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Calculus for Business Economics Life

Sciences and Social Sciences 13th Edition

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the

Find the integral.

1) ∫(3x8 - 7x3 + 7) dx
1 9 7 4
A) x - x + 7x + C
3 3
7 4
B) 9x9 - x + 7x + C
7 4
C) 9x9 - x + 7x + C
1 9 7 4
D) x - x + 7x + C
3 4
Answer: D

2) ∫ 13x-7 dx
13 -6
A) - x +C
78 6
B) +C
13 8
C) +C
D) -91x-8 +
C Answer: A

3) ∫12x3 x dx
11 9/2
A) x +C
24 9/2
B) x +C
8 9/2
C) x +C
2 9/2
D) x +C
Answer: C

4) ∫3 dx
A) 3x + C
B) 3 + C
C) x2 + C
D) 0
Answer: A

5) ∫5(t2 - 5t - 2) dt
5 3
A) t - 5t2 - 2t + C
B) 10t - 5 + C
5 5
C) t3 - t2 - 2t + C
3 2
D) 5t3 - 5t2 - 2t +
C Answer: C

6) ∫(3x5 - 8x3 + 2) dx
3 4
A) x - 4x2 + C
3 5 8 3
B) x - x + 2x + C
5 3
1 6
C) x - 2x4 + 2x + C
1 6 1 4
D) x - x + 2x + C
6 4
Answer: C

7) ∫6 +xx2 dx
A) + x2 + C
1 3
B) 6 ln x + x +C
C) + x2 + C
x 2
1 2
D) 6 ln x + x +C
Answer: D

∫ x x- 7 dx

1 3
A) x + 7 ln x + C
1 3 7
B) x - + C
3 x -2
1 4
C) x - 7x2 + C
1 3
D) x - 7 ln x + C
Answer: D


9) - 4 x dx

9 2/3 8 3/2
A) - x - x +C
2 3
B) -3 ln x1/3 - 2x3/2 +
C C) x2/3 - 2x3/2 + C
D) -2x2/3 - 6x3/2 +
C Answer: A

10) ∫9x- 5 dx .
A) +C
B) +C
9 -4
C) - x +C
D) - 45x- 6 +
C Answer: C

11) ∫9e 0.2x dx.

A) 18e0.2x + C
9e0.2x + 1
B) +C
0.2x + 1
C) 9e0.2x + C
D) 45e0.2x +
Answer: D
12) ∫ t
- 7et dt

A) 2π ln t - 7 et +
C B) π2 - 7et + C
C) π2 ln t - 7et +
C D) π ln t - 7 + C
Answer: C

13) ∫ 5ex -

A) 5xex - ln x + C
B) 5ex - +C
C) 5ex - ln x + C
D) 5ex - +C
Answer: C

14) x4 - x-3 dx
6 6/7 1
A) x + +C
7 2x2
6 7/3
B) x - 2x-2 + C
4 7/3
C) x - 3x-2 + C
6 7/3 1
D) x + +C
7 2x2
Answer: D

15) ∫(5 + x3)(4 - x2) dx

5 3 1
A) 20x - x + x4 - x 6 + C
3 6
5 3 1
B) 20 - x + x4 - x6 + C
3 6
5 3 5 4 1 6
C) 20x - x + x - x +C
3 3 6
5 3 1
D) 20x - x + x4 - + C
3 6
Answer: A

Provide an appropriate response.

16) Find f(x) if f'(x) = and f(1) =
4. x4
7 -3
A) - x -3
7 -3 19
B) f(x) = - x +
3 3
C) -28x-5 + 32
D) -28x-5 - 3
Answer: B

17) Find f(x) if f'(x) = and f = 1.

x5 2
3 -4
A) - x + 13
3 -4
B) - x +C
4 -4
C) - x + 13
3 -4 5
D) - x +
4 4
Answer: A

Solve the problem.

18) The rate of change in a person's body temperature, with respect to the dosage of x milligrams of a drug, is
by D'(x) = . One milligram raises the temperature 2.4°C. Find the function giving the total
change. x + 8
A) D(x) = ln - 2.4

B) D(x) = 2 ln x + 8 - 2
C) D(x) = 2 ln x + 8 + 2.4
D) D(x) = ln -2
Answer: B

19) Find the cost function if the marginal cost function is C'(x) = 10x - 7 and the fixed cost is $4.
A) C(x) = 5x2 - 7x + 3
B) C(x) = 5x2 - 7x + 4
C) C(x) = 10x2 - 7x + 3
D) C(x) = 10x2 - 7x + 4
Answer: B

20) A company finds that consumer demand quantity changes with respect to price at a rate given by
D'(p) = - . Find the demand function if the company knows that 845 units of the product are
demanded p2
when the price is $5 per unit.
A) D(p) = +
145 p3

B) D(p) = +
845 p
C) D(p) = +
845 p
D) D(p) = +
145 p
Answer: D

21) A newspaper is launching a new advertising campaign in order to increase the number of daily
The newspaper currently (t = 0) has 26,000 daily subscribers and management expects that number, S(t), to
grow at the rate of S'(t) = 80t1/2 subscribers per day, where t is the number of days since the campaign
began. How long (to the nearest day) should the campaign last if the newspaper wants the number of daily
subscribers to grow to 49,000?
A) 44
days B) 33
days C) 57
days D) 69
Answer: C

22) The marginal revenue from the sale of compact discs is given by R'(x) = 190 - 8x and R(0) = 0, where R(x) is
the revenue in dollars. Find the price-demand equation.
A) p = 190 - 4x
B) p = 190x - 8x2
C) p = 190x - 8
D) p = 190x - 4x2
Answer: A

23) A computer manufacturer has found that its expenditure rate per day (in hundreds of dollars) on a certain
type of job is given by C'(x) = 10x + 6, where x is the number of days since the start of the job. Find the
expenditure if the job takes 8 days.
A) $8600
B) $368
C) $86
D) $36,800
Answer: D

24) An rock's acceleration at time t is given by a(t) = 16t, and its initial velocity is 35. Find the velocity function
A) v(t) = 16t2 + 35
B) v(t) = 8t2 + 35
C) v(t) = 35t2 + 16
D) v(t) = 8t2 + 35t
Answer: B

Find the integral.

25) ∫(-x8 + 4)6x7 dx

A) - (-x8 + 4)7 + C
8 7
B) - (-x 8 + 4) + C
1 1
C) - (-x8 + 4)7 + x8 + C
7 8
D) -56(-x8 + 4) + C
Answer: A
26) ∫e7x +4 dx
1 7x + 4
A) e +C
B) 7e7x + 4 + C
C) e7x + C
D) (7x + 4) e7x + 4 +
C Answer: A

27) ∫ 3 -1 2x dx
A) - 2 ln 3 - 2x +
C B) ln 3 - 2x +
C) 2 ln 3 - 2x + C
D) - ln 3 - 2x + C
Answer: D

28) ∫ lnx8x dx
(ln 8x)2
A) +C
(ln 8x)2
B) +C
(ln 8x)2
C) +C
D) (ln 8x)2 +
C Answer: C

∫t e- 7t
29) dt
1 - 7t2
A) e +C
1 - 7t2
B) e +C
1 - 7t2
C) - e +C
1 - 7t2
D) - e +C
Answer: C

∫(3 + x7) 3
7x6 dx

A) - +C
4(3 + x7)
1 4
B) (3 + x7 ) + C
C) - +C
2(3 + x7)

D) - +C
(3 + x7
Answer: C

31) dt
1 + t3
A) +C
9(1 + t3)
4 3/4
B) (1 + t3 ) +C
4 3 3/4
C) t (1 + t3 ) +C
4 3/4
D) (1 + t3 ) +C
Answer: D

32) ∫x3 x4 + 3 dx

2 4 3/2
A) (x + 3) + C
1 4
B) - (x + 3)-1/2 + C
1 4 3/2
C) (x + 3) + C
8 4 3/2
D) (x + 3) + C
Answer: C

33) ∫ 4x24x++2x1 + 3 dx
A) +C
2(4x2 + 2x +3)
B) ln 4x2 + 2x + 3 + C
C) 2 ln 4x2 + 2x + 3 +
C D) +C
(4x2 + 2x + 3)
Answer: B

34) ∫(2 + 2x)e(4x + 2x2) dx

A) e[2(4x + 2x )] + C
B) e[(1/2)(4x + 2x )] + C
1 2
C) e(4x + 2x ) + C
D) 2e(4x + 2x ) +
C Answer: C

∫ 5x3 + 8 dx

A) ln 5x3 + 8 + C
B) 15 ln 5x3 + 8 + C
C) 15 ln (5x3 - 8) + C
D) ln 5x3 + 8 + C
Answer: A

Solve the problem.

