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Read the text and decide if each statement (1-10) is True (A), False (B) or Not Mentioned (C).

Vincent van Gogh was born in Zundert, Holland. His father was a pastor, so he was brought up in a
religious and cultured atmosphere. Vincent found his father’s profession
appealing and he was drawn to it, to a certain extent, later in his life. His sister
described him as a serious and introspective child, highly emotional, without
self-confidence. At age 16, Vincent started to work for an art dealer in The
Hague. His four years younger brother Theo, with whom Vincent had a life-long
friendship, would join the company later. This friendship is recorded thoroughly
in a vast amount of letters they sent to each other. These letters provide a lot of
information about the life of the painter and show him to be a talented writer
with a keen mind. Theo would support Vincent financially throughout his life.
In 1880, Vincent van Gogh followed his brother Theo’s suggestion and took
up painting seriously. For a brief period, Vincent took painting lessons from
Anton Mauve in The Hague. Although Vincent and Anton soon stopped
working together because of their different artistic views, influences of The
Hague School of painting would remain in Vincent’s work, especially in the
way he played with light and in the looseness of his brush strokes. However,
his use of colours, favouring dark tones, set him apart from his teacher. In
spring 1886, Vincent van Gogh went to Paris, where he moved in with his
brother Theo; they shared a house in Montmartre.
(Words: 245)

1. Van Gogh did not like his father’s job.
2. Van Gogh was influenced by his father.
3. Van Gogh is described as sensitive and uncertain of himself.
4. Van Gogh and his brother were very close to each other
throughout their lives.
5. The friendship between Van Gogh and his brother is described in
detail in a recently published book.
6. The letters between the two brothers do not give much
information about van Gogh.
7. Van Gogh was also a good writer and a clever man.
8. Van Gogh’s work was not affected by The Hague School of
9. Van Gogh used colours differently from his teacher Anton
10. The two brothers lived together for many years.

Match each of the phrases below (11-20) with a word/phrase from the box that has a similar
meaning (A-J).

A. brought up B. appealing C. extent D. serious E. provide

F. support G. remain H. move I. brief J. vast

11. Lasting only for a short time or containing a few words.

12. To give someone things they need.

13. To help or encourage someone in order to help him/her succeed.

14. Something that is extremely large.

15. To be taken care of until one becomes an adult.

16. Something that is attractive or interesting.

17. Go to a different place in order to live or work there.

18. Something important that needs careful thinking.

19. Stay in the same place or situation.

20. The area, length, degree or amount of something.

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