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“A fantasya


Hodder and Stoughton
dd ! D \


WEAPONS: Dagger and 1 other maximum


HAVERSACK: 5 items maximum




Startin: ..1-.<00
= =>

Bare Hands
YOU FOE YOU FOE Improvised Weapon
Halberd/Double-Handed Sword or Axe

Leather :
Mail and Plate

ce /

Nap. ;


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PREPARING you are picking out a percentage, 0 counts as 0: so if the
first number you pick is 0 and the second is 5, you have
05, which is 5%. If the first number you pick is 8 and the

THE second is 0, then you have 80%. (Experienced roleplayers

can use a ten-sided die to generate both numbers and
percentages, if they prefer.)


FOR You were still in the middle of your education when the
vile usurper perpetrated his awful deeds. As a result, not

all the traditional princely skills were yet yours. These
are the skills you can choose from:
For a long year you have been a prince in hiding. Putting
This skill gives you a greater chance of winning a debate
aside the name of Edrix, you have been living as Dermik,
or argument, or getting people to do what you ask
an actor in the troupe of Master Melfi. The usurper Luko
them. You have been trained in logic and public
is hated by the people of Salos, your city, and employs
speaking, and can put forward your case clearly and
brutal Gothmoi barbarians to keep the peace. His secret
police, the Silent Watchers, are everywhere sniffing out
dissent and resistance. You will need your wits about Marksmanship
you to survive in the mean streets, and you will need to You have been trained in the use ofall types of bow. This
be prepared... skill also helps you hit your target whether you use a
bow or not — when you throw something, for example.
Before you set out on your adventure, you must work
out your Skills and Strength using the Table of Fortune
As you have trained to use all types of sword, your
at the front of the book. To pick out a number from the
chances of successfully landing a blow on an opponent
chart, shut your eyes and drop the point of a pencil or
with such a weapon are increased if you have this skill.
pen on to the page. The number in the same sguare as
Every time you use a sword in combat, you can use this
the end of your pencil is the number you have picked.
skill if you have it. Each time you use it, you add 25 to
With ordinary numbers, 0 counts as 10.
your Combat Total. See COMBAT on pages 6-7 for an
The first thing you must find out is how physically fit
and strong you are. To do this, pick out four numbers High Tongue
from the Table of Fortune and add them together. This High Tongue is the ancient courtly language of your
will give you a number somewhere between 4 and 40. city. No longer in everyday use, it is found on
This is your Strength. If you have a Strength of less than inscriptions and artifacts of great antiquity. This skill
20, you are automatically awarded the extra points to allows you to read, write and speak High Tongue.
bring it up to 20. Enter your Strength, which is now
between 20 and 40, in the box marked STRENGTH on the To find out how many Princely Skills you have learned,
ADVENTURE CHART at the front of the book. During your pick a percentage from the Table of Fortune and
adventure you will probably lose some of your Strength compare it with this table:
Points through combat or accident. If your Strength
Percentage Result Princely Skills
comes down to zero, you have been killed and must
1-33 1
return to the beginning of the book if you want to make
34-66 2
another attempt to complete the adventure.
67-100 3

Soon you will be asked to pick out a percentage from You can choose any skills you like, but you must not
the same table. You do this in much the same way: pick exceed the number allowed by your percentage result.
out two numbers and put them together, in the order All the Princely Skills will help you in your forthcoming
they were picked, then put a percentage sign after them. adventure, so choose carefully! A good spread of skills
So if you first pick a 2 and then a 7, you have 27%. When is best. You will need to fight as well as solve problems,

so do not concentrate on one area of expertise at the off the tongue of the lowest of the low. This skill allows
expense ofanother. You will be told during the adventure you to speak and understand Gutter Speak.
when and how you can use your skills.
The city's streets are like a warren, with innumerable
Once you have chosen your Princely Skills, enter them
alleys leading in all directions. This skill reduces your
in the PRINCELY SKILLS section of your ADVENTURE
chance of becoming lost. It will not tell you exactly
where you are, but it will improve your chance of
steering in the right direction.
Since you chose to hide yourself among the inhabitants You can have a total of four skills for this adventure,
of the Lower City, you have of course learned some new including the Princely Skills you have already chosen.
skills to keep body and soul together. Some have been You can choose any Street Skills you wish to make up
learned through careful observation of other members
your total. Each one will help you in your forthcoming
of the troupe of players, others from the denizens of adventure, so once again make your choice with care.
taverns and the idlers of the waterfront. Some Street
When you have chosen your Street Skills, enter them
Skills are unusual, some are illegal and none has ever
formed part of a prince's education before. They are as in the STREET SKILLS section of your ADVENTURE
Thieving If you successfully complete this adventure, you can
Thieving allows you to steal successfully, and includes award yourself an extra Street Skill of your choice. This,
such things as picking a lock, shoplifting, or picking together with all your other skills, can be used in your
someone's pocket. next PRINCE OF SHADOWS mission!
Tumbling will allow you to perform minor feats of WEAPONS, EQUIPMENT AND MONEY
acrobatics. This doesn't just mean that you will be
Nearly everyone in the city carries a knife or dagger.
better at turning cartwheels: you will be able to swing
Noblemen and the richer of the merchants carry
out of danger on a chandelier, or save yourself from
beautiful imported daggers with hilts of gold or silver;
injury in the event of adangerous fall.
they do so to flaunt their wealth and they use the things
Disguise to eat their food. Ladies of wealth or position carry
This is a skill learned from other members of the acting beautiful little gem-encrusted toy knives to eat their
profession. With it you can successfully imitate another food and clean their fingernails. The poor, and that
person: your chance of mimicking a particular voice will includes you for the present, carry workaday knives of
be enhanced at any time, but you may need additional plain steel with hilts of wood or brass. They use them to
props to imitate someone's visual appearance. eat their food, cut up bits of string and kill each other
should it ever prove necessary or desirable.
In the streets and alteys of the Lower City, there is only
You have such a dagger in a plain leather sheath
one rule to be obeyed if a fight breaks out: "Make sure
hanging from your belt at present. Enter it in the box
you win.” Any dirty trick is allowed and any handy object
can become a weapon. Every time you use a dagger,
dagger has a combat value of7. Enter this after the word
bare hands or an improvised weapon in combat, you can
"Dagger" on your ADVENTURE CHART.
use this skill unless the text says otherwise. Each time
you use this skill, you add 25 to your Combat Total. See
You may be given the chance to acquire further
COMBAT on pages 6-7 for an example.
weapons in the course of your adventures. If you decide
Gutter Speak to do so, note the name of the weapon and its combat
Gutter Speak is a version of your own tongue spoken by value on your ADVENTURE CHART. You will find its
the poorest and most base of the City's inhabitants. combat value in the COMBAT VALUE CHART at the front
A mixture of debased Persic and the sailor's slang of a of the book. You can only carry one weapon, in addition
dozen lands, it can be incomprehensible when it rolis to your dagger, at any one time.

If at any time during your adventure you have the If you spend, lose or gain any money during this
chance to take any armour, and decide to use it, enter adventure, adjust the total in the MONEY-BAG section of
the type of armour and its combat value in the your ADVENTURE CHART until it tallies with the new
DISGUISE, ARMOUR & CHANGE OF CLOTHING section of amount in your possession.
If you survive the perils awaiting you and successfully
You may be offered or discover various useful pieces complete this adventure, any money, weapons or
of equipment as the adventure progresses. If you decide equipment you possess can be taken with you for use
to take these with you, enter the name of the piece of in the next PRINCE OF SHADOWS adventure you take
equipment and any particular properties it has in the part in.
However, you will not always be told what a particular COMBAT
item can do. Your haversack can only contain five
articles at any one time. You can jettison or exchange While performing your daring deeds, the servants of the
articles from your haversack at any point during the usurper will be doing their best to stop you. Many of
adventure, unless you are engaged in combat at the them will be armed and dangerous, forcing you to
engage in combat with them. Success in combat is
decided by your strength, skill and, if you have one,
Equipment Example: a weapon. You can only use one weapon in the course of
“He offers you a set of skeleton keys. If you have each combat. Sometimes your choice of weapon will be
Thieving Skill, you can use them to pick any locks you limited by your physical situation: the text will tell you
encounter. If you decide to take them, mark them on when this occurs. For example: “The passage is so
your Adventure Chart.” narrow and low that you can use only a dagger, if you
If you took them, you would enter them in the have one, or your bare hands to attack the guard ahead
HAVERSACK section like this: “Skeleton Keys, pick of you.”
When you reach a place in the adventure where you
In the rural parts of Vortimax, money is not that widely need to engage in a fight with someone, you can choose
used and in the wilderness it is almost never seen at all. out of the weapons you have which one you will use: and
People use barter to get the everyday necessities. In the if you have the Skill that goes with it, you can use this
cities, however, money is the common way of obtaining too. This means you can use a sword if you have one:
what you need and each city produces its own coinage. and with the sword, you can use Fencing Skill if you have
In Salos, the smallest coin is the bronze Smeck, one of it. Or you can use a dagger or club, if you have either,
which will buy nothing — not even a smile from a beggar. with or without Streetfighting Skill. If you have no
Four or five Smecks might buy you an egg or an apple, weapon at all you can still fight, and if you have
depending on the time of the year and the state of the Streetfighting Skill you can use it with your bare hands.
produce. A hundred Smecks are worth one silver Ship.
A Ship gets its name from the vessel shown on the back You will also be told of your opponent's Strength and
of the coin and will buy a jug of good wine or a meal ina whether you or he will strike the first blow. The armour
common eating house or tavern. A golden Royal is and weapons of your opponent will also be noted along
worth ten Ships. A Royal would feed a man comfortably with any skills he may have. Occasionally you will be
for a week, with maybe a Ship and a couple of Smecks left told what weapons or skills you cannot use in that
over for some fun. particular fight.

Master Melfi gives you your clothing and three meals a Combat Example:
day, although these may not be very substantial if the “Standing by the gate is one of the usurper's barbarian
troupe is suffering a shortage of bookings. All is well at guards, armed with a sword and wearing leather armour.
present. After last night's triumphant performance of He has Fencing Skill and 24 Strength Points.
"Gorgil and Eremoc", you received a share of the If you want to slip away down the passage before he
patrons largesse and you now have two Ships and forty sees you, turn to 103.
Smecks to clink together. Enter this amount in the
MONEY-BAG section of your ADVENTURE CHART. If you decide to attack him, he will strike the first
blow. Should you survive the encounter, turn to round, you have the chance to flee from the combat
215.” unless you are told otherwise. If you decide to flee, the
You are armed with a dagger and have Streetfighting
person you are fighting tries to land another blow on
you before you run. Calculate his percentage chance of
Skill. You have no armour and 36 Strength Points. You
decide to engage the barbarian in combat. success, and if he manages to strike you, deduct the
damage done to your Strength and enter the reduced
As the barbarian has the first blow, you work out his total in the STRENGTH section of your ADVENTURE
chance of injuring you first: CHART. You have no right of reply to such a blow as you
are too busy fleeing to defend yourself. If you decide to
Write the following in the COMBAT box: The flee from a combat, turn to the numbered passage
barbarian's Strength, the combat value of his sword (see indicated after the words "if you survive". In the example
the COMBAT VALUE CHART at the front of the book), the shown above, you would turn to 215.
combat value of your armour (which in this case is 0)
and the value of his Fencing Skill. Add together the If at any time your Strength is reduced to zero, you
barbarian’s Strength, combat value and the value (25) of have been killed and must return to the beginning of the
his Fencing Skill. Subtract from this the value of your book if you want to try and complete the adventure
armour. You now have the barbarian’s chance of striking again. When an adversary's Strength has been reduced
you: 27+9+25—0=61. This is the barbarian's Combat to zero, you have slain him and can turn to the
Total: he has a 61% chance of successfully landing a numbered passage indicated: in this example, 215.
blow on you.

Pick out a percentage from the Table of Fortune, and if

it is equal to or less than the barbarian’s percentage
Combat Total, then he has hit you. If it is greater than
this, then his blow has missed.

In this case, 46% has been picked and as it is below

61% the barbarian's blow has struck you. As you have
been wounded, your Strength will be reduced. Deduct
the combat value of the barbarians sword from your
Strength and enter the new total in your STRENGTH box.
Your new lower Strength is 27 (36-9=27).

Now it is your turn to strike a blow at the barbarian,

using the same method as he did to strike at you.

Enter the following in the COMBAT box: your Strength

(at its new reduced level), the combat value of your
dagger and the value of your Streetfighting Skill.
Subtract the value of the barbarians armour and you
have your chance of striking him: 27+7-25—10=49.
This is your Combat Total. Now pick out a percentage.
Suppose you score 7896: as it is greater than your
Combat Total of 4996, it means that you have missed
him. If you had scored a hit on him, you would have
deducted the combat value of your dagger from his
Strength and made a note of his reduced total in the
COMBAT box being used for the current duel.

When both sides have tried to land a blow on each

other, then a round of combat has passed. After each

1 guard and the scrape and tinkle of chainmail within:
“Ah, the regimental gamblers — have we lost next
month's pay yet? Put those damned shells away or I'll
Soaring high above Vortimax, a giant vulture gazes
down on the coastline far below, its dark wing-feathers have you both doing double duty on the privies
fluttering in the windstream. Over the horizon appears a tomorrow! You, Kasmad — if it's a game of chance you're
long finger of land, separating two oceans: the vulture after, down to the vaults and search for more torches.
raises its great wings and begins to lose height . . . The Have a look where they store the musical instruments."
cape looms larger, and a city spreads itself out below: a "Yes, Warmaster," whines a guard, and you hear the
thousand tangled streets surround a great outcrop of sound of footsteps receding down wooden stairs.
rock, with a castle perched on it. The vulture sails down "Now you, Podrark, go out and patrol the gardens till
past the rock, then slows as it glides between the daybreak. And if you find Affrod, send him in. He should
houses of a narrow street. Passing an open window, it be around the statue somewhere."
lets out a cry, then carries silently on. . . No time to think now. . .
Do you rush the steps and attack the guard as he
A noise outside wakes you up and you tumble from your comes out? Turn to 148.
straw mattress at Master Melfi's on Smaerd Street,
surprised how late it is. Last night's performance of Do you press yourseif against the wall and hide
*Gorgil and Eremoc” went down well, with the crowd behind the ivy? Turn to 66.
swelled by goatherds, tinkers, farmers and thieves all
gathered in Salos for today's market. After the revelry
which followed, all in honour of you and the rest of
Master Melfi's troupe, it was the early hours before you
Leaping out from your hiding-place, you rush on one of
got tobed. the guards before he knows what has happened. He has
Sunshine streaming in through the open window telis a Spear, leather armour, and 20 Strength Points.
you it must be midday. The rest of the troupe will have You can use any weapon you have, or the magician’s
set off to play in the villages. You see some money on staff which you can snatch from his hands as an
the table, and above it a note scribbled on the wall: improvised weapon. You strike the first blow.
“Dermik — your share of last night’s tips. Enjoy your
If you land your first blow, the other men finish off
day off, and keep out oftrouble! Melfi.”
all three guards within seconds.
Pulling on your clothes, you grab your dagger,
haversack and money-bag, clinking now with 2 Ships If you miss, the guard strikes back before he and the
and 40 Smecks. (Make sure you have marked the dagger other guards are slain by your men.
and money on your Adventure Chart.)
Turn to 155.
You are about to head for the streets when you hear a

scuffle outside: you go to the window, and see two
Street Sharks below, beating up a ragged old beggar for
Climbing between two pillars, you ease yourself feet-
Do you try and rescue him? If so, turn to 149. first over the wall, grab the ivy and start climbing down
... but suddenly the ivy gives way and you tumble,
If you want to stay out of it and leave through the
lashing out with your arms...
back door, turn to 46.
Then your fall stops, and you realise you are clinging
white-knuckled to the ivy lower down. You carry on

scrambling downwards, and are soon on the flagstones.
“He’s out in the grounds!” a quard calls from above.
No time to waste...
From inside you can hear the low grumble of men’s
voices, arguing half-heartedly about the final score in a Do you race back to the Great Gate? Tum to 88.
game of Turnshell. Two Gothmoi guards, and not yet
Do you make for the outhouse? Turn to 28.
suspicious ... You look up the marble wall of the
building, following the ivy as it writhes its way to the Do you head for the wall nearest the docks? Turn

nn SS nasnt
windows above. Then you hear the raised voice of a third to 119.

5 chasing you now, you notice, as you suddenly burst out
of the lanes and find yourself at the waters edge.
A desperate glance left and right to find an escape route
The guard has a mace and leather armour, 23 Strength
Points, but no skills. You race for the spiral staircase, only shows you the other two sailors closing in.
and manage to reach it before he catches up with you. "Think we haven't done this a hundred times before?"
You tum on the steps, strike the first blow, and can laughs one of the sailors as he moves on you,
escape up the staircase after any round of combat. nonchalantly swinging the rope.

If you survive the fight, turn to 184. Your only escape route now is the murky water of
the dock behind you. If you want to jump, turn to
6 If you want to fight, you can strike the first blow
against any of the sailors, each with 21 Strength
You hur! yourself down the steps just as the door bursts
open. For a split second you hear a throbbing sound, Points and Streetfighting Skill, and armed with a
then you are thrown headlong down the steps as a spear dagger but wearing no armour.
sinks deep into your back. If you land your first blow, that sailor is out of the
A final twist of the spear from a guard cuts short the fight after the first round, but you must then take on
last words you utter: "Right, then left..." the next, striking the first blow again.

If you land your second blow, that sailor too is out

7 of the fight after the second round: you can now

escape while another strikes at you and the rest
A sharp pain in your right side seems to be shouting at back off. Turn to 201.
you to wake up. As you do so, you realise it is only one of
many pains that have been patiently waiting to grab If you fail to land either your first or second blow,
your attention as you come round.
you are overpowered by the sailors: turn to 168.
The night sky is still there in front of you, only this
time the cudgel has gone, and in its place are the
gruesome but grinning faces of two Gothmoi
picked out by a lamp that one of them holds.
Creeping up the steps with weapon drawn, you peek
If you are disguised to look much older, turn round the doorway. The Warmaster stands tall in the
to 191. middle of the hallway, his back to you. He carries a
If you do not have this disguise, turn to 220. double-handed sword, mail and plate armour but no
hetmet, and has Fencing Skill and 24 Strength Points.
You steal up to him and strike two blows at him before

8 he can turn to reply and complete the first round of

combat: but you must fight him to the death, taking his
Passing through the druggists' and alchemists' quarter, sword if you wish, before turning to 91.
you cross Apothecary's Row. By now you can see the tops

of ships' masts ahead of you, and soon you are among
the rooming houses off Whale Street. As dusk falls, you
wander through the warren of cobbled streets leading 10
down to the waterfront, thinking how you will handle You pull the grapnel out of your haversack, unravel a
the Resistance when you meet them. length of cord, and, swinging the grapnel around your
A whispering voice somewhere behind you brings you head, hurl it over the top of the wall. Then you pull on
out of your dreams. You look back just in time to see the cord: it grows taut, then gives no more. You
five sailors spring out into the street, armed with scramble up, and are soon looking over the wall.
daggers and a length of rope. You fear the rope most of Below you is the outhouse, and in it is Jerret, looking
all: it tells you they are a press gang from the galleys! every bit like a Gothmoi guard in his spiked helmet.
You dash on down the lane, turning left and right He is holding the reins of two horses, and he has a
willy-nilly to try and shake them off. Only three sailors halberd now, leaning against the wall.