36) The rate of expenditure for maintenance of a particular machine is given by M'(x) = 12x x2 + 5, where x is
time measured in years. Total maintenance costs through the second year are $105. Find the total
maintenance function.
A) M(x) = 12(x2 + 5) - 3
B) M(x) = 12(x2 + 5) - 93
C) M(x) = 4(x2 + 5) - 93
D) M(x) = 4(x2 +5) - 3

Answer: D

37) The management of an oil company estimates that oil will be pumped from a producing field at a rate given
R(t) = for 0 ≤ t ≤ 20, where R(t) is the rate of production in thousands of barrels per year, t years
after t + 7
pumping begins. How many barrels of oil, Q(t), will be produced the first five years? (Round answer
to the nearest thousand barrels.)
A) 92 thousand barrels
B) 46 thousand barrels
C) 296 thousand barrels
D) 148 thousand
Answer: A

38) The marginal price for a weekly demand of x bottles of cough medicine in a drug store is given by
p'(x) = . Find the price-demand equation if the weekly demand is 125 when the price of a bottle of
(5x + 40)2
cough medicine is $4. What is the weekly demand (to the nearest bottle) when the price is $3?
A) p(x) = ; 347 bottles
5x + 40
B) p(x) = - 4; 144 bottles
5x + 40
C) p(x) = ; 169 bottles
5x + 40
D) p(x) = - + 8; 98 bottles
5x + 40
Answer: C

39) A manufacturing company is ready to introduce a new product with a national sales campaign. After
extensive test marketing, the market research department estimates that sales (in millions of dollars) will
increase at the monthly rate of S'(t) = 10 - 10e-0.2t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 24, t months after the national campaign has
started. What will the total sales be five months after the beginning of the campaign if we assume zero sales
at the beginning of the campaign? (Round the answer to the nearest million.)
A) $49 million
B) $1 million
C) $2 million
D) $18 million
Answer: D

40) A company has found that the marginal cost of a new production line (in thousands) is C'(x) = , where
x is x + e
the number of years the line is in use. Find the total cost function for the production line (in thousands).
The fixed cost is $20,000.
A) C(x) = 9 ln (x + e) + 11
B) C(x) = 9 ln (x + e) + 20
ln (x + e)
C) C(x) = + 20
ln (x + e)
D) C(x) = + 11
Answer: A
Provide an appropriate
41) Find the general solution for the differential equation y'= 36x 2
A) +C
B) x3 + C
C) 12x3 + C
D) 36x3 + C
Answer: C

42) Find the general solution for the differential equation y' = 7e3x
A) 21e3x + C
B) 7e3x + C
C) e3x + C
7 3x
D) e +C
Answer: D

43) Find the general solution for the differential equation =-
3x dt
A) x = e-3t +
C B) x = Ce-3t
C) t = Ce-3x
D) t = e-3x +
C Answer: B

44) Find the particular solution for the differential equation y' = 4x + 7; y(0) = -12.
A) y = 4x2 + 7x - 12
B) y = 2x2 + 7x - 6
C) y = 2x2 + 7x - 12
D) y = 4x2 + 7x - 6
Answer: C

dy 1
45) Find the particular solution for the differential equation = ; y(0) = 3
dx 2 + x
A) y = ln 2 + x + ln 2 +
B) y = ln 2 + x
ln 2
C) y = ln 2 + x +
D) y = ln 2 + x - ln 2 +
Answer: D

46) Find the particular solution for the differential equation y' = 4xe2x ; y(0) = 20.
A) y = 2xe2x + 20
B) y = 4xe2x - e2x + 21
C) y = 4xe2x - e2x + 22
D) y = 2xe2x - e2x + 21
Answer: D

Match the differential equation with the appropriate slope field.

47) =x-y




Answer: C

48) =y+2

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centimeters of nitric acid of 1.18 specific gravity. The mixture is boiled for one minute, and ten
cubic centimeters of permanganate solution of one and a quarter per cent added. Boil again until
the pink color disappears. Ferrous sulfate solution is next to be carefully added, shaking
meanwhile, until the solution clears. Cool to 50° and add eight cubic centimeters of ammonia of
0.90 specific gravity, stopper the flask, and shake until any precipitate which may form is
redissolved. Cool or warm, as the case may be, until the solution is as many degrees above or
below 60° as the molybdic solution is above or below 27°. Add sixty cubic centimeters of molybdic
solution, stopper, and shake on a machine or by hand for five minutes. After remaining at rest for
five minutes pour into a nine centimeter filter of fine texture and wash with the acid ammonium
sulfate solution in quantities of from five to ten cubic centimeters each time. The filtrate and
washings must be perfectly bright. Continue the washings until the filtrate gives no color with
hydrogen sulfid.
Dissolve the yellow precipitate with twelve cubic centimeters of 0.96 ammonia diluted with an
equal volume of water, and wash the filter with 100 cubic centimeters of water. Finally add to the
filtrate and wash-water eighty cubic centimeters of water and ten of strong sulfuric acid. Pass the
mixture through the Jones’ reducing tube and follow it with 200 cubic centimeters of water, taking
care that no air enter the tube during the operations. The solution collected in the flask should be
at once titrated with potassium permanganate.
Solutions used: (1) Nitric acid.—One part of nitric acid of 1.42 specific gravity and two parts of
water by volume. The specific gravity of the mixture is about 1.18.
(2) Permanganate solution for oxidizing.—Dissolve 12.5 grams of potassium permanganate in
one liter of water.
(3) Ferrous sulfate.—Fresh crystals not effervesced and free from phosphorus.
(4) Ammonia.—The strong ammonia used should have a specific gravity of about 0.90 and the
dilute of 0.96 at 15.5°.
(5) Molybdic Solution.—Dissolve 100 grams of molybdic anhydrid in 400 cubic centimeters of
ammonia of 0.96 specific gravity and pour the solution slowly, with constant stirring, into one liter
of nitric acid of about 1.20 specific gravity. Heat the mixture to 45° and add one cubic centimeter of
a ten per cent solution of sodium phosphate, stir vigorously, and allow to stand in a warm place for
eighteen hours. Filter before using.
(6) Add Ammonium Sulfate.—To half a liter of water add 27.5 cubic centimeters of 0.96
ammonia and twenty-four cubic centimeters of strong sulfuric acid, and make the volume one liter
with water.
(7) Potassium Permanganate for Titration.—Dissolve four grams of potassium permanganate
in two liters of water, heat nearly to boiling for an hour, allow to stand for eighteen hours, and filter
on asbestos felt. The solution must not come in contact with rubber or other organic matter. The
solution may be standardized with thoroughly air-dried ammonium oxalate in solution with a little
dilute sulfuric acid and with ammonium ferrous sulfate partly crystallized in small crystals from a
slightly acid solution. The crystals should be well washed and quickly air-dried in a thin layer. The
factors 1/1 1/4 2/2 and 1/7 should be used respectively to calculate the iron equivalent. The
phosphorus equivalent is obtained by multiplying the iron equivalent by 31 ÷ (36 × 56) = 0.01538.
Reduction Apparatus.—The reduction of the molybdic acid to molybdenum trioxid is
accomplished in a tube first proposed by Jones. The apparatus is shown in Figure 7. A piece of
moderately heavy glass tubing thirty-five centimeters long with an internal diameter of two
centimeters is drawn out at the lower end so as to pass into the stopper of a flask. A circular piece
of perforated platinum or porcelain rests on the constricted portion of the tube and this is covered
with an asbestos felt. The tube is then nearly filled with powdered zinc which is washed, before
using, with dilute sulfuric acid (1 : 20). A, B, C represent different methods of filtering the molybdic
solution. In A a platinum cone is placed in the constricted portion of the tube and the asbestos felt
placed thereon and the tube then filled with the granulated zinc. In B there is first
inserted a perforated disk then some very fine sand and this is covered with
another disk. In C there is a perforated disk which is covered with asbestos felt.
The filtering arrangement should be such as to prevent any zinc particles from
reaching the flask and yet permitting the filtration to go on without much difficulty.
A blank determination is first made by adding to 180 cubic centimeters of water,
twelve of 0.96 ammonia and ten of strong sulfuric acid. This is poured through the
reducing tube and followed with 200 cubic centimeters of water taking care that no
air enter the apparatus. Hydrogen peroxid is formed if air enter. Even after
standing for a few moments the tube should be washed with dilute sulfuric acid
before again using it. The filtrate should be titrated with the permanganate solution
and the amount required deducted from the following amounts obtained with the
molybdic salt.
Calculations.—The calculations of the amount of phosphorus in a given sample
of iron or steel are made according to the following data: In a given case let it be
Figure. 7. supposed that the permanganate solution is set with a solution of piano wire and it
is found that one cubic centimeter of permanganate liquor is equal to 0.003466
Jones’ gram of metallic iron. It is found that 90.76 parts of molybdic acid will produce the
Reduction same effect on permanganate as 100 parts of iron. Hence one cubic centimeter of
Tube. permanganate solution is equivalent to 0.003466 × 0.9076 = 0.003145 gram of
molybdic acid. In the yellow precipitate formed, in the conditions named for the
analysis it is found that the phosphorus is one and nine-tenths per cent of the
molybdic acid present. Therefore one cubic centimeter of permanganate liquor is equal to
0.003145 × 0.019 = 0.0000597 gram of phosphorus. If then, for example, in a sample of iron or
steel eight and six-tenths cubic centimeters of permanganate solution, after correction, be found
necessary to oxidize the molybdic solution after passing through the Jones’ reducing tube, the
amount of phosphorus found is 0.0000597 × 8.6 = 0.051 per cent.
113. The Silver Method.—The separation of the phosphoric acid by silver according to the
method of Perrot has been investigated by Spencer, who found the process unreliable.[96] By a
modification of the process, however, Spencer obtained fairly satisfactory results. The principle of
this method depends on the separation of the phosphoric acid by silver carbonate and the
subsequent titration thereof with standard uranium solution after the removal of the excess of
silver. The operation is conducted as follows: The fertilizer is first ignited until all organic matter
and residual carbon are destroyed. Solution is then accomplished by means of nitric acid and the
volume completed to a definite quantity. An aliquot part is taken, after filtration, varying with the
supposed strength of the solution so as to contain about 100 milligrams of phosphorus pentoxid. In
the slightly nitric acid solution add freshly prepared silver carbonate in excess, that is, sufficient to
saturate any free acid present and also to combine with all the phosphoric acid. Wash thoroughly
with hot water and then dissolve the mixed phosphate and silver carbonate in nitric acid and
remove the silver from the solution with sodium chlorid. The phosphoric acid is determined in the
filtrate by means of a standard solution of uranium nitrate in the manner already described.
Spencer found that the separation of the phosphoric acid by the silver method was more exact
than by the Joulie magnesium citrate process. With practice on the part of the analyst in
determining the end reaction the process is both rapid and accurate. The method is also
inexpensive, as both the silver and uranium are easily recovered from the waste.
114. Volumetric Silver Method.—Holleman has proposed a modification of the silver method
for the volumetric determination of phosphoric acid, which is conducted in the following manner:

