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A Proposed College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design (CAFAD) Building

A Research Presented to the Faculty of

College of Architecture and Fine Arts and Design
Batangas State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of Architectural Design 4:
Space Planning 1
For the Degree in Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Submitted by:


Calumpit, Leo Marvel

Laraya, John Mark
Lat, Julia Melissa
Maderazo, Nielfranz
Manalo, Chen Mia


Since its founding, Batangas State University has earned recognition as one of
the reputable institutions of higher learning around the country. It constantly offers young
Filipinos top-notch academic instruction in all specialized fields, with a focus on
enhancing engineering programs through the creation and provision of industry-driven
and emerging engineering programs. The College of Engineering, Architecture, and Fine
Arts (CEAFA) is one of the school’s notable departments with over 15,000 enrollees in
26 graduate and undergraduate programs and one of its major programs are
Architecture, Interior Design, and Fine Arts.

CEAFA is acclaimed and recognized for their incredibly competent and dedicated
faculty as well as maintaining its success in providing top-notch engineering,
architecture, and fine arts education not only to the province of Batangas, but to the
entire nation and other nations as well. As a result of the institutions' high academic
programs and wide array of other educational alternatives, an unexpected population
expansion occurred. Because of this,many students, particularly the College of
Architecture, Fine Arts, and Design (CAFAD) students, as well as professors, struggle to
conduct in-person sessions since the spaces and facilities they are using are not suited
for their programs.

With the unforeseen increase in population of students in the field and with the
impending new Alangilan Campus development project (KIST park) and new proposed
engineering building, The school has decided for the separation of CAFAD department
as well. The purpose of this research is to conduct a study about remodeling the current
CEAFA building that will improve both students and teachers academic experience. Not
only this, the newly proposed CAFAD building will create comfortable and appropriate
spaces for the students.

The project will be located at the BSU Alangilan Campus with the building
requirement of ____ sqm.The architects come up with a design concept that represents
the school's core principles; patriotism, service, integrity,resilience, excellence and faith,
using the school's mascot, the "red Spartan." Given our prior experiences as CAFAD
students, the new CAFAD building will have enough rooms to accommodate 40
students, taking into account the anthropometric data and drawing tables. Moreover,
accessibility for those with impairments will be taken into account. To comply with the
green building design, low-impact building materials, extensive green roof,
implementation of renewable energy systems, a rainwater harvesting system, and
modular construction techniques are being employed. Enforcing advanced technology in
the school will aid in the sustainable design of the building and the enhancement of both
students' and teachers' academic approaches.

The students' development and success is mirrored in our school's ongoing
innovation and evolution. Students are encouraged to work diligently and acquire more,
when they are in an environment that appreciates education and broadens their learning
opportunities.Through this project, we can prove that we are living up to our school's
motto, "Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation" which is centered
around the concept of generating additional contributions to national development while
maximizing transformative impact through innovations in instruction, research, and
community service. Although the current generation of students may not experience the
future new CAFAD building, it is our professional responsibility to innovate and provide
the best for coming generations.


● What design strategy ought to be executed to help BatStateU- Alangilan Campus

preserve its status as a leading institution providing higher education with a
thriving economic development zone?

● How will the structure utilize various non - renewable energy sources and be
resourceful to become a sustainable building and use passive ventilation and

● How will the design be more functional, visually attractive, efficient and largely
eco friendly while the aim of providing state-of-the-art teaching and learning
facilities for the students and instructors is still there?


● The researchers intend to propose a design in rebuilding an existing structure

that will assist in giving architecture, fine arts, and interior design students a
quality education and a comfortable and stimulating atmosphere.

● To deliberate a design that is focused on innovation in order to satisfy a student’s

need and to ensure its flexible, sustainable, and low complexity green design

● To provide teachers, and student a cutting edge classrooms and learning spaces
by integrating effective space programming and other design disciplined




a. Static Anthropometry
1. Dimensional data to a normal person

HEIGHT 1.50 m - 1.90 m

EYE 1.40 m - 1.75 m

SHOULDER 1.20 m - 1.55 m

2. Dimensional data of a wheelchair user

b. Functional Anthropometry
1. Reaching zones of a normal person

Max. Reach Up 1.85 m - 2.10 m

Oblique Reach Up 1.65 m - 2.00 m

Forward Reach 1.30 m - 1.45 m

2. Vertical reaching zones of a wheelchair user

2. Horizontal reaching zones of a wheelchair user

1.16 m - 1.33 m

0.99 m - 1.14 m

3. Dimensional data to PWDs

Visually impaired person using a

long white cane.

Person using a cane Persons using crutches

Detectable path dimension






One of the most crucial elements of any entity in the universe that has a physical
dimension is the structural system. This system's primary function is to enable any entity
to handle physical loads and to guarantee a thing's functionality. But, in general, this
system may also play crucial aesthetic, organizational, and even cultural roles. The art
and science of constructing a structural system, whether it is in the natural world or an
artificial one, is known as the structural design world. Whilst it can also refer to industrial
design, the term "architecture" is most often used to refer to the design of the built
environment (airplanes, etc.). The phrase "structural design in nature" mostly refers to
how nature constructs itself.

The structural design of nature has always had an impact on architectural

structural design on several levels. It is crucial to deepen our understanding of how
structural design in nature and architecture are related. Having a theory that enables us
to connect these two domains and establish a foundation for an all-encompassing
viewpoint. In this article, a theoretical paradigm for structural design in both nature and
architecture is proposed. Variables in structural design are created, and each design

parameter is investigated in relation to nature and structural design in architecture. This
allows us to identify the variables from which we can learn more about nature and to
identify potential directions for structural design in the future of architecture.

9.1 Structural systems design in nature and in architecture

9.1.1 Structural systems design in Nature

There are many different types of structural systems in nature. Despite this, there
are several structural systems that can be distinguished: A). living systems' structural
systems that can be A1). Humans and other animals. A2). botanical beings. B).
inanimate objects' structural systems. Living systems are designed through a process of
growth and development, and structural systems are no exception. A stiff skeleton or a
hydro-skeleton can be the structural structure of plants and dynamic objects (fluid, gas or
other material under pressure covered with an envelope - cell, bladder, lung, heart, fruit
etc. A rigid skeleton is built from many hydro-skeletons because the cell itself is a hydro
skeleton). Exoskeletons (external) and endoskeletons (internal) are two categories for
rigid skeletons [1],[2],[3],[4]. A design process can also be seen in non-living systems.
Non-living clouds, mountains, stones, stars, liquid or air bubbles, water streams,
moisture droplets, chemical liquids, etc. - all of these go through a design process and
changes of form [3], and they all have a purpose system of structures. These systems
can alternatively be categorized as hydroskeleton systems or stiff skeleton systems.
Despite the diversity of nature, there is a "school of thinking" that applies to structural
design that can be identified. This is founded on the rules of survival and existence,
which are manifested through the efficient use of resources and materials. According to
a given objective and limitations. The optimization for structural aspects involves
balancing the requirements of other systems with those of the structural system.