“Pssst!” you whisper.
"Sssh!" he says again, without looking up.
You re-adjust the grapnel, pull up the cord and let it
Down-hearted, you leave the grotesque shrine, and head
fall into the outhouse, then climb down. back to Glimroc’s empty-handed. Jerret is waiting
You are within a few feet of the ground when Jerret outside. “It's no good, Jerret, the cup wouldn't come,”
dives for the halberd, spins round and sinks it into your you tell him dolefully. He goes through the same
chest: you crash to the ground. rigmarole to get you back into Glimroc’s, and you
The face isn't Jerret's, you realise, as the halberd is explain to the dwarf what happened. He is unmoved.
rammed in again, delivering the death blow.
If you decide to pay him the 3 Royals, and have the
money, mark the new items of equipment and your
payment on your Adventure Chart, and turn to 111.

If you want to rob him of the equipment, turn to 84.

Ifyou decide to leave empty-handed, tum to 111.

You bury your head in your hands . . . you cannot make
head or tail of what she is saying.
“Terkya,” she says, and. grabbing hold of your hand,
pulls you to your feet and leads you this way, then that,
until she leaves you. . . right by Bazaar Street.
Turn to 197.

After endless twists and turns in the narrow lane, you
turn once more to face a dead end.
In front of you is a high wall, into which is set a
padlocked door. You beat your fists on the door in the
forlorn hope that someone is behind it, and will open
up. But all the noise does is signal your whereabouts to
some Gothmoi guards behind you.
11 If you have Thieving Skill, turn to 113.
You cross and go up to the tavern. After taking a deep Ifnot, turn to 139.
breath, you lift the latch and open the door.
The sight that faces you is not what you expected. The

tavern is in virtual darkness, and deserted — except for
the tavern-keeper, cleaning goblets in the light of a
tamp behind the bar, It seems a full minute before you Stretching out in front of you is a whole rack of large
reach the bar and whisper: “Evening.” horns! Then a resounding crash from upstairs tells you
The barman returns the greeting. the door you bolted has fallen under the weight of many
You clear your throat: “I suppose a drunken rat- guards.
catcher's better than none, isn't he?”
Trembling now with rage as much as fear, you pass
“Well put, sir. I expect you've come for the meeting in the torch along the rack. Twenty or more horns confront
the Snug Bar, haven't you? It's along that passage.”
you, all made of the tusks of some strange southem
Turn to 79. beast. All are carved with curious pictures and

inscriptions, and all of them are the same size and makes merry to celebrate the founding of Salos. Which
shape. But which one is The Horn ... and does it is why Luko banned it on pain of slow death, and
matter, anyway? changed the calendar so there'd even be confusion
about when it was. You no doubt know all about that.
Do you look at the carvings on each horn in turn, "Now, our plan is to make that festival happen, and
hoping to find a clue? Tum to 189. usher it in the way it always has been: by blowing The
Do you grab a hom at random, and get out fast? Horn at sunrise from the top of the Repository of the
1f so, turn to 61. Founding Fathers. Good idea, don't you agree?"
You nod, and at the same moment hear a strange
creaking sound at the back of the room. Out of the

16 gloom a new face joins the gathering.

"Sorry I'm late," the man says, sitting down. "I had to
deliver a barge of millet to the granaries."
You offer Bortli everything you have collected, including
any money of your own needed to make up the 40 Ships. Do you interrupt the Resistance leader to ask how
“| suppose that'll do,” he says ungraciously, taking he got in? Tum to 35.
the money, and pads back to his companion.
“Thought 1 heard somethin’, but there's nothin’ Do you let him carry on with the plan? Turn to 152.
there,” you hear him say, and they plod off the way they
came. You watch them turn a corner, then Bortli's voice
pierces the night air:
“Guards! The Shistins are over there!” 19
“Let’s go!” you shout, cursing the watchman under You spring on to the fruit stall and send melons rolling
your breath and vowing to get even — if you get out of among the crowd as the guard reaches you and raises
this alive. his sword. But his last step is a step too many: his foot
meets a melon, and as he falls flat on his rump in a pile
You can now carry on through the maze on pages 38 of dung you leap again, and sit astride the wall.
and 39, returning to it at 182. From your perch you see your encounter is not yet
over: the crowd pushes back as the stall sways, totters
and then obligingly collapses on to the guard, to a loud
17 cheer from the crowd, even the melon seller. Maybe this
is my lucky day, you think, as you drop to the street.
Unseen hands grab your wrists and wrench your
weapons from you, then twist your arms behind your Turn to 229.
back while the powerful arm drags you by the head
across the room. You try to open your mouth to explain
who you are, but a knife through your throat silences
you for ever.

“We're prepared to believe you,” cuts in the leader, “for
the time being at least. And yes, we can use you too.
We've planned a big operation for tonight, and you can
be an important part of it.”
Someone undoes your blindfold, and the rope tying
your wrists. In front of you is the table with the lamp,
and beyond it the faces of twenty or so desperate men.
“No need to know our names yet,” says the leader.
"We'll introduce ourselves later. Now, this is the job...
“Tomorrow's the Festival of the Founding Fathers, the
day when traditionally everyone takes to the streets and

20 dwarf. After what seems an age, Glimroc lets you in.
“The cup. . . show me the cup” is all he can say. You put
the cup on the table, and his eyes are transfixed by it.
You get as far as the top of the bridge before the terriers
catch up with you. As two of them start biting into your “You Orrin Glimroc then?” the cup pipes up. “Used to
ankles, you mount the wall on the bridge, and look know your great-great-grandfather. Now, I expect to be
down at the murky river ready to hold your nose and well looked after...”
jump, when to your amazement the bow of a grain barge “The equipment please, Glimroc,” croaks Jerret.
glides into view below you. “Oh yes,” he says, absent-mindedly pulling back the
cloth, “help yourselves,”
Tum to 72.
Mark any equipment and weapons you have taken
from Glimroc on your Adventure Chart, and turn

21 to111.

“There's a few dead back there,” says the last man as he

shuts the door behind him and hurries past you down
the steps. You have almost seen your way through to
Bazaar Street when you hear guards in the yard behind
At fast you reach Purl Street, but the going has proved
you, slow in the dark lanes and alleys.
Ifyou have Tumbling Skill, tum to 141. “Feel like taking the wider road straight to Lock
Street?” you ask Jerret. “We can hop over the wall into
If not, turn to 6. the cemetery if we run into trouble.”
“Why not?” he replies in a strangely thin, croaking
voice. “They won't be looking for us so near the Citadel.”
22 Those are the first words he's said all night, you think
+. or are they? As you both stride up Stoneway, under
One more try, only this time in High Tongue, you the towering mass of the Citadel, a bell strikes the hour
decide: "Oraclo windrim Crontor doenend phillam . . of the Fox. You sense more than ever just how
Orrinim Glimrocceh . . .” dangerous your mission is. . .
"Ah! The Glimrocs," the oracle yaps back at you, "Oh, At last you turn into Lock Street, and Jerret leads you
yes, I'd rather be with them than here. Well come on, through squat, half-timbered houses, stopping
what are we waiting for?" eventually outside a solid, studded door.
You pick up the cup and hurry out of the shrine.
"You know, it's been very boring in there for the last Turn to 159.
three hundred years," the cup explains as you head for
Glimroc's. "Most people won't talk to me in High
Tongue so all | ever get to say is ‘get lost’ really . . . oh,
and tell the odd idiot of a thief I can't be stolen. And 24
another thing, watch out for a big vulture in the morning You knock on the door of every chandler's shop, then try
— could come in handy! the lock, hoping one is open. But you are out of luck.
“Now, tell me what this Orrin Glimroc’s like ... You have no choice but to press on to Purple Street in
anything like his great-great-grandfather? Ah, but you wet clothes, unarmed, and without a haversack. When
wouldn't remember. . .” you reach Stink Street you turn off the road into the
“I thought you were supposed to know everything slums, soon reach a path along the riverside, and follow
yourself?” you cut in, but the oracle is not in one of its it until you are under the bridge at Fish Street. A strong
listening moods, and yaps irrelevancies all the way to smell of wood-smoke tells you fires are burning in the
Lock Street. fishermen's smokehouses further on.
At last you reach Glimroc's again, and, sure enough,
Do you carry on in the hope of drying your clothes?
Jerret is waiting for you outside.
If so, turn to 180.
“Quick, Jerret, there's no time to lose,” you say as he
starts to go through the whole rigmarole of knocking on If you decide to go straight on to the Golden Robe,
the door in code and swapping passwords with the turn to 42.

8 ad ad ad ad ad ad ad
25 You creep up to the gate, grasp the cold iron, and
climb. . . up, up, up and you are astride the top.
For a moment you look at the Repository, a gloomy
After some feverish thought, you realise you must try
and storm the barricade, or find another way through to silhouette against the first glow of dawn. The silence is
Bazaar Street. broken by a distant cock-crow. You know you have less
than an hour to complete your mission.
If you choose to storm the barricade, tum to 228. Now you are clambering down, and suddenly a
If you decide to look for another way, you can fluttering close to your neck almost makes you lose
retrace your steps: but you cannot back-track again your grip. A bat, winging its way to some belfry before
unless you are told you can do so. Return to 86 on daybreak, brushes your face.
the maze on pages 38 and 39. You steal towards the building, keeping behind the
trees as best you can. At last you see the stone Guardian
ahead, and, sticking out around the stone base, a booted
26 foot — surely the guard’s. Judging by the foot, he is
sitting on the ground — but unconscious, or awake?
Very quickly you sense you could get hopelessly lost in Weapon at the ready, you tiptoe to the base of the
the tangle of alley-ways. Scrambling to the top of a wall, statue. The foot doesn't move. You can hear slow, heavy
you look out in the direction of Purple Street, and see breathing. You peer round the stonework, and see the
ahead the back of a tavern. You wonder if this could be slumped form of the guard, unconscious, halberd on
your destination, and from your vantage point, trace a shoulder, and on the ground beside him an empty bottle
route to it with your eye. and goblet. At his feet lies his helmet.
Intriguing, you think . . . you can go right, left, right,
left all the way, except once, when you can't, so you do Do you leave him as he is, and carry straight on to
the opposite . . . You look back, and find it is the same the Repository? Tum to 136.
routine all the way from Bazaar Street. Do you pull him out ofsight first? Turn to 211.
Jumping down, you stride through the alleys till you
reach a long flight of steps just in front of the tavern,

with a door at the top. You climb to the door, which has
a hole cut in it the shape of a weaver's shuttle. You go
through, but find there is no way through to the tavern. You reach the tree, but shouts from behind tell you that
You climb down again and skirt round the tavern to guards are following. You gaze up at the stone wall.
right and left, but still find no way through. You go back “Are you there, Jerret?” you call,
to the steps, then head back for Bazaar Street, making "Sssh!" comes the answer.
sure to start with a right. . . At last you reach it again. Must be quards nearby on the other side, you think.
Turn to 197. If you have the grapne! and Marksmanship Skill,
turn to 10.

27 If you only have the grapnel, turn to 166.

To your immense relief the Great Gate of the Repository If you have neither, tum to 133.
a is unguarded. Keeping well hidden behind an evergreen
t bush, you both watch and wait for any sign of life. There
is none — just the lofty tangle of wrought iron, and
beyond it the overgrown gardens between you and the 29
Repository. You bury your head in your hands, You can understand
“I'm going over the gate,” you tell Jerret. “All that the words, but you'll never remember the directions: you
fancy ironwork will give me footholds right to the top.” tell her your problem.
“Look out for the drugged guard by the stone "Naprabli," she says cheerfully, "jagga rittilifti,
Guardian,” says Jerret. “And one last thing: Id better rittilifti ardawor, bawi cannaga ritti, galiftil”
tell you the rendezvous in case I don't make it — the I can remember that, you think to yourself. . go right
Voyagers Rest, near the Southern Docks, and the left, right left all the way: and when you can't go right,

password's ‘Ten sailors don't make a fighting crew’.” go left.
a AS s A
Thanking the woman from the bottom of your heart, hear someone falling off his chair. “Come on,” someone
you head off hopefully back to Bazaar Street, following shouts, “let’s have the full performance!”
her directions. At last you find it again. Someone blindfolds you, ties your hands, and spins
you round: “Away you go, young lady in waiting,” says
Turn to 197.
your interrogator. “Walk on and say your piece as if your
life depended on it. . . because it does.”

30 You start walking forwards: “Your Majesty, | do most

humbly and earnestly beseech you not to ... " You
bump into a chair and hear it fall to the ground amid
“This way!” you hear a guard shout, and soon hoofbeats
are pursuing you down the alley. When the barbarians more laughter: ^. . . not to deny His Most Noble Majesty
are nearly upon you, you turn and draw your weapons the King's every wish in this solemn matter, and to use
... but you face bowmen. A hail of arrows whistles your great influence to move . . . " This time you hit the
between the narrow walls, and soon your corpses lie table and grind to a halt.
strewn in a ragged line along it. "To move this blooming table out of the way!"
Someone pipes up from the back, bringing the house
31 "That's enough!" a cool voice breaks in. "Now, Master
Dermik, your story seems plausible enough — so tell us
After some effort you manage to turn the lock, and step what brings you here."
inside. Stretching out in front of you is a whole rack of
large homs, all made of the tusks of some strange Tum to 224.
southern beast. All are carved with curious scenes
depicting the history of Saios, and have inscriptions in
High Tongue: "The First Century" ... "The Second
A hom for each century, you think — and today Salos is In one swift movement you dash for the sword, grab it
a thousand years old. So we are starting The Eleventh before any of the Sharks can reach it, and kick the
Century. You hurry along the rack and find a hom with lantern over, plunging everyone into darkness.
that inscription, and look at the carving: it depicts a You must now engage in three rounds of combat
young man, strangely carrying a crescent moon over his before you can flee. Your first foe has 18 Strength Points
shoulder, and beside him, perched on the top of a and a dagger, but no armour or special skills. You strike
building, an enormous vulture. the first blow.
That’s the one, you say to yourself, grabbing it. After the first round you take on your next foe, who
Tum to 61. also has a dagger, 17 Strength Points, but no
armour or special skills. Again you strike the first

"My name is Dermik, and I'm a player in Master Melfi's
troupe," you tell them, at the same time sensing any
weapons you have part company with you.
"Oh yes? So you'll be able to tell us what you were
playing last night then, won't you?"
“Gorgil and Eremoc'."
"And what part did you play, then?"
“I... I was the back end of the horse." A ripple of
laughter goes round the room.
"How convenient for you. So you didn't have any lines
you could delight us with now, | suppose?"
"Well, I had a walk-on part as a lady in waiting, too,
The room erupts in laughter now, and you think you
Your third round of combat is with a Shark who has You turn to face mounted archers, picking off at will
lost his dagger in the dark, and has only his bare each man who tries to scale the wall. Your last bid for
hands and 20 Strength Points to fight with. He your life is to climb the pile of bodies to the jeers and
strikes the first blow, and a parting blow as you taunts of the archers. Then you too slither down the
flee. wall to join the other corpses.

If you survive the encounter, you can keep the

sword, remembering to keep within your weapons
limit of a dagger plus one weapon and mark it on
your Adventure Chart. Turn to 121.
The hound keeps coming towards you, gathering pace
as it begins to sense you are an intruder.

34 If you still have some

haversack, turn to 89.
meat pie left in your

Once across the river, you leave East Way and head
Ifnot, turn to 99.
through the granaries towards Purple Street. Stopping
for a moment at a turning, debating whether to take it,
you hear ahead the unmistakable sound of a Gothmoi
guard marching towards you in chainmail.
Your mind is made up for you: down the tuming you
go, pausing after a while to listen again ... but the You slip out of the back of Master Melfi's, wondering if
guard must have taken the same turning, for the sound the next time he sees your face it will be set on a spike
is getting louder. Quickening your pace, you hurry decorating one of the City Gates. You take the alleys you
along the alley, ruefully noticing on either side the high, know well through the scribes’ quarter, and cross Parade
featureless walls of granaries. Street as quickly as you can.
Rounding a bend in the alley, a nightmare sight Turn to 164,
greets you: another Gothmoi guard with a torch in his
hand, no doubt coming to meet the other.
If you are disquised to look like an older man, turn
to 103. 39
There are ten keys on the ring, and you feverishly start
If you do not have this disguise, turn to 183.
to try each key in turn on the lock, but your pursuers are
drawing ever nearer...

35 Pick a number from the Table of Fortune:

If itis 5 or less, turn to 226.

"Its a secret door leading to the outside privy,” the
leader explains. “But more important, there’s a secret If itis 6 or more, turn to 177.
door from the privy into a weaver's yard next to the
tavern. It means the tavern could be watched both back
and front, and we can still come and go as we please.”

Turn to 152.
You see him hold up five fingers to the other guards, and
motion them to creep over the wall. A second later, five

36 guards stand silently in the yard, slowly drawing their

The alley ends abruptly at a wall just too high for any of As the first quard steps forward you shout “Now!” and
you to jump. With the sound of horses’ hooves spring at him amid a flurry of hemp while your men
approaching, you shout: “Help each other over!” and attack the other four, then the rest as they clamber over.
knit your hands together to give the person nearest you The quard you face has a sword, 22 Strength Points,
a leg up. He is the first astride the wall, but before he Fencing Skill and leather armour. You strike the first
can jump to safety an arrow sinks into his chest. blow, using any weapon you have, or the improvised
weapon of a pitchfork lying by you. There is no retreat door frame. You find yourself at the end of the queue.
from this combat, for you or any of your men. A loud crash heralds the arrival of the Gothmoi
guards, who break down the door in one swift action.
If you kill the guard, you rejoin the Resistance men,
You tum to face them along with two other men, but the
who finally slay all the guards With few losses of
odds are overwhelming. After a brave struggle, your
their own. You can take leather armour, a spiked
three corpses lie oozing blood on the floor.
helmet, and any one of the guards' weapons: sword,
spear or halberd. If you take a helmet, some of the

others follow your example. Mark these on your
Adventure Chart before returning to the maze on
pages 38 and 39 at 203.
You scale the scaffolding and step out on to the ledge
beneath the windows. You peer in through the first

window, but can see nothing in the dark.

