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User’s Manual
(EM/EP Driver Unit System)






Document Number: C20020-03

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NSK Ltd. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and/or workmanship which NSK
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repair or replace any product which has been proved to the satisfaction of NSK Ltd. to have a defect
in material and/or workmanship.

This warranty is the sole and exclusive remedy available, and under no circumstances shall NSK
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claim arising under this limited warranty. NSK Ltd. makes no other warranty express or implied,
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Copyright 1997-2000 by NSK Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

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“MEGATORQUE” is a registered trademark of

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NSK Ltd.
(Blank Page)
Notes To Users
☞ Before operating the Megatorque Motor System, this manual should
be read thoroughly. The Megatorque Motor System is a unique device, so
‘common sense’ based upon experience with servo motors may not directly
apply here. Careful consideration of the mechanical design, as described in
Chapter 4, is especially important.

☞ Make sure that the serial numbers for Motor and Driver Unit are the
same. The Motor and Driver Unit of the Megatorque Motor System are
marked with serial numbers that identify them. Motors and Driver Units may
not be interchanged.
☞ Spare parts should be ordered from any of the NSK offices. A list of NSK
offices is provided in the back cover .

About This Manual

This manual describes the interface, function and operation of the Megatorque Motor
System. This manual provides information on the System with EM/EP Driver Unit; if
your model is not one of these, contact NSK for supplemental information.


The Driver Unit of the Megatorque Motor System is controlled digitally by a 16bit
microprocessor. The program software of the Driver Unit is modified constantly to
improve functions. The change of the Driver Unit program software is shown by the
change of version number in the Driver Unit model number (see Appendix 2 to know
your model number).

The information in this manual is applied to the Driver Unit version 05. If your Driver
Unit is newer than version 05, there should be an addendum to this manual. Read the
addendum before reading this manual. The addendum will be available from your
local NSK office, and will be packed with your Megatorque Motor System. If your
Driver Unit is older than version 05, some of this manual may not apply to your
System. Contact NSK for details.

Technical Information
For technical assistance and sales information, contact your local NSK office. A list of
NSK offices is provided in the back cover.

It will be necessary to be familiar with some terms used in this document.

bps bit per second; the unit of communication speed.

CCW Motor rotating direction, counterclockwise; seen from the outside of rotor.
closed logic output state; output current will flow.
CW Motor rotating direction, clockwise; seen from the outside of rotor.
Driver Unit means Megatorque Motor System’s driver unit when capitalized.
Home Return a built-in sequence program for setting the home position.
kpps kilo pulse per second; the unit of pulse frequency.
Motor means Megatorque Motor System’s motor when capitalized.
OFF (all capital) logic input state; input will see an open circuit.
ON (all capital) logic input state; there will be a current path to the common DC supply.
open logic output state; no output current
P control proportional-only control; the servo algorithm.
PI control proportional and integral control; the servo algorithm.
position gain shorter name for position loop proportional gain
position integrator frequency shorter name for position loop integrator cutoff frequency
position loop control mode a control mode within the position control loop; P control or PI control available.
Programmable Indexer Driver Unit’s built-in indexing ability.
pulse train a series of pulses used as a position command.
quadrature output two pulse train outputs with 90˚ phase difference.
rated stall torque the rated torque available at zero speed.
rated torque the torque not to exceed the maximum Motor winding temperature.
rps revolution per second; the unit of velocity.
rps/s rps per second; the unit of acceleration.
servo-lock one typical state of servo-on; the Motor provides torque and remains in position.
servo-off the state where the Driver Unit provides no current to the Motor, and the Motor provides
no torque. The Motor rotor can be rotated easily.
servo-on the state that the Driver Unit is ready to control the Motor, or is controlling the Motor.
shipping set a parameter setting or a Driver Unit function setting at shipping.
stall torque the torque available at zero speed.
System means Megatorque Motor System when capitalized.
velocity gain shorter name for velocity loop proportional gain
velocity integrator frequency shorter name for velocity loop integrator cutoff frequency
velocity loop control mode a control mode within the velocity control loop; P control or PI control available.

1. Introduction ----------------------------------------------- 1-1 5. Trial Running and Adjustment ----------------------- 5-1
1.1. Overview ....................................................................... 1-1 5.1. Preparation .................................................................... 5-2
1.2. Operational Remark ...................................................... 1-3 5.1.1. Wiring Check ....................................................... 5-2
1.3. Functional Principle ...................................................... 1-4 5.1.2. Checking Internal Switch ..................................... 5-2
1.3.1. Motor ................................................................... 1-4 5.1.3. Wiring Servo on Signal to CN2 ........................... 5-3
1.3.2. Driver Unit ........................................................... 1-5 5.1.4. Power On and Servo On ...................................... 5-4
5.2. Adjustment 1 ................................................................. 5-5
2. Name and Function of Each Part ------------------- 2-1 5.2.1. Calculating “Load Inertia” ................................. 5-5
2.1. Packing List ................................................................... 2-1 5.2.2. Setting Velocity Gain (VG) and Velocity
2.2. Motor ............................................................................. 2-1 Integrator Frequency (VI) ................................... 5-6
2.3. Driver Unit .................................................................... 2-2 5.2.3. Setting Position Gain (PG) ................................. 5-7
5.3. Trial Running and Operation Check ............................. 5-8
3. Driver Unit Specification ------------------------------- 3-1 If Motor Fails to Move in the Way You Want... ......... 5-12
3.1. General Specification .................................................... 3-1 5.4. Adjustment 2 ............................................................... 5-13
3.1.1. Electrical Specification ........................................ 3-1 5.4.1. Preparation for Adjustment ................................ 5-13
3.1.2. Function Specification ......................................... 3-2 5.4.2. Adjustment of Velocity Gain (VG) ................... 5-14
3.2. Switch and Jumper ........................................................ 3-3 5.4.3. Adjustment of Velocity Integrator Frequency
3.2.1. Switch and Jumper Location ................................ 3-4 (VI) ................................................................... 5-15
3.2.2. Front Panel Switch SW1 ...................................... 3-4 5.4.4. Adjustment of Position Gain PG ....................... 5-16
3.2.3. Internal Switch ..................................................... 3-5 5.4.5. Fine Adjustment of VG, VI And PG ................. 5-16 SW201 ........................................................ 3-5 5.5. Reducing Motor Rotation Noise SW202 ........................................................ 3-6 (How to Use the Filters) ............................................ 5-17
3.2.4. Jumper .................................................................. 3-7 5.5.1. Cautions for Using Filters .................................. 5-17 JP502 & JP705 — Resolver Resolution .. 3-7 5.5.2. Checking Current Filter Setting ......................... 5-17 JP201 — Position Feedback Output 5.5.3. Reducing Resonance noise ................................ 5-18
Driver Configuration ............................... 3-7 5.5.4. Making Quieter .................................................. 5-18 JP403 & JP404 — Position Feedback 5.5.5. Deactivating Filter ............................................. 5-18
Output Resolution ................................... 3-8
3.2.5. Front Panel Volume VR1 .................................... 3-8 6. Connector ------------------------------------------------- 6-1
6.1. CN1: RS-232C Serial Communication Connector ....... 6-1
4. Installation ------------------------------------------------ 4-1 6.1.1. CN1 Pin-Out ........................................................ 6-1
4.1. Motor Mounting ............................................................ 4-1 6.1.2. CN1 Signal List ................................................... 6-1
4.1.1. Using a “Dummy” Load ...................................... 4-1 6.2. CN2: Control I/O Connector ......................................... 6-2
4.1.2. Load Inertia .......................................................... 4-3 6.2.1. CN2 Pin-Out ........................................................ 6-2
4.1.3. Fluctuating Load Inertia ....................................... 4-3 6.2.2. CN2 Signal List ................................................... 6-3
4.2. Mounting Driver Unit ................................................... 4-4 6.2.3. CN2 Electrical Specification ............................... 6-5
4.2.1. Where to Mount ................................................... 4-4 General Input Signal ................................... 6-5
4.2.2. Operating Condition ............................................ 4-5 Pulse Train Input Signal ............................. 6-5
4.3. Connecting Power ......................................................... 4-6 General Output Signal ................................ 6-6
4.4. Motor Wiring ................................................................ 4-8 Position Feedback Output Signal ............... 6-6
4.5. Connecting Resolver ..................................................... 4-9 Analog Input Signal .................................... 6-7
4.6. Ground Connection ..................................................... 4-10 6.2.4. CN2 Sample Wiring Diagram .............................. 6-8 Position Control Mode Sample ............... 6-8 Velocity or Torque Control Mode
Sample ..................................................... 6-9
6.3. CN3: Resolver Cable Connector ................................. 6-10
6.3.1. CN3 Pin-Out ...................................................... 6-10
6.3.2. CN3 Signal List ................................................. 6-10

- iii -
7. Operational Function ----------------------------------- 7-1 7.5.5. Pulse Train Command Positioning Operation ... 7-33
7.1. Control Mode ................................................................ 7-1 Pulse Train Resolution ............................. 7-34
Changing Control Mode ................................................ 7-2 Pulse Train Input Timing .......................... 7-35
7.2. Preparation for Operation .............................................. 7-3 7.5.6. Jogging Operation .............................................. 7-36
7.3. General Operation And Function .................................. 7-4 7.5.7. Home Return Operation ..................................... 7-37
7.3.1. Servo On .............................................................. 7-5 Home Return Sequence Mode .................. 7-39
7.3.2. Emergency Stop ................................................... 7-5 Area Judgment Function ........................... 7-41
7.3.3. Brake .................................................................... 7-6 Home Limit Switch Adjustment ............... 7-41
7.3.4. Rotation Limit ...................................................... 7-6 7.6. Velocity Control Mode Operation .............................. 7-44 Rotation Limit By External Sensor ............ 7-6 7.6.1. RS-232C Communication Command Software Rotation Limit ............................. 7-6 Operation .......................................................... 7-45
7.3.5. Position Feedback Signal ..................................... 7-7 7.6.2. Analog Command Operation ............................ 7-46 Position Feedback Signal Direction ........... 7-7 7.7. Torque Control Mode Operation ................................. 7-47 CHZ Output Type ....................................... 7-7 7.7.1. RS-232C Communication Command Resolution of øA/øB ................................... 7-7 Operation .......................................................... 7-47 Resolution of øZ ......................................... 7-7 7.7.2. Analog Command Operation ............................ 7-48 Output Timing ............................................ 7-8 7.8. Servo Compensator Circuit ......................................... 7-49
7.3.6. Velocity Monitor .................................................. 7-8 7.8.1. Block Diagram ................................................... 7-49
7.3.7. Output Torque Reduction .................................. 7-10 Position Control ........................................ 7-49
7.3.8. Velocity Gain Reduction ................................... 7-10 Velocity Control ....................................... 7-50
7.4. Position Scale .............................................................. 7-11 Torque Control ......................................... 7-51
7.4.1. User Absolute Position Scale ............................. 7-11 7.8.2. Feed Forward Compensation ............................. 7-52
7.4.2. Relative Position Counter .................................. 7-13 7.8.3. Dead Band .......................................................... 7-52
7.4.3. Reading Position ................................................ 7-14 7.8.4. Integration Limiter ............................................. 7-53
7.5. Position Control Mode Operation ............................... 7-15 7.8.5. Digital Filter ....................................................... 7-54
7.5.1. Position Control Additional Function ................ 7-15 7.9. Daisy Chain Communication ...................................... 7-55 In-Position Output .................................... 7-15 7.9.1. Overview ............................................................ 7-55 Excess Position Error ............................... 7-17 7.9.2. Connection ......................................................... 7-55
7.5.2. RS-232C Communication Positioning 7.9.3. Operation ........................................................... 7-57
Operation .......................................................... 7-18 7.10. Built-In Absolute Position Sensor Function ............. 7-59 Operation Command ................................ 7-18 7.10.1. Features ............................................................ 7-59 Drive Waveform ....................................... 7-20 7.10.2. How to Set Home Position ............................... 7-59
7.5.3. Programmable Indexer Positioning ................... 7-22 User Absolute Position Scale Home Programming ............................................ 7-22 Position .................................................. 7-59 Program Entry .......................................... 7-23 Relative Position Counter Home Command and Condition Parameter ........ 7-23 Position .................................................. 7-60 Operation Signal ....................................... 7-27 7.10.3. Position Scale Setting Example ....................... 7-62
7.5.4. BCD Command Positioning Operation ............. 7-28 7.10.4. Setting of Home Position Output ..................... 7-64 Command Setting ..................................... 7-29 Function of Command .............................. 7-31 Execution Timing ..................................... 7-33

- iv -
8. Command and Parameter List ----------------------- 8-1 HV Home Return Velocity ................................... 8-26
8.1. Communication Specification ....................................... 8-1 HW Home Width ................................................... 8-27
HZ Home Return Near-Zero Velocity ................. 8-27
8.1.1. When Power Is Turned On .................................. 8-1
ID Incremental Positioning, Degree .................... 8-28
8.1.2. Command Entry ................................................... 8-1
IL Integration Limit ............................................ 8-29
8.1.3. Password .............................................................. 8-2 IN In-Position Limit ............................................ 8-29
8.1.4. Canceling Command ............................................ 8-2 IO Input/Output Monitor ..................................... 8-30
8.1.5. Error ..................................................................... 8-3 IP Incremental Position Set ................................ 8-31
8.1.6. Readout Command .............................................. 8-4 IR Incremental Positioning, Resolver ................. 8-31
8.1.7. Communication Command List ........................... 8-5 IS In-Position Stability Timer ............................ 8-32 Driver Unit Function Command ............. 8-6 JA Jog Acceleration ............................................. 8-32
JP Jump ............................................................... 8-32 Servo Parameter Command ..................... 8-6
JV Jog Velocity ................................................... 8-33 Move Command ...................................... 8-7
LG Lower Gain .................................................... 8-33 Program Editing Command ..................... 8-7 LP Incremental Position Judge ............................ 8-34 Position Scale Setting Command ............ 8-7 LR Low Torque Ripple ........................................ 8-34 Home Return Setting Command ............. 8-8 LS Over Travel Limit Switch Position ................ 8-35 Jog Setting Command ............................. 8-8 MA Move Acceleration ......................................... 8-36 Alarm Command ..................................... 8-8 MI Read Motor ID ............................................... 8-36 Communication Setting Command ......... 8-8 MM Multi-line Mode ............................................. 8-37
MO Motor Off ....................................................... 8-37 Velocity Control Mode Command .......... 8-8
MS Motor Stop ..................................................... 8-37 Torque Control Mode Command ............ 8-8
MV Move Velocity ............................................... 8-38 Command for System With Built-In NP Notch Filter, Primary ..................................... 8-38
Absolute Position Sensor ........................ 8-9 NS Notch Filter, Secondary ................................. 8-39
8.2. Detail of Command and Parameter ............................. 8-10 NW Neglect Width ................................................ 8-39
AC Analog Command .......................................... 8-10 OE Sequence Option Edit .................................... 8-39
AD Absolute Positioning, Degree ........................ 8-11 OG Origin ............................................................. 8-40
AO Absolute Position Scale Offset ...................... 8-11 OL Overload Limit ............................................... 8-40
AP Absolute Position ........................................... 8-12 OS Origin Setting Mode ...................................... 8-40
AR Absolute Positioning, Resolver ...................... 8-13 PA Phase Adjust ................................................... 8-41
AS Ask Daisy Chain Status ................................. 8-14 PG Position Gain .................................................. 8-41
AX Axis Select ..................................................... 8-14 PI Position Integrator Frequency ........................ 8-42
AZ Absolute Zero Position Set ............................ 8-15 PM Position Mode ................................................ 8-42
BM Backspace Mode ............................................ 8-15 RC Rated Current ................................................. 8-43
CA Channel Acceleration ..................................... 8-16 RP RUN Pre-input ............................................... 8-43
CC Clear Channel ................................................. 8-16 SI Set Initial Parameters ..................................... 8-44
CH Channel Select ............................................... 8-17 SP Start Program ................................................. 8-44
CL Clear Alarm .................................................... 8-17 SV Servo On ........................................................ 8-44
CO Position Error Counter Over Limit ................ 8-17 TA Tell Alarm Status ........................................... 8-45
CR Circular Resolution ........................................ 8-18 TB Tell BCD Command ...................................... 8-45
CV Channel Velocity ........................................... 8-18 TC Tell Channel Program .................................... 8-46
CZ Channel Home Return Near-Zero Velocity ... 8-19 TE Tell Position Error Counter ............................ 8-46
DB Dead Band ...................................................... 8-19 TL Torque Limit Rate .......................................... 8-46
DC Digital RS-232C Command ........................... 8-20 TM Torque Control Mode .................................... 8-47
EC End-Of-Command Message ........................... 8-20 TP Tell Position ................................................... 8-47
FC Friction Compensation ................................... 8-21 TR Tell RDC Position Data ................................. 8-47
FF Feed Forward Gain ........................................ 8-21 TS Tell Settings ................................................... 8-48
FP Low-Pass Filter, Primary ............................... 8-22 VC Velocity Control Mode .................................. 8-49
FS Low-Pass Filter, Secondary ........................... 8-22 VG Velocity Gain ................................................. 8-49
FW FIN Width ...................................................... 8-23 VI Velocity Integrator Frequency ....................... 8-49
HA Home Return Acceleration ............................ 8-23 VM Velocity Integrator Mode ............................... 8-50
HC Home Return Cycle ........................................ 8-24 VR Analog Command Velocity Range ................ 8-50
HI Home In-Position Limit ................................. 8-24 ZA Analog Command Zero-Speed Offset ........... 8-51
HO Home Offset ................................................... 8-25 8.3. Set Value Reading Function ....................................... 8-52
HP Home Position ................................................ 8-25 8.4. Fine Adjustment .......................................................... 8-53
HS Home Return Start ......................................... 8-26

9. Warning and Alarm ------------------------------------- 9-1 Appendix ------------------------------------------------------ A-1
9.1. Identifying Warning/Alarm ........................................... 9-1 Appendix 1. System and Motor Specification .................... A-1
9.1.1. Using LED ........................................................... 9-2 A.1.1. System/Motor Number ....................................... A-1
9.1.2. Using TA Command ............................................ 9-3 A.1.2. Motor Dimension ............................................... A-2
9.2. Warning/Alarm Table ................................................... 9-3 A.1.2.1. Connector Type ........................................ A-2
9.2.1. Normal Status ...................................................... 9-3 A 1.2.2. Direct-Cable (Rotor On Top) Type .......... A-3
9.2.2. Warning/Alarm Status ......................................... 9-4 A.1.3. Motor Specification ........................................... A-3
9.3. Detail Of Warning/Alarm ............................................. 9-5 A.1.4. Output Torque Specification .............................. A-4
9.3.1. Warning ............................................................... 9-5 Appendix 2. Driver Unit Specification ............................... A-5 Excess Position Error (Slight) .................... 9-5 A.2.1. Driver Unit Number ........................................... A-5 Rotation Limit (Software Control) ............. 9-6 A.2.2. Driver Unit Dimension ...................................... A-5 Battery Life ................................................. 9-6 A.2.2.1. EM Type Driver Unit ............................... A-5
9.3.2. Alarm ................................................................... 9-6 A.2.2.2. EP Type Driver Unit ................................. A-5 Memory Error .......................................... 9-6 Appendix 3. Cable Set Specification .................................. A-6 Resolver Circuit Error ............................. 9-7 A.3.1. Cable Set Model Number ................................... A-6 Overload .................................................. 9-7 A.3.2. Cable Set Dimension .......................................... A-6 Excess Position Error (Serious) .............. 9-8 A.3.2.1. Resolver Cable Internal Switch Setting Error .................. 9-8 (For EM/EP Type Driver Unit) .............. A-6 Control Circuit Error ............................... 9-8 A.3.2.2. Motor Cable Heat Sink Over-Temperature .................. 9-9 (For EM Type Driver Unit) .................... A-6 TB Connection Error ............................... 9-9 A.3.2.3. Motor Cable Regeneration Resistor (For EP Type Driver Unit) ..................... A-6
Over-Temperature ................................. 9-10 Appendix 4. RS-232C Serial Communication .................... A-7 Control AC Line Under-Voltage ........... 9-10 A.4.1. CN1 Pin-Out ...................................................... A-7 Over-Voltage ......................................... 9-10 A.4.2. CN1 Signal List .................................................. A-7 Over-Current ......................................... 9-11 A.4.3. Interface Specification ....................................... A-8 Main AC Line Under-Voltage .............. 9-11 A.4.4. CN1 Sample Wiring Diagram ............................ A-8 Internal Fuse Blown .............................. 9-12 A.4.4.1. RTS Control/CTS Monitoring Active
(Standard) ............................................... A-8
10. Troubleshooting --------------------------------------- 10-1 A.4.4.2. RTS Control/CTS Monitoring Inactive .. A-9
10.1. How to Monitor I/O Signal ....................................... 10-2 Appendix 5. Parameter/Program Setting List ................... A-10
10.2. Troubleshooting ........................................................ 10-3 Appendix 6. Replacing Battery ......................................... A-11
10.2.1. Power Trouble .................................................. 10-3 Appendix 7. Checking PA Value ...................................... A-12
10.2.2. Motor Trouble .................................................. 10-4 Appendix 8. Checking Motor and Resolver Wiring ......... A-13
10.2.3. Command Trouble ........................................... 10-6
10.2.4. Terminal Trouble ........................................... 10-11

- vi -
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
The Megatorque Motor System is a unique actuator with special capabilities. The
System consists of almost all elements that are needed for a complete closed loop
servo motor system. With conventional technology these parts must be purchased
and installed separately, but the Megatorque Motor System incorporates them all
into two units; the Motor and the Driver Unit.


The Motor consists of a high torque brushless actuator, a high resolution

brushless resolver, and a heavy duty precision NSK bearing. The high torque
actuator eliminates the need for gear reduction, while the built-in resolver usually
makes feedback components, such as encoders or tachometers unnecessary.
Finally the heavy duty bearing eliminates the need for separate mechanical
support since the Motor case can very often support the load directly in most

Driver Unit

The Driver Unit consists of a power amplifier, resolver interface, and digital
motor control circuits. The Driver Unit provides everything that is needed to
control the Motor’s torque, velocity, or position; for interface to any standard
motor position controller or to act as a stand-alone digital motion control system
with its built-in zero backlash position control capability.

High Speed

The Driver Unit features higher speeds than ever before... with less torque drop-
off at the intermediate speeds. As a result, smaller Motors may be used for high
speed indexing applications when the torque requirement is primarily for

Ease Of Use

The digital control makes the System easy to use, for more than one reason:
• The circuit parameters can be changed by an RS-232C command,
rather than by attempting to adjust a multi-turn pot or changing
capacitor values. The parameter changes are not only a breeze to
make, but they are measurable and repeatable, so that every System
behaves the same way, every time.
• The versatile design means that significant changes in the Driver Unit
function can be made with little or no hardware changes. Numerous
options are available at little or no extra cost.

– 1-1 –
• Stand-alone capability means that the Megatorque Motor System can
be operated in position control mode without the need for a separate
CNC or position controller. Built-in software for flexible motion
control means that the complexity of the electronic system can be cut
in half. This reduction of the controls circuitry to one component
saves time and money.

Universal Interface

Because of the extreme versatility of the Driver Unit design, a wide variety of
interface methods are possible. The Megatorque Motor System can be interfaced
to virtually any control system. It is very easy to control the Megatorque Motor
System with a CNC, a servo motor controller, a robot controller, or an indexing
controller. You can operate the Megatorque Motor System with a stepper motor
controller or with a personal computer or dumb terminal. Versatile position
control can even be implemented with a single switch!

High Repeatability

With zero backlash, direct drive and a 614 400count/rev resolver, the Megatorque
Motor System offers repeatability as high as approximately 2.1”, or
approximately 0.00058˚. With no mechanical contact or moving parts other than
the bearing, this repeatability will never degrade.

Easy To Maintain

With all adjustments, indicators, and test points accessible by the front panel,
service or maintenance is easy. LED (light-emitting diode) and logic diagnostic
outputs identify the nature of any error condition quickly and accurately.

Together, the Motor and the Driver Unit provide the ultimate in simplicity for
precise and reliable motion control.

Single Component Servo System

A conventional brushless servo system requires at least several separate

components which must be selected and packaged together, often at great
expense. Furthermore, many of these components introduce problems of their
own to degrade the entire system’s performance. Gears and flexible couplings, for
example, introduce mechanical irregularities such as windup, backlash, and
mechanical inaccuracy. The same functions can be accomplished with just two
components using the Megatorque Motor System; all of the circuits needed to
implement a position or velocity control servo loop (digital motion controller,
servo compensation, brushless commutation logic, power amplifier) are included
in the Driver Unit, and all of the mechanical components that were required
(motor, couplings, gears, bearings, tachometer and encoder) are either replaced or
made unnecessary by the Motor.

– 1-2 –
Gearless Advantage

There are many advantages to the gearless servo system. One advantage is to
eliminate backlash, the angular play due to looseness of fit between two mating
gears. The direct drive inherently eliminates backlash, so that repeatability is
limited only by the resolution of the position sensor. The direct drive permits
direct coupling of the Motor and the load, so that troublesome flexible couplings
are not required. This permits tighter, more direct control of the load. The
Megatorque Motor System has a very high torque to inertia ratio, so that very high
acceleration rates can be achieved. When the load inertia is low, the Motor can
accelerate a load as much as 10 times faster than comparable high performance
servo systems using gears. The performance advantages of the Megatorque Motor
System are demonstrated by many of the new class of the direct drive robots
which have established repeatability and speed records in the robot industry and
are the performance standards against which other robot systems are compared.

1.2. Operational Remark

• Drive the Motor with enough load inertia. The Motor output torque is too
large for its rotor inertia. So additional inertia is needed when the Motor
outputs increased torque. See Chapter 4 for details.

• Before using the Megatorque Motor System, adjust the servo parameters
according to operating conditions. With a servo parameter set prior to
delivery, the Megatorque Motor System cannot exhibit its original
performance. See Chapter 5 for details.

• Never disassemble the Motor since it has been precisely assembled and
adjusted. If disassembled, it may cause abnormalities such as deterioration
in rigidity and precision as well as increase in noise.

• Never apply any water or oil to the Driver Unit in order to prevent electric

• Do not remove the left panel of the Driver Unit so as not to cause an electric
shock. It is extremely dangerous due to high voltage present.

• Do not conduct a withstand voltage test or a megger test on the Driver Unit.
It may damage the internal circuits.

– 1-3 –
1.3. Functional Principle

1.3.1. Motor
By virtue of its unique design, the Megatorque Motor System is capable of
producing extremely high torque at low speeds suitable for direct drive
applications. Furthermore, it can produce these torque levels without using an
undue amount of power, so it can sustain these torque levels indefinitely under
most conditions without overheating.

Motor Construction

This Motor is of dual stator construction with rotor between them. Each stator is
constructed of laminated iron sheets with eighteen poles stamped into the
laminations. Each pole has one set of copper windings around it which provide
the magnetic field. The windings are wired in series so that there are three sets of
windings seen by the power amplifier, each winding consisting of six (four for
0408 type Motor) pole pieces. The face of each pole piece has many teeth,
resembling a stepping motor (in appearance, not in function). The teeth serve to
focus the magnetic energy into a series of discrete points along the pole face. In
total there are hundreds of these points around the full turn of the Motor. (The
number depends upon the Motor size.) The rotor is a thin cylindrical ring,
constructed of the same iron laminations and with the same tooth structure, but
without windings or pole pieces. The rotor serves to conduct the magnetic field
from the inner stator across the rotor to the adjacent pole piece on the outer stator,
and back again. The rotor teeth also serve to focus the magnetic field into discrete
points around the circumference of the rotor, and the combined effect of these
points of focused magnetic field around both the stators and the rotor act like
electronic gear reduction, multiplying the torque hundreds of times while
reducing the speed by the same amount.

Brushless Microprocessor Commutation

For each full electrical cycle of commutation, the Motor rotates through one
magnetic cycle which is the angular distance between adjacent teeth. In most
Motor sizes, there are 150 electrical cycles per Motor revolution; some smaller
sizes such as 0408 type have 100 cycles per revolution. The commutation of the
Motor phases is performed without brushes by direct control of a high speed
microprocessor in the Driver Unit, and it is the phase relationship of the three
Motor phases, not current polarity, that determine the direction of rotation.

Why No Magnets?

No magnets are used in the Motor, since the Motor uses the teeth to focus the
magnetic field. This contributes to the robustness of the Motor and to the high
torque levels which are produced. Since demagnetization is not a worry, it is

– 1-4 –
possible to develop high magnetic flux densities within the Motor which would
weaken permanent magnets. Unlike motors which use permanent magnets, the
Megatorque Motors do not weaken with age.

1.3.2. Driver Unit

All of the circuits that are needed to operate the Megatorque Motor System in
position, velocity or torque control modes are contained in the Driver Unit. These
circuit functions are:
• Digital microprocessor
• Power amplifier
• Resolver interface

The resolver interface and the digital microprocessor are on the control board, a
single printed circuit board which is accessible to you on the right side of the
Driver Unit.

Digital Microprocessor Subsystem

The digital microprocessor subsystem is a part of the control board. All analog
signals are converted to digital form, and the 16-bit microprocessor on the control
board handles all Motor control functions in the digital domain. Since analog
circuits are eliminated, there are no pots to adjust, no operational amplifier
circuits to tweak, and no soldering or component changes are required. The digital
microprocessor receives commands from the outside world in either analog or
digital form, depending upon the selected interface option. The command
parameter can be position, velocity, or torque. The digital microprocessor
compares the commanded variable with the actual measured value of the
controlled variable, and makes small corrections continuously so that the Motor
always obeys the command. The digital microprocessor receives its feedback
information from the Motor’s built-in resolver via the resolver interface circuit
subsystem. Digital filters may be applied which alter Motor behavior to improve
the repeatability, or to eliminate mechanical resonances:
• A digital integrating function may be selected which improves the
repeatability of the Motor by making it respond to very small
command signals. With the integrator, the Motor can provide zero
position error even under full load torque.
• A digital notch filter may be employed to cut out certain frequencies
from the Motor response so that mechanical resonances will not cause
the Motor to oscillate. If the Motor is attached to a load which has a
strong natural frequency of oscillation, the Motor can be made
insensitive to it merely by setting the notch frequency to the same
frequency. A 100Hz resonance can be eliminated, for instance, simply
by initializing the Driver Unit with the RS-232C command “NP100.”
Up to two independent digital notch filters can be employed.
• A digital low-pass filter may be employed to modify Motor frequency

– 1-5 –
response and make the Motor smooth and quiet. Again, the low-pass
filter is implemented digitally, and setting up the filter frequency is as
simple as asking for it. There are two independent low-pass filters

Brushless Microprocessor Commutation

The digital microprocessor uses the digitized position information obtained from
the resolver interface to determine when to apply current to the Motor phases, and
how much. The amount of current applied to each Motor phase is determined by a
mathematical function that takes into account the torque command level, the
Motor position, and the Motor velocity. These factors are taken into account to
compensate for the Motor non-linearities and to produce a smooth output torque.

