Mary Attachment Report

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By :


REG NO: CT202/0042/18


Report submitted to the Department of computing and informatics in a fulfillment of the

requirements of bachelors degree in COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY at MERU

Submission date:


Declaration by the Student

I ……………………………..............................................................declare that this is my

original work and has not been presented anywhere else to the best of my knowledge.

Confirmation by the Supervisor

I……………………………................................................................confirm this report has not

been presented anywhere to the best of my knowledge.


I would like to dedicate this report to my family,friends, my fellow interns, officers at ICT
department and all those who supported me through the internship period to gain more


I would like to thank God for the gift of life and protection that He has given me throughout to
this moment.

I also thank my family and friends for the support throughout the internship period. Thanking
University of Meru management for giving me that chance to build my career and gaining more


This report is a summary of my internship period. It basically states the activities and encounters,
the things I achieved and how I got to apply skills learnt in class to practice. In addition it also
states some of the challenges that I encountered during that period.


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................8
1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background information of the organization.................................................................................8
1.2 The ICT Department.......................................................................................................................8
1.3 Functions Delegated to me within the Department....................................................................11
1.4 Contacts and physical location.....................................................................................................12
1.5 Mission, Vision and core values...................................................................................................12
Core Values........................................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................13
2.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................13
2.1 UNISON SACCO ICT Department..................................................................................................13
2.2 MANDATE:...................................................................................................................................14
2.3 OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................15
SITUATION ANALYSIS OF UNISON SACCO NANYUKI..............................................................................15
3.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................15
3.1 STRENGHTS..................................................................................................................................15
Adoption of ICT..................................................................................................................................16

Availability of Resources....................................................................................................................16
Self-motivation and dedicated staffs.................................................................................................16
3.2 WEAKNESS...................................................................................................................................16
3.3 OPPORTUNITIES...........................................................................................................................17
3.4 THREATS......................................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................18
4.0 Duties...........................................................................................................................................18
4.1 Hardware, Software and information systems..........................................................................18
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................19
5.0 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................19
5.1 Significance of the course............................................................................................................19
5.2 Signifance of the student learning...............................................................................................19
5.3 Critiques of the organization.......................................................................................................19
5.4 Recommendations.......................................................................................................................20
5.5 References...................................................................................................................................20


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background information of the organization

The Unison Sacco Nanyuki head office is situated in Laikipia County, which is one of Kenya's
47 counties. This county is positioned on the Equator within the former Rift Valley Province of
the nation, and it holds the distinction of being county number 31. Laikipia County boasts two
significant urban hubs: Nanyuki, positioned to the southeast, and Nyahururu, located to the
southwest. The capital of this county is RumurutiSS. Geographically, Laikipia County spans
between latitudes 0° 18” South and 0° 51” North, and longitudinally between 36° 11” and 37°
24’ East.

The county shares its borders with several neighboring counties, including Samburu County to
the North, Isiolo County to the North East, Meru County to the East, Nyeri County to the South
East, Nyandarua County to the South, Nakuru County to the South West, and Baringo County to
the West.

Economically, Laikipia County thrives primarily through tourism and agriculture. The
agricultural sector is characterized by the cultivation of grain crops, ranching, and greenhouse
horticulture. The county's landscape encompasses the elevated and arid Laikipia Plateau, and it
experiences a cool, temperate climate with distinct rainy and dry seasons. The county shares its
borders with Nyandarua, Nyeri, Samburu, and Baringo counties.

Within the county, you'll find the Laikipia West Constituency, which serves as an electoral
constituency in Kenya. Among the three constituencies in Laikipia County, it was established for
the 1966 elections.


In an overall sense, the ICT Department is responsible for providing the infrastructure for
automation. It implements the governance for the use of network and operating systems, and it
assists the operational units by providing them the functionality they need.

It's important to note that although the IT department implements and facilitates the flow of
information, it doesn't create the policy that defines which information is correct or accessible to

The Three Major IT Functions

Governance refers to the implementation of operational parameters for working units and
individuals' use of IT systems, architecture, and networks. The governance of the master data is

based on workflow processes that integrate business rules and subject matter domain expertise.
This is part of the conventional IT security as well as the data assurance for which the IT
department is also responsible.

