Cyber Crime Dissertation Ideas

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Struggling to come up with cyber crime dissertation ideas? You're not alone.

Writing a dissertation on
such a complex and evolving topic can be incredibly challenging. From selecting the right topic to
conducting extensive research and analysis, the process can feel overwhelming.

Cyber crime is a vast and multifaceted field, encompassing everything from hacking and identity
theft to cyber terrorism and online fraud. Narrowing down your focus and identifying a unique
research angle can be a daunting task.

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Saileshkumar Zarkar, technical advisor and network security consultant to the Mumbai Police Cyber
crime Cell, advocates the 5P mantra for online security: Precaution, Prevention, Protection,
Preservation and Perseverance. Commissioners' Conference Electronic Crime Working Party 2000, p.
25-28; Rees. There are many individuals who aren’t comfortable using a computer, and hence they
are more prone to cybercrimes. This may be done for fulfilling political objectives or for money. E.g.
recently the site of MIT (Ministry of Information Technology) was hacked by the Pakistani hackers
and some obscene matter was placed therein. After completing his higher education in his hometown,
he decided to join Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh. It thus becomes essential that such transactions
be made legal. In a reactive approach to this onslaught, companies have been layering their networks
with stand alone firewalls, intrusion prevention devices, anti-virus and anti-spyware solutions in a
desperate attempt to plug holes in the armoury. All of the following phishing tools can be acquired
very cheaply: a scam letter and scam page in your chosen language, a fresh spam list, a selection of
php mailers to spam-out 100,000 mails for six hours, a hacked website for hosting the scam page for
a few days, and finally a stolen but valid credit card with which to register a domain name. Marriage
and children are obstacles to sexual fulfillment. Technical AspectsTechnological advancements have
created new possibilities for criminal activity, in particular the criminal misuse of information
technologies such as a. We cannot conceive our devices without some sort of connectivity, we need
to share data. Putting host-based intrusion detection devices on servers may do this. 9.use of
firewalls may be beneficial. 10. web servers running public sites must be physically separate
protected from internal corporate network. The reason is that the new legislation not come alone but
will bring with it the same confusion, the same dissatisfaction and the same desire to supplant it by
further new legislation. Parents need to be sensitised to the problem on hand and should be active in
stopping their children from maligning anyone,quot. The amended Act, which was placed before the
Lok Sabha during the recently concluded winter session, has excluded the liability of a network
service provider with regard to a third party’s action. Cybersecurity and Forensics Tools: Forensic
Tools: EnCase, FTK, or Autopsy for digital forensics examination in case your study contains
investigating cybercrimes on technical Penetration Testing Tools: Kali Linux distribution, that
contains instruments such as Metasploit, Nmap, and Wireshark are helpful for interpreting
sensitivities and impact techniques. Police requested for the log details and got the information of
the Private Institution. Some respondents also said that the organizational management was not keen
on investing in cyber security as they often did not perceive the scope of this potential threat Leung,
2012. Computer and internet has provided diverse nature of platforms for business, relations. Top
officials at UTI Bank said that they have reported the case to the Economic Office Wing, Delhi
Police. It even has its own currency.The rise of cybercrime is inextricably linked to the ubiquity of
credit card transactions and online bank accounts. Internet is freely utilizable for all types of people
including Childs below the mature age. If the people are vigilant about their rights the law definitely
protects their right. E.g. the Delhi high court in October 2002 prevented a person from selling
Microsoft pirated software over an auction site. Marriage and children are obstacles to sexual
fulfillment. Further section 67 is also vague to certain extent. Also, it is used for continuous system
or application observation and validation. I will keep working with you and I recommend to others
also. - Henry These experts are fast, knowledgeable, and dedicated to work under a short deadline.
In fact, to make more money than can be made selling heroin (and with far less risk), the only time
the criminal need leave his PC is to collect his cash. Cyber crime is increasingly becoming a major
concern across. Physical Destruction or Alteration of Network Components e.
How Cyber Criminals Works Cyber crime has become a profession and the demographic of your
typical cyber criminal is changing rapidly, from bedroom-bound geek to the type of organized
gangster more traditionally associated with drug-trafficking, extortion and money laundering. It
seems that the above statement has been made in total disregard of this rule of interpretation.
Judiciary plays a vital role in shaping the enactment according to the order of the day. Cybersecurity
involves the practices of securing a group of equipment and methodology to devices, and
information prevents mutilation to the system or networks by the unverified use and re-establishing
the electronic data and communication systems. Oftentimes it is not just pornography but what that
leads to. Graphs, Results, Analysis Table We evaluate and analyze the project results by plotting
