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Six Challenges for Neural Machine Translation

Philipp Koehn Rebecca Knowles

Computer Science Department Computer Science Department
Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract 3. NMT systems that operate at the sub-word

level (e.g. with byte-pair encoding) perform
arXiv:1706.03872v1 [cs.CL] 12 Jun 2017

We explore six challenges for neural better than SMT systems on extremely low-
machine translation: domain mismatch, frequency words, but still show weakness in
amount of training data, rare words, long translating low-frequency words belonging to
sentences, word alignment, and beam highly-inflected categories (e.g. verbs).
search. We show both deficiencies and
improvements over the quality of phrase- 4. NMT systems have lower translation quality
based statistical machine translation. on very long sentences, but do comparably
better up to a sentence length of about 60
1 Introduction words.

Neural machine translation has emerged as the 5. The attention model for NMT does not al-
most promising machine translation approach ways fulfill the role of a word alignment
in recent years, showing superior performance model, but may in fact dramatically diverge.
on public benchmarks (Bojar et al., 2016) and
rapid adoption in deployments by, e.g., Google 6. Beam search decoding only improves trans-
(Wu et al., 2016), Systran (Crego et al., 2016), and lation quality for narrow beams and deterio-
WIPO (Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2016). But there rates when exposed to a larger search space.
have also been reports of poor performance, such
as the systems built under low-resource conditions We note a 7th challenge that we do not exam-
in the DARPA LORELEI program.1 ine empirically: NMT systems are much less in-
In this paper, we examine a number of chal- terpretable. The answer to the question of why
lenges to neural machine translation (NMT) and the training data leads these systems to decide on
give empirical results on how well the technology specific word choices during decoding is buried in
currently holds up, compared to traditional statis- large matrices of real-numbered values. There is a
tical machine translation (SMT). clear need to develop better analytics for NMT.
We find that: Other studies have looked at the compa-
rable performance of NMT and SMT sys-
1. NMT systems have lower quality out of do- tems. Bentivogli et al. (2016) considered dif-
main, to the point that they completely sacri- ferent linguistic categories for English–German
fice adequacy for the sake of fluency. and Toral and Sánchez-Cartagena (2017) com-
pared different broad aspects such as fluency and
2. NMT systems have a steeper learning curve reordering for nine language directions.
with respect to the amount of training data,
resulting in worse quality in low-resource 2 Experimental Setup
settings, but better performance in high- We use common toolkits for neural machine trans-
resource settings. lation (Nematus) and traditional phrase-based sta-
1 tistical machine translation (Moses) with common
evaluations data sets, drawn from WMT and OPUS.
2.1 Neural Machine Translation Corpus Words Sentences W/S
Law (Acquis) 18,128,173 715,372 25.3
While a variety of neural machine transla- Medical (EMEA) 14,301,472 1,104,752 12.9
IT 3,041,677 337,817 9.0
tion approaches were initially proposed — such Koran (Tanzil) 9,848,539 480,421 20.5
as the use of convolutional neural networks Subtitles 114,371,754 13,873,398 8.2
(Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013) — practically
all recent work has been focused on the attention- Table 1: Corpora used to train domain-specific
