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K. L. E.




Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of

Submitted by

Santosh M Kontikall 2KE20CV029
Tabraj M Nadaf 2KE21CV431
Prem Naik 2KE20CV021
Manoj V N 2KE20CV014

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Sandesh Huggi
Submitted to


Project Phase-1




2022 - 2023

This is to certify that Mr. Santosh M Kontikall (2KE20CV029), Mr. Tabraj M Nadaf
(2KE21CV431), Mr. Prem B Naik (2KE20CV021), Mr. Manoj V N (2KE20CV014), has
satisfactorily completed an “PROJECT WORK PHASE -1” (18CVP78) prescribed by
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2023-24. The report has been
approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of project work prescribed for
Bachelor of Engineering degree.

Prof. Madhumathi S D Dr. Rajashekhar S. Laddimath Dr. Sharad G. Joshi

Coordinator Head of the Department Principal

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Project Phase-1

1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Civil engineering aspects 5
1.3 Why wind load analysis required 5
1.4 The parameters used to determine wind loads 6
1.5 Different Zones Of Wind Speed 7
1.6 Literature Survey 8
1.7 Problem Definition 12
1.8 Objectives 13
1.9 Scope 13
1.10 Relevance and Type 13
2.1 Methodology 14
2.2 Resources Required 16
2.3 Application 16
2.4 Bibliography 17

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The analysis of Reinforced Concrete (RCC) multistorey buildings for wind load is a crucial
aspect of structural engineering and construction. Wind is a dynamic force that exerts pressure
on the surfaces of buildings, and it can lead to structural instability and failure if not properly
accounted for in the design and construction process. This analysis is essential for ensuring the
safety, stability, and durability of multistorey structures in regions prone to significant wind

For living purpose human civilization needs structure. The building should be built in an
efficient manner so that it can serve people and save money. In simple words, a building means
an empty space surrounded by the walls and roof, in order to give shelter for human being. In
ancient period humans use caves to project themself from rain, wild animal, and thunderstorm.
Thereafter, humans developed and built their homes using timbers i.e. wood material.
Nowadays the recent houses are developed into individual and multistory building. Buildings
are necessary indicator of social progress of the country. Economically to fulfill the needs of
the people. The buildings are built too fast. A r.c.c composite frame is a 3D structure which
consists of column, beams and slabs. The growth in population is directly affecting the high
rise buildings demand. Buildings are a part of the definition of Human civilizations. A building
should be constructed as per human requirement and not for earning money.

For plan of construction as protected it is imperative to know about different kinds of burdens
and its impact on structure. In this manner it is fundamental to know about their most
exceedingly worse blend to which it very well might be oppressed during its life expectancy.
And furthermore to know about sidelong loads, for example, seismic tremor and wind load.
The impact of sidelong burden is vital to consider for skyscraper composite design. Sometimes
the impact of wind is found more noteworthy than tremor impact. It relies upon the zone factor
characterized by codes. Loads due to wind acts on multi story structure can cause shaking the
upper stories from 10m above height. Along these lines the multi-story assembling additionally
goes about as an entry outline the second amassing at base because of parallel breeze powers
are more noteworthy. Accordingly it is critical to invalidate removal horizontal way by fitting
plan. The importance of shape factor is playing a significant role in wind examination.

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Contemplating of wind impact the multi-story building like Bhurj khalifa have given
significance of shape. Additionally plan abnormality of composite construction has talked
about in the contextual investigation.


➢ Wind load is the lateral force that acts on a structure due to wind. It can be a significant
load on tall buildings, and it must be considered in the design process
➢ The analysis of wind load on a multi-story building is a complex process that involves
several factors. These factors include the shape and size of the building, the height of the
building, the wind speed, and the wind direction.
➢ The analysis of wind load on a multi-story building can be done using various methods.
One common method is to use a computer program that is specifically designed for this
purpose. These programs can take into account all of the factors that are involved in the
analysis, and they can provide accurate results.
➢ Another method for analyzing wind load on a multi-story building is to use a physical
model. This method involves building a small-scale model of the building and then testing
it in a wind tunnel. The results of the wind tunnel test can then be used to predict the wind
load on the actual building.
➢ The analysis of wind load on a multi-story building is an important part of the design
process. By carefully considering the wind load, engineers can design buildings that are
safe and stable even in high winds.

