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Great Grammar
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Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Edited by Mela Ottaiano

Cover design by Michelle Kim
Interior design by Melinda Belter

ISBN: 978-0-545-79423-7
Copyright © 2015 by Scholastic Inc.
Illustrations copyright © by Scholastic Inc.
All rights reserved.
Published by Scholastic Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15

Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

IntroductIon ............................................... 5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.............. 9
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7 • Two Ideas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8 • Clauses in Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9 • Using Conjunctions With Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
10 • Review: Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
NouNS & ProNouNS
11 • What Is a Noun? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
12 • Proper Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
13 • Other Kinds of Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
14 • Plural Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
15 • More Plural Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
16 • Possessive Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
17 • What Is a Pronoun? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
18 • Pronoun Places . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
19 • Pronouns After Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
20 • Pronouns in Contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
21 • Review: Nouns and Pronouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
22 • What Is a Verb? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
23 • Nouns and Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
24 • Verb Tenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
25 • Using Verb Tenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
26 • The Verb To Be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
27 • Spelling Past Tense Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
28 • Irregular Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 39
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
38 • Comparing Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
39 • More About Adverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
40 • Review: Adjectives and Adverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
41 • What Is a Preposition? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
42 • Building Sentences With Prepositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
43 • Review: Prepositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
44 • Capitals in Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
45 • More About Capitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
46 • Commas in Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
47 • Commas in a Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
48 • Quotation Marks and Commas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
49 • Writing Dialogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
50 • Review: Capitalization and Punctuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
51 • Word Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
52 • Words With ch, sh, and th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
53 • What Is a Prefix? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
54 • What Is a Suffix? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
55 • Review: Spelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
AnSwErS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources


To be successful at any task, it is important

Page by Page
to have the right tools and skills. Grammar
is one of the basic tools of written and You can use these suggestions to help
oral language. Students need to learn and students complete the activity pages.
practice key grammar skills to communicate Activity 1
effectively. The pages in this book provide Remind students that statements end
opportunities to introduce grammar rules with periods and questions end with
and concepts and/or expand students’ question marks.
familiarity with them.
Activity 2
Tell students that most subjects are nouns.
using this Book Point out Mimi and batter in the example.
If your class has grammar texts, you can Mention that noun markers, such as
duplicate the pages in this book to use the article the in the example, are part of
as reinforcements. the subject.
/ Read aloud the instructions and Activity 3
examples as most of the material will Review what students know about sentence
be new to third graders. If necessary, subjects and point out that the main word in
provide additional examples and answer a predicate is the verb.
students’ questions. Activity 4
/ Model how to do the activity. For Part A, remind students that if a sentence
begins with a verb, it is a command.
You can add these pages as assignments
to your writing program and keep copies in Activity 5
skills folders at your writing resource center. Use this activity to review what students
have learned in the previous lessons.
You may also want to use the activities as
a class lesson or have students complete the
Activity 6
Remind students that a sentence always
pages in small groups.
begins with a capital letter.
Activity 7
Point out that more than one conjunction
may make sense in a given sentence.
Activity 8
Stress that the use of one of these
subordinating conjunctions signals that
a dependent clause is coming. Remind
students that a dependent clause is not a
complete sentence.

5 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

subject pronouns after action verbs such as
“You sent we a photo” and the misuse of
object pronouns as subjects such as “Him
goes for a ride.”
Activity 20
Stress that an apostrophe is used where letters
are omitted.
Activity 21
Review the purposes of a noun and a
pronoun. Remind students that the pronoun
must agree with the noun it replaces.
Activity 22
Review what students already know about
verbs. Explain that the verb is the main
word in a predicate; it is called the simple
predicate. Usually, there are other words in a
predicate as well.
Activity 23
Noun-verb agreement can be tricky for
students. You might do this page aloud with
the class so that students can hear the correct
usage and talk about why the verb is singular
or plural in each sentence.
Activities 24 and 25
Discuss why verb tense is important.
Activity 26
Encourage students to use the chart as
they complete this page. You might do
this page aloud with the class so that
students can hear the correct usage and
talk about why the verb is correctly used in
each sentence.
Activity 27
Review the terms syllable, consonant, and
vowel before introducing this page. Have
students tell which rule applies as they
complete the exercises.
Activities 28 and 29
Tell students that they should memorize the
past tense of these verbs.

6 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 30 Activity 45
Encourage students to think of other verbs Before students begin Part B, remind them
that might correctly complete the sentences. that sentences begin with capital letters and
Activity 31 end with punctuation. Point out that the
Review what students already know about names of months are capitalized. Remind
adjectives and introduce the word modify. students that book titles are underlined.

Activities 32 and 33 Activity 46

Introduce the terms comparative and Explain that state abbreviations are
superlative when discussing these activities. almost always used on addresses for letters,
packages, and online forms.
Activity 34
Have students note which spelling rule they Activity 47
use when completing the chart. Remind students that a comma is like a
yellow traffic light for readers; it indicates
Activity 35
a slight pause. When used in a series,
Review what students already know about
commas help readers differentiate the items
adverbs. Point out that adverbs aren’t always
mentioned. Point out that a series must
next to the verbs they describe.
include at least three words or phrases.
Activity 36
Activity 48
Explain that adverbs help make the meaning
Tell students that quotation marks are a form
of a sentence clearer, and often more colorful.
of punctuation. Suggest that students read all
Activities 37 and 38 of the sentences in speech balloons first before
Reintroduce the terms comparative and
they add them to the sentences in the activity.
superlative when discussing these pages.
Activity 49
Activity 39 After students complete this page, you
Invite volunteers to create a sentence that
may wish to go over it aloud with the
includes one of the adverbs in the word bank.
class so you can discuss the capitalization
Activity 40 and punctuation.
Remind students that adverbs aren’t always
Activity 50
next to the verbs they describe.
Review what students know about
Activities 41–43 capitalizing the first word of a sentence and
Explain that prepositions and the phrases proper nouns. You may want to point out
they introduce help make a sentence more the abbreviation for Saint in sentence 3. If
interesting and informative. necessary, mention that abbreviations such
Activity 44 as this one end in a period.
Point out that small words such as in and Activity 51
to are not capitalized unless they are the This page also helps develop vocabulary
first word in a title. Before students begin and dictionary skills. Encourage students
Part B, remind them that names of people to make charts or keep notebooks of
are capitalized. word families.

7 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 52 Activity 55
Encourage students to find other words that Ask volunteers to share other words they
begin or end with these digraphs. may know that begin or end with the given
Activities 53 and 54 digraphs, prefixes, and suffixes. Point out that
Invite students to find other words that begin there may be more than one way to complete
with these prefixes or end with these suffixes. the sentences.

connections to the Standards

With the goal of providing students nationwide with a quality education that prepares them
for college and careers, broad standards were developed to establish rigorous educational
expectations. These standards serve as the basis of many state standards. The chart below
details how the activities in this book align with specific language and foundational skills
standards for students in grade 3.

English Language Arts Standards Activities

Conventions of Standard English
• Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English 1–55
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

• Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English 6, 12–16, 20, 23–25, 27,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 32–34, 36–39, 44–55

Knowledge of Language

• Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing,

speaking, reading, or listening.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
• Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- 1–3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 19–21,
meaning words and phrases based on grade 3 reading and 23, 26, 30, 33, 38–40, 42,
content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. 43, 48, 51, 53–55

• Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in 1–55

word meanings.
• Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, 1–55
general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases,
including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships.
Phonics and Word Recognition

• Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in 13–16, 23–25, 27–29,
decoding words. 32–39, 53–55

• Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support
Source: © Copyright 2010 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.

8 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

1 Sentences Name Date

Two Kinds of Sentences

A sentence is a group of words that expresses

a complete idea.
A statement is a sentence that tells something.
A question is a sentence that asks something.