based encoder-decoder model (Bahdanau et al., systems, taken from the OPUS repository. IT
2015). corpora are GNOME, KDE, PHP, Ubuntu, and
We use the toolkit Nematus2 (Sennrich et al., OpenOffice.
2017) which has been shown to give state-of-the-
art results (Sennrich et al., 2016a) at the WMT
3 Challenges
2016 evaluation campaign (Bojar et al., 2016).
Unless noted otherwise, we use default settings, 3.1 Domain Mismatch
such as beam search and single model decoding.
A known challenge in translation is that in dif-
The training data is processed with byte-pair en-
ferent domains,6 words have different transla-
coding (Sennrich et al., 2016b) into subwords to
tions and meaning is expressed in different styles.
fit a 50,000 word vocabulary limit.
Hence, a crucial step in developing machine trans-
2.2 Statistical Machine Translation lation systems targeted at a specific use case is
domain adaptation. We expect that methods for
Our machine translation systems are trained us- domain adaptation will be developed for NMT. A
ing Moses3 (Koehn et al., 2007). We build phrase- currently popular approach is to train a general do-
based systems using standard features that are main system, followed by training on in-domain
commonly used in recent system submissions to data for a few epochs (Luong and Manning, 2015;
WMT (Williams et al., 2016; Ding et al., 2016a). Freitag and Al-Onaizan, 2016).
While we use the shorthand SMT for these Often, large amounts of training data are only
phrase-based systems, we note that there are other available out of domain, but we still seek to
statistical machine translation approaches such as have robust performance. To test how well NMT
hierarchical phrase-based models (Chiang, 2007) and SMT hold up, we trained five different sys-
and syntax-based models (Galley et al., 2004, tems using different corpora obtained from OPUS
2006) that have been shown to give superior per- (Tiedemann, 2012). An additional system was
formance for language pairs such as Chinese– trained on all the training data. Statistics about
English and German–English. corpus sizes are shown in Table 1. Note that these
domains are quite distant from each other, much
2.3 Data Conditions
more so than, say, Europarl, TED Talks, News
We carry out our experiments on English–Spanish Commentary, and Global Voices.
and German–English. For these language pairs, We trained both SMT and NMT systems for all
large training data sets are available. We use domains. All systems were trained for German-
datasets from the shared translation task organized English, with tuning and test sets sub-sampled
alongside the Conference on Machine Translation from the data (these were not used in training). A
(WMT)4 . For the domain experiments, we use the common byte-pair encoding is used for all training
OPUS corpus5 (Tiedemann, 2012). runs.
Except for the domain experiments, we use the See Figure 1 for results. While the in-domain
WMT test sets composed of news stories, which NMT and SMT systems are similar (NMT is better
are characterized by a broad range of topic, for- for IT and Subtitles, SMT is better for Law, Med-
mal language, relatively long sentences (about 30 ical, and Koran), the out-of-domain performance
words on average), and high standards for gram- for the NMT systems is worse in almost all cases,
mar, orthography, and style. sometimes dramatically so. For instance the Med-
2 6
We use the customary definition of domain in machine
3 translation: a domain is defined by a corpus from a specific
4 source, and may differ from other domains in topic, genre,
5 style, level of formality, etc.
System ↓ Law Medical IT Koran Subtitles

