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Question 1. He gave me a new printer which really ______ my requirements.

A. replied B. responded C. answered D. contacted
Question 2. The apartment was partly ______ by an unexpected fire last night.
A. absorbed B. consumed C. swallowed D. digested
Question 3. He ______ a present from his bag, which really surprised me.
A. created B. generated C. sparked D. produced
Question 4. Any drivers who fail to ______ the traffic rules will have their driving licence revoked.
A. monitor B. observe C. witness D. refer
Question 5. The new law ______ that all plastic waste must be recycled.
A. provides B. arranges C. caters D. supplies
Question 6. The government has failed to ______ the increasing inflation rate.
A. comprise B. include C. consist D. contain
Question 7. Several reporters appeared at the scene in the ______ aftermath of the earthquake.
A. urgent B. prompt C. immediate D. critical
Question 8. We want to hire some employees as ______ people to deal with customers’ inquiries.
A. origin B. reserve C. property D. resource
Question 9. His hope of competing in the final was ______ when he got a serious injury.
A. rushed B. hurried C. fastened D. dashed
Question 10. After the bitter divorce, she ______ into her own fantasy world.
A. declared B. subtracted C. retreated D. withdrew
Question 11. He can’t fulfil his dream because opening a restaurant is ______ expensive.
A. prohibitively B. dangerously C. illegally D. detrimentally
Question 12. The family hopes to avoid a repeat ______ of last year, when the trip turned into a nightmare.
A. achievement B. accomplishment C. performance D. efficiency
Question 13. With the ______ of hindsight, it’s easier for me to decide what to do next.
A. interest B. benefit C. advantage D. assistance
Question 14. The travel company will ______ us of any changes to the itinerary.
A. encourage B. support C. advise D. assess
Question 15. Their proposal to introduce flexible working hours in all departments has been ______ by the
board of directors.
A. lined B. cleared C. forced D. pulled
Question 16. If parents can provide their children with the ______ of a loving family life, they will grow up
as benevolent adults.
A. surveillance B. assurance C. warranty D. security
Question 17. The two firms decided to collaborate with each other because of a clear ______ of interests.
A. identity B. personality C. character D. integrity
Question 18. His positive attitude towards the 21st lifestyle finds ______ in his writing.
A. interpretation B. expression C. explanation D. verbalisation
Question 19. The government has failed to curb harmful emissions from factories in every ______ .
A. regard B. admiration C. honour D. respect
Question 20. He always ______ himself as a responsible and knowledgeable man in public.
A. estimates B. forecasts C. anticipates D. projects
Question 21. Recent incidents about school violence have ______ many people’s belief in educational
A. waved B. disturbed C. shaken D. upset
Question 22. Though inexperienced, he proved that he could ______ anyone at this company.
A. catch B. match C. last D. pick
Question 23. The five-star hotel where we stayed last summer vacation ______ a breathtaking view of the
A. commanded B. controlled C. divided D. perceived
Question 24. Environmentalists across the world have ______ calls for using recyclable products instead of
single-use ones.
A. resourced B. disposed C. renewed D. progressed
Question 25. Thompson had a terrible headache, so he couldn’t ______ his duties at the office.
A. emit B. dispose C. compose D. discharge
Question 26. The idea of helping disabled people in the city came to me in a flash of ______ .
A. motivation B. inspiration C. encouragement D. ambition
Question 27. Her constant worry about the exam result ______ her sleep quality.
A. reformed B. annoyed C. invaded D. frustrated
Question 28. The problem has ______ considerable importance when several people report that their
personal information has been leaked.
A. battled B. divided C. differed D. assumed
Question 29. The manager promised to ______ his idea of building another rest room for employees.
A. entertain B. recycle C. presume D. impart
Question 30. The journal ______ a range of topics such as wildlife and medical development.
A. functioned B. weathered C. embraced D. forecast
Question 31. With the ______ of hindsight, it’s easier for us to deal with the problem.