Power Amplifier Subsystem

The Motor windings are driven by a current regulated unipolar switching power
amplifier that delivers the current designated by the commutation logic circuits to
each of the Motor phases. The power amplifier monitors its internal voltages to
protect itself from damage. If the AC line is too high or too low, the power
amplifier will disable itself and activate alarm indicators. If the amplifier’s
internal DC bus voltage is too high as a result of Motor regeneration, the monitor
circuits will switch on a power resistor to dissipate some of that excess energy. If
the power amplifier temperature is too high, it will activate an alarm signal. For
any of the alarm conditions, the type of the alarm is communicated back to the
digital microprocessor, which activates the alarm condition indicators to identify
the specific nature of the alarm condition.

Resolver Interface Subsystem

Position and velocity feedback signals are provided by the resolver interface
circuit. This circuit provides the excitation signal to the resolver, and receives the
three phase resolver analog signals. These signals are decoded by the resolver-to-
digital converter (RDC) to produce digital cyclic absolute position and velocity
feedback signals. The cyclic absolute position data is used by the commutation
circuits and is used to generate quadrature position feedback for use with an
external position controller. In addition, the cyclic absolute position is used
internally to maintain absolute position data. This data is available to via RS-
232C and is used with the internal position control functions.

– 1-6 –
2. Name and Function of Each Part
2.1. Packing List
Table 2-1
No. Name Qty. Note
Packing List The integrated actuator unit, consists of a
1 Motor 1 high torque motor, a position sensor
(resolver) and a bearing.
A multi-functional controller with servo
2 Driver Unit 1
driver built-in
3 Motor Cable 1 These cables are directly wired in the Motor
4 Resolver Cable 1 on bottom-cable type Motor.
Standard Accessories:
CN2 Connector 1 Connector and connector shell
Jumper Pin 4 For jumper setting
Fuse (20A) 2
6 Inspection Sheet 1
7 User’s Manual 1 This document

2.2. Motor
Figure 2-1
Connector Type 3

1 Rotor
2 Mounting Base
4 3 Through Hole
4 Resolver Connector
5 2 5 Motor Connector

Figure 2-2
Direct-Cable Type (Rotor On Top) 3

2 1 Rotor
2 Mounting Flange
3 Through Hole
4 Resolver Cable
5 Motor Cable


– 2-1 –
Figure 2-3
3 1
Direct-Cable Type
(Rotor On Outer Side)

1 Rotor
2 Mounting Base
(Bottom Face)
3 Through Hole
4 Resolver Cable
5 Motor Cable


2.3. Driver Unit

Figure 2-4

Driver Unit


8 CN 3
5 CN


1 CN1 (9-pin)
RS-232C serial communication connector for NSK Handy Terminal
(optional accessory, sold spearately)
2 CN2 (50-pin)
Motor control signal input/output connector
3 CN3 (15-pin)
Resolver connector for Resolver Cable
4 TB
Terminal block for main and control AC power, and for Motor cable
5 F1, F2
Fuse holder
6 VR1
Analog input offset adjuster
7 LEDs
Driver Unit status display
8 SW1
Driver Unit address setting switch for daisy chain communicatuion
9 LEDs
Power amplifer status display
Velocity waveform monitor

– 2-2 –
3. Driver Unit Specification
3.1. General Specification

3.1.1. Electrical Specification

Some specifications depend on the Motor size. In the table below, the following
note-numbers are attached to the figure to specify the Motor size, if the item has
different specification for every Motor size.
(1) 04×× (4) B014, B030
(2) 06×× (5) B060, B090
(3) 08××, 10××, 14××
Table 3-1
Item Specification
Electrical Specification
Control Power 1ø, 90 ~ 240VAC, 50/60Hz, Power Required: 900VA
3ø or 1ø, 220V±10%, 50/60Hz
220VAC Power Required: (EM Type) 2 (1) (2) (4) or 2.5 (3) (5) [kVA]
Type Power Required: (EP Type) 4 (1) (2) (4) or 5 (3) (5) [kVA]
Main Power Current Leakage: 7mA
1ø, 110V±10%, 50/60Hz
Power Required: 1 (1) (2) (4) or 1.5 (3) (5) [kVA]
Current Leakage: 7mA
Maximum Current EM Type 6 (1) (2) (4) or 7.5 (3) (5) [A]
Output Per Phase EP Type 6A parallel (1) (2) (4) or 7.5A parallel (3) (5)
Resolver 12-bit Set 409 600 (1) or 614 400 (2) (3) or 491 520 (4) (5) [count/rev]
Resolution 10-bit Set 102 400 (1) or 153 600 (2) (3) or 122 800 (4) (5) [count/rev]
Maximum Resolver Setting = 12-bit 1.5 (1) or 1.0 (2) (3) or 1.25 (4) (5) [rps]
Velocity Resolver Setting = 10-bit 4.5 (1) or 3.0 (2) (3) or 3.75 (4) (5) [rps]
Driver Unit EM Type 4.6kg
Weight EP Type 7.6kg
Temperature: 0 ~ 50˚C
Driver Unit Humidity: 20 ~ 90%, non-condensing
Environment Temperature: –20 ~ +70˚C (6)
Indoor storage only
Note (1) for Motor size 04×× (2) for Motor size 06××
(3) for Motor size 08××, 10××, 14×× (4) for Motor size B014, B030
(5) for Motor size B060, B090
(6) If stored at –10˚C or lower place, the backed-up parameters data may be lost.
Then you will have to set the parameters again.

– 3-1 –
3.1.2. Function Specification
Table 3-2
Item Specification
Function Specification Emergency stop, rotation limit (CW/CCW), output torque limit,
General Function lower velocity gain, position/velocity integrator loop off, brake
RS-232C serial communication command positioning
Programmable Indexer positioning (64 channels) (1)
BCD (2) command positioning (serial) (1)
Pulse train command positioning
Position Control
(CW-&-CCW, step-&-direction or øA/øB format)
Mode Function (1)
Jog move
Home Return
In-position detection
Excess position error detection
Velocity Control RS-232C serial communication command
Mode Function (1)
Analog ±10VDC voltage command (3)
Torque Control RS-232C serial communication command
Mode Function (1) Analog ±10VDC voltage command (3)
Position • Incremental position data
Feedback Signal • Line driver or open collector
øA, øB, øZ (MSB) See Table 3-3 for the resolution.
Monitor Output Velocity monitor by analog ±10VDC voltage
Excess position error (slight), rotation limit over (software
Error control), battery life
Detec- Parameter error, resolver error, over-temperature (software
tion Alarm control), excess position error (serious), switch setting error,
control error, power amplifier error (4)
Note (1) One of these modes (and commands) can be used at one time. Selectable by
internal switch SW201 as shown below:

SW201 Programmable Indever
Position control BCD command
Control mode Velocity control
Torque control

(2) BCD = Binary Coded Decimal

(3) Only for analog interface model (specified in System number as shown below)
This digit must be “5.”

(4) Power amplifier error is: heat sink over-temperature, TB connection error,
regeneration resistor over-temperature, control circuit under-voltage, main
circuit over-voltage, motor winding over-current, main circuit under-voltage,
or control power fuse blown.

– 3-2 –
Table 3-3 Position Feedback Signal Resolution [count/rev]
Position Feedback Signal Motor Size øA/øB Output øZ (MSB)
Resolver Setting = 12-bit Resolver Setting = 10-bit Output
04×× 102 400 or 25 600* 25 600 100
06××, 08××,
153 600 or 38 400* 38 400 150
10××, 14××
B××× 122 880 or 30 720* 30 720 120
Note * øA/øB resolution is changeable using jumpers JP403 and JP404.

3.2. Switch and Jumper

The Driver Unit of the Megatorque Motor System has many functions in one
body. Some of the functions are switch- or jumper-selectable. Before using the
Driver Unit, be sure to set necessary switches and jumpers. A list of switches and
jumpers is indicated below, with shipping-sets in italic boldface.
Table 3-4
List Of Switch And Jumper Function Setting
Initialization At Power-On • Yes • No SW201
• Position control • Velocity control
Control Mode SW201
• Torque control
Positioning Command
• Programmable Indexer • BCD command SW201
Pulse Train Command • CW & CCW • Step & Direction
Format • øA/øB, ×1 • øA/øB, ×2 • øA/øB, ×4
Position Feedback Output
• Normal • Reversed SW202
CHZ Output Type • øZ • Digital position data MSB SW202
Daisy Chain
• Yes • No SW202
RS-232C Communication
• 300 • 1200 • 4800 • 9600 SW202
Speed [bps]
Position Feedback Output
• Line driver • Open collector JP201
Driver Configuration
Position Feedback øA/øB • (Resolver resolution) ÷ 4 JP403
Output Resolution • (Resolver resolution) ÷ 16 JP404
• 12-bit • 10-bit JP502
Resolver Resolution*
• 10-bit/12-bit automatic switching JP705
Analog Command Offset Optimized before shipping VR1
Note * The shipping set is “10-bit/12-bit automatic switching” for the System with
built-in absolute position sensor.

– 3-3 –
3.2.1. Switch and Jumper Location
By removing the right side panel of the Driver Unit, you will find switches and
jumpers as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-1

Switch And Jumper Location

VR1 JP201 SW201 SW202


SW1 JP502 JP404


3.2.2. Front Panel Switch SW1

SW1 sets the Driver Unit address for daisy chain communication.

SW1 works only when daisy chain communication is active. To activate daisy
chain communication, set SW202 #3 ~ 5 to all ‘on’ position.

See section 7.9. Daisy Chain Communication.

Table 3-5
Daisy Chain Daisy Chain
Daisy Chain Address Setting SW1 Position SW1 Position
Address Address
0 0 8 8
1 1 9 9
2 2 A 10
3 3 B 11
4 4 C 12
5 5 D 13
6 6 E 14
7 7 F 15

– 3-4 –
3.2.3. Internal Switch
The internal switches set a number of the Driver Unit parameters at power-on.
The switches are read only at the time of power-on. You have to change the
setting during power-off. The results shown below may be overridden by control
inputs or RS-232C commands after power-on. SW201

Caution SW201 #1 must be set to ‘on’ position, and should not be

changed without consulting NSK first. See the following
description for details.

SW201 Position 1

SW201 #1 should not be used without consulting NSK first. With this switch in
the ‘off’ position at power-on, a ‘cold initialization’ is performed. All system
variables will be reset to the shipping sets and the Driver Unit will automatically
go through a Motor alignment procedure which may cause a slight rotation of up
to 1.2°. If this is done while the Motor is not completely free of all external torque,
improper Motor operation will result. The cold initialization procedure should not
normally ever be necessary, but is required under the following special
(a) When a new EPROM set is installed. This might be done to upgrade
the Driver Unit to a new improved version.
(b) To recover from a ‘crash’ of the Driver Unit’s internal microprocessor
which corrupts variables stored in non-volatile memory. This may
occur as a result of handling the internal microprocessor board, or
because of excessive electrical noise from an unfiltered AC line, or
because of severe mechanical shock to the Driver Unit. This condition
may or may not be apparent from examination of RS-232C accessible
parameters. The condition may manifest itself as a malfunctioning
Driver Unit which is not curable by turning power off and back on.

If your Motor is to be installed where it cannot rotate freely without extensive

disassembly of associated components, it would be prudent to write down the
value of the PA parameter which is displayed in response to the TS4 command.
Then if cold initialization is ever necessary, use the SI command and enter the
proper PA value using PA command. (Password required)
Figure 3-2
SW201 Shipping Set

Table 3-6 #1 Initialization Shipping Set

SW201 #1: Initialization off Initialization performed at power-on
on Normal power-on ✔

– 3-5 –
Table 3-7 #2 #3 #4 Control Mode & Position Control Command Mode Shipping Set
SW201 #2 ~ #4: Control Mode & off off off Position control mode, Programmable Indexer active ✔
Position Control Command Mode
on off off Reserved (Never set!)
off on off Velocity control mode
on on off Torque control mode
off off on Position control mode, BCD command active
on off on Reserved (Never set!)
off on on Reserved (Never set!)
on on on Reserved (Never set!)

Table 3-8 #5 #6 #7 Pulse Train Command Format Shipping Set

SW201 #5 ~ #7: off off off CW & CCW ✔
Pulse Train Command Format
on off off Step & direction
off on off øA/øB, ×1
on on off øA/øB, ×2
off off on øA/øB, ×4
on off on Reserved (Never set!)
off on on Reserved (Never set!)
on on on Reserved (Never set!)

Table 3-9 #8 Analog Command Polarity Shipping Set

SW201 #8: off ‘+’ = CCW ✔
Analog Command Polarity
on ‘+’ = CW SW202
Figure 3-3
SW202 Shipping Set OFF

Table 3-10 #1 Position Feedback Output Direction Shipping Set

SW202 #1: Position Feedback off Normal ✔
Output Direction
on Reversed

Table 3-11 #2 CHZ Output Format Shipping Set

SW202 #2: CHZ Output Format off Position feedback øZ ✔
on Digital position data MSB

Table 3-12 #3 #4 #5 SW1 Function Shipping Set

SW202 #3 ~ #5: SW1 Function off off off No function assigned ✔
on on on Driver Unit address setting
on off off Reserved (Never set!)
off on off Reserved (Never set!)
on on off Reserved (Never set!)
off off on Reserved (Never set!)
on off on Reserved (Never set!)
off on on Reserved (Never set!)

– 3-6 –
Table 3-13 No function is assigned to SW202 #6.
SW202 #6 #6 Function Shipping Set
off Reserved ✔
on Reserved (Never set!)

Table 3-14 #7 #8 RS-232C Communication Speed Shipping Set

SW202 #7, #8: on on 9600bps ✔
RS-232C Communication Speed
off on 4800bps
on off 1200bps
off off 300bps

3.2.4. Jumper
The jumpers set resolver or position feedback output characteristics at power-on.
The jumpers are read only at the time of power-on. You have to change the setting
during power-off. JP502 & JP705 — Resolver Resolution

JP502 and JP705 determine the resolver resolution. You can select 10-bit (higher
velocity), 12-bit (precise resolution) or the 10-bit/12-bit automatic switching.

Caution Do not set other combination setting than shown below.

Table 3-15 Resolver Resolution JP502 JP705 Shipping Set*
JP502 & JP705: 12-bit 1-2 installed 1-2 installed
Resolver Resolution
10-bit All removed 1-2 installed ✔*
Automatic Switching 1-2 and 7-8 installed 2-3 installed
Note * The shipping set is “automatic switching” for the System with built-in
absolute position sensor. JP201 — Position Feedback Output Driver Configuration

The position feedback outputs may be configured as either complementary TTL

line drivers or complementary open collector outputs.

Caution Do not set other combination setting than shown below.

Table 3-16 Driver Configuration Shorting Pin Setting Shipping Set
JP201: Position Feedback Output Line Driver All installed ✔
Driver Configuration
Open Collector All removed

– 3-7 – JP403 & JP404 — Position Feedback Output Resolution

Resolution of position feedback outputs supplied at CHA, *CHA, CHB and

*CHB outputs may be selected by JP403 & JP404. Select the position feedback
output according to the setting of the resolver resolution. Resolution of CHZ and
*CHZ is not affected by the setting of JP403 & JP404.

(1) When resolver resolution is set to 12-bit

Caution Do not set other combination setting than shown below.

Table 3-17
JP403 & JP404: Position Motor Size JP403 JP404 Shipping Set
Feedback Output Resolution
04×× 102 400
(Resolver Resolution 12bit)
06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× 153 600 3-4 installed 3-4 installed
B××× 122 880
04×× 25 600
06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× 38 400 5-6 installed 5-6 installed ✔
B××× 30 720

(2) When resolver resolution is set to 10-bit or 10-bit/12-bit

automatic switching

Caution Do not change the setting shown below.

Table 3-18
Motor Size JP403 JP404 Shipping Set
JP403 & JP404: Position Feedback [count/rev]
Output Resolution (Resolver
04×× 25 600
Resolution 10bit Or 10bit/12bit
Automatic Switching) 06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× 38 400 5-6 installed 5-6 installed ✔
B××× 30 720

3.2.5. Front Panel Volume VR1

When using the analog command in velocity or torque control mode, VR1 adjusts
the analog command zero position. If the Motor does not stop at 0V command,
then adjust VR1 to make the Motor stop at the 0V level.

– 3-8 –
4. Installation
4.1. Motor Mounting
The high acceleration/deceleration characteristic of a direct drive mechanism
requires the system to have high mechanical rigidity. Therefore, it is essential to
maximize rigidity of the Motor and the load system.
• Fully fasten all the mounting holes (mounting tap holes) of the Motor.
• Fasten a load using all of the tapped holes of the rotor.
• Eliminate play between the load and the rotor.
• Eliminate play in the mechanism as much as possible.
Figure 4-1
Load Mounting
Motor Mounting

Motor Mounting

4.1.1. Using a “Dummy” Load

When you have to drive the Motor with a low-stiffness load, you may not be able
to avail of the merits of the Megatorque Motor System. In some cases, a little
rearrangement of mechanical design may help. Try to add some load (“dummy”
inertia) to the rotor directly.

Example 1: Load is connected using keyway.

Figure 4-2

Using Keyway


– 4-1 –
Example 2: Load is directly attached but the shaft diameter is
too small. (Torsional vibration may occur.)
Figure 4-3

Using Small-Diameter Shaft


Example 3: Driving ball screw. (Inertia of the whole mechanism

is very small.)
Figure 4-4
Driving Ball Screw

Example 4: Load is connected using sprocket chain or gear

mechanism. (There may be backlash.)
Figure 4-5

Using Sprocket Chain Or Gear



For smooth drive, the inertia of directly attached load should be:

GD2d = GD2i × 0.2

(where GD2i = inertia of indirectly connected load, GD2d = inertia of directly

attached load)

When driving a speed reduction;

GD2i ≤ 5
r2 × GD2d

(where GD2i = inertia of indirectly connected load, GD2d = inertia of directly

attached load, r = reduction ratio)

– 4-2 –
4.1.2. Load Inertia
Generally, the load inertia is much bigger than the rotor inertia of the Motor. The
following table shows the approximate inertia capacity. (Inertia is shown as GD2
in kgf·m2.)
Table 4-1 Motor Size
Inertia Capacity 0408 0608 0810 1010 1410
High Speed Positioning 0.05 ~ 0.2 0.2 ~ 0.8 0.45 ~ 1.8 0.75 ~ 3 1.25 ~ 5
General 0.2 ~ 1 0.8 ~ 4 1.8 ~ 9 3 ~ 15 5 ~ 25
Large Inertia
1~2 4 ~ 10 9 ~ 20 15 ~ 150 25 ~ 500
(Low Speed Positioning)

4.1.3. Fluctuating Load Inertia

Changes in the inertia load directly influence the performance and stability of
direct drive motors. In the case of large changes in the load inertia it may be
necessary to change the servo loop gain. To minimize the effect of load inertia
fluctuations, the ratio of inertia fluctuation should be kept as small as possible,
preferably less than 1:
2 2
Ri = GD max - GD min
GD2rotor + GD2min

(Where Ri = ratio of inertia fluctuation, GD2max = load inertia at maximum,

GD2min = load inertia at minimum, GD2rotor = rotor inertia)

– 4-3 –
4.2. Mounting Driver Unit

4.2.1. Where to Mount

Important For proper air circulation, 5cm clearance is required above
and below the airflow ventilator tunnel illustrated in the
following figure. The Driver Unit will overheat if adequate
airflow is not maintained.
Figure 4-6

Where To Mount Driver Unit

5cm min.

Driver Unit Heat

Front Panel Sink


5cm min.

• The Driver Unit may be mounted by the holes in tabs which may be located
either on the back or the front panel.

• The Driver Unit must have a minimum clearance of 5cm above and below
for proper air circulation, as described above.

• Make sure that it is easy to obtain access to the circuitry on the right side of
the Driver Unit while the system is wired and operating. This circuit board
contains numerous jumpers and test points which might need to be accessed
while the system is operating in the start-up phase. Re-adjustment of these
controls may be required in the future if the operating requirements or load
conditions of the system change significantly. If possible, mount the Driver
Unit in an accessible place with provisions for supporting the chassis when
the mounting screws are removed and the chassis is slid out. Ideally, it
should be possible to see and touch Motor or load while making adjustments
to the Driver Unit.

– 4-4 –
4.2.2. Operating Condition
• The area where the Driver Unit is mounted must be free of water, dirt, dust,
and any other contamination.

• The air temperature must be low enough so that the Driver Unit temperature
does not exceed 55°C. The Driver Unit temperature depends upon the
ambient temperature, or provisions for air circulation over the chassis, and
the torque profile being executed by the Motor. A fan is located inside the
Driver Unit which starts automatically when the Driver Unit temperature
reaches a threshold. It is important that the air passage through the fan area is
not obstructed. If the Driver Unit temperature exceeds 55°C, a thermal
switch will trip the internal alarm circuit. Your control system can be
connected to the Driver Unit’s alarm outputs to provide an indication of this

Driver Unit Power Dissipation

The amount of power dissipated by the Driver Unit in the form of heat varies
according to the Motor size and the application. The following table presents the
Driver Unit power dissipation under the worst conditions; maximum torque at the
highest rated speed. Under less severe operating conditions, the power dissipation
can be considerably lower.
Table 4-2
Motor Size Driver Unit Type Maximum Power Dissipation (W)
Power Dissipation
04××, 06×× EM 130
EM 150
08××, 10××, 14××
EP 200
B014 EM 120
B030 ~ B060 EM 180
B090 EP 360

– 4-5 –
4.3. Connecting Power
• The main power AC line input supplies the power to the high voltage supply
for driving the Motor.

• The voltage supplied to the Motor may be three phase or single phase. If the
application involves low speeds less than 0.5rps, then single phase power
will be adequate. If the application requires high torque and at speeds greater
than 0.5rps, then the best Motor torque/speed performance is obtained by
supplying three phase power at a higher voltage.

• The control power AC line input supplies power to the internal low voltage
switching power supply for the logic and signal circuits. The internal
switching power supply will operate from any single phase AC voltage from
90 up to 240 volts.

• The AC power for the control power input may be obtained from the same
supply that is connected to the main power AC line input.

• The AC line power consumption varies with the Motor size, the Driver Unit
type and the load. The Megatorque Motor System requires very little power
when it is moving at zero or low speed, even at maximum torque output. The
power consumption is highest when the Motor is producing significant
amounts of torque at elevated speed, more than 20% of the maximum rated

• Use 2.0mm2 (14AWG) or larger wire with heat-proof vinyl for power line.

• Do not tie wrap the input and output sides of the AC line filter together, or
place them in close proximity. Do not tie wrap the ground wires with signal

• The electrical noise from outside sources and from the System itself can
interfere with proper operation. The protection from electrical noise must be
designed into the installation. Use a line noise filter on the AC supply. A
suitable noise filter may be obtained from NSK. If you supply your own, it
should meet these requirements:
Table 4-3
Driver Unit AC Line Noise Filter Voltage Rating Current Rating
Noise Filter Requirement 220VAC, 3ø 250V AC/DC 10A AC/DC
220VAC, 1ø 250V AC/DC 15A AC/DC
110VAC, 1ø 250V AC/DC 15A AC/DC

• The noise filter must be installed on control power AC line, separately from
the main power line.

• An isolation transformer may also be used to reduce electrical noise. Contact

NSK if you need information about isolation transformers.

– 4-6 –
• Use heavy gage (3.5mm2 or larger, 10AWG) wire for the ground lines
between line filter, isolation transformer and Driver Unit. All the ground
lines must be connected at one point, preferably on the electronic system
cabinet chassis.

• When inserting contacts like a magnetic switch into the supply circuit, the
specification of the contact should be greater or equal to ones in the
following table:
Table 4-4 Contacts For EM Type For EP Type
Contacts Requirement No-Fuse Breaker Current Rating 20A Current Rating 30A
Contact Capacity 20A Contact Capacity 30A
Short-Circuit Breaker
Sensitivity 15mA Sensitivity 15mA
Magnetic Switch Contact Capacity 35A Contact Capacity 35A

Figure 4-7
3ø 220VAC
Power Wiring
3ø 220VAC
Noise Filter

Noise Filter
ER ~
. P OW V
T 40 R
CON C90~2

1ø 110VAC
1ø 110VAC

Noise Filter
Noise Filter

ER ~
T . POW40V
CON C90~2
A I NP ~

– 4-7 –
Additional Notes

• When the power is turned on, an inrush current will occur because the
capacitive load is connected to the power supply. If circuit breaker and
fuse are affected by the inrush current, install the inrush current control
circuit to the power supply circuit as shown in the figures below.

• The inrush current varies with the source impedance. When an inrush
current is over 300A, the Driver Unit may be damaged. We recommend to
install the circuit to protect the Driver Unit.

• When the power is turned on in the inrush current control circuit, the
current is being charged initially to a capacitor of the Driver Unit through
R1 and R2 resistors for 9 ~ 20 msec, which is required time to close the
contact of magnetic switch, and thus, the inrush current is reduced.

• When a magnet switch CR1 is failed (failed to contact), the resistor R1

may overheat and result in a fire. We recommend to take the
countermeasures by installing the thermal sensor circuit to turn main
power off.

• Example of circuit to reduce inrush current

Figure 4-8
Power supply Driver Unit Power supply Driver Unit
AC200V (EM or EP) single phase (EM or EP)
R1 200V or 100V R1

T T CR1 Noise filter T
R2 Noise filter

Resistor R1 • R2 : Cement resistor 15 ~ 20W 10Ω

or ceramic resistor
(Koa Ltd. HPC5 or equivalent)
Magnetic switch CR1 : Contact point capacity 200V 20A or more
(SC-03 type or equivalent , recommended
manufacturer; Fuji Electric)

• The optional “inrush current control circuit” is available. (Reference

number M-FZ077)

– 4-8 –
[Checking Inrush Current]

Follow the instructions below to check the maximum inrush current.

a Set the current probe to phase S of the Driver Unit power supply.
( Response frequency of the monitor shall be 10 K Hz or more.)
s Inrush current shall be checked at the timing of A or B of the
voltage wave form between phase R and S of power supply.
d The maximum current reading of phase R just after the power
supply is turned on is the inrush current.
Figure 4-9
Power supply Voltage wave
Current probe form between
Driver Unit phase R and S. B
S S 90°

• When the dump resistor overheat alarm (Overheat 3: OH3) is detected,

make sure to turn off the main power to protect the internal dump resistor
from burning due to the defective Driver Unit or abnormal source voltage.

– 4-9 –
4.4. Motor Wiring
• Use the Motor cable of the Cable Set to connect the Motor and the Driver
Unit terminal block TB.

• There is a twist type locking military style connector on the Motor side of the
cable; Canon MS3106B16S-1S. It has seven contacts which are marked A to
G. The Driver Unit end of the cable is terminated in seven spade lug
terminations. Each wire is color coded and also has a marking band
indicating the terminal to which it is to be attached on TB. The cable itself is
a six-conductor cable with a braided shield. The shield is connected to cable
terminations at both ends of the cable.

• Do not tie wrap the Motor cable with signal wires.

• Do not make the Cable Set longer or shorter. Changing cable length may
worsen the Motor and Driver Unit performances, typically resolver accuracy
and resolver repeatability.

• Do not remove the shorting plate installed on NC terminals. If removed, the

Motor control will be disabled and an alarm will be given from the Driver

• Install the plastic protection on TB after wiring. The terminals on TB will be

at high voltage when power is turned on. Removing the protection and
touching terminals may cause extreme electrical shock.
Figure 4-10
Driver Unit Side Motor Side
Motor Wiring

– 4-10 –
4.5. Connecting Resolver
• Use the resolver cable of the Cable Set to connect the Motor and the Driver
Unit connector CN3.

• There is a twist type locking military style connector on the Motor side of the
cable; Canon MS3106B14S-5S. It has five conductors which are marked ‘A’
to ‘E.’ The Driver Unit end of the cable is terminated with a 9-pin
Subminiature D type connector, whose terminals are marked ‘1’ to ‘9’. This
connector mates with connector CN3 on the Driver Unit front panel. The
resolver cable itself is a four-conductor low-noise signal cable with a
braided shield.

• Do not tie wrap the resolver cable with power line wires or motor cable.

• Do not make the Cable Set longer or shorter. Changing cable length may
worsen the Motor and Driver Unit performances, typically resolver accuracy
and resolver repeatability.
Figure 4-11
Driver Unit Side Motor Side
Resolver Wiring

– 4-11 –
4.6. Ground Connection
• Use heavy gage (3.5mm2 or larger, 10AWG) wire for the ground lines
between line filter, isolation transformer and Driver Unit.

• All the ground lines must be connected at one point, preferably on the
electronic system cabinet chassis.

• The grounding resistance must be less than or equal to 100Ω.

• If the Motor is isolated from the mother machine, then ground the motor
Figure 4-12

Ground Wiring
Driver Unit

Noise Filter
Control R
Power CN3
Noise Filter
AC Power

Power A+~C- M

(Motor Frame Direct Earthing)

(Driver Unit Ground Line)
200V : 100V
Noise Filter

User Device

Ground Earthing

– 4-12 –
5. Trial Running and Adjustment
Carry out trial running and adjustment of the Megatorque Motor System as shown
on Figure 5-1.
• If you use the System in torque control mode, you don’t have to carry
out adjustment.
• Even if you use the System in velocity control mode, carry out
adjustment in position control mode. After the adjustment, set the
mode to velocity control and use the System.
• To know how to change the control mode, see section 3.2. Switch And
Jumper. The shipping-set is the position control mode.
Figure 5-1

Trial Running And Adjustment Test Run & Tuning


Set up

Adjustment 1

Test Run


Adjustment 2

Test Run Bad



Proper setting and adjustment of the servo parameters, etc. are required to
demonstrate the full performance of the Megatorque Motor System.

For setting and adjusting the servo parameters, the NSK Handy Terminal or
equivalent terminal is required since they are set and adjusted through the RS-
232C interface.

Figure 5-2 shows the servo block diagram of the Megatorque Motor System in
position control mode.For the servo compensator circuit of each control mode,
see section 7.8. Servo Compensator Circuit.

The following sections describe the details of adjustment and trial running.