9.1.2 Structural systems in Architecture

One of the most significant architectural and structural elements of architecture

(including commercial items like furniture, vehicles, planes, and ships) is the structural
system. Usually, this system works in tandem with other systems to form the entire
architectural composition. The principal party in charge of the planning and design
process is the architectural designer. A broad perspective of the project that includes the
structural components as well as many other factors. A structural consultant typically
serves as one of several consultants in addition to the architectural designer. In contrast
to nature, it is possible to distinguish a number of schools of thought regarding structural
design here.

9.2 Types Of Structural Systems In Buildings

Buildings contain a variety of structural systems. The system that is most

cost-effective and appropriate for the construction must be chosen by a structural
or design engineer. Beams, columns, slabs, and other structural and
non-structural components make up any structure (Doors, Partition Walls, Stairs).
The purpose of structural components is to resist and transmit to the ground the
loads placed on the structure. Beams, columns, and trusses are considered
one-dimensional structural elements, while slabs and plates are considered
two-dimensional structural elements. Together, these structural components
make up a structural system. Construction of buildings is most frequent
(Residential, Commercial or Institutional). Here, a building's structural structure
and load transmission mechanism are discussed in detail. Although both of these

load transfer mechanisms are complementary, we separate them into gravity load
transfer mechanisms and lateral load transfer mechanisms for ease.

9.2.1 Lateral Load Transfer

Lateral loads like Wind load, Seismic load predominate in high rise
buildings and hence govern the structural system.
Lateral Load Resisting system generally consists of one of the following:

a. Rigid Frame System

A mixture of beams and columns. Columns and Beams are cast
all at once. The many kinds of structural systems tend to use this the
most. In order to resist lateral loads, the connection between the beam
and the column is made robust and moment-resistant. As a result, they
are also known as Moment-Resisting Frames. The stiffness of the
columns, beams, and connections, if any, determines how rigid a rigid
frame is in the lateral direction. Comparing the lateral deflection to other
lateral load resisting structural systems, it is high. The deflection
increases as the building's height rises. It works for structures with 15 to
20 stories.

b. Shear Wall System

One of the simplest and most efficient lateral load resisting
systems is it. A solid continuous vertical wall that spans the entire height
of the building is referred to as a shear wall. Because shear walls are so
rigid, they can bend vertically to resist loads. They are extremely rigid and
strong in-plane. Shear walls are typically made of reinforced concrete.
But, modern developments in structural engineering have made it
possible to create shear walls constructed of steel, masonry, and wood as
It works for structures with up to 35 stories.

c. Wall - Frame System

This is a fusion of rigid frames and shear walls. Likewise known as
dual-systems. This interaction benefits the structure because the frames
in the top storeys control wall deformations while the walls restrain frame
deformations in the lower storeys. Compared to the rigid frame and shear
wall alone, the deflection is significantly less. It is appropriate for 40–50

d. Braced Frame System
This structural system is made up of moment frames with
designated bays that are furnished with diagonal components (often
made of steel) known as bracings, which principally resist the lateral loads
on the structure. With such a system, the bracings are thought to be able
to withstand all lateral loads while the beams and columns are typically
constructed to handle the vertical loads. The lateral loads are transmitted
to the brace members as axial tensile and compressive forces. Across the
height of the building, bracing is typically given as vertical bracing (also
known as elevation bracing), which primarily resists lateral stresses and
transmits them to the ground. Nevertheless, bracings may also be offered
in the horizontal plane, commonly referred to as the Plan bracing, which
serves as the structure's diaphragm.
There are various types of bracings used such as:

e. Cores
The main component of this structural system is a central shear
core, which is a network of walls joined to one another to create a rigid
box-like structure. The main structural element is often lift wells. The
structure resisting lateral loads while serving as a vertical cantilever is
more stable thanks to such RCC cores.

f. Tubes
Use of a braced frame and structural walls alone may not be
sufficient for tall and high rise buildings to control the overall lateral
displacement as well as the forces. Such circumstances call for structural
structures that are more stiff. One system in which columns are tightly
spaced around the perimeter and therefore increase the number of
columns in the perimeter, forming a tube, is the use of tube structures. It
appears to be a hollow cantilevered building. As the outer tube is
extremely strong and can withstand all lateral loads, the inside columns
can be made smaller and can only support gravity load.
Different types of tube structural systems are used such as:
● Framed tube
● Tube in a tube (hull and core)
● Bundled tubes.

9.2.2. Gravity Load Transfer

Although a building is three-dimensional, we assume, analyze, and
design it as an amalgamation of two-dimensional subsystems largely located in
the horizontal and vertical planes. Hence, it is convenient to divide a building into
the Floor or Horizontal System and Vertical or Framing System.

a. Floor Systems
When gravity loads are applied to the floor system, it resists them
and transfers them to the vertical system. A horizontal diaphragm that
connects and stiffens several vertical frame sections is the floor. Due to its
high in-plane stiffness under lateral loads, the floor diaphragm exhibits
rigid behavior and efficiently transfers the impacts of lateral stresses to
the various vertical frame parts.

1. Wall – Slab System

In the beginning, directly supporting a slab on walls was a
standard practice. Because they support the weight of the slabs,
these walls are known as load bearing walls. The slab may be
continuous or interrupted, one way or two ways, and may or may
not be supported. Beams and columns have no purpose, hence
they can be disregarded. Typically, slabs to walls and then to
foundations are the points of load transfer. The major drawback
with this system is it cannot be used for tall buildings i.e. It is only
adopted for Low-rise Buildings.

2. Beam – Slab System

A structural system that is widely used across the many
varieties. Both low-rise and tall buildings are best suited for it.
Slabs are supported by Columns, which in turn are supported by
Beams. Framed Construction is the name given to this building
method. Slabs come in One-way or Two-way varieties, and beams
are also cast in one piece with the slab. The beam, in turn,
transfers the slab's gravitational stress to the columns and,
ultimately, to the foundations. Grid-style beam spacing is used.
The term "Secondary Beam" refers to a beam that is supported by
another beam and not by a column. Principal beams are those
that pass through columns.

3. Ribbed Slab System

A unique form of beam-slab system where the beams are
tightly spaced and the slab is exceedingly thin (also known as the

topping or the ribs). The thickness of the ribs is over three to four
times deeper. Waffle slabs are referred to as such if a two-way
slab is used. Large-span buildings are where this is most
frequently used, and in this instance, it rests directly on columns
(and the slab is to be made Solid instead of ribbed near columns).

4. Flat Slab System

Most frequently observed in commercial structures and
maturing multi-story skyscrapers. There are no rays on it. With
Drop Panels and Column Caps, the flat slabs are made more rigid
close to the supports for the columns. Because of its ability to
withstand shear and hogging moments close to the supports, this
is more appropriate for heavier loads and wider spans. Using the
Flat Slab method, larger spans are achievable. This floor system
has the largest dead load per unit area when compared to other
floor systems.

