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Nature and Process of


Module in Oral Communication in Context

First Quarter-Week 1


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

Schools Division of Baguio City

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Communication is considered a _________________ because it is

continuous. It does not have beginning nor end.
A. interaction B. mediation C. process D. Speech

2. Which of the following is the role of source of the communication?

A. encoding the meaning into a message
B. reacting to the listener’s response
C. observing the listener’s reaction to the message
D. A, B. & C

3. An example of a communication channel is _______________________.

A. Context B. feedback C. text message D. noise

4. Feedback is the listener’s ____________________ to the message.

A. aversion C. verbal and nonverbal responses
B. acceptance D. verbal critique

5. Any noise that disturbs the flow of communication is called

A. barrier C. jargon
B. breakdown D. channel

6. In communication process, the receiver is ___________________________.

A. the person who encodes the idea C. the message interference
B. the message pathway D. the person who decodes the

7. The message can only deemed effective when it is __________________.

A. repeated back as proof of understanding C. communicated face-to-face
B. understood and has intended result D. delivered with confidence

8. This is the process of exchanging messages between the sender and the
A. Channeling C. communicating
B. Feed backing D. listening

9. The ability to communicate effectively _________________________.

A. depends on using technology to send message.
B. depends on education level around you.
C. is acquired and can be learned.
D. is natural and cannot be learned.

10. Which of the following indicates correct sequence of the elements of
communication in the process?
A. ender, receiver, channel, message, feedback
B. receiver, feedback, sender, message, channel
C. sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback
D. sender, channel, message, feedback, receiver

11. This involves an interaction in which behavior is used to convey and

represent meanings.
A. non-verbal communication C. verbal communication
B. face-to-face communication D. interpersonal communication

12. A form of nonverbal communication which includes a repertoire of physical

actions like thumbs up, bowing, shrugging and the likes.
A. kinesics B. proxemics C. Haptics D. chronemics

13. When a teacher goes near s student to give warning for being noisy, the
nonverbal form of communication applied is___________________?
A. kinesics B. proxemics C. Haptics D. chronemics

14. Handshakes, tapping of shoulders and hugging are examples of ________?

A. kinesics B. proxemics C. Haptics D. chronemics

15. The use of time to communicate messages is called ________________?

A. kinesics B. proxemics C. Haptics D. chronemics

What’s In

4 PICS, ONE WORD: What one word would you give for each set of pictures?
1 2 3

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

What’s New


Fish out the word which you think is an element of the communication process. Put a
check (/) on the specific word.

What are the words that you have checked?

How are they related to communication?
How do you define communication? What happens when we communicate?

What’s In It

What is Communication?

Communication is indispensable to us human beings, regardless of our

condition. Even one who is mentally or physically-challenged to communicate, still the
need to engage in communication is inevitable, because it is our nature as humans to
express our thoughts and ask questions about anything. From the break of day, we
communicate a lot to exchange and share our opinions, ideas, feelings or desires.
The word communication is derived from the Latin word “communis” which
means to impart, to transmit, to share or to convey. It is defined as the transfer of
thoughts messages, ideas, feelings, emotions, and knowledge between the sender
and the receiver.

Nature and process of Communication

Communication process involves

elements which includes the source, encoding, Channels include written media,
message, channel, barriers, receiver, decoding, verbal media and nonverbal cues that
feedback and the speech context (Sipacio, is used in transmitting the message.
Written media includes memos,
2016). letters, reports, bulletin boards,
The process of begins with the sender newsletters and the like. Verbal
who generates idea. When the idea is produced, media includes face to face
the sender encodes or converts this into words interaction, telephone/mobile phone
conversation, television, radio, tape
or actions, then sends out the message through recorded messages, emails, slide
a channel. The receiver, therefore gets the shows, and the like. While nonverbal
message and decode or interpret it according to cues include simple gestures, facial
the context. After which, the receiver sends or expressions, body positions and other
provides a feedback. The process then nonverbal behaviors that transmits
continues repeatedly, however the flow of the ideas to the receiver.
communication can be disrupted by internal or
external factors or the so called communication barriers like noise, mood, ability to
comprehend words and the like.

During process, the language used by the communicators depends on the on

the context, the place and setting of the conversation. This means that the way you
talk at home is different from that in school, even the way you communicate to your
friends, to your teachers or to a stranger is not the same.
We can therefore say that communication is a process, reciprocal or two-way,
dynamic and is expressed through verbal and nonverbal languages.

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Communication is expressed through verbal and nonverbal languages.
Hermosa, Hernandez, and Vergara (2016) defined verbal communication as an interaction
in which words are used to relay messages. This can be through written or spoken
languages. For effective verbal communication, it is best to use language that can be
easily understood by both speakers. It is also important to consider appropriateness,
brevity, clarity, ethics and vividness when engaging in this type of communication.