graphs, numerical results computation, and broader discussion of quantitative results in table. With
these changes, a cyber criminal will now be entitled to bail as a matter of right, as and when he gets
arrested. Studies, C. 2012, 7 1, PWC. Retrieved september 30, 2012, from. If that is the issue then
the present legislation along with the Penal Code when read harmoniously and co- jointly is
sufficient to deal with the present problems of cyber crime. As a consequence of which the
Information Technology Act 2000 was passed and enforced on 17th May 2000.the preamble of this
Act states its objective to legalise e-commerce and further amend the Indian Penal Code 1860, the
Indian Evidence Act 1872, the Banker’s Book Evidence Act1891 and the Reserve Bank of India Act
1934. After all, billions of pounds are being spent on security technology, and yet security breaches
continue to rise. This dissertation will investigate both these options and emphasize whether policies
should be revised or new policies should be formed. Kale in return passed this information to his
friend Lukkad. Minium hardware and software, security measures required in an organization to
protect data 2 Sides of INDIAN Cyber Law or IT Act of INDIA Cyber laws are meant to set the
definite pattern, some rules and guidelines that defined certain business activities going on through
internet legal and certain illegal and hence punishable. Pornography Addiction Dr. Victor Cline, an
expert on Sexual Addiction, found that there is a four-step progression among many who consume
pornography. 1.Addiction: Pornography provides a powerful sexual stimulant or aphrodisiac effect,
followed by sexual release, most often through masturbation. 2.Escalation: Over time addicts require
more explicit and deviant material to meet their sexual quot. This indicates that abusive images of
children over Internet have been highly commercialized. They merely make functional copies of
themselves and do this repeatedly till they eat up all the available space on a computer's memory.
E.g. love bug virus, which affected at least 5 % of the computers of the globe. They earns teens trust
and gradually seduce them into sexual or indecent acts. According to the information provided by
the police, one of the customer received a SMS based alert for purchasing of the ticket even when
the credit card was being held by him. CITY PRINCIPAL SEEKS POLICE HELP TO STOP
CYBER CRIMEPrincipals across the city seem to be taking a cue from principal of Bombay
Scottish School, Mahim. They feel students and parents need to be educated against the legal and
moral consequences of cyber crime. Hence the need for Cyberlaws in India.What is the importance
of Cyberlaw. The number of cybercrimes worldwide is on the rise. STATUTORY PROVISONS: The
Indian parliament considered it necessary to give effect to the resolution by which the General
Assembly adopted Model Law on Electronic Commerce adopted by the United Nations Commission
on Trade Law. Methodology and ideology behind primary data collection is already explained in
chapter 3. This means that anyone can place Cyber defamation is also called as Cyber
smearing.Cyber Stacking:- Cyber stalking involves following a persons movements across the
Internet by posting messages (sometimes threatening) on the bulletin boards frequented by the
victim, entering the chat-rooms frequented by the victim, constantly bombarding the victim with
emails etc. Email spoofing Email spoofing refers to email that appears to have been originated from
one source when it was actually sent from another source. In a reactive approach to this onslaught,
companies have been layering their networks with stand alone firewalls, intrusion prevention devices,
anti-virus and anti-spyware solutions in a desperate attempt to plug holes in the armoury. The most
common form of installing a Trojan is through e-mail. E.g. a Trojan was installed in the computer of a
lady film director in the U.S. while chatting. The cyber criminal through the web cam installed in the
computer obtained her nude photographs. In software field this means an unauthorized programme,
which passively gains control over another’s system by representing itself as an authorised
We need such laws so that people can perform purchase transactions over the Net through credit
cards without fear of misuse. The proposed changes have also sought amendments in the form of
insertions in the Indian Penal Code, thereby declaring identity theft an offence. Shaiklh was
employed in one of the branches of State Bank of India. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Cyber crime
is no different: it boasts a buoyant international market for skills, tools and finished product. Cyber
crime is a generic term that refers to all criminal activities done using the medium of computers, the
Internet, cyber space and the worldwide web. But sooner or later, you will have to tighten your belts
and take note of Cyberlaw for your own benefit.Cyberlaw Awareness program Are your electronic
transactions legally binding and authentic. What cyber security measures can small and medium-
sized businesses take to bolster their data protection protocols and boost customer confidence.
Saileshkumar Zarkar, technical advisor and network security consultant to the Mumbai Police Cyber
crime Cell, advocates the 5P mantra for online security: Precaution, Prevention, Protection,
Preservation and Perseverance. It further amends the I.P.C., Evidence Act, Banker’s Book Evidence
and RBI Act also. Whereas, it is based on the performance of the devices which is monitored from
the beginning. Association Of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Guidelines For. Association Of Chief
Police Officers (ACPO) Guidelines For. Initially it may seem that Cyberlaws is a very technical field