5. Monolithic Concrete
Many concrete framed buildings have concrete floor
systems that are poured in place as an integral part of the overall
structural system. This is referred to as a monolithic reinforced
concrete system. Monolithic systems usually are solid and stable
and tend to reduce sound and vibration transmission problems.

6. Precast Concrete
Many companies manufacture precast floor units that can
be set in place by a crane and anchored to the supporting beams.
Precast units have the advantages of quick erection in all types of
weather, a higher probability of quality control because of their
shop-based manufacturing approach, and the same solid
noise-reducing characteristics as monolithic concrete floors. Some
units are prestressed and may have hollow cores to reduce their
overall weight. Prestressed concrete is a method and a product
used to overcome the concrete’s natural weakness in tension. It
can be used to produce beams, floors, or bridges with a longer
span than is practical with ordinary reinforced concrete.
Prestressing tendons (generally of high tensile steel cable or rods)
are used to provide a clamping load that produces a compressive
stress that offsets the tensile stress that the concrete compression
member otherwise would experience because of a bending load.
Precast units generally do not have the same degree of flexibility
as poured-in-place concrete in the design of odd-shaped
structures and special openings through the floor.

7. Steel Systems
Steel systems consist of lightweight steel joists or trusses
with steel decking spot-welded to them. Usually some
steel-welded wire fabric is laid on top of the steel decking and a
thin layer of concrete is poured on top of that to add strength and
stability to the overall structural system, reduce noise and vibration
transmission, and improve fire resistance. Steel units can be
erected quickly and usually are more economical than concrete
systems. Many steel deck units are designed with compartments
or cells to carry wiring for power, computers, telephones, and
other equipment.

8. Composite Systems

Many types of floor systems are on the market and in use
today. One such system is called a composite system because it
combines the use of steel beams for the main support with a
concrete floor that is poured on top of the beams as a composite
structural system. The concrete and steel are designed to act
together as a single unit to carry the loads by rigidly securing the
top flange of each beam to the concrete slab. This anchoring is
achieved by a series of steel studs welded to the top flange of the
beam and encased into the concrete when the slab is poured. This
type of system is lighter in weight yet provides all of the
advantages of a concrete floor.

Composite floors also can be constructed using a

technique similar to the one described above. In this case,
corrugated steel decking has pins welded to the top of the deck at
specified intervals and then a structural layer of concrete is poured
on the deck. The pins tie the concrete to the deck. Normally, a
second pour is completed, called the topping layer, which brings
the composite floor up to its final height.

In general, floor systems with greater mass reduce noise

and vibration transmissions, while lighter floors tend to transmit
sound and vibration in a more pronounced way. In some cases,
specific design needs may have to be met by the floor system to
accommodate specialized research equipment or other special
circumstances. It may be necessary to locate some equipment on
a slab-on-grade floor with an appropriately designed mounting pad
or piling.

b. Vertical System

Vertical or Framing system resists the gravity loads and also the
lateral loads from the floor system and transmits these to the foundations.

1. Columns
The most frequently used vertical scheme is one with
columns. The columns are often built to resist axial compression
mixed with bending moments. The size of the columns relies on
the height and the loads operating on it, as well as the type of floor
system, column spacing, number of storeys, etc. These effects are

particularly noticeable in the lower floors of the building, as the
size of the column shrinks from bottom to top. The ability of
columns and beams to withstand lateral loads depends on how
stiff the junction is.

2. Walls
This can be made of either masonry or reinforced
concrete. Depending on the major function of these walls, it can
be classified into Bearing Walls and Shear Walls. Walls resisting
Gravity Loads are called Bearing Walls and if walls resist Lateral
Loads then it is called Shear Walls.

9.3 Building Framing Types

There are five basic structure or framing types and an assortment of alternative
structural systems: (1) wall-bearing, (2) reinforced concrete, (3) structural steel, (4) a
combination of these types, and (5) tensile structures.


Wall-bearing refers to a building type that relies on masonry walls to

support floor and roof structural members. Such structures generally are only one
or two stories in height, but they can be higher if circumstances warrant. Before
the widespread use of skeletal framing, it was not unusual for buildings to have
many stories, but the walls at the first-floor level were necessarily thick (three or
four feet) to withstand the unit pressures on the masonry. A typical one-story
wall-bearing structure might consist of a 12-inch exterior wall made up of 4
inches of face brick and 8 inches of concrete block, with the roof framing
constructed of steel open-web bar joists.
Wall-bearing construction usually is found in fairly simple structures in
which no major modifications are anticipated. They are rather easy to construct,
but their floor plans are typically not as flexible as other building types because of
the heavy bearing walls and the difficulty and expense required to move them.
Masonry construction is susceptible to inclement weather because masonry and
mortar cannot be laid in wet weather or freezing temperatures.

Reinforced Concrete

Reinforced concrete framing differs from wall-bearing construction in

several ways, but a primary difference is that it consists entirely of freestanding

columns braced by horizontal beams at each floor level. Skeletal framing is
necessary for high-rise construction, and the columns and beams can be
designed to carry almost unlimited loadings from the dead load of the building
weight and the live load of contents, occupants, and wind. Skeletal framing
provides wide flexibility for future changes to floor layouts, as there are few, if
any, solid masonry bearing walls to remove or relocate. Reinforced concrete
frames usually are formed on the job and are poured floor by floor as the
structure rises. If beams are a problem, either functionally or aesthetically, a flat
slab floor system can be designed that eliminates beams by thickening the floor
construction. Reinforced concrete is an ideal building material for structures,
because it is naturally fireproof and does not require any additional fire protection
measures. This is especially important in high-rise structures, where fire safety
and exit codes are more stringent. Precast concrete framing is preferred over
cast-in-place concrete for some situations. The beams, columns, and even units
of the floor slab may be cast in a factory and delivered to the job site already
cured and ready for placement. Quite commonly, these units are prestressed with
steel cables under tension to supply the required tensile strength for the floor
units. The connecting joints are usually welded to steel plates embedded in the
concrete. This technology has unlimited applications, but one of the most
common uses of precast concrete structures is in the construction of multistory
parking garages.

Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) is concrete containing fibrous material,

which increases its structural integrity. It contains short, discrete fibers that are
uniformly distributed and randomly oriented. Fibers include steel fibers, glass
fibers, synthetic fibers, and natural fibers. Within these different fibers, the
character of fiber-reinforced concrete changes with varying types of concrete,
fiber materials, geometry, distribution, orientation, and densities.

Structural Steel

Steel-framed buildings have characteristics similar to concrete-framed

buildings in that the structural frame relies on a post-and-beam approach to
design, and it is built as a free-standing structure before the exterior walls are
placed. Steel can be erected faster than poured-in-place structures and also is
easier to work with in harsh winter weather than concrete. Steel-framed buildings
range from the relatively simple prefabricated metal buildings to the more
complex and sophisticated “superdomes” for sports arenas and high-rise
structures. Steel structures are shop fabricated and field erected using rivets,
bolts, welds, or combinations of connection techniques.