Do you jump in? If so, turn to 76.

“I gotta check the gallery again!” you shout with the
Do you creep along to the next window, with a
voice of a barbarian. “You're ordered to the vaults to
plume ofsteam coming from it? If so, turn to 97.
guard the horns. An’ watch out — there’s an intruder
loose in the building!”
If you are wearing a guard’s cloak as well! as leather
armour, turn to 124. 45
The men do not share your confidence, and start to head
If not, tum to 217.
off for different alley-ways.
“Stop!” you call. “Let's pull the cart down one alley,

and take another!”
This proves a more popular plan, and soon the cart is
rolling down the slope of one alley while you all pour
Before long you are below Fish Street, and find some
down another. Pick a number from the Table of Fortune:
crumbling steps which take you up to it. Once on the
bridge, you look long and hard for any signs of If it is 3 or less, turn to 30.
barbarian guards, and seeing none, hurry across it till
If it is 4 or more, turn to 222.
you come to some steps leading down to the opposite

You quickly go down these, then slip into an alley
leading through dyers' and fullers’ yards till you come
out on Purple Street. And there, almost in front of you,
The dung of horses and goats lies everywhere in the
lit by a lantem, is the sign of the Golden Robe tavern.
dusty street, with flies swarming from one heap to the
Tum to 150. other. The taverns too are buzzing, leaving the streets
quiet under the midday sun.
You tum a corner and before you is a blind story-teller

43 and his young apprentice squatting in the dirt, with a

huddie of ragged men and even more ragged urchins
The conspirators have just started to discuss where to around him.
pick up a large number of torches when two men slip “My wise and appreciative listeners,” he begins. “Let
into the room through the door you came in by. me tell you the story of the War of the Wizards, the Dark
“Sssh! Gothmoi in the tavern,” whispers one, while Years, and how our great city of Salos came to be bom.”
the other slides a solid wooden board across the door. Loud yawns come from the mouths of the men.
Everyone rises quickly but silently and hurries to the “Very well,” says the story-teller. “You clearly don't
secret door at the far end of the room. The first few men want to hear how the wizards brought strange creatures
get through easily, but the rest start jostling and for a into our world such as the dwarves, wasp-men and giant
few precious seconds two burly men get stuck in the tiny gargabeasts, so | won't tell you.
As everyone delves in their clothes for the money, the
pickpockets among them watching closely for future
reference, you toss your 20 Smecks in from where you
stand, keeping well back and glancing round to note
your escape routes.
"And now,” says the blind man, "the true story of our
great and noble King Luko . . .”
Mark off the 20 Smecks on your Adventure Chart,
and turn to 117.

"It's all clear behind me,” he tells you, "and good luck!”
Retum to the maze on pages 58 and 59 at 188.

Twisting this way and that to give your pursuers the slip,
you eventually duck down a narrow passage, then hear
someone yell behind you: "We've got the scug now!" To
your horror, you realise it is a dead end. The Sharks
gather at the entrance to the alley, then advance on you
with daggers drawn.
After a few seconds of brave but hopeless struggle, a
Shark ends the fight, and your adventure, as he runs you
through with his sword.

"But one thing I will say: our great city was founded by
the brothers Salo and Meregrond, who landed here one
fateful midwinter's day many, many years ago." His There are three keys on the ring, but will any of them
voice drops to a whisper: "And for those who still keep openthedoor?...
the old calendar, tomorrow is midwinter's day whatever
If you have Thieving Skill, turn to 226.
they try and tell us, and it'll be the year of Meregrond
1000!" If not, turn to 177.
"That's treason, talking about the old calendar!" pipes
up an urchin, earning a clout from the man next to him.
"Allow me, then, to recount the tale of our great and
noble new King Luko," says the story-teller, "more wise 50
and just even than his brother who went before him." Racing along the wall, you turn the corner into Noble
Several handfuls of dung land in the story-teller's lap. Way and hurry to the outhouse. Your heart leaps into
"Tell us the true story," murmurs one of the audience. your mouth as you run past the gates within inches of a
"Go on, it's safe enough," whispers another, "the Silent dozen Gothmoi guards — all mercifully on the other side
Watchers are all lurking in the bazaars today, or else in — and you run even faster when you hear one of them
the taverns, spying on the Resistance.” shout: "I've got the keys!"
With this, the blind man whispers to his apprentice to Now you are at the outhouse: you fling the door open,
keep a look out. "Very well," he says with a trembling but from inside a Gothmoi guard lunges at you with a
voice, "but you'll all pay 20 Smecks for it ... in halberd. It sinks deep into your belly: seconds later, you
advance." lie dead in the road.
My My ya a M Hd M M

hom into your haversack, wondering whether any old
horn from the rack would have done, or whether you
Feeling the door, you search with your fingers for the picked the only one — by luck, or destiny . . .
contours of Sun and Moon, touching everything in the If you have hauled the ladder on to the roof with
hope that it will open the door. Nothing happens. You you, tum to 174.
start to feel along the walls to either side, but every inch
is covered in carvings, and your panic begins to mount. If itis still below the shaft, turn to 138.
Taking a firm grip on yourself, you leave your
haversack against the door as a marker, then start to
feel your way along the wall. The carvings never stop.
Your heart is pounding when eventually you stumble
into something underfoot. You peer round the pile of nets and see an old fisherman
Stooping to feel what it is, you realise with horror it is in the light of a lamp he is holding. He comes down to
a skeleton, its fingers still touching the carvings at the the stern and spots you.
bottom ofanother stone door. . . "What in the name of the gods are you doing?" he
Years later, the next visitor to the hall finds two says, and you explain your narrow escape from a press
skeletons lying by the door. gang.
"You'd better iie low and get your clothes dried,”
he says. He helps you hang up your clothes on the

52 rigging and spread out your haversack and its contents

on the deck. As you tum away from him, he sees your
back in the lamp-light, but says nothing.
You come to a parting of two alley-ways, and in one of
the narrow turnings ahead you see the back of a solitary “They'll be dry in an hour or two in this wind,” he says,
Gothmoi guard who must have got separated from the "but Vd think twice about leaving the boat until
others. He is leaning on a massive double-handed morning. The press gangs work ali night these days."
sword, You explain that you cannot wait until morning: you
Easy meat for us, you think, turning your head only to must be at Purple Street by the hour of the Cat.
find that you have lost your men too. "Mm," he says, and after a moment's thought: “I'll
take you most of the way there in the boat, and your
If you have Fencing or Streetfighting Skills, turn to clothes can be drying as we go. I'm taking her to the
158. Fisherman's Basin tonight: I'll drop you off at the Fish
If you have neither of these skills, turn to 108. Street bridge on my way."

Lifting your head so the guard can see your face, you
carry on walking towards him ... and right past him.
He does not even give you a second glance. You hurry
down the alley he came out of...
Tum to 131.

As you catch your breath from your efforts, you notice
that the sun is already half clear of the sea. If you are to
blow the horn, it must be now. You lick your dry lips,
take a long deep breath, and blow with all your might.
A tremendous, eerie note rends the still morning air.

MR ig Mi i M
The shouting below you stops. Utter silence. You put the

i MSoon he has cast off, and as the boat swings away black shape of a quardhound
RR :
loping towards you with
from the quay and heads for the river, you look out at teeth bared.
the harbour mouth and beyond, where a crescent moon
Do you draw your weapons and advance on the beast
is rising out of the sea.
to fight it? Turn to 99.
You have dry clothes and haversack on your back
again, and have made a friend, when the bridge comes Do you stand your ground, hand on weapon, and
into sight. You jump ashore just before the bridge, and wait to see what happens? Turn to 163.
see the name of the boat carved roughly on the bow:
Blue Swordfish,
“Goodbye, and thank you, Nebros,” you say as you
jump off. And the answer comes back: “Goodbye .. .
and good tuck, young prince.” But before you can say Emptying his pockets ofa few fish, the magician clears
anything, the boat glides off into the night. his throat and raises his staff to the night sky again:
You soon reach the bridge, pass under it, and slip “Traspankrig algri gudlibin ... hic ... thrudar
down an altey which brings you out on Purple Street... switling clirtibrul bazustrich!”
and there, almost in front of you, is the Golden Robe. A sickening feeling grabs hold of your stomach,
dragging it way down past your belt, and you shut your
Turn to 11. eyes as you sense your skull squeeze your brain till it
feels ready to burst. Then you realise your legs are
thrashing about in the air, and your eyes open...

56 A beautiful sight is laid out below you: the maze of

alleys, shining in the starlight, with little Gothmoi
The ointment works wonders on your sore and aching guards running to and fro in it. You look around and on
body, quickly restoring your spirits, and your Strength either side of you the Resistance men are flying through
Points to their original total. the air very much like a flock of seriously overweight
Mark this on your Adventure Chart, and turn to 221.
Then ahead you see Bazaar Street, which gets bigger
as you look at it. Then nausea takes over again, your eyes
are forced shut, and you stub your toe badly on

57 something solid.
Gathering your wits, you realise you are all standing
The only escape is over the wall by the steps. You jump in Bazaar Street. I'd rather like to do that again, you
it in one clean bound, land nimbly on your feet, dive think.
down the lane the way you came, and keep running with
Turn to 206.
the shouts of the Street Sharks behind you.
After a minute you pause in a dark gateway to listen:

their distant cries sound as if they are arguing. About
who pocketed the money left on the steps, you guess, as
you gather your breath and head once more for Purple You buy some fried squid and barbecued swordfish for
Street, giving the Sharks a wide berth. 50 Smecks, and sit down by the dock-side to eat it.
Turn to 121. Looking out over the Basin you can just see the Fish
Street bridge, which you will need to cross to get to the

Your thoughts turn to the Resistance, and how you
will try and persuade them to help you. Perhaps your
birthmark will win them to your side. . .
Retching from the stench, you peel off his armour and
As soon as you have eaten, you set off again along the
put it on with a shudder. The helmet is a bit oversize:
river, putting a piece of fish in your haversack and with
still, you try to march briskly but silently towards the
6 more Strength Points.
Repository. You have hardly reached the flagstones

Mj Ms Ms R R
when you hear a low growl off to your left: your head Mark these and the 50 Smecks spent on your
spins and your helmet almost topples as you see the Adventure Chart, and turn to 230.
alley, you decide to go in again to plead with the tavern-
keeper. But as you step into the street, Gothmoi guards
Slinging the hom over your shoulder by its strap, you spring from the shadows all around you, and you are
leave the chamber, and run along the corridor until you overpowered. A hefty blow with the flat of a sword
tum a corner and reach some steps. Guards’ footsteps knocks you senseless. . .
are pounding in the corridor: Turn to 114.
“The torch’s just burnt out,” one of them shouts.
"An' it's the last one!”
Despite the strain you chuckle, douse your light, and
feel your way up the staircase. 65
Turn to 210. Levelling his staff at the quards, the old man splutters:
"Fwerj dardril frizkrishgir berark gubgrug shuborl . . ."
One leg gives way and he starts to swing in your

direction — “tarosk!”
A crackling sound rends the air and he tumbles to the
ground with the staff leveiled at you and your men. At
Your last hope is to take as many guards as you can with
the same instant there is a green flash from his
you: four lie dead on the marble before archers appear
direction. You realise you are blinded.
from the staircase, and finish you.
Out of the blackness comes an apologetic voice amid
the cries of your men: “Oopsh ... shorry" The next

thing you know a spear is being driven through you.
It is aiso the last thing you know.
Twilight falls as you thread your way through the slums

towards Purple Street. You start climbing up a sloping
alley when a strange sight greets you round a corner.
Some poor fellow is being mugged, and in the light of
Your heart pounds as the guard rushes out, runs down
the lantern you see his money tumbling down the steps
the steps and hurries on into the grounds without
as a masked Street Shark clubs him mercilessly. But
looking round. The Warmaster is left alone inside. You
there seems to be something odd about the way he is
decide to strike, and silently draw your weapon.
doing his mugging. . .
If you have Disguise Skill, and want to use it to lure
Do you go to help the victim before he is clubbed
the Warmaster outside, turn to 122.
senseless? Tum to 137.
If you want to rush him inside, turn to 9.
Do you slip back round the corner and stop to work
out what is going on? Turn to 204.
Do you grab the money and run? Turn to 157.
“Anyone not in Gothmoi helmets, get over this wall,” you

64 say. "When you hear me shout ‘An’ kill “em slowly’, jump
the wall and rush the barricade. Everyone else: lose any
spears over the wall, give me a few yards start, then
You ask the tavern-keeper to get a vital message to the
meeting, but he refuses to leave the bar, and shows you follow me — and keep your mouths shut!”
the door, hand on dagger. You turn the corner at a run, and yell: “Azgurt’s in
As you stand in Purple Street, thinking that tavern- trouble! Orders are for all spearmen to get back an’ ‘eip
keepers are probably much the same all over Vortimax, ‘im! At the double! Promotion for the first five that
you decide the best you can do is hide in the darkness of rescue ‘im! We take over 'ere!"
a nearby alley, and ask anyone entering the tavern to get You are still running to the barricade when the first
a message through. guards clamber over with their spears, and rush past
Half an hour passes, but no-one goes in the tavern you. Once they are past all your men you shout back,
door or comes out. After an hour of shivering in the “Know where yer goin’, then?” The guards stop in their



tracks. “Just keep right all the way,” you shout, and put back. But from the other man you unload from two
when the last barbarian is round the comer, “An” kill ‘em pockets no less than 43 Ships. You take the lot.
slowly!” “Where d'ya get all that, Bortli?” asks the other. "Have
Long before Azgurt finds them, instantly sentencing you been takin’ bribes and not sharin’ 'em?"
every man to a thorough lashing, you are all across the Jerret can hardly restrain Friblik at this point. You
barricade and on Bazaar Street. grab Bortli by the head and knock it against the wall.
He falls dazed to the ground.
Turn to 206. “Let’s leave them to it,” you say, tossing 3 Ships far
into the darkness of the alley.
As you cross Bakers Lane you look back to see Friblik

68 laying energetically into the motionless form of his

companion with boot and fist.
You frantically scan the scenes on the other homs. The
great earthquake of many centuries ago . .. the first Mark the 40 Ships on your Adventure Chart, and
incursions of the Gothmoi ... You jump to the other turn to 23.
end of the rack, and find scenes which seem to be about
Salos, but mean nothing to you.
Now you hear Gothmoi voices in the corridor.
"Who's got the keys then?” 41
"What in the Goddess' name is the use of keys without Making the most of your sharp sense of direction, you
atorch to see 'em by?" dash down turning after turning, back-tracking along
You grab a hom at random, douse your torch, and dive the route which brought you to the Sharks, and
out of the chamber, but bump into the doorway as you confident you will meet no dead ends.
do so, letting the hom clatter to the ground. After a few minutes, you stop to listen for your
"He's up ahead!" a voice screams in the blackness. pursuers: you have shaken them off.
You pick up the horn, sling it over your shoulder by its
Turn to 121.
strap, and grope your way further down the corridor, but
the guards are gaining on you...
If you have a bag of glass marbles, turn to 96.

If not, turn to 169.

Leaping off the bridge with a terrier still clinging to your
shoe by its teeth, you land neatly on all fours in a deep

cushion of grain.
A large round of applause from the bridge tells you
the rat-catchers appreciate style when they see it.
Grabbing some grease-paint, you go over to a mirror
Mounting pain in your foot also reminds you of the
and set to work. Within minutes your face, neck and
terrier though so, hastily opening your haversack, you
hands have grown wrinkles, and you look a full twenty the
find a rat and after showing it to the dog, hurl it into
years older.
river. The terrier follows, to another round of applause
' Mark the disguise on your Adventure Chart, and turn from the bridge.
to 38. As the clapping dies down you hear the shouts of the
bargee: "What in the Goddess' name do you think you're
doing in my barge?"

70 "Oh, just leaming what it's like to be a rat at a

convocation of rat-catchers," you say glumly, digging
through your haversack for any remaining rats, and
As the watchmen pass, you both leap out and grab them
by the throat, then drag them back into the shadows. tossing them into the river.
A heavy chinking sound comes from the pockets of one The bargee chuckles: "What got you into that pickle?"
of them: Jerret puts his sword to the throat of one, his "Don't know, really. Just said a few words of Gutter
dagger to the other's, while you search them. In the Speak, and they all turned nasty."
pockets of one you find just a couple of Ships, which you "So what did you say?" he asks, beaming.

You steal up to the doorway and peep round. It is the
guard, torch in hand, searching through a collection of
stringed instruments. Beside him, resting against one
of the racks, is his spear. You brace yourself, guietly
drawing your weapon, when you hear the boom of
people banging on the wooden doorway above. You
spring on the guard as he turns.
Do you strike him with your weapon? Turn to 147.
Do you hold your weapon to his throat? Turn to 93.

“You all right, Affrod?” he calls. You grunt something
indistinguishable, and double up as if hurt while he runs
“You're not Aff...” is all he manages to say before
you run him through with your first thrust. You quickly
drag him into the bushes, then do the same with the
dead hound, and make for the Repository door. Soon
“Oh, drunka raccacha bettada no, or something like you are standing just to the left of the steps.
that,” you reply. Turn to 2.
The smile vanishes from the bargee's face. He stares
at you long and silent. You stare back.