In a flask of 200 cubic centimeters capacity, are placed fifty cubic centimeters of the liquid to be
analyzed, which should not contain more than two-tenths gram of phosphoric acid. The solution is
treated with ten cubic centimeters of a normal solution of sodium acetate and afterwards with a
slight excess of decinormal silver solution, four and five-tenths cubic centimeters for each 0.01
gram of phosphoric acid. The solution is then neutralized with tenth normal sodium hydroxid, the
amount required having been previously determined by titrating ten cubic centimeters of the liquid
to be analyzed, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Five times the quantity required for the
neutralization of the ten cubic centimeters is added, less one-half cubic centimeter. By this
treatment the phosphoric acid in the presence of sodium acetate is completely precipitated as
silver phosphate. The excess of silver is determined by diluting the mixture to 200 cubic
centimeters, filtering, and titrating 100 cubic centimeters of the filtrate with ammonium thiocyanate.
The presence of sulfuric and nitric acids does not interfere with the reaction, but of course
hydrochloric acid must be absent. Alkalies and alkaline earth metals may be present, but not the
heavy metals.
When iron and aluminum are present 100 cubic centimeters of the solution are precipitated
with thirty cubic centimeters of normal sodium acetate, the phosphoric acid is determined in fifty
cubic centimeters of the filtrate, and the precipitate of iron and aluminum phosphates is ignited and
weighed, and its weight multiplied by 2.225 is added to the phosphoric anhydrid found
volumetrically. If ammonia be present it must be removed by boiling, as otherwise it affects the
titration with phenolphthalein.
For agricultural purposes this method can have but little value inasmuch as the phosphates to
be examined almost always have a certain proportion of iron and aluminum. Inasmuch as the
amount of these bases has to be determined gravimetrically, there would be no gain in time and
no simplification of the processes by the use of the volumetric method as proposed.

