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Please note: citations are provided as a general guideline. Users should consult their preferred
citation format's style manual for proper citation formatting.

Bluebook 21st ed.

Jonathan Saxon, Connecticut Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography,
91 LAW LIBR. J. 139 (1999).

ALWD 7th ed.

Jonathan Saxon, Connecticut Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography,
91 Law Libr. J. 139 (1999).

APA 7th ed.

Saxon, Jonathan. (1999). Connecticut practice materials: selective annotated
bibliography. Law Library Journal, 91(1), 139-176.

Chicago 17th ed.

Jonathan Saxon, "Connecticut Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography,"
Law Library Journal 91, no. 1 (Winter 1999): 139-176

McGill Guide 9th ed.

Jonathan Saxon, "Connecticut Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography"
(1999) 91:1 Law Libr J 139.

AGLC 4th ed.

Jonathan Saxon, 'Connecticut Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography'
(1999) 91(1) Law Library Journal 139

MLA 9th ed.

Saxon, Jonathan. "Connecticut Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated
Bibliography." Law Library Journal, vol. 91, no. 1, Winter 1999, pp. 139-176.

OSCOLA 4th ed.

Jonathan Saxon, 'Connecticut Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography'
(1999) 91 Law Libr J 139 Please note: citations are provided as a
general guideline. Users should consult their preferred citation format's style
manual for proper citation formatting.

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Connecticut State Library

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Connecticut Practice Materials:
A Selective Annotated Bibliography*

Jonathan Saxon"

The author provides a selective listing of Connecticut legal publications,

including primary and secondary materials, that are commonly used in the
practiceof Connecticut law. Both print and electronic resources are covered.

This annotated bibliography is one in a series on state practice materials published

in the Law LibraryJournal.! Both primary and secondary materials currently used
in the practice of law in Connecticut are included.
The bibliography is arranged in four main parts. The first, "General
Publications," includes primary source materials and their associated finding tools
and citators, as well as legal directories. The second, "Periodicals" includes legal
journals, newsletters, and newspapers that are published in Connecticut or are com-
monly used in the practice of Connecticut law. The third, "Electronic Resources,"
lists Internet sites and online services that are of interest to Connecticut law prac-
titioners as well as CD-ROMs that contain primarily Connecticut legal materials.
The fourth, "Connecticut Practice Treatises and Materials," covers secondary

* © Jonathan Saxon, 1999.

** Associate Professor, Reference/Computer Services Librarian, City University of New York School of
Law Library, Flushing, New York.
1. See Ronald L. Brown, An Annotated Bibliography of CurrentNew York State PracticeMaterials,73
L. LiBR. J. 28 (1980); Bruce S. Johnson, Michigan Practice Materials: A Selective, Annotated
Bibliography,73 L. LIaR. J. 672 (1980); Karl T. Gruben & Linda Philipp, An Annotated Bibliography
of Texas PracticeMaterials,74 L. LMR. J. 87 (1981); Bethany J. Ochal, California CurrentState
Practice Materials:An Annotated Bibliography,74 L. LiaR. J. 281 (1981); Joel Fishman & Marc
Silverman, Pennsylvania Practice Materials:A Select Annotated Bibliography, 78 L. LIaR. J. 73
(1986); Christina M. Senezak, New Jersey PracticeMaterials:A Select Annotated Bibliography,79
L. LMR. J. 689 (1987); Arturo L. Torres & Carol Elliot, Arizona Practice Materials:A Selective
Annotated Bibliography, 80 L. LiBR. J. 577 (1988); Kathryn C. Fitzhugh, Arkansas Practice
Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 81 L. LMR. J. 277 (1989); Lynne B. Kitchens &
Timothy A. Lewis, Alabama PracticeMaterials:A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 82 L. LMR. J.
703 (1990); Mary A. Woodward, New Mexico Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated
Bibliography,84 L. LTaR. J. 93 (1992); Stephen R. Jordan, Montana PracticeMaterials:A Selective
Annotated Bibliography,84 L. LMR. J. 299 (1992); Arturo L. Torres, Kentucky PracticeMaterials:A
Selective, Annotated Bibliography, 84 L. LiaR. J. 509 (1992); Kory D. Staheli, Utah Practice
Materials:A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 87 L. LMR. J. 28 (1995); Leinaala R. Seeger, Idaho
Practice Materials:A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 87 L. LMR. J. 534 (1995); Karen S. Beck,
Oregon PracticeMaterials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 88 L. LMR. J. 288 (1996); Mitch
Fontenot, Colorado Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 88 L. LIAR. J. 427
(1996); Patrick J. Charles & David K. King, Delaware PracticeMaterials: A Selective Annotated
Bibliography, 89 L. LMR. J. 349 (1997); Ellen J. Platt & Mary J. Koshollek, Wisconsin Practice
Materials:A Selective, Annotated Bibliography,90 L. LMR. J. 219 (1998).
Law Library Journal [Vol. 9 1:1

sources commonly used by Connecticut legal practitioners, including sources with

a Connecticut focus on a wide range of legal specialties.
Specifically excluded from this bibliography are audiovisual works, articles
and chapters from larger works, and databases and libraries on Westlaw and
LEXIS-NEXIS. Continuing legal education materials and treatises that have gone
more than five years without updating have been included only where they are the
only or best source in a particular legal area. Researchers who are looking for his-
toric or other Connecticut legal materials not found in this bibliography should
consult the sources listed under "Legal Research and Bibliography" in the
"Connecticut Practice Treatises and Materials" section of this bibliography.
Most annotations appearing in this bibliography have been created through
direct review of the published materials. Where the materials were unavailable,
annotations were created through review of publishers' sales literature and Web
sites. Bracketed information in the citations has been supplied by me.
Contact information for publishers of the materials in this bibliography is pro-
vided in the appendix. Publishers should be contacted to determine publication
status and prices for materials. Due to recent and numerous publisher mergers and
acquisitions, the publisher information in many of the actual sources has become
outdated. The current publishers of those sources are included in this bibliogra-
phy, with the original publisher enclosed in parentheses.

General Publications

Statutory Sources

GeneralStatutes of Connecticut.Hartford, Conn.: Connecticut General Assembly,

Legislative Commissioners' Office, 1997. 16 softbound volumes published
biennially. This is the state-designated official publication of the Connecticut
statutory code. Includes annotations that provide historical information and
citations to cases (but no descriptive information about them). Volumes 14-16
include a table of public acts since 1957 and a subject index.
General Statutes of Connecticut. <>. Web
site maintained by the Connecticut State Library which provides the full text
of the most recently published edition of General Statutes of Connecticut,as
well as the text of public and special acts passed since 1995. Statutes can be
found using a table of contents or subject index. Public and special acts can
be found by subject index or by browsing a listing by act number.
West's Connecticut General Statutes Annotated. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group,
1988-. 30 numbered volumes in 45 volumes. Updated by annual cumulative
pocket parts and supplements. Provides the complete text of the Connecticut
General Statutes, as amended. Annotations include case notes, historical
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

notes, and research references. The first volume is the "Constitution" volume,
which includes an annotated version of the Connecticut Constitution as well
as the text of the U.S. Constitution and other important historical legal docu-
ments. Includes a table of public acts since 1957, subject index, and popular
name table. "Appendix Pamphlets" contain legislation for which official clas-
sifications to the Connecticut GeneralStatutes are not available.


Public and SpecialActs of the State of Connecticut.Hartford, Conn.: Connecticut

General Assembly, Legislative Commissioners' Office, 1972-. Published
annually at the end of each legislative session, the official publication of laws
passed by the Connecticut legislature. Also included are governor's veto mes-
sages and lists of appointments made by the governor and the General
Assembly. Tables are provided that include information indicating which pre-
viously existing statutes and public or special acts were amended or repealed
by legislation passed during the session.
Connecticut Legislative Service. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1950-. Published
periodically while the legislature is in session. This service comprises the
unofficial version of the state session laws, providing the full text of all pub-
lic acts enacted by the Connecticut legislature since the service began publi-
cation. A "Legislative Highlights" section is included in the front of each
pamphlet which provides a brief summary of significant legislation contained
in the pamphlet. Each pamphlet includes cumulative subject indexes for pub-
lic and special acts passed and vetoed during the legislative session, and
cumulative tables of Connecticut General Statutes affected, bills approved,
and bills vetoed during the legislative session.
Guide to Connecticut Legislative History. <
leghis.htm>. Maintained by the Connecticut State Library, this Web page pro-
vides information on how to obtain Connecticut legislative history documents
from the Connecticut State Library.
Legislative Record Index. [Hartford, Conn.]: Connecticut General Assembly,
1946-. Published periodically by the legislature while it is in session and later
compiled into an annual final edition at the end of the session. Provides infor-
mation on the history and resolution of all bills introduced in the Connecticut
legislature since this publication began. The "Numerical Listing Bill and
Resolution History" section provides the title, statement of purpose, and final
disposition of each bill or resolution. Finding aids allow bills to be tracked by
bill or resolution number, by the names of introducers and cosponsors of leg-
islation, and by subject. Bills and resolutions that have been passed into law
can also be found by public or special act number.
Law Library Journal [Vol. 91:1

Rules and Precedents of the General Assembly of Connecticut 1991. Hartford,

Conn.: Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Legislative Research, 1991.
Contains the Rules and Joint Rules of the Senate and House for the 1991 ses-
sion of the legislature, as well as summaries of Rulings of the Presiding
Officers of the Senate (Senate Precedents) and House (House Precedents)
from 1940 to 1990. A subject index to the rules is included.
Summary ofPublicActs. Hartford, Conn.: Connecticut General Assembly, Office of
Legislative Research, 1973-. Published annually. Summarizes public acts
passed during the regular and special sessions of the legislature (special acts are
excluded). The summaries are organized by the committee that introduced each
bill. Indexes by public act number and subject are provided; public acts passed
during special sessions are grouped separately and have their own indexes.