“Don't speak Gutter Speak, do you, young man?”
"It means ‘a drunken rat-catchers better than none’:
"I can prove...“ are the only words you manage to get
you can see why they got shirty. Now, what J want to
out before you are blindfolded and gagged, your hands
know is, why did you say it in the first place?”
Something in the bargee's voice tells you he knows a
and feet tied together, and dragged through a door into
lot more than he is admitting. “Because my life depends what is clearly a well-used and rarely emptied privy.
on it,” you reply. “And I'll be for ever grateful to you if After an hour or so of utter blackness and silence, the
door bursts open and you are trampled by scores of feet
you tell me what these words mean: ‘ourada gatta in
... Then Gothmoi pour in and run you through with
Gilda Ro. . . o Purrul Stri'.”
“It means the hour of the Cat at the Golden Robe on their swords.
Purple Street. And if that's where you're headed, I'll take
you as far as the granaries past East Way, where I'm
mooring, and you can walk the rest. All right?”
Darkness falis as the barge drifts down-river. At tast, 76
thanking the bargee, you jump off where he ties up. The room seems empty. You tip-toe across it, and open
the door. You find yourself in a lamp-lit passage, with a
Do you take the path along the south side of the door to the left and right. You open the door on the
river, hoping to avoid running into any Gothmoi right, and find yourself in a large room, dimly lit by a
guards? If so, turn to 199. couple of iamps, with a door at the far end. You hurry
Do you cross the river at the East Way bridge, and across to it and open it, only to find that it takes you
make your way to Purple Street through the down some outside steps to a lane below.
granaries and the Southern Bazaar? If so, turn There's only one place left for a staircase downwards,
to 34. you think, and hurry back to the passageway. You open

E ad NE ad ad ad ad ad ag
i i

the other door and see an old man sipping at a bowl of At tast your outstretched hands feel solid wood:
stew. it must be the door. You knock three times.
“What in the Goddess’ name do you think you're up The sound of shuffling feet comes from inside. Then
to?” he shouts, and you hastily shut the door, having suddenly the door is flung open, and you have just
noticed there was no staircase there, either. Running enough time to see a table with a large lamp on it, and
back the way you came, you climb out on to the lintel beyond it the dimly lit faces of some men, before
and down the scaffolding, as the old man curses you everything goes black again. An enormously strong arm
from the window. has wrapped itself round your face, and cold steel
touches your throat.
If you want to pay your Ship and go in through the
“Who are you?” a gruff voice barks in your ear, as
front door, tum to 215.
rough hands search you for weapons.
If you want to creep in without paying, turn to 115.
Do you resist, and draw a weapon to defend
yourself? If so, turn to 17.

27 Do you tell them you are Prince Edrix? Tum to 144.

Do you say you are known as Dermik from Master
Amidst heated discussion about whether you are the
Melfi's troupe? If so, turn to 32.
real prince or not, a thin croaking voice mutters these

“Ama helpi nar prin. Fevver gettada troe wijus gatta
nada tyra taffoy. Shoosim . . . da gerittaf im.”
You understand him all too well: “I'm not helping no
As you fall you realise you have not jumped out far
prince. If he ever gets to the throne we've just got
enough, and your head hits the barge’s tiller before you
another tyrant to fight. Let’s use him, then get rid of crash into the water. The last thing you ever see is the
him.” drunken faces of two men on the bridge waving poles at
Turn to 18. you and shouting:
“Tha's a big ‘un! Le’ see if we can catchi’...”
Then you black out and your lungs fill with water. A

78 few minutes later, a bargee solemniy drags your dead

body ashore, then walks upstream to the City of the
Dead to tell the night watchman there is a job to do first
You reach the tavern and step inside. It is packed with
revellers, but there is no sign of the Resistance: they thing in the morning.
must be in a special room. . .
Squeezing your way through to the bar, you catch the
tavern-keeper's eye.
“Ten sailors don't make a fighting crew,” you say.
“Too true,” he replies, casting a glance over your
shoulder. Two daggers are thrust into your back before
you can even tum, and you fall dead to the floor.

The tavem is so dark you have to feel your way along the
walls to find the passage, which is even darker. Groping
your way down it, your hand suddenly recoils when it
meets the sharp point ofa dagger.
“Keep on going,” a voice whispers in your ear.
A few steps further down the corridor a second voice
murmurs from the blackness: “Turn left. Then knock

three times when you get to the door.”

J |

snatches the glass jar and slips through a door into
another room. By the time you get to the door he has
Holding an iron rung with one hand, you reach down for locked it.
the ladder with the other . . . and just manage to grab “So much the worse for him,” you say to Jerret. "We'll
it. With the top rung of the ladder over your shoulder, take everything else. Now, let's see how we can let
you heave yourself up through the shaft, and come out ourselves out...”
on a corner of the roof, right beside the dome. While you are sliding back the chains and bolts, and
investigating the locks, there is a small creak behind
Tum to 54. you. Glimroc opens his door a few inches, then shuts it
again. You set to work on the lock, but a strange

buzzing sound fills the room, and you spin round to see
terrifying little wasp-men whizzing through the air.
Lashing out at them with your weapons: proves
Grudgingly, you pay up (remember to mark 1 Ship,
useless: they attack you again and again, slitting your
30 Smecks off on your Adventure Chart). Gulping down
skin with their tiny swords and lancing you with the
some wine, you go back to your conversation with the
devilish sting in their tails. Within minutes you both lie
urchins, making sure not to mention the Shistin:
writhing and groaning on the floor, faces and hands cut
"Meadin ... dunya tava... ourada gatta i Gilda Ro
to ribbons, their deadly poison coursing through your
.. . O Purrul Stri . . . paswas drunka raccacha betadda
no...” A brawny man at a nearby table sneers, "Oh, we
When you eventually leave Glimroc’s, it is as corpses,
are slummin' it today, ain't we?" The barman leans over
handed over to Luko's quards for a handsome reward.
to you:
“Do you mind not advertising meetings in other
taverns, young man? ... Least of all ones where you
need passwords?” You apologise and ask him what you
You tum to face six guards as they pour into the gallery,
“Sounds to me like you've got a meeting at the while the vulture patrols it from the air, beating its
Golden Robe on Purple Street,” he says. “At the hour of enormous wings and uttering fearsome cries.
the Cat. And you've got a password, too: ‘A drunken rat-
If you have Marksmanship Skill, turn to 153.
catcher's better than none’.”
Time to make yourself scarce, you think, and with a If not, turn to 62.
smile to the urchins you leave the tavern. Two hours to
kill before the meeting starts, you realise...
Do you go down to the docks, hoping there will be
no Gothmoi quards there? Turn to 8.
Sensing you are within a few paces of Bazaar Street, you
Do you make for Purple Street straight away? Tum look round a comer and see right ahead of you a
to 63. barricade of wooden scaffold-poles blocking your exit.
Above it are the helmets of a dozen Gothmoi guards,
and a serried rank of spears.

85 You quickly
other men to
get back round the corner and tell
stop where they are. Then you hear
You can just make out the words in the gloom: "Though voice of one of the quards behind the barricade:
the Oracle speak in many Tongues, It hears but in the "You'd think they'd've got ‘em by now, wouldn't yer,
highest." with all those guards and Captain Azgurt givin' 'em
Turn to 104. orders?"
"Any ideas?" you whisper, but there is no reply.

If you and some of your men are wearing spiked
helmets, and you also have Disguise or Persuasion
Skill, turn to 67. i

You draw your weapons, but before you can order
Glimroc to get over to the front door and open it, he Otherwise, tum to 25.
87 As you reach the slums an overpowering smell of old
fish tells you the glue workshops are nearby. No wonder
it's called Stink Street, you think, as you totter gasping
A cat steals up towards you, drawn by the smell of fish.
You silently scoop a small handful of hemp dust from for breath into Fish Street, cross the bridge, cut through
the ground beside you, and, as the cat reaches you, flick some alleys, and emerge on Purple Street. There,
the dust in its face. almost in front of you, is the Golden Robe tavern.
The cat bounds off, leaps on to the wall right in front of Mark the dagger, ship's biscuit and haversack on
the quard — and obligingly sneezes. your Adventure Chart, and turn to 11.
“Come on,” the guard says after a few moments, “they
musta taken a tumin’ back there.”
All ten barbarians head off the way you came.
You are free to come out from the hemp, and carry
on through the maze on pages 38 and 39, returning You look around you, taking stock of the hallway:
to it at 203. in front of you is a huge stone staircase leading
upwards. To the right is a heavy stone door with
intricate carvings around it. To the left is a wooden door
— open and with stairs leading downwards.
As you near the gate, you see a dozen guards lined up in Do you go up the stone staircase? Turn to 186.
front of it, making sure you never escape that way.
Do you try opening the stone door? Turn to 132.
Do you make for the tree which marks the
outhouse? If so, turn to 28. Do you go through the open door? Tum to 112.

Do you head through the trees to the wall nearest

the docks? If so, tum to 119.
You hurry on past the guard, but he hears you and spins

89 on his heels to give chase. Soon he has caught up with

you, and forces you into combat.
He strikes the first blow, and because he is out of the
As the hound breaks into a run you grab the pie from
your haversack, pull the meat out and toss it to him. You narrow alley, he makes full use of his double-handed
are in luck — the hound has clearly had no food all night, sword and Fencing Skill, added to his 24 Strength
for it instantly loses interest in you and sinks its fangs Points and chainmail. You can try to flee after any
into the meat. You press on to the doorway, and soon round.
you are standing just to the left of the steps. If you kill him, you can take his weapon: if you
Turn to 2. survive, you rejoin your men and carry on through
the maze on pages 38 and 39, returning to it at 52.

90 95
You spot a broken sailmaker's needle in the gutter, pick
it up and make for the nearest chandler's shop. After a Kicking the spear out of reach while you hold your
quick look round, you pick the padlock on the door and weapon to his throat, you make him an offer:
creep i~. taking care to shut the door behind you. “Take me to The Horn, and live.”
You find the candles first, light one, and rummage “Which horn?” he stammers.
through the shop till you find a dagger and a chest of “This is no time for joking,” you say, pressing your
sailors clothes. You quickly get out of your sodden weapon closer to his throat. You grab his keys from the
things, dry yourself down, and put on new clothes. lock as he leads you out of the room and down the
On your way to the door you spot a pile of haversacks. corridor. “H. ..h. . . here,” he stammers.
Throwing one over your shoulder, you grab some ship's You hand him the keys and get him to open the door.
biscuit from a barrel and head for the Fish Market. You both step in, then you deal him a blow on the back
You try another tack, and bellow: “Drunka raccacha
bettada no... 1”
The tavern falls deathly silent. Even the terriers seem
to quieten down. You look around at the assembled
faces, and none of them is in the least bit friendly.
Several men are already reaching for their poles, and
others untethering their terriers, when you notice a man
beside you is merrily stuffing some dead rats deep into
your haversack.
You've seen enough, you decide, and lunge for the
tavern door, slamming it hard in the noses of the first
terriers as you make the street and race down towards
the bridge, a pack of terriers on your heels, .closely
followed by rat-catchers with their poles.
Do you try to get the rats out of your haversack and
of the head, knocking him senseless to the floor. And throw them to the terriers? Turn to 175.
now, you think as you grab the keys and torch, for The
Do you keep on running? Turn to 20.

Mark the keys as a hand-held item on your
Adventure Chart, and tum to 15.
Pulling the marbles out of the bag, you roll them all

quietly in the direction of your pursuers, and press on
- . (Mark them off on your Adventure Chart).
You reach some steps, and stumble up them in the
You come round to find yourself in a sorry state. As you
dark, when you hear a commotion behind:
pick yourself up painfully from the ground, you realise
you have been heavily beaten by the muggers, and cut in
several places by the indifferent sword of the Gothmoi “Ow!”
guard. You have lost 10 Strength Points, and have no
“He's right here! Kill him.”
weapons or money.
Then you hear the screams of Gothmoi guards as they
Mark these on your Adventure Chart, and turn start to lash out at each other with their weapons. You
to 121. hurry on, and soon reach a staircase.

Tum to 210.

95 97
A strange sight greets you inside: the tavern is full of
people like the two you have just left. Poles with rats Carefully stepping round the stonework, you reach the
dangling from the top are stacked in the comers, far window, and part the curtains.
vicious-looking little terriers are yapping around them, Right in front of you is an old man sipping a bowl of
wishing they could get their teeth into the rats, and hot stew. He jumps up when he sees you, flinging the
ruddy-faced men are reeling to and fro across the room. stew in your face: you jump back without thinking, and
It looks every bit like a rat-catcher's convention. tumble to the ground below, losing 5 Strength Points
A clever front for a Resistance meeting, you think, as (mark these on your Adventure Chart). Rubbing your
you duck and weave your way to the bar. knees, you pick yourself up while the old man curses
“Is there a meeting here tonight?” you ask the you from above.
barman, who cups his hand round his ear and shouts
If you want to pay your Ship and go in through the
back, “Speak up, will ya — I'm a bit deaf!”
front door, turn to 215.
“Is there a meeting here tonight?” you scream.
“What does it look like?” he yells back. If you want to creep in without paying, tum to 115.
4 +

You run to one end of the yard, searching for another
door ... and find one. It has the shape of a weavers
You pull the jar from your haversack, open the door a shuttle cut out of it. You look through: no guards, just a
tew inches, and set the jar on the top step. You carefully long flight of steps leading down from the door, and
take the cover off, and hear a loud buzzing sound... below them a maze of tiny alleys running between the
(Mark the jar off on your Adventure Chart). white walls of a hundred weavers' yards.
You guickly shut the door again, and seconds later "This way!" you call, opening the door and letting
hear horrible screams from within, Out of a window several men pass before going through yourself.
beside you, dawn glows all too brilliantly. If you have Orientation Skill, and want to stop on
Tum to 208. the steps to study the maze while the men climb
down, turn to 231.

If not, turn to 130.

The guardhound breaks into a run, ears blown back, and
you see its hideous fangs as it springs at you. With one
swift, well-timed blow you fell it to the ground — but not Taking the first chance to get rid of any Gothmoi armour
before it lets out a low howl. or clothing, you join revelling crowds on Allfathers
At the same instant, a guard appears from some and head down the steep slope to the great square
nearby bushes and comes running towards you, spear at below. From your vantage point you see it is packed
the ready. with a great throng of people singing, dancing and
If you are wearing the helmet and armour of a drinking. No safer place than a crowd of people, you
Gothmoi guard, turn to 74. think.
As you reach the square, a minstrel jumps into your
If not, turn to 160. path and yells, “I heard The Horn! Let me tell you
something!” and tries to grab you by the arm.

100 Do you side-step him

square? Tum to 118.
and hurry on through the

The conspirators start to discuss where to pick up a Do you stop to find out what he wants? Turn to 146.
large number of torches, and you have time to eat an
item of food from your haversack, if it holds any, giving
you 10 more Strength Points (mark this on your
Adventure Chart). Suddenly two men slip into the room 102
through the door you came in by. You pull the grapnel out of your haversack, lower it
“Sssh! Gothmoi in the tavern,” whispers one, while down the shaft by its cord, then carefully hook it round
the other slides a solid wooden board across the door. the top rung of the ladder, and haul the ladder up on to
Everyone rises quickly but silently and hurries to the the roof just as guards appear below the shaft.
secret door which is at your end of the room.
“Rendezvous behind the comer of Sugar Street and Tum to 54.
Incense Lane,” murmurs the leader. You are one of the

first through to the privy, where you hear a creaking of
wood in the dark and someone shoves you through a
small hole in the wall. Using all your skill of disguise to hide your fear, you
You find yourself in a weaver's yard, with no sign of keep walking towards the barbarian guard. He opens his
any guards. As more people join you, someone steals mouth to scream an order at you, but as you come
over to a door in the far wall, eases it ajar, then carefully within the light of his torch he sees your face and
shuts it again. He tip-toes back: "Four Gothmoi guards, changes his mind, passing you with a grunt and a
and four more coming. Do we sit tight?" menacing gesture just to make you jump.
He is answered by a sudden din from inside the tavern,
and the clash of steel on steel. Not everyone got out. Tum to 134.
N \

Pa fg Pl H Pg Rr M H
“Dunya tava?” you repeat, and are amazed by the
reaction. With shouts of glee they pick you up by each
Dodging a few rats that scurry around your feet, you go arm and frog-march you down an alley and round a
up to one of the figures, and read an inscription carved corner to the nearest tavern, then hold the doors open
on the pouch: "A silver Ship, stranger, I beg: for none for you.
may pass from my door without they pay”. There is a I'm learning fast, you think: now I know what "down
little slot in the pouch, too, you notice. Going over to the tavern” is in Gutter Speak. It seems you have just
the other figure, you find it the same in every detail. offered to buy them a drink.

N Do you put a Ship in one of the pouches before Do you decide to go in? If so, turn to 185.
stepping in? Turn to 215. Do you try to shake them off? If so, tum to 195.
Do you walk in without paying? Turn to 115.
Do you try climbing the scaffolding so you can slip
in through an upstairs window? Turn to 44. 107
You snatch up 4 Ships lying at the bottom of the steps

(mark these on your Adventure Chart) and race back
down the alley, with the Street Sharks close behind you.
You have no trouble reading the words, which are in If you have Orientation Skill, turn to 71.
High Tongue. “The First Century” ... “The Second
If not, turn to 48.
A horn for each century, you think . . . and today Salos
isa thousand years old — so we are starting The Eleventh
Century. You hurry along the rack and find a hom with
that inscription, and look at the carving: it depicts a
The guard has 24 Strength Points, Fencing Skill, and
young man, strangely carrying a crescent moon over his
chainmail armour, as well as the double-handed sword.
shoulder, and beside him is a huge vulture perched on
top ofa building. If you decide to attack him, turn to 227.
That must be the one, you think, and grab it.
If you choose to run on, turn to 92.
Turn to 61.