Statement: Our school fair is today.

Question: When is our school fair?

A. Read each sentence. Write statement or question.

1. Our class is in charge of the crafts booth. ______________________________
2. The fourth graders made posters. ______________________________

3. What time does the fair start? ______________________________

4. The fifth graders are selling food. ______________________________

5. What are the first graders doing? ______________________________

6. Will families come to the fair? ______________________________

7. Some booths will have games. ______________________________

8. Mr. Rice will perform magic tricks. ______________________________

B. Complete the statement and question.

9. The third grade _______________________________________________________.
10. What prizes ___________________________________________________________?

9 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

2 Sentences Name Date

Sentence Subjects

A sentence has two parts.

The subject of a sentence tells who or what does something.

Mini stirred the batter. The batter splashed all over.

subject subject

A. Write the subject of each sentence.

1. Mini made a sticky mess on the table. ______________________________
2. The spoon fell out of her hand. ______________________________

3. The table had batter all over it. ______________________________

4. Dad added eggs to the bowl. ______________________________

5. The cake was for Mini’s mom. ______________________________

6. Mom loves chocolate birthday cake! ______________________________

Word Bank
B. Choose the best subject from the word
bank to complete each sentence. Dad

7. ______________________________ went in the oven to bake.

8. ______________________________ made some vanilla icing.
9. ______________________________ helped Dad clean up the kitchen.
10. ______________________________ enjoyed the delicious birthday cake.

10 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

3 Sentences Name Date

Sentence Predicates

A sentence has two parts.

The predicate of a sentence includes a verb
that tells what the subject does.

Sara rides her bike after school. Ken joins her on his scooter.

verb in predicate verb in predicate


3. A scooter lacks a seat and pedals. ______________________________

4. Ken pushes on the ground with one foot. ______________________________

5. The friends race around their neighborhood. ______________________________

6. They meet other kids in the park. ______________________________

Word Bank

B. Choose the best predicate from looks at his watch ride on bike paths
the word bank to complete rings her bell calls to Sara
each sentence.

7. The kids ______________________________________________________________ .

8. Sara __________________________________________________________________ .
9. Ken ___________________________________________________________________ .
10. He ____________________________________________________________________ .
11 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
4 Sentences Name Date

More Sentences

A command is a sentence that tells what to do.

The subject of a command is you, but it is not said or written.
A command starts with a verb.

Command: Stop right here.

subject you not stated command starts with verb

An exclamation is a sentence that shows strong feeling.

Exclamation: What a surprise!

A. Read each sentence. Write statement or command.

1. Signs give drivers helpful information. ______________________________

2. Follow the exit signs. ______________________________

3. Turn right at the corner. ______________________________


7. Please drive slowly through the park. ______________________________

8. Watch for animals. ______________________________


12 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

5 Sentences Name Date

Identifying Sentences

Statements, questions, commands, and exclamations

are different kinds of sentences.
Kind of Sentence Example
A vole lives in our garden.

Question What is a vole?
Look it up on the Internet.
Exclamation Wow!

Read each sentence. Write statement, question,

command, or exclamation.

1. The vole ran across the patio. ___________________________

2. When did you first see it? ___________________________

3. Jan was leaning over to water some pots. ___________________________

4. What a surprise she had! ___________________________

5. Tell me more about the vole. ___________________________


8. Is a vole related to a mole? ___________________________

9. Why don’t we look up voles in a reference book? ___________________________

10. Make some notes about voles for us. ___________________________

13 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

6 Sentences Name Date

Writing Sentences

A sentence always begins with a capital letter.

Sentences have punctuation at the end.
Kind of Sentence End Punctuation Example
Statement period . Mrs. Hill handed out our papers.
Question question mark ? Were they test papers?
Command period . or exclamation
mark !
Exclamation exclamation mark ! Good work!

Rewrite each sentence so that it is correct.

1. jeb studied hard for the test


2. was he well prepared for all the questions


3. look at his grade


4. fantastic

5. keep up the good work


6. jeb, what is your favorite subject


14 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

7 Sentences Name Date

Two Ideas

Conjunction Purpose Example

and connects two related ideas It is spring, and some robins
are building a nest.
but ideas that differ or shows We like birds, but they make
a problem with first idea a lot of noise in the morning.
or suggests a choice of ideas We can close the window, or
we can listen to the noise.

Add and, but, or or to each sentence.

1. The birds worked hard on the nest, ____________ it is messy.

2. The female sits on the nest, ____________ the male brings her food.
3. Is that bird a robin, ____________ is it a swallow?
4. We have a birdhouse on the fence, ____________ I haven’t seen a bird there.
5. Will the eggs hatch today, ____________ will they hatch tomorrow?
6. The baby birds are hungry, ____________ their parents feed them.
7. Dad tried to take photos, ____________ the birds moved.
8. A bird sat on the wall, ____________ dad got a good picture.
9. We can send this photo to Grandpa, ____________ we can send that one.

15 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

8 Sentences Name Date

Clauses in Sentences

A dependent clause is a sentence part. It has a subject and a

predicate, but it is not a sentence by itself. Dependent clauses
begin with a conjunction.
Dependent Clause Conjunctions
while although until than
because since after before

Sentence: The carpenter hummed softly while he worked.

conjunction conjunction begins

dependent clause

A. Circle the conjunction in each sentence. Underline the dependent clause.

1. We studied at the table before it broke.
2. The problem started because Luna ran into the table.
3. The table became wobbly after Luna had this accident.
4. We needed a carpenter because we used the table a lot.
5. We called Jason since he is a good worker.

B. Write sentence or dependent clause for each group of words.

6. Before the pieces became loose. __________________________________

7. We didn’t use the table until it was fixed. __________________________________

8. Although she was very sorry. __________________________________

9. Than buy a new one. __________________________________

10. Jason smiled after he finished the job. __________________________________

16 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

9 Sentences Name Date

Using Conjunctions With Clauses

Some conjunctions begin sentence parts called dependent clauses.

A dependent clause has a subject and a predicate, but it is
not a sentence by itself.
Sentence: We went to the auditorium because there was a talent show.

conjunction conjunction begins

dependent clause

Choose the best conjunction from the word bank to complete the dependent
clause in each sentence. Use each word only once.

Word Bank
after although because before
since than until while

1. Performers waited backstage ____________________ people took their seats.

2. The audience went silent ____________________ the lights went down.
3. There were wonderful dancers and actors, ____________________ I liked the
singers the best.

4. Everyone clapped ____________________ the performances were great!

5. We laughed at each joke ____________________ they were funny.
6. The show was over ____________________ we wanted it to end.
7. We can’t wait ____________________ next year’s show is ready.
8. I’d rather be in the talent show ____________________ in the audience!

17 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

10 Sentences Name Date

Review: Sentences

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete idea.

A sentence has two parts: a subject and a predicate.
Statements, questions, commands, and exclamations are
different kinds of sentences.


4. I love to ride the train! __________________________________

5. Where are we going? __________________________________

B. Circle the complete subject and underline the complete

predicate in each sentence.

6. Our grandmother meets us every Sunday.

7. She likes to take us to the museum.
8. My sister and I enjoy looking at paintings.
9. We paint our own pictures when we get home.
10. Grandma thinks we are great artists!

18 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

11 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

What Is a Noun?

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

Most nouns are common nouns.

The pioneer built his cabin in the woods.

person thing place

A. Circle every noun in each sentence.

1. Many trees surrounded the small house.
2. Squirrels, chipmunks, and other animals lived in the forest, too.
3. One day a bear appeared in the clearing around the cabin.
4. The family watched him from a window.
5. The pioneer was glad when this neighbor lumbered away.

