Effective Pulsed Neutron Logging in Both Tubing and Casing For Brown Field

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Effective Pulsed-Neutron Logging in both Tubing and Casing

for Brown Fields

M L Sanni, S McFadden, Shell Pet Dev Co Nigeria, S Kimminau Shell International,
P Wanjau, L. Silipigno, Schlumberger Sugar Land, B. Roscoe, Schlumberger Ridgefield.


Reliable logging in both tubing and Initial field trials inside two tubulars
casing in Niger-Delta oilfields has concentrated on establishing fluid
allowed bypassed oil to be found and contacts on an empirical basis, while a
produced for very low costs, typically research program provided both Monte-
less than 1 dollar per barrel. Fields in the Carlo modeling data and a laboratory
Niger-Delta often consist of a stack of characterization database. Laboratory
many “completable” reservoirs, each data have been acquired in 68
seldom more than a few hundreds of feet conditions, characterizing tubing sizes
thick, but together stretching over of 2 3/8 and 3.5 in. within 8.5 and 12
several thousands of feet vertically. In in. boreholes. A software job planning
most completions many potential tool calculates carbon-oxygen yields and
reservoir intervals are behind both statistical precision under a variety of
casing or liner and at least one string of completion conditions, allowing the
tubing. optimal data acquisition program to be
planned. Interpolation between different
Cased-hole logging provides completion cases is not automated
information on fluid contact movements because of the sparsity of the
and thus reservoir connectivity during measurements and the complexity of the
the production life; it has identified completion geometry, but a library of
bypassed oil previously thought to have well-characterized cases allows inter-
been developed by existing producers comparison.
and, conversely, unperforated sands
being drained via neighboring Field results have been encouraging,
reservoirs. Carbon-oxygen logging with more than 70 percent of cases
through both casing and tubing became clearly indicating fluid contacts that
possible in 1991 with the introduction of have subsequently been proven by re-
a 1 11/16 in. OD tool. However, the tool completion. The new characterizations
was originally intended to be conveyed and their inclusion in the planning
through tubing on its way to an interval database are currently under field test.
with a single casing or liner below the
tubing shoe, and it had not yet been
characterized for logging inside two
steel tubulars.

INTRODUCTION formation surrounding the borehole. The
borehole effects are largely compensated
Pulsed-neutron logging is today the by a time-based processing system(4).
primary means of identifying unswept PNS logs on the other hand record a
and bypassed hydrocarbons in producing spectrum which comes simultaneously
oilfields all over the world. The theory from both the borehole and the
of operation of such devices is explained formation, and respond to carbon and
in detail in standard texts(1). Two basic oxygen atoms in both regions.
elements are critical to the successful
application of this technique in the Effective pulsed-neutron logging
Niger-Delta: the availability of a 1- through tubing and casing in the Niger
11/16-in. OD carbon-oxygen log, and Delta requires a tool capable of both
the response characterization for PNC and PNS carbon-oxygen
through-tubing-and-casing conditions. measurements, packaged in 1 11/16-in.
OD, posessing accurate characterization
Pulsed neutron logs fall into two main of the tool response in these special
categories; pulsed-neutron capture, or conditions so that formation carbon
PNC logs, which have been available for content, and hence oil saturation, can be
many years in 1 11/16-in. (42mm) OD, determined accurately enough to
but which suffer from reduced unambiguously detect unswept oil, or
sensitivity in low or variable water- conversely to show its absence.
salinity environments, and pulsed-
neutron spectrometry, or PNS logs, RESERVOIR CONNECTIVITY IN
which measure the carbon-cxygen (C/O THE NIGER DELTA
ratio) and are insensitive to water
salinity, but due to technical reasons Typical Niger-Delta oilfields consist of a
have not historically been available in stack of many “completable” reservoirs,
diameters smaller than about 3 inches. each seldom more than a few hundreds
of feet thick, but together stretching over
In 1991 a new PNS carbon-oxygen tool several thousands of feet vertically. In
became available(2,3) in 1 11/16-in. OD, most completions many potential
making logging through both casing and reservoir intervals are behind both
tubing possible. However, the tool was casing or liner and at least one string of
originally intended to be conveyed tubing. If reservoir connectivity were
through tubing on its way to an interval reliably known, location of unswept
with a single casing or liner below the reserves would be a much easier task,
tubing shoe, and it had not yet been for example evidence of water
characterized for logging inside two production at an up-dip sand would
steel tubulars. provide conclusive evidence that down-
dip sands had already been swept.
PNC logs are relatively insensitive to the Conversely evidence that a down-dip
steel borehole contents because they sand is still oil-bearing leads to the
respond mainly to the thermal neutron conclusion that up-dip sands are still
capture die-away time in the rock unswept and are targets for re-