1.3 Why wind load analysis is required for multi storey building ?

➢ Structural Integrity: Wind can exert significant lateral forces on tall structures, which
can lead to structural failure if not properly considered in the design. Wind load analysis
ensures that the building's structural components are adequately designed to withstand
these forces, preventing structural damage or collapse.
➢ Safety of Occupants: Ensuring the safety of building occupants is paramount. Wind load
analysis helps assess the risk of discomfort, sway, or even structural failure during high
winds, thus protecting the well-being of people inside the building.
➢ Code Compliance: Building codes and standards mandate wind load analysis to establish
minimum design criteria. Compliance with these codes is essential to obtain construction
permits and legal approvals, ensuring that the building meets safety standards.
➢ Environmental Variability: Wind conditions can vary significantly based on the
building's location. Accurate wind load analysis takes into account local wind patterns,

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topography, and climatic factors, providing tailored design requirements to address the
specific environmental challenges.
➢ Economic Efficiency: Proper wind load analysis enables designers to optimize structural
elements and materials, reducing construction costs while maintaining safety standards.
This cost-effective approach benefits both the building's owners and the
construction process.

1.4 The parameters used to determine wind loads are:

➢ Basic wind speed

➢ Wind flow or directionality
➢ Exposure category
➢ Topographic factors
➢ Gust effect factors
➢ Enclosure classification
➢ Internal pressure coefficient

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Zone 1 33 m/sec 73.82 miles/hour

Zone 2 39 m/sec 87.25 miles/hour

Zone 3 44 m/sec 98.43 miles/hour

Zone 4 47 m/sec 105.15 miles/hour

Zone 5 50 m/sec 111.86 miles/hour

Zone 6 55 m/sec 123.04 miles/hour

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➢ Naveen Suthar, Pradeep K. Goyal, “Comparison of response of building against wind

load as per wind codes [IS 875 – (Part 3) – 1987] and [IS 875 – (Part 3) – 2015]”,
Community Based Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering, OP Conf. Series:
Earth and Environmental Science 796 (2021) 012007, doi:10.1088/1755-
1315/796/1/012007.A comparison of wind loads to make a G+11 building in staad and
design the building against wind load is presented in this paper. The importance of this
study is to calculate the wind load for a structure by the two different wind loading code
and compare them for better analysis. In the present scenario high rise structures have
advantages in the populous area and to make more space to live and provide better
accommodation in the highly populated area around the world. To make the building cost-
effective and proper design should have to do for more area for living purpose and reduce
the cost of structure and safety of structure should be considered in this design In recent
times, there had been so many catastrophic damages caused by high wind speed in the
coastal regions of India which prove that many buildings that are currently in use are not
fully wind resistant. In this paper, we have calculated the wind load using the static
method by the old code [IS: 875 - (Part 3)-1987] and as per the new code [18: 875-(Part
3)-2015] for gone 4 with terrain category 3 and the building is analyzed using STAAD
PRO Software. The aim of this paper is comparing the deflection and storey shear on the
G-11 building by the previous and new 78 875 code.

➢ In the study by Tirkey and Ramesh Kumar (2020), the diagrid structure, characterized by
diagonal perimeter members, has emerged as a groundbreaking approach in contemporary
construction. The research underscores the growing prevalence of tall buildings and high-
rise structures, not only within the engineering realm but also as a significant trend in
architectural design. Compared to conventional building methods, the diagrid structure
introduces a notable enhancement in both stiffness and lightness of construction. This
transformative impact contributes to the overall efficiency and performance of tall
structures. The researchers employed ETABS software for the design, evaluation, and
comparison of the diagrid structure against conventional construction methodologies,
with a particular focus on seismic and wind analysis parameters. The structural
components of the diagrid model adhere to the standards outlined in IS 456:2000, utilizing
the Linear Static Method. Seismic load combinations are calculated according to IS 1893
(PART 1): 2002, providing a comprehensive and standardized approach to evaluating the
structural response to seismic forces. As the height of the structure increases, the study
reveals that the lateral load resisting system of the diagrid outperforms the structural
system in gravity load resistance. An intriguing aspect of the diagrid system is its layout
and efficiency, which collectively contribute to a reduction in the number of structural

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elements required. This not only streamlines the construction process but also emphasizes
the structural economy and sustainability associated with the diagrid approach, making it
a noteworthy consideration in the contemporary construction landscape.