– 5-1 –
Figure 5-2
Servo Parameter
Position Control Mode Servo Block

Position Command

Velocity Command

Torque Command

Pulse Generator Filter

Position + + Digital
command - - Filter
· Velocity Position Velocity Velocity
·Acceleration Gain Gain Integrator
Position Signal


5.1. Preparation

5.1.1. Wiring Check

Wiring check is extremely important for smooth startup of the system. It is also
useful for preventing noise trouble.

Precautions for wiring are described in chapter 4. Installation above. Refer to that
chapter and check the following points:

(a) A noise filter should be incorporated in the control power supply.

(b) Do not modify or extend the Motor or resolver wiring without consulting

(c) Shielded cables should be used for input and output control signals.
• Twisted pair cables should be used for input pulse train inputs,
position feed back signals, and analog signals.
• These cables should be laid in an independent duct separate from the
power line.

(d) Use surge killer circuits for magnet i.e. switches, relays, etc.

(e) Use a wire of 3.5 mm2 (12AWG) or larger for grounding the system.

5.1.2. Checking Internal Switch

Some functions of the Driver Unit are specified with the internal switches or
jumpers. Refer to section 3.2. Switch And Jumper to check internal switch and
jumper setting.

– 5-2 –
5.1.3. Wiring Servo on Signal to CN2
The Megatorque Motor System servo will be turned on when servo on signal from
the external device is activated.

To carry out trial running and adjustment, the servo on signal is required. Before
carrying out, wire the servo on signal to Driver Unit’s connector CN2 using a
24VDC power source, a switch, and necessary cables.
Figure 5-3
CN2-Pin #1: 24VDC external power supply
Wiring Servo On Signal CN2-Pin #2: Servo on input (SVON)

CN2-Pin #1

CN2-Pin #2 Driver Unit

24VDC Power Source

Switch 24V


* The System servo will be turned on when the switch is closed.

* The RS-232C command “SV” does not turn the System servo on by itself;
the wiring above is always necessary to turn the System servo on.

– 5-3 –
5.1.4. Power On and Servo On
Preparation is completed through the operations shown below. The system starts
operation if an external command is entered.

(1) Turn on the power.

• If a message “NSK MEGA ...” is displayed on NSK MEGATORQUE

the Handy Terminal, the system is ready for SYSTEM
operation. A colon ( : ) indicates that a command xxxxxxxxx
may be entered. :

(2) Check the DRDY (Driver Unit ready) and OVER (warning)
output signals.

• If DRDY is closed and OVER is open, the System condition is normal.

• The output signal condition may be checked by inputting an IO2 command

from the Handy Terminal. Type as shown below:

$ :IO2
If “01××××” (× represents 0 or 1.) is displayed,
the System condition is normal.

• The servo is still off in this condition.

(3) Turn on the SVON input.

• The Motor enters the servo lock condition.

Figure 5-4
Power On/Servo On Timing Power
0.5sec max.
DRDY input

OVER output

SVON input

– 5-4 –
5.2. Adjustment 1

5.2.1. Calculating “Load Inertia”

(1) Find the “load inertia” (moment of inertia of the load) directly
coupled with the Motor (GD2I, in kgf·m2) using the equation shown
below. GD2I should include the “rotor inertia” (moment of inertia of
the rotor).

GD2I = (rotor inertia) + (directly coupled load inertia) [kgf·m2]

(2) Find the load inertia indirectly coupled with the Motor (GD2II, in

GD2II = (indirectly coupled load inertia) [kgf·m2]

The indirectly coupled load inertia denotes the moment of inertia of the load
connected to the end of a torque-transmitting element such as a gear, belt, ball
spline, key coupling, elastic coupling, long drive shaft, etc. It shall be
discriminated from the directly coupled load inertia since it moves in a vibration
range in a different manner from the Motor due to backlash in the transmission
and elastic deformation.

– 5-5 –
5.2.2. Setting Velocity Gain (VG) and Velocity Integrator Frequency (VI)
Find set values in the graphs shown below.
Figure 5-5

VG/VI Finding Graph

VG 200

100 08 08 810
04 06 0

0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
GD 2 I + GD 2 II (kgf·m 2 )
VI 04 06 14
20 08
08 10
10 10

0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
GD 2 I + GD 2 II (kgf·m 2 )

How to find the value Example

VG GD2 I is found as shown below, provided 0.5kgf·m2
load inertia is directly coupled to the Megatorque

Motor RS0608 and GD II is 0:

GD I = 0.031 + 0.5 = 0.531 [kgf·m2 ]


VG and VI are found in the graphs.

Then, type as shown below:

# ?

V I 1 0 ENT

0.531 GD I

– 5-6 –
Proportional Gain • Integrator Frequency

The Megatorque Motor System employs proportional and

integration control as a servo compensation circuit. Velocity Command
(Torque Command)
Proportional Control
(See upper figure on the right.) In the position loop, the
position error (the error between position command and
position feedback) is amplified by a number defined as a
proportional gain (set by PG in Megatorque Motor System),
and is output as a velocity command. Also, in the velocity ε
loop, the velocity error (the error between velocity k: proportional gain (PG, VG)
command and velocity feedback) will be amplified by a 0 Position Error
number defined as a proportional gain (set by VG in (Velocity Error)
Megatorque Motor System), and will be output as a torque
command. Torque Command

Integration Control
(See lower figure on the right.) In velocity loop, the

velocity error is integrated over time and is output as a
torque command. A 0

• If a higher integrator frequency (set by VI in Megatorque A = 2π/VI

Motor System) is input, the commanded output will be
larger given the same error and time elapsed. kε
• The integration control can be deactivated using IOFF
input in Megatorque Motor System. Time

5.2.3. Setting Position Gain (PG)

Normally, the velocity gain VG and velocity integrator frequency VI are set as
found in the graphs shown above, but the position gain PG should be left as
adjusted in the factory before shipment, i.e., PG0.1.

If greater holding power is required while the Motor is stationary, increase PG

slightly. If PG exceeds 0.5, the Motor may overshoot while of positioning. Thus,
use care not to increase PG excessively.

On completion of setting, push the connected load by hand. You will see that it
moves back to the former position by resiliency. Make sure that the load is free
from vibration.

Check the set value as:

# :TS1

– 5-7 –
5.3. Trial Running and Operation Check
If adjustment is completed, check for correct operation using the procedures
shown below. Rotate the Motor by 90° for checking operation.
Figure 5-6

Trial Running Motion

Position A

90 CC



Home position

(1) If the Motor is fitted with an arm, etc., make sure that no
obstacles are around the Motor and arm to avoid accidents
when the Motor begins to rotate.

Danger Always stay in a safe place when operating during the trial
running. Since the Megatorque Motor System is not
completely set up yet, the Motor may perform a unexpected
strange motion.

(2) Turn on the SVON input signal.

(3) Use the current position as the home position.

Type as:

% 0

Make sure that 0 is displayed on the Handy Terminal.

Variation by several pulses near position 0 (for example, 35999 → 0 → 1 → 0 →

35999 → ...) does not mean incorrect operation. It originates from the
characteristics of the servo motor.

(Press the BS key to exit this mode.)

– 5-8 –
(4) Make sure that the velocity and acceleration are correct.

Type as:

% :TS5
MV: Velocity [rps]
MA: Acceleration [rps2]

(5) Decrease the velocity for safety.

To set the velocity to 0.2rps, type as:

? = $
M V 0 . 2 ENT :MV0.2
To set the acceleration to 0.5rps2, type as:

? = %
M A 0 . 5 ENT

(6) Execute positioning clockwise to position A.

Danger The positioning starts as soon as the ENT key is pressed.

Type as:

) ? ? ?
A D 9 0 0 0 C W ENT

On completion of positioning, make sure that the

current position is 90°.
Type as:


“9000” will be displayed. (90.00 degrees)

Variation by several pulses near position 0 does not mean incorrect operation. It
originates from the characteristics of the servo motor.

– 5-9 –
(7) Execute positioning counterclockwise to the home

Danger The positioning starts as soon as the ENT key is pressed.

Type as:

? :AD0/CCW
A D 0 C C W ENT :TP5
On completion of positioning, make sure that the :

current position is 0°.

Type as:


(8) Check the position error data.

Type as:

“0” will be displayed.

If you press the Motor by hand, the number of pulses

corresponding to the movement of the Motor is displayed. Check to see whether
the displayed number of pulses is reset to 0 if you release your hand. If 0 is
displayed within 1 second, the Motor is normal. (This time depends on the Motor
and inertia conditions.)

Variation by several pulses near position 0 does not mean incorrect operation. It
originates from the characteristics of the servo motor.

(Press the BS key to exit this mode.)

(9) Specify the velocity and acceleration.

Specify the highest velocity to be actually used. If it is 2rps, type as follows:

$ :MV2

The maximum acceleration can be found from the load inertia (GD2I + GD2II) and
velocity gain. The presentable maximum acceleration may be found as shown
below. Specify proper acceleration within the allowable range.

– 5-10 –
(i) Find the Motor output torque T at the velocity specified by using

(Refer to the torque-speed characteristic chart of the Motor, available on catalogs

or System specification sheet.)
Figure 5-7
MV Torque at T

Finding Output Torque

MV Actual Velocity


Find the acceleration for the load inertia (GD2I + GD2II) at 80% of the output
torque T using the following equations:
2 2
0.8T = GD I + GD II × 2πMA
MA = ⋅ 0.8T ≅5 T
π GD 2I + GD2II GD I + GD2II

(ii) If the velocity gain VG is low (< 10) due to small load inertia or low
rigidity of the mechanism, the output torque is also limited in
proportion to VG. Therefore, we recommend that the acceleration
should be less than the value found from the following equation:
MA ≅ 0.5VG T (where VG<10)
Provided the acceleration is 10 rps2, type as shown below:

# ?
M A 1 0 ENT :MA10
On completion of setting, try to move between the
home position and position A. Motion is performed as
shown below:
Figure 5-8

Sample Motion

Velocity [rps]

0 Time

– 5-11 –
If Motor Fails to Move in the Way You Want...
Check the Motor movement visually. If the Motor fails to move properly, adjust it
as shown below:

(1) Excessive noises are generated when the Motor stops.

• Check to see whether the calculated load inertia GD2I and velocity gain VG
are correct. (Try to decrease VG.)

(2) The Motor vibrates when it is stationary.

• Check to see whether the position gain PG is correct. (If PG is too high,
decrease it.)

(3) Excessive noises are generated while the Motor is rotating.

• Incorporate a software digital filter if the Motor resonates with the

mechanical system.

(4) Overshoot occurs.

• Check to see whether the calculated load inertia (GD2I + GD2II) is correct.

• Check to see whether the acceleration MA is set properly. (If MA is too high,
decrease it.)

• Check to see whether the position gain PG is set properly. (If PG is too high,
decrease it.)

• Check to see whether the velocity integrator frequency VI is set properly. (If
VI is too high, decrease it.)

(5) An excess position error occurs. (A warning is given.)

• The excess position set value is too low.

(i) If the excess position error warning is used

An excess position warning is given if the condition PG × CO > 1365 × MV is not

met. Specify CO so that the following condition is met:
2000 × MV
CO = 1365MV × 1.5 ≅

(ii) If the excess position error alarm is used

An excess position alarm is given if the condition PG × CO × 8 > 1365 × MV is

not met. Specify CO so that the following condition is met:
250 × MV
CO = 1365MV × 1.5 ≅
PG × 8 PG

– 5-12 –
5.4. Adjustment 2
— If motor oscillates with conditions set in section 5.2. Adjustment 1 or to obtain quicker
motor response

Important If the Motor vibrates or oscillates though it is adjusted properly

using the graphs, the mounting base or rotating load of the
Motor may have low mechanical rigidity. Use rigid structure
and load system to increase the characteristic frequency of
the whole mechanism.

5.4.1. Preparation for Adjustment

(a) Set the gains to the factory-set values.

Type as shown below:

V G 1 ENT :VG1
# :PG0.1
? = #
P G 0 . 1 ENT

(b) Make sure that all the servo compensators are deactivated.

(1) Filters

Type as:
$ :TS2
Make sure that all filters are set to 0. NP0

(2) Others

Type as:

? :?DB
? DB0/PL
0 F F ENT :?FF
? :?IL
Make sure that DB0, FC0, FF0 and IL100 are

– 5-13 –
5.4.2. Adjustment of Velocity Gain (VG)
While pushing the load by hand, increase VG gradually until just before vibration
$ # %
V G 2 ENT ···
V G 1 5 ENT

Increasing VG will increase the Motors rigidity and :VG2

stiffness. :VG3
Repeat trial running several times and make sure that :VG14
the Motor does not oscillate when it is stopping. The
velocity waveform may be output through the monitor terminal on the front panel
of the Driver Unit.
Figure 5-9
Typical Velocity Waveforms During
VG Adjustment

(Lower VG.)

– 5-14 –
5.4.3. Adjustment of Velocity Integrator Frequency (VI)
Then, increase VI in the same manner to a point where hunting or overshoot does
not occur while positioning.

$ >
V I 2 ENT ···


Figure 5-10
• Hunting
Typical Velocity Waveforms During The Motor moves reciprocally during positioning.
VI Adjustment


• Overshoot
The Motor moves excessively and returns during positioning.


• Proper Velocity Waveform


– 5-15 –
5.4.4. Adjustment of Position Gain PG
If higher stiffness is required when stationary, increase PG slightly. Adjust PG so
that overshoot is not caused. It should be set to a value between 0.07 and 0.5
normally. If the Motor overshoots and PG may not be increased, decrease VI.

? = # #
P G 0 . 1 1 ENT

? = # >
P G 0 . 1 4 ENT


5.4.5. Fine Adjustment of VG, VI and PG

If a heavy load is applied, the velocity gain VG may be set higher and the velocity
integrator frequency VI is less than 1, in general. If a light load is applied, VG is
lower and accordingly VI may be set higher.
Table 5-1
Too High Too Low
Servo Parameter Effects VG Subject to vibration. Torque is low.
VI Overshoot occurs. Response is poor.
PG Overshoot occurs. Retaining force is low.

Adjust VG, VI and PG in the following order, in principle:

First: VG → Second: VI → Third: PG

If hunting or overshoot occurs, further adjustment is required. Set the parameters

to the shipping-set values (VG1, VI1 and PG0.1), then adjust them in sequence
properly. (If the load weight is changed considerably after adjustment,
readjustment is required.)

Important Adjust the Motor under the condition where all the filters and
other servo compensators are deactivated. Otherwise, it
cannot be adjusted properly.

– 5-16 –
5.5. Reducing Motor Rotation Noise (How to Use the Filters)
When positioning, the Motor may resonate mechanically and generate a noise of a
certain frequency. Using Megatorque Motor’s software filters, the noise can be

Knowing the resonance frequency using oscilloscope connected to VELOCITY

terminal on Driver Unit’s front panel, you can apply the low-pass or notch filter to
the resonance frequency.

5.5.1. Cautions for Using Filters

Caution Do not use the filters when you need quick response, or stable
motion with high repeatability (for example, ±1 pulse).

Caution Before using filters, make sure that all adjustments of gains
and integrator frequencies are completed.

Caution Do not use three or more filters at the same time; preferably,
use FP (primary low-pass filter) alone, or only FP and NP
(primary notch filter). Using three or more filters at the same
time may effect the control system and make the Motor work

Caution If low frequency filters, typically under 100Hz, are used,

hunting or oscillation may occur. When continuous oscillation
occurs, immediately deactivate all filters.

5.5.2. Checking Current Filter Setting

Type as:

$ :TS2
These filters are: NP
FP — Primary low-pass filter NS
FS — Secondary low-pass filter
NP — Primary notch filter
NS — Secondary notch filter

– 5-17 –
5.5.3. Reducing Resonance noise
Try to use the low-pass filter of a frequency that is lower than the resonance

If the resonance frequency is 350Hz, try to set the low-pass filter of 150Hz. Type
# % ? :FP150
F P 1 5 0 ENT

5.5.4. Making Quieter

Try to use the notch filter of a same frequency as the resonance frequency.

If the resonance frequency is 350Hz, try to set the notch filter of 350Hz. Type as:

< % ? :NP350
N P 3 5 0 ENT

5.5.5. Deactivating Filter

To deactivate filters, input the filter command with “0” data. For example, to
inactivate the primary low-pass filter, type as:

? :FP0

Other filters can be deactivated in the same manner; FS0, NP0 and NS0.

– 5-18 –
6. Connector
6.1. CN1: RS-232C Serial Communication Connector
If NSK Handy Terminal FHT01 is used as an RS-232C terminal, you need only
plug the Handy Terminal connector into CN1. Knowledge of the pin assignment
or signal names is not necessary. This section is offered for reference.

If another RS-232C terminal is used, refer to Appendix 4 for connection.

Table 6-1
Connector Type (Driver Unit Side) JAE DE-9S-N
CN1 Connector Type Mating Connector Type (User Device Side) JAE DE-9P-N
Mating Connector Shell Type (User Device Side) JAE DE-C1-J6

6.1.1. CN1 Pin-Out

Figure 6-1

CN1 Pin-Out
FG 9
+5V 8
DG 6

6.1.2. CN1 Signal List

Table 6-2
Pin Signal Name I/O Function
CN1 Signal List 1 TXD Output Transmit data
2 CTS Input Clear to send
3 RXD Input Receive
4 DSR Output Data set ready
5 DTR Output Data terminal ready
6 DG – Digital signal ground
7 RTS Output Ready to send
8 +5VDC Output Reserved (Never Connect!)
9 FG – Frame ground (shield)

– 6-1 –
6.2. CN2: Control I/O Connector
Table 6-3
Connector Type (Driver Unit Side) Honda MR-50RFA
CN2 Connector Type Mating Connector Type (User Device Side) Honda MR-50M
Mating Connector Shell Type (User Device Side) Honda MR-50L

6.2.1. CN2 Pin-Out

Figure 6-2

CN2 Pin-Out
1 33
2 34
3 35
4 36
5 37
6 38
7 39
8 40

9 41
HOS 26 —
10 42
HLS 27 ✽ CHA
11 43
— 28 ✽ CHB
12 44
RUN 29 ✽ CHZ
13 45
PRG0/BCD0 30 —
14 46
15 47
16 48
17 49
18 50

– 6-2 –
6.2.2. CN2 Signal List
Table 6-4

CN2 Signal List

Pin Signal Name I/O Function

24VDC external power supply — Prepare a 24VDC external power supply. (0.2A or
1 DC24 Input
Servo on — If SVON goes active, the servo turns on and the system waits for a command
2 SVON Input
to be entered.
Emergency stop — If EMST goes active, the system does not accept any operation
3 EMST Input
commands, and the Motor enters the servo lock state (zero velocity command state).
CW rotation limit switch — If CLS goes active, the Motor servo is locked in the
4 CLS Input
clockwise direction only.
CCW rotation limit switch — If CCLS goes active, the Motor servo is locked in the
5 CCLS Input
counterclockwise direction only.
6 CLR Input OVER output clear — Clears (resets) the OVER output.
Jogging — If JOG goes active, the Motor rotates. If it goes inactive, the Motor decelerates
7 JOG Input
and stops.
Rotation direction setting — If DIR goes active, the Motor rotates clockwise. If it goes
8 DIR Input inactive, the Motor rotates counterclockwise. DIR should be input for jogging, returning
to the home position, etc.
9 HOS Input Home Return start — If HOS goes active, Home Return starts.
Home position limit switch — If HLS goes active after Home Return starts, the Motor
10 HLS Input
decelerates. If it goes inactive, the Motor stops.
11 – – Reserved (Never Connect!)
12 RUN Input Positioning start — Starts program operation.
13 PRG0/BCD0* Input Channel select 0/BCD command 0 For Programmable Indexer operation: A channel to
14 PRG1/BCD1* Input Channel select 1/BCD command 1 be executed (0 to 63) is selected according to
15 PRG2/BCD2* Input Channel select 2/BCD command 2 combination of PRG0 to PRG5.
16 PRG3/BCD3* Input Channel select 3/BCD command 3 For BCD operation: A command is created
17 PRG4 Input Channel select 4 according to combination of BCD0 to BCD3. It is
18 PRG5/ACKIN* Input Channel select 5/BCD command acknowledge input to the Driver Unit when ACKIN is activated.
BCD command data entry enable — A Driver Unit check signal is output when a BCD
19 DAV– Output
command is input.
20 HOME– Output Home Return completed — Closed when Home Return is completed.
Positioning completed — Closed if the position error falls below the in-position limit
21 IPOS– Output
(specified by using parameter IN).
Warning — Closed in any of the following conditions:
• Excess position error
22 OVER– Output
• Battery voltage low
• Software rotation limit over

– 6-3 –
Table 6-4

CN2 Signal List (Continued)

Pin Signal Name I/O Function

23 BRK– Output Brake — Normally-closed brake signal
24 DRDY– Output Driver Unit ready — The Motor is ready to rotate if these pins are closed.
25 – – Reserved (Never Connect!)
26 CHA Output Position feedback øA A pulse signal indicating rotation of
27 CHB Output Position feedback øB the Motor in line driver or open
28 CHZ Output Position feedback øZ/Digital position data MSB collector format
Ground for position feedback signal — Used if the position feedback signal is open
29 SGND –
collector output.
Velocity gain reduction — If LVG goes active, the velocity gain is reduced at a rate
30 LVG Input
specified by using parameter LG.
31 STP Input Positioning forced termination — If STP goes active, positioning is discontinued.
Integration control off — If IOFF goes active, velocity/position integration control is
32 IOFF Input
33 AIN+*** – Analog Command Inputs analog voltage command in velocity or torque
34 AIN–*** – Ground for analog command control mode.
35 DAV+ Output Used with DAV– (pin #19)
36 HOME+ Output Used with HOME– (pin #20)
37 IPOS+ Output Used with IPOS– (pin #21)
38 OVER+ Output Used with OVER– (pin #22)
39 BRK+ Output Used with BRK– (pin #23)
40 DRDY+ Output Used with DRDY– (pin #24)
41 – – Reserved (Never Connect!)
42 *CHA Output Position feedback øA
The reverse output if the position
43 *CHB Output Position feedback øB
feedback signal is line driver output.
44 *CHZ Output Position feedback øZ/Digital position data MSB
45 – – Reserved (Never Connect!)
46 INH Input Pulse train input disable — If INH goes active, pulse train inputs are ignored
47 CWP– Input CW pulse train
48 CWP+ Input CW pulse train
5VDC pulse train position command should be given.
49 CCWP– Input CCW pulse train
50 CCWP+ Input CCW pulse train
Note * Either the channel selection mode or BCD mode is selected with the internal switch SW201.
** Either the position feedback øZ or digital position data MSB is selected with SW202.
*** Only available on the models shown below.
This digit must be “5.”

– 6-4 –
6.2.3. CN2 Electrical Specification General Input Signal

Applied inputs: CCLS, CLR, CLS, DIR, EMST, HLS, HOS, INH, IOFF, JOG,
Table 6-5 Item Specification
General Input Specification Input Voltage 24VDC±10%
Input Impedance 3.3kΩ
Maximum Current Per Input 6mA

Figure 6-3

General Input Circuit

3.3k Ω


Driver Unit Side Pulse Train Input Signal

Applied inputs: CCWP, CWP

Table 6-6
Item Specification
Pulse Train Input Specification Input Voltage 5VDC±10%
Input Impedance 220Ω
Maximum Current Per Input 15mA

Figure 6-4

Pulse Train Input Circuit

200 Ω
Input H (+)
390 Ω

Input L (–)

Driver Unit Side

– 6-5 – General Output Signal

Applied inputs: BRK, DAV, DRDY, HOME, IPOS, OVER

Table 6-7
Item Specification
General Output Specification Maximum Switching Ability 24VDC
Maximum Load Current 100mA
Maximum Saturated Voltage 1V

Figure 6-5

General Output Circuit

Output H (+)

Output L (–)

Driver Unit Side Position Feedback Output Signal

Applied outputs: CHA, CHB, CHZ, *CHA, *CHB, *CHZ

Table 6-8
Item Specification
Position Feedback Output Output Format Line driver or open collector
Output Device (Line Driver) TI SN75113
Recommended Receiving Device (Line Receiver) TI SN75115 or equivalent
Maximum Output Current ±40mA
Pull-Up Voltage 5VDC
Pull-Up Resistance 200~510Ω

Figure 6-6
Position Feedback Output Circuit CHA


– 6-6 – Analog Input Signal

Applied inputs: AIN+, AIN–

Table 6-9
Item Specification
Analog Input Specification Maximum Input Voltage ±10VDC
Input Impedance 20kΩ
Maximum Current 0.5mA

Figure 6-7

Analog Input Circuit

20k Ω
DC±10V AIN+ -

0V AIN– +

Driver Unit Side

– 6-7 –
6.2.4. CN2 Sample Wiring Diagram Position Control Mode Sample

Figure 6-8
User Device Driver Unit
Position Control Mode Sample
Wiring Diagram CN2

+24V 1 DC24

10 HLS
Control Input
12 RUN
13 PRG0/BCD0
14 PRG1/BCD1
15 PRG2/BCD2
16 PRG3/BCD3
17 PRG4
18 PRG5
30 LVG
31 STP
0V 46 INH

+5V 47 CWP+
Clockwise pulse 48 CWP–
49 CCWP+
50 CCWP–
+24V 40 DRDY+
24 DRDY–
39 BRK+
23 BRK–
38 OVER+
Control Output 22 OVER–
37 IPOS+
21 IPOS–
36 HOME+
20 HOME–
35 DAV+
0V 19 DAV–

26 CHA
feedback øA 42 *CHA
Position 27 CHB
feedback øB 43 *CHB
Position 28 CHZ
feedback øZ 44 *CHZ
/digital position
data MSB TB

– 6-8 – Velocity or Torque Control Mode Sample
Figure 6-9
User Device Driver Unit
Velocity/Torque Control Mode
Sample Wiring Diagram CN2

+24V 1 DC24

Control Input 4 CLS

(Velocity control 32 IOFF

mode only) 0V 30 LVG

+24V 40 DRDY+
24 DRDY–
Control output 39 BRK+
23 BRK–
38 OVER+
0V 22 OVER–

26 CHA
Position feedback øA
42 *CHA
Position feedback øB 27 CHB
43 *CHB
Position feedback øZ 28 CHZ
/digital position data MSB 44 *CHZ


(Velocity control/Torque control)

Analog command input 33 AIN+
±10VDC 34 AIN–

– 6-9 –
6.3. CN3: Resolver Cable Connector
Since the resolver cable supplied with the Megatorque Motor System should
always be used, you need only plug the resolver cable connector into CN3.
Knowledge of the pin assignment or signal names is not necessary. This section is
offered for reference.

Caution If the length of the resolver cable is changed, resolver’s

detection accuracy changes. If it is necessary to adjust the
cable length, contact NSK.

6.3.1. CN3 Pin-Out

Figure 6-10

CN3 Pin-Out
REC 15
FG 10

6.3.2. CN3 Signal List

Table 6-10
Pin Signal Name Function
CN3 Signal List 1 – (Connected internally)
2 – (Connected internally)
3 – (Connected internally)
4 REO Resolver excitation output
5 – (Connected internally)
6 – (Connected internally)
7 REB Resolver phase B
8 REA Resolver phase A
9 – (Connected internally)
10 FG Frame ground
11 – (Connected internally)
12 – (Connected internally)
13 – (Connected internally)
14 – (Connected internally)
15 REC Resolver phase C

– 6-10 –
7. Operational Function
7.1. Control Mode
The Megatorque Motor System can be used in position, velocity or torque control

The position control mode is selected at factory when shipped.

Table 7-1 Control
Command Overview
Control Mode Overview Mode
A positioning angle is specified as a
• RS-232C communication
• A velocity and an acceleration rate are
Position also specified in RS-232C
• Programmable Indexer
Control communication, Programmable Indexer
(built-in program)
Mode or BCD command.
• BCD command
• Jogging and Homing (returning to home
• Pulse train command
position using a specified sequence) are
available as additional functions.
• RS-232C communication A velocity is specified as a command.
command • A positioning angle is not controlled. It
• Analog voltage should be controlled by an external
command* controller if necessary.
• RS-232C communication A Motor torque is specified as a command.
command • A positioning angle and a velocity are not
• Analog voltage controlled. They should be controlled by
command* an external controller if necessary.
Note * The analog voltage command is only available on the models shown below:
This digit must be “5.”

– 7-1 –
Changing Control Mode
The control mode is set in the following ways:

(a) Power-on set

The control mode is set at power-on by an internal switch SW201 #2 ~ #4.

(b) During operation

The control mode can be changed using RS-232C commands (PM, VC and TM)
during operation.
Figure 7-1

Control Mode Setting Power On

Control mode selection by SW201 · #2, #3, #4


SW201 SW201
(Shipping Set)
Analog Input Analog Input

BCD Command
At power-on (a)
During operation (b)
command command
Position Velocity Torque
control mode control mode control mode

· RS-232C · RS-232C · RS-232C

command command command
positioning operation operation
· Programmable · Analog command · Analog command
Indexer operation operation
· BCD command
· Pulse train
· Jogging
· Home Return
command command

TM command

PM command

– 7-2 –
7.2. Preparation for Operation
(1) Turn on the power.

(2) After a short delay, check for the OVER and DRDY outputs.
* If the OVER and/or DRDY output signal is abnormal, refer to chapter
9. Warning And Alarm and take proper measures.

(3) If there is no problem, turn on the SVON input. The servo turns on.

(4) Issue a necessary operation command.

Figure 7-2

Power-On Sequence Driver Unit Side User Side



Error Finding

DRDY closed Check
OK Alarm
Servo-lock Servo-on

Usual operation Command

Figure 7-3
Power-On Timing Power
Max. 0.5s*

output closed DRDY closed
DRDY open Settle OVER open

input off

* If the system is initialized when the power is turned on, the OVER and DRDY
output signals become stable within 8 seconds. The system need not be
initialized normally. If it is initialized, stored servo parameters are reset to the
shipping-set values. Thus, they must be specified again.

– 7-3 –
7.3. General Operation And Function
Table 7-2
I/O Signal
General Operation And Function Item Command Function
SVON input: servo on input
Servo On SVON input SV command: servo on
MO command: servo off
EMST input: normally open emergency
Emergency MS
EMST input stop input
Stop command
MS command: motor stop
BRK output: normally closed brake
Brake BRK output –
CLS input: CW rotation limit switch
Rotation CLS input CCLS input: CCW rotation limit switch
Limit CCLS input input
LS: software rotation limit coordinate
Position CHA output
Feedback CHB output – A digital signal indicating motor rotation
Signal CHZ output
Analog velocity monitor:
VELOCITY 12-bit resolver resolution — ±10 V
pin (front – (CCW/CW)
panel) 10-bit resolver resolution — ±7.5 V
Torque – TL TL: output torque reduction ratio setting
LVG input: velocity gain reduction input
Gain LVG input LG
LG: velocity gain reduction ratio setting
Position/ IOFF input: Position/velocity integrator
Velocity PM off
IOFF input
Integrator VM PM: position control mode selection
Off VM: velocity control mode selection

– 7-4 –
7.3.1. Servo On
• The Motor servo turns on if the SVON input goes active with DRDY output

• The positional error is cleared in the servo off state.