The weird sounds you recognise as Gutter Speak,
of which you understand little. But one word stood out:
“Shistin”, the well-known backstreets name for the
Months of learning lines in Master Melfi's troupe stand
you in good stead now, and you repeat them again and
“Shistins meadin ... dunya tava .. . ourada gatta i
Gilda Ko... o Purrul Stri . . . paswas drunka raccacha
betaddano.. .”
It's got to be about a Resistance meeting somewhere,
you think. While you muse over the other words, you
pass two street urchins in earnest conversation:
“Camin dunya tava?” says one, spitting with a
marksman's aim between his companions feet. Your

My MyMy;MyMiMyM M M
ears prick up, and you ask them what he just said, but
they understand you as little as you understand them.
M Mg MN Eh
and horseback. You let them pass. If you have an item of
food in your haversack, you could eat it now, giving you
You give Bortli his money, and he trudges off back to 8 more Strength Points (mark the item off on your
Friblik: "Thought I heard somethin’, but there’s nothin’ Adventure Chart).
there,” he tells his mate, and they plod off the way they As the last of the barbarians pound down the cliff road
came. You wait until the guards are out of sight, then to the temple, you race across Mask Street and slip
move on. between more mansions till you reach Noble Way, and
the high wall surrounding the Repository.
Return to 182 on the maze on pages 38 and 39. “Come and see your getaway point,” says Jerret. You
follow the wall till you come to a crumbling outhouse
built into it. “This used to be a hut for mounted

110 sentries, but it's abandoned now,” he goes on. "I'll be in

there with two horses. The roof's gone, so you can jump
You look around the room for a weapon: a gleam comes straight in over the Repository wall if you want. That
to your eyes as they settle on the chamber pot. A bit tree can be your marker on the way out.” He points to a
heavy being so full, you think, but never mind ... tall tree across the road.
Picking it up in both hands, you go back to the window. “I'll wait till half an hour after sunrise," Jerret adds.
The Sharks are too absorbed in their pastime to notice "If you're not back by then, I'll assume you haven't made
you. A skilful swing of the arms and the pot describes a it. . . but I'll leave a horse behind, just in case.”
downward arc, keeping most of its contents till it Your thoughts now tum to how you will get in: “Let's
shatters on the head of the Street Shark who was doing go and have a look at the gates,” you say.
all the damage.
Turn to 27.
You race down the stairs and fling the front door open.
One Shark has fled: the other lies spread-eagled in the

street, and standing over him is the beggar, shaking his
“Sorry about the mess,” you say.
You slip through the door, then bolt it shut behind you,
“No matter, no matter,” the beggar says cheerfully.
plunging yourself into darkness. You feel your way down
“Better filthy than dead, is what | always say. And
the stairs, almost tripping in the dark. Once at the
thanks. . . . Fli do the same for you one day.”
bottom you make out a faint glow at the end of what
You set off along Smaerd Street.
seems to be a corridor to the right. You creep down it to
Turn to 46. the end, where it turns a corner. Spying round the comer
you see another passage, and a few yards along it, an
open doorway with a flickering light inside and the

111 sound of rummaging going on. Is it the guard looking

for torches?
Leaving Glimroc and the dwarves’ quarter, you both
If you have Disquise Skill, turn to 129.
head back the. way you came along Lock Street, then
turn into the cliff road, and speed silently along the foot If not, turn to 73.
of the ramparts. But soon a shrill voice cries out from
high above:
“Alarm! Alarm!”
You freeze in your tracks. 115
“Alarm! Alarm! Fire in the Temple!” Using the slenderest dagger you can muster between
You get off the road and take the lanes between you all, you tackle the padlock. At last it falls open, and
mansions of the new nobility towards the top of the you all hurry in, closing the door behind you.
stone quarries behind the temple. As you near the cliffs It is pitch dark inside. You stumble forwards and feel a
edge you notice an orange glow ahead . . . and it is not pile of cloth. A draper’s shop, you think, and it must
the glow of dawn. You follow the cliff untit you reach have a front entrance. Groping your way round the walls,

i gi M Mg 3 M M
Mask Street, and stop to see if Gothmoi are afoot. you feel a door, but it will not open, Padlocked from the
Scores of them are pouring down Mask Street, on foot outside, you think, and carry on along the walls. At last
you find a shuttered window which opens from the
inside. You unlatch it and cautiously look out.
To your delight, Bazaar Street stretches out in front of
you, with no sign of any guard.
“Quick men, through the window,” you whisper, just
as the alley rings with the shout of a barbarian: "Where
they gone then?”
You are the last one through, and carefully close the
shutters again seconds before the guards burst into the
shop, lunging at piles of cloth with their spears and

Turn to 206.

When you come round, you are in a guards’ barracks,
and a barbarian is ripping the clothes from your back,
getting you ready for some pointed questioning. Then a
guard sees the birthmark on your shoulder.
The next day, your body is dumped unceremoniously
at the gates of the City of the Dead.

You steal in through the door, and find yourself in a dark
hall. You haif expect the iron gril! to come crashing
down behind you. . . but it does not move.

Turn to 187,

As you wonder what to do next, you hear the sound of
rummaging further down the corridor. Could it be the
guard sent to look for torches? Has he got keys?
Just as you blow out your candle the guard steps out
from another chamber and spots you.
“Intruder!” he yells. You race towards him, weapon
drawn, and engage in combat — but he is soon joined by
more guards. After a desperate struggle, you are cut to

“Within living memory still, King Rugil reigned over us,
and had twin sons, Errian and Luko. Errian, being older,
duly came to the throne on Rugil's death.
“But before long his reign was beset with troubles,

above all the constant raids by the barbaric Gothmoi You let go of your partner and tum to lose yourself in
tribes from over the mountains. He made his brother the crowd, but too late — three more grim-faced men are
Luko Count of the East, with a large army to garrison pressing towards you from the other side.
our forts along the mountain frontier and keep the All at once, five daggers sink into your body, and you
Gothmoi at bay. His greatest joy was his son Edrix, born slump dead to the ground.
about this time amid fierce arguments between the
priests, though it was all kept a close secret. For Edrix
had a birthmark on his shoulder the shape of a crescent
moon, and some said it was a sign of an end to our
troubles, and others that worse times were yet to come. You reach the wall, but shouts from behind tell you that
"And io . . . worse times did come, for though Luko's guards are following. You gaze up.
strength in the mountains grew, so too did the Gothmoi If you have the grapnel and Marksmanship Skill,
raids. It was rumoured he was in league with them." turn to 205. Re. +
The story-teller lowers his voice to a whisper, and his
audience leans forward: If you only have the grapnel, turn to 166.
“Then came last year’s tragedy at the palace. The If you have neither, turn to 133.
official story we all know: king, queen, young prince and
all their servants were bumed to death in a terrible
‘accidental’ fire that swept through the palace on that
fateful night, and Luko returned to take the throne,
surrounded by his Gothmoi guards.
You hurry down the corridor, trying doors at random
“But sinister coincidences surrounded that accident. with every key. You find a room full of drums, another of
Some of Luko’s personal guard were seen in the City the flutes, when a resounding crash comes from down the
day before, dressed as goatherds. What's more, an even corridor, Within minutes Gothmoi guards overpower
stranger coincidence was reported yesterday,” says the you, and fell you lifeless to the ground, amid a clang of
story-teller amid a buzz of excitement. “But to hear that bells.
is another 20 Smecks from everyone.”
Several pickpockets spring to their feet and hurry off
to urgent business in the bazaar, followed by as many
men who seem keen to show them their daggers. 121
If you want to pay to hear the end of the blind man’s Making your way through the slums again towards
tale, mark the money off on your Adventure Chart Purple Street, you slip across Sugar Street and tum
and turn to 193. down a lane. You grow uneasy: the lane is very long, and
has no turnings. At last you see one ahead, but just as
If you decide to leave now, turn to 127. you reach it a Gothmoi guard swings out of it and
marches towards you.

118 If you are disguised as an older man, turn to 53.

If not, turn to 176.
“So did I!” you yell back as you press on into the square.
Just as you join the throng, a man in a mask spins his
dancing partner round and into your arms: “Have a
dance with my wife for a minute!” he shouts cheerfully,
and the next thing you know she has grabbed your hand
and dragged you in among the dancers, while her You climb the steps and press yourself against the wall.
husband hurries off. Summoning your voice skills, you imitate the quard:
"Where's he off to?" you shout in her ear. "Hey, Affrod, old Iron-Pants wants to see yer. Do usa
"Gone to the privy — too much wine!" she calls back, favour an' make 'im wait."
spinning you round and round. A few seconds later, you Quickening footsteps approach the doorway, and a
turn to see two mean-looking men pushing through moment later the Warmaster is standing in the porch,
the crowd towards you. They're not coming to dance, his back to you, with mailed fist raised as he peers into
youthink... the shadows of dawn, looking for the insubordinate

guard. He is tall, carries a double-handed sword, and is where the creatures injected their poison. You run on to
heavily armoured — but without a helmet. the spiral staircase, but you hear guards coming up it,
You leap forward to strike him with all your might on and judging by their determined yells, they have not
the back of the neck. As you do so he turns, but too late been met by the wasp-men.
to parry your blow. He tumbles dead down the steps You hurry back a few paces to the ivy, stumbling over
amid a great clatter of iron. You rush through the door. an archers bow and quiver, and look out. The giant
vulture is circling the building. . .
Tum to 91.
Do you try and climb down the ivy? Tum to 4.

If you have the grapnel, you can try letting yourself
down with it. Turn to 223.
Taking out the marbles, you ease the door open and let If you stand your ground to face the guards, turn to
them fall onto the steps.
"What's that sound?” you hear a guard shout as the

marbles start bouncing down towards them.
You slam the door shut, and while cursing and
swearing comes from within, you lock it. Turning from
You wander on through the streets, lost in sombre
the door, you notice that out of a window beside you,
thoughts. The people of Salos have lived for a year now
dawn glows all too brilliantly.
under Luko's reign of terror — while you hide, guarding
Turn to 208. the secret that you escaped the flames, and hoping
against hope that your time will come.

Crossing Parade Street, you walk through the slums
and into the Southern Bazaar. There seems to be more
hustle and bustle than usual, you think, then a scuffle
The barbarian hesitates for a moment, but you smile as
breaks out beyond some stalls ahead. Curiosity takes
he scurries off down to the vaults, You race on around you towards it, but an old man tugs at your arm:
the outer wall to the spiral staircase. “Bazaars swarming with Gothmoi guards,” he tells
Tum to 184. you, “and they're searching every young man they can
find. Looking fora birthmark on the shoulder. . . shape
of a crescent moon or something ... going to kill

125 anyone who's got it, they say, and killing anyone who
You are still clawing and heaving at the door when the So they know I'm alive, you think, and hurry away
guards mount the staircase. Seconds later, spears nail through the crowds, but as you reach a fruit stall by the
you to the door, and the last thing you ever hear is the walls of the bazaar you see a Gothmoi guard closing in
horn shattering on the steps, along with all your hopes. on you.
If you have Tumbling Skill, and want to use it, tum

126 to 19.

If you have Marksmanship Skill, and want to use it,
Looking down the shaft, you see the guards brandishing
turn to 145.
their weapons, itching to get at you. Taking the glass jar
from your haversack, you hold it over the shaft and pull Otherwise, you must tum to fight the guard.
off the cover as you drop it. He carries a sword and leather armour, and has 25
Jeers from the Gothmoi soon change to screams as Strength Points but no special skills. You strike the
they lash out in vain against the weird creatures you first blow, and after any round of combat can try to
have loosed on them. Within a minute, all you see at the escape through a nearby gate, remembering that
bottom of the shaft is abandoned weapons lying on the the guard will strike a blow as you turn. Should you
marble. You creep down the shaft, and drop to the floor. kill the guard, you can take his sword, marking it on
Guards lie groaning ali along the gallery, faces and your Adventure Chart. If you get through the gate,
hands slashed as if by razors, and pitted with deep holes turn to 229.
“Try the Hom Chamber!”
“Yes, Warmaster.”
You hastily retreat round the comer. The glow
brightens. You hear the rattle of keys, and to your relief
the guard's footsteps grow fainter. Another rattle of the
keys and a door creaks open. You creep up to the
doorway, dagger in hand, and make ready to peer round.
But at the same instant you hear the boom of someone
banging on the wooden doorway above. The guard hears
it too and turns from his search to leave the chamber.
You flatten yourself against the corridor wall. As he
steps out, your left hand claps over his mouth and your
dagger slices his throat. Only a gurgle, and he falls limp
in your arms. You pick up his torch, grab the keys from
the lock, and dive into the Horn Chamber. . .
Mark the keys as a hand-held item on your
Adventure Chart, and turn to 15.

You race down the steps and muster everyone before

128 they scurry off in all directions. “Stick together. We're

facing Gothmoi in numbers. Now follow me!”
Suddenly you remember the mask in your pocket. How You lead the Resistance men through the maze
handy you think, and put it on, then head through the towards Bazaar Steet.
Festival, dancing and laughing, towards the sailors’
quarter. You take a short cut down a backstreet, and On the following pages you will find a map of the
have gone only a few steps when you see two quards maze. You must start at the point marked Blackbird
ahead, coming your way. Court at the bottom of the map, and using your
Nothing to fear now, you think, and walk right past finger, trace a route through the alleys to one of the
them, but a guard slows his pace, then spins round and two named exits.
shouts: “He was in the weavers’ yards last night!” Each time you come to a number in the maze, turn
You must fight the two guards at once, combining to the paragraph in the text bearing the same
their Combat Totals. Each has a sword and 21 Strength number. The text will tell you what you encounter,
Points, but no armour or skills, and you strike the first and how to deal with it.
blow. You can try to flee after any round.
You cannot back-track on the map unless the text
If you escape, you must decide where to go: tells you that you can.
Do you head for the Galley Becalmed? Turn to 232.
Do you make for the Voyager's Rest? Turn to 78.

129 Soon you come out on Incense Lane, cross it quickly,
and press on through the scented backstreets of the
spice-merchants’ quarter till you reach Bazaar Street.
You fake the Warmaster's voice: “How many
torches have you got?” you call from the shadows. Crossing over, you head for Purple Street through a
"Four, Warmaster!" shouts the guard with a start. maze of alleys between weavers’ yards.
“They need eight, so keep looking.”
If you have Orientation Skill, turn to 26.
You pause for thought in the shadows while the
rummaging continues, Then you have a brainwave: If not, turn to 216.




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ad ad ad ad ad ad ad E 13 2 me stand yer a jar at the Golda Rose 'fore we check in.”
F Do you hide in the shadows, and let them pass?
You go up to the door and find it has no handle or knob. Tum to 181
You heave on it with all your might, byt it is solid as a
stone wall. You look up at an inscription carved above Do you attack them? If so, turn to 70.
the door in strange, ancient characters...
If you have High Tongue, tum to 218. 136
^ If not, you must abandon the stone door:
X Do you go up the stone staircase? Turn to 186. You creep silently towards the Repository, but as soon
as you reach the flagstones, you hear a low growl off to
Do you go through the open door? Turn to 112. your left. Your head spins to see the black shape of a
guardhound loping towards you with teeth bared.
13 3 Do you draw your weapon, and advance on the beast
to fight it? Turn to 99.
The stones are rough enough to give you footholds to Do you stand your ground, hand on weapon, and
the top. You start climbing, but your weary arms hardly see what happens? Tum to 37.
have the strength to lift you, and your progress is
desperately slow.
You are half-way up when an arrow zips into your back
— and then another. You fall to the ground, and die
where you fall.

Hunying along the alley for fear more guards should
come on the scene, you make for the path along the
river, then follow it downstream, heading for the bridge
at Fish Street. You reach the bridge without meeting any
more guards, duck down an alley which brings you out
onto Purple Street, and there in front of you is the
Golden Robe tavern.
Tum to 11.

Without a word, Jerret leads you across Sugar Street and
through the slums towards the dwarves' quarter around
Lock Street, under the granite cliffs of the Citadel. You
are grateful for the silence: so much has happened, and
so fast, that you need time to reflect on your mission.
Soon you are both across Moon Street,then Bread
Street, and veer right to join Bakers Lane. You hold back
to see if anyone is abroad, and spot two watchmen
approaching, headed no doubt for the Watch
headquarters up the road. You wait for them to pass. . .
"What a night eh, Friblik? Anuvver day older, and not

a Smeck better off. Still, I'm free wiv what little I ‘ave: let

137 swim to some steps set into the quay wall. There you
rest a while: you have lost 10 Strength Points, and
realise you have lost your weapons in the harbour (mark
You draw what weapons you have and rush at the Street
Shark. In the same instant his victim rolls nimbly to one this on your Adventure Chart). You climb the steps,
side. It's a trap, you realise, as the mugger turns his trudge dripping along the waterfront, and turn into
attentions on you while more Sharks loom out of the Customs Street, which is full of chandlers’ shops and
shadows, daggers at the ready, and the victim takes his sailmakers' yards, all locked up for the night.
ground behind you, hemming you in at the top of the If you have Thieving Skill, turn to 90.
If not, turn to 24.
If you want to flee, turn to 214.
If you want to flee, and have Tumbling Skill, turn to
If you want to stand and fight, tum to 219.
You leap from the top of the steps just as the door bursts
If you want to stand and fight, and have open, and land on all fours. You spring to your feet, and
Streetfighting Skill, turn to 33. for a split second hear a throbbing sound behind you
before a spear sinks deep into your back.
A final twist of the spear from a guard cuts short the

138 last words you utter: “Right, then left. . ."

These thoughts are soon interrupted by the sound of a

guard clambering on to the roof behind. You turn to fight
him, but already another has joined him. Despite your
brave resistance, you are pushed back by ever more
The stomach-turning smell of a night-soil cart, which
guards to the edge of the roof, and as you dodge a has clearly visited a thousand reeking privies tonight,
halberd thrust, topple backwards over the edge. . . assails your nostrils as you turn the corner. Two men are
Turn to 165. pushing it in your direction, and it is very nearly as wide
asthe alley.
You go up to them and plead: “Gothmoi guards are

139 after us. Please pull it to one side and let us squeeze
"Any victim of the Gothmoi's a friend of ours," a
You are still desperately trying to batter the door down
when the guards turn the last corner behind you. cheery voice replies, and you hold your breath as you
They advance at a rush, led by those with spears and shuffle past. But the first Resistance man to try
halberds, and four ofyou lie dead before striking a blow. squeezing past gets stuck, and has to wriggle his way
They retreat a few steps, then repeat the carnage. Soon back.
you are slaughtered to the last man, “If he can't get by, nor can 1,” mutters another. "Nor
me,” says another grimly, "and I'm not climbing it!"
"Well, help us get it back to a little square we just

140 passed," offers the night-soil man. "But don't push too
hard: we're full to overflowing!"
No one volunteers to push, but their doubts vanish
You swim out into the harbour as fast as you can, then
tum to see who the intruder was. What looks like a when they hear the sound of mounted guards behind.
fisherman with a lamp is standing by the rudder "Not so hard!" you mutter as a generous bucketful
shouting at you, but sailors are already running along slops over the cart close to your head. Seconds later a
the quayside towards the boat. muffled groan comes from the other side of the cart, cut
In desperation you keep swimming further out into short by a resounding splat.
the harbour, then a current starts pulling you towards “Elbus's slipped face-first into that lot," someone says,
with more than a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

shed idee
the Southern Docks. Saving your strength till you are
close to a big stone quay, you make a final effort and You leave the cart and run ahead to the small square.

Three alley-ways lead off it: a two-in-three chance at best see the back of it, then hurl the melon with all your
of shaking the horsemen off, you think . . . might and skill. It bursts as it hits him, and his head
You run back to the cart, which you can hear drops from view.
approaching by the sound of many squelching feet. As it “See what I mean?” the same voice drones on. “Takes
reaches the square, and the night-soil men make a Gothmoi's head to open one of these.”
themselves scarce, you have a daring idea for routing You slip through the crowd to a nearby gate, and out
the horsemen. of the bazaar.
“Get the cart out of sight round this comer,” you tell
Tum to 229.
the men. “Ten of you, get your shoulders behind it, and
heave for your life when 1 give the word. The rest, stay

with me behind this comer . . . and don't go anywhere
whatever I say.”
If you have Persuasion Skill, tum to 213. He puts his mouth to your ear and says: "I can almost
see it, too. The square's riddled with Silent Watchers,
If not, turn to 45.
mostly in masks. And they know what they're looking
for. . . a young man with a haversack. So ditch it!”