All Data 30.5 32.8 45.1 42.2 35.3 44.7 17.9 17.9 26.4 20.8

Law 31.1 34.4 12.1 18.2 3.5 6.9 1.3 2.2 2.8 6.0

Medical 3.9 10.2 39.4 43.5 2.0 8.5 0.6 2.0 1.4 5.8

IT 1.9 3.7 6.5 5.3 42.1 39.8 1.8 1.6 3.9 4.7

Koran 0.4 1.8 0.0 2.1 0.0 2.3 15.9 18.8 1.0 5.5

Subtitles 7.0 9.9 9.3 17.8 9.2 13.6 9.0 8.4 25.9 22.1

Figure 1: Quality of systems (BLEU), when trained on one domain (rows) and tested on another domain
(columns). Comparably, NMT systems (left bars) show more degraded performance out of domain.

ical system leads to a BLEU score of 3.9 (NMT)

vs. 10.2 (SMT) on the Law test set.
Figure 2 displays an example. When translating
the sentence Schaue um dich herum. (reference:
Look around you.) from the Subtitles corpus,
we see mostly non-sensical and completely unre-
Source Schaue um dich herum.
lated output from the NMT system. For instance, Ref. Look around you.
the translation from the IT system is Switches to All NMT: Look around you.
paused. SMT: Look around you.
Law NMT: Sughum gravecorn.
Note that the output of the NMT system is often SMT: In order to implement dich Schaue .
quite fluent (e.g., Take heed of your own souls.) Medical NMT: EMEA / MB / 049 / 01-EN-Final Work
but completely unrelated to the input, while the progamme for 2002
SMT: Schaue by dich around .
SMT output betrays its difficulties with coping IT NMT: Switches to paused.
with the out-of-domain input by leaving some SMT: To Schaue by itself . \t \t
words untranslated (e.g., Schaue by dich around.). Koran NMT: Take heed of your own souls.
SMT: And you see.
This is of particular concern when MT is used for Subtitles NMT: Look around you.
information gisting — the user will be mislead by SMT: Look around you .
hallucinated content in the NMT output.
Figure 2: Examples for the translation of a sen-
3.2 Amount of Training Data tence from the Subtitles corpus, when translated
with systems trained on different corpora. Per-
A well-known property of statistical systems is formance out-of-domain is dramatically worse for
that increasing amounts of training data lead NMT.
to better results. In SMT systems, we have
previously observed that doubling the amount
of training data gives a fixed increase in
BLEU scores. This holds true for both par-
allel and monolingual data (Turchi et al., 2008;
Irvine and Callison-Burch, 2013).
BLEU Scores with Varying Amounts of Training Data Src: A Republican strategy to counter the re-election
of Obama
31.1 1
Un órgano de coordinación para el anuncio de
30 29.2 29.6 30.3 1024
libre determinación
27.9 28.6 27.4 30.1 30.4 1
26.2 26.9 29.2 Lista de una estrategia para luchar contra la
24.9 25.7 27.8 28.6 512
elección de hojas de Ohio
26.1 26.9
23.4 23.5 1
Explosión realiza una estrategia divisiva de
21.8 22.2 24.7 256
21.2 luchar contra las elecciones de autor
19.6 22.4 1
20 128
Una estrategia republicana para la eliminación
18.1 de la reelección de Obama
16.4 18.2
Estrategia siria para contrarrestar la reelección
14.7 del Obama .
11.9 1
+ Una estrategia republicana para contrarrestar la
reelección de Obama
Phrase-Based with Big LM Figure 4: Translations of the first sentence of
Phrase-Based the test set using NMT system trained on varying
1.6 Neural amounts of training data. Under low resource con-
0 ditions, NMT produces fluent output unrelated to
106 107 108
Corpus Size (English Words)
the input.

Figure 3: BLEU scores for English-Spanish sys- The contrast between the NMT and SMT learn-
tems trained on 0.4 million to 385.7 million ing curves is quite striking. While NMT is able to
words of parallel data. Quality for NMT starts exploit increasing amounts of training data more
much lower, outperforms SMT at about 15 mil- effectively, it is unable to get off the ground with
lion words, and even beats a SMT system with a training corpus sizes of a few million words or
big 2 billion word in-domain language model un- less.
der high-resource conditions. 1
To illustrate this, see Figure 4. With 1024 of the
training data, the output is completely unrelated to
the input, some key words are properly translated
How do the data needs of SMT and NMT com- 1 1
with 512 and 256 of the data (estrategia for strat-
pare? NMT promises both to generalize better (ex-
egy, elección or elecciones for election), and start-
ploiting word similary in embeddings) and condi- 1
ing with 64 the translations become respectable.
tion on larger context (entire input and all prior
output words). 3.3 Rare Words
We built English-Spanish systems on WMT
data,7 about 385.7 million English words paired Conventional wisdom states that neural machine
with Spanish. To obtain a learning curve, we used translation models perform particularly poorly on
1 1 1 rare words, (Luong et al., 2015; Sennrich et al.,
1024 , 512 , ..., 2 , and all of the data. For SMT, the
language model was trained on the Spanish part of 2016b; Arthur et al., 2016) due in part to the
each subset, respectively. In addition to a NMT smaller vocabularies used by NMT systems. We
and SMT system trained on each subset, we also examine this claim by comparing performance on
used all additionally provided monolingual data rare word translation between NMT and SMT
for a big language model in contrastive SMT sys- systems of similar quality for German–English
tems. and find that NMT systems actually outperform
Results are shown in Figure 3. NMT ex- SMT systems on translation of very infrequent
hibits a much steeper learning curve, starting with words. However, both NMT and SMT systems
abysmal results (BLEU score of 1.6 vs. 16.4 for do continue to have difficulty translating some
1 infrequent words, particularly those belonging to
1024 of the data), outperforming SMT 25.7 vs.
24.7 with 16 1
of the data (24.1 million words), and highly-inflected categories.
even beating the SMT system with a big language For the neural machine translation model, we
model with the full data set (31.1 for NMT, 28.4 use a publicly available model8 with the train-
for SMT, 30.4 for SMT+BigLM). ing settings of Edinburgh’s WMT submission
(Sennrich et al., 2016a). This was trained using
Spanish was last represented in 2013, we used data from