Case Reports
Listed under "Official Reporters" are the official Connecticut reporters arranged
by court, following the order used in The Bluebook.2 Also included under this
heading is the official source for slip opinions updating the official reporters, the
Connecticut Law Journal.Unofficial reporters follow in alphabetical order under
the heading "Unofficial Reporters."
Official Reporters
Connecticut Reports. [Enfield], Conn.: State of Connecticut [Commission on
Official Legal Publications], 1815-. Updated by advance sheets published in
the ConnecticutLaw Journal.Official reporter of decisions of the Connecticut
Supreme Court (formerly known as the "Connecticut Supreme Court of
Errors"). Volumes 1-129 are also available on CD-ROM as part of the
Connecticut Reports Archives CD-ROM set.
Day, Thomas. Reports of Cases,Argued and Determinedin the Supreme Court of
Errorsof the State of Connecticutin the Years 1802 [-1813]. [Enfield,] Conn.:
State of Connecticut [Commission on Official Legal Publications], 1962. 5
volumes. Reported by Thomas Day and popularly known and cited as Day's
Reports. Contains the official reports of cases decided by the Connecticut
Supreme Court of Errors from 1802 to 1813. Volumes 4-5 include cases from
the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Connecticut. First volume originally
published by Hudson and Goodwin of Hartford, Conn., in 1806, and subse-
quent volumes originally published by various other publishers. Also avail-
able on CD-ROM as part of the ConnecticutReports Archives CD-ROM set.
Root, Jesse. Reports of CasesAdjudged in the Superior Courtand Supreme Court
of Errors: From July A. D. 1789 to [JanuaryA. D. 1798] With a Variety of

2. THE BLUEBOOK: A UNiwoRm SYsTEM oF CrrT1AoN 176-77 (16th ed. 1996).

1999] Connecticut PracticeMaterials

Cases Anterior to that Period, Prefaced with Observations Upon the

Government and Laws of Connecticut, to Which is Subjoined, Sundry Law
Points Adjudged, and Rules of Practice Adopted in the Superior Court.
[Enfield,] Conn.: State of Connecticut [Commission on Official Legal
Publications], 1962. 2 volumes. Reported by Jesse Root and popularly known
and cited as Root's Reports. Contains the official reports of cases decided by
the Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors from 1789 to 1798. Originally pub-
lished by Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford, Conn., in 1798. Also available on
CD-ROM as part of the ConnecticutReports Archives CD-ROM set.
Kirby, Ephraim. Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Superior Court of the State of
ConnecticutFrom the Year 1785, to May 1788, With Some Determinationsin
the Supreme Court of Errors. [Enfield,] Conn.: State of Connecticut
[Commission on Official Legal Publications], 1962. 1 volume. Reported by
Ephraim Kirby, Esq., and popularly known and cited as Kirby's Reports.
Contains the official reports of cases decided by the Connecticut Supreme
Court of Errors from 1785 to 1788. This is the earliest publication of
Connecticut case law and was the first published case reporter of United
States law. Originally published by Collier & Adam, Litchfield, Conn., in
1789. Also available on CD-ROM as part of the ConnecticutReports Archives
CD-ROM set.
ConnecticutAppellateReports. Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut, Commission
on Official Legal Publications, 1985-. Updated by advance sheets published
in the ConnecticutLaw Journal.Official reporter of decisions of the Appellate
Court of the State of Connecticut, including all reported opinions from the
time the court was created in 1983.
Connecticut Supplement. Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut, Commission on
Official Legal Publications, 1935-. Updated by advance sheets published in
the Connecticut Law Journal. Official reporter of the decisions of the
Superior Court of the State of Connecticut. Earlier volumes include decisions
of the Connecticut Court of Common Pleas.
Connecticut Circuit Court Reports. Hartford, Conn.: State of Connecticut
[Commission on Official Legal Publications], 1963-1977. 6 volumes. Official
reporter of decisions of the Connecticut Circuit Court and its Appellate
Division (both now abolished), which decided cases from 1961 to 1974. Each
volume includes a table of cases, a digest, and a words-and-phrases index. An
appendix in each volume contains obituaries of Connecticut Circuit Court
ConnecticutLaw Journal.Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut, Commission on
Official Legal Publications, 1935-. Weekly official publication of cases,
Law Library Journal [Vol. 91:1

updating Connecticut Reports, Connecticut Appellate Reports, and the

Connecticut Supplement. A cumulative table of cases is provided in each
Unofficial Reporters
Atlantic Reporter,Second Series. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1939-. Updated by
weekly advance sheets that include new cases as well as amendments to state
and federal court rules in the covered states. Reports decisions of appellate
courts located in Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine,
Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and
Atlantic Reporter. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1886-1938. 200 volumes.
Includes decisions of appellate courts located in Connecticut, Delaware,
Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
and Vermont.
Connecticut Reporter. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1936-. Reprints all
Connecticut cases published in the Atlantic Reporter. Connecticut cases from
the first series of the Atlantic Reporter are contained in 40 volumes.
Connecticut cases from Atlantic Reporter, Second Series are contained in
169+ volumes.
The Connecticut Law Reporter. Guilford, Conn.: Connecticut Law Book Co.,
1990-. Looseleaf pamphlets are published weekly, except the weeks of
Thanksgiving and Christmas, and are compiled semiannually in a bound vol-
ume. Includes the full text of selected Connecticut Superior Court opinions.
Each issue includes a subject index, table of case names, and table of statutes
and practice book rules. Cumulative indexes and tables are issued monthly
and at the end of each volume. Bound volumes include an additional table list-
ing opinions by the authoring judge's name.
Connecticut Opinions. Fairfield, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune Co., 1995-.
Published as a weekly supplement to the Connecticut Law Tribune. Provides
selective coverage of opinions of the Connecticut Superior Court, U.S. District
Court for Connecticut, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and
Connecticut administrative agencies, as well as summaries of selected unpub-
lished Connecticut state and federal court opinions. Opinions may appear in
full-text, digest, or summary format. Copies of the full text of any opinion
included in the publication can be obtained from the publisher for a fee via
mail, fax, Federal Express, or e-mail by calling (203) 256-3606. Also includes
verdict and settlement reports, and indexes arranged by subject, administrative
agency, statute or practice book rule, and case name. Indexes are cumulated
quarterly in January, April, July, and October. Continues two previous publi-
cations: Weekly Opinion Service and Connecticut Superior CourtReports.
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

Connecticut Superior CourtReports. Fairfield, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune

Co., 1987-1994. 9 volumes. Contains the full text of selected Connecticut
Superior Court and Housing Session opinions that appeared in the
Connecticut Law Tribune in full-text or digest form from 1987 to 1994.
Includes a subject index and tables of case names, statutes, and practice book
rules. Continued by Connecticut Opinions.

CourtRecords and Briefs

Records and Briefs [Connecticut Appellate Court]. Hartford, Conn.: Chief Clerk,
Supreme Court, Clerk Appellate Court, 1985-. Microfiche copies of records
and briefs submitted in the Appellate Court of the State of Connecticut, pub-
lished monthly or bimonthly when the court is in session. Separately num-
bered fiche sets are issued for each case. The fiche headers for each set indi-
cate the names of the parties, docket number, and number of fiche in the set
(e.g., 1 of 4). Each time a group of fiche sets is issued, a noncumulative index
is included consisting of copies of the first page of the record of each case
arranged in alphabetical order by plaintiff's name.
Records and Briefs [Connecticut Supreme Court]. Hartford, Conn.: Supreme
Court of Connecticut, Reporter of Judicial Decisions, 1871-. Published
monthly or bimonthly. Issued in microfiche format since 1986. Separately
numbered fiche sets are issued for each case. The fiche headers for each set
indicate the names of the parties, docket number, and number of fiche in the
set (e.g., 1 of 4). Each time a group of fiche sets is issued, a noncumulative
index is included consisting of copies of the first page of the record of each
case arranged in alphabetical order by plaintiff's name.


Atlantic Digest2d. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1968-. 37 numbered volumes in
83 volumes. Updated by annual cumulative pocket parts or supplements and
the digest sections of the bound volumes and advance sheets of the Atlantic
Reporter,Second Series not covered by the latest pocket part. Digest of cases
reported in the Atlantic Reporter and the Atlantic Reporter, Second Series,
arranged according to the West key number system. Includes a table of cases
and descriptive-word index.
Lebovitz, Emily J. Digest of Decisions, Connecticut, Second Series. [Hartford,
Conn.]: State of Connecticut [Commission on Official Legal Publications],
1990-. 4 volumes. Updated by periodic cumulative supplements. This con-
tinuation of the first series is still referred to as Dowling's Digest and is a
digest of cases reported in Connecticut Reports (vol. 178-), Connecticut
Appellate Reports (vol. 1-), and Connecticut Supplement (vol. 37-). Digest
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

entries include quotes from the opinion of the case cited, and citations are to
the official reporters only. Includes a words-and-phrases section and separate
tables of cases for each reporter covered.
Dowling, Donald H. Digest ofDecisions, Connecticut.[Hartford, Conn.:] State of
Connecticut [Commission on Official Legal Publications], 1982. 10 volumes.
Popularly known as Dowling's Digest, this is a digest of cases reported in
Connecticut Reports (vol. 130-177), Connecticut Supplement (vol. 1-36),
and Connecticut Circuit Court Reports (vol. 1-6). Digest entries include
quotes from the opinion of the case cited, and citations are to the official
reporters only. Includes a words-and-phrases section, subject index, and sep-
arate tables of cases for each reporter covered. This set is a continuation of
ConnecticutDigest: 1785 to Date, and is continued by Digest ofDecisions of
Connecticut, Second Series. Also available on CD-ROM as part of the
ConnecticutReportsArchives CD-ROM set.
Phillips, Richard H. ConnecticutDigest: 1785 to Date. [Hartford, Conn.]: State of
Connecticut [Commission on Official Legal Publications], 1945. 3 volumes.
Digest of cases reported from 1785 (Kirby's Reports) through Connecticut
Reports volume 129. Popularly known as Phillips'Digest.Volume 1 includes
a list of "Titles" (topics) for the entire digest. Volume 3 includes a table of
cases and a table listing cases that were appealed to the United States
Supreme Court. Continued by Digest of Decisions, Connecticut.Also avail-
able on CD-ROM as part of the ConnecticutReportsArchives CD-ROM set.
West's ConnecticutDigest.St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1951-. 17 numbered vol-
umes in 34 volumes. Updated by annual pocket parts, cumulative pamphlets,
and weekly reporter advance sheets. Digest of Connecticut state and federal
case law from 1764 to date, arranged according to the West key number sys-
tem. Also includes cites to Connecticut attorney general opinions, the
Connecticut Bar Journal, and law reviews published by Connecticut law
schools. Volumes 1-2 contain a descriptive-word index, volume 16 contains a
table of cases and a words-and-phrases index, and volume 17 contains a
defendant-plaintiff table.