115. Desirability Of Methods.—In the preceding paragraphs, has been given a statement of
the principal methods now in use by chemists and others connected with fertilizer control for the
scientific and agronomic determinations of phosphoric acid, and its agricultural value.
A résumé of the important methods, in a form suited to use in a factory for preparing
phosphatic fertilizers for the market, seems desirable. In these factories the chemists have been
accustomed to use their own, or private methods, and there has not been a general disposition
among them to publish their methods and experience for the common benefit. For factory
processes, a method should be not only reasonably accurate, but also simple and rapid. It is
evident, therefore, that the general principles already indicated must underlie any method which
would prove useful to factory work. Albert has made a résumé of such methods applicable for
factory control, and these are given here for convenience, although they are, in many respects, but
condensed statements of methods already described.[98]
116. Reagents.—Molybdate Solution.—One hundred and ten grams of pure molybdic acid are
dissolved in ammonia of nine-tenths specific gravity and diluted with water to one liter. The
solution is poured into one liter of nitric acid, of one and two-tenths specific gravity, and, after
standing a few days, filtered.
Concentrated Ammonium Nitrate Solution.—Seven hundred and fifty grams of pure ammonium
nitrate are dissolved in water and made up to one liter.
Magnesia Mixture.—Fifty-five grams of magnesium chlorid; seventy grams of ammonium
chlorid; 130 cubic centimeters of ammonia of nine-tenths specific gravity are dissolved and diluted
with water to one liter.
Two and One-Half Per Cent Ammonia.—One hundred cubic centimeters of ammonia of nine-
tenths specific gravity are diluted with water to one liter.
Joulie’s Citrate Solution.—Four hundred grams of citric acid are dissolved in ammonia of nine-
tenths specific gravity and diluted to one liter with ammonia of the same strength.
Wagner’s Citrate Solution.—One hundred and fifty grams of citric acid are exactly neutralized
with ammonia, then ten grams of citric acid added and diluted to one liter with water.
Sodium Acetate Solution.—One hundred grams of sodium acetate, crystallized, are dissolved
in water, treated with 100 cubic centimeters of acetic acid, and diluted to one liter with water.
Calcium Phosphate Solution.—About ten grams of dry, pure tribasic calcium phosphate are
dissolved in nitric acid and diluted with water to one liter. In this solution the phosphoric acid is
determined gravimetrically by the molybdate or citrate method, and the value of the solution
marked on the flask containing it.
Titrated Uranium Solution.—Two hundred and fifty grams of uranium nitrate are dissolved in
water, twenty-five grams of sodium acetate added, and the whole diluted to seven liters. One cubic
centimeter of this solution corresponds to about 0.005 gram of phosphorus pentoxid. In order to
determine its exact value proceed as follows: Twenty-five cubic centimeters of the calcium
phosphate solution which, for example, has been found to contain 0.10317 gram of phosphorus
pentoxid, are neutralized in a porcelain dish with ammonia, acidified with acetic, treated with ten
cubic centimeters of sodium acetate solution, and warmed. Through a burette as much uranium
solution is allowed to flow as is necessary to show in a drop of the solution taken out of the dish,
when treated with a drop of pure potassium ferrocyanid, a slight brown color. In order to be certain,
this operation is repeated two or three times with new quantities of twenty-five cubic centimeters of
calcium phosphate solution. Example:
Twenty-five cubic centimeters of the calcium phosphate solution containing
0.10317 gram of phosphorus pentoxid, gave as a mean of three determinations
23.2 cubic centimeters of the uranium solution necessary to produce the brown
color with potassium ferrocyanid. Consequently 0.10317 ÷ 23.2 = 0.00445
gram of phosphorus pentoxid equivalent to one cubic centimeter of uranium
solution. If, for instance, a quantity of fertilizer weighing exactly five grams,
require ten cubic centimeters of the uranium solution for the complete
precipitation of its phosphoric acid, then the quantity of phosphoric acid
contained in the fertilizer would be equivalent to 10 × 0.0045, equivalent to
0.0445 gram of phosphorus pentoxid. The fertilizer, therefore, contains eight
and nine-tenths per cent of phosphorus pentoxid.
Conduct of the Molybdenum Method.—This method rests upon the precipitation of the phosphorus
pentoxid by a solution of ammonium molybdate in nitric acid, solution of the precipitate in ammonia, and
subsequent precipitation with magnesia.
Manipulation.—Twenty-five or fifty cubic centimeters of a solution of the phosphate which has been
made up to a standard volume and containing about one-tenth gram of phosphorus pentoxid, are placed
in a beaker together with 100 cubic centimeters of the molybdate solution and treated with as much
ammonium nitrate solution as will be sufficient to give the liquid a content of fifteen per cent of
ammonium nitrate. The contents of the beaker are well mixed and warmed for about twenty minutes at
from 60° to 80°. After cooling, they are filtered and the precipitate washed on the filter with cold water
until a drop of the filtrate saturated with ammonia does not become opaque on treatment with
ammonium oxalate. The filtrate is then washed from the filter with two and one-half per cent ammonia
solution and precipitated slowly and with constant stirring by the magnesia mixture. After standing for
two hours the ammonium magnesium phosphate is separated by filtration, washed with two and one-
half per cent ammonia until the filtrate contains no more chlorin, and ignited.
Conduct of the Citrate Method.—The principle of this method depends upon the fact that when a
sufficient quantity of ammonium citrate is added to phosphate solutions, iron, alumina, and lime are
retained in solution when, on the addition of the magnesia mixture in the presence of free ammonia, the
phosphoric acid is completely precipitated as ammonium magnesium phosphate.
Manipulation.—From ten to fifty cubic centimeters of the solution of the phosphate to be determined
are treated with fifteen cubic centimeters of the Joulie citrate solution avoiding warming. A few pieces of
filter-paper, the ash content of which is known, are thrown in and, with stirring, fifteen cubic centimeters
of magnesia mixture slowly added and if necessary also some free ammonia. By the small pieces of
filter-paper the collection of the precipitate against the sides of the vessel and on the stirring rod is
prevented and in this way the production of the precipitate hastened. After standing from one-half an
hour to two hours the mixture is filtered, ignited, and weighed. If it be preferred to estimate the
phosphoric acid by titration, the precipitate is dissolved in a little nitric acid, made slightly alkaline with
ammonia, and then acid with acetic and then afterwards titrated with the standard uranium solution.
Conduct of the Uranium Method.—The principle upon which this method rests depends upon the fact
that uranium nitrate or acetate precipitates uranium phosphate from solutions containing phosphoric
acid and which contain no other free acid except acetic. In the presence of ammonium salts the
precipitate is uranium ammonium phosphate having the formula PO₄NH₄UrO₂. The smallest excess of
soluble uranium salt is at once detected by the ordinary treatment with potassium ferrocyanid.
Manipulation.—In all cases the solution is first made slightly alkaline with ammonia and then acid by
a few drops of acetic, so that no free mineral acid may be present.
(1) With liquids free from iron:
If, on the addition of ammonium or sodium acetate, no turbidity be produced, the liquid is free from
iron and alumina. In this case from ten to fifty cubic centimeters of the solution containing about one-
tenth gram of phosphorus pentoxid are treated with ten cubic centimeters of sodium acetate, and
afterwards with a quantity of uranium solution corresponding, as nearly as possible, to its supposed
content of phosphorus pentoxid, and heated to boiling. From the heated liquid by means of a glass rod,
one or two drops are taken and placed upon a porcelain plate and one drop of a freshly prepared
solution of potassium ferrocyanid allowed to flow on it. If no brown color be seen at the point of contact
of the two drops, additional quantities of the uranium solution are added and, after boiling, again tested
with potassium ferrocyanid until a brown color is distinctly visible. The quantity of the uranium solution
thus having been determined, duplicate analyses can be made and the whole quantity of the uranium
solution added at once with the exception of the last drops, which are added as before.
(2) Solutions containing iron and alumina.
The solution is treated with the ammonium citrate solution of Joulie, the magnesia mixture added
slowly, and the precipitate collected on a filter and washed with two and one-half per cent ammonia. The
precipitate is then dissolved in nitric acid, made alkaline with ammonia, and then acid with acetic. This
solution is then treated with ten cubic centimeters of sodium acetate and titrated with uranium, as
described in (1). As an alternative method, 200 cubic centimeters of the superphosphate solution may
be treated with fifty cubic centimeters of sodium acetate, allowed to stand for some time, and filtered
through a filter of known ash content. In fifty cubic centimeters of the filtrate, which correspond to forty
cubic centimeters of the original solution, phosphoric acid may be determined as described above. The
precipitate, consisting of iron and aluminum phosphates, is washed three times on the filter with boiling
water, dried, and ignited in a platinum dish. The weight of ignited precipitate, diminished by the weight of
the ash contained in the filter and divided by two, gives the quantity of phosphorus pentoxid which it is
necessary to add to that obtained by titration.
117. Determination of the Phosphoric Acid in all Phosphates and Basic Slags.—
(1) Total phosphoric Acid:
Five grams of the fine phosphate meal, or slag meal, are moistened in a flask of 500 cubic
centimeters content with some water and boiled on a sand-bath with forty cubic centimeters of
hydrochloric acid of from 16° to 20° Beaumé. The boiling is continued until only a few cubic centimeters
of a thick jelly of silicic acid remain. After cooling, some water is added and the phosphate shaken until
the thick lumps of silica are finely divided. The flask is then filled to 500 cubic centimeters and its
contents filtered. Fifty cubic centimeters of the filtrate are treated with fifteen cubic centimeters of the
Joulie solution and treated in the manner described with magnesia mixture, precipitated, ignited, and
weighed. The precipitate can also be dissolved and treated with uranium solution as described.
The method used by Oliveri may also be employed and it is carried out as indicated in the following
A weighed quantity of the slag is reduced to a fine powder. To five grams of the sample is added
three times its weight of potassium chlorate and the whole is intimately mixed. The mixture is then
placed in a porcelain dish and hydrochloric acid is added, little by little, until the potash salt is completely
decomposed. It is evaporated until the mass is dry. The material is then treated with fuming nitric acid,
and the determination of the phosphorus is made by the ordinary gravimetric method.
By carrying on the operation as described above, a reduction of phosphoric acid is avoided, and the
presence of an abundant quantity of potash prevents the formation of basic iron phosphate which is
insoluble in nitric acid.
(2) Citrate-Soluble Phosphoric Acid.—One gram of the basic slag or phosphate is placed in a 100
cubic centimeter flask and covered with Wagner’s acid citrate solution making the total volume up to 100
cubic centimeters. With frequent shaking the flask is kept at 40° for an hour, or it may be allowed to
stand for twelve hours at room temperature with frequent shaking. In fifty cubic centimeters of the filtrate
from this flask the phosphoric acid is determined by the magnesia mixture as described. Since, in the
present case, the precipitate of ammonium magnesium phosphate contains some silicic acid it cannot
be directly ignited but must be treated in the following manner: The precipitate and the filter are thrown
into a porcelain dish, the filter-paper torn up into shreds with a glass rod, the precipitate dissolved in
nitric acid, neutralized with ammonia, acidified with acetic, and treated with uranium solution. The
phosphoric acid may also be estimated by the gravimetric method by dissolving the precipitate again in
hydrochloric or nitric acid, evaporating to dryness, and drying for one hour at from 110° to 120°,
dissolving again in hydrochloric acid, filtering, and washing the precipitate well. The filtrate, which is now
free from silica, can be treated with Joulie’s solution, precipitated with magnesia mixture, the precipitate
washed, ignited, and weighed as described. The molybdenum method is preferred in the estimation of
citrate-soluble phosphoric acid, especially in slags. For this purpose fifty cubic centimeters of the filtrate
from the solution of one gram of slag in 100 cubic centimeters of Wagner’s citrate liquid are treated with
100 cubic centimeters of molybdenum solution and thirty cubic centimeters of ammonium nitrate
solution, warmed for twenty minutes at 80°, filtered after cooling, and the yellow precipitate washed with
cold water. The water will gradually dissolve all the silicic acid from the yellow precipitate and carry it into
the filtrate. The yellow precipitate is then dissolved in two and one-half per cent liquid ammonia and
precipitated with magnesia mixture and the precipitate washed, ignited, and weighed in the way
118. Determination of Phosphoric Acid in Superphosphates.—(1) Citrate-Soluble Phosphoric
Acid.—Five grams of the superphosphate are rubbed with 100 cubic centimeters of Wagner’s acid
citrate solution in a mortar and washed into a flask of 500 cubic centimeters content and diluted to 500
cubic centimeters with water. With frequent shaking the flask is allowed to stand for twelve hours, after
which its contents are filtered. Fifty cubic centimeters of the filtrate are treated with ten cubic centimeters
of the Joulie solution and fifteen cubic centimeters of the magnesia mixture and, if necessary, made
distinctly alkaline with ammonia, vigorously stirred, and, after two hours, filtered. The precipitate is
washed, ignited, and weighed as described, or titrated, after solution in nitric acid and the addition of
sodium acetate, with uranium solution. Example:
The weighed precipitate has 0.1272 gram Mg₂P₂O₇ then the phosphate
contains 12.72 × 2 × 0.64 = 16.28 per cent of citrate-soluble P₂O₅.
(2) Water-Soluble Phosphoric Acid.—Twenty grams of superphosphate are rubbed in a mortar and
washed into a flask of one liter content and made up to the mark with water. After two hours’ digestion
with frequent shaking, the contents of the flask are filtered through a folded filter. Twenty-five cubic
centimeters of the filtrate equivalent to five-tenths gram of the substance are precipitated with magnesia
mixture, the precipitate filtered, washed, ignited, and weighed, or the moist filtrate may be dissolved
upon the filter with a little nitric acid, treated with sodium acetate, and titrated, as described, with
uranium solution.
Example: 14.5 cubic centimeters of the uranium solution are required for the
precipitate from twenty-five cubic centimeters of the original solution = 0.5
gram superphosphate; it contains then 14.5 × 0.00445 = 0.0645 gram P₂O₅.
Consequently the superphosphate contains 12.90 per cent of water-soluble
Total Phosphoric Add.—Twenty grams of the superphosphate are boiled with fifty cubic centimeters
of hydrochloric acid of from 16° to 18° Beaumé for about ten minutes and, after cooling, made up to one
liter with water and filtered. Twenty-five cubic centimeters of the filtrate are treated with ten cubic
centimeters of Joulie’s citrate solution, a few pieces of filter-paper thrown in, fifteen cubic centimeters of
magnesia mixture added, and the whole thoroughly stirred. After standing two hours the contents of the
flask are filtered and the precipitate is washed with dilute ammonia and the filter and the precipitate are
placed in a platinum crucible. The crucible is heated slowly until the moisture is driven off and the filter
burned. Then the temperature is gradually raised to a white heat. The residue is cooled and weighed.
The precipitate weighs, after the subtraction of the filter ash, 0.1390 gram; then
the superphosphate contains 13.90 × 2 × 0.64 = 17.79 per cent phosphoric