B. Add nouns to the blanks in each sentence.

6. The _______________________ and his _______________________ cut down some
_______________________ .

7. They planned to make a _____________________ for the _____________________ .

8. Some ___________________ from the nearby ___________________ came to help.
9. The _______________________ cooked a big _______________________ for the
_______________________ .

10. Everyone worked hard and had a good __________________________ .

19 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

12 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Proper Nouns

Most nouns are common nouns.

Nouns that name a particular person, place,
or thing are proper nouns.
Each word in a proper noun begins with a capital letter.
Common nouns: city girl country court
Proper nouns: Atlanta Ellen Canada Supreme Court

A. Underline the common nouns in each sentence. Circle the proper nouns.
1. Peter and his friends ate dinner together on Tuesday.
2. The group went to the First Wok on Mulberry Street.
3. Jodi knew the chef at this restaurant.
4. Hector and Anna caught the train at Falls Village.
5. They passed the Mountain View School on their way to the station.

B. Decide if each word is a common noun or a proper noun.

Write common noun or rewrite each proper noun correctly.

6. lake erie __________________________________

7. highway __________________________________

8. flag day __________________________________

9. europe __________________________________

10. library __________________________________

11. sunday __________________________________

12. month __________________________________

20 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
13 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Other Kinds of Nouns

Some nouns name ideas, qualities, or feelings.

These nouns name things that cannot be seen or touched.
Abstract Nouns
fear love anger honesty peace loyalty
curiosity hate pleasure justice liberty truth

Some abstract nouns are formed by adding -hood, -ment,

or -ness to other words.
child + hood = childhood enjoy + ment = enjoyment
kind + ness = kindness


8. It gave him great joy. ____________________________

B. Write two sentences using an abstract noun from the examples in the chart above.
9. _________________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________________

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14 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Plural Nouns

Plural nouns name Singular Nouns Plural Nouns

more than one person, flower flowers
place, or thing. lunch lunches
Most plural nouns end dash dashes
in -s or -es.
fox foxes
Singular nouns that end in
walrus walruses
ch, sh, x, s, or ss end in -es
in their plural form. class classes

A. Write the plural for each noun.

1. brush ________________________ 6. plant ________________________

2. pass ________________________ 7. box ________________________

3. bunch ________________________ 8. bee ________________________

4. fax ________________________ 9. platypus ________________________

5. guess ________________________ 10. ranch ________________________

B. Rewrite each sentence so that the underlined nouns are plural.

11. What dish did you try at the brunch?

12. At the circus that Ira went to, he drank juice.


13. The class ran out of lunch for their picnic.


22 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

15 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

More Plural Nouns

Plural nouns name more than one person, place, or thing.

If a noun ends in a consonant and y, the y becomes i and -es is added.
baby  babies

If a noun ends in f or fe, the f or fe becomes v and -es is added.

half  halves wife  wives

A. Write the plural form of each noun.

1. cherry _________________________ 6. loaf _________________________

2. calf _________________________ 7. life _________________________

3. elf _________________________ 8. pony _________________________

4. copy _________________________ 9. knife _________________________
5. fly _________________________ 10. party _________________________

B. Rewrite each sentence so that the underlined nouns are plural.

11. Nora picked the leaf and the berry.

12. From the ferry people could see the wolf on the shore.

13. I think the daisy and the poppy should go on the shelf.

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16 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Possessive Nouns

A possessive noun shows who owns something.

A singular noun ends with an apostrophe and s: ’s.
A plural noun ends with s and an apostrophe: s’.

Singular Possessive Noun Plural Possessive Noun

boy’s ball boys’ ball
owner’s field owners’ field

A. Rewrite each group of words so that the underlined noun is possessive.

The first one is done for you.

1. the chatter of many players the players’ chatter


2. the bus belonging to the team ___________________________________________

3. the equipment of all the boys ___________________________________________

4. the uniform of that girl ___________________________________________

5. the cheers of the parents ___________________________________________

B. Determine whether the underlined noun is a singular or plural possessive.

Rewrite the sentence so that the possessive noun is correct.

6. This organizations game is an annual event.


7. Spectators praise makes the players happy.


8. Mr. Satos introduction was short and funny.

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17 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

What Is a Pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns.

Pronouns can be singular or plural.

Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns

we, us
he, him, she, her, it they, them

Rita had a quilt. She showed it to Jim. He asked her many questions.

replaces Rita replaces quilt replaces Jim replaces Rita

It was beautiful.

2. Great-grandmother made the quilt. She sewed for months.

3. Many women went to quilting bees. They worked together.

4. Jim liked the quilt. Rita told him more about quilts.

People collect them.

He went to the library.

7. Jim and Rita got a book about quilts. They read the book.

8. Rita read about the Friendship Basket. She learned a lot about it.

9. Jim found a picture to show Rita. He handed it to her.

10. Rita took the picture from Jim. She thanked him.

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18 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Pronoun Places

A pronoun takes the place of a noun.

Some pronouns can be the subject of a sentence.
Never use a subject pronoun after an action verb.
Subject Pronouns: I you she he it we they
We visited a lighthouse. You took photos. I climbed up the tower.

sentence subject sentence subject sentence subject

A. Underline the subject pronoun in each sentence.

1. You sent a photo of the lighthouse to Vern.
2. Within minutes, he responded to the message.
3. We examined the lamp at the top of the tower.
4. It was very large and had a powerful beam.
5. Later, I described the lighthouse to Ingrid.
6. She hopes to visit this place with some friends soon.
7. They have read about other lighthouses in the area.
8. When ships sail, they can see the lighthouse beam from far away.

B. Rewrite each sentence and replace the underlined words with subject pronouns.
9. Pilar and I could see a long distance from the lighthouse.

10. Pilar thought the view was stunning.


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19 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Pronouns After Verbs

Certain pronouns are used after action verbs.

Pronouns After Verbs: me you him her it us them
Dad took me to a movie. The usher found us seats. Dad thanked her.

pronoun after verb pronoun after verb pronoun after verb

You and it can be used as subject pronouns and after verbs.

A. Underline the verb in each sentence. Circle the pronoun.

1. Science fiction films thrill us.
2. Dad likes them a lot.
3. Mom sometimes teases him about this interest.
4. Dad tells her all about the movie each week.
5. Mom never watches it though.
6. My brother Jay asks Dad and me about the stars.

B. Write the correct pronoun to complete each sentence.

7. Dad gives you and ___________________ tickets for the movies.
I me

8. He drives ___________________ to the theater.

us we

9. Mom joins ___________________ for the ride.

he him

10. We watch ____________________ drive away.

they them

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20 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Pronouns in Contractions

A pronoun and a verb can be combined to make

a smaller word called a contraction.
An apostrophe shows where letters are left out.

I + am = I’m I
he + is = he’s
she + is = she’s she + will = she’ll
it + is = it’s it + will = it’ll
we + are = we’re we + will = we’ll
you + are = you’re you + will = you’ll
they + are = they’re they + will = they’ll

__________________ enjoy the lunch.

12. We are looking forward to it. __________________ pleased about this.

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21 Nouns & Pronouns Name Date

Review: Nouns and Pronouns

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or nouns.
Although the farm is small, it is a nice place to live.

noun pronoun replaces farm

Choose the best noun or pronoun from the word bank to complete each sentence.

Word Bank
he chickens coop friend I
Liam’s Rosa they us weekend

1. My _____________________ lives on a farm.

2. His family raises _____________________ .
3. _____________________ job is to gather the eggs.
4. Sometimes, _____________________ also helps his brother clean
the _____________________ .

5. This summer, _____________________ hope to visit the farm.

6. Maybe _____________________ will invite me for a _____________________ .
7. My sister _____________________ wants to go.
8. I wonder if they will have room for both of _____________________ .