Infrastructure refers to the hardware components, the network, the circuitry, and all other
equipment necessary to make an IT system function according to the established needs and
system "size" of the company.

Functionality is perhaps the most apparent task performed by the IT department. It refers to
creating and maintaining operational applications; developing, securing, and storing electronic
data that belongs to the organization; and assisting in the use of software and data management
to all functional areas of the organization.

IT Network Responsibilities

The IT department oversees the installation and maintenance of computer network systems
within a company. This may only require a single IT employee, or in the case of larger
organizations, a team. Its primary function is to ensure that the network runs smoothly.

The IT department must evaluate and install the proper hardware and software necessary to keep
the network functioning properly. This includes working within a budget that allocates the
amount of money the company can afford on network devices and software. The IT department
must make sure that the equipment it invests in both optimally serves the needs of the company
without going over budget.

Networks can be simple or extremely complex depending upon their size and composition. In
addition to staying current on trends within business technology, employees may require college
degrees in a computer field to adequately handle the issues that arise in maintaining such a

Network Contingencies

Should a network system go down, the repercussions can be costly -- not just to the company and
its operations, but outside entities that require products or services from the company. These
outside entities could be affected and lose faith in the company's ability to provide them with
what they need. The IT department must put a crisis plan in place that can be implemented
should the system go down. It must be designed to put the network back up quickly or allow it to
switch over to an alternate system until the necessary repairs are completed.

Through the maintenance and planning of a network system, the IT department must forge
professional relationships with outside vendors and industry experts. This helps the department
employees perform their duties more efficiently as well as stay current on the latest technology
that might be beneficial to the company for which they work.

Application Development

Quite often, companies see the main role of the IT department as creating the applications that
serve its core business needs. The right applications allow a business to be innovative, more
productive, efficient, and to move ahead of its competitors. In many ways, this makes the IT
department crucial to the success of a business.

The expertise necessary to create the applications that can set a business apart from the others
requires an IT department with programmers, analysts, interface designers, database
administrators, testers, and other professionals. These employees become quite knowledgeable
about the operations of the business itself. As a result, they become valuable to other
departments outside IT.


Most people are aware that the IT department focuses on the success of computer operations and
other information technologies needs within a business. However, with many new forms of
electronic communication replacing older technology, communication is being redefined and is
now referred to as "telephony." This includes point to point phone calls as well as conference
calls. Video and web conference also fall under this category and include other forms of
technology necessary to facilitate communication: network drives, electronic mail (email), and
secures servers.

The IT department must fully understand how these systems work and interact with each other.
The department must also ensure that these systems remain operational at all times.

Company Website

The IT department is responsible for creating and maintaining the company's website. It designs
the layout, creates the code, and tests the site for usability. Depending upon the needs of the
company, the IT department can design the site for information only, or create a completely
interactive commercial site that can sell products directly to consumers.

Technical Support

Employees are familiar with having to contact the IT department for computer support. The IT
department provides this service for all the users who need access to the company's computer
systems. This might entail installing new software or hardware, repairing hardware that has
become faulty, training employees in the use of new software, and troubleshooting problems
with the system or with an individual's computer.

It's apparent that not all the IT department does is apparent - it creates and maintains so many
systems that go unseen or unrecognized by employees. These services, however, are integral to
the success of a business. Though they may not be appreciated when business is running

1.3 Functions Delegated to me within the Department

Governance refers to the implementation of operational parameters for working units and
individuals' use of IT systems, architecture, and networks. The governance of the master data is
based on workflow processes that integrate business rules and subject matter domain expertise.
This is part of the conventional IT security as well as the data assurance for which the IT
department is also responsible.

Infrastructure refers to the hardware components, the network, the circuitry, and all other
equipment necessary to make an IT system function according to the established needs and
system "size" of the company.

Functionality is perhaps the most apparent task performed by the IT department. It refers to
creating and maintaining operational applications; developing, securing, and storing electronic
data that belongs to the organization; and assisting in the use of software and data management
to all functional areas of the organization.

An important point to note that was accorded to me by my supervisors; nothing would leave the
office without the permission of the supervisor.

2.3 Key Responsibilities Assigned

 Network responsibility
 Network contingencies
 Application development
 Telephony.
 Technical support.
 Pc maintenance and repair.