• The servo turns off if an MO command is executed under the condition

where the servo is turned on by activating the SVON input.

• The servo turns on if an SV command is executed under the condition where

the servo is turned off by issuing an MO command.

7.3.2. Emergency Stop

• If the EMST input goes active, the BRK output opens within 5ms and the
Motor stops in the servo lock state in velocity control mode.

• No operation commands are accepted while the EMST input is active.

• If the brake is applied directly by activating the BRK output, contention may
occur between braking and integration control when the EMST input goes
active, resulting in excessive current passing through the Motor. In such a
case, cut off integration control by using the IOFF input, then reduce the
velocity gain using the LVG input as well.

• If an MS command is executed, the Motor stops in the servo lock state.

However, the BRK output remains open.

Caution Do not use EMST input when you want Motor to stop at the
correct position with enough rigidity. Since Motor is in a
velocity control mode when stopped by EMST input, the rotor
rigidity is low and the position may be incorrect. Use EMST
input for emergency stop purpose only.

Warning The servo lock state produced by activating the EMST input is
not an error originating from the Motor or Driver Unit.
Therefore, the DRDY output remains closed and no alarms
are displayed.
Figure 7-4
Emergency Stop Timing EMST input

Max. 5ms Max. 5ms

BRK output

IOFF input on
LVG input Integrator off / Lower gain

– 7-5 –
7.3.3. Brake
Stop the Motor by applying external force as necessary in case that an emergency
stop occurs or the Motor servo becomes free. The BRK output (normally closed
output) may be used as a control signal for an external brake in such a case.
Figure 7-5

Brake Timing on

DRDY closed
output open

input off
Max. 5ms Max. 5ms

BRK closed
output open

No power or During emergency stop Servo-free alarm

resetting CPU

7.3.4. Rotation Limit Rotation Limit By External Sensor

• If an external sensor shall be used in the Motor rotation range to make an

inhibited area, use the CLS or CCLS input.

• If the CLS input is turned on, the Motor stops in the servo lock state. In this
state, the Motor may be rotated counterclockwise only.

• If the CCLS input is turned on, the Motor stops in the servo lock state. In this
state, the Motor may be rotated clockwise only. Software Rotation Limit

• The LS parameter allows the user to specify the over travel limit making use
of the internal relative position counter.

• The LS parameter goes valid if both positive data (clockwise limit) and
negative data (counterclockwise limit) are specified.

• Since the relative position counter is established by completing the Home

Return sequence, it is invalidated before or during the Home Return.

– 7-6 –
7.3.5. Position Feedback Signal Position Feedback Signal Direction

The direction of position feedback signal may be reversed with the internal switch
SW202. For setting of SW202, refer to section SW202.
• Normal — øA (phase A) leads in the clockwise direction.
• Reversed — øB (phase B) leads in the clockwise direction. CHZ Output Type

The CHZ output type, øZ (phase Z) or digital position signal MSB, may be
selected with the internal switch SW202. For setting of SW202, refer to section SW202. Resolution of øA/øB

The resolutions of øA and øB may be selected with jumpers JP403 and JP404. For
setting, refer to section JP403 and JP404.
Table 7-3
øA/øB Resolution [count/rev]
Resolution Of øA/øB Resolver Resolution = 10-bit, or
Motor Size
Resolver Resolution = 12-bit Resolver Resolution = Automatic
04×× 102 400 or 25 600 25 600
06××, 08××,
153 600 or 38 400 38 400
10××, 14××
B××× 122 880 or 30 720 30 720 Resolution of øZ
Table 7-4
Motor Size øZ Resolution [count/rev]
Resolution Of øZ 04×× 100
06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× 150
B××× 120

– 7-7 – Output Timing

(a) Normal output

Figure 7-6
CW Motion CCW Motion
Normal Output Timing
CHA output
*CHA output

CHB output
*CHB output

CHZ output
*CHZ output
CHZ output
*CHZ output

(b) Reversed output

Figure 7-7
CW Motion CCW Motion
Normal Output Timing
CHA output

*CHA output

CHB output

*CHB output

CHZ output
*CHZ output
CHZ output
*CHZ output

7.3.6. Velocity Monitor

The Motor velocity may be monitored by checking the voltage between the
VELOCITY and GND check pins on the front panel.

Warning The voltage of velocity monitor (±10 or ±7.5V) is a “typical”

value, which is subject to slight variance. It does not represent
accurate velocity.

– 7-8 –
(a) Resolver resolution = 12-bit
Figure 7-8

Voltage Vs. Velocity (12-bit CW Maximum Velocity




CCW Maximum Velocity

Table 7-5 Motor Size Maximum Velocity [rps]

Maximum Velocity (12-bit Resolver) 04×× 1.5
06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× 1.0
B××× 1.25

(b) Resolver resolution = 10-bit or automatic switching

Figure 7-9

Voltage Vs. Velocity (10-bit Or CW Maximum Velocity

Automatic Switching Resolver)


CCW Maximum Velocity

Table 7-6 Motor Size Maximum Velocity [rps]

Maximum Velocity (10-bit Or 04×× 4.5
Automatic Switching Resolver)
06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× 3.0
B××× 3.75

– 7-9 –
7.3.7. Output Torque Reduction
The Motor output torque may be reduced by using the parameter TL.

Important The output torque of the Megatorque Motor varies with motor
speed. It is reduced as shown in the following graph.
Figure 7-10

Output Torque Reduction






7.3.8. Velocity Gain Reduction

If the LVG input is activated, the velocity loop proportional gain specified by
parameter VG may be reduced at a rate of the LG set value. This function is useful
if the load inertia varies remarkably in operation cycles.

– 7-10 –
7.4. Position Scale
The Megatorque Motor System controls the rotor position scales internally. Its
positioning is based on the position scale.

Important The position scale is not effected by the resolver resolution.

Figure 7-11

Position Scales User absolute position scale

Position scale
Relative position counter

Both position scales will not be deleted even if the power is turned off. However,
if the Motor rotates with power off, the position scales are not updated.
Accordingly, a position data may be different from the actual position when the
power is turned on. Thus, be sure to execute a Home Return sequence when the
power is turned on.

7.4.1. User Absolute Position Scale

A positioning command will be based on this user absolute position scale.

Note Although some Motor characteristics differ with the Motor

sizes, the following description uses only a typical number (the
number of Motor sizes 06××, 08××, 10×× and 14××), to make
the description simple. Please use the next table for other
Motor size.
Table 7-7
Maximum Motor Maximum Absolute
Number Of Teeth
Motor Specification Motor Size Resolution Position
[Marked With (1) ]
[Marked With (2) ] [Marked With (3) ]
04×× 100 409 600 409 599
06××, 08××,
150 614 400 614 399
10××, 14××
B××× 120 491 520 491 519

The resolution over one revolution of the Motor depends on the number of teeth
of the Motor. A Motor has 150 (1) teeth on its circumference, and the position
sensor divides 1-tooth pitch into 4096 parts. In other words, the resolution is
found as follows:

(4096 counts per tooth) × (150 (1) teeth per revolution)

= 614 400 (2) counts per revolution

The system generates data for controlling the circumferential position of the
Motor in integers from 0 to 614 399 (3) based on the data of the number-of-teeth
counter (øZ counter) and position data of one tooth. (This data is called Motor
absolute position data.)

– 7-11 –
User absolute position scale is based on this Motor absolute position data. The
position offset by the value of the parameter AO from point 0 of the Motor
absolute position data is regarded as the home position. The position on the Motor
perimeter is controlled cyclically in integers from 0 to 614 399 (3). It increases in
the clockwise direction. If it exceeds 614 399 (3), it is reset to 0. Or, it decreases in
the counterclockwise direction. From 0, it is reset to 614 399 (3).

The home position may be specified by either of the following methods:

(1) Executing a Home Return sequence.

The position at which a Home Return sequence is completed is
regarded as the home position. The offset AO from point 0 of the
Motor absolute position scale is updated automatically.

(2) Specifying the current position as the home position by issuing an AZ

command (direct teaching).

If the Motor rotates in the power off condition and the position data does not
correspond to the actual position, it is difficult to adjust the position scale by using
an AZ command. Thus, execute a Home Return sequence to adjust the home
Figure 7-12
AO offset, Value
User Absolute Position Scale Position counter 0
270° 0°
460 800 pulse 0 pulse

(Home Return complete position)

=User absolute home position

180° 90°
307 200 pulse 153 600 pulse
: User absolute position scale

– 7-12 –
7.4.2. Relative Position Counter
The software rotation limit switch is specified in the relative position counter. It
becomes valid on completion of Home Return.

The relative position counter expands in the clockwise and counterclockwise

directions from the home position. It has the same resolution as the user absolute
position scale.

Counter data are between –2 147 483 648 and +2 147 483 647 from the home
position. The counter increases in the clockwise direction. If it exceeds
+2 147 483 647, it is reset to –2 147 483 648. On the contrary, it decreases in the
counterclockwise direction. If it lowers below –2 147 483 648, it is reset to
+2 147 483 647.

The home position may be specified in either of the following methods:

(1) Executing a Home Return sequence.

The set value of the parameter HP is the relative counter data of the
position at which Home Return is completed. By using the parameter
HP, the home position in the relative position counter may be
specified independently from the home position in user absolute
position scale.
Figure 7-13
User absolute position scale
Relation Between Two Home
Positions 614 399 0 614 399 0 614 399 0 614 399 0 614 399 0 614 399 0

Relative position counter

–1 000 000 –500 000 0 HP 500 000 1 000 000

The parameter HP is factory-set to 0. With this setting, the relative

position counter’s home position is the same as the user absolute
home position.

(2) Specifying the current position as the home position by issuing an IP

command (direct teaching).
If the Motor rotates in the power off condition and the counter data
does not correspond to the actual position, it is difficult to adjust the
counter by using an IP command. Thus, execute a Home Return
sequence to adjust the home position.

– 7-13 –
7.4.3. Reading Position
Table 7-8
Command Read Data Data Unit
Position-Reading Command TP0 Motor absolute position data count
TP1 Relative position counter count
TP2 User absolute position count
TP3 Angle converted from motor absolute position data 0.01°
TP5 Angle converted from user absolute position 0.01°

– 7-14 –
7.5. Position Control Mode Operation

7.5.1. Position Control Additional Function In-Position Output

If the position error is reduced to a value within the pulse width specified by using
IN when positioning is completed, the IPOS output closes. Or, the IPOS output
may be closed after confirming that the position error is within the IN range for
preset period of time, which is specified by using IS.

Two output states may be selected, the level output and one-shot output. The
format may be selected by using FW, the value of which serves as the one-shot
output time.

(a) Level output

If FW is set to 0, the IPOS output is always closed if the position error is less than
the range specified by using IN.

(b) One-shot output

If FW is not set to 0, the IPOS output remains closed only for the period of time
specified by using FW. One-shot output is executed when Home Return, RS-
232C communication operation or Programmable Indexer operation is
performed. It is not executed when pulse train command operation or jogging is

– 7-15 –
Figure 7-14
In-Position Configuration

IN (+)
error counter 0 t
IN (–)

IPOS level output

(FW=0, IS=0)

IPOS level output

(FW=0, IS ≠ 0)

IPOS one-shot output

(FW ≠0, IS=0)

IPOS one-shot output

(FW ≠0, IS ≠ 0) IS IS FW

– 7-16 – Excess Position Error

An excess position error warning or alarm is given if the position error exceeds
the CO set value.

However, if CO is set to 0, the excess position error warning or alarm is


The shipping set is CO2048 (warning enabled, limit: 2048 counts).

Two OVER and DRDY output formats shown below may be selected according
to the CO setting

(1) Output format 1 — warning enabled

• If the position error counter reads a value over the CO set value, the OVER
output closes. If the value lowers below the CO set value, OVER opens.

• If the position error counter reads a value over CO × 8, an alarm is given, the
DRDY output opens, and the Motor enters the servo lock state. This state is
maintained until the CLR input or CL command resets the alarm.
Figure 7-15
CO setting
Excess Position Error (Warning Position
Enabled) Configuration error
counter CO setting

OVER output closed


DRDY output open

(2) Output format 2 — warning disabled

• If the CO value is specified with the /AL option like CO×××/AL, the OVER
output closes and the Motor enters the servo lock state if the value of the
position error counter exceeds CO × 8. The DRDY output does not change at
that time. This state is maintained until the CLR input or CL command resets
the alarm.
Figure 7-16
CO setting
Excess Position Error (Warning Position ×8
Disabled) Configuration counter CO setting

OVER output closed


DRDY output

– 7-17 –
7.5.2. RS-232C Communication Positioning Operation
Positioning may be executed directly through the RS-232C interface. Operation Command

Two types of commands are available: the absolute type commands which
execute positioning to any points in user absolute position scale, and the
incremental type commands which execute positioning by moving specified
distance from the current position.

The units of the commands are angles (0.01°) or counts.

Positioning is executed by using preset drive waveform according to an input

operation command.
Table 7-9
Description Option Code
RS-232C Positioning Command Type
This absolute type command executes /CW: clockwise rotation
positioning in units of 0.01°. The Motor /CCW: counterclockwise
AD data rotates up to the position specified in “data” rotation
in user absolute position scale in units of /SD: shortest distance
0.01°. /EX: in the direction
This absolute type command executes specified by using DIR
positioning in units of pulses. The Motor input
AR data rotates up to the position specified in “data” (Clockwise rotation is
in user absolute position scale in units of always selected by
pulses. default.)
This incremental type command executes
positioning in units of 0.01°. The Motor
ID data
rotates by the angle specified in “data” from /EX: in the direction
the current position. specified by using DIR
This incremental type command executes (Direction depends on the
positioning in units of pulses. The Motor sign of “data” by default.)
IR data
rotates by the pulses specified in “data”
from the current position.
This command returns the Motor to the
HS data home position. Specify the mode and –
direction of home return sequence “data.”

– 7-18 –
Example 1: Type as shown below to rotate the Motor
counterclockwise to the 90° position in user absolute position scale.

The Motor begins to rotate as soon as the ENT key is pressed.

) ? ? ?
A D 9 0 0 0 C C W ENT


Example 2: Type as shown below to rotate the Motor to the 0

position in user absolute position scale in the shortest route.

The Motor begins to rotate as soon as the ENT key is pressed.


Example 3: Type as shown below to rotate the Motor

counterclockwise 30° from the current position.

The Motor begins to rotate as soon as the ENT key is pressed.

< ? ? ?
I D 3 0 0 0 ENT :ID-3000

Example 4: Type as shown below to rotate the Motor 60° from the
current position in the direction specified by using DIR.

The Motor begins to rotate as soon as the ENT key is pressed.

& ? ? ?
I D 6 0 0 0 E X ENT


Example 5: Type as shown below to return the Motor to the home

position counterclockwise in mode 2.

The Motor begins to rotate as soon as the ENT key is pressed.

H S 2 ENT :HS-2

Caution In process of positioning, no command may be input. (“××

INHIBITED” is displayed if some command is input.)

– 7-19 – Drive Waveform

The drive waveform of RS-232C communication positioning operation should be

either trapezoidal or simplified sine curve.
Table 7-10
Command Type Description
Velocity And Acceleration Specifies the maximum velocity of the Motor in
Parameters MV data
“data” in units of rps.
This is the velocity command for trapezoidal
driving with an offset. Specifies the maximum
velocity of the Motor in “data1” and the initial
MV data1, data2
velocity in “data2” in units of rps. If the
acceleration is specified in ‘MA data1, data2,’
data2 of this command is invalidated.
This is the acceleration command for trapezoidal
motion profiles. Specifies the average
MA data
acceleration of the Motor in “data” in units of
This is the acceleration type command for
simplified sine wave driving. Specify the average
MA data1, data2
acceleration of the Motor in “data1” and the
initial revolution in “data2” in units of rps 2.

Example 1: Type as shown below to set the maximum velocity to

1.5rps and acceleration to 10rps 2 for trapezoidal motion profiles.
Figure 7-17
# = % :MV1.5
Trapezoidal Motion Profiles,
Velosity 1.5rps, Acceleration 10rps2
M V 1 . 5 ENT
# ? :
M A 1 0 ENT

[rps 2 ] t

– 7-20 –
Example 2: Type as shown below to set the maximum velocity to
1.0rps, initial velocity to 0.5rps and acceleration to 5rps 2 for
trapezoidal driving with an offset.
Figure 7-18
# ’ ? = %
Trapezoidal Driving with an Offset,
Maximum Velocity 1.0rps, Initial
7 0 . 5 ENT

Velocity 0.5rps, Acceleration 5rps2 % :MV1,0.5


[rps] 0.5
[rps 2 ] t

Example 3: Type as shown below to set the maximum velocity to

1.5rps, average acceleration to 10rps 2 and initial acceleration to
5rps2 for simplified sine curve driving.
Figure 7-19
# = %
Simplified Sine Curve Driving , M V 1 . 5 ENT
Maximum Velocity 1.5rps, Average
# ? ’ %
Acceleration 10rps2, Initial
Acceleration 5rps2
7 5 ENT


t 2 =2t 1
1.5 t 3 =t 1
t1 t2 t3

Acceleration 5
[rps 2 ] t

– 7-21 –
7.5.3. Programmable Indexer Positioning Operation
Program operation means executing a positioning command, etc. which has been
programmed in the Driver Unit, by issuing an external start command from
outside. A channel for execution is selected externally each time program
operation is to be executed.

Either Programmable Indexer or BCD command can be used at one time, and the
internal switch SW201 selects which to use. The Programmable Indexer is
activated at shipping. Programming

• Programming for program operation is executed through the RS-232C

interface while program operation is not being executed. The RUN input is
invalid during programming.

• The program area is as shown below. Sixty four channels from channel 0 to
channel 63 are available.
Figure 7-20
Channel 0 CH0
Program Area
Channel 1 CH1

• •
• •
• •

Channel 63 CH63

– 7-22 – Program Entry
Table 7-11: Program Entry

Item Description Operation Example Display

1 Select the channel to be programmed. # ? :CH10 1
If they are declared, the current setting
C H 1 0 ENT AD18000/SD
is displayed. The “?” prompt appears, ) ? ? ? CA2
indicating that the system is ready for I D 9 0 0 0 ?ID9000/EX 2
?CV0.5 3
2 Enter a command.
E X ENT ?CA0 4
? 5
3 Specify a condition for the command. 3
? = % :
4 To cancel the condition, specify “0.”
C V 0 . 5 ENT

(If an improper condition is specified, ?

correct it.) If the same type of C A 0 ENT

condition is specified, finally-entered

condition is valid.
5 If only the ENT key is pressed, the “:”
prompt appears, indicating that
programming is completed.
Reading 1 Select the channel and page to be read # ? :TC10 1
Current out. If they have been programmed, the
T C 1 0 ENT ID9000/EX
Setting current setting is displayed. :
1 Select the channel and page to be # ? :CC10 1
Deletion deleted. If the ENT key is pressed,
C C 1 0 ENT :

channel data disappears. Command and Condition Parameter

(1) Home Return

Command: HS

Condition Parameter: CV, CA, CZ (omissible)

• Programming the Home Return sequence.

• Command format: HS data seq

data — mode and direction of Home Return sequence (0 by default)
seq — sequence code (*, &, %, $) → See (4) Sequence Code

• The velocity CV, acceleration CA, and speed of searching the home position
CZ may be specified for the same channel. If they are not specified, the
values HV, HA and HZ are used for operation respectively.

Programming Example

– 7-23 –
(2) Positioning

Command: AD, AR, ID, IR

Condition Parameter: CV, CA (omissible)

• Programming positioning.
Table 7-12

Positioning Command

Command Format* Description Option

An absolute command in units of Option Code “data2”
0.01°. The Motor rotates to /CW: clockwise
AD data1 data2 seq
position “data1” in user absolute /CCW: counterclockwise
position scale in units of 0.01°. /SD: shortest route
An absolute command in units /EX: direction specified with DIR
of counts. The Motor rotates to input
AR data1 data2 seq
position “data1” in user absolute (Clockwise rotation is always
position scale in units of counts. selected by default.)
An incremental command in Option Code Option Code
units of 0.01° The Motor rotates “data2” “data3”
ID data1 data2 data3 seq
“data1” degrees from the current /n: (n < 99) /EX: direction
position in units of 0.01°. The value data1 is specified with
divided by n evenly. DIR input
An incremental command in
The quotient serves (The direction
units of counts The Motor
as the unit of depends on
IR data1 data2 data3 seq rotates “data1” counts from the
execution. (The the sign of
current position in units of
value data1 is not data1 by
divided by default.) default.)
Note * “seq” indicates a sequence code, *, &, % or $, which specifies the condition of executing the
following channel. → See (4) Sequence Code

• The velocity CV and acceleration CA may be specified for the same

channel. If they are not specified, the values MV and MA are used for
operation respectively.

Programming Example
Figure 7-21
Positioning Command RUN input
Programming Example CV1.5 CH0 CH0
CA5 Programmed
operation ID9000/2 ID9000/2
45° 45°

– 7-24 –
(3) Jump

Command: JP

Condition Parameter: none

• An unconditional jump command

• Jumps to a specified channel, then executes operation.

• Command format: JP data

data — channel number to which to jump (0 by default)

Programming Example
Figure 7-22
Jump Command Programming PRG0~5 0
Example :CH1
:CH2 RUN input
IR1000& IR2000& IR1000&

IPOS output
(FW ≠ 0)

(4) Sequence Code

Related Command: HS, AD, AR, ID, IR

Code: *, &, %, $

• If a sequence code is added to a command, the following channel may be

executed without selecting the channel externally.
Table 7-13
Sequence Code IPOS Output Channel Execution
Sequence Code
Asterisk, * Yes Execution on completion of positioning
Stopping and then execution on completion of
Ampersand, & Yes
Percent, % No Execution on completion of positioning
Dollar, $ No Execution after pulse distribution

– 7-25 –
Programming Example
Figure 7-23
:CH0 :CH2 :CH4
Sequence Code Programming IR500* IR2000% IR4000*
Example :CH1 :CH3 ·
IR1000& IR3000$ ·

RUN input
IR500✽ IR1000& IR2000% IR3000$ IR4000✽
IPOS output
(FW ≠ 0)

(5) Changing Sequence Code

Command: OE

• OE may change a sequence code currently specified.

• Command format: OE seq

seq — new sequence code (*, &, % or $)

Programming Example
Figure 7-24
:CH0 1 1 Declare the channel to be changed.
Sequence Code Change Example
?OE* 2
2 Type as:
:TC0 3 3 Make sure that the channel is changed properly.
AD9000* 4 4 “&” changes into “*.”

– 7-26 – Operation Signal

(1) Channel Selection Input Signal

Input: PRG0, PRG1, PRG2, PRG3, PRG4, PRG5

Location: CN2

• These signals select channels for program operation.

• They select channels 0 to 63 by 6-bit binary as follows.

Table 7-14
(‘–’ means ‘off’)
Channel Select Selected Channel PRG5 PRG4 PRG3 PRG2 PRG1 PRG0
Channel 0 – – – – – –
Channel 1 – – – – – on
Channel 2 – – – – on –
· · · · · · ·
· · · · · · ·
· · · · · · ·
Channel 61 on on on on – on
Channel 62 on on on on on –
Channel 63 on on on on on on

(2) Start Input Signal

Input: RUN

Location: CN2

• Starts up a channel specified by PRG0 to PRG5.

• Starts up the following channel if the sequence code ‘&’ is specified for
waiting for the RUN signal.

Operation Example
Figure 7-25
:CH2 :CH4
RUN Input Operation Example IR1000 IR3000&
:CH3 :CH5
IR2000* IR4000

PRG0~5 input Channel 2 Channel 3

RUN input


operation IR1000 IR2000 ✽ IR3000& IR4000

IPOS output
(FW ≠ 0)

– 7-27 –
7.5.4. BCD Command Positioning Operation
• The BCD command positioning operation substitutes for the Programmable
Indexer positioning operation. Either Programmable Indexer or BCD
command can be used at one time, and the internal switch SW201 selects
which to use. Since the Programmable Indexer is activated at shipping, set
the SW201 #2~#4 as shown in the next figure to activate BCD command.
Figure 7-26

SW201 Setting For BCD Command SW201

• Indexing amount and execution are specified using external signals.

Velocity and acceleration are specified through the RS-232C interface.

• A command to be input is made up of characters generated using external

input signals. The following input/output signals are used. (ACKIN and
BCD× inputs are used as PRG0 ~ PRG5 for the Programmable Indexer.)
Table 7-15
Signal Description
Signals For BCD Command 1 ON and OFF combinations of these 4 signals are combined to
BCD0 ~ BCD3 Input
create commands.
ACKIN Input Enters created command data into the Driver Unit.
DAV Output The confirmation output for ACKIN input.

• The following input signals are used to execute commands

Table 7-16 Input Description
Signals For BCD Command 2 DIR Specifies the rotational direction.
RUN If RUN goes active, positioning starts.
If STP goes active, positioning stops. Positioning does not restart if STP goes

– 7-28 – Command Setting

• Specify a command in the sequence shown below:

Figure 7-27
(1) Specifying a command type
BCD Command Flow
Three types of commands are available; (1) Input command type.
incremental commands, absolute
commands with specified directions,
and absolute commands in the shortest
Each type may be specified in counts (2) Input position data or angle.
and 0.01°.
(2) Inputting positioning data
(3) Inputting a terminator
A terminator indicates the end of a Input terminator

• Once a command is entered, it is stored inside until another command is

specified or an entry error occurs.

• Use MA and MV to specify the rotational acceleration and velocity,


• The characters (command characters) shown below are available for

specifying commands.
Table 7-17
Resolver Count Degrees
Command Character Incremental Command E D
Absolute Command
(Rotating Direction = User Defined)
Absolute Command
(Rotating Direction = Shorter Move)
Position Or Angle Data 0~9
Terminator F
Cancel C
Note Characters A and B are not used. Do not enter them.

• These command characters are created through BCD0 to BCD3. The

relationship between input state and created characters is as shown below.
Table 7-18 Char. BCD3 BCD2 BCD1 BCD0 Char. BCD3 BCD2 BCD1 BCD0
Making Command Character 0 – – – – 8 on – – –
1 – – – on 9 on – – on
2 – – on – A on – on –
3 – – on on B on – on on
4 – on – – C on on – –
5 – on – on D on on – on
6 – on on – E on on on –
7 – on on on F on on on on

– 7-29 –
• Command characters created using the signals shown above are input to the
Driver Unit by activating the ACKIN input. In other words, it is necessary to
create a character through BCD0 to BCD5 and to enter it by activating
ACKIN in order to enter a command character.

• The following shows the timing chart of inputting a command character.

Figure 7-28

BCD Command Input timing Min. 3ms

BCD0~3 input

Min. 10ms Min. 10ms

ACKIN input

Max. 6ms Max. 6ms

DAV output

Errors in specifying commands

• The possible errors are as shown below:

· A command type is specified not at the beginning of a command.
· A terminator is entered without any positioning data.
· An unusable character (A or B) is entered.
· Positioning data is out of the allowable range.

• If these errors take place, the following phenomena occur:

· No DAV output signal is returned.
· An already specified positioning command is invalidated. In other
words, positioning is not executed though the RUN input signal goes

• To clear this erroneous condition, use any of the following methods:

· Enter a cancel command. A DAV output signal is returned
immediately after the cancel command is entered.
· Enter a terminator. In this case, no DAV output signal is returned for
the entered terminator. A DAV signal is returned when new data is
entered after terminator entry.

– 7-30 – Function of Command

(a) Incremental positioning (in units of counts)

Table 7-19
Format E××××××××F (×××××××× = index data)
Incremental Positioning (Counts)
Data Range 0 ~ 99 999 999 [counts]
Rotational Direction Clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active.

(b) Incremental positioning command (in units of 0.01°)

Table 7-20
Format D××××××F (×××××× = index data)
Incremental Positioning (Degrees) Data Range 0 ~ 144 000 [× 0.01°]
Rotational Direction Clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active.

(c) Absolute positioning command in specified direction (in

units of counts)
Table 7-21 Format EE×××××× (×××××× = index data)
Absolute Positioning In Specified Depends on the Motor size. Compliant with user absolute
Direction (Counts) Function
position scale.
Data Range 06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× — 0 ~ 614 399 [count]
04×× — 0 ~ 409 599 [count]
B××× — 0 ~ 491 519 [count]
Rotational Direction Clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active.
If the destination is the same as the current position, the Motor
is rotated by 1 turn in the specified direction for positioning.

(d) Absolute positioning command in specified direction (in

units of 0.01°)
Table 7-22 Format DE××××× (××××× = index data)
Absolute Positioning In Specified 0 ~ 35999 [× 0.01°] (Compliant with user absolute position
Direction (Degrees) Function Data Range
Rotational Direction Clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active.
If the destination is the same as the current position, the Motor
is rotated by 1 turn in the specified direction for positioning.

– 7-31 –
(e) Absolute positioning command in shortest route (in units of
Table 7-23 Format ED×××××× (×××××× = index data)
Absolute Positioning In Shortest Depends on the Motor size. Compliant with user absolute
Route (Counts) Function
position scale.
Data Range 06××, 08××, 10××, 14×× — 0 ~ 614 399 [count]
04×× — 0 ~ 409 599 [count]
B××× — 0 ~ 491 519 [count]
The Motor rotates in the direction where the rotational angle is
smaller. If the destination is the opposite position to the
Rotational Direction
current position, the Motor rotates clockwise if DIR input is
inactive, counterclockwise if active.
The Motor does not rotate if the destination is the same as the
current position.

(f) Absolute positioning command in shortest route (in units of

Table 7-24 Format DD××××× (××××× = index data)
Absolute Positioning In Shortest 0 ~ 35999 [× 0.01°]
Route (Degrees) Function Data Range
(Compliant with user absolute position scale.)
The Motor rotates in the direction where the rotational angle is
smaller. If the destination is the opposite position to the
Rotational Direction
current position, the Motor rotates clockwise if DIR input is
inactive, counterclockwise if active.
The Motor does not rotate if the destination is the same as the
current position.

