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I, Alberto V. Montealegre II, of legal age, single. Filipino, residing at BRGY.

Pulanglupa Uno, Las Pinas City, after having sworn in accordance with the
law, do hereby depose and states:

THAT, I was present at the crime scene during the commission of the
crime committed by the suspect (Mr. A) against the victim (Mr. B) and I was
able to personally see the act of Mr. A firing the gun with two shots towards
Mr. B.

THAT, on March 03, 2024, at around 9 o’clock in the evening, Mr. B,

the victim, and I met at the Shell Gasoline Station to have a chat regarding
our plan to venture into business together.

THAT, at 10:00 o’clock of the same day and at the same place, while
we were having a chat as we were walking towards the entrance/exit of the
Shell Gasoline Station to go home, two men walked towards us and one of
those men, the suspect (Mr. B), brought out a gun pointing towards the
victim (Mr. A). The suspect immediately pulled the trigger and fired the gun
two times at the victim which caused him to fall to the ground.

THAT, the suspect, and his companion hurriedly escaped and rode
a red Honda Civic car parked outside the entrance of Shell Gasoline Station.

THAT, I checked upon the victim who was unconscious and whose
abdomen was extremely bleeding. I shouted for help, but no one insisted on
helping. About a few minutes after, a police car parked and ran towards us.
I executed this affidavit to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing facts and
to support the filing of the Criminal Case of Murder against Mr. B, the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this

March Day of 05 in Las Pinas City, Metro Manila Philippines.


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