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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.

Agreement Number: 22-78002-000

Exhibit A, Scope of Work



A. Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc., hereafter referred to as Contractor, agrees to provide

Forensic Conditional Release Program (CONREP) services for Sexually Violent Predators (SVP)
(as defined in Section 6) to the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) pursuant to the terms and
conditions of the Agreement.


A. The services shall be performed for DSH at the following locations:

DSH-Atascadero DSH-Coalinga
10333 El Camino Real 24511 West Jayne Avenue
Atascadero, CA 93423-7001 Coalinga, CA 93210
DSH-Sacramento DSH-Patton
1215 O Street 3102 East Highland Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814 Patton, CA 92369
Contractor's business address, and any additional site(s) as determined by Contractor.


A. The CONREP SVP program operates 24 hours, 7 days a week. Contractor must be available to
fulfill this obligation. Treatment and administrative services shall be provided during normal
business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except State holidays. Contractor
shall maintain a 24-hour phone line for emergency contact and keep the DSH informed of any
changes to that number


A. The project representatives during the term of this Agreement will be:

Contract Manager:
Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Section/Unit: Community Forensic Section/Unit: CACONREP-SVP
Partnerships Division (CFPD)
Conditional Release Program
Attention: Deirdre M. D’Orazio, Ph.D. Attention: Adam Deming
Address: 1215 O Street, MS-9 Address: 401 E. City Ave, Suite 820,
Sacramento, CA 95814 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: (916) 708-8597 Fax: (916) 654-2111 Phone: (610) 668-8800 Fax: (610) 667-5559
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

Administrative Contacts (all administrative inquiries should be directed to):

Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Section/Unit: Community Forensic Section/Unit:
Partnerships Division (CFPD) CACONREP-SVP
Conditional Release Program
Attention: Ashley Tennyson Attention: Adam Deming
Address: 1215 O Street, MS-9 Address: 401 E. City Ave, Suite 820
Sacramento, CA 95814 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: (916) 651-1373 Fax:(916) 654-2111 Phone: (610) 668-8800 Fax: (610) 667-5559
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Either party may make changes to the contact names or information above by giving written
notice to the other party. Said changes shall not require an amendment to this Agreement.


A. Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 4360 (a) and (b), the DSH operates the
CONREP. Through contracts with private providers or counties, the DSH provides a statewide
system of community mental health treatment and supervision to the designated population of
judicially committed individuals, including those committed pursuant to the following Penal Code
(PC) and Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) sections: Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (PC
1026/WIC 702.3), Incompetent to Stand Trial (PC 1370), Mentally Disordered Sex Offender (former
WIC 6316), Offender with a Mental Disorder (PC 2972) and Offender with a Mental Disorder (PC
2964(a)) and SVPs (WIC 6604), hereinafter referred to as “CONREP patients.”

B. Contractor shall provide forensic treatment services statewide to CONREP SVPs pursuant to the
CONREP Policy and Procedures Manual. Services shall also be performed at some or all of the
DSH hospitals, on an as needed basis. These services shall be forensic treatment services with a
focus on relapse prevention, supporting patient recognition of patterns that lead to offenses and
development of alternative behaviors.


A. Contractor acknowledges it has received a copy of the CONREP Policy and Procedures Manual,
Volume I and II (Manual) and has had an opportunity to review the terms and provisions of the
Manual and consult with independent counsel. Contractor agrees to the terms and conditions of the
Manual and that the terms and conditions of the Manual are incorporated into this Agreement. The
meanings of the terms and requirements in this Agreement, unless otherwise defined in this
Agreement, are defined in the Manual. In the event of an inconsistency between the Manual,
attachments, specifications or provisions which constitute the Agreement, the following order of
precedence shall apply:

i. Standard Agreement, STD 213; and

ii. This Exhibit A – Scope of Work, including specifications incorporated by reference; and
iii. All attachments incorporated in the Agreement by reference, and
iv. CONREP Policy and Procedure Manual, Volume I and II (the “Manual”)

The Manual, as referenced in this Agreement, may be amended by the DSH from time to time.
Contractor shall operate CONREP in accordance with the Manual, including any future
amendments to the Manual. The DSH shall provide Contractor with notice of any amendments to

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

the Manual. From the effective date of any amendment, Contractor shall follow the amendments
required by any change in California statute or regulation. For all other amendments, Contractor
shall present any of Contractor's concerns to the DSH within ten (10) business days from the date
of notification, this does not relieve Contractor from adhering to any amendment, unless agreed
upon in writing by the DSH. The DSH and Contractor shall negotiate, in good faith, changes to the

B. Contractor shall provide services consistent with the CONREP Clinical Treatment Required
Services (hereinafter referred to as the Required Services). Contractor shall provide the specific
Required Services at least at the minimum frequency and duration as indicated in Section F.

C. Prior to, and as part of performing the Required Services, Contractor shall assess each patient’s
functioning and risk and determine the appropriate Required Service Care Level from one of the
following Care Levels: Intensive, Supportive, or Transitional.

D. Should the Contractor, in its professional judgment, determine that services are needed for a
particular patient less frequently than outlined in Section F, Contractor must obtain prior written
approval from the DSH for a waiver of Required Services before deviating from the levels of service
indicated in Section F.

E. Should the Contractor, in its professional judgment, determine that services are needed for a
particular patient more frequently than outlined in Section F, for the purposes of this Agreement,
such services shall be considered Supplemental Services.

F. Contractor shall provide the following Required Services, as outlined in the Manual:

i. Forensic Individual Contact:

a. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per month with a minimum of forty-five (45) to a
maximum of sixty (60) minutes per session for patients receiving services at the
Intensive Care Level.

b. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per month with a minimum of forty-five (45) to a
maximum of sixty (60) minutes per session for patients receiving services at the
Supportive Care Level.

c. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per month with a minimum of forty-five (45) to a
maximum of sixty (60) minutes per session for patients receiving services at the
Transitional Care Level.

ii. Group Contact:

a. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per month with a minimum of sixty (60) to a
maximum of one-hundred-twenty (120) minutes per session for patients receiving
services at the Intensive Care Level.

b. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per month with a minimum of sixty (60) to a
maximum of one-hundred-twenty (120) minutes per session for patients receiving
services at the Supportive Care Level.

c. Contractor shall provide four (4) service per month with a minimum of sixty (60) to a
maximum of one-hundred-twenty (120) minutes per session for patients receiving
services at the Transitional Care Level.
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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

iii. Case Management:

a. Contractor may provide up to ten (10) hours per week / forty (40) hours per month at
fifteen (15) minutes per session for patients receiving services at the Intensive Care

b. Contractor may provide up to five (5) hours per week / twenty (20) hours per month at
fifteen (15) minutes per session for patients receiving services at the Supportive Care

c. Contractor may provide up to two (2) hours per week / eight (8) hours per month at
fifteen (15) minutes per session for patients receiving services at the Transitional Care

iv. Travel:
a. Contractor shall track all staff time traveling and associated mileage supporting
required and supplemental services.

v. Surveillance:
a. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per year, with a minimum of one (1) to a
maximum of four (4) hours per service, documented in fifteen (15) minute increments per
session for patients receiving services at the Intensive or Supportive Care Levels.

b. Contractor shall provide two (2) services per year, with a minimum of one (1) to a
maximum of four (4) hours per service, documented in fifteen (15) minute increments per
session for patients receiving services at the Transitional Care Level.

vi. Home Visits:

a. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per month with a minimum of sixty (60) to a
maximum of one-hundred-twenty (120) minutes per visit for patients receiving services
at the Intensive Care Level.

b. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per month with a minimum of sixty (60) to a
maximum of one-hundred-twenty (120) minutes per visit for patients receiving services
at the Supportive Care Level.

c. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per month with a minimum of sixty (60) to a
maximum of one-hundred-twenty (120) minutes per visit for patients receiving services
at the Transitional Care Level.

vii. Collateral Contact:

a. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per month, which may be in conjunction with a
Home Visit, with a minimum of fifteen (15) to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes for phone,
or a minimum of thirty (30) minutes to a maximum of two (2) hours for face-to-face
contacts for patients receiving services at the Intensive Care Level.

b. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per month, which may be in conjunction with a
Home Visit, with a minimum of fifteen (15) to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes for phone,
or a minimum of thirty (30) minutes to a maximum of two (2) hours for face-to-face
contacts for patients receiving services at the Supportive or Transitional Care Levels.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

viii. Substance Abuse Screening:

a. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per month with a minimum of fifteen (15)
minutes per session for patients receiving services at the Intensive Care Level.

b. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per month with a minimum of fifteen (15)
minutes per session for patients receiving services at the Supportive or Transitional Care

ix. Assessment (Dynamic Risk):

a. Contractor shall provide two (2) services per year for patients receiving services at the
Intensive, Supportive or Transitional Care Levels.

x. Polygraphic Assessment Monitoring/Maintenance:

a. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per year (quarterly) for patients receiving
services at the Intensive Care Level.

b. Contractor shall provide two (2) service per year for patients receiving services at the
Supportive or Transitional Care Levels.

xi. Polygraphic Assessment Sexual History:

a. Contractor shall provide one (1) service for any patient who does not have a Sexual
History Polygraph in their file.

xii. Abel Screen/Penile Plethysmography (PPG) Assessment:

a. Contractor shall provide one (1) service of either an Abel Screen or Penile
Plethysmography (PPG) per year for patients receiving services at the Intensive,
Supportive or Transitional Care Levels.

xiii. Global Position Satellite (GPS) Data Review:

a. Contractor shall review GPS data once per day (one (1) service per day) for patients
receiving services at the Intensive, Supportive or Transitional Care Levels. GPS alerts
shall be handled by the on-call staff when received after hours.

xiv. Community Safety Team:

a. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per month for patients receiving services at the
Intensive, Supportive or Transitional Care Levels.

xv. Annual Case Review (Assessment):

a. Contractor shall provide one (1) service per year for patients receiving services at the
Intensive, Supportive or Transitional Care Levels.

xvi. Court Reports – Community Outpatient Treatment (COT) Patients:

a. Contractor shall provide four (4) services per year (quarterly) for patients receiving
services at the Intensive, Supportive or Transitional Care Levels.

xvii. Community Program Director (CPD) and Clinical Administration Regional Meetings and
Forensic Training:
a. Contractor's CPD shall attend the Forensic CONREP Annual Training; there shall be one
(1) per year. The Contractor’s clinical staff may attend, as deemed appropriate by CPD.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

G. As part of the Required Services, Contractor shall complete a state hospital liaison visit and report
at least once for each patient assigned to Contractor. For those patients in Modules 2, 3 and 4, a
state hospital liaison report shall be completed every six (6) months. Pursuant to WIC6608(f) orders
from the court, the hospital liaison visit and reports may need to be completed outside of the six (6)
month or “at least once” schedule. The visits shall be conducted either on-site or by teleconference
or videoconference. Contractor shall, at a minimum, review all patients' medical records and
treatment plans; conduct face-to-face meetings with patients; consult with each patient’s inpatient
treatment team; and conduct an assessment of each patient’s treatment progress and readiness for
treatment in the community, including identification of specific barriers to community treatment.
Contractor shall provide written reports which detail the specifics of the hospital liaison visits within
forty-five (45) days after the visit. Contractor shall complete the visits at the DSH state hospital in
which the patient resides. Contractor shall have a monitoring system to ensure report completion
and timely submission to the DSH.

