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fist a year. Entered at the Post Otllee at Sew York, S. Y.. ai Second Class Mail Rates.

ss Mail Rates. Copyrighted in 1881 by Beadle and Asms, Deeitnber 30, 1881

V Ul. lil. Number. B Cents. 1\U. ftOUi




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s The Yankee Rajah..

danger you are in. It don't make much dif- a grin, " I don't blame you for getting rHled;
The Yankee Rajah; ference now, but
ttiis thing."
some day I'llremind you of you've had enough to make you, when that
p'izen, long-geared, piratical shark of a Manton
He touched the fez ha wore, after the manner has |ius t crossed your hawse. Look out fur that
of the naval salute, and walked up to tbe party villain, whatever you do!"
The Fate of the Black Shereef. on the benches, leaving the Yankee standing " The man means well, Harry," said Mr. Dar-
with his hack to the wall in the same careless rel. "I am sorry we cannot take his advice,
A XAIK OF TTBOE HA14Y SEAS. attitude. but I thank him all the same."
"Oh, mortal fathers, ain't he tough!" rout- "You are a gentleman, sir. I'd do anything
BY C. D. CLARK, tared the queer fellow. "1 guess he wouldn't for you, or the liansome miss here, but I can't
AUTHOR Or "HAQLE EYE," ''MUTE CHIEF," have put that kreese through my midriff if I explain. Perhaps the time will come when I
hadn't produced the barker oh. no! Now let's can help you, and when it does, sing out for
watch his little game." Saul Belton, and Saul Belton will tie on deck,"
CHAPTER L The stranger saluted the young lady first, by Without another word he hurried away and
OK THE BUND— A STBAIfGE YANKEE. removing his cap, and then turned to thB oldest was lost among the narrow streets beyond the
A man in a dress half European and half of the two gentlemen, Bund.
Malay stood upon the European Bund in Shang- "You are leaving the country, Mr. Barrel?" Mr. Darrel was an American who had spent
hae, lounging in an indolent) manner against " Yes, Captain Man ton, I have spent the best nearly fifteen years in Shanghae and had grown
thB wall of a building. In person lie was tall. years of mv life here, and now, for my daugh- rieh m the tea business. As it became plain
Strongly built, and strikingly handsome, but must go home."
ter's sake, I that so much of his life must be spent there he
with a lurking devil looking out of his bright " You take passage with Captain Castleton, had sent for his wife and little daughter and for
black eyes, which were fixed upon a party do you not?" twelve years Ellen had lived in the European
seated on a bench, their attention directed to the
— "Yes; we have only been waiting until he —
quarter of the great Chinese port Mrs. Barrel
harbor. They were three in number a gentle- sailed." having died however two years before the open-
man somewhat past the middle age, a handsome The young man sitting nest to the lady said ing of our story.
young man with a seafaring air, and a beauti- something to his companion in a low tone; the Harry Castfetoa had started as cabin boy on
lul girl, just budding into womanhood. The girl smiled, and again that ugly look came into board one of tbe company's ships, and now he
man who stood alone never moved his eye from the eyes cf Captaiu Manton. He stood tapping was part owner and master of the Tokio.
the group, and as he gazed the demoniac look his boot nervously with a. light bamboo cane Who Captain Manton was no one could say.
m them grew more and morethe
marked. which he carried, and his eye measured his dis- He often ran into port in his beautiful schooner,
"Have your own way for present, Harry tance from Castleton as if taking ground for to refit, but he never took out a cargo. Those
Castleton:" he muttered; time is not so "my sword-play, who claimed to know him said be was a gentle-
very far off, "I hope you may get home, safely," he said, man of leisure, whose one delight was the life
"Kinder interested in that party, ain't ye?" with his cynical laugh, " but, really, there is a of a sailor. During the last year he had been a
remarked a quiet voice at his elbow. great deal of danger upon these seas now," g-eat deal in Shanghae, and bad haunted the
He turned quickly and saw a slightly-built " I suppose you mean from the Malays?" Cas- arrel house until Harry, who was betrothed
man of uncertain age leaning against the wall tleton remarked. to Ellen, began to get un easy. He was satisfied,
not far away. He had come up so quietly that " Not so much as others. Suppose you were however, when Captain Manton proposed for
Ms approach had not been noticed. to fall iu with the Black Sliereef?* Ellen's hand, and was quietly rejected. Yet he
"Who are you?" demanded the Irst man, Mr. Darrel cast an uneasy look at his daugh- had reason to believe that Manton cherished In
harshly; "and by what right do you mis your- ter, but made no reply. The name of the Black his heart the desire for revenge, and watched
self iu my affairs?" Shereef was at that time a terror in these seas, him closely. Nothing was done, however, to
"Oh, now, stranger Don't you see I'm a I and all merchantmen prayed that they might show that "Manton did not take Ins defeat calm-
Yankee, and a Yankee must bite in, even if he not meet him on their way. But Captain Cas- ly. Prom time to time he would disappear and
ain't invited! I see yon looking at them folks, tleton spoke up boldly: be gone for months, when he would again sail
and I thought mebbe you was acquainted with " I hope the piratical scoundrel will dare to into the harbor oil his beautiful schooner to re-
'em." cross the hawse of the Tokio,* he said. "I main perhaps two months, most of his time
" And suppose I am—what is that to you!" would give him such a drubbing as he would being spent in the cottage of Mr, Barrel.
" Now, don't rile up, stranger. Take it easy. long remember." Harry did not like him from the first, per-
Be gentle with roe; or, ef ye can't be gentle, be " Don't be too sure of that, captain. If I haps for the reason that he was well aware that
as gentle as vou can. I'm a good-natured cuss, were sailing a merchantman, bearing such love- an attempt had been made to rival him. And
myself." ly freight and so much wealth as yon carry, I so matters went on until the time had come for
"Look you, my man!" and the stranger ad- should do all I could to keep out of the way of the Tokio to sail, and Ellen Darrell with her,
vanced a threatening manner; "I am not in
hi the Black Shereef. When do you sail?" never again to see the green shores of China or
the habit of allowing any man to mix him- "With the ebb to-night. I am anxious the motley assemblage on tbe European Bund.
self iu my business, and I am not going to begin to be on my way borne, for teas have never
with you. Take yourself out of this." been higher than just now, in the American CHAPTER in.
I ain't in no hurry " was the cool reply " be
you '" " A
happy voyage to you. I have only one BAFFLED.
The stranger leaped suddenly upon the Yankee good wish now." SaulBkltost, when be left the American
and caught Tiiin by the shoulders, evidently with "And that?" party on the Bum!, waited rapidly away and
the intention of hurling him to the ground, 'That you may pass the Straits of Sunda turned into the Malay quarter. The door of a
seemingly an easy task, but to the assailant's without meeting lbs Black Shereef." shop where arrack was sold stood invitingly
surprise the slightly built man remained lean- He turned upon his heel and walked away, open, and he entered. Two aim were sitting at
ing against the wall, the same provoking smile leaving Harry Castleton glaring after htm, with a table with glasses before them, but ther were
upon his face. clinched hands and Hashing eyes. not drinking. One was a Malay of gigantic
"Seem to be anchored, don't I, pardner? proportions, with a wonderfully strong, reso-
Kinder hard to move this rock from its Arm CHAPTER II. lute face and the other an American, with a
base, hey?' A GLANCE AT OUT). CHABACTEKS. handsome figure and a face which would have
The provoked man tugged at this Yankee " What is thematter with you, Harry?" de- been handsome but for its deathlike pallor,
tormentor furiously, but the New-Englamler re- manded the youag lady, with a laugh. "He is heTe, Arthur," said Belton, with a
mained immovable, (i merry look on his hard, Harry drew a loug, deep breath. grim smile, "and the cuss is in rmtohief, too;
set face, and a peculiar twinkle in his deep " I don't know why it is, but whenever I he's jest laying himself out to destroy another
gray eyes. meet that fellow I wish I had a sword in my beautiful girl."
"I'm adamant," he said, "and can't be hand, and could fight it out with him to the The pale man half started from his sent and
budged, you know." death. But, pshaw; we shall never see him clutched at the butt of a revolver in his belt,
The oilier was still pulling at him when some- again, I hope. Let us think of getting aboard." "Keep your setting, Arthur; keep your set-
thing strange happened, no one could say how. " Why are you uneasy?" asked Mi-, Darrel. ting," said the Yankee, laying his hand upon
The Yankee had not seemed to move, but all at " 1 don't like that fellow, Manton," replied the other's shoulder. "Jtsblookat the Malay.
once the feet of the assailant were struck from Harry, quickly, "Strangeasitmay seem I feel , He's as hungry to climb thet skunk of misery
under him and he measured his length upon the as if we should be more safe if be remained in asyou ever was and he knows the time ail, t
sodL this port until the Tokio bad sailed." come yet. So he keeps cool."
"Take keer, stranger I" bawled the New -En At this moment the Yankee, who had been "I have waited long years for vengeance's
glander. " Fust thing you know you'll get watching the party with observant eyes, came sake," hissed the other pale man.
hurt—break yer back, may be!" up to them. " And the time ain't fur off now meantime,

The man picked himself up with an astonished " tfoing to sail soon?" he inquired, addressing let's hold a confab,"
look, gave his body a shake to satisfy himself Harrv. He took a seat at tbe table and the three en-
that he was all right, aud then, in a sudden "Yes; to-night." —
gaged in a whispered conversation or rather,
fury, flashed out a long Malay krease. But be "I s'pose I could n't git you to listen to me, the two Americans did so, while the Malay, al-
was confronted by the muzzle of a heavy navy but if it was vie I wouldn't go through the though he seemed to listen intently, said not a
revolver and a resolute eye gleamed along the Straits of Sunda on the home trip." word. Then tbffy paid for the arrack and
iiright barrel. "Do you think I am going to run a hundred went away together.
"Might go off, stranger," the Yankee said. leagues out of niy way because there is talk of In the mean time, night had come on and pre-
" It's an awful treacherous weapon." pirates in the Straits?" cried Harry. parations were being made in the Darrel cot-
The other gave a short laugh as he returned "Didn't you hear me say I didn't s'pose you'd tage to go on board the Tokio. Everything had
the kreese to its sheath. listen? There's one thing I will say, though: been sent on hoard through tbe day, "and about
"You are a, cool band," lie said. " I'd give don't you hamper your guns, for like enough eleven o'clock the three stepped out of the cot-
something handsome to have you uuder me." you'll need 'em before you see the Indian tage and stnrted toward the harhor. They had
I don't go under no inarij" was the reply Ocean." not proceeded a dozen yards when thfre came
"but, when I play with a sarpint I always " And who might you be, friend?" said Harry. a shrill whistle and half a dozen men sprung
carry strong argyments under my clothes, " I've had sd much' good advice ro-day that I upon them. So sudden was the onslaught that
What did ye pitch into me that way fur?" am not hungry for any more. Attend to your Harry had no time to draw a weapon before he
" Never mind. Perhaps you do not know me, own business and I will attend to mine." was in the grasp of two strong men with whom
and for that reason cannot be aware of the " That's all right," returned toe Yankee, with he struggled desperately. Before he could cry
' " " "

^The Yankee Rajah. 3

For help all three were dexterously gagged with low voice. " Curse that Yankee; but for him, so little known to civilized man. Ned Staeey,
long cloaks, which were thrown over ttwir all would have been well," the first mate, cast a sweeping glance along tn«
beads and wrapped about them in many folds. "All shall be well yet, Mighty Prince," re- horizon and sprung down into the cabin.
"Bind them, f muttered a boarso voice in the plied a voice, in the Malay tongue. " I would like to see yon on deck, captain,"
Malay tongue; " I'll take care of the girl," " Hush," replied the other, fiercely. " Not bo said, quickly.
He raised Ellen, still mufhVd in the cloak, my name or title here, for you know what Harry followed the mate on deck and Ned
when there came a ringing cheer and out of the would happen if we were betrayed. Moke the pointed out three different soil upon the hori-
darkness appeared a party of irien who charged signal." zon. Even at that distance the young man
the assailants without a momi,-. L s hesitation.

One of the men bent over the wall of the could make out the peculiar rig of the Malay
The scoundrel holding Helen in his arti!-. »ropped Bund, and a green light flashed for a moment proa.
his burden and drew a kreese, but before he across the water and disappeared. A few mo- " Don't tike their looks, captain," said Staeey.
could use it he received a blow which staggered ments later the dip of oars was heard, and a " Nonsense," interposed William Wescott, " 1
him. As he reeled back be shouted something large boat shot up to the place, the whole haven't a doubt that they are as honest craft as
to his men in an unknown tongue, and they party embarked and were pulled out into the we are."
sprung away in the darkness and disappeared, stream. Not a word was spoken as they glided Staeey turned a quick look upon the man's
followed as quickly by their leader. on under the bows of the Tokio, the decks of face.
" Let the skunks run," said a cheerful Toice which were lighted and every preparation be- " You are third mate of the Tokio, ain't you,
which they recognized at once as that of the ing made for sailing. A moment lator a savage Mr. Wescott?"
stranger Yankee Belton. " "We don't want them laugh broke from the shut teeth of the tall man " Yes," he answered, angrily,
now. Better see you safe to your boat, I reckon, in the stern sheets of the boat. "Then attend to your duty and let me do
Capt'n Castleton." " They think they have escaped me," he mut- mine. I never want a man to stick his spoon
" Tou will do me a great favor," replied Har- tered .
' Well —we shall see. into my dish unless I ask him."
Ty. "By George, old fellow, you were just in After a half hour's pull they rounded to under Wescott answered by a single ominous flash
time, and I beg your pardon for what I said not the side of a beautiful felucca which lay at an- of his dark eyes as he walked away, and Harry
longjago. chor in the stream. The men sprang aboard, sprung into the cabin for a glass. For ten min-
"Don't mention ib. Me and my mates hap- and, after giving an order to the officer in utes he watched the three sails intently, arid
pened along this way, and of course I couldn't charge of the deck, the leader went below. then turned to Staeey, who was doing the same
stand by and see a feller countryman abused by Half an hour later tlie beautiful craft was siip- thing
these yer heathen. That's right; stand up. ging out of the river heading for the open sea, "What do you say, Ned?"
Ain't hurt any, are ye?" he passed the forts without the usual signal, "Bad; looks fishy; them's Malay proas."
" Not a bit," replied Harry. '
' Who are these and, once clear of them, spread her wings and " I am of your opinion. They may be all
men with you?" went flying on over the waves with marvelous right, but I don't like their looks. Pipe all

"Friends of mine don't notice 'em. One's a speed, leaving the shores of China rapidly be- hands,"
dumnaie, and couldn't answer, an' the other hind. The shrill caH of the bos'n's pipe rung through
wouldn't if he could. Are ye all right, Mr. the ship, and the watch below came tumbling on
Barrel?" CHAPTER IV. deck, ready for business, A
whisper of danger
" Yes, yes; I do not know how to thank you, ELXcEN'S SUSPICIONS —THE BLACK SIIEKEEF ES pRssed through the ship, but not a man blenched.
sir." STOUT. Mr. Barrel came hastily on deck and ap-
" Then don't fool away tout time trying it As morning was well out to
broke the Tokio proached Harry.
on, 'cause it ain't no use. Keep your weepons sea, walking tha water with a grace only seen "What is it, my boy?" be said, in a hurried
handy, fur them ugly heathen might take it in shipping which slides on Yankee keels, she tone.
into the'r heads to try the game overturn 'em." was a beautiful ship, and it is no wonder that " Keep Ellen below," was the reply. " I fear
They walked rapidly down the Bund, a giant Harry Castleton was proud of her. Ellon was that we are going to nave a fight,"
Malay and a tall, silent white man following on deck, enjoying the balmy air, and looking The proas rose rapidly, and at the same mo-
like shadows, and reached the water side. Har- back toward the shores which she was leaving ment there fluttered out from the gaff of each
ry stopped and gave a signal whistle. behind her forever. Harry, leaving the charge a black flag, with a red serpent coiled in the
" Ay, ay, sir, cried a hearty voice; " here is of the ship to the first mate, was by her side.

the boat." A man stood in the waist not far from them, "The Black Shereef," -whispered the old
The speaker appeared suddenly upon the issuing orders to some of the hands who were sailors. " We are doomed menr
wharf and came toward them. "Saul Belton working in the maintop. He was a good-look-
started and looked closely at the new-comer in ing te'Jow. perhaps thirty-five years of age, CHAPTER V.
the moonlight, Then be touched Harry on the with a lull beard coveting the lower part of his TEE GUNS SPIKED —
ami and drew him. aside.
" Who is that chap?' he osked, in a low voice.
face. Ellen looked at hitn closely.
" That is the man Wescott, whom Mr, Belton
" His name is Will Wescott, and he is my warned you against," she said to Harry. " I No one save those who had long sailed these
third mate," replied Harry. am sorry he is on hoard the Tokio," seas could know the fear inspired by the name
" Knowed him long?" " Oh, he is all right," said Harry. " It isn't of this well known sea rover. For ten yeaj-s he
" Ho; I shipped him yesterday." often you can pick up such a man as that wh<»n had infested the narrow seas and his flag had
" Where did you pick him up?" you are short of officers. I wish I had forty become a terror to peaceful merchantmen.
" Our agents recommended him to me and he such men ia my crew. Even the few who had ever escaped from his
is every inch a sailor. What do you mean !" The man was now shouting to the hands in merciless hand had never seen his face or could
" Waal, I can't say. Thar's something in the the lee shrouds, and his voice had the true sailor say what manner of man he was. He did not
critter's voice, I dunno what it is, that don't ring. Ellen watched bira intently, know the name of pity, and the men that yield-
suit me. Sounded like a Chap I used to know " I don't know how it is, but when I look at ed to him were doomed. There was no thought
but I ain't seen him for some time. Reckon that man I think of a treacherous tiger, I hope of yielding on the part of Harry Castleton, and
he's gone under, probably. He was a tough nothing evil may come from his being on his voice rung out cheerily;
cuss, that one, and his name was Tom Reid. board." " Clear away the guns," he cried, heartily,
But come to look clust he didn't have no sech Harry laughed lightly, and the conversation " We'll teach these lubbers that they have no
baird as this one." turned to something else, and the shores of easy prey in the Tokio, and tow the black
"I consider myself lucky in getting him. China faded from view as the good ship stood wretch into the first port."
Will you go on board with us?" out to make an offing. Mr, Barrel came up and "Away you go," shouted Ned Staeey, in-
"I calculate not. Fust, 'cause I ain't got the joined them on the quarter-deck. fected by the gallantry of bis loved commander.
time, and second, 'cause I've got to be out of "What do you say to the advice of that "We'll Ught while a planfc swims."
this afore you sail." strange follow who wanted us to take the long- But there was no escape, if they thought of
"Have you got a boat here?" est route, Harry?" slipping through. A large proa Iny off the
"I've got a way of gittin' out and probably " I amnot going to do it," was the somewhat starboard-quarter, a second off the beam, and
you'll hear on me ag'in. I couldn't coax you fo testy reply, "I've three passengers at Batavia, one on the port bow, and all were closing in
take the long trip home, could I, hey?" and even if I had not, the Tokio is not going to rapidly; ana, even as they gazed, there shot
" 1 should not consider that I had done my run for all the pirates in the China seas. You out from a projecting headland another vil-
duty to my partners if I did that. ship is My wouldn't have me do that, Mr. Barrel t' lainous-looking croft, with the flag of the sea
well armed, Tve sot a. splendid crew, and I am "I don't know. The man seemed to be in rover fluttering on high.
not afraid of all the pirates in the China seas." earnest and went out of his way to do us a ser- " Oh, see 'em come," growled Ned Staeey.
"Oh, all right, all right; waal, I must be vice, The longest way round is often the
' ' ' " That's what they call fair fighting, 1 suppose;
trbttin' Shake hands with the old man afore shortest way home,' four to one."
ye go. Good -by, Mr. Barrel; hope I'll see ye "It cannot be done," replied Hairy. "I've "Get out the ammunition," replied Harry,
m Batavia, I do, ef I git thai' afore ye. Good- got forty good men on my decks and carry " I'll see to the small arms, Mr. EasonI"
by, Miss Ellen; don't forgit the old Yankee. guns enough to clean out all the pirates who The second mate came forward qoickly and
Sakes alive; 1 used to bev a lettle sister to hum dare attack us, and could show them a clean saluted.
theb was j&st about your figger, and ef ib wa'n't pah- of heels in any event," " I believe you are a gunner, Mr. Eason?"
fur thet Idiinno ez I'd hev taken so much trou- " Hush," said Ellen, quickly. asked the captain.
ble." As she spoke Wescott walked slowly by them "Ay, ay, sir." "
They stepped into tha boat, which shot away on his way aft. There was a peculiar glitter in "You will act in that capacity then. See
at once under the strong strokes of the oarsmen, his dark eyes which the girl did not like. that the guns are ready for use quickly, and
,and the Yankee whistled a tune softly as he " I am satisfied that the third mate was lis- station the crew. You have no time to lose."
watched them. tening to what you were saying, Harry," she There were six serviceable guns on deck, but
"Tell you what, Arthur," he said, "that said, when the man had passed. so rapidly did Gilbert Eason work, that in
Harry Castleton is a mighty good boy, but he's " Suppose he was, Nellie. You are unreason- twenty minutes the crew were at their stations,
awful headstrong. Mebbe he'll 1'arn wisdom able in your aversion to poor Wescott." stripped to the waist, and grimly waiting for
as the years go rollic' by. Hush up—and git." "Perhaps I am, but if I have any secrets I orders. The ammunition was passed up and
The three men slipped away just in time, for don't want him to hear them," she answered, the Tokio ready for action.
half a dozen men came hurriedly down the pouting. " Head her for those fellows on the starboard
Bund and looked after the receding boat. The Tokio kept steadily on her course, and on bow," cried Harry. " If we can breakthrough
"She has escaped me for the time being," the morning of the third day they were n earing we will show them the neatest running fight
said one, who appeared to be the leader, in a the coast of Borneo, that strange island, as yet you ever beard of."
— : ' " " : !