119. Time Required for Precipitation of Phosphoric Acid.—The length of time required for the
complete precipitation of the phosphoric acid by molybdate mixture is perhaps much less than generally
supposed. At 65° the precipitation, as shown by de Roode, is complete in five minutes.[100] In a given
case the weight of pyrophosphate obtained after five minutes was 0.0676 gram, and exactly the same
weight was found after twenty-four hours. In view of these facts analysts would often be able to save
time by omitting the delay usually demanded by the setting aside of the yellow precipitate for a few
hours in order to secure a complete separation of the phosphoric acid. In the method of the official
chemists it is directed that the digestion at 65° be continued for one hour, and this time may possibly be
shortened with advantage. In all cases, however, where there is any doubt in regard to the complete
separation, some of the molybdate solution should be added to the filtrate and, with renewed digestion,
it should be noted whether any additional precipitate be formed.
120. Examination of the Pyrophosphate.—In fertilizer control it is not usually thought necessary to
examine the magnesium pyrophosphate for impurities. Among those most likely to be found is silica. It is
proper, in all cases where accuracy is required, to dissolve the precipitate in nitric acid, boil for some
time to convert the pyro- into orthophosphate, and reprecipitate with molybdate and magnesia mixture.
This treatment will separate the silica which remains practically insoluble after the first ignition. It has
been observed by some analysts that the results obtained by the official method are a trifle too high and
also that on re-solution the second precipitate of pyrophosphate weighs less than the first.[101] The
difference in most cases is very little but it may become a quantity of considerable magnitude in samples
where soluble silica is found in notable quantities. The danger of contamination with iron, alumina, and
arsenic has already been mentioned but it is not of sufficient importance to warrant further attention.
121. Iodin in Phosphates.—The presence of iodin has been detected in many natural phosphates
and is of interest in the discussion of the problem of their origin.[102] A qualitative test for the detection of
iodin may be applied in the following manner: Some finely ground phosphate is mixed with strong
sulfuric acid and the gases arising from the reaction are aspired into some carbon disulfid or chloroform.
The violet coloration arising indicates the presence of iodin. The gases carrying the iodin may also be
brought into contact with starch-paste producing the well-known blue color.
The quantity of iodin present in a phosphate is rarely more than one or two-tenths of one per cent. It
can be determined as a silver salt, in the absence of chlorin or by any of the standard methods found in
works on qualitative analysis.
Iodin is quite a constant constituent of Florida phosphates.
For a quantitative determination, the sample is treated with an excess of strong sulfuric acid in a
closed flask and during the decomposition a stream of air is aspired through the flask and caused to
bubble through absorption bulbs containing sodium hydroxid in solution.
The temperature of the decomposition may be raised to about 200°. After the solution of the sample
the sodium iodid formed is oxidized by heating with potassium permanganate, acidulated and mixed
with a solution of potassium iodid to hold the free iodin in solution. The free iodin is determined in the
usual way by titration with standard sodium thiosulfate solution. The reactions preparatory to the titration
are represented by the following formulas:

2KI + H₂SO₄ = K₂SO₄ + 2HI.

2HI + H₂SO₄ = 2H₂O + SO₂ + 2I.
6I + 6NaOH = NaIO₃ + 5NaI + 3H₂O.
NaI + 2KMnO₄ + H₂O = NaIO₃ + 2KOH + 2MnO₂.
HIO₃ + 5HI = 6I + 3H₂O.
The titration is represented by the following reaction:

2Na₂S₂O₂ + 2I = 2NaI + 2NaI + Na₂S₄O₄.

The decinormal solution of sodium thiosulfate may be used. Grind the crystals of the salt to a fine
powder, dry between blotting papers, and use 24.8 grams of the dried salt per liter. The quantity of iodin
found in phosphates is so minute that it is hardly worth while to make a quantitative determination of it.
122. Occurrence of Chromium in Phosphates.—In some phosphates a small quantity of
chromium has been found. In a sample of phosphate from the Island of Los Roques in the Caribbean
Sea, Gilbert found three-fourths per cent of chromium oxid (Cr₂O₃). The phosphates containing
chromium have a greenish color and are characterized by great insolubility in solutions containing
organic acids. The chromium is to be determined by the usual methods described in mineral analysis.
123. Estimation of Vanadium.—In the complete analysis of basic slags it becomes necessary to
determine the presence of vanadium and its quantity. The method used in this laboratory for the purpose
is the volumetric process of Lindemann.[103] It is conducted as follows: Dissolve four grams of the finely
powdered slag in sixty cubic centimeters of dilute sulfuric acid (1 : 4), boil for a few minutes, cool, make
the volume up to 100 cubic centimeters, filter, and take an aliquot part for the determination. Add
decinormal potassium permanganate solution in slight excess to secure the oxidation of the vanadium to
vanadium pentoxid. Add, drop by drop, a weak solution of ferrous sulfate until the pink color just
disappears. Prepare a ferrous sulfate solution by dissolving 2.183 grams of piano wire in sulfuric acid
and making the volume to one liter. Titrate the vanadic mixture with this solution until a drop of the clear
liquor removed and brought in contact with potassium ferricyanid shows a distinctive blue-green color.
One cubic centimeter of the ferrous sulfate solution is equivalent to 0.002 gram of vanadium,
0.002888 gram of vanadium dioxid, and 0.003648 gram of vanadium pentoxid. The ferrous sulfate
solution may also be made and standardized by any of the approved methods in common use.
The method described by Blair, designed especially for the estimation of vanadium in iron and steel,
is conducted in the following manner:[104] Five grams of the drillings are dissolved in fifty cubic
centimeters of nitric acid of 1.24 specific gravity. The solution is evaporated to dryness in a porcelain
dish and heated thereafter until the nitrates are nearly decomposed. After cooling, the dried mass is
transferred to a mortar and finely ground with thirty grams of dry sodium carbonate and three grams of
sodium nitrate. The finely ground materials are placed in a platinum dish and fused for an hour at a high
temperature. Spread the fused mass over the sides of the dish while cooling, and afterwards dissolve in
hot water, filter, and wash until the volume is a little over half a liter. Add nitric acid to decompose
carbonates, but not completely, and boil to get rid of carbon dioxid, being careful to keep the mass
always slightly alkaline. Add nitric acid, drop by drop, until slightly in excess, and then sodium carbonate
to marked alkalinity, boil, and filter. Add a slight excess of nitric acid to the filtrate, and the development
of a yellow color will indicate the presence of vanadic acid. Add to the solution a small quantity of
mercurous nitrate and then an excess of mercuric oxid, suspended in water to render the solution
neutral and insure the complete precipitation of mercurous vanadate. The mercurous salt also
precipitates phosphoric, chromic, tungstic, and molybdic acids which may be present. Boil, filter, and
wash the precipitate with hot water, dry, and ignite. Fuse the residue with sodium carbonate and a little
nitrate. Dissolve the fused mass, after cooling, in a little water and filter. Add to the filtrate, ammonium
chlorid in excess, from three to five grams for each 100 cubic centimeters of the solution, and allow to
stand, with occasional stirring, for some time. Ammonium vanadate, insoluble in a saturated solution of
ammonium chlorid, separates as a white powder. It is necessary to keep the solution alkaline, and a
drop of ammonia should be added from time to time for this purpose. The appearance of a yellowish tint
at any time indicates that the solution has become acid, and this acidity must be corrected, or else the
results will be too low. Separate the ammonium vanadate by filtration; wash first with a saturated
solution of ammonium chlorid containing a little free ammonia, and then with alcohol. Dry, ignite, and
moisten with a few drops of nitric acid; again ignite to obtain the compound as vanadium pentoxid. This
compound contains 56.22 per cent of vanadium. The method of Rosenheim and Holversheet may also
be used.[105] It is based on the preliminary precipitation of the vanadic acid as a barium or lead salt. The
substance supposed to contain vanadium is first brought into solution in such a manner as to secure it
as vanadic acid, which is then precipitated with barium chlorid or lead acetate. The precipitate is boiled
with hydrochloric acid and potassium bromid, and the liberated bromin determined by the quantity of
iodin set free from potassium iodid. In the absence of bodies, such as molybdic acid, which are reduced
by sulfurous acid or hydrogen sulfid, the vanadic acid may also be determined by reducing it with one of
these reagents and, after removing the excess by boiling, titrating the vanadium tetroxid with potassium
permanganate. When vanadic and phosphoric acids occur together the former may be first reduced to
tetroxid with sulfurous acid, and after expelling excess of this reagent, the phosphoric acid may be
separated with molybdate solution and removed by filtration. When the amount of vanadic acid is large
the phosphoric acid should be separated rapidly at 55°-60°, using a considerable excess of the
molybdate; or the vanadic acid may first be determined in the solution volumetrically by the bromin
process above described, and afterwards the phosphoric acid obtained by evaporating to dryness with a
little sulfuric acid, taking the residue up with water, reducing the vanadic with sulfurous acid and
precipitating the phosphoric acid with molybdate solution as described above.
124. Fluorin in Bones.—Fluorin is not only a constituent of mineral phosphates but also of bones.
According to the researches of Carnot there is often as much as one-half per cent of calcium fluorid in
bones and teeth.[106] Gabriel has suggested a means of determining a minimum limit of fluorin in bones
and teeth by the development of etchings in comparison with known quantities of pure calcium fluorid.
The minimum quantity of calcium fluorid necessary to produce a distinct etching, in known conditions,
having been determined, the test is applied to known weights of ignited bone or teeth. He concludes
from his results, that the ash of bones and teeth often contains less than one-tenth per cent of fluorin.
Since, however, there is a loss of fluorin from calcium fluorid, on ignition, the whole of the fluorin may not
have been available in the tests described.
125. Note on the Separation of Iron and Aluminum Phosphates from the Calcium Compound.
—There are many points of difference noted in the descriptions given by authors of the deportment of
the iron, and aluminum phosphates in presence of a large excess of the calcium salt. Especially is this
true of the statements made by Hess and Glaser[107] in paragraphs 34 and 35. The subject is of such
importance, from an analytical point of view, as to merit a careful study.
In this laboratory a thorough investigation of the mutual deportment of these three phosphates has
been made by Brown with the following results:[108] When a mixture containing a known weight of the
salts was treated exactly as Hess directs, in no case was there a complete separation of the iron
aluminum phosphate from the calcium salt. In order to discover the cause of the failure, pure solutions of
calcium and iron aluminum phosphates were treated under identical conditions by the necessary
reagents. Fifty cubic centimeters of a solution of calcium phosphate, containing about one gram of the
salt, were treated with 100 cubic centimeters of water and fifty cubic centimeters of the commercial
ammonium acetate containing 150 grams of the salt in a liter. An immediate precipitate was produced at
ordinary temperature, and on heating to 60° it became abundant. The addition of ammonium chlorid,
phosphate, and nitrate in successive portions, does not prevent the precipitation. Making the solution
more dilute lessens the difficulty when twenty cubic centimeters of a ten per cent solution of ammonium
phosphate are first added, followed by the usual quantity of ammonium acetate; a clear crystalline
precipitate is sometimes observed. Experience also shows that the trouble is not due to an excess of
the ammonium acetate.
In treating a solution of iron aluminum phosphate, in similar circumstances, with the ammonium
acetate, it is found that a complete precipitation takes place.
Since diluting the solution of the calcium salt diminishes its tendency to form a precipitate with the
ammonium acetate the true method of separation seems to lie in that direction. The calcium salt is held
completely in solution when the separation is made in the following way.
The solution containing the mixed phosphates is diluted so as to contain not more than one gram
thereof in half a liter. To this is added one drop of dimethylanilin orange, and afterwards ammonium
hydroxid, until a very slight precipitate is formed. The mixture is heated to 70° and from twenty to
twenty-five cubic centimeters of a twenty-five per cent solution of acid ammonium acetate are added,
enough to change the rose color of the indicator to orange. The iron aluminum phosphate is separated
by filtration and washed with a hot five per cent solution of ammonium nitrate.
The washed precipitate shows no impurity due to calcium, as proved by dissolving it, reprecipitating
and filtering, adding ammonium hydroxid to the filtrate, and heating for a long time. Sometimes a slight
troubling of the clear liquid may be observed which may be due to a slight solubility of the iron aluminum
phosphate in washing, an accident that may occur if the temperature be allowed to fall below 70°, but no
weighable amount of material is obtained. If due to calcium phosphate, a greater dilution in the first
precipitation will remove even this mere trace of that salt. In the above conditions the contamination of
the iron aluminum precipitate with calcium phosphate may be entirely avoided. We had also undertaken
here the problem of separating the phosphoric acid by the citrate method, followed by a destruction of
the citric acid in the filtrate by combustion with sulfuric acid according to the kjeldahl process, and final
separation of the iron and alumina in the residues when our attention was called to substantially the
same process as described by Jean.[109] The method merits a further critical examination.
126. Phosphoric Acid Soluble in Ammonium Citrate.—There is no other point connected with the
determination of phosphoric acid which has excited so much discussion and about which there is such
difference of opinion as the solubility of phosphates in ammonium citrate. It was clearly established by
Huston, in 1882, that the ammonium citrate, as used in fertilizer analysis, would attack normal tricalcium
phosphate as it exists in bones.[110]
In a raw bone, finely ground, containing 20.28 per cent of phosphoric acid, the following quantities
were found to be soluble in a neutral ammonium citrate solution of 1.09 specific gravity.
Time of digestion, thirty minutes.
Temperature 30° 40° 50° 60°
Per cent P₂O₅ dissolved 2.76 4.01 3.39 5.88

