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pdeeken , 06/27/2023, 10:14:33 AM

Julie Rambali
League Operator

Cell: 416-409-9783
(Call, Text, Messenger or Whatsapp)

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: CPA Toronto & Peel Pool League

Instagram: @cpapool
YouTube: CPA Pool League

Revised: 02/19/2023 1
We would like to welcome you and your team to the Canadian Poolplayers Association!

This document explains the structure of the League at a Local Level and should be used in conjunction with the
Official Team Manual on the APA Member Services App and These Local Bylaws have been
created for the smooth and efficient operation of the League. After all, the APA’s motto is: Have Fun. Meet
People. Play Pool.®

Please read these Local Bylaws carefully and keep them with the APA Official Team Manual for your reference.
All Local Bylaws with dates prior to the revision date of this document are null and void. Breaking these rules
can cost you a Playoff, Tri-Annual or World Qualifier (Regionals) spot by causing you to lose valuable points
that you work so hard to win.

Section 1: Local League Information

Age Requirements
You must be 18 years of age or older to compete in the CPA Toronto/Peel Region.

Office Hours
League Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 10 PM and Saturday & Sunday from 11 AM to 9
PM. Please contact your Division Representative regarding any rule clarification or refer to the Official Team
Manuel (OTM) on

Our website address is This website allows you to:

a) Get the latest up to date information on Playoffs, Tournaments or any other CPA Toronto/Peel Region
b) Set up your Member Services Account to:
● View schedules, team rosters, standings and individual records for your division; and
● View your lifetime statistics, including win percentage, tournament history, On the Breaks, Break
and Runs, etc.

In addition, we also have a Facebook page (CPA Toronto & Peel Pool League) and Instagram page at @cpapool
where you can view photos of tournaments, get updates about the League, info on upcoming tournaments,
and chat with fellow CPA members.

If you have not already done so, please join our online community by signing up for a Member Services Account
and following us on Facebook and Instagram today.

Even if you don’t sign up for your Member Services Account, please make sure we have your email address
on file. All announcements are made first online and through our email mailing list. Having an email address
on file can keep you from missing out on valuable information! The website and email are the Local League
Office’s most efficient communication tools. They help to ensure that you get the most out of your experience
and keep you up to speed on what is happening at all times, be it upcoming Playoff match locations, wild card
picks, tournaments or any other information you and your team need to know about the League.

1.1 Team Fees

Team Fees are $50 per week for 8 Ball and $50 for 9 Ball Double Jeopardy. Team Fees already include HST.
Full Team Fees are payable for individual forfeits, and in playoffs.

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Option 1: Full Team Fees can now be sent by Email Money Transfer (EMT) to [email protected] with the team
name in the EMT description. EMT must be sent by only the Captain or 1 designated player on the team by the
end of the night. The Captain or designated player may then collect all other player’s fees by cash or EMT
directly to them.

Option 2: Full Team Fees can still be paid by cash only in the Team’s Envelope. The local League Management
will not assume responsibility for missing cash. We no longer accept cheques.

Individual player memberships must be paid in full before they play their 2nd match. Teams playing unpaid
players on their 2nd match will forfeit that player’s win. Any unpaid player will be dropped from the roster
after the fourth week of play.

1.2 Team Envelopes

Team Envelope Pick-Up/Drop-Off Scoresheet Delivery – Scoresheets and fees in your envelope must be
dropped off at your Division’s designated drop-off location immediately after the end of the night. No bonus
point(s) will be awarded if team envelopes are not at the drop-off location by the end of the night. Scoresheets
are available at your Division’s host location 1 and a half hours before the official start time.

1.3 Bonus Points

After Week 4, bonus points requirements below will be enforced. Your team will receive bonus points if all of
the following occur:
 Player name, player number, and Innings are filled in for every game including Total Innings.
 The winner and loser of every game is marked with the number of games won (Total Points for 9-Ball).
 Match Points Earned, Running Total, and final match score are filled in.
 Scoresheet is signed by both teams and dropped off by the end of the night.
 All fees are up to date.

