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Latihan Soal PTS English 2324

Question No 1 To 5 based on reading text!

Mawarti Arumi is a general practisioner who lives in Baruga Village,uepai, South east
Sulawesi.the difference is,if you pay for treatment elsewehere with money, at the Mawarti
clinic, you only pay with trash. She and her husband, Seprullah came with this idea.
When they saw the economic conditions of the people in this area. Many residents live in
limitations. They also understand that plastic waste had become a serious issue in their
neighbourhood. By going to a trash-paid clinic, they hope, it will make it easier for them
to seek treatment when they are sick. Additionally, they also help with the environmental
issues to plastic wastes. Safrullah said that waste is stored as community deposits in
garbage bank that he and his wife, Marwati, set up. This waste is transformed into a
means of payment to access public health services in this sub-district. Marwati said that
after the garbage bank was established, around 1800 patients were recorded at their clinic.
On average, 116 people pay using plastic waste, and the 116 people paid it regularly.
Most of them come to check their blood sugar, cholesterol, and ask for health conunsels.

1. What is the topic of the text . . . .

A. wildlife
B. science
C. tourism
D. educations
E. enviromental √
2. What is the main goal of the trash-paid clinic initiative started by Mawarti and Seprullah
A. To provide free healthcare to village
B. To help people with economic limitation √
C. To recycle plastic waste into new product
D. To promote local enterpreurship in the healthcare sector
E. To encourage villagers to be more enviromentallyconscious.
3. What is the purpose of setting up a garbage bank by Marwati and Safrullah . . . .
A. To collect donations for charity
B. To recycle plastic waste into new products
C. To clean up the village and surrounding areas.
D. To provide employment opportunities for villagers.
E. To transform waste into a means of payment for heat services. ........

4. What do most patients come to the cl,inic for . . . .

A. Checking blood sugar √
B. Donating plastic waste
C. Purchasing medicines
D. Participating in health campaigns
E. Receiving payments from the waste
5. Mawarti said that after the garbage bank was established, around 1.800 patients were
recorded at their clinic (paragraph four). The synonym of established is . . . .
A. founded √
B. practiced
C. recognized
D. mentioned
E. transferred
Question No 6 to 8 based on reading text!
Tasya Kamila , is a child singer who became famous in the 2000s. now she is carrying out of
noble duties as an environment and forestry (KLHK). Tasya’s duties have even carried out
since 2005. More than 15 years of carrying this responsibility. Tasya Kamila has carried out
various programs. In addition,it turns out that she also manages green movement, a
foundation about the environment conservation. The foundation was ebtablished after she
became an environmental ambassador for 10 years. She wanted to create a place that
becomes a melting point for environmental activities.
6. What made Tasya Kamila famous in the 2000s . . . .
A. being a child singer √
B. carrying out noble duties
C. being an environmental ambassador
D. managingthe Green Movement Foundation
E. founding the ministry of environment and forestry
7. Why did Tasya Kamila found the Green Movement Foundation . . . .
A. to carry out noble duties
B. to become famous in the 2000s
C. to organize tree planting program's
D. to create a melting point for environmental activities ........
E. to manage her dutiesas an environmental ambassador
8. Tasya Kamila, is a child singer who became famous in the 2000s.the iltalic word famous is
similar meaning to . . . .
A. friendly
B. talented
C. well known √
D. 4admirable
E. Successful
Question No 9 to 13 based on this treading text!

9. Olyvia Jasso, often known as Olyv, is a young woman who was born and raised in Ambon,
Maluku. Having lived near the beach and ocean since she was a child, she believes she has
an obligation to always conserve nature. When Oliv saw that many people were polluting
the environment, she became enraged and tempted to take action, which she did by
meticulously picking up rubbish on the beach and in the sea. Her concern rose even more In
July 2019, when she visited Ambon and discovered that there was a lot of waste littered due
to the large number of visitors. Seeing this problem, she formed the Mulung, an
organization that actively invites young ambonese from diverse backgrounds to join her in
picking up rubbish. Olyv’s action were initially questioned by her family, who wondered why
she bothered to take care of the waste problem in the midst of her busy college life.
However, her concern and passion for the environment has kept her committed to running
the mulung up until now. The Mulung had designed a fundraising application for
environmental management in Maluku Province under the name Rumah Bersih Indonesia.
Olyvia explained that the Rumah Bersih Indonesia application is a digital fundraising
platform for online donations. The focus of indonesia’s clean house itself is to preserve the
environment, one of which is the construction of cleaning infrastructure in areas that need
9. Where did Olyvoia Jasso come from . . . .
A. Bali , Indonesia
B. Jakarta, Indonesia
C. Maluku,Indonesia •
D. Surabaya, Indonesia
E. Yogyakarta, Indonesia
10. What type of organization is The Mulung . . . .
A. An education and training facility
B. A charity foundation for children
C. Waste msanagement organization •
D. Internaut\ional wildlife conservation group
E. marine ecosystem conservation

