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PART 3 Data 887

Table 1C.1 Second virial coefficients, B/(cm3 mol–1) Table 1C.2 Critical constants of gases

100 K 273 K 373 K 600 K pc/atm Vc/(cm3 mol−1) Tc/K Zc TB/K

Air −167.3 −13.5 3.4 19.0 Ar 48.0 75.3 150.7 0.292 411.5
Ar −187.0 −21.7 −4.2 11.9 Br2 102 135 584 0.287
CH4 −53.6 −21.2 8.1 C2H4 50.50 124 283.1 0.270
CO2 −142 −72.2 −12.4 C2H6 48.20 148 305.4 0.285
H2 −2.0 13.7 15.6 C6H6 48.6 260 562.7 0.274
He 11.4 12.0 11.3 10.4 CH4 45.6 98.7 190.6 0.288 510.0
Kr −62.9 −28.7 1.7 Cl2 76.1 124 417.2 0.276
N2 −160.0 −10.5 6.2 21.7 CO2 72.9 94.0 304.2 0.274 714.8
Ne −6.0 10.4 12.3 13.8 F2 55 144
O2 −197.5 −22.0 −3.7 12.9 H2 12.8 34.99 33.23 0.305 110.0
Xe −153.7 −81.7 −19.6 H2O 218.3 55.3 647.4 0.227
HBr 84.0 363.0
Data: AIP, JL. The values relate to the expansion in eqn 1C.3b of Topic 1C; convert to
eqn 1C.3a by using B′ = B/RT. HCl 81.5 81.0 324.7 0.248
For Ar at 273 K, C = 1200 cm6 mol−1.
He 2.26 57.8 5.2 0.305 22.64
HI 80.8 423.2
Kr 54.27 92.24 209.39 0.291 575.0
N2 33.54 90.10 126.3 0.292 327.2
Ne 26.86 41.74 44.44 0.307 122.1
NH3 111.3 72.5 405.5 0.242
O2 50.14 78.0 154.8 0.308 405.9
Xe 58.0 118.8 289.75 0.290 768.0

Data: AIP, KL.

Table 1C.3 van der Waals coefficients

a/(atm dm6 mol−2) b/(10–2 dm3 mol−1) a/(atm dm6 mol−2) b/(10−2 dm3 mol−1)
Ar 1.337 3.20 H2S 4.484 4.34
C2H4 4.552 5.82 He 0.0341 2.38
C2H6 5.507 6.51 Kr 5.125 1.06
C6H6 18.57 11.93 N2 1.352 3.87
CH4 2.273 4.31 Ne 0.205 1.67
Cl2 6.260 5.42 NH3 4.169 3.71
CO 1.453 3.95 O2 1.364 3.19
CO2 3.610 4.29 SO2 6.775 5.68
H2 0.2420 2.65 Xe 4.137 5.16
H2O 5.464 3.05

Data: HCP.

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