A. interest B. benefit C. advantage D. assistance
Question 32. The rule ______ that punctuality must be guaranteed by all members of staff.
A. supplies B. caters C. arranges D. provides
Question 33. The ______ of an equitable learning environment is essential to kids' cognitive development
and concept formation.
A. surveillance B. security C. warranty D. assurance
Question 34. The policeman's head shake ______ their hopes for finding the missing child.
A. rushed B. hurried C. fastened D. dashed
Question 35. Rumours that caused misunderstandings accidentally ______ other colleagues' confidence in
A. waved B. disturbed C. shook D. upset
Question 36. In a flash of ______ , he decided to redecorate his house.
A. inspiration B. motivation C. encouragement D. ambition
Question 37. It took me hours to ______ my suspicion; it's a series of valid arguments.
A. presume B. recycle C. entertain D. impart
Question 38. She was the youngest but stood out in every ______ from the other candidates.
A. regard B. admiration C. honour D. respect
Question 39. The house stands alone on the hill, ______ a peaceful view of untouched nature.
A. commanding B. controlling C. dividing D. perceiving
Question 40. Within a week of filing your complaint, you will be ______ of the outcomes via email.
A. encouraged B. supported C. advised D. assessed
Question 41. The old woman could feel a faint sense of ______ with the Queen's life story.
A. character B. personality C. identity D. integrity
Question 42. If this old furniture ______ your needs, come to the office and get it after 6.
A. replies B. responds C. answers D. contacts
Question 43. Only after ______ half the forest was the wildfire extinguished.
A. absorbing B. consuming C. swallowing D. digesting
Question 44. His feelings towards his austere life find ______ in his recent poems.
A. interpretation B. verbalisation C. explanation D. expression
Question 45. Cleanup of polluted rivers takes effect in the ______ future, while control of wastewater is
effective in the long run.
A. immediate B. prompt C. urgent D. critical
Question 46. Geography ______ a wide variety of sectors such as demographics, economics, and sociology.
A. functions B. weathers C. embraces D. forecasts
Question 47. The nonprofit ______ its appeal to raise money for its maintenance.
A. resources B. disposes C. renews D. progresses
Question 48. The matter ______ considerable importance when some people were admitted to hospital.
A. battle B. divide C. differ D. assume
Question 49. Properties in central districts are always ______ expensive, so renting seems more feasible.
A. detrimentally B. dangerously C. illegally D. prohibitively
Question 50. Articles that have not been ______ for publication will be forcibly removed from the
company's website.
A. lined B. cleared C. forced D. pulled
Question 51. Noise can ______ my concentration, so I always try to study in quiet places.
A. invade B. annoy C. reform D. frustrate
Question 52. The researcher could not ______ any conclusions from the documentary.
A. create B. generate C. spark D. produce
Question 53. Especially in large enterprises, the procedures must be ______ in a hierarchical manner.
A. monitored B. observed C. witnessed D. referred
Question 54. Since Robert's company went bankrupt, he has ______ into himself, spending time
contemplating new paths.
A. declared B. subtracted C. retreated D. withdrawn
Question 55. If you need further information, please contact our _______ people team at 788-463.
A. property B. reserve C. origin D. resource
Question 56. Cultural tourism contributes a lot to ______ positive and characteristic images of a region.
A. estimating B. forecasting C. anticipating D. projecting
Question 57. The two athletes closely ______ in terms of speed and endurance in the final leg.
A. matched B. caught C. lasted D. picked
Question 58. He did not want a repeat ______ of the humiliating defeat he had suffered.
A. achievement B. accomplishment C. performance D. efficiency
Question 59. He tried to ______ his anger when hearing the stories.
A. comprise B. include C. consist D. contain
Question 60. They declared bankruptcy when their company failed to ______ its debt obligations.
