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CHAPTER : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

1. The molal depreesion constant of water is 1.86o C/m. Then find out the freezing point of 0.1 m NaCl
(A) –1.86o C (B) 0.372o C (C) –0.372o C (D) –0.186o C
2. The solution of 1 gram urea boils at 100.25 oC, At what temperature the same volume solution of 3
gram glucose will boil ?
(A) 100o C (B) 100.5o C (C) 100.25o C (D) 100.75o C
3. Which of the following having same Van’t Hoff factor as that of K3[Fe(CN)6] ?
(A) Al2(SO4)3 (B) K2SO4 (C) Al(NO3)3 (D) KCl

4. What is the mole fraction of NaCl, when solution is prepared by dissolving 5.85 gram NaCl in
90 gram of water ?
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.1 (C) 0.01 (D) 0.0196
5. The concentration of an aqueous solution of glucose is 10 % W/V. How much solution is required to
dissolve 1 mole glucose ?
(A) 18 litre (B) 9 litre (C) 0.9 litre (D) 1.8 litre
6. What will be the osmotic pressure of 5 % W/V sugar solution of 150oC temperature ?
(A) 5.07 atmosphere (B) 5.70 atmosphere (C) 7.5 atmosphere (D) 3.55 atmosphere
7. Show the relation between the osmotic pressure of the solutions prepared in 1 liter water by dissolving
10 gram glucose (P1), 10 gram urea (P2) and 10 gram Sucrose, (P3) respectively.
(A) P2 > P1 > P3 (B) P2 > P3 > P1 (C) P1 > P2 > P3 (D) P3 > P2 > P1

8. 5% sucrose solution is isotonic with 1% ‘X’ solution. What will be the molecular weight of ‘X’ ?
(A) 342 gram/mole (B) 180 gram/mole (C) 68.4 gram/mole (D) 171 gram/mole
9. The vapour pressure of benzene is 75 mm and that of toluene is 22 mm at 20 oC tempreture. The
solution prepared by mixing 78 gram benzene and 46 gram toluene then, what will be the partial
pressure of benzene in the mixture ?
(A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 100 (D) 75
10. The vapour pressure of mixture of ethanol and propanol is 290 mm at 300 K temp. If the vapour
pressure of propanol is 200 mm at 300 K temp. and the mole fraction of ethanol is 0.6, then what
will be the vapour pressure of ethanol at 300 K temp. ?
(A) 350 mm (B) 300 mm (C) 700 mm (D) 360 mm
11. Two liquid A and B form an ideal solution on mixing. The vapour pressure of solution having 1 mole
A and 3 mole B is 550 mm at 300 K temp. The vapour pressure will increased by 10 mm on addition
of 1 mole B to the solution. What will be the vapour pressure of A and B individually ?
(A) 500 and 600 (B) 200 and 300 (C) 300 and 400 (D) 400 and 600
12. Which one is not equal to zero for an ideal solution ?
(A) DHmix (B) DSmix
(C) DVmix (D) DP = Pobserved – PRaoult

13. The Van’t Hoff factor (i) for a dilute aqueous solution of the strong electrolyte barium hydroxide is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 0 (D) 1

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14. If increase in boiling point of 1 molal glucose solution is 2K and increase in freezing point of 2 molal
glucose solution is also 2K. Then state the relationship of Kb and Kf .
(A) Kb = 1.5 Kf (B) Kb = 0.5 Kf (C) Kb = 2Kf (D) Kb = Kf

15. The mixture that forms maximum boiling azeotrope is :

(A) Heptane + Octane (B) Water + Nitric acid
(C) Ethanol + Water (D) Acetone + Carbon disulphide
16. Which pair is isotonic at same temperature ?
(A) 0.1 M urea and 0.1 M KCl (B) 0.1 M Ba(NO3)2 and 0.1 M Na2SO4
(C) 0.2 M NaCl and 0.2 M Na2SO4 (D) 0.2 M BaCl2 and 0.2 M Sucrose

