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Chapter: -1

Introduction: -
Culture of a community or a State or a Republic in general and a
group of people in particular believe in one aspect of universal
truth which is evolved on a specific cult and that cult is invariably
based on usage, belief and traditions prevalent for many years or
say centuries in a community. The word Jagannath culture and the
word people of Orissa connote two distinct aspects; the first one
relates to culture of Lord Jagannath and second relates to Orissan
people. Orissa as such at present is comprising of 30 districts, but
its cultural boundary is bounded by many ancient States speaking
common language i.e. Oriya which the historians as well as
epigraphers say is evolved from Udramagadhi. However, the
ancient State of Kaling, Utkal, Trikaling, Dakhinkosal and
Kangoda comprise the modern Orissa. The people residing in all
the areas are mainly aboriginals i.e. either classes of Sabaras or
classes of Gonds and Kandhs. There are many divisions and sub-
divisions in these three tribal communities and in course of time
many subcommunities have come out their tribal boundaries and
have mingled with the on-coming communities namely
Kshetriyas and Brahmins as well as business community
(Vaishyas) brought in by the ruling dynasty from both/or South and
North. As is known in particular cultural heritage is usually
developed around river bank because of the fact that cultivation
and animal husbandry are easily possible for undertaking in the
lands which lay on both thebanks ever flowing rivers.

even though many tribal communities from the major part of the
population, but they almost have a common spiritual belief as a
result of which the worships of Lord Jagannath as we all know
now has been a evolving synthesis of many people, but with a
common stream of thought flowing from preVedic period as is
evident from many Purans and comparative study of old
civilisation as well as archaeological excavation. The worship
of Lord Jagannath in Orissa, as is described in the preceding
paragraph, has led to evolution of distinct culture which is usually
described as Jagannath culture. Jagannath culture believes in
universality but not in sectarianism. Lord Jagannath as we know
now is the God of masses, but not of individuals with individual
choice and thus naturally Jagannath culture has been observed as
a mass culture. People of diverse faith with their distinct social
backgrounds have worshipped Lord Jagannath as their own. From
the foot prints of the ageless cultural heritage in India and abroad,
we find that tribal (original inhabitant of Orissa), Dravidians,
Aryans, Orthodox Hindus, Jains, Buddhist, Sikhs, various
Influence of Jagannath Culture on People of Orissa Rajendra
Kumar Mohanty 28 Orissa Review* December - 2005 sects of
Hinduism i.e. Vaishnavites, Saivites, Ganapatyas, Saurays,
Shaktas have reposed their implicit faith in Lord Jagannath
according to their belief. Culture of Lord Jagannath has
been an elastic culture.
Meaning of Jagannath Culture: -
 The cult of Jagannath represents the best example of regional
cultures growing in regional kingdoms. Jagannatha which
literally means the lord of the world is a name for Vishnu,
found in Puri, Odisha.
 Even to date, the local tribes continue the traditions by
making the wooden image of the deity, which shows that the
deity was initially a local god which was later identified with
 Thereis a legend about how king Indradyumn built this
holy shrine. It was believed during his holy dip in the river,
he found an iron rod and lord Vishnu whispered in his ears
that the floating rod is his heart and placed it in that land
forever. The king then ran to Lord Jagannatha and placed it
 In fact, it is also believed when Pandavas were starting their
journey to Yamlok, Sapt Rishis asked them to go to ‘Char
Dham’ and Jagannath Puri was one of them.

The Jagannatha Cult Considered as the

Symbol of all Religion: -
The cult of Lord Jagannath permeates the Orissa and in every
household you can find images. Numerous religious faiths came
and practiced in ancient Orissa – Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism,
Vaishnavism, Saktaism and Bhaktism etc. But Jagannath Dharma
was assimilated in all of these. Lord Jagannath is being worshipped by
all the sects of religions.

 According to Jainism - The name Jagannath was

similar to the name of Jaina Tirthankaras. There was a
belief that the Triratna of Jainism namely Right Faith,
Right knowledge and Right Action are represented by
the trinity of Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra.
 Over the course of time it was also believed that
Buddha was the incarnation of Jagannatha, who
advocated classless or casteless society and professed
for universal brotherhood.
 During the Bhakti movement where the worshipping of
Krishna was a main theme. It was believed that Jagnnatha
was the incarnation of Krishna, who appeared in Kali
yuga. Along with him Vasudeva and Balaram a were
represented as Balabhadra and Subhadra.
Architecture of Jagannath temple: -
The Jagannatha temple is one the most refined piece of
Kalingan Architecture.The temple stands in the center of
an inner courtyard on a high-raised platform. It has four

Details of the Structure : -

The massive temple complex encompasses an area of more than
400,000 square feet (37,000m2) and is encircled by a fortified
wall.Maghanada pacheri is the name given to this twenty- foot
(6.1 m) high wall. Another wall,referred to as Kurma
bedha,encircles the main temple. At least 120 temples and
shrines are located there .It is one of India's most
magnificent monumenta due to the sculptural riches and
fluidity of the oriya style of temple architecture. The
temple is divided into four distinct sections, namely -
1. The Deula,Vimana, or Garba griha (sanctum sanctorum)
is the location of the triad deities on the ratnavedi (Throne
of pearls ). In the style of Rekha Deula ;
2. Mukhashala (Porch in front);

3.Bhoga Mandapa a curvilinear structure crowned by Vishnu's'

srichakra (an eight spoked wheel). Additionally referred to as the
Nilachakra, it is craferred to as the Nilachakra, it ts crafted form
Ashtadhatu and is considered sacred. The temple of Shri
Jagannath is the tallest of all the temple in Odisha. The temple
tower was constructed on a raised stone platform and towers
214 feet (65 metres) above the inner sanctum,which houses the
deities.It dominates the surrounding landscape. Like a ridge of
mountain peaks,the pyramidal roofs of the surrounding temple
and adjoining halls, or mandapas, rise in steps toward the tower.