H. Contractor acknowledges that, in addition to other auditing and/or compliance-review rights retained
by the DSH under this Agreement, the DSH may monitor the Contractor for compliance with
administration and treatment of CONREP patients comprising the caseload. When requested, the
Contractor is expected to show documentation of caseload compliance for any given time period,
which may include, but not be limited to time sheets for employees, scheduled appointments for
each employee, patient records, or other method to validate percentages of time dedicated to
CONREP. Contractor acknowledges that this information may be compared to the contracted

I. Contractor agrees that the DSH shall have access to facilities, programs, documents, records, staff,
patients, or other material or persons the DSH deems necessary to perform monitoring and auditing
of services rendered, in its sole and absolute discretion.

J. Contractor further acknowledges that while the DSH may monitor Contractor program operations to
determine compliance with DSH policies, regulations, statutes, the Manual, and contract
requirements, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for its compliance with State and Federal
laws applicable to operating a CONREP Program and shall seek its own legal counsel for advice on
these laws.

K. Contractor shall assist as needed in obtaining psychiatric service providers, adhere to the Manual,
and support and facilitate participation in a Psychopharmacological Consultation System when
required, but shall not provide medical services, unless approved by the DSH.

L. Program Administration – as part of the services provided:

i. Contractor shall administer the CONREP Program serving the designated population in
accordance with WIC Section 4360 (a) and (b), as noted in this Agreement.

ii. Contractor shall nominate a qualified Community Program Director, who shall be responsible for
case management, placement evaluations, and who shall serve as the court liaison.

iii. Contractor shall have an internal Policy and Procedure Manual which shall reflect operations
and incorporate the Manual and shall provide a copy to DSH upon request.

iv. Contractor shall establish and maintain effective working relationships with the judiciary, District
Attorneys, Public Defenders, Parole Agents, and local law enforcement officials and other
entities involved with the management of sex offenders in the community.
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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

v. Contractor shall have a monitoring system to ensure the Required Services are provided at the
minimum frequency and duration as indicated in Section F of this Agreement, unless otherwise
approved by the DSH, in accordance with the patient’s Care Level.

M. Community Outpatient Treatment Admission and Assessment Process – as part of the services

i. Contractor shall develop recommendations to the Courts for admission of prospective

CONREP patients.

ii. Contractor shall develop written “Terms and Conditions of Release to Outpatient Treatment”
that are specific to each patient.

iii. Contractor shall work with the California Forensic Assessment Project (CFAP) panel to
complete all required assessments, when a CFAP assessment is requested for a patient
receiving outpatient services in CONREP SVP. The Contractor shall assist in informing the
patient, making the patient available for the appointment and provide all required information
to the CFAP panelist.

N. As part of the services provided:

i. Contractor shall develop, review, and revise individual wellness and recovery treatment plans
for each CONREP patient at least annually, through multidisciplinary treatment team
consultation, and in collaboration with the patient.

ii. Contractor shall provide staffing coverage 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week and shall
respond to Special Incidents and law enforcement issues. The Contractor shall maintain the
capacity to arrange for/or provide emergency transportation of CONREP patients in response to
any and all Special Incidents or any law enforcement issue when needed.

iii. Contractor shall provide treatment to follow the Risk, Needs, Responsivity/Forensic Focus
model in the context of a wellness and recovery approach to care. The Community Safety Team
will allow the use of the Containment Approach/Collaboration Model.

iv. Contractor shall provide forensic interventions, including documentation, to address patient-
specific criminogenic risk factors, including identification of warning signs, precursors, criminal
thinking styles and patterns, and high-risk conditions/situations.

v. Contractor shall provide mental health treatment to support individualized recovery and address
a patient’s understanding of and ability to live with chronic mental illness, including necessity of
medication compliance.

vi. Contractor shall provide psycho-educational training to address coping and social skills related
to time management, goal-setting, consequential thinking, stress management, anger
management, and safety issues related to any history of trauma, interpersonal communication,
conflict resolution, activities of daily living, job skills, and recreation skills.

vii. Contractor shall provide substance abuse treatment, including monitoring for abstinence from
prohibited substances, psycho-education regarding co-occurring substance use and psychiatric
disorders, relapse prevention, and integration into community resources, including self-help
groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.
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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

viii. Contractor shall provide interventions consistent with the psychological and cognitive level and
learning style of the CONREP patient, including but not limited to:

a. Interventions that are trauma-informed and support safety and stability.

b. Interventions that are gender-responsive.

c. Interventions that are culturally appropriate and sensitive to a diversity of cultures.

d. Interventions that are consistent with the cognitive challenges associated with
developmental conditions (i.e., specifical learning disabilities), acquired conditions (i.e.,
traumatic brain injury), and chronic mental illness.

O. Contractor shall provide the following reports – as part of the services provided:

i. Contractor shall develop and submit quarterly, four (4) per year, Progress and Annual
Dispositional Reports to the Courts. Contractor shall have a monitoring system to ensure report
completion and timely submission to the Courts.

ii. Contractor shall develop and submit pre-placement evaluations.

iii. Contractor shall complete annual case reviews by multidisciplinary staff, including the treating
psychiatrist/physician if they are directing psychiatric and/or hormonal intervention, resulting in
updated treatment goals and objectives in patient’s individualized wellness and recovery
treatment plan; disposition recommendations to the Courts in the annual reports; and
modification of the patient’s “Terms and Conditions of Outpatient Treatment.”

iv. Contractor shall develop discharge plans and Community Aftercare Plans for CONREP SVP
patients receiving Transitional Levels services.

P. Contractor shall provide the following services related to a patient’s possible Revocation/Re-

i. Contractor shall provide an explanation of the reason(s) as well as the process of revocation/re-
hospitalization to CONREP patients prior to requesting revocation/re-hospitalization.

ii. Contractor shall complete the appropriate re-hospitalization and revocation paperwork with
specific justifications/clinical rationale that address public safety considerations.

iii. Contractor shall cooperate with law enforcement agencies, Parole Agents, Court officials, and
the DSH to ensure continuity of care of CONREP patients during the revocation/re-
hospitalization process.

Q. Contractor shall provide the following services related to patient grievances:

i. Upon admission/re-admission, Contractor shall provide an orientation and education on the

patient grievance process for each CONREP patient.

ii. Contractor shall post the CONREP Patient Grievance Process as outlined in the Manual,
section 1470, Outpatient Treatment Operations: Patient Rights and Protection Issues, in each
clinic in a visible location in an area commonly used by CONREP Patients.
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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

iii. Annually, Contractor shall review the grievance process with each CONREP patient,
documenting the review in the patient’s chart. A standardized form for the patient to sign
annually, that the review has occurred, is acceptable documentation.

R. As part of the services provided, Contractor shall:

i. Provide clinical notes following any mental health service to include, but not be limited to,
services provided, patient’s response/interaction, specific problem behaviors, warning signs
and/or any pertinent observations, and actions taken in response to mental health services.
Clinical notes shall reflect that criminal history, mental illness and treatment plan goals were
addressed during service contacts.

ii. Maintain psychiatric documentation produced by the patient’s physician/Psychiatrist that

includes generic names of medications, dosage, route of administration, diagnosis, frequency of
administration, and refill numbers.

iii. Maintain CONREP patient records that include the State Hospital Liaison file and referral
packet; photo identification; current Terms and Conditions of Outpatient Treatment; copy of
Department of Justice Notice (DOJ) of Registration Requirement form SS8047; quarterly and
annual court progress reports; personal belongings designation form; clinical and medical
information, including required chart notes; CFAP report and current Annual Case Review;
Individual Risk Profile form; positive toxicology results; polygraph results/reports; Patient
Transaction form; and current court Minute Order.

iv. Maintain a Special Incident file that is separate from the CONREP patient record.

v. Maintain a hospital liaison file for each state hospital patient receiving liaison visits, which is
incorporated into the patient record once the patient is admitted to CONREP outpatient

vi. Retain monthly reports on urine drug screen laboratory test results for twelve (12) months.

vii. Retain CONREP patient criminal history summaries in a secure file separate from the CONREP
patient record.

viii. Maintain a voter registration form, Tarasoff documentation, family/victim correspondence,

identification of other individuals’ names and psychological records, including prior client
profiles, raw test data, test results, HCR-20 and any other coding sheets, and PCL-R scoring
summaries in a file separate from a patient’s record.

ix. Complete Patient Transaction Form, MH1716, and enter patient status information into the
CONREP Data System within required timeframes. Patient admissions, transfers, and AWOL
(Away Without Leave) status shall be entered the same day or first business day after the event.
Patients who are on Not Available and on discharge status shall be entered within three (3)
business days of occurrence.

x. Contractor shall enter monthly fiscal and Required Services data into the CONREP Data
System on delivery of services by the 15th of each month following the month of service.
Contractor shall contact DSH prior to the 15th of each month following the month of service if
data cannot be entered by the required timeframe. Additional time may be authorized by DSH
on a case by case basis.
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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

S. Contractor shall provide the following services, as part of the services provided, related to
Credentialing/Staff Training and Supervision:

i. Unless granted a waiver pursuant to WIC 5751.2, and the “Waiver of License Process” outlined
in the Manual, Contractor shall ensure that all treatment services are performed by staff
licensed, credentialed, and/or certified as is appropriate to the scope of their practice, and in
accordance with the laws and regulations of California. Such licensure shall be maintained in
good standing and without conditions at all times. Contractor shall not allow any person to
practice in CONREP whose license is currently revoked or suspended for any reason.

ii. Upon becoming aware that charges have been filed with the licensing authority regarding any
person working in a CONREP Program, the Contractor shall immediately inform the Contract
Manager of the charges and the status of the licensee both with regard to the licensing authority
and nature of the employment with the Contractor. Contractor should inform the Contract
Manager of relevant stages of the investigation and disposition of the charges.

iii. Contractor shall complete comprehensive law enforcement background checks of its staff as set
forth in the Manual with ongoing recertification through California Department of Justice
Information Bulletins and updates.

iv. Contractor shall provide orientation, training and clinical supervision of program staff on an as-
needed basis on forensic issues, risk assessment, substance abuse screening, infection control,
and provision of care.

v. Contractor shall attend one (1) DSH sponsored Forensic Training per year, as determined by
the DSH.

T. Contractor shall provide the following Pre-placement Services to DSH SVP patients prior to their
potential release as CONREP Patients. Pre-placement client is defined as a client whose WIC6608
petition has been granted and is ordered into conditional release under the treatment and
supervision of the contractor. The Contractor shall provide these services in an effort to achieve a
safe and sustainable reintroduction into the community, and to find appropriate housing preferably
securing permanent housing, prior to Court ordered conditional release of an SVP Patient.

i. Pre-placement Hospital Meetings: Meetings with hospital staff and physicians to discuss
conditional release out-patient requirements, health and safety, geographic, logistical, life
support and other considerations to be met prior to conditional release.

ii. Pre-placement Client Interview: Meetings with the prospective CONREP Patients to discuss
conditional release out-patient requirements, health and safety, geographic, logistical, life
support and other considerations to be met prior to conditional release.

iii. Pre-placement Court Recommendations: Develop and present detailed information to the
court regarding the timing, suitability and outpatient life support, housing and other
resources available for a potential patient’s conditional release and make practicable
recommendations regarding potential Court actions.

iv. Pre-placement Community Resources: Efforts to identify all available community resources
and how they may be utilized for the patient’s success reintroduction into the community.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

v. Pre-placement Contact Vested Parties: Contact and applicable required communication to

all vested third parties regarding the pending conditional release of SVP patients.

vi. Pre-placement Court Hearing: Attendance and participation in Court Hearings regarding the
conditional release of an SVP patient.
vii. Pre-placement Housing Search: Efforts to locate and secure appropriate housing and life
support resources for the pending release of SVP patient.

viii. Pre-placement Reports to Court: Research, development and filing of any required Court
reports regarding the pending release of an SVP patient.

