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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

Once the initial rounds of interviews have been conducted, the project team will gather to
analyze the findings from the interviews. Guided by their User-Centered Engineer, the team will
then prepare for a Design Thinking Workshop. This workshop will:

• Bring together the multidisciplinary representatives

• Go through a Discover Phase:
o Define the problem and create a problem statement (Consider Exercise 1 from
Google’s worksheet on User Needs + Defining Success27
o Map the current process (if there is one)
o Identify needs assumptions
o Identify critical assumptions
o Ask the questions from the HCAI (Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence)
▪ What is best controlled by humans (augmentation)?
▪ What is best controlled by automation?
▪ This is not an either/or condition
▪ Consider Exercise 2 from Google’s worksheet on User Needs + Defining
o Map the process where the user, and the system are included—defining where the
system will be augmenting or automating processes.
• Identify and Evaluate Data Sources
o Map the existing data sources
o Identify what data is most likely needed to solve the problem.

Once the team has analyzed the research, they converge on their approaches to the soluctions.
This means synthesizing all that was learned from the stakeholders and the others impacted by
the design of the AI and bring it all together.

Google PAIR, “User Needs + Defining Success Chapter Worksheet” in People + AI Guidebook, May 2019.
B. Shneiderman, Human-Centered AI, Oxford University Press, 2022
Google PAIR, “User Needs + Defining Success Chapter Worksheet”

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

Implementation and Interface Design

Once the initial discovery workshop is completed, members of the project team will have an
outline of all inputs for designing the AI system. The AI system comprises at least two major

• The front-end interface that allows the users to interact with the system
• The back-end system which houses the database, the algorithms that power the system
and other supporting technology

Once the team has an idea of the problem, they can begin the solutioning process, moving into
the second diamond of the Double Diamond model.
For the interface, the User-Centered Engineer can walk the stakeholder group, with at least two
potential users of the system along with the rest of the user experience team, through a Design
Studio Workshop. These workshops are typically two-to-three hours, with additional time if
there are new folks to be brought up to speed on the decisions made during the initial
workshop. (These should not be confused with Design Thinking workshops—Design studios are
focused on creating the interface the users will see.) The User-Centered Engineer will then
create several versions of the interface based on the outcomes of the workshop.

Testing with Users

Once designed, the User-Centered Engineer will test the interface with representative users.
Usability testing can pinpoint issues early, especially when conducted early in the Develop
phase of the double diamond through prototyping. Interface design is an iterative process
where usability testing informs the project team of what needs to be changed or clarified.
Usability testing ensures that the interface empowers users to perform critical tasks effectively
and efficiently and can involve measuring task duration, error rate, and user frustration. 30
The design team will then update the design to reflect the changes. Usability testing can be
repeated as the fidelity of the prototypes approaches what the users will actually see.

Human-Centered Metrics
Beyond typical usability testing procedures, we recommend the project team take advantage of
latest developments in human-machine teaming research to identify additional metrics for
success. These metrics can act as a “north star” and drive discussions early in the process.

E. Frøkjær, M. Hertzum, and K. Hornbæk, “Measuring usability: are effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction
really correlated?,” in Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York,
NY, USA, Apr. 2000, pp. 345–352. doi: 10.1145/332040.332455

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

Shneiderman (2021) recommends thirty attributes of human-centered AI categorized into five

themes as laid out in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Human-Centered AI Attributes

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

As the designers and builders of the system communicate with the stakeholders, they need to
include the ongoing HCAI attributes. By addressing these considerations upfront, the
stakeholders that may be resistent to change can be assured that the team is following an
approach that builds trust. By demonstrating the AI system as it is built and including these
considerations in the demonstrations, stakeholders can be confident that the team is covering
all the bases in buidling a trustworthy AI system.
For further consideration, MITRE’s HMT Systems Engineering Guide identifies the following
HMT leverage points that can inform success (see the link below for definitions):31

• Observability
Example: Computer Vision
• Predictability
Models designed to translate visual data
• Directing Attention
based on features and contextual information
• Exploring the Solution Space
identified during training. This enables
• Adaptability models to interpret images and video and
• Directability apply those interpretations to predictive or
decision making tasks.
• Calibrated Trust

Tools are available for evaluating some of these human-centered metrics. MITRE’s Calibrated
Trust Evaluation Toolkit (, for example, helps
ensure that users’ expectations match the system’s actual capabilities. Value cards can be used
to estimate whether models would be accepted or preferred by various stakeholders (Shen et
al. 2021). There are also a variety of tools for exploring the fairness of machine learning models.