– 7-32 – Execution Timing

Example of incremental positioning (in units of 0.01°)

Figure 7-29
BCD0~BCD3 C D 1 8 0 0 0 F
BCD Command Positioning Timing
input off

DAV closed
output open

DIR on
input off
RUN on
input off

IPOS closed
output open


• Enter a cancel command C into the Driver Unit before entering an

intended command. If the previous command caused an error, the
cancel command will cancel it.
• Activate the ACKIN input to enter the command type, positioning
data, and terminator into the Driver Unit character by character.
• If the RUN input goes active, positioning is executed according to an
already- specified positioning command.
• On completion of positioning, the IPOS output is closed when the
position error counter reads a value within the in-position limit
(specified with parameter IN).
• If the STP input goes active in positioning, the positioning operation
is discontinued.

7.5.5. Pulse Train Command Positioning Operation

• The following show the input signals concerned:
Table 7-25
Pulse Train Input CW & CCW Step & Direction øA/øB
CWP Input CW pulse. Input rotational direction. Input øB.
CCWP Input CCW pulse. Input pulse train. Input øA.
If INH is active, all pulse trains input through CWP and
CCWP are ignored.

• Select a pulse train type with SW201.

• 5VDC power is used for pulse train input. It is different from the power for
other inputs.

– 7-33 – Pulse Train Resolution

The rotational angle per input pulse may be selected using parameter CR. In
addition, angle magnification, ×1, ×2 or ×4, may be selected with the internal
switch SW201 for øA/øB input.
Figure 7-30

Pulse Train Resolution Setting <SW201> CR setting

øA/øB input pulse/360°
CW&CCW input
Step&Direction input

Table 7-26 Resolution [count/rev]

Pulse Train Resolution Motor Size CW & CCW or Step & øA/øB Format
Specification CR Setting
Direction Format ×1 ×2 ×4
06××, 08××,
614 400 614 400 307 200 153 600
10××, 14××
04×× 409 600 409 600 204 800 102 400
B××× 491 520 401 520 245 760 122 880
06××, 08××,
307 200 307 200 153 600 76 800
10××, 14××
04×× 204 800 204 800 102 400 51 200
B××× 245 760 245 760 122 880 61 440
06××, 08××,
153 600 153 600 76 800 38 400
10××, 14××
04×× 102 400 102 400 51 200 25 600
B××× 122 880 122 880 61 440 30 720
CR36000 All 36 000 36 000 18 000 9000
CR3600 All 3600 3600 1800 900
Note * Each cycle of phase A or B serves as a count if
the øA/øB format is used. (See the figure.) øA
1 pulse

– 7-34 – Pulse Train Input Timing

The following shows the timing of accepting pulses.

Important In addition to the conditions shown below, the maximum

velocity places restrictions. The pulse frequency should not
exceed the maximum velocity of the Motor.

(1) CW & CCW format

Figure 7-31
CW Rotation CCW Rotation
CW & CCW Pulse Timing
Min. 600ns

CWP input: on
CW pulses off
Min. 600ns Min. 1µs

CCWP input: on
CCW pulses off

(2) Step & direction format

Figure 7-32
CW Rotation CCW Rotation
Step & Direction Pulse Timing
CWP input: on
Direction off Min. 600ns
Min. 500ns
Min. 500ns
Min. 500ns
CCWP input: on
Step off
Min. 600ns

(3) øA/øB format

Figure 7-33
CW Rotation CCW Rotation
øA/øB Pulse Timing
CWP input:
off Min. 1µs
øA Min. 2µs
Min. 1µs
CCWP input:
øB off
Min. 2µs
Min. 5µs

– 7-35 –
7.5.6. Jogging Operation
If the JOG input goes active, the Motor begins to rotate and is accelerated. While
JOG remains active, the Motor keeps rotating. If it goes inactive, the Motor is
decelerated and then stops.
Table 7-27 Item Parameter/Signal Function
Jogging Parameter/Signal Jogging Acceleration
Parameter JA Specify in units of rps2.
Jogging Velocity Parameter JV Specify in units of rps.
Jogging Start JOG input (CN2) Active JOG starts rotation.
Rotational Direction DIR input (CN2) Active: CCW, inactive: CW

Figure 7-34
Jogging Timing JOG ··· Jogging
off start

on ··· Rotational
DIR direction

IPOS ··· Positioning
open complete


Motor ··· Velocity


– 7-36 –
7.5.7. Home Return Operation
The following shows the basic motion of the Home Return sequence.
Figure 7-35
Home Return Basic Motion DIR Settle ··· Rotational
off direction
HOS ··· Positioning
start input

HLS ··· Home limit
off sensor
HOME ··· Home
open return
IPOS ··· Positioning
HV output

··· Velocity
Motor HA
HZ waveform

• If the HOS input goes active, the Motor begins to rotate.

• If the HLS input goes active, the Motor begins to decelerate. If HLS
goes inactive, the Motor stops.
• On completion of the Home Return sequence, the HOME output is
• On completion of the Home Return sequence, the position scale is

– 7-37 –
Table 7-28 Parameter/
Item Function
Home Return Parameter/ Command/Signal
Active HOS starts the Home Return
Home Return Start HOS input (CN2)
HS command Starts the Home Return sequence.
Home Return Specifies the velocity (rps) until the
Parameter HV
Velocity Setting HLS input goes active.
Home Return
Specifies the acceleration in units of
Acceleration Parameter HA
Home Position
Specifies the search speed (rps) after
Searching Velocity Parameter HZ
the HLS input signal goes active.
Specifies the direction of the Home
Home Return
DIR input Return sequence. Inactive: CW,
Direction Input
active: CCW
Closed if the Home Return sequence
Home Return operation is completed. Remains
HOME output (CN2)
Completion Output closed until a rotation command is
Home Return Specifies the mode of the Home
Parameter OS
Mode Selection Return sequence.
Home Return Area Selects whether or not the Home
Judgment Parameter HC Return area judgment function is
Selection used.
Home Position Sets an offset in Home Return mode
Parameter HO
Offset Setting 3.
Home Return
Specifies a Home Return relative
Relative Position Parameter HP
position data.
Data Setting

– 7-38 – Home Return Sequence Mode

(a) Mode 1
Figure 7-36
Home Return Mode 1 Timing HOS

HLS off




• If the HOS input goes active under the condition where OS1 is
specified, Home Return mode 1 is selected.
• At the point where the HLS input goes inactive, Home Return is
completed. Or, it is point 0 in user absolute position scale.
• A Home Return sequence may be started by using the HS command,
instead of the HOS input. HS1 causes clockwise rotation, and HS-1
causes counterclockwise rotation. (The DIR input is ignored.)

(b) Mode 2
Figure 7-37
Home Return Mode 2 Timing HOS

HLS off

Resolver 4095
position 0



– 7-39 –
• If the HOS input goes active under the condition where OS2 is
specified, Home Return mode 2 is selected.
• At the point where the HLS input signal goes inactive and the position
detector detects data 0 for the first time, Home Return is completed.
Or, it is point 0 in user absolute position scale. Therefore, the point
where the Home Return sequence is completed is free from drift of the
HLS switch.
• A Home Return sequence may be started by using the HS command,
instead of the HOS input. HS2 causes clockwise rotation, and HS-2
causes counterclockwise rotation. (The DIR input is ignored.)

(c) Mode 3
Figure 7-38
Home Return Mode 3 Timing HOS

HLS off

Resolver 4095
position 0

closed setting


• If the HOS input goes active under the condition where OS3 is
specified, Home Return mode 3 is selected.
• At the point where the HLS input goes inactive and the Motor moves
by the amount specified with HO from where the position detector
detects data 0 for the first time, Home Return is completed. Or, it is
point 0 in user absolute position scale. Therefore, any offset may be
specified between the HLS switch and home position.
• A Home Return sequence may be started by using the HS command,
instead of the HOS input. HS3 causes clockwise rotation, and HS-3
causes counterclockwise rotation. (The DIR input is ignored.)

– 7-40 – Area Judgment Function

• By using the HC command, the area judgment function may be added to the
Home Return sequence.
· If HC0 is specified, the area judgment function is not added.
· If HC1 is specified, the area judgment function is added.

• If this function is used with the rotation limit inputs CLS and CCLS, the
Motor may return to the home position from any position in a specified
Figure 7-39

Area Judgment Function Example ➨ CW direction

CCLS input HLS input CLS input

“on” area 2 “on” area 4 “on” area
1 3 5

If the Motor should rotate clockwise...

From 1: 1 → 2 → 3 → Stop
From 2: 2 → 3 → Stop
From 3: 3 → 2 → 3 → Stop
From 4: 4 → 5 → 4 → 3 → 2 → 3 → Stop
From 5: 5 → 4 → 3 → 2 → 3 → Stop Home Limit Switch Adjustment

• The position of the home limit switch (sensor and dog) should be adjusted to
set the Home Return completion position. Adjustment differs with the Home
Return modes. Follow the instructions shown below.

• The Home Return completion positions (i.e., home position of user absolute
position scale) in the modes are as shown below:
Mode 1 — The point where the home limit switch turns off
Mode 2 — The point where the home limit switch turns off and the
position detector detects data 0 for the first time
Mode 3 — The point offset from the point at which mode 2 is completed
Figure 7-40
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Home Position
absolute ( : Home position)
One tooth HO setting
Position 4095
counter 0
Motor direction


Sensor HLS signal detection

– 7-41 –
What Is The Position Sensor?

The Megatorque Motor incorporates a position sensor (i.e., Motor Size Number Of Teeth
resolver), which divides the distance between adjacent teeth 04×× 100
into 4096 parts from 0 to 4095. The data of the resolver is used
06××, 08××,
for Motor position control in the System. In Home Return 150
10××, 14××
mode 2 or 3, the home position is determined based on the
point where this data is 0. B××× 120

The number of teeth on the Motor perimeter differs with Motor sizes as shown in the table.

(a) Adjustment in Home Return mode 1

In this mode, the position where the HLS input goes inactive is the home position.
Adjust the sensor or dog at a position which should serve as the mechanical home

(b) Adjustment in Home Return mode 2 or 3

In mode 2, the position where the HLS input goes inactive and then the position
detector detects data 0 for the first time is the home position. The position apart by
the offset from the home position in mode 2 is the home position in mode 3.

The home limit switch identifies a tooth among the teeth on the Motor perimeter.
Adjust it to the approximate center of a tooth for stable operation.

(1) Select Home Return mode 1, then issue a TR command to check

for the data of the position detector at the point where Home Return
is completed.

To use TR command, type as:

Adjust the sensor or dog so that the data of the position
detector is between 1000 and 3000. If you use Home Return mode 2, the
adjustment is completed here.

– 7-42 –
(2) For Home Return mode 3, specify HO additionally for the home
position in mode 2.

To specify HO, follow the instruction below.

1 Complete Home Return mode 2.
2 Issue an MO command to deactivate the Motor servo.
Type as:


3 Turn the Motor by hand in the same

direction as the Home Return sequence direction and adjust the Motor
to the target home position.
4 Use TP1 to read out the relative position counter at this position.
Type as:

# :TP1
5 Assign the absolute value of the read value
to HO. (If an HP compensation value has been specified, subtract it
from the absolute value.)
HO = | (value read with TP1) – (HP set value) |


6 Issue an SV command to turn on the Motor servo.


7 Complete Home Return mode 3.

The adjustment is complete if the Motor returns to the target home
position. If not, adjust again.

– 7-43 –
7.6. Velocity Control Mode Operation
To set the Megatorque Motor System to velocity control mode, the following two
methods are available:

(a) The power-on set of internal switch SW201 #2 ~ #4*

Figure 7-41

SW201 Setting For Velocity Control SW201


(b) By RS-232C commands

Table 7-29
Command Function
Velocity Control Mode Command VC Selects velocity control mode
DC Activates RS-232C interface and commands.
AC* Activate analog interface.*
Note * The analog interface is available only on the
models specified below.
This digit must be “5.”

– 7-44 –
7.6.1. RS-232C Communication Command Operation
In velocity control mode, you can command the Motor to rotate at a certain
velocity via RS-232C communication using DC command.

Format: DC data

The velocity is in proportion to the “data” as shown below.

Figure 7-42
' Resolver resolution = 12-bit ' Resolver resolution = 10-bit
DC Command Data Vs. Velocity
or Automatic switching

CW Maximum
CW Maximum

–4095 –1365 –4095

1365 4095 4095

CCW Maximum
CCW Maximum

Maximam Velocity [rps]

Motor Size Resolver resolution = 10-bit
Resolver resolution = 12-bit
or Automatic switching
04×× 1.5 4.5
06××, 08××
1.0 3.0
10××, 14××
B××× 1.25 3.75

– 7-45 –
7.6.2. Analog Command Operation
Note The analog interface is available only on the models specified
This digit must be “5.”

In velocity control mode, you can command the Motor to rotate at a certain
velocity using analog voltage.
· The analog voltage of ±10VDC is used for the command.
· The analog command offset can be adjusted using front panel volume
VR1 or RS-232C command ZA.
· The polarity of the command voltage can be reversed using internal
switch SW201 #8.
Table 7-30
SW201 #8 Analog Command Voltage Polarity Shipping Set
Selecting Analog Command
Voltage Polarity off ‘+’ = CCW ✔
on ‘+’ = CW

The velocity is in proportion to the voltage as shown below.

Figure 7-43
' Polarity: ‘+’ = ‘CCW’ ' Polarity: ‘+’ = ‘CW’
Voltage Vs. Velocity

CW Maximum CW Maximum
Velocity Velocity

+10V –10V
–10V +10V

CCW Maximum CCW Maximum

Velocity Velocity

Maximam Velocity [rps]

Motor Size Resolver resolution = 10-bit
Resolver resolution = 12-bit
or Automatic switching
04×× 1.5 4.5
06××, 08××
1.0 3.0
10××, 14××
B××× 1.25 3.75

– 7-46 –
7.7. Torque Control Mode Operation
To set the Megatorque Motor System to torque control mode, the following two
methods are available:

(a) The power-on set of internal switch SW201 #2 ~ #4*

Figure 7-44

SW201 Setting For Torque Control SW201


(b) By RS-232C commands

Table 7-31
Command Function
Torque Control Mode Command TM Selects torque control mode
DC Activates RS-232C interface and commands.
AC* Activate analog interface.*
Note * The analog interface is available only on the models
specified below.
This digit must be “5.”

7.7.1. RS-232C Communication Command Operation

In torque control mode, you can command the Motor to generate torque, via RS-
232C communication using DC command.

Format: DC data

The torque is in proportion to the “data” as shown below.

Figure 7-45

DC Command Data Vs. Torque CW Maximum



CCW Maximum

The maximum torque depends on the motor size.

– 7-47 –
7.7.2. Analog Command Operation
Note The analog interface is available only on the models specified
This digit must be “5.”

In torque control mode, you can command the Motor to generate torque, using
analog voltage.
· The analog voltage of ±10VDC is used for the command.
· The analog command offset can be adjusted using front panel volume
VR1 or RS-232C command ZA.
· The polarity of the command voltage can be reversed using internal
switch SW201 #8.
Table 7-32 SW201 #8 Analog Command Voltage Polarity Shipping Set
Selecting Analog Command off ‘+’ = CCW ✔
Voltage Polarity on ‘+’ = CW

The torque is in proportion to the voltage as shown below.

Figure 7-46

Voltage Vs. Torque ' Polarity: ‘+’ = ‘CCW’ ' Polarity: ‘+’ = ‘CW’

CW Maximum CW Maximum
Torque Torque

+10V –10V
–10V +10V

CCW Maximum CCW Maximum

Torque Torque

The maximum torque depends on the motor size.

– 7-48 –
7.8. Servo Compensator Circuit

7.8.1. Block Diagram Position Control

Figure 7-47 Feed forward
Position Control Block Diagram compensation

· FF Position loop proportional controller

Position loop integrator
Velocity loop proportional controller
Velocity loop integrator
Digital filter
Current circiuit
+ +
Position – –
command · PG · PI · VG · VI · FP
input · DB/PL · IL/PL · DB/VL · IL/VL · FS Position data

Motor current
· Pulse train · NP
input · NS
· RS-232C
command Resolver
Velocity data
Position data

Position feed back output

Analog velocity output


Table 7-33 Item Parameter Function

Position Control Parameter PG Position gain
DB/PL Dead band (position loop)
Position Loop
PI Position integrator frequency
IL/PL Integration limit (position loop)
VG Velocity gain
DB/VL Dead band (velocity loop)
Velocity Loop
VI Velocity integrator frequency
IL/VL Integration limit (velocity loop)
FP Low-pass filter, primary
FS Low-pass filter, secondary
NP Notch filter, primary
NS Notch filter, secondary
Feed Forward Compensation FF Feed forward gain

– 7-49 – Velocity Control
Figure 7-48
Velocity loop proportional controller
Velocity Control Block Diagram Velocity loop integrator
Digital filter
Current circiuit
Position –
command · VG · VI · FP
input · DB/VL · IL/VL · FS Position data

Motor current
· Pulse train · NP
input · NS
· RS-232C
command Resolver signal
processor Resolver signal
Velocity data

Position feed back output

Analog velocity output


Table 7-34 Item Parameter Function

Velocity Control Parameter VG Velocity gain
DB/VL Dead band (velocity loop)
Velocity Loop
VI Velocity integrator frequency
IL/VL Integration limit (velocity loop)
FP Low-pass filter, primary
FS Low-pass filter, secondary
NP Notch filter, primary
NS Notch filter, secondary

– 7-50 – Torque Control
Figure 7-49

Torque Control Block Diagram

Digital filter
Current circiuit

Position command input

· Pulse train input · FP
· RS-232C command · FS Position data

Motor current
· NP
· NS

Resolver signal
processor Resolver signal

Position feed back output

Analog velocity output


Table 7-35 Item Parameter Function

Torque Control Parameter FP Low-pass filter, primary
FS Low-pass filter, secondary
NP Notch filter, primary
NS Notch filter, secondary

– 7-51 –
7.8.2. Feed Forward Compensation
• A velocity command created by differentiating a position command may be
fed to the velocity loop in the forward direction. The gain of this feed
forward may be specified by using the parameter FF.

• The feed forward compensation improves tracing delay in acceleration and


• If a large FF parameter is specified, overshoot may occur frequently though

the tracing delay is improved. The proper value of the FF parameter is 0.5
Figure 7-50

Feed Forward Compensation Block

Diagram Differentation Feed forward compensation gain


Position Position loop

Position loop gain integrator + Velocity
command + + command
– –

Position data Velocity data

7.8.3. Dead Band

• If dead bands are specified near deviation 0 of the position and velocity
loops, commands may be zeroed in the ranges below 0.

• In some service conditions, slight vibration may be caused due to minute

deviation. Provision of a dead band eliminates such slight vibration.

• If a dead band is specified, repetitive positioning accuracy is deteriorated by

the amount of the dead band though slight vibration may be eliminated.
Figure 7-51
Position loop dead band
Dead Band Block Diagram
Position loop gain
Position loop integrator

command + +
– –

Position data Velocity data

Velocity loop dead band

Velocity loop gain
Velocity loop integrator

– 7-52 –
• DB is used to specify a dead band for the position error (output from the
position error counter) or velocity error.
DB data1 /PL — dead band setting for the position error
DB data1 /VL — dead band setting for the velocity error

• If 0 is specified in ‘data1,’ the dead band circuit is deactivated.

• Values of ‘data1’ shall be specified in units of the following:

DB data1 /PL — in units of counts
DB data1 /VL — in units of 1/1365rps (4095 = velocity error of 3rps)

• The function depends on the sign of a ‘data1’ value as shown below:

If ‘data1’ is positive → dead band setting for error
If ‘data1’ is negative → offset setting for error
Figure 7-52
Output B Output B
Dead Band Function

Input A Input A


If ‘data1’ is positive If ‘data1’ is negative

7.8.4. Integration Limiter

• Use the IL parameter to specify the upper limit of the output of the position
loop and velocity loop integration circuit.

• Integration control is inevitable for accurate positioning. However, it is

subject to deviation and overshoot due to integration if the Motor is
accelerated and decelerated at a high rate. To eliminate such troubles, use an
integration limiter to suppress excessive integration.

• Use the following control modes if an integration limiter is used:

· To use an integration limiter in the position loop — PM3
· To use an integration limiter in the velocity loop — VM3

– 7-53 –
Figure 7-53
Position loop gain Velocity loop gain
Integration Limiter Block Diagram Position loop Velocity loop
Position integrator integrator
+ +
– –

Velocity data
Position data
Integration limiter
Integration frequency
Integration gain

IL Integration frequency
Integration limiter
Error data output


7.8.5. Digital Filter

• Specify the frequency of the filter in the velocity loop.

• The filter may reduce mechanical vibrations.

Figure 7-54
Velocity loop gain
Digital Filter Block Diagram
Velocity loop integrator
Primary low-pass filter


Velocity data
Secondary low-pass filter
Primary notch filter
Secondary notch filter

Caution Use as few filters as possible (FP only or FP + NP). The use of
multi-stage filters may reverse the phases and cause unstable
operation in some service conditions.

– 7-54 –
7.9. Daisy Chain Communication

7.9.1. Overview
Daisy chain communication allows multiple Driver Units (up to 16 units) to be
connected with a single RS-232C terminal.
Figure 7-55

Daisy Chain Communication Terminal

RS232C Cable

Driver Unit Driver Unit Driver Unit Driver Unit

#0 #1 #2 ~ #15

7.9.2. Connection
As for the data communication lines, connect the output of the RS-232C terminal
with the input of the axis #0 unit, the output of the axis #0 with the input of the
axis #1 unit, and so forth as shown below. Connect the output of the final axis
with the input of the RS-232C terminal.
Figure 7-56

Data Line Connection Terminal



Driver Unit Driver Unit Driver Unit ~ Driver Unit
#0 #1 #2 #15

As for the lines carrying requests to send data, connect the input of the RS-232C
terminal with the output of the axis #0 unit, the input of the axis #0 with the output
of the axis #1 unit, and so forth as shown below. Connect the input of the final axis
with the output of the RS-232C terminal.
Figure 7-57

Request-to-send Line Connection Terminal



Driver Unit Driver Unit Driver Unit ~ Driver Unit
#0 #1 #2 #15

– 7-55 –
Connection example

If our Handy Terminal is used for communication, connect it as shown below.

Also refer to “Appendix 4: RS-232C Serial Communication” which describes the
specifications of connector CN1.
Figure 7-58
Handy Terminal Connection

Handy Terminal
Example TXD












Driver Unit #0 Driver Unit #1 Driver Unit #2

– 7-56 –
7.9.3. Operation

(1) Switch setting before power-on

Set the internal switches SW201 and SW202 as shown below.

Figure 7-59
SW201 SW202
SW201 & SW202 Setting

· If the Driver Unit is initialized when power is turned on, the normal
operation is not guaranteed in daisy chain communication. Be sure to
set switch SW201 #1 ‘on’ in order not to initialize the Driver Unit
when power is turned on.
· Set switch SW202 #3 ~ #5 ‘on’ to assign the axis number setting
function to the switch on the front panel.
· For daisy chain communication, a unique number is assigned to each
Driver Unit. (This number is called an axis number.) SW1 on the front
panel is used to set the axis numbers. The Driver Unit which receives
a signal through the RS-232C interface first has a axis number 0.
Other Driver Units have axis numbers which increase like 2, 3 and so
forth in sequence. Since these numbers are hexadecimal, assign A to F
to Driver Units No. 10 to No. 15.

(2) Power on

If the Handy Terminal is not used, turn on power in the order of the RS-232C
terminal and Driver Units, which shall be turned on from the largest axis numbers
to the smallest axis numbers. (Or, all Driver Units shall be turned on
simultaneously.) When the Driver Unit of axis number 0 is turned on, an AS
command is executed to check for connection.

If all the terminal and units are connected properly, the following message is
displayed. The following message example shows a 3-axis configuration.
Figure 7-60

Proper Connection NSK MEGATORQUE SYSTEM Slightly differs with system

VER.N8xxx_xxx xxxxxx configurations.
:AS0 Connection check
0 OK AX0
1 OK AX1
2 OK AX2

– 7-57 –
If connection is improper, the following message may be displayed. The
following message example shows a case where axis #1 and axis #2 are connected
Figure 7-61

Improper Connection NSK MEGATORQUE SYSTEM Slightly differs with system

VER.N8xxx_xxx xxxxxx configurations.
:AS0 Connection check
0 OK AX0
#2 ERR.AX2

If the proper message is not displayed, check for connection order, setting of the
switch on the front panel, and cable connection.

(3) Selection of Driver Unit used for communication

In daisy chain mode, the RS-232C terminal is capable of communication through

a single Driver Unit. Use an AX command to select one of the Driver Units
connected for daisy chain communication.
Figure 7-62

Selecting Driver Unit :AX2 New axis for communication


Caution Do not select any unit that is not connected. Otherwise,

operation may hang up. To return to the normal state, press
the BS key first, then select the number of a connected Driver

An axis selected for communication may be checked by issuing a ?AX command.

The axis is displayed in the same manner as it is selected.
Figure 7-63

Checking Selected Driver Unit :?AX Current axis for communication


– 7-58 –
7.10. Built-In Absolute Position Sensor Function
This section gives auxiliary explanation about a system with built-in absolute
position sensor, which is specified on the System number as follows. It does not
apply to the standard system.

7.10.1. Features
• This type of system incorporates a position sensor which detects an absolute
position on the perimeter. It reads the current position and determines the
coordinate automatically when power is turned on. Therefore, it does not
require Home Return every time power is turned on.

• The following commands and parameters are modified for the system with
built-in absolute position sensor.
Table 7-36
Name Function Modification
Modified Command/Parameter AP Absolute Position Deleted
AO Absolute Position Scale Offset
AZ Absolute Zero Position Set
IP Incremental Position Set
LP Incremental Position Judge
HI Home In-Position Limit Added
HW Home Width

7.10.2. How to Set Home Position User Absolute Position Scale Home Position

Important Set this home position if you plan to use the absolute
positioning function.

The home position may be determined in either of the following manners:

1 Issue an AZ command to specify the current position as the home
position of user absolute position scale. The system with a built-in
absolute position sensor requires entry of the password for the AZ
command. Type “/NSK ON”, then issue an AZ command.
2 Execute a Home Return sequence.

Once the home position of user absolute coordinate system is specified in either
way, it is stored in the system. Thus, it need not be re-specified unless the Motor
installation is changed.

We recommend that the home position should be specified with an AZ command

since no external home position limit is required.

– 7-59 – Relative Position Counter Home Position

Important Set this home position if you plan to use software rotation limit

(1) Power-On Set

When power is turned on, a value (user absolute position + parameter HP) is set
automatically as a relative position. The parameter HP is factory-set to 0, and the
relative home position is the same as user absolute home position in the initial
state. The value of HP is read only when power is turned on. If it is changed, turn
off power once, then turn it on again.

A straight line expanding to the positive and negative directions from the home
position represents the relative position counter. Thus, it should be determined
whether the power-on point has a positive or negative viewed from the home

Provided user absolute position is 350 000 and parameter HP is 0, for example,
the relative position may be +350 000 or –264 400, either of which is the true
Figure 7-64
0 614 399 0
Relative Position Judgment User 350 000 350 000
Example 1
614 399 0 614 399

counter – –264 400 350 000 +

The LP parameter serves as the criterion for judging the true value. If a absolute
position when power is turned on is larger than the value of LP, a negative relative
position is regarded as the relative position.

In the above example, the relative position is 350 000 if LP > 350 000, or it is –
264 400 if LP < 350 000.

However, if LP = 0, the positive relative position is adopted.

– 7-60 –
Figure 7-65
0 0
Relative Position Judgment
Example 2

–153 600
460 800

153 600

153 600
–214 399
400 000
307 200 307 200

ex. LP0 ex. LP400 000

(2) To set a relative position temporarily

To set a relative position temporarily without turning off power, use an IP

command. The system with a built-in absolute position sensor requires entry of
the password of the IP command. Type “/NSK ON” then issue an IP command.

– 7-61 –
7.10.3. Position Scale Setting Example

(1) Turn on the Driver Unit power.

(2) Specify the home position in user absolute position scale.

1 Input an MO command to bring the Motor
servo into a free state.
2 Turn the Motor to any position. NSK ON
3 Type the password /NSK ON. :AZ
4 Input an AZ command.

Through the above setting, the Motor moves to the position specified in 4 by
issuing AR0 (or AD0).

(3) Specify a software limit (if used).

Assuming that the Motor remains the position stopped at (2) 2.

1 Type the password /NSK ON.
2 Input an IP0 command.
3 Input an MO command to bring the Motor :IP0
servo into a free state. :MO
4 Turn the Motor clockwise to the software xxxxxx
limit clockwise position. :LSxxxxxx
5 Issue a TP1 command to read the position :TP2
data. :TP1
6 Input an LS command at the position read -zzzzzz
in 5 above.
7 Issue a TP2 command to read the position wwwwww
data. :LPvvvvvv
8 Turn the Motor counterclockwise to the
software limit counterclockwise position.
9 Issue a TP1 command to read the position data.
!0 Input an LS command at the position read in 9 above.
!1 Issue a TP2 command to read the position data.
!2 Subtract the position data in 7 from the position data in !1.
!3 Divide the data in !2 by 2.
!4 Add the data in 7 to the position data in !3.
!5 Input data found in !4 by issuing an LP command.

The software limit position shall be inside the stroke end (i.e., the limit of
machine motion).

– 7-62 –
(4) Turn off the Driver Unit power.

Example — Setting for a 6” Motor using an AZ command

Figure 7-66
Stroke end 0
Setting Example 537 600 TP1 in 3, (3) = 230 000
TP2 in 5, (3) = 230 000
TP1 in 7, (3) = 76 000
TP2 in 9, (3) = 538 400

Provided the coordinates are as

460 800

153 600
shown above, the set value is found
as follows:

LS+230 000
Stroke end
230 400 LS–76 000

(538 400–230 000)

+230 000=384 200
Rotation 307 200
disabled area LP384 200

– 7-63 –
7.10.4. Setting of Home Position Output

A home position signal HOME may be output while the Motor with a built-in
absolute position sensor is at the home position of user absolute position scale.

HOME output condition is set by parameters HW and HI.

HW — Home Width
· When the Motor passes through the home position, HOME output
will be closed for the time specified by parameter HW, if HW is
specified. The time can be specified between 0.3 ~ 10 seconds.
· The HOME output works same as is in a standard System (which does
not have the absolute position sensor built-in), if HW is not specified.
· HW is factory-set to 0.

HI — Home In-Position Limit

· Specifies the in-position limit for the home position. The limit can be
specified between 0 ~ ±4095 counts.
· HI is factory-set to 0.

