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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and

R069 Market and pitch a business proposal
Set Assignment
* 1 4 2 9 7 8 1 5 9 1 *

Give to candidates on or after 1 June 2023.

Valid for assessment in the January and June 2024
assessment series.

• Read the information for teachers before delivering this set assignment.

• The total mark is 60.
• This document has 22 pages.

YOU CAN PHOTOCOPY ALL OF THIS MATERIAL. Any photocopying will be done
under the terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 solely for the purposes
of assessment.

Any reference to existing companies or organisations is entirely coincidental and is not

intended as a depiction of those companies or organisations.

DC (CJ) 335845 [603/7093/2] OCR is an exempt Charity

OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal 1

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Information for Teachers......................................................................................................................3
Scenario for the Assignment................................................................................................................4
Your Tasks and Marking grids..............................................................................................................5
Task 1 – Developing a brand...................................................................................................................5
Task 2 – Create a promotional campaign for your business proposal.....................................................7
Task 3 – Develop a pitch for your proposal.............................................................................................8
Task 4 – Pitch your business proposal to an audience.........................................................................10
Task 5 – Reflect on your pitch and business proposal..........................................................................12
Marking Criteria Command Words....................................................................................................14
Practice Pitch Feedback Form – Task 3 (Part Two)..........................................................................17
Teacher Observation Record..............................................................................................................19
Teacher Observation Record Guidance Notes.................................................................................21

2 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Information for Teachers

You must:
• Use this set assignment for summative assessment of students.
• Familiarise yourself with the Assessment Guidance relating to the tasks. This is with the unit
content in Section 4 of the Specification.
• Read and understand all the rules and guidance provided in Section 6 of the Specification
before your students complete the assignment and you assess the set assignment.
• Make sure that completion of the set assignment and assessment fully adheres to the rules and
guidance provided in Section 6 of the Specification.
• Ensure that students use the business proposal developed for R068 for this assignment.
• Give students the Enterprise and Marketing Student guide to NEA assignments before they start
the assignment.
• Allow students approximately 10–14 guided learning hours (GLH) to complete all tasks.
• Students must complete the Practice Pitch Feedback form provided for Task 3. A word version of
this document is available from the Teach Cambridge website.
• Complete the Teacher Observation Record provided for Task 4. You must adhere to the guidance
on page 23 when completing it. A word version of this document is available from the Teach
Cambridge website.

You must not:

• Modify this assignment.
• Use or modify this assignment for practice. Sample assessment material is provided for this
• Provide students with the assignment for R069 before students have completed R068.

OCR-set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal 3

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Scenario for the Assignment

Pitching your product proposal
You are a product designer and you have carried out market research to create a new product design
which you want to bring to market.

You are now ready to develop a brand for your product, make recommendations as to how to promote
it, and prepare a pitch to show an audience that your product proposal will be successful if introduced
to the market.

Your pitch will include:

• Your product design.
• Your brand personality.
• Your pricing recommendation.
• Your proposed promotional campaign.
• Any other relevant information from your findings in R068.

Important Advice:
• You will need to have completed the assignment for R068.
• Read through all the tasks carefully, so that you know what you will need to do to complete this
• Look at the marking criteria grids to see how the tasks will be marked. Your teacher can explain
the marking criteria if you need help.
• You will need to use relevant skills/knowledge/understanding from other units you have studied in
this qualification.
• You must use the Practice Pitch Feedback form and the Teacher Observation Record provided
for Tasks 3 and 4. You must adhere to the guidance given when completing the Teacher
Observation Record.

4 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Your Tasks and Marking grids

Task 1 – Developing a brand
Topic Area 1 is assessed in this task.

You have been asked to develop a brand identity for your product proposal. You may present your
work in any combination of formats, for example sketches, storyboard, mind map, written report. A
written report may be the most appropriate format of evidence where explanations, justifications, and
assessments etc. are required.

Part One – Assess the current market for your product proposal.

You must:
• Briefly outline your product design and target customer profile from R068.
• Research your competitors’ products to find out strengths, weaknesses and their unique selling
• Carry out an analysis of the opportunities and threats in the external environment.
• Based on your research and analysis, review the strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling
point of your product design.

Part Two – Develop a brand for your product proposal.

You must:
• Create a brand personality which considers:
□□ brand identity
□□ brand image
□□ three branding methods, to include a logo.
• Justify the combination of branding methods you have chosen to create your brand personality.
• Assess the likely success of your brand with reference to your target customer profile and market
research findings from R068.