Figure 5: Precision of translation and deletion rates by source words type. SMT (light blue) and NMT
(dark green). The horizontal axis represents the corpus frequency of the source types, with the axis labels
showing the upper end of the bin. Bin width is proportional to the number of word types in that frequency
range. The upper part of the graph shows the precision averaged across all word types in the bin. The
lower part shows the proportion of source tokens in the bin that were deleted.

Nematus9 (Sennrich et al., 2017), with byte-pair The overall average precision is quite similar
encodings (Sennrich et al., 2016b) to allow for between the NMT and SMT systems, with the
open-vocabulary NMT. SMT system scoring 70.1% overall and the NMT
The phrase-based model that we used was system scoring 70.3%. This reflects the similar
trained using Moses (Koehn et al., 2007), and overall quality of the MT systems. Figure 5 gives
the training data and parameters match those de- a detailed breakdown. The values above the hor-
scribed in Johns Hopkins University’s submission izontal axis represent precisions, while the lower
to the WMT shared task (Ding et al., 2016b). portion represents what proportion of the words
Both models have case-sensitive BLEU scores were deleted. The first item of note is that the
of 34.5 on the WMT 2016 news test set (for the NMT system has an overall higher proportion of
NMT model, this reflects the BLEU score re- deleted words. Of the 64379 words examined, the
sulting from translation with a beam size of 1). NMT system is estimated to have deleted 3769 of
We use a single corpus for computing our lexi- them, while the SMT system deleted 2274. Both
cal frequency counts (a concatenation of Common the NMT and SMT systems delete very frequent
Crawl, Europarl, and News Commentary). and very infrequent words at higher proportions
We follow the approach described by than words that fall into the middle range. Across
Koehn and Haddow (2012) for examining the frequencies, the NMT systems delete a higher pro-
effect of source word frequency on translation portion of words than the SMT system does. (The
accuracy.10 related issue of translation length is discussed in
more detail in Section 3.4.)
9 The next interesting observation is what hap-
First, we automatically align the source sentence and the pens with unknown words (words which were
machine translation output. We use fast-align (Dyer et al.,
2013) to align the full training corpus (source and reference) never observed in the training corpus). The SMT
along with the test source and MT output. We use the sug- system translates these correctly 53.2% of the
gested standard options for alignment and then symmetrize
the alignment with grow-diag-final-and.
time, while the NMT system translates them cor-
Each source word is either unaligned (“dropped”) or
aligned to one or more target language words. For each tar- than in the reference, we award fractional credit. If the target
get word to which the source word is aligned, we check if word does not appear in the reference, we award zero credit.
that target word appears in the reference translation. If the We then average these scores over the full set of target words
target word appears the same number of times in the MT out- aligned to the given source word to compute the precision for
put as in the reference, we award that alignment a score of that source word. Source words can then be binned by fre-
one. If the target word appears more times in the MT output quency and average translation precisions can be computed.
Label Unobserved Observed Once Src. (1) ... choreographiertes Gesamtkunstwerk ...
Adjective 4 10 (2) ... die Polizei ihn einkesselte.
Named Entity 40 42 BPE (1) chore@@ ograph@@ iertes
Noun 35 35 (2) ein@@ kes@@ sel@@ te
Number 12 4 NMT (1) ... choreographed overall artwork ...
Verb 3 6 (2) ... police stabbed him.
Other 6 3 SMT (1) ... choreographiertes total work of art ...
(2) ... police einkesselte him.