Vimana : -
Vimana, Jagamohana, Natamandira, and bhogamandapa
comprise the imposing structure. Perhaps the last two structures
were constructed during suryavamsi Gajapati's reign. The
temple's Vimanatowers to a lofty heighi of 214 ft. And 8 niches
over an 80 ft.square.The dense plaster covering the exterior of
the temple obscured the sculptural decoration on the koouter
walls from the scholars . However,the recent removal of plasters
form the temple's outer walls by the Archaeological survey of
India revealed the temple's decorative motif.

Jagamohan: -
The temple's jagamohan, like that vimana,is in the
pancharatha style. This structure's roof is adequately
supported by several iron beams.Its outer surface emits an
erotic odour. It stands 120 feet tall.The temple's
Natamandira is pyramidal in shape.It is a square room
measuring 69 ft x 67 ft.on the inside and an 80 ft.Square
on the outside.

Bhogamandapa and Natamandira: -

The Natamandira depicts the storey of the kanchi-kaveri
expedition, which most likely took place during Gajapati
purusottamadeva's glorious reign.The Bhogamandapa, like
Natamandira, is a pyramidal structure that measures 58 ft. x 56
ft. The sculptures in this structure primarily depict stories about
sir Krishna's life,such as his playing the flute while the cows listen
with their heads raised,Krishna's various poses, his interaction with
the cowherd women in the boat,

Astonishing Facts About Jagannath Temple In

puri: -
It took three generations worth of time and effort to brick up the
humongous walls of the famous Puri's Jagannath Temple located
in Odisha. The temple is of utmost importance to the Hindu
devotees as it is one of the Char-Dham Pilgrimages. It also serves
as a mighty historical structure built about millennia ago, in the
year 1078. Millions of people visit Odisha to gain Lord Jagannath
blessings.The temple is famous for its annual Rath Yatra which is
witnessed by millions as the three colossal chariots carry the
deities. The English word Juggernaut shares its origin from this
annual parade. But that's not the sole speciality of the place!
Some enigmatic activities without any scientific explanations
have caught the travellers eye worldwide. Here are some of
these mind boggling facts -
1. Defying Nature's Code of Conduct: -
Even a child knows any piece of cloth is dominated by the wind
to fly according to its course. The same principle has numerous
applications; from the giant sails on your ship to a small flag in
your hand all follow the same code. But it looks like the flag
mounted on the top of the Jagannath Temple is a unique
exception to the principle. This particular flag flows in the
opposite direction to the wind's course without any scientific
background to back it up.
2. The Climb: -
Every day a priest scrambles the walls of the temple with a
height equivalent to that of a 45 storey building, to change
the flag atop the temple dome. This ritual dates far back to
the day the temple was built. The practice is done with
bare hands without any protective gear. It's believed if the
ritual is skipped one day from the calendar, the temple will
be shut down for a long 18 years.

3. A light with no darkness: -

A necessary detail while sketching anything is shading.
Shading happens when sunlight glows one part of the
subject leaving a shadow on the other, which ultimately
triggers shade. But, what if something has no shadow?The
temple is reported to have no shadow at all, at any time of
the day from any directions possible. Could it be an
architectural marvel or the Lord Jagannath's message

4. The Riddle of The Sudarshan Chakra: -There

are two mysteries present at the pinnacle of the temple in
the form of the Sudarshan Chakra. The first oddity revolves
around the theory of how the hard metal weighing about a
tonne, just got up there without any machinery just with a
human force of that century.The second is one deal with
the architectural technique related to the Chakra. From
every direction you look, the Chakra looks back with the
same appearance. It's like it was designed to look just the
same from everydirection

5. Nothing's Above God, So Nothing Fly Above

It Either : -
The sky is the bird domain. We see birds sitting,
resting and flying above our heads and rooftops all
the time. But, this particular area is restricted, not
even a single bird is encountered above the temple
dome, even an airplane could not be seen hovering
above the temple.Might be because Lord Jagannath
doesn't want the view of his holy mansion to be
6.TheFood Is Never Futile Here : -
In Hindu mythology, wasting food is considered a bad
sign; the Temple crew follows the same. A total
number of people visiting the temple varies between
2,000 to 2, 00,000 people every day. Miraculously,
the Parsadam prepared every day is never wasted,
not even a bite. Could this be an effective management
or the Lord's will?
Chapter: -2
Origin and development of the culture of
Jagannath: -
The origin and development of the culture of Jagannath is
quite mysterious different scholar have different views
regarding the origin and development of Jagannath culture
of Odisha which can be discussed as follow.

Tribal origin of lord Jagannath: -

the culture of Jagannath is started to a travelorigin in it
difficult to date are main whether these travel origin of God
Jagah each three Vedic or not hatch for the detection of
sharalas Mahabharat but Krishna killed by the arrow of
Zara sawar watch not want in your fully after it death has
for the order of the divine boys original and Jara through
the half wand body into the sea and that buddy watch later
on worshipped by Zara in the holi hill at Bhubaneswar in
the mean will temple at nilachal and by divine order King
proceed to that place we in the help of Zara he wrote the
room from the Rohini installed the image inside the temple
at nilachal due to heat slowly the image of God Jagannath
balabhadra and Subhadra were found incomplete has he
open the door of the temple defining the request of the
sculpture(bisvakarma in disguise) who had introduced the
king not on open the door before the expiry of fifteen
days.the story revealing the tribal origin of God Jagannath
is different in the skanda Purana. The purusottama
mahatmya section of that purana narrates thet the original
place of worship of Nilamadhava(God Jagannath) was at
Nilasaila (blue Mountain) amidst a thick forest. In a
dream,King indradyumna of Avanti saw it and sent
vidyapati, a brahmin to bring the God. Vidyapati married
lalita,the daughter of the tribal chief visvavasu. After much
persuasion of his daughter,visvavasu took his son-in-law
for the visit of Nilamadhava. While going to that place
with his eyes covered,vidyapati, cleverly threw the mustard
seeds on the way. In the rainy season,the seeds germinated
which clearly indicated the way to the place of warship of
Nilamadhava. Vidyapati informed this to King
Indradyumna eho went to pays visit to the God. To his utter
dis may, the God had vanished from that place. The king
dreamt that a sacred log was coming from svetadvipa
where lied God Vishnu.In the next morning, he was
informed that a log containing that sings of God vishun
was found on the seashore.