11. Why did olyvia’s family initially question her action of taking care of the waste ptroblem
A. They wanted her to focus on her career instead
B. They were worried about her safety on the beach
C. They thought she was neglecting her college studies •
D. They believed the waste problem was not significant
E. They thought others should be responsible for clesning the beach
12. What is the focus of the Rumah Bersih Indonesia application developed by the Mulung . .
A. Promoting local Maluku cuisine
B. Offering online educational courses
C. Providing free accommodation for tourist
D. Preserving the environment through fundraising •
E. Supporting cultural events in Maluku province
13. What motivated Olyv to take action and start picking up rubbish on the beach and in the
sea . . . .
A. Her love for acting
B. Her interest in tourism
C. Her passion for swimming
D. Her belief in conserving nature •
E. Her desire to live near the ocean
Question No 14 to 23 based on reading text!
The Legend of Balikpapan. Long ago, in tanah pasir, east Kalimantan, there was a
large kingdom led by King Aji Muhammadmwho was famous for being faire and wise.
He had a daughter. Her name was Princess Aji Tatin. The princess was very beautiful. .
She would replace her father as a queen therefore the king gave her the best education.
The king sent her to the best teachers. Slowly she began to learn well how to lead a
kingdom. he princess had grown as a beautiful lady. She was not only beautiful but also
smart. After growing up, princess Aji Tatin was married to a noble son from Kutai,. As
the only daughter, Aji Tatin‘s wedding party was very lively. Dozen of cows and
buffaloes were served to guests invited from all over te country. Not only the dignitaries
from the neighbouring kingdoms, but also all the people of the country joined in the
feast. It was beautiful and happy day for the bride and groom. When the party was in
progress, king Aji Muhammad rose from his throne to give to his beloved daughter.
14. What is the story tells about . . . .
A. the legend of Balikpapan •
B. the legend of pangeran Kutai
C. neighbouring Kingdom
D. Aji Tatin’s wedding
E. Dozen of cows and buffaloes
15. The antonym the word Long a go is . . . . .
A. time gone by
B. sometimes
C. in the old days
D. today •
E. one hour ago
16. Which of the following words long a go can replace the words . . . . .
A. time gone by
B. sometimes
C. today
D. in the old days •
E. one hour ago
17. According to the text, what did the King give to princess Aji Tatin on her wedding. . . .
A. cows
B. bay •
C. land
D. buffaloes
E. jewelries
18. Where does the sory take places . . . .
A. Balikpapan, West Kalimantan •
B. Pekanbaru
C. jambi
D. East Sumatra
E. Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
19. What type of the text is used by the writer . . . .
A. Narrative •
B. descriptive
C. report
D. anecdote
E. news item

20. To tell the plot, the writer uses . . . .

A. past tense •
B. future tense
C. present tense
D. concessive conjuction
E. present continuous tense
21. the communicative purpose of this text is . . . .
A. to entertain trteaders with fairy tale •
B. to inform the readers about important and news worthy items
C. to share an account of an unusual event
D. to persuade readers to accept her/his opinion
E. to apply an application letter
22. Too much TV watching can possibly lead to . . . .
A. frustratiion
B. overweight •
C. low achievements
D. lazieness
E. hyperactivity
23. We know from the text that . . .
A. too much watching TV causes stress •
B. being aggrrssive can happen to children
C. adult can get overweight
D. parents will protect their children
E. short of sleep duration cause overweight