A. discharge B. compose C. dispose D. emit

STT Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 printer n /ˈprɪn.tər/ máy in
2 requirement n /rɪˈkwaɪə.mənt/ yêu cầu
3 reply v /rɪˈplaɪ/ phản hồi, đáp lại
4 respond v /rɪˈspɒnd/ phản ứng
5 apartment n /əˈpɑːt.mənt/ căn hộ
6 absorb v /əbˈzɔːb/ hấp thụ, làm say đắm, hiểu (thông tin)
7 consume v /kənˈsjuːm/ phá hủy (do lửa)
8 swallow v /ˈswɒl.əʊ/ nuốt
9 digest v /daɪˈdʒest/ tiêu hóa, hiểu thông tin
10 partly adv /ˈpɑː một phần
11 spark v /spɑːk/ gây ra
12 licence n /ˈlaɪ.səns/ giấy phép
13 revoke v /rɪˈvəʊk/ thu hồi, tước
14 monitor v /ˈmɒn.ɪ.tər/ giám sát
15 observe v /əbˈzɜːv/ tuân theo
16 witness v /ˈwɪt.nəs/ chứng kiến
17 refer v /rɪˈfɜːr/ đề cập
18 cater v /ˈkeɪ.tər/ cung cấp thức ăn
19 supply v /səˈplaɪ/ cung ứng
20 authority n /ɔːˈθɒr.ə.ti/ chính quyền
21 refill v /ˈriː.fɪl/ đổ đầy lại
22 renewed adj /rɪˈnjuːd/ tiếp tục (sau khi ngưng)
23 revise v /rɪˈvaɪz/ đọc lại, xem lại
24 reporter n /rɪˈpɔː.tər/ phóng viên
25 scene n /siːn/ hiện trường
26 urgent adj /ˈɜː.dʒənt/ khẩn cấp
27 prompt adj /prɒmpt/ mau lẹ
28 immediate adj /ɪˈmiː.di.ət/ ngay lập tức, trước mắt
29 critical adj /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/ quan trọng
30 hire v /haɪər/ thuê
31 origin n /ˈɒr.ɪ.dʒɪn/ nguồn gốc
32 reserve n /rɪˈzɜːv/ nguồn dự trữ, sự e dè
33 property n /ˈprɒp.ə.ti/ tài sản
34 customer n /ˈkʌs.tə.mər/ khách hàng
35 injury n /ˈɪn.dʒər.i/ chấn thương
36 rush v /rʌʃ/ khẩn trương
37 dash v /dæʃ/ lao tới, xông tới
38 bitter adj /ˈbɪt.ər/ cay đắng
39 divorce n /dɪˈvɔːs/ sự ly dị
40 declare v /dɪˈkleər/ khai báo
41 subtract v /səbˈtrækt/ trừ
42 retreat v /rɪˈtriːt/ rút lui (quân đội)
43 withdraw v /wɪðˈdrɔː/ thu mình lại, rút tiền, rút lui
44 prohibitively adv /prəˈhɪb.ɪ.tɪ một cách rất tốn kém
45 illegally adv /ɪˈliː.ɡəl.i/ một cách phi pháp
46 detrimentally adv /ˌdet.rɪˈmen.təl.i/ một cách có hại
47 nightmare n /ˈnaɪt.meər/ ác mộng
48 efficiency n /ɪˈfɪʃ.ə sự hiệu quả
49 hindsight n /ˈhaɪnd.saɪt/ sự nhận thức (sau khi việc đã xảy ra)
50 itinerary n /aɪˈtɪn.ər.ər.i/ lộ trình
51 assess v /əˈses/ đánh giá
52 proposal n /prəˈpəʊ.zəl/ đề xuất
53 flexible adj /ˈflek.sə.bəl/ linh hoạt
54 department n /dɪˈpɑːt.mənt/ phòng, ban
55 benevolent adj /bəˈnev.əl.ənt/ nhân từ, biết thương người
56 surveillance n /səˈveɪ.ləns/ sự giám sát
57 assurance n /əˈʃɔː.rəns/ sự đảm bảo
58 warranty n /ˈwɒr.ən.ti/ sự bảo hành
59 collaborate v /kəˈlæb.ə.reɪt/ cộng tác
60 firm n /fɜːm/ công ty
61 identity n /aɪˈden.tə.ti/ danh tính, sự giống nhau
62 personality n /ˌpɜː.sənˈæl.ə.ti/ tính cách
63 character n /ˈkær.ək.tər/ nhân vật
64 integrity n /ɪnˈteɡ.rə.ti/ sự chính trực
65 attitude n /ˈæt.ɪ.tʃuːd/ thái độ
66 interpretation n /ɪnˌtɜː.prəˈteɪ.ʃən/ sự diễn giải
67 expression n /ɪkˈspreʃ.ən/ sự bày tỏ
68 explanation n /ˌek.spləˈneɪ.ʃən/ sự giải thích
69 curb v /kɜːb/ hạn chế