Vedic origin of Jagannath: -

Many scholars trace the Vedic origin of God Jagannath.
The 3rd verse of the 155th sukta in the 10th madala of Rig
veda stated: "There is a long floating on the sea and on one
claims this as his property. O ugly evil spirit, ride on that
and remove yourself to the other side of the ocean."on the
other hand,sayana, a 15th century commentor interprets the
above quoted sukta as such: o,you are difficult to destroy,
take resources to the (sacred)log of wood which has no
creator and which exists on the far distant sea coast, and
achieved your salvation by the object.Through the above
mentioned sukta and it's interpretation given by sayana,
the Vedic origin of God Jagannath is traced by several
scholars As, primarily, The cult of Jagannath is associated
with tribal,which is non-Aryan in character,the Aryan
might be aware about it and might have reflected that in a
different way in the Rigveda. This definitely gives a clue to
the scholars to think the prevalence of the warship of
Jagannath in a Daru (log) from log before the Vedic
age.However, this is controversial.

Jaina origin of Lord Jagannath: -

The jaina origin of God Jagannath is traced by several
scholars.As a heterodox religion, Jainism gave great
challenge to Vedic religion.It has already been discussed
earlier that before 6th century B.C., Jainism had entered
into odisha. It received Royal patronage from kharavela,
the mighty monarch of the chedi Dynasty. Jainism gained
momentum in the nook and corner of Odisha. The
numerous jaina monument of Odisha imply justifies the
fact. Owing to the popularity of Jainism in Odisha, Bala
Bhadra,Subhadra and Jagannath have been regarded as the
three cardinal principles of Jainism like
Buddhist origin of Jagannath cult: -
Some scholars trace a Buddhist origin of the Trinity of the
Jagannath temple it is said that the tooth relic of lord Buddha is
perserved in the image of Jagannath,that the three deities-
Jagannath, Subhadra and Bala Bhadra-represent Buddha Dharma
and sangha respectively, that the snana yatra (bathing festival)
and Ratha Yatra (car festival) of the Jagannath temple are of
Buddhist origin and that the sharing of kaivalya (sacred food )
on equal footing by all castes is due to the Buddhist
impact.three are some literary evidences of co-relation
between Lord Jagannath and Buddhist.According to some
scholars, Jagannath is a common epithet of buddha.In Tibet,one
of the nemes of Buddha is Jagannath. Jaya deva, the twelfth
century Vaishnava poet who, according to some scholars,
identified Jagannath with krishna or Vishnu also accepted Buddha
as the ninth incarnation of krishna or Vishnu ,Sarala das, the
fifteenth century paet,in his Mahabharat regarded Jagannath as an
embodiment of Buddha He wrote,to delivy mankind, Jagannath
has manifested himself in the form of Buddha. Daru brahma Gita
of Jagannath das says . To assume the form of buddha the Lord
gave up his hands and legs. Some oriya Vaishnavas regarded
Chaitanya as the partial manifestation of Buddha .In the
Chaitanya bhagavata of Ishwar dash ,shri Chaitanya is reported to
have said, l am Chaitanya in the form of buddha . Evidently there
was a synthesis between Buddhism and Vaishnavism at some
stage, and Jagannath cult bear the imprint of that synthesi.
The Saiva-Tantric Origin of God Jagannath: -
Thought by the tenth century A.D.thepresiding deity of
puri was known as purushottam,
which is one of thousand epithets of Vishnu,yet during the
Bhauma period,the deity appears to have been profoundly
influenced by saivism,shaktism tantrism and Buddhism
which were simultaneously prevalent.scholars are of the
opinion that the image of Jagannath striking similarity with
that of Ekapad Bhairava. Bhairava with one foot.Which is
manifestation of siva,whose worship was prevalent during
the bhauma period .some tuntnik texts refer to puri as a seat
of shaktism,vimala as the shakti and Jagannath as his
Jagannath cult and saktism: -
The prevalence of shaktism at Puri is borne out by the
worship of vimala inside the temple, and the existence of
saptamatruka image. The Utkal khanda of skanda Purana
describes Subhadra as the Shakti of Jagannath. The name
purusottama though an epithet of Vishnu, has tantarik
significance according to some scholars. It represents of
the erotic aspect of Vishnu.
Purushottama is to be found with lakshmi,the female erotic the Anargharaghava natakam,murari mishra
describes,in his Gita Govinda,dealt with erotic sports of
Krishna with Radha,and identified Radha with kamala of
Lakshmi, the consort of narayan.jayadeva also regarded
Jagannath as kridhan.
period, and afterwords. The purusottama mahatmya of
skanda Purana (a work of 13th century A.D.)and of Vishnu
rahasya(a work of 16th century A.D.) referred to the female
whooder image between Jagannath and Balabhadra as
Lakshmi.The Jagannath culture from time immemorial
preaches the word of love and peaceful coexistence
among the human community. The character of culture is
generosity and endurance and coordination.

Jagannath and Islamism : -

During the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire era,
Jagannath temples were one of the targets of the
Muslim armies. Firuz Tughlaq, for example raided
Odisha and desecrated the Jagannath temple
according to his court historians.Jagannath was
regarded as sacered by the muslims of odisha.yavana
sala Bega had given importance to him.He had
composed many bhajans for Jagannath. Those
bhajans are very popular in the nook and carrier of
Odisha even today.

