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Colegio Pedro Juan Caballero

TP: 5 PC:
1. Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”:

cat and horse………… Mary…………… Tom ……………

Jack and I ………….. book …………. sister ………….

2. Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

1. onion. (+) 4. İzmir.....................a city. (+)

2. Jasmine................a student. (-) 5. He ……… a postman. (+)
3. We..............friends. (+) 6. It................nine o’clock. (+)
3. Build up sentences:

1. Mike / drummer (-) Mike isn’t a drummer…………...................

2. Charlie and Chris / policemen(+) ………………………
3. Danny and Rick / singers (-)………………………………..

4. Choose the best answer:

a. Maggie and Carol................good friends.

i. am b) are c) is d) isn’t

b. Sue........a science teacher.

i. are not b) is c) are d) am

c. Mark Steven …… a student at Kennedy High School. It… old school.

i. am / is b) are / is c) is / am d) is / is
5. Change the sentences into questions:

Example: I am an engineer. ……Am I an engineer?……….

1. You are ill. …………………………………………………..

2. Linda is a pretty girl. …………………………………………………..
3. Belinda is a singer. …………………………………………………..

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