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1. To enable candidates to acquire the knowledge 4. To create awareness about the appreciation of
and develop an understanding of how materials biological processes to industries.
are provided by biological agents to provide 5. To develop the ability to appreciate biological
goods and services. phenomenon in nature and the contribution of
2. To appreciate the role played by biotechnology biotechnology to human welfare.
in improving health care for human beings. 6. To develop scientific attitude towards
3. To understand the interdisciplinary nature of biological phenomenon.
this subject.
There will be two papers in the subject: work. Various organisations in the field of
Paper I: Theory…………... 3 hours ... 70 marks
Names, definitions and importance of various
Paper II: Practical………. 3 hours ... 15 marks
fields that can be covered under
Project Work………. …10 marks biotechnology such as - agricultural/ plant
Practical File…………. …5 marks biotechnology, animal biotechnology/medical
biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, industrial
PAPER I –THEORY- 70 Marks biotechnology, immunology and health care,
energy and environment.
1. Introduction to Biotechnology
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in
(i) Historical background; definition; a brief biotechnology- concept of intellectual
introduction of the traditional and modern property, types of IPR and its need;
techniques of Biotechnology and their intellectual property rights and the choice of
applications. intellectual property rights protection.
Definition of biotechnology by OECD and Discovery and invention; Concept of
EFB; contributions of Karl Ereky and Louis patenting, trademark, trade secrets,
Pasteur; use of various fermented products copyright, geographical indications and
in ancient civilisations; PBRs and their need.

Kitchen (traditional), the first Concept of ethical, legal and social issues
biotechnological laboratory -reasoning with one common example IVF.
behind the technology involved in simple Biosafety issues: release of genetically
biological products like curd and beer; modified organisms into the environment and
names of microorganisms involved in their their impact; GEAC and its objectives.
Biotechnology - global and Indian scenario.
Application of these technologies for large- Various institutes, centres and funding
scale production, with special reference to agencies - NBTB, CCMB, ICGEB, ICMR,
fermentation (Beer production only). Quality ICAR, DBT, DST which deal with
control management of the products, good biotechnology and bioinformatics in India:
laboratory practices. names only.
(ii) Scope and importance of biotechnology: (iii) Basic concepts of Biochemical technology
different branches of biotechnology and and biostatistics: What does the biochemical
different regulatory guidelines; ethical, legal technology mean? An understanding of
and social issues (ELSI) that a various statistical methods involved in
biotechnologist comes across while doing the biotechnology.
Concept of buffer, type and preparation of Types and significance of cell division and a
buffers, pH, physical variables; brief note about the different stages of cell
fermentation; An understanding of bio- division – mitosis and meiosis.
reactors, idea of sampling – quadrat and
Basic concept of cell cycle and cell cycle
transect; measures of central tendency –
regulation – CdK method only, definition of
mean, median, mode; standard deviation and
Mitotic Index.
standard error; concept of probability –
theoretical and experimental. Biochemical Transformations:
2. Cell Biology An understanding of biochemical
transformations, different biochemical
(i) Cell: Justification of cell as a basic unit of
pathways involved in respiration - aerobic
life. Prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell; A
and anaerobic.
brief note on the cell components with
special reference to nucleus. Various Aerobic respiration - Glycolysis, Krebs’
cytological techniques used in identifying the cycle, electron transport chain and oxidative
cell and chromosomes. phosphorylation.
Differentiation prokaryotic and eukaryotic Anaerobic respiration - lactic acid,
cellular systems. fermentation and alcohol fermentation –
definition only.
Structure of bacteria (in brief, with reference
to plasmid). Gram+ and Gram- bacteria. (iii) Errors in cell division: what happens if the
cell does not divide normally? An
An understanding of cell components, their
understanding of different numerical and
basic structure and functions - cell wall, cell
structural abnormalities.
membrane, cytoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, mitochondria, ribosomes, Concept of mutation: causes; types –somatic,
vacuoles, plastids, lysosomes, nucleus and germinal, spontaneous, induced, gene,
other important inclusions of the cell. chromosomal and genomatic mutations,
euploidy, aneuploidy, monosomy, nullisomy,
Chromosomal structure and composition –
trisomy and tetrasomy; various factors
organisation of chromatids, concept of
causing mutations.
homologous and non-homologous
chromosomes, sister and non-sister Concept of non-disjunction: meiotic
chromatids, classification of chromosomes on non-disjunction and mitotic non-disjunction.
the basis of position of the centromere on the Non-disjunction in sex chromosomes –
chromosome, basic idea about telomere, Turner’s syndrome and Klinefelter’s
chromatin and nucleosome. An idea about syndrome - chromosomal composition and
banding patterns (Q, R, C and G) and their symptoms only.
application. Numerical chromosomal aberrations with
Concept of chromosomal number in different respect to autosomes, i.e. Down’s syndrome
species, e.g. man, mouse, Drosophila and –chromosomal composition and symptoms
pea. only.
Techniques in cytology – microscopy (light Structural chromosomal abnormalities –
and electron microscope), karyotyping and deletions, duplications, translocations,
centrifugation (principle and applications inversions.
only). Polyploidy and its significance in plants.
(ii) Cell Division and cell cycle: types of cell Inborn errors of metabolism - basic concept
divisions and various other activities of cell and examples like albinism, sickle cell
such as biochemical transformations. anaemia, phenylketonuria and alkaptonuria.