The Yankee Rajah.

The Tokio was very swift and rapid] 7 n eared Are that gun. Give the men muskets, Ned, and why he did this, for it was far from his inten-
the proas, and they could see the decks black send them into the tops. We sail three fathoms tion to desert his betrothed. But he wanted
with men—Malays, Papuans and Sooloos, "wild to their two and will soon be out of their time to think, and consult with Mr. Darrel as
for blood, and shaking their weapons in the air. clutches." to the best course to pursue. The officers of the
"Are you ready, Mr. Bason?" cried Hurry. A terrible fusilade was opened upon the proa. ship gathered in a sad group on the quarter
" If you are, give them a shot." Never, in all their fighting, had they been ex- deck, while the men busied themselves in clear-
Eason sighted the gun with his own hand, posed to the aim of American repeating rifles, ing away the wreck, taking care of the bodies
rose with a smile upon his face and applied the and they dropped, man by man, on the deck of of their fallen comrades, and attending to the
match. Scarcely had be done so, when, with a the proa, under the deadly shower. Reid saw wants of the wounded.
cry of rage, he sprung forward and looked at that he was losing men to no purpose and The young man, although almost broken-
the guns. changed his course, running in toward the land, hearted," trie a to console the bereaved father.
"Spiked, by -1" knowing well that Harry wonld not dare to fol- " These Malays always hold their prisoners
The imprecation might be forgiven an old low him there. Aglance at the other proas re- for ransom," he said, "and —
sailor at that moment. The gun had been cun- vealed the fact that they were closing in fast, " Why do you say that, Harry, when yon
ningly spiked by forcing a rat tail " file into and a shot which splashed in the waves close know well that the man who captured her was
the touch-hole, and breaking it off. A rapid under the stern of the Tokio admonished the no Malay?"
glance showed that every gun on board had been young captain that it would be utter madness " But he is a renegade American in the ser-
served in the same way. to pursue. vice of the Black Shereef, I have heard it said
"By Heaven!'' cried Harry, "we have a " God help her," he groaned. " I can do no that he has many such sailing under his flag."
traitor here. Cutlasses and pistols, lads, and more. We must save the ship and trust to "I have little li ope in that," was the sad re-
if we must die, let us die like Yankee sailors, other means to rescue Ellen." ply. "My only hope is that we may find an
with our teeth set." Right astern, as the ship flew on over the ris- American man-of-war at Batavia, and some
" Run down the proa," shouted Ned Stacey, ing sea, thundered a fast-sailing proa, more means may be adopted to rob these villains of
"Every man to the bow," than the equal of the Tokio in speed. The their prey,"
The men grasped the weaponspassed to them, second shot from her long gun came whistling " Sail ho!" cried the look-out,
and the great ship, flying before the fresh sail- over the rail, killed a man on the to'gallant fore- Harry sprung on the rail and leveled hi*
ing breeze, and gathering way as she came, castle, and grazed the foremast in its course. glass on the sail indicated by the man on the
appeared to be steering for the open water be- At the same time a shout from Mr, Eason an- foretop. He made her out a handsome schooner,
tween the two proas bearing down upon the nounced that be bad managed to clear one of running down to speak them. She rose rapidly
bows, the pirates shouting like demons as they the guns, and it was trained upon the proa as- and as she showed more plainly they saw that
came. Suddenly, without the slightest warn- tern. The first shot, well aimed, swept her it was an American built schooner, with the
ing, the course of the ship changed and she met decks from stem to stem, knocked the wheel clean run and tapering spars only seen in Yan-
the swift proa, bows on. Tfaore was a shock into fragments, and the craft began to yaw and kee shipping, and that the American Sag was
and the pirates swarmed into the chains only to steer wildly, while the Tokio gamed hand over flying at the gaff. Harry still kept his glass
be hewed down by the sailors, and the proa hand. The second shot struck the foremast, upon her, and suddenly fixed it upon the figure
sunk like a stone, just as the second fastened on and it came crashing down, leaving the proa of a man who stood on the rail also with a glass
her chains and her crew prepared to board. wallowing, a helpless wreck, upon the heaving in his hand. For a moment he was undecided,
Then ensued one of those fierce battles of sea. but as the schooner came booming on he re-
which we have no conception. The Malay "Well done, Eason; well done, old boy," cognized that remarkable Yankee who had
rights because he loves it; death has no terrors cried Harry, running aft. "Don't waste any aided them in Shanghae. Half an hour later he
for him, as according to his creed it only opens more shots upon him, hut attend to these fel- was close to the Toldo, and lowering a boat he
the way into paradise, which his priests if] him
I lows on the starboard quarter. What's that, came aboard with the coolest air im;i gina !.-. am 1

awaits the valiant warrior. Ned?" shook hands with the Americans as if they had
With wild, resounding cheers, they clambered "By George, the boys have got the spike out been old friends, and nothing particular had
np the sides of the Tokio, but they were met by of another gun." happened.
men as valiant and determined as they; for, " Good for them. Head up a little and meet "Morning, capt'in," he said. "Been in a
say what you will, only the enduring Anglo- these fellows half-way. Let us once get them scrimmage, I judge. Maybe you don't remem-
Saxon knows how to fight with stubborn valor, astern and we can k:ugh at them." ber I told you to take the longest way home,
not knowing when he is beaten. The proas came booming oa, their crews Capt'in Castleton."
In the front of his men, wielding his cutlass wild with rage, and were closing In fast upon "If we only had," groaned Harry.
gallantly, and cutting down every yellow Malay the Tokio, their guns making sad havoc with "Strtin, sartm: most any one will holler
or brown Sooloo who showed his face above the her rigging as they came. Eason answered as after he gets hurt. Pound the Black Shereef
rail, fought Harry Castleton, doing the work of well as he could, and succeeded in crippling the 'bont whar I judged you would, and had a lively
three men. By his side, with a revolver in leading proa, but the larger of the two was now time. Now I reckon you know how it is your-
each hand, stood Hr. Darrell, and three times so close that another battle seemed inevitable, self."
bis unerring hand bad laid low a man whose wben there came darting out of the sea, close " Were you in that strange craft that sunk
weapon was turned against Harry Castleton, under the bows of the ship, a strange cigar- the proas?"
when the brave young captain was engaged shaped object, which darted with inconceivable " What craft?"
with another enemy in his front. rapidity at the proa, and disappeared in the "Nonsense; you know all about it. Was it
" Give it to them, boys!" cried the young cap- waters. There was wild confusion on board nofyou who sent me word that you would aid
tain. " Remember that you fight for your lives; the pirate, and all their efforts seemed bent ns?"
the Black Shereef spares none." upon escaping, if they could. The proa fell off " Nary. Jest look at this dockyment."
The men answered by resounding cheers, and suddenly ana headed seaward, when she was He thrust his hand into bis pocket and drew
their blows fell fast and furious. The Malays, seen to heave up out of the water until her keel out a paper, upon which was written
not accustomed to such stubborn resistance, be- was visible, and revealed a gaping rent, into " To th» Yanltft- Rajah:
gan to falter, and the men of the Tokio cast off which the water rushed with a gurgling sound. " The ship Tokio has been attacked hy the Black
the grappling irons which clung to the chains. A moment more, and she was gone. Shereef, oft Borneo, and a young girl named Darrel
"Now where is that Will Weseott?" cried " A torpedo, by heavens/' cried Harry. made prisoner. Aid them as you would aid me.
Ned Stacey. " He's a skulker, that chap." " What can it mean?" "The Mystery."
As he spoke the third mate appeared, leaped As he spoke the strange craft again appeared " That's the ticket. Now I know where that
upon the rail, and hurled himself headlong upon for a moment upon the surface and plunged comes from and the writer thereof is jest p'izen
the deck of the proa, shouting some words in into the waves close to the crippled proa. A on Malays. He eats 'em for breakfast; on the
an unknown tongue. He had scarcely reached moment later asd her crew were seen to hurl half-shell; stewed, fried and steamed. In fact,
the deck when the proa drifted astern, and themselves desperately into the sea, the same Malay is bis chief diet."
then, too late, Harry Castleton saw that the dull explosion followed, and the proa was gone. " And who are you? You gave your name
wretch bore in his arms the senseless form of " Hurrah!" cried Ned Stacey, drawing a long as Saul Belton. But that does not explain your
Ellen Barrel. breath. "That fellow came just in time andl presence here,"
"You false-hearted hound," cried Harry don't think they will trouble us any more," '•
Mebbe you've beern tell of the Yankee Ra-
raisiwg his revolver, " you came here to betray Just then the strange torpedo sprung into jah?"
us." view again and came racing by under the stern " I have," said Harry. " He owns a little is-
With a mocking langh Weseott raised the of the Tokio. They had time to see that she land in the Spice group.
form of the senseless girl and held it before was about fifty feet in length, shaped like a gi- "That's me; I'm the chap that is monarch of
him as a shield. gantic cigar, and they could hear the clicking that there island, and there ain't many sov'rins
"Why you fire?" he shouted in a jeer-
don't of machinery as she sped by, aud there came that has as complete control of their dominions.
ing tone. " You seem to hesitate, my dear fluttering on board an arrow, which lodged hi I 'spose you want to get the gal;"
captain. Yes, I spiked the guns of the Tokio, the mainmast. The boat disappeared. "We will have her or die."
and I have won the prize which alone is worth " There's a letter on the arrow, captain," said " That's hearty. I'm with you Until the uni-
more to us than the ship. I am Tom Reid, Ned Stacey. versal heavens turn green. That or' leetle gal
lieutenant of the Black Shereef. Ha! ha! ha! " Give it to me," cried Harry. suited me, and I ain't a-going to leave her in
You were nicely fooled." He tore open the paper and read the bauds of that eternal skunk. But we can't
He turned to the crew of the proa and " Ellen Barrel is the prey of the Black Shereef, do anything with the Tokio; she's too 'tarsal
shouted an order. As he did so the sails went but lie will not harm her now. Head to the south big fur our work,"
up, the head of the proa fell off, and she began and before you Lave sailed a dozen leagues you shall " But we may need her."
to run on a course parallel with that of the hear from A Fanaro. '
" Nary time. Sarcumvention is the word,
Tokio, while the long gun amidships was brought " Our only hope is in him," said Harry, sadly. and we'll beat the cusses yet. How many or
so bear upon the great ship. " We must "take his advice." your meu will it take to sail her to Batavia ¥'
" Give me a rifle, Ned," said Harry. " They And with sad hearts they headed the ToMo " Can we spare any of them?"
must not fire that gun yet." on her course, leaving Ellen Barrel in the hands " I dunno as we kin. Say; I'll take the ship
Ned ran up with a nfle in his hand, just as a of the pirate chief. to my island and lay her op tbar. That's the
tall Malay sprung forward to fire the gun. proper racket."
Harry pulled the trigger and the villain sprung CHAPTER VI. "Would it not be better to go to Batavia and
and fell dead.
into the air SAUL HELTON ON DECK. get a man-of-war?"
"Give me a Winchester," Baid Harry. "I THE Tokio soiled on to the south. "See here; do you want to rcm this thing
will make them pass a bitter time before they Harry Castleton could scarcely have said yourself? If you do, I'll clear the way."
The Yankee Rajah.
I do not bow what to do," replied Harry. A moment later an answering sound came back " I've taken the contract and mebbe it's a big
trust rae. Thar ain't a man in these from the island, one, but I'll stand the racket and 1 never was
parts, ef I do say it, that knows better how to " That's 0. K.," said the Rajah. " Them Ma- known to bite off more than I could chew,
tackle the Black Shereef than me." lay skunks have plucked up courage and are Yon can't hate the Black Shereef any more
"I trust you, then. We place ourselves en- laying for the under the p'int of the island yan- than I do, and yet I will say 1 don't think he
tirely iu your hands." der. I'll make 'em smell blue blazes in about means to do the gal any barm now,"
"All right, then! Here, Marco." six inimiits by the clock. Ha there they come,
! "I suspect Tom Reid of being the Black
At Ms call a mat! came clambering out of the b'iliug hot and smoking for war. Give 'em a Shereef," interposed Harry.
boat and reached the deck. Harry was forced serenade, Marco." "/don't; Tom Reid is mean enough, but be
to say, that, though of the yellow race, he was Tbe Malay sprung to a beautiful pivot gun ain't the Shereef.
Ob, Lord, no; not by no
one of the most perfect specimens of manhood —
amidships the only gun carried by the schooner means. The Shereef is a boss of another color.
he had ever seen. He was about six feet and

— and trained it upon the coming proas, which But come along, and I'll show you how I defend
four inches in bight, formed upon the model of suddenly shot out from the sheltering point, this island when it is attacked.*
a Hercules, straight as an arro*v, with magnifi- while at the same moment the flag of the Black They turned to the right after leaving the
cent muscles and well-turned iimbs. Shereef was given to the breeze. No sooner had village, and ascended the lofty bluff which rose
"Marco is a Malay, aud one who ain't got the eye of tho mute glanced along the sights, on both sides of the harbor and completely sur-
no love for the Black Shereef ," said the Yankee then tbe sullen roar of the cannon was heard, rounded the town. Upon tbe crest of this bluff
Rajah. " He£, Marco?" and the conical shot tore its way along the on each side was a battery of three guns, so
At the mention of that name the eyes of the crowded deck of the leading proa, causing placed as to send a p hinging fire upon the decks
Malay began to roll wildly and his great hands dreadful slaughter. of any approaching craft, when it reached a
opened and shut convulsively. " Sarve 'em out, sarve 'em out, Marco. Give certain point, over « Inch it must pass to enter
You would like to get a whack at the Black 'em blue plDs till tbey can't rest. No— hold on; the harbor, A similar battery on the other side
Shereef, wouldn't you, Marco, old boy?" there comes the Mystery!" crossed fire with this. Below, upon a wide
A harsh guttural sound broke from the lips of As he spoke the second proa was seen to shelf, were two other guns, loaded with grape
the savage man and his face worked strangely. tremble iu every joint aud then she began to and canister. The rocky wall which encircled
" You see, Marco was his prisoner once," said settle by the head and filled quickly. Cries of the valley in the rear was a regular fort, with
the Rajah, in a matter-of-fact tone, "and the dismay 'were heard aboard the other proas, as guns mounted at intervals, and which could
p'isoii skunk had bis tongue cut out, just by way the strange craft called tbe Mystery rose out of only be approached by steep paths, which could
of amusement. Marco ain't forgot it, aud only the water near the sinking proa and with a be swept by a terrible fire at any moment.
for me the Blaek Shereef would have been dead strange hissing sound plunged headlong at the "And that ain't all," declared the Rajah.
years ago." Malay craft which had received the shot from " The island is surrounded by shoals except on
" Why did you save such a wretch?" the long gun. With yells of fear the Malays this side, and if ihev attack with proas it must
"Waal, I'd got a use fur him, no matter forced the lug sails over on the other tack, hut, he in front. And I've got torpedoes laid down
what. I've got through with him navr, though, before the wind could All them, the pointed in such a way that it would be mighty orkard
and he may as well begin to dig his grave, beak of the Mystery plunged into her side, for a ship manned by fellers that didn't know
when I let Marco loose on him We are going tearing a gaping rent, into which the sea the ropes to get in here. 1 feel tolerable safe,
to ruu the Black Shereef to earth, Marco.'" poured. Then the stranger craft hacked away and I only wonder that these fellers dare to ap-
The Malay fell upon bis knees aud pressed his and sunk, aud was only visible by a peculiar proach my island. They wouldn't cn]y they
forehead upon the hand of the Rajah. ripple on the water over the place where she know that tho Mystery and I are old friends,
"All right, my boy," he said. "I know you went on her submarine way. and they want togetathim through me."
are hungry, and when he dies, I promise you The third proa had got her lugs over and was " Who are these people with you."
be shall die by your hand." slipping away with the wind over her quarter, " The whites are Yankee sailors, who have
The Malay mute uttered the same guttural and Marco contented himself with sending a got tired of the Old World and want to make a
cry and embraced the knees of his master. skigle shot after her, which tore up the low bul- new home. The others ore good fellers of all
"That's all right, old fellow," said Belton. warks and chipped the mainmast. nations lhat I've picked up here and there, as
" Jump into the boat and get back to the Wave " Let the sneaks go," said the Rajah. " Blame tbe case might be. There ain't one of them
Witch. Tell Jim Slocum to head for the island the skunks; they will know better than to run that wouldn't get up and fight if I asked him to
*nd show us the way. Then come buck to me." their noses into my cruising ground again I and even take a little risk of life or limb fur my
Marco sprung back into the boat and it shot reckon. Head her in, you at the wheel, and the sake, and I'd do as much fur them."
awav toward the schooner. Mystery will take care of herself. " Where does the Black Shereef live?"
" Will yourofficers understand him?" asked "He's over yonder," answered the Rajah,
' They've got so used to his signs that they
CHAPTER VII. pointing toward the Papuan coast. "That's
the trouble about hint he's easy enough to find,
can read 'em like a book," was the answer.
."You'll see."
The Mystery could only be traced on her sub-
marine way by the ripple on the water, which
but most people think he's a Malay but he —
ain't, dura his hide! IVe only bten waiting to
As the boat neared the schooner Marco rose showed that she was running close to the sur- get help enough, and now we won't rest until
in the stern sheets and made some rapid signs. face. Every one on board tbe Tokio was we hev wiped htm and his gang off the face of
The men on board seemed to understand bini, watching her course with great interest, for all tho created airth; I hev sworn it."
for the schooner at once filled away and the boat felt that this strange craft would have much to And the Rajah raised bis band solemnly ob
turned again toward the ship. Marco sprung do with the rescue of Ellen Barrel— if, indeed, high as he registered his vow.
on board and the boat pulled away to intercept she was to be rescued from the hands of tbe
the course of the schooner. They saw the crow black-hearted villain who had taken her captive. CHAPTER Vin.
.get aboard, the boat was hoisted in and the When near the island the strange craft rose to TOM REID'S AKRTVAL AT THE BLACK SnEREEF'3
.schooner slipped away to the south west, the the surface for a moment, as a whale rises to PALACE.
great ship lollowiug. Two days and nights breathe. Before her was a rocky wall, which We have seen Ellen Barrel a prisoner in the
passed, and on the morning of the third day seemed to encircle the island, and to shut it out hands of the traitor, Tom Reid, and that his
tbey were threading the Spice islands, the completely from the outside world. Harry saw proa escaped from the strange craft, the Mys-
schooner leading the way still. Now and then her plunge straight against this wall and disap- tery.
a proa shot out from the islands, but a look at pear. Ihe two proas which were left headed past
the schooner seemed to satisfy them, for they at " She is gone," he said. the coast of Borneo, and Reid carried bis insen-
once ran back into harbor. " Reckon youll see her again some day," said sible victim into tbe cabin and laid ber on a
" They don't wont to taelde me," chuckled the Rajah, quietly. "The man that navigates couch. For a moment the man stood looking at
the Rajah. "They know the old man; they've her knows his bin on a raft, now mind I tell her intently, with a lowering brow, and then
harnessed him before and know he's a hard boss you. Ease her off a little, Garry; now you can went on deck.
to ride. Keep your eye on the Witch, yon at make the harbor." " Where is the Shereef?" asked a tall Malay.
the wheel. Jhu Slocum knows the islands and As the head of the schooner swung round they " Why is he not here when his sons are beaten
yon don't." could see a narrow oi>ening beyond the point, by the Spirit of the Ocean J"
The island which they sought now lav before so narrow, indeed, that it seemed a luiost impos- " He ought to have been here before," an-
them, but scarcely had they sighted it when sible for a heavy craft to enter. But the man swered Reid. "1 don't know why he dfdn't
Marco, who rarely left his masters side, touched at the wheei understood his business, and she come, but probably be thought we ought to be
liim on the arm and made some rapid signs. shot in between two gigantic walls, higher than a match for the Tokio; and so we were if that
Oh, git out," replied the Yankee, "They the masthead, followed by the Tokio, and tbe thrice accursed torpedo had not come to help
wouldn't dare to try it." anchor went down in a beautiful little harbor, them."
Marco only answered by pointing over tho before what appeared to be quite a town, " We cannot fight the Spirit of the Waves,'*
xail in the direction of the island. "My realms, mates," said tbe Rajah. "You declared the chief, "My hi jod turns to water
"Hat" cried the Rajah, after a moment of are welcome here." when I think of him."
close inspection. "Give me a rocket, captain; They quickly landed, and the people came "I don't blame you much. Curse him, I
I want to signal the schooner." out to stara at them curiously. wonder who he is?"
"No need of that," replied Harry. "She Harry was completely taken aback as quite a " He is a Barsakaw," replied the Malay.
seems to be lulling now." number of the inhabitants were white people, " The brood of the Malay are brave, but they
As he spoke the schooner came quickly up and Americans at that, and tbe neatness of tbe know that he who strikes at the Barsakaw might
into the wind and lay rocking idly on the water. houses, as well as the tasteful manner in which as well waste his blows upon the empty air.
The Tokio held iu her course until close under they were ornamented, proved that they had But we have the white maiden; the Shereef will
her bows, wheu the ship also luffed, and Marco, been here a long time and meant to stay, forgive us when he sees her,"
with Saul Belton aud Harry, went on board the "I wonder the Malays have left you here in "I'd have jumped overboard if I did not
schooner. peace," said Harry. have her to take to him," averred Reid. " I
"Ahoy!" cried the Rajah. "You Jim Slo- "They've tried to bite me on two several wouldn't have been the one to go home empty-
cum, signal tbe island, quicker tban scat. You times, but tbey found roe the toughest piece handed for a lac of rupees. Can you make out
see them skunfes, don't you?" they ever attempted to masticate. Just take a his sails?"
"Ay, ay, sir] Here comes the rockets," walk with me, and I'll show you how we go to The chief shook his head.
Slocum answered. work to defend ourselves." "Then we may as well make for home. And
One of the crew came out of the cabin, carry- " We must not waste time. Remember that see here; that cursed Yankee Rajah at Gadoug
ing three strangely-shaped rockets. A whizziDg Nellie must be rescued at all hazards," Mr. Beg had something to do with this. He was in
Bound was heard, followed by a loud explosion. Barrel. Shanghae with his schooner when we sailed, and
' "