Note For details of commands, see chapter 8. Command And

Parameter List.

Example: HW0.3, HI10

• A HOME output is closed if the Motor stops within ±10 counts from the
home position (always closed).

• If the Motor passes through the home position, a HOME output is closed for
Figure 7-67

HOME Output Timing Example

30ms 30ms 0
HOME output 10 10


Motor Position 0


– 7-64 –
8. Command and Parameter List
8.1. Communication Specification
Setting of various parameters, trial running, and adjustment are enabled by
issuing commands to the Driver Units through serial communication (i.e.,
communication through the RS-232C interface).

8.1.1. When Power Is Turned On

If a terminal (such as NSK Handy Terminal FHT01) is connected to CN1 and the
Driver Unit power is turned on, the message shown below is displayed. The
contents (and the number of characters) of this message may differ with Driver
Unit setting and system versions. When the Driver Units are initialized, a colon
( : ) is displayed and the system waits for a command to be entered. The colon ( : )
is called a prompt.
Figure 8-1

Power-On Message NSK MEGATORQUE SYSTEM Slightyly differss with system

VER.XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX configurations.
: Indicates that internal initialization is
completed and a command may be

8.1.2. Command Entry

A communication command shall consist of “a command (character string) + data
(if necessary) + carriage return code (0DH).”

If the velocity gain is to be set to 0.5, for example, “VG0.5” should be entered by
adding data of 0.5 to a VG command. The characters of this command with data
are transmitted to the Driver Unit as shown below:
Figure 8-2
V code (56H )
Example Of VG0.5 G code (47 H )
0 code (30 H )
. code (2EH )
5 code (35H )
Carriage return code (0DH ) Press the ENT key if the handy terminal
FHT11 is used.

Every time a character is input, the Driver Unit echoes the character back to the
terminal. (The Driver Unit returns the same character that it receives.) If a
carriage return code is input, the Driver Unit returns the “carriage return code
(0DH) + line feed code (0AH).”

When a carriage return code is input, the Driver Unit decodes a character string
which it has received (VG0.5 in the example above) and executes it. Therefore, a

– 8-1 –
command is not executed unless it ends with a carriage return code.

If the Driver Unit can decode an entered command, it returns “:” immediately
after the line feed code. If it receives a internal data read command, etc., it returns
the data before “:”. Entered command Waiting for another command to be
Figure 8-3

Successful Input Example :VG0.5 Entered command.

: Waiting for another command to be

V G 0 . 5 0DH
(To Driver Unit)

Echo back
(From Driver Unit) V G 0 . 5 0DH 0A H :

8.1.3. Password
Among the communication commands used for this System, some special
commands (such as OG, PA, SI, etc.) require password entry for preventing
erroneous entries. These commands cannot be entered in the same manner as
other commands.

The password is /NSK ON (a space between K and O) as shown below. If the

Driver Unit accepts it, it returns an “NSK ON” message.

Applicable commands: DB, FC, FF, IL, OG, OL, PA, RC, SI, and ZA

A command requiring password entry may only be executed immediately after

the password is entered.
Figure 8-4

Password Example :?VG Entered password

VG0.5 Returned message
: Waiting for a command to be entered

(To Driver Unit) / N S K O N 0DH

Echo back
/ N S K O N 0DH 0A H 1
(From Driver Unit)
1 N S K O N 0DH 0A H 2

2 :

8.1.4. Canceling Command

To cancel a command which has been entered halfway, enter a backspace code
(08H). (If the Handy Terminal FHT01 is used, press the BS key.)

– 8-2 –
Figure 8-5
If VG0.5 is entered and then a backspace
Canceling Example :VG0.5
code is entered, the Driver Unit cancels the
character string it has received and returns
it with a “?” mark.
(To Driver Unit) V G 0 . 5 08 H

Echo back
V G 0 . 5 0DH 0AH 1
(From Driver Unit)
1 V G 0 . 5 ? 0DH 0A H 2

2 :

8.1.5. Error
Note that an error occurs in any of the following cases:

1 If a nonexistent command (i.e., character string) is entered (If an entered

character string cannot be decoded).

2 If data or subscript out of the allowable range is entered.

3 If a command requiring the password is entered without the password.

In any of these cases, the entered character string with a ? mark is returned as an
error message.
Figure 8-6

Input Error Example 1 :ABCDE If ABCDE is entered, an error message is

ABCDE? returned since this character string is not a
: command.

(To Driver Unit) A B C D E 0DH

Echo back
A B C D E 0DH 0AH 1
(From Driver Unit)
1 A B C D E ? 0DH 0A H 2

2 :

4 If the input condition is not met when entering a command.

In this case, the entered character string with “INHIBITED” is returned.

Figure 8-7
If a TB command is entered when a BCD
Input Error Example 2 command has not been selected, an error
message is returned since the input
condition is not met.
(To Driver Unit) T B 0DH

Echo back
T B 0DH 0AH T B 1
(From Driver Unit)
1 I N H I B I T E D 2

2 0DH 0AH :

– 8-3 –
8.1.6. Readout Command
If a command for reading the internal state (i.e., parameter set values, current
position, etc.) of the Driver Unit among the communication commands of this
system is entered, the Driver Unit returns data, etc.

Returned data consists of “space code (20H) + read value, data + carriage return
(0DH) + line feed code (0AH)”.

Example 1: TS command for reading set value

Figure 8-8

TS Command Example :TS2 Entered command

FP0 Returned set frequency of the 1st
FS0 stage low-pass filter
NP0 Returned set frequency of the 2nd
NS0 stage low-pass filter
: Returned set frequency of the 1st
stage notch filter
Returned set frequency of the 2nd
stage notch filter
Waiting for a command to be entered
(To Driver Unit) T S 2 0DH

Echo back
T S 2 0DH 0A H 1
(From Driver Unit)
1 F P 0 0DH 0A H 2

2 F S 0 0DH 0A H 3

3 N P 0 0DH 0A H 4

4 N S 0 0DH 0A H 5

5 :

Example 2: If set value reading function ? is used

Figure 8-9

“?” Function Example :?VG Entered command

VG0.5 Returned velocity loop proportional
: gain
Waiting for a command to be entered
(To Driver Unit) ? V G 0DH

Echo back
? V G 0DH 0A H 1
(From Driver Unit)
1 V G 0 . 5 0DH 0A H :

– 8-4 –
Example 3: TP command for reading current position data
Figure 8-10

TP Command Example :TP2 Entered command

10000 Returned current position coordinate
: Waiting for a command to be entered

(To Driver Unit) T P 2 0DH

Echo back
T P 2 0DH 0A H 1
(From Driver Unit)
1 1 0 0 0 0 0DH 0A H :

8.1.7. Communication Command List

The communication commands of the Driver Units are classified into the
Table 8-1
1. Driver Unit function 7. Jog setting
Functional Classification 2. Servo parameter 8. Alarm
3. Move command 9. Communication setting
4. Program editing 10. Velocity control
5. Position scale setting 11. Torque control
6. Home return setting 12. Commands for system with
built-in absolute position sensor

They are also classified into the following according to their effect:
Table 8-2 Classification (Abbreviation*) Function
Effect Classification Parameter Setting Data such as I/O conditions, operation parameters,
(Parameter) etc. which are specified in advance
Driver Unit Status Adjustment
Commands for changing the Motor servo conditions
Command (Driver Unit)
Used to write positioning programs such as
Program Setting (Program)
Programmable Indexer, user program patterns.
Operation Command
Commands for executing positioning directly
Readout Command Commands for reading the state of the Motor and
(Readout) Driver Units
Note * These abbreviation is used in following command lists.

The lists below shows the commands and their functions.

– 8-5 – Driver Unit Function Command
Table 8-3 Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Driver Unit Function Command CO Position error counter over limit ✔
LS Over travel limit switch position ✔
NW Neglect width ✔
IN In-position ✔
IS In-position stability timer ✔
FW FIN width ✔
CR Circular resolution ✔
IO Input/output monitor ✔
CL Clear alarm ✔
MO Motor off ✔
SV Servo on ✔
MS Motor stop ✔
OG Origin set ✔
PA Phase adjust ✔
SI Set initial parameters ✔
MI Read Motor ID ✔
OL Overload limit ✔
RC Rated current ✔
RP RUN pre-input ✔ Servo Parameter Command

Table 8-4 Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Servo Parameter Command PG Position gain ✔
PI Position integrator frequency ✔
PM Position mode ✔
VG Velocity gain ✔
VI Velocity integrator frequency ✔
VM Velocity integrator mode ✔
FP Low-pass filter, primary ✔
FS Low-pass filter, secondary ✔
NP Notch filter, primary ✔
NS Notch filter, secondary ✔
DB Dead band ✔
FC Friction compensation ✔
FF Feed forward gain ✔
IL Integration limit ✔
LG Lower gain ✔
LR Low torque ripple ✔
TL Torque limit rate ✔
TS Tell settings ✔
MM Multi-line mode ✔

– 8-6 – Move Command
Table 8-5
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Move Command IR Incremental positioning, resolver ✔
ID Incremental positioning, degree ✔
AR Absolute positioning, resolver ✔
AD Absolute positioning, degree ✔
MA Move acceleration ✔
MV Move velocity ✔
HS Home Return start ✔
EC End-of-command message ✔
SP Start program ✔
TB Tell BCD command ✔ Program Editing Command

Table 8-6
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Program Editing Command CH Channel select ✔
TC Tell channel program ✔
CC Clear Channel ✔
IR Incremental positioning, resolver ✔
ID Incremental positioning, degree ✔
AR Absolute positioning, resolver ✔
AD Absolute positioning, degree ✔
CA Channel acceleration ✔
CV Channel velocity ✔
CZ Channel Home searching velocity ✔
HS Home Return start ✔
JP Jump ✔
OE Sequence option edit ✔ Position Scale Setting Command

Table 8-7
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Position Scale Setting Command TP Tell position ✔
TE Tell position error counter ✔
AP Absolute position ✔
IP Incremental position set ✔
AZ Absolute zero position set ✔
AO Absolute position scale offset ✔
TR Tell RDC position data ✔

– 8-7 – Home Return Setting Command
Table 8-8
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Home Return Setting Command OS Home Return mode ✔
HS Home Return start ✔
HA Home Return acceleration ✔
HV Home Return velocity ✔
HZ Home Return near-zero velocity ✔
HO Home offset ✔
HP Home position ✔
HC Home Return cycle ✔ Jog Setting Command

Table 8-9
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Jog Setting Command JA Jog acceleration ✔
JV Jog velocity ✔ Alarm Command

Table 8-10
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Alarm Command TA Tell alarm status ✔ Communication Setting Command

Table 8-11
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Communication Setting Command BM Backspace mode ✔
AS Ask daisy chain status ✔
AX Axis select ✔ Velocity Control Mode Command

Table 8-12
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Velocity Control Mode Command VC Velocity control mode select ✔
VM Velocity integrator mode select ✔
AC Analog command ✔
VR Velocity range ✔
ZA Analog command zero adjust ✔
DC Digital RS-232C command ✔ Torque Control Mode Command

Table 8-13
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Torque Control Mode Command TM Torque control mode select ✔
AC Analog command ✔
ZA Analog command zero adjust ✔
DC Digital RS-232C command ✔

– 8-8 – Command for System With Built-In Absolute Position Sensor
Table 8-14
Name Function Parameter Driver Unit Program Operation Readout
Command For System With Built-In LP Incremental position judge ✔
Absolute Position Sensor
HI Home in-position ✔
HW Home width ✔

– 8-9 –
8.2. Detail of Command and Parameter
• “Shipping set” denotes a value which is set in the factory before shipment.
• “Default” denotes a value which is adopted by entering a command and
• parameter with no data.

AC Analog Command
Format: Description:
AC After executing the AC command, the Motor will be controlled by the analog
command, in velocity or torque control mode. After executing the AC
command, the analog command will be active until one of the following
commands are executed.

(1) PM, VC, TM — If these control mode select commands are executed, then
digital RS-232C command port will be automatically selected in the new control
mode. The Motor will remain in the ‘DC0’ status.

(2) DC — The digital RS-232C command will be activated.

– 8-10 –
AD Absolute Positioning, Degree
Format: Description:
AD data1 / data2 ‘data1’ indicates the position of the destination. This position complies with user
Data1: absolute position scale (which may be read out by issuing TP5).
0~35 999 [0.01˚]
Data1 Default:
0 ‘data2’ indicates the rotational direction.
CW — clockwise direction
CW, CCW, EX, SD CCW — counterclockwise direction
Data2 Default: EX — clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active
CW SD — direction in which the move distance is shortest

If the current position is the same as the destination position and SD is specified
in ‘data2,’ the Motor does not rotate. Otherwise, the Motor rotates 1 revolution in
the direction specified in ‘data2.’

This command has two functions, which depend on the usage. If it is entered
under the condition where a channel to be programmed is selected with a CH
command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and the system waits for a command to
be entered, it specifies the rotational amount of the Programmable Indexer
channel. If it is entered in the normal standby condition, it serves as a positioning

AO Absolute Position Scale Offset

Format: Description:
AO data The ‘data’ range depends on the Motor size:
Data: –614 399~+614 399 [count] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
–409 599~+409 599 [count] — 04××
0 –491 519~+491 519 [count] — B×××
Shipping Set:
0 AO is used to specify a position scale (user absolute position scale) for absolute
position control. ‘data’ represents an offset between user absolute position scale
Readout Command:
TS, ?AO and Motor absolute position data in units of counts. Or, user absolute position
Note: scale = Motor absolute position data + AO value.
• Backed-up when power off
This value is created automatically when Home Return is completed or an AZ
command is executed. Thus, it is not normally set using a communication

– 8-11 –
AP Absolute Position
Format: Description:
AP data The ‘data’ range depends on the Motor size:
Data: 0~149 — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
0~99 — 04××
0 0~119 — B×××
Shipping Set:
0 AP is used to specify a value of the Z phase counter. If this command is entered
when the Motor is stopped at any position, the Motor absolute position perimeter
data at that point is specified as:
(‘data’ × 4096) + (position sensor data)

Since the position scale may be specified with AO optionally, this value is not
normally set using a communication command.

– 8-12 –
AR Absolute Positioning, Resolver
Format: Description:
AR data1 / data2 The ‘data1’ range depends on the Motor size:
Data1: 0~614 399 [count] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
0~409 599 [count] — 04××
Data1 Default:
0 0~491 519 [count] — B×××

CW, CCW, EX, SD ‘data1’ indicates the position of the destination. This position complies with user
Data2 Default: absolute position scale (which may be read out by issuing TP5).
‘data2’ indicates the rotational direction.
CW — clockwise direction
CCW — counterclockwise direction
EX — clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active
SD — direction in which the move distance is shortest

If the current position is the same as the destination position and SD is specified
in ‘data2,’ the Motor does not rotate. Otherwise, the Motor rotates by 1
revolution in the direction specified in ‘data2.’

This command has two functions, which depend on the usage. If it is entered
under the condition where a channel to be programmed is selected with a CH
command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and the system waits for a command to
be entered, it specifies the rotational amount of the internal channel. If it is
entered in the normal standby condition, it serves as a positioning command.

– 8-13 –
AS Ask Daisy Chain Status
Format: Description:
AS data When communicating in daisy-chain style, AS reads out the preset number of
Data: connected Driver Units and the status of each axis.
0 or 1
AS0 — Reads the connection status.
0 AS1 — Reads the number of connected units.

The AS0 command is executed automatically when power is turned on in the

multi-axial communication mode. After the AS0 command is executed, the
Driver Unit of axis 0 is always selected.

AX Axis Select
Format: Description:
AX data When communicating in daisy-chain style, AX selects the active axis in daisy
Data: chain communication. Selected Driver Unit sends the message “ACC. AXn ”
(where n is the selected axis number) to the terminal. The Driver Unit of axis 0 is
0 always selected when power is turned on.
Shipping Set:
0 If AX or ?AX is input when daisy-chain communication is not active, an error
message will be given back. Also, TS report does not include the AX setting
Readout Command:
TS, ?AX when daisy-chain communication is not active.

Do not select any unit that is not connected. Otherwise, operation may
hang up. To return to the normal state, press the BS key first, then
select the number of a connected Driver Unit.

– 8-14 –
AZ Absolute Zero Position Set
Format: Description:
AZ If the AZ command is executed with the Motor stationary at any position, the
position is adopted as user absolute home position. The AZ command may be
accepted when the Motor is stationary (i.e., velocity is 0rps). If it is entered when
the Motor is not stationary, an “AZ INHIBITED” message is output. If an AZ
command is executed, AO data is updated. In other words, this command has
the same function as setting user absolute position scale using the AO command.

BM Backspace Mode
Format: Description:
BM data BM changes the function of the BS key.
Data: BM0 — A press of the BS key cancels an entered character string.
0 or 1
BM1 — A press of the BS key deletes a character.
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-15 –
CA Channel Acceleration
Format: Description:
CA data1 , data2 ‘data1’ and ‘data2’ have the same data range and the range depends on the Motor
Data1: size:
See description.
0.010~40.000 [rps/s] or 0 — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
Data1 Default:
0 0.015~60.000 [rps/s] or 0 — 04××
0.010~50.000 [rps/s] or 0 — B×××
See description. Note: (data1) ≥ (data2)
Data2 Default:
0 This command is used to specify the rotational acceleration of a given channel of
the Programmable Indexer.

If ‘data2’ is omitted, a trapezoidal drive waveform pattern is selected. Specify the

average acceleration in ‘data1.’

If ‘data2’ is specified, a simplified sine wave drive pattern is selected. Specify the
initial acceleration in ‘data2.’

If no setting is made in a channel (or 0 is specified), the rotational acceleration

specified with an MA command is valid.

The CA command may be input under the condition where a channel to be

programmed is selected with a CH command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and
the system waits for a command to be entered. If it is entered in the normal
stand-by state, an error occurs.

CC Clear Channel
Format: Description:
CC data CC deletes the program data of a channel specified in ‘data.’

– 8-16 –
CH Channel Select
Format: Description:
CH data The Megatorque Motor has position control function, which executes positioning
Data: commands stored in the channels if external signals are input. A CH command
is used to declare a channel when inputting a positioning command. If a CH
0 command is input, a channel specified in ‘data’ is selected.

CL Clear Alarm
Format: Description:
CL CL clears a excess position error alarm. It has the same function as activation of
the CLR input of CN2.

CO Position Error Counter Over Limit

Format: Description:
CO data1 / data2 CO is used to specify a criterion of excess position error detection and detection
Data1: method.
1~99 999 999 [count] or 0
Data1 Default:
0 If ‘data2’ is omitted, an alarm is regarded as a serious alarm. If the position error
Data1 Shipping Set: counter reads a value over this value, the OVER output closes. If it reads a value
2048 below this value, OVER opens. (This is a warning output.) If the position error
Data2: counter reads a value 8 times as high as this value, a “serious alarm” occurs, the
AL or none DRDY output opens, and the Motor servo is locked. This state is maintained
Data2 Default:
until the alarm is reset by CLR input or CL command.
Data2 Shipping Set:
none If AL is specified in ‘data2,’ an alarm is regarded as a non-serious alarm. If the
Readout Command: position error counter reads a value 8 times as high as this value, the OVER
TS, ?CO output opens, and the Motor servo is locked. The status of the DRDY output
Note: does not change. (It remains closed.) This state is maintained until the alarm is
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command reset by CLR input or CL command.

If 0 is specified in ‘data1,’ the position error over detection function is

invalidated. (It does not function.)

– 8-17 –
CR Circular Resolution
Format: Description:
CR data CR is used to specify the pulse train resolution.
X1, X2, X4, 36 000, 3600
The resolution changes immediately after it is specified.
Not omissible
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

CV Channel Velocity
Format: Description:
CV data1 , data2 ‘data1’ and ‘data2’ have the same data range and the range depends on the Motor
Data1: size:
See description.
0.0030~3.0000 [rps] or 0 — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
Data1 Default:
0 0.0045~4.5000 [rps] or 0 — 04××
0.0038~3.7500 [rps] or 0 — B×××
See description. Note: (data1) ≥ (data2)
Data2 Default:
0 This command is used to specify the rotational velocity of each channel of the
internal program.

If ‘data2’ is omitted, a trapezoidal drive waveform pattern is selected. Specify the

maximum velocity in ‘data1.’

If ‘data2’ is specified, a trapezoidal drive pattern with an offset is selected.

Specify the initial velocity in ‘data2.’

If no setting is made in a channel (or 0 is specified), the rotational velocity

specified with an MV command is valid.

The CV command may be input under the condition where a channel to be

programmed is selected with a CH command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and
the system waits for a command to be entered. If it is entered in the normal
stand-by state, an error occurs.

– 8-18 –
CZ Channel Home Return Near-Zero Velocity
Format: Description:
CZ data CZ is used to specify the near-zero velocity if a Home Return function (HS) is
Data: specified in a channel of the Programmable Indexer.
0.005~1.000 [rps] or 0
0 If no setting is done in a channel (or 0 is specified), the rotational acceleration
specified with an HV command is valid.

The CZ command may be input under the condition where a channel to be

programmed is selected with a CH command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and
the system waits for a command to be entered. If it is entered in the normal
stand-by state, an error occurs.

DB Dead Band
Format: Description:
DB data1 / data2 DB is used to specify a dead band for the position error (output from the position
Data1: error counter) or velocity error.
DB data1 /PL — dead band setting for the position error
Data1 Default:
0 DB data1 /VL — dead band setting for the velocity error
Data1 Shipping Set:
0 If 0 is specified in ‘data1,’ the dead band circuit is deactivated.
PL, VL Values of ‘data1’ shall be specified in units of the following:
Data2 Default:
DB data1 /PL — in units of counts
Not omissible
DB data1 /VL — in units of 1/1365rps (4095 = velocity error of 3rps)
Readout Command:
Note: The function depends on the sign of a ‘data1’ value as shown below:
• Password required If ‘data1’ is positive → dead band setting for error
• Backed-up when power off If ‘data1’ is negative → offset setting for error

– 8-19 –
DC Digital RS-232C Command
Format: Description:
DC data Selects RS-232C port as the source of the command variable, to be used for
Data: command purposes in either velocity or torque modes.
0 ‘data’ is the command itself, where
Velocity control mode → ±4095 = maximum velocity
Torque control mode → ±4095 = maximum torque

The sign of ‘data’ specifies the direction of rotation.

data > 0 — clockwise
data < 0 — counterclockwise

The out-of-range data will be accepted and treated as ±4095.

Take great care when inputting DC command in the position control
mode. The Motor will rotate through the amount of counts specified by
DC command data immediately using the maximum acceleration and
velocity, resulting in an excess position error alarm most of the time.

EC End-Of-Command Message
Format: Description:
EC data EC is used to specify whether or not to use a message which indicates that the
Data: Driver Unit is ready to accept another operation command in process of
0 or 1
0 EC0 — Message is not output.
Shipping Set: EC1 — Message is output.
If outputting a message is selected, a message “!” is output.
Readout Command:
Note: Note the following points if the message is to be output:
• Backed-up when power off (1) In the period from the beginning of positioning to message output, another
• Initialized by SI command positioning command cannot be input through communication. If the user tries
to input a command, an error message “×× INHIBITED” is displayed.
(2) Do not input any other command or parameter in the period from the
beginning of positioning to message output. If a command or parameter is input
at the timing when the message is output, the command is executed before
outputting the message.

– 8-20 –
FC Friction Compensation
Format: Description:
FC data FC is used to specify a compensation value for eliminating rotational friction of
Data: the Motor due to Coulomb’s friction.
0 If 0 is specified in ‘data,’ the compensation circuit is deactivated.
Shipping Set:
0 If a value between 1 and 2048 is specified in ‘data,’ the Motor torque is offset by
the set value in the direction specified in a rotational velocity command. If 2048
Readout Command:
TS, ?FC is specified in data, the maximum torque is generated.
• Password required
• Backed-up when power off

FF Feed Forward Gain

Format: Description:
FF data FF is used to specify a feed forward control gain for improving dynamic
Data: positioning response.
0.01~1.0 or 0
0 If 0 is specified in ‘data,’ the feed forward control circuit is deactivated.
Shipping Set:
0 If a value between 0.01 and 1.00 is specified in ‘data,’ a position command is
differentiated, the gain is multiplied by the result of differentiation, and the
Readout Command:
TS, ?FF product is added to the velocity command.
• Password required
• Backed-up when power off

– 8-21 –
FP Low-Pass Filter, Primary
Format: Description:
FP data FP is used to specify the frequency of the 1st stage low-pass filter of the velocity
Data: loop.
10~500 [Hz] or 0
0 If 0 is specified, the 1st stage low-pass filter of the velocity loop is deactivated. In
Shipping Set: such a case, “PRI.LPF OFF” is displayed.
If a value other than 0 (i.e., 10~500) is entered, the value is adopted as the
Readout Command:
TS, ?FP frequency. In this case, the entered filter frequency may be fine-adjusted with the
Note: + or – keys immediately after the command is entered.
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

FS Low-Pass Filter, Secondary

Format: Description:
FS data FS is used to specify the frequency of the 2nd stage low-pass filter of the
Data: velocity loop.
10~500 [Hz] or 0
0 If 0 is specified, the 2nd stage low-pass filter of the velocity loop is deactivated.
Shipping Set: In such a case, “SEC.LPF OFF” is displayed.
If a value other than 0 (i.e., 10~500) is entered, the value is adopted as the
Readout Command:
TS, ?FS frequency. In this case, the entered filter frequency may be fine-adjusted with the
Note: + or - keys immediately after the command is entered.
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-22 –
FW FIN Width
Format: Description:
FW data FW is used to specify the format of outputting an IPOS signal.
0.3~100 [0.1s] or 0
If ‘data’ is 0, the IPOS output closes while the value of the deviation counter is
0 within the range specified in an IN command on completion of positioning.
Shipping Set:
0 If ‘data’ is not 0, the IPOS output is always open while stationary. It closes
instantaneously (like a one-shot pulse) the moment when the value of the error
Readout Command:
?FW counter enters the range specified in an IN command on completion of
Note: positioning (Programmable Indexer operation, RS-232C communication
• Backed-up when power off operation, BCD operation or Home Return.) After a one-shot output, the IPOS
• Initialized by SI command output remains open free from change even if pulses collected in the error
counter change. Specify the width of one-shot output in ‘data’ in units of 0.1
seconds. 0.03 to 10 seconds may be specified by specifying 0.3 to 100 in ‘data.’

HA Home Return Acceleration

Format: Description:
HA data ‘data’ depends on the Motor size.
Data: 0.010 ~ 40.000 [rps/s] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
0.015 ~ 60.000 [rps/s] — 04××
Not omissible 0.010 ~ 50.000 [rps/s] — B×××
Shipping Set:
1 Sets the Home Return acceleration.

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-23 –
HC Home Return Cycle
Format: Description:
HC data Sets the use of ‘rotation limit sensor’ function in Home Return.
Data: HC0 — off
0 or 1
HC1 — on
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

HI Home In-Position Limit

Format: Description:
HI data HI is only valid for systems with a built-in absolute position sensor.
0~4095 [count]
Specify the range of the home position (i.e., the range where the HOME output
0 signal closes) if “home position output” is specified in the HW parameter.
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-24 –
HO Home Offset
Format: Description:
HO data The ‘data’ range depends on the Motor size.
Data: 0~610 305 [count] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
0~405 505 [count] — 04××
0 0~487 425 [count] — B×××
Shipping Set:
0 Specify an offset from the point where the position detector data reaches 0 for the
first time after the home position limit switch input (HLS on CN2) goes inactive
Readout Command:
TS, ?HO to the point where the Motor stops if Home Return is done in mode 3.
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

HP Home Position
Format: Description:
HP data Specify a relative position data of the point at which Home Return is completed.
–99 999 999~+99 999 999
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-25 –
HS Home Return Start
Format: Description:
HS data HS is used to select the Home Return mode and rotational direction and to start
Data: Home Return.
HS0 — Same as starting by using the HOS input.
0 HS0 — The Home Return mode will be specified with the OS parameter.
HS0 — The rotational direction will be specified with DIR input status.
HS1 — clockwise rotation in Home Return mode 1
HS-1 — counterclockwise rotation in Home Return mode 1
HS2 — clockwise rotation in Home Return mode 2
HS-2 — counterclockwise rotation in Home Return mode 2
HS3 — clockwise rotation in Home Return mode 3
HS-3 — counterclockwise rotation in Home Return mode 3

This command may also be used in the Programmable Indexer.

HV Home Return Velocity

Format: Description:
HV data The ‘data’ range depends on the Motor size.
Data: 0.0030~3.0000 [rps] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
0.0045~4.5000 [rps] — 04××
Not omissible 0.0038~3.7500 [rps] — B×××
Shipping Set:
0.2 Sets the Home Return velocity.

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-26 –
HW Home Width
Format: Description:
HW data HW is only valid for a system with a built-in absolute position sensor.
0.3~100 [0.1s] or 0
Specify the format of outputting the HOME output.
Shipping Set: If ‘data’ is 0, “Home Return complete output” is selected. HOME closes on
0 completion of Home Return. It opens if the Motor moves away from the home
Readout Command:
Note: If ‘data’ is not 0, “home position output” is selected. HOME closes if the Motor
• Backed-up when power off is at a position within the range specified in the HI parameter around user
• Initialized by SI command absolute home position. It opens if the Motor gets out of that range. If the time
when the Motor stays in the range is less than the value specified in data, HOME
remains closed for the time specified in data at least. 0.03 to 10 seconds may be
specified in ‘data.’

HZ Home Return Near-Zero Velocity

Format: Description:
HZ data Sets the Home Return near-zero velocity.
0.005~1.000 [rps]
Not omissible
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-27 –
ID Incremental Positioning, Degree
Format: Description:
ID data1 / data2 /EX ‘data1’ specifies the rotational amount from the current position in unit of 0.01˚.
–144 000~+144 000 [0.01˚]
The rotational direction depends on the sign of ‘data1’ or the setting of the DIR
Data1 Default:
0 input.
/EX omitted, data1 > 0 — clockwise rotation
1~99 /EX omitted, data1 < 0 — counterclockwise rotation
Data2 Default: /EX specified, data1 > 0
1 — clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active.
(An input error occurs if the /EX is specified and data1 < 0.)

Specify the number of divisions in ‘data2.’ The value of ‘data1’ is divided by the
value of ‘data2,’ if ‘data2’ is specified. For example, if the RUN input is
activated to execute a channel programmed as ID10000/5, the Motor rotates
20.00°. It rotates 20° if RUN is activated next time. Like this, if RUN is activated
five times, the Motor rotates five times by 20.00°, amounting to 100.00° in all.