3. Biomolecules and related techniques Ion exchange chromatography and paper
(i) Introduction to biomolecules- definition and
types. Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
4. Developmental Biology and Immunology
vitamins and enzymes – their structure and
properties. (i) Animal and plant development: development
of an organism from zygotic cell in both
Biomolecules – definition and types
plants and animals.
Structure and functions of carbohydrates.
Animal development – fertilisation, zygote to
Sugars and derivatives; classification of some blastocyst formation.
important mono, di and polysaccharides -
Plant development. Double fertilisation
glucose, fructose, glycogen, cellulose, chitin
including formation of primary endosperm
and peptidoglycan. Physical and chemical
properties of sugars.
(ii) An understanding of defence strategies in
Structure, functions and classification of
living organisms.
proteins i.e. simple, complex and derived;
building blocks of proteins - the amino acids: Immune system in higher animals, concept of
chemical structure, types (acidic, basic and immunity, immunisation, antigen and
neutral); physical and chemical properties of antibody. Various cells involved in immune
amino acids. 3D - structure of proteins. response in humans. An introduction to
Different types of protein structures - primary, human leukocyte antigens with reference to
secondary (alpha helix, beta pleated sheet and organ transplantation; Types of immunity -
random structures), tertiary, quaternary; innate and acquired. ELISA Technique
protein sequencing by MALDI-MS. (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay).
Structure and functions of lipids – fatty acids Secondary metabolites in plants and their
and alcohol; types (simple, conjugated and significance
derived lipids with one example of each); Defence strategies in bacteria – endospores
chemical and physical properties of lipids. and R plasmids.
Vitamins: Definition, types (fat soluble and
water soluble vitamins); co-enzyme forms of 5. Genetics
water soluble vitamins; deficiency diseases of (i) Laws of Inheritance: An account of
vitamins. Mendel’s experiments. Different types of
Enzymes: Structure and functions of enzymes: genetic inheritance.
chemical nature of enzymes; characteristics Mendel’s experiment on pea plant and his
and properties of enzymes. An understanding laws of inheritance.
of enzyme activity on the basis of activation
energy; mechanism of enzyme action - lock Concept of trait, gene, allele, phenotype,
and key model; induced fit hypothesis; factors genotype, homozygosity, heterozygosity and
affecting enzyme activity (temperature, pH, hemizygosity. Types of inheritance:
substrate concentration, enzyme autosomal inheritance - dominant, co-
concentration, inhibitors (competitive, non- dominant, recessive, polygenic, pleiotropic
competitive). and cytoplasmic inheritance (plastidial
Optical activity of biomolecules
(dextrorotatory and laevorotatory). Pedigree construction using different
standard symbols.
Concept of supramolecular assembly. Sex chromosome inheritance - with special
(ii) Techniques used for separation of reference to X chromosomal inheritance
biomolecules with suitable examples (colour blindness
and haemophilia).

