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NĂM HỌC 2021-2022 – HỌC KÌ II


 Theme: Global Warming, Further Education, Our World Heritage Sites, Cities of the future, healthy Lifestyle
and Longevity
 Speaking:
- Expressing opinions, agreements or disagreements about solutions to global warming
- Expressing preferences for different further education pathways
- Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments
- Explaining facts and giving predictions
- Giving advice on body care
 Listening: Listening for specific information
 Pronunciation: Intonation
 Writing:
- Write an essay, an email and a story related to the suggested topics
 Grammar:
- Perfect infinitives
- Present perfect tense
- Participles and to_infinitive clauses
- Question tags
- Conditional sentences type 0
- Reported Speech with conditionals & to_infinitive and gerunds

Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the others.
1. A. abroad B. absorb C. achieve D. broaden
2. A. abundant B. acknowledge C. bachelor D. admission
3. A. degree B. appetite C. worship D. scenic
4. A. academic B. authentic C. attribute D. distinctive
5. A. catastrophic B. diversity C. mausoleum D. analytical
6. A. internship B. liveable C. breathtaking D. outstanding
7. A. infectious B. eligible C. emperor D. heritage
8. A. mandatory B. magnificent C. kindergarten D. sanctuary
9. A. picturesque B. respectively C. overcrowded D. pessimistic
10. A. potential B. subsequent C. limestone D. lawmaker
11. A. responsible B. optimistic C. inhabitant D. coordinator
12. A. capture B. detect C. transcript D. doctorate
13. A. endow B. grotto C. major D. islet
14. A. poetic B. pursue C. tuition D. workout
15. A. emission B. mosaic C. faculty D. immune
16. A. complex B. craftsman C. imperial D. dynasty
17. A. dietary B. critical C. bury D. consult
18. A. cuisine B. masterpiece C. remedy D. landscape
19. A. medicine B. scholarship C. vocational D. infrastructure
20. A. wastewater B. measure C. prescription D. seminar
21. A. antibiotics B. additional C. awareness D. obesity
22. A. viewpoint B. dramatically C. principle D. comfortable
23. A. longevity B. prolong C. advanced D. compost
24. A. ageing B. intake C. resident D. disposal

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25. A. facility B. automatically C. radiation D. relaxation
26. A. insoluble B. treatment C. authority D. offshore
27. A. sensor B. dweller C. urban D. disrupt
28. A. diverse B. relic C. coastal D. fertile
29. A. unforgettable B. itinerary C. polytechnics D. flexibility
30. A. recognise B. ecosystem C. prestigious D. reasonable


Exercise 1: Match each of the words with its meaning.
Words Meanings Notes
1. pursue a. disastrous
2. appreciate b. all living creatures and plants in a certain area and the
relationships between them
3. respectively c. when a lot of people do not have enough food and
many die
4. mandatory d. the fact of having many different types of people,
animals, plants or things
5. broaden e. recognise the good qualities of something
6. excavation f. an object, a tradition, etc. from the past that still exists
7. intact g. very small islands
8. complex h. the mixture of gases surrounding the earth
9. dynasty i. very exciting or impressive
10. heritage j. the basic system necessary for a country or
organization to run smoothly
11. relic k. (of a nature resource or source of energy) that is never
used up
12. islet l. take in (gas, liquid, heat) from the space or surface
13. breathtaking m. a group of connected things, especially buildings,
designed for a particular purpose
14. cuisine n. complete, not damaged
15. magnificent o. a style or method of cooking, especially that of a
particular country or region
16. abundant p. increase knowledge or experience
17. liveable q. a person that lives in a particular place
18. renewable r. required by rules and regulations
19. inhabitant s. the activity of digging in the ground to uncover
buildings, or objects from the past
20. t. fit to live in
21. catastrophic v. extremely beautiful or impressive
22. ecosystem w. catch and keep somebody/ something in a place
23. atmosphere x. having more than enough
24. diversity y. follow something and try to achieve it
25. absorb z. a series of rulers who are from the same family
26. capture aa. the traditions, art, buildings and cultural
achievements of a country that have existed for a long
time and have great importance for the country
27. famine bb. in the order mentioned

Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences with a suitable form of the given word.
1. Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the .............................. of greenhouse gases. EMIT
2. While you have this rash, you are still ................................... INFECTION

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3. The destruction of the rain forests is an ................................. disaster. ECOLOGY
4. She teaches the students to have respects for different races and appreciate the …………………………
of other cultures. DIVERSE
5. is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest. DEFOREST
6. courses should teach practical skills in addition to critical thinking. ACADEMY
7. The school offers ................................. programs in electrical work. VOCATION
8. Some students have a more ................................. approach to learning. ANALYSE
9. There is concern that the giant panda will soon become .............................................. (EXTINCTION)
10. George and Kenneth were married in 1995 and 2000, ........................................... (RESPECT)
11. Is she .................................................. to enter the competition? (ELIGIBILITY)
12. Jane has a summer .......................................... at a local TV station. (INTERN)
13. They say that travel ........................................... the mind. (BROAD)
14. She has taken part in several .............................................. of Roman settlements across Europe.
15. I always wanted to go on an ....................................................... dig. (ARCHAEOLOGY)
16. Floods and earthquakes are................................................ disasters. (NATURE)
17. The country has a rich.......................................... heritage. (CULTURE)
18. The opportunity to travel is one of the main .............................................. of this job. (ATTRACT)
19. Janet is very interested in historic ............................................ (PRESERVE)
20. The main .......................................... material of this park is granite. (GEOLOGY)
21. Do you prefer mountain climbing or cave .......................................... ? (EXPLORE)
22. It was rated the most in the States. (LIVE)
23. The most common ................................................. sources of energy are the wind and sun. (RENEW)
24. Unfortunately, this level of output is not ........................................... (SUSTAIN)
25. It is a ........................................................ view of the world. (PESSIMIST)
26. I think that he is not an ....................................................... (OPTIMISTIC)
27. varies between different countries in the world. (DIETARY)
28. Every effort is made to provide a balanced and ............................................... diet with several fruits.
29. and lack of exercise are bad for the heart. (OBESE)
30. While you ................................................... , you stop thinking about your work or everyday worries.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

overcrowded, intact, famine, drought, heat-related illnesses, magnificent, urban, meditation,

masterpiece, capture, carbon dioxide, absorb, atmosphere, ecosystem, catastrophic, dynasties,
complex, relic, infrastructure, inhabitants, quality of life, ageing process, disposal, available,
teleconferencing, boost, city dwellers, natural remedies, immune system, life expectancy,

1. Stress and anger can affect people’s................................................negatively.

2. Most of the house remains................................................even after two hundred years.
3. Plants ............................................... carbon dioxide from the air.
4. This year a severe ............................................... has ruined the crops.
5. The warmer air alters the temperature of the oceans and causes significant changes to the world’s
6. You all know that global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth due to the increase of
greenhouse gases such as .............................................. , carbon monoxide, methane, and water vapour.
7. Global warming results in climate change and ................................................ weather patterns such as heat
waves, floods, droughts and storms, which can affect human lives.
8. Hundreds of millions of people may suffer from .............................................. , water shortages, and
extreme weather condidtions if we do not reduce the rate of global warming.
9. He is always................................................for any emergencies, making sure that I have everything I

