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Nonsense – абсурд, маячня To gaze – уважно
Drill – дрелька
To yell – кричати
Beefy – м’ясистий
To stretch one’s legs – розім’яти ноги
To crane – витягувати шию
Bun – булочка
Can’t bear – неможливо терпіти
To dash – мчатись
Good-for-nothing – нікудишній
To seize – схопити
To shudder – здригатися
To change one’s mind – передумати
To hum – наспівувати
Wand – чарівна паличка
To gossip – пліткувати
To grunt – бурчати
Tawny – темно-жовтий
Grin – насмішка, ухмилка
To flutter – пархати, розмахувати крилами
Downright – цілковито
To peck – поцілувати
To swap rumors – обмінюватись плітками
To have a tantrum – істерити
To flatter – лестити
Tyke – пустун
Noble – благородний
To chortle – фиркати
To pat – похлопати (по спині)
Peculiar – дивний, особливий
To tremble – тремтіти
Broom - мітла
Astounding – вражаючий
To blink – моргати
Lid – кришка
To stare – витріщатись
Jet-black – чорний, як смола
Can’t help doing – не могти не робити щось
To sob – ридати, всхлипувати
Getup – наряд
Parcel – посилка
Steering wheel – руль
To wrap - загортати
Weirdo – дивак
To wolf down – поїдати з жадністю
Spell - заклинання
Smoothly – гладко
Enraged – дуже злий
Meanwhile – тим часом
Cloak – мантія
Knobby – випуклий
The nerve of smb – наглість з чийогось боку
To bark – гавкати
Stunt – трюк
To rip – рвати
To swoop – налітати

Introduction (CAUTION. Spoilers)



Harry Potter _________ (BE) a very special boy. He _________ (BE) a young
wizard. His hair ________ (BE) black and his eyes ________ (BE) green. He
________ (HAVE) a scar on his forehead. He ________ (LIVE) with his aunt,
his uncle and his cousin. He ________ (NOT BE) happy living there because
they ___________ (NOT LOVE) him.
He ________ (GET) a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He ________
(BE) a new student there!! He ___________ (BUY) a new pet, too: an owl. Its name _________
(BE) Hedwig. But his uncle ____________ (NOT WANT) to have a wizard in the family and
___________ (TAKE) Harry to a lonely island.
Rubeus Hagrid ____________ (RESCUE) Harry and __________ (GO) to Diagon Alley with
Harry. There he ____________ (BUY) his new clothes, books and his wand.
He ________ (GO) to school for the first time by train in Platform 9 ¾. There he __________
(MEET) his new friends: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They __________ (TALK) and
__________ (EAT) candies and chocolates.
They ____________ (ARRIVE) at school and __________ (HAVE) a big dinner with all the
students and the teachers. A special hat (the Sorting Hat) __________ (SELECT) a house for
the students. Harry, Ron and Hermione __________ (GO) Gryffindor House. They _________
(BE) very happy!
At school they __________ (TAKE) Potions classes, History of Magic classes and Defense
against the Dark Arts classes. Harry also ____________ (PLAY) a sport: Quidditch. He
__________ (HAVE) a broom, the Nimbus 2000, because he __________ (FLY) and
__________ (CATCH) a ball, the Snitch.
Draco Malfoy ________ (NOT LIKE) Harry. He ________ (BE) a member of Slytherin House
and always __________ (TRY) to beat Harry.
Task 2. Number the pictures in the order they appear in the video (37:55)

Task 3. Write the following words under the correct picture:

moon boat train castle staircase Hagrid

Task 4. Now complete the story by writing the verbs in the present tense:

The train ________________ (stop) and all the students ___________ (get off) and
_________________ (walk) to the lake. There ________ (be) boats on the lake and all the
students ________ (go) across the water in the boats. They _________ (see) a giant castle: they
_________________(be) very impressed!
Then, they _________________ (arrive) at Hogwarts’s School and ________ (go) up a big
There _________ (be) a witch waiting for them: Professor MacGonagall. She
_________________ (welcome) the new pupils because it is their first year at Hogwarts’s
Task 5. Here is Professor MacGonagall’s speech (39:38):

“Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates,
but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses.
They are : (number in the correct order)

Ravenclaw Slytherin Gryffindor Hufflepuff

Now while you’re here, your house will be like your… (tick the correct answer)

friends family home

Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At
the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup.”

