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Civil Disturbance Management (CDM) Operations

CDM Operational Tasks are:
1. Isolate the area.
2. Secure likely targets.
3. Control the crowds.
4. Establish area control; and
5. Arrest violators.
Police Responses
The following are the police responses during the planning stage, initial and peaceful stage,
confrontational stage, violent stage and post operation stage of a public assembly (PNP, 2021, p. 131-
1. During Planning Stage
a. Initiate dialogue with the leaders/organizers to ensure the peaceful holding of a public
b. Prepare appropriate security and CDM contingency plans.
2. During Initial and Peaceful Stage
 With Permit or Held in Freedom Parks/ Private Properties
 The PNP shall not interfere with the holding of a public assembly area (deployment of Intel
3. During Breach of Peace/Confrontational Stage (With or without permit)
4. During Violent Stage
a. Non-lethal weapons and equipment may be used to suppress violence, to protect lives and
prevent further damage to properties.
b. PNP security elements shall be tactically deployed to provide immediate assistance to the
CDM contingents.
5. Post-Operation Stage:
a. CDM contingents shall be withdrawn after the area has been cleared of possible danger to
public safety.
b. Sufficient police force shall be maintained to ensure peace and order in the area.
According to the urban development and housing act of 1992
 eviction or demolition as a practice shall be discouraged.
 eviction or demolition however may be allowed under the following situations:
- esteros
- railroad tracks
- garbage dumps
- riverbanks
- shorelines
- waterways
 When there is a court order for eviction and demolition


Crisis Management- is the process by which an organization deals with a major event that threatens to
harm the organization or the public. Simply define as a good under pressure
Crisis management is the proper utilization of all available resources and the formulation of policies and
procedures. (emergency)
Crisis Management – dealing with threats after they have occurred.
Crisis is any event that is expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual,
group, community, or society.
Risk Management – involves assessing potential threats and finding the best ways to avoid those threats.
Crisis Negotiation – is a technique for law enforcement to communicate with people who are threatening
violence including barricaded subjects, hostage taker, stalkers, threats etc.
Forensic Psychology forensic discipline that evaluates behavioral patterns and how they relate to crime.
Hostage Negotiation a negotiation conducted between law enforcement agencies. (Criminal terrorist or
other elements)
Crisis Management Plan- crises management methods of a business or organization.

Three elements of crisis management:

1. Threats to the organization or public
2. element of surprise
3. short decision time

Risk analysis - it pertains to the study of the potential crisis that might arise.
An activation protocol - this serves as the trigger for the crisis management plan with the sense of urgency.
A chain of command - this refers to the succession of leadership from superior to subordinate.
Response action plans - this refers to the detailed planning on how the organization will respond to the
various crisis incidents.
International communication programs - pertains to the systems and backup methods for members of
crisis management team to communicate with each other.
External communication programs- this refers to the plans for communicating with the public and key
external stakeholders.
Resources - this pertains to everything the crisis management team might need.
Training - this aims to enhance specific agencies’ task for crisis response.
A review - this refers to the procedures for updating the plan and analyzing crisis response.
the objectives of crisis management are (Dr. Castillo and Gabao 2021)
a. Resolve the event without further incident.
b. ensure the safety of all participants apprehension of all the perpetrators.
c. accomplish the task within the framework of current community standards.
1. Natural Disaster
2. Technological Crises
3. Confrontation
4. Malevolence
5. Organizational Misdeeds
6. Workplace violence.
7. Rumors
8. Terrorist attacks/Man made disasters.
The main goal of crisis management is Salvari Vitas or to save lives (Dr. Castillo, and Gabao, 2021, p. 47).
Here are some of the specific purposes of a crisis management (Marker, 2020):
1. Prepares an organization to cope with an unexpected calamity.
2. Shortens and lessens the impact of a crisis.
3. Protects employees and anyone else affected.
4. Preserves operations and productivity as much as possible; and
5. Safeguards a company’s or organization’s reputation.

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