The History and Myth About Lord Jagannath

The Hindu god Vishnu came to King Indradyumna in
dreams and asked him to build a temple for him. He told
the king to build the temple and then pick up a log of
wood that would come floating in from the sea.This log
had to be used to carve an image of the deity Lord
Nilmadhav. Vishwakarma, the architect of the gods,
answered the prayers of Indradyumna and appeared
before the king in the guise of an old man.However, the
log was so heavy that no one could pick it up, and again,
the tribal chief Vishwavasu had to be summoned, and he
carried the log to the temple.This is the legendary
explanation of the garbha griha of the temple, welcoming
devotees with their kind and compassionate smiles.The Rig
Veda hymn 10.155 mentions a Daru (wooden leg)
wandering in the sea as a Purusha, albeit this is open to
interpretation.The name was taken to be synonymous with
Purushottama, and the Dara wood log was cited as the
source of Jagannath's inspiration, placing the beginning of
the deity in the second millennium BCE.However, many
academics disagree with this interpretation, arguing that
the hymn belongs in the setting of Arayi's "Alaxmi
Stava."However, Lord Jagannath is referred to as
Purushottama by the locals of Puri. They also see the
driftwood as a symbol of their salvation, and Hindu
literature from the region go on to explain how the
Supreme Being is present in everything.The Vedic
connection can therefore be disputed or interpreted in
various ways, but the ideas coincide nonetheless.The
Puranas claim that Lord Vishnu's Narasimha Avatar
appeared as a wooden pillar. Thus, it is believed that
Jagannath is worshipped with the Shri Narsimha hymn,
which is dedicated to Narasimha Avatar, as a wooden idol
called Daru Brahma.As far ago as the Puranas, Lord
Jagannath celebrated his Ratha Yatra. In the Padma
Purana, Brahma Purana, and Skanda Purana, the
celebration is described in detail.
Lord Jagannath Impact on Hindu
Iconography: -
The idols of Shri Jagannath are colourfully painted and
skillfully carved from a neem wooden stump. He is not
portrayed as a human being, in contrast to other celestial
creatures in Hinduism. It is depicted that the pillar holding
up his face and chest is fusing together.The idols of Shri
Jagannath are colourfully painted and skillfully carved
from a neem wooden stump. He is not portrayed as a
human being, in contrast to other celestial creatures in
Hinduism. It is depicted that the pillar holding up his face
and chest is fusing together.The idols of Shri Jagannath are
colourfully painted and skillfully carved from a neem
wooden stump. He is not portrayed as a human being, in
contrast to other celestial creatures in Hinduism.It is
depicted that the pillar holding up his face and chest is
fusing together. It is thought that the enormous round face
represents an Anadi (without beginning) and Ananta
(without end).This wooden stump is designed to display
two enormous, symmetrical, circular eyeballs that are
made of wood but lack eyelids. The moon is symbolized
byone eye, while the sun is represented by the other.
Famous Saints Representing Lord
Adi Shankaracharya, a Hindu reformer and scholar who
oversaw a religious revolution in the eighth century,
constructed the Goverdhan Math, the oldest monastery in
Puri.Ramanujacharya, a saint and scholar, oversaw the
temple's rites when he arrived in Puri in the 12th
century.In the 12th century, Vishnu Swami founded the
Vishnuswami math. Here was where poet saint Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu resided, and his Gaudiya Math is one of
Puri's biggest monasterie.Eventually, during his nationwide
travels in the 16th century, Guru Nanak made it to this
location.Over a hundred monasteries now exist in Puri,
and numerous temples are managed by different

Brahminical origin of Lord Jagannath: -

The sects like saivism, saktism, Vaishnavism have greater
contribution towards the healthy growth of Jagannath
culture.According to saivism,Lord Siva is the highest
principle. He is the Lord of the universe having the power
of generation, operation and destruction. Lord Jagannath in
the Grand temple is estimated as vairava in accordance to
the concept of saivism. In the utkal khanda of skandha
Purana Lord Balabhadra is admired as kalagni Rudra and
maharudra (World destroying aspects of siva) Goddess
Subhadra is symbolising supreme energy,is regarded as
Durga-Maheswari. the concept of motherhood has been
interpreted as Sakti in Jagannath culture.The worship of
Vimala as Mahasaraswati, Mahalaxmi and Mahakali is the
witness of saktism in Jagannath culture. Moreover, the
cosmic power has three energetic aspects. These are iccha
sakti (will power). Jnanasakti(wise power) and kriya
sakti(working power) that are represented though
Balabhadra, Jagannath and Subhadra Respectively. Since
antiquity Lord Jagannath has been an anxious agent
accepting aura from various spiritual sphere and
transmitting the tract of universal consciousness.

Vaishanvite Origin of The Jagannath cult

The vaishnavite origin of the Jagannath cult is traced by
some scholars purusottama mahatmya project God
Jagannath as narayana, Krishna-vasudeva,buddha etc.poet
Jayadeva,as stated earlier,had popularised Vaishnavism in
Odisha thro his immortal creation Gita Govinda. Further,
during the suryavamsi Gajapati rule,particularly during
prataprudradeva, the visit of Sri Chaitanya.

Chapter -3
Influence of culture of Lord Jagannath on
people of Odisha: -
Before we proceed ahead for discussions on the influence
of Lord Jagannath on people of Odisha from various
angles, it is necessary to analyze the various aspects of
culture of Lord Jagannath which are the seeds for
germination in respect of Orissan people. The gap between
men and Divine has been bridged in Jagannath culture
because Jagannath is a highly humanised Deity. He brushes
his teeth, takes bath, changes his cloth, wears out robes and
gold ornaments, studded with diamond, sapplires to suit
festive occasions and seasons, enjoys 56 varieties of food
(Mahaprasad) and 36 categories of servitors pay their
"Seva Khatani" according to their "Khatani routine", for
the daily duties relating to worship of Lord Jagannath.
Jagannath culture does not admit any distinction in
between the caste and communities. Jagannath culture aims
at liberating poor and down-trodden for better life for
which he is called Patitapaban and for which he observes
Ratha Yatra. Humbleness is a cardinal human value which
is amply prevalent in culture of Lord Jagannath. Culture of
Lord Jagannath always takes a positive view of the life. It
does not attend to 29 Odisha Review * December - 2005
pessimistic thought of grief suffering and death. It
recommends strong faith in Divine. It teaches man to strive
for perfection of its soul by the sacrifice of his self.
Worldly pursuits find no place in culture of Lord
Jagannath. Here in concept of Lord Jagannath, the devotees
prays for/asks for divine life, but not material gain. Culture
of Lord Jagannath has effected unity in diversity by faith,
and integrated human society with the help of human value
which are mentioned in the above paragraphs.
Social Influence of Culture of Lord Jagannath
on Orissan people: -
Darshan and Mahaprasad sevas of Lord Jagannath are the
twin desires of each believer of Lord Jagannath. When we
as pilgrims devotees or as visitors go to the Lord Jagannath
Temple complex, we usually wait for sometime to partake
Mahaprasad preferably in Anand Bazar. Anand Bazar
which is situated inside the premises of Lord Jagannath
Temple, Puri is a place where Mahaprasad in shape cooked
rice, dals, curry, sweets and Sukhila Bhog etc. which are
offered to Lord Jagannath and reoffered to the presiding
Lady Deity of Lord Jagannath i.e. Vimala become
Mahaprasad and are sold in Anand Bazar by the Suaras (the
cooks of the sacred Mahaprasad). Here in Anand Bazar
people of various categories right from Brahmin to Sudras
partake Mahaprasad in a common place from a common
container. This indicates that there is no sense of
segregation between Brahmin and non-Brahmin or between
the touchables and non-touchables or between Hindus,
Budhists, Jains and Sikhs. Similarly, there are two kinds of
servitors engaged for performance of rituals of Lord
Jagannath i.e. Brahmin and non-Brahmin.

