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Petitioner, Case No. 2023 CV 988870
v. Judge Nancy Margaret Russo


To: Mallory McMaster at 11467 Claridon Troy Road, Chardon, Ohio 44024.

You are hereby commanded to attend a deposition and give testimony via stenographic

means at 10:30 a.m. on March 22, 2024, at the offices of Cleveland Reporting Partners, LLC, at

2012 West 25th Street, Suite #516, Cleveland, Ohio 44113, in the above-captioned matter.

Respondent will independently audio-record the testimony in addition to any other method stated


You are hereby commanded to respond to this subpoena issued in the above-captioned

matter with the production of documents no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 20, 2024. The

documents (listed below) can be electronically mailed, mailed, delivered, or, upon notice to

Respondent’s counsel, otherwise made available to Respondent’s counsel via electronic mail to

[email protected] or at Attn.: Representative Elliot P. Forhan, The Law Office of Elliot

P. Forhan, 5120 Mayfield Road, Suite 136, Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124.

You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection, copying of any and all

documents, records, photographs, memoranda or electronically stored information regarding the


A. Any communication since May 1, 2023, with anyone relating to any of (1) Elliot Forhan,

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including any motor vehicle purported to be driven by Elliot Forhan, (2) the Petition for a
Civil Stalking Protection Order, filed on November 20, 2023, by Juanita Brent, in the above-
captioned case, (3) the proceeding in the above-captioned case or (4) establishing or
maintaining a security detail;
B. Any communication since January 1, 2020, with Juanita Brent relating to any of (1)
establishing or maintaining a security detail or (2) any matter involving stalking, abuse, verbal
abuse, home invasion, law enforcement, legal process, abuse of legal process or threats to

Set forth below are, pursuant to Rule 45(A)(1)(c) of the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure,

divisions C and D of Ohio Civ. R. 45:

(C) Protection of persons subject to subpoenas.

(1) A party or an attorney responsible for the issuance and service of a
subpoena shall take reasonable steps to avoid imposing undue burden
or expense on a person subject to that subpoena.
(2)(a) A person commanded to produce under divisions (A)(1)(b), (iii),
(iv), (v), or (vi) of this rule need not appear in person at the place of
production or inspection unless commanded to attend and give
testimony at a deposition, hearing, or trial.
(b) Subject to division (D)(2) of this rule, a person commanded to
produce under divisions (A)(1)(b), (iii), (iv), (v), or (vi) of this rule may,
within fourteen days after service of the subpoena or before the time
specified for compliance if such time is less than fourteen days after
service, serve upon the party or attorney designated in the subpoena
written objections to production. If objection is made, the party
serving the subpoena shall not be entitled to production except
pursuant to an order of the court by which the subpoena was issued.
If objection has been made, the party serving the subpoena, upon
notice to the person commanded to produce, may move at any time
for an order to compel the production. An order to compel production
shall protect any person who is not a party or an officer of a party from
significant expense resulting from the production commanded.
(3) On timely motion, the court from which the subpoena was issued
shall quash or modify the subpoena, or order appearance or
production only under specified conditions, if the subpoena does any
of the following:
(a) Fails to allow reasonable time to comply;
(b) Requires disclosure of privileged or otherwise protected matter and
no exception or waiver applies;
(c) Requires disclosure of a fact known or opinion held by an expert
not retained or specially employed by any party in anticipation of
litigation or preparation for trial as described by Civ.R. 26(B)(5), if the
fact or opinion does not describe specific events or occurrences in
dispute and results from study by that expert that was not made at the
request of any party;
(d) Subjects a person to undue burden.

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(4) Before filing a motion pursuant to division (C)(3)(d) of this rule, a
person resisting discovery under this rule shall attempt to resolve any
claim of undue burden through discussions with the issuing attorney.
A motion filed pursuant to division (C)(3)(d) of this rule shall be
supported by an affidavit of the subpoenaed person or a certificate of
that person’s attorney of the efforts made to resolve any claim of
undue burden.
(5) If a motion is made under division (C)(3)(c) or (C)(3)(d) of this rule,
the court shall quash or modify the subpoena unless the party in whose
behalf the subpoena is issued shows a substantial need for the
testimony or material that cannot be otherwise met without undue
hardship and assures that the person to whom the subpoena is
addressed will be reasonably compensated.

(D) Duties in responding to subpoena.

(1) A person responding to a subpoena to produce documents shall, at
the person's option, produce them as they are kept in the usual course
of business or organized and labeled to correspond with the categories
in the subpoena. A person producing documents or electronically
stored information pursuant to a subpoena for them shall permit their
inspection and copying by all parties present at the time and place set
in the subpoena for inspection and copying.
(2) If a request does not specify the form or forms for producing
electronically stored information, a person responding to a subpoena
may produce the information in a form or forms in which the
information is ordinarily maintained if that form is reasonably useable,
or in any form that is reasonably useable. Unless ordered by the court
or agreed to by the person subpoenaed, a person responding to a
subpoena need not produce the same electronically stored information
in more than one form.
(3) A person need not provide discovery of electronically stored
information when the production imposes undue burden or expense.
On motion to compel discovery or for a protective order, the person
from whom electronically stored information is sought must show that
the information is not reasonably accessible because of undue burden
or expense. If a showing of undue burden or expense is made, the
court may nonetheless order production of electronically stored
information if the requesting party shows good cause. The court shall
consider the factors in Civ. R. 26(B)(4) when determining if good cause
exists. In ordering production of electronically stored information, the
court may specify the format, extent, timing, allocation of expenses
and other conditions for the discovery of the electronically stored
(4) When information subject to a subpoena is withheld on a claim that
it is privileged or subject to protection as trial preparation materials,
the claim shall be made expressly and shall be supported by a
description of the nature of the documents, communications, or things
not produced that is sufficient to enable the demanding party to

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contest the claim.
(5) If information is produced in response to a subpoena that is subject
to a claim of privilege or of protection as trial-preparation material, the
person making the claim may notify any party that received the
information of the claim and the basis for it. After being notified, a
receiving party must promptly return, sequester, or destroy the
specified information and any copies within the party’s possession,
custody or control. A party may not use or disclose the information
until the claim is resolved. A receiving party may promptly present the
information to the court under seal for a determination of the claim of
privilege or of protection as trial preparation material. If the receiving
party disclosed the information before being notified, it must take
reasonable steps to retrieve it. The person who produced the
information must preserve the information until the claim is resolved.

Date: March 4, 2024 Respectfully submitted,

/s/Elliot P. Forhan
Representative Elliot P. Forhan (0099490)
The Ohio House of Representatives
Vern Riffe State Office Tower
77 South High Street, Floor 12
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Tel: (216) 352-3867
[email protected]

Attorney for Respondent

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