(ii) Gene Mapping: mapping of genes on vortex mixer, colorimeter/spectrophotometer, hot
chromosomes using linkage analysis. air oven, autoclave, incubator, electrophoresis
Cancer and its genetics. chamber, colony counter, autoclave, hot plate.
Mapping of genes on chromosomes with 4. Finding out the pH of water by using pH meter or
respect to COV (Crossing Over Value). pH paper on tap water and water containing acid,
Basic concept of linkage (types not base.
required) and crossing over. Genetic Take tap water in three test tubes, add two drops
recombination. of dil. HCl in one, two drops of NaOH in the
Cancer: Causes (physical, chemical, second while leaving the third test tube with tap
biological – TSG and oncogenes); diagnosis water. Use pH meter or pH paper to find their
and treatment. specific pH.
(iii) Genes in populations: how do genes behave 5. Observation of steps of mitosis by using the root
in populations from generation to tip of onion.
generation? Various ways of studying The students should be given practice in
population genetics. preparing slides for study of mitosis by crush
Concept of gene pool and allele frequency, smear method. They should be able to identify
definition of Hardy Weinberg law, its different stages (at least four stages). The
applications. requirement for this set of experiments is
Acetocarmine stain slides, coverslips,
Possibility of disease resistant and microscopes and spirit-lamp.
susceptible genes in population. Definition
and application of pharmacogenetics and 6. Measurement of mitotic index.
pharmacogenomics. Mitotic index is the ratio of number of cells
undergoing mitosis to the number of cells in the
PAPER II field.
PRACTICAL WORK – 15 Marks No. of cells showing mitosis
MI =
Candidates are required to complete the following Total no. of cells in the field
7. Observation of various stages of meiosis under
1. Determination of blood group by using antisera.
The students can perform this experiment on For the study of meiosis, the students should be
their own blood groups. Proper instructions shown permanent slides of meiosis and they
however are to be given for ‘prick’ – e.g. (a) should be able to identify at least six stages of
Sterilize finger with alcohol/disinfectant. (b) Use meiosis from the slides.
only disposable sterile needle. (c) Use the needle 8. Effect of temperature on curdling of milk by
only once and destroy it. (d) Do not prick or use using Lactobacillus bacteria at 37oC, 60oC and
blood drop in an indiscriminatory way. 10oC.
2. Identification of different types of blood cells by Optimum temperature for curdling of milk is
preparing blood smear using Leishmann’s stain. 37oC due to active form of bacteria at this
Requirements: Blood sample, disposable needles, temperature; it is inactive at low temperature
slides, Leishmann’s stain. Make a blood smear and dies at high temperature.
on a slide, use the stain to colour the smear,
9. Food tests:
wash and observe under microscope.
(i) Carbohydrates – starch by iodine solution
3. Instruments – their names, use and principles (if
turning blue - black in colour.
Water bath, pH meter, weighing balance, Reducing and non-reducing sugars by using
desiccators, microfiltration unit, magnetic Fehling’s solution / Benedict’s solution –
stirrer, LAF, haemocytometer, micropipette, reducing the cupric ion (blue) to cuprous ion
(ii) Protein test – Biuret test, Xanthoproteic 12. Preparation of karyotypes.
and Millon’s test Demonstration of any metaphasic plate of
(a) For Biuret test –The protein produces mitosis.
deep blue – violet colour due to the 13. Sampling methods – quadrat and transect by
involvement of cupric ion in the product using different techniques.
formed. To be done in groups. Use yellow and green
(b) For Millon’s Reagent – A pinkish red pea seeds. Make a quadrat (30 cm X 30 cm)
colour is observed with mercuric with blocks of 6 cm X 6 cm. Spread the seeds
chloride. randomly on the table top. Put the quadrat
and count the number of yellow and green
(c) For Xanthoproteic Test: When peas per block; find the frequency of each
concentrated nitric acid is boiled with type of pea seed.
protein a yellow colour is observed. On
addition of ammonium hydroxide or 14. Data collection – primary and secondary.
liquor ammonia orange yellow Collect any type of primary data and
precipitate is obtained. secondary data, tabulate the data and draw
(iii)Lipids – Sudan III, Acrolein test, paper test
(a) Sudan III is a red fat-soluble dye used for PROJECT WORK AND PRACTICAL FILE
identification of the presence of lipids, – 15 marks
triglycerides and lipoproteins. It reacts Project Work – 10 Marks
with the lipids or triglycerides and gives
red colour. Candidates are to creatively execute one
project/assignment on any aspect of Biotechnology.
(b) Acrolein test is used to detect fat. When Teachers may assign or students may choose any one
fat is heated strongly in the presence of project of their choice. The report should be kept
potassium bisulphate/ sodium bisulphate simple, but neat and elegant.
(KHSO4/NaHSO4) that acts as a
dehydrating agent, the glycerol is Practical File – 5 Marks
dehydrated to form an unsaturated Teachers are required to assess students on the basis
aldehyde called acrolein that gives a of the practical file maintained by them during the
pungent and irritating odour. academic year.
10. Finding out the purity of milk by using LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
1. CCMB:Centre for Cellular and Molecular
Put the instrument in milk. If it sinks down
and reaches the mark ‘M’ mentioned on
lactometer, it means that the milk is pure or 2. CdK: Cyclin dependent Kinase
if not, it means that the milk is impure. If the
milk is mixed with water, it would sink higher 3. COV: Cross Over Value
than mark ‘M’. If it stands at the mark 3 it 4. CSIR: Council of Scientific and Industrial
means that the milk is 75% pure and Research
respectively 2 for 50% purity and 1 for 25%
purity. 5. DBT: Department of Biotechnology
11. Construction of pedigree showing different 6. DST: Department of Science and Technology
types of inheritance.
7. EFB: European Federation of Biotechnology
The students are to observe the traits like,
rolling of the tongue/ attached earlobe/ 8. ELISA: Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
widow’s peak. 9. ELSI: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