Impact of Culture of Lord Jagannath on

Oriya Literature: -
As has been described in the introduction, the modern day
Orissa is comprising of ancient States of Odra (comprising
the modern day part of Khurda district, Nayagarh,
Dhenkanal, part of Angul), Utkal (comprising Balasore,
part of Mayurbhang, Bhadrak, Jajpur, Kendrapara, Cuttack,
Puri, part of Khurda and Nayagarh), Kalinga (comprising
Ganjam, part of Boudh, part of Gajapati, part of Khurda),
Kangoda (tracts of areas comprising in between Rusikulya
and Mahanadi rivers and in between Salima river (the
modern day Salia river which flow in Banapur Tahasil
area), Dakshina Kosala (comprising Sambalpur,
Jharsuguda, Deogarh, part of Nuapada districts) and
Trikalinga (comprising Kalahandi, part of Phulbani part of
Boudh, part of Nuapada, undivided Koraput and part of
Ganjam). The modern day Oriya script is an evolution of
Odramagadhi which is evident very much in presence in
the above tracts of areas more concentrated in Dakshina
Kosala, Trikalinga, Odra and part of Utkal, Kalinga and

Influenceof Lord Jagannath on the Political

Aspect of Orissan People: -
The unification of Orissa basing on Oriya language,
Orissan sculpture and architecture. Oriya language and
unity in diversity of political entities have become possible
only for the simple reason that Lord Jagannath happens to
be the presiding deity for each devout Oriya people. In pre-
Christian period of 3rd century Maurya emperor Ashok
fought with Kalinga people which has been recorded in the
stone relics of Udayagiri and Khandagiri caves. The then
Orissan people were so strong politically and militarily that
nobody ventured to attack the then Orissa. This was for the
simple reason that the then Orissa was united under the
banner of the conglomerate concept of Lord Jagannath. Of
course the Oriyan warriors fought bravely against the army
of emperor of Ashok, but ultimately Ashoka with the army
of emperor of Ashok looking at the gruesome slaughter of
many brave Paikas, were converted to Dharmashok.
Similarly, centering round the culture of Lord Jagannath in
first century B.C. Maha Meghabahan Kharavela the
unconquerable brave Oriya Chief titan ultimately became
the king established first kingdom at Sisupalagada near
present day capital 32 Orissa Review * December - 2005
city of Bhubaneswar and he fought the enemies and
brought back the essence of Lord Jagannath in the shape of
Jinasan to Puri and re-established the unparallel composite
concept of Lord Jagannath. The then Orissa was flourishing
in the name and fame of Lord Jagannath through the
patronage of reigning king and that continued till 1568
when the mighty king of Ganga dynasty surrendered before
Lord Jagannath with royal edict that the entire kingdom of
Kaling/Utkal is endowed to theLord Jagannath is the king
of entire Orissa and the king being a simple "Rout"
(asistant) of Lord Jagannath. The divisive powers prevalent
in Orissa within and outside could not venture to attack the
then Orissa. This is the most pertinent aspect of political
impact of culture of Lord Jagannath on Orissan people. Not
only this, but also even during the tutelage of Maratha or
British administration, unifying heritage of culture of Lord
Jagannath could keep the Oriya people in one political
entity which resulted into a separate State on the basis of
Oriya language in 1936. Even during British rule, the first
revolution of Paikas whether in Khurda during 1918 or
1924 or in Sambalpur under the leadership of Surendra Sai
during last part of 18th century, are some of the proudest
period of Orissan people in the name and fame of Lord
Jagannath. Influence of Culture of Lord Jagannath on
Spiritual Life of Orissan People From time immemorial,
Lord Jagannath has been the sustenance of spiritual life of
Orissan people. Many sects and their spiritual masters have
come to Orissa and have come to Sripurusottam Khetra,
Puri, but they have merged with the huge expanse of
flexible cultural ethos of Lord Jagannath. Be it
Sankaracharya, Madhabacharya, Guru Nanak, Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu, all have accepted Lord Jagannath as their
supreme Lord and have gleefully accepted the concept
essence of Lord Jagannath. The people of Orissa are,
therefore, tolerant to differing opinion so far as spiritual
concept is concerned, but accept each and every spiritual
master with positive mind keeping Lord Jagannath as
supreme head. This has led to establishment of many
Jagannath Temples throughout Orissa with the patronage of
the then reigning Kings and Zamindars and by far the best
people of Orissa are spiritually of high order.eflection of
cosmopolitanism in His rituals and celebrations. On the
one side, as the state deity of Odisha, Lord Jagannath
has been the inspiring and encouraging Divine force
behind the religious, cultural, spiritual as well as socio-
political life of odia people. 'Mahaprasad'(the holy food of
the Lord) is considered as an inimitable
contribution for social unity regardless of caste stigma
of Hindu society. Existence of a number of mathas
(ashrams) around the temple established by some of the
great preachers of India suggests that the Lord embraces all
- whether oriental or occidental, whether rich or poor. On
the other side, He propagates a spiritual vision against
materialism, principle of universal brotherhood while
putting distinct emphasis on Cosmic Consciousness - the
blissful experience when the individual mind becomes
one with the cosmic mind or the Over Soul. Jagannath
consciousness isreflected in patta chitra painting, palm-
leaf etching, architecture, sculpture, folklore, dance
forms, music, celebrations and uniqueness in dress
material too. The Lord has been a beacon of inspiration
highlighting the principles of synthesis, integration and
accommodation since centuries together. In spite of
presidential political changes and social evolutions the
unique essence of Jagannath culture has sustained intact.
Lord Jagannath is perceived not only as mysterious but
also enigmatic with regards to His
antiquarian prospect. His origin is undated, His culture is
claimed to be eternal. He is revered as the saviour from
earthly melancholia in the shadow of mysticism and
eulogized on the canvas of devotion. The concept of
Jagannath culture as a living philosophy has been
explained by Debi Prasanna Rath as follows: "Though the
culture is woven around the deity Jagannath, it

