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16-5019, Cavite, Kurt Clarence, BS Architecture

1. Who has influenced your identity the most?

- My friends and family have had the greatest influence on my identity because they are the
one who guide me in my journey as a person and to become who I am to be right now as a
student or as a person.

2. What values and beliefs guide your actions?

Passionate and

3. How do your strengths and weaknesses shape your sense of self?

- My strength is self-confidence, which allows me to be more decisive in all I do. While my
vulnerability is being alone, I will be able to learn how to stand on my own and become an
independent person as a result of this.

4. Reflect on a challenging experience that impacted your growth.

- The most difficult experience I had was when I considered discontinuing my studies owing
to financial difficulties, but as a result, I learnt how to hold firm and grow as a person and to
have my faith in God.

5. How do your passions align with your purpose?

- Knowing or uncovering your genuine identity might help you determine whether your
passion is aligned with your purpose. Because, as Eleanor Roosevelt put it, "the purpose of
life is to live it, to taste experience to the fullest, to reach out eagerly and fearlessly for
newer and richer experiences.

6. How do you contribute to your community or make a positive impact?

- By empowering and leading youth to discover who they are and their potential, and then
assisting them in realizing it, and also A Random Act of Kindness for A Neighbor because
without them no one will help you if you needed a help from others so that helping each
other is a great thing to do.

7. How do you learn from setbacks and failures?

- By looking at it positively and constantly contemplating and praying about what happened.
It is also necessary to rest, take a big breath, and then proceed step by step, since as an Archi
student, I face many challenges, but I told myself, "Allow yourself to be disappointed." It's
natural to be frustrated after investing time and effort in something since I know you see
room for improvement. It is critical to move on after a setback.
8. Reflect on a moment of personal growth and its impact on your identity.
- Having the proper mentality has a big impact on me because I feel there is no growth if you
keep being immature and it won't help you decide, and also repeat as needed, being kind
and compassionate with yourself since it is the process of bringing compassion inward.

9. How does your cultural background influence your sense of self?

- - My cultural heritage effects my sense of self by establishing values, beliefs, and principles,
as well as by influencing how I construct values, language, belief systems, and an
understanding as individuals and members of society.

10. What are your long-term goals and how do they reflect your values?
- My long-term objective is to become financially successful and a good manager, and this
will represent my value because I do not want to remain in my current status, which is not
financially solid.

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