The bonus points awarded will be as follows:

 8-Ball: 2 Possible Bonus Points
o 1 point will be awarded for the entire weekly fee being paid (see 1.1) and the team being
current on all past due fees.
o 1 point will be awarded for accurate and complete scoresheets.

 9-Ball: 20 Possible Bonus Points

o 10 points will be awarded for the entire weekly fee paid (see 1.1) and the team being current
on all past due fees.
o 10 points will be awarded for accurate and complete scoresheets.

Remember, bonus points are earned and are awarded at the sole discretion of the Local League Office. Teams
that consistently earn all their bonus points may randomly receive 1 Week of Free Team Play from the Local
League Office.

Teams have one week to clear partial past dues without penalty but will lose their bonus point(s) for every
subsequent week that past dues are not paid. The 1st week grace for bonus points may also be lost for
repeated offences. Past dues are printed beside the team name on the score sheet.

Keeping current with your weekly fees is important. If you fall behind in payments, you may risk more than
your bonus points. You may lose your place in the Playoffs and/or the opportunity to compete in tournaments.

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1.4 Bonus Points for Bye Weeks
Whenever a Division has an odd number of teams, one team each week will not have a match. In this instance,
the team with the bye shall be given the following points for the week (including the bonus points a team would
have received if all the paperwork was correct):
 8-Ball: 8 Bye Points + 2 Bonus Points
 9-Ball: 60 Bye Points + 20 Bonus Points

Note: Teams do not need to submit paperwork or fees for bye weeks.

1.5 Past Due Procedures

1. First Week Past Due: “PAST DUE” will be highlighted on both scoresheets.
2. Second Week Past Due: “PAST DUE” will be stamped over the top of the roster names/member
numbers on both scoresheets for the past due team. Bonus Points will be lost.
3. Third Week Past Due: The TEAM CAPTAIN will be made INACTIVE on scoresheet.
4. Fourth and Final Week Past Due: The Entire Team will be Dropped From the Division.

1.6 Late Penalties

Any teams that fall behind in paying their team dues will receive a FINAL NOTICE on their next scoresheet and
points will be taken away. Additionally, the Team Captain (and other players) may be marked ineligible to play
by being made INACTIVE on the team. If payment is not received at this time the team will be given notification
that they will be dropped from the League for non-payment. If the fees are not brought current by the third
week or arrangements made to pay the past due balance, the team will be dropped. All players on the team
will become equally responsible for the fees that are due, including fees for the remainder of the session, and
will not be permitted to rejoin until their portion is paid.

1.7 Pins
Pins are available for the following accomplishments:

 8-on-the-Break: You make the 8-ball on the break.

 8-Break-and-Run: You make at least one ball on the break and then run the rack.
 9-on-the-Snap: You make the 9-ball on the break.
 9-Break-and-Run: You make at least one ball on the break and then run the rack for ten points.

There are no limits on the number of pins you can earn in a session. If you wish to receive a pin for an
accomplishment, make sure it is marked in the appropriate section on your scoresheet. Pins are awarded the
week after they are earned and will be included in your team envelope.

Pins may be substituted with a raffle entry (1 pin = 1 raffle entry). The raffle draw will be held at the World
Qualifier (Regionals). The winner will receive airfare to Las Vegas in August (1 hotel room for 4 days and 3
nights) to play the Mini Mania events and enjoy the “APA Vegas Experience” (Effective Summer Session 2023).

Section 2: Local League Play

2.1 Rescheduling Matches

On occasion, an entire team match may need to be rescheduled due to inclement weather, or conflicts with
other pre-qualified League obligations, or other approved reasons. You are required to reschedule a match if
your match conflicts with your opponent’s other pre-qualified League obligations and the opponent requests
rescheduling. If you plan to reschedule a match, you must notify the Local League Office for approval and for

Revised: 02/19/2023 4
a date and time to complete the match. Upon receiving approval from the Local League Office, please use the
following procedure:

 Contact the Team Captain of the team you are scheduled to play in the match and notify them of your
intent to reschedule. The approval by each Team Captain must be obtained at least 48 hours prior to the
originally scheduled match in order that each team may notify all their players.
 Rescheduled matches must be played within two weeks of the original scheduled match date. No make-
up matches will be allowed in the last 4 (four) weeks of the session, unless the Local League Office grants
an exception, which will only occur as a result of special circumstances. Un-played matches during that
time will result in a double-forfeit in points.
 Teams must pay for the rescheduled match by the original scheduled match date or on the day of the
rescheduled match date. Full team fees must be paid by the completed rescheduled match date in order
to be awarded bonus points.