From this it appears that the quantity of acid dissolved increases with the temperature of digestion
with the exception of the number obtained at 50°. When the time of digestion was increased there was
also found a progressive increase in the amount of acid passing into solution. At 40° for forty-five
minutes the per cent dissolved was 4.97, and at 40° for one hour it was 5.92. These early
determinations had the effect of calling attention to the thoroughly empirical process which was in use,
in many modified forms, by agricultural chemists, the world over for determining so-called reverted
phosphoric acid in fertilizers. Since the publication of the paper above named many investigations have
been undertaken by Huston and others relating to this matter.[111] The general results of these studies,
tabulated by Huston, are given below.[112]

Influence of the Time of Digestion.

(A) = Temperature, degrees C.

(B) = Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid.
(C) = Total phosphoric acid.

Time of (B) (C)

Material. Authority. (A)
digestion. Per cent. Per cent.
65 ½ hour 10.60 19.75
Bone meal, F. B. Dancy,
65 1 “ 11.28 19.75
65 ½ “ 6.62 21.68
Orchilla guano, F. B. Dancy,
65 1 “ 6.85
65 ½ “ 4.64 31.27
Navassa rock, F. B. Dancy
65 1 “ 4.81 31.27
Navassa 65 ½ “ 9.00 11.47
F. B. Dancy,
superphos., 65 1 “ 9.21 11.47
40 ½ “ 4.01 20.28
Bone meal, H. A. Huston,
40 1 “ 5.92 20.28
Bone meal, H. A. Huston and 65 ½ “ 6.17 23.58
raw, W. J. Jones, Jr., 65 1 “ 6.49 23.58
65 2 hours 8.22 23.58
65 5 “ 9.31 23.58
Steamed bone, H. A. Huston and 65 ½ hour 10.59 27.67
Time of (B) (C)
Material. Authority. (A)
digestion. Per cent. Per cent.
W. J. Jones, Jr., 65 1 “ 12.21
65 2 hours 14.61
65 5 “ 17.94
65 10 “ 19.73
Florida H. A. Huston and 65 ½ hour 0.56 19.75
soft rock, W. J. Jones, Jr., 65 2 hours 1.69
65 5 “ 1.47
Precipitated H. A. Huston and 65 ¼ hour 26.72 33.34
calcium W. J. Jones, Jr., 65 ½ “ 27.26
phosphate from 65 1 “ 27.28
glue works 65 2 hours 27.29
Pamunky H. A. Huston and 65 ½ hour 4.43 13.84
phosphate, W. J. Jones, Jr., 65 1 “ 8.28
65 2 hours 10.34
65 5 “ 11.80
65 10 “ 12.58
Calcined H. A. Huston and 65 ½ hour 21.24 45.15
Redonda, W. J. Jones, Jr., 1 “ 31.70
2 hours 36.92
5 “ 41.00
10 “ 42.70
South H. A. Huston and 65 ½ hour 2.82 25.51
Carolina W. J. Jones, Jr., 1 “ 3.13
rock, 2 hours 3.57
5 “ 3.88

Influence of Temperature.

(A) = Temperature, degrees C.

(B) = Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid.
(C) = Total phosphoric acid.