Nonverbal communication involves an interaction in which behavior is used
to convey and represent meanings. All kinds of human responses are classified as
nonverbal communication.
ICS of non-verbal Communication (Hermosa, Hernandez & Vergara, 2016)
1. Language of KINESICS includes repertoire of physical actions such as eye-contact
(Oculesics), facial expression, and other body gestures to convey or emphasize
message. For example, thumbs up can be a sign of acceptance, approval or
encouragement in the some countries including the Philippines, but in other
countries like West Africa and the Middle East, including Iran, Iraq, and
Afghanistan, thumbs up is a rude gesture.

2. Language of HAPTICS is the study of how touch is used to transmit message,

through hands, arms, and other body parts. In business, handshake is the most
commonly used Haptics. A firm handshake conveys power, confidence, and
sincerity, a limp handshake conveys weakness, lack of confidence, deceit, and a
clasp using both hands displays a high degree of respect.

3. Language of PROXEMICS is the study of how people use space and arrangement
of learning environment to create a message. Physical arrangement like the
presence of lectern between the speaker and the listener or a table between a
teacher and her students indicates authority. Distance can also show the extent
or the degree of separation between the speaker and the audience.

Four distance Zone

1. Intimate distance – from actual to 8 inches (applies to close relationships like
2. Personal distance – from8 inches to 4 feet; teacher student or counsellor to client
3. Social distance – 4 to 12 feet; people working together or meeting at social
4. Public distance – outward from 12 feet; lecturer in his audience

4. Language of CHRONEMICS refers to the use of time that speakers communicate

message. The duration of time for communication may mean differently.
Punctuality in a meeting or interview can indicate sincerity or professionalism or
spending much time talking with someone else may mean a great interest on that

5. Language of CHROMATICS - some color have universal meaning while perception

of color are somewhat subjective. Red can mean anger, hostility or blood, blue
means peace, calm, sadness or truth, pink means love, beauty or gold means

6. VOCALICS or PARALINGUISTICS refers to the vocalized but not verbal aspects

of nonverbal communication, including our speaking rate, pitch, volume, tone of
voice, and vocal quality. These qualities, also known as paralanguage, reinforce
the meaning of verbal communication, allow us to emphasize particular parts of a
message, or can contradict verbal messages

What’s More

Activity: FIT ME OUT

Instruction: Arrange the sentences below to illustrate a flow of communication
process. Select the appropriate statement for each part of the process and write them
in the diagram. Write your answer in your notebook.
 Angela tells Anna, “Friend, you look good with your attire, but I think it isn’t suitable
for the occasion”.
 Angela decides how she would speak to Anna personally in a polite manner.
 Anna listens to what Angela says.
 Angela wants to suggest a better outfit for her friend Anna before going to the party.
 She tries to analyse and understand Angela’s comment.
 Anna says, “Oh really, could you help me find a better one?”


What then is the role of communication in our everyday life? Write your answers on
the T diagram

in my personal life In my future profession

Role of communication

What I Have Learned

Activity: FILL IT IN
Instruction: Complete the paragraph by writing the correct words in the blanks.Write
the complete paragraph in your notebook.

Communication is a continuous (1)__________________ in which ideas,

thoughts, feelings, emotions or information are conveyed between the (2)
_______________ and the receiver. The process starts when the sender generates
the idea as s/he (3)________________the (4)________________ into words words,
actions or other forms. Then, the sender transmits the message through a/a
(5)___________________. Once, the (6)_______________ gets the message, s/he
therefore (7)__________________ it so s/he can give an acceptable
Decoding the exact meaning of the message depends on the
(9)_________________, the place or setting of the communication.
(10)__________________ languages like facial expressions, body positions, or voice
tone may also be used by the communicators to emphasize the message that they
would like to convey.

What I Can Do

Activity 1: JOT IT DOWN

Instruction: Listen to an evening or morning news broadcasted over radio or
television. Jot down at least 5 reported headlines that are interesting, significant,
shocking or terrifying.

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

Activity 2: REACT ON IT
Choose one from your list in activity 4-A. On a short bond paper, react to the
issue through a comic strip. Your comic strip shall have at least 4 panels. You can
use these questions as your guide:

What is the news all about?

Were you able to understand the news well? Why?
Does the reporter able to relay the message clearly? Why? Why not?
What verbal and nonverbal cues helped u understand the news well?
Why is clarity very important when conveying the message?