Matches will be scheduled on Monday statutory holidays for some Host Locations. If a Team request for their
Monday statutory holiday match to be rescheduled, the other team must agree and League Office approval is
required with a 48 hour notice. Local League Office must be notified for Host Location approval with a date
and time. For some Host Locations, scheduled Monday matches that fall on a statutory holiday are
automatically re-scheduled to Tuesday where possible. Teams may choose to play on a statutory holiday if
their host location is open. The following Monday observed holidays are, Family Day, Victoria Day, Canada Day,
Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.

Without reschedule match pre-approval by the Local League Office, the double play and/or forfeit option must
be used if teams are short a few players (Effective Summer Session 2023). See section “2.4 Double-Play” for
more details.

Inclement Weather
The Local League Office will use school closings and province warnings to determine whether matches will be
cancelled and rescheduled due to inclement weather. If you feel that weather conditions may result in League
play being cancelled or postponed, check our Local League Website for the most up-to-date information.
Contact the Local League Office if you have additional questions or concerns, but only after you have checked
the website. Most important, please be safe and do not risk injury if you feel the travel conditions are unsafe.

2.2 Teams in Default

Any team that does not show up for its match for two consecutive weeks will be deemed to be in default and
will be dropped from the Division. Additionally, any team that has not paid their League fees for two
consecutive weeks can be dropped from the Division. Teams who have failed to pay their League fees for two
consecutive weeks will be notified of the past due status. If their account is not made current in a timely
manner, the team will be deemed in default and may be dropped from the Division.

Teams that are in default are still responsible for paying their team fees for the remainder of the session. Each
member of the defaulting team will be responsible for paying their share of the team fees owed. The defaulting
team’s players will be suspended from the League until their portion of the fees is paid. The Local League Office
has the right to assign different portions of the outstanding fees to individual players as it deems appropriate.
If your team has a player that is past due on your roster, you will receive no points for that person’s match
(even if they win) and no bonus points for any week they play while their fees are past due.

2.3 23-Rule
The 23-rule is the cornerstone of the CPA. All 23-Rule violations will be enforced automatically by the Local
League Office by way of the software program. A protest is not required. Teams are not allowed to agree to
break this rule. As per the Official Team Manual, the penalty for breaking the 23-rule is a loss of all the points
Revised: 02/19/2023 5
won by the offending team. The non-offending team will receive the points they earned plus forfeit points for
the match that the violation occurred and for each subsequent match. Don’t let this happen to your team.
Make sure you understand the rule and stay within before you put up players. This violation occurs when the
balls are broken. Refer to page 33 of the Official Team Manuel (OTM) on for details.

2.4 Double-Play
One player may play twice in a team match, only if the team cannot field 5 players due to absentees with the
following conditions; The team who is short players must prove that they have another player on their roster
(but not available) that could have legally played in place of the player that plays twice and still stay within 23.
If they do not, then they must forfeit the last match. If the team can play a player twice, the opponents get to
select that player that plays again from the available players. Players that would jeopardize the 23-Rule cannot
be selected. Any eligible player who was available during the earlier matches may be selected, so they must
remain available or risk forfeiting the match if selected after they left. Teams may only exercise this option 4
(four) times in a session and may not exercise this option in the last 4 (four) weeks of the session or in post
session play. Using more than 4 (four) double-plays per session will result in a forfeit unless the non-offending
player needs a match played in which case, any points earned by the double-play player will be lost. This rule
is used to aid a team with an unfortunate situation to avoid forfeits and is not to be used out of this context.
Team captains must inform the other team of any potential need to play a player twice prior to the start of the
4th individual match. The double-play match must be played as the last match of the night. Both teams may
utilize the double-play on the same night if necessary. In this situation, the team scheduled to put up a player
in the 5th match designates their double-play player first. If you are unsure about how to use this option, please
contact the Local League Office for advice before the start of the match.