Jagannath consciousness as a Medium of

World peace:-
The flow of different spiritual current in India have
provided a stable foundation for this culture in the
periodic process of congregation in one unique philosophic
concept.Lord Jagannath embodies in Himself the
quintessence of some of the remarkable world religions.the
fundamental values of most faiths have been inter-
woven intricately with intelligent consciousness has
been proved to be a significant challenge for inquisitive
human intellect since centuries.
The relation between the Absolute, infinite,self-existent
and immutable and the finite human individual who is
enmeshed in the temporal orders is unimaginably
intimate thought difficult to define and explain.In this
connection we may say that consciousness has
various implications ranging from one's cognition to
his recognition as a spark of cosmic consciousness.
The cult of Lord Jagannath is the rendezvous of
religion with philosophy.jagat is the flux.

Car festival: -
Being an indivisible part of the holy Rath Yatra
celebration, the Car Festival in Puri is an important festival
dedicated to Lord Jagannath. This festival is celebrated in
the month of Asadha. On the very day of the Car Festival,
Lord Jagannath along with his siblings starts the nine days
journey to the temple of Queen Gundicha. On the way,
their caravan stops at their maternal aunt’s place –
mausima temple – to take the meal of sweet pan cakes,
Jagannath’s favorite dish as said. During his journey, Lord
Jagannath is accompanied also by the celestial wheel called
Sudarshan Chakra.
Jagannath Puri Temple occupies the best position in the
catalog of the grandest monuments of the state. A large
number of the devotees from India and abroad visit the
temple located in the heart Puri, every year. They find here
the splendor of a 12th century temple along with the
magnificent aura. Exquisite carvings are embellished on
the walls of this gracefully tall temple. Pictures on the life
of Lord Krishna are depicted on the pillars from which the
temple gets the support.Jagannath Puri Temple is called
‘Yamanika Tirtha’ where, according to the Hindu beliefs,
the power of ‘Yama’, the god of death has been nullified in
Puri due to the presence of Lord Jagannath, popularly
known as Lord Krishna, in the temple. As many as three
new splendid chariots are created for the Puri Yatra (the
journey) of the Gods – Lord Jagannath and his siblings and
his siblings, Lord Balbhadra and Deity Shubhadra – every
year. The carpenters, having rights for this job by heredity,
follow century old styles, written in the holy Hindu text,
for building and decorating the chariots.Then comes the
graceful day of Yatra, when these 45-feet high idols are
pulled by millions of devotees came here from all over the
world. The act of pulling the Rath by the ropes during Rath
Yatra Puri is believed to be an extremely religious act, the
belief which attracts millions of tourists from all over the
world.The day of the Rath Yatra in Puri is the only day in
the whole year when the non Hindu devotees can have an
opportunity to see the gods and goddess of Jagannath
temple puri.

Every 12 years in Jagannath Temple

 There is a tradition followed in intervals of every 12
years in Jagannatha temple known as ‘Nabakalebara’,
which means the new embodiment or change of the body
of principal deities.
 It is celebrated as an important festival in Odisha. It
signifies the demise and the rebirth of Jagannath at Puri.
This event involves installation of new idols of
Balabhadra, Subhadra and Sudarshan in the temple and
the burial of the old ones at Koili Baikuntha (also known
as the graveyard of the deities) area of the temple
 It is similar to the post-death rituals in Hindus; the
servitors who participated in last night’s event, have to
get tonsured after 10 days and mourn the death of old
.Nabakalebara Rath Yatra : -
The Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath, Puri is a national
festival of India which commences on the auspicious day
of Asadha Sukla Dutiya, i.e. the second day of the bright
fortnight of Odia month of Asadh, (during June or July).
This is a nine-day journey of the deities to Sri Gundicha
temple. This grand spiritual event attracts millions of
devotees and scholars from all over the world down the
centuries. In the 'Kotha Upanishad', the chariot is well
explained as "Atmaanam Rathinam Vidhi Shreeram
Rathamevatu, Buddhim tu Saarathi Vidhi Manah
Pragrabameva Cha" -This means as the soul is installed in
the body so also the deity is placed on the chariot. The
wisdom serves as the rider of the chariot which controls the
mind and the intellect.Sri Jagannatha is the Lord of the
Universe, on this auspicious day, He with Sri Balabhadra and
Devi Subhadra come out of the sanctum sanctorum of the temple
to give darshan to the millions of devotees to bestow His divine
grace. This grand festival is known as Patita-Pavana Yatra or
Ghosha Yatra as the devotees across the world of all caste, colour,
sex or religion participate in this festival. The construction of
chariots for the Car Festival begins on the auspicious day of
Akshi-Trutiya, i.e., third day of the bright fortnight of Odia month
of Vaisakha which continues for 58 days. Nearly, 200 temple
servitors like Viswakarma Maharana, Blacksmith, Chitrakaras or
Rupakaras (Painters) and tailors are engaged in construction of
three grand chariots. During the Nabakalebara Rath Yatra, three
Chariots along with 'parshwa devatas' (peripheral deities) like
sarathi (wooden charioteer), ashwa (horse), dwarapala (gate
keeper), olota shua (inverted parrot) etc. are newly
a) Taladwhaja (Chariot of Lord Balabhadra): -
The chariot of Lord Balabhadra is known as Taladwhaja. It
is draped in green and red cloths. The height of this Chariot
is 46 feet. 4 inches. It has 14 wheels and has four wooden
black horses known as Sthira, Dhruti, Sthiti and Siddhaki.
The sarathi is known as Sudyaumna and the rathapala is
Ananta. The name of the flag on the chariot is Unnani.
Nearly 763 pieces of wood are used to make this chariot.
. b) Debadalana (Chariot of Devi Subhadra): -
The chariot of Devi Subhadra is known as Debadalana. It is
draped in black and red cloths. The height of the Chariot is
42 feet. It has 12 wheels and four horses known as Prajna,
Anuja, Ghora and Aghora. The name of the sarathi is
Arjuna and that of the rathapalika is Vana Durga. The
name of the flag is Nadambika. Around 539 pieces of
wood are used to make this chariot.
c) Nandighosa (Chariot of Lord Jagannatha):
The chariot of Lord Jagannatha is called Nandighosa which
is wrapped in yellow cum red cloth. The height of the
chariot is 45 feet 11 inches with 16 wheels each 6 feet
diameter and four white horses. The Sarathi or charioteer is
known as Daruka and the Rathapala is Shri Nrusimha. The
Garuda is found in the crest of the chariot.