• Who chooses the house you go to?

Professor Dumbledore Professor MacGonagall the Sorting Нat

• Who goes first?

Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger Harry Potter

Task 6. Right or Wrong?

The Sorting Hat finds it difficult to choose a House for Harry. R W

The Sorting Hat thinks Harry has no courage. R W
The Sorting Hat thinks Harry has talent. R W
Harry wants to go to Slytherin. R W
Harry is happy to go to Gryffindor. R W

- Task 7. Link the characters to their houses:

1. Gryffindor
A. Susan Bones
B. Hermione Granger 2. Hufflepuff
C. Ronald Weasley
D. Draco Malfoy 3. Ravenclaw
E. Harry Potter
4. Slytherin
Task 8. Let's see if you can guess the Harry Potter Vocabulary in English! Match:
Task 9. Now complete the sentences with the correct words:
Пожирачі смерті / Шоколадні жаби / Той-кого-не-можна-називати / Золотий
снітч / Щоденний віщун / Магл / Бруднокровка
→ A Muggle is a person who has no magic powers. = .................................................
→ A Mudblood is a person whose parents have no magic powers. =
→ Lord Voldemort (or « You-Know-Who ») is Harry Potter's enemy ! =
→ The Death Eaters are wizards and witches whose leader is Lord Voldemort. =
→ The Golden Snitch is a small ball with silver wings that the players must catch during a
Quidditch game. = .................................................
→ The Daily Prophet is a popular wizarding newspaper based in London. =
→ The Chocolate Frogs are chocolates coming with a picture of a famous wizard or
witch. = .................................................

Task 10. Harry writes a letter to a friend about his school. Help him to fill in the
correct verb forms! Remember the spell “He, she, it – the “s“ must fit.
a) They have owls. - He ______ an owl.

b) We go to Hogwarts. - Harry ______ to Hogwarts.

c) Hogwarts has many teachers. - Mrs McGonagall _____ the head of Gryffindor House.

d) Many wizzards know Harry Potter – Harry _______ a lot of wizzards.

e) Hagrid and his dog are very special – Hagrid´s dog name _____ Buckbeak.

f) Harry has many friends. - Ron and Hermionie _____ his best friends.

g) The head master of Howarts is very old and wise. - He _____ Harry very much and ____
him advices.

Task 11. Harry reads about the latest Quidditch game. It´s his favourite game,
but the verbs don´t seem to be correct. Rewrite the text.
Quidditch are a game known by many wizzards. Every player need a broomstick. The
aim of the game is to scores more points than your opponent. For each goal, the team gets ten
point. Catching the Golden Snitch are worth one–hundred and fifty points. The Golden
Snitch ist the most important object of the game. It are so special that only one players is
responsible for finding it. Harry Potter is a excellent Seeker.


Task 12. Harry give an interview to the Daily Prophet. It´s not a good
newspaper – they mixed up all questions. Can you help them to ask the correct
questions? Try to give the correct answer as well!
a) Harry / is / Hogwarts / at / new / ?

b) Is / Ron / Harry´s / friend / best ?

c) Harry / scar / on his forehead / has /Does ?

d) Hermionie / best / is / the / student / ?

e) Does / live / with / family / his / during / summe / the / Harry / ?

Task 13. Harry needs to give a talk on the history of magic, but his papers got
mixed up. Help Harry to match the question to the answer.
What is the “History of Magic“? You don´t need real magic.

Why is this subject special ? It´s about witch hunts.

