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Flexibility in Modular Furniture Systems in Open Offices, Famagusta, North


Conference Paper · March 2014


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4 authors, including:

Elnaz Farjami
Near East University


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Flexibility in Modular Furniture Systems in
Open Offices, Famagusta, North Cyprus
E. Farjami, La. Mohammadzadeh Afshar, Li. Mohammadzade Afshar, A. Taran

  What are the problems of employees with their furniture

Abstract—Nowadays, flexibility introduced as a modern systems in open offices?
technology in furniture systems especially in interior planning design.  What is the effect of modular furniture on employees?
According to results, the most important impact of these systems can
be seen on open plan design that makes workspaces comfortable and
 What is the effect of flexibility (flexible furniture
increases the productivity of employees besides making good systems) on productivity in open offices?
relationship between them. Briefly, there are some factors along with  What kind of furniture should be used in open offices?
new systems in furniture design help create inappropriate space to
make working better and easier while it has modular planning IV. AIM AND OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
organization. It brings about some approaches to have a successful
space for open offices with modular design and flexible furniture Objectives:
systems. These approaches have been investigated in open and close – This research seeks to understand the intricacies in
offices at Eastern Mediterranean University(EMU) in Famagusta, designing furniture for open offices.
Cyprus, using information extracted from questionnaires. – To throw more light on the concept of an open office.
– To understand the relationship between modular furniture
Keywords—Flexibility, Flexible Furniture, Modular design, and the employees’ productivity.
Open offices, Modular furniture systems.
Interviews and Questionnaires
W ORKSPACES are private places like houses, which
should satisfy staffs mentally and physically. Thus,
inappropriate workspaces are one of the major reasons that
This research concerns Open Office flexible design
considering two case studies among EMU employees.
cause working problems, lack of cooperation among staffs, Therefore, a structured questionnaire is prepared for 30
and subsequently mental problems. employees in certain departments asking about their furniture
Furniture can solve these problems by introducing or systems and how they effect on them.
designing flexible modular systems. This strategy can be
applied by taking into account: 1) Panel height, 2) Number of VI. LITERATURE REVIEW
sides, 3) Internal layout, and 4) the surrounding materials.  Flexibility
What is flexibility?
The flexibility is the way of designing a work environment
1. In some cases, there are reduced levels of employees’ in which furniture can be easily moved. It provides a
privacy in open office area. workplace with multifunctional characteristic. The offices and
2. This kind of planning decreases job satisfaction and companies use flexibility to enhance management process and
performance and increases visual and audible noises. employees performance. It also can improve employees’
3. Other problems of these planning systems are related to satisfaction and decreases their stress and health problems [1]
body and health conditions such as high-pressure blood or Flexibility has some beneficial implications in architecture:
stressful tensions. 1. Moving partitions easily
2. Reducing the time of planning and organization
III. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 3. Having a flexible open plan office [2]
 What are the effects of flexible furniture systems on Most of the employees want to work together instead of
productivity in open offices? working individually.
"The work place is becoming more geared to collaborative,
interactive work; versus individual work “Laing says [3].
Therefore, good plan design and furniture system can be
E. Farjami, is with the Architecture Department, Eastern Mediterranean used [4].
University, North Cyprus (e-mail: [email protected]).
L. MohammadzadehAfshar, is with the Architecture Department, Eastern “In fact, some organizations have begun deploying
Mediterranean University, North Cyprus (e-mail: [email protected]) "wheelies" or mobile file cabinets that also act as docking
) Li. Mohammadzadeh Afshar,is with the Tourism Department, Eastern stations” Dunnell says [3].
Mediterranean University, North Cyprus (e-mail: [email protected]).
A.Taran, is with the Interior Architecture Department Department, Eastern
Mediterranean University, North Cyprus (e-mail: [email protected]
"Flexibility is about an employee and an employer making  Convert close to open offices
changes to when, where and how a person will work to better Flexibility is one of the beneficial ways for workspaces to
meet individual and business needs" [5]. decrease barriers in a space and help employees.
In a study, researchers investigated another advantage of There is a relation between employees’ behavior, physical
flexibility in walls, elements, and furniture, which do not have environment, and performance in workstations. There are also
non-solid volume, so that they can be made flexible and many researches on this subject [8].
movable [4]. A successful shifting from close office to open one includes
 Modular Design four features:
1. Understanding elements to encourage employees such as
Modular design can add or remove elements and in office,
furniture design.
walls, ceilings, doors, or even windows can be used for this
2. Each employee has special attitudes towards furniture
purpose. Sometimes desk scan be used as partition to divide
systems, so these places should be standardized in every
each parts of planning design [3].
aspect. In shifting to open plan office, one approach to
 Open plan office systems reach highest impact is the way of people being
Open plan was introduced in office design about 20 – 30 encouraged to accept plan changing.
years ago with cubicles called "bullpen offices; they used 3. Let employees to have their choice.
simple tables without walls or any frame and furniture. 4. Ask employees for their opinions on these changes and
"A cubicle was a transition to a private office. They provided aims of project.
some visual and acoustical privacy” [3].  Factors useful to create healthy open offices
Introducing some changes in past decades, employees
started to use movable furniture in office buildings. The factors decreasing employees’ mental comfort can also
One way to decrease cost in open plan spaces is reducing reduce their satisfaction, which can be resulted in creating
the number of partitions and using new furniture systems as negative atmosphere [8].
well as new technologies. These include planning, listening, sharing, availability, and
"Clients are expecting less costly, less elaborate systems that following up.
they can more easily manage themselves," Laing says [3].  Planning: the first step is to design a correlation plan to
create a good connection between employees and
The working space should be divided among employees, furniture.
and furniture systems can be shared between them based on  Listening: the second point is to listen to clients, which
their common organizational duties Laing said that" The cause a good relationship.
furniture has to respond to that"[3].  Sharing: helps employees to get the information they need
Flexibility in workspaces is one important factor to grab to identify future changes as move and redesigning
user’s attention. "Flexibility in where, when and how work is through effective instruments, such as, internet, mobile,
undertaken is a priority for most employees at different times fax, etc.
in their careers if employers are to attract and retain staff they  Availability: it is likely you move different ways and
need to offer and support flexibility at their workplace"[6]. directions during the day, but it is important make
yourself and your colleagues available to end-users
 Open plan office
participating in change during the time of change are
Architects have introduced open plan for the first time in going on [9].
1950; also, they considered about decreasing design cost,  Following-up: is vital to monitor how employees are
besides high level of quality in workplace where they wanted accommodating with new designed environment, to
to improve employee’s creativity and their relationship with recognize the influence of changes on their job
their bosses. performance, or to make workflow easier.
"A lot of open-plan offices are just rows of people only
working at their computers. And people don't want to be there  Technology of Flexibility
“Alexi Marmot Says [3]. Flexibility technology makes workers to access more open
There are some key concepts in this type of planning spaces to have small conference or working together. It makes
design: employees to have movable furniture, which help you to work
1. Job satisfaction: workers should be satisfied with their easier. One effect of this new technology is changing
workplace; maybe they need mentally efficient spaces. management ways because of office furnishing.
2. Privacy in offices: Workers can use special partitions for Moreover, this technology supplies variable workspaces to
privacy problem. help employees to solve their problems through using flexible
3. Noise and comfort: Noise is a big problem in destroying furniture.
privacy and be comfortable in your personal space. Flexible furniture is a newest technology for designing
Open plan workspaces can contribute to the following: 1) comfortable places like offices in which everything can be
Team work; 2) Collection of contact; 3) Preparation of good moved and changed more easily.
furniture systems; and 4) Private parts of a company [7].
"The role of the office is to facilitate people working TABLE III
together, not to separate people into different departments" EFFECT OF FLEXIBLE FURNITURE ON EMPLOYEE