The Yankee Rajah.

you know he goes like the wind. Some of these softly. "Aruna is here as her slave and only to "They will find us ready to meet them-
Says we will take that island and kill every obey her." Enough of this for the present as I did not ex-
man on it." was only mortal and began to
Nellie Darrel pect you to listen to reason at first but I hope,,

"Our chief was wrong when he tore out feel the pangs of hunger. She signified her for your own sake, that you will listen soon, for'
Marco's tongue and then let him live. Marco wish for food, and Aruna clapped ner hands I am not very patient. Ha: What are you ;

will never forgive or forget, and lie is the friend and two women appeared. doing here, Zarina?"
of the White Rajah." " The lady would eat," said Aruua. " Ihave come to see this new toy which you
"I'm sorry it was done at all," said Tom, The women quickly spread a feast which have brought home, Shereef," replied a musical
uneasily. "But, what can you do with the would have been a temptation to an epicure, voice,
Shereef when he gets a mad
on? But, look
fit Nellie seated herself and made a very unroman- Nellie turned quickly, and saw a. beautiful
here; you Uke care of the proa while I get tic meal. When she had finished, Che table was woman, clad like a princess, and wearing ai
some steep for I have had a hard time during drawn away, and just then a cannon boomed at tiara of precious stones, which were in them-
two or three weeks, and have actually had to the port and cries of joy were heard in the selves worth the ransom of a prince, Nellie
work; and I am not used to it." streets. thought, at the first glance, that she had never
He rolled himself in a blanket and lay down " What is the matter?' the prisoner asked, seen a more beautiful woman. Her face was of
in the bo w, and the Malay, after setting a guard turning to Aruna, the Roman mold, haughty and clearly cut,
over the cabin door, took charge of the proa. " The Shereef comes," replied the girl, proud- with great, luminous eyes and firm lips. Her
When Ellen came to herself, and realized that ly, "and our people delight to honor him, hair swept from beneath the band of the tiara,
she waa a prisoner, she tried the cabin door, but Would the white lady see how they welcome in great masses of the hue of the raven's wing,
it was fast and she turned to the stern window. him on his return 3" reaching nearly to the floor. She wore a loose,,
The proa was moving on swiftly over a tran- Nellie stepped to the open window indicated flowing robe of figured silk, confined at the-
quil sea, and she could hear the measured tread by the girl and looked out. All the population waist by a girdle wick a golden buckle, and in
of the sailors on deck and the soft footfall of —
of the city men, women and children seemed — it she carried a curved Malay kreese and two
the guard who paced to and fro before the to be in the streets and hurrying toward the elegantly mounted revolvers.
cabin door. She remembered nothing since harbor, and a boat, manned by six rowers, was "I repeat, what are you doing here, Zarina?'''
Reid came suddenly into the cabin of the Tokio seen rapidly approaching the landing. min- A hissed the Shereef.
" And I answer, that I came to see your new-
and stupefied her by the use of some potent ute later a tall and martial figure, clad in the
drug, the effect of which had hardly yet passed dress of a Malay war- chief, appeared at the toy, which you have picked up on the sea.
off. Then night came on, and she threw her- head of the steps, attended by a glittering reti- Shereef, you do no not know Zarina yet. If
self upon the couch for a little rest. When she nufl. They came rapidly up the street, the wo- you did, you would not try to frighten her
awoke it was broad day again, and looking out men strewing flowers in the path and chanting by blustering words. I have little to thank you
of the cabin window, she was aware that the a song in praise of the Black Shereef. As he for and much cause to hate you, and yet, I
proa was at anchor in a sheltered harbor, sur- came nearer the girl could see that his garments would not see harm come to you not yet, at—
round by a dozen craft of the same Mad. Just were of somber black and that his face was hid- least."
then the door opened, and Raid came in, fez in den by a black mask. He appeared to take the "Go out, Zarina. I will speak to you soon,"'
hand. adulations of the multitude quiteashis just due. said the Shereef, sternly.
" Sorry I bad to use you a trifle roughly yes- and waving his hand to the people, disappeared "At your pleasure. 1 have seen the girl and
terday, Mis3 Darrel," he said, respectfully, within the portals of the castle. she looks good and pure. And I swear by the
"but, I was acting under orders." "The Shereef is a great war -chief," said fods the Malays worship, here and now, that
You are a traitor and renegade, then, Mr. Aruna, proudly. will drive my kreese to the hilt in the heart of:
Wescott." " Yet bis hands are red with the blood of in- any man who does her wrong. Fear nothing,
"So men call me,'' he answered, in a bitter nocent men," said Nellie. sweet maiden, Zarina is your friend, although
tone. " What is the use of hitting me when. "He is a warrior," averred the girl, "and she came as an enemy."
I'm down, miss? I can't hit back, and I'm un- great warriors delight to shed biood in battle. The Shereef raised his hands and clapped
der obligations to the man who employed me in Since the days of the sable kings of the Malay them loudly, Half a dozen Malays ran in at
more ways thau one. But I came to say that there has been no chief so great as Selini Ben once.
you are to go ashore with me." Mahoud, the Black Shereef ,r .
". Seize this mad creature," cried the chief.
"I desirB to return to my father. He will The door opened, and he appeared upon the "Put her in charge of Mahmond the Parsee,
pay a heavy ransom for my safe return." threshold, and bid him look to it that she does not wander
"No use. Miss Darrel. The man who had alone about the palace any more."
you brought here alone has power over your CHAPTER IS. Zarina retreated a single step, and, with a
fate now." rapid motion, drew one of the revolvers from
" And who is hef THE BLACK SHEEEBF—ZABIXA, THE MAT) her helt.
" PRINCESS. "Malays!" she cried, " take warning before-
The Black Shereef," replied Reid,
" That monster?" she gasped, EijjEN Darrel, shuddered at the sight of this you throw away your lives. I will Rill any
" The devil is not so black as he is painted," man, when he spoke in a melodious voice: man who lays the weight of a finger on me."
he said, with a laugh. "But come on deck, if "Peace be with you, Aruna; leave me with The Malays, who had begun to advance,
you please." the white maiden." stopped in trepidation. Zarina evidently meant
Nellie saw no use in disobeying and accom- The Malay girl bent her head obediently and just what she said,
panied him on deck. Before her lay a city in hurried from the room while the Shereef stood " Look you, Shereef," she cried. " You know
the Eastern style, a place of some pretensions, looking at Ellen Darrel intently for a moment that 1 have ever been free as air. Counter-
with strong batteries on each side of the en- before he spoke again, and she gazed back at mand your order, or I will put my mark upon
trance to the harbor and many buildings clus- him with "undaunted eyes. She saw a man of some Of your slaves in a way they will not
tering abont a castle-like structure in the cen- more than ordinary stature, a model of manly like."
grace, whose face was completely hidden by
" Go, men," said the Shereef. " I will admit
ter. An elegant boat lay alongside the proa,
maimed by a white crew, and into this Reid the black mask, through which bis eyes shone that I ought to know you better, Zarina, but
handed his prisoner and took a seat with her, like twin stars, when you rave in this manner yon ought to be
"Let fall; give way]" waa the order of " I am
the Black Shereef," he said, in good put under restraint. No one "could be moTe-
Reid. English. " You do not bid me welcome." kind to you than I have been,"
" I do not know you," &be answered. "If " Then let me alone. I love this sweet maiden,
The oars dropped into the water with naval
and it is the first time in long years that I have

precision, and a few strokes quickly brought you are a warrior, as you claim, you will not
them to a flight of stone steps, where Reid as- make war upon a woman," met one who is a fit mate for me, and now you
sisted her to land. A
beautiful palanquin, at- " I do not make war with you, sweet maiden. try to drive roe from her. 1 will not endure it."
Shanghae, and it was fairer " You will frighten her," said the Shereef,
tended by four stout bearers, was waiting for I saw your face in
woman. What the " because you talk so wildly."
her, and she took a seat in it and was carried than the face of any MaTay
on through the narrow streets of the city and —
Black Shereef loves he takes. You are mine "Ask her if she fears Zarina," said the girl,
quietlv. "If she says so, I will go."
into the castle. Here she alighted and was led now, never to leava me."
up a flight of winding stairs into a room fur- " Never yours, while I have a hand to strike "I do not fear her," replied Nellie. "She
nished in the luxurious style only to be seen in a weapon into my own heart," she declared. would do ine no barm, aud I feel that she is my
the East. " The white maiden has a stubborn heart, but only friend here."
' These are your quarters," said Reid. " Tou more stubborn spirits have been broken within "Then I will leave you together for awhile,"
will be at liberty as far as this suite of rooms is these walls," he asserted. said the Shereef, "but beware how yon set her
concerned, but I would not advise you to wan- " My father and my lover will come to my against me, Zarina, or in any way betray my
der about much, as you do not know the palace. aid." secrets, for if voti do, nothing shall save you."
He clapped bis hands and a door opened at "Let them come. They shall be made wel- "Fear not. " Since that aivful night when the
the back of the great room and a young girl en- come with fire and kreese. What now, Shereef ship fell a prey to your proas, and all I loved
tered, Reid?" were lost, my brain has lain in darkness, I can
"Aruna," said Reid, "this is the lady whom " I have something important to say, as soon remember nothing, neither my own name wr
the chief expects. Tou have yonr orders," as you are at libertv." the name of my lover. But if I meet him I
The girl, who was a rather pretty Malay, ' Go !" said the Shereef, impatiently, waving shall know him. Yes, yes, yes; I am sure of
made a low salaam, and turning to Nellie asked his hand, " I will come soon to the judgment that."
" You need not fear Zarina, sweet maiden,"
her in very good English if she wished for any- hall, and you may wait for me there."
" The affliction she speaks of
thing. Reid turned away, grumbling a little, and the said the Shereef.
" Nothing except liberty," replied the pris- Shereef again turned to Nellie. drove her mad, but she will do you no barm,
oner, sadly, " and that you cannot give me." "Child," he said, "you will learn before you and will be a companion to you. There is noth-
The Malay girl shook her head. have been long in my city that I have only to ing I have ever repented so much as the calam-
" You will not answer questions which may lift my finger to be obeyed. The Malays fear ity which drove her mad, for no more beautiful
be asked you, Aruna," said Reid. " When the me so, that if I bade one of them east himself woman than Zarina, not yourself even, lives on
Shereef comes he will tell the lady all she need from the highest wall of the palace he would earth to-day."
knaw." obey me. My will is law; I speak, and they He turned quickly on his heel and left them,
The girl nodded to signify that she under- obey." going down into the great hall, where Tom Reid
stood,and Reid bowed respectfully to Nellie "You will find in -me one who will not be was pacing up and down in deep thought.
" It is closing in upon us, Shereef," declared
and went out. obedient, sir. More than that, my friends will
"Will my lady eat?" asked the Malay maiden, leave no stone unturned to rescue me," the man. "I begin to think that it is time to

The Yankee Rajah.
realize, and in some other land reap the benefits that we will see what had better be done with " Oh, you darned fools, do you think I am the
of our years of labor. The men armed against our enemies at Godong Beg." man to be caught napping?"
us now are not the soft Orientals, but men of my And for three days the city was the scene of As he spoke there was a slight trembling un-
race, who will fight while there is blood in their unholy orgies, but such as tbey had often der the keel of the schooner, and the smile
veins." passed. Blood was shed, bodies were cast into deepened on his face, while a wild cry broke
"I must bend this girl to my will before I go. the sea, but the Black Shereef sat serenely in from the lips of the Malays inshore, who were
Zarfaa has fallen in love with her, and perhaps his palace, and concocted a plan which he hoped waiting for the others to take position. The
it is best." would free him from his enemies, led by the schooner, without a wind, without a sail, be-
"Poor Zarina," said Eeid, a subdued light Yankee Rajah. gan to glide swiftly through the water toward
upon life dark face. "1 wonder, sometimes, the open sea. The oars dropped from their
that God has suffered us to live and prosper so CHAPTER X. palsied hands as this strange phenomenon took
long," SAIIJNG WITHOUT WIND —THE DESTRUCTION OF place and a ringing laugh broke from the lips
" Bab Make your report and let nie under-
! THE MALAY FLEET. of the Rajah.
gtand what it is you fear, and stop preaching." The Black Shereef slept in a room half-way "Row on, you dogs," screamed Reid, wild
" I fear nothing, Shereef. I have carried my up a tower looking out upon the harbor. On with rage. "Though he can sail without a.
life in my hand too long to greatly care how the night after the great feast he retired to his wind, I'll bavo that schooner or sink along-

soon I lay it down," was the hot reply. rooms early, but not to rest. Dismissing his at- side
" Go on, tben; let me know bow you have tendants, he flung open the casement, and draw- Scarcely had he spoken when the proa on the
obeyed my orders." ing a luxurious divan close to the low window- right was seen to heave up suddenly from the
Reid gave a rapid account of the battle with si II, he reclined upon it, looking out upon the sea while cries of horror were heard and the
the Tokio and the manner in which Elleu was heaving sea.From this tower he had a range long craft began to settle rapidly and in a mo-
captured, together with the destruction which for miles in the direction of Godong Beg, and ment more went down. leaving the men to bat-
was done by the Mystery. even as he gazed he saw, shimmering on the tle with the water, A
moment later and the
" Then the man who navigates that craft must horizon, the white sails of a craft of some two others except that of Tom Reid sunk in the
be a skillful engineer," declared the Shereef, description. Catching up a night glass be same remarkable way.
"for I do not believe iu necromancy. I will leveled iu at the sail, and recognized the Wave Reid was no coward, but such a strange fa-
meet him by skill as great as bis, I iiope, and Witch. A
wild cry of joy came to his lips. tality as this might have appalled the stoutest
drive him from these seas. You have done your " 'Tis her, by all the Malay gods!" he hissed. heart, and the Malays in his boat suddenly
work well, Reid, and I cannot find fault with " Oh, if the wind goes down; if that sly dog will turned the proa, and, bending to their oars,
you. And now I give the Malays into your only give us time to get round him !" began to row with all their strength toward the
charge, and you must keep them in order and He clapped his hands and a slave ran in. harbor. In vain Tom Reid stormed and threat-
see that they do not run amuck. I suppose that "The Shereef Reid," be cried. "Tell him to ened and even drew his weapons on them but
they are frightened by the Torpedo." make haste." it was of no avail. So thoroughly were they
"Nothing will induce them to go near that The slave hurried out, and five minutes later frightened that even the fear of instant death
cursed island again," replied Reid. Reid came in hastily, half dressed, but carrying at his hands could not stop them, and the proa
" They lack the bull-dog instinct of the Anglo- his pistols in his belt and a naked sword in his dashed into the harbor.
Saxon race," said the Shereef. "Come with hand, The Black Shereef, who was watching the
me, and we will break a bottle together after I " Come here," cried the Black Shereef quick- ,
progress of events from his tower, came dasta-
deal out justice to two mutineers, ly. " Take this glass and look at yonder iug down, overturning all who came in his way,
"Who are they'" schooner and tell me who it is," and ran toward the narbor, where he sprung
"Zaraek and Amo," answered the chief. Reid took but a single look and knew the into a boat and boarded the proa with his wea-
" I suppose it is good to make an example schooner. pons in his hands,
now and then, but remember that they have " The Yankee Rajah !" he shouted. " By "Dogs and cowards!" be screamed, "turn
many friends." heaven, the fellow has good nerve to venture so again, or by all the gods I will shoot you down
"I eare not for that. Sound the signal," near us here. Do you know that the wind is in your tracks. Shall we leave our brothers to
answered the Shereef, firmly. going down and that he may be iu a trap! See die yonder? Shereef Reid, you are a coward."
Reid lif led a bugle which hung at his belt and that as I live by bread he is heading up toward
"You lie !'' hissed Reid. "I have given the
sounded a clear call. The beat of many feet the harbor as coolly as if he owned the city." best years of my life to your service, and when
followed, and the crews of the proas, a motley "Very well," said the Shereef, quietly. " Go Sou say I am a coward, I say again, you lie!
crowd of all nations, came pouring in. and get the Malays together quickly. No noise id them turn the proa and board yonder
"Zaraek and Amo, stand forth," cried the of any kind, but man all the proas in the port cursed schooner, and see who is the coward
Shereef, as he seated himself upon a great chair and let them be prepared, I will have that you or I! 1 '

at one end of the room. " I have to complain schooner, and when Marco and the Yankee The rowers stopped so utterly were they un-

of you, in that you refused to obey orders in Rajah are in my power, may nay right arm der the influence of the BlackrShereef and rowed

Shangbae." wither to the shoulder if both the dogs do not out of the passage at a mad pace, heading to-
Two gigantic Malays marched up in front of pray for death at my hands. Away with you ward the schooner, which they expected to find
the chair. and as soon as the proas are ready go out and closely engaged with the six proas which bar-
" See, my children," said the Shereef, ad- attack her." red her passage to the sea. But as they cleared
dressing the pirates. "These men have dona Reid was gone in an instant, and five minutes the harbor they saw the Wave Witch rocking
wickedly. In an hour when I needed them later hundreds of forms were seen flitting about as before on the tranquil sea; but of all the
most, they were mad with arrack, and nearly in the moonlight. The gleam of arms and a proas which had gone so boldly out to attack
betrayed the secrets of the band. What say suppressed hum told that these were men pre- her, not one was in sight. Every one had dis-
you to tbis, Zaraek?" paring for battle. Half an hour later the appeared, and the sea was dotted here and
" My lord has spoken truth," averred the dark, snakedike proas began to crawl out of the there with the heads of men swimming for their
Malay. harbor with muffled oars, bearing full five hun- lives,
" And you, Amo?" dred men, bound on an errand of vengeance. *'
What say you now, Shereef?" cried Reid.
" The Shereef cannot lie," was the answer. For, by tlni time, they knew that the tributary "Am I a coward or have we reason to fear*
" You have a pistol in your belt, Amo; draw chief who had attacked the Rajah on his way Give the word to board her, and though there
it." to Gadong Beg had been defeated, and his be death in the track I am not the one who will
The man obeyed. proas put to flight, and many of them had lost give back a step."
"Cock it." friends. The Shereef gave a signal to stop rowing and
The snap of the lock was heard, The wind went down, and then, idly rocking remained for a time in deep thought, his head
" Place your temple."
it to on the tranquil sea, lay the Wave Witch, with bent and a look of indecision on his face. At
Without a tremor the man did as he was perhaps half a dozen men on deck, and the Yan- last he spoke:
commanded. kee Rajah swinging lazily in a hammock be- " You were right, Reid," he said, quickly.
" Let us save all the men we can and get back
"There is but one thing for you to do you
who would have betrayed the great secret.
— tween the masts, with a night glass in his hand,
from time to time turning it upon the approach- to the city. They are masters on the sea, but
Fire!" thundered the Shereef. ing proas in an indolent way. we can defend the harbor yet."
The crack of the pistol was heard, and Amo " The man has gone mad," muttered Reid,
sunk dead before the chair of justice. Zaraek, who stood on the deck of the leading proa; " or CHAPTER XI.
in his turn, drew a pistol from his belt. has he indeed some reason for all this confi- THE BLACK PANTHER— A VISION OF THE PAST.
" I am ready, my
Shereef," he said. dence? I don't half like it." No time was lost, and when all was done
The Black Shereef looked at him for a mo- The proas on the wings separated and began scarcely two hundred of the hand who had
ment with a kindling eye. to crawl out to get to windward of the schooner gone out so bravely to the attack on the schooner
"You are a brave man, Zaraek. Put up and cut off her escape by sea, should the wind remained alive, and many of their bravest chiefs
your weapon for I forgive you." rise, and yet the Rajah never changed bis indo- had sunk to rise no more. The Malays hung
Zaraek returned the pistol to his belt as un- lent attitude, but, taking a long Manila cheroot their heads, for they felt the shame of this
moved as before. from a case at his side, began to smoke, tran- crushing defeat. Not one of them ctuld say
" Take up the body of Amo, children," my quilly, an amused smile upon his thin face. how the proas had been sunk, for although they
commanded the Shereef. "He sinned, but he " Tarnation cute, them critters ar'," he mmV feared that the Mystery had taken part in it,
has atoned. Bury him as a great Malay war- tered. "Wal, wal, wall this world is all a that dreaded craft had not been seen, as on for-
rior, with all the honors due to his mighty fleeting show and I reckon it is almost time for mer occasions. They remembered only that
name." the circus to open. See 'em sneak 'round us. they had felt n shock and the bottom was torn
The pirates lifted the body of the dead Malay That's right, boys—the further you get to sea out of the proas, the water rushing in so rapid-
and trooped from the great hall. Not one bad the better we like it." ly that it was impossible to stop the leak.
raised his voice to expostulate, although Amo Four of the proas lay inshore, perhaps a
It is closing in on us, Reid, "said the Shereef,
" Give orders to the men to
was a favorite among them. Tom Reid drew a league from the schooner, while the remaining in a low voice.
long breath. six aimed to secure positions of vantage. The stretch the chains across the mouth of the
"By George! I thought there would be a Bajah rolled ever in his hammock and watched harbor. We can bar the schooner out, at least. ,T
mutiny Shereef, but you have got a good these attentively as they spread out, perhaps Reid shook bis head and as the proa landed,
nerve; I'll say that much." half a mile apart, a" ] blocked the passage sea- turned aside to obey the orders, while the
" He who
rules such men must rule them by ward. Shereef, unattended, made bis way to the
the strong hand," was the reply. " Let the "I judge there'll be fun on the ocean in palace. As he passed the suite of rooms which
next three days be given to feasting, and alter mighty short order cow," muttered the Rajah. had been set aside for the use of Ellen Dar-
" :

