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Teaching Date and Time MARCH 19, 2024
Grade Level EIGHT
Learning Area SCIENCE
Semester 4th QUARTER

Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet
I. OBJECTIVES the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons,
exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing
objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the
curriculum guides.
A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of the digestive system and its interaction with the
Standards circulatory, respiratory, and excretory system in providing the body with nutrients for
energy, disease that result indigestion of harmful substance, and their prevention.
B. Performance The learners should be able to present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases
Standards resulting from nutrient deficiency.

C. Learning
Competencies/Obj Identify the organs that constitute to the digestive system. (S8LT-Iva-13)
ectives Write the After going through this module, the students are expected to:
LC code for each Identify the organs that make up the digestive system;
Give the function of each organ;

Values Integration: HEALTH IS WEALTH

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims
II. CONTENT to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s
RESOURCES interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes
concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide S8LT-IVa-13 , SLM, Teacher’s Guide, Google,
2. Learner’s Science SLM Grade 8: Quarter 4 Module 1, First Edition, 2020
Material pages
3. Textbook pages
B. Learning PowerPoint, Printed pictures, Laptop, LCD Projector/LED TV
C. Other Learning
IV. These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that
PROCEDURES students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students
(7 E’s) which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically
by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning,
question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation
to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Daily Routine Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Greetings Good morning ma’am!

Good morning class!

I am Ms. Arian Rose Jurada, your teacher for

this subject. Before anything else, let us pray
first. Classroom president please lead the
prayer. Amen..... Amen......

Before you take your seats, please pick up The learners will pick up some trash
some pieces of paper under your chair. under their chairs.

 Checking of Attendance None ma’am

Who is absent today?

okay, very good!

So how are you class today? Were great ma’am!

That’s good to hear!

 Setting of Standards
Before we proceed I want you to all to be
reminded of our classroom rules.
First, be polite and be honest.
Second, please be attentive and listen if Yes ma’am
someone is talking here in front in order to
avoid the breakdown of communication. Am
I clear?

 Energizer
Our energizer is all about row and column.
I will assign you by row and column. If I say
row one, all students in row one will stand
up, and the same is true for column one. The
first 2 students who cannot keep up with the
energizer will be the one who will perform
the activity 2 .

A. Elicit (Find out Activity #: 1

what the students Activity title: “Who Am I”
know by eliciting INSTRUCTION: The teacher will show some riddles about parts of digestive system. The student will
responses) answer the activity by raising their hands.

Teachers Activity Students Activity

At this moment, I will provide 5 riddles that

are related to our topic, and let us see how far
have you already learned about our lesson
today. Raise your hand if you want to answer
the riddles.
1. It is white. Some are sharp some are not? Teeth
Who am I?

2. I am in your tummy. I am pinkish, I look

like a sack. Who am I? Stomach

3. I know if it’s sweet or salty, bitter or spicy.

When I see good food my bud bloom even I Tongue
am not a flower. Who am I?

4. The junks that you eat and cannot digest is

shown by me their way out. Who am I? Anus

5. What kind of button cannot be unbutton? Belly

Based on the Riddles that you have

answered . What do you think our topic today ma’am organs
all about?
ma’am digestive system
yes you have the idea. another?

exactly.Let’s do another activity but before After going through this module, the
that , here are the objectives. every body read. students are expected to:Identify the
organs that make up the digestive
system; Give the function of each

B. Engage (Engage
interest and Activity #: 2
curiosity by Activity title: “Eat All You Can!”
providing the hook Instruction: The teacher will let the two students
of why the who didn't keep with the energizer to perform the eat
students want to all you can activity. Each of them will be given a task to
learn) eat a food prepared by the teacher. The first student to
finish the food will be the winner. A 1 minute contest
will be given as time frame.

Teachers Activity Students Activity

for our next activity entitled Eat all you can . may I ask Yes ma’am
the 2 students who didn't make up with our energizer
earlier please come forward. Each of you will be given
a task to eat a food prepared here in front. The first
who will finish to eat these food will be the winner. And
the winner will receive this biscuit as a price. A 1
minute contest will be given as time frame, just raised
your hands if you're finished . Am I clear?

Okay, Timer starts now!

Congratulation !
Now I want the two of you to answer these following
1. What happened to the cracker when it was in your
2. Why did it start to get softer?
3. What did you taste?
4. After a few minutes, did the taste change?
5. Did it become sweet?
6. Did the cracker get soft in your mouth even if you
were not chewing?

You're going to know why in our future discussion later


C. Explore
(Students should Activity #4
be given Activity Title; “Lets Make A Poop”
opportunities to Instruction: The teacher will group the students into 4 groups and they will perform the
work together experiment. In this activity, students will "digest" a banana. The students will be modeling the
independently) digestive system. from mouth to anus. The end product will actually look like solid waste that is
removed from the body.
Materials: Printed procedure and rubrics. Experiment materials (ziplock, banana, vinegar,

Teachers Activity Students Activity

For our next activity you are going to
make digestive system model on how
foods turn into poop this is just a
representation, not real; it may or
may not have all the parts
represented;but it helps us visualize
how something might work. I will be
grouping you to 4 groups based on
lines. Now go to your respective
group. This would be the area of
group 1, for group 2 , group 3 and for
group 4.