U. Supplemental Services

i. Should the Contractor, in its professional judgment or due to a court order, determine that
services are needed for a particular patient more frequently than outlined in Section F, such
services shall be considered, and hereinafter referred to as, “Supplemental Services”.
Additional services that are classified as Supplemental Services are as follows:

a. Lab (Medical Need)

b. Translation Services

c. Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM Bracelet)

d. Endocrinology

e. Bone Density Testing

f. Lupron Therapy

g. Psychiatric Practice - Progress Note (Follow Up)

h. Psychiatric Practice – Admission/Initial

i. Psychiatric Practice – Annual Note

j. Polygraph- Special Incident

k. Hospital Liaison Visits

l. Life Support- Housing

1) Requires Contractor authorization via form DSH 1804-SVP for initial usage, housing hold
and/or increases,

2) Requires Contractor authorization via form DSH 1804-SVP for high cost housing
enhancements as ordered by the court or as Contractor deems appropriate for the safety
of the client.

3) Includes pre-placement payments for housing holds for clients ordered by the court into
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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

4) Includes housing holds for clients during revocation or rehospitalization process until
process is finalize and client is ordered returned to residence or revoked.

5) All costs must be reasonable and housing holds shall be for a reasonable period of time,
with a maximum of 120 days from the initial authorization. Subsequent requests can be
made by Contractor for extension of the hold.

m. Life Support - Medical

n. Life Support- Other (Includes Personal and Incidental (P&I)- requires authorization from
DSH CONREP for extraordinary use of Life Support funds for other purposes

o. Transient Housing and Enhanced Supervision (Requires DSH authorization).

Enhanced Supervision Patient is a subcategory of outpatient in which the patient is released

transient without a permanent address and is temporarily housed in motels requiring
increased supervision by Contractor staff or a patient released with a fixed residence
requiring increased supervision by Contractor staff. Levels include:

1) Level 1: Requires highest level of Contractor staff supervision with two (2) staff 24 hours
a day, seven (7) days a week for patient

2) Level 2: Requires a reduced level of Contractor staff supervision with one (1) staff 24
hours a day, seven (7) days a week for patient

3) Level 3: Requires a more reduced level of Contractor staff supervision with one (1) staff
less than 24 hours a day, (7) days a week for patient

4) Level 4: Requires lowest level of Contractor staff supervision with one (1) staff less than
24 hours a day for patient

p. Security Services

In order to comply with court orders requiring security services or for circumstances where
Contractor may determine a client requires a higher level of security, Contractor shall
subcontract with one or more private security companies who possess the necessary
qualifications to provide security services to CONREP SVP clients in the community. If
Contractor is unable to fulfill this requirement for a particular case, Contractor shall request
assistance from DSH to use the CONREP contracted security services provider, if one is
under contract.

ii. Contractor shall enter monthly data into the CONREP Data System on delivery of approved
Supplemental Services by the 15th of each month following the month of services should the
Contractor, in its professional judgment, determine that services are needed.

V. Equipment

i. Contractor agrees, unless otherwise permitted by the DSH at its sole discretion, to lease all
equipment for program operations. All requests to purchase equipment instead of leasing shall
be submitted to the DSH Contract Manager in writing. At the conclusion of the contractual
relationship between the DSH and the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide a final inventory
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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

to the DSH that includes an inventory of all equipment purchased during the contract term. If
purchased with funds from the DSH, the DSH shall own the property and final disposition of
such equipment shall be handled at the discretion of the DSH.

ii. Should the Contractor, in its professional judgment, and with DSH written approval, determine
the need to use recreational vehicles (RV) or other habitable trailer for alternative client housing,
herein known as a housing vehicle, the Contractor agrees to purchase up to two housing
vehicles. A housing vehicle may include any combination of RVs or trailers necessary for
program operations. The Contractor agrees to maintain the housing vehicle in accordance to
the manufacturer’s recommended specifications. The Contractor agrees to maintain
appropriate insurance coverage(s) and require that all designated drivers are properly licensed
and insured. Contractor agrees that client will not be provided with keys or the ability to move
the housing vehicle, and only the Contractor's designated staff shall operate the housing
vehicle. At the conclusion of the contractual relationship between the DSH and the Contractor,
or such time as the housing vehicle is no longer needed and upon mutual agreement between
the DSH and the Contractor, the Contractor shall sell the housing vehicle at fair market value
and remit the proceeds from the sale to DSH as reimbursement. All costs associated with the
housing vehicle will be reimbursed to Contractor via Life Support funds and any sale proceeds
shall be remitted to the budget line item, Life Support, as a reimbursement.

W. The Contractor agrees, prior to entering into any agreement, to obtain prior authorization to move
the Contractor’s office location or perform office modifications involving construction where
CONREP services are provided. The Contractor shall submit in writing to the DSH Administration
and CONREP Operations, justification and estimated costs associated with the proposed move or
office construction.

X. Contractor agrees to notify the DSH one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the termination date of
the initial term and each subsequent extended term of any known changes to the rates or terms of
the Agreement which Contractor desires to have implemented with respect to the succeeding term.

Y. Contractor shall ensure that Contractor’s Employees shall be fluent in English. For the purposes of
this Agreement, fluent shall be defined as, “able to understand, speak and write in English in a
medical and non-medical environment, with full comprehension.”

Z. Contractor shall notify the DSH of any of his or her personnel, subcontractors, and anyone else
affiliated with this Agreement who is a retired California state employee (“R.E.”) prior to offering the
services of any R.E. to the DSH. Contractor represents and warrants it will not offer services to the
DSH in violation of Government Code Section 7522.56 or as it may be amended. Contractor shall
not offer the services of any R.E. within 180 days of the R.E.’s retirement from California State
service, unless notice of an exemption is received by the DSH. Contractor shall also not refer any
R.E. to the DSH who has worked more than 960 hours for the State in the State’s fiscal year of July
1 to June 30 (“Fiscal Year”). Contractor shall track the total number of hours each R.E. works for
the state each Fiscal Year and make this information available to the DSH in a quarterly report.

AA. Contractor shall participate in any job-related training provided or required by DSH.

BB. Contractor shall adhere to the payment schedule and budget for this Agreement as described in
Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions.

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

CC. Contractor and its subcontractors shall procure and keep in full force and effect during the term of
this Agreement all permits, registrations and licenses necessary to accomplish the work specified in
this Agreement, and shall give all notices necessary and incident to the lawful prosecution of the
work. Contractor shall provide proof of any such license(s) permits(s), and certificate(s) upon
request by the DSH. Contractor agrees that failure by itself or its subcontractors to provide evidence
of licensing, permits, or certifications shall constitute a material breach for which the DSH may
terminate this Agreement with cause.

DD. Contractor shall provide services as outlined in this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible to
fulfill the requirements of the Agreement and shall incur expenses at its own risk and invest
sufficient amount of time and capital to fulfill the obligations as contained herein.

EE. Contractor and its subcontractors shall keep informed of, observe, comply with, and cause all of its
agents and employees to observe and to comply with all prevailing Federal, State, and local laws,
and rules and regulations made pursuant to said Federal, State, and local laws, which in any way
affect the conduct of the work of this Agreement. If any conflict arises between provisions of the
plans and specifications and any such law above referred to, then the Contractor shall immediately
notify the state in writing.

FF. The DSH may terminate the Agreement pursuant to section 7 of Exhibit C if the Contractor or its
subcontractors fails to comply with a federal, state or local law and the noncompliance, based on
the facts and circumstances would constitute a material breach of this Agreement under California

GG. If services are provided on DSH grounds, then the Contractor shall participate in any of the DSH
workplace violence prevention, infection control-illness prevention, and workplace safety measures
or programs as may be required by DSH. This responsibility includes compliance with infection
control measures, use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as prescribed by DSH, attending
any and all related training or orientation to such measures or programs as may be required and
scheduled by the DSH. DSH will provide the Contractor with electronic versions of the DSH's
current Illness and Injury Prevention Plan (IIPP), Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP),
DSH Code of Safe Practices, and other appropriate documents to support worksite safety and
infection control.


A. The DSH shall provide orientation to the CONREP Program to Contractor’s staff which have not
received orientation previously, as designated by Contractor and at the discretion of the DSH. Such
orientation shall include an overview of state policy and procedures, the Manual and appropriate
statutes related to the Program.

B. DSH shall be responsible for the development and design of the Manual concerning program
operations, clinical treatment, and supervision services of the CONREP patient population
consistent with State and Federal laws and the DSH policies and procedures.

C. The DSH shall provide clinical and administrative direction and support to Contractor and oversight
of Program. Any direction, support, or assistance provided by the DSH shall not modify or absolve
the Contractor of its responsibilities under this Agreement.

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

D. Rights of the DSH to Perform Quality Assurance and Financial Audits/Reviews

i. The DSH may routinely evaluate the work performance of the Contractor, Contractor’s
personnel, subcontractors, or other parties associated with the Contractor to determine if the
DSH standards and departmental policies and procedures are being maintained. If it is found
that any party fails to perform or is physically or mentally incapable of providing services as
required by the Agreement, then that party shall not perform services for the DSH.
ii. The DSH may monitor and evaluate services provided in fulfillment of the requirements of this
Agreement, as detailed in Exhibit A. Such monitoring and evaluation may occur on a regular
cycle or as deemed necessary by the Contract Manager. The DSH retains sole and absolute
discretion in determining any such evaluation schedule.

iii. Inspections may be conducted by the DSH staff at any time during the Agreement term to check
on the quality of work. Payment shall not be provided for services deemed unacceptable by the
Contract Manager and/or their designee.

iv. The DSH may audit and examine Contractor’s records and accounts which pertain, directly or
indirectly, to services performed under this Agreement. The DSH may hire third parties to
perform the audit and examination, including but not limited to, accountants, consultants, or
service providers in the applicable field. Contractor shall cooperate fully with the audits and

v. If as a result of an audit and examination, the DSH is informed of underpayments or

overpayments, the DSH shall notify Contractor of the need for payment or reimbursement.
Upon receipt of a final audit report, Contractor has 30 days to reimburse any overpayment or to
dispute or challenge the report. Contractor and the DSH shall confer and negotiate in good faith
with respect to any disputed portion of the final audit report to reach agreement with respect to
adjustments, payments, and reimbursements.

vi. The DSH shall submit its findings to Contractor and establish a deadline for correcting any
deficiencies in fulfilling the obligations set forth in this section. Failure by the Contractor to
timely correct deficiencies shall be reason for termination of services under this Agreement.


a. Complete and Timely Provision of Services

i. Expectations: Contractor is expected to provide all services, including any and all required
reports, in a timely manner – in accordance with timelines established in Exhibit A, Scope of

ii. Penalties: Should Contractor not provide all services, including any and all required reports in a
timely manner, DSH may choose to terminate this Agreement. Additionally, the DSH may find the
contractor to be not responsible in provision of services and evaluate this in future contracting


The parties reserve the right to amend this Agreement by extending its term for two (2) additional
terms of up to two (2) years each, and to add funding sufficient for these periods. This right to
amend is in addition to the right to amend for other reasons contained in this Agreement or noted in
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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit A, Scope of Work

the solicitation that resulted in this agreement, if applicable. Any amendment shall be in writing and
signed by both parties, and be approved by the Department of General Services, if such approval is

Revision 12-9-2021

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions



A. Contractor shall submit all invoices not more frequently than monthly in arrears.

B. For services satisfactorily rendered, and upon receipt and approval of invoices submitted as
described herein, the DSH agrees to compensate Contractor in accordance with the rates specified
in Section 5, Budget Detail, DSH 7001-SVP.