8 The Yankee Rajah.

Tel he paused suddenly and clapped his hands, kreeses, upon the noble beast, and the room was her frame. But, with a hollow laugh, ha pushed
A moment Inter Aruna appeared. the theater of a savage battle for ten minutes, her into the cell and closed the door with a
"The white girl," be said, in a questioning in the midstof which the crack of Zarina's revol- crash, and then, opening a little wicket, put in
tone. " Has she retired i" vers was heard again and again. Such a battle alighted lamp.
"No, Lord Shereef. From her window she could only end in one way, aud the brave beast " Rest in peace," he said. "In the morning
has watched the battle, and has seen the de- fellat last, pierced by a hundred gaping wounds, I will come to you again."
struction of the proas. The lady Zarina is with but not until she had killed four men and des- He went, up the stairs rapidly, muttering to
her." perately wounded several more, and Zarina had himself, and after reaching the next floor turned
With an ejaculation of rage he pushed 0|>en fired her last shot, when the Malays turned upon aside and followed the passage for a little dis-
the doorand entered, and saw Zarina and Nellie her. But she had caught up two kreeses from tance unlit he came to the door of a strong
sitting in the window, their arms twined about the blood-stained floor, and, still intrenched be- room, which he opened by means of a key
each other, looking seaward. hind the divan, stood ready to fight to the last which he kept upon his person. He struck a
" Away, Zarina." be exclaimed, savagely, gasp. match and lighted a lamp swinging from the
" I would speak with the prisoner," "We must lose no more men," cried the ceiling, and after some search touched a cer-
Zarina arose with sparkling eyes and faced Sberoc f. " Fire upon her, and bring the mad tain part of the wall and slid back a little panel,
Mm" boidly. demon down." scarcely four inches square. From this recess
thought I told you, long ago, that it was
I " Fire at me!" said the musical voice of Nellie he drew a broad bolt, apparently made to bold
not well to threaten 01 e, Shereef. Beware Barrel, forcing herself in front of her brave de- valuables, and unclasping his rol>e, he passed
what vou do, for you know that 1 can protect fender, who strove in vain to push her aside. this belt about his body and buckled it fast.
myself." " You shall kill me before your shots reach this " That is well done," he muttered. " If com-
He took a step toward her, when she drew a brave woman." pelled to fly, there is wealch enough here for the
small silver whistle from her belt and breathed "File not a shot!" screamed the Shereef. wants of a' king. But why do I talk of flying,
through it softly, when with a cat-like bound a " The man who injures her shall die by my and why does the thought of death follow me
huge black panther sprung through the open hand. Dash in and take them alive." so closely lately? I dreamed of Arthur Cnrriug-
door and crouched at her feet facing the Shereef. As he spoke there was a commotion at the ton last night, as he looked when be walked the
The eyes of the black beast glistened like back of the room, and a man came dashing plank after the Caimcross went down, God
stars as she looked at him, and the Shereef re- through the Malays to the front, with a bare sa- help me, I had no need to murder him; I bad
coiled, half drawing his kreese. ber in one hand and a revolver in the other. It done him wrong enough."
Lay a finger on me or this prisoner and you was Tom Reid, his eyes flashing and his whole He blew out the light and stepped out, clos-
know your fate," cried Zarina. "Ha, Zadee, frame trembling with rage. ing the do.>r carefully. As he did so there
my beauty, will yon defend your mistress? If " Stand back, you hounds!" he shouted, in a stood before him the figure of a call man, with
I give her the word, she will tear you into voice of thunder. "1 have often drawn the a pale, set face, the man whom we have seen
pieces." sword beside you, Shereef, but I never did you with Saul Belton in the arrack shop at Shang-
The panther extended her white claws and better service than when I warn you not to hai, whom he called Arthur. The Shereef ut-
showed her long fangs, giving utterance to a harm Zarina." tered a cry of horror and staggered back.
snarling cry, but did not move. The Shereef " Out of the way, Reid," replied the Shereef, "Away!" he cried. "Why do you appear
trembled, for he knew that the savage brute, hoarsely. "Yon only invite your own fate." to meJ"
trained under the hand of Zarina, would spring " Have you not done this poor girl wrong "Silence," hissed the visitor. " Dare to move
upon Mm if her mistress but pointed at him. enough in your day? Back, I say, or much as a linger and you arc dead. You know me,
"Go,"saidZarina. " Something wh ispers to I have loved you, I will let you feel the temper then? vou fear me too, wretch that you are."
me that 1 should do well to let loose the beast of my blade." " What would you have?" moaned the Black
upon you, I know not how it is, but it seems With a hoarse cry of rage the Shereef drew Shereef. " Yes, yes, I fear you more than any
that the past is coming back to me, and that in lifesword and sprung forward and the blades created being. Why are you hexef'
that past yon have wronged me cruelly. "Woe crossed. Both were practiced swordsmen and " I come to vou for vengeance and ask you,
toy on if I remember all." it was hard to say which would have won the what you have done with Edith Carlysle," re-
The Shereef recoiled, and with a savage cry mastery had not the foot of Tom Reid slipped
plied the pale-faced man.
rusliod from the room. A mcraeut more and in the blood of one of the dead Malays as he A shudder passed through the frame of the
the sound of a horn rung through the palace. made a sweeping stroke. Before he could Black Shereef, but he did not reply.
He was calling the Malays to his aid, and recover a dozen of the band hurled themselves " I have followed like your shadow for seven
Zarina flung the door to and began to pile the upon him and flung him to the floor, when he 3-ears, seeking for my darling," panted Arthur,
furniture against it. The sound of hurrying was quickly bound. Zarina threw down her "but I have rot been able to learn anything of
feet could be heard in the passage, and a heavy weapons and came forward with a vacant her. Tell me, you dog, or I will cut the secret
blow struck the door. laugb, out of your black heart."
"Open this door, Zarina," cried a voice so "Ha, ha, ha, Shereef, that was a merry "I have traitors all about me, Arthur Car-
hoarse and strained that she scarcely knew it. time; I don't know when I have had so much ringtou," or you would not be here. Now that
"You shall have no mercy for this act." sport in many a day. But why do you bind I know it. is not a ghost of the dead past which
" Let me see the one, Malay or white, who Tom Reid ? he has done no harm. Ha Malays I
haunts me, I am a man again, I will drag you
dare pass this door," was the reply, as she drew —back touch not one upon whom the finger
; a prisoner and give you up to the Malays, who
her revolvers. "Stand back, Nellie; tliey may of the gods has been laid." will make short work of you, "for they hate
fire." The Shereef maile a step toward her, but one the Spirit of the Waves."
" You pan only die, Zariua, but you cannot of the Malay chieftains interposed and laid his With a sudden leap, he burled himself upon
aid me," said Nellie. "It is perhaps better to hand gently upon the broad breast of his the American, who only took one step back-
yield." leader. ward and caught him by the wrists. It seemed
"I do not care so greatly for my life as to "Listen, great Shereef," he pleaded in the to the Malay chief, that those hands were steel,
hesitate when death threatens me," was the musical voice so often heard in Oriental nations. so cold and pitiless was the gripe upon him, He
reply. " Go into the alcove yonder, and leave "It is a law of the Ruler of all things that the struggled a moment, and then uttered one wild
me to deal with these villains." one whose brain is touched shall not be held to cry for help, which rung with startling dis-
Beat in the door," shouted the Shereef. account for any evil (lone, Zarina has run tinctness through the vaulted passages. Arthur
"Down with it, I say!" a muck and killed our brothers; she has turned held him a moment and then said
The sound of axes was heard and the heavy the wrath of the black Javan panther upon us "Your hour is not yet come. I could kill
door began to splinter, and then came crashing — and yet see we, who have lost friends, say
— ; you if I would, but I leave you for the ven-
geance of the tongueless Malay, Marco. God
in, but could not fall on account of the heavy to you let Zarina go free; do not punish her,

furniture piled against it, To enter the room for we have forgiven her.' pity you when you fall into his hands."
the Malays must clamber over this heap, and " Say all the Malays thus?' demanded the And. releasing one band, be struck the Shereef
the first had scarcely showed himself above it Shereef. " Ye who would not see Zarina pun- a stunning blow in the face and vanished, iust
when he fell, shot through the brain. The ished, step forward a pace," as a dozen guards, armed and tearing torches,
others recoiled in dismay, and the girl laughed Every Malay made a step in advance. rushed into the passage. They lifted the Shereef
wildly. " It is welt," said the Shereef, inclining his and bore him into an upper chamber, where he
" Who is next?" she cried, Show yourself
head. "Go, Zarina; you shall not be punished quickly revived, when he ordered search to be
if you dare, Shereef. I will die gladly if I can this time, but beware of the next, for I swear made for Arthur Carrington in all the lower
get a shot at you first." to you that 1 will never again forgive you," parts Of the palace. The search was vain, for
Another crash was heard, and a second door, Zarina went out slowly, casting a strange the strange man had left no trace behind,
leading into the next suite of rooms, suuddenly look at Tom Reid as he lay bound before her. "Set a guard at my door," whimpered the
burst open, and the Malays came pouring in. Once she paused and made a step toward him, Shereef, " and let me get some reht. I must
Zarina dragged a heavy divan before the alcove but seemed to think better of it, turned away, have strength for the struggle which is coming,
and intrenched herself there, and two men who and was gone. if heis on my track."
led the rush fell dead by well-directed revolver " Take up these bodies and give them burial, He slept at last, but only to dream that th#
shots. sons of the Malay," was the order of the Black hands of Marco the Mute" were on his throat
" Spring, Zadee," she exclaimed, in her clear, Shereef, " Zarack, Tonadi, Malo and Terrai, I choking bim to death, while Arthur Carring-
bell-like voice. "Tear the villains limb from give the Shereef Reid into your hands. Guard ton watched his dying struggles with a pitiless
limb, my darling." him well to-night, and in the morning bring eye.
She had scarcely spoken when the body of the him to the Hall of Judgment. Ton an Den at,
black panther was seen in the air, and the long, take the power which he has held. Guard the CHAPTER XII.
lithe creature sprung into the midst of the crowd port, and if you see the schooner come again,
of Malays, who, shrieking in terror, fell back let me know." PATE OF TOM REED.
before the rush of the angry beast, but not be- He approached Nellie Darrel and caught her
fore two of them had fallen under the strokes of by the wrist. He awoke with a start and the morning sun
her powerful paws. But at this juncture the " Come with me," he said. "I will give you was streaming in at the window. As be ap-
Malays in the hall succeeded in pushing aside a. prison more secure than this." proached it something glanced by him like a
the furniture and rushed into the room. He led her through the long halls of the palace beam of light and quivered in the wall. It wai
'"The panther shouted the Shereef.
first," and into the lower rooms, where the stone walls an arrow, neatly made, and sent with a force
" EM her, I tell you, and attend to the mad girl dripped with moisture, and the air was heavy which buried the bead in the wall. He tore it
•fter." and fetid. She shuddered as he pushed open the out, and found wrapped about the shaft, this
Forty men flung themselves, with pistols and door of a dark cell, and be felt the tremor in missive:
" "

llhe Yankee Rajah. &

•' Tit the, Hla.i: Shmwf: ships should break through the line, it would cross, I might even say that I am ready to die.
110 more.
"Sleep The avengers are on your be only to meet swift destruction from their You might do me one favor, if you had any
track. Beware of the Mute Malay. Beware of guns." meroy your blaok heart."
Arthur Caning ton." " Tell me how to make your eud more bitter,
"Just Torn Reid; " but what
so," interjected
"God's curses upon them," he shrieked, is the matter with those proas, by the way*" aud I will do it," was the savage answer.
" Ara my men both Up to this time the Malays had stood idly on " Say no more, 1 would have asked you to
stamping his foot angrily.
blind and deaf that sueb things can be done?" the decks of their vessels, their weapons ready, bury your steel in my heart, and eud, by a
He rushed from the room
a rags and com- waiting for the fleet of the Rajah to appear. In single blow, all my pain. I would like to send
a message to Zarina, if —
menced a furious search, but no one had seen the center of the line was the beautiful felucca
Marco was con- owned by the Malay chief, her heavy guns all " We waste time. Open the door and fling
Arthur Carringtou, As far as
cerned, his giant form was well known, and he bearing on the channel, and on each side the him iu," screamed the villain.
had not been on the island. proas. Attracted by the words of Tom Reid Two men, armed with spears, beat back the
" I shall go mad," muttered the Shereef. the Black Shereef looked that way, and saw panthers from the grating, although they
"Tom Reid was not so far wrong when Lib that the proa nearest to the shore had settled ramped and yelled savagely, while another man
warned mo to fly. It would have been better if by the head, and appeared to be filling. There suddenly slipped the door open and signed to
he had done so. But Tom, my good, kind, was dira confusion ou board the craft, and the the Malays holding Tom Reid. They cast off
faithful henchman, at least I can take ven- men were running this way and that, looking his bands, and taking him by the shoulders,
geance upon you. Ha! what do you say, over the side and shaking their weapons fiercely pushed bim quickly into the cage, shut the
Tonan.1" at some object under the water, while the grated door dropped the bars on the outside,
"A fleetis making for the island, Shereef. others, no longer lying quietly at their anchors, and then hastily left the room so as not to look
Tli ere are seven proas and the "Wave Witch, were observed to have cut their cables and were upon his death. As they went they heard the
leads the way." darting about the harbor as if to elude some shrill yells of the panthers aud then a scream of
"The men of Gadong Beg are coming then,'' great danger. agony.
"But fear not; they "Do you know what I think, Shereef 8" said " That is over," said the Shereef coolly.
answered the Shereef. " Good -by to Tom Reid."
cau never enter the harbor if we do our duty. Tom Reid, coolly. " Unless I am very much
Lay the proas which are left broadside to the mistaken, the Mystery is in the harbor. If so, Without another thought of the man who had
channel and let every gun be loaded. We can good-by to your fleet. 1 '
fought by his side for years, he hurried out of
sink them one by one as they enter the harbor, The Shereef tore his hair wildly and uttered the palace. He found the city iu utter con-
"It shall be done, Great Prince. "Will you a fierce malediction, but at that moment the fusion, the women and children gathered in
fight beside me, or shall thy servant, Tonnn long black hull of the Mystery was seen to rise groups, and even as he looked he saw the decks
Sena), do the work?" from the sea and dash with inconceivable of his felucca swarming with men, and at a
" I trust thee, Ton an. Go tby way, and may velocity against the side of another proa, glance he knew them; not Papuans or Sodlooe,
the Malay gods direct thy guns," answered the through which she seemed to pass half-way. but the men of Gadong Beg, who were training
leader. Then the strange craft backed away and con- his own guns against him,
The chief bowed and hurried away, and his tinued her work of destruction, while the
leader went down to the lower cells, where the Shereef, helpless, absolutely howled with rage. CHAPTER XHI.
four men selected stood guard over Tom Re id,
" 1 told you it would be amusing," Tom Reid TnE shereef's terms— manton's proposition
" Bring out the prisoner," he said, " Let him said, laughiug heartily. "Ever so much —
be led to the east tower." obliged to you for bringing me up here. No Saul Beltoh, with his fleet, had lain quietly
Reid, with, bis hands bound, was led up the matter what you may do to me, I have the outside the harbor, until the work of the Mys-
stairs and reached the tower. blessed satisfaction of knowing that the Rajah tery had been done. He was too wise a war-
"Bring him to the window," the Shereef com- is sure to win a victory over 3r ou and your rior to trust his shipping inside the harbor,
manded. " How, Reid, look out to sea and tell Malays." when, without danger, he could insure the de-
rue what is there.
5 ' " It you speak another word I will cut you struction of the fleet."
Tom glanced seaward and smiled. There, in down," screamed the Shereef. Harry Castleton had been eager to follow the
full view, led by the Wave Witch came the
" Don't do that. This is fun for m«, consider- Mystery into the harbor at once, but had been
fleet of the Rajah of Gadong Beg. At a glance ing the faot that you brought me here toiiai r >w restrained by the wise counsels of Yankee
he saw that the decks were crowded with men, up my feelings. There be goes after another." Rajab, and as the proas went down one by one,
and that they were heading for the channel. The Mystery seemed directed by a madman. be was satisfied that the delay was useful.
She dashed wildly along the surface of the har- " Look yonder, " cried Soul Belton, at last
"You know them, Reid. It is that cursed " There's the signal fur us to come on."
Yankee Rajah, coming to attack us, Had you bor, dived into tte clear depths, and then came
been true to me you would have led the de- dashing up like a whale froui his soundings, As he spoke a 11:)^ was showed at the en trance
fense, but as it is, you shall see us destroy them, throwing the water high into the air and reveal- —
to the harbor a black flag, with a blood-red
and then I shall order you cast into the den of ing the long cylinder of the hull aud the sharp hand in the center.
beak which protruded from the bow. The bul- " The way is clear for us now," asserted the
the black panthers. You have seen what a
black panther can do." lets which the desperate Malays discharged^ at Rajah. " Make sail, Marco."
Reid looked at him with a smile which had no the strange craft flew harmlessly into space and The mute made a signal to the second mate
fear in it. the Mystery hurled herself bodily against a and the schooner stood boldly into the harbor,
"Let's sit down to it, Shereef," he said. " It third proa, tearing her way through her sides closely followed by the other craft. As they
is only fair that I should get my pay for serving as if they had been paper. came iu view of the town they saw a large
such a black-hearted dog as you are. Here, Then she backed away, leaving the proa to party of old men, women and children climb-
siuk, and disappeared in the waves. Five min- ing a lofty hill b»hiad the city, evidently intent
Malay: wheel up that divan,"
The Malay stared at him a moment and then utes after the fragments of another craft were upon flight,
a -RTo've got the devils scared, anyhow," said
wheeled the divan iu front of the window, scattered on the waves, and only the felucca of
where Tom seated himself coolly. The fleet of the Black Shereef remained. the Rajah. " They are on the run at last."
Saul Belton held on steadily for the channel, "Well done, Mystery," cried Reid. "Now The fleet rounded to in front of the palace
but when half a. league away the Wave Witch wb will see what comes next," and trained their guns upon it. Scarcely had
went up into the wind and lay to, and the proas The Mystery had come to the surface and lay they done so when a boat, bearing a white flag,
did the same. idly rocking on the waters of the harbor, not pulled away from the steps and approached the
"There 13 going to be sport," Reid asserted, far from the large felucca, while the Malay Wave Witch, It carried three Malay captains,
quietly. " It will amuse me to watch it." chief was making desperate efforts to bring a whom the Rajah recognized as well-known
" And I, too," said the sweet voice of Zarina, gun to bear upon her. But, just aa he was pirate leaders under the Black Shereef,
about to Are, the Mysteory darted suddenly for- " So, so," he said. " They are ready to treat
as she entered and seated herself on the divan
next to Tom Reid. "Why
don't you bring ward and the ball went plunging into the sea now. Come on board, you thieves."
Nellie; it would amuse her, too, Shereef." just where the Torpedo had been a moment be- The embassy stepped proudly over the rail,
"She shall come, by Heaven," hissed the fore. Then, with wild cri s of fear, the crew and the Rajah, accompanied only by Marco,
Ma ay Prince. " Go Z arack take this key and forsook the vessel and hurled themselves into went to meet them.
" Why do you eorno bere, sons of the Malay*"
i , ;

open the seventh cell in the lower pa»sage and the harbor and the ship drifted toward the
bring the white girl here." shore. A
short laugh from Tom Reid announced he demanded.
" We are sent by our great master, the Black
Zarina mauaged to lay her hand upon the the termination of the action, and the Shereef
turned fiercely upon him. Shereef. He sks why the Rajah of Gadong
wrist of Tom Reid and pressed it softly. He

"Now for my promise," he said, hoarsely. Beg comes to oestroy his fleet and frighten our
knew that he had a friend.
In a. few moments Nellie appeared, led by the "Away with him, Malays; to the den of the women and children »"
pautbers." " I will say that your cussed Shereef has got
Malay, and by the orders of the Shereef a cbair
vcas nushed up to one of the windows and she Reid sprung suddenly forward, and raising good cheek. Didn't he just try to play the same
was seated. his manacled hands, struck the Shereef furiously game on me?"
" He did this because the Spirit of the Waves
"Yonder are your friends," sueered the pi- over the head, aud brought bim to the floor
destroyed our fleet off Borneo and sunk the
rate, "and they dare come here to brave my like a log, the blood streaming trom under his
power. You shall see how well tliey will be mask. But lie was On his feet in an instant, aud proas near Gadong Beg three days 0{;o."
met. That is the schooner of the Yankee Ra- assisted iu dragging the unfortunate man into ''That is all pure foolishness, Malay. Now
jah, and with him is the yoangAuierieau wbuiu the lower part of the pakce, where they stopped you understand, just as well as 1 do, that you
you love and your father. You shall see me before a barred door, behind which the long wouldn't have left a man alive in Gadong Beg
shining bodies of two black panthers, either of if you could have got in. Ain't that so, nowr
destroy them utterly." " My master speaks by my mouth," replied
" Perhaps," muttered Tom Reid. them as stroug as Zarina-s dead pet, were seen.
" Yonder channel is full of torpedoes attached At the sound of voices they leaped up and clung the Malay, ignoring the words of the Rajab.
to chains. When they enter they will strike to the bars, and "looked at the comers with "He says: 'I have sent away those who are
these chains and be blown into the air," the hungry eyes. weak, but the strong warriors will stay aud die
Shereaf asserted. " They have not been fed for two days, Tom," upon the threshold of the city before a foot of
Oh, if I could warn them," gasped Nellie. said the Shereef, showing bis white teeth be- an enemy shall be placed in the palace. You
" They don't seem to need ity' declared Tom neath the mask. "What do you say to the have beaten us upon the sea, but if you attack
us on the land you will And that the Malay
lie id. "The man who catches Paul Belton nap- prospect?"
kreese is sharp.'"
ping must rise early in the morning, 1 tell you." "I have nothing to say," was the quick reply. " We don't scare, old man," replied Belton.