17. Which of the following is change with temperature ?

(A) Molality (B) %W/W (C) Formality (D) Mole fraction

18. Freezing point of urea solution is –0.60 C. How much urea is required to be dissolved in 3 kg water
? [M(urea) = 60 g mol–1, Kf = 1.50C kg mol–1]
(A) 2.4 g (B) 3.6 g (C) 6.0 g (D) 72 g
19. The elevation in boiling point of the solution prepared by dissolving 0.6 gram urea to 200 gram water
is 0.50oC. What will be the molal elevation constant ?
(A) 10 K kg mole (B) 10 K kg mole–1 (C) 1.0 K kg mole (D) 100 K kg mole–1
20. How much NaOH is required to prepare 10% w/w 500 gram solution of NaOH ?
(A) 0.5 gram (B) 100 gram (C) 5.0 gram (D) 50 gram
21. When gas is dissolve in liquid solvent and form solution, then according to Raoult’s law its vapour
pressure will be....
Po – P n N
(A) o
= (B) P = K · (C) P = KH · XA (D) P = PA + PB
P n+N n +N
22. ) The osmotic pressure of 0.5 M aqueous solution of CH3COOH having 2pH at temperature T
is ............
(A) 0.051 RT (B) 1.02 RT (C) 0.51 RT (D) 0.102 RT
23. ) Which of the following is a formula to calculate degree of dissociation ?
(A) an – a = i (B) an – a + 1 = i (C) ai – a + 1 = n (D) a – an – 1 = i
24. If standard potential of M, N, O, P and Q half cells are in increasing order in standard condition,
then on attaching which two half cells will produce maximum potential ?
(A) M and N (B) M and Q (C) M and P (D) M and O
25. Standard reduction potential of metals X, Y and Z are 0.34V, 0.80V and –0.45V then give their order of
strength of reduction potential.
(A) Z > Y > X (B) Z > X > Y (C) X > Y > Z (D) Y > Z > X
26. If l = length, R = resistance and A = cross sectional area, then ......….
l A 1
(A) R µ (B) R µ (C) R µ (D) R µ lA
A l Al
27. At which temperature, ceramic matters are known as super conductor ?
(A) 0 K (B) 200 K (C) 150 K (D) 15 K
2.303 RT
28. What is the value of at 298 K temperature ?
(A) 0.0296 (B) 0.59 (C) 0.0831 (D) 0.059
29. Ni(s) | Ni2+(aq) || Ag+(aq) | Ag(s) is a non-standard cell, in which concentration of ion is less than 1 M,
then determine correct formula to calculate potential of non-standard cell.

– 0.059 [A +g ] 0.059 [Ni 2+ ]
(A) Ecell = E cell - log E cell – log
2 [Ni 2+ ] 2 [Ag + ]
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2+ 2 2+
Ni(s) | Ni2+(aq) || Ag+(aq) | Ag(s) is a non-standard cell, in which concentration of ion is less than 1 M,
then determine correct formula to calculate potential of non-standard cell.

– 0.059 [A +g ] 0.059 [Ni 2+ ]
(A) Ecell = E cell - log E cell – log
2 [Ni 2+ ] 2 [Ag + ]

– 0.059 [Ni 2+ ]2 d
– 0.059 [Ni 2+ ]
(C) Ecell = E cell - log (D) Ecell = E cell - log
2 [Ag + ]2 2 [Ag + ]2
30. 0.1 mole Ni is obtained on electrolysis of NiSO 4 solution in neutral solution, how much faraday
electricity should be pass through the cell ?
(A) 1 F (B) 0.1 F (C) 0.2 F (D) 0.01 F
31. Calculate emf of cell for the following reaction.
Ni(s) + 2Ag+ (0.002M) ® Ni+2 (0.160M) + 2Ag(s) [where, E°cell = 1.05 V]
(A) 1.9142 (B) 9.142 (C) 0.9142 (D) 91.42
32. How much current in columb is required to decrease 1 mol of Cr2O7–2 from the following reaction ?
Cr2O7–2 + 14H+ + 6e– ® 2Cr+3 + 7H2O
(A) 5,80,000 columb (B) 5,79,500 columb (C) 5,80,500 columb (D) 5,79,000 columb
33. Write chemical reaction occurred in lead storage cell.
(A) 2PbSO4 + 2H2O ® PbO2 + 2H2SO4 + Pb (B) 2PbSO4 + H2O ® PbO2 + Pb + H2SO4
(C) PbSO4 + 3H2O ® PbSO2 + 2Pb + 2H2SO4 (D) PbSO4 + 2H2O ® PbO2 + 2H2SO4