C. Monthly, DSH will reimburse the Contractor at the corresponding Caseload Range- Monthly Cost
Per Client rate as specified in DSH 7001-SVP, Item 1 multiplied by the average number of clients
provided services for the billing month per the CRP 240-B-SVP (Average Daily Census of CONREP
Active Patients) report generated from the CONREP Data System. If the Average Daily Census
number for the billing month is not a whole number, then the Average Daily Census number for the
billing month shall be rounded down (.49 or below) or up (.50 or above) to the nearest whole
number and which is multiplied by the corresponding Caseload Range rate on DSH 7001- SVP.

D. Monthly, as applicable, the DSH will reimburse Contractor at the corresponding Pre-Placement
Client- Monthly Cost Per Client rate as specified in DSH 7001- SVP, Item 1 for each client in Pre-
Placement status, as defined in Exhibit A, Section 5, subsection T. For those clients in Pre-
Placement status less than the entire month, the Monthly Cost Per Client rate will be multiplied by
the unit or partial unit representing the number of days (see Exhibit B, Attachment I) the client is in
Pre-Placement status for the billing month. Each client serviced shall be billed separately and name
shall be referenced.

E. Monthly, as applicable, in addition to compensation set forth in Exhibit B Section 1C above, DSH
will reimburse Contractor at the corresponding Enhanced Supervision Client Add On Cost- Monthly
Cost Per Client rate as specified in DSH 7001- SVP, Item 1 multiplied by the unit or partial unit
representing the number of days (see Exhibit B, Attachment I) services were provided to the
Enhanced Supervision Client serviced in the billing month. Each client serviced shall be billed

F. Monthly, as applicable, DSH will reimburse the Contractor for actual Life Support and Security
Services Costs, detailed by client. Any Life Support reimbursements received on the client’s behalf
shall be entered into the data system to offset Life Support costs paid by DSH.

G. Reimbursement to the Contractor will be made by the Contractor generating and submitting the
Summary Claim for Reimbursement (CRP1701B) invoice in accordance with the provisions of
Exhibit A, Exhibit B and DSH 7001- SVP, which will calculate and total services for Exhibit B,
Invoicing and Payment items 1C-F. Reimbursement cannot exceed the fiscal year Total Annual
Budgeted contract amount.

H. Payment shall not be due until the later of: (a) The date of acceptance of goods or performance of
services; or (b) receipt of an accurate invoice.

I. The DSH is not responsible for services performed by the Contractor outside of this Agreement, nor
for services performed other than as outlined in Exhibit A, Scope of Work.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions

J. The DSH makes no guarantee, either written or implied, as to the actual amount of funds that will
be expended under this Agreement.

K. Contractor shall not bill or seek reimbursement from DSH for any goods or services if Contractor
received or will receive reimbursement or funding for such goods or services under any federal
program, such as the CAREs Act or FEMA disaster relief, except when Contractor has billed
Medicare and seeks the difference between the Medicare payment and the DSH contract price.


A. To expedite the processing of invoices submitted to the DSH for payment, all invoice(s) shall be
submitted to the DSH for review and approval at either:

Department of State Hospitals

Attention: Accounting Office
1215 O Street, MS-2
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]

B. Contractor shall submit one original and three copies of each invoice, unless emailed. Email is the
preferred method.

C. Contractor shall type, not handwrite, each invoice on company letterhead. The DSH may provide an
invoice template, if requested, which may be used in lieu of company letterhead.

D. Contractor shall clearly note Contractor’s name and address on each invoice. The name on the
invoice must match the Payee Data Record (Std. 204) and the name listed on this Agreement.

E. Contractor shall list and itemize in accordance with section 5, Budget Detail, all services or
deliverables provided on each invoice.

F. Contractor shall include the following on each submitted invoice:

i. Date(s) during which the services or deliverables were provided and the date in which the
invoice was generated.
ii. Agreement number, which can be found on the Standard Agreement Form (Std. 213).
iii. Small Business certification number, if applicable.
iv. Professional license number, if applicable.
v. Invoice total.
vi. Written proof of DSH’s approval as required by this Agreement for those services requiring
pre-approval, upon DSH request.

G. Contractor shall provide supporting documentation for actual expenses submitted for claim
reimbursement as determined by, and at the discretion of, DSH.


A. It is mutually agreed that if the Budget Act of the current year and/or any subsequent years covered
under this Agreement does not appropriate sufficient funds for the program, this Agreement shall no
longer be in full force and effect. In this event, the State shall have no liability to pay any funds
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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions

whatsoever to Contractor or to furnish any other considerations under this Agreement and
Contractor shall not be obligated to perform any provisions of this Agreement.

B. If funding for any Fiscal Year (FY) is reduced or deleted by the Budget Act for purposes of this
program, the State shall have the option to either cancel this Agreement with no liability occurring to
the State, or offer an Agreement amendment to Contractor to reflect the reduced amount.

C. If this Agreement overlaps Federal and State FY’s, should funds not be appropriated by Congress
or approved by the Legislature for the FY in which the Agreement was entered into, and/or any
subsequent years covered under this Agreement, the State may exercise its option to cancel this

D. In addition, this Agreement is subject to any additional restrictions, limitations, or conditions enacted
by Congress or the Legislature which may affect the provisions or terms of funding of this
Agreement in any manner.


A. Payment will be made in accordance with, and within the time specified in, Government Code
section 927, et seq.


A. The amount of this Agreement shall not exceed $22,226,112.31 at rates listed in this Agreement.

B. Charges shall be computed in accordance with the Exhibit B, DSH 7001-SVP. The major budget
categories include Client Costs Subtotal (line items 4a 1-3), Provisional Costs (line items 4b), Life
Support Costs (line item 4c) and Security Services Costs (line item 4d). The invoice submitted does
not have to reflect these major budget categories.

i. Requests for budget modification must be approved by DSH CONREP Operations and cannot
exceed the total Fiscal Year Total amount.

ii. The cost of each Budget Line Items category on DSH 7001-SVP may vary within each Fiscal
Year (FY) with DSH prior approval so long as the total Agreement amount for the FY is not
exceeded and cannot be due to a change in the Monthly Cost Per Client rate.

iii. Requests for disbursements of funds for the Provisional Costs, if available, must be submitted
by the Contractor with written justification and supporting documentation and approved by DSH
CONREP Operations. If use of Provisional Costs is not approved, a written explanation shall be
provided to the Contractor. The request and disbursement cannot exceed the Provisional Costs
fiscal year amount. Upon DSH approval, DSH will move the authorized monies into the
appropriate budget line item to allow for claim submission and reimbursement into the CONREP
Data System.

C. The DSH does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond
with any estimation provided in this Agreement, and reserves the right to omit portions of the
estimated amount of work as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the DSH. The estimates
listed on the DSH 7001-SVP are a good faith estimate and are not a guarantee of business and is
subject to change depending on fluctuation in patient population. The amounts indicated above will
be used solely for the purposes of encumbering funds. The DSH makes no guarantee, expressed
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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions

or implied for actual amount of work to be performed. However, the amounts contained in Exhibit B,
DSH 7001-SVP shall be binding for the term of this Agreement.

Should the DSH determine, in its sole discretion, that the estimated amount of work is insufficient to
meets the demands of patient care or otherwise meet the needs of the DSH, the parties may
amend this Agreement by adding additional funds at the same rates. Additionally, should the DSH
determine, in its sole discretion, that the estimated amount of work exceeds the demands of patient
care, the parties may amend this Agreement by reducing funding. This right to amend is in addition
to the right to amend for other reasons contained in this Agreement or noted in the solicitation that
resulted in this agreement, if applicable. Any amendment shall be in writing and signed by both
parties, and be approved by the Department of General Services if such approval is required.

D. At the sole discretion of the DSH and for the purposes of accounting, the DSH may adjust the total
proposed expenditure for each fiscal year as needed. In no event will this change the contract price
for the services actually rendered.

E. Contractor must submit all invoices within a reasonable time but, no later than twelve (12) months
from the date that services were provided. If Contractor fails to provide invoices within twelve (12)
months of the date services are rendered, the DSH may elect to reject the invoices for payment as
untimely and Contractor will be deemed to have waived any right to payment of the late invoices.

F. Travel Reimbursement

Travel reimbursement rates will be calculated in accordance with the California Department of
Human Resources (CalHR) Rules (Cal. Code of Regs., title 2, §§ 599.615 - 599.638.1) for non-
represented employees, and are subject to the following provisions:

i. Travel must be pre-approved by the DSH Contract Manager. Execution of this contract will
serve as approval to conduct travel as budgeted. All travel expenses are included in the
budgeted amounts listed on the DSH 7001-SVP.

ii. Travel shall be at the least expensive method available.

iii. Contractor must retain a Travel Expense Claim with receipts for each instance of expenses
for lodging, rental car, fuel for rental car, and parking and a copy of the travel itinerary is
required for all air travel.

iv. The time from when an individual leaves his or her office or residence and returns to his/her
office or residence shall be used in calculating per diem allowances.

Contractor must retain copies of all expense claim forms and receipts for at least three years from
the final payment of this contract in case of an audit. For an overview of CalHR’s travel
reimbursement program visit
reimbursements.aspx. For specific questions regarding which travel expenses are reimbursable,
contact the DSH Contract Manager.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions

Department of State Hospitals Forensic Services Conditional Release Program

DSH 7001 - SVP
Contractor Name: Liberty Healthcare of Budget Term: 7/1/2022-6/30/2024
California, Inc. Total Months per Fiscal Year: 12
1. Caseload Rates:
FY 22-23
Caseload Rate 8 Clients 9 Clients 10 Clients 11 Clients 12 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $35,558.95 $34,083.43 $32,607.91 $31,132.39 $29,656.88
Caseload Rate 13 Clients 14 Clients 15 Clients 16 Clients 17 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $28,867.32 $28,077.76 $27,288.21 $26,635.83 $25,983.46
Caseload Rate 18 Clients 19 Clients 20 Clients 21 Clients 22 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $25,331.08 $25,177.24 $25,023.39 $24,869.54 $24,585.43
Caseload Rate 23 Clients 24 Clients 25 Clients 26 Clients 27 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $24,301.32 $24,017.21 $23,721.89 $23,426.56 $23,131.24
Caseload Rate 28 Clients 29 Clients 30 Clients 31 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $22,884.09 $22,636.95 $22,389.81 $22,142.67

Enhanced Supervision Client Add On Costs

Service Type Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Monthly Cost Per Client $2,816.22 $84,796.17 $42,398.09 $21,199.04 $10,599.52

FY 23-24
Caseload Rate 8 Clients 9 Clients 10 Clients 11 Clients 12 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $37,336.89 $35,787.60 $34,238.31 $32,689.01 $31,139.72
Caseload Rate 13 Clients 14 Clients 15 Clients 16 Clients 17 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $30,310.69 $29,481.65 $28,652.62 $27,967.63 $27,282.63
Caseload Rate 18 Clients 19 Clients 20 Clients 21 Clients 22 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $26,597.64 $26,436.10 $26,274.56 $26,113.02 $25,814.71
Caseload Rate 23 Clients 24 Clients 25 Clients 26 Clients 27 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $25,516.39 $25,218.07 $24,907.98 $24,597.89 $24,287.80
Caseload Rate 28 Clients 29 Clients 30 Clients 31 Clients
Monthly Cost Per Client $24,028.30 $23,768.80 $23,509.30 $23,249.80