Cal craft says [10]. Good Negative

No Effect Total
Effect Effect
In this essay, the main aim is to show how flexible furniture
systems can exert good effects on productivity and employees Male 15 0 2 17
in many ways that rely on the organizing approach.
Female 8 3 2 13
 Case Study Total 23 3 4 30
Eastern Mediterranean University -North Cyprus
(Register Office/Rector Office)
 Register office is an open plan office in which employees  The good effect of flexible furniture systems on open
are working together without any partitions or any offices is more than close offices; while, the negative
personal privacy as opposed to Rector Office that has effects of it on open office is more than close offices.
semi-open space with some parts having close plan office
systems. Therefore, most of workers have their own area VIII. CONCLUSION
and sometimes three employees work together in semi- According to the statistics and results of data evaluation in
open plan office systems. previous part, it is understood that employees in workspaces
 The total number of questionnaires is 30 assigned to tend to work in private and healthy spaces with high quality in
persons who work in close and open offices in EMU and productivity, so they have different attitudes toward their
some private companies. The subjects are composed of 17 furniture and planning design.
males and 13 females. About 43.3 percentages of offices In conclusion, statistically speaking, open offices need to
are close office and 56.7 % are open offices, so open pay more attention to furniture systems in compare with close
offices are the places that most of employees work there. and semi-open offices.
One solution for these problems is designing a modular plan
MALE AND FEMALE PREFERENCE ACCORDING TO TYPE OF FURNITURE to provide enough privacy and make an area to encourage
Fixed Flexible
employees for working by using flexible furniture systems.
Both Total Results show that systems using some special materials, such
Furniture Furniture
as, fiber composite, fiber glass, etc. They can be useful for
Male 7 6 4 17 well-designed furniture, and have good effects on most of
employees specially in workspaces, like, open offices
Female 5 4 4 13 .According to these results, some factors play a role in
providing successful space for open offices with modular
Total 12 10 8 30
design and flexible furniture systems:
1. A designer should understand elements of furniture
40 percent of employees prefer fixed furniture; while,33.3 2. A critical point for good designing is recognizing
percent of them like to have flexible furniture. employee’s attitude toward different positions in their
working and their spaces.
TABLE II 3. Professional designers should let employees to choose
their working area before planning.
Open Close Semi-open 4. After choosing appropriate area, employees should be
office office office asked for their preference on the kind of furniture that
1 11 0 12 they want to have (flexible or fixed systems).
Overall, this study suggests a new technology of flexibility
5 4 1 10 for furniture besides modular plan designing for modern open
offices to help people to have comfortable spaces with the best
Both 2 3 3 8
furniture and organized plan that can work easier than the old
Total 8 18 4 30

 To men flexible furniture has more positive effect on ACKNOWLEDGMENT

employees than to women. Moreover, it is revealed that Authors acknowledge Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yonca Hurol, Inst.
the male offices were as twice in number at open offices Nicholas Wilkinson and and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozlem Olgac
as females’. Female employees were almost merely Turker in Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of
working at close offices.
architecture for their attempts to enhance the academic

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[3] k.Kroll, Sustainable Design, Flexibility, Mobility Are Key
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[4] A.Emamgholi, Flexible Spaces in Architectur,sastechjournal,march
2011, pp. 1-8
[6] PO Box 12, Roseville NSW 2069
[7] H. Hofmeijer, FACILITIES to M. Tomei, PROTRAV. from 1966
[8] O’Neill M. , What to Consider when Shifting from Private Offices,
2010, pp. 1-8
[9] Kim, Young-Ju, M. Arch. Massachusetts Institute of
Technology.Architecture, 2008.
[10] Hanson,sarah. , open office , office design , March 2005, pp. 68-72

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