10. ETS/ETC: Electron Transport System / Electron 20. IVF: In–Vitro Fertilization
Transport Cycle
21. MALDI-MS: Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption
11. FMN/FAD: Flavin Mono Nucleotide / Flavin Ionization – Mass Spectrometry
Adenine Dinucleotide 22. MI: Mitotic Index
12. GEAC: Genetic Engineering Approval 23. NADPH/NADP: Nicotinamide Adenine
Committee Dinucleotide Phosphate (reduced) / Nicotinamide
13. HLA: Human Leucocyte – associated Antigen Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate

14. ICAR: Indian Council for Agricultural Research 24. NBTB: National Biotechnology Board

15. ICGEB: International Centre for Genetic 25. OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation
Engineering and Biotechnology and Development

16. ICMR: Indian Council for Medical Research 26. PBR: Plant Breeder’s Right

17. IEF : Iso Electro Focussing 27. TPP: Thiamine Pyrophosphate

18. IPP: Intellectual Property Right Protection Act 28. TSG: Tumour Suppressor Gene

19. IPR: Intellectual Property Right


There will be two papers in the subject: exon; monocistronic and polycistronic
Paper I: Theory……………. 3 hours ... 70 marks
(b) Transcription – explanation of the
Paper II: Practical…………. 3 hours ... 15 marks
complete process including enzymes
Project Work………. …10 marks involved in the process; Post-
transcriptional changes and their
Practical File………… … 5 marks
significance in eukaryotes –
PAPER I: THEORY- 70 Marks polyadenylation, capping and RNA
1. Molecular Biology
(c) Concept of reverse transcription;
(i) Nucleic acids and their estimation: an
understanding of nucleic acids, their (d) Genetic code – properties of genetic
biochemical structure. code, start and stop codons, anticodons.