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10. Kings from the Dinh, Le and ............................................... set up the capital in Hoa Lu Ancient Citadel
from 968 to 1009.
11. Trang An Scenic ............................................... deserves its place in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
12. Optimistic people believe that ............................................... will have a better life thanks to important
achievements in technology and medicine.
13. These sensors allow ............................................... to control the heating systems or household devices.
14. As global temperatures rise, there are more cases of ……………………………...
15. Scientists have been looking for new ways to treat serious diseases and slow down the
16. These new treatments have the potential to further improve the ……………………...
17. You should exercise regularly and eat less salt and fat to ............................................... your health.
18. These factories are releasing toxic gases into the ……………………………...
19. Several attempts were made to ............................................... the animal.
20. More money is needed to maintain the city’s ……………………………...
21. Wi-Fi network allows office workers to use ............................................... for meetings and students to
attend classes at home.
22. The ship was a ............................................... of the Spanish-American War.
23. The waste .............................................. system here is also innovative.
24. The most ............................................... feature of Taj Mahal to notice is the centre dome on top of the
25. This painting is widely regarded as a ……………………………...
26. Your body may not be able to fight infections naturally if your ............................................... is
27. If you catch a cold, you should try ............................................... before taking any medicine.
28. The speed limit is strictly enforced on ............................................... roads.
29. One of the most effective ways to keep your mind stress-free and healthy is
30. Although it’s now a stressful and ............................................... city with lots of traffic jams and
pollution, there are plans to improve the situation.

Exercise 4: Put an appropriate preposition in the following sentences.

1. When I first arrived, I was completely ....................the moon with everything.
2. Luckily, I had the support .................... my host family.
3. Communicating ………….. my host family in Vietnamese helped me integrate .................... the local
4. I often used my friend’s motorbike to get .................. the city.
5. Ancient people took advantage ………….. the rich land, settled .................... in the area and developed
their culture.
6. Cold water in the pool can make your blood pressure and heart rate go …………...
7. They believe that it is ................... the right track to become one of the smartest and greenest cities in the
8. The city was started .................. scratch in 2005.
9. Its construction is based ................... the world’s best technologies and eco-friendly practices.
10. The goal of the course is to equip people ………….. the skills necessary ………….. a job …………..
this technological age.
11. We can also see the stone dragons of Kinh Thien Palace and relics associated ................... many
Vietnamese royal families.
12. With its thousands of rocks and caves emerging ................... the water, Ha Long Bay has won
international recognition.
13. If people use renewable energy, their impact ....................the environment is less.
14. Waste water is treated and turned.................... drinking water.
15. These projects have proved to be very effective ………….. dealing .................... global climate change.
16. City dwellers will have a better life thanks ………….. advances.................... technology and medicine.
17. There’s a high risk ………….. another accident happening ................... this fog.

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18. This can be attributed.................... three main factors: healthier lifestyles, better nutrition, and advances
in medical science and technology.
19. We can realise their potential through a wide range of subjects ................... academic areas.
20. All of them have global partnerships ................... leading universities and educational institutions
overseas to ensure the best quality and future the the graduates.


Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If you (use)…………… solar water heaters in your home, you (reduce) ...................... your carbon
2. If you (go)…………….. shopping tomorrow, I (go)… ............................ with you.
3. If my husband (have)…………………. a cold, I usually (catch)… .................... it.
4. Oil (float)………………. if you (put)… ......................... it in water.
5. Please (not disturb) ……………….. me if I (be)… .................. asleep!
6. They've been playing for forty minutes but no one ............................ (score) a goal yet.
7. We ............................ (know) each other for years.
8. I really need a break! I ............................ (revise) all morning!
9. Hey, you look different. ............................ (you/ change) your hair?
10. Can we go if we ............................ (finish)?
11. An opportunist is a person ........................... (take)every chance they get.
12. The car ........................... (steal) last week has been found.
13. The last person............................(leave) the room must turn off the lights.
14. My brother is the only one............................ (realized) the danger.
15. The fifth man ............................ ( interview) was unsuitable for the job.

Exercise 2. Add tag questions to the following.