34. To reduce 1 mol MnO–41 into Mn2+, how much coulomb electricity is required ?
(A) 96500C (B) 1.93 ´ 105C (C) 4.83 ´ 105C (D) 9.65 ´ 106C
35. How much Pt is deposited on cathode when 0.80 F current is pass through 1.0 M solution of Pt4+ ?
(A) 1.0 mole (B) 0.20 mole (C) 0.40 mole (D) 0.80 mole
36. What is the ratio of Al, Cu and Na when 3F current is pass through different electrolytic solution of
molten Al2O3; aqueous CuSO4 and molten NaCl ?
(A) 3 : 4 : 6 (B) 2 : 1 : 6 (C) 3 : 2 : 1 (D) 2 : 3 : 6
37. 5600 ml of O2 is obtained by electrolysis at STP, then how much Ag is obtained by same electricity ?
(atomic mass of Ag = 108)
(A) 5.4 gm (B) 10.8 gm (C) 54.0 gm (D) 108.0 gm
38. The molar conductance of NaCl, HCl and CH3COONa at infinite dilution are 126.45, 426.16 and 91.0
S cm2 mol–1 respectively. The molar conductance of CH3COOH at infinite dilution is. Choose the
right option for your answer.
(A) 698.28 S cm2 mol–1 (B) 540.48 S cm2 mol–1
(C) 201.28 S cm2 mol–1 (D) 390.71 S cm2 mol–1
39. ) Which of the following aqueous solution does not show straight line graph of C ® Lm ?
(A) NaCN (B) HCN (C) NaCl (D) HCl
132) If from AlCl3, AgNO3 and MgSO4 solution 1 mole electron is passed, then at what ratio of weight
Al, Ag and Mg will deposit on electrode ?
(A) 3 : 6 : 2 (B) 2 : 6 : 3 (C) 1 : 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2 : 1
41. ) Which products are obtained during electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium chloride ?
(A) NaOH, O2 and H2 (B) NaOH, Cl2 and H2 (C) NaOH, Na and H2 (D) Na, Cl2 and H2

42. ) Molar conductivity of KCl, NaCl and KNO3 are 150, 126 and 109 S cm2 mol–1 respectively, then what is
the molar conductivity of NaNO3 ?
(A) 385 S cm2 mol–1 (B) 133 S cm2 mol–1 (C) 167 S cm2 mol–1 (D) 85 S cm2 mol–1

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174) Lom (NH OH) = ...........
(A) L°m(NH + L°m(NH – L°m(HCl) (B) L°m(NH + L°m(NaOH) – L°m(NaCl)
4OH) 4Cl) 4Cl)
(C) L°m(NH + L°m(NaCl) – L°m(NaOH) (D) L°m(NaOH) + L°m(NaCl) – L°m(NH
4Cl) 4Cl)

44. ) How much electricity is required in Faraday to produce 40.0 g of Al from molten Al2O3 ? (Atomic
mass of Al = 27 g mol–1)
(A) 4.44 (B) 2.96 (C) 0.225 (D) 1.48
45. What is the correct order of melting points of elements of first transition series ?
(A) Mn > Cr > V > Ti (B) Ti > V > Cr > Mn (C) Cr > Mn > V > Ti (D) Cr > V > Ti > Mn
46. Which of the following is not known ?
(A) Cu2+ (B) Sc2+ (C) Fe2+ (D) Cr2+
47. Which of the following is most basic ?
(A) Ce(OH)3 (B) Lu(OH)3 (C) Al2O3 (D) Ca(OH)2