DNA as the genetic material (Hershey and (e) The translation of RNA to protein –
Chase experiment). complete mechanism of chain initiation,
elongation and termination, the role of
DNA (B-DNA)– physical and chemical tRNA, mRNA and rRNA in protein
structure; definition, double helical model of synthesis. (Post translational changes
DNA, (Watson and Crick’s); Nucleotide and not included).
nucleoside; Chargaff’s Law, method of
replication of DNA, various replicative (iii) Gene regulation in prokaryotes
enzymes in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic Operon concept – lac operon and trp
organisms, example topoisomerases, operon.
helicase, SSBs polymerases, primases,
ligases. Concept of semi conservative (with 2. Genetic Engineering
respect to Messelson and Stahl experiment (i) Introduction to gene cloning and genetic
and Taylor experiment on Vicia faba engineering: concept of cloning and vectors.
using radiolabelled thymidine) and semi-
Tools of recombinant DNA technology, types
discontinuous replication, (leading and
of restriction endonucleases and other
lagging strands), okazaki fragments.
enzymes used in gene cloning; techniques
RNA – definition, various types of RNAs such involved in extraction and purification of DNA
as mRNA, tRNA (Clover leaf model with from bacterial, plant and animal cells.
diagram; brief introduction to L-shaped
Selection of host cells: eukaryotic and
model), rRNA their structure and functions.
Techniques of nucleic acid estimation –
Vectors: Characteristics and types such as
colorimetry and UV-visible
plasmids -pBR322, pUC (in pBR322- presence
of two antibiotic resistant genes and in
(ii) Protein Synthesis: synthesis of different pUCpresence of lac Z gene to be taught),
RNAs, and the complete mechanism of cosmids, phages (M13 and λ), YACs, BACs (to
polypeptide chain formation. be taught with reference to stability and their
carrying capacity), animal and plant viruses
Concept of central dogma.
(CaMV, retrovirus, SV40 – only names of
From genes to proteins: viruses, no details).
(a) Concept of transcriptional unit, Transfer of recombinants into host cells –
promoter, structural and terminator
region; concept of split gene - intron and (a) Vectorless methods - basic concept of
transformation, transfection,

electroporation, liposome mediated gene DNA amplification by Polymerase chain
transfer, microinjection, biolistic reaction (PCR)– applications of PCR, steps
and application of DNA profiling or DNA
(b) Vector-mediated method - Agrobacterium
finger printing.
tumefaciens induced gene transfer.
3. Cell culture technology
Methods of identification of recombinants-
Direct selection (green fluorescent A brief idea of tools and techniques involved in
selection) and Insertional inactivation cell culture technology and their applications in
(Blue-white selection, antibiotic microbial, plant tissue and animal cell cultures
resistance). respectively.
A basic understanding of DNA libraries – (i) General tools and techniques used in cell
construction of genomic and cDNA culture technology
(a) Instruments - centrifuge, LAF hood and
Construction of a recombinant DNA biosafety cabinets, pH meter, autoclave,
molecule. vortex mixer, hot air oven, magnetic
stirrer, weighing balance, micro
(ii) Innovations in Biotechnology: produced by
filtration unit, incubator, CO2
using modern biotechnological tools, (select incubator, inverted microscope,
examples of products already available) bioreactor (diagram, its components
(a) Plants: Production of Flavr Savr and their function)-stirred tank and
tomatoes, Bt-crops and Golden rice. sparged type (brief idea only), use of T
flasks to propagate animal cells.
(b) Healthcare: Production of recombinant
hepatitis-B vaccine, Humulin, interferon Only uses of the above instruments to
and edible vaccines. be studied.
(c) Animal: Dolly the cloned sheep, Sources (b) Sterilization techniques for culture
and characteristics of stem cells and room, apparatus, transfer area, media,
their applications. vitamins, and living material;
(c) Cryopreservation (need and steps).
(d) Environmental biotechnology:
bioremediation using oil-eating bacteria (d) Cell counting (direct counting by
as an example. haemocytometer), cell viability by
Evan’s blue stain and cell sorting
(e) Industrial biotechnology: applications (FACS only)
of industrial enzymes – rennet, (e) Types of media (synthetic /defined,
subtilisin, amylase, papain. semi-synthetic/differential,
(iii) Gene analysis techniques: various techniques complex/natural)
involved in recombinant DNA technology. Preparation of media: microbial media-
DNA probes – definition and use. LB agar and LB broth; Plant media-MS
and White’s media; Animal media-
Low resolution mapping techniques: gel
electrophoresis, southern blotting (details of RPMI, DMEM and FBS - brief idea
the technique to be taught), western and only. (includes inorganic and organic
northern blotting (a brief idea and their macronutrients and micronutrients,
uses). antibiotics, growth regulators for
High resolution techniques: DNA plants: auxins and cytokinins).
sequencing- sequencing by chain Importance of pH and solidifying agents.
termination, automated DNA sequencing.
Site directed mutagenesis.