Steel framing must be fireproofed for certain types of occupancies and for
multistory construction. If a steel structure is not properly protected, it can
suddenly collapse in a fire if the temperature of the steel rises above 1,000°F.
This was graphically evidenced with the tragic events surrounding the collapse of
the twin World Trade Center towers in New York in 2001. Steel construction
typically is lighter in weight, is erected more quickly, and usually has lower initial
costs than concrete framing. On the other hand, it requires the additional cost of
fireproofing and does not provide the same degree of structural “rigidity” as
concrete framing. Rigidity can be particularly important with some building types,
such as hospitals, classrooms, or research labs.

Combinations of Types

Some of the simpler building types often consist of a combination of

framing types. It is not uncommon for one- or two-story structures to have
exterior walls that consist of wall-bearing masonry, while the interior supports are
all steel columns with steel beams or trusses.

Some areas of the country are highly suitable for wood frame construction
and wood siding. This is particularly true in California, Oregon, and Washington,
where the native woods are abundant, and the products of the giant redwoods,
firs, and cedars weather well.

Tensile Structures

Another framing system consists of structural supports of either steel or

concrete covered by a tensile fabric system. The fabrics used in this type of
system carry loads generated only from tension, while the structural supporting
elements in the system carry all of the compression loads. Most tensile structures
are supported by some form of compression or bending elements, such as
masts, as in The O2, formerly known as the Millennium Dome, or compression
rings or beams. Tensile membrane structures are most often used as roofs for
large arenas or public spaces because they can economically and attractively
span large distances.

9.3 Footings and Foundations

Spread Footings

Spread footings are simple concrete footings bearing on the ground to
support concrete foundation walls or grade beams above them. They commonly
are used on simple and low-rise structures, but they usually are not adequate for
either tall buildings or for poor or unstable soil conditions. Taller buildings (more
than three or four stories in height) create larger single point-loading pressures
that spread footings usually cannot accommodate. Poor soils typically cannot
safely support spread footings without potential settlement and cracking to the
foundation system.


The most common and one of the best substitutes for spread footings are
pilings. Pilings can be made of treated timber, steel, or concrete and are driven
into the ground to support point-loading conditions. Concrete piles can be either
precast and driven into the ground with a pounding force, or they can be caissons
that are drilled in place and poured with concrete and reinforcing steel cages.
Piles are classified as friction or point-bearing types. Friction piles carry their
loads from the friction generated along their surface between the pile and the
surrounding soils. Point-bearing piles usually sit on a stiff stratum of shale, rock,
gravel, or other bearing strata capable of carrying large unit pressures.

Piles usually are placed in groups and capped with a heavy concrete top.
Some piles in each group are driven at a slight angle from the vertical to provide
batter, thus creating more stability within each individual pile grouping. They are
driven into the soil by a large free-falling weight or a double-acting hammer
weight. The pile driver guides the pile downward as it is driven.

Poured-in-place piles (caissons) are created by drilling large holes into

the ground and filing them with concrete after the bottom of the hole has reached
a suitable bearing stratum. Pilings vary in diameter from 12 inches to as much as
five or six feet and sometimes reach 60 feet in depth. In shifting soils or where
water is present, the pile drilling may have to be lined with a steel casing as it is
being drilled, and the hole may have to be pumped full of concrete as the steel
wall is withdrawn.

Pilings are more expensive than simple spread footings, but sometimes
they are justified because the footing is a critical part of the building design and
must last for the life of the building. It cannot be revised, replaced, or even
maintained without a huge expenditure of funds; thus, it is not an item to gamble
with in the overall design of the building.

9.4 Exterior Wall Types

Solid Masonry

Exterior walls composed of masonry units have been used for centuries.
Still in common use today are facings of brick and native stone, with a backup
material made of either concrete block or lightweight cinder masonry units. Steel
reinforcing and concrete often are added to some of the vertical block cavities to
strengthen their overall structural capacity. Such walls usually are 12 to 16 inches
thick and are relatively easy to maintain. They have poor insulating values and
should be insulated in the core or on the interior face with high-quality, permanent
insulating materials.

Masonry Veneers

Another common exterior wall system consists of an exterior wythe

(facing of one thickness) of brick or stone masonry anchored to wood or metal
stud framing behind it. This system can be heavily insulated in the stud spacing
or on the face of the studs in the cavity space, but extreme care must be taken to
ensure that the exterior veneer is solidly and permanently anchored and that
water entering the core of the wall is swiftly and surely routed back to the exterior.

Curtain Walls

The term curtain wall is used to describe any exterior wall suspended
from floor to floor on the structural frame of the building. A curtain wall system is
exactly the opposite of a wall-bearing system in that it is supported by the
structure and does not carry any dead load. One type of curtain wall, popular
since the 1950s, is a system composed of metal (usually aluminum) extrusions
anchored together to form an exterior grid of vertical and horizontal mullions. The
spaces formed by these mullions are filled with windows and opaque insulated
panels. The number of designs, shapes, colors, and materials are almost
unlimited. Modern glazing products offer excellent insulation and U-Values that
make this type of wall system an excellent choice. “U-Value” is an understood
term in glazing and construction for light transmission and heat gain. High-quality
curtain walls are relatively easy to maintain and have performed well. The major
concern involves keeping them well caulked to avoid leakage in heavy rains and
strong winds.

Precast Units

Curtain walls faced with precast concrete units provide a good,
permanent exterior building face. Concrete units can be formed into any shape
and texture and are usually of a size that can be transported and erected easily.
Steel anchors are embedded into the concrete units so that the units can be
welded or bolted to the building structure. The precast units can be backed with
steel studs and gypsum board for insulation. This assembly makes an excellent
exterior wall and is used extensively for university building projects. The stone
and brick industries have developed and promoted prefabricated panels of brick
or stone that can be erected in large sections similar to precast concrete units.
An advantage of this type of wall is that it can be fabricated off-site while the
foundation is being constructed. Then the precast units can be brought in and
erected quickly, making for fast construction.

Wood Facades

Wood facades normally are used on wood-framed structures. Redwood,

cedar, and fir weather well in their natural state and can be utilized in many
shapes (e.g., lap siding, shakes, board-and-batten, tongue-and-groove, and
shiplap siding).

Miscellaneous Types

Tilt-up wall construction is sometimes used for warehouses and other

simple utilitarian structures. Tilt-up wall panels are made of concrete and are
poured in a flat plane on the job site, preferably next to the wall location. After
curing, each panel is tilted up into place and anchored to the building structure.

In regions that experience large deviations in temperatures over short

periods of time, attention must be given to the expansion and contraction
characteristics of the materials that are chosen. Widely varying expansion
coefficients among materials that are not properly accounted for in the design will
cause serious structural problems later. Sealants are used on some wall
construction types, and these must be carefully chosen and properly applied so
that they accommodate the expansion characteristics of the materials that they
are joining.

