum of squares of errors; SSerror=3.476, Mean of sum of
squares general; MSSgeneral=43.155, Mean of sum of squares of errors;
MSSerror=1.158. From these, Fcalculated is found to be 26.384. Since
Fcalculated=26.384 < Ftable=.95F3,8=4.07, it is found that polypropylene
fibers increase the compression strength of adobe.
Result of disintegration of adobe blocks by water effect
experiment: Sum of squares general; SSgeneral=467.957, Sum of squares
between trials; SStrials=453.279, Sum of squares of errors;
SSerror=14.678, Mean of sum of squares general; MSSgeneral=146.692, Mean of
sum of squares of errors; MSSerror=4.892. From these, Fcalculated is found
to be 37.587. Since Fcalculated=37.587 < Ftable=.95F3,8=4.07, it is found that
polypropylene fibers increase the resistance of adobes to
disintegration by water effect.
Result of tension strength of adobe experiment: Sum of squares
general; SSgeneral=678.955, Sum of squares between trials;
SStrials=657.081, Sum of squares of errors; SSerror=21.874, Mean of sum of
squares general; MSSgeneral=219.729, Mean of sum of squares of errors;
MSSerror=7.291. From these, Fcalculated is found to be 35.678. Since
Fcalculated=35.678 < Ftable=.95F3,8=4.07, it is found that polypropylene
fibers increase water absorption durability of soil of adobe.
Result of tension strength of adobe experiment: Sum of squares
general; SSgeneral=320.483, Sum of squares between trials;
SStrials=308.860, Sum of squares of errors; SSerror=13.623, Mean of sum of
squares general; MSSgeneral=103.716, Mean of sum of squares of errors;
MSSerror=4.541. From these, Fcalculated is found to be 18.436. Since
Fcalculated=18.436 < Ftable=.95F3,8=4.07, it is found that polypropylene
fibers increase water absorption durability of soil of adobe.


At the end of the compression strength test of adobe, the
compression strengths of samples are 13.9 kg/cm2, 25.4 kg/cm2, 27.0
kg/cm2, and 31.5 kg/cm2 respectively. Since the polypropylene fibers
can undergo stress more than straw, as the content of polypropylene
fibers increases the compression strength of adobe increases.
At the end of the disintegration of adobe by water effect
experiment, the durations of the samples in the water are 55 min, 91
min, 105 min, and 109 min, respectively. Since polypropylene fibers
have more adherence than straw, as the content of polypropylene fibers
increases the disintegration value of adobe in the water increases.
The results of the tension test of soil of adobe experiment are
138.6 g/cm3, 150.4 g/cm3, and 145.3 g/cm3 respectively. The average of
these values is 144.76 g/cm3. According to TS 2514, this soil is among
the lubricious soil class as shown in Table 1 in the standard.
The results of the water absorption of soil of adobe experiment
are 72 min, 68 min, and 65 min respectively. The average of theses
values is 68.3 min. According to TS 2514, since this value is greater
than 45 min it is found that this soil is appropriate for adobe

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy
Natural and Applied Sciences, 2, (4), A0037, 265-273.
Yıldız, K. and Gökdemir, A.

Providing a more durable material than straw, addition of

polypropylene fiber to the soil, universal construction material, will
be effective in increasing the durable life of adobe.

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