(ii) Microbial culture and its application. 4. Bioinformatics
Fermentation process and growth kinetics- (i) Introduction to bioinformatics; global
batch culture, fed batch culture, continuous bioinformatics databases and data retrieval
culture (with the help of graphs only): tools; genomics, different types of sequences,
types of sequence analysis.
Definition of turbidostat and chemostat:
Products and application-SCP (definition Introduction to bioinformatics: definition and
and use), industrial enzyme-subtilisin (source need.
and its use). An introduction to global bioinformatics
databases (nucleotide and protein
(iii) Plant tissue culture and its application. databases). Information sources such as
Isolation of single cell by mechanical and EMBL, NCBI, DDBJ, SWISSPROT,
enzymatic methods, synchronisation of cell GenBank, GENSCAN.
culture by chemical methods like starvation, Data retrieval tools- ENTREZ, Taxonomy
inhibition and mitotic arrest. Browser.
Cellular totipotency-definition of cellular (ii) Genomics: Definition, introduction, tools used
differentiation, de-differentiation, re- in Genomics and its applications.
differentiation. Application of plant cell Definition of genomics. Types of genomics-
culture technology (methodology not structural and functional. Basic criteria in
required, only brief idea needed): selecting the organism for its genome
sequencing. Different types of sequences –
(a) Haploid production-androgenesis and cDNA, genomic DNA, ESTs (Expressed
gynogenesis and their significance. Sequence Tags) and STSs (Sequence Tagged
(b) Triploid production-understanding and Sites) and the different softwares (example
need for triploid production and its gene scan).
application (seedless crops). Types of sequence analysis by using BLAST
(c) In-vitro pollination- concept and its and FASTA –global, local, pair wise and
application. multiple.
(d) Zygotic embryo culture- concept and its Human Genome Project - its objectives, the
application, Embryo rescue (brief idea countries involved, its achievements and
DNA microarray technology – definition and
(e) Somatic hybridisation-protoplast fusion
application only.
Concept of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
(f) Micropropagation and its significance. (SNPs).
(g) Developing virus free plants and synthetic
(iii) Proteomics: definition, introduction and
seeds. databases.
(h) Biodegradable plastics (concept of PHB). Types of Proteomics – structural, functional
(iv) Animal cell culture and its application. and expression; Important protein databases
Primary cell culture with mechanical and available for the public on the internet like
enzymatic disaggregation and its drawbacks; PDB (Protein Data Bank), PIR (Protein
Types of cell-lines: finite, continuous, Identification Resources).
adherent and suspension; scale up-mono
layer by Roller bottle, application of animal
cell culture-tissue, hybridoma technology,
tissue engineering (definition only).