29 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

22 Verbs Name Date

What Is a Verb?

A verb is a word that tells what someone or something does.

A verb is the main word in the predicate of a sentence.
Miss Wong’s class planned a costume party.

main verb predicate tells what class did

A. Write the verb in each sentence.

1. The students invited their families as guests. _______________________________
2. Derek dressed as a computer. _______________________________

3. He made the costume by himself. _______________________________

4. He used some cardboard boxes and paint. _______________________________

5. Miss Wong liked his costume very much. _______________________________

B. Underline the predicate in each sentence.

Circle the verb.

6. Bonnie took a picture of Derek in his computer costume.

7. She asked him about the costume.
8. Bonnie sent the picture to the local newspaper.
9. The next day, the paper printed Bonnie’s picture and a story about Derek.
10. Derek felt very proud!

30 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

23 Verbs Name Date

Nouns and Verbs

The subject and the verb in a sentence must agree.

If the subject is a singular noun, an -s is added to the verb.
If the subject is a plural noun, the verb has no -s.
Ned builds a fire. The logs burn well.

singular subject -s added to verb plural subject verb has no -s

Write the verb that agrees with the underlined subject in each sentence.

1. The flames ___________________ the room.

light lights

2. Some sparks ___________________ up the fireplace.

shoot shoots

3. Slowly, the room ___________________ .

warm warms

4. The temperature in the room ___________________ .

rise rises

5. Ned ____________________ more logs on the fire.

put puts

6. Ruby ___________________ the warm, cozy room.

enter enters

7. Shadows ___________________ on the walls.

dance dances

8. The heat ___________________ Ruby and Ned sleepy.

make makes

9. The kids ____________________ onto the couch.

settle settles

10. The fire ____________________ the cold from the room.

keep keeps
31 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
24 Verbs Name Date

Verb Tenses

Verbs can tell about action in the present, past,

and future.
Most past tense verbs end in -ed. Future verbs
have will before them.
Present: Dogs sometimes walk in circles.
Past: This dog walked in lots of circles.
Future: He will walk in more circles.

Write present, past, or future to identify

the tense of the verb in each sentence.

1. Sporty paced for hours on a rug. _______________________________

2. The rug sits in the hall of our house. _______________________________

3. It will wear out one day soon. _______________________________

4. Last week, our clumsy dog tripped

on the fringe of the rug. _______________________________

5. Dad laughed at Sporty. _______________________________

6. Now, that silly pup avoids Dad. _______________________________

7. Maybe our pet will forgive Dad soon. _______________________________

8. Then, they will play together again. _______________________________

9. At the moment, Sporty looks pretty busy. _______________________________

10. Yesterday, he circled about 50 times. _______________________________

32 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

25 Verbs Name Date

Using Verb Tenses

Verbs can tell about action in the Present: turn

present, past, and future. Past: turned
Most past tense verbs end in -ed. Future: will turn
Future tense verbs have will before them.

A. Rewrite each sentence so the verb is in the past tense.

1. Libby looks at the globe.

2. She points to the continent of Africa.


3. Cole checks out the location.


B. Rewrite each sentence so that the verb is in the future tense.

4. The students write about Africa in their reports.

5. Some students search for other places on the globe.


6. Globes and maps help the students.


33 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

26 Verbs Name Date

The Verb To Be

The verb to be links the subject of a sentence to words in the rest

of the sentence. It is important to use this verb correctly.

Present Past
I am you are he is I was you were he was
she is she was
it is she was
we are you are they are we were you were they were

Write the verb that agrees with the subject of each sentence.

1. I ___________________ the oldest in my family.

is am

2. The twins ___________________ younger than I.

is are

3. Kevin ___________________ the youngest before the baby came.

was were

4. Our baby ___________________ very cute.

is are

5. We ____________________ very proud of her.

is are

6. Our friends ___________________ excited about little Dale.

was were

7. You ___________________ good to visit us.

is are

8. I ____________________ glad that you could come.

was were

34 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

27 Verbs Name Date

Spelling Past Tense Verbs

The past tense of most verbs ends in -ed.

For some verbs you have to change the spelling before adding -ed.
If a verb has one syllable and ends with a vowel followed by a consonant,
double the final consonant before adding -ed.
drop  dropped tag  tagged
If a verb ends with e, drop the e before adding -ed.
dance  danced bake  baked
If a verb ends with a consonant and y, change the y to i before adding -ed.
hurry  hurried worry  worried

a. tried b. tried c. tryyed

2. zip a. ziped b. zipped c. zipied

a. gigled b. gigglied c. giggled

a. buryed b. buried c. burred

B. Write the past tense form of each verb.

6. stop ____________________________ 11. reply ____________________________
7. copy ____________________________ 12. wipe ____________________________
8. smile ____________________________ 13. name ____________________________
9. grab ____________________________ 14. hug ____________________________

10. cry ____________________________ 15. step ____________________________

35 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

28 Verbs Name Date

Irregular Verbs

Some verbs are irregular. Present Past

They do not end in see/sees saw
the regular way to do/does did
show the past.
know/knows knew
It is important
draw/draws drew
to memorize
these verbs. come/comes came
write/writes wrote
find/finds found
bring/brings brought

A. Rewrite each sentence using the past tense form of the verb.
1. We see a crane in March. _____________________________________________

2. I quickly find my camera. _____________________________________________

3. I always bring it on trips. _____________________________________________

4. Mom writes down the date. _____________________________________________

5. She draws pictures. _____________________________________________

6. She knows a lot about birds. _____________________________________________

7. The crane comes closer. _____________________________________________

8. Cranes do this migration yearly. _____________________________________________

B. Write sentences of your own using the past tense form of two
verbs from the list above.

9. ____________________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________________________
36 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
29 Verbs Name Date

More Irregular Verbs

Some verbs are irregular. Present Past

They do not end in give/gives gave
the regular way to go/goes went
show the past.
sing/sings sang
It is important think/thinks thought
to memorize
take/takes took
these verbs.
ride/rides rode
fly/flies flew
begin/begins began




B. Rewrite each sentence using the past tense form of the verb.
6. Mark sings a juggling song. _______________________________________________
7. Some jugglers ride unicycles. _______________________________________________
8. They go around in circles. _______________________________________________

9. They give us a great show. _______________________________________________

37 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

30 Verbs Name Date

Review: Verbs

A verb is an action word. It tells what someone

or something is doing (present tense),
has done (past tense), or will do (future tense).
Subjects and verbs in sentences must agree.

A. Choose the best verb from the word bank to complete each sentence.
Word Bank
was will hurry will take went were

1. We _______________________ so excited to get a puppy!

2. The puppy _______________________ to my brother when he called her.
3. Our new puppy _______________________ more playful than we could imagine.
4. My big sister _______________________ her for a walk every day.
5. They _______________________ if it starts to rain.

B. Rewrite each sentence so that the verb agrees with the subject.
6. The puppy were in her pen. ________________________________________________
7. You was with her. ________________________________________________

8. We is all there. ________________________________________________

9. She are so adorable. ________________________________________________

38 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

31 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

What Is an Adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun

by telling what kind or how many.

Mrs. Dell made twelve jars of delicious jam.

how many what kind

A. Underline the two adjectives in each sentence.

1. Mrs. Dell picked the ripe berries off many bushes.
2. She put the red fruit in a large pot.
3. She spent several hours making the tasty jam.
4. Polly helped pour the jam into small, glass jars.
5. The next morning, Polly spread the jam on hot muffins.
6. She ate three muffins in five minutes!

B. Underline the adjective and circle the noun it describes

in each sentence.