24. Kids Watching TV. Is it important to know what your kids are watching. Of course yes.
Television can expose things you have tried to protect them from, especially violence,
pornography, consumerism, etc. A study demonstrated that spending too much time on
watching TV during the day or at bedtime often causes bedtime disruption, stress, and short
sleep duration. Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the
amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the
possibility of being aggressive. Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship
between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight. Considering some facts
mentioned above, protect your children with the following tips: Limit television viewing to 1-
2 hours each day, Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their bedrooms, Review the
rating TV shows that your children watch, Watch television with you children and discuss
what is happening in the show. The word disruption in the second paragraph is closest in
meaning to . . . .
A. impeovement
B. restoration
C. erruption
D. allocation
E. interference •
Question No 25 to 29 based on reading text!
THE LEGEND OF MALIN KUNDANG. A long time ago, in a small village near the
beach in West Sumatra lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang
and his mother had to live hard because his father had passed away when he was a
baby. Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea
to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sell the caught fish
in the town. One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship
being raided by a band of pirates. With his bravery, Malin Kundang helped the
merchant defeat the pirates. To thank him, the merchant allowed Malin Kundang to
sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed in the hope to get a better life. He left his
mother alone. Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge
ship and a lot of crews who worked loading trading goods. He was also married to a
beautiful woman.
25. What type of the text is used by the writer . . . .
A. Report
B. Narrative •
C. Anecdote
D. Comparative
E. . news item
26. The communicative purpose of this text is . . . .
A. to inform the readers about important and newsworthy events
B. to entertain readers with fairy tale •
C. to share an account of an unusual event
D. to persuade readers to accept his/her opinions
E. to denote or propose something as the case
27. Why did Malin Kundang and his mother have to live hard . . . .
A. Because Malin Kundang was diligent and strong boy
B. Because his father had passed away when he was a baby. •
C. Because Malin Kundang would bring fish to his mother
D. Because Malin Kundang and his mother lived near the beach
E. Because Malin Kundang was sailing
. 28. What made Malin Kundang s mother sad and angry . . . .
A. Malin Kundang had a beautiful wife
B. Malin Kundang agreed in the hope to get a better life
C. Malin Kundang had become rich
D. His mother wanted to hug him
E. Malin Kundang denied that she was his mother •
29. Malin Kundang just laugh and set sail. Suddenly a thunderstorm came in the
quiet sea, wrecking his huge ship. He was thrown out to a small island. It was
really too late for him to avoid his curse;How did the curse happen . . . .
A. She cursed Malin Kundang turn into a stone •
B. She cursed Malin Kundang turn into a ship
C. She cursed Malin Kundang turn into a monkey
D. She cursed Malin Kundang turn into a dog
E. She cursed Malin Kundang turn into a sea
Question No 30 to 33 based on reading text!
Once upon a time there was an old couple who did not have a child. They lived in
a small house near the village forest.Please give us a child, they asked God every
day, One day, from the house hold Shinto altar, they heard a cute cry,waa waa
30. Where did the old couple live . . . .
A. in a small house near the village forest •
B. Once upon a time
C. an old couple who did not have a child
D. in the forest
E. in a small forest
31. What did they hear from the household Shinto altar . . . .
A. an old couple
B. they asked God everyday
C. one day
D. a small house
E. a cute cry, waa waa •
32. What is synonym an old couple . . . .
A. a parent couple
B. an elderly couple •
C. a new couple
D. a modern couple
E. a childest couple
33. What is the meaning of an old couple . . . .
A. pasangan suami istri
B. Pasangan tua •
C. pasangan ortu
D. pasangan modern
E. pasangan kecil
34. Wonderful Camping. Last holiday, my friend and I went camping together for
three days in Mount Bunder, part of Mount Salak, West Java We arrived on Saturday
evening, when it had been raining for hours. It was freezing. Nevertheless, we put up
a tent soon after we got there. It took us an hour to build the tent. Hungry and
exhausted, we then had dinner and went to bed right early. When did the writer go
camping . . . .
A. Last holiday •
B. Next month
C. Three days ago
D. Every Saturday evening
E. The day after tomorrow
35. His plane landed at 8 pm yesterday, He . . . . (ask) the hotel staff to
pick him up at the airport.
A. will ask
B. asked •
C. asking
D. asks
E. had asked
36. Maryam . . . . downtown yesterday
A. Walk
B. Walked •
C. Walks
D. Walking
E. Is walking
37. she was very happy, when she . . . . that her dad gave her a new laptop for hier birthday
A. is
B. knew •
C. was
D. study
E. know

38. Tita : where did you go yesterday.

Rara : I . . . . to Bandung with my mother. T
ita : How did you go there.
Rani : By bus.
A. Go
B. Went •
C. Have gone
D. Gone
E. going
39. Sendi : Hi, Dinda, How are you. ?
Dinda : I am OK. What about you. ?
Sendi : I am good. I . . . . to walk on the village park last Sunday.
A. decide
B. decides
C. decided •
D. will decide
E. am deciding

40.Lilah ; Good morning, Dina. How are you.?

Dina ; Good morning, Lilah. I am great.
Lilah ; good to hear that. Anyway, I . . . . you home very late yesterday. Did anything happen.
A. see
B. sees
C. saw •
D. seen
E. will see

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