70 regard n /rɪˈɡɑːd/ sự coi trọng
71 admiration n /ˌæd.mɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ sự ngưỡng mộ
72 honour n /ˈɒn.ər/ danh dự
73 respect n /rɪˈspekt/ phương diện
74 knowledgeable adj /ˈnɒl.ɪ.dʒə.bəl/ có hiểu biết, am hiểu
75 estimate v /ˈes.tɪ.meɪt/ ước tính
76 forecast v /ˈfɔː.kɑːst/ dự báo
77 anticipate v /ænˈtɪs.ɪ.peɪt/ dự đoán
78 project v /prəˈdʒekt/ xây dựng hình ảnh
79 incident n /ˈɪn.sɪ.dənt/ sự cố, vụ việc
80 violence n /ˈvaɪə.ləns/ sự bạo lực
81 wave v /weɪv/ vẫy tay
82 disturb v /dɪˈstɜːb/ làm phiền
83 shake v /ʃeɪk/ làm lung lay
84 breathtaking adj /ˈbreθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/ ngoạn mục
85 command v /kəˈmɑːnd/ sở hữu, có được (tầm nhìn, quang cảnh)
86 perceive v /pəˈsiːv/ coi là, hiểu là
87 dispose v /dɪˈspəʊz/ sắp xếp, bố trí
88 progress v /ˈprəʊ.ɡres/ tiến bộ
89 emit v /iˈmɪt/ thải (khí), bốc (mùi), phát (ánh sáng)
90 compose v /kəmˈpəʊz/ sáng tác, bình tĩnh
91 discharge v /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ thải ra, thả ra, hoàn thành (nghĩa vụ)
92 ambition n /æmˈbɪʃ.ən/ tham vọng, hoài bão
93 constant adj /ˈkɒn.stənt/ liên tục
94 reform v /rɪˈfɔːm/ cải cách
95 annoy v /əˈnɔɪ/ làm phiền
96 invade v /ɪnˈveɪd/ xâm chiếm, xâm phạm
97 frustrate v /frʌsˈtreɪt/ làm bực mình
98 considerable adj /kənˈsɪd.ər.ə.bəl/ đáng kể
99 leak v /liːk/ rò rỉ
100 battle v /ˈbæt.əl/ chiến đấu, vật lộn
101 assume v /əˈsjuːm/ cho rằng, gánh vác (trách nhiệm)
102 restroom n /ˈrest.ruːm/ /ˈrest.rʊm/ nhà vệ sinh
103 presume v /prɪˈzjuːm/ cho là, nghĩ là
104 impart v /ɪmˈpɑːt/ truyền thải (kiến thức, thông tin)
105 journal n /ˈdʒɜː.nəl/ tạp chí
106 function v /ˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ vận hành
107 embrace v /ɪmˈbreɪs/ bao gồm


STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 answer a need/requirement đáp ứng nhu cầu/yêu cầu
2 take measures tiến hành biện pháp
3 in the aftermath of something sau cái gì
4 deal with somebody/something đối phó với ai/cái gì
5 dash somebody’s hope làm tiêu tan hy vọng của ai
6 turn into something trở thành, biến thành cái gì
7 a repeat performance sự tái diễn
8 with the benefit of hindsight/experience hiểu được từ những gì đã xảy ra
9 advise somebody of something báo cho ai về cái gì
10 grow up lớn lên, trưởng thành
11 decide to do something quyết định làm gì
12 find expression được thể hiện
13 attitude towards somebody/something thái độ đối với ai/cái gì
14 in one/some/every respect trong một/một số/mọi phương diện
15 shake one’s belief làm lung lay niềm tin của ai
16 discharge your duties/responsibilities/obligations hoàn thành nghĩa vụ/trách nhiệm/bổn phận
17 flash of inspiration cảm hứng bất chợt
18 assume importance trở nên quan trọng
19 entertain an idea/hope/thought cân nhắc ý tưởng/hy vọng/suy nghĩ

Question 1. He gave me a new printer which really _____ my requirements.