1. Harry takes sugar in tea, ?
2. The lift isn't working today, ?
3. It never works very well, ?
4. Everybody realized the danger, ?
5. There was a lot of noise here, ?
6. Nobody complained about the noise, ?
7. Mary hardly ever cooks, ?
8. We have to wait for a long time to get our visa, ?
9. Don't allow pet dogs in this shop, ?
10. Nothing went wrong with him, ?
11. He never takes advice, ?
12. There used to be trees here, ?
13. I am too impatient, ?
14. Dick wouldn't tell anyone about this story, ?
15. Let's go out tonight, ?

Exercise 3: Change the following sentences into reported speech.

1. “I must have made a mistake in the calculations,” said Mr Forest.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
2. “If I were you I wouldn’t accept that offer”. She said to Nam.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
3. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t come to visit you last summer,” Kate said to her parents.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
4. “I will pay you a visit if I am free”. She said to me.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
5. Neil told us, “Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.”
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
6. “If it rains, we won’t be able to go on a picnic”, they said.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
7. “I’ll pay for the meal,” Sarah insisted.

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 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
8. “You should take the jumper back to the shop,” Jack said to us
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
9. “What should you do if you won the first prize in the lottery?” The teacher asked his pupils.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
10. “If you hadn’t helped me, I would have gone bankrupt”, she said to him
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
11. “Let’s eat out tonight,” said Tom.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
12. “I’m happy to hear that you have passed the final exam. Congratulations!,” Jim said to me
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
13 “If I were King, you would be Queen”, he said to his wife.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
14. “Would you like to come on a picnic with us?” They said to me
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 4: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
1. It started raining at three o’clock. It is still rainy now.
 It has....................................................................................................................................................
2. It is one month since he last phoned me.
 He .............................................................................................................................. ...........
3. You press this button to stop the machine.
 If……………………………………………………………………………..
4. Write your paper more carefully or the teacher can’t read it.
 If……………………………………………………………………………..
5. We don’t visit our parents very often because they live so far away.
 If……………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 5: Combine the two sentences into one, using Reduced relative clause, perfect gerund or
perfect participle
1. The US government had provided insufficient supplies for the flood victims. Local communities in New
Orleans criticized the US government for that..
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
2. Jim finished his work. Then he left the office.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
3. I wish I hadn’t sold my bicycle.
I regret .........................................................................................................................................................
4. They had checked all the prices. They bought a new TV set.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
5. I didn't go to the movie. I had seen that film twice.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
6. As I have been working for this company for a long time, I have known a lot of people.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
7. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is the eighth World Heritage Site in Vietnam. It has been
recognised by UNESCO.
8. The students have become quite proficient in their new language. They attend class five hours per day.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
9. Disney World is a famous amusement park. It is located in Orlando, Florida, USA
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..
10. Do you know the policeman? He is coming toward us.
 ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 6: Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. Jessica reminded Robin joining in the contest the next morning.
2. The local person prevented us going to the mountain in that season because it was very dangerous.

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3. The last person leaving the room must turn out the lights.
4. Honolulu, which is best known to the travellers for Waikiki Beach, have consistently pleasant weather.
5. The couple live in the house next door are both college professors.
6. She has learnt French words for hours, but she still doesn't remember all of them.
7. Having told about the dangers of chemical fertilizers, the farmers turned to bio-fertilizers.
8. Phong Nha - Ke Bang is the oldest and largest tropical limestone region be formed about 400 million
years ago.
9. John 'd better not speak to me like this again, would he?
10. Everyone believes the students will not be punished, will they?