Seismic design is another major consideration. Wall construction and its

integration into the structure needs to meet appropriate seismic design standards
and local building codes. These design standards vary substantially by state and

will not be covered here, but the facilities manager should ensure that all design
professionals working on the project are familiar with the applicable seismic
design standards.

9.5 Roofing

Nothing in the building industry has gained more attention than roofing
and the problems associated with leaking roofs. Roofs generally fall into two
basic categories: flat (or nearly flat) or sloping. Older buildings tend to have steep
roofs or roofs with an adequate slope, whereas many newer structures, which
generally accommodate larger floor plans, are often topped with dead-level (flat)
roofs or roofs with negligible or very little slope.Sloped roofs usually are made of
shingles (slate, asphalt, wood, cement, or clay tile) or standing-seam metal
sheets. Dead-level roofs are built up with layers of felt and hot moppings of
asphalt or coal tar pitch, and they then are capped with a flood coat of the hot
liquid material and an embedding of gravel protection as a walking and wearing

Built-up Roofs

A built-up roof is constructed by placing alternate layers of saturated felt

paper and moppings of hot asphalt or bitumen; the roof is then coated with a
poured layer of hot asphalt (flood-coated) on the top layer of felt with the hot
liquid asphalt or bitumen. Rock or gravel aggregate may be embedded onto the
hot pour to form a protective surface. Four or five layers usually are used, and
such a roof is expected to last at least 15 to 20 years.

A built-up roof should have at least a 1/4-inch per foot slope to readily
allow water drainage. Expect to receive at least a 15-year guarantee on the roof
against leakage; some roofs will attain a 20-year guarantee. The guarantee
should include the flashings and counter flashings in addition to the roof itself.
Flashings and counter flashings usually are made from galvanized steel or
copper, but sometimes they are made of the same bitumen products as the
roofing membrane.

On older roofs with a slope of less than 1/4 inch per foot, it might be
necessary to use coal tar pitch instead of asphalt. Pitch flows at a lower
temperature and tends to seal itself in warm weather. Thus, it will flow off a
steeply sloping roof in hot weather and clog the gutters and downspouts. Four

grades of asphalt exist; their use depends on the roof slope, which can vary from
almost flat to several inches per foot.

The installation of a built-up roof is extremely labor intensive in the field

and requires strict control of workmanship and attention to the weather. Built-up
roofs are flexible and can adapt to almost any near-flat roofing problem.

Single-Ply Roofs

The term single-ply describes a factory-made sheet system from a single

material or a laminated material. The sheets are shipped in a large continuous
roll, are cut to fit field conditions, and then are placed over an insulating substrate
on the roof. The top surface of a single-ply sheet may be factory coated or field
coated. Single-ply roofs can be grouped into many classifications according to
type of installation, material type, chemical composition, or manufacturing
process. The most common types of material are EPDM (Ethylene Propylene
Diene Monomer) and TPO (Thermoplastic Olefin). TPO has become more
popular as it has a low albedo. The albedo of an object is the extent to which it
diffusely reflects light from the sun and therefore better meets the requirements
of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification as
provided by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). TPO also tends to have
stronger seams. The usual installation types are adhered or externally ballasted.
Joints between sheets are sealed with contact cements or welded using solvents
or heat.

Single-Ply Adhered

A fully adhered system usually is attached to the top surface of the roof
insulation by contact cements spread by hand or sprayed. The partially adhered
system uses mechanically attached plates spaced over the insulated roof deck or
other types of individual mechanical fasteners. These mechanical fasteners can
easily become a source of failure if not installed properly. Adhered sheets are
fairly easy to maintain, as rips, tears, or holes are apparent and can be repaired.

Single-Ply Ballasted

Another type of installation method involves laying the single-ply

membrane onto the roof deck without any direct adhesion except at roof edges or
penetrations. The loosely laid membrane is then held down by rounded, smooth,

clean rocks with a diameter of about 2 inches. Because the ballast tends to cover
any problem areas, these roofs are less likely to be well maintained.

Other Roofing Types

Steep roof slopes are readily compatible with various types of shingles or
with standing-seam metal sheets. Conventional shingles are composed of
asphalt, clay tile, cementitious tile, wood, or slate. Standing-seam roofs are made
of long, narrow sheets of metal and are joined by a raised, interlocking watertight
joint (the standing seam). Also on the market are foamed coatings that spray on
and provide insulation and waterproofing. These roofing types are usually used
for re-roofing and not for new construction. Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Decks
for roof systems use insulating concrete forms and reinforced concrete to provide
an insulating substrate for several roofing system types.

Roof Protection

It is important to protect roofs from damage from pedestrian traffic. If

equipment on the roof requires regular maintenance, roof walkways or stepping
stones must be installed for maintenance access. Special units that are
positioned on top of the roofing surface are made specifically for this purpose. In
any case, the number of penetrations should be kept to a minimum and may
require coordination with the mechanical system design.

9.6 Windows

The primary materials used for window frames are metal and wood, although
new high-strength plastics are sometimes considered. The most popular windows for
institutional buildings are constructed of aluminum or nonferrous alloys. They are long
lasting, do not rust or rot, can be extruded into intricate shapes to receive good weather
stripping, and require little maintenance. Factory-applied permanent finishes are popular
because of their visual appeal and low maintenance requirements. The raw aluminum
can be coated with several finishes, including a natural mill aluminum finish, a rich dark
bronze color that blends well with brick and stone facades, or any number of colors.
Many of these coatings are chemically or electrically applied and will last for many years.

It is important to compare air infiltration tests provided by the window

manufacturers as a measure of the amount of tempered air within the building that may
be lost to the outside on a windy day. Some of the more expensive windows provide a
nonconducting thermal break barrier or joint built into the window to prevent frost buildup
on the interior in extremely cold weather. Good windows should be designed to allow the

installation of factory-sealed dual glazing, which can be 3/4 inches thick or even thicker
for extremely large panes of glass. For multistory structures, it may be important to
select a window that can hinge or pivot so that the exterior pane of glass can be cleaned
from the inside of the building.

Wood windows require more maintenance, primarily painting, but some window
manufacturers provide a factory-applied plastic facing for the exterior portion of the
window that does not require painting. Wood windows conserve more energy than metal
windows because of the difference in density and conductance between wood and
metal. In addition, naturally finished wood windows contribute to the aesthetic beauty of
a project. If wood windows are considered, it is important to select one of the better
windows on the market, because they usually are made of better materials and hardware
and have a more acceptable appearance and longer life cycle.

The insulating properties of windows can vary substantially. Metal frame windows
should have thermal breaks to reduce the heat loss by conduction through the metal
frame. Glass can have a variety of spectral characteristics that control the amount of
solar gain and heat loss. For example, in northern climates, glass can be designed to
allow the shortwave radiation of the sun into a space while keeping the long-wave
radiation of heated interior surfaces from radiating out through the window. “Low E” glass
has been specifically developed to have a low emissivity, which means that when it
absorbs energy it does not emit it. This reduces the energy emitted into the space from
the heated glass of the window.