Collection of Darus
Lord Nrusimha is the main deity of the Nabakalebara
Ritual. The sixteenth chapter of 'Skanda Purana' says that
on the auspicious day of Vaisakh sukla ashtami with
Pushya constellation in the sky, the daru bigraha or
wooden idols of Sri Jagannath, Sri Balabhadra, Devi
Subhadra and Sri Sudarshan areestablished in the main
temple. The eighteenth chapter describes how Lord
Brahmaa invoked the mantras, and the 'daru bigraha or
wooden' idols appeared as Sri Nrusimha miraculously
before the Lord Brahmaa and King Indradyumna in the
form of 'kalagni' or glowing fire with innumerable eyes,
ears, faces, noses, waists and appendages pervaded the
heaven and earth as if engulfing the whole universe.
Seeing this terrifying image, the sage Narada asked Lord
Brahmaa that, why the Lord has taken this frightening form
in 'pralaya' or destruction of the whole world? What kind
of leela of Lord Vishnu is this? The 'Lord Brahma with a
smile replied, "Hey Narada, imagining it as 'daru bigraha'
or wooden form, the ignorant persons ma neglect or
disrespect this 'Brahmarupi' (form of Brahma). After being
worshiped in 'Paramesthi mantra' the Lord has taken this
terrifying form. In the past, the Lord had appeared as
Nrusimha and killed the demon Hiranyakashipu.
Popularity of Jagannath Cult: -
One of the famous kings of the Ganga dynasty,
Anantavarman, decided to construct a temple for
Purushottama Jagannatha at Puri, in the 12th century. In
subsequent years, another ruler Anangabhima III dedicated
his kingdom to the deity and declared himself as the deputy
of god.According to the Vedas and the Puranas, the
Purusottam appears in the Puri. Therefore, it is called
Purushottam Kshetra, the place of Jagannath or
Purusottam.With the rising importance of the temple as a
pilgrimage centre, its significance in the social and political
arena also increased. All subsequent dynasties who
conquered Odisha attempted to take control over the
temple first. Some of these conquerors were Mughals,
Marathas and the English East India Company. They
realized that taking charge over it would enable them to be
accepted by the local people.Puri is also famous because
the most-famous Rathayatra festival takes place every year,
in which the idol of god Krishna, worshipped as
Jagannatha, is taken to procession or yatra on the chariot
through the streets.The ancient natural heritage of India –
The Jagannath Culture – is known for its popularity that
has caught the attention of people from the Hindu world as
well as the outside world of foreigners. A representation of
the organic core of the cultural, spiritual, and linguistic
identities of Odisha, this culture is looked up for the way it
“tries to encourage the true spirit of ‘Cultural Uniqueness’
through the social inclusion of all devotees to visit
‘Jagannath Dhama’ or ‘Srikshetra’ – a pure and holy land
of Odisha region” as discussed by Archana Kanungo in her
article. Based off the tradition, religion, language, and
folkways of Odisha, the Jagannath culture observes
immense diversification. The geographical diversification
for instance, can be observed in terms of how this culture
starts from ‘Jagannath Dham, Puri’ (eastern Odisha) and
continues to West, North, and Southern parts of Odisha
like Aska and Gajapati.However, this culture isn’t just
confined to diversification in terms of geography but also
experiences variations in terms of caste, colour, religion,
and ethnicity, and its aspect of ‘Unity in Diversity’ is what
sets it apart as a unique culture. Even as Kanungo states in
her research essay, “Unity in Jagannath culture is born out
of uniformity or similarity. It implies a sense of
togetherness, encourages ‘we’ feeling; it stands for the tie
that binds the diverse groups with one another.”Enriched
with an absolute sense of diversity, the Jagannath culture
has been able to and still continues to bind diversified
people in a strong cultural unity.