1.4 Contacts and physical location

P.O. BOX 1234 Nanyuki, Kenya.
Tel: +254712345678
The Unison Sacco Nanyuki head office is situated in Laikipia County, within the vibrant town of

1.5 Mission, Vision and core value

"To become a benchmark Sacco that fulfills its constitutional responsibility to the members of
Unison Sacco Nanyuki."

"We are dedicated to enhancing the financial, social, and personal growth of our members by
providing effective financial services, exceptional customer support, and sustainable growth."

Core Values
At Unison Sacco Nanyuki, we uphold the following principles:

 Unity in Diversity: We recognize that our Sacco consists of members from various
backgrounds, all collaborating harmoniously for mutual growth. We operate within this
diverse environment.
 Integrity: We are committed to serving all our members with fairness, refraining from
exploiting vulnerabilities or special abilities, ensuring integrity in every interaction.
 Collaboration: We emphasize teamwork and collaboration to achieve collective goals,
united in purpose to deliver favorable outcomes.
 Impartiality: We treat every member equally, regardless of their background or
capabilities, fostering an environment of equality and respect.
 Responsiveness: Our priority is to act efficiently and effectively in all our services,
focusing on prompt and impactful service delivery.

These values guide us as we strive to provide the best possible financial services to our members at
Unison Sacco Nanyuki.


2.0 Introduction
This chapter clearly brings out the management structure in Nyahururu Deputy
Commisioners Offices and more specifically the management in the institutional Information
Technology Services department in which I was operating.

2.1 Nyahururu Deputy Commisioners Offices ICT Department

The Department is charged with developing and implementing ICT policy and related
infrastructure within the public sector.

The Functions of Nyahururu Deputy Commisioners Office ICT department are:

1. Developing and implementing an appropriate ICT policy for the company.

2. Advising the governance of company on matters related to ICT.
3. Networking and spearheading the equipping of the entire institution with appropriate
ICT facilities.
4. Providing the necessary ICT interface.
5. Offering technical advice on the procurement of ICT equipment.
6. Updating ICT in the entire institution so as to keep pace with technology
7. Ensuring optimal operation/use of ICT through training and other capacity building

The department's mandate rest's on the ICT functions which entails ensuring and maintaining
ICT standards within institution.

It further involves facilitating rapid national economic growth and development through
appropriate application of Information Communication Technology for sustainable performance
improvement, increase productivity/communications and provision of quality public services


1. Productivity: To enhance productivity and reduce costs by improving the accuracy,

timelines and speed with which the University functions can be met.
2. Information Availability: To increase and improve information and data availability,
thereby assisting the University in decision making and in providing services to the
3. Environmental Responsiveness: To ensure, from an Information System perspective,
the company is responsive to an environment that is constantly changing as a result of
changes in areas of laws, regulations, interpretations, and funding.
4. Infrastructure: To improve the infrastructure of the institution’s Information Systems,
including technical architecture (Connectivity, Hardware, Software), the organizations
structure, human resource capabilities (Training)
5. New Technology: To evaluate new technology to determine if it will provide benefits
to the county Government in achieving its business objectives
6. Customer Focus: Invoking Non Information Technology Personnel to meet the
Information needs of the Society/Organization


3.0 Introduction
This section provides an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities facing
Unison Sacco Nanyuki in its day-to-day operations. These factors encompass both internal and
external elements that either facilitate or impede the organization's performance.

3.1 Strengths
Qualified and Skilled Staff: Unison Sacco Nanyuki boasts a team of well-qualified and skilled
employees who possess extensive expertise and experience in their roles. The Sacco emphasizes
regular in-house training, ensuring that its staff members are well-prepared to navigate and
manage the intricacies of the organization.

Effective Adoption of Technology: The Sacco has successfully embraced technology,

leveraging information technology services to automate various processes. This technological
integration enhances efficiency in service delivery throughout the institution.

Resource Abundance: Unison Sacco Nanyuki is equipped with abundant resources that, when
effectively utilized, could significantly enhance its performance and outcomes. This resource
pool provides a competitive edge and an avenue for efficient implementation of its initiatives.

Motivated and Dedicated Team: The staff at Unison Sacco Nanyuki is characterized by self-
motivation and dedication to their roles, resulting in a workforce that is committed to delivering
excellent service.