completion. Without absolutely reliable characterization data can also be
reservoir connectivity data, a very large obtained through nuclear Monte-Carlo
uncertainty exists in knowledge of modeling methods, although some
reservoir drainage patterns. difficulties remain with the absolute
accuracy of prediction of this technique.
Cased-hole logging provides Several factors contribute to
information on fluid contacts in each inaccuracies, the most important of
well logged. Measurements made over which is the problem of modeling the
time reveal movements and thus fine details of detector response. The
reservoir connectivity during the effectiveness of Monte-Carlo can be
production life. Accurate and reliable greatly improved if “benchmark”
OWC (Oil-Water Contact) data can laboratory data is available, that is data
identify bypassed oil previously thought sets which are measured sufficiently
to have been developed by existing “close” in completion parameter space
producers and, conversely, unperforated to assume an acceptable degree of
sands being drained via neighboring similarity across typical porosity
reservoirs. The Niger-Delta examples variations encountered in a well.
show both cases, allowing recovery of
previously unswept oil, and also Why then is the through-tubing-and-
avoidance of water-swept zones. Figure casing situation so difficult to
1 illustrates a case in which a thin shale characterize? One simple reason is the
separates two sands, but it is continuous fact that two borehole fluids, or even
and impermeable enough to prevent mixtures, are now involved; the
vertical sweep between the two sands. production tubing contents and the
Figure 2 illustrates another case, in tubing-casing annulus contents. Carbon-
which the lower sand is in vertical oxygen logs have different sensitivities
communication with the upper sand to fluids in the different regions.
(which is being produced in another Another complication is that the tubing
well), although in this case the shale is may be centered or eccentered within
thicker, and might have been thought to the casing. In some cases two tubing
be an effective seal. strings are present in the casing.
Benchmark carbon-oxygen
measurements through both casing and
SPECIAL CHARACTERISATION tubing were carried out at the
Schlumberger Environmental Effects
Some log measurements (such as Calibration Facility (EECF), Houston,
resistivity) have responses which can be Texas.
calculated for many environments by the
use of precise and completely Two typical completions were identified
characterized physical models. Nuclear and constructed for use with existing
logs in general, and PNS logs in EECF neutron tank formations. Figure 4
particular, must be characterized for a shows a side-view schematic of a single
given environment, typically through tubing inside the casing in an EECF
laboratory measurements. Useful neutron tank, with the 1 11/16-in. OD