This command has two functions, depending on its usage. If it is entered under
the condition where a channel to be programmed is selected with a CH
command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and the system waits for a command to
be entered, it specifies the rotational amount of the internal channel. If it is
entered in the normal standby condition, it serves as a positioning command.

– 8-28 –
IL Integration Limit
Format: Description:
IL data1 / data2 IL provides the position or velocity loop integration output with a limiter.
Data1: IL data1 /PL — Provides the position loop integration with a limiter.
0~100 [%]
IL data1 /VL — Provides the velocity loop integration with a limiter.
Data1 Default:
Data1 Shipping Set: A value of ‘data1’ shall be specified in percent. 100% denotes the following:
100 Position loop — a velocity command corresponding to 3rps integration output
Data2: Velocity loop — a maximum torque command of integration output
Data2 Default:
To validate the integration limiter, specify as follows:
Not omissible
Position loop — PM3
Readout Command:
TS, ?IL Velocity loop — VM3
• Password required
• Backed-up when power off

IN In-Position Limit
Format: Description:
IN data Specify an in-position width (criterion of detecting completion of positioning.) If
Data: the position error counter reads a value below the IN set value, the IPOS output
0~99 999 999 [count]
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-29 –
IO Input/Output Monitor
Format: Description:
IO data /RP Verifies on/off status of the control input and output signals on CN2. Specify the
Data: signal status to be read out in ‘data.’
0 If any of the IO1 to IO4 commands is executed with an /RP option, reading is
repeated automatically. Or, the Driver Unit outputs read values repeatedly. To
terminate automatic reading, press the BS key. The /RP option may not be used
for the IO0 command.

If an IO command is executed, the status of the inputs and outputs is indicated as

1’s and 0’s. 1 and 0 mean the following:
Input — 0: OFF, 1: ON
Output — 0: close, 1: open

The following shows inputs and outputs for each command.

– 8-30 –
IP Incremental Position Set
Format: Description:
IP data Sets the built-in relative position counter.
–99 999 999~+99 999 999

IR Incremental Positioning, Resolver

Format: Description:
IR data1 / data2 /EX ‘data1’ specifies the rotational amount from the current position in unit of counts.
–99 999 999~+99 999 999
[count] The rotational direction depends on the sign of ‘data1’ or the setting of the DIR
Data1 Default: input.
0 /EX omitted, data1 > 0 — clockwise rotation
Data2: /EX omitted, data1 < 0 — counterclockwise rotation
1~99 /EX specified, data1 > 0
Data2 Default: — clockwise if DIR input is inactive, counterclockwise if active.
(An input error occurs if the /EX is specified and data1 < 0.)

Specify the number of divisions in ‘data2.’ The value of ‘data1’ is divided by the
value of ‘data2,’ if ‘data2’ is specified. For example, if the RUN input is
activated to execute a channel programmed as ID10000/5, the Motor rotates
2000 counts. It rotates 2000 counts if RUN is activated next time. Like this, if
RUN is activated five times, the Motor rotates five times by 2000 counts,
amounting to 10000 counts in all.

This command has two functions, depending on its usage. If it is entered under
the condition where a channel to be programmed is selected with a CH
command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and the system waits for a command to
be entered, it specifies the rotational amount of the internal channel. If it is
entered in the normal standby condition, it serves as a positioning command.

– 8-31 –
IS In-Position Stability Timer
Format: Description:
IS data The IPOS output closes in positioning if the value of the position error counter is
Data: stable within the IN set range for the time specified in IS.
0.3~100 [0.1s] or 0
0 The timer value is specified in ‘data’ in units of 0.1 second. It may be 0.03 to 10
Shipping Set: seconds if data is specified as 0.3 to 100.

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off

JA Jog Acceleration
Format: Description:
JA data The ‘data’ range depends on the Motor size.
Data: 0.010 ~ 40.000 [rps/s] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
0.015 ~ 60.000 [rps/s] — 04××
Not omissible 0.010 ~ 50.000 [rps/s] — B×××
Shipping Set:
1 Sets the acceleration for jog operation.

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

JP Jump
Format: Description:
JP data JP is used to specify the destination of unconditional jumping in a channel.
If a channel with a JP command is executed, processing jumps to channel ‘data’
0 unconditionally.

The JP command may be input under the condition where a channel to be

programmed is selected with a CH command, the Driver Unit outputs “?,” and
the system waits for a command to be entered. If it is entered in the normal
stand-by state, an error occurs.

– 8-32 –
JV Jog Velocity
Format: Description:
JV data The ‘data’ range depends on the Motor size.
Data: 0.0030~3.0000 [rps] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
See description.
0.0045~4.5000 [rps] — 04××
Not omissible 0.0380~3.7500 [rps] — B×××
Shipping Set:
1 Sets the velocity for jog operation.

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

LG Lower Gain
Format: Description:
LG data Specify the rate of reducing the velocity gain if the velocity gain reduction input
Data: LVG goes active.
1~100 [%]
Not omissible
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-33 –
LP Incremental Position Judge
Format: Description:
LP data LP is effective only for a system with a built-in absolute position sensor.
See description.
The ‘data’ range depends on the Motor size.
0 0~614 399 [count] — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
Shipping Set: 0~409 599 [count] — 04××
0 0~491 519 [count] — B×××

Readout Command:
?LP It serves as a criterion for judging whether to specify the relative position,
Note: positive or negative, when power is turned on.
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command If ‘data’ = 0, the positive relative position is set.

If ‘data’ ≠ 0, positive position is set if the position data when power is turned on
is greater than or equal to ‘data.’ Negative position is set if the position data when
power is turned on is less than ‘data.’ (Specifies a value by subtracting the Motor
resolution from the position data when power is turned on.)

LR Low Torque Ripple

Format: Description:
LR data Sets torque specification.
Data: LR0 — standard
0 or 1
LR1 — low torque ripple
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-34 –
LS Over Travel Limit Switch Position
Format: Description:
LS data LS is used to specify a software over travel limit using the internal relative
Data: position counter. Data indicates the rotational direction and limit position (in the
–99 999 999~+99 999 999
[count] internal relative position counter).
0 If the Motor reaches the position specified in a positive limit, all future clockwise
Shipping Set: rotation commands are ignored. In other words, the Motor may rotate
0 counterclockwise only. If the Motor reaches the position specified in a negative
Readout Command: limit, all future counterclockwise rotation commands are ignored. In other
?LS words, the Motor may rotate clockwise only.
• Backed-up when power off
If data 0 is specified, both the positive and negative over travel limits are
• Initialized by SI command

The LS command is invalid unless both positive data and negative data are
specified. It is also invalid if the Motor hasn’t returned to the home position. If
the Motor is at a position out of the limits specified in LS, a software rotation
limit over alarm occurs.

– 8-35 –
MA Move Acceleration
Format: Description:
MA data1 , data2 ‘data1’ and ‘data2’ have same data range and the range depends on the Motor
Data1: size:
See description.
0.010~40.000 [rps/s] (or 0) — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
Data1 Default:
Not omissible 0.015~60.000 [rps/s] (or 0) — 04××
Data1 Shipping Set: 0.010~50.000 [rps/s] (or 0) — B×××
1 Note: (data1) ≥ (data2), “0” is available only for ‘data2.’
See description. This command is used to specify the rotational acceleration in positioning control
Data2 Default:
Data2 Shipping Set:
0 If ‘data2’ is omitted, a trapezoidal drive waveform pattern is selected. Specify the
Readout Command: average acceleration in ‘data1.’
Note: If ‘data2’ is specified, a simplified sine wave drive pattern is selected. Specify the
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command initial acceleration in ‘data2.’

The rotational acceleration specified in this command is valid in the following

• A BCD command is used for position control operation.
• Position control operation is executed according to a command in an
• Programmable Indexer channel in which CA0 is specified for the rotational
• acceleration.
• Position control operation is executed directly with a communication
• command.

MI Read Motor ID
Format: Description:
MI MI indicates the version of the Driver Unit software.

– 8-36 –
MM Multi-line Mode
Format: Description:
MM data Defines the reporting format used by the TC and TS commands.
Data: MM0 — Reports all parameters continuously.
0 or 1
MM1 — Reports all parameters pausing at each parameter.
Shipping Set: To step to the next parameter, input a space. To quit from the report, input a
0 backspace.

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

MO Motor Off
Format: Description:
MO As soon as the MO command is input, the Motor servo turns off. To activate the
Motor servo, input the SV command.

MS Motor Stop
Format: Description:
MS Makes Motor servo-lock. If executed in torque control mode, the control mode
will automatically switch to velocity control mode to make Motor servo-lock.

– 8-37 –
MV Move Velocity
Format: Description:
MV data1 , data2 ‘data1’ and ‘data2’ have same data range and the range depends on the Motor
Data1: size:
See description.
0.0030~3.0000 [rps] (or 0) — 06××, 08××, 10××, 14××
Data1 Default:
Not omissible 0.0045~4.5000 [rps] (or 0) — 04××
Data1 Shipping Set: 0.0038~3.7500 [rps] (or 0) — B×××
1 Note: (data1) ≥ (data2), “0” is available only for ‘data2.’
See description. This command is used to specify the rotational velocity in positioning control
Data2 Default:
Data2 Shipping Set:
0 If ‘data2’ is omitted, a trapezoidal drive waveform pattern is selected. Specify the
Readout Command: maximum velocity in ‘data1.’
Note: If ‘data2’ is specified, a trapezoidal drive pattern with an offset is selected.
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command Specify the initial velocity in ‘data2.’

The rotational velocity specified in this command is valid in the following cases:
• A BCD command is used for position control operation.
• Position control operation is executed according to a command in an
• Programmable Indexer channel in which CV0 is specified for the rotational
• velocity.
• Position control operation is executed directly with a communication
• command.

NP Notch Filter, Primary

Format: Description:
NP data NP is used to specify the frequency of the 1st stage notch filter of the velocity
Data: loop.
10~500 [Hz] or 0
0 If 0 is specified, the 1st stage notch filter of the velocity loop is deactivated. In
Shipping Set: such a case, “PRI.NF OFF” is displayed.
If a value other than 0 (i.e., 10~500) is entered, the value is adopted as the
Readout Command:
TS, ?NP frequency. In this case, the entered filter frequency may be fine-adjusted with the
Note: + or – keys immediately after the command is entered.
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-38 –
NS Notch Filter, Secondary
Format: Description:
NS data NS is used to specify the frequency of the 2nd stage notch filter of the velocity
Data: loop.
10~500 [Hz] or 0
0 If 0 is specified, the 2nd stage notch filter of the velocity loop is deactivated. In
Shipping Set: such a case, “SEC.NF OFF” is displayed.
If a value other than 0 (i.e., 10~500) is entered, the value is adopted as the
Readout Command:
TS, ?NS frequency. In this case, the entered filter frequency may be fine-adjusted with the
Note: + or – keys immediately after the command is entered.
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

NW Neglect Width
Format: Description:
NW data RUN and HOS are edge-triggered inputs. To protect against multiple inputs due
Data: to contact chattering, the NW parameter sets a timer length to confirm the receipt
of that input.
0 Timer = ‘data’ × 2.8 [ms]
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

OE Sequence Option Edit

Format: Description:
OE data OE changes the sequence code of a program already specified in a channel.
*, &, %, $
If this command is entered under the condition where a channel whose sequence
Not omissible code shall be changed is selected with a CH command, the Driver Unit outputs
“?,” and the system waits for a command to be entered, the sequence code of the
program already specified in the channel is changed into ‘data.’ If OE is entered
in the normal stand-by state, an error occurs.

– 8-39 –
OG Origin
Format: Description:
Note: Do not input the OG command. System calibration may be degraded if
• Password required the OG command is used. The OG command is for NSK factory use

OL Overload Limit
Format: Description:
OL data
Data: Caution
0~100 [%]
Do not change the OL setting. OL is set properly for each System. If it
0 needs to be set again, contact NSK.
Shipping Set:
Unique value for each If 0 is specified, “THERMAL OFF” is displayed and this function is
Readout Command:
• Password required
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

OS Origin Setting Mode

Format: Description:
OS data Specify the mode of Home Return. A mode is selected according to the value of
Data: OS when Home Return is activated by a HOS input signal or HS0 command as
shown below:
Not omissible OS1 — mode 1
Shipping Set: OS2 — mode 2
1 OS3 — mode 3

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-40 –
PA Phase Adjust
Format: Description:
PA data
Data: Caution
Do not set PA before consulting NSK first. System calibration may be
Not omissible degraded if PA is set.
Shipping Set:
Unique value for each Important
Read the PA parameter value and record the value in a safe place. If the PA data
Readout Command: is inadvertently altered, the original value can be re-inputted. Every system has
TS, ?PA its own unique PA parameter.
• Password required
• Backed-up when power off

PG Position Gain
Format: Description:
PG data Specifies a position gain.
Immediately after PG is entered, the position gain may be fine-tuned with the +
Not omissible or – key.
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-41 –
PI Position Integrator Frequency
Format: Description:
PI data Specifies position integrator frequency.
Immediately after PI is entered, the position integrator frequency may be fine-
Not omissible tuned with the + or – key.
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

PM Position Mode
Format: Description:
PM data PM changes the position loop control mode (P or PI control) as shown below:
Data: PM0 — position control mode, position loop P control
0 — position control mode, position loop PI control, integration limiter inactive
Shipping Set: PM3
0 — position control mode, position loop PI control, integration limiter active
(Use VM command to change the velocity loop control mode, P or PI
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command
If PM command is input in velocity or torque control mode, the System will be
in the position control mode.

– 8-42 –
RC Rated Current
Format: Description:
RC data
Data: Caution
0~100 [%]
Do not change the RC setting. RC is set properly for each System. If it needs to
0 be set again, contact NSK.
Shipping Set:
Unique value for each

Readout Command:
• Password required
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

RP RUN Pre-input
Format: Description:
RP data Selects whether the RUN input can be used while a move is being executed.
Data: RP0 — ignored
0 or 1
RP1 — accepted
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-43 –
SI Set Initial Parameters
Format: Description:
SI Sets parameters to the shipping set value, and clears all Programmable Indexer’s
channel programs.
• Password required The following parameters will be initialized by SI:

SP Start Program
Format: Description:
SP data SP executes the Programmable Indexer of a channel number specified in ‘data.’

SV Servo On
Format: Description:
SV When the Motor servo is turned off by MO command, executing the SV
command will make Motor servo-on.

– 8-44 –
TA Tell Alarm Status
Format: Description:
TA TA reads out alarm status in 16 digits on 2 lines. 0 indicates the normal state. 1
indicates an alarm.

TB Tell BCD Command

Format: Description:
TB Reports the BCD position command memorized in the Driver Unit memory
using external signals.

The reporting format corresponds to the inputting format, except for terminator
code ‘F,’ which will not be displayed though it is needed at input.

If input when BCD command is not selected as position command, the

command will be refused with the message ‘TB INHIBITED.’

No message will return when no BCD command is memorized.

– 8-45 –
TC Tell Channel Program
Format: Description:
TC data TC displays the contents of the program of a channel specified in ‘data.’
No data is displayed if programming is not performed.
The display mode can be set using parameter MM.

TE Tell Position Error Counter

Format: Description:
TE /RP TE reads a value of the positional error counter.

The displayed value is between –2 147 483 648 and +2 147 483 647. If it
exceeds or lowers below the upper or lower limit, it is changed into the lower or
upper limit with a reversed sign.

If an /RP option is added to a TE command, reading is repeated automatically. In

automatic reading, a value consisting of up to six figures is read out. If a value
consists of more than six figures, “*******” is displayed. To terminate
automatic reading, press the BS key.

TL Torque Limit Rate

Format: Description:
TL data Sets the torque limit rate. The Motor torque will be reduced to a percentage
Data: specified by the TL command.
0~100 [%]
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-46 –
TM Torque Control Mode
Format: Description:
TM Sets the Driver Unit to torque control mode.

TP Tell Position
Format: Description:
TP data /RP TP reads the current position of the Motor. It reads the following:
Data: TP1 — Relative position counter in units of counts
TP2 — User absolute position in units of counts
0 TP5 — User absolute position in units of angle

If TP command is executed with an /RP option, reading is repeated

automatically. Or, the Driver Unit outputs read values repeatedly. To terminate
automatic reading, press the BS key.

TR Tell RDC Position Data

Format: Description:
TR /RP TR reads data of the position sensor. Data is between 0 and 4095.

If TR command is executed with an /RP option, reading is repeated

automatically. Or, the Driver Unit outputs read values repeatedly. To terminate
automatic reading, press the BS key.

The following shows the relationship between the position sensor data and
Motor position:
• Motor position perimeter data
= (Z phase counter × 4096) + (position sensor data)
• User absolute position = (Motor position perimeter data) + (parameter AO)
A count of the Z phase counter corresponds to 4096 of the position sensor data.
Or, if position sensor data changes from 4095 into 0, the position counter is
incremented by one. If position sensor data changes from 0 into 4095, the
position counter is decremented by one.

– 8-47 –
TS Tell Settings
Format: Description:
TS data Reports the values of parameters.
Data: TS0 — PG, PI, VG, VI, LG, FP, FS, NP, NS, IN, CO, TL, LR, VR, PA
TS1 — PG, PI, VG, VI, LG
0 TS2 — FP, FS, NP, NS
TS3 — IN, CO, TL, DB, FC, ZA, IL, FF, AO
TS4 — AX, RP, MM, EC, CR, LR, VR, PA
TS5 — MA, MV, CD
TS6 — HP, HO, HA, HV, HZ, OS, JA, JV

About TS1...
TS1 command will show not only the parameter setting but also the control
mode as shown below.

(xxx = current setting)

You can read the current control mode by a~d.

a b c d Control Mode
Position control mode, position loop PI control, velocity
loop PI control
Position control mode, position loop PI control, velocity
loop P control
Position control mode, position loop P control, velocity loop
PI control
Position control mode, position loop P control, velocity loop
P control
OFF OFF ON ON Velocity control mode, velocity loop PI control
OFF OFF ON OFF Velocity control mode, velocity loop P control
OFF OFF OFF ON Torque control mode

If the Motor servo is deactivated, b and d are indicated as “OFF.” If an

integration limiter is specified with a PM3 or VM3 command, b and d
change from “ON” into “LIM.”

– 8-48 –
VC Velocity Control Mode
Format: Description:
VC Sets the Driver Unit to velocity control mode.

To select velocity loop control mode, use the VM command.

VG Velocity Gain
Format: Description:
VG data VG specifies velocity gain.
Immediately after VG is entered, velocity gain may be fine-tuned with the + or –
Not omissible key.
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

VI Velocity Integrator Frequency

Format: Description:
VI data VI specifies velocity integrator frequency.
0.10~127.00 [Hz]
Immediately after VI is entered, velocity integrator frequency may be fine-tuned
Not omissible with the + or – key.
Shipping Set:

Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-49 –
VM Velocity Integrator Mode
Format: Description:
VM data VM changes the velocity loop integrator control as shown below:
Data: VM0 — velocity loop P control
VM1 — velocity loop PI control, integration limiter inactive
0 VM3 — velocity loop PI control, integration limiter active
Shipping Set:

• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

VR Analog Command Velocity Range

Format: Description:
VR data Sets the velocity analog command scale.
See description.
The ‘data’ range and shipping set depends on the resolver resolution and Motor
Not omissible size. See below.
Shipping Set:
See description. This parameter is not backed-up. The velocity analog command scale will be
always re-defined at power-on as shown below.
Readout Command:
Note: Resolver Resolution
Item Motor Size
• Initialized by SI command Automatic Switching or 10-bit 12-bit
06××~14×× 1.0 or 3.0 1.0
Data Range 0408 1.5 or 4.5 1.5
B××× 1.25 or 3.75 1.25
06××~14×× 3.0 1.0
Power-On Set 0408 4.5 1.5
B××× 3.75 1.25
06××~14×× 3.0 —
Shipping Set 0408 4.5 —
B××× 3.75 —

– 8-50 –
ZA Analog Command Zero-Speed Offset
Format: Description:
ZA data Specifies offset to the analog command voltage if the Motor does not stop at ±
Data: 0V command.
0 The offset voltage is in proportion to the ‘data’ as:
Shipping Set: ‘data’ ±127 = ±0.31VDC
To set this offset, the front panel volume VR1 can also be used.
Readout Command:
• Backed-up when power off
• Initialized by SI command

– 8-51 –
8.3. Set Value Reading Function
The set value of a parameter may be read out by typing as follows:

? key + parameter code + ENT key

This parameter reading function applies to the following parameters. An error

occurs if it is executed for other parameters.

Caution As for the checked commands, shown below, if you fail to

press the ? key, data will change into 0. For example, if you
intend to read out the set value of the IN command and types
IN, instead of ?IN, by mistake, the System will regard its data
as 0 and the in-position limit will be zeroed. Use great care in
key entry.
Table 8-15 Caution Name Function Caution Name Function
Command With ✔ AX Axis select ✔ LP Incremental position judge
Parameter-Reading Function
✔ BM Backspace mode ✔ LS Over travel limit switch position
✔ CO Position error counter over limit MA Move acceleration
CR Circular resolution ✔ MM Multi-line mode
✔ EC End-of-command message MV Move velocity
✔ FP Low-pass filter, primary ✔ NP Notch filter, primary
✔ FS Low-pass filter, secondary ✔ NS Notch filter, secondary
✔ FW FIN width ✔ NW Neglect width
HA Home Return acceleration OL Overload limit
✔ HC Home Return cycle PA Phase adjust
✔ HI Home in-position PG Position gain
✔ HO Home offset PI Position integrator frequency
✔ HP Home position RC Rated current
HV Home Return velocity ✔ RP RUN pre-input activity
✔ HW Home width ✔ TL Torque limit rate
HZ Home Return near-zero velocity VG Velocity gain
✔ IN In-position VI Velocity integrator frequency
JA Jog acceleration VR Analog command velocity range
JV Jog velocity ZA Analog command zero adjust

– 8-52 –
8.4. Fine Adjustment
Filter frequency, proportional gain, or integration frequency may be fine-tuned
with the + or – key immediately after entry (before the next communication is
executed after entry). The user need not press the ENT key after typing the + or –
key. If the + or – key is pressed, the adjusted value is displayed together with the
command parameter.

The fine adjustment function applies to the following parameters:

Table 8-16
Name Function Increment By “+” Decrement By “–”
Command With FP Low-pass filter, primary +1Hz –1Hz
Fine Adjust Function
FS Low-pass filter, secondary +1Hz –1Hz
NP Notch filter, primary +1Hz –1Hz
NS Notch filter, secondary +1Hz –1Hz
PG Position gain +0.01 –0.01
PI Position integrator frequency +0.1Hz –0.1Hz
VG Velocity gain +0.1 –0.1
VI Velocity integrator frequency +0.1Hz –0.1Hz

– 8-53 –
(Blank Page)

– 8-54 –
9. Warning and Alarm
If an error occurs in the Megatorque Motor System, the Driver Unit gives a
warning or an alarm. If a warning or alarm is given, take proper measures and
eliminate the cause.

The DRDY and OVER output signals are used to inform the host controller of
errors in the Megatorque Motor System.
Table 9-1 Condition DRDY Output OVER Output
Warning/Alarm Output Normal Status Closed Open
Warning Closed Closed
Alarm Open Open (closed on some alarms)

If the Motor servo is deactivated when a warning or alarm is given, the BRK
output opens. If the weight of the load or inertia may cause a dangerous accident
when the Motor servo is deactivated due to a warning or alarm, use the BRK
output to trigger a brake to externally stop the Motor.

9.1. Identifying Warning/Alarm

A warning or alarm should be identified in order to eliminate its cause. To
identify it, use the LEDs on the front panel and the TA communication command.

– 9-1 –
9.1.1. Using LED
Caution If the LEDs indicate a pattern not shown below, contact NSK

Important “Excess position error (warning)” cannot be monitored by

LEDs. The LED indication is as same as the normal state
when that warning is given.

• If the Driver Unit front panel is visible in your system, then you can identify
the warning/alarm by eleven LEDs. All the LEDs should be monitored.

• If there are two or more warnings/alarms at the same time, the LED alarm
patterns alternate. Each pattern lights for about 1.4 seconds.

• The following LED symbols are used.

✩ — illuminated
★ — blinking
❘ — off
Figure 9-1
RDY ✩✩✩ ❘ ★✩✩ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ RDY
LED Indication ALM1 ❘ ✩ ❘ ✩ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ ❘ ALM1
ALM2 ❘ ❘ ✩✩ ❘ ❘ ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ ❘ ALM2
ALM3 ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ ❘ ALM3

POWER ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ POWER

OVR HEAT1 ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ OVR HEAT1
OVR HEAT2 ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ OVR HEAT2
OVR HEAT3 ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ OVR HEAT3
UDR CVT ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ UDR CVT
OVR VOLT ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ ❘ OVR VOLT
OVR CURR ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩ ❘ ❘ OVR CURR
UDR MVT ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ✩ ❘ UDR MVT
Internal Fuse Blown
Main AC Line
Control AC Line Under-
Regeneration Resistor
TB Connection Error
Heat Sink Over-
Control Circuit Error
Internal Switch Setting
Battery Life
Excess Position Error
Rotation Limit
Resolver Circuit Error
Memory Error

– 9-2 –
9.1.2. Using TA Command
Important “Control circuit error” and “internal fuse blown” cannot be
monitored by the TA command because RS-232C
communication will be disabled when these errors occur.

Important “Excess position error (warning)” cannot be monitored by the

TA command. The TA report is as same as the normal state
when that warning is given.

• If you use RS-232C communications, you can access 14 warnings/alarms in

7 groups using the TA command. The TA command generates a 16- digit
report using ‘1’ and ‘0’ as shown below.

• If there are two or more alarms at the same time, the TA command will
reveal all of them simultaneously
Figure 9-2
Resolver Circuit Error
TA Report
Memory Error
Excess Position Error (Serious)
Over-Load Limit
Battery Life

Internal Switch Setting Error

Rotation Limit

✽ Indicates ‘1’ when one or more of following errors occur; Heat sink Over-
Temperature, TB Connection Error, Regeneration Resister Over-Temperature,
Control AC Line Under-Voltage, Over-Voltage, Over-Current, Main AC Line
Under-Voltage/Fuse Blown, Internal Fuse Blown.

9.2. Warning/Alarm Table

9.2.1. Normal Status

Table 9-2: Normal Status

Status Motor Condition DRDY OVER BRK Cause Remedy

Power-off servo-off open open open Power is not supplied. Turn on power.
CPU Initializing servo-off open open open Initializing the CPU. Wait for the CPU to initialize.
SVON Input OFF servo-off closed open closed SVON input is not active. Activate the SVON input.
Eliminate the cause of
EMST Input ON servo-lock closed open open EMST input is active. emergency stop, then
deactivate the EMST input.

– 9-3 –
9.2.2. Warning/Alarm Status
Table 9-3

Warning/Alarm Status

Warning/Alarm DRDY OVER BRK Illuminated LED TA Report
Excess Position Error Runs same as
closed closed closed same as normal
(Slight) normally. normal
Software Rotation one-way RDY (blinking), 00000000
Warning closed closed closed
Limit servo-lock ALM3, POWER 10000000
Runs RDY, ALM2, ALM3, 00000001
Battery Life closed closed closed
normally. POWER 00000000
Memory Error servo-off open open open RDY, ALM1, POWER
Resolver Circuit Error servo-off open open open RDY, ALM2, POWER
RDY, ALM1, ALM2, 00000010
Overload servo-off open open open
POWER 00000000
Excess Position Error servo-lock open RDY, ALM1, ALM3, 00000100
closed closed
(Serious) (velocity loop) (closed) POWER 00000000
Internal Switch Setting ALM2, ALM3, 00000000
servo-off open open open
Error POWER 00010000
RDY, ALM1, ALM2, not
Control Circuit Error servo-off open open open
ALM3, POWER available
Heat Sink Over- ALM1, ALM2, ALM3, 10000000
servo-off open open open
Temperature POWER, OVR HEAT1 00000000
ALM1, ALM2, ALM3, 10000000
TB Connection Error servo-off open open open
POWER, OVR HEAT2 00000000
Regeneration Resistor ALM1, ALM2, ALM3, 10000000
servo-off open open open
Over-Temperature POWER, OVR HEAT3 00000000
Control AC Line Under- ALM1, ALM2, ALM3, 10000000
servo-off open open open
Voltage POWER, UDR CVT 00000000
ALM1, ALM2, ALM3, 10000000
Over-Voltage servo-off open open open
POWER, OVR VOLT 00000000
ALM1, ALM2, ALM3, 10000000
Over-Current servo-off open open open
POWER, OVR CURR 00000000
Main AC Line Under- ALM1, ALM2, ALM3, 10000000
servo-off open open open
Voltage POWER, UDR MVT 00000000
Internal Fuse Blown servo-off open open open none

– 9-4 –
9.3. Detail Of Warning/Alarm
• The following LED symbols are used in this section.
✩ — illuminated
★ — blinking
❘ — off
• If a warning or alarm cannot be canceled through measures described below,
• contact NSK immediately.
• If the LEDs indicate a pattern not shown below, contact NSK immediately.

9.3.1. Warning Excess Position Error (Slight)

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: closed ✩ RDY The Motor keeps rotating normally.
OVER: closed ❘ ALM1
BRK: closed ❘ ALM2 Cause:
❘ ALM3 The position error counter reads a value over the criterion specified in
TA Report ✩ POWER
CO during a positioning operation (including Home Return and
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 jogging). If the value exceeds a value 8 times the CO value, a excess
❘ OVR HEAT3 position error error (serious) occurs.
❘ OVR VOLT Remedy:
❘ UDR MVT If the error is left as is, the Motor operates so that the error counter
reaches 0. Thus, no special remedy is required normally. If the error
occurs frequently, tuning may be incorrect. Carry out the following
• Adjust the gains (VG and PG).
• Decrease the acceleration (MA, CA, HA, JA, etc.).
• Increase the CO value (judgment criterion).


This warning is not given if /AL option is specified when setting CO


– 9-5 – Rotation Limit (Software Control)
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: closed ★ RDY The Motor will only rotate in a direction opposite to that of the rotation
OVER: closed ❘ ALM1
BRK: closed ❘ ALM2 limit. For the rotation limit direction, the Motor servo locks.
✩ ALM3
TA Report ✩ POWER
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1 The Motor enters an inhibited area specified by LS.
10000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2
❘ UDR CVT Get out of the inhibited area. The OVER output opens. The OVER
❘ OVR VOLT output may also be reset by inputting CLR. However, a warning is
❘ UDR MVT given again if the Motor is in the inhibited area. Battery Life

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: closed ✩ RDY The Motor keeps operating.
OVER: closed ❘ ALM1
BRK: closed ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 The voltage of the RAM backup battery lowers below 2.2VDC.
TA Report ✩ POWER
❘ OVR HEAT1 Remedy:
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 Replace the battery. For the replacement method, refer to “Appendix
❘ UDR CVT 6. Replacing Battery.”

