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Spoken Language Therapy

Exploring The Process of getting a

a Cochlear cochlear implant Listening and spoken language therapy, also known
as habilitation therapy, teaches children how to listen
with their cochlear implant, and teaches parents how
Implant The idea of implantation may evoke a range
to help their child learn to listen and communicate.
Change Hearing Loss Therapists that specialize in listening and spoken
of feelings, including excitement, hope, or
apprehension. Rest assured, cochlear language therapy understand how hearing, speech,
implant surgery is relatively simple, and language evolve and will create an appropriate
minimally invasive, and performed therapy plan to help your child develop these skills.
Hearing Aid or Cochlear Implant
For many children, hearing aids are sufficient to thousands of times per year across the It is important to realize that parents and caregivers
improve hearing to an acceptable level of benefit. world. must become involved in the therapy process and
Cochlear implantation is considered for children who help their child strengthen his or her hearing and
require access to sounds that hearing aids cannot Most children resume their regular activities language every day. You can find free activities that
provide. To learn more about hearing loss visit within a couple of days. There are two help children learn to listen online at websites such as
stages to getting a cochlear implant. First The Listening Room,
your child will have
the internal device placed during a surgical
What is a cochlear implant? procedure. A few weeks later, once the surgical Success of cochlear implant
site has healed, your child will be fit
A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device There are many well-known factors that contribute to
with the external components.
that uses state of the art technology to provide a child’s hearing potential after implantation. Length
hearing to individuals with significant of deafness, previous experience with sound, age at
hearing loss. Most children with cochlear implants Seeing Improvement implantation, and the family’s commitment to
demonstrate improvement in their ability to hear, listening therapy are some of the main factors that
understand speech, and develop help to determine success. The keys to maximizing a
language. Your child will perceive sounds
child’s hearing potential are daily full time use of the
differently over the first days, weeks, and
months after implantation. It is important cochlear implant combined with listening and spoken
to keep in mind that it takes time, language therapy
practice, and full time use of the device
during all waking hours to hear with
cochlear implants. It is a process, not an
instant fix. Overtime many children with
cochlear implants will learn to listen, talk,
and attend mainstream schools.
Candidacy for Cochlear Do all Implants
Implant Work the Same? Visit for
There are many well-known factors that No. Just as your child is unique, each
cochlear implant system offers different
contribute to a child’s hearing potential after
implantation. Length of deafness, previous
experience with sound, age at implantation,
features and technology. We know you
have big dreams for your child and
Change Hearing Lost
and the family’s commitment to listening family.
therapy are some of the main factors that help
to determine success. The keys to maximizing There is so much to learn about the
a child’s hearing potential are daily full time amazing technology Advanced Bionics
use of the cochlear implant combined with (AB) offers.
listening and spoken language therapy

Experience Life
to the fullest

Children 12 months of age and older with significant

hearing loss may be candidates for a cochlear implant.
Typically candidates are evaluated by a team and candidacy
is determined on a case by case basis. Are you wondering if
your Child is a Candidate for Cochlear Implants? Check all
that apply to find out

Phone: 682-792-3859 +1
email: [email protected]

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