Enhanced Supervision Client Add On Costs

Service Type Placement Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Monthly Cost Per Client $2,957.03 $89,035.98 $44,517.99 $22,258.99 $11,129.50

2. Caseload Numbers:
Estimated Estimated
Average Pre- Enhanced
Average Average
Caseload Type Placement Supervision
Caseload Caseload
Clients Clients*
FY22-23 FY23-24
Estimated Caseload 27.0 27.0 12.0 4.0
* Part of Total Caseload number. Identified for calculating Enhanced Add On Cost

3. State Hospital Liaison Services by Clients:

Atascadero Coalinga Patton Total
a. No. Clients 1 538 1 540
d. No. Total Reports 1 538 1 540

Annual Budgeted FY22/23 Annual Budgeted FY23/24

4. Budget Line Items 7/1/2022-6/30/2023 7/1/2023-6/30/2024
a. Estimated Client Costs:
1) Caseload Cost $ 7,449,004.43 $ 7,821,454.65
2) Pre-Placement Client Costs $ 405,535.31 $ 425,812.08
3) Enhanced Supervision Client Add On Costs $ 476,978.46 $ 500,827.38
Client Costs Subtotal: $ 8,331,518.20 $ 8,748,094.11
b. Provisional Costs: $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
c. Life Support Costs: $ 1,706,000.00 $ 1,803,000.00
d. Security Services Costs: $ 750,000.00 $ 787,500.00
Fiscal Year Totals: $ 10,837,518.20 $ 11,388,594.11
Agreement Total: $22,226,112.31

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit B, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions

Attachment I

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions



A. Except for subcontracts identified in accordance with the solicitation, Contractor shall submit any
subcontracts in connection with this Agreement to the DSH for its prior written approval. No work
shall be subcontracted without the prior written approval of the DSH. Upon the termination of any
subcontract, the DSH shall be notified immediately. Any subcontract shall include all the terms
and conditions of this Agreement and its attachments.

B. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between the DSH
and any subcontractors, and Contractor is solely responsible for payment of any and all fees,
expenses, salaries and benefits of subcontractor. No subcontract shall relieve the Contractor of
its responsibilities and obligations hereunder. The Contractor is fully responsible to the DSH for
the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed
or acting as an agent by any of them. Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the DSH harmless
for any costs, losses or claims, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting from its


A. The DSH reserves the right to use and reproduce all publications, reports, and data produced or
delivered pursuant to this Agreement. The DSH further reserves the right to authorize others to
use or reproduce such materials, provided the author of the report is acknowledged in any such
use or reproduction.

B. If the publication and/or report are prepared by non-employees of the DSH, and the total cost for
such preparation exceeds $5,000, the publication and/or report shall contain the numbers and
dollar amounts of all agreements and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the publication
and report in a separate section of the report (Government Code section 7550).


A. If progress reports are required by the Agreement, Contractor shall provide a progress report in
writing, or orally if approved by the DSH Contract Manager, at least once a month to the DSH
Contract Manager. This progress report shall include, but not be limited to; a statement that the
Contractor is or is not on schedule, any pertinent reports, and any interim findings if applicable.
Contractor shall cooperate with and shall be available to meet with the DSH to discuss any
difficulties, or special problems, so that solutions or remedies can be developed as soon as


A. Upon request, Contractor shall meet with the DSH to present any findings, conclusions, and
recommendations required by the Agreement for approval. If set forth in the Agreement,
Contractor shall submit a comprehensive final report for approval. Both the final meeting and the
final report shall be completed on or before the date indicated in this Agreement.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions


A. The DSH’s staff shall be permitted to work side-by-side with Contractor’s staff to the extent and
under conditions as directed by the DSH Contract Manager. In this connection, the DSH’s staff
shall be given access to all data, working papers, etc., which Contractor seeks to utilize.

B. The Contractor shall abide by DSH’s written policy and procedures on "nepotism," which is
defined as "The practice of an employee using their influence or power to aid or hinder another in
the employment setting because of a personal relationship." Accordingly, Contractor shall not use
their influence or power to aid or hinder another in DSH's or Contractor's employment setting
because of a personal relationship. The Contractor shall disclose any personal relationship with
any current DSH workforce member by completing DSH 3215 Verification of Personal
Relationships and Hiring of Relatives. Contractor shall also disclose any personal relationships
with any current subcontractor(s)' workforce member.


A. Contractor shall not disclose data or documents or disseminate the contents of the final or any
preliminary report without written permission of the DSH Contract Manager. However, all public
entities shall comply with California Public Records Act (Government Code sections 6250 et seq.).

B. Permission to disclose information or documents on one occasion shall not authorize Contractor
to further disclose such information or documents on any other occasion except as otherwise
provided in the Agreement or required by law.

C. Contractor shall not comment publicly to the press, or any other media, regarding the data or
documents generated, collected, or produced in connection with this Agreement, or the DSH’s
actions on the same, except to the DSH’s staff, Contractor’s own personnel involved in the
performance of this Agreement, or as required by law.

D. If requested by the DSH, Contractor shall require each of its employees or officers who will be
involved in the performance of this Agreement to agree to the above terms in a form to be
approved by the DSH and shall supply the DSH with evidence thereof.

E. Each subcontract shall contain the foregoing provisions related to the confidentiality of data and

F. After any data or documents submitted has become a part of the public records of the DSH,
Contractor may at its own expense and upon written approval by the DSH Contract Manager,
publish or utilize the same data or documents but shall include the following Notice:


This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the Department of State Hospitals
(Department), but does not necessarily represent the views of the Department or any of its employees
except to the extent, if any, that it has formally been approved by the Department. For information
regarding any such action, communicate directly with the Department at P.O. Box 952050,
Sacramento, California, 94252-2050. Neither said Department nor the State of California, nor any
officer or employee thereof, or any of its contractors or subcontractors makes any warranty, express or
implied, or assumes any legal liability whatsoever for the contents of this document. Nor does any

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions

party represent that use of the data contained herein, would not infringe upon privately owned rights
without obtaining permission or authorization from any party who has any rights in connection with the


A. “Data” as used in this Agreement means recorded information, regardless of form or

characteristics, of a scientific or technical nature. It may, for example, document research,
experimental, developmental or engineering work; or be usable or be used to define a design or
process; or support a premise or conclusion asserted in any deliverable document called for by
this Agreement. The data may be graphic or pictorial delineations in media, such as drawings or
photographs, charts, tables, mathematical modes, collections or extrapolations of data or
information, etc. It may be in machine form, as punched cards, magnetic tape, computer
printouts, or may be retained in computer memory.

B. “Generated data” is that data, which a Contractor has collected, collated, recorded, deduced, read
out or postulated for utilization in the performance of this Agreement. Any electronic data
processing program, model or software system developed or substantially modified by the
Contractor in the performance of this Agreement at the expense of the DSH, together with
complete documentation thereof, shall be treated in the same manner as generated data.

C. “Deliverable data” is that data which under terms of this Agreement is required to be delivered to
the DSH. Such data shall be property of the State of California and the DSH.

D. Prior to the expiration of any legally required retention period and before destroying any data,
Contractor shall notify the DSH of any such contemplated action; and the DSH may within 30
days of said notification determine whether or not this data shall be further preserved. The DSH
shall pay the expense of further preserving this data. The DSH shall have unrestricted
reasonable access to the data that is preserved in accordance with this Agreement.

E. Contractor shall use best efforts to furnish competent witnesses to testify in any court of law
regarding data used in or generated under the performance of this Agreement.

F. All financial, statistical, personal, technical and other data and information relating to the DSH’s
operation, which are designated confidential by the State or the DSH and made available to carry
out the Agreement, or which become available to Contractor in order to carry out this Agreement,
shall be protected by Contractor from unauthorized use and disclosure.

G. If the DSH determines that the data and information are inadequately protected by Contractor or
its subcontractors, the DSH shall provide notice of its determination and Contractor and/or its
subcontractors shall improve the protections to the DSH’s satisfaction which shall be evidenced
by written approval of the protections implemented.


A. Each product to be approved under this Agreement shall be approved by the Contract Manager.
The DSH’s determination as to satisfactory work shall be final, absent fraud or mistake.

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions


A. Contractor’s key personnel as indicated in its proposal may not be substituted without the
Contract Manager’s prior written approval.


A. Notice to either party shall be given by first class mail, by Federal Express, United Parcel Service
or similar carrier, properly addressed, postage fully prepaid, to the address beneath the name of
each respective party. Alternatively, notice may be given by personal delivery by any means
whatsoever to the party and such notice shall be deemed effective when delivered.


A. All remedies afforded in this Agreement are cumulative; that is, in addition to every other remedy
provided therein or by law. The failure of the DSH to enforce any provision of this Agreement,
shall not waive its right to enforce the provision or any other provision of the Agreement.


A. Contractor shall not provide gratuities to any officer or employee of the DSH or the State to secure
an agreement or favorable treatment with respect to an agreement, the occurrence of which shall
constitute a material breach of this Agreement. The DSH, by written notice to the Contractor, may
terminate this Agreement with cause if it is found that gratuities were offered or given by the
Contractor or any agent or representative of the Contractor to any officer or employee of the State
or the DSH with a view toward securing an agreement or securing favorable treatment with
respect to the awarding, amending, or performance of such agreement.

B. In the event this Agreement is terminated as provided in the paragraph above, the DSH shall be
entitled (a) to pursue the same remedies against Contractor as it could pursue in the event of the
breach of the Agreement by the Contractor, and (b) as a predetermined amount of liquidated
damages, Contractor shall pay an amount which shall not be less than three times the cost
incurred by the Contractor in providing any such gratuities to any such officer or employee.

C. The rights and remedies of the DSH provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in
addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Agreement.

D. The Contractor warrants by execution of this Agreement that no person or selling agency has
been employed or retained to solicit or secure this Agreement for a commission, percentage,
brokerage or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees of Contractor, for the purpose of
securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty, the DSH shall, among other rights,
have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability, paying only for the values of the work
actually returned, or in its discretion to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or
otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.


A. The parties agree that this Agreement, including only the State standard form 213 and all exhibits,
constitute the entire agreement of the parties and no other understanding or communication,
whether written or oral, shall be construed to be a part of this Agreement.

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions


A. The clause headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted for the purpose of
convenience and ready reference. They do not purport to and shall not be deemed to define, limit
or extend the scope or intent of the clauses to which they pertain.


A. If public hearings on the subject matter dealt with in this Agreement are held within one year from
the Agreement expiration date, Contractor shall make available to testify the personnel assigned
to this Agreement at the hourly rates specified in the Contractor’s proposed budget. The DSH
shall reimburse Contractor for travel of said personnel at the Agreement, or if none, at State rates
for such testimony as may be requested by the DSH.


A. Neither the DSH nor the Contractor shall be deemed to be in default in the performance of the
terms of this Agreement if either party is prevented from performing the terms of this Agreement
by causes beyond its control, which shall include without being limited to: acts of God;
interference, rulings or decision by municipal, Federal, State or other governmental agencies,
boards or commissions; any laws and/or regulations of such municipal, State, Federal, or other
governmental bodies; or any catastrophe resulting from flood, fire, explosion, earthquakes or
other similar environmental causes beyond the control of the defaulting party. If any of the stated
contingencies occur, the party delayed by force majeure shall immediately give the other party
written notice of the cause of delay. The party delayed by force majeure shall use reasonable
diligence to correct the cause of the delay, if correctable.


