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2023-24 S S L C MODEL PAPER - 1

TIME; 3 HOURS 15 MINUTES Max Marks:80
I. Four choices are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statements.
Choose the correct answer and write the complete answer along with its letter of
alphabet. 1 X 8 =8

1. The act that allowed Dyarcy at provincial government is

a) 1909 India council Act b) 1919 Government of India Act
c) 1935 Government of India Act d) 1861 India Council Act 1861
2. The policy implemented by Lord Wellesley to bring the local kings under control
a) Subsidiary Alliance b) Doctrine of Lapse
c) Divide and Rule policy d) illbert bill
3. The nations that signed the strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
a) India and Russia b) China and India
c) Britain and Russia d) U.S.A and U.S.S.R
4. Assembly of people around a common interest without any planning is called
a) Riot b) Mob
c) Collective Behavior d) Environmental Movement
5. Equal Wage Act enacted in the year
a) 1978 b) 1976
c) 1986 d) 2006
6. The Coral islands of India
a) Lakshadweep b) Devagadh Island c) Andaman and Nicobar Island d) St Marias Island
7. The father of the green revolution
a) Sir m. Vishveswariah b) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
c) Ghandiji d) Verguis kurian
8. The agency that entertains complaints less than Rs. 20 lakhs
a) The District Forum b) The taluk forum
c) The State Commission d) The national Commission
II. Answer the following question in one or two sentence each;- 1 X 8 =8
9. Who were the only impediments of British in the path of expansion of their empire?
10. Who implemented Blue Water Policy?
11. What is the main aim of Kaiga Agitation?
12. What are perennial canals?
13. How is block soil formed?
14. What is fiscal policy?
15. Businessman Suresh had decided to open an account in one of the nationalized bank.
Name the account which u suggests him.
16. December 10 1948 is the milestone day in the human history, why?
III. Answer the following question in three or four sentences 8x 2=16
17. How did MarthandaVarma checked the Dutch?
18. How was Pondicherry merged with Indian federation?
19. What are the aims of F. A .O.?
Explain India’s relationship with Russia.
20. The practice of Untouchability was prohibited by Constitutional laws. how?
Unemployment is a serious social Malady in India. How?
21. Indian agriculture is a “gamble with the monsoons”. Justify this statement.
22. What are the problems of Road transport?
23. Explain briefly the principle of progressive Taxation?
24. What are the objectives of Consumer protection Act?
IV. Answer the following question in five or six sentence each;- 3x 9=27
25. The land tax system of British exploited the Indian farmers. how?
Mysore became a ‘Model State’ during the rule of Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV,how?
26. Explain the contributions given by Bramo Samaj for the society?
27 Explain the political and Economic causes for 1857 revolt?
28. UNO has functioning under different objectives .how?
29. Dowry diminishes women’s self-respect. How?
30. Evergreen forest differ from Deciduous monson forest , how?
Floods are the most destructive natural calamities. how?
31. Mention the types of land uses in India?
32. Explain the achievements of the five-year plan.
Explain the role of panchayat raj Institution in rural development.

33. What are the services offered by banks?

What are the functions of entrepreneur?
V. Answer the following question in eight or ten sentence each;- 4 x 4 =16
34. List out the main Industrial Zones of India.
35. Describe the role of Subhash Chandra Bose in Indian freedom struggle.
Describe about the tribal revolt in India freedom struggle.
36. Control of communalism is inevitable in India. Substantiate
37. What are the effects of First World War?