7. Mrs. Dell is an excellent cook.

8. She makes incredible meals in her kitchen.
9. She has taught Polly how to make wonderful dishes.
10. Polly hopes to open a popular restaurant.
11. She will invite Mrs. Dell to be an honored guest.
12. Polly will make her favorite recipe.

39 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

32 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

Focus on Adjectives

Adjectives can help compare two or more things.

Add -er when comparing two things.
Add -est when comparing three or more things.
Connecticut is a small state.
Delaware is smaller than Connecticut. two states

Rhode Island is the smallest state in the nation. three or more states

Write the -er and -est form of each adjective.

1. deep ___________________________ ___________________________

2. kind ___________________________ ___________________________

3. old ___________________________ ___________________________

4. light ___________________________ ___________________________

5. green ___________________________ ___________________________

6. loud ___________________________ ___________________________

7. short ___________________________ ___________________________

8. clean ___________________________ ___________________________

9. near ___________________________ ___________________________

10. wild ___________________________ ___________________________

11. fine ___________________________ ___________________________

12. dark ___________________________ ___________________________

40 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

33 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

Comparing Things

two states
three or more states

Write the correct form of the adjective in each sentence.

1. It is ______________________ in Texas than in Maine.

warmer warmest

2. Minnesota is _____________________ than Ohio.

larger largest

3. Alaska has the _____________________ mountain of all states.

taller tallest

4. Hawaii is the _____________________ state in the U.S.

younger youngest

5. Where is the _____________________ place in the country?

cold coldest

6. Temperatures are ____________________ in Arizona than North Dakota.

higher highest

7. Georgia has a _____________________ climate than Montana.

milder mildest

8. Which of all the states gets the _____________________ snow?

deeper deepest

41 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

34 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

More About Adjectives

Adjectives can help compare two or more things.

For some adjectives you have to change the spelling before
adding -er or -est.
If an adjective has one syllable and ends with a vowel followed by
a consonant, double the final consonant before adding -er or -est.
wet  wetter  wettest
If an adjective ends with e, drop the e before adding -er or -est.
wide  wider  widest
If an adjective ends with a consonant and y, change the y to i
before adding -er or -est.
dirty  dirtier  dirtiest

Write the correct forms of each adjective.

Comparing Two Things Comparing Three or More Things

1. big _______________________________ _______________________________

2. fluffy _______________________________ _______________________________

3. white _______________________________ _______________________________

4. rocky _______________________________ _______________________________

5. sleepy _______________________________ _______________________________

6. thin _______________________________ _______________________________

7. red _______________________________ _______________________________

8. nice _______________________________ _______________________________

9. safe _______________________________ _______________________________

10. sad _______________________________ _______________________________

42 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

35 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

What Is an Adverb?

An adverb is a word that describes a verb.

An adverb tells when, where, or how
an action happens.
When: We saw a show today.
Where: We saw it here.
How: We liked the show immensely.

A. The verb in each sentence is underlined.

Circle the adverb that describes the verb.

1. The show opened yesterday. 4. We arrived early for the show.

2. We read the ad excitedly. 5. The entertainer appeared there, too.
3. We bought tickets immediately. 6. We watched the show happily.

B. Circle the adverb in each sentence. Write where, when, or how.

7. Now we tell our friends about the show. ________________________

8. They always like our suggestions. ________________________

9. Ollie and Eva follow us anyplace. ________________________

10. They quickly order tickets for themselves. ________________________

11. We stand nearby at the ticket booth. ________________________

12. Will Mavis and I see the show again? ________________________

43 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

36 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

Adverbs Ending in -ly

Adverbs that tell how something happens usually end in -ly.

Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective.
Adjective + ly = Adverb
sweet sweetly

A. Underline the verb and circle the adverb in each sentence.

1. The pizza chef worked neatly at the counter.
2. He spun the dough quickly in the air.
3. He spread tomato sauce smoothly on the dough.
4. His phone rang loudly in his pocket.
5. The chef placed the pizza carefully on a chair.
6. His new assistant sat heavily on the chair by mistake!

B. Change each adjective to an adverb and use it to complete the sentence.

7. The assistant stood _______________________ .

8. The chef looked _______________________ at the assistant’s pants.


9. He shook his head _______________________ .


10. The assistant left the room ________________________ .


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37 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

Focus on Adverbs

Use more or most with adverbs

ending in -ly.

The guests left slowly.

Ella left more slowly than Jessie.
The twins left most slowly of all.

Write the correct forms of each adverb for making comparisons.

1. soon ___________________________ ___________________________

2. easily ___________________________ ___________________________

3. evenly ___________________________ ___________________________

4. clearly ___________________________ ___________________________

5. high ___________________________ ___________________________

6. hard ___________________________ ___________________________

7. gently ___________________________ ___________________________

8. late ___________________________ ___________________________

9. swiftly ___________________________ ___________________________

10. low ___________________________ ___________________________

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38 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

Comparing Actions

Use more or most with adverbs

ending in -ly.

The rain fell loudly.

It fell more loudly than yesterday.
It fell most loudly today.

Write the correct form of the adjective

in each sentence.

1. The gutters filled _____________________________ than usual.

faster more faster

2. The storm lasted ____________________________ of any this season.

more longer longest

3. The thunder boomed ____________________________ in this storm.

often more oftener

4. The lightning struck ____________________________ than in the last storm.

nearer more near

5. The clouds moved ____________________________ than usual.

more slowly most slowly

6. I watched the storm ___________________________ than Dad did.

more carefully most carefully

46 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

39 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

More About Adverbs

An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It tells when,

where, or how and action happens.
Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective.
Use more or most to compare with adverbs that end in -ly.
Adverbs that end in -er compare two actions. Adverbs that
end in -est compare three or more actions.

Read the adverbs in the word bank.

Write each of them in the correct category on the chart.

Word Bank
anywhere earlier latest perfectly usually
away here lightly strongly warmly
carefully inside never there yesterday


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40 Adjectives & Adverbs Name Date

Review: Adjectives and Adverbs

An adjective describes a noun.

An adverb describes a verb.
Penny had a large carrot. Penny munched happily.

adjective noun verb adverb

A. Determine whether the underlined word is a verb or a noun.

Write the adverb or adjective that describes the underlined word.

1. Penny loved _________________________ vegetables.

fresh freshly

2. She ate her carrot _________________________ .

eager eagerly

3. _________________________, a paw reached for Penny’s carrot.

Sudden Suddenly

4. The __________________________ hand scared Penny.

creepy creepily

5. She __________________________ snatched her carrot away.

quick quickly

B. Determine whether the underlined word is a verb or a noun.

Circle the adverb or adjective that describes the underlined words.

6. The hairy paw disappeared.

7. Penny looked around for it.
8. She saw a furry creature running away.
9. Carefully, Penny examined her carrot.
10. She daintily took another bite.
48 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
41 Prepositions Name Date

What Is a Preposition?

A preposition is a word that can

help tell where something is or
when something happens.

above around behind at
beside by in into
near on over to
under with

A. Match each word on the left to the phrase on the right that
tells where in the picture that thing is.

1. chair a. under the blanket

2. plane b. beside the trash can
3. bear c. near the desk
4. sneaker d. above the bed

B. Circle the preposition in each sentence.

5. The cat sits by the window.
6. The pillow is behind the bear.
7. The lamp is on the desk.
8. The dog sleeps under the bed.

49 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

42 Prepositions Name Date

Building Sentences With Prepositions

A preposition is a word that can help tell where something is

or when something happens. You can build sentences by
adding phrases beginning with a preposition.
Toby liked camping.
Toby liked camping in the summer. Prepositional Phrases
after one week
when Toby liked camping
in his arms
up a big hill
under the stars
to the mountains
into the tent
at dawn
near a creek

Choose the best phrase from the list above to build each sentence.
Use each phrase only once.