Table 2: Breakdown of the first 100 tokens that Ref. (1) ... choreographed complete work of art ...
were unobserved in training or observed once in (2) ... police closed in on him.
training, by hand-annotated category. Figure 6: Examples of words that were unob-
served in the training corpus, their byte-pair en-
codings, and their translations.
rectly 60.1% of the time. This is reflected in Fig-
ure 5, where the SMT system shows a steep curve
up from the unobserved words, while the NMT the SMT system does not. In Example 2, the
system does not see a great jump. SMT system simply passes the German verb
Both SMT and NMT systems actually have einkesselte (closed in on) unchanged into the out-
their worst performance on words that were ob- put, while the NMT system fails silently, selecting
served a single time in the training corpus, drop- the fluent-sounding but semantically inappropriate
ping to 48.6% and 52.2%, respectively; even “stabbed” instead.
worse than for unobserved words. Table 2 shows While there remains room for improvement,
a breakdown of the categories of words that were NMT systems (at least those using byte-pair en-
unobserved in the training corpus or observed only coding) perform better on very low-frequency
once. The most common categories across both words then SMT systems do. Byte-pair encoding
are named entity (including entity and location is sometimes sufficient (much like stemming or
names) and nouns. The named entities can of- compound-splitting) to allow the successful trans-
ten be passed through unchanged (for example, lation of rare words even though it does not nec-
the surname “Elabdellaoui” is broken into “E@@ essarily split words at morphological boundaries.
lab@@ d@@ ell@@ a@@ oui” by the byte- As with the fluent-sounding but semantically inap-
pair encoding and is correctly passed through un- propriate examples from domain-mismatch, NMT
changed by both the NMT and SMT systems). may sometimes fail similarly when it encounters
Many of the nouns are compound nouns; when unknown words even in-domain.
these are correctly translated, it may be attributed
to compound-splitting (SMT) or byte-pair encod- 3.4 Long Sentences
ing (NMT). The factored SMT system also has ac- A well-known flaw of early encoder-decoder
cess to the stemmed form of words, which can NMT models was the inability to properly
also play a similar role to byte-pair encoding in translate long sentences (Cho et al., 2014;
enabling translation of unobserved inflected forms Pouget-Abadie et al., 2014). The introduction
(e.g. adjectives, verbs). Unsurprisingly, there are of the attention model remedied this problem
many numbers that were unobserved in the train- somewhat. But how well?
ing data; these tend to be translated correctly (with We used the large English-Spanish system from
occasional errors due to formatting of commas and the learning curve experiments (Section 3.2), and
periods, resolvable by post-processing). used it to translate a collection of news test sets
The categories which involve more extensive from the WMT shared tasks. We broke up these
inflection (adjectives and verbs) are arguably the sets into buckets based on source sentence length
most interesting. Adjectives and verbs have worse (1-9 subword tokens, 10-19 subword tokens, etc.)
accuracy rates and higher deletion rates than nouns and computed corpus-level BLEU scores for each.
across most word frequencies. We show examples Figure 7 shows the results. While overall NMT
in Figure 6 of situations where the NMT system is better than SMT, the SMT system outperforms
succeeds and fails, and contrast it with the fail- NMT on sentences of length 60 and higher. Qual-
ures of the SMT system. In Example 1, the NMT ity for the two systems is relatively close, except
system successfully translates the unobserved ad- for the very long sentences (80 and more tokens).
jective choreographiertes (choreographed), while The quality of the NMT system is dramatically
BLEU Scores with Varying Sentence Length




