Bill of Rights, Section 20

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KA-POLI NOTES In the case of Serafin vs. Lindayag, why did the trial court issue
the warrant of arrest?
Because Judge Lindayag was able to “find probable cause” to
arrest Serafin on the ground of Estafa despite the simple
indebtedness that has taken place.

In Lozano vs. Martinez, was the obligation to pay the face

value of a check a contractual obligation? What will happen if
the drawer fails to pay within 5 days after it is dishonored?
Will he be criminally liable?
No. The issuance will not be punished. It is the failure to pay
within five days after notice of dishonor which is punished. So,
it is not accurate to say that the punishable act is the drawing
of the check from a closed account, but the period to pay the
obligation mandated by law.

Will common law remedy be allowed so that the creditor can

have the body of the debtor and be released until he pays?
Capias as satisfaciendum. At common law, money judgments
arising from actions for the recovery of a debt or for damages
This reviewer is made out of love and fear for the law. Please
from breach of a contract could be enforced against the
do not hesitate to share this material because sharing is caring
person or body of the debtor by writ of capias ad
and karma always has its ways. #NoToCrabs
satisfaciendum. By means of this writ, a debtor could be seized
and imprisoned at the instance of the creditor until he makes
BILL OF RIGHTS the satisfaction awarded. As a consequence of the popular
ground swell against such a barbarous practice, provisions
Section 20. No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non- forbidding imprisonment for debt came to be generally
payment of a poll tax. enshrined in the constitutions of various states of the Union.

NON-IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT Does tax on membership on the community without regard
to income, is that the accurate definition of poll tax?
No. It is the specific sum levied upon any person belonging to
What is the coverage of this Constitutionally mandated right?
a certain class without regard to property or occupation. A tax
(1.) Debt – It is any civil obligation arising from a contract. It
is not a debt to the State, but an obligation that arises from
includes even debts contained through fraud since no
law. Failure to pay the same can be validly punished with
distinction is made in the Constitution. While a debtor
cannot be imprisoned for failure to pay his debt, he can
be validly punished in a criminal action if he contracted
his debt through fraud. Serafin vs. Lindayag
(2.) Poll tax – It is the specific sum levied upon any person A.M. No. 297-MJ. September 30, 1975
belonging to a certain class without regard to property
or occupation. A tax is not a debt to the State, but an Facts:
obligation that arises from law. Failure to pay the same ➔ Avelina Serafin was not able to pay the P1,500 she
can be validly punished with imprisonment. The only borrowed from Mrs. Corazon Mendoza.
exception is the payment of a poll tax. ➔ With this, a criminal complaint for Estafa was filed
against Serafin.
What are the two rights under Section 20? ➔ The respondent, Judge Lindayag, admitted the criminal
(1.) Non-imprisonment for debt; and complaint and issued the corresponding warrant of
(2.) Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax. arrest. With this, Serafin filed an administrative case
against Judge Lindayag on the ground of gross
Does this provision apply to all obligations? ignorance of law, which was endorsed by the Executive
No. It only applies to obligation that arise from contracts, and Judge to the Department of Justice.
not any other sources.
Issue: W/N there was a violation of the Constitutional
mandate against non-imprisonment of debt when the judge
ordered the imprisonment of Serafin.