Exercise 7: Choose the best answers:

1. Having failed a number of times, he is learning how to think .
A. science B. scientific C. scientifically D. scientifical
2. Her classmates admire her so much because she has a clear mind.
A. analysis B. analytical C. analytics D. analyze
3. City can enjoy better health care than people living in the countryside, but they are usually
busier and more stressed because of the city’s fast pace of life.
A. dwellers B. inhabitants C. infrastructure D. ancestors
4. Scientists working on the site found many ancient tools, tombs, and pottery, and made some important
A. geological B. archaeological C. exploring D. preservation
5. When finishing an undergraduate course successfully, students can get a .
A. master's degree B. doctoral degree C. doctorate D. bachelor's degree
6. Some students decide to study in the United States or the United Kingdom to their language
skills, which can help them to get a better job.
A. upgrade B. improve C. increase D. enrich
7. With thousands of UK further education courses on offer, you can choose a course that your
goals and interests. A. goes B. fixes C. mixes D. matches
8. The archaeological that led to the discovery of the ancient city lasted several days.
A. excavate B. excavating C. excavations D. excavators
9. Hoi An Ancient Town is preserved in a remarkably state.
A. damaged B. unspoiled C. intact D. unharmed
10. Cat Ba is also rich of cultural festivals and traditions that are highly potential for and
A. research B. growth C. conservation D. promotion
11. Although some of the structures are now , most of the significant existing monuments have
been partially restored.
A. in danger B. at risk C. in ruins D. at war
12. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park provides a lot of valuable information about the earth's _
A. geological B. archaeological C. architectural D. historical
13. Taj Mahal is considered to be a masterpiece of style in design and construction technique.
A. geological B. archaeological C. architectural D. historical
14. The government is making plans to install sensors and cameras in the city center to traffic
problems and help drivers to avoid traffic jams.
A. discover B. detect C. find D. watch
15. It's urgent to upgrade the city's transport _ because almost all roads get flooded after heavy rain.
A. system B. movement C. means D. infrastructure
16. In addition to a nutritious diet, a lifestyle can boost your health and increase your life
A. stress-free B. sugar-free C. cholesterol-free D. anti-ageing
17. Your body may not be able to fight infections naturally if your is weakened.
A. natural remedy B. immune system C. nutrition D. life expectancy
18. Science has shown that many types of chronic diseases are to people's bad eating habits.
A. given B. attributed C. contributed D. caused

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19. Maria was warned too much caffeine.
A. to drink B. drinking C. against not drinking D. not to drink
20. On Cat Ba Island, there are about 80 species and sub-species in the Viet Nam's Red List.
A. which have classified B. which classified C. classified D. classifying
21. Hoi An is a little port town with its old narrow streets with old houses, pagodas, temples and
assembly halls.
A. which bordered B. bordering C. bordered D. to border
22. We had to wait for a long time to get our visa, ............. ?
A. did we B. didn't we C. had we D. hadn't we
23. Mrs. Black doesn't believe her son is able to draw such a picture, ............. ?
A. does she B. is he C. doesn't she D. isn't he
24. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang, ............. ?
A. had he B. hadn't he C. did he D. didn't he
25. Since warnings about global warming for more than 20 years, people have to suffer its effects
now. A. ignored B. have ignored C. having ignored D. they having ignored
26. He denied that he would take responsibility for the project.
A. A. to say B. having said C. having say D. saying
27. I two books on environment protection to complete this assignment.
A. read B. have read C. have been reading D. had read
28. He seldom visits you, ............. ?
A. does he? B. doesn’t he? C. did he? D. didn’t he?
29. Everyone took a rest, ............. ?
A. aren’t they? B. didn’t they? C. weren’t they? D. don’t they?
30. The house owner coming near the dog as it could become very fierce unexpectedly.
A. warned me against B. advised me C. stopped me D. accused me of

Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences about global warming, using the words or phrases
1. One / biggest issues / face human nowadays / global warming.
2. The earth / heating up. Warmer temperatures / causing changes / climate / world.
3. The causes / mainly / us,/ the human race.
4. Increase/ human population,/ deforestation,/ increase effects/ greenhouse gases /many careless human
activities /lead/ global warming.
5. We /so far witnessed /severe storms, /heat waves, /droughts,/ floods/high tides.
6. extreme weather conditions, people have /suffer / heat-related illnesses / infectious diseases.
7. Future effects / climate change / vary/ depending /climate change policies/social development.
8. two main policies /address climate change /reducing human greenhouse gas emissions / adapting /
impacts / climate change.
9. The Earth / home / all of us / because /this/ great attention should/ paid / environmental problems.
10. Taking small /effective actions / as reducing energy consumption,/ save natural resources,/ plant trees /
use green means / transportation / make / Earth/better place / live.