You reach the bottom

of the stone steps before the
It suddenly dawns on you no one else will be dancing
in the streets with a haversack over their shoulder.
“But I can’t. . . what's in it is too precious!”
guards emerge above you, and see that the wooden door “Then come with me,” says the minstrel, grabbing you
with steps leading down is still open. . . by the arm and leading you into an alley off the square.
"Give me the haversack,” he says. “I'll hide it under my
Turn to 112. cloak, and get it somewhere safe.”
You decide to trust him: after all, he has probably just

saved your life. “Take it to Master Melfi's on Smaerd
Street,” you say, “and put it under the mattress in my
room: first floor, facing the street. And thank you!”
“I am Prince Edrix,” you announce boldly. “I didn't die
The minstrel hurries off with your haversack and you
in the palace fire but have been hiding here in Salos
press on through the backstreets to Parade Street,
which is as packed as the square.
Your voice is cut short by low laughter and impatient
swearing, and you feel any weapons you have sliding If you are dressed in the scarlet costume of a
from you. (Remember to mark these off on your Glorubian balladeer, turn to 128.
Adventure Chart.)
If not, turn to 200.
“If you're Prince Edrix then I'm King Rugil," someone
murmurs, to some more muted laughter.

"Tie him up, gag him, and shove him in the privy," a
commanding voice says casually. "We'll deal with him
later if there's time."
You fell him in one blow, then pick up his torch. If you
| If you have Persuasion Skill, and want to try using want to take his spear, you can do so, remembering to
it, turn to 192. keep within your weapon limit. As you leave the
chamber, you grab the keys he left in the lock, and set
If not, tum to 75.
off in search of The Horn. (Mark the keys as a hand-held
item, and the spear if you take it, on your Adventure

145 Chart.)
The torchlight shows that the corridor is lined with
“Rock-hard and small, these melons!” you hear many doors, each of which has an inscription carved on
someone complain as the guard pushes through the it in strange symbols.
crowd towards you. Crouching low, you grab a melon
If you have High Tongue, turn to 179.
and spy round people’s shoulders: you can see the
guard's head turning this way and that. You wait till you If not, turn to 120.
pointedly at the small pool of water collecting at your
feet, he asks, “It’s not raining out there, is it?”
You draw your weapon, and as the guard appears on the You explain your narrow escape from a press gang.
steps you attack him, felling him in one blow — but at “Well I'm sorry, but you're not going through to the
Snug in that state. Tell you what, though. Come round
the same instant the Warmaster bursts through the
doorway, wielding a double-handed sword. You must the back with me and you can borrow some old clothes
now fight him to the death: he strikes the first blow, has while I dry yours by the fire.” You follow him round to the
mail and plate, 24 Strength Points, and Fencing Skill. back.
“There'll be a deposit of one Ship, of course,” the man
If you win, you can take his sword, remembering to says as he offers you a grubby-looking set of clothes,
mark it on your Adventure Chart and keep within “but don't worry, you'll get it back on the way out.”
your weapon limit, and go through the door. Turn to dy
Ifyou decide to pay the Ship and change into the dry
clothes, the tavem-keeper tells you to go along a
passage to the Snug. Mark the money off on your

Adventure Chart, and tum to 79.
If you cannot or will not pay, turn to 64.
The old beggar is being pinned to your front door by one
Street Shark while the other lays into him with boot and
fist. Both Sharks are carrying daggers on their belts.
If you have Marksmanship Skill, and want to tackle
Turning round, you see a stone staircase in front of you,
them from your window, turn to 110. and run towards it just as the first quards burst through
if you want to fight them on the street, turn to 207. the door.
“Intruder!” a guard screams as you rush up the steps.
Before you can reach the top, more quards appear

150 ahead. You draw your weapons as guards edge

menacingly towards you from above and below. . .
You perish from a dozen sword-strokes, staining the
With no sign of anyone on the street, you cross and go
up to the tavern. After taking a deep breath, you lift the steps red.
latch, and open the door.
The sight that faces you is not what you expected. The
tavern is in virtual darkness, and deserted — except for
the tavern-keeper, cleaning goblets in the light of a
“Now back to the job in hand,” the leader goes on.
lamp behind the bar. It seems a full minute before you
“We've studied the problem for weeks, and the key to
reach the bar and whisper: “Evening.” The barman
success is getting into the Repository unnoticed. This
returns the greeting.
should be quite easy: we're using all our men to create a
You clear your throat. “I suppose a drunken
big diversion in another part ofSalos, which'll pull all of
rat-catcher's better than none, isn't he?”
Luko’s quards away from the Repository. Well, almost
“Well put, sir. | expect you've come for the meeting in
the Snug Bar. havent you?” Then, looking down
"We've a contact in the guards’ kitchens who regularly
slips the duard inside the Repository gates a flagon of
wine after the last guard change of the night — at the
hour of the Wolf. Tonight the wine'll be spiked, so you
should have no trouble getting past him. . .”
"Me?" you ask, astonished.
"Oh yes, you. In the Resistance we work best as a
team, so we'll concentrate on the diversion. You're
young, fit, and obviously used to working under cover
on your own. Otherwise you couldn't have survived in
Salos for a year, or found us, could you?

“Jerret here will help get you kitted out with Orrin
Glimroc the dwarf, and stay with you as far as the
Repository gates. He'll also have a horse ready outside
the walls to get you away.”
"Where will I find The Horn?" you ask.
"In the Repository," he replies. "We're not sure exactly
where it's kept, but it's a big horn, and it's definitely
"Do I have any choice about this mission?" you ask,
provoking more murmurs around the room.
"You should have asked that before I revealed all our
plans," the leader snaps. "Frankly, no. . . not now. Take
a seat while we sort out final details on the diversion.
We'll discuss tomorrow morning's rendezvous later. Oh,
and give him back any weapons you took from him."
Do you take a seat in the gloom at the back of the
room? If so, turn to 100.

Do you pick a seat by the table? If so, turn to 43.

You snatch up the bow, lay the quiver on the wall beside "Ah!" says the magician, "thaz a joffor me! Where
you, and shoot arrow after arrow into your attackers. d'you wannago?"
They beat a retreat below the steps, but then two archers "Bazaar Street."
appear in their place... He shuts his eyes, yodels a bit with his mouth shut,
You jump up between two pillars to give yourself then bursts into song, this time holding his staff to the
some cover and loose your last arrow, but one archer stars: "Traspril frizkrish ankrig algri gudlibin ... hic
remains, notching his bow. . . . thrudar switlibrul bazustrich!"
You hear a faint whistling sound overhead, which
Turn to 165.
rapidly grows louder, then suddenly a shower of fish
rains down on all of you.

"Blasht! Blasht!" curses the magician, "juzz gimme
wummore try!”

You stand inside the door, and feel a tingling sensation If you wait for him to have one more try, turn to 59.
in your feet. The rumbling starts again, and you tum to
If you hurry on down the alley, return to the maze on
see the door close behind you. You are in total darkness.
pages 38 and 39 at 171.
If you have the tinder-box Glimroc offered you, turn

to 173.
If not, tum to 51. 156
A window opens above you and a weaver in his nightcap

leans out. "We're the Resistance," you call to him. "How
can we get to Bazaar Street?"
"Wait!" he calls back, and disappears only to reappear
"Than'you vu'much . . . vu'kind, vu'kind," the magician
at the door in front of you. "Quick, in you get!”
says graciously. "Bidda truvvle witha worze t'night."
You all file into the house: he leads you through to the
"We're all in trouble tonight," you say. "We're trying to
front door, out of which you all pour onto Bazaar Street.
get out of this maze with barbarians coming at us from
every direction." Tum to 206.
157 must be extremely short-sighted till you realise he is
checking that nobody followed you.
“Show me this ring then,” he says loudly, and ushers
You hastily snatch up 4 Ships lying at the bottom of the
steps and speed back down the alley. (Mark the money you in.
on your Adventure Chart.) Hot on your heels are the “This man needs a few things to help him climb a
mugger and his victim too, and behind them more building, find something in it, and shake off Gothmoi,”
Street Sharks, one of them brandishing a sword. says Jerret to the rattle of chains, locks and bolts.
That wasn’t a mugging at all but a trap, you realise, “Always pleased to do business with you fine men,”
and you fell into it. says Glimroc. “It looks as if you've been in the wars
tonight: can | interest you first in a salve for those cuts
If you have Orientation Skill, turn to 71. and bruises?”
If not, turn to 48. If you want to use the salve, turn to 56.
If not, tum to 221.

He can’t swing that double-handed sword in such a
narrow alley, you realise. The guard has 24 Strength 160
Points, Fencing Skill which he cannot use here, though “Intruder!” he calls. You stand your ground, weapon at
you can if you have it, and chainmail armour. the ready, but although you land a blow on him as he
reaches you, other quards rush out of the Repository
If you decide to attack him, you call out, “Die, and sink their spears into your belly. As you lie on the
barbarian!” and rush him. Turn to 227. flagstones, staining them red with your blood, a
If you choose to run on, tum to 92. commanding voice calls out: “Finish him!” They are the
last words you ever hear.

159 161
Jerret knocks quietly, using a rhythm that must be
some kind of code. You try to memorise it for future use, You know there are no taverns in the nearest stretch of
but in vain. Purl Street, so you head for the far end by a roundabout
“Who's there?” a voice calls from inside. route to keep well clear of the Watch headquarters.
“Jerret.” Picking your way through slums and ruined temples,
“Never heard of you!” you cross Stoneway and join the path along the river.
You look at Jerret in surprise. He smiles: "Don't worry. It turns out to be deserted. Soon you have gained the
Glimroc's paranoid — we go through this routine every Purl Street bridge, and within a few yards you come
time." Then he calls to Glimroc: “I've found a ring in the across what must be the end of your search: the Golden
Bazaar with your name on it. I've come to return it!” Rose tavern,
“What does it say on it?” You are about to go in when two strange figures
Jerret puts his lips to the keyhole and whispers, tumble out of the tavern and head towards you with
“Cormilg Nirro, and I'm with someone who needs fitting reeling gait. They are two men with red faces and
out.” dressed in rags, who seem to be trying to prop
Several seconds pass before you hear bolts being themselves up with long poles, from which hang several
drawn, then the rattle of keys inside. The door creaks dead rats. You decide to try your cryptic Gutter Speak
open a few inches, until it is stopped by two stout message on them:
doorchains. In the gap is a lamp, level with your waist, "Gilda Ro. . ., o Purrul Stri . . .?" you ask.
and just above it the head of Glimroc, with flowing “Yurr, Yur,” one of them answers emphatically,
moustache and bushy beard. letting go of his pole with one hand to tum and point a
“Stay where you are,” he says, undoing the door flailing arm at the Golden Rose. This tricky manoeuvre
chains. Then he opens the door, walks out straight past proves too much for him, and he crashes to the ground.
you, and stops, peering into the night. You think he His companion, not sure if you have just attacked his

ss NG M
friend, grips his pole with both hands and stares at you
You tum round to hear more, but the men have melted
with wandering eyes, waiting for your next cunning away by the time the pedlar has passed.
move. If you want, you can catch up with the pedlar and buy
"Paswas drunka raccacha bettada no . . .” you say. For two meat pies for 60 Smecks, eating one on the street to
a second his face loses all expression, if it had any, and give you 5 more Strength Points, and putting one in
then he rallies with a burst of slurred laughter. your haversack (mark this on your Adventure Chart).
“Tha's a good passwor'," he says, then grabbing your Then, if you have Gutter Speak, tum to 212.
shoulder for further support, "b'sure to tell ‘em all tha’ i’
the Golda Rose.” If not, turn to 106.
As you reach the door of the tavern, you look back to
see your informants leaning over the bridge, pointing
their poles down at the water, rats dangling off the end,
in a vain attempt at catching some fish. 165
You open the tavern door, and go in. A colossal jolt shakes you and you feel a stabbing pain
in both shoulders. So this must be what death feels like,
Turn to 95. you think, as you see a picture of the Repository
grounds floating by much as a bird would see it, and
people pouring out of their houses on to the streets.

162 Then you notice a heavy beating sound, and looking

sideways you see huge, black, flapping wings. The
You clamber up the shaft and climb out to find you are dream goes on . . . Ahead in the distance you see the
on a corner of the roof, right beside the dome. You docks, and then it seems you are coming down to the
wonder how long you have before your pursuers reach ground just outside the Repository walls.
you... Another jolt and you are standing in the Street of the
If you have the grapnel, tum to 102. Brothers. It all feels so solid. You look up, and a giant
vulture is beating its way up into the sky. . .
If not, turn to 54, This was no dream, you realise.
Do you hurry to the outhouse on Noble Way? If so,

turn to 50.
Do you head straight for the docks? Turn to 101.
In the last few yards of its run the guardhound stops
snarling, loses interest and pads off past you. You
cannot believe your luck. Then you realise ... the
stinking armour! The hound thinks you're the guard!
With new confidence you make for the doorway, and
You unravel a length of cord and swing the grapnel
soon you are standing just to the left of the steps. round your head before hurling it at the top of the wall —
but you miss. After several vain attempts to lodge it on
Tum to 2.
the top of the wall, you abandon it, and try to climb. . .
Tum to 133.

You are still thinking hard of how to contact the
Resistance when you cross the path of a street pedlar 167
selling goat-meat pies and ringing his bell. As you step A few seconds later and both rat-catchers and their
aside you pass within inches of two shifty-looking men terriers fall upon you. Drawing what weapons you have,
and hear one of them muttering strange but vital words: you hold the rat-catchers at bay, but nothing stops the
“Shistins meadin . . .” CLANG! “ . . . dunya tava... dogs. Soon they have pulled you to the ground, and are
CLANG! `“. . . ourada gatta i Gilda Ro . . .” CLANG!*... tearing at your clothes.

My MjMyMjAEMyM i M
o Purrul Stri . . .” CLANG! ". . . paswas drunka raccacha Then two Gothmoi guards arrive on the scene,
betadda no. . .," CLANG! attracted by the noise, and at spear-point make the rat-


catchers call off the dogs. “But with the people of Salos on your side, it's just
But your reprieve is short-lived. “Just look what we possible. And if anything could spur them to mass
‘ave 'ere," sneers one of the guards, seeing your revolt, it's the news that the true heir to the Throne of
shoulder through your tattered qlothes. “That's a Salos has been found.”
crescent-moon birthmark if ever there was.” You hear a ripple of murmured debate go round the
“So it is,” says his companion. “Better let the dogs room: “I heard about this near the bazaar this morning,"
carry on then, hadn't we?” a voice says, “and saw the quards stopping young men
“Oh, no,” comes the reply. “Can't 'avem eating the to search for the birthmark. It's supposed to be the
evidence, can we?” A spear is driven through your ribs, shape of a crescent moon.” You go on:
and your adventure is over. “As for me, I want to see the downfall of Luko as much
as anyone, if not more. My life’s worth nothing if the
guards find me, and l'il take any risks to help."

Silence follows, then more feverish talk. “Let's see
your birthmark,” says the leader, turning you round and
The sailors disarm you, pull the haversack off your back pulling the clothes from your shoulder. A buzz of
and bind your hands behind you with the rope. excitement fills the room as they see the crescent moon.
“Tough young fella, ain't you?” taunts one of the If you have Gutter Speak, turn to 77.
sailors as they drag you along the quayside to the Royal
docks. “Well, save yer strength, lad. You'll need it all If you do not, turn to 18.
when you're chained to one o' them great oars on King
Luko's galleys.”
You are dragged up the gangplank of a galley and
introduced to your new way of life, with the ropes round 171
your wrists exchanged for irons, chaining you with four You hear a commotion in front of you, and strange
other wretches to a giant oar. garbled words, the like of which you have never heard
Two pain-racked years later, a thin, hunch-backed before. Peering round the corner of a house, you see
body is tossed overboard to feed the fish. three guards using a sword and spears to goad a
tottering old man with long, silver hair and flowing
cloak who is trying to keep them at bay with a gnarled

169 stick.
"Fwuj driddle friskishgrij brark ... hic...” the old
man intones, “grugrugrug . . . grug shubber . . . ouch!”
You reach some steps, and stumble up them in the dark,
but while you are still fumbling with the bolts of a The spear is jabbed in his ribs again by a leering guard.
wooden door, spears nail you to it. The last thing you “That's Tugbrol the magician,” someone whispers in
ever hear is the horn shattering on the steps, along with your ear. “He's trying to get out of it with a spell, but
all your hopes. he's downed so much wine tonight he can’t get his
tongue round it.”