Administrative Rules and Regulations

Connecticut Law Journal.Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut, Commission on

Official Legal Publications, 1935-. Weekly official publication of new and
amended administrative regulations, updating the official state administrative
code, Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. The first issue of each
month has a cumulative list, "Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies,"
that indicates the dates of publication in ConnecticutLaw Journal of all new
and amended regulations not yet published in the official administrative code.
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

Directory of Regulatory Revisions. Farmington, Conn.: Administrative

Publications, 1986-. Published monthly. Serves as a guide to proposed and
final regulations published in the Connecticut Law Journal that affect exist-
ing Connecticut administrative regulations. Tables track regulations, statutes,
and public acts (beginning with 1985 public acts) cited by agencies propos-
ing or adopting new or revised regulations. There is also a separate table
arranged by agency name and subject matter that tracks only final regulations.
The last issue of the year is a cumulative year-end directory of all changes that
have occurred during the year.
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut,
Commission on Official Legal Publication, 1962-. Updated weekly by the
ConnecticutLaw Journal. Looseleaf. Official publication of the Connecticut
administrative code.

Ethics Opinions

ProfessionalResponsibility Reference Guide. Rocky Hill, Conn.: Connecticut Bar

Association, 1994. Looseleaf. Updated by 1998 supplement. Includes the
Connecticut Rules of Professional Conduct, formal and informal ethics opin-
ions, and an index to the opinions arranged by rule number.

Shepard's Atlantic Reporter Citations. 4th ed. Colorado Springs, Colo.:

Shepard's, 1994-. Updated by cumulative supplements and advance sheets.
Lists all citations by federal and state courts to decisions contained in West's
Atlantic Reporter and Atlantic Reporter,Second Series.
Shepard's Connecticut Case Names Citator. 2d ed. Colorado Springs, Colo.:
Shepard's, 1994-. Updated by cumulative supplements and advance sheets.
Published as a companion volume to Shepard's Connecticut Citations and
Shepard's Atlantic Reporter Citations. Provides official and unofficial case
citations arranged alphabetically by plaintiffs' and defendants' names.
Coverage includes all decisions published from 1814 to present in
Connecticut Reports, Connecticut Appellate Reports, Connecticut
Supplement, Connecticut Circuit Court Reports, and Connecticut decisions
published in the first and second series of the Atlantic Reporter.
Shepard's Connecticut Citations. 6th ed. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Shepard's,
1991-. Updated by cumulative supplements and advance sheets. Separate vol-
umes are provided for case citations ("Case Edition") and statute citations
("Statute Edition"). The Case Edition includes citations to decisions of
Connecticut state and federal courts appearing in official Connecticut case
reporters, the Atlantic Reporter,Atlantic Reporter2d, various Connecticut and
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

national legal periodicals, legal texts, and annotations. The Statute Edition
includes citations to the Connecticut Constitution, General Statutes, acts (if not
yet codified when cited), court rules and ordinances appearing in the reported
decisions of Connecticut and federal courts since 1902, as well as in many legal
periodicals, texts, annotations, and Connecticut laws. Also provides citations to
the U.S. Constitution and federal statutes cited by Connecticut courts and laws.


ConnecticutPracticeBook. Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut, Commission on

Official Legal Publications, 1979-. 2 volumes. The first volume of the
PracticeBook is updated annually, the second volume occasionally. New and
updated rules are first published in the Connecticut Law Journal.Volume 1
contains the official publication of the rules of the Connecticut Superior
Court, the Rules of Appellate Procedure, the Rules of Professional Conduct,
and the Code of Judicial Conduct. Each section contains footnotes that pro-
vide historical information on the rules. Volume 1 was revised in 1998 to
incorporate a new numbering system for the Superior Court Rules and Rules
of Appellate Procedure; a "Reference Table" has been provided to cross-ref-
erence the new numbering system with the old numbers used in the 1978 edi-
tion of the PracticeBook. Volume 1 also includes tables of statutes and prac-
tice book changes, and a subject index. Volume 2 contains official forms with
case annotations, although the annotations have not been updated since 1978.
Connecticut Rules of Court: State and Federal. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group,
1978-. Updated annually. Provides the text of court rules for state and feder-
al courts in Connecticut. Includes the Connecticut Rules of Professional
Conduct and Code of Judicial Conduct.
Directory of Connecticut Practice Book Revisions: A Guide to Revisions to the
Connecticut Practice Book as Published in the Connecticut Law Journal
During the Preceding Twelve Months. Farmington, Conn.: Administrative
Publications, 1990-. Issued monthly. Each monthly issue is discarded when
the new one arrives, but the year-end issue is retained. Provides citations to
proposed and final revisions to the Connecticut Practice Book, as well as
changes to the Code of Judicial Conduct and the Rules of Professional
Conduct, published in the Connecticut Law Journal.Arranged by Practice
Book section number. Includes date of issue of Journaland page on which the
change begins, as well as the effective date of the change.
Horton, Wesley W., and Susan M. Cormier. Connecticut Practice. Rules of
Appellate Procedure. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1993-. Updated annually
by replacement volume. Part of West's "Connecticut Practice Series."
Includes all appellate rules and forms for the Connecticut Supreme Court and
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

Appellate Court. Also included are tables of practice book changes, practice
book conversion tables, a "Westlaw Electronic Research Guide'" a table of
cases, and a subject index. Extensive citations to primary authorities are pro-
vided in the "authors' comments" sections following the text of many of the
rules. Official comments are included when they exist.
The Manual of Style for the Connecticut Courts: Rules of Style Observed in the
Publication of Opinions in the Official Reports of the State of Connecticut.
Hartford, Conn.: State of Connecticut [Commission on Official Legal
Publications], 1993. Style manual published for Connecticut justices, judges,
law clerks, and support staff to use in drafting and reviewing opinions.
Moller, William R., and Wesley W. Horton. Rules of ProfessionalConduct, Code
of JudicialConduct, Superior Court Civil Rules. 3d ed. St. Paul, Minn.: West
Group, 1989. Updated by annual cumulative pocket part. Volume 1 of West's
"Connecticut Practice Series." In addition to the rules, includes official com-
ments, historical notes tracing the development of the rules, cross-references
to related statutes, and authors' comments including citations to relevant pri-
mary authorities. Horton states that he has reviewed every reported
Connecticut decision back to 1899 with an eye for procedural issues, claim-
ing that as a result many cases cited in this work will not be found elsewhere.
There are also extensive references to trial court decisions published only in
the Connecticut Law Tribune, which is not referenced by digests. Includes
tables of cases, practice book changes, statutes, and a subject index.
Orland, Leonard, and David M. Borden. Superior Court CriminalRules. 2d ed.
St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1996. Updated by annual cumulative supple-
ments. This is volume 4 of West's "Connecticut Practice Series?' Contains
Connecticut Superior Court rules of procedure for criminal cases.
Commentary by the authors follows each rule, including references to rele-
vant primary law materials and law review articles. Where there are statutes
that cover the same subject as a practice book rule, the full text of those
statutes is given in a "Statutory Notes" section following the practice book
rule. "Historical Notes" sections track amendments to the practice book rules,
and provide the text and commentary (if available) of any federal or uniform
rules from which the practice book sections were originally derived. Includes
tables of cases, rules, statutes, and a subject index.


Connecticut Bar Association. Lawyers' Diary. Rocky Hill, Conn.: Connecticut

Bar Association. Published annually. Contains directories of Connecticut Bar
Association members as well as state and federal judges. Also includes select-
ed statutes of limitations and a table of court costs.
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

Connecticut Legislative Guide <

htm>. Compiled by the Connecticut General Assembly Office of Legislative
Management and maintained by the Connecticut State Library. A directory of
the Connecticut General Assembly, including contact information for mem-
bers of the assembly, committee information, information on staff offices and
support rooms, administrative regulations and rules pertaining to the legisla-
ture, and directories of the State Capitol and Legislative Office Building.
ConnecticutMunicipalDirectory.New Haven, Conn.: Connecticut Conference of
Municipalities, 1991-. New directory published approximately every two
years. Provides basic information on all Connecticut municipalities, including
city or town hall address, the county in which the municipality resides, a list-
ing of principal officials, population statistics, and form of government.
Digest of Administrative Reports to the Governor. [Hartford, Conn.]:
[Connecticut] Department of Administrative Services' Communications Unit,
1947-. Published annually. Provides information of the activities of
Connecticut administrative departments. Information on each department
usually includes the names of leaders, office address, number of employees,
expenditures and revenues, a mission statement, a statement of statutory
responsibility, a report of activities and accomplishments, as well as any other
information required to be reported by statute.
Register and Manual-State of Connecticut. Hartford, Conn.: State of
Connecticut, Secretary of State. Published annually, as required by section 3-
90 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Includes biographies of Connecticut
federal legislators, state elective officers, justices of the Connecticut Supreme
Court, and judges of the Connecticut Appellate Court. Also provides names
and contact information for Connecticut state and local government officials,
election statistics from recent elections of state and federal legislators, and
other miscellaneous information about Connecticut. Selected portions of the
Register and Manual are also available on the Secretary of State's Web site
State of ConnecticutJudicialDirectory.[Hartford, Conn.]: [State of Connecticut]
Commission on Official Legal Publications, 1995. Directory of Connecticut
courts, judicial districts, judges, and court officers.