9.7 Doors and Frames

Doors and frames for institutions usually are made of wood or hollow metal.
Hollow metal doors and frames are fabricated from sheet steel and are strong and
durable. The doors and frames are reinforced to fit all types, styles, and sizes of
hardware. They are custom fabricated and require a certain amount of lead time for shop
drawings, manufacture, and delivery. Frames should be put in place before the masonry
work is laid, so that the frame anchors can be built into the masonry joints. Special
attention should be given to entrances with heavy traffic to make them sufficiently
durable. Wood doors should be solid-core doors to withstand abuse, provide better fire
protection and noise control, and serve as a substantial receiver of the various anchoring
devices for hardware. The right mullion should be chosen to ensure that it can meet the
traffic demands of the installation location.

Some doors and frames are integral parts of a fire-rated wall system required by
building fire codes. In these cases, the use of “labeled” doors and frames are necessary
to meet these requirements. These labels are attached to the doors and frames and

indicate that the particular products meet the fire-resistive requirements established by
Underwriters Laboratories.

The selection of high-quality hardware for lock sets, panic devices, closers, and
butts is important to provide security and service and to sustain low maintenance costs.
Institutions should select a good hardware company and use the same keying system for
all buildings, if possible, to reduce the number of keys and master keys. Cheap hardware
is quite costly to maintain over a long period of time.

Doors must meet certain Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for
swing, width, and side clearance, along with requirements for doors with automatic door
closures and pressure requirements. Some of the challenges of door location and swing
can be mitigated with automatic door openers.

9.8 Exterior Insulation

Roof and exterior wall insulations are manufactured from many types of
materials. They can be classified as loose fill, batts, boards, poured-in-place, or
lightweight material. Hollow cells in masonry units usually are filled with a pourable,
granular material that is delivered to the job in sacks. It is important to select only
materials that will not settle or decay and will not be eaten by termites or rodents. Care
must be taken when using these products to ensure that gaps in the mortar joints, which
allow the granular fill to seep out, do not occur.

Insulation boards commonly are used as roof insulation and as the vertical joint
between masonry wythes (vertical layers of masonry) in exterior walls. Again, this
material should be permanent and not attractive to insects or rodents. Because many
types of materials are available on the market, the services of an expert may be
considered to ensure the selection of the proper board or plank insulation from the
available organic, inorganic, plastic, and synthetic materials.

Some tapered roof boards are performed to install on a flat roof to provide a
sloping top surface. This requires special attention to the location and height of roof
drains, curbs, scuppers, and flashings to make certain that the entire roofing system is a
complete and integral installation. An option for roof board insulation is a
poured-in-place, lightweight, concrete-like material that is flexible and can solve many
roof slope problems. Care must be exercised to allow sufficient cure time for the wet
materials before roofing or vapor barriers are installed, and sometimes it is
recommended that these types of wet systems have appropriate vapor venting systems

Batt insulation is quite effective in joist or stud spaces. It should be anchored
permanently to avoid future slipping or sagging. Fiberglass material is common, but
other good inorganic materials also exist in the market.

The resistance to heat flow is classified by the R-value of the material. The higher
the R-value, the more insulation the material provides. Different insulating materials have
different R-values and need to be selected based on their physical characteristics as well
as their insulating value.


The essential elements of alerting, suppression, and containment features and

systems will be covered in this module under the somewhat general category of fire
protection systems. When discussing risks and building design elements, consideration
of these systems makes sense. We will primarily focus on fire alarm systems, fire
detection and notification systems, suppression agents and systems, water distribution
systems, automatic sprinkler systems, standpipe and hose systems, and portable fire
extinguishers. An extensive amount of fundamental information will be covered in this
module in order to give the inexperienced inspector a strong foundation. It is just the
start, as was said in the preceding modules.


A properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained fire alarm

system can reduce the losses associated with an unwanted fire in any building.
These losses include property and, more importantly, human life. The primary
motivation for fire alarm system requirements in building and fire codes is to
provide early notification to building occupants so they can exit the building, and
to notify the fire service so it can respond to the fire. In settings such as hospitals
the fire alarm system provides notification to staff so they can respond to the fire
emergency (as opposed to evacuating the building). This module will explain the
basic features of fire alarm systems and the inspection of these systems. It
should be noted that fire alarm systems also are called "protective signaling
systems," especially in NFPA documents and in other codes and standards.


Initiating devices fall into one of two main categories: either those that
indicate an alarm condition, or those that indicate an abnormal condition of a
monitored device. A brief description of the common types of devices follows.
Fire detection can occur by using any device that responds to conditions caused

by fire. The most common byproducts of fire are heat, smoke, flames, and fire

In addition, people can detect a fire and initiate an alarm by activating a

manual pull station. Also, when a sprinkler system activates and causes an
alarm, it is a result of the sprinkler system detecting heat produced by the fire (if
the sprinklers have fusible links).

A. Heat Detectors

Heat detectors commonly are used to detect fires. They are not as prone
to false alarms and are less expensive than smoke detectors. However, the
response of heat detectors may not be adequate in many instances, which limits
their usefulness. Heat detectors are slower to respond to fires than are smoke
detectors because heat detectors cannot respond to smoke. Heat detectors
typically are best suited for detecting fast-growing fires in small spaces. Heat
detectors are also a means of fire detection in locations that smoke detectors
cannot protect due to such environmental effects as mist, normally occurring
smoke, and high humidity. Heat detectors have several different operating

B. Smoke Detectors

One cannot overemphasize the benefits of smoke detectors. However,

smoke detectors are not usable in all environments and their effectiveness varies
depending on the fire scenario and occupant capability. The two basic operating
mechanisms currently used in smoke detectors are photoelectric and ionization.
Ionization smoke detectors have a small amount of a radioactive material located

within the detector that "ionizes" the air entering the detection chamber. Once
ionized, the air particles become conductive, allowing a current to flow through
the detector circuitry. Smoke entering the ionization chamber causes a reduction
in the current flowing through the detector's circuitry. At a certain reduced level of
current flow, the detector signals an alarm.

C. Flame Detectors

Another method of fire detection is detectors that are sensitive to the light
waves emitted by fires. These typically operate by detecting ultraviolet (UV) or
infrared (IR) energy. These detectors are extremely quick to operate and typically
are used only in high hazard areas such as industrial process facilities,
fuel-loading areas, and areas where explosions may occur. Explosion
suppression systems protect them. One problem with IR detectors is that they will
respond to sunlight, creating an unwanted alarm problem. Besides, both types of

flame detectors must "see" the flame to detect it so they usually have to be
pointed toward the locations where fires are likely to originate.