 Total marks for Task 1: 12 marks

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© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Task 1 Tips
• A brief explanation of your product proposal and your target customer profile from unit R068 will
help refocus your mind.
• Brand personality is influenced by the brand identity, brand image and branding methods.
• In Part One make sure you research at least two competitors.
• When carrying out research make sure you use your own words and don’t copy and paste from
the internet.

Topic Area 1: Develop a brand identity to target a specific customer profile

MB1: 1–4 marks MB2: 5–8 marks MB3: 9–12 marks

Research into competitors’ Research into competitor’s Research into competitor’s
strengths, weaknesses and strengths, weaknesses and strengths, weaknesses and
their unique selling points is their unique selling points is their unique selling points is
limited. adequate. comprehensive.
A basic analysis of the external A sound analysis of the A comprehensive analysis
environment is carried out. external environment is carried of the external environment is
out, but may lack detail. carried out.
The review of the product’s The review of the product’s The review of the product’s
strengths, weaknesses and strengths, weaknesses and strengths, weaknesses and
their unique selling point is their unique selling point is their unique selling point is
limited. sound. fully considered.
Briefly describes branding Partly explains the combination Comprehensively justifies
methods. of branding methods. the combination of branding
Creates a brand personality Creates a brand personality Creates a brand personality
for their business proposal and for their business proposal for their business proposal
makes a basic case why the and makes a sound case why and makes a detailed case
chosen brand personality is the chosen brand personality as to why the chosen brand
likely to succeed, with limited is likely to succeed with personality is likely to succeed
or no reference to how the some reference to how the with full and clear reference to
brand appeals to the specific brand appeals to the specific how the brand appeals to the
customer profile. customer profile. specific customer profile.
If your work does not meet Mark Band 1 criteria, you will be awarded zero marks for this task.

6 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Task 2 – Create a promotional campaign for your business proposal

Topic Area 2 is assessed in this task.

You must:
• Explain the objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your promotional campaign.
• Create three different types of promotional materials to raise awareness of your product. The
types used must be a combination of digital and non-digital materials.
• Justify your choice of materials based on how well they complement each other and meet the
needs of your target customer profile.
• Produce a timeframe for your campaign and justify why it is appropriate.

You should demonstrate your ability to draw upon relevant skills, knowledge and understanding from
Unit R067, Topic Areas 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5.

 Total marks for Task 2: 9 marks

Task 2 Tips
• The three different promotional material types should be chosen from those taught in R067, Topic
Areas 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. They must include both digital and non-digital materials.
• You can present your promotional materials in any appropriate format, for example social media
posts/competitions, radio script, newspaper advert.
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be used to help you measure the success of your
promotional campaign. The KPIs are targets that you hope to achieve. You can compare the KPI
targets with the actual results from the promotional campaign at key points in time, e.g. every
month or every two months. One of your KPIs may be the number of people who view your social
media posts or number of people who enter a prize competition.
• The timeframe should be appropriate for the launch of a product and should show how long your
promotional campaign will last and how often you will use each of your methods of promotion.
This can be presented in any suitable format such as a timeline, list, Gantt chart.

Topic Area 2: Create a promotional campaign for a brand and product

MB1: 1–3 marks MB2: 4–6 marks MB3: 7–9 marks

Explanation of promotional Promotional objectives and Promotional objectives and KPIs
objectives and KPIs is basic. KPIs are partly explained. are comprehensively explained.
Basic digital and non-digital Adequate digital and Detailed digital and non-digital
materials are created to raise non-digital materials are materials are created to raise
awareness of the product, with created to raise awareness awareness of the product, and
limited or no reference to how of the product, with some includes clear evidence of how
they will work together, or to evidence that they will work they will work together coherently
their suitability to the needs of together coherently and and are fully appropriate to the
the target customer profile. are suitable for the target needs of the target customer
customer profile. profile.
Limited consideration is given Suitability of the timeframe for Suitability of the timeframe for
to the appropriateness of the the promotional campaign is the promotional campaign is
timeframe for the promotional partly considered. fully considered.
If your work does not meet Mark Band 1 criteria, you will be awarded zero marks for this task.

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© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Task 3 – Develop a pitch for your proposal

Topic Area 3 is assessed in this task.

You have been asked to prepare a pitch to explain why you think your product proposal will be
successful if introduced to the market. Your pitch will last 5–10 minutes. You must justify the following:
• Your product design.
• Your brand personality.
• Your pricing recommendation.
• Your proposed promotional campaign.
• Any other relevant information.