Your reaction shall be rated through this criteria:

Content (includes verbal and nonverbal cues)…..…………..……..…5
Organization (the flow of information is easily understood )…..……......5
Originality and creativity ……………………………..……5


I. Identify what is asked in each statements below.

1. This refers the one who generates, encodes and transmits the message.
2. This refers to the ideas, feelings, perceptions, values, beliefs, or opinions
conveyed by the speaker to the receiver.
3. This serves as the vehicle or medium used in transmitting messages or ideas. This
may include written media, verbal media, or our nonverbal cues.
4. Anything that can that can cause communication breakdown is called ________.
5. The individual whom the message is directed is known as the ________________.
6. It is sending and receiving messages in a variety of ways without the use of verbal
7. Physical actions like nodding, shrugging, or pouting are examples of _________.
8. Another term for eye-contact is ______________________.
9. This pertains to the study of how touch through is used to transmit message,
10. When a teacher goes near a student for a suspected cheating, the nonverbal
communication applied is ________________________.

II. Each of the phrases below represents a word that describes the nature of
communication. Figure out the word and write them in the boxes. Other letters are
provided for you. USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY

Additional Activity


How Do Animals Communicate?
Read the short passage then answer the questions that follow:
Animals might not be able to speak or master advanced language techniques,
but they certainly have other ways of communicating. Whale song, wolf
howls, frog croaks, bird chips -- even the waggle dance of the honeybee or the
vigorous waving of a dog's tail -- are among the panoply of ways animals transmit
information to each other and to other denizens of the animal kingdom.
Species often rely on verbal and nonverbal forms of communication, such as
calls; non-vocal auditory outbursts, like the slap of a dolphin's tail on the
water; bioluminescence; scent marking; chemical or tactile cues; visual signals and
postural gestures. Fireflies and peacocks are classic examples of brilliant
bioluminescence and impressive visual displays, respectively. Ants use chemical
cues (in a process called chemoreception) to help guide their foraging adventures,
as well as for other activities like telling friend from foe, connecting with new mates
and marshalling the colony's defense.
When it comes to acoustic communication, not every member of a species is
just alike. Animals in different regions have often been overhead sounding off in
different dialects. For example, one study found that blue whales produce different
patterns of pulses, tones and pitches depending on where they're from. Some bird
species are the same way. And what about those birds that live on the border between
territories of differing songsters? They often become bilingual, so to speak, and able
to communicate in the singing parlance favored by each of their groups of neighbors.
Communication between species can play important roles as well. One study
suggested that the reason Madagascan spiny-tailed iguanas have well-developed
ears -- despite the fact that they don't communicate vocally -- is so they can hear the
warning calls of the Madagascan paradise flycatcher. The two species have nothing
in common except for the fact that they share a general habitat and raptors like to
snack on them. So when an iguana hears a bird raise the alarm among other birds, it
likely knows to be on alert for incoming predators, too.

1. Search in your dictionary the meaning of the following words.

a. panoply ____________________________________________________
b. denizens ___________________________________________________
c. bioluminescence _____________________________________________
d. chemoreception ______________________________________________
e. dialects _____________________________________________________

2. Are there similarities with how human communicate? Explain your answer by
giving examples.

1. sender 2. message 3. channel 4. barrier 5. receiver
6. nonverbal 7. kinesics 8. Oculesics 9. haptics 10. proxemics
II. 1. Reciprocal 2. Process 3. dynamic 4. verbal 5. nonverbal
III. Learner’s answers vary
Activity 4: Jot down and React … learner’s answers vary
1. process 2.sender 3. encodes 4. message 5. channel
6. receiver 7.decodes 8. feedback 9.context 10. nonverbal
Activity 3: Fit Me In
Activity 2: Fit Me In
message encoding decoding channel feedback
receiver content sender barrier
Activity 1: Fish the Concept (answers do not have to be in order)
1. speaker 2. Message 3. communication
4 Pics One Word
1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C

Hermosa, Angelina Lourdes., Hernandez, Mark Ryan & Vergara, Shiela. Oral Communication
for Senior High School. Cubao, Quezon City: Educational Resource Corporation. 2016, 113

Montesa, Edgar, Practical Speech for Filipinos. Sta. Cruz, Manila: PK imprint, 1996. 177

Open Library Press books, Eight Essential Elements of Communication”.
Sipacio, Philip John Fresnillo &, Balgos, Ann Richie Garcia, Oral Communication in Context
for Senior High School. Quezon City:C & E Publishing Inc. 2016,128

ThoughtCo, “Basic Elements of Communication”

Toothman, Jessica. “How Do Animals Communicate”.
2020 /animal-facts/animals-communicate.htm

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. Sage Publication Inc.
"What are the Functions of Communication? - Definition & Examples." July 26,

For inquiries or feedback, please write of call:
Department of Education-Schools Division CAR
(Office Address, Wangal, LTB)
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