3.2 Weaknesses
Skill Shortages: The Sacco faces a challenge of inadequate skills due to the evolving nature of
work within the financial sector. Remedying this, the Sacco has initiated a staff training program
to equip employees with the necessary skills.

Insufficient Working Facilities and Resources: The organization's productivity is hindered by

idle or malfunctioning equipment, leading to overburdening of the available resources.
Addressing this requires repairing and maintaining the equipment to ensure equitable workload

Inefficient Working Systems: The existence of multiple systems performing similar tasks
complicates operational processes, hampering smooth workflow. Integrating these systems into a
unified and functional platform would streamline operations.

3.3 Opportunities
Government Policies: Unison Sacco Nanyuki can benefit from favorable financial policies
enacted by the county government, as these policies provide a conducive environment for the
organization to enhance its service delivery using modern information technology.

Access to External Support: The Sacco is well-positioned to tap into external support,
including financial, technical, and human resources, through partnerships and collaborations.
This support can bolster the Sacco's ability to fulfill its responsibilities effectively.

By recognizing and addressing these factors, Unison Sacco Nanyuki can navigate its operational
landscape more effectively, leveraging its strengths and opportunities while mitigating
weaknesses and threats.

Power Outage

A power outage (also called a power cut, a power out, a power blackout, power failure or a
blackout) is a short-term or a long-term loss of the electric power to a particular area. Whenever
there is a power outage the computer lab and the whole organization stand still. All the machines
go off which at times causes loss of unsaved work from the staff.

Lack of proper internet connection.

Many are the times that internet connection is low or even when there is no connection at all.
Hence, most of the operations that depend on internet are slowly processed or not done at all.


4.0 Duties
The ICT department carried out a number of tasks in the various sub-departments. I was at the
user’s support department where I carried out maintenance work to faulty computers. In addition,
I was also involved in the setting up of switches for networking, server monitoring, internet
connection purposes and also printers that had faults in printing.There was also the installation
of various softwares like Microsoft office, linux, Adobe Reader and many more that enable the
workers and students to carry out their duties efficiently.

In summary the internship helped me apply my hardware and software skills in addition to my
knowledge acquired in school. Also the period of internship provided me with the opportunity to
practice my communication skills and build healthy relationships.

4.1 Hardware, Software and information systems

Some of the softwares I got to use include operating systems like windows 7, windows 10 and
XP which were the main ones used. I also got a chance to use word 2013, Adope Reader, music
player softwares,Zibabware reader,pointer magnifier,NVDA,Packet tracer

As for hardware, when we carried out some maintenance work, I was able to dust the harddisks,
disk drives, I assembled new compute and also upgraded RAM in three computers.

The information systems there included people, that is the network engineers who helped during
networking, the end-users that is students and staff who gave response to the various systems in
use, the hardware and softwares used also contributed to this systems.


5.0 Conclusion
The attachment period was significant to me because some of the things learned in class were
well understood after i applied them practically. In addition, it was a great opportunity to relate
with my fellow attachees and exchange knowledge, and by so doing I learned something new

5.1 Significance of the course
My course was related to the attachment field that is Unison Sacco Nanyuki ICT department and
hence everything i did was significant as it was just putting into practice what i had learnt in
class while acquiring new skills. I got a chance to apply the hardware and skills attained in class
to the organization. In the business field, I got a chance to see some of the areas that could be
improved through automation of the system.

5.2 Significance of the student learning

The internship was indeed helpful and was significant to my career. It has given me confidence
and also the skills acquired are of great help for future and also for my career.

5.3 Critiques of the organization

One of the main areas that I had a problem with during my period of attachment was lack of
various hardware items,for example, when formating computers we needed hard disks which
were not provided by the department, Rain was still a major problem during rain season. Our
efforts to try and get this items proved hard as there was reluctancy from the heads.

5.4 Recommendations
What i would recomend is for the employees to be open and let attachees take up certain tasks as
that is the only way to learn, practically. Mistakes help us know how to rectify a certain problem
if it occurs again in a different place.

As for the reluctancy in approval of certain suggestions, people should put their individual
interests aside from the interests of the majority.

5.5 References
1. Official Website of Unison Sacco Nanyuki:
2. Unison Sacco Nanyuki ICT Department: Information provided internally.


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