A. The DSH, promptly after receiving notice thereof, shall notify the Contractor in writing of the
commencement of any claim, suit, or action against the DSH or its officers or employees for which
the Contractor must provide indemnification under this Agreement. The failure of the DSH to give
such notice, information, authorization or assistance shall not relieve the Contractor of its
indemnification obligations. The Contractor shall immediately notify the DSH of any claim or
action against it which affects, or may affect, this Agreement, the terms or conditions hereunder,
DSH, and shall take such action with respect to said claim or action which is consistent with the
terms of this Agreement and the interest of the DSH.

B. Contractor shall be in default of this Agreement (i) upon the institution by or against Contractor of
insolvency, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings or any other proceedings for the settlement of
Contractor’s debts, (ii) upon Contractor making an assignment for the benefit of creditors, (iii)
upon either party’s dissolution or ceasing to do business or (iv) when the facts and circumstances
indicate that Contractor is insolvent. For purposes of this Agreement, Contractor shall be deemed
insolvent if: (i) Contractor has failed to pay salaries, overtime or benefits required by law of
agreement, (ii) Contractor has failed to pay a subcontractor amounts owed pursuant to its
agreements with a subcontractor, or (iii) Contractor has failed to pay a vendor amounts Contractor
owes the vendor for more than 90 days the past due date for payment.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions


A. Contractor shall first discuss and attempt to resolve any dispute arising under or relating to the
performance of this Agreement.


A. The DSH shall evaluate Contractor’s performance under this Agreement using standardized
evaluation forms which shall be made available to every state agency pursuant to Public
Contracts Code section 1067.


A. Contractor agrees to allow the DSH to inspect its facilities and systems, and make available for
review its books and records to enable the DSH to monitor compliance with the terms of this
Agreement and audit invoices submitted to the DSH.

B. Contractor shall promptly remedy any violation of any provision of this Agreement to the
satisfaction of the DSH.

C. The fact that the DSH inspects, or fails to inspect, or has the right to inspect Contractor’s facilities,
systems, books and records does not relieve Contractor of its responsibility to independently
monitor its compliance with this Agreement.

D. The DSH’s failure to detect or the DSH’s detection of any unsatisfactory practices, but failure to
notify Contractor or require Contractor’s remediation of the unsatisfactory practices does not
constitute acceptance of such practice or a waiver of the DSH’s enforcement rights under the


A. Contractor, including its officers and members, shall not use funds received from the DSH
pursuant to this Agreement to support or pay for costs or expenses related to the following:

i. Campaigning or other partisan activities to advocate for either the election or defeat of any
candidate for elective office, or for or against the passage of any proposition or ballot
measure; or,

ii. Lobbying for either the passage or defeat of any legislation.

B. This provision is not intended and shall not be construed to limit any expression of a view,
opinion, or position of any member of Contractor as an individual or private citizens, as long as
state funds are not used; nor does this provision limit Contractor from merely reporting the results
of a poll or survey of its membership.


A. Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement may be canceled at any time by the DSH, in writing,
with thirty (30) days advance notice. If canceled, payment shall be made only for the provision of
services expressly authorized by this Agreement until the date of cancellation and only at the

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions

rates set forth in Exhibit B, Budget Detail. In the case of early termination, a final payment will be
made to Contractor upon receipt of an invoice covering all authorized costs, at the rates set forth
in Exhibit B, incurred prior to the date of cancellation or termination. The DSH shall not be
responsible for unamortized costs, overhead or capital costs or any other related costs, including
but, not limited to costs incurred in connection with the cancellation of leases or contracts
pertaining to facilities, equipment or supplies, labor and employee benefits costs, and
expenditures incurred after the date of notice of cancellation.

B. If the DSH determines that the Contractor has breached a material term of the Agreement and
has not cured the breach or ended the violation within the time specified by the DSH, the DSH
may terminate the contract by providing notice to the Contractor. The DSH Information Security
Officer shall report as required HIPAA violations to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.

C. Failure to comply with section 1 or 6 of this Exhibit, or a violation of section 12 of this Exhibit, shall
be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.


A. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that neither Contractor, their personnel, subcontractors, nor
other service providers through this Agreement are employees of the DSH. Contractor and its
independent contractors shall be solely responsible for:

i. Paying any and all payroll taxes, including, but not limited to Social Security and Medicare

ii. Federal or state income tax withholding,

iii. Providing unemployment insurance and workers compensation insurance, and

iv. Paying compensation to its employees in accordance with federal and state labor laws,
including overtime pay unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, as well as penalties that
may be imposed for failure to comply with these laws. Contractor agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless the DSH for any damages, losses, expenses, including reasonable attorney
fees, in connection with its failure to pay salary or overtime, or provide benefits, including, but
not limited to health care benefits or retirement benefits, to its employees, or its failure to
provide to comply with federal or state labor laws.


A. Any damages by Contractor, their personnel, subcontractors, and other service providers through
this Agreement to DSH’s facility, including equipment, furniture, materials, or other State or DSH
property, shall be repaired or replaced by Contractor to the satisfaction of the DSH at Contractor’s
expense. The DSH, at its option, may repair any such damage and deduct the cost thereof from
any sum due Contractor under this Agreement.


A. The DSH reserves the right to conduct fingerprinting, drug testing, and/or security clearance
through the Department of Justice, Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information (BCII), prior

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions

to award and at any time during the term of the Agreement, in order to permit Contractor, their
personnel, subcontractors, and other service providers through this Agreement access to State
premises. The DSH further reserves the right to terminate this Agreement should a threat to
security be determined.

B. In the event that the services required under this Agreement will be performed within a DSH
facility, Contractors and their employees who are assigned to work with, near, or around patients
shall be required to be examined and tested or medically evaluated by a licensed healthcare
provider for TB in an infectious or contagious stage prior to the performance of contracted duties,
and at least once a year thereafter (within 12 months of their initial or previous TB test under this
contract), or more often as directed by DSH. Contractors and their employees who have any
contact (physical or nonphysical) with patients, shall be required to furnish to the DSH Contract
Manager, at no cost to DSH, a documented Tuberculosis (TB) evaluation/test for TB infection
(Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or a blood test Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) completed
within (30) thirty days of the start date of the services and be certified to be free of TB in an
infectious or contagious stage by a licensed healthcare provider prior to assuming their contracted
duties and annually thereafter.

C. If both of the documented results of the TST provided ≤ 0-9/mm of induration, then the tested
person may be cleared to provide services. However, if the documented result of the TST is ≥
10/mm of induration, then they shall be subject to additional testing and/or clearances before he
or she is allowed to work at a DSH facility.

D. The DSH reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to take measures to minimize the
transmission of influenza. Contractor, their personnel, subcontractors, and other service providers
through this Agreement may be required to either a) show written proof that they have received an
influenza vaccine, or b) complete an Influenza Declination Form, which will be provided upon
request. In addition, all non-vaccinated providers may be required to wear a mask. In its sole and
absolute discretion, DSH may elect to provide free influenza vaccines to Contractor, their
personnel, subcontractors, and other service providers through this Agreement.


A. For applicable medical services contracts, and in accordance with the Physician Ownership and
Referral Act of 1993, Contractor shall not refer any patient to any health care provider or health-
related facility if the Contractor has a financial interest with that health care provider or health-
related facility.

B. Contractor may make a referral to or request consultation from a sole source health care provider
or health-related facility in which financial interest is held if Contractor is located where there is no
alternative provider of service within either twenty-five (25) miles or forty (40) minutes travel time,
subject to the prior approval of the DSH. Contractor shall disclose, in writing, as well as on a
continuous basis, to the DSH, its financial interest at the time of referral or request for
consultation. In no event, will this prohibit patients from receiving emergency health care


A. The parties reserve the right to amend this Agreement as mutually agreed upon. This is in
addition to the right to amend for other reasons contained in this Agreement or noted in the

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions

solicitation that resulted in this Agreement, if applicable. Any amendment shall be in writing and
signed by both parties, and be approved by the Department of General Services if such approval
is required.

Revision 11-18-2020

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security

(HIPAA Business Associate Agreement)

These Confidentiality and Information Security Provisions (for HIPAA/HITECH Act contracts) set forth the
information privacy and security requirements Contractor is obligated to follow with respect to all
confidential information (as defined herein) disclosed to Contractor, or collected, created, maintained,
stored, transmitted, or used by Contractor for or on behalf of the California Department of State Hospitals
(DSH), pursuant to Contractor’s agreement with DSH. DSH and Contractor (the parties) desire to protect
the privacy and provide for the security of DSH confidential information pursuant to this Exhibit and in
compliance with state and federal laws applicable to the confidential information.


A. Contractor shall comply with applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to Welfare
and Institutions Code sections 14100.2 and 5328 et seq. (2021), the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act,
Civil Code section 1798 et seq. (2021), the Information Practices Act of 1977, Health and Safety
Code section 123100 et seq. (2021), the Patient Access to Health Records Act, Title 42, Code of
Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) part 431.300 et seq. (2021), and the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), including but not limited to section 1320d et seq. of Title
42 of the United States Code and its implementing regulations (including but not limited to Title
45, Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), parts 160, 162 and 164 (2021) (HIPAA regulations)
regarding the confidentiality and security of protected health information (PHI). The following
provisions of this Exhibit set forth some of the requirements of these statutes and regulations.
This Exhibit should not be considered an exclusive list of the requirements. Contractor is required
to fulfill the requirements of these statutes and regulations by independently researching and
obtaining legal advice on these requirements as they may be amended from time to time.

B. Order of Precedence: With respect to confidentiality and information security provisions for all
DSH confidential information, the terms and conditions of this Exhibit shall take precedence over
any conflicting terms or conditions set forth in any other part of the agreement between Contractor
and DSH, including Exhibit A (Scope of Work), all other exhibits and any other attachments, and
shall prevail over any such conflicting terms or conditions.

C. Effect on lower tier transactions: The terms of this Exhibit shall apply to all contracts,
subcontracts, and subawards, and the information privacy and security requirements Contractor is
obligated to follow with respect to DSH confidential information disclosed to Contractor, or
collected, created, maintained, stored, transmitted or used by Contractor for or on behalf of DSH,
pursuant to Contractor’s agreement with DSH. When applicable, the Contractor shall incorporate
the relevant provisions of this Exhibit into each subcontract or subaward to its agents,
subcontractors, or independent consultants.


A. The following terms used in the agreement between DSH and Contractor shall have the same
meaning as those terms in the HIPAA Rules: Breach, Covered Entity, Data Aggregation,
Disclosure, Health Care Operations, Individual, Minimum Necessary, Protected Health
Information, Secretary, Subcontractor, Unsecured Protected Health Information, and Use.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security

B. Specific Definitions

i. Contractor. Contractor shall have the same meaning as the term “business associate” at
45 C.F.R. section 160.103 (2021).

ii. Breach. With respect to Contractor’s handling of confidential information, “breach” shall
have the same meaning as the term “breach” in HIPAA, 45 C.F.R. section 164.402 (2021).

iii. HIPAA Rules. HIPAA Rules shall mean the Privacy, Security, Breach Notification, and
Enforcement Rules at 45 C.F.R. parts 160 and 164 (2021).

iv. Confidential Information. Confidential information shall mean information or data that is
Protected Health Information or Personal Information as defined herein.

v. Personal Information (PI). Personal Information shall have the same meaning as defined
in Civil Code section 1798.3, subdivision (a) (2021).

vi. Required by law, as set forth under 45 C.F.R. section 164.103 (2021), shall mean a
mandate contained in law that compels an entity to make a use or disclosure of PHI that is
enforceable in a court of law. This includes, but is not limited to, court orders and court-
ordered warrants, subpoenas or summons issued by a court, grand jury, a governmental
or tribal inspector general, or an administrative body authorized to require the production
of information, and a civil or an authorized investigative demand. It also includes Medicare
conditions of participation with respect to health care providers participating in the
program, and statutes or regulations that require the production of information, including
statutes or regulations that require such information if payment is sought under a
government program providing public benefits.

vii. Security Incident. Security Incident shall mean the intentional attempted or successful
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of PHI or PI, or
confidential data that is essential to the ongoing operation of Contractor’s organization and
intended for internal use; or interference with system operations in an information system.