38. Draw an outline Map of India and mark the places given below. 1 +4 = 5
a) 231/20
b) kosi project
c) Indira Ghandhi international airport
d) River Narmada
Office of Deputy Director of School Education, Kolar District, Kolar
2023-24 S.S.L.C Model Question Paper -2
Time : 3 hours 15 Mins Max Marks : 80
Social Science (85E)

I Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions. Chose the correct
alternative and write the complete answer along with its alphabet. (1 * 8 = 8)

1) States Reorganization Commission was implemented in the year

A. 1953 B. 1956
C. 1973 D. 1947
2) The first Anglo-Maratha war ended with the treaty of
A. Treaty of Alahabad B. Treaty of Salbai
C. Treaty of Bessein D. Treaty of Surat

3) World Human Rights Day is celebrated on

A. 15th March B. 15th August

C. 24th October D. 10th December

4) The Silent valley movement took place at

A. Palgat in Kerala B. Dandi in Gujarath

C. Uttara Kannada in Karnataka D. Tehri Garwal in Uttar Pradesh

5) Article 24 of the Constitution is mainly concerned with

A. Status of women B. Unemployment

C. Child labour D. Untouchability

6) A metal reputed to be black gold

A. Gold B. Coal
C. Iron ore D. Mica
7) The father of Indian Economic planning was

A. Mahathma Gandhiji B. Nehru

C. Sir M Vishveshvarayya D. Lal Bahadur shastri

8) The budget of the Central Government in the Lok Sabha is presented by

A. Central finance Minister B. Prime Minister

C. Central Home Minister D. Central Defence Minister

II Answer the following questions in a sentence each ( 1 * 8 = 8)

9) Which were the states that came under the doctrine of Lapse policy?

10) Who implemented the Mahalwari system ?

11) Expand “SAARC”

12) What is female infanticide ?

13) What do you meant by Rain shadow area ?

14) What is Golden Quadrilateral plan ?

15) What is the meaning of “Post-harvest Technology” ?

16) What is the purpose of setting up District industrial centres?

III Answer the following questions in two to four sentences each (2 * 8 = 16)

17) “Indian farmers were born in debt, lived in debt and died in debt” Justify.

18) What are the constitutional and logical measures undertaken to eradicate



What are the main causes for riots?

19) How did Nazism destroy Germany ?

20) “Communalism fatal to National Unity” Justify.


What are your suggestions to improve the status of women?

21) Mention the types of irrigation.

22) List out the preventive measures of Earthquakes.

23) What is the difference between Direct tax and Indirect Tax ?

24) “March 15, 1962 an important day in the history of consumer movement”. Why?

IV Answer the following questions in six sentences each. (3 * 9 = 27)

25) Discuss the reasons that resulted in the discovery of new sea route to India.

26) What were the conditions of Srirangapatna treaty?

27) Explain how Swami Vivekananda was a source of inspiration to the youngsters.


List out the achievements of Subhash Chandra Bose in the Independence struggle.

28) What are the main aims of UNO?

29) Explain the methods of soil conservation.


What is conservation of forest? What are your suggestions for conservation of


30) Make a list of Industrial zones of India.

31) What are the differences between Organized and Unorganized workers?
32) Explain Gandhiji’s concept of “Gram Swarajya” in the light of decentralization.


What is fiscal deficit? Mention the four types of fiscal deficit.

33) What are the characteristics of Bank?


What are the characteristics of an Entrepreneur?

V Answer the following questions in eight sentences. (4 * 4 = 16)

34) Explain the reasons that led to the failure of the 1857 Mutiny?

35) Make a list of the effects of British Education in India.


What are the contributions of Nehru as Prime Minister of India?

36) The relationship between India and China is recently spoiled. What are the reasons

for this?

37) What is agriculture? What are the types of agriculture?

VI 38) Draw an outline map of India and mark the following places ( 1 + 4 = 5)

A. Malbar coast
B. Pampa Sagara
C. 82.50 East longitude
D. Gateway of India
Office of Deputy Director of School Education, Kolar District, Kolar
2023-24 S.S.L.C Model Question Paper -3
Time : 3 hours 15 Mins Max Marks : 80
Social Science (85E)
I. Four choices are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete
statements. Choose the correct answer and write the complete answer along
with its letter of alphabet. 8x1=8

1. Treaty that ended the First Carnatic War

(A)The treaty of Pondicherry

(B) The treaty of Madras

(C) The treaty of Paris

(D) The treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle

2. 'Indian farmers were born in debt, lived in debt and died in debt due to the British
land revenue policy.'was stated by

(A) Lord Corn Wallis

(B) Macaulay

(C) James Thomas

(D) Alexander Reid

3. A United Nations organization established with the objective of providing an

enabling environment for the development of women and children.