Connecticut Bar Journal. Rocky Hill, Conn.: Connecticut Bar Association,

1927-. Bimonthly. Contains articles and book reviews of interest to
Connecticut lawyers. The last issue of the year includes a volume index.
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

Connecticut Insurance Law Journal. Hartford, Conn.: Insurance Law Journal

Association, 1995-. Published semiannually. Contains scholarly articles,
notes, and commentaries on insurance law topics of interest in Connecticut
and nationally. Edited by students at the University of Connecticut School of
Connecticut Journal of InternationalLaw. Hartford, Conn.: Connecticut Journal
of International Law Association, 1985-. Published at least semiannually by
the University of Connecticut School of Law. Contains scholarly articles on
international law issues. Periodically includes the "Connecticut Compendium
of International and Comparative Legal Scholarship," which is a compilation
of abstracts of articles appearing in international and comparative law jour-
nals published throughout the United States. The compendium abstracts are
arranged alphabetically by journal name, and subject and author indexes are
included. Edited by students at the University of Connecticut School of Law.
ConnecticutLaw Review. Hartford, Conn.: Connecticut Law Review Association,
1968-. Published quarterly. Publishes scholarly articles, case notes, and com-
ment on legal issues of national interest. Edited by students at the University
of Connecticut School of Law.
Connecticut Lawyer. Rocky Hill, Conn.: Connecticut Bar Association, 1990-.
Published monthly. Contains articles of interest to Connecticut attorneys.
Includes a calendar of bar association programs, Connecticut Superior Court
decision highlights, a legal classified section, and employment advertise-
ments. Each issue also includes a selected ethics opinion. Selected portions of
the print magazine are also available at the Connecticut Lawyer Web site
QuinnipiacHealth Law Journal.Hamden, Conn.: Quinnipiac College School of
Law, 1996-. Published semiannually. Issues are typically based on symposia
sponsored by the journal, and articles are written by legal scholars on the
health law profession and students of Quinnipiac College School of Law.
Quinnipiac Law Review. Hamden, Conn.: Quinnipiac Law Review, 1980-.
Published quarterly. Formerly University ofBridgeportLaw Review (volumes
1-12) and BridgeportLaw Review (volume 13). Publishes articles, notes, and
case notes addressing legal issues of relevance to Connecticut or the nation.
Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal. Hamden, Conn.: Quinnipiac Probate Law
Journal, 1985-. Published quarterly. Formerly Connecticut Probate Law
Journal (volumes 1-10; index to first 10 volumes contained in Volume 11,
Number 1). Publishes notes and comments written by the members of the
Journal,a lead article (typically from a probate judge or attorney), and probate
court opinions. Topics covered include estate planning, family and juvenile
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

matters, interpretation of wills and trusts, and taxation of estates. In November

1996, the Journal became the official academic publication of the National
College of Probate Judges, and there is now an emphasis on a national per-
spective in addition to coverage of Connecticut state probate law issues.
Yale Journalof InternationalLaw. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Law School, 1985-.
Published semiannually. Formerly published as Yale Studies in World Public
Order (volumes 1-6) and The Yale Journal of World Public Order (volumes
7-9). Publishes scholarly articles, comments, essays, student notes, and book
reviews relating to international law and policy.
Yale Journalof Law and Feminism. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Law School, 1989-.
Published semiannually. Publishes scholarly articles, comments, letters, fic-
tion, poetry, and artwork relating to legal issues affecting women.
Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities.New Haven, Conn.: Yale Journal of Law
& the Humanities, 1988-. Published semiannually. Publishes scholarly arti-
cles, essays, and book reviews relating law to other humanities disciplines.
Yale Journal on Regulation. Atlanta, Ga.: Yale Journal on Regulation, 1983-.
Published semiannually. Publishes scholarly articles, essays, and book
reviews relating to regulatory law.
Yale Law & Policy Review. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Law School, 1983-.
Published semiannually. Publishes scholarly articles, student notes, and book
reviews relating to contemporary policy and legal issues.
Yale Law Journal.New Haven, Conn.: Yale Law Journal Co., 1891-. Published
eight times a year (monthly from October through June, excluding February).
Publishes scholarly articles, case notes, and comments on legal issues of
national interest. Edited by students and faculty of Yale School of Law.


ConnecticutFamily Law Journal.Charlottesville, Va.: Lexis Law Publishing (for-

merly published by Michie), 1982-. Published bimonthly. Looseleaf binder
provided. Contains in-depth articles on new developments in domestic rela-
tions law of interest to family law practitioners in Connecticut.
ConnecticutReal Estate Law Journal.Charlottesville, Va.: Lexis Law Publishing
(formerly published by Michie), 1982-. Published bimonthly. Each issue con-
tains two in-depth articles on developments in Connecticut real property law.


ConnecticutLaw Tribune. Fairfield, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune Co., 1975-.

Published weekly, except for combined issues for the last two weeks of
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

August and December. Includes articles of interest to Connecticut attorneys,

a calendar of professional events, and classified advertisements. Includes a
supplement section, Connecticut Opinions,3 which provides selective cover-
age of court and agency opinions, verdict and settlement reports, and several
indexes. An additional supplement, Connecticut Law Magazine, focuses on
one area of law or some aspect of the legal profession.

Electronic Resources

ConnecticutPractice.St. Paul, Minn.: West Group. Disk updates to coincide with

print updates. Computer laser-optical disk. Runs on "PREMISE" software and
is compatible with Windows, DOS, and Macintosh operating systems. Contains
electronic versions of the following books from West's "Connecticut Practice
Series" (author and practice series volume number of book version given in
parentheses): Superior Court Civil Rules, Third Edition (Moller and Horton,
vol. 1) , Practice Book Annotated-Forms, Second Edition (Kay and Effron,
vols. 2-3), Superior Court Criminal Rules (Orland, vol. 4), Criminal Jury
Instructions (Borden and Orland, vol. 5), Trial Practice (Fitzgerald and Yules,
vol. 6), Family Law and Practicewith Forms (Rutkin, Effron, and Hogan, vols.
7-8), Land Use Law and Practice (Fuller, vol. 9), and Rules of Appellate
Procedure (Horton and Cormier, no vol. number). Same content as print edi-
tions, plus hypertext links to other volumes in the practice set as well as to cases
and statutes contained in other West CD-ROM libraries and Westlaw.
Connecticut Reports Archives CD-ROM. Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut,
Commission on Official Legal Publications, 1998. 6 computer laser-optical
disks. Uses Alchemy search and retrieval software, requiring an IBM-com-
patible PC. Contains the full text of Kirby's Reports, Root's Reports, Day's
Reports, ConnecticutReports (vols. 1-129), Digest of Decisions Connecticut
(Dowling) First Series, and Phillips' Connecticut Digest.
Connecticut Statutes on Disc. Lincoln, Nebr.: Oasis Publishing. Annual updates.
Computer laser-optical disk. Windows and DOS versions are available. Uses
Boolean search logic. Contains the GeneralStatutes of Connecticut(unanno-
tated) and recent Connecticut public and special acts.
LOIS ProfessionalLibrary.Van Buren, Ark.: Law Office Information Systems.
Quarterly disk updates, plus weekly online updates. Computer laser-optical
disk. Uses PITA search software. Includes Connecticut Supreme Court deci-
sions from June 1899; Appellate Court decisions from November 23, 1983;

3. See description suprap. 144.

154 Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

trial court decisions from January 21, 1935 to September 4, 1997; workers'
compensation decisions from September 17, 1981; the current edition of the
Connecticut GeneralStatutes; public and special acts passed during the cur-
rent session of the legislature; current Connecticut regulations and
Connecticut PracticeBook sections; and the CTLA Forum. Also available at
extra cost are full-text versions of the Atlantic Law Book Company treatises
Connecticut Law of Torts (3d ed.), Connecticut Jury Instructions (Civil),
Connecticut Workers' CompensationAfter Reforms, and Connecticut Law of
Uninsuredand UnderinsuredMotorist Coverage. Weekly updates to the data-
bases are available through the "N-Line" service. N-Line updates require the
user to connect via modem to download the updates to the user's hard drive.
When the new quarterly update CD-ROM is loaded, it automatically deletes
from the hard drive previously downloaded information from N-Line.
West's ConnecticutDigest, CD-ROM Edition. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group. Disk
updates to coincide with print updates. Computer laser-optical disk. Runs on
"PREMISE" software and is compatible with Windows, DOS, and Macintosh
operating systems. Same content as the print edition, plus hypertext links that
allow jumps to any level in the West key number outline as well as to cases
and statutes contained in other West CD-ROM libraries.
West's Connecticut General Statutes Annotated. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group.
Updated periodically, but no schedule indicated. Runs on "PREMISE" soft-
ware and is compatible with Windows, DOS, and Macintosh operating sys-
tems. Same content as the print edition.

GeneralConnecticut Information
ConneCT." Official Web site for the State of Connecticut, <
us/>. Maintained by the state of Connecticut. The official Connecticut state
home page provides links to Web sites that are controlled by or created for the
three branches of Connecticut state government and state-related agencies
and organizations. Also provides general information about the state of
Connecticut, its towns and cities, tourism in the state, and more.
Connecticut Bar Association, <>. Provides information
about the Connecticut Bar Association and its activities and publications.
Connecticut State Library, <>. Web site of the
Connecticut State Library. Includes a "Law and Legislative Reference" page
and a "Reference Inquiries" e-mail link specifically for questions about laws
and legislation.
State of Connecticut Municipality Web Sites, <>.
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

Maintained by the state of Connecticut. This page is intended to be a compre-

hensive collection of the Web sites of the 169 towns and cities in Connecticut.
Government Offices
Connecticut GeneralAssembly, <>. Maintained by the
state of Connecticut. Includes links to Web pages of the Connecticut House
and Senate, legislative committees, and staff offices. The ful text of bills can
be retrieved through the "Search" link. Accessing the links for the house or
senate provides legislative calendars, journals, session transcripts, a list of
bills introduced, and a membership directory.
Connecticut Judicial Branch Home Page, <>.
Maintained by the state of Connecticut. Provides links to information on the
various Connecticut state court locations and judicial branch offices, as well
as information on judicial branch publications.
Office of the Connecticut Attorney General, <
attygenl/>. Maintained by the office of the Connecticut Attorney General on
the Connecticut State Library's system. Provides information on the attorney
general's office and its activities, as well as general information on many legal
issues affecting Connecticut citizens. Formal opinions are available from
1996 to present, with plans to add 1995 opinions soon.
Office of the Governor, <>. Maintained by the
state of Connecticut, the governor's official Web site contains links to infor-
mation on bills the governor has signed into law, selected news releases and
speeches, and information on current initiatives.
Secretary ofState's Office, <>. Maintained by the state
of Connecticut. Provides information on the Connecticut Secretary of State's
office and its activities, as well as general information of interest to
Connecticut citizens. Includes selected portions of the Register and
Manual-State of Connecticut.

Law Schools

QuinnipiacCollege School of Law, <>. Home

page of the Quinnipiac College School of Law. The law library's Web page
includes a link to the college's online catalog ("Q CAT"), which includes the
law and main college library collections.
University of Connecticut School of Law, <>. Home
page of the University of Connecticut School of Law. There is currently no
home page for the law school's library, but the law library's catalog can be
searched directly at <telnet://> (log in as "library").
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

Yale Law School, <>. Home page of the

Yale School of Law. The law library's Web page includes links to both the
online law library catalog ("MORRIS") and Yale University's general online
catalog ("ORBIS").
Legislative Information
Connecticut Legislative Guide, <
htm>. Compiled by the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Legislative
Management. This site serves as a general directory for the Connecticut
General Assembly, including contact information for members of the assem-
bly, committee information, administrative regulations and rules pertaining to
the legislature, and information on staff offices and support rooms. There are
also links to separate directories for the State Capitol, Legislative Office
Building, and elected state officers.
Guide to ConnecticutLegislative History,<
htm>. Maintained by the Connecticut State Library, this Web page provides
information on how to obtain Connecticut legislative history documents from
the Connecticut State Library.
General Statutes of Connecticut, <>.
Maintained by the Connecticut State Library, this Web page provides the full
text of the most recently published GeneralStatutes of Connecticutas well as
the text of public and special acts passed since 1995. Statutes can be found
using a table of contents or subject index. Public and special acts can be found
by subject index or by browsing a listing by act number.