Held: Yes. In admitting such a "criminal complaint" Judge

Lindayag grossly failed to perform his duties properly, which


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
in this instance was to dismiss the complaint outright since it ➔ Petitioners insist that, since the offense under BP 22 is
is elementary that non-payment of an indebtedness is not a consummated only upon the dishonor or non-payment
criminal act, much less Estafa; and that no one may be of the check when it is presented to the drawee bank, the
criminally charged and punished for non-payment of a loan statute is really a "bad debt law" rather than a "bad check
of a sum of money. law." What it punishes is the non-payment of the check,
not the act of issuing it. The statute, it is claimed, is
In recklessly issuing the warrant of arrest, Judge Lindayag nothing more than a veiled device to coerce payment of
further enabled the police to produce such injustice by a debt under the threat of penal sanction.
trampling upon of the complainant's basic rights.
Issue: W/N BP22 is unconstitutional
Here, Serafin did not commit any offense since the debt is
considered a simple loan granted by her friends to her. There Held: NO. It is valid and constitutional.
is no collateral or security because complainant was an old
friend of the spouses who lent the money and that when they Justice Malcolm, in Ganaway vs. Quillen, stated: "The 'debt'
wrote her a letter of demands he promised to pay them and intended to be covered by the constitutional guaranty has a
said that if she failed to keep her promise, they could get her well-defined meaning. Organic provisions relieving from
valuable things at her home. imprisonment for debt, were intended to prevent
commitment of debtors to prison for liabilities arising from
Even prescinding from the aggravation of the cover-up, the actions ex contractu. The inhibition was never meant to
Court finds that the penalty of dismissal is called for, in line include damages arising in actions ex delicto, for the reason
with the precedents and standards set by it. A judge who that damages recoverable therein do not arise from any
disregards deliberately or is ignorant of the basic contract entered into between the parties but are imposed
fundamentals of law and justice is unfit to continue in office. upon the defendant for the wrong he has done and are
considered as punishment, nor to fines and penalties imposed
Doctrine: A warrant of arrest issued based on a criminal by the courts in criminal proceedings as punishments for
complaint where on its face no criminal offense has been crime."
committed save the failure to settle an obligation despite
demand is violative of the prohibition against imprisonment The gravamen of the offense punished by BP 22 is the act of
for non-payment of debt. making and issuing a worthless check or a check that is
dishonored upon its presentation for payment. It is not the
Lozano vs. Martinez non-payment of an obligation which the law punishes. The
G.R. No. L-63419. December 18, 1986 law is not intended or designed to coerce a debtor to pay his
debt. The thrust of the law is to prohibit, under pain of penal
sanctions, the making of worthless checks and putting them
in circulation. Because of its deleterious effects on the public
➔ The constitutionality of BP 22, popularly known as the
interest, the practice is proscribed by the law. The law
Bouncing Check Law, is the sole issue presented by these
punishes the act not as an offense against property, but an
petitions for decision.
offense against public order.
➔ These petitions arose from cases involving prosecution
of offenses under the statute. The defendants in those It may be constitutionally impermissible for the legislature to
cases moved seasonably to quash the pieces of penalize a person for non-payment of a debt ex contractu. But
information on the ground that the acts charged did not certainly it is within the prerogative of the lawmaking body to
constitute an offense, the statute being unconstitutional. proscribe certain acts deemed pernicious and inimical to
➔ BP 22 punishes a person "who makes or draws and issues public welfare. Acts mala in se are not the only acts which the
any check on account or for value, knowing at the time law can punish. An act may not be considered by society as
of issue that he does not have sufficient funds in or credit inherently wrong, hence, not malum in se, but because of the
with the drawee bank for the payment of said check in harm that it inflicts on the community, it can be outlawed and
full upon presentment, which check is subsequently criminally punished as malum prohibitum. The state can do
dishonored by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds this in the exercise of its police power.
or credit or would have been dishonored for the same
reason had not the drawer, without any valid reason, The enactment of BP 22 is a declaration by the legislature that,
ordered the bank to stop payment." The penalty as a matter of public policy, the making and issuance of a
prescribed for the offense is imprisonment of not less worthless check is deemed a public nuisance to be abated by
than 30 days nor more than one year or a fine or not less the imposition of penal sanctions.
than the amount of the check nor more than double said
amount, but in no case to exceed P200,000.00, or both The effects of the issuance of a worthless check transcends the
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the private interests of the parties directly involved in the
court. transaction and touches the interests of the community at


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
large. The mischief it creates is not only a wrong to the payee
or holder, but also an injury to the public. The harmful practice
of putting valueless commercial papers in circulation,
multiplied a thousandfold, can very well pollute the channels
of trade and commerce, injure the banking system and
eventually hurt the welfare of society and the public interest.

Doctrine: The gravamen of the offense punished by BP 22 is

the act of making and issuing a worthless check or a check
that is dishonored upon its presentation for payment. It is not
the non-payment of an obligation which the law punishes. The
law is not intended or designed to coerce a debtor to pay his
debt. The thrust of the law is to prohibit, under pain of penal
sanctions, the making of worthless checks and putting them
in circulation. Because of its deleterious effects on the public
interest, the practice is proscribed by the law. The law
punishes the act not as an offense against property, but an
offense against public order.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

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