As the pitch is important to the future success of your product proposal, you need to plan and carry
out a practice pitch in front of an audience of your peers.

Part One – An explanation of the factors you must consider when planning for the pitch.

You must:
• Explain the factors that you need to consider when planning to deliver the pitch for your design:
□□ Objectives of the pitch.
□□ Venue.
□□ Audience.
□□ Use of appropriate media.
□□ Personal appearance.
• Produce a pitch and resources/supporting material to show that your business proposal will be
successful. This should include:
□□ A visual aid to help deliver your pitch e.g. presentation slides, flip chart.
□□ A second visual aid to hand out to your audience e.g. handouts, props, mood board from
R068, advert storyboard/mock-ups.
□□ Speaker notes/prompt cards.
□□ Identification of possible questions from the audience and suitable responses that you could
give to the questions.
□□ Any other relevant information.

Part Two – Carry out a practice pitch.

You must:
• Carry out a practice pitch in front of at least two of your peers. They should provide you with
some support, ask you relevant questions, and offer feedback on your pitch. They must provide
you with evidence of the feedback given on the OCR Practice Pitch Feedback form.
• Watch the practice pitch of at least one of your peers to provide support, ask relevant questions,
and offer feedback. You will need to provide evidence of the feedback you have given on the
OCR Practice Pitch Feedback form.

8 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Following the practice pitch, you must:

• Use the feedback received from your peers and your own judgement to:
□□ Reflect on, review and refine your personal pitching skills, your pitch plan and supporting
□□ Demonstrate the changes that you have made following the feedback from the practice
pitch, e.g. annotate the visual aids, handouts and other support materials prepared for the
practice pitch to show the changes made.

 Total marks for Task 3: 12 marks

Task 3 Tips
• Make sure you include some reference to your work from R068 (market research findings,
customer profile, product design and financial overview).
• Practise your pitch out loud to yourself to make sure it makes sense and you can keep to the
correct timings.
• Make sure you produce two supporting visual aids. A printout of the presentation slides can be
provided as a visual aid, but it will not count as a visual aid to hand out. The visual aid to hand
out could include props, a mood board from R068, advert storyboard/mock-ups.
• Annotate your practice pitch materials to show the changes that you have made.

Topic Area 3: Plan and pitch a proposal – Part One

MB1: 1–2 marks MB2: 3–4 marks MB3: 5–6 marks

Briefly explains factors for Adequately explains factors Comprehensively explains
consideration when planning a for consideration when factors for consideration when
pitch for a business proposal. planning a pitch for a business planning a pitch for a business
proposal. proposal.
Resources/supporting Resources/supporting Resources/supporting
materials produced are materials produced are materials produced are
superficial with limited adequate showing some detailed and fully tailored
thought to the needs of the thought has been given to the to the needs of the target
target audience. needs of the target audience. audience.
Responses to possible Responses to possible Responses to possible
questions that the audience questions that the audience questions that the audience
may pose are briefly may pose are adequately may pose are fully considered.
considered. considered.

Topic Area 3: Plan and pitch a proposal – Part Two

MB1: 1–2 marks MB2: 3–4 marks MB3: 5–6 marks

Basic or no support offered Some support offered to peers Effective support offered to
to peers during their practice during their practice pitch. peers during their practice
pitch. pitch.
Limited refinement of Sound refinement of pitching Fully refines pitching skills,
pitching skills, pitch plans and skills, pitch plans and pitch plans and supporting
supporting materials based on supporting materials based on materials based on feedback.
feedback. feedback.
If your work does not meet Mark Band 1 criteria, you will be awarded zero marks for this task.

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© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Task 4 – Pitch your business proposal to an audience

Topic Area 3 is assessed in this task.

Following the practice pitch you delivered in Task 3, you must pitch your business proposal to an
external panel who will decide whether or not they think your business proposal will be successful.
Your pitch must last 5–10 minutes.

In your professional pitch you must demonstrate:

• The use of appropriate media/visual aids/supporting materials.
• Effective presentation skills.
• Time management skills.
• Appropriateness of your pitch to meet the needs of the audience.
• Persuasiveness to encourage your audience to produce your product proposal.
• Ability to answer questions asked by your audience.

Your pitch will be carried out to an audience of at least two people, one of which may be your teacher
and the other will be independent of the class. If the panel is two independent people, your teacher
will still supervise your pitch.

Your evidence must include the Teacher Observation Form and any supporting materials or visual
aids you have used.