(A) World Health Organization



(D) International Labor Organization

4. Year the Child Marriage Abolition Act came into force


(B) 1987

(C) 2006

(D) 1994

5. Asia's tallest dam built on the Sutlej River

(A) Krishna Dam

(B) Bhakra Dam

(C )Hirakud Dam

( D) Tungabhadra Dam

6. Import of petroleum crude oil by India is increasing nowadays. because,

(A) Export duty is reduced

(B)Increase in production cost

(C)Production in India is low

(D) Petroleum reserves are low

7. Objective of the 73rd constitution amendment of 1993

(A)Enactment of Equal Pay Act

(B) Implementation of SvarnaGramodaya Yojana

(C) Establishment of Women Self Help Society

(D)Existence of uniform Panchayat Raj Organization throughout the country

8. The suitable bank account for Mr. Ravi to save money to buy a car in the future
from now

(A) Term DepositAccount

(B) Savings Bank Account

(C) Current Account

(D) Recurring Deposit Account

II. Answer each of these questions in a sentence each. 8x1=8

9. Who implemented the Doctrine of Lapse policy?

10. Which organization was started by Sri Narayana Guru?

11. Name the institutions established to control corruption?

12. What is social stratification?

13. Give an example of unorganized workers.

14. Why Shivalik Range is called 'Foot Hills'?

15. What is the main objective of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme?

16. Rohini buys a new computer worth Rs.1,00,000. But it broke down in a month.
The computer company did not condiser her complaint. In which consumer forum
she has to file a complaint ?

III. Answer each of these questions in two to four sentences or points each :
8 x 2 = 16

17. Mention the schemes devised for poverty alleviation in Karnataka state.


“Prohibition of Child Marriage is very essential in India.”Why.?

18. What are the measures taken by India to combat terrorism?


What is the role of UNESCO in spreading education and knowledge around the

19. Jyotiba Pule is everremembered in the history of India. Why?

20. Name the seasons of India.

21. Explain the geographical factors required for growing wheat.

22. Justify that public finance is different from personal finance.

23. Explain the objectives of the Consumer Protection Act.

IV. Answer each of these questions in six sentences / points each. 9 x 3 = 27

25. Explain the effects of Battle of Plassey.


Explain the causes of World War II.

26. List the National Parks of India.


List the departments where AdvancedTechnology is being used.

27. Explain the objectives of Five Year Plans.


Explain the role of StreeshaktiSanghs in enhancing the self-esteem of women.

28. Explain the characteristics of Banks.


Explain the functions of an Entrepreneur.

29. Describe the achievements of ChikkaDevarajaWodeya.

30. How Goa was freed from the Portuguese.

31. What are the factors responsible for India-Pakistan tension?

32. List the difference between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.

33. Explain the nature of employment discrimination.

V. Answer each of these questions in eight sentences / points each.

34. ‘The dream of complete independence of the revolutionaries in the freedom

struggle of India'. Justify.


The Charter Act of 1833 is intended to further improve the total system of India.