A. Contractor agrees to:

i. not use or disclose confidential information other than as permitted or required by the
agreement between DSH and Contractor or as required by law. Any use or disclosure of
DSH confidential information shall be the Minimum Necessary;

ii. use appropriate safeguards, and comply with Subpart C of 45 C.F.R. part 164 (2021) with
respect to electronic confidential information, to prevent use or disclosure of confidential
information other than as provided for by the agreement with DSH;

iii. report to DSH any use or disclosure of confidential information not provided for by the
agreement with DSH of which it becomes aware, including breaches of unsecured
protected health information as required at 45 C.F.R. section 164.410 (2021), and any
security incident of which it becomes aware;

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security

iv. in accordance with 45 C.F.R. sections 164.502(e)(1)(ii) and 164.308(b)(2) (2021), if

applicable, ensure that any agents and subcontractors that create, receive, maintain, or
transmit confidential information on behalf of Contractor enter into a written agreement
with Contractor agreeing to be bound to the same restrictions, conditions, and
requirements that apply to Contractor with respect to such information;

v. to provide access and make available confidential information in a designated record set
to DSH or to an Individual in accordance with 45 C.F.R. section 164.524 (2021) and
California Health and Safety Code section 123100 et seq. (2021). Designated Record Set
shall mean the group of records maintained for DSH that includes medical, dental, and
billing records about individuals; enrollment, payment, claims adjudication, and case or
medical management systems maintained for DSH health plans; or those records used to
make decisions about individuals on behalf of DSH. Contractor shall use the forms and
processes developed by DSH for this purpose and shall respond to requests for access to
records transmitted by DSH within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the request by
producing the records or verifying that there are none;

vi. if Contractor maintains an Electronic Health Record with PHI and an Individual requests a
copy of such information in an electronic format, Contractor shall provide such information
in an electronic format to enable DSH to fulfill its obligations under the HITECH Act,
including but not limited to, 42 U.S.C. section 17935(e) (2021);

vii. if Contractor receives data from DSH that was provided to DSH by the Social Security
Administration, upon request by DSH, Contractor shall provide DSH with a list of all
employees, subcontractors, and agents who have access to the Social Security data,
including employees, contractors, and agents of its subcontractors and agents;

viii. make any amendment(s) to confidential information in a Designated Record Set as

directed or agreed to by DSH pursuant to 45 C.F.R. section 164.526 (2021), or take other
measures as necessary to satisfy DSH’s obligations under 45 C.F.R. section 164.526

ix. to document and make available to DSH or (at the direction of DSH) to an Individual within
15 days such disclosures of PHI, and information related to such disclosures, necessary to
respond to a proper request by the Individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI, in
accordance with the HITECH Act and its implementing regulations, including but not
limited to 45 C.F.R. section 164.528 (2021) and 42 U.S.C. section 17935(c) (2021). If
Contractor maintains electronic health records for DSH as of January 1, 2009, Contractor
must provide an accounting of disclosures, including those disclosures for treatment,
payment, or health care operations, effective with disclosures on or after January 1, 2014.
If Contractor acquires electronic health records for DSH after January 1, 2009, Contractor
must provide an accounting of disclosures, including those disclosures for treatment,
payment, or health care operations, effective with disclosures on or after the date the
electronic health record is acquired, or on or after January 1, 2011, whichever date is later.
The electronic accounting of disclosures shall be for disclosures during the three years
prior to the request for an accounting;

x. to the extent Contractor is to carry out one or more of DSH’s obligation(s) under Subpart E
of 45 C.F.R. part 164 (2021), comply with the requirements of Subpart E that apply to DSH
in the performance of such obligation(s); and

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security

xi. make its internal practices, books, and records available to the Secretary for purposes of
determining compliance with the HIPAA regulations.

xii. comply with all legal obligations pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Protection
Act (CCPA) of Contractor, its employees, agents and sub-contractors, including but not
limited to the handling and disclosure of personal information received resulting from this
agreement, abiding by CCPA notice requirements on Contractor’s website(s),
safeguarding personal information received in connection with this agreement, refraining
from using personal information received in connection with this agreement outside of the
enumerated business purpose contained therein. Contractor’s failure to comply with such
laws and regulations shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, and shall be
grounds for immediate termination of the Agreement by DSH, pursuant to section 7 of
Exhibit C. By executing this Agreement, Contractor certifies that it is aware of its legal
obligations as set forth under the CCPA, that it is in compliance with the CCPA, and shall
remain in compliance with all such laws and regulations for the term of this Agreement.

xiii. indemnify and hold the DSH harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, suit,
damage or claim, including third party claims brought against the DSH, pursuant to section
5 of Exhibit C of this Agreement, as well as damages and reasonable costs assessed
against the DSH by a court of competent jurisdiction (or, at Contractor's option, that are
included in a settlement of such claim or action in accordance herewith), to the fullest
extent permitted by State law, to the extent such claim arises from Contractor’s violation of
the CCPA in relation to Contractor’s performance under this agreement; provided, that (i)
Contractor is notified promptly in writing of the claim; (ii) Contractor controls the defense
and settlement of the claim; (iii) Contractor provides a defense with counsel approved by
the DSH; and (iv) the DSH cooperates with all reasonable requests of Contractor (at
Contractor's expense) in defending or settling the claim.



A. Except as otherwise provided in the agreement between Contractor and DSH, Contractor, may
use or disclose DSH confidential information to perform functions, activities or services identified
in the agreement with DSH provided that such use or disclosure would not violate federal or state
laws or regulations.

B. Contractor may not use or disclose the confidential information except as provided and permitted
or required by this agreement with DSH or as required by law.

C. Contractor may use and disclose confidential information for the proper management and
administration of the Contractor or to carry out the legal responsibilities of the Contractor,
provided that such uses and disclosures are required by law.

D. Contractor may use confidential information to provide data aggregation services related to the
health care operations of the DSH. Data aggregation means the combining of DSH confidential
information created or received by Contractor on behalf of DSH with confidential information
received by Contractor in its capacity as the business associate of another Covered Entity, to
permit data analyses that relate to the health care operations of DSH.

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security


A. Contractor shall develop and maintain an information privacy and security program that includes
the implementation of administrative, technical, and physical safeguards. The information privacy
and security program shall reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of the confidential information that it creates, receives, maintains, or transmits; and
prevent the use or disclosure of confidential information other than as provided for by the
agreement with DSH. Contractor shall provide the DSH with information concerning such
safeguards as the DSH may reasonably request from time to time.

B. Contractor shall implement administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to ensure the
security of the DSH information on portable electronic media (e.g., USB drives and CD-ROM) and
in paper files. Administrative safeguards to be implemented shall include, but are not limited to
training, instructions to employees, and policies and procedures regarding the HIPAA Privacy
Rule. Technical safeguards to be implemented must comply with the HIPAA Security Rule and
Subpart C of part 164 of the HIPAA regulations with respect to electronic confidential information,
and shall include, but are not limited to, role-based access, computer passwords, timing out of
screens, storing laptop computers in a secure location (never leaving the equipment unattended
at workplace, home or in a vehicle) and encryption. Physical safeguards to be implemented shall
include, but are not limited to, locks on file cabinets, door locks, partitions, shredders, and
confidential destruct.


A. Contractor shall implement appropriate authentication methods to ensure information system

access to confidential information is only granted to properly authenticated and authorized
persons. If passwords are used in user authentication (e.g., username/password combination),
Contractor shall implement strong password controls on all compatible computing systems that
are consistent with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication
800-53 and the SANS Institute Password Protection Policy.

i. Contractor shall implement the following security controls on each server, workstation, or
portable (e.g., laptop computer) computing device that processes or stores confidential,
personal, or sensitive data:

(1) network-based firewall and/or personal firewall,

(2) continuously updated anti-virus software and

(3) patch-management process including installation of all operating system/software

vendor security patches.

ii. Encrypt all confidential, personal, or sensitive data stored on portable electronic media
(including, but not limited to, CDs and thumb drives) and on portable computing devices
(including, but not limited to, laptop computers, smart phones and PDAs) with a solution
that uses proven industry standard algorithms.

iii. Prior to disposal, sanitize all DSH confidential data contained in hard drives, memory
devices, portable electronic storage devices, mobile computing devices, and networking
equipment in a manner consistent with the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) Special Publication 800-88.
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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security

iv. Contractor shall not transmit confidential, personal, or sensitive data via e-mail or other
Internet transport protocol over a public network unless, at minimum, a 128-bit encryption
method (for example AES, 3DES, or RC4) is used to secure the data.


A. Contractor shall mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to Contractor
of a use or disclosure of confidential information by Contractor or its subcontractors in violation of
the requirements of the agreement.


A. During the term of the agreement with DSH, Contractor shall report to DSH any use or disclosure
of information not provided for by its contract of which it became aware including breaches of
unsecured confidential information as required by 45 C.F.R. section 164.410 (2021).


A. Contractor shall immediately notify the DSH Chief Information Security Officer by telephone call
and email upon the discovery of a breach of confidential information in all forms (paper, electronic,
or oral) if the confidential information was, or is reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an
unauthorized person, or within 24 hours by email or fax of the discovery of any suspected security
incident, intrusion or unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information in violation of the
agreement with DSH, or potential loss of DSH confidential data. If the security incident occurs
after business hours or on a weekend or holiday, notification shall be provided by calling the DSH
Chief Information Security Officer. Contractor shall take:

i. prompt corrective action to mitigate any risks or damages involved with the breach and to
protect the operating environment; and

ii. any action pertaining to such unauthorized disclosure required by applicable federal and
state laws and regulations.


A. Contractor shall immediately investigate such security incident, breach, or unauthorized use or
disclosure of DSH confidential information. Within 8 hours of discovery (of the breach),
Contractor shall notify the DSH Chief Information Security Officer of at least the following:

i. the data elements involved and the extent of the confidential data involved in the breach;

ii. a description of the unauthorized person(s) known or reasonably believed to have

improperly acquired, accessed, used, transmitted, sent or disclosed confidential

iii. a description of where and when the confidential information is believed to have been
improperly acquired, accessed, used, transmitted, sent or disclosed;

iv. a description of the probable causes of the improper acquisition, access, use,
transmission, sending, or disclosure; and

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security

v. whether Civil Code sections 1798.29 or 1798.82 or any other federal or state laws
requiring individual notifications of breaches are required.


A. Contractor shall provide a written report of the investigation to the DSH Information Security
Officer within ten (10) working days of the discovery of the breach or unauthorized use or
disclosure. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the information specified above, an
estimation of cost for remediation, as well as a full, detailed corrective action plan, including
information on measures that were taken to halt and/or contain the improper use or disclosure.