 Total marks for Task 4: 15 marks

Task 4 Tips
• Practise your amended pitch to familiarise yourself with the changes made, and remain within the
allocated time.
• Make sure you use two supporting visual aids. A printout of the presentation slides can count as
a visual aid but it does not count as a visual aid to hand out.

Topic Area 3: Plan and pitch a proposal

MB1: 1–2 marks MB2: 3–4 marks MB3: 5–6 marks

Visual aids, resources and Visual aids, resources and Visual aids, resources and
supporting materials are used supporting materials are used supporting materials are used
with limited effectiveness to with adequate effectiveness to with full effectiveness to aid
aid delivery of the pitch. aid delivery of the pitch. delivery of the pitch.
A basic outline of the business An adequate outline of the A comprehensive outline
proposal is presented using business proposal is presented of the business proposal is
limited presentation skills. using sound presentation presented using effective
skills. presentation skills.
If your work does not meet Mark Band 1 criteria, you will be awarded zero marks for this task.

10 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Topic Area 3: Plan and pitch a proposal

MB1: 1–3 marks MB2: 4–6 marks MB3: 7–9 marks

Demonstrates basic time Demonstrates sound time Demonstrates effective time
management skills. management skills. management skills.
Limited evidence of Some evidence of Clear evidence of
consideration given to tailoring consideration given to tailoring consideration given to tailoring
the pitch to meet the needs of the pitch to meet the needs of the pitch to meet the needs of
the audience. the audience. the audience.
Basic content in the pitch Adequate content in the pitch Clear and effective content
to persuade the business to to persuade the business to in the pitch to persuade the
produce the product. produce the product. business to produce the
Limited answers are given to Adequate answers are given Fully justified answers
questions posed. to questions posed. are given to questions
posed, demonstrating a full
understanding of the proposal
and potential issues raised.
If your work does not meet Mark Band 1 criteria, you will be awarded zero marks for this task.

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OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Task 5 – Reflect on your pitch and business proposal

Topic Area 4 is assessed in this task.

Now you have delivered your professional pitch, you must reflect on the whole experience by
reviewing your pitching skills, brand and promotional campaign as well as your product proposal for
R068. Within your reviews you should use a range of sources of evidence.

These must include:

• Self-assessment.
• Feedback from others.
• Your personal reflections following the practice and professional pitch.

Part One – Carry out a review of your pitching skills.

You must:
• Review your performance after completing your professional pitch. Within your review you must
explain your strengths and areas for development. You must include the following aspects:
□□ Verbal communication (e.g. clarity, tone of voice, voice projection, use of formal/informal
language, pace).
□□ Non-verbal communication (e.g. body language, posture, eye contact, confidence, visual
aids, gestures).
□□ Visual aids (e.g. design, amount of content, appropriateness).
□□ Time management.
□□ Ability to answer questions from the audience.
□□ Value of rehearsing and practising your pitch.
□□ Feedback received from others.

Part Two – Carry out a review of the likely overall success of the business proposal using a range of

You must:
• Review your business proposal, identifying strengths and areas for development. You must
review the following aspects:
□□ Costs for your product proposal (Unit R068, Task 5, plus your knowledge from Unit R067,
□□ Relevance and appeal of your brand (Unit R069, Task 1) to your identified customer profile
(Unit R068, Task 2).
□□ Suitability of the brand personality to your product proposal (Unit R069 Task 1).
□□ Your promotional campaign (Unit R069, Task 2).
□□ Your promotional materials (Unit R069, Task 2) and the approximate costs of producing
• Explain the likely overall success of your product proposal.
• Assess future developments/recommendations for further refinement of the brand and
promotional campaign.

 Total marks for Task 5: 12 marks

12 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Task 5 Tips
• Ensure you consider all bullet points in both Part One and Part Two.
• When reviewing your pitch, brand personality and promotional campaign, ensure you consider
both strengths and areas for development.
• In Part Two you should refer to your product proposal from R068 as well your brand personality
and promotional campaign from this unit.