1. Last weekend Toby went _____________________________________________ .

2. His family left home ________________________________________________ .
3. They found a campsite ______________________________________________ .
4. Toby helped carry supplies __________________________________________ .
5. His Mom put them __________________________________________________ .
6. They all went for a hike _____________________________________________ .
7. Toby and Dad slept _________________________________________________ .
8. They were ready to leave ____________________________________________ .

50 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

43 Prepositions Name Date

Review: Prepositions
Word Bank
A preposition is a word that can above beside
help tell where something is or when
along from
something happens.
in on
over toward

Choose the best preposition from the within at

word bank to complete each sentence.
Use each word only once.

1. It was a hot day and the sun was high _______________________ the sky.
2. Kady’s sunglasses protected her eyes _______________________ the sun.
3. She relaxed _______________________ her beach chair.
4. She had a cold beverage
_______________________ her reach.

5. There were swaying palm trees

_______________________ the water’s edge.

6. The radio _______________________ the chair

played her favorite songs.

7. Just then, _______________________ her shoulder, she noticed a beachball.

8. It was coming _______________________ her quickly!
9. She reached her hands _______________________ her head.
10. Kady caught it _______________________ the last second!

51 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

44 & Punctuation Name Date

Capitals in Titles

The titles of books begin with capital letters.

Capitalize first, last, and important words in titles.
Underline titles that you write. Use italics on a computer.
A Wrinkle in Time A Wrinkle in Time


3. tuck everlasting ____________________________________________

4. george and martha ____________________________________________

5. be nice to spiders ____________________________________________

B. Rewrite the sentences correctly. Remember to underline the titles.

6. when I was nine is by james stevenson.

7. jerry spinelli wrote third grade angels.


8. winter of the ice wizard is a book by mary pope osborne.


9. jeff kinney wrote diary of a wimpy kid.


52 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

45 & Punctuation Name Date

More About Capitals

A title before someone’s name begins with a capital letter.

Most titles are abbreviated and end with a period.
When you write an initial, use a capital letter and period.
Titles: Mrs. Mr. Ms. Miss Dr.
Initials: B. P. Perlman B. P. P.

A. Write each name and title correctly.

1. dr anna rodriguez __________________________________________

2. mr and mrs clark __________________________________________

3. y l okimoto __________________________________________

4. miss helen j nichols __________________________________________

5. ms molly jackson __________________________________________

B. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

6. dr seuss was born on march 2

7. miss susan b anthony was born on february 15


8. e b white wrote charlotte’s web in 1952


9. j k rowling published harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone in 1997

53 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
46 & Punctuation Name Date

Commas in Addresses

Commas separate the name of a city and a state.

Abbreviations for states are in capital letters.
Columbus, Ohio Houston, TX

city state city abbreviation for state

Write the cities and states correctly.

1. billings montana __________________________________________

2. georgetown md __________________________________________

3. paducah kentucky __________________________________________

4. tucson az __________________________________________

5. orlando fl __________________________________________

6. barre vermont __________________________________________

7. san diego ca __________________________________________

8. boise idaho __________________________________________

9. langley washington __________________________________________

10. traverse city mi __________________________________________

11. chicago il __________________________________________

12. athens georgia __________________________________________

54 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

47 & Punctuation Name Date

Commas in a Series

Commas separate three or more words

or phrases in a series.

Mom had a hat, scarf, gloves, and purse.

commas separate words in series

Rewrite each sentence using

commas to separate words
in a series.

1. The children are named Kevin Kayla and Kyle.


2. Their cat likes to eat play and sleep.


3. There are shirts pants socks and books in the suitcase.


4. Kevin can ride a skateboard a bicycle and a scooter.


5. The dog wants to bury the bone in the flower bed under the bush or
behind the tree.



55 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

48 & Punctuation Name Date

Quotation Marks and Commas

Quotation marks show the exact words that someone says.

A comma separates the speaker’s words from the rest of the sentence.
Kito said, “I forgot my lines.” Fay told her, “Don’t worry.”

quotation marks show comma separates Fay’s words

Kito’s exact words from rest of the sentence

You’re stepping
I am so nervous! The orchestra is
on my costume. Are those lights warming up.
too bright?

Is the audience
Is everyone out there yet? Your make up I’ll move that set.
ready? is perfect.

Write quotations from the speech balloons to complete the sentences below.
Use each quotation only once.

1. The conductor said _____________________________________________________________

2. Said the stagehand _____________________________________________________________
3. Lea inquired __________________________________________________________________
4. Asked the electrician ___________________________________________________________
5. The director asked _____________________________________________________________
6. Peter complained to Bud _______________________________________________________
7. The makeup artist said _________________________________________________________
8. Paula admitted ________________________________________________________________
56 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
49 & Punctuation Name Date

Writing Dialogue

Quotation marks show the exact words that someone says.

If the quotation comes first, a comma, question mark, or exclamation
mark separates the speaker’s words from the rest of the sentence.
A capital letter begins the first word of a quotation.
“I like that scarf,” said Deena. “Thank you!” exclaimed Kenji.

exact words of Deena capital letter exclamation mark

Rewrite each sentence correctly.

1. Deena asked what color is the wool


2. the color is sort of heather answered Kenji


3. Molly said my mother sometimes dyes her own wool


4. Deena exclaimed that is really cool


5. would your mom make a scarf for me asked Deena


6. let’s learn how to knit so we can make our own scarves suggested Molly

57 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

50 & Punctuation Name Date

Review: Capitalization and Punctuation

Using capitals and correct punctuation

makes a sentence easier to read.
Remember to use capitals at the beginning
of sentences and proper nouns.

A. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. chris van allsburg was born in grand rapids michigan


2. jane yolen is from new york new york


3. the hometown of julius lester is st louis missouri


4. steven kellogg was born in norwalk connecticut


5. the birthplace of joanna cole is newark new jersey


B. Write a question that needs commas to separate words in a series.

6. ___________________________________________________________________________

58 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

51 Spelling Name Date

Word Families

Some words can be grouped into families

because they have the same spelling base.
-art -ear -ound -ark
art ear bound ark
cart clear bound bark
dart dear ground mark

A. Add the letters to form words in the word families -art, -ear, -ound, and -ark.
1. t + ear = ___________________ 6. s + ound = ___________________

2. h + ear = ___________________ 7. ch + art = ___________________

3. m + ound = ___________________ 8. gr + ound = ___________________

4. st + art = ___________________ 9. g + ear = ___________________

5. p + ark = ___________________ 10. sm + art = ___________________

B. Write two words in the same word family

as each word below. Use a dictionary for help.

11. night _______________________ _______________________

12. took _______________________ _______________________

13. sing _______________________ _______________________

14. rind _______________________ _______________________

15. bank _______________________ _______________________

16. clown _______________________ _______________________

59 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

52 Spelling Name Date

Words With ch, sh, and th

Some words begin or end with the consonant

sound /ch/, /sh/ or /th/.
Beginning Sound End Punctuation
chap chin much coach
show shape hush wash
thing thank with path

A. Write a word that begins or ends with sh, ch, or th for each picture.

1. __________________________ 4. __________________________

2. __________________________ 5. __________________________

3. __________________________ 6. __________________________

B. Add sh, ch, or th to make new words.

7. ______ ew 10. ______ ought

8. su ______ 11. bru ______
9. ______ ack 12. bo ______

60 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

53 Spelling Name Date

What Is a Prefix?

A prefix is a group of letters at the beginning

of a word that changes the word’s meaning.