Do you decide to rescue him? If so, turn to 3.

m 170 Do you bide your time, waiting till the guards have
done their worst and moved on? If so, turn to 65.
You explain to your hushed audience how you escaped
a the fire at the palace, and went into hiding as a player in
Master Melfi's troupe until the secret of your birthmark
was discovered.
“Now the story is being told on every street comer,” 172
you go on, “and barbarian guards are out in force You steal back into Master Melfi's and make for the
stopping every young man to check his shoulder, costumes closet. There is precious little in it: almost
“Overthrowing Luko will be no easy matter, as you everything has been taken for today's performances.
well know. All the people in this room will count for Just one set ofclothes remains: the scarlet costume of a
nothing against the might of his guards, and the Glorubian balladeer, complete with hooded cloak, and
cunning of his Silent Watchers. with a mask tucked into the pocket. (Mark it on your

Adventure Chart if you decide to change into it.) swings slowly open. You step through, and find yourself
Turning from the closet, you spot an old sword and on a landing, with stairs leading downwards. The great
scabbard in a corner of the room. You pick up the sword stone door grinds shut behind you.
and wield it: it seems serviceable enough. (If you decide You go down the steps and find yourself in a corridor
to take the sword and hang it on your belt, mark it on lined with doors, and over each is an inscription in High
your Adventure Chart.) Tongue: the names of musical instruments. You hurry
along the corridor, noting some steps leading upwards
If you have Disguise Skill, and want to use it, turn as you pass them, and soon find the inscription you are
to 69. looking for: “Horns”. You try the door, but it is locked.
If not, turn to 38. If you have a dagger and Thieving Skill, or the set of
three thin-looking keys Glimroc offered you, turn to
175 Otherwise, turn to 116.
You feel for the tinder-box in your haversack, and light
the candle. You sense you are in a vast hall: the flame
lights nothing but the stone floor at your feet. You turn
round, and are reassured to see the stone door in the
flickering candle-light. You are awakened from your thoughts by a strange
You follow the wall: every inch of it is covered with murmuring sound, like angry bees leaving a hive. You
stone carvings of more strange creatures. Could The look around you, but there is nothing. And then you
Horn be in this hall, you wonder? But a few cautious realise — it is coming from down in the City.
excursions out into the black void show the hall is One by one, lights are appearing in houses, shops, in
empty. the windows of temples. Like tongues of flame, lights
You press on along the wall for what seems an age, are springing up across the face of the shadowy city.
then suddenly the candle lights a skeleton on the floor, Tiny figures are appearing in the streets, and the
its arms outstretched, its fingers touching the carvings buzzing grows into a roar of joy. The Festival of the
at the bottom of another stone door. You shudder at the Founding Fathers has begun. You turn to plan your
poor creature’s fate, and hold the candle up to the escape — and only then do you notice, perched on the
carvings around it. There is no inscription, just carvings very top of the dome, a huge vulture preening its
of endless numbers of circular shields. You scan them dishevelled plumage with all the pride and regal
over and over again . . . and at last find, hidden among bearing of a professional beggar. . .
them, a Sun and a Moon. Touching them both at the If you have the glass jar with the strange creatures
same time, the rumbling comes again, and the door in it, and want to throw it down the shaft, turn to

If you have the grapnel on its long cord, and want to

try scrambling down the outside of the Repository
with it, turn to 196.
Otherwise, you must sit tight in the hope that you
will be rescued, or the guards abandon their pursuit
and head off to deal with the crowds in the streets
«+ . In which case, turn to 190.

Delving into your haversack as you run, you find a dead
rat and hurl it at the pursuing terriers. You run a few
more yards, then stop to throw another and run again.
You are now level with the two rat-catchers-turned-


anglers, and the other rat-catchers with their terriers are

almost level with you.
For some strange reason, despite your peril you are
compelled to look over the bridge at the drunken men's
fishing efforts . . . and to your astonishment see a grain
barge floating past below you, its stern already almost
clear of the bridge, just as the first terrier bites.

If you decide to jump the barge, and have Tumbling

Skill, turn to 72.
If you jump the barge, but without this skill, turn to

If you decide to run on, tum to 167.

"Ah," says Glimroc. "This is a strictly cash
transaction, on account of the very uncertain times
we're living in, especially tonight, it seems. Though I'll
“Hey, you!” he calls. "Let's see yer shoulder!”
accept payment in kind, of course — to the full value, or
As he makes to grab for your clothes, you realise you
have no choice but to fight him. He carries a sword and
You and Jerret look at each other, astonished.
armour of warty gargabeast leather, has 21 Strength
“You might like to know what I'd happily settle for
Points, and Fencing Skills. You draw your weapon and
instead of cash," says Glimroc. "A rather nice little cup
strike the first blow, but you must fight him for two
that happens to be sitting this very minute in a scruffy
rounds before you can flee.
little abandoned temple on Cult Street. It should be a
Should you kill him or escape, you hurry down the simple in-and-out job for people ofyour calibre."
lane he appeared from: tum to 131.
Do you pay Glimroc in cash, assuming you have the
wherewithal? If so, mark your new items of equip-

ment and your payment on your Adventure Chart,
and tum to 111.

At last you find a key that unlocks the door, but as you Do you accept his challenge to go and get the cup?
push it open footsteps ring on the steps below. If so, turn to 198.
You grab the keys to lock the door behind you, but in
Do you decid« to leave empty-handed? Turn to 111.
your haste you drop them. There is no time to start
trying the keys again... Do you decide to rob Glimroc of what you're after,
and make a run for it? If so, turn to 84.
If you have the glass jar with the strange creatures
in it, and want to use them, turn to 98.
.If-you have a bag full of marbles, and want to use
them, turn to 123. 179
The inscriptions you recognise as High Tongue: you
If you have neither of these, turn to 151.
start down the corridor, holding the torch close to each
door on left and right as you pass:

"Drums" ... “Flutes” ... “Viols” ... "Bells and
Windchimes” ... "Lyres" .. ."Trumpets" ... "Instru-
ments In Need of Repair" ... and then at last ...
“A very wise choice,” says Glimroc, scribbling busily on
"Horns". You start trying the keys as you hear the
a small piece of slate. “Normal price is 5 Royals, but
pounding on the door upstairs get heavier. . . The third
seeing as yours is such a worthy enterprise, my very
key opens the door, and you dive in.
special price to you is 3 Royals.”
“Fine,” croaks Jerret. “Put it on the account, please." Turn to 15.

"It'll cost ya," Bortli cuts in quickly.
"How much?"
Some good-natured fishermen working in the smoke- "How much you got?"
houses lend you a cloak to wrap yourself in while your "I don't know. . . twenty Ships?"
clothes lie spread out on a smoky rack. Mercifully, you "Twenty for me, and twenty for me mate."
still have your money-bag, and if you have 40 Smecks You turn to the other men to see if you can rustle up
you can buy some grilled cod to eat while you wait, 40 Ships between you. Pick a percentage from the Table
restoring your Strength Points to their original total. of Fortune:
(Mark this on your Adventure Chart.) Within half an hour If your score is 40 or more, turn to 109.
your clothes are as good as dry, even if a bit singed, and
you quickly dress and head back to the bridge, smelling If itis 59 or less, tum to 16.
like a kipper but warm at least, and in good spirits.

Turn to 230.
“You!” he screams. “Let's see yer shoulder!"

181 There is no choice for you but to fight, or submit to

search and certain death. The guard in front of you
The watchmen pass, and after a minute you peer round carries a mace, and has armour of warty gargabeast
the comer again. “All clear,” you say, and the two of you leather, He has 18 Strength Points, but no special skills.
hurry across Bakers Lane and on through the You can strike the first blow. You cannot flee unless you
backstreets. have killed him in four rounds of combat or less.
Should the guard still be alive after four rounds, you
Turn to 23.
must fight both him and the guard who is behind you,
combining their points for strength, weapons and

armour. The guard behind you has a halberd, chainmail
armour, and 22 Strength Points. In this fifth round, they
strike the next blow, and you have no chance of escape
High walls on either side abruptly give way to very low
until they are both dead.
ones. “Get down, men,” you murmur, peeping over the
wall to look for your pursuers, A band of Gothmoi Should you kill a guard, you can take his weapon,
appear, a few alleys over from where you are. While you remembering to mark it on your Adventure Chart
wait for them to pass, you hear the steady plod of a and keep within your weapons limit. If you survive
man's footsteps approaching you. Ahead, round the the encounter, tum to 134.
bend, appears a man from the Watch, lamp in hand,
doing his regular night beat.
“I'll fix him," offers the man next to you. “No,” you say.
The man plods closer, then draws up. You can sense 184
him peering into the shadows beyond the range of his You rush up the twisting steps, but too fast — the horn
lamp, wondering if he can see piles of wool, or clatters against the stone wall and you catch your breath
something else. in horror. To break it now would be the act of a fool. You
“Don't breathe a word, or you're dead,” you call to him check to see if it is broken. No damage done.
in a low voice. You can almost hear his brain grinding Shielding the horn carefully now, you walk up the rest
over, pondering the peril he is in — and you are in. of the winding stairs. Once in the gallery, you look out
After a long pause he finds his answer: “Lay a finger between the squat pillars and see the edge of the sun
on me and my mate'll raise the alarm." Then he calls breaking the horizon out to sea.
over his shoulder: "Hey, Friblik. Stay put . . . and if you On you go, turning one corner, then another, until you
hear me so much as grunt, raise the alarm with those are at the front of the building. You lean out between the
Gothmoi over there." pillars and look down, searching for the ivy. There it is —
"Right, Bortli," his companion calls back. but a bit thin up here, you think, and the stonework is
"Look," you say, "we've no quarrel with you, nor you crumbling.
with us. Let us go our way and...” You press on until you stumble over a wooden ladder

ad ad ad ad ad sd é ada
lying on the floor. Looking up, you see a maintenance for you!”
shaft hidden in the shadows. Iron rungs have been set The voice is coming from the cup: it obviously is the
into the stonework, and the ladder must reach the oracle. After a moment's thought, you put it back and
lowest of them. You lean it against the bottom of the try reasoning with it:
shaft, climb it, and reach the iron rungs as a cry rings "Oracle, I've come to take you to your rightful owner,"
out from below: you begin, but it interrupts:
“There he is! . . . in the gallery!" "You can save your breath talking to me in all that
new-fangled language," it rattles away. "I can't hear it,
If you have Tumbling Skill, turn to 81. because I won't, and I'll tell you another thing: you'll not
If not, turn to 162. get out of here before daybreak if you try and pinch me,
because IL shut the iron grill on you. And I happen to
know you've got lots to do tonight. . ."

185 You are iriclined to believe him.

If you have High Tongue, turn to 22.

You stride up to the bar, the urchins close behind you,
and after failing to understand a word of their order, let If not, turn to 12.
them deal with the barman direct.
Two flagons of wine and three goblets appear on the
bar and your heart sinks into your feet. “That'll be one
Ship and 50 Smecks," says the barman. 188
You run into a battered and bruised old beggar settling
Do you pay up? If so, turn to 82. down for the night against a wall. As you get closer, you
Do you dive out of the tavern and make a run for it? realise it is the same beggar the Street Sharks were
If so, turn to 195. beating up outside your room this morning.
"How can we get to Bazaar Street safely?" you ask.
If you left him to his fate, he tells you what he knows

186 for a silver Ship, so long as you have one: but if you
saved him,
or have Persuasion Skill, he tells you for
Stealing silently up the stairs, you reach a landing with
staircases leading upwards on left and right. You go left, If he tells you, turn to 47. (Mark the Ship off on your
but as you start to climb you hear the sound of guards Adventure Chart if you have to pay.)
coming down. You hurry back to the landing, and go
right — but more guards are approaching this way, too! If he does not tell you, return to the maze at 188.
You head back down the main staircase . . .

If you hid the drugged guard in a thicket, turn to

If you left him where you found him, turn to 225. Holding your torch close to the first two horns, you
realise they depict scenes from the history of Salos,
around the time of its founding. Under each scene is an

187 inscription, but in no ordinary language.

If you have High Tongue, turn to 105.
At the far end of the hall you can just make out an altar,
lit ever so dimly by a lamp hanging from above. You tip- If not, turn to 68.
toe up to it and find it is bare save for a little, battered
cup, made of gold it seems, with a lid, and hardly big
enough to hold an egg. As you gaze at it in silence, you
hear a very faint snoring sound coming from it. Could it 190
be the oracle? You pick it up, and almost drop it as a You wait and wait, but the shouts of the guards below do
little high-pitched voice yaps at you: not die away. After a while you hear ominous words:

"Put me down! I say put me down, or things'll go badly "Get that ladder up, an' let the archers go first."

You creep around

for a hiding place,
round three sides
the edge of the roof, looking in vain
or another way down. You have gone
of the roof when you see an archer
"It doesn't matter if I'm telling the truth or not,” you say.
appear through the shaft, and notch his bow. . . “Either way, I could be very useful to the Resistance:
more useful than everyone in this room put together.
Turn to 165.
And I can tell you how."
A commanding voice says calmly, “Just blindfold

him, tie his hands and sit him on that chair. Let's hear
what he’s got to say.”
The room falls silent.
“Got anything left on him?" you hear one of the guards
say while the other casually prods around your clothes Tum to 170.
with the point of his sword.
"Nah . . cleaned him out. An’ he's too old to be that

scum we're meanta be lookin’ out for with the crescent
moon on ‘is back.”
The quards’ faces disappear from your blurred view, You throw in your 20 Smecks and the blind man carries
and their voices grow fainter as they discuss the best on: “The word is there's a young man in the City, just the
place to go for a pleasant evening's bone-crunching. age the prince would be now if he weren't dead . . . and
“Saved by my disguise” is your last thought before the he's got a birthmark on his shoulder ... and it's the
stars are turned off again... shape of a crescent moon."
Turn to 94. His audience erupts with astonishment, well pleased
with their 20 Smecks-worth. And your heart pounds as
you realise your secret is out.
"How do you know all this, blind man?" a man shouts.
"Because he was seen in the Baths only yesterday,"
replies the story-teller.
And by tonight everyone in Salos will know, including
the Silent Watchers, you think to yourself — and they'll
be looking for me.
Just as you make to turn away, you see on the wall
beside you the shadow of a cloaked man standing a few
Steps behind you. It has all the menace of a Silent
Watcher. You saunter off in the other direction till you
are round a corner, then quicken your pace, thinking
hard ail the while.
Turn to 202.

With a mighty splash you hit the water. Hampered by the
dead weight of your clothes and haversack, you swim
slowly along the quayside wall. From above you hear the
shouts of the sailors:
"Where's he gone?"
"Dunno! ... It's too dark down there!" Eventually
their voices grow fainter, and you come to a boat
moored to the wall by its bow. You swim round to the
stern where you are out of sight from the quay, and find

os de d d
what you're looking for — a rope trailing in the water.
You slowly heave yourself and your haversack up the the cord, try to keep your footing on the wall but topple
rope, clamber over the side of the boat and land like a off, and land in a cart full of hay.
ton weight on the deck. "Thought you might need that!” shouts someone
You creep on your belly to a pile of nets and octopus beside you, as the crowd spontaneously lifts you out and
pots near the rudder, and huddle against them, carries you in triumph down the street. But in front you
shivering and exhausted, to gather your strength and see the tell-tale spears of Gothmoi guards above the
wits. But soon a thud at the bow tells you someone has heads of the crowd. You quickly wriggle free of your
jumped on board. bearers and lose yourself in the throng.
Do you dive overboard, abandoning your haversack Turn to 101.
and its contents, in a bid to swim to safety? If so,
mark it on your Adventure Chart and turn to 140,
Do you stay where you are? If so, turn to 55. 197
No more alley-ways for the time being, you say to

yourself, and hurry along Bazaar Street, turn into Purple
Street, and soon see ahead, on the other side of the
street, the Golden Robe tavern.
You dash round the corner, then nip down one small
turning, then the next, not stopping until you are sure Turn to 11.
no one is following. Yet again you run through the
cryptic words you heard:
"Shistins meadin ... dunya tava ... ourada gatta i
Gilda Ro... o Purrul Stri . . . paswas drunka raccacha
“It's a little golden cup, stolen from my great-great-
Now, what would you want to tell someone about a grandfather,” says Glimroc, “and I was told just a few
meeting in a tavern? The time and place? Then it comes days ago that it’s sitting on an altar in the Shrine of the
to you in a flash: “Purrul Stri” must be Purl Street! You Golden Oracle. You can't miss the shrine — the lintel
know it quite well: up past the temples of strange and over the door is held up by two stone figures with
forgotten cults, near the breweries and granaries. pouches hanging from their waists.
You set off to see what you can find there. "I haven't had the time yet to go and get it myself: it
Turn to 161. should be easy though, because I'm told the doors
always open.”
You leave Jerret with Glimroc, and race off down Lock

196 Street again towards Cult Street. You arrive without

mishap, and sure enough there is the shrine, built ina
hideously purple stone, with the two figures outside it.
Wedging the grapnei under the wing of a gargoyle, you
throw the cord over the edge, and lean over to see how You look up, and see an inscription high above the
far it reaches... door, in a weird and ancient script.
Not as far as the ground, you are sure, but it might If you have High Tongue, turn to 83.
reach to that wall running alongside the Repository. You
climb over the edge, and let yourself down the cord. It is If not, turn to 104.
slow and painful work: you are only half-way down when
your hands can hardly grip the cord any longer.
“You can do it!” someone shouts from below. You look
down and see scores of people in the street below, 199
cheering and willing you on, Somehow you reach the Striding along the path, you make fast progress and
end of the cord, and find you are level with the top of the come across no one. Then, as you approach Victory Way,
wall. you spot the unmistakable silhouettes of two guards
You push away from the wall with both legs, and swing with spiked helmets and spears atop the bridge,
outwards, but not far enough. You try again, and this standing out against the last glow ofday.
time your feet touch the spikes on the wall, You let go of You turn off the path and pass through more slums,
crossing Victory Way well out of sight of the bridge and
joining the path again at the Fisherman’s Basin.
The smell of today's catch of fish being smoked over
glowing coals reminds you that you have eaten little
since yesterday. You are in good tithe for the meeting at
the Golden Robe, so:
If you want to stop and grab a quick meal, turn to

If you want to press straight on, turn to 230.

You dance, laugh and run your way through the Festival
till you reach the sailors’ quarter.
Do you go to the Galley Becalmed? Turn to 232.
Do you make for the Voyager's Rest? Turn to 78.

The sailors left standing do not give chase as you dive
back into the cobbled streets, but you keep running all "Quick, over the wall," you whisper to the men. You all
the same. You are safely across Apothecary's Row again dive over and wriggle your way into the hemp, frighten-
before you stop in the shadows to get your breath back. ing off some cats and sending up a cloud of
Time to make for Purple Street, you decide... dust.
"Seen them?" you hear a guard call out. "Not yet!”
Turn to 121. calls back another. Through the hemp you glimpse the
heads of four Gothmoi. As you watch, six more join

"That's odd," says the first one thoughtfully, looking
around him. "They came this way, all right."
The time for waiting is over, you decide: you must
Just then one of the Resistance men lets out a high-
embark now on your mission to regain the Throne of
pitched sneeze he has only half-managed to strangle.
Salos, and contact the Resistance to try and enlist their
“Who did that?" the guard snaps at his men. No one
help. Theyre not noted for their sympathy towards
replies. He steps up to the wall, and peers over.
royalty, yet they're the only hope you have. . .
But should you first go back to Master Melfi's and get a If you have any fish in your haversack, or you dried
disguise? your clothes off in a smokehouse earlier, turn to 87.
If you want to go back to Melfi's, turn to172. Otherwise, turn to 40.
If you want to seek out the Resistance straight away,

turn to 164.