35 34.7 34.7

33 33.8 34.1 die 56 16
31.5 Beziehungen 89

31 32.3
31.3 zwischen 72 26
30 29.6
30.3 Obama 96
28.7 und 79
27.1 Neural
27.6 27.7 Netanjahu 98
26.9 Phrase-Based
sind 42 11 38
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 seit 22 54 10
Sentence Length (source, subword count)
Jahren 98
angespannt 84
Figure 7: Quality of translations based on sen- . 11 14 23 49
tence length. SMT outperforms NMT for sen-
tences longer than 60 subword tokens. For very
Figure 8: Word alignment for English–German:
long sentences (80+) quality is much worse due to
comparing the attention model states (green boxes
too short output.
with probability in percent if over 10) with align-
ments obtained from fast-align (blue outlines).
lower for these since it produces too short trans-
lations (length ratio 0.859, opposed to 1.024). tionaries (Arthur et al., 2016), for the introduction
of coverage and fertility models (Tu et al., 2016),
3.5 Word Alignment etc.
The key contribution of the attention model in But is the attention model in fact the proper
neural machine translation (Bahdanau et al., 2015) means? To examine this, we compare the soft
was the imposition of an alignment of the output alignment matrix (the sequence of attention vec-
words to the input words. This takes the shape tors) with word alignments obtained by traditional
of a probability distribution over the input words word alignment methods. We use incremental
which is used to weigh them in a bag-of-words fast-align (Dyer et al., 2013) to align the input and
representation of the input sentence. output of the neural machine system.
See Figure 8 for an illustration. We compare
Arguably, this attention model does not func-
the word attention states (green boxes) with the
tionally play the role of a word alignment between
word alignments obtained with fast align (blue
the source in the target, at least not in the same
outlines). For most words, these match up pretty
way as its analog in statistical machine translation.
well. Both attention states and fast-align align-
While in both cases, alignment is a latent variable
ment points are a bit fuzzy around the function
that is used to obtain probability distributions over
words have-been/sind.
words or phrases, arguably the attention model has
However, the attention model may settle on
a broader role. For instance, when translating a
alignments that do not correspond with our intu-
verb, attention may also be paid to its subject and
ition or alignment points obtained with fast-align.
object since these may disambiguate it. To fur-
See Figure 9 for the reverse language direction,
ther complicate matters, the word representations
German–English. All the alignment points appear
are products of bidirectional gated recurrent neu-
to be off by one position. We are not aware of any
ral networks that have the effect that each word
intuitive explanation for this divergent behavior —
representation is informed by the entire sentence
the translation quality is high for both systems.
We measure how well the soft alignment (atten-
But there is a clear need for an alignment mech-
tion model) of the NMT system match the align-
anism between source and target words. For in-
ments of fast-align with two metrics:
stance, prior work used the alignments provided
by the attention model to interpolate word trans- • a match score that checks for each output
lation decisions with traditional probabilistic dic- if the aligned input word according to fast-
Language Pair Match Prob.