D. Gas Sensing and Other Phenomena Detectors

Gas sensing detectors and "other phenomena" detectors are not

common. Special gas detectors sense specific gasses given off by a fire; these
gasses indicate a fire. For example, there are carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide detectors. The use of carbon monoxide gas detectors in the home is
becoming very popular as a way of warning residents of gasses produced by
malfunctioning heating equipment. Basically, any method of fire detection not
already mentioned is considered under the "other phenomena" category. One
example is pressure. If a fire burns in a sealed room (the Apollo capsule, for
example), excessive pressures develop quickly and can be detected. Some
explosion detection devices operate this way. Manual Fire Alarm Boxes (Pull
Stations) Very common initiating devices, the manual fire alarm boxes usually are
referred to as manual pull stations. These are simple devices which operate
manually, i.e., they require that a person operate the mechanism. These are
found throughout building hallways, near exits, and at other strategic locations
such as a nurse's station or security center.

E. Automatic Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems can connect into a fire alarm panel so that
activation of the system causes the panel to signal an alarm. Wet pipe automatic
sprinkler systems commonly have water flow detectors. As water starts to flow in
the sprinkler piping, it causes a vane to swing into an alarm position; this sends
an alarm to the fire alarm panel. Dry pipe sprinkler systems may have pressure
sensors for the same reason. All other fire suppression systems also can be

connected to the fire alarm panel. As mentioned above, not all devices signal an
alarm condition.

Many other indicating devices can connect into the fire alarm panel for
supervision. The following is a partial list.
• water level and temperature in a gravity tank;
• water level and air pressure in storage tank;
• status of fire pump;
• air pressure on dry pipe system; and
• temperature in the sprinkler control valve room.

F. Signal Circuit Appliances

When a fire alarm system goes into an alarm condition because of the
operation of an initiating device, several activities can occur. NFPA 101 and the
building codes may require that a signal be sent to the fire department. Activation
of the fire alarm panel may cause other events to happen. In most cases the fire
alarm system also provides audible and visual indications that an alarm condition
has occurred. This latter function is the most important when considering an
occupied building.



An automatic door, also known as an auto door, is

a door that opens automatically, usually on
sensing the approach of a person. A person can
be detected by microwave pulses, infrared sensors
or pressure-sensing pads. Automatic door opens
when the door controller receives an activation
signal by the sensor and activates the gear motor
to drive the belt and pulley. Our energy-saving,
contactless automatic doors come in sliding, swing
and revolving models with customizable features
to suit a range of applications.


An air conditioner produces cold air inside your

home or enclosed space by actually removing
heat and humidity from the indoor air. It returns
the cooled air to the indoor space, and
transfers the unwanted heat and humidity
outside. An air conditioner is a system that is
used to cool down a space by removing heat
from the space and moving it to some outside
area. The cool air can then be moved
throughout a building through ventilation.


Elevator also called a lift, a car that moves in a

vertical shaft to carry passengers or freight
between the levels of a multistory building.
Most modern elevators are propelled by
electric motors, with the aid of a
counterweight, through a system of cables and
sheaves (pulleys). An elevator is a platform
that could either be open or closed and is used
for lifting or lowering both people and goods to
upper and lower floors.


Variable air volume (VAV) is a type of heating,

ventilating and air conditioning system. Many
of the buildings on campus have variable air
volume systems. This system consists of an
air handling unit, heating/cooling coils and
VAV boxes downstream for distribution
throughout the building. The advantages of
VAV systems over constant-volume systems
include more precise temperature control,
reduced compressor wear, lower energy
consumption by system fans, less fan noise,
and additional passive dehumidification. The
return system is typically balanced when the
system (supply VAVs) is set to maximum cooling airflow. This should drive the return fan
to its required maximum system airflow. The return air system is then proportionally
balanced to obtain the design airflows at each inlet.


An appealing feature of unit ventilators is their

compact size. Inside a relatively small package,
manufacturers assemble fans and motors,
heating and cooling coils, drain pan, return air
damper, outdoor air damper, face and bypass
damper, air filter, piping, valves and controls. A
unit ventilator is a fan coil unit that is used

mainly in classrooms, hotels, apartments and condominium applications. A unit ventilator
can be a wall mounted or ceiling hung cabinet, and is designed to use a fan to blow
outside air across a coil, thus conditioning and ventilating the space which it is serving.
Unit ventilators are distinguished from cabinet heaters, unit heaters and fan-coil units by
their ability to introduce conditioned outdoor air to the occupied space.


Switchable privacy glass turns from clear to

opaque in less than 0.1 seconds and is ideal
for a variety of settings including; meeting
rooms, bathrooms, windows, doors, partition
glass walls, security screens, art installations
and more. Smart Glass or Light Control
Glass (LCG®), Switchable Privacy Smart
Glass technology switches glass from
transparent to opaque with the flip of a switch
or the tap of an app, creating a dynamic
space that can be either open or private
within a matter of seconds. Switchable smart
glass, often just called smart glass, is a type
of glass that switches between see-through
(like normal glass) and frosted (which can't
be seen through) at the touch of a button. The change in smart glass is instantaneous,
like flicking a light on and off and adds a dramatic feature to any room.


Electrical system

An electric system consists of all of the elements needed to distribute

electrical power, including overhead and underground lines, poles, transformers, and
other equipment. The electric system in a small industrial unit will normally be powered
by a three-phase supply. Electrical systems, also named circuits or networks, are
designed as combinations of mainly three fundamental components—resistor, capacitor,
and inductor—which are correspondingly defined by resistance, capacitance, and
inductance, generally considered to be lumped parameters. The electrical system is
important for starting up your vehicle, but it is also important for keeping your vehicle
running as you drive it. In addition, it is the electrical system that is also responsible for
the functioning of things such as your headlights, your radio, and your dashboard. There

are only two main types of electric systems used around the world, with varying physical
connections: 100–127 volts, at 60 Hz frequency (in general: North America including
Central America, Japan) 220–240 volts, at 50 Hz frequency (in general: the rest of the
world, with some exceptions)

Backup Power Supply

A backup power system is used to provide energy when the primary

source fails. This system is very important since an uninterruptible power supply is
crucial for any operation. The current backup systems include batteries and generators,
which operate on diesel, propane, or gasoline. Although these systems are
well-established, the batteries and generators' drawbacks are encouraging the users to
seek for alternative technologies that can provide higher reliability and durability at a
rational cost. A fuel cell backup power system provides reliable electric power with low
emissions. Moreover, compared with batteries, fuel cells offer longer runtime, higher
durability, and less maintenance. Compared with generators, fuel cells are noiseless and
have zero or lower emissions. In addition, fuel cells can be monitored remotely, reducing
the actual maintenance time of the current systems.