Word Prefix and Meaning New Word

view pre- meaning “before” preview
happy un- meaning “not” unhappy

A. Add the prefix pre- to make new words.

1. pre + school = ____________________ 4. pre + paid = ____________________

2. pre + cook = ____________________ 5. pre + heat = ____________________

3. pre + test = ____________________ 6. pre + historic = ____________________

B. Add the prefix un- to make new words.

7. un + lucky = ____________________ 10. un + lock = ____________________

8. un + fair = ____________________ 11. un + kind = ____________________

9. un + usual = ____________________ 12. un + true = ____________________

C. Complete each sentence with a word that has

the prefix un- or pre-. Use a dictionary to help you.

13. If something is too difficult, you may be _______________________ to do it.

14. Mom will _______________________ the crust before she bakes the pie.

61 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

54 Spelling Name Date

What Is a Suffix?

A suffix is a group of letters at the end of a word that changes

the word’s meaning.
A suffix also changes the word from one part of speech to another.
Word Part of Speech Suffix and Meaning New Word Part of Speech
catch verb -er meaning catcher noun
“a person who”
cheer noun -ful meaning cheerful adjective
“full of”

A. Add the suffix -er to make new words.

1. jump + er = ____________________ 4. paint + er = ____________________
2. sweep + er = ____________________ 5. teach + er = ____________________
3. work + er = ____________________ 6. clean + er = ____________________

B. Add the suffix -ful to make new words.

7. harm + ful = ____________________ 10. success + ful = ____________________
8. dread + ful = ____________________ 11. color + ful = ____________________

9. peace + ful = ____________________ 12. grace + ful = ____________________

C. Complete each sentence with a word that has

the suffix -er or -ful. Use a dictionary to help you.

13. Someone who is full of thanks is ____________________________.

14. If you play well, you are a good _____________________________.

62 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

55 Spelling Name Date

Review: Spelling

Many words include spelling clues that can help

you learn more words.
These clues include different letter combinations
that begin or end words, such as ch, sh, or th.
They also include word families, prefixes,
and suffixes.

A. Complete the sentences below with a word that begins or

ends with ch, sh, or th. Use a dictionary to help you.

1. We polished our shoes to make them ____________________ .

2. The young ____________________ grew one ____________________
in the last six months.

3. My sister and brother ____________________ asked me to

____________________ their swing.

4. Each night to get clean, I can either take a ____________________ or a

____________________ .

B. Complete the sentences below with a word that begins with the prefix un-
or pre-, or ends with the suffix -er or -ful. Use a dictionary to help you.

5. When I put away the dishes, my mom said I was ____________________ .

6. Before we read the book, we will ____________________ the chapter titles.
7. After vacation, we must ____________________ our suitcases.
8. I was in the back row, but I could clearly hear the voice of the opera
____________________ .
63 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 1: A. 1. statement 2. statement Activity 13: A. 1. contentment Activity 25: A. 1. Libby looked at the
3. question 4. statement 5. question 2. pleasure 3. pureness 4. love globe. 2. She pointed to the continent of
6. question 7. statement 8. statement 5. brotherhood 6. gentleness 7. beauty Africa. 3. Cole checked out the location.
B. 9.–10. Answers will vary. Check that 8. joy B. 9.–10. Sentences will vary. Check B. 4. The students will write about Africa
students write complete sentences. that students use the abstract nouns in their reports. 5. Some students will
correctly. search for other places on the globe.
Activity 2: A. 1. Mini 2. The spoon
6. Globes and maps will help the students.
3. The table 4. Dad 5. The cake 6. Mom Activity 14: A. 1. brushes 2. passes
B. 7. The cake 8. Dad 9. Mini 10. The 3. bunches 4. faxes 5. guesses 6. plants Activity 26: 1. am 2. are 3. was 4. is
family 7. boxes 8. bees 9. platypuses 10. ranches 5. are 6. were 7. are 8. was
B. 11. What dishes did you try at the
Activity 3: A. 1. Sara; wears 2. A bike; Activity 27: A. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b
brunches? 12. At the circuses that Ira
has 3. A scooter; lacks 4. Ken; pushes B. 6. stopped 7. copied 8. smiled
went to, he drank juices. 13. The classes
5. The friends; race 6. They; meet 9. grabbed 10. cried 11. replied 12. wiped
ran out of lunches for their picnics.
B. 7. ride on bike paths 8. rings her bell 13. named 14. hugged 15. stepped
9.–10. Order may vary. 9. looks at his Activity 15: A. 1. cherries 2. calves
Activity 28: A. 1. We saw a crane in
watch 10. calls to Sara 3. elves 4. copies 5. flies 6. loaves
March. 2. I quickly found my camera.
7. lives 8. ponies 9. knives 10. parties
Activity 4: A. 1. statement 2. command 3. I always brought it on trips. 4. Mom
B. 11. Nora picked the leaves and the
3. command 4. command 5. statement wrote down the date. 5. She drew pictures.
berries. 12. From the ferries people could
B. 6. exclamation 7. command 6. She knew a lot about birds. 7. The
see the wolves on the shore. 13. I think
8. command 9. exclamation crane came closer. 8. Cranes did this
the daisies and the poppies should go on
10. command migration yearly. B. 9.–10. Answers will
the shelves.
vary. Check that students use the past
Activity 5: 1. statement 2. question
Activity 16: A. 1. the players’ chatter tense verb correctly.
3. statement 4. exclamation 5. command
2. the team’s bus 3. the boys’ equipment
6. statement 7. exclamation 8. question Activity 29: A. 1. present 2. present
4. the girl’s uniform 5. the parents’
9. question 10. command 3. past 4. past 5. present B. 6. Mark sang
cheers B. 6. This organization’s game is
a juggling song. 7. Some jugglers rode
Activity 6: 1. Jeb studied hard for the an annual event. 7. Spectators’ praise
unicycles. 8. They went around in circles.
test. 2. Was he well prepared for all the makes the players happy. 8. Mr. Sato’s
9. They gave us a great show.
questions? 3. Look at his grade. introduction was short and funny.
4. Fantastic! 5. Keep up the good work. Activity 30: A. 1. were 2. went 3. was
Activity 17: A. 1. It 2. She 3. They 4. him
6. Jeb, what is your favorite subject? 4. will take 5. will hurry B. 6. The puppy
5. them 6. He B. 7. They 8. it 9. her
was in her pen. 7. You were with her.
Activity 7: 1. but 2. and 3. or 4. but 5. or 10. him
8. We are all there. 9 She is so adorable.
6. and 7. but 8. and 9. or
Activity 18: A. 1. You 2. He 3. We 4. It
Activity 31: A. 1. ripe; many 2. red;
Activity 8: A. 1. before it broke 5. I 6. She 7. They 8. they B. 9. We could
large 3. several; tasty 4. small; glass
2. because Luna ran into the table see a long distance from the lighthouse.
5. next; hot 6. three; five B. 7. excellent;
3. after Luna had this accident 10. She thought the view was stunning.
cook 8. incredible; meals 9. wonderful;
4. because we used the table a lot
Activity 19: A. 1. thrill; us 2. likes; them dishes 10. popular; restaurant
5. since he is a good worker
3. teases; him 4. tells; her 5. watches; it 11. honored; guest 12. favorite; recipe
B. 6. dependent clause 7. sentence
6. asks; me B. 7. me 8. us 9. him 10. them
8. dependent clause 9. dependent clause Activity 32: 1. deeper; deepest 2. kinder;
10. sentence Activity 20: A. 1. you are 2. it is 3. they kindest 3. older; oldest 4. lighter; lightest
are 4. we are 5 she will 6. I am 7. he will 5. greener; greenest 6. louder; loudest
Activity 9: 1. while 2. after 3. although
8. she is B. 9. They’ll 10. you’re 11. You’ll 7. shorter; shortest 8. cleaner; cleanest
4. because or since 5. because or since
12. We’re 9. nearer; nearest 10. wilder; wildest
6. before 7. until 8. than
11. finer; finest 12. darker; darkest
Activity 21: 1. friend 2. chickens
Activity 10: A. 1. statement 2. question
3. Liam’s 4. he; coop 5. I 6. they; weekend Activity 33: 1. warmer 2. larger
3. command 4. exclamation 5. question
7. Rosa 8. us 3. tallest 4. youngest 5. coldest 6. higher
B. 6. Our grandmother meets us every
7. milder 8. deepest
Sunday. 7. She likes to take us to the Activity 22: A. 1. invited 2. dressed
museum. 8. My sister and I enjoy looking 3. made 4. used 5. liked B. 6. took a Activity 34: 1. bigger; biggest 2. fluffier;
at paintings. 9. We paint our own pictures picture of Derek in his computer costume fluffiest 3. whiter; whitest 4. rockier;
when we get home. 10. Grandma thinks 7. asked him about the costumes rockiest, 5. sleepier; sleepiest 6. thinner;
we are great artists! 8. sent the picture to the local newspaper thinnest 7. redder; reddest 8. nicer; nicest
9. printed Bonnie’s picture and a story 9. safer; safest 10. sadder; saddest
Activity 11: A. 1. trees; house
about Derek 10. felt very proud
2. Squirrels; chipmunks; animals; forest Activity 35: A. 1. yesterday 2. excitedly
3. day; bear; clearing; cabin 4. family; Activity 23: A. 1. light 2. shoot 3. warms 3. immediately 4. early 5. there 6. happily
window 5. pioneer; neighbor B. Answers 4. rises 5. puts B. 6. enters 7. dance B. 7. Now; when 8. always; when
will vary. Possible: 6. pioneer; family; 8. makes 9. settle 10. keeps 9. anyplace; where 10. quickly; how
trees 7. barn; animals 8. neighbors; town 11. nearby; where 12. again; when
Activity 24: 1. past 2. present 3. future
9. women; dinner; the workers 10. time
4. past 5. past 6. present 7. future Activity 36: A. 1. worked; neatly
Activity 12: A. 1. friends, dinner; Peter, 8. future 9. present 10. past 2. spun; quickly 3. spread; smoothly
Tuesday 2. group; First Wok, Mulberry 4. rang; loudly 5. placed; carefully
Street 3. chef, restaurant; Jodi 4. train; 6. sat; heavily B. 7. slowly 8. sharply
Hector, Anna, Falls Village 5. way, station; 9. sadly 10. quietly
Mountain View School 6. Lake Erie 7.
common noun 8. Flag Day
9. Europe 10. common noun 11. Sunday
12. common noun