With the grunts and moans of the victim still loud in

your ears, you try to conjure up the scene again.
You stop just short of acomer to listen for any Gothmoi A lantern on the ground, right by the mugging.
ahead. At the same time you hear voices from round the Strange — you normally mug people where you can't be
corner, and from behind. Alongside you is a low wall, seen. And didn't you see a sword leaning against the
and behind it a yard full of piles of hemp. wall? Why wasn’t the Street Shark using that? And if the
money's on the steps, why doesn't he just take it? "Temple of the Dark Mother: we're burning it down."
You peek gingerly round the corner to see how the "Isn't that a bit close to the Repository?"
victim is doing. He has a great repertoire of groans, but "That's why we picked it: the fire's got to pull guards
he seems in no worse shape than a minute ago. And from there, not places like the Fortress. And you'll be
aren't those feet you can see, sticking out from behind able to see the fire yourself, so you'll know when to
the walls along the alley? make your move. When do you want us to do it?"
It's a trap, you realise — a phoney mugging. I'm their "Start the fire between the hours of the Fox and the
victim, and the man on the ground is the bait. Wolf," you say after a moment's thought. "Now, where's
the rendezvous when this is all over?"
Do you slip away, putting a few dark alleys between
Everyone looks sheepish. "Sorry," one of them says,
you and the muggers? Tum to 121.
"orders were not to tell you: your mission's too
Do you call their bluff and grab the money? Turn to dangerous, and if you're caught...”
107. "But don't worry," another chimes in. “Jerret's going
to pick you up outside the Repository when it's over."
After a while, four more Resistance men show up.

205 raising everyone's spirits, and you decide to part

You pull the grapnel out of your haversack, unravel a "Come on, Jerret, time to find the dwarf," you say, and
length of cord, and swinging the grapnel around your as you set off, a voice whispers urgently in your ear: "The
head, hur! it over the top of the wall. Then you pull on cellar under the Galley Becalmed, near the docks."
the cord: it grows taut, then gives no more. You
scramble up, and are soon looking over the wall. Turn to 135.
The street below is deserted. You re-adjust the
grapnel, pull up the cord and let it fall on the other side.
Then you climb down, jumping the last few feet.
Do you hurry back to the outhouse on Noble Way?
You hurry down the stairs, reach the thudding door, grab
Turn to 50. the latch with one hand while you draw your dagger with
Do you head straight for the docks? Turn to 101. the other — then you pull. The beggar tumbles in and
crashes to the floor, while the Shark holding him falls
on your dagger and the other falls face-first on to the

206 doorstep.
You pull the beggar to his feet as the two Sharks make
Bazaar Street is deserted. Looking around, you realise their escape, one running, one limping. "I bet you
all too few of you have come through safely. The leader weren't expecting to be saved like that," you say.
and many others are either slain, captured or lost. And "Well, I did hope someone'd answer the door sooner
as your thoughts turn to your next moves, you realise or later," he replies, "but thanks all the same... I'll do
that everyone's face is turned towards yours . . . you a good turn one day."
"What now,- Prince?" one of the men asks. You set off along Smaerd Street.
"Let's get out of here, and to the rendezvous," you
reply, "but in twos and threes — it'll look more normal.” Turn to 46.
You split up and thread your way through slums
towards the corner of Incense Lane and Sugar Street,
then gather again.
"Is everything fixed for drugging the guard at the 208
hour of the Wolf?" you ask. Ahead of you is a stone staircase leading upwards. You
“Yes, it's all done," says Hannuk, who is clearly going dash towards it, and as your foot touches the bottom
to stand in for the dead leader. step, your eyes alight on a row of quards' cloaks hanging
"And can you still handle the diversion?" on a rack beside you. (If you want to grab one of the
"Oh, yes. We'll just have to be a lot more careful when cloaks, and throw it round your shoulders, mark it on
we break into the temple." your Adventure Chart.)
"Which one?" you ask, "And what'll you do there?" You run up the stairs, and soon come to a landing with
M Rp MjiM My i Hs
more stairs off it to right and left. You can hear guards at least he shows no signs of life. You hurry back to the
coming down from the left, so you go right, and at the stone Guardian for the halberd, helmet, bottle and
top of the staircase come to another landing, the first goblet, and dump these beside him in the thicket.
floor. A frescoed corridor takes you to another marble
Do you put on his helmet and leather armour? If so,
staircase: you run up it and come out on the second
mark them on your Adventure Chart and turn to 58.
floor — a vast, high hall with a gallery running around it
&t the top. You race along the wall towards a narrow Do you leave him as he is, and hurry on? Tum to
spiral staircase leading upwards, when you hear a shout:
"Hey you, where yer goin?" A guard with a sword is

approaching across the nall.
If you are wearing the armour of a Gothmoi guard,
and have Disguise Skill, you can choose to try and Never before did you think Gutter Speak could sound
outwit him, in which case turn to 41. like sweet music to your ears:
"Shistins meadin ... dunya tava... ourada gatta i
Otherwise, you must fight him. Turn to 5. Gilda Ro... oPurrulStri... paswas drunka raccacha
betadda no..."

"Resistance meeting ... down the tavern... hour
of the Cat in the Golden Ro-something ... on Purple
Street ... password's ‘A drunken rat-catchers better
"What's going on?" a weaverwoman calls from a window
than none’.”
The two men have told you everything you need to
"Gothmoi are after us," you whisper back.
know to make contact with the Resistance — almost. Is it
"Wait!" she says, and disappears for a second, then
tonight? You decide it must be — they'd keep things
comes back to the window: "It's safe on the other side of
secret till the last few hours to outwit the Silent
the house — open the gate and go through the yard. It's
Watchers. If it's at the hour of the Cat, you've two hours
not locked."
Return to the maze on pages 38 and 39, one alley- «+» Orbe killed, you think, as you wander on into the
way along from 209 in any direction. lanes where magicians and philosophers practise their
weird crafts. Your hair stands on end as something
explodes above your head and broken glass rains down

210 on the street. You look up to see a plane of green smoke

swirling from a window. "Blast!" an exasperated voice
The steps end at a wooden door. You feel it with your yells, "I'll never get these stains out!”
hands — it is bolted, but from your side. You ease back You hurry on, not stopping till you are well clear of the
the bolt and pull the door gently. It will not budge. You magicians' quarter.
puli harder— it still does not budge. Then you see a tiny
shaft of light coming through a keyhole. Locked, you Do you decide to kill time by going down to the
murmur to yourself. docks, hoping there will be no Gothmoi guards
there? If so, turn to 8.
If you have a guard's set of keys, and want to use
them, turn to 39. Do you make for Purple Street straight away? Turn

If you took that set of thin-looking keys from Orrin

Glimroc, and want to use them, turn to 49.
If you have no keys at all, turn to 125.
As the horsemen approach, you peek round the comer,
and see they are archers. With only seconds to go before

211 they break into the square, you jump out and scream,
“Gothmoi, men! Quick, round this comer!” No-one
You take the halberd from the guard's nerveless fingers, moves.
lay it quietly on the ground, then drag him into a thicket The horses break into a canter, and as the first

nearby. His leather armour reeks of sweat and filth, but reaches the square you yell, “Heave!” The cart wobbles,
M MM NM Nons C
totters, and finally crashes sideways to the ground,
letting loose the most evil mudslide Salos has ever
seen. Horses career and slither across the square as if
Dropping a Ship into one of the pouches, you hear a
they had charged out on to a frozen lake, and bows fly rattling sound for a few seconds, then all goes quiet.
into the slime as the riders try in vain to keep in the You step inside, and find yourself in a dark hall.
Mark down the money on your Adventure Chart, and
Soon the square is awash with cursing Gothmoi,
slipping and sliding as they struggle to get to their feet,
only to find their sodden bowstrings and arrows useless
against you, and their horses bolting in every direction.
You wonder for a moment whether to grab the
Before long you realise you are walking down alleys you
horses, or a bow and quiver in the muck nearby, but
were in only minutes before — you are hopelessly lost.
think better of it. You are now free to carry on
There is no one about to tell you the way, so you carry
through the maze on pages 38 and 39, returning to
on turning and turning, always coming back on yourself.
At last, totally disheartened, you stop and sit on some

steps below a door with the shape of a weaver's shuttle
cut in it, wondering if you will ever reach the tavern.
“Ay... ay...” a woman's lamenting voice calls. You
The only escape is over the wall by the steps. You try to
look up and see a weaver before you, nodding with
clear it in one bound, but are caught a glancing blow by
sympathy for your plight. You are obviously not the first
the Shark's cudgel, and fall badly on the stones below.
person to sit dejected on these steps.
The last thing you remember seeing as you lie on your
“Bazaar Street,” you say dolefully.
back is a cudgel swinging high against the starry night
“Ishi! . . . tabatta dalifti, daritti, dalifti daritti dalifti,
daritti . . . daritti dalifti dalifti!”
Turn to 7.
If you have Gutter Speak, tum to 29.
If not, turn to 13.

“What yer doin’ with that horn, then?" shouts back the
guard. You cannot think of an answer, and the guard
breaks into a run. You have no choice but to fight him.

Tum to 5.

Though the stone has flaked and crumbled over the
centuries, you can still make out the words of High
Tongue: “Touched by the Sun and Moon, Bare Hands
may move Mountains”.
You wonder what it could mean as you gaze at the
carvings around the door. Then, to the left of the door,
you spot a Sun amid all the figures of weird creatures
and grotesque beasts. You touch it, but nothing
happens. Your eyes wander around the carvings again,
and you soon spot what you were looking for. . . a Moon

Mj MyMyM MyiiMyMi0
to the right of the door. You touch this too, but again

In desperation, you touch Sun and Moon together, alive’. . . what d'you reckon?"
and an eerie rumbling sound fills your head. The door “Dead. This one's important: we don't wanna lose ‘im,
slowly swings open. It is pitch-black inside, and a musty do we?”
smell hits your nostrils. This door hasn't been opened These are the last words you hear before a Gothmoi
for many a year, you think. sword brings your life to an end.
Do you step in? If so, turn to 154.
Do you decide instead to go through the wooden
door behind you, and down the steps? If so, turn to
Glimroc gestures you to a table, where he stretches to
his full height and announces himself formally, tapping
on the table to the rhythm of his words: “Orrin Glimroc,

sole supplier of arms and equipment to the Resistance”.
It sounds very much like the rhythm of Jerret's when he
Your only hope is to strike fear into the Sharks by killing knocked on the door, you think.
or injuring a few of them quickly. You lunge at the one “Day work or night work, is this?”
with the cudgel before he can draw his sword, and floor “Night,” you say.
him. Then you rush for the sword leaning against the “Well, you might be needing a neat little tinder-box
wall, but the next Shark grabs it first. complete with candle, as well as what I have here,” he
He is your next foe, with 21 Strength Points and the says. With a flourish he lifts back a cloth cover to reveal
an odd assortment of objects: a sword, some meagre-
sword, but no special skills or armour. He strikes first.
looking keys, a bag of glass marbles, a grapnel with a
If you fail to land your first blow, you are quickly long cord on it, and last but by no means least a glass
killed by the other Sharks. jar with some remarkable creatures in it, who appear to
If you land the blow, you grab the sword and the first be half giant wasp, and half miniature man...
round is over. You now face your next foe, using the “Take your pick,” he says.
sword as your weapon if you wish. He has 19 You can choose any of the items Glimroc is offering,
Strength Points, no armour or special skills, and but you must keep within your limit of five items in
carries a dagger — and he strikes first. your haversack, and two weapons including a
If you miss with your next blow, you still face dagger on your belt. Make a note of your choice.
overwhelming odds, and perish under a torrent of If you have no dagger or haversack, Glimroc gives
dagger and sword thrusts. you these free as a rare gesture of his goodwill
(mark them on your Adventure Chart). Turn to 178.
If you land your next blow, you are free to escape as
your foe strikes a parting blow and the remaining
Sharks back away. You can take the sword
want to — remembering to keep within your limit of
one weapon plus your dagger and marking
if you

it on
“There they go!” you hear a guard shout, then the sound
your Adventure Chart. Turn to 121. of hoofbeats fades away.
You are free to carry on through the maze on pages

220 38 and 39, returning to it at 142.

“This fella looks the right sort of age,” you hear one of
the guards say, and at the same moment a hefty kick in
the side rolls you over on to your face. Then you feel the Firmly hooking the grapnel over some solid stonework,
point of his sword running across your back, slitting
you climb out between two pillars and start to let
your clothes open as it goes.
yourself down the rope. You have only gone down a few
“Well, well, if we aint found the young rat with the
feet when a guard shouts above you: “Cut it!”
crescent-moon birthmark!” he chuckles with sadistic
The cord goes limp in your hands, and you fall...
“Well I never,” says the other. “Orders were ‘dead or Turn to 165.

i N

His Fencing Skill does not count in this alley: you are
pitting yourself only against his 24 Strength Points,
“My life is in danger,” you begin. “I am being hounded double-handed sword and chainmail armour. You can
down by Luko's guards. And I want to see the tyrant's use any weapon you have other than a double-handed
downfall as much as anyone in this room, and maybe sword, and Streetfighting or Fencing Skills if you have
more.” them. You can flee after any round, but he will use his
“That's a big claim to make in this company,” the Fencing Skill as he springs out of the alley for the
leader cuts in. “Can you prove it?” parting blow.
“Yes, I can,” you say. “So far I have told you the truth, Should you kill him, you can take his weapon. If you
but not the whole truth. Will you guarantee to hear me survive, you rejoin your men and carry on through
out if I tell you the rest?" the maze on pages 38 and 39, returning to it at 52.
“How long will it take?” someone chimes in from the
back, earning a round of chuckles from the meeting.
“Yes, we'll hear you out,” the leader says.
"I said they call me Dermik, but that's all,” you begin:
“it has been my disguise for a long year. I am in fact
Prince Edrix.”
“We're going to crawl in twos right up to it,” you tell the
The room falls totally silent. men, “one on each side of the alley. When you're within
Turn to 170. a few feet of the barricade, lie still, The moment they
spot one of us, everyone else still here must storm it:
those already under it have got to grab or break every

spear they can reach.”
You are one of the first two to go. You both take up
positions without being spotted, and another two join
You are half-way down the staircase when a guard bursts
you safely. The next two are half-way there when a guard
in through the main door in front of you.
roars "Shistins!", and instantly five spears slide through
“Intruder!” he shouts, drawing a sword.
the gaps in the barricade at waist level.
You have to fight him, and while you do so a dozen
The four of you are heaving on the spear shafts, or
guards edge quietly towards you down the staircase. . .
slashing them with your swords, when the rest of the
You die on the steps, slain by a dozen sword-thrusts.
men storm the barricade.
A bloody fight ensues, with spears rammed both ways

through the barricade. You are now atop it and opening
combat with a guard armed with a spear, in leather
Within seconds you unlock the door with one of the
keys, and push it open, just as you hear a shout from
“Light ahead! He's here! Let's get him!”
As footsteps ring on the staircase below, you slam the
door shut, lock it and pocket the keys. Out of a window
beside you, dawn glows all too brilliantly.
Turn to 208.

The guard turns and instinctively wields his double-
handed sword — but so narrow is the alley that the sword
sinks into the wooden wall beside him. He stares at it
bewildered, then shouts, “Oy, wait!” as you strike the
first blow.

armour, and with 20 Strength Points: he strikes the first
blow. You cannot retreat. 232
If you kill the quard, you join the other survivors in You find the tavern and spot a door at the back. You
Bazaar Street. Turn to 206. open it, and see it leads down to the cellars. You creep
silently down the steps, and soon hear a croaking voice
through a door ahead. It is Jerret’s. You quietly ease the

door open as he tells his tale:
~“... then I waited as long as I could, but guards were
Nowhere's safe for me now, you think, as you dash closing in on the outhouse...”
across Purple Street and vanish into the slums. Now the “But you knew I'd be all right,” you butt in, “so long as
Gothmoi know there's someone who doesn't want to be I went to the rendezvous you gave me at the Voyager's
searched — and what he looks like. You wonder what to Rest!”
donext... Everyone's face turns amazed towards you, but
Jerret's is horror-stricken: “I... I don't know what
Turn to 202. you're talking about,” he stutters.
“So I could have walked into the Voyager's Rest, said
‘Ten sailors don't make a fighting crew and come out

230 alive?”
“Yes, of course. . . Isuppose so,” he says.
After shaking off a dozen cats that have befriended you, “In which case you won't mind trying it for us right
Fish Street comes into view, and some crumbling steps now, will you? And don't worry: we'll be right behind
take you up to it. Once on the bridge, you look long and you.”
hard for any signs of barbarian guards, and seeing none, “Why not, Jerret?” Hannuk says. “After all, what've
hurry across it till you come to some steps leading down you got to lose?”
to the opposite shore. You kick the door shut as Jerret springs to his feet to
You quickly go down these, then slip into an alley make a run for it. “Everything, it seems,” you say. Terror
leading through dyers’ and fullers’ yards until you come is written on Jerret's face as three men drag him against
out on Purple Street. And there, almost in front of you, a wall and finish him with their daggers.
lit by a lantem, is the sign of the Golden Robe tavern. “You've proved your worth ten times over tonight,
Tum to 11. young prince ... or whoever you are,” Hannuk says.
“Welcome to the Resistance!” There is a quiet cheer.
“We've achieved everything we could hope for tonight.

2351 Now we all lie low for a while — so you go back to Master
Melfi’s and carry on playing the player. We'll be in touch
when it’s time to move again, and you can always find
This maze of aileys could be our saving or our undoing,
you think, as your eye eagerly scans the labyrinth under me at the Fisherman's Basin.”
the starlight, trying to trace a route to the far side. You leave the tavern, and push on home through the
The first Resistance men are at the bottom of the crowds. At last you open the door to Master Melfi's,
steps, arguing about which way to go. "Hold it!” you step in, then lean back on the door to shut it, exhausted.
shout, "I think 1 can see a way through!" You quickly You climb the stairs, go into your room, and look under
scan the maze again, trying to memorise directions: the mattress . . . your haversack is there. As you slump
right, then left, then right . . . then left, then right... on to the mattress the door opens:
there's a regular pattern here, you think. You try to trace “What have you been up to?” calls Master Melfi.
the route further but someone below shouts, "We're not “Oh, nothing much — just playing my part in the
waiting!” just as someone passing you says, "Three Festival,” you say, as your head hits the straw.
more to come. . . And Gothmoi are in the privy!” A shadow falls on your window as a giant vulture
glides past outside, looking in with an impassive
Do you hang on, and try to trace your route through eye...
to the end? If so, turn to 21.
Do you hurry down the steps, trusting to the pattern
you have found? If so, turn to 130. Here ends the first adventure of the Prince of Shadows.

If you survived in the Mean Streets of
Salos, look out for the second adventure
of the Prince of Shadows! In your local
Book Shop soon...
E inithe Mean Streets of Salos to
from the Usurper's grasp?
of Shadows, you must face great peril . . . Will
ible your way through? The choice is
eate your own fantasy epic. E
= Only our unique system of skills and clues can aid you as you
e your wa; through thetangled streets
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