48. Calculate magnetic moment of Fe+3 ions. (Fe = 26)

(A) 5.9 BM (B) 0.59 BM (C) 59 BM (D) 590 BM
49. Calculate spin magnetic momentum of M2+(aq) ions. (Z = 27)
(A) 3.80 BM (B) 3.87 BM (C) 0.387 BM (D) 38.7 BM
50. State the oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4.
(A) +2 (B) +4 (C) +6 (D) +7
51. State the chemical formula of pyrolusite.
(A) Mn2O3 (B) MnO3 (C) MnO2 (D) Mn2O7

52. Which oxidation state of manganize is unstable ?

(A) +2 (B) +4 (C) +5 (D) +7
53. What is the structure of chromate ion ?
(A) Tetrahedral (B) Octahedral (C) Triagonal planar (D) Linear
54. Which of the folloing ion has highest ionic radius ?
(A) Cr+3 (B) Mn+3 (C) Fe+3 (D) Co+3
55. State the element X by the following electronic configuration. X = [Ar]3d104s1
(A) Ni (B) Cu (C) Zn (D) Co
56. State unpaired electrons in 28Ni.
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1
57. What is the oxidation number of Ti, whose magnetic moment is 1.73 BM ?
(A) +3 (B) +2 (C) +1 (D) +4
58. What is the % of iron in pyrophoric alloy ?
(A) 20% (B) 50% (C) 95% (D) 5%
59. Find basic oxides from the following :
(1) Mn2O7 (2) V2O3 (3) V2O5
(4) CrO (5) Cr2O3
(A) (1) and (2) (B) (2) and (3) (C) (3) and (4) (D) (2) and (4)
60. What is the atomic number of iron and chromium in chromite ore ?
(A) +3, +2 (B) +3, +6 (C) +2, +6 (D) +2, +3
61. ) What will be the unit of rate constant for following reaction ?
C2H4(g) + H2(g) ® C2H6(g)
(A) mol–1 L S–1 (B) S–1 –1 S–1 (D) mol–2 L2 S–1

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) What will be the unit of rate constant for following reaction ?
C2H4(g) + H2(g) ® C2H6(g)
(A) mol–1 L S–1 (B) S–1 –1 S–1 (D) mol–2 L2 S–1
62. ) Which of the following is bimolecular reaction ?
(A) N2 + 3H2 ® 2NH3 (B) 2NH3 ® N2 + 3H2
(C) NH4NO2 ® N2 + 2H2O (D) 2NO + O2 ® 2NO2
63. ) What is the slope of graph of ln k ® ?
Ea – 2.303 Ea R – 2.303R
(A) – (B) (C) – (D)
R R Ea Ea
64. ) What is the unit of rate constant of the second order reaction ?
(A) mol L–1s–1 (B) mol–1 Ls–1 (C) s–1 (D) mol–2 L+2s–1
143) 3ClO– ® ClO–3 + 2Cl The rate of reaction of above reaction is given by ......... .
(A) K1[ClO–] (B) K1[Cl–]2 (C) K1[ClO2–] (D) K1[ClO–]2
66. ) The order of following reaction is .........
H 2(g) + Cl 2(g) ¾¾® 2HCl(g)
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 1.5 (D) 0
67. ) For the reaction A + B ® Products,
– = x · e –Ea /RT , what is x ?
(A) Collision frequency (B) Molecularity (C) Avogadro number (D) Rate constant
120) What will be the theoretical rate of elementary reaction if pressure of O2 is increased by three times
? 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ® 2SO3(g)
(A) 27 times increase (B) 9 times increase (C) 18 times increase (D) 3 times increase
69. ) Instantaneous rate of reaction for the reaction 3A + 2B ® 5C is .........
1 d[ A ] 1 d [B ] 1 d [C ] 1 d[ A] 1 d [ B] 1 d [C ]
(A) + = - =+ (B) - = - =+
3 dt 2 dt 5 dt 3 dt 2 dt 5 dt
1 d[ A] 1 d [ B] 1 d [C ] 1 d[ A] 1 d [B] 1 d [C ]
(C) + =+ =- (D) + = - =-
3 dt 2 dt 5 dt 3 dt 2 dt 5 dt
70. What is the unit for rate constant for pseudo first order reaction ?
(A) L mol –1 sec–1 (B) sec–1 (C) mol lt–1 sec–1 (D) L2 mol–2 sec–1
71. Total order of reaction X + Y ® XY is 3. The order of reaction with respect to X is 2. State the
differential rate equation for the reaction.
d[X] d[X] d[X] d[X]
(A) – = K[X]3[Y]0 (B) – = K[X]0[Y]3 (C) – = K[X]2[Y] (D) – = K[X][Y]2
dt dt dt dt
72. What is rate of reaction order of the following reaction ?
4 1
Rate = K[X] [Y]5