2.5 Forfeits
Teams have a 15-minute grace period to begin their first match. Only one player is needed to begin the match.
Between 16 minutes and 30 minutes late, the late team will forfeit 2 points (15 points in 9-Ball). Between 31
minutes and 45 minutes, they will forfeit 4 points (30 points in 9-Ball). After 60 minutes it will be declared a
team forfeit. Should an entire team forfeit a team match (this should never happen); the offending team must
pay both teams’ Team Fees before they will be allowed to continue to play the following scheduled match. This
must be imposed for the inconvenience caused to the opponents by wasting their time to show up for nothing.
Full team forfeit = 8 points plus 2 bonus points for 8-ball and 60 points plus 20 bonus points for 9-ball. In the
event that the offending team does not pay both teams’ Team Fees and as a result their team was dropped
from the League, the non-offending team must pay their own Team Fees in order to be rewarded the full team
forfeit points. For individual forfeits during playoffs and tournaments, 3 points are awarded for 8-ball (20 points
for 9-ball).

2.6 Video Rulings

Rulings based on video footage is not allowed in local league play and higher level tournaments.

Section 3: Sportsmanship and Conduct

3.1 Comments on Scoresheets

All concerns should be written on the scoresheet in a courteous and professional manner. This will guarantee
that your concern is considered, documented and addressed. Abusive language directed at the League or the
League Operator will not be tolerated on the scoresheets. Abusive comments or complaints are considered
unsportsmanlike and will be treated appropriately.

3.2 Refusal to Do Business With

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The vast majority of players have a great time in the League and display true sportsmanship. We seek to
promote those who personify the CPA spirit. Every CPA member has the right to be treated with respect and
in a sportsmanlike manner, and members who display offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. At any time,
at the sole discretion of the League Operator, CPA Toronto/Peel can refuse to do business with any individual
regardless of whether the individual’s CPA membership is in good standing.

3.3 Banned Players

If a Host Location has banned a player from entering their establishment, the team must play without them
when playing at that location (including Higher Level Tournament sites) and the League will not be responsible
for any consequences incurred to any member or their team. The League does not have the right to require a
Host Location to permit access to a banned person for a League match and will not interfere with the Host
Locations’ right to bar entry to any unwelcome patron. It is also the sole responsibility of the barred patron to
appeal to the Host Location owner or manager for re-entry.

3.4 Suspended Players

CPA Toronto/Peel Region will honour any suspensions from all CPA areas.

Section 4: Local League Playoffs and Tournaments

4.1 Session Playoffs

During the playoffs and the last two weeks of a session’s regular weekly play, a team cannot forfeit more than
3 (three) individual matches. Teams who do not adhere to this rule may forfeit their eligibility in the Playoffs,
Tri-Annuals, and the World Qualifier (Regionals).

The next session will begin the week following the 1st round of Playoffs.

Eligible teams must enter a session-ending Tri-Annual Tournament to qualify for the World Qualifier
(Regionals). Teams already qualified for the World Qualifier may play in subsequent Tri-Annuals for the cash
added to it or pass their eligibility to the next Division Points Leader in the playoffs. Any team that loses in the
finals at Tri-Annuals to a team already qualified from a previous Tri-Annuals will also be qualified.

Number of Teams Tri-Annuals Session

in Division Qualification Playoff Structure Award Structure
1st Place vs. Wild Card
4-6 Winner advances to Tri-Annuals.
1st Place team in points gets the
One team qualifies for
1st PLACE SESSION Plaques.
Tri-Annuals. In a 4-6 team division, eligibility cannot be passed to teams
finishing directly behind an already qualified team in the Playoffs.
1st Place vs. Wild Card
2nd Place vs. 3rd Place 1st Place team in points gets the
Two teams qualify for
1st PLACE SESSION Plaques.
The winner of each match advances to Tri-Annuals.
1st & 2nd Place Division Point Leader advances directly to Tri-
1st Place team in points gets the
Four teams qualify for 3rd Place vs. Wild Card
1st PLACE SESSION Plaques.
Tri-Annuals. 4th Place vs. 5th Place

The winner of each match advances to Tri-Annuals.