Topic Area 4: Review a brand proposal, promotional campaign and professional pitch

MB1: 1–4 marks MB2: 5–8 marks MB3: 9–12 marks

A basic review of own A sound review of own A comprehensive review
pitch/pitching skills is pitch/pitching skills is of own pitch/pitching skills
completed. Strengths and completed. Strengths and is completed. Strengths
areas for development areas for development and areas for development
regarding the pitch/pitching regarding the pitch/pitching regarding the pitch/pitching
skills are briefly described. skills are adequately skills are fully explained.
A basic review of your A sound review of your A comprehensive review
business proposal is completed business proposal is completed of your business proposal is
using a limited range of using a range of evidence. completed using a range of
evidence. evidence.
The likely success of the The likely success of The likely success of
business proposal is briefly the business proposal is the business proposal is
explained. adequately explained. comprehensively explained.
Strengths and areas for future Strengths and areas for future Strengths and areas for future
development of your business development of your business development of your business
proposal are briefly described. proposal are adequately proposal are comprehensively
explained. assessed.
If your work does not meet Mark Band 1 criteria, you will be awarded zero marks for this task.

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© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Marking Criteria Command Words

The tables below show the descriptor words that will be used in the marking criteria grids. They
explain the type of evidence that you should expect to see to meet each descriptor word.

Mark Band (MB1) Words:

Word Meaning

• Work includes the minimum required. It is a starting point

but is simplistic and not developed.
Basic • Understanding and skills are applied in a way that partly
achieves the wanted or intended result, but it would not be
useable without further input or work.
• Work includes a small number of relevant facts or concepts
but lacks detail, contextualisation or examples.
• The student can perform a task when given regular
assistance or help.
• Work produced is restricted or narrow. It includes less
Few than half of the information or examples expected for a full
• Outputs are produced but with great expense or effort
Inefficient because of poor organisation or design and not making the
best use of available resources.
• Work produced is restricted in range or scope and includes
only some of the information required. It evidences partial
Limited rather than full understanding.
• Work produced is a starting point rather than a developed
process, concept or output.

Minimal • Includes very little in amount or quantity required.

• Includes a small number of relevant parts, which are not

related to each other.

Superficial • Work completed lacks depth and detail.

14 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Mark Band (MB2) Words:

Word Meaning

• Work includes the appropriate number of relevant

Adequate(ly) facts or concepts but does not include the full detail,
contextualisation or examples.
• The student can perform a task with occasional assistance
or help.
• To some extent but not completely.
• Work produced is inclusive in range and scope. It
evidences a mainly developed application of understanding,
performance or output needed.
• Work produced results in a process, concept or output that
would be useable for its purpose.
• Work produced is inclusive but not fully comprehensive. It
Some includes over half the information or examples expected for
a full response.
• Valid, logical, shows the student has secured most of the
relevant understanding, but points or performance are not
Sound fully developed.
• Applies understanding and skills to produce the wanted or
intended result in a way that would be useable.

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OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Mark Band (MB3) Words:

Word Meaning

• Acting or performing with care and precision.

• Correct in all details.
• Work produced is fully comprehensive and wide‑ranging.
All It includes almost all, or all the information or examples
expected for a full response.

Clear(ly) • Focused and accurately expressed, without ambiguity.

• Includes many relevant parts, all of which relate to each

other logically.
• The work produced is complete and includes everything
required to show depth and breadth of understanding.
Comprehensive(ly) • Applies the understanding and skills needed to successfully
produce the wanted or intended result in a way that would
be fully fit‑for‑purpose.
• A level of performance which does not vary in quality over
• Objective analysis and evaluation in order to form: a
Critical judgement, evaluation of the evidence or effective trouble
shooting/fault finding.

Detailed • Gives point by point consideration of all the key information.

• Applies the skills required to the task and is successful in

Effective producing the desired or intended result.
• The work produced is effective in relation to a brief.
• Able to produce results or outputs with the minimum
Efficient expense or effort, because of good organisation or design
and making the best use of available resources.
• Work produced is comprehensive in range and scope. It
evidences a fully developed application of understanding,
Full(y) performance or output needed.
• Work produced results in a process, concept or output that
would be fully fit‑for‑purpose.
• The student can perform a task without assistance or
reliance on others.

Justify/Justified • The reasons for doing something are explained in full.

Most(ly) • Includes nearly all of what is expected to be included.

• Includes many relevant details, examples or contexts; all of

Wide (ranging)
which are fully detailed, contextualised or exemplified.

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OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Practice Pitch Feedback Form – Task 3

(Part Two)
This form is to be used to record what has been observed during the delivery of the practice pitch in
Task 3. The pitch should be to at least two other students.