Online Services
Electronic Bulletin Board System. Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut,
Commission on Official Legal Publications. Provides fee-based online access to
appellate opinions up to 13 days before their publication in the ConnecticutLaw
Journal,although the latter serves as the "official notification for purposes of all
post-opinion motions and petitions for certification?' Other available publica-
tions include the Connecticut Law Journal,updated judges' assignments, the
State of ConnecticutJudicialDirectory,legal notices, and other judicial branch
information. Subscriptions are also available for access to electronic forms in
Delrina FormFlow format. Access is possible using most computers equipped
with modems and communications software by dialing (860) 741-5129;
Wordperfect 5.1 or higher word processing software is suggested.
LOIS Law Library. Van Buren, Ark.: Law Office Information Systems.
<>. Various subscription options exist for obtaining
1999] Connecticut PracticeMaterials

access to fee-based databases of state and federal law. Available options for
Connecticut include access to a database containing just Connecticut state
statutes, acts, and regulations, or access to other Connecticut libraries con-
taining court decisions and practice book sections. The Connecticut libraries
can also be combined with federal decisions and statutes.
PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records). Washington, D.C.:
Administrative Office of the United States Courts. PACER allows dial-in
computer access to official federal circuit, district, and bankruptcy court case
information and court dockets. This includes access to information from the
District of Connecticut and Second Circuit federal courts. Additionally, the
federal circuit court information includes access to appellate court slip opin-
ions, local court rules, oral argument calendars, and other court information.
Users must register with the PACER service center at (800) 676-6856.
Computers must be equipped with communications software and a modem
running at a minimum of 2400 baud. Registration is free, but courts do charge
a per-minute online access fee in accordance with United States Judicial
Conference Policy. More information on PACER can be found on the Internet
at <>.

Connecticut Practice Treatises and Materials

Appellate Practiceand Procedure
Horton, Wesley W., and Susan M. Cormier. ConnecticutPractice.PracticeBook
Annotated. Rules of Appellate Procedure. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group,
1993-. Part of West's "Connecticut Practice Series." I softbound volume,
replaced annually. Includes appellate rules, official comments, and forms for
the Connecticut Supreme Court and Appellate Court. Historical notes and
authors' comments include extensive citations to primary authorities.

Automobile Law
Berk, Jon, and Michael C. Jainchill. Connecticut Law of Uninsured and
Underinsured Motorist Coverage. [West Hartford, Conn.]: Atlantic Law
Book Co., 1993. Updated by annual pocket parts. Comprehensive guide to
practice under Connecticut's uninsured motorist statutes. Includes chapters on
coverage limitations, damages, alternative dispute resolution and judicial
review of such resolutions, coverage prioritization, and assignment and sub-
rogation of claims. Appendixes include the text of selected Connecticut
statutes, regulations, and forms.
Donovan, John R., and Paul A. Morello Jr. Handbook of Connecticut Uninsured
and UnderinsuredMotorist Law. Fairfield, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune
Co., 1993. Updated by cumulative supplement entitled Recent Developments
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

in Connecticut Uninsured and UnderinsuredMotorist Law. Less compre-

hensive than Connecticut Law of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist
Coverage. Focuses on coverage and exclusions under Connecticut's unin-
sured motorist statutes. Includes tables of cases and statutes, a subject index,
and an appendix with forms.
O'Brien, John J. Defending DWI Cases in Connecticut. 2d ed. [West Hartford,
Conn.]: Atlantic Law Book Co., 1997. Covers the practice of representing
defendants in Connecticut DWI cases, focusing on procedure rather than sub-
stantive law. Section A covers some preliminary concerns in defending the
criminal case, such as required paperwork, questions to ask the client, police
tests and paperwork, and the prosecutor. Section B covers the DMV's hearing
to suspend the operator's license and includes a chapter on the "Intoximeter-
5000" device used to test for the presence of alcohol on a person's breath. A
"Glossary" includes the text of selected relevant Connecticut statutes and the
U.S. Department of Transportation and National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration's "Improved Sobriety Testing Manual?'

Civil Practiceand Procedure

Bollier, Renee Bevacqua, et al. Stephenson's Connecticut Civil Procedure.3d ed.
West Hartford, Conn.: Atlantic Law Book Co., 1997. Coverage focuses on
procedure before trial and includes information on the Connecticut court sys-
tem, jurisdictional issues, pleadings, motions, and disposition of the case
before trial. Footnotes reference primary and secondary sources, but there is
no table of cases, statutes, or practice book rules. Includes a subject index.
Dumont, Jeanine M. Pleadings and Pretrial Practice: A Deskbook for
Connecticut Litigators. Fairfield, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune, 1996.
One-volume looseleaf. Annual updates. Provides commentary on Connecticut
pretrial practice, including extensive citations to many unreported
Connecticut Superior Court cases. Includes sections on the Connecticut prac-
tice book, pleading and practice rules, joinder, service of process, timing
issues, and several common motions. A subject index and several tables are
provided, including an "Opinion-By Table" listing citations to decisions
under the names of the judges who decided them.
Dupont, Ralph P. Dupont on Connecticut Civil Practice. Charlottesville, Va.:
Lexis Law Publishing (formerly published by Michie), 1996. 2 volumes.
Treatise on the law and rules of Connecticut civil practice, arranged by
Connecticut practice book rule number. Contains the text of the rules and
commentary on them. Some footnote references to interpretive cases, and
other primary and secondary sources are included. Includes forms, tables of
cases and statutes, and a subject index.
1999] Connecticut PracticeMaterials

Fisher, Timothy S. Connecticut Law of Check Fraud. West Hartford, Conn.:
Atlantic Law Book Co., 1991. Intended for lawyers and bankers trying to
locate the law on check fraud problems. Coverage includes causes of action,
defenses, special issues and strategies, focusing mostly on U.C.C. articles 3
and 4. The author claims to have cited every Connecticut check fraud case
decided under the U.C.C. through the date of publication. Inctides a glossary
of terms with references to relevant U.C.C. sections, a table of authorities, a
separate Connecticut table of authorities, and a subject index. Shortly before
this book was published, Connecticut adopted some revisions to articles 1, 3,
and 4 which were due to become effective after publication. The author has
flagged those sections and tried to provide guidance on how the changes
would likely affect existing law, but there have been no updates to the book
since it was published.

Horton, Wesley W. The Connecticut State Constitution: A Reference Guide.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993 ("Reference Guides to the State
Constitutions of the United States," no. 17). Part 1 discusses the history of the
Connecticut state Constitution. Part 2 analyzes the individual articles and sec-
tions, providing the text of each and annotating it with commentary and cita-
tions to selected interpretive cases. Includes a brief bibliographic essay on pri-
mary and secondary sources and a table of cases.

Convicer, Richard G., and Louis B. Schatz. ConnecticutLimited Liability Company:
Forms and PracticeManual. Brooklandville, Md.: Data Trace Publishing Co.,
1996. One-volume looseleaf. Intended to be updated on a periodic basis,
although no schedule is provided. Comprehensive practice manual with chap-
ters grouped in three parts covering organization, operations, and miscellaneous
limited liability company issues. Relevant forms are included. Includes tables
of Internal Revenue Code citations, Treasury regulations, revenue rulings, rev-
enue procedures, Connecticut Limited Liability Act section numbers, and sub-
ject and forms indexes. Forms are also provided in Wordperfect 5.1 IBM-com-
patible format on 3.5- or 5.25-inch high-density floppy disks.
Cross, Samuel S. Connecticut CorporationLaw and Practice. Frederick, Md.:
Aspen Law and Business, 1989-. One-volume looseleaf. Intended as a com-
plete guide to Connecticut corporate law. The main focus is on the
Connecticut Stock Corporation Act. The full text of the act is provided, as
well as the text of the Connecticut Business Corporation and Connecticut
Limited Liability Company acts. Includes commentary, citations to case and
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

statutory law, a separate section for forms, and a table of cases. This publica-
tion has not been updated since 1996 and will be replaced by a new treatise
from the publisher in 1998 reflecting recent changes to the Connecticut
Business Corporation Act in 1997.
Langer, Robert M., et al. The Connecticut Unfair Trade PracticesAct. Fairfield,
Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune Co., 1994.2 volumes. Updated by paper sup-
plements. Chapters cover standards of conduct under the act, its application in
representative cases, defenses that can be raised, private and government
enforcement, and procedure. Includes tables of cases, statutes, Connecticut and
federal government regulations and rules of procedure, Connecticut public
acts, and restatements of the law. Volume 2 is an appendix that includes the text
of current statutes and regulations under the act, the statutory history of the act,
federal materials, sample pleadings, and a selected bibliography.
Lorimer, Ernest M. Connecticut Business CorporationAct Sourcebook. Rocky
Hill, Conn.: Connecticut Bar Association, 1997. Includes the text of the
revised Connecticut Business Corporation Act, effective January 1, 1997, offi-
cial CBA and ABA model act commentaries on the text, the Connecticut
Secretary of State's official forms, a complete legislative history of the act,
and the full text of Title 33 of the Connecticut GeneralStatutes.

Criminal Law and Practice

Bruckmann, Joseph G., et al. Connecticut Criminal Caselaw Handbook: A
Practioner'sGuide. Stamford, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune Co., 1989.
Organizes by topic and analyzes all Connecticut criminal law decisions the
authors have determined to be of importance, beginning with the October
1983 term of the Connecticut Supreme and Appellate courts. Also includes
some cases prior to 1983 and selected relevant U.S. Supreme Court cases.
Topics covered include charging documents, discovery, search and seizure,
evidence, criminal procedure issues, presenting the defense case, prosecutor-
ial misconduct, sentencing, and probation. Includes a table of authorities and
subject index.
Spinella, A. Paul. Connecticut Criminal Procedure. West Hartford, Conn.:
Atlantic Law Book Co., 1985. One-volume looseleaf. Updated by cumulative
supplement. Following the criminal procedure process from arrest through
sentencing and appeal, this treatise contains commentary with citations in the
footnotes to relevant cases, statutes, Connecticut practice book sections, and
other materials. Includes a table of cases and subject index.

