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Formative Assessment: Lasallian Service Plan: Part 2

Group 1

1. What can I contribute to addressing this social issue? What concrete

actions can I do within the next year in relation to addressing this need or

The first thing to do is to raise awareness about climate change simply by

interacting and sharing social media posts, doing campaigns, and inviting friends
or more people to attend educational events about climate change. We can also
join or build climate action groups to advocate for policies that promote better
environment conditions and host these events ourselves rather than just being an
attendee. We can also participate in local environmental initiatives, such as tree
planting events, beach cleanups, or community gardens to have a more concrete
impact rather than being boxed into just learning about climate change. Aside
from these outward actions, we can also adopt sustainable practices in our daily
life, such as reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and supporting
eco-friendly products and businesses.

Alongside these intensive efforts concerning climate change mitigation, we

can also make a meaningful contribution to addressing this global urgent issue
through the following concrete actions:

a. Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

○ Let's start by being mindful of our energy
consumption—turning off lights and electronics when not in
use and opting for energy-efficient appliances.
○ We can also consider making the switch to renewable
energy sources like solar or wind power and explore
eco-friendly transportation options such as walking, biking,
carpooling, or using public transit.
b. Advocating for Local and National Policy Changes
○ We shall be committed to engaging with our local, national,
and international policymakers by writing letters, attending
town hall meetings, and joining advocacy campaigns.
○ It's crucial to support legislation that aims to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy
adoption, and protect natural habitats. Our voices matter,
and joining climate marches and demonstrations amplifies
our call for urgent action.
c. Adaptive Learning and Fostering Climate Education
○ Let us stay informed about climate change science, impacts,
and solutions by exploring reputable sources such as
scientific journals, government reports, and environmental
○ Sharing accurate information about climate change with our
friends, family, and community members helps raise
awareness and fosters informed discussions. Also,
participating in disaster risk reduction drills, webinars, and
educational events empowers us to take action.

2. How do I ensure that my Lasallian Service Plan is capacitating, mutually

empowering, life affirming, and context sensitive?

Before implementing the Lasallian Service Plan, it is important to tailor the

strategies and interventions based on the community's needs and their reality.
Research is vital in the process because by ensuring that research is employed,
we can thoroughly plan what is best for the community or the demographics that
we’re serving. It is important to know what engenders drastic climate change
issues to assess the vulnerabilities of a specific sector in order to know how to
address the root cause of the problem—to ensure that the Lasallian Service Plan
is holistic.

It is also important that before having interventions, we need to make sure

that everyone who participates has the capacity to do our implemented
strategies. Things like providing resources and workshops on how to understand
and deal with climate change can equip them with the knowledge and skills to
make a difference. It is also important to have a participative and open
discussion that prioritize the voices and needs of all stakeholders. We can also
promote initiatives that not only mitigate the negative impacts of climate change
but also enhance the well-being and resilience of the members of the community.

3. In what ways can I involve others to help me in this service engagement?

To engage others in addressing climate change through a Lasallian

Service Plan, one can utilize the approaches mentioned in the first response.
Encouraging friends, contacts on social media, and community members to
participate actively in climate action groups and join local environmental
initiatives, such as tree planting events and beach cleanups, creates a collective
impact. Hosting educational sessions on climate change and advocating for
eco-friendly policies collectively enhances outreach. Moreover, promoting the
adoption of sustainable practices in everyday life can be advocated as a
collaborative effort, fostering a sense of mutual empowerment and community
involvement. This cooperative approach aligns with Lasallian principles, ensuring
that the service engagement is empowering, life-affirming, and context-sensitive,
addressing the needs of individuals and the broader community.

To achieve a wider reach of audience for this service engagement, it is

also helpful to cooperate with organizations and companies who are capable of
providing aid in executing this service engagement. Not only would they be of
help in the implementation processes, but they would significantly contribute to
reaching more people. This strategic approach by partnering with organizations
can also lead to long-term sustainable solutions through the constant support of
the community.

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