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CONCEPT OF BONDS AND STOCKS - time remaining until maturity date

- time when bond was issued
Real Assets
 Call Date
- Tangible assets - for callable bonds
- Physical characteristics - can be redeemed by the issuer before
 Call Price
- amount issuer has to pay to call a callable
- Financial asset  Required Return
- Piece of paper representing a claim on an - rate of return the investor currently
asset requires on a bond
 Yield to Maturity
 Direct securities - earned if bought on current market price
- stocks and bonds - withheld until maturity
 Indirect securities  Yield to Call
- Par/ Face Value of a Bond, Coupon - hold until call
Rate, Coupon Payments - given that bond was called on call date
- derivatives, future and options  Stocks
- proof of ownership in biz
- Does not generate cashflow - on equity section on BS
 Book Value
- shown on the BS
Bonds  Market Value
- quoted in the market
- Represents debt
 Liquidation Value
- “Concept of bonds and stock”
- Process of wrapping up the business
- Long-term debt contract
 Fair Value/Intrinsic Value
- Issued by the borrower to the lender - value of working asset future cashflow
(calculated and summed up)
- undervalued
Types of Bonds

 Debentures
- unsecured (no asset backing) II. TIME VALUE OF MONEY
 Mortgage Bond Interest
- secured by real property (i.e., bond,
house) - Received from lending money
- Price a borrower must pay for credit

Bond Valuation
Length of Time
 Bonds
- long-term securities - The more interest gains
- issued by corp. or govnt.
 Coupon Payment
- periodic interest payments Present Value
- interest paid semi-annually until maturity
 Coupon Rate - Less than future amount
- Fixed
- expressed as a percentage the bond face
value Future Value
- interest cost issued to the issuer
- Greater than present amount
 Par/Face Value
- amount of money paid to the bondholders
at maturity
- amount of money borrowed by bond issuer Risk and Return
 Maturity Date
- Safe peso is worth more than risk peso
- date on which the bond matures
- Cost of money
 Original Maturity
- Demander of funds must pay - All investment and securities have certain
amount of risk

Interest Rate
- Expected average inflation over the life of the
- Applied to debt instruments (bank loans or
investment or securities

Default Risk Premium

Required Return
- Risk that a company might get bankrupt or
- Applied equity required (common stock – give
closedown and bonds or shares issued may
investors ownership stake in issuer) collapse
- Charged by investor as compensation against
Portfolio Diversification

- How to select diff. investment options to

reduce risk of losing invested money Maturity Risk Premium

- Linked to the life security

- Longer than maturity period, the higher the
Hedging and Risk Management maturity risk premium
- Strategy of risk management employed by
investor to reduce/minimize chances of loss
Liquidity Risk Premium

- General tendency investors prefer shot-term

Insurance securities (more liquid securities)
- Effective tool used to manage risk

Sovereign Risk Premium

Economic Theory - Risk of govnt. deposit on debt because of
political/econ turmoil, war, etc..
- Said that, “interest rate is an equilibrium price
- Linked to foreign exchange (f/x) depreciation
expressed in percentage term (demand and
and devaluation
supply of funds or Capital)

Risk-Free Interest Rate (RF)


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