64 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 37: 1. sooner; soonest 2. more Activity 46: 1. Billings, Montana Activity 51: A. 1. tear 2. hear 3. mound
easily; most easily 3. more evenly; most 2. Georgetown, MD 3. Paducah, Kentucky 4. start 5. park 6. sound 7. chart
evenly 4. more clearly; most clearly 4. Tucson, AZ 5. Orlando, FL 6. Barre, 8. ground 9. gear 10. smart B. Answers
5. higher; highest 6. harder; hardest Vermont 7. San Diego, CA 8. Boise, Idaho will vary. Possible: 11. light; flight
7. more gently; most gently 8. later; latest 9. Langley, Washington 10. Traverse City, 12. book; look 13. ring; fling 14. find;
9. more swiftly; most swiftly 10. lower; MI 11. Chicago, IL 12. Athens, Georgia mind 15. rank; sank 16. down; frown
Activity 47: 1. The children are named Activity 52: A. 1. sheep 2. lunch or
Activity 38: 1. faster 2. longest 3. often Kevin, Kayla, and Kyle. 2. Their cat likes sandwich 3. ship 4. bath 5. fish 6. thumb
4. nearer 5. more slowly 6. more carefully to eat, play, and sleep. 3. There are shirts, B. 7. chew 8. such 9. shack 10. thought
pants, socks, and books in the suitcase. 11. brunch 12. both
Activity 39: When: earlier; latest; never;
4. Kevin can ride a skateboard, a bicycle,
usually; yesterday / Where: anywhere; Activity 53: A. 1. preschool 2. precook
and a scooter 5. The dog wants to bury
away; here; inside; there / How: carefully; 3. pretest 4. prepaid 5. preheat
the bone in the flower bed, under the
lightly; perfectly; strongly; warmly 6. prehistoric B. 7. unlucky 8. unfair
bush, or behind the tree.
9. unusual 10. unlock 11. unkind
Activity 40: A. 1. fresh 2. eagerly
Activity 48: 1. The conductor said, 12. untrue C. 13. unable 14. prebake
3. suddenly 4. creepy 5. quickly B. 6. hairy
“The orchestra is warming up.” 2. Said
7. around 8. furry 9. carefully 10. daintily Activity 54: A. 1. jumper 2. sweeper
the stagehand, “ I’ll move that set.”
3. worker 4. painter 5. teacher 6. cleaner
Activity 41: A. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. by 3. Lea inquired, “Is the audience out
B. 7. harmful 8. dreadful 9. peaceful
6. behind 7. on 8. under there yet?” 4. Asked the electrician,
10. successful 11. colorful 12. graceful
“Are those lights too bright?” 5. The
Activity 42: 1. to the mountains 2. at C. 13. thankful 14. player
director asked, “Is everyone ready?”
dawn 3. near a creek 4. in his arms 5. into
6. Peter complained to Bud, “You’re Activity 55: A. Answers will vary.
the tent 6. up a big hill 7. under the stars
stepping on my costume.” 7. The makeup Possible: 1. shine 2. child; inch 3. both;
8. after one week
artist said, “Your make up is perfect.” push 4. shower; bath B. 5. helpful
Activity 43: 1. in 2. from 3. on 4. within 8. Paula admitted, “I am so nervous!” 6. preview 7. unpack 8. singer
5. along 6. beside 7. over 8. toward
Activity 49: 1. Deena asked, “What
9. above 10. at
color is the wool?” 2. “The color is sort of
Activity 44: A. 1. The Mouse and the heather,” answered Kenji. 3. Molly said,
Motorcycle 2. Nate the Great 3. Tuck “My mother sometimes dyes her own
Everlasting 4. George and Martha wool.” 4. Deena exclaimed, “That is really
5. Be Nice to Spiders B. 6. When I Was cool!” 5. “Would your mom make a scarf
Nine is by James Stevenson. 7. Jerry for me?” asked Deena. 6. “Let’s learn how
Spinelli wrote Third Grade Angels. to knit so we can make our own scarves,”
8. Winter of the Ice Wizard is a book by suggested Molly.
Mary Pope Osborne. 9. Jeff Kinney wrote
Activity 50: A. 1. Chris Van Allsburg
Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Activity 45: A. 1. Dr. Anna Rodriguez 2. Jane Yolen is from New York, New York.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Clark 3. Y. L. Okimoto 3. The hometown of Julius Lester is St.
4. Miss Helen J. Nichols 5. Ms. Molly Louis, Missouri. 4. Steven Kellogg was
Jackson B. 6. Dr. Seuss was born on born in Norwalk, Connecticut. 5. The
March 2. 7. Miss Susan B. Anthony was birthplace of Joanna Cole is Newark, New
born on February 15. 8. E. B. White wrote Jersey. B. 6. Questions will vary. Check
Charlotte’s Web in 1952. 9. J. K. Rowling that students have used commas correctly.
published Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone in 1997.

65 Great Grammar Practice, Grade 3 © 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources

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