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All players need a minimum of 6 (six) lifetime matches, 4 (four) of which must be played in the session to be
eligible to play in Tri-Annuals. Matches played during regular session, and Playoffs count toward the minimum

In the Double Jeopardy format, a conflict with match locations may arise for some teams who are in playoffs
in both formats. As such, some matches may have to be rescheduled. By default, the 8-Ball matches will be
played on the regular night and the 9-Ball match will be played on the Thursday evening of that same week.
During regular session, the same player cannot play the last match in each format and make their opponent
wait because it is continuous play (this is only allowed in playoffs).

A random draw of the teams who didn’t place becomes the Wild Card team. The Wild Card team will be
notified. The following conditions apply: 1. The Wild Card team must not have more than 5 forfeit losses in the
regular session. 2. The Wild Card team must not have any past dues.

4.2 Player Eligibility

Players must have played at least 4 times with the team during the session to be eligible to play in the
Session Playoffs.

Original players need a minimum of 10 (ten) lifetime matches, 4 (four) of which must be played in the Spring
session with the qualified team to be eligible to play in the World Qualifier (Regionals). Matches played during
regular session, Playoffs, and Tri-Annuals count toward the minimum requirement.

Non-original players need 20 (twenty) lifetime matches in order to join an already qualified team in the Spring
Session before week 4 (four), and require Local League Office approval. If the player has fewer than 20 (twenty)
lifetime matches, that player must be approved by the Local League Office prior to being added to the roster.
The player’s skill level will be subject to heavy scrutiny. All roster changes for qualified teams must be made
prior to the team submitting their week 4 (four) scoresheets. Altering the roster of a qualified team after week
4 (four) of the Spring Session will result in the team losing its qualification. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO

Non-qualified teams under the Survival Rule (6 or less players) can add a player prior to submitting their Week
7 scoresheets. Local League Office approval is required and that player should have established CPA scores. If
that player is unpaid they must pay their membership before playing.

All teams/players that are qualified for Tri-Annuals, World Qualifier (Regionals), World Pool Championship
and/or cash added events must remain active in order to keep their eligibility. Eligible teams must continue to
play in subsequent sessions and maintain its originality and eligibility requirements. An eligible team consists
of at least 4 (four) original players from the time in which they qualified. Any team qualified for World Qualifier
(Regionals) and/or World Pool Championship must play the Summer session with at least 4 (four) original
players on its roster to stay eligible.

4.3 Plaques, T-shirts & Trophies

End of session 1st Place Division team members will receive a Plaque of Recognition or a Division Champion T-
shirt (Effective Summer Session 2023). MVP members will receive a Plaque of Recognition or an MVP Division
Champion T-shirt and a free entry into the session ending MVP tournament (Effective Summer Session 2023).
Winners of the World Qualifier (Regionals) team members will receive a Trophy.

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4.4 MVP Tournament
In order to qualify for the session ending MVP Tournament, a player must finish in the top 2 in each Skill Level
Grouping. All MVP Qualifiers must remain active in the format that they qualify in, from the time they qualify
to the time of the MVP Tournament. It is the responsibility of each individual player to remain on an active

4.5 World Qualifier Tournament (Regionals)

The World Qualifier (Regionals) is an annual tournament that takes place at the end of the League year. The
winner of the World Qualifier receives travel assistance to Las Vegas and the opportunity to represent CPA
Toronto/Peel in the World Pool Championships. World Qualifier eligibility may be lost for any of the following
reasons with player handicaps under heavy scrutiny:

 Forfeiting more than 7 matches in any subsequent session.

 Finishing in the lower half of the standings in any subsequent session.

4.6 Travel Assistance for the APA World Pool Championships (WPC) in Las Vegas
The Travel Assistance Fund will be used to pay travel expenses actually incurred by the members of those
teams advancing to the APA World Pool Championships in Las Vegas. Non-attending players will not receive a
cash substitute. If an entire team chooses not to go to this event, the slot and the Travel Assistance will be
given to the last team eliminated by the non-attending team on their World Qualifier board.

Revised: 02/19/2023 9

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