A. replied B. responded C. answered D. contacted
đáp ứng nhu cầu/yêu cầu
Question 2. The apartment was partly ______ by an unexpected fire last night.
A. absorbed B. consumed C. swallowed D. digested
phá hủy (do lửa)
Question 3. He ______ a present from his bag, which really surprised me.
A. created B. generated C. sparked D. Produced (đưa ra)
Question 4. Any drivers who fail to ______ the traffic rules will have their driving licence revoked.
A. monitor B. observe tuân theo C. witness D. refer
Question 5. The new law ______ that all plastic waste must be recycled.
A. provides (QUY ĐỊNH) B. arranges C. Caters (CUNG CẤP/ PHỤC VỤ)
D. supplies
Question 6. The government has failed to ______ the increasing inflation rate.
A. comprise B. include C. Consist D. Contain (NGĂN CHẶN)
Question 7. Several reporters appeared at the scene in the ______ aftermath of the earthquake.
A. urgent B. prompt C. immediate D. critical
in the ______ aftermath of sau cái gì
Question 8. We want to hire some employees as ______ people to deal with customers’ inquiries.
A. origin B. reserve C. property D. resource
chuyên gia, chuyên viên, nhà chuyên môn,
Question 9. His hope of competing in the final was ______ when he got a serious injury.
A. rushed B. hurried C. fastened D. dashed
làm tiêu tan hy vọng của ai
Question 10. After the bitter divorce, she ______ into her own fantasy world.
A. declared B. subtracted C. retreated D. withdrew
thu mình lại, rút tiền, rút lui
Question 11. He can’t fulfil his dream because opening a restaurant is ______ expensive.
A. prohibitively B. dangerously C. illegally D. detrimentally
prohibitively adv /prəˈhɪb.ɪ.tɪ một cách rất tốn kém/ ghe gom/ nham ngan
illegally adv /ɪˈliː.ɡəl.i/ một cách phi pháp
detrimentally adv /ˌdet.rɪˈmen.təl.i/ một cách có hại
Question 12. The family hopes to avoid a repeat ______ of last year, when the trip turned into a nightmare.
A. achievement B. accomplishment C. performance D. efficiency
sự tái diễn
Question 13. With the ______ of hindsight (SỰ NHẬN THỨC MUỘN), it’s easier for me to decide what to
do next.
A. interest B. benefit C. advantage D. assistance
hiểu được từ những gì đã xảy ra
Question 14. The travel company will ______ us of any changes to the itinerary.
A. encourage B. support C. advise D. assess
báo cho ai về cái gì
Question 15. Their proposal to introduce flexible working hours in all departments has been ______ by the
board of directors.
A. lined B. Cleared (thông qua) C. forced D. pulled
Question 16. If parents can provide their children with the ______ of a loving family life, they will grow up
as benevolent adults.