PAPER II test tubes, plugged and kept in a tilted position
(at an angle of 45o) until it sets.
6. Inoculation and incubation of Lactobacillus on
Candidates are required to complete the following the culture medium in the Petri plate.
Use of inoculation loop or inoculation needle for
1. Paper Chromatography – separation of the purpose.
photosynthetic pigments
7. Identification of bacteria by Gram +ve and Gram
Take any leaf. Extract chlorophyll in 80% –ve (from curd /saliva and/or soil solution)
acetone. Take a strip of paper or prepare a thin
layer of silica gel on a slide. Load chlorophyll (i) Prepare a bacterial smear on a slide (ii) Stain
extract at one end of the paper/gel. Keep paper with crystal violet stain. (iii) Rinse with water.
or gel in the rising medium in test tube or jar for (iv) Add a few drops of iodine solution. (v) Add
about 30 minutes. The rising medium should few drops of 90 % ethanol (vi) Counterstain with
have methanol/ acetic acid, n-butanol or safranin solution (vii) Observe the red and blue
benzene. The rising fluid should always be at the colonies under the microscope
bottom below the point of loading of 8. Action of enzymes on starch under: (a) variable
chlorophylls. After 30 minutes, three spots: temperature (b) variable substrate concentration –
yellow, bluish green and light green will be plotting of Km value by graph
observed corresponding to carotenes, (i) Soluble starch solution (0.5% - 1%) to be
chlorophyll A & chlorophyll B. prepared. Test with iodine. Collect saliva,
2. Preparation of buffers – phosphate, acetate and dilute 1: 5, add 1 ml of saliva to 10 ml of
borate buffers starch solution. Incubate for 15 minutes.
This experiment should be done to make the Again test for presence of starch with iodine.
basics clear to the students. Basic calculation for Also test for the presence of reducing sugars
buffer preparation should be known. The in solution. Repeat the same process at the
approach should be to utilize easily available variable volumes of starch
chemicals at reasonable costs. Phosphate, borate (ii) To study the effect of variable temperature on
and acetate buffers can give the range of pH 4 - the activity of the enzyme salivary amylase.
pH 9.2 9. Isolation of DNA from plants
3. Preparation of culture media Take half a ripe and peeled banana into a beaker
(i) Bacterial culture Media - Luria Bertani and add 50 ml of extraction fluid (1.5gm table
(L.B.) media - Peptone/ Tryptone, yeast salt +10 ml liquid detergent +90 ml distilled
extract and NaCl. (Nutrient broth / Nutrient water). Place the beaker in a water bath set at 60
Agar). degrees C for 15 minutes. Stir gently with a glass
(ii) Plant Tissue culture medium (Sugars + rod. Filter 5ml of cooled content into a clean test
Coconut milk + Agar Agar). tube and add 5ml of cold 90% ethanol. DNA
molecules separate out and appear as white
4. Sterilization of culture medium and other fibres. [DNA can also be extracted from pea
materials. seeds and soaked wheat grains]
(i) Dry Physical method – heat or radiation. 10. DNA estimation by colorimeter by DPA method.
(ii) Wet Physical methods – steam sterilization. 11. Protein estimation by colour reaction – Bradford
(iii) Chemical Sterilization/ Surface sterilization test.
Disinfection with 70% alcohol and Sodium Bradford’s Assay is a Dye binding assay based
hypochlorite solution carbolic acid on the differential change of colour of a dye in
5. Preparation of various forms of culture media – response to various concentrations of proteins.
Petri plate, slant and suspension. Bradford’s assay can be performed for
Luria Bertani (L.B) media to be prepared, qualitative as well as quantitative assessment of
autoclaved and cooled to 60 degrees C. To proteins in a sample.
prepare nutrient plates the media is poured into Dilute 1 volume of Bradford’s dye with 4 volumes
presterilized petri-dishes under a LAF. To of distilled water. Filter the dye through
prepare slants the media is poured into several Whatman filter paper and store at room
temperature in a brown glass bottle. Take A list of suggested projects is as follows:
different aliquots of standard Bovine Serum 1. Effluent analysis.
Albumin (BSA solution), for example (0.2, 0.4, 2. A study of the technological details of malt
0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 ml) in different test tubes Make preparation.
up the volume to 1ml with distilled water. To 3. A study of the technological details of the
each tube add 2ml of Bradford’s dye. Extent of brewing industry.
colour development can be made by rough 4. A study of the organisation of a fermenter.
estimate using + signs to show the concentration 5. Technological analysis of the process of drug
of protein in the sample. Alternatively, OD can development, drug designing and drug targeting.
be read using colorimeter or spectrophotometer.
6. A study of the technological details of vaccine
Take the unknown sample to be estimated and development.
perform the experiment. Similarly read the OD
7. Diagnosis of diseases by modern techniques like
and note the corresponding concentration of
ELISA, RIA and Antibody targeting.
protein in it using the graph.
8. DNA finger-printing.
12. Cell viability test by Evan’s blue dye. 9. DNA foot-printing.
13. Isolation of milk protein – wet weight and dry 10. Microbiological contaminants in food and food
weight. products.
11. Isolation of microbes from air, water and soil.
Milk proteins are isolated by adding 0.4 N HCl
12. Methods of identifying microbes (various
into the milk sample. Casein start coagulating at
staining techniques and biochemical reactions).
its isoelectric point (i.e. at pH 4.6). The
precipitate is filtered and weighed to quantify the 13. Tissue Culture and its applications.
protein present. 14. Stem Cell Technology
15. Nanotechnology
14. Chromatography to find adulteration in spices by 16. Bioinformatics
using mixer of turmeric and metanil yellow.
17. Genetic Engineering
15. Demonstration of cell counting by 18. Cloning
haemocytometer by using diluted blood. 19. Instrumentation in biotechnology
16. Experiment to show the process of 20. Forensic Biotechnology
saponification. 21. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) related
to Biotechnology/ GMOs

