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First City Providential College

Brgy. Narra, Francisco Homes Subd., City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

First City Providential College

Brgy. Narra, Francisco Homes Subd., City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Learning Task Output Plan (LTOP)

Authentic Problem: Why there are still many cases of malnutrition?
Title of the LTOP: The Importance Of Having A Good Nutrition
Analyze Contents:
Nutrition is related to nutrients. In my own understanding, nutrition is the study of nutrients that
we consume, how those nutrients help our bodies when taken in right proportions, and how they
can harm our bodies when taken in excess. Nutrition helps our understanding of the chemicals
in our foods. Nutrition helps us as individuals to check and balance our diet. In addition, when I
hear nutrition, I imagine healthy foods. I believe studying nutrition helps individuals make
healthy choices regarding their diet. Nutrition is the science of foods and the nutrients and the
other substances they contain, and of their actions within the body which may include ingestion,
digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism, and excretion
Proper nutrition is one of the most essential elements to being healthy and living a long life.
People deal with food every day, and food has been a part of life since the beginning of
civilization. What we eat becomes our diet, and our diet plays a major role in deciding how
healthy we are and how well our body functions. Without proper diet, our body cannot carry out
the functions it needs to perform. Most people have some common knowledge on what is good
and what is bad for the human body to consume. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains are some
common items people think of when they think of healthy foods.
Our body needs certain types of nutrients so that our body gets the proper growth and
development. We cannot get these nutrients by eating any type of food. We should have a
proper diet for that which we should maintain always. If we follow this diet for a short period of
time there will not be any changes. There will be changes only if follow the diet every day and
never stop it.
essential nutrients for the proper growth, development and functioning of our body. They are
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Each of these nutrients is important for our body. We cannot skip or ignore of these nutrients.
This is because all of these nutrients have their importance and functions. They help in the
growth of the body is different ways
With the right nutrition we tend to remain fit and active. We get energy to perform our work with
the help of our nutrition. We are able to focus better on our work with proper nutrition. We can
stay and look young for very long time if we get the right nutrition.

We can also live for a longer period of time compared to the people who eat unhealthy food. We
are safe from any of the health problems which can be caused due to consumption of unhealthy
foods. If we do not face any health problems there will not be any expenditure for health
Instead that money can be used for other useful and important purposes. When we do not get
the right nutrition we are prone to many harmful diseases. The right nutrition makes our immune
system strong. We will not get sick because we have a strong immunity against different types
of diseases or illness. Our body height and weight is also affected by the nutrition.

If we do not have the right nutrition the growth in our height and weight gets hampered. This
results in improper height and weight of our body. When we do not eat enough food or the right
type of food it affects our behaviour too. People who do not get right and enough food tend to be
very moody ones.

They are sad most of the time which makes them eat more of unhealthy foods. So, the right
nutrition keeps a person happy. Thus, it is necessary for all of us to know about the right
nutrition from before itself so that we continue to follow it the rest of our lives without facing any
Create Solutions:
In order to lead a happy and proper life, we need to have a good health. Only with a good health
we can do anything in our health. A bad health will not allow us to do anything. We can do a lot
of things with a good health. It is more important than our wealth too.

This does not mean that we do not need wealth. We obviously need wealth in order to survive in
this world. But we should focus more on our health than the wealth. We should be attached to
our wealth so much. We should rather show that attachment to our health.

It is only with a proper health that we can work and earn wealth for ourselves. If we do not have
a good health then this wealth will not come to us. Even if we have wealth but no proper health,
the wealth will get over one day. After that a person will not be able to get any sort of wealth

In order to have a proper health, we need to eat the right type of food that our body needs for
proper growth, development and proper functioning.

When we do not eat properly, our body becomes weak and we are not able to do any work
properly. We will be able to maintain a good health by good eating habits and a proper nutrition.
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