1 representative from the groups get

your materials that you're going to
use including the steps you have to
follow to obtain your goal in the

before you start your work, here are

our rubrics. Class please read!

D. Explain Activity # 5
(Building the Activity Title: “Present Me”
concept by Instruction: After the students successfully conduct an experiment groups will present their
encouraging output and explain what happen.
students to explain
in their own

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Since all of you were done you are going to

present your output to your classmate and
explain what are the things happened during
your experiment. We are going to start with
the group number 4 down to number 1 and
here are our rubrics for this activity.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content All Most Most All Contents
Contents Contents Contents Are Are Incorrect
Are Correct Are Correct Incorrect and Misleading

Accuracy / Answered Answered Answered Didn't Respond

participatio accurately accurately, incorrectly
n without the but based
assistance on other
of others coaching

(row1, Row2, Column 1, Column2)

I want you to answer this question. What Students answer may vary...
was your favorite part of the model?
Which was the hardest to represent and

thank you you may now take your seat.

Now I will be telling you the story of our
digestive system.
E. Elaborate
(Stage where Discussion
students will
demonstrate their

The Digestive System is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of the nutrients from
the food thereby bringing energy for the body.

The Digestion Story The story we're about to tell is of stormy seas, acid rains, and dry,
desert-like conditions. It's an arduous journey that traverses long distances and can take
several days. It's one in which nothing comes through unchanged. It's the story of your
digestive system whose purpose is to turn the food you eat into something useful – energy
known as fuel for your body!
Down the Hatch It all starts with that first bite of pizza. Your teeth tear off that big piece of
crust. Your saliva glands start spewing out spit like fountains. Your molars grind your pizza
crust, pepperoni, and cheese into a big wet ball. Chemicals in your saliva start chemical
reactions. Seemingly like magic, starch in your pizza crust begins to turn to sugar! A couple
of more chews and, then, your tongue pushes the ball of chewed food to the back of your
throat. A trap door opens, and there it goes, But hold on! The story's still not over yet -- the
leftovers that your body can't use still have more traveling to do! Next, they're pushed into
the large intestine. It's much wider and much drier. You find that the leftovers are getting
smaller, harder and drier as they're pushed through the tube. After all, this is the place where
water is extracted and recycled back into your body. In fact, the leftovers that leave your
body are about 1/3 the size of what first arrived in your intestines! Where Food Turns Into
Poop Finally, the end of the large intestine is in sight! Now the drier leftovers are various
handsome shades of brown. They sit, at the end of their journey, waiting for you to expel
them -- out your anus. Of course, you know the rest! A glorious, if slightly stinky, journey,
don't you think?

Our digestive system is an important organ system in our body. But sometimes, we tend to
abuse it or not taking care of it.For example, you drink a lot of soft-drink in a day. You felt
your chest ache after the day. What is the common diagnosis of that?Yes, it is the ACID
REFLUX or HYPERACIDITY When you eat meals late or skip it, and you continue it for a
long period of time, what disease can you get?Yes, it is the GASTRIC ULCER We felt
discomfort when we experience that right?So we must take care of our digestive system.

F. Evaluate Direction: Read the statement carefully. Write the letter of the best answer.
(Assess the 1. Which system is responsible for breaking down of food and absorbing nutrients?
progress of the a. Digestive System b. Excretory System c. Skeletal System
students through 2. Where does digestion ends?
evaluation or self a. Mouth b. Anus c. Rectum
reflection) 3. Which is responsible in absorbing nutrients throughout the bloodstreams?
a. Stomach b. Large intestine c. small intestine
4. How long is the small intestine?
a. 5-10 ft. b. 30-40 ft c. 20-30 ft.
5. What J-shaped sac where food further crushes and smashes with a mixture of
digestivejuices and hydrochloric acid?
a. Mouth b. Stomach c. Esophagus
6. Which is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder?
a. Bile b. Saliva c. Teeth
7. Which transports food from the mouth to the stomach by a movement?
a. Esophagus b. Small intestine c. Mouth
8. If anus: digestion ends _________: digestion begins
a. Rectum b. Anus c. Mouth
9. How many hours our food stay in our stomach?
a. 3-5 hours b. 3-6 hours c. 3-7 hours
10. Which is the rhythmic movement when the esophagus transports food from our mouth
to the stomach?
a. Peristalsis b. Movement c. Food movement
G. Extend Assignment :
(Extend the Make research about the different digestive disorder and write it in a 1 whole sheet of
concepts and skill paper.
in new situations) Rubrics
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content/ All Contents Most Most All Contents
Accuracy Are Correct Contents Contents Are Incorrect
Are Are And Misleading
Correct Incorrect

VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’
progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet
them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:
Teacher 1 Applicant

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