Elder Law
Connecticut Elder Law: A Desktop Manual. Stephen L. Ganis, Executive Editor.
Rocky Hill, Conn.: Connecticut Bar Association, 1997. Contains articles writ-
1999] Connecticut PracticeMaterials

ten by specialists on legal topics relating to elder law in Connecticut, includ-

ing Medicare and Medicaid eligibility, Social Security, Connecticut's living
will law, tax planning, Connecticut conservator law, the rights of nursing
home patients, and age discrimination law. Includes a listing of programs and
services for the elderly.
Hulin, Charles C., and George B. Bickford. ConnecticutMedicare/MedicaidLaw
and Financial Planning for the Aged and Disabled. Eau Claire, Wis.:
Professional Education Systems, 1993. Section 1 provides a brief introduction
to Medicare. Section 2 covers Medicaid, including estate and financial plan-
ning considerations for elderly and disabled persons. Section 2 also includes
selected sections of the Connecticut General Statutes, legislative history
materials, and transmittals from the Connecticut Uniform Policy Manual, in
addition to commentary on the law.

Wertam, John E., and Joseph P. Williams. Connecticut Environmental Law
Handbook.4th ed. Rockville, Md.: Government Institutes, 1995. Provides an
overview of Connecticut environmental laws and regulations that affect busi-
ness in the state. Intended for plant operators, lenders, and lawyers. Includes
information on the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and
its rules and procedures, control of water and air pollution, water resources,
hazardous and solid waste management, the Connecticut Environmental
Policy and Environmental Protection acts, and environmental torts. Footnotes
provide extensive references to Connecticut and federal law sources, as well
as secondary sources. Includes subject index.

Estate Planning

Bourdeau, Paul L., et al. Trusts. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group (formerly published
by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.), 1991. Volume 7 of the Lawyers
Cooperative brand "Connecticut Estates Practice" series, this treatise on the
law of trusts in Connecticut provides information on the creation and provi-
sions of many different types of trusts and includes model trust forms.
Appendixes include the texts of the Fiduciary Powers Act, Connecticut
Principal and Income Act of 1987, and Uniform Statutory Rule Against
Perpetuities. The disposition and derivation guides to Title 45 of the
Connecticut General Statutes in the pocket part must be consulted due to a
substantial statutory revision in 1991, transferring or repealing all then exist-
ing Title 45 statutory provisions and rendering the Title 45 citations in the
bound volume inaccurate.
Folsom, Ralph H., and Gayle B. Wilhelm. Incapacity, Powers of Attorney and
Adoption in Connecticut3d. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group (formerly published
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.), 1997. One-volume looseleaf. Part

of the "Connecticut Practice Library" series. Coverage includes probate court
commitments and placements, conservatorships and guardianships, manage-
ment of the estates of minors and mentally retarded or incapable persons,
adoption and parental rights, powers of attorney and health care planning law.
Includes tables of cases and statutes, a subject index, and an index to forms.
Wilhelm, Gayle B. Death Taxes. 2d ed. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group (formerly
published by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.), 1984. Updated by annu-
al cumulative pocket parts. Part of the "Connecticut Practice Library" series.
Treatise on Connecticut law governing death taxation. Appendixes include a
procedural checklist for Connecticut succession and estate taxes, mortality
tables, a tax clause for wills, forms, tax tables, and a table of statutes. Updates
include portions of the texts of recent acts affecting estate taxes.

Faulkner, Dale P., and Carolyn R. Spencer. Connecticut TrialEvidence Notebook.
Charlottesville, Va.: Lexis Law Publishing (formerly published by Michie),
1994-. Updated 3 times per year. One-volume looseleaf arranged alphabeti-
cally by titles created by the authors describing evidentiary issues.
Commentary includes extensive citations to primary and secondary authori-
ties, as well as cross-references to related issues contained in the book.
Includes a subject index and tables of cases and statutes.
Holden, Benedict M. Jr., and John J. Daly. Connecticut Evidence. 2d ed. West
Hartford, Conn.: Atlantic Law Book Co., 1988. 2 volumes. Updated by annu-
al cumulative supplements. Treatise on the Connecticut rules of evidence.
Includes extensive citations to Connecticut case law, a table of cases, and a
subject index.
Tait, Colin C. Tait and LaPlante's Handbook of Connecticut Evidence. 2d ed.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Aspen Law & Business (formerly published by Little,
Brown and Company), 1988. Updated by annual cumulative supplements.
Treatise on the law of evidence in Connecticut, with extensive citations to
Connecticut case law and statutes. Includes tables of cases, statutes, Federal
Rules of Evidence, Connecticut practice book sections, and a subject index.

Family Law
Child Support and Arrearage Guidelines. [Hartford, Conn.]: [Connecticut]
Commission for Child Support Guidelines, 1994. Issued pursuant to section
46b-215a of the Connecticut General Statutes, which requires the
Commission for Child Support Guidelines to update and publish the guide-
lines every four years. Includes the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines, a
"Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligations," and Arrearage Guidelines.
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

There is also a preamble section which is not part of the official guidelines but
is intended to assist users in understanding them.
Family Law Practice in Connecticut 1996. Springfield, M1l.: Law Practice
Handbooks, 1996. Two-volume looseleaf. Fifteen chapters on Connecticut
family law-related topics, all written by different specialists. Topics include
ethics, attorney's fees, practice considerations, marital settlement agreements,
alimony, child custody and visitation, child support, valuation of assets, and
enforcing judgments. Each chapter includes its own table of contents, and
there is a subject index covering the entire set.
George, Cynthia C., and Thomas D. Colin. Connecticut Family Law Citations:A
Reference Guide to Connecticut Family Law Decisions. Charlottesville, Va.:
Lexis Law Publishing (formerly published by Michie), 1994-. Published semi-
annually. Each issue is cumulative and replaces all previous issues. Citations are
arranged alphabetically by subject. The table of contents provides an alphabet-
ical guide to the subject classification used. Subjects covered include income
and earnings, jurisdiction, alteration, change or amendment, and alimony. Cases
are cited by plaintiff's last name (or defendant's, if the state is the plaintiff) and
the user must consult the table of cases to obtain the full citation for the case.
Rutkin, Arnold H., et al. Family Law and Practice,With Forms. St. Paul, Minn.:
West Group, 1991. 2 volumes. This treatise comprises volumes 7 and 8 of
West's "Connecticut Practice Series." Volume 7 covers attorney-client rela-
tions, marriage annulment and dissolution, pretrial proceedings, evidentiary
matters, equitable distribution of property, and alimony. Volume 8 covers
child support, custody and visitation, fees and costs, agreements and contracts
(unmarried, antenuptial), judgments and postjudgment proceedings, foreign
divorce, and tax and other federal laws. Commentary provides footnotes cit-
ing to primary and secondary sources. Includes tables of cases, statutes, and
PracticeBook sections, and a subject index.
Wynn, Mary Ellen, and Ellen B. Lubell. Handbook of Forms for the Connecticut
Family Lawyer. Fairfield, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune, 1991. Provides
forms for use in the divorce process, from the beginning through appeal. Forms
are organized to follow the normal course of the divorce process. Areas covered
include pleadings, jurisdiction, financial affidavits, discovery, restraining orders
and injunctions, child custody and visitation, trial, judgment, and appeal.

Kaye, Joel M., et al. PracticeBookAnnotated, Forms. 3d ed. St. Paul, Minn.: West
Group, 1996. 3 volumes, comprising and numbered as volumes 2, 3, and 3A
of West's "Connecticut Practice Series." Updated by annual cumulative pock-
et parts. Volume 2 contains general pleading forms, forms for appeal from
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

administrative boards, and forms for disputes involving contracts. Volume 3

contains forms for use in eminent domain proceedings, family relations
forms, property forms, and additional miscellaneous forms. Volume 3A con-
tains torts forms (divided by vehicular and nonvehicular torts); wills, estates,
and trusts forms; and supplemental forms (including general discovery forms,
interrogatories, subpoenas, forms for defamation claims, small claims forms,
and forms for removal to federal court). All of the forms are illustrative unless
otherwise indicated. Commentary by the authors follows nearly every form
and often includes citations to relevant cases and statutes. Cross-references to
many related primary and secondary source materials are also included fol-
lowing the commentary. Volume 3A contains tables of statutes and practice
book sections and a subject index for all three volumes. All of the forms in the
set are also available in ASCII format on a floppy disk included with the set.

Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Manual: Municipal Responsibilities and Other
Relevant Informationfor Connecticut Cities and Towns Under Connecticut's
"Sunshine Law." New Haven, Conn.: Connecticut Conference of
Municipalities, 1976-. Fourteen-volume looseleaf. Updated annually.
"Handbook" volume includes information on the Connecticut Freedom of
Information Act, court decisions related to the act, and the Connecticut
Freedom of Information Commission and its regulations. Volumes I-XII con-
tain opinions and rulings of the Connecticut Freedom of Information
Commission, with an index of the decisions located in volume I. Volume XIII
includes Freedom of Information Commission advisory opinions,
Connecticut Attorney General opinions, a list of Connecticut Municipal
Attorney decisions, and some unpublished court decisions. Volume XIII also
contains subject and statutory indexes for the entire set.

Jury Instructions
Borden, David M., and Leonard Orland. Criminal Jury Instructions. St. Paul,
Minn.: West Group, 1997. 2d ed. Updated by paper supplements. This treatise
comprises volume 5 of West's "Connecticut Practice Series" and provides
jury instructions for use in criminal cases. Following each instruction are
annotations that may include comment by the authors, case notes, constitu-
tional notes, and reference notes to other secondary source material bearing
on the subject matter. Includes tables of cases and statutes and a subject index.
Also included is Forms on Disk, a computer floppy disk containing all of the
forms printed in the book in ASCII format.
Ment, Aaron, and Ronald J. Fracasse. A Collection of Connecticut Selected Jury
InstructionsCriminal.3d ed. Enfield, Conn.: State of Connecticut, Commission
on Official Legal Publications, 1995. Looseleaf. There is an "Additions" tab for
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

filing updates, but no schedule of updates is indicated. These jury instructions

are revised and updated under the direction of the Criminal Jury Instruction
Committee of Judges of the Superior Court Judicial Branch, State of
Connecticut. However, the instructions are compiled only to assist judges and
their use is discretionary. The instructions are organized by topic, with broad
topics divided into sections of instructions for specific crimes (there's even an
instruction for the crime of "library theft").
Wright, Douglass B., and William L. Ankerman. Connecticut Jury Instructions
(Civil). 4th ed. West Hartford, Conn.: Atlantic Law Book Co., 1993. 2 volumes.
The preface to this edition notes that the criminal law sections in the 3d edition
are still generally current and therefore the authors chose to include only civil
jury instructions in the 4th edition. Topics covered include agency and vicari-
ous liability, paternity, assumption of risk, automobiles, carriers, causation, con-
tract and quasi-contract, contributory or comparative negligence, damages, evi-
dence, fraud and misrepresentation, insurance, interrogatories, landlord and ten-
ant, libel and slander, negligence, real property, wills, the Connecticut Unfair
Trade Practices Act, civil rights, and the U.C.C. The text contains citations to
some statutes and cases. Includes tables of cases, statutes, and other authorities,
and a subject index.