➢ Muley, P. V, Senghani, J. M. & Radke, A. S. 2460-2464 (2019) In this study, the

performance of high-rise buildings under seismic and wind excitation for various plan.
configurations in the same area was reinforced. During seismic and wind excitation, high-
rise building constructions of various Plan configurations will behave. The general
geometry, scale, and shape of tall RCC buildings will affect how they behave. For the
G+60 story structure, twenty-one models were created, ranging from a Ly: Lx ratio of 1:1
to 1:3. These are thought to be in the seismic zone -IV. Finite Element Analysis is used to
create and analyze all of the models, and the software ETABS 2017 is used to evaluate
them. As the Plan aspect ratio grows in the Y direction, the displacement of the top storey
increases. The building's stability, on the other hand, appears to be rising as the Ly. Lx
ratio rises. For high-rise buildings, the plan aspect ratio Ly: Lx is critical. With increasing
aspect ratios, the Y-direction storey drift parameter for top story
displacement is maximized. a meticulous investigation into the performance of high-rise
buildings under seismic and wind conditions was conducted, considering various plan
configurations within the same geographical area. The focus was on the behavior of high-
rise constructions with diverse plan configurations during seismic and wind excitations.
For a G+60 story structure located in seismic zone-IV, twenty-one models were
meticulously crafted, varying the Ly: Lx ratio from 1:1 to 1:3. Finite Element Analysis,
executed through ETABS 2017 software, played a pivotal role in modeling and analyzing
these structures. The findings underscore the influence of general geometry, scale, and
shape on the behavior of tall reinforced concrete buildings. Notably, as the plan aspect
ratio (Ly: Lx) increases in the Y direction, there is a corresponding escalation in the
displacement of the top storey. Intriguingly, the study suggests an apparent enhancement
in the stability of the building as the Ly: Lx ratio rises. This underscores the critical role
of plan aspect ratios, particularly in the Y direction, in determining the stability and
performance of high-rise structures. The observed maximization of the Y-direction storey
drift parameter for top storey displacement with increasing aspect ratios adds valuable
insights into optimizing the design and resilience of high-rise buildings against seismic
and wind forces.

➢ Vikrant Trivedi's study, "The Comparative Study of Wind Loads to Decide the Design
Loads of a G+11 Building (2018)," contributes to the understanding of structural
dynamics by focusing on the estimation of design loads for a G+11 building subjected to
wind loads in a specific region. The research holds particular significance in ensuring the
structural integrity and safety of buildings exposed to varying wind conditions. The

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comparative study delves into the intricate details of wind loads, utilizing the guidelines
set forth by the IS 875 code. By employing this code, which is a recognized standard for
assessing wind loads in structural design, Trivedi establishes a robust framework for the
analysis of a multi-storied building The choice to conduct a comparative analysis implies
a consideration of various factors influencing wind loads, such as building height, shape,
and local environmental conditions. This meticulous examination allows for a nuanced
understanding of how different design configurations respond to wind forces, informing
the decision-making process in choosing appropriate design loads. The research likely
incorporates an assessment of the structure's vulnerability to wind-induced forces at
different elevations, offering insights into the distribution of loads across the building.
This information is crucial for optimizing the design to enhance overall stability and
mitigate potential risks associated with wind loads. As the study aims to decide the design
loads for the G+11 building, it may involve a comprehensive evaluation of load
combinations, considering both wind and other static loads. This holistic approach
ensures that the structure is resilient to a variety of external forces, contributing to its
long-term durability and safety .Ultimately, Vikrant Trivedi's work adds to the body of
knowledge in structural engineering by providing a practical framework for estimating
design loads in the context of wind forces. The outcomes of this study are likely to offer
valuable guidance to engineers and architects involved in the design and construction of
multi-storied buildings, particularly in regions prone to varying wind conditions.