35. Explain the effects of 1857 rebellion.

36. What are the steps taken by the government to increase literacy?

37. Explain the effects of floods and flood control measures.

VI. 38. Draw a map of India and mark the following: 1+ 4 = 5

a) NagarjunaSagar

b) Kalpakam

c) 23 ½ 0 North Latitude

d) Lakshadweep

2023-24 S. S. L. C. Model Question Paper -4


Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes MaxMarks : 80

I. Four choices are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete
statements. Choose the correct answer and write the complete answer along
with its letter of alphabet. 1x8=8

1. What was the reason for the political decline of the Portuguese in India?

a) British invasion
b) Arrival of Dutch and British
c) Alburquerque successor officials were weak
d) Loss in trade

2. Main objective of 'Akhila Karnataka Rajya NirmanParishad' movement was

a) Naming Mysore state as Karnataka

b) Creation of Karnataka state
c) Kannada Unification of speaking areas
d ) Addition to Indian union

3. United Nations aid agency to provide enabling environment for development of

women and children

3. Objective of ‘KuliyindaShalege’ program

a ) To free children from labor
b) About education among children creating awareness
c) Banning child labor
d) Enrolling child labourers in school

5. Year the Equal Pay Act came into effect

a) 1976 b) 1986 c) 1876 d) 1886

6. The reason bauxite is called the 'wonder metal'

a) It is beautiful

b) Because it is used for diverse purposes

c) It is very light and rigid

d) Because it is available everywhere

7. Main objective of 11th Five Year Plan

a) Agricultural development

b) Inclusive growth

c) Industrial development

d) Development of information technology

8. Institute established in 1978 to establish industries in rural areas and concentrate

their administration and integrity.

A) Small Industrial Development Corporation

b) Technical Consultancy

c) District Industrial Centre

d) National Industrial Corporation

II. Answer each of these questions in a sentence each. 1 x 8 =8

9. The National Congress ruled that the Simon Commission was an insult to
Indians and boycotted the Simon Commission. Justify this statement
10. What is the purpose of Swami Dayananda Saraswati's slogan 'Return to the
11. What is mob?
12. Which is the subsidiary body of world organization called Global Parliament?
13. What is the reason for North India having very high temperature in summer
14. Define mixed farming.
15. What is the main objective of SuvarnaGramodaya Yojana?
16. Which bank account can be opened at least as many times a day?
III. Answer each of these questions in two to four sentences or points each :
2 x 8 = 16

17. What were the consequences of the Third Carnatic War?

18. In which year was the State Redistribution Commission constituted and who
were its members?
19. What are the events that gave strength to the struggle for human rights in the
What are the permanent member countries of Security Committee?
20. Unemployment problem creates many problems in the society.
Justify how child marriage adversely affects children.
21. What are the differences between personal finance and public finance?
22. Name four rights of Consumer Protection Act.
23. Classify Babul, Silver, Laurel, Sheesham, Baira, Sabai grass as steppe flora and
Himalayan alpine flora.
24. Soil erosion naturally causes many effects. Analyze.

IV. Answer each of these questions in six sentences / points each. 3 x 9 = 27

25. Government of India Act, 1935, is the foundation of the Constitution of India.
26. What are the roles of truth seeking society in social reform?
How the Revolt of 1857 failed to drive the British out of India.
27. Explain that Mussolini's fascism was extremely brutal
28. India and America are two democracies and explain how they are friendly with
each other
29. What are the constitutional and legislative measures for removal of
30. List the eastern and western ports in India.
Explain the geographical factors required for growing paddy and wheat.
31. List the flood prone areas.
32. How women self-help societies play an important role in rural development.
Explain Central Government Plan Expenditure and Non-Plan Expenditure.
33. State the various services offered by the post office to the customers.
What are the institutes set up by central and state governments to provide financial
market training to entrepreneurs?

V. Answer each of these questions in eight sentences / points each. 4 x 4 =16

34. Describe Puttabasappa's revolt in Kodagu province during the freedom

35. Explain Rani Gaidinliu fought against the British.
Explain the role of radicals in India's freedom struggle.
36. The government is continuously striving to increase literacy. Justify.
37. What are the changes brought about by the use of remote sensing technology?