9.3.2. Alarm Memory Error

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ✩ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ❘ ALM2 Cause:
❘ ALM3 The parameters stored in the RAM in the Driver Unit contain some
TA Report ✩ POWER
00010000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2
❘ UDR CVT Turn off power, then turn it on again under the condition where the
❘ OVR VOLT parameters are initialized (with SW201 #1 off). Note that all the
❘ UDR MVT parameters and channel data are reset to the shipping-set values. Thus,
it is necessary to record them and input them afterwards. (Among the
parameters, PA should be set the different way than other parameters.
For PA setting, refer to “Appendix 7. Checking PA Value.”)

– 9-6 – Resolver Circuit Error
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ✩ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ❘ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
❘ ALM3 Position detection is disabled due to breakage of the resolver cable, etc.
TA Report ✩ POWER
❘ OVR HEAT1 Remedy:
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 Turn off power, check the resolver wiring, then turn on the power
❘ UDR CVT again. The alarm will be canceled.
❘ OVR CURR If this alarm occurs frequently, contact NSK.
❘ UDR MVT Overload
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
❘ ALM3 The Motor is restrained mechanically in operation, and an internal coil
TA Report ✩ POWER
current command value accumulated in the software exceeds the set
00000010 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 value. The value specified by OL serves as the detection criterion.
❘ UDR CVT Remedy:
❘ OVR VOLT Activate the CLR input or issue a CL command to cancel the alarm. If
❘ UDR MVT the Motor is hot, wait until it becomes cool, then return to normal use.


The OL parameter is factory-set according to the Motor size. Do not

change it.

If it should be changed, a higher OL causes an overload alarm to occur

less frequently. If OL is zeroed, no alarm occurs.

– 9-7 – Excess Position Error (Serious)
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open* ✩ RDY The Motor servo locks in velocity control mode.
OVER: closed ✩ ALM1
BRK: closed ❘ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 The value of the position error counter exceeds a value 8 times the
TA Report ✩ POWER
detection criterion (specified with CO).
00000100 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 • Breakage of the Motor wiring
❘ OVR HEAT3 • The servo parameters (VG, VI and PG) are not set properly.
❘ OVR VOLT • The velocity and/or acceleration (MV, MA, etc.) is too high.
❘ UDR MVT Remedy:

This alarm is canceled if the CLR input is activated or the CL

command is input. The position error counter is cleared to zero.
Adjustment procedures are the same as described in the section Excess Position Error (Slight).


* The DRDY output will be closed if /AL option is specified when

setting CO. Internal Switch Setting Error

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ❘ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 Power is turned on under the condition where the internal switch
TA Report ✩ POWER
SW201 #2 ~ #4 are set improperly.
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00010000 ❘ OVR HEAT2
❘ UDR CVT Turn off power, set SW201 #2 ~ #4 properly, then turn on power.
❘ UDR MVT Control Circuit Error

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ✩ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 An error occurs in the control circuit in the Driver Unit.
TA Report ✩ POWER
❘ OVR HEAT1 Remedy:
Not available
❘ OVR HEAT2 This alarm is canceled by turning off power, then turning it on again.
❘ UDR CVT If this alarm occurs frequently, contact NSK.

– 9-8 – Heat Sink Over-Temperature
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 The temperature of the heat sink in the power amplifier exceeds 90˚C
TA Report ✩ POWER
due to continued heavy torque demand.
10000000 ✩ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2
❘ UDR CVT Stop operation, check for the points show below, then cool the Motor
❘ OVR VOLT and Driver Unit by air:
❘ UDR MVT • Check to see whether the duty cycle of the Motor is too high.
• Check to see whether excessive load is applied to the Motor.
• Check to see whether the ambient temperature of the Driver Unit is
• higher than the normal condition.

If no troubles are found in the above check and this alarm occurs
frequently, contact NSK. TB Connection Error

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 Power is turned on under the condition where the shorting bracket
TA Report ✩ POWER
which is attached to the NC terminal of the front panel TB in the
10000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ✩ OVR HEAT2 factory, is removed.
❘ UDR CVT Remedy:
❘ OVR VOLT Turn off power, connect the shorting bracket to the NC terminal, then
❘ UDR MVT turn on power again.


The user may use this alarm as “Motor over-temperature” alarm if the
user equips the Motor with a thermostat and connect it to the NC
terminal of TB.

– 9-9 – Regeneration Resistor Over-Temperature
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 The temperature of the regenerative resistor in the power amplifier
TA Report ✩ POWER
exceeds 80˚C due to continued heavy torque demand. Or, regenerative
10000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 current cannot be processed when the Motor is decelerated rapidly.
❘ UDR CVT Remedy:
❘ OVR VOLT Stop operation, then cool the Driver Unit sufficiently. The rotational
❘ UDR MVT energy is compensated with regenerative resistance when the Motor is
decelerated. Reduce the duty cycle of the Motor, etc. Control AC Line Under-Voltage

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 The voltage of the input power (control power) for the power
TA Report ✩ POWER
amplifier control circuit falls below 70VAC due to an error in the
10000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 power supply.
✩ UDR CVT Remedy:
❘ OVR VOLT Turn off power, check the power supply and power cable, then turn on
❘ UDR MVT power again. Over-Voltage
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 Excessive DC voltage is applied to the main circuit when a load
TA Report ✩ POWER
having a large moment of inertia is decelerated rapidly, etc. Or, the
10000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2 voltage of the input power (main power) of the power amplifier main
❘ OVR HEAT3 circuit exceeds 290VAC due to an error in the power supply.
✩ OVR VOLT Remedy:
❘ UDR MVT Turn off power, check the supply voltage, then turn on power again. If
the power supply is not defective, carry out the same measures as
described in the section Heat Sink Over-Temperature.

– 9-10 – Over-Current
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 Over-current flows through the Motor due to poor insulation of the
TA Report ✩ POWER
Motor cable, etc.
10000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2
❘ UDR CVT Turn off power, check the Motor wiring, then turn on power again.
❘ UDR MVT Main AC Line Under-Voltage

Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ✩ ALM1
BRK: open ✩ ALM2 Cause:
✩ ALM3 The fuse has blown. The voltage of the power amplifier main circuit
TA Report ✩ POWER
power lowers below 40VAC due to an error in the power supply.
10000000 ❘ OVR HEAT1
00000000 ❘ OVR HEAT2
❘ UDR CVT Check the fuse, supply voltage, and power supply wiring, then turn on
❘ OVR VOLT power again.
If the fuse blows out frequently, contact NSK.


2 fuses are supplied with the System.

Fuse Specification:
Manufacturer — BUSSMDA
Model — MDA20A
Capacity — 20A

– 9-11 – Internal Fuse Blown
Output LED Motor Condition:
DRDY: open ❘ RDY Servo-off
OVER: open ❘ ALM1
BRK: open ❘ ALM2 Cause:
❘ ALM3 The Driver Unit uses a power fuse in order to prevent affects upon the
TA Report ❘ POWER
primary side (control power) in case an error (such as burn-out) in the
Not available ❘ OVR HEAT1
❘ OVR HEAT2 Driver Unit. If this fuse blows, no LEDs turn on and the Driver Unit
❘ OVR HEAT3 ceases to function.
❘ OVR VOLT Remedy:
❘ UDR MVT Contact NSK.

– 9-12 –
10. Troubleshooting
If problems do occur, troubleshoot using the flow chart shown below.
Figure 10-1

Troubleshooting Flow




Refer to
“9. Warning And Alarm.”

Which of the following areas

does the problem fall under?
Power ( → 10.2.1.)
• Power is not turned on.
Motor ( → 10.2.2.)
• Motor servo is not turned on.
• Motor does not run stably.
• (Motor vibrates or runs away.)

Command ( → 10.2.3.)
• Home Return command causes no motion.
• Motor does not stop in Home Return.
• (Motor reaches near-zero velocity immediately.)
• Home Return command fails to stop Motor in position.
• RUN input does not start Motor.
• Pulse train input does not run Motor.
• Analog command does not run Motor.

Terminal ( → 10.2.4.)
• Communication is disabled.
• (Improper characters are displayed.)


Refer to corresponding sections in this chapter.

Check the condition, then contact our sales agent.

– 10-1 –
10.1. How to Monitor I/O Signal
The status of the input and output signals may be checked by inputting IO
commands from the terminal.

If an IO command is executed, the status of the inputs and outputs is indicated as

1’s and 0’s. 1 and 0 mean the following:
Input — 0: OFF, 1: ON
Output — 0: close, 1: open
Figure 10-2
IO Command Display :IO0
1010101 Same as IO1
101010 Same as IO2
101010101010 Same as IO3
101 Same as IO4


:IO1 :IO2 :IO3 :IO4
1010101 101010 101010101010 101
: : : :



Example 1 — Monitoring SVON input status

# :IO1/RP
Type as:
Since the leftmost digit is 1, the SVON input is ON.

(Push BS key to return to the normal state.)

Example 2 — Monitoring CN2 outputs

$ :IO2/RP
Type as:
DRDY, BRK and IPOS are closed.

(Push BS key to return to the normal state.)

– 10-2 –
10.2. Troubleshooting

10.2.1. Power Trouble

Power is not turned on.

Figure 10-3

Power Trouble Power is not turned on.

Check the control power and main

power on terminal block of Driver
Unit front panel with tester.

Both control
power and main no
power supplied?
Turn on power.

Connect terminal. no
Connection enable?
Control power fuse in Driver Unit has
blown. It does not blow unless short
yes circuit, etc. occurs in Driver Unit.
Check the installation condition of
OK Driver Unit.

– 10-3 –
10.2.2. Motor Trouble

(1) Motor servo is not turned on.

Figure 10-4

Motor Trouble (1)

Motor servo is not turned on.

Make sure that Motor and Driver

Unit have same serial number.

Check the PA value.

(See Appendix 7.)

Input servo on command.


Connect terminal and execute

IO1 command.


Following displayed? no
:IO1 Activate SVON input.


Set TL100.
TL100? # ? ?
T L 1 0 0 ENT


Servo parameters, etc. no

Adjust parameters.
already adjusted?


Check the Motor wiring

and resolver wiring.
(See Appendix 8.)

– 10-4 –
(2) Motor does not run stably. (Motor vibrates or runs away.)
Figure 10-5: Motor Trouble (2)

Motor does not run stably.

(Motor vibrates or runs away.)

Make sure that motor and Driver

Unit have same serial number.

Check the PA value.

(See Appendix 7.)

Motor installed securely?

Load connected securely? Install securely.
(No backlash allowed.)


Servo parameters, etc. no

Adjust parameters.
already adjusted?


Filter used?
(FP, FS, NP & NS parameters)

Positioning by no
pulse string input?

Turn off all filters.

? yes




Command and position

feedback output signal
have proper phase?
Correct phase.


Check for motor wiring

and resolver wiring.
(See Appendix 8.)

– 10-5 –
10.2.3. Command Trouble

(1) Home Return command causes no motion.

Figure 10-6

Command Trouble (1) Home Return command

causes no motion.

Make sure that Motor and Driver

Unit have same serial number.

Input IO3/RP command from terminal.


HOS input of CN2

changes from OFF to ON?
(“1” shown below)
000000001000 Check the CN2 wiring.

yes Set NW0, then recheck.


Motor servo active? no

Activate SVON input.


Any of following start

disable signals is active:

– 10-6 –
(2) Motor does not stop in Home Return. (Motor reaches near-
zero velocity immediately.)
Figure 10-7

Command Trouble (2) Motor does not stop in Home

Return. (Motor reaches near-zero velocity

Input IO3/RP command from terminal.


Perform Home Return in this condition.

Inactive HLS input

signal turns on and off?
(3rd figure from left changes 0, 1 and 0?) no
With HLS signal off
or on, check the
home position limit
switch and its wiring.

Normal operation.
Motor hard to stop since HO is too large.
Set proper HO.

H O (Proper HO) ENT

(3) Home Return command fails to stop Motor in position.

Figure 10-8

Command Trouble (3) Home Return command

fails to stop Motor in position.

Point where home position limit switch turns off

and Z phase of motor position detector are not
correct. Refer to “ Home Limit Switch
Adjustment” and adjust the above.

– 10-7 –
(4) RUN input does not start Motor.
Figure 10-9

Command Trouble (4)

RUN input does not start Motor.


Input IO3/RP command from terminal.


Activate RUN in this condition.

RUN input signal goes active?

(Following changes from 0 into 1?) no
000000010000 Check the CN2 wiring.

yes Set NW0, then recheck.


Program written?

Write program.

Motor servo active?

Activate SVON input.


Any of following start disable signals is active:


– 10-8 –
(5) Pulse train input does not run Motor.
Figure 10-10

Command Trouble (5) Pulse train input does not run Motor.

Input IO4/RP command from terminal.


Input pulse train command in this condition.


go active? INH input is inactive?
(Either of two figures shown below no
changes from 1 into 0 and then 1?)
(Leftmost figure of following is 0?)
:IO4/RP Check the CN2 wiring.


Motor servo active? no

Activate SVON input.


Any of following start disable signals is active:


– 10-9 –
(6) Analog command does not run Motor.
Figure 10-11

Command Trouble (6) Analog Command does not run Motor.

Check CN2 wiring.

Set the control mode to velocity control ,

then active analog command.



Give an analog command.

yes Check the settings of

Operates normally?
SW201 #2~#4.


Runs to opposite yes Check the settings of

direction? SW201 #8 and SW202 #1.


Is Motor servo on?

Activate SVON input.


One of those inputs may be activated:


– 10-10 –
10.2.4. Terminal Trouble

Communication is disabled (Improper characters are

Figure 10-12

Terminal Trouble Communication disabled.

(Improper characters are displayed.)

Check the CN1 wiring.

Check the Driver Unit control power.

Check the frame ground.

Driver Unit and terminal have different

communication speed setting.
(Communication speed of Driver Unit and
handy terminal is factory-set to 9600bps.)

– 10-11 –
(Blank Page)

– 10-12 –
Appendix 1. System and Motor Specification

A.1.1. System/Motor Number

Motor size: 0408, 0608, 0810, 1010, 1410

Figure A-1
System model number
System/Motor Model Number

Motor model number


R ···Standard
C ···Standard
(Base mount)
cable set
B ···Low friction Motor (4m long)
(Base mount) option No ···Specially
A ···Low friction
sign designed
(Flange mount)
cable set
S ···Standard 3···Position control type
W ···Watertight 5···Position control type
(Outer surface with analog input
Z ···Watertight (IP65) 1 ···Resolver 12bit/10bit
04···4 Inch motor A ···Absolute resolver
06···6 Inch motor
08···8 Inch motor A ···Main AC line 220V
10···10 Inch motor C ···Main AC line 110V
14···14 Inch motor
M ···EM Driver Unit
08···Motor height 2" P ···EP Driver Unit
10···Motor height 2.5"

F ···Standard resolver (Incremental type)

C ···Absolute resolver

N ···Standard (No clamp mechanism)

C ···Positive actuated electromagnetic brake installed
D ···Negative actuated electromagnetic brake installed
G ···Negative actuated electromagnetic brake installed
(Non-backlash type)

– A-1 –
A.1.2. Motor Dimension

A.1.2.1. Connector Type

Figure A-2

Connector Type Motor Dimension

0608 176 176 146 110h7 40 40 215h8 111.2 16.6 (23) 28.3 (33.3)
0810 220 220 156 135h7 50 50 250h8 133 16.6 (23) 34 (39)
1010 286 282 208 170h7 64 90 320h8 164.5 16.6 (23) 37 (42)
1410 378 377 288 245h7 118 154 420h8 210 16.6 (23) 42 (43)

0608 62.6 (79.2) - 12 (17) - 109.5 (133.5) 116 (142)
0810 67.3 (83.8) - 13 (18) - 125.5 (151.5) 134 (160)
1010 74 (89.8) 109 (114) 15 (20) 66 (71) 138 (163) 150 (175)
1410 82 (101.8) 115 (120) 16 (21) 71 (76) 148 (173) 155 (180)

0608 121.5 (146.5) 35 (40) 30˚ 6-M8×1.25 Deep 8, PCD75, 60˚ Spacing
0810 139 (164) 42 30˚ 6-M8×1.25 Deep 12, PCD80, 60˚ Spacing
1010 160 (185) 42 30˚ 9-M8×1.25 Deep 13, PCD110, 40˚ Spacing
1410 170 (195) 42 30˚ 9-M8×1.25 Deep 15, PCD188, 40˚ Spacing

0608 6-ø7 Through, PCD200, 60˚ Spacing 6-M5×0.8 Deep 12, PCD97, 60˚ Spacing
0810 6-ø7 Through, PCD234, 60˚ Spacing 6-M6×1.0 Deep 15, PCD120, 60˚ Spacing
1010 6-ø9 Through, PCD300, 60˚ Spacing 6-M8×1.25 Deep 20, PCD152, 60˚ Spacing
1410 6-ø11 Through, PCD400, 60˚ Spacing 6-M8×1.25 Deep 20, PCD230, 60˚ Spacing
Note Values enclosed in parentheses indicate the dimensions of motors with
a built-in absolute position detector.

– A-2 –
A 1.2.2. Direct-Cable (Rotor On Top) Type
Figure A-3
6ø5.5 Through
Direct-Cable (Rotor On Top) Type Motor cable
PCD 145,60˚ Spacing
Motor Dimension (4m)
6-M5×0.8 Deep 12 Resolver cable
PCD82, 60˚ Spacing (4m)

A.1.3. Motor Specification

Table A-1

Motor Specification

Item Unit
AS0408 RS0608 RS0810 RS1010 RS1410
Maximum Torque kgf·m 1 4 9 15 25
Maximum Current A 3 (6) (1) 6 7.5 7.5 7.5
Rated Voltage VDC 300 (150) 300 (150) 300 (150) 300 (150) 300 (150)
Motor Winding Temperature Range ˚C 90 90 90 90 90
Maximum Velocity (3) rps 4.5 (1.5) 3.0 (1.0) 3.0 (1.0) 3.0 (1.0) 3.0 (1.0)
Maximum Friction Torque kgf·cm 10 30 45 55 80
Axial Load Capacity kgf 180 380 460 970 2000
Moment Load Capacity kgf·m 2 6 8 16 40
Axial Stiffness mm/kgf 2.5 × 10–5 4.0 × 10–5 3.0 × 10–5 1.4 × 10–5 1.0 × 10–5
Moment Stiffness (4) rad/kgf·m 3.0 × 10–5 3.5 × 10–5 2.5 × 10–5 1.5 × 10–5 3.0 × 10–6
Rotor Inertia GD2 kgf·m2 0.009 0.031 0.084 0.3 1.07
Weight kgf 6.5 (7.5) 14 (20) 24 (35.5) 40 (61) 73 (98)
Environment Operation temperature 0 ~ 40˚C, humidity 20 ~ 80%, indoor use only
Note (1) Those not enclosed in parentheses indicate specifications for main power 200VAC type System and those
enclosed in parentheses indicate specifications for 100VAC type.
(2) Specifications at the ambient temperature of 40˚C
(3) Those not enclosed in parentheses indicate specifications for resolver resolution 10-bit setting and those
enclosed in parentheses indicate specifications for 12-bit.
(4) Specifications if Motors are mounted on rigid bases.
(5) Those not enclosed in parentheses indicate specifications for standard System and those enclosed in
parentheses indicate specifications for System with built-in absolute position sensor.

– A-3 –
A.1.4. Output Torque Specification
Table A-2

Output Torque Specification

Unit: N·m
Motor Driver Unit Torque Maximum Rated Maximum Rated Stall
(1) (2) (3)
Size AC Line Option Torque Torque Stall Torque Torque (4)
200V or Normal 9.8 6.8 7.8 4.9
100V Low Ripple 6.8 4.9 6.8 3.9
Normal 36.2 17.6 33.3 16.6
Low Ripple 30.3 15.6 29.4 15.6
Normal 39.2 18.6 33.3 16.6
Low Ripple 34.3 16.6 31.3 15.6
Normal 88.2 46.0 78.4 31.3
Low Ripple 78.4 38.2 73.5 27.4
Normal 88.2 49.0 78.4 31.3
Low Ripple 78.4 44.1 73.5 27.4
Normal 147.0 88.2 113.6 73.5
Low Ripple 126.4 77.4 108.7 73.5
Normal 147.0 112.7 137.2 76.4
Low Ripple 112.7 78.4 107.8 76.4
Normal 225.4 208.7 196.0 179.3
Low Ripple 186.2 173.4 174.4 156.8
Normal 245.0 235.2 196.0 176.4
Low Ripple 196.0 190.1 186.2 156.8
Note (1) Maximum torque — the maximum torque which a Motor can output
(2) Rated torque — the maximum torque which a motor can output continuously without exceeding
the rated temperature, while rated temperature = 130˚C (at ambient temperature of 40˚C, 90˚C rise
of coil temperature)
(3) Maximum stall torque — maximum output torque of a motor at zero velocity
(4) Rated stall torque — maximum torque which a motor can output without exceeding the rated
temperature continuously when the Motor is stationary, while rated temperature = 130˚C (at
ambient temperature of 40˚C, 90˚C rise of coil temperature)

– A-4 –
Appendix 2. Driver Unit Specification

A.2.1. Driver Unit Number

Figure A-4

Driver Unit Number

Megatorque Motor Version number

EM ···Standard type Motor size 3···Position control type

EP ···High torque type 5···Position control type
with analog input
A···Main AC line 220V
C···Main AC line 110V 1 ···Resolver 12bit/10bit selectable
A···Absolute resolver

A.2.2. Driver Unit Dimension

A.2.2.1. EM Type Driver Unit

Figure A-5

EM Type Driver Unit Dimension MOUNTING BRACKET

can be set on front or back

A.2.2.2. EP Type Driver Unit

Figure A-6

EP Type Driver Unit Dimension

– A-5 –
Appendix 3. Cable Set Specification

A.3.1. Cable Set Model Number

Figure A-7

Cable Set Model Number M-C004SM05

Megatorque Motor 05···Straight plug
03···Angled plug
Cable set for Megatorque Motor 07···Straight plug
for absolute resolver
Cable length (m)
10···Angled plug
for absolute resolver
S ···Standard
W···Watertight M ···For EM type Driver Unit
P ···For EP type Driver Unit

A.3.2. Cable Set Dimension

A.3.2.1. Resolver Cable (For EM/EP Type Driver Unit)

Figure A-8
Connector Straight pulg
DA-15P-N 42 MS3106B14S-5S
Resolver Cable Dimension ø6 (110)



A.3.2.2. Motor Cable (For EM Type Driver Unit)

Figure A-9
Motor Cable Dimension A+


(For EM Type) B+

Straight plug
(70) MS3106B16S-1S

A.3.2.3. Motor Cable (For EP Type Driver Unit)

Figure A-10
Motor Cable Dimension A1-
B1+ (110)
(For EP Type) B1-


C2+ Straoght plug
C2- MS3106B20-29S


– A-6 –
Appendix 4. RS-232C Serial Communication
If any terminal other than NSK Handy Terminal FHT01 is used as an RS-232C
terminal, read the description below for specifications.

Connector CN1 is the RS-232C port of the Driver Unit.

A.4.1. CN1 Pin-Out

Figure A-11

CN1 Pin-Out
FG 9
+5V 8
DG 6

Table A-3 Connector Type (Driver Unit Side) JAE DE-9S-N

CN1 Connector Type Mating Connector Type (User Device Side) JAE DE-9P-N
Mating Connector Shell Type (User Device Side) JAE DE-C1-J6

A.4.2. CN1 Signal List

Table A-4
Pin Signal Name I/O Function
CN1 Signal List 1 TXD Output Transmit data
2 CTS Input Clear to send
3 RXD Input Receive
4 DSR Output Data set ready
5 DTR Output Data terminal ready
6 DG – Digital signal ground
7 RTS Output Ready to send
8 +5VDC Output Reserved (Never Connect!)
9 FG – Frame ground (shield)

– A-7 –
A.4.3. Interface Specification
Table A-5
Item Specification
Interface Specification Transmission Full duplex
Communication Speed [bps] * 9600 (standard), 4800, 1200, 300 *
Word Length 8-bit
Stop Bit 2-bit
Parity No
Character Code ASCII Code
X-On/Off Protocol — No
Communication Procedure
RTS/CTS Control — Yes
Note * Selectable — can be set by SW202.

A.4.4. CN1 Sample Wiring Diagram

A.4.4.1. RTS Control/CTS Monitoring Active (Standard)

Figure A-12
Driver Unit
CN1 Wiring With RTS Control/CTS
Monitoring RS-232C Terminal CN1



– A-8 –
A.4.4.2. RTS Control/CTS Monitoring Inactive

Caution Since this connection applies to non-procedure

communication, the Driver Unit may fail to read data if a large
amount of data is transmitted too quickly. Make sure that the
Driver Unit echoes back, or leave spaces between data
Figure A-13
Driver Unit
CN1 Wiring Without RTS Control/
CTS Monitoring
RS-232C Terminal CN1



– A-9 –
Appendix 5. Parameter/Program Setting List
Write down your programs in Programmable Indexer channel or parameter
settings against the trouble. You can read out the programs using TC command.
Most parameter settings can be read using TS or ?×× (×× = parameter) command.
Parameter Setting List
Name Shipping Set Setting Name Shipping Set Setting Name Shipping Set Setting
AO 0 IN 1 PG 0.1
CO 2048 JA 1 PI 1
CR X1 JV 1 TL 100
FP 0 LR 0 VG 1
FS 0 + VI 1
LS 0
HA 1 –
HO 0 MA 1
HP 0 MV 1
HV 0.2 NP 0
HZ 0.01 NS 0
Program List
CH Program CH Program CH Program CH Program

0 16 32 48

1 17 33 49

2 18 34 50

3 19 35 51

4 20 36 52

5 21 37 53

6 22 38 54

7 23 39 55

8 24 40 56

9 25 41 57

10 26 42 58

11 27 43 59

12 28 44 60

13 29 45 61

14 30 46 62

15 31 47 63

– A-10 –
Appendix 6. Replacing Battery
The Driver Unit uses a lithium battery to back up the control parameters written in
the RAM after power is turned off. In normal service condition, it backs up data in
the RAM for approximately 10 years after delivery without replacing the battery.
Thus, battery replacement is not usually required. If it needs replacing for some
reason, follow the steps shown below.

(1) Turn on power of the Driver Unit, then leave the Driver Unit for 30 minutes
or more.
• This wait period is used to charge the super capacitor, which backs up
the RAM while replacing the battery.
• During this period, the Driver Unit may drive the Motor.
• If power has been supplied to the Driver Unit for 30 minutes or more
(including motor operation time) when the battery is to be replaced,
the capacitor charging period is not required.

(2) Turn off power of the Driver Unit, then detach the front and side panels from
the Driver Unit.
Front panel: M3 × 6 countersunk screws × 2 and blind screws × 2
Side panel: M3 × 6 countersunk screws × 4

(3) Detach the RDC board.

The RDC board is attached to the CB board with screws (M3 × 6
Semus screws × 3) and connector. Remove the screws, then lift the
RDC board with care not to damage its connector.

(4) Replace the battery.

• The battery is connected with a connector. Soldering is not required.
• The super capacitor will last for approximately 30 minutes. Complete
operation to this point within 30 minutes since power is turned off.
• The battery socket is fixed to the middle chassis with velcro. Replace
the battery with the socket.

NSK will provide the battery (part number: M-E5118-0003). Contact NSK to
order a battery. A battery has a holder and connector. It may be replaced without
any tools.
Figure A-14

Location Of Each Part Front Battery


RDC Board

– A-11 –
Appendix 7. Checking PA Value
When checking PA value, follow the flowchart below.
Figure A-15

PA Value Check Make sure that Motor and Driver

Unit have same serial number.

Input ?PA from terminal.

0 P A ENT Type EM0608A03-03

No. 061234 - 56
Compare displayed value NSK Ltd.
with number on label on MADE IN JAPAN
Driver Unit front panel.


Specify proper PA value on terminal.

OK. PA value is unique to Motor. :PA****
Do not change it. :

– A-12 –
Appendix 8. Checking Motor and Resolver Wiring
Order of checking
1. Check cable appearance.
2. Check connector engagement.
3. Check conductivity and insulation of wiring.

Caution Disconnect the wiring from the Driver Unit to perform megger
test. Otherwise, the internal circuits of the Driver Unit may be

Caution Use voltage of 500VDC or less for megger test.

Figure A-16
Checking Resolver Wiring connector Canon connector
8 Phase A (Red) A Phase A

7 Phase B (White) B Phase B

15 Phase C (Black) C
Phase C
4 Common (Green) E
10 Sheild

Motor for type EM Driver Unit

Figure A-17
Checking Motor Wiring (EM) D
C- A


Round lug Canon connector

A+ C
Phase A
A- D
B+ B
Phase B
B- E
C+ A
Phase C
C- F

– A-13 –
Motor for type EP Driver Unit
Figure A-18
Checking Motor Wiring (EP) D
A1+ C
C2+ M A B

Round lug
Canon connector
A1+ M Inner
White Stator winding
A1- A Phase A
B1+ N Inner
Red Stator winding
B1- B Phase B
C1+ P Inner
Green Stator winding
C1- C Phase C
A2+ F Outer
White/Black Stator winding
A2- G Phase A
B2+ S Outer
Red/Black Stator winding
B2- H Phase B
C2+ T Outer
Green/Black Stator winding
C2- J Phase C

– A-14 –
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JAPAN: Tokyo Phone: 03-3779-7120 FRANCE : Paris Phone:
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TAIWAN: Taipei Phone: 02-591-0656


User’s Manual (EM/EP Driver Unit System)
Document Number: C20020-03

April 20, 1991 1st Edition

September 1, 1993 3rd Edition
November 8, 1995 3rd Edition 2nd Printing
January 20, 1997 3rd Edition 3rd Printing
June 17, 1997 3rd Edition 4th Printing
October 8, 1997 3rd Edition 5th Printing
February 2, 1998 3rd Edition 6th Printing
June 3, 1998 3rd Edition 7th Printing
July 14, 1999 3rd Edition 8th Printing
September 17, 1999 3rd Edition 9th Printing
March 24, 2000 3rd Edition 10th Printing

NSK Ltd.
3rd Edition, 10th Printing March 24, 2000 Document Number: C20020-03

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