➢ Shams Ahmed and Prof. S Mandal's (2017) research paper focuses on conducting a
comparative analysis of the wind load provisions in five prominent international codes
and standards in contrast to the latest Indian Code, IS 875 Part-3 (2015). The study
specifically addresses the assessment of along wind loads on high-rise structures and
examines provisions for both along and across wind responses using the Gust Factor
Method. The international codes incorporated in this research include ASCE-7-98 (United
States), AS1170.2-89 (Australia), NBC-1995 (Canada), RLB-AIJ-1993 (Japan), and
Eurocode 1-4 (1993). The primary objective is to evaluate how the newest Indian Code,
IS 875 Part-3 (2015), aligns with or differs from these international standards in the
context of wind load calculations for tall buildings. The research places significant
emphasis on the Gust Factor Method as the chosen approach for estimating along wind
loads on tall structures. The Gust Factor Method involves the consideration of factors
affecting wind-induced loads, providing a comprehensive understanding of the structural
response to wind forces. published by Yin Zhou, Tracy Kijewski, and Ahsan Kareem,
this study serves as a valuable contribution to the field of structural engineering. To
facilitate a quantitative comparison, the research concludes with a detailed example
problem, offering practical insights into the application of the Gust Factor Method and
highlighting the nuances of wind load calculations for high-rise buildings.

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➢ Kawale and Joshi (2017) analyzed columns, beams, slabs by using IS code [IS: 875 –
(Part 3) – 1987] and as per the new code [IS: 875 – (Part 3) – 2015). Tejaswini and
Soujanya (2018) stated the behavior of the junction tower build for the fabric handling
purposes in thermal power station subjected to wind load as per IS code [IS: 875 – (Part
3) – 1987] and as per [IS: 875 – (Part 3) – 2015). Sreedharan (2016) comparative study
of the seismic and wind analysis for four different structure and three different tracing
system are considered for the concentrated load and analyzed. Rajesh, (2016) Found
that shear and lateral defection in the building at each story is more at wind load when we
compare it to seismic load. higher sections are subjected to high wind so it is good to
provide more reinforcement at higher sections to counter the high lateral loads. Mashalkar
et al., (2017) studied the effect of wind on different shape as I, C, T and L. When wind
load acting in X direction, load combination is considered as 1.2(D+L+W in X +ve) and
wind load acting in Z direction load, the combination of load will be 1.2(D+L+W in
Z+ve). This dual-code investigation signifies a commitment to evaluating structural
performance against evolving standards, acknowledging the importance of staying
current with industry codes to ensure optimal safety and efficiency in construction. The
study likely delves into the specific changes introduced in the 2015 version of the IS code,
addressing any modifications in design parameters, load factors, or methodologies. This
comparative approach enables a nuanced understanding of how advancements in
engineering standards impact the behavior and strength of columns, beams, and slabs.
Considerations in Kawale and Joshi's work might extend to assessing the resilience of
structures under different loading conditions, shedding light on how the shift from the
1987 to the 2015 code influences factors such as load distribution, material specifications,
and overall structural stability. Moreover, the findings may provide valuable insights for
structural engineers and practitioners, offering practical implications for designing
structures that align with the latest industry standards. By specifically examining
columns, beams, and slabs, the study likely contributes not only to theoretical knowledge
but also to practical applications in construction and infrastructure development.

➢ Rohan Kulkarni (2016), The most prominent buildings are called high-rise buildings
in most countries from the structural design point of view, it is simpler to consider a
building as tall when its structural analysis and style are in how suffering from the lateral
loads i.e., wind or seismic and particularly the sway caused by such lateral loads. As the
height of building increases the wind loads starts to dominate. Therefore, structural
framework for high rise structures is developed all around concepts associated entirely
with resistance to turbulent effect of wind. Circular and elliptical plan shape of buildings
is far better compared to the opposite plan shape of building in reducing of both wind
Pressure Coefficient also as 16 Total Drag Force on Building. High-rise buildings require
careful consideration of structural design, with emphasis on managing lateral load such
as wind load. Rohan Kulkarni and his colleagues highlight that tall structures face

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increasing challenges with height, where wind loads become more significant. The
structural framework for high-rise buildings is strategically developed to resist the
turbulent effects of wind. Circular and elliptical plan shapes are identified as superior to
other forms, effectively reducing both wind Pressure Coefficient and the overall Drag
Force on the building. This underscores the importance of shape in mitigating the impact
of environmental forces on tall structures, contributing to their stability and safety.
Engineers must meticulously analyze and design high-rise buildings to ensure they
withstand the dynamic forces they encounter as they ascend vertically.