VI. 38. Draw a map of India and mark the following: 1 + 4= 5

a )Konkan coast

b) Pampa Sagar

c) Kosi

d) Tarapura
2023-24 SSLC MODEL PAPER - 5
TIME : 3 HOURS 15 MINUTES max marks : 80
I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete
statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct
alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 8X1=8
1. Adopted children have no rights policy was implemented by
A) Lord Wellesley C) Lord Cornwallis
B) Lord Wellesley D) Warren Hastings

2. The reason for Indian soldiers opposed to Royal Enfield Rifles was
A) Royal Enfield Rifles were heavy
B) A rumor was spread that Royal Enfield Rifles were smeared with the fat
of pig and cow
C) Soldiers have no ability to use those rifles.
D) The British forced Indian soldiers to overseas service

3. International Court of justice is located in

A) New York B) Geneva C) Paris D) Hague

4. The reason for implemented the equal wages act of 1976 was
A) To emphasize division of labour
B) To encourage the specialization of workers
C) To remove discrimination in labour
D) to bring equality in the distribution of wages

5. The child helpline number is

A) 1098 B) 1089 C) 1908 D) 1980

6. Maximum number of sugar industries are located in the Ganga River plain region.
A) 40% people of India are live there
B) Most of the people use sugar
C) It has irrigation facility throughout the year
D) Sugarcane growing here in large scale

7. The members of the national development council are

A) Secretaries of the state governments
B) Chief ministers of all states
C) Rural Development ministers of all states
D) Prime minister and cabinet
8. If compensation exceeding more than 20 lakhs, the complaint should lodge in

A) Taluk Forum B) District Forum

C) State Commission D) National Commission

II. Answer the following questions in a sentence each.

9. With Which treaty did the second Anglo Maratha war end?
10. How did Minto-Marley reformations lead to partition of the country?
11. Trusteeship council had become smaller. Why?
12. What is social stratification?
13. What is the reason for high temperature in north India during summer?
14. Damodar River was called 'Sorrow of Bengal'. Why?
15. Dr. M.S Swaminathan is called 'the father of Indian Green Revolution'. Why?
16. Entrepreneurship is a creative activity. How?

III. Answer the following questions in two to four sentences each. 8x2=16
17. The Buxar battle made the British as the real holders of power over Bihar, Bengal
and Odisha provinces. How?
18. How did Sardar Vallabhbhai succeed in the integration of provinces in India?
19. Disarmament is a need of the present world. Why?
List out the objectives of Commonwealth of Nations?
20. Unemployment is a serious social problem. How?
Explain the measures for eradicating the problem of child labour.?
21. Why is the northern plain called the Accretion plain?
22. Explain the problems of Road Transport.?
23. What are the differences between direct taxes and indirect taxes?
24. Mention the main objectives of the consumer protection act.?
IV. Answer the following questions in six sentences each. 9x3=27
25. Analyse the judicial system organized by the British through the East India
The role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in the reformation of Muslim society is significant.
26. Explain the administrative and military causes for 1857 revolt?
27. Explain the contributions of Jawaharlal Nehru to the development of India as the
prime minister?
28. India and Russia have cordial relationship. Justify.?
29. Explain the importance of women self-help groups.?
30. Soil erosion leads to many problems. How?
What are the main aims of multi-purpose river valley projects. Explain.
31. What are the types of land use?
32. Explain Gandhiji's concept of 'grama swarajya' in the light of decentralization.
Mention the differences between personal finance and public finance?
33. List out the characterestics of banks.?
List out the functions of an entrepreneur.?

V. Answer the following questions in eight to ten sentences each. 4x4=16

34. Explain the role of brave queen Chennamma in the rebellion of Kittur.?
35. Explain the role of Radicals in the freedom struggle of India.?
What were the effects of World War II?
36. Communalism is a menace to the unity and integrity of our nation. How?
37. Explain the causes and effects of Landslides.?

VI. 38. Draw a neat outline map of India and mark the following. 1+4=5
a) Indira cole
b) Indias tea port
c) Govinda sagar
d) Indira Gandhi International Airport

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