Jury Verdicts
Personal Injury Verdict Survey, Connecticut Edition. Horsham, Pa.: LRP
Publications, 1984-. Published annually. Provides summaries of the amounts
of damage awards for various types of personal injuries in Connecticut, as
well as summaries of reported settlement amounts. Includes a section on
"Connecticut Cases of Interest," which provides brief statements of facts for
each case, court attorneys, trial demand, final offer, total verdict, and com-
pensatory damages. Includes a "Primary Injury Index" broken down by types
of bodily injuries, a "Liability Index' and an expert witness index.

Labor and Employment Law

Annual Survey of ConnecticutLaborLaw Developments. Labor and Employment
Law Section, Connecticut Bar Association, 1980-. Provides information on
major developments in labor and employment law that have occurred during
the past year in state and federal courts in Connecticut and in administrative
agencies of the state. Topics covered include employee benefits, federal cases,
unemployment decisions, state labor relations, wrongful termination, work-
ers' compensation, and human rights. Within each section are summaries of
selected decisions with citations to the appropriate full text sources.
ConnecticutLabor & Employment Law. Peter A. Janus and Nicholas J. Grello,
editors. Fairfield, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune Co., 1995. Intended as a
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

one-volume quick reference manual for attorneys who are not experts in these
fields of law. Coverage includes employment discrimination, wage and hour
provisions, unemployment compensation, labor-employer relations, workers'
compensation, workplace health and safety issues, insurance coverage for
employers, brief summaries of labor and employment statutes, exceptions to
employment at will, workplace torts, drug testing, smoking, and AIDS confi-
dentiality issues. Footnotes at the end of each chapter give citations to prima-
ry and secondary materials. Includes a subject index.
Hirsch, Jeffrey L., and Alicia B. Davenport. Labor and Employment in
Connecticut: Guide to Employment Laws, Regulations & Practices.
Charlottesville, Va.: Lexis Law Publishing (formerly published by Michie),
1991. Updated approximately twice per year. One-volume looseleaf intended
as a reference for business owners, personnel directors, general managers, and
human resource staff persons on all aspects of Connecticut labor and employ-
ment law. Appendixes include the text of the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, as well as guidance on ADA enforce-
ment. Contains citations to primary and secondary authorities in footnotes.
Includes subject index.

Land Use
Fuller, Robert A. Land Use Law and Practice. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1993.
Updated by pocket part supplements. This treatise comprises volume 9 of
West's "Connecticut Practice Series." Topics covered include the powers of
land use agencies, application procedures, litigation and appeals and other
legal remedies, municipal property tax appeals, and other land use issues.
Includes forms for municipal land use applications and appeals, a table of
statutes and rules, a table of cases, and a subject index.
Tondro, Terry J. ConnecticutLand Use Regulation.2d ed. [West Hartford], Conn.:
Atlantic Law Book Co., 1992. Updated by cumulative pocket part. Contains
chapters covering the zoning system, land development, resource protection,
reconciling state and local land use interests, commission procedures, and
administering and enforcing land use controls. Includes extensive footnotes to
Connecticut and federal law materials. Includes separate tables for
Connecticut cases and cases from other jurisdictions, as well as tables of
Connecticut statutes, public acts, and regulations, and a subject index.

Landlordand Tenant Law

Legal Services Housing Index. Raphael L. Podolsky and Bruce Batts, editors.
Middletown, Conn.: Connecticut Legal Services, 1987. Annual updates.
Intended as a research tool for writing legal memoranda in housing cases.
1999] Connecticut PracticeMaterials

Contains tables, digests, and indexes created to assist the user in finding cases
and legislation on housing and landlord tenant law.
Marzinotto, Paul J. The ConnecticutSummary ProcessManual. Fairfield, Conn.:
Connecticut Law Tribune Co., 1986. One-volume looseleaf. Covers summa-
ry process in tenant eviction proceedings, including notices, motions, defens-
es, and remedies for both landlord and tenant. Includes a general overview of
landlord-tenant law and a section on interviewing the landlord and the tenant.
Footnotes contain citations to primary and secondary law sources. Many rel-
evant forms are included.
Legal Research andBibliography

Bysiewicz, Shirley. Sources of Connecticut Law. Boston, Mass.: Butterworth

Legal Publishers, 1987. Although out-of-print, this extensive annotated bibli-
ography of Connecticut primary and secondary legal information sources
includes much historical information on Connecticut legal publications.
Separate chapters list sources of local legislation and local histories of
Connecticut towns.
Cheeseman, Lawrence G., and Arlene C. Bielefield. The Connecticut Legal
Research Handbook. Guilford, Conn.: Connecticut Law Book Co., 1992.
Contains information on how to research Connecticut state and municipal
law and directs the user to sources where relevant legal materials can be
found. Chapter 9 is a selective annotated bibliography of Connecticut trea-
tises of interest to legal practitioners as of 1992 that remains extremely use-
ful even today. Includes an extensive appendix that contains sixteen useful
Voisinet, David R., et al. Connecticut State Legal Documents: A Selective
Bibliography. Chicago: American Association of Law Libraries, 1985.
Connecticut state documents included in this bibliography were selected for
their value to law librarians. This is a strong source for finding historical legal
documents and many of the entries are annotated.

Media Law
A Field Guide to Court Information in Connecticut. Hartford, Conn.: State of
Connecticut, Judicial Branch, 1991. Created by a committee of judicial and
media representatives, this guide specifies what court information is available
to the public and under what circumstances.

Real Estate/RealProperty Law

Caron, Denis R. ConnecticutForeclosures:An Attorney's Manualof Practiceand
Procedure. 2d ed. Stamford, Conn.: Connecticut Law Tribune Co., 1989.
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

Updated by periodic cumulative supplements issued approximately every two

years. Covers the foreclosure process from commencing a suit through post-
judgment proceedings and appeals. Includes information on the Federal Fair
Debt Collections Practices Act, representing purchasers at foreclosure
actions, determination of priorities, various types of liens, protections for
unemployed persons, standards of title relating to foreclosures, and bankrupt-
cy. Includes appendixes containing official and unofficial forms.
ConnecticutCommon Interest OwnershipManual:Model Guide and Commentary.
Rocky Hill, Conn.: Connecticut Bar Association, 1984. Produced by the Real
Property Section of the Connecticut Bar Association for a seminar on the
Connecticut Common Interest Ownership Act, legislation governing condo-
miniums, cooperatives, and planned communities. Coverage includes the pub-
lic offering statement, bylaws and rules, and sales and closing documents.
Standards of Title Committee. Connecticut Standards of Title. Rocky Hill, Conn.:
Connecticut Bar Association, 1997. One-volume looseleaf. Updated periodical-
ly as new developments warrant. Contains the statewide uniform standards of
title adopted by the Connecticut Bar Association. Explanatory comments by the
drafters follow each standard, using hypothetical examples and references to
relevant Connecticut statutes and case law. The standards and comments pro-
vide guidance to attorneys in determining whether a title is marketable.

Tax Law
Connecticut Tax Reporter. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House, 1992. Two-vol-
ume looseleaf. Updated monthly. Comprehensive guide to Connecticut tax
law. Includes the full text of most Connecticut and federal tax statutes, regu-
lations, and relevant constitutional provisions. Organized in compilation sec-
tions grouping materials by tax type. Separate compilations exist for person-
al income, franchise, property, and sales and use taxes, among others. Each
section has its own topical index and table of regulations and bills. A separate
section is provided for full-text publication of administrative releases by the
Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, including policy statements,
letter rulings, and special notices. Numerous finding aids are provided for
most types of legal material and forms contained in the set. Subscription to
this service also includes the Weekly State Tax Review newsletter, which pro-
vides news of current developments in tax law in all fifty states.

Torts Law
Newman, Richard L., and Jeffrey S. Wildstein. Tort Remedies in Connecticut.
Charlottesville, Va.: Lexis Law Publishing (formerly published by Michie),
1996. Provides information on both obtaining and defending against tort
remedies in Connecticut. Some torts are specifically excluded from the scope
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

of this work, including those under the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices
Act, consumer remedies, and torts governed by workers' compensation laws.
There is a separate section on calculating damages. Includes sample forms,
tables of cases and statutes, and a subject index.
Wright, Douglas B., et al. Connecticut Law of Torts. 3d ed. Wethersfield, Conn.:
Atlantic Law Book Co., 1991. Updated by an annual cumulative pocket part
supplement. Written for both practitioners and students, this book offers an
overview of tort law in Connecticut. It includes extensive footnotes to prima-
ry and secondary materials. Chapter 23 covers procedural matters. Forms are
provided in an appendix. Includes a table of cases and subject index.
Trial Practice

Asselin, John T. Trial Handbookfor Connecticut Lawyers. Charlottesville, Va.:

Lexis Law Publishing (formerly published by Lawyers Cooperative
Publishing Co.), 1987. Treatise on both procedural and substantive aspects of
Connecticut trial law and practice. Commentary includes citations to relevant
case law, rules, and statutes. The beginning of each chapter includes a
"Research References" section, informing the user of other sources for infor-
mation on the chapter's topic. Includes a subject index.
Fitzgerald, John R., and Robert B. Yules. Connecticut Trial Practice. St. Paul,
Minn.: West Group, 1987. Not updated since 1992. This treatise comprises
volume 6 of West's "Connecticut Practice Series." Covers substantive and
procedural law governing all phases of a civil jury trial, including jury selec-
tion, evidence, proof of damages, trial practice techniques, motions, the clos-
ing argument, submission of the case to the jury, the verdict, and motions after
verdict. The commentary contains extensive footnotes to primary and sec-
ondary authorities. Includes tables of cases, statutes and rules, practice book
sections, and a subject index.