Student name
(delivering the pitch):
Qualification: OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing
Unit number and title: Unit R069: Market and pitch a business proposal

Topic Area 3: Plan and pitch a proposal

Date of practice pitch:

Description of activity being carried out by the student:

When giving feedback to the student delivering the practice pitch, you should ensure your feedback
covers the following areas:
• Verbal skills – Consider how clearly the student could be understood (both volume and the
pace of their speech) and whether the sort of language they used was appropriate for pitching
a business proposal.
• Non-verbal skills – Consider body language, eye contact, posture, hand gestures etc.
• Use of notes or prompts.
• Use of visual aids or presentation software – was their use of this effective?
• Did the student project a confident image?
• Did they seem enthusiastic?
• Was the student persuasive?
• Was the pitch appropriate to the audience that they will be delivering to?
• Did they get across enough information about the product in the time available?
• Did they manage their time effectively? Was the pitch between 5–10 minutes long (excluding
• Did they give enough time to answer questions? Were they able to answer the questions

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Reviewer name:


18 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

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OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Teacher Observation Record

Please read the guidance notes on page 21 before completing this form.

Student name:
Qualification: OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing
Unit number: R069
Unit number and title:
Unit title: Market and pitch a business proposal
Pitch your business proposal to an audience
Activity observed:
Task 4
Date activity completed:
Additional evidence
(see guidance notes):
Pitch to an external panel of at least two people. One can be the teacher, at least one must be an
independent witness
witness 1 name: Job role:

witness 1 signature: Date:

witness 2 name: Job role:
witness 2 signature: Date:
Number of people on external panel

Length of presentation (in minutes):

The student evidenced the following presentation skills:

Pitching/presentation skill: Basic/ Mostly Professional/
Limited Effective/ Comprehensive/
Adequate Well developed
Personal appearance to demonstrate the intended image
Verbal skills (e.g. clarity, tone of voice, voice projection,
pace, formal/informal language, persuasiveness)
Non-verbal skills (e.g. body language, posture, eye
contact, confidence, pace, gestures)
Use of notes/cues
Use of appropriate visual aids/media
Self-confidence, enthusiasm, self-belief
Targets the needs and desires of audience
Conveys the required information regarding the product
Time management (delivery took between 5–10 minutes)
Able to respond to questions from the panel

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OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

How did the student complete the activity?
Your response must provide details of what the student did and how this relates to the
relevant marking criteria. The student’s mark for the activity does not need to be recorded here.

I agree with my teacher’s description of how I completed this activity.

Additional student comments:

Student signature: Date:

Teacher signature: Date:

Teacher name:

20 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

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OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Teacher Observation Record Guidance Notes

The class teacher, independent witness(es) and student being observed are responsible for
completing this form.

External panel
• Should be at least two people.
• One can be the class teacher (but does not have to be) the other must be (or both can be)
independent of the class.
• When there are two independent witnesses, the teacher will still supervise the pitch.
• The independent witness(es) could be: another teacher who does not teach that class; an
external business person; a school governor, a member of the school leadership team. This list is
not exhaustive, but it should not be another student.

An independent witness should be a suitable person who may have competence or knowledge in
carrying out business presentations. They will need to be able to judge the presentation skills and
performance of the student and discuss their judgements with the teacher.

The Teacher Observation Record is used by the teacher to detail the observations of a student
completing the pitch. The teacher must detail how and where the student completed their pitch,
including reference to relevant marking criteria, this will be informed by discussion with the
independent witness(es). The evidence provided must be individual to the student.

The Teacher Observation Record is also used to show that the student agrees with the teacher’s
assessment of this activity.

The information given by the teacher must be shared with the student for the student to agree, or
otherwise. If the student does not agree with the teacher’s and/or other panel member(s)’ comments,
they must have the chance to talk about these further with the teacher to reach an agreed outcome
before the work is submitted for moderation.

Both the teacher, the independent witness(es) and student must sign and date the form to provide
evidence of this agreement.

Additional evidence of the student completing the activity (e.g. presentation, handouts or any
recording) must also be provided with the form.

Teacher Observation Records must:

• describe what the teacher and/or the independent witness(es) observed the student doing
• include how well the activity was completed and the reasons for this judgement with reference to
the marking criteria
• include confirmation from the student that they agree with the comments and reasons
• be accompanied by additional evidence as required of Task 4.

Teacher Observation Records must not:

• be a simple repeat of the marking criteria
• be completed by anyone but the class teacher, the independent witness(es) and the student
completing the activity
• be written by the student for the teacher to sign
• contain just a list of skills
• be used to evidence the achievement of a whole unit or task in isolation.

OCR-set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal 21

© OCR 2023
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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22 OCR‑set Assignment Unit R069 – Market and pitch a business proposal

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