6 5 4
(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)
5 6 5
226 22 2 4
73. 86 Ra ® 84 Rn + He Order of reaction is .....
(A) 0 (B) 1st (C) 2nd (D) 3rd
74. How many time is required to complete reaction when initial concentration of reactant is [R]0 . For
zero order reaction ?
[R]0 2[R]0 [R]0 1 [R]0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
K K K 2 K

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75. Which of the following graphs represents exothermic reaction ?
Activated complex
Activated complex Activated complex


(i) (ii) Products (iii)
Reactants Reactants Products
Products Reactants
Reaction coordinate
(A) only (i) (B) only (ii) (C) only (iii) (D) (i) and (ii)
76. When 0.1 mol of CoCl3(NH3)5 is treated with excess AgNO3, 0.2 mol AgCl is obtained. The
conductivity of a solution will correspond to (cation : anion) .............
(A) 1 : 3 electrolyte (B) 1 : 2 electrolyte (C) 1 : 1 electrolyte (D) 3 : 1 electrolyte
77. The correct order of wavelength of absorption of Cr-complex is ...........
(A) [CrF6]3– > [Cr(H2O)6]3+ > [Cr(en)3]3+ (B) [Cr(en)3]3+ > [Cr(H2O)6]3+ > [CrF6]3–
(C) [Cr(H2O)6]3+ > [CrF6]3– > [Cr(en)3]3+ (D) [Cr(en)3]3+ > [CrF6]3– > [Cr(H2O)6]3+

78. The crystal field splitting energy for [CoCl6]4– is 16000 cm–1. The crystal field splitting energy for
[CoCl4]2– would be ............
(A) 8000 (B) 711 (C) 7111 (D) 6423
79. The complex with spin-only magnetic moment of 4.9 BM is ...........
(A) [Fe(H2O)6]3+ (B) [Fe(H2O)6]2+ (C) [Fe(CN)6]3– (D) [Fe(CN)6]4–

80. The geometries of [Ni(CO)4] and [Ni(CN)4]2– respectively are ...........

(A) square planar and square planar. (B) tetrahedral and tetrahedral.
(C) square planar and tetrahedral. (D) tetrahedral and square planar.
81. The number of unpaired electrons in the complex ion is in order :
(A) [CuCl4]2– < [NiCl4]2– < [ZnCl4]2– < [CoCl4]2– (B) [ZnCl4]2– < [CuCl4]2– < [NiCl4]2– < [CoCl4]2–
(C) [ZnCl4]2– < [CuCl4]2– < [CoCl4]2– < [NiCl4]2– (D) [ZnCl4]2– < [CoCl4]2– < [NiCl4]2– < [CuCl4]2–