History of Jagannath Temple: -

The Jagannath Temple, located in Puri, Odisha, India,
is one of the most famous and sacred Hindu temples
in the world. It is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, a form
of the Hindu deity Vishnu. The temple has a rich and
fascinating history that spans centuries, making it a
significant cultural and religious landmark. In this
essay, we will explore the history of the Jagannath
Temple in detail, delving into its origins,
development, and enduring spiritual significance.
Early History : -
The history of the Jagannath Temple can be traced back
over a thousand years, with the first mentions of the
temple dating to the 12th century. It is believed to have
been built during the reign of King Anantavarman
Chodaganga Deva, of the Eastern Ganga dynasty, in the
12th century. The temple’s construction marked the
beginning of a new era in the religious and cultural
landscape of the region.The temple’s unique feature is its
association with Lord Jagannath, an incarnation of Lord
Vishnu. Jagannath is known for his unconventional and
mystifying form, with large, wooden idols representing
him. The principal idols of Lord Jagannath, along with his
brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra, are made from
neem wood and are renewed every twelve to nineteen

Architectural Marvel : -
The Jagannath Temple is a striking example of Kalinga
architecture, a distinct style prevalent in the Odisha
region. The temple stands tall with a majestic spire, or
shikara, that rises to a height of 58 meters (190 feet). The
temple complex covers an area of about 10.7 acres,
enclosed by a high wall.The temple’s intricate
architecture features intricate carvings and artwork,
depicting various episodes from Hindu mythology and
scenes from daily life. The temple’s main structure, the
sanctum sanctorum, or the garbhagriha, houses the idols
of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra. These idols
are positioned in such a way that they are visible to
devotees from a distance, drawing them towards the
central altar.The temple complex also includes several
other significant structures, such as the Mukti Mandap,
which is considered a place of salvation, and the Natya
Mandap, an auditorium for religious dance performances.
The temple’s architecture is not only aesthetically pleasing
but also serves as a testament to the advanced
architectural skills and craftsmanship of the time.

Rituals and Festivals : -

The Jagannath Temple is renowned for its rich and
elaborate rituals and festivals. Among the most famous is
the Rath Yatra, or the Chariot Festival, which attracts
millions of pilgrims from all over the world. The Rath Yatra
involves the ceremonial procession of the deities on grand
chariots through the streets of Puri. The chariots are
massive and ornate, with Lord Jagannath’s chariot, known
as Nandighosa, towering at an impressive 45.6 feet. The
other two chariots are for Lord Balabhadra and Goddess
Subhadra.The Rath Yatra is not only a spectacle but also a
deeply spiritual event. It is believed that taking part in this
procession or even witnessing it grants spiritual merit and
cleanses the soul. The pulling of the chariots is a collective
endeavor, with devotees coming together to participate in this
sacred act.Another significant festival is the Snana Yatra, where
the deities are bathed in public view. This event marks the
beginning of a fortnight-long period when the idols are secluded
from public view for their annual ritual bath. The idols are
dressed in new outfits every day, and their appearances change
throughout this period, highlighting the dynamic and unique
nature of the worship at the Jagannath Temple.

The Iconic Wooden Idols : -

The idols of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra are
an essential aspect of the temple’s history and tradition.
These idols are made from a special type of wood known
as daru brahma. The selection of the sacred wood and the
carving of the idols are highly ritualistic processes,
shrouded in secrecy and performed by skilled artisans.
These artisans, known as the Vishwakarmas, have been
entrusted with this sacred duty for generations.The idols
are known for their peculiar features.

Historical Significance: -
The Jagannath Temple has played a vital role in the history and
culture of the Odisha region. It has served as a symbol of
devotion and a center for spiritual and cultural activities for
centuries. The temple’s influence extends beyond its immediate
religious context, impacting art, music, and literature in the
region.The temple has also faced several historical challenges. It
has been invaded and plundered multiple times by various rulers
and foreign powers over the centuries. However, the temple’s
resilience and significance have endured, and it has been rebuilt
and restored with devotion and enthusiasm each time.

Secular Appeal: -
The appeal of the Jagannath Temple extends beyond religious
and cultural boundaries. It is a place where people from various
backgrounds, faiths, and nationalities come to seek solace and
spiritual enlightenment. The temple’s open-door policy
welcomes visitors of all faiths and backgrounds, promoting a
sense of unity and inclusivity.The temple has also been a subject
of fascination for historians, archaeologists, and art enthusiasts.
Its unique architecture, rich history, and the rituals associated
with it have piqued the interest of scholars and researchers
worldwide. The temple has been a subject of study and
exploration, shedding light on the diverse aspects of Indian
culture and spirituality.While the Jagannath Temple holds a
revered place in the hearts of millions, it has not been free from
controversies and challenges. One of the most notable
controversies surrounds the temple’s restrictions on the entry of
non-Hindus. Traditionally, the temple has been off-limits to
individuals who do not follow the Hindu faith. This policy has
faced legal challenges and sparked debates regarding religious
freedom and equality.Another significant challenge is the
conservation and maintenance of the temple.

Controversies and Challenges: -

While the Jagannath Temple holds a revered place in the hearts
illions, it has not been free from controversies and challenges.
One of the most notable controversies surrounds the temple’s
restrictions on the entry of non-Hindus. Traditionally, the temple
has been off-limits to individuals who do not follow the Hindu
faith. This policy has faced legal challenges and sparked debates
regarding religious freedom anf md equality.Another significant
challenge is the conservation and maintenance of the temple.
The wooden structure of the temple is susceptible to termites
and decay.

The Jagannath culture from time immemorial preaches the
word of love and peaceful coexistence among the human
community. The character of culture is generosity and
endurance and coordination. No culture or religion in
whatsoever manner in whatsoever places is equal to this
composite concept of Lord Jagannath. Lord Jagannath is
worshipped throughout the world because he is generous
and kind to all. He is looking at great and small, rich and
poor, ruled and ruler, Brahman and Chandal with an equal
eye. In this look, there is no question of caste, creed or
religion, no place for egoism, aristocracy nor any place for
communalism. Here worshipped andworshipper are equal
and as such their separateness vanishes which is
symbolized in embracing of Lord Jagannath by a visitor
during Ratha Yatra. Lord Jagannath symbolizes universal
love and humanism. Myths, history and legends mingled
over centuries and have formed a composite culture of
Lord Jagannath. He is not only the Lord of Hindu or
Indian, but also the God of entire humanity. Let his
blessing be endowed to each inhabitants of entire
Universe.endurance and coordination.
Architecture of Jagannath temple: -

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