v "Could I clear my conscience of one bad act,

" Silence," hissed the Shereef. See how my '

" Go to your master and say that we must have

proaa lie, girl. If by any fortune one of the when I aided you in the attack on the Cairn-
; " "

10 The Yankee Rajah.

his pfi lace, just to search it. Whatever prison " Histt" ha whispered, raising bis hand, " In the wicket in the door was pushed open and the
ers he has will be taken away and any property the face of desperate danger I come to save you Black Shereef looked in. HiB wild cry ci rage
which looks as if it was stolen will bo ours." from the hands of these Malay dogs." rung through the corridor, as, flinging the door
"There is in the palace of the Shereef a " Richard Manton 1" she gasped. open, he came rushing in, his eyes blaring
maiden fair as the sun, whom
he loves. For " Ay, Richard Manton, the man you rejected through his mask.
her sake he has made
the Rajah of Gadong Beg for that young sailor, who has done nothing to " Black dog," he cried, " do you dare the ven-
his enemy, and he cannot give her up. There is, save you." geance of the Black Shereef? Help— bo! Seize
besides her, Zarina, a woman more fair than she, " It is false," she cried, in on indignant tone. this villain, and to the panthers with him. Let
upon whom the finger of the Great Spirit has "Even now he is in the harbor, ready to do his bones tie with those of tbe traitor, Tom
been laid. You shall have Zarino, if you will" battle for my sake. You have no right to villi- Reid."
" No; we must have the palace and all which fy him, Captain Manton." A dozen Malays rushed together upon Marco,
it contains, prisoners and all." "I care nothing for him," was tbe haughty but his giant form seemed to grow larger as he
"The Shereef will laugh you to scorn. He respouse, "but what he has failed to do 1 am faced them, and seizing the foremost by the
would sooner die upon the threshold of his pal- ready to perforin this night." shoulder and waist he whirled him in the air and
ace than give it up to you. Have you no better " How did you come here?" hurled him like a hall into the midst of the ad-
answer than this?" " By betraying my trust. The Black Shereef vancing pirates. Before they could recover
" No," was the abrupt reply, has been my friend, and it was for me that you from this strange attack he burst through the
"Remember that when tbe Shereef runs were taken. But your fatal charms, which ranks and gained the corridor, closing and bar-
a muck he does Look at Marco; in
evil deeds. have driven me mad, proved too much for him, ring the door. His hollow laugh sounded
an evil hour he braved our leader, and his and lie refused to give yon up to me. I have through the hall as the feat was accomplished,
tongue was torn out by the roots. Take tbe used my knowledge of his palace to reach you, and then the sound of burrj'ing feet could be
gold and jewels Which I offer you, take Zarinft, and — heard as he hastened away. The Shereef ac-
and go; then we shall be friends." " Liar!" cried
a ringing voice. tually bellowed with rage as he dashed open the
" I give you half an hour to open the doors of Manton started, and with a cry of rage drew secret door and gained another passage; but all
the palace. At the end of that time I shall a revolver and looked this way and that for the search was Vain, for Marco had made his es-
Open fire, if I do not hear from you." speaker. But no one was in sight. cape. ____
The Malay who had acted as spokesman " Who spoke?" he cried. " Is there a spy
bowed gracefully and stepped into his boat, fol- upon me, even in this palace? Wait; I w will CHAPTER XIV.
lowed by his companions. They proceeded to come to you again. —
the palace and were met in tbe doorway by the He
darted through the secret door and closed Ttte Malay Chieftain came back panting for
Shoreef. it,and for half an hour Nellie stood there alone, breath, and breathing maledictions upon all his
" What do they demanded.
offer?" he alternating between hope and fear. At last the enemies—and he had many— aud among them
"You roust give up the palace and your pris- door opened again, and Manton appeared, bis all he feared Marco most, next to Arthur C«-
oner and trust to their mercy." eyes flashing fire, rington; and now both these vindictive men
" And wtwt say you, sons of tbe Malay?" " I could not have been deceived, and I am were on bis track.
" That we will fight while one of us can lift a sure I heard the voice of a man who hates me, " You are no longer safe here, girl," he cried,
kreese, and die as warriors should but we will
; but with all my search about the palace 1 can- catching her by the wrist. " Come witb me,"
not surrender." not find him. It is well for him that I could He led her through the halls to his own rooms
"Do you speak for all the warriors?" not get him within reach of my pistol, or his and made her seat herself. He too sat down near
" Yes," was the firm reply. interference would have ended quickly. Now her, witb the air of a man whose miud was
" Then all is well. They are strong, but we listen to my plans. I can enter this palace made up.
shall prove to them that they cannot win us when and to-night, when all is quiet, I
I will!
" My enemies are gathering about me fast,"
easily. What say the men to the death of will come and set you free." he said, "
but I shall Talk them yet."
Shereef Heidi" " Where will you take me?" asked Nellie. " You would do well to give me up, aiid they

" They say as I do death to all traitors; he " No matter for that. I save you only on the will trouble you no more," she averred.
has found a fitting tomb in the maw of the black condition that you promise upon your sacred He uttered a snarl like that of a wild beast,
beast of Java." honor, to be my wife tbe moment we set foot and rose suddenly and shook a threatening fin-
The Shereef drew a long breath, for he had in a civilized port. Will you give me this pro- ger in her face.
feared that the death of Raid might have made mise?" " Before I saw you, girl. I was a happy man,
him enemies, and he could not afford to have any " You ask too much," she replied, coldly. I was master of all around me and victorious in
one torn against him now. " I distrust a roan who can make such terms all 1 undertook. But now you see me, baffled,
"Go back again, oh, captain," he said, "and with a woman in deadly peril, as I am. No; I beaten, and all on your account."
speak to tbe Yankee Rajah, Tell him I ask but will not promise to be your wife I never could
" I am glad to hear it."
one day to decide whether I will surrender or be happy with one who takes advantage of my " Beware what you say. I have read in the
not. When the sun rises again if my flag still danger to wring such a promise from me." book of your worship that the strong man of
waves upon the eastern tower, bid him do his "You are mad, girl, he said, in a hoarse Israel, Samson, pulled down upon his enemies;
worst," voice. " Do not forget that I have loved you the walls of their temple, and died with them
The captain made the usual salutation, turned long, and in love and war all things are fair. there. Sooner than see you torn from me, I
upon his heel, went back to the schooner and de- You must yield: ic is the only hope you have. will die as he died."
livered his message. Do you prefer the love of the Black Shereef to "Why not yield like a man, when you are
" I s'pose the skunk wants time for some devil- mine!" beaten f she demanded.

try," averred Saul Belton, "but never mind. "He is a tiger, I know," she answered, " but " Never. I bave periled all on the chance oC
He shall have the time he asks." from such a. man only evil deeds are looked for. winning you, and I will have 3 ou or perish.

The Malay sprung again into his boat and You have it in your power to earn my undying And if I cannot get your love, no one else shall.
hurried back. The Shereef smiled grimly as he gratitude. My father and my lover are in the Yes, your lover is there, and he shall see you
beard the answer. harbor, and you can use your power to place die if he persists in bis attempt to force bis way
" He is a greater fool than I thought him. Of me in safety with them. My love, Captain iuto the palace,"

one thing he may be assured sooner than give Manton, you can never have," " He would sooner witness my death than see
up that girl I will kill her with my own hand, He stood glaring at her like a tiger about to roe your prey, wretch. Do your worst, for I
I have dared too much for her sake to lose her spring, but said not a word for some moments. defy you," cried tbe brave girl.
now. Who has seen Zarhla*" At last be spoke, and his voice was so hoarse The Shereef clutched at his throat as if chok-
" She was here but a moment since," answered and strained that she would not have recog- ing, and his eyes rolled fearfully. The next
one of the Malays. " Something strange has nized it. moment he caught ber in bis arms, dragged her
happened to her! Oh, Shereef. At times it " Have your way, then, since it must be so. to a strong room, into which he thrust her
seems as if tbe finger of the Great Ruler had If you prefer the love of this savage chief to hastily, locked tbe door upon her, and placed a
been lifted, and that she remembers what she mine, I am not the one to balk you in your guard at the door.
" There you are safe, my lady,' he said.
" It
was." chaste designs. But I give you this last chance.
"Let her dare to come in my path, and I At twelve to-night 1 will come to you for your is well I did my work quickly, or I should have
would not hesitate, to give her the fate which answer; if you give me the same then, 1 will been tempted to kill her where she stood. Why
has fallen upon Reid. Keep good watch, Tonan abandon you to your fate," do 1 think of Zarina and the ship Cairncross to-
as for me, I have work to do. and must not be " It is useless for you to come; you bave my day? Is it because that was my first great
disturbed unless they break the truce." answer now." crime, and my fate is near at hand Now then,

He went up to his rooms and entered, locking " Perhaps you may change your mind when Malay, what do you want?"
the doors behind him, and was seen no more for m
your fate sta res y ou the face. You may thin k The captain who bad been sent to give the an-
some hours. What he was doing no man knew, that your lover can save you, but I tell you that swer of the Shereef to tbe Rajah had suddenly
but they thought he was making plans for de- the Shereef will kilt you before he will givB appeared before him.
" I have seen the Rajah again, and with him
fense. you up to Harry Castleton. For the present,
In the meantime Nellie had been returned to I bid you good -by," a Barsakaw whose face is terrible to look upon,
her prison. She had seen the downfall of Tom He passed through the secret door, closed it and who gave me a message for you," the
Reid, but did not know tbe horrible fate to with a sharp click and was gone. Ten minutes Malay said.
which he had been given. She sat in the narrow later the door again opened and another face
" Did he give a name?"
cell, her head resting on ber hands, when she looked in. It was a dark face, but not uncomely, "No," was the reply.
heard a slight clicking sound in the wall behind the face cf Marco the Mute. He looked at her " What is tbe message?"
her and started to her feet, What could it attentively for a moment and made rapid ges- " He said: Seven years ago
the ship Cairn-
mean? tures by which she understood that he could not cross was treacherously destroyed upon this
Tbe clicking sound, similar to that of clock- speak. He thrust his hand into the breast of his coast and the captain and crew walked the
work, continued for a moment, and then a part sarong and produced a note, which he banded plank."
of the wall seemed to give way and slid aside, her. She tore it open rapidly and read these The Shereef nodded slowly,
" I was one of the victims. Since then I
and tbe form of a man stepped into the opening. words:
A single glance was enough. It was Richard "Trust Marco; he cannot speak, but his heart is have followed you like a Nemesis. I might have
Manton, whom
she had not seen since that night true as steel. Do as he bids you, my darling, and killed you a hundred times, but your hour had
in Shanghae, when, by the aid of Saul BBlton, you will be saved. Harry." not yet come. That you may know who 1
she bad been rescued from the hands, of ber ab- Nellie pressed her lips to the missive and am, and what you have to fear, I send you
ductors, turned to Marco, Before she had time to speak this."
" ;

The Yankee BajaK IX

The Malay handed him a metallic case, which, shower of musket balls. Once he staggered, as what you have done, Owasso," demanded the -

when opened, revealed the face of a young ana if hit,but recovering, gained shelter of the sea rover.
handsome man in the dress of an officer of the palace wall and disappeared from sight, while " I gave him the kreese after be had read the 1

U. S. Navy. triumphant yells from the warriors on shore an- paper. He cried out, Tell him he lies like a

A wild cry burst from the lips of the Malay nounced the delight they took in the red deed dog!' and I struck him, Then I plunged into
leader, and he dashed the picture to the earth of their comrade. the water and made my escape by swimming."
and ground it beneath his heeL " Bind up njy arm, Tanais," he said bo a com- " You have done nobly. Hark; what is that
"The curse of Mahmoud upon his head, it is rade, extending bis right arm, which had been sound!"
my deadly enemy, and I have work to do, for pierced by a musket bullet, " This kreese is " It is the shout of the advancing men, Tay
of all meu I have hated in my time, there is red with the blood of the Spirit of the Wave. master," replied the Malay chief. "The enemy
none whom I hated so much as this man. He will trouble us no more," comes to assail us."
Where did you meet him?" The palace rung with yells of delight, which "My armor there," cried the Shereef.
"On the deck of the Wave Witch." quickly brought the Shereef to the spot, and " Where is my sword? ak, here it is."
"It is well. Here I take ray stand, behind Owasso drew ais form proudly erect. He caught down a shirt of fine mail from the
the walls I have built up, and will fight until I " It is done, Shereet," he said. " Mj kreese wall and put it on quickly. Five minutes later,
can fight no more against my enemies. Per- pierced the heart of the Wave Spirit as he with his sword in his hand and pistols in ui&
haps is would be better to fly and wait for bet- boasted of bis deeds." belt, he rushed out and joined his men, who
ter times. I did not dream that it was Arthur The chieftain drew from his finger a ring were in the outer court, resting on their arms.
Carrington whom I met in the corridor The — worth the ransom of a prince and pressed it The attacking force had already landed, and
villain still lives." upon the finger of the Malay. were marching to the attack. In front came
" We
have no proas. The Spirit of the Wave " Talis it," he said, ''not as a reward, but as the crew of the Tokio, armed with cutlasses and
has sunk them all and we cannot ily," said the a remembrance that you have dune a noble pistols, and beaded by Harry and Ned Stacey.
captain. deed ant one which may save us. let us once Behind them came the men of the Rajah, in
" Look you, Malay. He who can bury his drive ax ay these dogs who beset us and I will three divisions, variously armed, but in good
kreese in the bosom of the man who sect me think of a nobler reward. What do you waut condition, and full of fight.
this message will have slain the Spirit) of the here, Zarina? I am not in a miod to talk with " Boarders away!" yelled Ned Stacey. " Alt
Wave and until he is dead, there is no safety any save this chief, who" has slain Arthur Car- you Tokios prepare to board,"
for the Malays." rington, " With a revolver in each band the Tokio's men.
"If I had known that," cried the Malay cap- "Ha!" charged straight up to the gate of the puluoe,
tain, "I would have slain him where he stood." The
lips of the strange girl were parted and no one drawing his cutlass yet, and waiting for
" Would that you had, there was a wild look jn her eyes. Something the appearance of the enemy before they opened
" I will do it now. Let me go back, and I iu the name, whatever it might be, had awak- fire. Grouped within the doorway, their wea-
swear by the spirit of my father that he has ened her dormant memory. pons in their hands, stood the grim Malay fol-
not long to live." " Arthur, Arthur," she murmured. "Where lowers of the Shereef, aud a wiihering volley
''Go, Owasso," said the chief, "but bear in have I heard that name? What had his life to was poured into the ranks of the advancing
mind that they will kill you." do with mine in the forgotten past? Killed, you sailors. Every man fell, but the wild cries or
"I am ready to die, if by so doing I can say? Murdered by this man? Why was it delight had scarcely ceased to sound when they
avenge the death of brother." my done?" were on their feet again and on the charge.
The eyes of the Black Shereef gleamed with a She fingered the dagger ia her belt in a con- They had only obeyed a command from Harry-
strange light. If lie could induce the Malay to vulsive way and looked at Owasso with threat- when they dropped to escape the first volley,
kill this man, whom he so hated, it mighlbe well ening eyes, and he shrunk back. and they were too near the gate to give the
with him yet. " There is death in her eyes. Oh, Shereef," he enemy a chance to reload.
" I will give you a message to him," said he, said, "I bid you beware of her." "Give it to them, lads!" cried Harry. " Let
quickly, "and while he reads it, you can plant " Woe to you if I remember," she cried, with them see what Yankee tars can do!"
your steel in his heart." a threatening gesture, " But for the present I The revolvers began to crack, and, aimed at
He caught up pencil and paper from a table letyou go free." the crowded ranks within the gateway, did
and wrote rapidly for five minutes. Then he £>he turned from them and passed into her awful execution. At close quarters the revolver'
folded and directed it to " Arthur Carrington own apartments, which were next to those of is a terrible weapon and one which the Malays-
On board the Wave Witch." This note he the Shereef. As she passed in she saw the Ma- had never yet seen in use. They fell in heaps,
handed to the Malay, and kissing the hand of lays standing guard at the door of the room in and the Tokios charged up to the very gateway,
his master, thedevoted wretch retreated quickly which Nellie was imprisoned, and half paused. when they found foemen worthy of their steel.
and made his way toward the schooner. As "No, no," she murmured, " I cannot help her In the center of the gateway stood the Black
before, he was received on board, and tho now, but the time is not far off. The measure of Shereef, a sword in his right hand and a long,
Rajah, this time accompanied by Arthur Car- the crimes of the Shereef is nearly full aud his dagger in his left. His face was still concealed,
rington, stepped forward to meet him. fate is close at hand." but his figure was so commanding tbatall knew
" The message is not for you this time, Rajah Aletter lay on the floor near the door of her that the chief was before them.
of Gadong Beg," said the Malay, "It is to this apartment, and she picked it up mechanically, A terrible battle took place in the gateway.
man I must speak." lb was the note sent on the arrow to the Shereef Three men in succession, who encountered the
He pointed to Arthur as ho spoke, and at the and she opened and read it. pirate leader, fel under his trenchant blade,,
same time drew from the breast of his sarong —
" That name again tRe name of a murdered until Harry, thrusting the others aside, boldly*
the paper given him by his leader. man, which haunts me like a dream, but half assailed him,
" I am to
give this paper to the man known —
forgotten! The Cairncross what had I to do —
" Welcome oh, welcome !" cried the hoarse
to the Spirit of the Wave, Art
Malays as the with that ship? My brain will go wild if I voice of the Shereef, "1 have looked for you
thou he he asked,

' think of it, and I wonder that I did not kill long, myson,"
" I do not know why I should hide it longer," Owasso when he boasted that he stabbed Arthur The blades hissed together and the pirate
replied Carrington. " Give me the letter; I am Carrington. Hal the Shereef is here I" fought confidently, as a man fights who feels
the man you seek." She suddenly confronted the chief as he came that victory is only a question of time. But
"Wait. Art tbou he who guides the spirit through the hall with Owasso and the other Scarcely had they exchanged a dozen passes
boat under the sea, which has been so long the Malay chiefs in the company, and showed them when he knew that if he conquered Harry Cas-
Malay scourge?" the open letter in her hand. tleton he must put out all his skill. His men
"Yes, yes," replied Arthur, impatiently. "Hear me, Shereef," she said, "you who were hard put to it to hold the gate, for the
"I am the man." alone know the story of my
life, why is it that sailors were pressing tbem warmly and giving
"I wouldn't brag: of it too much before the the name of Arthur Carrington and of the ship them all they could do. It was only by sheer
Malays," said the Rajah. " They ain't got any Cairncross awakens such strange memories? force of numbers that they were able to hold
particular love for you, anyhow,'' Speak." back the Tokio's men, and U.e forces of the Ra-
" I do not fear the Malays. Give me the let- " The girl is mad," cried the Shereef, recoil- jah were rapidly pressing up to join in the at-
ter." ing, " and must be put under some restraint," tack.
You have made many widows, Child of the " Let no man touch me i£ he values life. I " Make way there^make way," cried a sharp,
Sea," said the Malay. ' Do you never feel sad may —
be mad I fear that it is true, but some- imperious voice. " The Black* Shereef is mine::
when you (Link of that?" thing impels me to demand an answer. Who let no one dare to touch him !"
Not when such wretches as you and your
1 '
am I, and what was he to me, this Arthur Car- As he heard that voice the Shereef trembled
comrades suffer. Come; do not dally," was the rington whose name is written here?" and his point sunk, for it was the voice of Ar-
impatient answer. He made a sudden spring and seized her by thur Carrington, Harry took advantage of the
"The Malay, in a
letter is yours," said the the wrists. moment to make a furious thrust, which struck
peculiar tone. " Take it," " Now, you tiger cat, I have you. No more him fully on the breast, and the cutlass snapped
Arthur snatched the paper eagerly and tore of my men shall be killed ia your inad fits." like a reed upon the woven mail. With a cry
it open. At the first word, he gave a great cry of delight the chief drew back his elbow for a
and raised his hands to heaven, CHAPTER XV. fatal thrust, when a cutlass interposed and
" Ha lies !" he cried, fiercely, as he turned to threw up the blade.
THE BATTLE IN THS GATEWAY—HED STAGE Y'S " Out of the way, captain. Find a sword and
the astounded Malay. "Tell him he lies like a
dog, and that I said so!. Will you doit?" SHOT— MARCO AND ARTHCK. pitch in somewhere else."
"I will speak, spirit," replied the Malay. Zarina struggled madly in the ShereePs It was stout Ned Stacey who spoke.
* Read it to the end, grasp and tried to free herself, but he held her " You are a nice duck, I don't think," he said,
Arthur again eawt his eyes upon the paper, hrmly, while he called Owasso to his aid, and as he fired a revolver straight at the breast ot
when the Malay gathered himself like the black they bound her, hand and foot. the Shereef. "That will try your mail, I
panther for his spring. A long kreese flashed " I almost wish that Arthur Carrington still reckon."
tor a moment in the light, and before any one lived," cried the Shereef, savagely, "that he The Shereef staggered buck and fell, and the
had time to interfere darted at the breast of the might see me avenge myself. Away with her, Tokio's men darted forward to secure bim. But
unsuspecting man, A cry of agony sprung to Owasso; put her in that strong room where the the Malays, roused to desperation, charged furi-
the lips of the Rajah as the murderer plunged white girl was, lock the door, aud give me the ously and actually swept the sailors out of the
into the sea and made his escape, swimming key." gateway. Owusso caught up the chief and raised
Hke a fish under water, and rising, but once be- Zarina was thrown into the room indicated, him.
fore he gained the shore. Then, shaking the and the door locked upon her. "There, there," he said, quietly; "I'll be all
blade at the schooner, he darted away amid a " She is secure, at least. Now tell me again right in a moment. Retreat into the palace,"
" : " "