Time of (B) (C)

Material. Authority. (A)
digestion. Per cent. Per cent
Apatite ½ hour 40 0.30
T. S. Gladding[114]
Canadian, ½ “ 65 0.56
½ “ 40 4.63
Orchilla guano, T. S. Gladding,
½ “ 65 4.81
South Carolina ½ “ 40 1.09
T. S. Gladding,
river rock, ½ “ 65 1.35
Time of (B) (C)
Material. Authority. (A)
digestion. Per cent. Per cent
½ “ 40 2.73
Navassa rock, T. S. Gladding,
½ “ 65 2.53
Grand ½ “ 40 1.16
T. S. Gladding,
Connetable, ½ “ 65 1.96
S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 1.70 36.68
E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 65 1.85
South Carolina S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 1.32 25.48
rock, E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 65 1.65
S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 4.92 21.05
Orchilla guano,
E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 65 5.85
S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 4.10 29.90
Navassa rock,
E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 65 4.22
S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 11.95 16.50
Acid Navassa,
E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 65 13.53
Fine-ground S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 9.40 23.50
bone, E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 65 12.90
South Carolina C. V. Sheppard, Jr.½ “ 40 1.72 24.50
land rock, also H. C. White, ½ “ 65 2.11
C. V. Sheppard, Jr.½ “ 40 6.48 15.85
Orchilla guano,
also H. C. White, ½ “ 65 6.75
Calcined C. V. Sheppard, Jr.½ “ 40 5.70 44.85
Redonda, also H. C. White, ½ “ 65 10.20
C. V. Sheppard, Jr.½ “ 40 4.49 43.79
Raw Redonda,
also H. C. White, ½ “ 65 7.92
Acid phosphate, C. V. Sheppard, Jr.½ “ 40 3.55 18.25
S. C. 10.35 per cent also H. C. White, ½ “ 65 4.05
Acid Navassa, C. V. Sheppard, Jr. ½ “ 40 10.85 16.20
2.85 per cent also H. C. White, ½ “ 65 11.00
Bone, H. A. Huston, ½ “ 30 2.76 20.28
½ “ 40 4.01
½ “ 50 3.39
½ “ 60 5.88
Acid phosphate, Sheppard and ½ “ 40 3.46 15.95
11.41 per cent Robertson, ½ “ 60 3.82
Calcined H. A. Huston, ½ “ 40 2.18 45.46
Redonda, ½ “ 50 5.52
Time of (B) (C)
Material. Authority. (A)
digestion. Per cent. Per cent
½ “ 65 21.24
½ “ 75 32.90
½ “ 85 39.52
Calcined H. A. Huston and 5 hours 40 26.78 42.90
Redonda, W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 38.19
5 “ 85 41.57
Pamunky H. A. Huston and 5 “ 40 3.10 13.84
phosphate, W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 11.80
5 “ 85 12.82
Raw bone, H. A. Huston and 2 “ 40 5.96 23.58
W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 8.22
2 “ 85 8.71
Steamed bone, H. A. Huston and 5 “ 40 16.02 27.67
W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 20.22
5 “ 85 20.66
Precipitated H. A. Huston and 2 “ 40 24.14 33.34
calcium phosphate W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 23.45
from glue works, 2 “ 85 22.46
Florida H. A. Huston and 2 “ 40 0.00 19.75
soft rock, W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 1.69
2 “ 85 1.99

Influence of Quantity of Material Used.

(A) = Temperature, degrees C.

(B) = Quantity of material used.
(C) = Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid.
(D) = Total phosphoric acid.

(B) (C) (D)

Material. Authority. Time (A)
Grams. Per cent. Per cen
⅔ hour 40 2.0 9.94 21.68
Orchilla guano, F. B. Dancy, ⅔ “ 40 1.0 12.14
⅔ “ 40 0.5 13.51
½ “ 65 2.0 6.62
½ “ 65 1.0 9.33
Redonda, S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 2.0 1.70 36.68
E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 40 0.4 3.46
½ “ 65 2.0 1.85
½ “ 65 0.4 5.26
(B) (C) (D)
Material. Authority. Time (A)
Grams. Per cent. Per cen
South Carolina S. W. Johnson and ½ “ 40 2.0 1.32 25.48
rock, E. H. Farrington, ½ “ 40 0.4 1.33
½ “ 65 2.0 1.65
½ “ 65 0.4 3.36
½ “ 65 2.0 5.87
Orchilla guano, T. S. Gladding,
½ “ 65 0.4 13.05
Calcined H. A. Huston, ½ “ 65 0.5 16.80 45.46
Redonda, ½ “ 65 1.0 18.26
½ “ 65 2.0 21.24
½ “ 65 3.0 23.22
½ “ 65 5.0 24.66
½ “ 65 10.0 28.64
Calcined H. A. Huston, 5 “ 65 0.5 41.77 45.46
Redonda, 5 “ 65 2.0 41.53
5 “ 65 8.0 39.86
Pamunky H. A. Huston and 5 “ 65 0.5 11.81 13.84
phosphate, W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 2.0 11.80
5 “ 65 4.0 11.44
Raw bone, H. A. Huston and 2 “ 65 0.5 16.49 23.58
W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 2.0 8.22
2 “ 65 4.0 7.22
Steamed bone, H. A. Huston and 5 “ 65 0.5 26.40 27.67
W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 2.0 17.94
5 “ 65 4.0 12.12
Precipitated H. A. Huston and 2 “ 65 0.5 33.34 33.34
calcium phosphate W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 2.0 27.29
from glue works, 2 “ 65 4.0 19.49
Florida H. A. Huston and 2 “ 65 0.5 5.50 19.75
soft rock, W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 2.0 1.69
2 “ 65 4.0 1.27

Influence of Acidity and Alkalinity.

(A) = Temperature, degrees C.

(B) = 100 cc neutral citrate + citric acid.
(C) = 100 cc neutral citrate + ammonia equivalent to citric acid.
(D) = Per cent of phosphoric acid dissolved.
(E) = Per cent total phosphoric acid.

Material. Authority. Time (A) (B) (C) (D)

Material. Authority. Time (A) (B) (C) (D)