When does it take place? The teachers name is Cuthbert Binns.

What is the topic during the third year ? Ron and Harry think it´s terribly boring.

Who teaches this subject ? On Thursdays and Fridays

Who thinks this subject is boring? It´s a subject at Hogwarts.

Task 14. Harry reads an interview in the Daily Prophet – and it´s horrible. He
needs to set some facts straight!
a) Harry loves Luna Lovegood.

b) Harry´s family uses dark magic.

c) Harry´s pet is a rat.

d) Hagrid harms Harry.

e) Buckbeak is a mean and horrible animal.

f) Sirius Black is a criminal that uses Harry for his advantage.

Task 15. Harry loves an adventure – as much as he loves his daily routine. Write
a text about Harry´s daily routine!
a) wake up at 6.30 am

b) get dressed

c) have breakfast at 8.00 am

d) prepare for lesson

e) lesson “Dark Arts“ / from 9.30 to 11.30 am.

f) have lunch / Great Hall / Ron and Hermionie

g) afternoon / meet Hagrid

h) do homework / 4.00 pm

i) play Quidditch

j) go to bed / 10.00 pm

Task 16. Let's learn some new words before watching the video.

To doubt – сумніватися To call – кликати, дзвонити

To sort – сортувати Thirst – спрага

Courage – міжність Mental – розумовий, психічний,

Forth – вперед
Task 17. Match the words with the pictures.

Task 18. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Task 19. Write a few sentences using the new words.
Task 20. Watch the video and answer the question.
What the fact did you learn about Slytherin from the video?
How did this fact influence on Harry?
NB: Turn off the subtitles before watching the
Watch the video twice.

Task 21. Answer the questions.

Task 22. Let's read the song of the Sorting Hat from the book and talk about
Hogwart's houses.
‘You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart.’

‘You might belong in Hufflepuff
Where they are just and loyal
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil.’

‘Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw
If you’ve a ready mind
Where those of wit and learning
Will always find their kind.’

‘Or perhaps in Slytherin
You’ll make your real friends
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.’
Task 23. Sort the words by columns.

1. courage-мужність, сміливість 9. intelligence-інтелект, розум

2. bravery-відвага, хоробрість 10. learning-навчання
3. nerve- сміливість, витримка 11. wisdom-мудрість
4. chivalry-лицарство, галантність 12. wit-дотепність
5. hard work-важка праця 13. ambition-честолюбство
6. patience-терпіння 14. cunning-хитрий, підступний
7. justice-справедливість 15. leadership-лідерство

8. loyalty-відданість, вірність
16. resourcefulness-винахідливість
Task 24. Guess what the facts about Harry Potter's world are true or false.
1. Voldemort's snake Nagini was a human-being.
True False Unknown
2. At first J.K.Rowling (the author of Harry Potter) planned to make a story about a girl
and call her Henrietta Potterani.
True False Unknown
3. Draco Malfoy was in love in Hermione.
True False Unknown
4. Harry Potter returned to study in Hogwarts after the Second Wizarding War with
True False Unknown
Task 25. Watch (01:30:00-01:32:12). Choose the right
1. Harry, wake up/get up! Come on Harry, wake up/get up!
2. Happy Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing/doing?
3. "Your father left this in my possession/usage before he died.
It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."
4. I know what that is! That's an invisibility cloak/coat!
5. They're really rare. I wonder/It’s interesting who gave it to you.
Task 26. Watch (36:20 – 39:45). Translate the following phrases into Ukrainian.
1. Everywhere else is full.
2. Anything off the trolley, dears?
3. No, thanks, I'm all set.
4. They mean every flavour! There's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach,
liver and tripe. George sweared he got a bogey-flavoured one once!
5. It's only a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or
wizard. I got about 500 myself.
6. Oh, that's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with. -
7. Cricket, you're Harry Potter.
8. You two better change into your robes.
9. You've got dirt, on your nose, by the way, did you know?

