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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga
District of Sta. Rita
Becuran, Sta. Rita, Pampanga

Name:___________________________________________________ RESULT:
Grade & Section:______________________ Date:_________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the each question with comprehension and choose only the letter of the correct
answer. Carefully and precisely shade the letter of the correct answer provided before each number. Erasures and
tampered answers will be considered incorrect. Best of luck!

1. Which of the following element refers to the information or ideas conveyed by the speaker?
A. Message C. Channel
B. Receiver D. Sender
A B C D 2. It is a category wherein communication consist of messages being sent and received continuously
with the speaker and the listener, it is focused on the way messages are portrayed.
A. Transaction C. Interactive
B. Verbal D. Gestures
A B C D 3. The following choices are some examples of nonverbal communication EXCEPT_________.
A. graphs C. facial expression
B. letter D. devices
A B C D 4. It is defined as a changeable manner in communication.
A. Schramm Model C. Linear
B. Barriers D. Communication Process
A B C D 5. Oral communication is the interchange of _____________ between the sender and receiver.
A. cues and clues C. verbal messages
B. written messages D. signs and gestures
A B C D 6. The limitation of oral communication is that __________________________.
A. it is not affected by the speaker’s feelings or stress or excitement levels.
B. it is irreversible—what is said cannot be taken back.
C. it is easy to be aware of our body language.
D. it does not require on-the-spot thinking.
A B C D 7. The foremost barrier to oral communication is:
A. poor listening C. concentration
B. interestedness D. humility
A B C D 8. The effectiveness of oral communication depends on the speaker’s ability to use:
A. complex words C. foreign words
B. simple language D. long sentences
A B C D 9. How does face-to-face communication differ from communication by email?
A. Face-to-face communication is synchronous.
B. The content of face-to-face communication is more personal.
C. Face-to-face communication is less transactional.
D. Face-to-face communication is guided by social roles and rules.
A B C D 10. Which of the following nonverbal cues indicates that a speaker has finished sending a message?
A. Vocal volume rises
B. Eye gaze is directed away from the listener
C. Vocal pitch drops
D. The last syllable of the clause is stressed.
A B C D 11. To convert a message into groups of words, symbols, gestures, or sounds that present ideas or
concepts is called ______________.
A. Feedback C. Encoding
B. Decoding D. Visualizations
A B C D 12. ______________ is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of
the message by converting them into concepts and ideas.
A. Feedback C. Encoding
B. Decoding D. Visualizations
A B C D 13. The _____________ is the individual or group that develops the message to be communicated to
internal and external parties.
A. Source C. Encoder
B. Decoder D. Destiny
A B C D 14. In order to be an effective listener, the most important thing that you can do is to ___________.
A. respond to the message letting the speaker know it has been understood.
B. not make direct eye contact with the speaker for fear of making him or her nervous.
C. leave the room to take an important call in the middle of the message.
D. agree with the speaker's message to be polite, even if you are unclear or have questions.
A B C D 15. All of the following are informal types of oral communication EXCEPT ___________.
A. face-to-face conversations C. discussions at business meetings
B. telephone conversations D. presentations at business meetings
A B C D 16. If a speaker experiences nervous sensations during a speech, he or she should ______.
A. focus on the sensations C. ignore the sensations
B. swallow often D. postpone the speech
A B C D 17. Noise is not a problem at which stage of the communication process?
A. Source
B. Receiver
C. Decoding
D. None of the above (noise is a problem at all stages)
A B C D 18. Communication between two or more people is ______.
A. only verbal C. interpersonal
B. only nonverbal D. intrapersonal
A B C D 19. A speaker can gather information about an audience by considering the audience on _____.
A. a personal level
B. cultural, sociological, and individual levels
C. a nonverbal level
D. an economic level
A B C D 20. _________ is not one of the 7 C’s of communication.
A. Character C. Clarity
B. Conciseness D. Correctness
A B C D 21. Which function of communication is served when people’s feelings are being invoked?
A. Motivation C. Emotional Expression
B. Control D. Social Interaction
A B C D 22. Positive gestures are body signals that make you look ________________.
A. Nervous C. Hurtful
B. Relaxed D. Arrogant
A B C D 23. If a speaker winks after saying something, it suggests to the audience that the subject is:
A. Serious C. Incredible
B. Non-serious D. True
A B C D 24. Can communication still take place even without the Speaker?
A. No, the Speaker is always a must in the communication process.
B. Yes, if the Speaker decides to be the listener.
C. Yes, if there’s a written source of information even and illustration can stand alone.
D. No, communication fails if the speaker is missing.
A B C D 25. Which of the following models of communication asserts that communication can take place only if
the message has been delivered and decoded appropriately, clearly, and without any physical
A. Shannon-Weaver C. Transactional
B. Schramm D. Linear
A B C D 26. All of the following are informal types of oral communication EXCEPT:
A. Telephone conversation C. face to face conversation
B. video call on Messenger D. discussions at business meetings.
A B C D 27. In which of the following scenarios verbal communication is most needed?
A. Standing in front of the class
B. Walking fast at the park
C. Calling someone on the phone
D. Waving at your classmate
A B C D 28. The following are forms of non-verbal communication EXCEPT:
A. clapping C. stomping
B. whispering D. smiling
A B C D 29. It is an element of communication that refers to the method used in delivering a message (e.g.
texting, talking, writing etc.).
A. Channel C. Communication
B. Barrier D. Model
A B C D 30. It is also called an "interference" which keeps a message from being understood or correctly
A. Channel C. Medium
B. Feedback D. Noise
A B C D 31. This element of communication contains meaning and can be in written, oral, symbolic or nonverbal
A. Barrier C. Noise
B. Channel D. Message
A B C D 32. Which of the following depicts communication as linear?
A. Shanon-Weaver Model C. Transactional Model
B. Interactive Communication Model D. Berlo Model
A B C D 33. Which barrier is characterized by culture that provides people ways of thinking, ways of seeing,
hearing, and interpreting the world?
A. Language Barrier C. Emotional Barrier
B. Gender Barrier D. Cultural Barrier
A B C D 34. Which of the following elements of communication refers to the information or ideas conveyed by
the speaker?
A. Context C. Message
B. Channel D. Receiver
A B C D 35. This type of barrier may result from the receiver’s physical state.
A. Psychological Barrier C. Physical Barrier
B. Physiological Barrier D. Environment

II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write A (Amazing) before each number if the statement is true and write B (Beautiful) if the statement is
false then write N (Nice) if the statement has nothing to do with communication.

1. Consider ethics in your speech at sometimes.

2. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
3. How you communicate doesn’t reflects who you are as a person.
4. One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.
5. To achieve clarity, we must use complex words to avoid misinterpretation.
6. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
7. The use of too many fillers don’t distract your listeners.
8. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message that you
9. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
10. When you communicate using nonverbal cues, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.

III. ENUMERATION: Give what is asked.

A. 4 Types of Noises (4pts)


B. 7 C’s of Effective Communication (7pts)

C. 5 Elements of Communication Process(5pts)

D. 5 Functions of Communication (5pts)


BONUS QUESTION: What is the weirdest sound you’ve ever heard? (4PTS)

Altiora Peto, Senior High!

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________________________________ _______________________________
(Checker’s signature over printed name) (Parent’s signature over printed name)

Signed by: Prepared by:

________________________________ JUAINY S. AGGABAO, LPT

(Test-Taker’s signature over printed name) Becuran High School-Senior High School Teacher II
Oral Communication in Context, 2022-2023

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