carbon-oxygen tool inside the tubing. Figures 6 and 7 show the corresponding
The tool was eccentered in the tubing results for 3 1/2-in. tubing in 9 5/8-in.
during all measurements. For the single casing. Again, the two rhomboids
tubing measurements, the tubing was labeled “No Tubing” are the same in
positioned both centered and eccentered each diagram and are the same as are
in the casing. For the dual tubing published in standard response charts,
measurements, the tubing axes were serving as a reference for the other two
positioned at the 1/3 and 2/3 points of cases. As expected, the environmental
the inner casing diameter. effects are much larger than in the case
Measurements were made in a total of of smaller tubing and casing. Whilst the
68 combinations of fluids and tubing responses seen in Figures 5 and 6 could
positions. These are summarized in be “re-normalized” if sands with known
Table 1, and the computed or inferred saturation are used as a
carbon/oxygen ratios are plotted in reference, it can be seen that these
Figures 5 to 8. The fluid endpoints effects in larger diameters imply
represented in the figures are: WW - significant changes in response.
water in borehole and water in the
formation, OW - oil in borehole and Response rhomboids such as these have
water in the formation, WO - water in previously been published in response
the borehole and oil in the formation, charts, (only for the single-casing
and OO - oil in the borehole and oil in situation), but a new software job
the formation. planning tool calculates carbon-oxygen
yields and statistical precision under a
PNS RESPONSE IN BOTH TUBING variety of completion conditions,
AND CASING allowing the optimal data acquisition
program to be planned. For the multiple-
Figures 5 and 6 show results obtained in tubing completion geometry,
a single 2 3/8-in. tubing within a 7-in. interpolation between different
casing. The two rhomboids labeled “No completion cases is not automated
Tubing” are the same in each diagram because of the sparsity of the
and are the same as are published in measurements and the complexity of the
standard response charts. They serve as completion geometry, but a library of
a reference for the other two cases in well-characterized cases allows inter-
each figure, which show the effect of comparison.
centered and eccentered tubing. As one
might expect, the tubing measurements NIGER-DELTA APPLICATION
show a reduced carbon sensitivity in oil- AND RESULTS
filled tubing (Figure 6). It is also
interesting to note that the extra tubing Figure 3 shows analysis of a carbon-
steel around the tool produces a oxygen log in a typical Niger-Delta well
noticeable offset in the zero-carbon with two sands presented within the
(water-water) case. logged interval. These sands were
interpreted from open hole logs to share
a common original OWC close to the

bottom of the lower sand. An RST-A* ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
log run in both 2 3/8-in. tubing and 7-in.
casing has been interpreted to show that The authors wish to thank Shell
two different current Oil-Water contacts Petroleum Development Company of
are present, and hence that the shale Nigeria and Schlumberger Oilfield
between the sands is acting as a vertical services for permission to publish the
flow barrier. Note that although the log examples and RST* characterization
characterization is not yet perfect data. Personal thanks are due to Mr Ton
(mismatches can be seen between the Loermans of SPDC who initiated and
original saturation in unswept zones), it supported much of the work, and to
is nevertheless quite “fit-for-purpose” to professor Max Peeters, formerly of
achieve the objective of locating Shell, and now professor of petrophysics
unswept oil, especially with regard to re- at Colorado School of Mines.
*Mark of Schlumberger


Application of pulsed neutron 1. Well Logging for Earth Scientists, Chapter

hydrocarbon-water contact logging in 13- Pulsed Neutron Devices, pp281-304,
Niger-Delta reservoirs has been Darwin V Ellis, Elsevier New York 1987.
encouraging, with more than 70 percent 2. “A New Through-Tubing Oil-Saturation
Measurement System,” B A Roscoe, R A
of cases clearly indicating fluid contacts Adolph, Y Boutemy, J C Cheeseborough, J
that have subsequently been proven by S Hall, D C McKeon, D Pittman, B Seeman,
re-completion. Finding and production and S R Thomas, paper SPE 21413
costs are very low, typically less than 1 presented at the SPE Middle East Oil Show,
Bahrain, 16-19 November 1991.
dollar per barrel.
3. “A New Compensated Through-Tubing
Carbon/Oxygen Tool for use in Flowing
Through tubing and casing carbon- Wells,” H D Scott, C Stoller, B A Roscoe,
oxygen log laboratory data have been R E Plasek, and R A Adolph, paper MM,
acquired in 68 conditions, characterizing presented at the SPWLA 32nd Annual
tubing sizes of 2 3/8 and 3.5-in. within Logging Symposium, June 16-19, 1991.
8.5 and 12 in. cased boreholes, 4. “Improved Pulsed Neutron Capture Logging
With Slim Carbon-Oxygen Tools:
respectively. The new characterizations Methodology,” R E Plasek, R A Adolph, C
and their inclusion in the planning Stoller, D J Willis, E E Bordon and M G
database are currently under field test. Portal, paper SPE 30598 presented at the
SPE Annual Technical Conference and
exhibition, Dallas, USA, 22-25 October