Task 27. Watch (01:09:21) Fill in the gaps.

Flitwick: One of a wizard's most _____________ rudimentary
skills is __________levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh,
do you all have your feathers? Good. Now, uh, don't forget the
nice ______________wrist movement we've been practicing,
hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone. The ________swish and
_____flick. Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you
go then.
Draco: Wingardium Levio-saaa.
Ron: Wingardrium Leviosar.
Hermione: Stop, stop, stop. You're going to ________take someone's eye _____out. Besides,
you’re saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosar.
Ron: You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on.
Hermione: Wingardium Leviosa.
Flitwick: Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Ms. Granger's done it! Oh, ________splendid!
Seamus: Wingard Levosa. Wingard Levosa.
Flitwick: Whooaaa! Ooh.
Harry: I think we're going to need another ________feather over here, Professor.
After Watching
Task 28. Can You Ace This Quiz On The First Harry Potter Movie?

1. Who is the first person from Hogwarts that Harry meets in the movie?

2. Who are the Dursleys?

3. What does Professor McGonagall transform into?

4. How does the average witch or wizard refer to Lord Voldemort?

5. How does Harry get to Hogwarts?

6. How do witches and wizards send their mail?

7. What's Ron's rat's name?

8. Where did Harry sleep when he was living with the Dursleys?

9. Where did Harry get his wand?

More quizzes you can find here.

Task 29. answer the following questions.

1. Was Harry Potter a young wizard?
2. Did he live with his mother and father?
3. Did his uncle love him?
4. Did Harry get a letter from Hogwarts?
5. Did Snape rescue Harry Potter?
6. Did Harry buy new clothes and his wand?
7. Did he go to school by bus?
8. Did he meet new friends in the train?
9. Did the Sorting Hat select a house for the new students?
10. Did Harry, Ron and Hermione go to Gryffindor House?
11. Were they happy?
12. Did they take Maths and Literature classes?
13. Did Harry play a sport?
14. Did Draco Malfoy like Harry?
15. Was he a member of Gryffindor House, too?
Task 1.
Is, is, is, are, has, lives, isn’t, don’t, gets, is, buys, is, doesn’t, takes, rescues, goes, buys, goes,
meets, talk, eat, arrive, have, selects, go, are, take, plays, has, flies, catches, doesn’t like, is, tries.
Task 3.
Train, Hagrid, castle, staircase, moon, boat.
Task 4.
Stops, are getting off, walk, are, go, see, are, arrive, go, is, welcomes.
Task 5.
G, H, R, S
The sorting hat
Hermione Granger
Task 6.
1. r
2. w
3. r
4. w
5. r
Task 7.
Task 9
Магл, бруднокровка, той-кого-не-можна-називати, пожирачі смерті, золотий снітч,
щоденний віщун, шоколадна жаба
Task 10
a. Has
b. Goes
c. Is
d. Knows
e. Is
f. Are
g. Loves, gives
Task 12
a. Is harry new at Hogwarts?
b. Is harry’s best friend ron?
c. does harry has a scar on his forehead?
d. Is hermione the best student?
e. Does harry live with his family during the summer?
Task 17
Forth, Call, sort, mental, courage, thirst, doubt
Task 18
1. Call
2. Doubt
3. Forth
4. Thirst
5. Courage
6. Sort
7. Mental
Task 21
1. To prove
2. All the witches…
3. Weird
Task 23
Gryffindor values
Hufflepuff values
hard work
Ravenclaw values
Slytherin values
Task 24
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. Unknown
Task 25
1. Wake up
2. Wearing
3. Possession
4. Cloak
5. Wonder
Task 27
Rudimentary, levitation, wrist movement, swish and flick.
Take out
Task 28
1. Hagrid
2. Aunt, uncle…
3. Cat
4. Must not be named
5. Hogwarts express
6. Owl
7. Scabbers
8. Broom closet
9. Ollivander’s

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