A. surveillance B. assurance C. warranty D. security
benevolent adj /bəˈnev.əl.ənt/ nhân từ, biết thương người
surveillance n /səˈveɪ.ləns/ sự giám sát
assurance n /əˈʃɔː.rəns/ sự đảm bảo
warranty n /ˈwɒr.ən.ti/ sự bảo hành
Question 17. The two firms decided to collaborate with each other because of a clear ______ of interests.
A. identity B. personality C. character D. integrity
identity n /aɪˈden.tə.ti/ danh tính, sự giống nhau
Question 18. His positive attitude towards the 21 lifestyle finds ______ in his writing.
A. interpretation B. expression C. explanation D. verbalisation
được thể hiện
Question 19. The government has failed to curb hạn chế harmful emissions from factories in every ______ .
A. regard B. admiration C. honour D. respect
Mọi khía cạnh
Question 20. He always ______ himself as a responsible and knowledgeable man in public.
A. estimates B. forecasts C. anticipates D. projects
xây dựng hình ảnh
Question 21. Recent incidents about school violence have ______ many people’s belief in educational
A. waved B. disturbed C. shaken D. upset
làm lung lay niềm tin của ai
Question 22. Though inexperienced, he proved that he could ______ anyone at this company.
A. catch B. Match (đối chọi/ địch được) C. last D. pick
Question 23. The five-star hotel where we stayed last summer vacation ______ a breathtaking view of the
A. commanded B. controlled C. divided D. perceived
sở hữu, có được (tầm nhìn, quang cảnh)/ ra lệnh
Question 24. Environmentalists across the world have ______ calls for using recyclable products instead of
single-use ones.
A. resourced B. disposed C. Renewed (đổi mới/ nhắc lại/ nối lại) D.
Question 25. Thompson had a terrible headache, so he couldn’t ______ his duties at the office.
A. emit B. dispose C. compose D. discharge
discharge your duties/responsibilities/obligations hoàn thành nghĩa vụ/trách nhiệm/bổn phận
Question 26. The idea of helping disabled people in the city came to me in a flash of ______ .
A. motivation B. inspiration C. encouragement D. ambition
flash of inspiration cảm hứng bất chợt
Question 27. Her constant worry about the exam result ______ her sleep quality.
A. reformed B. annoyed C. invaded D. frustrated
Question 28. The problem has ______ considerable importance when several people report that their
personal information has been leaked.
A. battled (chiến đấu) B. divided C. differed D. assumed
assume importance trở nên quan trọng
Question 29. The manager promised to ______ his idea of building another rest room for employees.
A. entertain B. recycle C. presume D. impart
entertain an idea/hope/thought cân nhắc ý tưởng/hy vọng/suy nghĩ
Question 30. The journal ______ a range of topics such as wildlife and medical development.
A. functioned B. weathered C. embraced bao gồm D. forecast

Question 31. With the ______ of hindsight, it’s easier for us to deal with the problem.
A. interest B. benefit C. advantage D. assistance
Question 32. The rule ______ that punctuality must be guaranteed by all members of staff.
A. supplies B. caters C. arranges D. Provides (QUY ĐỊNH)
Question 33. The ______ of an equitable (CÔNG BẰNG) learning environment is essential to kids'
cognitive development and concept formation.
A. surveillance (GIÁM SÁT)B. Security (ĐẢM BẢO/ AN TOÀN) C. Warranty BẢO ĐẢM
D. Assurance TRẤN AN/ AN TÂM
Question 34. The policeman's head shake ______ their hopes for finding the missing child.
A. rushed B. hurried C. fastened D. Dashed (DẬP TẮT HI
Question 35. Rumours that caused misunderstandings accidentally ______ other colleagues' confidence in
A. waved B. disturbed C. shook D. upset
Question 36. In a flash of ______ , he decided to redecorate his house.
A. inspiration (CẢM HỨNG BẤT CHỢT) B. motivation C. encouragement D.
Question 37. It took me hours to ______ my suspicion; it's a series of valid arguments.