German–English 14.9% 16.0%


English–German 77.2% 63.2%



Czech–English 78.0% 63.3%
the 47 17
English–Czech 76.1% 59.7%
relationship 81
Russian–English 72.5% 65.0%
between 72
English–Russian 73.4% 64.1%
Obama 87
and 93 Table 3: Scores indicating overlap between at-
Netanyahu 95 tention probabilities and alignments obtained with
has 38 16 26 fast-align.
been 21 14 54
stretched 77
for 38 33 12
Note that the attention model may produce bet-
years ter word alignments by guided alignment training
. 11 (Chen et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2016) where super-
19 32 17
vised word alignments (such as the ones produced
by fast-align) are provided to model training.
Figure 9: Mismatch between attention states and
desired word alignments (German–English). 3.6 Beam Search
The task of decoding is to find the full sentence
align is indeed the input word that received translation with the highest probability. In statis-
the highest attention probability, and tical machine translation, this problem has been
addressed with heuristic search techniques that ex-
• a probability mass score that sums up the plore a subset of the space of possible translation.
probability mass given to each alignment A common feature of these search techniques is a
point obtained from fast-align. beam size parameter that limits the number of par-
tial translations maintained per input word.
In these scores, we have to handle byte pair encod- There is typically a straightforward relationship
ing and many-to-many alignments11 between this beam size parameter and the model
In out experiment, we use the neural ma- score of resulting translations and also their qual-
chine translation models provided by Edinburgh12 ity score (e.g., BLEU). While there are dimin-
(Sennrich et al., 2016a). We run fast-align on the ishing returns for increasing the beam parameter,
same parallel data sets to obtain alignment mod- typically improvements in these scores can be ex-
els and used them to align the input and output of pected with larger beams.
the NMT system. Table 3 shows alignment scores Decoding in neural translation models can be
for the systems. The results suggest that, while set up in similar fashion. When predicting the next
drastic, the divergence for German–English is an output word, we may not only commit to the high-
outlier. We note, however, that we have seen such est scoring word prediction but also maintain the
large a divergence also under different data condi- next best scoring words in a list of partial trans-
tions. lations. We record with each partial translation
11 the word translation probabilities (obtained from
(1) NMT operates on subwords, but fast-align is run on
full words. (2) If an input word is split into subwords by the softmax), extend each partial translation with
byte pair encoding, then we add their attention scores. (3) subsequent word predictions and accumulate these
If an output word is split into subwords, then we take the
average of their attention vectors. (4) The match scores and
scores. Since the number of partial translation ex-
probability mass scores are computed as average over output plodes exponentially with each new output word,
word-level scores. (5) If an output word has no fast-align we prune them down to a beam of highest scoring
alignment point, it is ignored in this computation. (6) If an
output word is fast-aligned to multiple input words, then (6a) partial translations.
for the match score: count it as correct if the n aligned words As in traditional statistical machine translation
among the top n highest scoring words according to attention decoding, increasing the beam size allows us to
and (6b) for the probability mass score: add up their attention
scores. explore a larger set of the space of possible transla-
12 tion and hence find translations with better model
Czech–English English-Czech

24.124 24.2 24
24 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.9
31 30.930.9
30.8 30.930.9 30.9 23.6 23.5 23.6
30.6 30.7 23.2 23.2
30.4 30.5 30.4 23.1
30.3 30.3 23 22.7
30 29.9


29.7 29.8 22

29 21
Unnormalized 28.5 Unnormalized
Normalized 20 Normalized 19.9

1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1,000 1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1,000

Beam Size Beam Size

German–English English–German

37.5 37.637.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 29.129.2 29.2 29.2
29.1 29.1
37.2 29 28.929
28.6 28.7
37 36.9 36.9
36.836.7 28.528.5
36.6 36.6 28.4 28.4
36.4 36.3 28 28.1
36.1 28 27.9

35.7 35.7 27.6

35 27
26.8 26.7
Unnormalized 34.6 Unnormalized
Normalized Normalized

1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1 000 1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1 000

Beam Size Beam Size

Romanian–English English–Romanian

26 25.825.8
25.825.8 25.8
17.3 25.7 25.7 25.7
25.6 25.6 25.6
25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6
17 16.9
16.916.9 25.4
16.6 16.7

16.4 16.4
16.416.3 25
16.2 24.7
Unnormalized Unnormalized 24
15.3 24
Normalized Normalized
1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1 000 1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1 000
Beam Size Beam Size

Russian–English English–Russian
27.7 27.727.7 27.6
27.5 23
22.5 22.422.4
27 26.9 26.9 22.3 22.4 22.4
22.2 22.3
26.6 26.6 22.1 22.1
26.4 22 21.8 21.9 21.8


26 25.9 25.9 21.4 21.3

25.5 25.5
25 24.8
Unnormalized Unnormalized
Normalized 24.1 19.9 Normalized
1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1 000 1 2 4 8 12 20 30 50 100 200 500 1 000
Beam Size Beam Size

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