➢ Conduct a comprehensive analysis of wind load on a reinforced concrete (RCC) multi-

storey building by using E-tabs software.
➢ Effect of wind load with respect to building geometry and height while using the
guidelines provided by the codes.
➢ Objective is to determined the deflection and storey drift to ensure safe design.
➢ Studying wind on a multi-storey building means figuring out how the wind affects the
structure—checking if it's strong enough to impact stability and comfort.
➢ Engineers use simulations and tests to make sure the building can withstand wind forces
without any issues.

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➢ To study the behavior of tall high-rise buildings which is subjected to wind loads.
➢ To study the various aspect ratio of the building of the same area.
➢ To determine the effect of wind force on various parameters like maximum
displacements, maximum story drift, shear force in the building.
➢ To study the effect of the shape of the building in the plan on the behavior of the structure.

1.9 SCOPE:

➢ The effects of wind load on high rise building.

➢ By analysis of the building with respect to wind load give us stability and safety for high
rise building.
➢ Study of different aspects with respect to plan and vertical irregularity if exists.
➢ Study of wind pattern with respect to zone and terrain as per guidelines provided by codes.


➢ Dead Load: This is the weight of the building itself, including walls, floors, roofs, and
other permanent components. It remains constant over time.
➢ Live Load: Live loads are dynamic loads caused by occupants, furniture, equipment,
and temporary loads such as snow or wind. They can vary and are specified by building
➢ Snow Load: Snow load is the vertical load imposed by accumulated snow on the roof.
The magnitude depends on the local climate and design criteria.
➢ Wind Load: Wind load is the horizontal force exerted by wind on the building. It varies
with location, building shape, and height.
➢ Seismic Load: Seismic loads are the forces generated by earthquakes. The magnitude
depends on the seismic activity of the region and the building's seismic design category.
➢ Thermal Load: This includes the expansion and contraction of building materials due
to temperature variations, which can induce stress on the structure.
➢ Soil Load: The foundation of a multi-storey building must support the weight of the
structure and distribute it into the ground, accounting for the bearing capacity of the soil.
➢ Fluid Load: Buildings near bodies of water may be subjected to hydrostatic and
hydrodynamic loads from water, which need to be considered in design.

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Fixing dimension of building

Modeling of building in software

Wind load calculation as per IS code 875 Part 3


Analysing the building for different combination

along with wind load

Analysis of building for different wind zone

➢ Fixing dimension of building:

This initial step involves defining the purpose, layout, and specifications of the building.
Consideration is given to factors such as function, occupancy, and aesthetics.

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➢ Modeling of Building in software:

The structure is then represented digitally through modeling software. This involves creating
a detailed 3D model that accurately reflects the physical aspects of the building, including
materials, dimensions, and architectural features.

➢ Wind load calculation as per IS code 875 Part 3:

Wind loads, a critical consideration in high-rise buildings, are specifically assigned to
simulate the impact of wind on the structure. This involves evaluating the wind direction,
intensity, and duration based on IS codes.

➢ Analysing the building for different combination:

Structural loads, both gravity loads (e.g., dead loads and live loads) and lateral loads (e.g.,
wind and seismic forces), are assigned to the model. Gravity loads account for the vertical
forces acting on the structure.
Wind Load Combination for design

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➢ Analysis of building for different wind zone:

The model is analyzed for storey displacement and drift, assessing how much each floor may
move horizontally under lateral loads. This step helps determine the building's response to
external forces and ensures that displacements are within acceptable limits.
As per the Indian Standard IS 875 Part 3 (Wind Loads), the wind load combinations for
different zones are typically expressed in the following format:
For Zones I, II, III, and IV
W = is the basic wind load
E = is the effect of gust factor
Gust factor (it is the dimensionless factor used in wind energy)