Configuation 1 8 ½ in. Borehole / 7 in. Casing / No Tubing (33 p.u. Sandstone Formation)
Configuation 2 8 ½ in. Borehole / 7 in. Casing / Single 2 3/8 in. Tubing (33 p.u. Sandstone Formation)
Configuation 3 8 ½ in. Borehole / 7 in. Casing / Dual 2 3/8 in. Tubing (33 p.u. Sandstone Formation)
Configuation 4 12 in. Borehole / 9 5/8 in. Casing / No Tubing (33 p.u. Sandstone Formation)
Configuation 5 12 in. Borehole / 9 5/8 in. Casing / Single 3 ½ in. Tubing (33 p.u. Sandstone Formation)
The tool is positioned eccentered in tubing 1 throughout
Note: Water* Fresh water, 0 kppm
Config Tubing 1 Tubing 1 Tubing 2 Tubing 2 Borehole Fluids1 Formation
Positions Fluids Position Fluids Fluids
1 Water* Oil Water* Oil

2 CEN2 ECC3 Water* Oil Water* Oil Air Water* Oil

3 1/34 Water* Oil 2/34 Water* Oil Water* Oil Water* Oil

4 Water* Oil Water* Oil

5 CEN2 ECC3 Water* Oil Water* Oil Air Water* Oil

1) When tubings are present, ‘Borehole’ refers to tubing - casing annulus

2) CEN = Centralized
3) ECC = Eccentralized
4) In the dual tubing configurations, each tubing axis is positioned at 1/3 and 2/3 of the inner casing diameter
1 11/16” OD C/O Tool Eccentered in Tubing

Single Tubing Eccentered in Casing

Formation Flush
Formation Material

Casing and Cement Sheath

Formation Drain

Borehole Fill & Drain


Fig. 4 Neutron Laboratory Measurement Formation Schematic

Sand 1

Sand 2

Original OWC

Thin Shale Separates Sands 1 & 2

Sand 1

Sand 2

Different OWCs

Figure 1. Thin shale between sands 1 & 2 does act as a flow barrier,
PNS log in a well shows different OWCs due to production.

Sand I

Sand II
Original OWC

Thick Shale Separates Sands I & II

Sand I

Sand II
Same OWCs

Figure 2. Thick shale between sands I & II surprisingly does not act as a
flow barrier, PNS log shows same new OWCs.

Caliper GR Carbon-Oxygen Analysis





6 Caliper 0 NCOR 0.5 Fraction

0 Gamma Ray 150 0 FCOR 0.5

Figure 3. Field example logged in both tubing and casing (2 3/8 inch tubing
in 7 inch casing, 8.5 inch open hole. Note the clear indication of two
different OWCs in the two sands and the remaining oil targets, as well as
the imperfect but fit-for-purpose analysis (based upon normalisation).

Measured Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Response in Single 2 3/8" Waterfilled Tubing.
8 1/2 in. Borehole, 7 in. Casing, 33 p.u. Sandstone Formation

Far Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio




0.1 No Tubing

Eccentered Tubing
Centered Tubing

-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Near Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio

Fig. 5: Carbon/Oxygen response in single 2 3/8 in. water filled tubing, 7 in. casing, 8 ½ in. hole

Measured Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Response in Single 2 3/8" Oilfilled Tubing.

8 1/2 in. Borehole, 7 in. Casing, 33 p.u. Sandstone Formation


Far Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio


0.3 OW OW


0.1 No Tubing

Eccentered Tubing
Centered Tubing

-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Near Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio

Fig. 6: Carbon/Oxygen response in single 2 3/8 in. oil filled tubing, 7 in. casing, 8 ½ in. hole

Measured Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Response in Single 3 1/2" Waterfilled Tubing.
12 in. Borehole, 9 5/8 in. Casing, 33 p.u. Sandstone Formation


Far Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio




WO No Tubing

0 Centered Tubing

Eccentered Tubing
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Near Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio

Fig. 7: Carbon/Oxygen response in single 3 1/2 in. water filled tubing, 9 5/8 in. casing, 12 in. hole

Measured Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Response in Single 3 1/2" Oilfilled Tubing.

12 in. Borehole, 9 5/8 in. Casing, 33 p.u. Sandstone Formation


Far Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio




WO No Tubing

WW Centered Tubing
0 WW

Eccentered Tubing
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Near Detector Carbon/Oxygen Ratio

Fig. 8: Carbon/Oxygen response in single 3 1/2 in. oil filled tubing, 9 5/8 in. casin
g, 12 in. hole


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