82. Which is not an ambidentate ligand ?

(A) –CN (B) SCN– (C) NO– 2 (D) C2O24 –
83. d–d transition is not known in ...........
(A) Cu (B) Cr (C) Fe (D) Pb
84. When 1 mole of CrCl3 × 6H2O is treated with excess of AgNO3, 3 mol of AgCl are obtained. The
formula of the complex is ..........
(A) [CrCl3(H2O)3] × 3H2 O (B) [CrCl2(H2O)4 ]Cl × 2H2 O
(C) [CrCl(H2O)5]Cl2× H2 O (D) [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3
85. The correct IUPAC name of [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] is...
(A) Diamminedichloridoplatinum (II) (B) Diamminedichloridoplatinum (IV)
(C) Diamminedichloridoplatinum (0) (D) Dichloridodiammineplatinum (IV)
86. Indicate the complex ion which shows geometrical isomerism.
(A) [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]+ (B) [Pt(NH3)3Cl] (C) [Co(NH3)6]3+ (D) [Co(CN)5(NC)]3–

87. The CFSE for octahedral [CoCl6]4– is 18,000 cm–1. The CFSE for tetrahedral [CoCl4]2– will be ..........
(A) 18,000 cm–1 (B) 16,000 cm–1 (C) 8,000 cm–1 (D) 20,000 cm–1
88. Which complex from the following is true most stable ?
(A) [Fe(H2O)6]3+ (B) [Fe(CN)6]3– (C) [Fe(C2O4)3]3– (D) [FeCl6]3–

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89. What is the electric charge of central metal in complex [Ni(CO)4] ?
(A) +2 (B) +4 (C) 0 (D) +3
90. What is the covalent bond number of [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 compelx ?
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 18 (D) 9
91. Co-ordinate number, oxidation number, number of electrons in d-orbital and number of unpaired
electron of central metal Co in [Co(NH3)4CO3]ClO4 ?
(A) 6, 3, 6, 0 (B) 7, 2, 7, 1 (C) 6, 2, 7, 3 (D) 7, 1, 6, 4
92. Which of the following octahedral complex does not show geometrical isomers ? (Where A and B are
unidentate ligand)
(A) [MA2B4] (B) [MA3B3] (C) [MA4B2] (D) [MA5B]

93. What is the increasing order of reactivity for crystal field theory ?
(A) H2O < OH– < Cl– < F– < CN– (B) CN– < H2O < OH– < CN– < F–
(C) F– < CN– < OH– < Cl– < H2O (D) Cl– < F– < OH– < H2O < CN–

94. What is the relation of octahedral (D0) with tetrahedral (Dt) complex for splitting energy of crystal
field theory ?
1 4 3 2
(A) D t = D0 (B) D t = D0 (C) D t = D0 (D) D t = D0
2 9 5 5
95. Which complex contains D0 values is the minimum ?
(A) [Cr(CN)6]3– (B) [Co(NH3)6]3+ (C) [CoCl6]3– (D) [Cr(H2O)6]3+

96. What is ionised isomer of [Cr(H2O)4Cl(NO2)]Cl ?

(A) [Cr(H2O)4(O2N)]Cl2 (B) [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]NO2
(C) [Cr(H2O)4Cl(ONO)]Cl (D) [Cr(H2O)3Cl(NO2)]H2O

97. What is the oxidation no. of [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]+ ?

(A) +3 (B) +2 (C) +1 (D) 0
98. What is co-ordination numbers of E in [E(en)2(C2O4)]NO2 complex and what is its oxidation state ?
(A) 6 and 3 (B) 6 and 2 (C) 4 and 2 (D) 4 and 3
99. What is the number of geometrical isomers of complex [Pt(Py)(NH3)BrCl] ?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 0 (D) 2
100. The octahedral complex of a metal ion M3+ with four monodentate ligands L1, L2, L3 and L4 absorbs
wavelengths in the region of red, green, yellow and blue respectively. The increasing order of ligand
field strength is....
(A) L3 < L2 < L4 < L1 (B) L1 < L3 < L2 < L4 (C) L4 < L3 < L2 < L1 (D) L1 < L2 < L3 < L4

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CHAPTER : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5






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