Navassa rock, T. S. Gladding[115] ½ hour 65 0.00 0.00 2.53

½ “ 65 0.733 gm 4.87
½ “ 65 0.733 gm 1.22
South Carolina T. S. Gladding ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 1.35
rock, ½ “ 65 0.733 “ 2.89
½ “ 65 0.733 “ 1.06
Grand T. S. Gladding, ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 1.97
connetable, ½ “ 65 0.733 “ 1.12
½ “ 65 0.733 “ 11.44
Dissolved H. B. McDonnell, ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 2.49
bone-black and ½ “ 65 0.01 “ 2.42
cottonseed-meal, ½ “ 65 0.01 “ 2.37
Ground bone, H. B. McDonnell, ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 8.66
½ “ 65 0.01 “ 9.18
½ “ 65 0.01 “ 8.00
Calcined H. B. McDonnell, ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 30.61
Redonda, ½ “ 65 0.01 “ 29.42
½ “ 65 0.01 “ 32.47
Dissolved H. A. Huston, ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 2.24
bone-black and ½ “ 65 1.00 “ 2.24
cottonseed-meal, ½ “ 65 1.00 “ 2.21
Ground bone, H. A. Huston and ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 8.78
W. J. Jones, Jr., ½ “ 65 1.00 “ 13.48
½ “ 65 1.00 “ 5.35
Calcined H. A. Huston and ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 25.54 4
Redonda, W. J. Jones, Jr., ½ “ 65 1.00 “ 18.84
½ “ 65 1.00 “ 35.20
South Carolina H. A. Huston and ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 1.81
rock, W. J. Jones, Jr., ½ “ 65 1.00 “ 4.59
½ “ 65 1.00 “ 0.74
Basic slag, H. A. Huston and ½ “ 65 0.00 0.00 6.98
W. J. Jones, Jr., ½ “ 65 1.0 “ 10.12
½ “ 65 1.0 “ 5.49
Pamunky H. A. Huston and 5 h’rs 65 0.00 0.00 11.80
phosphate, W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 1.0 “ 11.79
5 “ 65 1.0 “ 12.28
Raw bone, H. A. Huston and 2 “ 65 0.00 0.00 8.22
W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 1.0 “ 11.20
2 “ 65 1.0 “ 4.02
Material. Authority. Time (A) (B) (C) (D)
Steamed bone, H. A. Huston and 5 “ 65 0.00 0.00 17.94
W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 1.0 “ 22.55
5 “ 65 1.0 “ 9.64
Precipitated H. A. Huston and 2 “ 65 0.00 0.00 24.20
calcium phosphate,W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 1.0 “ 30.70
from glue works, 2 “ 65 1.0 “ 20.67
Florida soft H. A. Huston and 2 “ 65 0.00 0.00 1.69
rock, W. J. Jones, Jr., 2 “ 65 1.0 “ 3.37
2 “ 65 1.0 “ 0.72
Calcined H. A. Huston and 5 “ 65 0.00 0.00 40.64 4
Redonda, W. J. Jones, Jr., 5 “ 65 1.0 “ 40.05
5 “ 65 1.0 “ 41.01
In the above tabulations no mention is made of the work of Fresenius, Neubauer, and Luck, on
whose researches the citrate method is based, but an examination of their original paper shows that the
temperature conditions are not carefully enough controlled to justify us in tabulating their results.[116] An
attempt has been made to include in the above tables, work made under well-defined conditions, which
will illustrate the various points under consideration. While each authority of value upon the subject is
represented, no attempt has been made to include all the work done by any of them. One element that
seems to have been generally overlooked in discussing the problem is that nearly all results have been
obtained from one-half hour’s treatment of the material. This means simply the study of an incomplete
reaction, and one which is interrupted while the solution is very rapidly going on. This, of course, is only
clearly brought out by a comparison of long-time and short-time work in the various tables. In the opinion
of Huston very much more work will have to be done before it can be assumed that we have any very
clear knowledge of this subject, and very likely the final result will be that all kinds of goods cannot be
examined by the same method. The fact that half a gram of dicalcium phosphate is instantly soluble in
100 cubic centimeters of citrate solution, at ordinary temperatures, while an equal amount of iron and
aluminum phosphate is acted upon very slowly at ordinary temperatures will probably have to be taken
into consideration, as well as the fact that dicalcium phosphate is less soluble in hot solutions of
ammonium citrate than it is in cold solutions, while the reverse is true of the precipitated iron and
aluminum phosphate.
At present, the only conclusion that can be safely drawn from the work, is that it would be unsafe to
make any generalization upon the subject until more facts are at hand, except that the present methods
are unscientific and, unsatisfactory. As the work progresses, new features present themselves, and in
such a way as to show that they must be given careful consideration before drawing any final
conclusions in the matter.
127. Arbitrary Determination of Reverted Phosphoric Acid.—The so-called reverted phosphoric
acid, that is, the acid insoluble in water and soluble in a solution of ammonium citrate, is the most
difficult constituent of commercial fertilizers from the point of view of the scientific analyst. A review of all
the standard methods which have been given in the preceding pages for its determination must
convince every careful observer that, as a rule, each process is based on arbitrary standards, and can
give only concordant results when carried out under strictly unvarying conditions. For this reason there
can be no just comparison between the results obtained by different methods, which vary from each
other only in slight particulars. When, on the other hand, the processes are radically different, the
deviations in data become more pronounced.
In such a condition of affairs the analyst is left to choose between methods. He must be guided in his
choice not only by what seems to be the most scientific and accurate process, but also, to a certain
extent, by the general practice of his professional brethren. For this country, therefore, it is strongly
urged that the methods adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, be followed in every
By the phrase “reverted phosphoric acid,” was originally meant an acid once soluble in water, as
CaH₄(PO₄)₂, and afterwards changed to a form insoluble in water, but soluble in ammonium citrate as
Ca₂H₂(PO₄)₂. But in practice this has never been the true signification of the term. In the manufacture of
acid and superphosphates there is formed, more or less of the dicalcium phosphate, either directly or
after a time, and this salt which, in no sense can be called reverted, is entirely soluble in ammonium
citrate. The iron and aluminum phosphates are also, to a certain degree, soluble in the same reagent.
When an acid phosphate, containing various forms of calcium phosphate, is applied to a soil containing
iron and alumina, the soluble parts of the compound tend to become fixed by union with those bases, or
by precipitation as Ca₂H₂(PO₄)₂. But it is not alone reverted phosphate formed in this way, which the
analyst is called on to determine in a fertilizer, although he may have occasion to treat it in soil analysis.
The expression “reverted phosphoric acid,” therefore, in practice not only includes a dicalcium
phosphate, which once may have been the monocalcium salt, but also all of that salt originally existing
in the superphosphate, and formed directly during its manufacture, as well as any iron and aluminum
phosphates present which are soluble in ammonium citrate. The expression “citrate-soluble” is,
therefore, to be preferred to “reverted” phosphoric acid.
In the reversion of the phosphoric acid in superphosphates the iron plays a far more important role
than the aluminum sulfate. It was formerly supposed that the reversion took place as indicated in the
following formula: 2CaH₄(PO₄)₂ + Fe₂O₃ = 2(CaHPO₄, FePO₄) + 3H₂O, while Wagner affirms that the
reverted acid compounds consist of varying quantities of ferric oxid, aluminum oxid, phosphorus
pentoxid, and calcium oxid, in various states of combination.[117] The more probable reaction is the
following: 3CaH₄(PO₄)₂ + Fe₂(SO₄)₃ + 4H₂O = 2(FePO₄, 2H₃PO₄, 2H₂O) + 3CaSO₄. This reaction can
be demonstrated by adding to a superphosphate solution one of a ferric salt. In addition to free
phosphoric acid, iron phosphate is separated, which gradually passes into an insoluble form by the
abstraction of water due to the crystallization of the gypsum. The alumina present in a superphosphate
seems to have no direct influence on the process of reversion. Its phosphate salt is not acted on by the
acid calcium phosphate. Even when a superphosphate solution is treated with alum no precipitation is
produced, except on warming, and this disappears when the mass is again cold.
It is therefore not necessary in the process of manufacture to separate the alumina by digestion with
a hot soda-lye before treating the mass with sulfuric acid.
In order to avoid the reversion of the phosphoric acid several plans have been proposed. One of the
best is to use a little excess of sulfuric acid in the manufacture. This tends to hold the phosphoric acid in
soluble form but is objectionable on account of drying, handling, and shipping the fertilizer. During the
digestion, moreover, it is important that the temperature does not rise above 120°. Another method
consists in adding to the dissolved rock a quantity of common salt chemically equivalent to its iron
content. Ammonium sulfate also helps to hold the phosphoric acid water-soluble.
128. Influence of Movement.—The influence of time and temperature of digestion, and of variations
in the composition of the ammonium citrate on the quantity of phosphoric acid dissolved by that reagent
has been pointed out. Of great importance also in the process is the character of the movement to
which the materials are subjected during the digestion. For this reason various mechanical devices have
been constructed to secure uniformity of solution. Inasmuch as the temperature factor must also be
faithfully observed, the best of these devices are so arranged as to admit of a uniform motion within a
bath of water kept at the desired temperature which, by the Association method, is 65°.
Figure. 8.
Huston’s Digesting Apparatus.

129. Digestion Apparatus for Reverted Phosphates.—The digestion apparatus used by Huston
consists of two wheels twenty-five centimeters in diameter, mounted on the same axis, having a clear
space of four and one-half centimeters between them.[118] In the periphery of each wheel are cut twelve
notches, which are to receive the posts bearing the rings through which the necks of the flasks pass.
The posts are held in place by nuts which are screwed down on the faces of the wheel. Should it
become necessary to take the apparatus apart, it is only necessary to loosen the nuts and the set screw
holding one wheel to the shaft and all the parts can at once be removed. The posts extend ten
centimeters beyond the face of the wheels, and the rings are four centimeters in internal diameter.
Perforated plates, bearing a cross-bar, and held in place by strong spiral springs attached to the plate
and the base of the posts, serve to hold the flasks in place. Each plate has a number stenciled through it
for convenience in identifying the flasks when it is time to remove them. Attached to the outside of each
post, close to the outer end, is a heavy wire which passes entirely around the apparatus, serving to
keep the plates in place after they are removed from the flasks.
The apparatus is mounted on a substantial framework, thirty-six centimeters high and thirty
centimeters wide at the base. The space in which the wheel revolves is fourteen centimeters wide. The
base bars connecting the two sides are extended seven centimeters beyond one side, and serve for the
attachment of lateral bracing. At the top of the framework, at one side, is attached a heavy bar forty-five
centimeters long, which serves to carry the cog gearing which transmits the power. The upright shaft
carries a cone pulley to provide for varying the speed. The usual speed is two revolutions a minute for
the wheel carrying the flasks. The entire apparatus is made of brass. The details of construction are
shown in Fig. 8. Round-bottomed flasks are used, and rubber stoppers are held in place by tying or by a
special clamp shown at the lower right-hand of the figure.
When high temperatures are used, the plates and flasks are handled by the hooks shown at the left
and right-hand upper corners of the figure.
When any other than room temperature is desired, the whole apparatus is immersed in water
contained in the large galvanized tank forming the back-ground of the figures. The tank is seventy-five
centimeters long, seventy-five centimeters high, and thirty centimeters wide. At one end, near the top, is
an extension to provide space for heating the fluid in the flasks before introducing the solid in such
cases as may be desired.
The apparatus is held in place by angle irons soldered to the bottom of the tank and a brace resting
against the upright bar bearing the gear-wheels.
The water in the tank is heated by injecting steam, or by burners under the tank. As the tank holds
about 300 pounds of water the work is not subject to sudden changes of temperature, and little trouble
has been experienced in raising and maintaining the temperature of the water, especially when steam is
An electric motor, or a small water-motor with only a very moderate head of water, will furnish ample
130. Comparison of Results.—The following data show the results obtained by the digester as
compared with those furnished by the official method, temperature and time of digestion being the same
in each instance.

Ammonium Citrate Solution on Phosphates.

Total by official Remove
Substance. Time of phos. acid. method. by digeste
treatment. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent
½ hour 27.67 10.59 14.52
1 “ 12.21 14.82
2 hours 14.61 17.56
Steamed bone, 3½ “ 16.48 18.53
5 “ 17.94 20.22
7½ “ 18.99 20.25
10 “ 19.73 21.18
½ hour 13.86 4.43 4.11
1 “ 8.28 6.82
2 hours 10.34 9.76
Marl, 3½ “ 11.00 11.31
5 “ 11.80 11.83
8 “ 12.51 12.64
10 “ 12.58 13.00
½ hour 19.38 12.09 12.28
1 “ 12.47 12.40
Acidulated bone, 2 hours 12.20 12.43
3½ “ 12.40 12.24
5 “ 12.43 12.26
Bone, ½ hour 21.40 6.97 8.48
Ammoniated dissolved bone, ½ “ 18.22 9.28 10.63
Cottonseed-meal and
castor pomace, ½ “ 2.52 0.23 0.25
Phospho bone, ¼ “ 16.55 7.06 7.21
In comparing duplicates, the results from the use of the digester are found to be subject to less
variation than those from the usual method.
131. Huston’s Mechanical Stirrer.—The stirring apparatus shown in Fig. 9 differs from those which
have heretofore come into use, in requiring but a single belt to drive all the stirring rods, and in having all

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