12 The Yankee Rajah..

The Malays made a nisb, bearing the Shereef stones were piled up, apparently blocks which " If I could find Zarina we would know where
in their midst, and before the Tokios could re- had been rejected by the workmen in building the prisoner is confined. Let toe go alone and
alize what they were doing, their enemies were the palace. Marco mounted to the top of the take the chances. In the confusion whick now
safely ensconced behind the iron -studded door of pile and laying his hand upon the point of one reigns, I may Ixj able to do something."
the palace. When the edifice was erected the of the blocks, gave it a push. The stone re- He had scarcely spoken when a low whistle
Shereef had such an attack as this in mind, and ceded and the Mute saw before him a flight of sounded in the corridor outside.
it was built tike a fort. The doors were of a stone steps, tending downward. They entered " By heaven," he cried, " I believe Zarina is
sort of native wood, stronger than oak and at once, and replacing the stone by a touch, there, and if she is, and is not suspected, all
nearly three feet thick. The walls were eight began to advance through a passage just wide may yet be well."
feet through, built of huge blocks of stone, and enough to permit a man to pass easily. The He darted to the door and flung it open,
the lower windows were mere loopholes. The mute glided on with a step as noiseless as that while Arthur dosed the slide of the lantern.
moment they were inside a fire was opened of a cat until his course was stopped by a wall, " Hist," answered Tom Reid. " Is that you,
from the windows, which quickly dram the upon which he laid his hand, and began to feel Zarina?"
sailors behind the protection of the outer walls. along the projections. All at once a clicking " Are you there, Shereef Reid?" replied the
"We'll have to land, a howitzer, Rajah," sound was heard, and tliey could see beyond a musical voice, of the mad princess. "Yes;
said Harry. dimly-lighted room, which was apparently un- step into this room."
"That's all very well, mate," was the reply, tenanted. Zarina glided in and closed the door,
" but you seem to forget that we don't know "Look to your weapons, Marco," whispered " You are cot alone, Shereef Reid," she said,
where the gal is con fined. stray shot might A Arthur, in the ear of the Malay, "Remember suspiciously, making out the forms of the two
hit her." that there is no mercy for us, if we are taken." strangers in the half light of the room.
Harry's countenance fell. Marco pressed his hand and made no reply, "These are friends, Zarina," replied Tom
"That is true, Rajah," he asserted. " "What as they stepped into the room. Scarcely had Reid. "Wait; I have a hope iu my heart
had we better do?" they done so when the sense of hearing, which which may fail, but if 6 does not, I can make r

doors look tough, I tell you, Harry, was developed in this strange man to a won- amends or a great wrong done von years ago.

but we've got to get inside, somehow." derful degree, warned him that there was some- Do not speak, sir, but listen. Zarina, can you
At this moment they were hailed from the thing in the room beside them, and he paused, remember nothing of your past life*"
upper part of the palace, and saw the Shereef laying his band upon Arthur's breast lo keep " Only confusedly at times," she answered,
standing at a window. him back. A moment later Marco sprung to a pressing her hands upon her forehead. " There
" I want to see the Rajah of Gadong Beg," he corner of the room and was engaged in a des- are times when I seem to be sailing on the
said. perato struggle with some one. Arthur darted (.coan in a great ship, and then 1 see black
" Waal, you can't see him," roared that wor- to tho door, and having satisfied himself that proas, with the flag of the Shereef above tbem,
thy. " He's too modest and retiring, and he it wa3 closed, opening the slide of a small lan- hear the sound of battle, and after that all is
won't show up. What do you want to say f" tern which he carried, and which, by the mwe dork."
" I offer you twenty thousand dollars iu gold act of opening the slide, was lighted by a "Nothing more?"
and all the prisoners I have taken except tho chemical contrivance of his own invention, " Your face is mixed with my dreams, to-
lady, .if you will go your way and leave us in Marco was down upon the floor, his knees upon gether with the Black Shereef, and 1 see a man
peace. the breast of a prostrate figure in whom they in a uniform of blue, wearing a cap w ith gilt
" Can't be did, squire. You see, we've set recognized Tom Reid, the man whom we last cord and letters on the front. See, Shereef
our mark high, and can't give it up at a less saw cast into the den of the pantihersby order Reid; I found a letter today which nad the
figure." of his infamous chief. The creese in the hand name of a ship which troubles me strange-
" You cannot get in; our doors are
too strong, of Marco gleamed blue in the light of the lan- ly."
was the confident reply. tern Sod was about to fall, when Carringtou "The name of the ship," cried Arthur Car-
"We'll try the vartue of a howitzer and see arrested his arm. rington. " Speak it quickly."
about that,' answered the Rajah. " Do not strike," lie whispered, hurriedly. " The Cairiici'oss. Ha, who is it that speaks!"
" Try it, if you will, but I swear to you that " This is the lieutenant of that base wretch, and "I told you to be silent, Sir,'.
cried Reid,
wherever you direct your fire, at that place I he may be of service to us." " You may ruin all.''
will place the girl, and the same balls which de- " 1 am his friend no more," replied Reid. "What is this which is boiling in my brain?"
molish our wails will be death to her." " I thank God, Arthur Carrington, that your cried Zarina, pressing her hands again upon her
" By George!" gasped the Rajah. " And tho death will not be counted against ine at my d}r- throbbing temples. Let him speak again."

thief will do it, too." ingday." With a wild cry, Arthur Carrington sprung
"Get the howitzer ashore just the same," said "You know me, then?! 1
the slide of tho lantern, and fuced her.
Harry. " It may frighten tbem when they see "I have never forgotten your face as you "Vision from another wr rid," he whispered,
it. You'd better let Ned Stacey attend to went down with the rest of the passengers and " shall I callyou Edith Carlysle?"
that." crow of the Cairacross, from tho fatal plank. " The name!" she gasped. "The name I bore
Ned departed on his mission, and Marco ap- I did all I could for you, too, in loosening the in the forgotten past. And your name speak, —
proached the Rajah and made a communication bonds upon your arms, and as God is my judge, and sea if I can remember,"
in his signs. He gave veot to a long whistle. if I could have saved all those innocent men, I " Ha, Zarina hissed a voice close to her ear.

Do you think ynu could do it, Marco? You would have done so." "Have we traitors here? I will tell tlieSliereef."
know the secret passages,
1 '
"But you have followed tliia wretch ever There was a flutter of female garments, and
The Malay bowed gravely. since." said Arthur, douotfully. some one was heard running through the long
" I've a good mind to let you try it, and yet "Followed him; I have been his slave from Eassageg beyond. Marco sprung alter her, for
you know what will happen if you are taken. that hour, but in the midst of my
evil deeds, I e knew that if the woman escajied they were
They be on the look-out for you."
will have paused sometimes to ourse myself because in danger. But tho two, who stood staring at
Marco took his tablets and wrote; I did it. The man has been my curse through one another in the flaring light saw nothing,
" I shall not be taken yon may be sure of ;
life, and yet, after all I have done for him, be- except each other's face.
that, for I have a kreese and can kill myself." cause I drew my
sword to defend a brave wo- "I am Arthur Carrington," he whispered.
" Better do that than fall alive into the bands man, he had me thrown into the panthers' den, " Can you remember?"
of the Black Shereef. But you can't do any- to be torn u pieces by them.
i But for Zari n a — It struck a pang into the heart of Tom Reid
thing before dark." He paused and looked at the Avenger in a as he saw her fling herself into the aims of the
Marco wrote again strange way. man wdio had loved her so well. In that mo-
"It is near at hand. Get the big gun and "what of her; who is Zarina?" demanded ment reason came back, and i-he remembered
make a big fire in front of the palace, and they Arthur. all. Bad as he « as, Reid bad loved her honest-
will not dare to come out and I can do my "A brave woman, who, by the power she ly and well, and bad protected her from wrong
work." has gained over these savage beasts, saved many a time. But, the sound of hurrying feet
Marco stepped back, when a hand was laid my life. You had better spare me now and let broke the silence, and Marco came fly mg back.
upon his arm, and Arthur Carrington stood be- me work for you, and when all ia done, kill me Tin:- quick motion of his hands told that the
fore him. The kreese of Owasso had failed in if you will; I deserve no bettor fate at your woman had escaped.
its work. hands." " Into the passage," cried Reid. " I will show
" Do you think I will suffer it, Marco?" be " You will not turn traitor?" " Ask Marco, you the -way out, for you must escape at once."
said. "No; if you go, I must go with you, as I who is a reader of mens thoughts. Look in my Arthur Carrington raised the half-insensible
did before." face, Marco, and then tell Arthur Carrington form of his restored love in his arms, and hur-
Marco regarded him intently for a moment, whether he may trust me or not." ried into the passage. Reid followed, and Marco
and caught up his tablets. Marco released him and they rose, facing each also stepped through, but within the door he
" You have a brav» heart, Scourge of the other. For several minutes the burning gaze of stopped and drew his long kreese. Btnoing his
Malays," he wrote. " Is it not enough that one Marco was fixed upon his face, and then be knee at the feet of Arthur Carrington, he seemed
should take the chance of throwing away his turned to Arthur. to ask bis blessing, and Arthur understood that
life?" " Shall we trust him, Marco?' "The Malay he would remain to immolate himself in order
I will not suffer you to enter the palace bowed gravely, and Arthur Carrington ex- that they might estape, and to keep the pas-
alone," was the answer. tended his hand to his new ally. sage open for the others.
Making a sign of assent, Marco took his way "Let us be friends, Reid," he said, "I be- " You are a brave man, Marco," said Arthur,
aloug the wall out of sight of the palace, and lieve you when you say that the wrong you did
In my new happiness, I had almost forgotten
the two disappeared in one of the alleys in the me was in a measure enforced, for I know that that there were others to he saved, Reid, to
rear, bound upon a desperate enterprise. this demon had a wonderful power over you. yon I intrust her. Take her safely to the
Now let ua work. We are here to see if it is Rajah and tell him that we are here, to keep
possible to get Ellen Darrel out of the hands of this passage open, and you must guide him on
this ruffian before we begin the attack." the way."
Reid shook his hend gravely, " It is a hard "I will not go without you," she cried. "I
AFTER MANY DATS— TOM REID'S SELF3ACRI- task. Even I, knowing the interior of the pal- have lost you too long, Arthur."
FICE. ace as I do, have been repeatedly in danger "/ will stay," said Reid, quietly.
Maiico advanced like a man who knew the since Zarina got me out of the panthers' den. "Go, and go quickly, for I bear the sound
course he must take, and Arthur Carrington But we will do all we can, nd perhaps it may of feet already."
glided like a ghost close behind him. They be done. Let me think a minute." Arthur saw that they were wasting time.
plunged into the' thicket in the rear of the He stood in deep thought for some time and a " God be with you men," he cried. " Away,
palace and reach a place where a heap of huge last raised his head. Edith; I will follow."
The Yankee Rajah. 13
CHAPTER XVII. "Three cheers for our little beauty; give 'em ber of her reason and kept her pure. Enough!
TWO STRONG MEN —THE MASK REMOVED. with a will!" Do you surrender?"
Marco silently extended Ilia hand to Tom " Hold your fire," screamed the Shereef, rais- "Surrender! I wiB die where I stand and
Raid. Before he had been dismembered by or- ing his hand. " Let auother shot strike the only wish I could get Edith Carlysle into my
der of the Black Shereef they had been good door, and I will hurl her down upon the paving hands again long enough to take revenge upon
friends, and had fought side by side in battle of the court-yard, and you may have your her. Take thatl"
with the B bar mesa. beauty then," He suddenly fired a pistol at point blank
" We will die together," said Reid, as he drew " The bloody dog would do it," muttered Fed range, but not so suddenly hut Arthur Car-
bis sword, of which be had not been deprived Stacey. "Oh, just wait; I've got something rington who had been watching him, bad
when hurled into the den of the panthers. Here

' cooking for you, pirate." time to bow his head. Then began the desperate
they come." "Order your men to cease firing, Captain battle, where no quarter was asked and none-
There was a rush of many feet, the rattle of Castleton. It will be better for you and this given, and Arthur Currington and Richard
arms and there poured into the room at least giil if you do." Manton engaged hand to hand.
fifty Malays, carrying swords, guns and " Are you ready to treat!" demanded Harry. Both were finished swordsmen, and no man
torches. By their light they saw the secret " Yes, but not on your terms, I must dic- on either side interfered while they played as
door standing open and inside the immovable tate them, or I will kill her." coolly as if they had been fencing for a prize.
forms of the two brave men who were there to ' Cease firing," said Harry waving his hand Heedless of the battle raging about them, they
defend it. to the men. fought on, the sparks flying from their blades
" Upon them," cried the Black Shereef, chok- " Only one round more, captain," said the as they clashed together. Twice Arthur had
ing with passion. "Hew them down, for if gallant tar working the gun nearest to them, made a disengagement and as many times
they keep the door until they get help we are " and down goes the door to their old shebang." touched his enemy, but the third time he came
doomed. "He would keep his word, Carey, for the within distance he lunged home. It was only
And bow followed one of those Homeric bat- man is desperate. Now then, state your terms, the mail shirt he wore which saved Richard
Manton 's life, for the point struck bim full in
tles for which history has no niche, and yet you villain."
which deserve a place far above many deeds "land my men to march out and take our the breast, so furiously that it hurled bim to the
there set down, Two men, one a Malay, the way out to the interior of. the island unharm- ground, and before he could recover, the foot of
his enemy was on his breast and the point at
other a white man, stood side by side in a ed," said the Shereef.
righteous cause, ready to do manful battle. " If you have not murdered any prisoners in bis throat. Then half a dozen Malays, seeing
the danger of their chief, burled themselves in
They had this advantage, that not more than your hands
"To take
us whatever a body upon Arthur and forced him from the
two could attack them at once; and two de- property right-
determined men, desperate, and careless of their fully belongs to us." prostrate form of Manton, who bounded again
lives, could hold others at bay for a long time, "That would not be much, but it is granted to his feet, and before they could stop him,
no matter what their numbers. also." sprung through a side door into the large ban-
"Are you there, Tom Reid?" hissed the " We to deliver up into your hands, safe and quet hall and from thence into the lower part
Shereef. "Again I have been deceived by unharmed, all the prisoners in our possession; of the building, locking all the doors behind him
those whom I have trusted. Ten thousand not including this lady." as he fled.
" You know well that we will not treat on " I will fool the dogs yet," he muttered.
curses on your head. I thought your boues were
" Now for the other passage. Oh, if I could,
cracking under the jaws of my panthers." such terms. The first article of any agreement
" I have an account to settle with you first," mustba her surrender," replied Harry. only meet with Ellen Barrel now,"
replied Reid, swaying his Wade with the ease of " So be it, then, but there is one thing I must
long practice.
'Why do you hesitate, why insist upon, that you give up to me the woman CHAPTER XVI1L
don't you come on?" who escaped frora my palace to-night, the one AGAIN A CAPTIVE — THE AVENGER ON TUB
Two men hurled themselves upon the bold who has been know among us as Zarina." TRACK— MARCO TAKES REVENGE.
pair, their kreeses gleaming purple under the "Ha; go on." As he spoke a door was flung open and Nellie
flare of the torches. A quick cut from the " Also two fugitives from our band, Tom Reid Barrel darted in, and before she could turn to
he had her iu his grasp, with bis dagger at
reese of Marco, a thrust in low tierce from and the Malay chief, known as Marco." flee
Tom Reid, aud they are down, never to seo the " Are these your terms?" her breast,
deep sea waves again, or hear the waters splash- " Yes, and they are the best you can get." "Utter a sound and you are dead, girl," he
" Refuse them, Harry," cried Nellie, bravely, " By all the Malay gods, fortune Is not
ing uuder the bows of their proas. Their places hissed.
were quickly filled and two more of the Sea "I would sooner die a thousand deaths than all against me, since you are in my power."
Rovers had looked their last upon the sky. put that noble woman in his power again. Pi- Throwing off the heavy scarf which he wore,
Furious with rage, they crowded in together, —
rate, thief, murderer I defy you! Eire at the he muffled her face quickly and darted into the
only to impede each other more and more, and door, Harry—down with it. I will make him room in which she had been confined when vis-
offer themselves an easy sacrifice to the keen some work before he can haul me down," ited by Marco, The secret door was quickly
blades of the defenders of the passage. And with a quick motion she wrenched her- found and they passed through, closing the door
"Rush in there," roared the Shereef, "or self free from the grasp of her captor and be- carefully behind bim and setting the spring so
make way for tliose who can do better work. gan to run about the roof with great swiftness, that it could not be opened from the other side.
Ha! By heaven, the enemy have opened fire in laughing at his threats and curses. Suddenly Then, raising her again in hi* arms, he bore her
front." she turned and bounded through the opening in on for some distance in the darkness, when he
As he spoke there came a thundering crash, the roof into the room below. As she did so the stopped, and, taking off his belt, bound her
as a six pound shot plunged into the heavy outer door, literally torn from its binges by the hand and foot.
crash lug ike poured into it, fell into the hallway, " So far good, my beauty. Now, then, let ni
door of the palace. Then it was that the She-
reef realized that he had wasted too much crushing two or three men as it came down, and have light so that I can look at you," he sneered.
i, A
time in trying to force these men from their the crew of the Tokio, with wild battle yells, match was lighted and a small lamp which
places, and was attacked in front and rear. came rushing on to the charge. was placed in a niche in the wall illuminated the
" To the front," he cried. " Where axe your The Black Shereef had leaped through the room. It was close and damp, and had evident-
pistols, men; shoot them down." opening in pursuit of the flying girl, but she ly been used as a prison, for a rusty chain was
At that order the defenders stepped behind an had darted into one of the narrow halls and attached to the wall upon one side. He placed
anglB of the passage, which took a sharp turn passed from room to room, aud in the din of her in a sitting position against the wall, and
just beyond the concealed door, where they the battle he could not judge by her footsteps stood regarding her with a frowning brow.
by a pistol shot. The which way she had fled. Just as the door came " I wonder why I have spared you so long,
could not be reached " Look
Malays crowded through the opening, but as down he heard the detonation of firearms in the Nellie Darrel," he said, in a bitter tone.
soon as a head showed beyond the angle the rooms below, and soon the Malay9 who had at me and see to what love for you has reduced
owner fell, cloven to the jaws, or pierced to the been attacking Marco and Tom Reid came me. Only a few short days ago I reigned here
heart. Leaving the Malays to continue the pouring out, assailed by a strong force, headed as a prince: all men bowed to my will and
combat, the Shereef bounded up the narrow by the Yankee Rajah and Arthur Cairington. Malays paid me tribute and furnished me men
stairway, and just at the head flung open a The hall of the palace was perhaps two hun- and arms. I have risked all for your sweet sake,
door. There sat Nellie Darrel, her head bent hi dred feet in length. In the middle stood the and have lost all, save you. I have you in my
prayer, listening to the roar of the howitzer, desperate Malay band, half of them facing the power at last."
and hoping at each moment that the strong boll and struggling to keep back the rush of the "You cannot escape and take me with you,"
door would go down. Ho rushed iu and caught men of the Tokio, and the rest confronting Car- she answered, in a spirited tone,
riugton and the men of Gadong Beg. In the " Do you think so, my lady? In that you are
her in a savage grasp.
"Come with me," he cried. "These dogs fore front of this last band the Shereef took his deceived. For years I have been turning my
shall know that I am not playing with them.'
r stand, with a drawn sword in his hand. wealth into jewels, until I have two millions
" What are you going to do?" she answered, " Throw amy your mask, Richard Man ton," upon my person. I shall escape and take you
struggling with him. " You villain, loose your cried Carrmgtoii, "You need it no more." with me, and in another land we shall be happy
hold." " You are right," replied the man whom we together."
I have set my all upon this have known as the Black Shereef, " Now you " You have me in your power and can kill
"Come, I say!
castand I willwin or perish. Come on." see me," me," was the reply, " but I will never be your
The walls seemed to rock as he dragged her It was the same handsome, devilish face wife." _
through the hall, and the rapid reports showed which we have seen upon the Bund at Shanghae "You say so now, but I shall find a means to
that more than one cannon was at work. Still before —
the sailing of the Tokio the face of band you to my will. This is not the only land
he kept upward, ordering bis men to stand Richard Manton! in which the Malay has power, and once among
their ground and defend the hail if the door "Give us a little breathing space before you them, woe to you if you dare to refuse my
went down. At lost, he dragged her, panting attack, Arthur Cairington. OE all men I had hand. Something worse than wedding me
and exhausted, through the opening to the root, not expected you to rise from the dead. I may follow."
where he pushed her out in full view of the thought you went down with the shattered hull Nelliemade no reply, and he left the room
crew of the Tokio, who were working three six- of the Cairncross until below, and then
we met with a hurried step, and was gone for nearly
pound cannons with determined zeal. And be- I thought Owosso bad killed you." an hour. Then he came back, an exultant look
hind them, stimulating the crew to work rapid- " I live to be avenged on you, for the steel of upon his face.
A roar of recog- vour Malay assassin failed in vts work. More " Everything is ready," he answered. "The
ly, he saw Harry Castleton.
nition came up from below. than that,I have saTed my
darling from your road to the mountain is clear, and in half an
" There shti is, lads," shouted Wed Stacey. hands, and thank that Providence which robbed hour we shall be on the way."
14 The Yankee Raj all.
He removed bands from her feet and
the enemy in close pursuit. Once he looked over which, with a last effort, he had buried in the
raised her, and clasping her wrist, led her
still his shoulder and calculated the distance and his heart of his foe. Alter many years he had
through the long passages. right band closed upon the butt of his revolver. avenged the shameful mutilation which he bad
""When this palace was constructed those Then he wheeled suddenly when close to the suffered at the hands of Richard Manton.
secret passages were built. Two of them were shore and fired shot after snot, Marco bounding Arthur Carringtcn came up and looked stead-
known to Marco, but the men who knew of this from side to side to disconcert bis aim, but con- fastly at the handsome face of the dead man,
passage were killed after its completion, and tinuing to advance. He held the last shot until who, even as he lay, wore a mocking smile
the knowledge died with them. Now then, my scarcely ten feet separated them, and knew that upon his lips.
lady, I must stop your mouth." the Malay was hit, but it did not stop Mm, and "My deadly enemy has gone, and after all
He hastily formed a gag with a silken cord with a snarl like that of an angry tiger, Marco mine was not the hand to strike the blow which
and the handle of his dagger, and effectually sprung upon him and struck one stunning blow laid him low. Well, be it so he wore a villain's