– 15 Marks Practical File – 5 Marks

Project Work – 10 Marks The Visiting Examiner is required to assess students
on the basis of the practical file maintained by them
The Project Work is to be assessed by a Visiting during the academic year.
Examiner appointed locally and approved by CISCE.
Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Project Work:
Candidates are to creatively execute one
Format of the Project:
project / assignment on an aspect of Biotechnology.
– Content
Teachers may assign or students may choose any one – Introduction
project of their choice. The report should be kept – Presentation (graphs, tables, charts, newspaper
simple, but neat and elegant. cuttings, diagrams, photographs, statistical
analysis if relevant)
– Conclusion/ Summary
– Bibliography

1. Table-top Centrifuge 12. Incubator
2. Vortex - Mixer 13. Magnetic stirrer with hot plate
3. Thermostatic water-bath 14. Laminar flow cabinet
4. Spectrophotometer (UV visible range)/ 15. Weighing Balance (Electrical)
Colorimeter 16. Hot plate
5. Refrigerator 17. Binocular Microscope
6. Lactometer 18. Haemocytometer
7. pH meter 19. Colony counter
8. Hot air oven 20. Antiserum
9. Autoclave 21. Electrophoresis chamber
10. Desiccators 22. Micropipettes
11. Micro-filtration unit
1. BAC: Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes 21. NCBI: National Centre for Biotechnology
2. BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Information
3. CTAB: Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide 22. NHGRI: National Human Genome Research
4. DBM: Diazo–benzyl oxy–methyl paper Institute
5. DDBJ: DNA Database/ Data Bank of Japan 23. PAGE: Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
6. ddNTP: Dideoxy Nucleoside triphosphate 24. PCR: Polymerization Chain Reaction
7. DMEM: Dulbecco Modified Eagle Medium 25. PDB: Protein Database/ Data Bank
8. EBI: European Bioinformatics Institute 26. PHB: Poly 3–Hydroxyl Butyrate
9. EMBL: European Molecular Biology Laboratory 27. PIR: Protein Information Resource
10. EST: Expressed Sequence Tag 28. RFLP: Restriction Fragment Length
11. FACS: Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting Polymorphism
12. FASTA: Fast All 29. RNA: Ribonucleic acid
13. FBS: Foetal Bovine Serum 30. RPMI medium: Roswell Park Memorial Institute
14. HEPA: High Energy Particulate Air medium
15. HGP: Human Genome Project 31. SCP: Single Cell Protein
16. IBPGR: International Board of Plant Genetic 32. SDS – PAGE: Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate–
Resources Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
17. ICGEB: International Centre for Genetic 33. SNP: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
Engineering and Biotechnology 34. SSBs: Single Stranded Binding Proteins
18. IFN: Interferon 35. STS: Sequence Tagged Site
19. LB medium: Luria and Bertani Medium 36. VNTR: Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
20. MS medium: Murashige and Skoog medium 37. YAC: Yeast Artificial Chromosome


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