➢ Building Codes: Refer to relevant building codes (e.g.IS 875 Part-3,2015) for guidelines
on wind load calculations.
➢ Building Geometry: Detailed information on the building's dimensions, shape, and
orientation is crucial.
➢ Analysis Software: Use structural analysis software (e.g., ETABS, SAP2000) to perform
the wind load analysis.
➢ Load Combinations: Consider other loads (e.g., dead load, live load) in combination
with wind loads.
➢ Structural Plans: Access detailed structural plans of the building for accurate analysis.
➢ Wind Load Case Studies: Explore published case studies or research papers on wind load
analysis for similar building types in comparable environments. Learning from past
projects can provide valuable insights and practical considerations for your
specific scenario.

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ETABS is a design tool that helps structure engineers and architects to analyze complex
structures and design safe and efficient structures. It can be used in the construction industry
for a variety of purposes, including:
➢ Modeling and analyzing building structures
➢ Performing linear and nonlinear analyses
➢ Generating design and analysis reports
➢ Handling large-scale seismic projects
➢ Simulating different types of materials
➢ Designing more sustainable buildings
➢ Gaining insights into how structures will perform in earthquakes

➢ Structural Design: Ensures the structural integrity of the building by incorporating wind
load data into the design process, preventing structural failure and enhancing overall
➢ Code Compliance: Verifies compliance with building codes and standards, as these often
mandate the consideration of wind loads in structural design to ensure safety
and reliability.
➢ Risk Assessment: Helps assess the potential risk of wind-induced damage, allowing for
appropriate measures to be implemented to mitigate these risks and enhance the
building's resilience.
➢ Foundation Design: Influences the design of foundations by accounting for wind-
induced overturning moments and uplift forces, ensuring proper foundation support.
➢ Envelope Design: Guides the design of the building envelope, including cladding and
façade systems, to resist wind pressures and prevent water infiltration.


➢ Naveen Suthar, Pradeep K. Goyal, “Comparison of response of building against wind load
as per wind codes [IS 875 – (Part 3) – 1987] and [IS 875 – (Part 3) – 2015]”, Community
Based Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering, OP Conf. Series: Earth and
Environmental Science 796 (2021).
➢ In the study by Tirkey and Ramesh Kumar (2020), the diagrid structure, characterized
by diagonal perimeter members, has emerged as a groundbreaking approach in
contemporary construction. The research underscores the growing prevalence of tall

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buildings and high-rise structures, not only within the engineering realm but also as a
significant trend in architectural design.
➢ Muley, P. V, Senghani, J. M. & Radke, A. S. 2460-2464 (2019) In this study, the
performance of high-rise buildings under seismic and wind excitation for various plan.
configurations in the same area was reinforced. During seismic and wind excitation, high-
rise building constructions of various Plan configurations will behave. The general
geometry, scale, and shape of tall RCC buildings will affect how they behave. For the
G+60 story structure, twenty-one models were created, ranging from a Ly: Lx ratio of 1:1
to 1:3.
➢ Vikrant Trivedi's study, "The Comparative Study of Wind Loads to Decide the
Design Loads of a G+11 Building (2018)," contributes to the understanding of structural
dynamics by focusing on the estimation of design loads for a G+11 building subjected to
wind loads in a specific region.
➢ Shams Ahmed and Prof. S Mandal's (2017) research paper focuses on conducting a
comparative analysis of the wind load provisions in five prominent international codes
and standards in contrast to the latest Indian Code, IS 875 Part-3 (2015).
➢ Kawale and Joshi (2017) analyzed columns, beams, slabs by using IS code [IS: 875 –
(Part 3) – 1987] and as per the new code [IS: 875 – (Part 3) – 2015). Tejaswini and
Soujanya (2018) stated the behavior of the junction tower build for the fabric handling
purposes in thermal power station subjected to wind load as per IS code [IS: 875 – (Part
3) – 1987] and as per [IS: 875 – (Part 3) – 2015).
➢ Rohan Kulkarni (2016), The most prominent buildings are called high-rise
buildings in most countries from the structural design point of view, it is simpler to
consider a building as tall when its structural analysis and style are in how suffering from
the lateral loads i.e., wind or seismic and particularly the sway caused by such lateral

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