Importance of Backup power supply in the education sector

Increasing environmental disasters lead to more power outages and

surges that can damage equipment. Keep critical equipment running without interruption.
Industries that use life-saving or other highly important equipment can't afford to lose
power – even for a moment. Many backup power systems often require fuel-powered
generators that either start automatically or are required to be turned on in order to
provide power during a period of outage, but stored backup power systems do not.
These types of systems use high-quality batteries to provide supplemental power without
any interruption. Instead of charging your backup power bank for when you need it, your
equipment runs through it and then connects to the grid. This is similar in concept to how
a laptop operates – during an outage, laptops do not lose power at all as the supply
comes from the battery first and grid power second.

● · Avoid damage associated with power outages. Increasing environmental

disasters lead to more power outages and surges that can damage equipment.
● · Keep critical equipment running without interruption. Industries that use
life-saving or other highly important equipment can’t afford to lose power – even
for a moment.
● · Reduce lost time and save money. Paying crews to stand around when the
power is out costs money and is detrimental to tight project timelines.


The plumbing system is one of the crucial factors to take into account while
creating a construction because it is in charge of providing clean water into the structure
and removing wastewater out. Regarding potable water, the primary water supplier in
and around Batangas City is the Batangas City Water District. It will play a key role in
the school water system as the primary distributor of clean, potable water. To evaluate
the water consumption and other flow and pressure anomalies, smart water meters will
be implemented as an alternative to traditional water meters for an accurate way of
measuring water usage.

Implementing water conservation plumbing solution in the school's plumbing

system to reduce the increase in climate change and water crises. One of the solution is
utilizing dual-flush low-flow toilets can help cut down on water usage because students
get to choose between 0.9 gallons per flush (gpf) for liquid and 1.1 gpf for solid, resulting
in an average toilet flush volume of less than 1.0 gpf.

In order to help protect the environment, to save on costs or reduce expenses

for disposal, waste water management will also be taken into consideration. Using the
Greywater Treatment System, it can be reused for surface or subsurface irrigation, such
as watering trees and plants. It can also deliver significant savings for the commercial
sector whether used for watering gardens or flushing toilets, and aside from these, A
wastewater system can prevent problems like odor that commonly occurs in septic
tanks. The gray water will be held briefly in the surge tank before being discharged to an
irrigation or treatment system.

A newer kind of system called an aerated wastewater treatment system (AWTS)
will be implemented as an alternative to usual septic tanks, using an aeration and
disinfection step to further treat wastewater. In that they handle both greywater and
blackwater, AWTS are comparable to septic systems. The initial part of an AWTS is used
to settle solids so that healthy bacteria may break them down and digest them.


When it comes to schools, landscaping serves more than just aesthetic and
shading purposes. It aids the learning process of students, and improves
concentration.The core elements of landscape architecture are protecting natural

resources and ensuring public safety from threats managing resources, the surrounding
structures, and the natural world.

Environment. To be able to achieve this, climate, topography, soil type, and

exposure to sun and wind should be taken into account and This will involve deciding on
the location of features such as paths, patios, plants and trees, and other materials such
as stone or mulch.

Considering the site is in a tropical area, Tropical Landscape will be used in

creating an outdoor space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. To achieve
the desired notion, attention to unity, balance, proportion, pattern, and emphasis must be
paid close attention to.In addition to, choosing the right plant for the right place is an
important consideration for tropical landscaping. Selecting the plants to be used, factors
other than their visual appeal, such as how they will benefit the environment and the
people utilizing the structure, are taken into account. Aside from this, the trees and
plants should fulfill the following functions:

Provide protection from strong wind and serve as shade and reduced
greenhouse gas emission
Offer CAFAD students psychological benefits, such assisting them to
focus and unwind
Blocks unnecessary views, noise, smell, and dust.
Aids in cooling the environment by preventing the "urban heat island
effect," which is brought on by hot-day heat radiation from roads and
Planting trees and shrubs that serves as better drainage and delays time
to take water to get from the sky to ground
Planting trees such as mahogany in the south-east direction helps to
control the hot airflow and makes the ventilation inside the structure more
soothing and cool.


Loud noise can increase tension, anxiety, and blood pressure, and put people at
increased risk of stroke and heart disease. On the other hand, a well-designed space
with the right acoustics can positively affect a person's mental health and sense of
general well being. So having a structure which has good acoustics and can absorb too
much noise is a very important thing and it is essential to have it right from the start, it is
better than to have it later on. Architectural acoustics is the study of sound in buildings
such as houses and the design of those structures for best sound absorption, including

regulating sound transmission throughout the building, upholding conditions for clear
speech intelligibility, and upholding sound isolation for voice privacy. Actually, acoustics
is a branch of physics that focuses on studying sound: how it’s produced, transmitted,
controlled, and received, and the effects of this process. As it applies to architecture,
acoustics is the process of using building design and construction methods to harness
the properties of sound to their greatest effect. Architectural acoustics includes planning
a building's interior such that sound waves reflect off it in a way that maximizes clarity,
amplifies sound in places where it makes sense to do so, and lowers noise levels in
places where it makes sense to do so. In classrooms or every room like the Drafting
Room, Laboratory Room, Art Room, Clinic has to have insulation to block sounds or
absorb sounds that come from any other rooms or spaces. The Music room and the
Library, needs a sound absorption to reduce reverberation and excess noise within the
room. It is important to have a noise - free environment for the students and teacher as
they can focus on what they are doing. Having a low - reverberation time for a place or
room that is prone to noise is one of the goals as the high reverberation time can make
the sound muffled or noisy or loud. Other factors are also considered such as the soft
materials can absorb more sound, proper layout of the rooms or the space requirements
is also important and the noisy things like printers, electric fans, or any other noise
making device will be positioned well. High reverberation materials will be less needed or
used, furniture will be used as they help to lessen the reverberation of the noises to
reduce the echoes and acoustic lights are also considered.


Lighting has a profound impact on how people see buildings and structures and
can give architecture an emotional significance. Whether it is natural or artificial lighting,
architecture serves its actual purpose by highlighting details, textures, colors, and
shapes. Having good lighting is always considered in Architecture. Utilizing parametric
walls to allow light to enter the pavilion through each wall opening. As a result, the
pavilion is filled with a fascinating play of light and shadow and by this, aesthetic might
also be achieved. The function of lighting is not gonna be neglected as it is the most
important part of this Architectural lighting. Aesthetics are not the only thing that is
important in lighting, having a purpose or main purpose of lighting is a must, to help us
see things properly and clearly especially on walls and floors so people can navigate
safely inside and outside the building. And the lighting must be efficient. Our
environment’s health is not getting better anymore as the global warming is still there
and getting worse, sustainability must be considered when designing architectural
lighting. Making sure that the light will be used and the target minimum light wasted is
being pursued.

Making your site more attractive with plants trees and landscaping (
Landscape: "Right Plant, Right Place" - A Plant Selection Guide for Managed
Landscapes | Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment at UMass Amherst
Smart Water Meters Explained | Arad Group
How Plants and Green Spaces Benefit Your Building | Control Solutions Inc.
Smart Water Systems | Smart Utility Network | Smart Water Metering (
Conserving Water with Water Sensitive Plumbing & Sanitation Techniques - CivilDigital -



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