guarded against any outcry upon her part. with Ens clinched hand which laid his enemy heart under the form of an Apollo. Friends,
Having taken this precaution, he led her up a senseless at his feet. Then, to the surprise of let us bury him here where he fell."
short flight of steps, touched a spring, and all, be caught the senseless form in his arms The party silently set to work and scooped
opened a trap door which; led into asinallbuild- and .ran into the water, placing the body in a out a shallow grave, in which they were about
ing in the rear of the palace, used for the stor- boatj and cutting the anchor rope with his to lay him, when an aged Malay stepped out of
age of munitions of war. Before leaving the kreese, he sprung in, and before any one could the woods and came toward them. At the
building he opened the door a little and looked reach the shore nad passed through the line of sight of this venerable personage Reid called to
out to satisfy himself that the coast was clear surf and gained the open sea. them to stop, and tbe man addressed in theMm
before making any movement to escape. " God help him," cried Oarrington, covering Malay tongue pointing again and again to
"AH safe,'" he whispered. "Now then, we Ms face, " much as I hate Richard Mauton I can the body.
will go." only pray that Marco struck him dead by that "This is the High Priest of the Bun Wor-
They stepped out of the building together, blow, for he will get no mercy at the hands of shipers, gentlemen, said Reid, turning to the
and Nellie cast an anxious look in the direction the Malay," others, " And he asks for this body, to give it
of the palace, which was lighted up and many Marco, with his hand upon the tiller, ran out to tbe flames, after the manner of their wor-
forms here and there before the win-
flitting until he bad left the store a league beMnd and ship."
dows. She knew that her father and her lover Mauton recovered from his swoon to find his Did Manton belong to their order?" asked
were there, and prayed that they might quickly hands bound, aud Marco looking at him with Carrington,
take up the trail of the villain who had Tier in ferocious joy imprinted on his face. " No man knew better than he how to keep
bis power, and run him to earth. " You nave won, Marco," lie said, bitterly, the love of this people. See."
He smiled scornfully as he made his way "and of all men I have wronged I hoped to He parted the clothing of the dead man, and
through the deserted place, dragging her with avoid you. "What do you mean to do with rue?" there, upon bis breast, blazed the symbol of the
him, and keeping a watchful eye for every pos- The Malay answered by a look so savage that Older of the Sun.
sible event. His eyes gleamed strangely in. the the prisoner shuddered through all his frame. " Let them take him," said Arthur. "Better
light of the moon and he muttered to himself: There was a terrible menace in that burning that his ashes should be scattered to the four
" I have escaped them all save Marco, but my glance. winds of heaven than leave a trace behind."
>lif« is not safe a moment while that black dog "Do you mean to murder me? Make some The High Priest gave a signal, and a hun-
Cumbers the earth. Why did I not kill him sign; do something, that I may know my fate," dred men came pacing from the wood, each
while I had him in my power, instead of cut- pleaded Man ton. bearing upon the front of his white robe tbe
ting out his false tongue? I have learned a les- Marco pointed to his tongueless mouth in a mystic symbol of their faith. Tbey carried
son: dead men tell no tales," way which the villain understood but too well. among them a litter, upon which they placed
He stopped suddenly in the edge of a little All the suffering which the Mute had endured the body. Then, uttering a low wailing chant,
wood, and a shudder passed through his frame. would be repaid a hundred fold, they bore the body to the east, and were seen
He felt chilled to the very marrow, a feeling " Look you, Marco," said the prisoner, quick- no more.
for which lie could not account. Perhaps the ly; "I can give you wealth enough to make yon
shadow of his approaching fate fell on him at a prince, if you will set me free." CHAPTER XIX.
that moment, why did he think of Marco Marco laughed and thrusting his hand under TOM REEO'l REFORMATION— MATED AND MAR-
cow, when he was about to triumph? He knew the Culds of his sarong, drew out the belt which RIED—A HAPPY END.
that on the other side of the point, scarcely two contained the prec kins gems which werB the re- When the battle was ended in the palace, and
miles away, a swift cat-rigged boat was riding sult of years of robbery on the high seas. Then the last of tbe Malays had fallen— for they took
at anchor, provided for just such an emergency Manton understood that his plan of buying his —
no quarter and Harry was making a frantic
as this. The question now was, would Tom safety was useless, and he uttered a hollow search for bis lost Nellie, a party of the Tokio's
Eeid remember the precaution ho had taken groan. men assailed Tom Reid, who cast away his
and attempt to cut him off. It might be, and as "You are a coward, Marco," he cried, an- sword and faced them, with his aims folded on
the thought came to him he hurried the steps of grily. "Free my bauds, give me a weapon, bis breast,
his captive and in half an hour they stood upou aud fight me
like a man." " You're the cuss that shipped aboard the
a. ridge, looking down upou the little bay where Marco only answered by the same bitter smile, Tolrio under false colors and stole Miss Nellie,"
the boat lay at anchor. He drew a long sigh of " I have never beur/i of a Malay prince who roared Ned Staeey. " Take up your sword and
relief as hefound the craft safe. was so faint-hearted that he dared not meet his fight it out like a man."
"You don't know how much relieved I feel," enemy in battle, " cried Mauton. "Dog, cow- " Yes, I am the man," was the reply. " Trill
be averred, turning to Nellie. "The traitor ard, slave, I spit at and defy you. May your me, for I deserve no better at your bands."
Reid knew that this boat lay here, and I am in- father's grave be defiled." Half a dozen.blades were raised against him,
clined to Think that he has been killed, or lie With a howl like that of a mad beast, the —
when Edith Carlysle .Zariua uo more—rushed
would have sent some one to secure it, and so Malay turned the head of the boat toward a before the lifted weapons.
prevent my escape. It is a beautiful night for point perhaps a league away, and refusing to "No, no, no!" she cried. "This man roust
a sail, and long before they suspect where we notice Manton even by a sign, he ran the boat not be harmed, for. he has been a true friend to
are gone wb shall be out of their reach." up on the shore and dragged his enemy out. me. Help him, Arthur."
He released his bold on her wrist for a mo- Then Manton saw that he was wounded and " Put up your swords, men," said Carring-
ment as he stopped to look back toward the the breast of. bis white sarong was stained with ton, striking up the blades. " This man has been
palace and instantly the brave girl sprung fresh blood. Once upon the sand he flung down promised safety, aud he shall have it."
away, running like a deer over the path they the bag of "ems upon the beach, cut the cords " Let them finish me, Arthur," pleaded Tom,
had lately traversed. He gave utterance to a upon the hands and feet of his enemy and put a sadly, "I have little to live for now."
savage oath and bounded after her, but scarcely kreese in his hand. Then, raising one hand as "No you don't," said Saul Belton, striding iu.
bad lie taken a dozen steps when he saw iu his if in appeal to his gods, he whirled his kreese in " You've got the making of a man in you and I
path a giant figure, which he knew too well, the the air aud rushed at Maiitoa with the swift want you myself. No*, Edith, tell the men
form of Marco the Mute, his eyes blazing like leap of a panther. what he has done."
stars in the night. Brave as Richard Man ton The last ball sent by the hand of Manton had "You understand as much as this, men, that
undoubtedly was, the sight of that ominous pierced the Malay through the right shoulder, seven years ago the fleet of tbe Black Sbereef
figure utterly appalled him, and with a cry of aud only such a man could have stood up under took the sMp Caimeross, of which my father
fear be whirled upon his heel and ran toward the grievous hurt, Mauton saw that he was was captain, and made me a prisoner, I saw
the boat. As lie turned he saw that a dozen badly wounded, and he thought that be could my father aud my lover die, as I thought, and
men were hurrying down the slope and that conquer even Marco after the loss of so much tbe sight drove me mad. I know now that Tom
foremost among thcni were Arthur Oarrington, blood, and all his native hardihood came back Reid, the lieutenant of the Black Shereef,
Tom Reid, Harry C'astleton and Saul Eelton. as tLieki'teses hissed together. Each knew that loosened the bonds upon Arthur's arms so that
He wasperhaps a hundred paces in advance it was a battle to the death, and put forth all he kept himself afloat after he left the fatal
of Marco when lie turned to fly, and he had their skill and strength. But Marco, knowing platik, until picked up by Said Belton. As for
been noted for fleetnese of foot. Surely he well that the buttle must be short, caught me, I was treated as a queen, and bad as
could reach the boat in time and so escape his Manton by the left wrist and they stood foot to Richard Manton was, he dared not wrong one
enemy. But it was nearly a quarter of a mile foot, giving and taking awful wounds without who had lost her senses, for that the Malays
to the boat and the Malay was tireless and fleet a groan. They suuk to the earth together would not have endured even from him. In
as a stag. Perhaps it would be better to turn striking dreadful blows, and the sand was red the years I have been hei-B this man has been
aud fight it out than to ninfurther, and even as with their flowing blood but still the desperate my constant friend, and braved Manton when
he ran he loosened his revolvers and prepared enemies fought oh under the light of the moon. he would have had me shot down in cold blood.
to fight, although be knew the desperate man At length, leaninajpn ""his elbow, for he had not i For this he was cast into the den of tbe pan-
pursuing was an awful foe with whom to con- the strength to rife, Marco struck a last blow thers, but I, whom only the black beasts obeyed,
tend. The beat of his coming feet sounded and fell senseless, saved him from them. No one shall harm Tom
ominously near, aud yet he was close to the Reid while 1 live, for he will be a good man
shore, and he might roach it in time to save The party in pursuit, who had followed them yet."
himself, along the shore, came running up five minutes "Yes, God helping me, while I five I will
" Follow them close," cried Arthur Carring- later. They saw Manton lying on his back, the never do an act which an honest sailor need
ton. ". If Marco gets to him first I would not sand all gory about him, still clasping in his blush at. But where is Ellen Darrelf cried
ive a sea-shell for Manton's chance of long
giv. nerveless hand the blade with which he had Reid.
ife." fought so well, while Marco lay face downward, "We can't find her, and the Black Shereef
Still the doomed man ran on, with his savage his hand still clutching the hilt of the kreese, has escaped," said one of the men,
, " " ; .

The Yankee Rajah. 15

" Then he bag her in his power again. Come ever, and at once started a great commercial BEADLE & ADAMS*
with me; there is but one way in which he can firm in the city of New York, which soon took
•scape. Marco, he is making for the boat in a leading place, A
little boy soon came to bless STANDARD DIMEJUBLICATIONS.
the east cove." the union of Arthur and Edith, and Harry and
The party took weapons and ran, headed by Nellie were equally proud of a pretty little girl Speakers.
Marco, and the result we know. but three years passed and they heard nothing Beadle and Adams have now on their lists the lot-
As the Malaya were made to understand that from Gadong Beg. But one evening as they to wing highly desirable and attractive text-bookt
they would not be harmed, they began to re- had all met at Harry's villa and were sitting on prepared expressly for schools, families, etc. Eacfr
turn, and all looked in wonder at the Mystery the lawn, an individual came rolling up the volume contains ltXJ large pages, printed from clear,
as she lay idly on the water by the side of the walk with a gait which was purely nautical, open type, comprising the nest collection of Dia-
logues, Dramas and Recitations, (burlesque, comic
"Wave Witcb. A few words will explain the and gave them a jolly hail. and otherwise.} The Dime Speakers for the season
part she had taken in the action of this tale. " All you Tokios, ahoy shipmates, how goes
of 1881—as far as now issued -embrace twenty-three
Arthur Caningboa was a lieutenant in the it?" volumes, viz. :

United States Navy, attached to the depart- Nellie sprung up and hugged him on the spot, 1. American Speaker, 13. School Speaker,
ment ofSubmarine Arts. He had made this for she recognized the Yankee Rajah. The 2. National Speaker. ii. Ludicrous Speaker,
branch a study, and before the taking of the rest were not slow to follow suit. 3. Patriotic Speaker. 15, Komikal Speaker.
Cftirncross bad dreamed of such a craft as this. " Seems to me this ar' climate is trying to the 4. Comic Speaker. Youth's Speaker.
5. Elocutionist. 17, Eloquent Speaker.
After being picked up by the Yankee Rajah, a eyes," whimpered Saulj^brushing away suspi- 6. Humorous Speaker, 18, Hail Columbia Speak-
man well known in those seas, he had devoted cious moisture from bis 'eyes. "Glad to see the 7. Standard Speaker. er.
his time and ability to the construction of the old man, hey! Waal, I rather kalkilated to 8. Stump Speaker, 19, Serio-Comic Speaker.
Mystery, and had so perfected her that he could surprise you, and I reckon I hev." 9. Juvenile Speaker. SO, Setoct Speaker.
10. Spread-Eagle Speaker 21. Funny Speaker.
run her for a long distance just below the sur- Did you come alone?"
" I kalkilate uot. Tom Reid and Marco ar' 11. Dune Debater. 22. Jolly Speaker.
face and had made her a powerful aid in the
destruction of pirate shipping. down to the tavern, but I didn't reckon — 12. Exhibition Speaker. 23. Dialect Speaker,
These books are replete with choice pieces for the
"I believed that Edith was dead," he said, "Where's that coachman?" cried Harry, School-room, the Exhibition, for Homes, etc They
" or I should have saved her long ago. I had " Here, Mike, drive dowffto Blaster's and get are drawn from pbehh sources, and contain some of
just got my craft in working order when the a gentleman named Reid, who isstopping there. the choicest oratory of the times. 76 to 100 Declama •

Black Shereef attacked the Tokio, and was There is another man with him, a dark-colored tions and Recitations in each book.
more than satisfied with the result." man— Dialogues.
" There is one thing Pd like to ask," said Tom " A naygur?" demanded Mike, The Dime Dialogues, each volume J00 pageB, enx
Reid, " and that is how you managed to blow "See you critter," shouted the Rajah,
here, brace twenty-eight books, viz.:
up the proas the other day, when you were not " don't you caB Marco names or I'll mount you Dialogues No. One. Dialogues No, Fifteen.
neaT them with the Torpedo?" like a typhoon." Dialogues No. Two. Dialogues No, Sixteen.
" But I had been under them all, and attached " Don't stop to ask questions, Mike," said Dialogues No. Three. Dialogues No. Seventeen.
Dialogues No. Four. Dialogues No. Eighteen
a clockwork torpedo, calculated to explode in Harry. "Bring them up here, and tell Haster Dialogues No. Five, Dialogues No. Nineteen.
twenty minutes, replied Arthur laughing, to send their luggage and that of Captain Belton Dialogues No. Six. Dialogues No. Twenty,
"Just so. It was nothing but science after up here at once. Dialogues No. Seven. Dialogues No. Twenty-one.
all. Then I suppose that when the Wave Witch The coachman drove off and was soon "back, Dialogues No. Eight. Dialogues No, Twenty-two.
moved off without a wind you were towing bringing Tom Reid and Marco, who were cor- Dialogues No, Nine. Dialogues No, Twenty-three.
Dialogues No. Ten. Dialogues No. Twenty-four.
her?" dially received by all. Reid had changed little, Dialogues No. Eleven, Dialogues No, Twenty-five,
"Exactly. The mission of the Mystery is except that the desperate air he had once worn Dialogues No. Twelve. Dialogues No. Twenty -six.
accomplished here, and I mean to give her to was gone, and in its place a look of manly self- Dialogues No. Thirteen. DialOKuesNo.TweDty-seven.
my friend, the Rajah, if he only has a man with reliance.But they knew from Saul Belton that Dialogues Nu. Fourteen Dialogues No. Twenty-eight.
knowledge enough to run her. It was an ex- he was completely changed, and was now his 15 to 25 Dialogues and Dramas in each book.
periment, ftnd I had to take a risk. The motive right-hand man, and captain of the felucca, These volumes have been prepared with especial
power of course," reference to their awilaiAlwy in atl scbool-roonis.
is electricity, which had been taken from Richard MantDn.
"It'll be three months afore any of you will
They are adapted to schools with or without the fur-
There had been little use for the Mystery, as the niture of a stage, and introduce a range of charac-
be allowed to leave GUulong Beg, I tell you," Malay pirates had been completely cowed, and ters suited to scholars of every grade, both male and
cried Saul Belton, " and while you're a-waitin 1
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" And who is the inanf asked Arthur, smil- civilize the Malays some more. Mout be the and comic.
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the Y ounEt YYoaderiar Jetr.
111V lleiuln-uuil Dick in LcllilvlHe. 310 lilritu 11111. ike Print* <rftti, ;;,,.,. IS The Dumb s,,,.
104 Dcadnood I llck'a Device t or, The DtwMe Cnn Si en. 223 tirlt, 1 he Brnvo
Sport : nr, The Trailer. Woman 27 Antelope Abe, the Pny fJniile.
JDSI Deudtvuoil Hick a* Doleollvt. ami Crlmnon Klite I or, The t.'nivluiy'a I'riuuipk. 81 Keen-Knife, the f'Tinre af Hie 1'rairlei.
12S1 llciidivoud Hlek'u lluublc: or, The Uboit of GortMn'e 3M7 Ltnie Mur, [lie Cnwl.i.y CupUill. 41 l.n -en Jack, the Yt.iutg 11 ne latire-t,
(Inlet. 346 Mcftii. tiie Mldtly I or, TbiTrealimce IleEr. is The Durdcr tvlni*; i.r, TheHeeral Tt*.
IBS Hi. Jo lit or, DoiJwojd Din*'! Homo Bane.
... 1
1 :
3 A II 'tin: III. l^iillitiniii Mutineer; or. lir.indl, Ihe Bnceutieer. 71 Delnitnre Dick, ill,' Voray lt-uter May.
H.» A (iuineoS Hold) or, poWwooit Pltt"l"Bfe;Stritr». 364 The Flofttlnif Fentker ; or, Alerlo aluule'a Traaaur* 74 liutvk-eye Harry, jhe Vouap Traopot It agar.
t.Vfl Dcudvrood II. v of Doudvvnodl I.', The Picked Party. I- lelillirt. M8 Hnlln, the Itny Iciinercr-
1W6 Dcudivood Dlok'u llrc&m .. B ' e nd. ; .
. I- t! II.
20i> Tile Gold Ptilti i or, M.rl... the Cnmlemnrd. 184 Sure Shot Seth, Hi. tor Itillemna.
3111 The It luck Mill. J.MlicI; or, IW. rood'i Ward. 376 Merle Monte'n trul.c ; or, Tint China of "The Gold 144S Scar-Face Saul, HeSEiem n™t.r,
305 Jreiiduaud DLck'n Itiiiiiti; or, i ":, :.lii.: y Javalt Lent Ad- SIiE|i." 140 sliver Star, lie !!..< KidirhL
venture. ani> Merle Monte'u Fnte or. Pe.iiTl, llio Plruie'a Brtde. 1 1KB Futile Kit. lk< lny t'.i.i.r..
SIT Captain Crack-Shot, Brlpvnd. tiie fitr! 3S1 The Hen \luriiiideri nr, .Merki .vlntita'a I'Je.lee, lOB Little Texan, the Itaimaj kliiilaraar.
321 Sutrnr-Contcd Vlj.ii j nr, Tim Blank Gfowni. 2sr Hilly Itlue-lvye-, Ik* Hnv Boivr ..ftlie Bio (intmle. ITS Old Sollturv. lleimii li.i-

It 04 The Demi Shut Dundy; or, Benito, the Boy Bugler. 1S2 1,11,1 le Iliirrlcnne, Ih* Poy C.|italn.
2*3 (.nlal-Duul Dick. A Rommiee it iteiiuh. and Tomrhe.
It DM Keuo Kit; or, Di-it.isli'a IJnitlile. 302 FroHiiccl Fete ; or, The Venue DiillRtr HmaMtna.
2«rt lliiiulunail Dlok'u Divide: or, Tim K|.ir:L ofSirntiip Lite. (

3IIH llcudu mid Dlok'u lfcnth Trull. 814 The Mynterloua li iirii,,iEi-r or, 1'liv Uoy n,., '. Long 5 ., i 31>tt The Itov llerelilea; ':.', Trtimaa.
i .