A. presume B. recycle C. Entertain (XEM XÉT) D. Impart (TRUYỀN
Question 38. She was the youngest but stood out (NỔI BẬT) in every ______ from the other candidates.
A. regard B. admiration C. honour D. Respect (KHÍA
Question 39. The house stands alone on the hill, ______ a peaceful view of untouched nature.
A. commanding (CHỈ HUY/ CÓ ĐƯỢC) B. controlling C. dividing D.
Perceiving HIỂU ĐƯỢC
Question 40. Within a week of filing your complaint, you will be ______ of the outcomes via email.
A. encouraged B. supported C. Advised THÔNG BÁO D. assessed
Question 41. The old woman could feel a faint sense of ______ with the Queen's life story.
A. character B. personality C. Identity DANH TÍNH/ SỰ TƯƠNG ĐỒNG D.
Integrity CHÍNH TRỰC
Question 42. If this old furniture ______ your needs, come to the office and get it after 6.
A. replies B. responds C. Answers ĐÁP ỨNG D. contacts
Question 43. Only after ______ half the forest was the wildfire extinguished.
A. absorbing B. Consuming TÀN PHÁ/ THIÊU RỤI C. swallowingD.
Question 44. His feelings towards his austere life find ______ in his recent poems.
A. interpretation B. verbalisation C. explanation D. expression
Question 45. Cleanup of polluted rivers takes effect in the ______ future, while control of wastewater is
effective in the long run.
A. immediate TRƯỚC MẮT B. Prompt MAU LẸ C. urgent D. critical

Question 46. Geography ______ a wide variety of sectors such as demographics (NHÂN KHẨU HỌC),
economics, and sociology.
A. functions HOẠT ĐỘNG B. Weathers VƯỢT QUA C. Embraces BAO GỒM D. Forecasts DỰ BÁO
Question 47. The nonprofit ______ its appeal to raise money for its maintenance.
A. resources B. disposes C. renews D. progresses
Question 48. The matter ______ considerable importance when some people were admitted to hospital.
A. battle B. divide C. differ D. assume
assume importance trở nên quan trọng
Question 49. Properties in central districts are always ______ expensive, so renting seems more feasible.
A. detrimentally B. dangerously C. illegally D. prohibitively
Question 50. Articles that have not been ______ for publication will be forcibly removed from the
company's website.
A. lined TẠO THÀNH HÀNG B. Cleared THÔNG QUA/ CẤP PHÉP C. forced
D. pulled
Question 51. Noise can ______ my concentration, so I always try to study in quiet places.
A. invade B. annoy C. reform D. frustrate
Question 52. The researcher could not ______ any conclusions from the documentary.
A. create B. generate C. spark D. Produce (ĐƯA RA/
Question 53. Especially in large enterprises, the procedures must be ______ in a hierarchical manner.
A. monitored B. Observed (TUÂN THỦ) C. witnessed D. referred
Question 54. Since Robert's company went bankrupt, he has ______ into himself, spending time
contemplating new paths.
A. declared B. subtracted C. retreated D. withdrawn
Question 55. If you need further information, please contact our _______ people team at 788-463.
A. property B. reserve C. origin D. resource
Question 56. Cultural tourism contributes a lot to ______ positive and characteristic images of a region.
A. estimating B. forecasting C. anticipating D. projecting
xây dựng hình ảnh
Question 57. The two athletes closely ______ in terms of speed and endurance in the final leg.
A. matched TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG B. caught C. lasted D. picked
Question 58. He did not want a repeat ______ of the humiliating defeat he had suffered.
A. achievement B. accomplishment C. performance D. efficiency
Question 59. He tried to ______ his anger when hearing the stories.
A. comprise B. include C. consist D. Contain (kiềm chế)
Question 60. They declared bankruptcy when their company failed to ______ its debt obligations.
A. discharge (trả hết/ dỡ hang/thả…) B. Compose (sáng tác/ bình tĩnh) C. Dispose (vứt
bỏ/ sắp xếp) D. emit

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