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Exercise 2: Write an email to a friend from another country asking for information and advice
about higher education in his/her country, using the words or phrases given
Dear Kevin,
1. I / preparing /going /America / study tourism /culture.
2. I / writing / ask you /some information / advice / how / deal / cultural shock.
3. Please tell me/ detail what I / do / understand/ American culture, what / should learn / adapt it.
4. I / spent much time /read guidebooks, /news / reports / I think it/ not enough.
5. In addition, / what / cultural activities often / take / there?
6. What/ best way / used to /live / new lifestyle?
7. wish you / family / best.
8. I look forward / hear/ you soon.
Regards, Mai

Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences about Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex, using
the words or phrases given
1. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex, recognised / World Heritage Site, / famous / cultural value,
/natural beauty, /geological value, / preservation / heritage.
2. most outstanding feature / site / its cultural value.
3. Archaeologists /discovered signs / human activity /date back / almost 30,000 years.
4. With such /long- lasting history, Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex/ home / temples, pagodas, / places
/ worship.
5. The natural beauty / place / geological value / another outstanding feature/ Trang An - Tam Coc - Bich
Dong / only has / natural scenic landscape but / ecological site.
6. Moreover, area/ famous / magnificent landscape / limestone mountain tops /surrounded / valleys / steep
7. Visitors / amazed / discover that / site / home to more / 800 species / flora / fauna.
8. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex / very unique example / human history, not / Viet Nam but / region.
9. Have met UNESCO criteria /outstanding universal value / humanity, Trang An Scenic Landscape
Complex /added /World Heritage Site List /2014 / mixed natural / cultural property.

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Exercise 4: Write your predictions about a future city in Vietnam in an email to a friend, using
the words or phrases given
Dear Tanaka,
1. I receive /email last week, / which you ask / my city New York / 2050.
2. There / different ideas / question. I / thought / a lot, / have finally / come up / two predictions.
3. If I / optimistic viewpoint, I think New York / more liveable city / ever before / of reasons.
4. Firstly, / city authorities / made / careful plan / promote self-driving electric taxis / deal / crowded public
5. In addition, / city dwellers / encouraged / use city's building roofs /gardens / fertilised / compost / recycle
rubbish / reduce pollution.
6. The government / also build /offshore windfarms / replace / age / electricity network.
7. On / other hand, if I take / pessimistic viewpoint, / city life won't / safe place / live / because /
government cannot control / use of guns, and therefore / crime rate / be higher.
8. People's life / also continue / be threatened because / natural disasters / as floods, / storms, / earthquakes /
effects / global warming / great impacts / city dwellers.
9. That's all / answer / your question. I hope / you / satisfied / it, Tanaka.
With best wishes,

Exercise 1: Read the text and choose the option that best fits each of the spaces.
The building of the pyramid in Ancient Egypt obviously (1) a vast labour force, but the (2)
image of gangs of Egyptians being forced to work is probably incorrect. In fact it seems that though
prisoners of war did some of the heavy work and the maintenance jobs, most of the (3) labourers
were farmers who worked during the flood periods when farming was (4) anyway. The labourers
were probably paid (5) _ food - because money did not yet (6) and organised in groups with
(7) names such as 'Hardworking Gang' or 'Strong Gang’. (8) the traditional picture of
thousands of slaves being struck with whips is unlikely to be true, paintings do show supervisors carrying
metre-long sticks which were not simply (9) of office. One architect, Nekhebu, (10) that
he never hit a workman (11) enough to knock him down. The Greek historian Herodotus gave
traditional figures for the work force of one of the pyramids as 100,000 men replaced (12) three
months for a period of 20 years. It is impossible to prove or disprove these figures, but they had doubtless
been (13) overestimated. Housing that was found in the desert (14) the west of
one of the Pyramids would have accommodated a (15) work force of no more than 4000.
1. A. consumed B. required C. requested D. demanded
2. A. common B. normal C. popular D. usual
3. A. ordinary B. common C. normal D. unusual
4. A. unable B. unlikely C. improbable D. impossible
5. A. by B. in C. with D. for
6. A. exist B. realise C. appear D. emerge
7. A. provoking B. stimulating C. encouraging D. exciting