Wills and Probate

Blair, Nancy E., et al. Connecticut Probate Deskbook. St. Paul, Minn.: West
Group (formerly published by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.), 1988.
One-volume looseleaf. Updated annually. Contains the complete text of all
Connecticut statutes relevant to probate practice, including uncodified public
acts. Also includes forms, information on tax rates, and estate and gift tax
valuation tables.
Folsom, Ralph H. ProbateLitigation.St. Paul, Minn.: West Group (formerly pub-
lished by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.), 1992. Updated by annual
cumulative pocket parts. Volume 8 of the Lawyers Cooperative brand
"Connecticut Estates Practice" series. Covers will and lifetime transfer con-
Law Library Journal [Vol. 91:1

tests, will and trust construction proceedings, probate court decree challenges,
fiduciary obligation, probate bond suits, and appeals. Appendixes include the
Connecticut Revised Principal and Income Act, the Uniform Statutory Rule
Against Perpetuities Act, and forms. Also provided are tables of cases and
statutes and a subject index.
Wilhelm, Gayle B. Settlement of Estates in Connecticut2d. St. Paul, Minn.: West
Group (formerly published by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.), 1996.
One-volume looseleaf. Updated annually. Part of the "Lawyers Cooperative
Practice Guide" series. Coverage includes the probate process, guardians ad
litem, management of estates, suits and claims of creditors against the estate,
and accounting. Each chapter contains a scope note, table of contents, com-
mentary, practice tips, forms, research references and a bibliography of addi-
tional sources of information on the chapter topic. Includes tables of statutes
and cases and a subject index.
Wilhelm, Gayle B., and Ralph H. Folsom. Jurisdictionand Procedure. St. Paul,
Minn.: West Group (formerly published by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing
Co.), 1983. Updated by annual cumulative pocket parts. Volume 4 of the
Lawyers Cooperative brand "Connecticut Estates Practice" series. Covers the
jurisdiction, powers, and procedure of the probate court. Includes forms.
Appendixes include the Code of Probate Judicial Conduct and "Courts of
Probate: Rules for Practice and Procedure."
Wilhelm, Gayle B., and Ralph H. Folsom. Wills. Rochester, N.Y.; St. Paul, Minn.:
West Group (formerly published by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.),
1986. Updated by annual cumulative pocket parts. Volume 5 of the Lawyers
Cooperative brand "Connecticut Estates Practice" series. In addition to dis-
cussing legal requirements for creating and administering wills, this treatise
provides information on estate planning and taxation, identification of heirs,
payment of debts, claims, and other settlement costs, appointment and
removal of fiduciaries, creation of testamentary trusts, and model wills.
Appendixes include the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, the Fiduciary Powers
Act, the Uniform Principal and Income Act, and the Uniform Testamentary
Additions to Trusts Act. The disposition table in the pocket part must be con-
sulted regarding any references in the bound volume to Connecticut General
Statutes Title 45, which underwent a substantial revision in 1991.

Workers' Compensation

Connecticut Workers' CompensationReview Opinions. Charlottesville, Va.: Lexis

Law Publishing (formerly published by Michie), 1982-. Noncumulative soft-
bound pamphlets issued quarterly. Reporter of opinions of the Compensation
Review Board of the Workers' Compensation Commission of the State of
19991 Connecticut PracticeMaterials

Connecticut. Each issue includes a noncumulative table of cases and digest.

Digest section numbers are intended by the editor to correspond to the
arrangement of the "Workmen's Compensation" topic in Dowling's
Sevarino, Angelo P. Connecticut Workers' Compensation After Reforms. West
Hartford, Conn.: Atlantic Law Book Co., 1994. Updated by annual cumula-
tive pocket parts. Connecticut workers' compensation statutes are discussed
extensively, but few citations to case law are provided as the author did not
intend this to be a legal treatise with case citations. Chapters cover the
mechanics of the Connecticut Workers' Compensation Act, benefits and cal-
culations, fact-finding and investigations, settlement considerations, and
workers' compensation hearings and appeal procedures. Appendixes include
the texts of several workers' compensation-related acts, a table of statutes, an
index to public acts, and billing and payment guidelines for practitioners.
State of Connecticut Workers' Compensation: The Workers' CompensationAct As
Amended to... . New Haven, Conn.: Workers' Compensation Commission,
1913- (Workers' Compensation Commission Bulletin Series). A new bulletin
is issued approximately every two years and additional supplements are
sometimes issued. Includes the text of the Connecticut Workers'
Compensation Act as amended, other related statutes, a cumulative digest of
annotations of Workers' Compensation Review Board opinions arranged by
relevant statute number, an appendix of workers' compensation forms, and a
subject index to the statutes.

4. See description supra p. 146.

Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

Publishers of Connecticut Legal Materials
Administrative Office of the Commerce Clearinghouse
United States Courts 2700 Lake Cook Rd.
Thurgood Marshall Federal Chicago, IL 60015
Judiciary Bldg. (800) 835-5224
One Columbus Circle N.E. <>
Washington, DC 20544
(202) 273-1120 Commission on Official Legal
<> Publications
see infra State of Connecticut,
Administrative Publications Commission on Official Legal
P.O. Box 1305 Publications
Farmington, CT 06034
Connecticut Bar Association
American Association of Law 101 Corporate Place
Libraries Rocky Hill, CT 06067-1894
53 W. Jackson, Suite 940 (860) 721-0025
Chicago, IL 60604 (860) 257-4125 (Fax)
(312) 939-4764 <>
(312) 431-1097 (Fax)
<> Connecticut Conference of
Aspen Law & Business 900 Chapel St., 9th Floor
A Division of Aspen Publishers New Haven, CT 06510-2807
270 Sylvan Ave. (203) 498-3000
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
(800) 638-8437 Connecticut Department of
(201) 894-8484 Administrative Services
<> Communications Office
165 Capitol Ave., Room 516
Atlantic Law Book Co. Hartford, CT 06106
14 Grassmere Ave. (860) 713-5195
West Hartford, CT 06110-1215 (860) 713-7459 (Fax)
(860) 231-9300

Chief Clerk
Connecticut Supreme Court Bldg.
Drawer Z, Station A
231 Capitol Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 566-8160
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

Connecticut General Assembly Connecticut Law Tribune Co.

Legislative Commissioners' Office One Post Rd., Suite 100
Suite 5500 Fairfield, CT 06430
Legislative Office Bldg. (203) 256-3600
Hartford, CT 06610-1591 (203) 255-3319 (Fax)
(860) 240-8410 [email protected] (E-mail)
(860) 240-8414 (Fax) <http:/
<> almsites/ct.html>

Connecticut General Assembly Connecticut Legal Services

Office of Legislative Research 62 Washington St.
Room 5300, LOB Middletown, CT 06457
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 240-8400 Connecticut State Library
(860) 240-8881 (Fax) 231 Capitol Ave.
<> Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 566-4301
Connecticut Journal of (860) 566-8940 (Fax)
International Law Association <>
University of Connecticut School
of Law Data Trace Publishing Co.
65 Elizabeth St. 110 West Rd., Suite 227
Hartford, CT 06105-2290 Towson, MD 21204
(800) 342-0454 or (410) 494-4994
Connecticut Law Book Co. (410) 494-0515 (Fax)
P.O. Box 575 <>
39 Chaffinch Island Rd.
Guilford, CT 06437 Government Institutes
(203) 458-8000 4 Research Place
Suite 200
Connecticut Law Review Rockville, MD 20850
Association <>
University of Connecticut School
of Law Greenwood Press
65 Elizabeth St. 88 Post Rd. W.
Hartford, CT 06105-2290 Westport, CT 06881
(860) 570-5331 (203) 226-3571
< <>
Law LibraryJournal [Vol. 91:1

Insurance Law Journal Association Professional Education Systems

University of Connecticut School P.O. Box 1208
of Law 200 Spring St.
65 Elizabeth St. Eau Claire, WI 54702
Hartford, CT 06105-2290
(860) 570-5308 Quinnipiac Health Law Journal
(860) 570-5242 (Fax) Quinnipiac College School of Law
275 Mount Carmel Ave.
Law Office Information Systems Hamden, CT 06518
(LOIS) (203) 287-3275
105 N. 28th St. (203) 287-3244 (Fax)
Van Buren, AR 72956 <
(800) 364-2512 or (501) 471-5581 html>
(501) 471-5635 (Fax)
<> Quinnipiac Law Review
275 Mount Carmel Ave.
Law Practice Handbooks Hamden, CT 06518
920 S.Spring St. (203) 287-3221
Springfield, IL 62704 <
(217) 546-4922 html>

Lexis Law Publishing Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal

P.O. Box 7587 Quinnipiac College School of Law
Charlottesville, VA 22906 275 Mount Carmel Ave.
(800) 562-1197 Hamden, CT 06518
(800) 643-1280 (Fax) (203) 287-3224
< <
corn!> probate.html>

LRP Publications Shepard's

747 Dresher Rd. 555 Middle Creek Pkwy.
P.O. Box 980 Colorado Springs, CO 80921-3630
Horsham, PA 19044-0980 (800) 899-6000
(800) 341-7874 <>

Oasis Publishing
941 "0"St., Suite 800
Lincoln, NE 68508
(800) 377-5297
(402) 476-3565 (Fax)
1999] ConnecticutPracticeMaterials

State of Connecticut Yale Journal of Law and

Commission on Official Legal Feminism
Publications P.O. 208215
Office of Production and New Haven, CT 06520-8215
Distribution (203) 432-4056
111 Phoenix Ave. <
Enfield, CT 06082-4453 law&fem.htnl>
(860) 741-3027
< Yale Journal of Law & the
colp.html> Humanities
P.O. 208215
State of Connecticut New Haven, CT 06520-8215
Secretary of State (203) 432-4037
30 Trinity St. (203) 432-2592 (Fax)
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 509-6212 Yale Journal on Regulation
(860) 509-6230 (Fax) P.O. 208215
<> New Haven, CT 06520-8215
(203) 432-7652 or (203) 432-4861
Supreme Court of Connecticut (203) 432-2592 (Fax)
Reporter of Judicial Decisions
231 Capitol Ave. Yale Law & Policy Review
Hartford, CT 06106 Yale Law School
(860) 566-5877 P.O. Box 208215
New Haven, CT 06520-8215
West Group (203) 432-7652
610 Opperman Dr. (203) 432-2592 (Fax)
P.O. Box 64526 <>
St. Paul, MN 55164-0526
(800) 344-5008 Yale Law Journal Co.
(612) 687-7302 (Fax) P.O. Box 208215
<> New Haven, CT 06520-8215
Yale Journal of International Law
Yale Law School
P.O. Box 208215
New Haven, CT 06520-8215
(203) 432-4884
(203) 432-4604 (Fax)

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