BOS Dcadwoud Jrlck'n Hit Weal t or, The Gold Brick of TruLL SIS Titer T'nin, the lV...,T-it-r.
Oregon. S77 llonodel. the Koy Ro^-a.r: nr. The Flucleii SrEiunner. 324 HiihIiIri* Dick ; ir. .- Tnn-'a Caatja. 'I . .


R21 Demlwoort lllck'fl Hnxeii ( or. The fif P]i mi irtm Flats. «S8 liullini Flint; ir, Hi* Weurili for Pinita Inland, 33H Little Wlldllre, Hie T< nan FnhrSai K»i:il.
ft 1 i Dead wood Dlek'tl llueiite ; or, Rainy Duye in the JJij;-
SS7 Murpnlli Will, tho Ih.v plittutoai. 3BH The Fiiraun Deleelliel or. The Little Ranjier.
rinr>. SOS Seuwult'i tha iii.y Ijii'titenanf. 318 The lltaerulaieil Culde; ir, Wlhl Haven, tie R*o (er.
B51 tleiidivund l*lek Sentenced ; or, Tha Terrilile Vend.'ttu, 403 lendor. the Yoimic t'niiMplrnlur; or, The Faijil Loaj,'ua, 2BI1 Iliire-Dei II llltn, inn \.iiiiiit Pinirie Banker.
B02 Dcndyiuod JHck . flulm; or, Tliu Fairy law of Fun, -
40T T In: Itoj iieiirifenl or, Cnl.nn Vomletto,
I 1 I'lia SIS Mtlikaklll Mike, tie ltd riinrpikaetir,
Flirt*. 412 Tiie Wild Y e Ilium 11 n Tlio vVur-01ouit ttCrulao.
it : i.r, J
3110 Utile I'nillri., itm Bay Spy.
4iiB llciulwnod Dick I>i TUnd 1'liy. 4311 llnnciin Dure, the Bny Beftiire.., 800 The Sky Demnn ; or. k.,i.,l..|t. the Raaeer.
410 IK'iidivotid lllokV DiiiinniiiUi . r. The Mvitury of Juan 4B8 Doj^u l.uek
.V Cialjlu ; ...r, Tho Coretiir. Se)4 Whln-Klllicdoe, the Bel Kiiiichero.
t'-rltr. 48T Tiie Sen Kntdcr. 41111 lieri-llle-; nr. Di.k, the Boy ltantar.
4SI II. n.'ii nii.l Dick In >'l-w Turk ; nv, A " Cute Cive." 44l The Oeeon Firefly ; or, A MiiMy'a VenKeniice. 417 Wetrfobt Moae, tke'Triuiio PetecttVa.
tlifl Ircndirood Dtik'> l>u»l 1 .
i . ' .... .. -i I i..:. i.
440 llitnhilzm.d II nrrv r i.r, 'I'l.e ScapRKrnea of tlio Sea, 4*3 Hnhv Snm, the B-.y nl tin. Vell-nrlaae.
413 llvlldtvood Dick, Jr. dtiO \Vl7.nrd Will: "r. Tim H,. v Frrret of Note York. nuekNklti. tae Yt jr Pruirie Cemlaar.
4.1-1 l.llfle
4»S Mikol-I'lulo ,>td! or, Prmlw I t'lok Jr's ri-Em.™. 4ft I W
I Kurd M
US'. SI reel ricouto.
4«S The Dorn Guide; or, Tl.o .Snllur Boy Waaiterer.
4ivr Wlirtedfoot Frctli or. nld Polar Saul.
45IJ hiinllowcr ^am 4 of Bikutfl; or, l.VuJwooii Dirk J * Full 1

•ION Neptune Nell, tin- ley Cmmler*

4 OB Tjlrnurne Tom, tn* Bijr Trnii]ier llov.
1 1 mi. i. 1
4JB did Tom Rattler, Hie ited hirer -Epiimlt.
di>tt I'll! Nil FlUlj IhoFerrel; nr, PeiiiEMr171.1l | l[i k Jr N
a Pig Rontld- 474 Flnrtl j 'ir, Willi Yi.tnll.ond Pnrd. 4S3 trtouewall Itob, the liny Trojan,
4MB Ferretn Allout: or, VliSuril IVill'a l.tott Cuae.
4K5 Plillw Flj-. of riienii; or, DflRdwopd litct Jr'g. lUoheE at 4H7 Nevudil Neil. Hit- Hovnloer itnniror.
l.'llUOl Hi. 4 SIS Arizona doe th- Buy Pin! ofl'mcna Jnek,
411? Duck Tnylor, Kini: nl th Cowboya.
BY T. C. 11 A i; li iVi-'Il.
4tt llnxviiimi TCtll I it, Pmnlivnod Tlli-B Jr'< forrtil.
470 MuiiiEtnlill llupry, tim luirrleune^ or, Dendwood IIErk Jr f i CrOftThe tCnyill Mldil >', Th„ slunk and ; the Sea Cal. 38 Nlek o' the Nielli ; or, Th- Bny Spy af '«.
tl.. C |VI,.[iv„.
Mir The i! Milted II lil-lill>'ii mi, 87 The Illaldeu l.oiI K e; or Tl.eLilll.I1i.olar.
4*1 Mull MystcrT! or, Dwidwood Oltlt De.ilwood, .lr. !i.
Till The Dutluived MiiiiJ, , 4* ISlEhllnJ-nle Not; .-r. Tiie Fnrr.t f.ptniut.
4!ll l"rl.. .! I'IhLuI, tllu Kilj^ of llio Wott; or, LltiAdwond liluk &3P Ifucknkhl Ittll. lln: loirnincle SklutDW, f»4 Dandy .Inek; I r. The Ontlawa of the ftreitoa Trail,
Jr'« * .oinpnct, llrotliern lit ltuekhklu. S3 Kit Hurt-foot th« Wood-Hawk. -

4-Bfl 11i)nt<. (Vlntei, .Ir.t or, Dndvood Dldk .Ir'a tnlioriloDfe. #4 Mlilriljehl .luck ; .r. The liny Trapper.
iillll DondniHid III.. I.'. IMsehiira ; .
1':- DuiQhtJftp'a Swoqii. tod Old Froaty, III* Guide; or. The White Qnee*.
i>1IM DIckV Dtllvcroiiao,
llciulinxid 12B Klown Charley the Whlin Mioiimper.
trt& I>lok> Protewce.
I1..-I1.I" no, I
Hi t II AJil.Fs jioif Itls. 180 du due Lvneh, .Ir.t or. 'the Bnv Vioilante.
M* DL>lnlwuudIHtk'iiThr«i!,
1IH Will Somern, lln B.iv D. lective,
166 field TrlerKcr, tile S,...rl; or, Tile Blrl Araotter.
1011 Torriiido 'faun; r, inittti Jnrk [rout Bad Care,

133 l'kll Hardy, the n.-^ii i. IMS Ned Temple, the Boy,
tan I'k-nviiiie I'ele nr^ain '-innj, [lie Doe Delaetlve 1 11IS ArklinniiXV T In- t",'n- n *T FnleMteieiipfe,
,r, TV |i, i„ In Riura.
Otter VovcIk Ur E. L. IViecler. 1B(I Detective Dick [ 307 Nna-ajn Nick, the B..y Sold Hunter.
142 IE ii'i.I-i.iiii' II, tor, In n ..tliliu-k iiiiLLtiTe, , a I
316 4 t,l III Itutlel
li ; r. l.iil'.- I'lrpknot'e <ruU*.
SIS f lovtn Tluof, Ihf Buffnlo fiBtntin, 117 Will Wlldllre, iln-TI nrhlireil, 3Itl Flneky Phil: or, Itnra. lU Itei Jeaebol.
K-i Hi. El Wnetll'i or, Tim liirl IlimlShol. 163 llliiik liena. Will W'. Barer. 3-11 RIHRrnvo; The RoucUr ortlie RoakSei,
Hoittli-fr'm-4% Dfltettiyoj or.'f En New Vork, is: Mike Merry, i!..- EVji-Ti Jce Boy,
1.-. Hid AviiluHoIic; or, Will E.iim, tin. Olrl ari(nml. 102 Will M lldBre In ti.e WtioSn, 26S Cap tain Apoll , Uin Kine-Pin ofBairie.
Jim 10", Dilly ltii|ri;ii|et.. tne Buy.
1. .Ir., Hi* lioj Ph..iiEx,
I{1niIi.iic. -
3(17 The l)iick>k in Hetecllve.
til llurkhuFii It III 1 ur.Tlie Kad lllllii Tviiio. 170 \ Triiiiip Card ; nr. vi ill W'll.Kiro Wiiib and Loaoa.
I', n fluid ItiElc. llio >EiariiKElootrr; nr. Thy Ko v TlolprWva, 174 It oil lioi-kettl or, Mvr(.'rE.m of New York, 379 Olll lYInelll or, Tin' Buekakin Deaperadoee.
NO IfliHulilIll It oil t or, Ktljrgffc Noil, lEli Kiiiffhl, 1711 Doll Doekelt. ih.. itn. Jtiuiner.
304 H) namlle Ilanl or, The Bi.reie Blade .' Coekatapa.
S4 14.1, Hit? tJlrl sillier or, Roaebud Rub mi Hated. 188 The Hidden Hand *•"(, ll'lll WildBre'a ReTenRe,
N« I'll.- 1 in: rii lit. 1'Illh
nr, Ri-epEind Ui.Ei a lty.-iii|.iinrntico. 1ST F'red Duly nrd. 11'^ o \n ^»t B.-v; ,,r. "t'liu Stnuirgleri. '
80S The Mountain Hetectlvt; or, Tka Tritjger liar Bullji
iia alViinuilit t lict $ nr, Old Atiluonilillii Silllnu BidPa Camfi, ISO Itob Dncketts or. Drivers llle Willi. 810 OM Kcllpiae, TrumtiCiirui.fArituno.
Wnloll-Ivyi'l nr. Ariilia mill Arini.'Jfl tfftt Ureultjity,
S'li urn Shndiiteed ; nr. Hob Ibj T-. FIbIiI for Lire. t.
8311 The Ten Porda| or. The Terror of Take-klatEca,
1 IM Jliok Jltnle tlin T.nitii:Srif.-[iliit..r, 300 Dnrk Paul, the TtBrl Kill);.
II? CIltKilatcil Illi-k, tli-^l-rtllutuctiTa. 313 Iluaililiiic Dnve, tttu ll.Ltidv DetociEre, EBej 11I|* lErnmiii t or, Tim <toeea of tiie CeaeMi
I-Jl 1 in (tin nn ii t'lilpr liiv tJlrl Sport, 33<l Tnni Tanner I or. To,, ili-irk Shoopol ike Flock, 3-16 1'ltileuri M in 0*. Ited Tlnui.lerl.alt'a S»eret,

las HeiiitnzaltlU. Miner. ssr, Sum Cliurouill Ike Preniiutii llnrky.

86(1 Cool Sum and Pnrd e The TarrlkkSkt.

1KB Ilium Dull liieKiniro! BootMnnkt. 2K5 rilindova Hnni. tiie &teilrnjj!or Peiy,
o; or, Sn. ..:,. mi:.

141 Sul ftl Sinn, ill' Bey RiMd-Aftaat. 312 The 4' iv Ei ii
f ' I Bill and HEa txase, S6f Telvet Foot, tile Indian Daleetlte,
Hi Citiitulti JFerrct, I ho Ken- York Det«ttlm; ir, Bo» Bok'i 353 Dick DiLHhnwuy ; or.
3(i* 'lln- 1
.ii.otii Buy En

Sleutlm; n.
.'. t

Mi..', li.i TraEk 814(1 Captain ("it I in*,; er.Tka B aaaaaar'a Ciil Fa,.
Dou J ill. *.ii::k
374 Jolly dim. the Datanltva Aripranatdett. S'le Boh; or. The Twin Chain fiaaa ar Due linn.
l«l New Vtirk TTt-lI, Urn ni'.T-filrl DolactlTe. It on ttli
If? Kollby Nick of IS'evmllu or. TheSlyrraaSoaiiipa, Kg a dolly ImV nil or. Tin. Vtmni; [k'tertlve.
.1 .1 :
411 The Silken Laaern! or, The Reui af Ranah B*Ma.
1S1 Wild Frank, !h.> llotksklti Bravti. SOS 1'lie Water. Hound i or, Tho YnniiEt Tliirmu(thkr*il.
•J (lit Fritz, Hi« H"iin.l-Hoy Dgleative, Slln Diiuhiiuuy, of llnl.otii; nr, A Wevtc-ni Lad lu ikeQuaaiir 419 Felll Fox, the Boy Spotter.
!MB FrltKlollic Front; or, Tlia Venlriinqiilat Ilnittaj, triiv. 425 Teiaa Trump, tne Border Rattler.
SnnoKl-r, tho H ij SEntrjit or. '1'EiiJ Arnu DutvotiTei. 881 Urilpll Tiendy. tlirllolel Hny Tietrr live.
430 I'liil Fluah, the Kite York Fox.
sun ApiiIlM llllli Ilia T'nil TornArlo, 811 Tony Thome,
the Vainrbond Drlertlee.
310 lv. !.....' Kit. tin. V.iitin! (JEniEiiitor. BSS The Keportcr-DeleoiMve; or, Kred Hyar'aBlizaaTl. 446 The City Sleuth*; or, Red Rolfc'i Tr/raa.
344 Sam, Fronllnr 8<)7 Wlde-Atviike '. * Boy of iba Tim™.Juei
ftlerrti ih. Ftirri-i.
401 One Agulnat Fitly; or, Tha Laat Uai el Xaia lar.
SJ4S Mlerru Shium Socrcl or. The Itlondy Fnntnrlnla, «?!) Dnrrv, the Lev eld". • r, I Ra Birtoda OS tiie BouitinKca*
a*a Slerrtt Snm'i* 1'nrtl ;
or, Tlio Anj,*..! .n Big V iata_ 41111 Flreily Jnek, tin- HUer lln IMe,lEv„. 470 The Itoy Shadow or, Feili Foi'b Haat. !

slcrrn SmnV iScvcn ; ..T,The so.lrn ltri.l... 42 The

It Loftt Fliiffers era lln Bntrnpraad, .Oaabln, 477 The Eienlslor Sport er, Tiie Waakl»ii*a Sfaltrr. j

ar« .1 lllllO d lie, llo" ll-'y Pjilri-l; nr, The

II Itlvul linlra. 439 Fred Flyer, tkii Reporter Detetellvo.
4S2 4118 Single Slehl, Ikedtie-Eya.! Sfiart.
ST7 Denver Drill, tha Deteclirs Qnaan. I N, InoSI.Eo Liili-jiu, tin- I'iiikrrEiiti Ferrel.
--I Denver DnllV Vlotnry. 468 Hilly Itrlck, l!i,..l.!lv Vniinlinilil.. 602 Hrnrtdfd Ben, tie Nifhl Ferret.
1 1.. Dnir* Dlciiv ; or, Liltlu Bill's Bcidjiii7iu 4 00 Wlde-Aunke derry, Hiirrtie,.; or, Kntnmhfl Allvt.
613 leodter Hick, the Wharf-Spy Delecllre,
31H Turk, lie Italy Ferret. I
!.:> Del eel I va- Diulire E or. The Al yelerv of Frank llemrlv,
3»« Denver DollV Drin i or. Tha Rond queen. 4«s AV a I.I Dick If nek el. 621 Dodtccr Kick'. Heat I>od ee.
asisi A Nil. 1. tin Duelling Toll-Tulur. 601 lioolia, the lto> Mrcilinn; or, Too Sbarp fer the Sharper.
.;!!! .Iftne, tbe iir! Mltsvr: or, ihn rrnn-Nervad Snorl,
Hlfkev A' t'liintJluiv, the riloutlia of PhElmloipnla.

Ijlttlettiilck-Slitit, i or, fin. Dur.ll Fai-Bof DagjfaniTllia.
BKI Kinnriiriio Kit; or. The Myalerimia Minor. 1
SS'.l Kniiifiariiu Kit - lliickct.
«4« >l iinliiitiitii Mike, the Hn wary Bi noil. 3 Vellowutone Jiu-k! or. The Tmrunr. 637 The Jolly Pnrda to the keaaie. By P. S, Warne.
BBS FlruM'Inu* Fred, :ha Caeii! tr,,in K.r, '
4S Bluek doltn, iheKmoi Amiiti or. The Ontlarr'i Retreat.
52S Fun and Falcon, the Bowery Shadrnna. lyT.O, Hartiaiiirti.
«(!•* Vretin dim. the dliild-liatliurcr t or, Tin Ltiturr of O.-. Iliirrlcnne i.llt: n. Jtin-iiuiu San. ami Hie 1'nnL
Life 111! ytiiutiinje Snin ; t rboKlnirof the Plalnai 520 Dendwnod DlckV tir Hack*. By E. L. Wla-ekr, 1

BT3 Yrekn .TlniV Prl^e. 180 \lsdil-iruwk IvT ; r. Il-i. I'nJcliler.f tliaRniick.
51i0 The lluekukln Itowera. By (.'el, P. rTitrruhciTtt.
NhIiuIi Ned; .T, The S.rrolofSlil. Oily. 144 Ditlntj l.uiiec (lie Boy Sporl.
B-i3 t'nnl Kit. 'It.' Klnir nl' l\hl:,: nr. A VitintjiV Vanpeiuice. 161 Fontlicr Pmlt: or. Duiiuv Ijitire to tin? neeettf. 511 1 Htilay Hare, till S|»irl (com Danvar. By U'llliuni G. Fatten.
8nr> Vrekfl Jlin*u Jiikor ; or, Tlio lUvalaol'tterf Noao, 1(10 The Illitok IrlilSil J.opardy. . nr, Ihiintv Liuire in
5S2 Tho ("oivhoy Duke. By Edwin Brooke Fomtsl,
8Si> nieycle Ben; ...Tin. 1.1..11 nn.ifiiinitig Lode. I DM Dt-iiillv DiiMb; Fltrlilinc Fire with Fire. -.r.
lVreatllns Hoi, tin Pri.leofilieSiiih Ward, fly J,. Plaree.
Kill Vrekfl dim ol' V ulin Diiin. IS. I The Hoy TraitftAs or, Diilnly l.nnire nn Hie War-raili. 6SS
Hill Wrlnklen, tlio E^ijilit.M'iileli [Vlvetlve. 3I1B Tiie DnV I'm d«; "', Dainty tjutea Unmaakl. 6S4 PeudwrKid IHtk'a Dc-nlh II ant. By E. L. Wn.oler,
410 Hlfrli II11I Dnrry, Ilia Itnan Bull Deteotlva, 311 Cronkrif I'iiIc, ike C«iW»"n of Caleatlal Cllv. Ready Octohar IS.
430 sum Slflbalilcn. ih" Bessajr-Wy Dalectlve. BIO The Illirriineii Hull': or. The Ileum! In Dernv. I

686 The Hue skin Bewrrl. By Col. i'r-i i, - "- il.iill!.

BID The Hluck Ifl.Ier; »r,
f :

4S4 dim itenk mid Fill. I'rtviile Delecllrea. Til,. !l.ira.-'l'lii,-vri'

«U8 H Fe Sill, !hr Similar, SBr, Hid Dnttbic Fl-i ! "r. 'Ilia Sirniitre tluide.
4H« »ciilekln Sum, ilia 3|iukler. alfiir The Kliiero! bha- U'oode- ir ', ,. ; .,.:,..1;»,;. 680 " -o-jalia ay lillly'a IltfQkllt J." By J. C. Cowdrlek.
4 11> Kit Fox, tin Border Hoy Dalactlia. 1.. e.iv MoveinlMir 1.

587 Old Buckeye, Hie Sierra BleoHi By J, W. c„ ,m -

BY ALItElST W. AIKEJT. tteady N-'viurilier 8-

11 The Tw" Detectlveu; or, The Fortune* of m Bowary Cir? +

BY* FDWAHB B. ELLIB. kS> Hodnter Dick, the Dock Ferret, li- T. C, Ilarawck.
fB Abe t'llll, lln fr.™ Klll.r. kt^ady % . ...I. i li.

79 llio (*lant Trapper. •IMill Blildun.J'rBtiwr,

(*ol titiifeeir.
318 Jnr Unci, of Anrc'» Itml <>t* 1'iiril. H Seth Jnnea; or, Tiie CnptTvea of the Frontier. k »"cw Inii? Every Ta today.
447 Ne.i- York ^at. A Tnie of TrEr-kj and 'trap* im elelciaai, Ill Nut Ttirtds or, The Fate of the Slain Cupula. Tka tlnlf-IKui? Library la fof aair hy all aana«Hte*k<ra, It?
4*H XtlV lofln ml Mil or. The Fortune* of a rtutflEng. ; The Frontier Aiiael.
eaala par eapy, *r aaat ky u an en reaeipt af ail aeaia eaak.
484 Miulile Sick, Ilia (_'Emn Frlnto. t)B The Itov Mineral .r, The Enfliaaled Wand.
44>B in* 'led. In* ArEtnqa &pnrl,
I 1
183 The tin in,-. Hunter; or, Tiie Strange Hnraamn
JtltAMUi IS D AHAHtl, P. .Lab ore,
111* final Colorado, Ike Halr-Breed Deaaectri. 864 The Itnir.Hload; or. Til 1'niilhar of lite Plnlu. tat Willi*- eir.el, >*w Torh.
i-H Cool « olorai. In .Vow Tewfc. 971 The Hut* Humeri •'> JkeBWaiu Pralria via*.

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