and that it does not have any bearing to most activities in Cyberspace. Hackers write or use ready-
made computer programs to attack the target computer. So that they may regulate and control the
affairs of the cyber world in an effective manner. This may be done for fulfilling political objectives
or for money. E.g. recently the site of MIT (Ministry of Information Technology) was hacked by the
Pakistani hackers and some obscene matter was placed therein. Hence, parents need to be taken into
confidence too to stem this rot.quot. Hackers can also use malware, such as viruses and ransomware,
to infect and disrupt systems. Identity theft is another common form of cyber crime, in which an
individual's personal information, such as their name, address, and social security number, is stolen
and used for nefarious purposes. Students need to be oriented with soul searching and conscience
questioning which will help restrain them from misusing modern amenities,quot. The world's most
famous worm was the Internet worm let loose on the Internet by Robert Morris sometime in 1988.
Further section 67 is also vague to certain extent. Cybercrimes are not only the issue of advanced and
richest countries of the world but it. Holy cover all the aspects and issues of human life (Editorial
2006). There are many areas in which proper research required to. The number of cybercrimes
worldwide is on the rise. Confidentiality It means non disclosure of information to unauthorized or
unwanted persons. The need to define communication device under the proposed amendments
became imperative as the current law is quiet on what kind of devices can be included under this
category. The study also identifies how cyber security can sustain transaction monitoring checks and
customer due diligence and restricts money launderers from illegally transferring money between
accounts. According to its annual report, the company is governed by the Manager, Owners and
Board of Directors.
The following are the category of cyber criminals- 1. Consumption of scarce, limited, or non-
renewable resources like NW bandwith, RAM, CPU time. UAE to develop certain cybercrime
control units within organizations. Which costing and investment models are most effective for
determining whether implementing cyber security measures results in a positive return on investment.
So we insist you grab the opportunity to work with us. Methodological Approach: Select relevant
investigation techniques. How can cyber security be used to bolster data protection in order to
combat Covid-19 spread via vaccination distribution programmes. After students began posting
insults against him on Orkut, instead of punishing them he decided to call in cyber cell cops to talk to
students. Hence the need for Cyberlaws in India.What is the importance of Cyberlaw. These policies
are designed to make sure that cybercrime is reduced and gradually eliminated from society. During
investigations, the EOW came to know that the Nadars, residents of the upmarket Juhu-Tara Road,
owned a fleet of imported sport utility vehicles and sedans.quot. INDIAN WEBSITES ARE NEW
TARGET OF HACKERS Some computer experts managed to break into the high security computer
network of Bhabha Atomic Research Center but were luckily detected. ''GForce,'' a group of
anonymous hackers whose members write slogans critical of India and its claim over Kashmir, have
owned up to several instances of hacking of Indian sites run by the Indian government, private
companies or scientific organizations. Viruses can be file infecting or affecting boot sector of the
computer. For that, we give our entire support at any level of your project, and our world-class
certified engineers would take care of your thesis with their innovative brains. First, so much
commerce occurs through and by Internet-enabled technologies. Holy cover all the aspects and
issues of human life (Editorial 2006). Below we offer some of the possible topics for a cybercrime
dissertation: The Evolution of Cybercrime in the Age of Cryptocurrencies: We discover how the
increase of digital currencies such as Bitcoin has affected cybercrime actions. They usually affect the
data on a computer, either by altering or deleting it. From the time you register your Domain Name,
to the time you set up your web site, to the time you promote your website, to the time when you
send and receive emails, to the time you conduct electronic commerce transactions on the said site, at
every point of time, there are various Cyberlaw issues involved. Technology is just far too advanced
and the crimes are taking place so rapidly that this is almost impossible. Many times party or their
employees leak such valuable information for monitory gains and causes breach of contract of
confidentiality. They mainly target the Indian government sites with the purpose to fulfil their
political objectives. Confidentiality It means non disclosure of information to unauthorized or
unwanted persons. According to sources, the hackers may be from Washington. As per the findings
of UTI Bank's security department, the phishers have sent more that 1,00,000 emails to account
holders of UTI Bank as well as other banks. In addition, pornography promotes the allure of
adultery, prostitution and unreal expectations that can result in dangerous promiscuous behavior.
Distributed DOS A distributed denial of service (DoS) attack is accomplished by using the Internet
to break into computers and using them to attack a network. Internet and computers have changed
working, communication, meeting and business. Every type of user is using this computer because it
is a highly. This is because it is debated by them that the IPC alone is sufficient for all kinds of crime.

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