Đề cương học kỳ II-Năm học 2021-2022 Trang 10

8. A. Because B. So that C. Unless D. Although
9. A. tokens B. symbols C. signs D. indicators
10. A. spoke B. told C. boasted D. explained
11. A. hard B. strong C. violently D. vehemently
12. A. each B. by C. after D. every
13. A. largely B. exceedingly C. wildly D. excessively
14. A. towards B. to C. in D. by
15. A. permanent B. constant C. lasting D. durable

Exercise 2: Read the passage and choose the best answer.

At present, people depend on unlimited energy to power their everyday lives. A wide range of energy-
run devices and modern convenience, are taken for granted, and although it may seem that we will never be
danger of living without those conveniences, the fact is that many supplies of energy are dwindling rapidly.
Scientists are constantly searching, for new sources of power to keep modern society running. Whether
future populations will continue to enjoy the benefit of abundant energy will depend on the success of this
Coal, oil, and natural gas supply modern civilization with most of power. However, not only are supplies
of these fuels limited, but they a major source of pollution. If the energy demands of the future are to met
without seriously harming the environment, existing alternative energy sources must be improved or further
explored and developed. These include nuclear, water, solar, wind, and geothermal power, as well energy
from new, nonpolluting types of fuels. Each of these alternative however, has advantages and disadvantages.
Nuclear power plants efficiently produce .large amounts of electricity without polluting the atmosphere;
however, they are costly to build maintain, and they pose the daunting problem of what to do with nuclear
wastes. Hydroelectric power is inexpensive and environmentally safe, impractical for communities located
far from moving water. Harnessing energy from tides and waves has similar drawbacks. Solar power hold
great promise for the future but methods of collecting and concentrating sunlight are as yet inefficient, as are
methods of harnessing wind power
Every source of energy has its disadvantages. One way to minimize them is to use less energy.
Conservation efforts coupled with renewable energy resources, such as a combination of solar, water, wind,
and geo thermal energy and alternative fuels, such as alcohol and hydrogen, ensure supplies of clean,
affordable energy for humanity's future.
1. The passage suggests that .
A. people use energy without giving great thought to where it's coming from
B. the search for energy sources is mainly a problem for the future
C. scientists believe we will never have to go without our modern conveniences
D. modern society requires a minimum amount of energy to keep running
2. It can be implied from the passage that .
A. most alternative energy sources have proven to be impractical
B. many alternative energy sources are environmentally hazardous
C. nuclear power solves one problem while creating others
D. solar and wind power are not promising for the future
3. From the passage, it can be inferred that to solve our energy problems .
A. we will have to stop using many of our modern conveniences
B. scientists will have to find one major source of nonpolluting energy
C. scientists will have to find ways to increase our supplies of coal, oil and gas
D. a combination of conservation and invention will be needed
4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. The search for alternative energy sources is not over.
B. Our present energy sources must be eliminated and replaced with alternatives sources.
C. Alternative sources of energy on this planet are very limited.
D. Demands for energy in the future are likely to decrease.
5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. The amount of fossil fuels in the world is limited.
B. Most alternative energy sources are environmentally friendly.
C. Hydroelectric power is impractical because of its being money consuming.
D. It is impossible to use wind power efficiently at present.

Đề cương học kỳ II-Năm học 2021-2022 Trang 11

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