Adaptation Over Time

AI systems should be continuously assessed, evaluating consistency of the workflow and how
well humans and systems are working together. Appropriate channels will be in place for users
to easily give feedback on system performance and experience. The feedback systems have to
be easy-to-use and easily available to all of the users of the system. This increases involvement
as well as trust in the working AI systems. There may be a call for modifications as time goes on,
based on changing circumstances, technologies, or settings. It's particularly important to check
and assess adaptive or teachable systems to ensure that learning continues to function as
intended. These systems can be continuously usable, dependable, safe and trustworthy; free of
prejudice and ethically proper.

engineering-guide.pdf, pp. 1-3.

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

10 AI Systems and Organizational Change Management

Organizational Change Management refers to changes in an organization’s structures, systems,
strategy, or culture. These changes are often implemented as part of an overall plan to achieve
strategic, operational, or financial goals.

Challenges of AI Systems Driving Organizational Change Management

The most successful organizations proactively manage organizational changes, using strategy to
drive all decisions and a pre-defined implementation plan that encompasses the stakeholder
analysis, training, and project management needed to be successful. Implementing AI systems
brings a unique set of challenges to any organization.

• Clearly understanding the present and near-term capabilities, constraints, and

limitations of AI systems is the first step. Unrealistic expectations for AI system “magic”
dooms many projects before the first data set is identified or model designed.
• Access to sufficient data, the ability to access many kinds of data in many different
environments, operating systems, and databases
• The ability and effort needed to curate - clean, standardize, de-duplicate, and prepare
large data sets
• Defining appropriate performance targets often requires reconciliation among
competing views of what is important to the organization
• Discomfort with the application of AI systems to what has historically been knowledge
work, especially as roles incorporate more decision-making
• Fear of staff displacement
While standard organizational change management approaches – e.g., keeping employees
informed, involved, and aligned with the crucial business need for the change from the start –
are undoubtedly beneficial, these challenges demand additional consideration and mitigation.

AI-Centric Change Management Approach

To define a change management strategy, an organization defines the goal end state, who is
responsible for implementation, how implementation will occur, and how success will be
determined. Organizational change driven by implementing an AI system is no different, but the
end state may be less familiar to the management and staff. Organizational structures may be
significantly reduced in number as AI systems and RPA bots accomplish administrative work.
Existing staff can acquire new skills and be deployed in new positions, taking on more policy-
oriented and strategic roles, or focusing on tasks that were previously understaffed. Clearly
defining the new structure, roles, and responsibilities, while taking full advantage of the
increased data flow and quality is essential to deriving all the available value from these new
technologies. AI-centric organizational change management is likely to require even more time

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

and effort in this definition of the end state, in communication with staff, and in training staff
for new roles and responsibilities.
The high-level approach for AI-centric organizational change management is to build on initial
successes, advantage AI system deployment owners to expand their footprint, and create a
general awareness and understanding of AI systems’ success across the enterprise. Awareness
expansion will be driven by governance, communication, and training. The following steps are
typical for organization change management, although every implementation will require
solutions tailored to a specific focus:
1. Clearly define the change and align it to business goals
• Understand the ‘Why’
• Understand the ‘How’ and assess feasibility and preparedness
2. Create a roadmap to understand the current and future goal state after
implementation of the change
3. Identify the leadership and implementation teams to begin assigning roles and
4. Identify the impacts and all individuals to be affected by implementation
5. Develop a communication structure and plans for training and onboarding for the
desired changes
6. Move forward with implementation – ensure consistent communication with the
implementation team throughout the process to work through roadblocks as they
7. Set up a structure to measure success, identify challenges, and assess the change
management process overall. Utilize this structure during and after implementation
to measure performance and identify key areas for improvement or future growth

Change Management Governance

To ensure successful organizational change, define clear leadership roles and decision-making
protocols within the team responsible for implementing the change. If the groups differ,
leadership develops a steady cadence of communication between the leadership team and the
implementation team. Since AI systems’ implementation will affect data and personal
information storage, ensure that the appropriate processes for data security are in place and
being maintained throughout the process. See the discussion of AI system development and
data management methodologies above.
The governance function can be supported with proper documentation of processes change
status, system training and testing status, compliance with all relevant procurement,
development, and deployment policies, and archive steps for future reference and
understanding. Key performance indicators (KPI) are used to evaluate the success of a
transition and to adjust as needed throughout the change management process, which is

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