A. Contractor shall notify individuals of the breach or unauthorized use or disclosure when
notification is required under state or federal law and to pay any costs of such notifications, as
well as any costs associated with the breach. Notification shall be made in the most expedient
time possible without reasonable delay. The DSH Program Contract Manager, DSH Chief
Information Security Officer, and DSH Chief Privacy Officer shall approve the time, manner, and
content of any such notifications and their review and approval must be obtained by Contractor
before the notifications are made.


A. Contractor shall direct communications to the DSH Program Contract Manager, DSH Chief
Information Security Officer, and DSH Chief Privacy Officer Contractor shall initiate contact as
indicated herein. DSH reserves the right to make changes to the contact information below by
giving written notice to Contractor. Said changes shall not require an amendment to the
agreement between the parties to which it is incorporated.

DSH Contract Manager DSH Chief Privacy Officer DSH Chief Information Security Officer
See Exhibit A - Scope Chief Privacy Officer Chief Information Security Officer
of Work for contact Office of Legal Services Information Security Office
information 1215 O Street, MS-5 1215 O Street, MS-4
Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] and

Telephone: 916-562-3721 [email protected]
Telephone: 916-654-4218


A. Contractor shall make Contractor’s internal practices, books and records relating to the use and
disclosure of DSH confidential information received from DSH, or created, maintained or received
by Contractor, available to DSH or to the Secretary in a time and manner designated by DSH or
by the Secretary, for purposes of determining DSH’s compliance with HIPAA regulations.


A. Contractor shall train and use reasonable measures to ensure compliance with the requirements
of the agreement between DSH and Contractor by employees who assist in the performance of

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security

functions or activities under this agreement and use or disclose confidential information; and
discipline such employees who intentionally violate any provisions of this agreement.


A. Upon termination or expiration of the agreement between Contractor and DSH for any reason,
Contractor shall return, at its sole expense, to DSH all confidential information within five (5)
business days or as otherwise specified in the request or notice to return records or, if agreed to
by DSH, destroy all confidential information received from DSH or created or received by
Contractor on behalf of DSH, that Contractor still maintains in any form. Contractor shall retain no
copies of DSH confidential information. However, if return or destruction is not feasible, Contractor
shall continue to extend the protections and provisions of the agreement to such information, and
limit further use or disclosure of such confidential information to those purposes that make the
return or destruction of such confidential information infeasible. This provision shall apply to DSH
confidential information that is in the possession of Contractor, its subcontractor(s), or its agent(s).


A. DSH shall notify Contractor and Contractor shall notify DSH of restrictions on disclosures or the
manner of confidential communications requested and agreed to by Contractor or DSH from an
Individual to satisfy 45 C.F.R. section 164.522 (2021).

B. Assistance in Litigation or Administrative Proceedings. Contractor shall make itself, and use its
best efforts to make any subcontractors, employees or agents assisting Contractor in the
performance of its obligations under the agreement with DSH, available to DSH at no cost to DSH
to testify as witnesses, or otherwise, in the event of litigation or administrative proceedings being
commenced against DSH, its directors, officers or employees for claimed violations of HIPAA,
regulations or other laws relating to security and privacy based upon actions or inactions of
Contractor and/or its subcontractors, employees, or agents, except where Contractor or its
subcontractors, employees, or agents is a named adverse party.

C. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing expressed or implied in the terms and conditions of the
agreement between Contractor and DSH is intended to confer, nor shall anything herein confer,
upon any person other than DSH or Contractor and their respective successors or assignees, any
rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities whatsoever.

D. The terms and conditions in this Agreement shall be interpreted as broadly as necessary to
implement and comply with the HIPAA regulations and applicable federal and state laws. The
parties agree that any ambiguity in the terms and conditions of the agreement between the parties
shall be resolved in favor of a meaning that complies and is consistent with state and federal law,
including HIPAA and the HIPAA regulations.

E. A reference in the terms and conditions of the agreement between DSH and Contractor to any
HIPAA regulation relates to that section in effect or as amended.

F. The obligations of Contractor under this Exhibit E shall survive the termination or expiration of the

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Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit E, Confidentiality and Information Security


A. DSH may immediately terminate the agreement between Contractor and DSH if (a) Contractor is
found liable in a civil or criminal proceeding for a violation of the HIPAA Privacy or Security Rule
or (b) a finding or stipulation that Contractor has violated a privacy or security standard or
requirement of HIPAA, or other security or privacy laws made in an administrative or civil
proceeding in which Contractor is a party.


A. In accordance with 45 C.F.R. section 164.504(e)(1)(ii) (2021), upon DSH’s knowledge of a

material breach or violation of this Exhibit by Contractor, DSH shall:

i. Provide an opportunity for Contractor to cure the breach or end the violation and
terminate the agreement if Contractor does not cure the breach or end the violation
within the time specified by DSH; or

ii. Immediately terminate the agreement pursuant to section 7 of Exhibit C of this

Agreement, if Contractor has breached a material term of this Exhibit and cure is not

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Hospital Name Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit G, Insurance Requirements



A. The insurance and/or bonds identified below with a marked box are a required part of this
Agreement, and only the marked boxes have any force or effect under this Agreement. Except as
set forth below, evidence of liability insurance coverage, in the form of a certificate acceptable to
the State of California and DSH, shall be provided prior to the execution of this Agreement and
the commencement of services.

B. DSH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel a proposed award to Contractor which
does not submit all required insurance documents in a timely manner. Should DSH cancel a
proposed award for this reason, DSH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to award the
contract to the next lowest, responsive and responsible provider.

Commercial General Liability:

Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000
per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury and property damage liability
combined. The policy shall include coverage for liabilities arising out of premises,
operations, independent contractors, products, completed operations, personal and
advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. This insurance shall
apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought.

Should Contractor use a subcontractor to complete a portion of this Agreement, Contractor

shall include the subcontractor as a named additional insured under Contractor’s policy, or
represents and warrants that each subcontractor is insured under their own Commercial
General Liability policy at the amounts specified herein. Contractor shall supply evidence of
the subcontractor’s insurance to DSH upon request.

Requirement to Insure the State: Contractor is required to name the “State of California,
its officers, employees, and agents” as additional insured parties, insofar as operations
under the Agreement are concerned. To satisfy this requirement, Contractor shall ensure
that the following requirement(s) are met:

• Policy Endorsement: Contractor, when providing a signed contract to DSH and

unless otherwise directed by DSH, shall provide proof that Contractor has insured
the State of California, its officers, employees, and agents. This proof shall come in
the form of an endorsement to Contractor’s insurance policy (Form CG 20 10 11 85
or as broad as), or in the form of a copy of Contractor’s current insurance policy
that shows that the policy insures all parties required to be insured by this

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Hospital Name Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit G, Insurance Requirements

Pollution/Environmental Impairment Liability:

Contractor shall maintain Pollution Liability covering Contractor’s liability for bodily injury,
property damage and environmental damage resulting from pollution or hazardous
materials and related cleanup costs incurred, arising out of the work or services to be
performed under this Agreement. Coverage shall be provided for both work performed on-
site, as well as during the transportation or disposal of hazardous materials. Contractor
shall maintain limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 aggregate.

Requirement to Insure the State: Contractor is required to name the “State of California,
its officers, employees, and agents” as additional insured parties, insofar as operations
under the Agreement are concerned. To satisfy this requirement, Contractor shall ensure
that the following requirement(s) are met:

• Policy Endorsement: Contractor, when providing a signed contract to DSH and

unless otherwise specified, shall provide proof that Contractor has insured the
State of California, its officers, employees, and agents. This proof shall come in the
form of an endorsement to Contractor’s insurance policy, or in the form of a copy of
Contractor’s current insurance policy that shows that the policy insures all parties
required to be insured by this Agreement.

Motor Vehicle Liability:

Contractor shall maintain motor vehicle liability insurance with limits of not less than
$1,000,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of an accident
involving a motor vehicle in use by Contractor during the provision of services under this
Agreement, including, but not limited to, Contractor owned, hired, and non-owned motor

Requirement to Insure the State: Contractor is required to name the “State of California,
its officers, employees, and agents” as additional insured parties, insofar as operations
under the Agreement are concerned. To satisfy this requirement, Contractor shall ensure
that the following requirement(s) are met:

• Policy Endorsement: Contractor, when providing a signed contract to DSH and

unless otherwise specified, shall provide proof that Contractor has insured the
State of California, its officers, employees, and agents. This proof shall come in the
form of an endorsement to Contractor’s insurance policy, or in the form of a copy of
Contractor’s current insurance policy that shows that the policy insures all parties
required to be insured by this Agreement.

Professional Liability:
Contractor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance covering any damages caused by
an error, omission or any negligent acts. Contractor shall maintain limits of not less than
$1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 aggregate.

In the event a medical professional performing services under this Agreement is a

subcontractor or is performing services through a registry, the medical professional actually
performing the services shall be the insured and shall comply with the Professional
Liability/Medical Malpractice insurance requirements of this Agreement. The prime
contractor shall be responsible to enforce this provision and employ only those medical
professionals meeting this requirement. Evidence of compliant insurance shall be provided
to DSH prior to the commencement of services.

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Hospital Name Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit G, Insurance Requirements

Performance Bond:
Contractor shall obtain and maintain a performance bond of not less than the contract price
of this Agreement, which shall be executed by a California-admitted surety insurer. Bonds
not so-executed shall be rejected. Contractor shall submit two (2) executed copies on
standard bonding company forms.

Payment Bond:
Contractor shall provide DSH with a payment bond of not less than the contract price of this
Agreement. The bond shall cover the costs of labor and materials provided by Contractor’s
employees, subcontractors, and suppliers in the event that Contractor fails to pay the costs
of labor and materials to those individuals or entities. In order to meet this requirement,
Contractor shall submit two (2) executed copies of the Payment Bond Form (STD 807). A
copy of the STD 807 can be found at:

Workers’ Compensation:
If Contractor is required by statute, regulation, or Court order, to provide Workers’
Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance for performance of services under this
Agreement, Contractor shall carry and shall maintain sufficient and adequate insurance for
all of its employees who shall be engaged in the performance of this Agreement. Contractor
shall maintain Employer’s Liability limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim. Failure to
maintain the insurance pursuant to this clause shall be deemed a material breach of the
Agreement and DSH may terminate this Agreement for cause.

If required by DSH, in writing, Contractor shall furnish, within three (3) state business days
following DSH’s request, either 1) a copy of the certificate of insurance, a “true and
certified” copy of the policy, or any other proof of coverage issued by Contractor’s
insurance carrier reflecting workers’ compensation coverage; or 2) written confirmation, in a
manner defined by DSH, that workers’ compensation coverage is not required.

Contractor also agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the state of California,
DSH, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims by Contractor’s
employees, agents and/or anyone representing Contractor, related to any non-performance
of this section.


A. Insurance shall be in effect for the entire term of this Agreement. If the insurance expires prior to
the end of the term of the Agreement, a new certificate must be received by DSH at least ten (10)
days prior to the expiration of the insurance.


A. In the event Contractor fails to keep in effect at all times the specified insurance coverage, this
failure shall be deemed a material breach of the Agreement and DSH may, in addition to any
other remedies it may have, terminate this Agreement with cause upon the occurrence of such

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Department of State Hospitals Liberty Healthcare of California, Inc.
Hospital Name Agreement Number: 22-78002-000
Exhibit G, Insurance Requirements


A. Certificates of liability insurance must name DSH as a certificate holder and must be submitted to
the following address:

Department of State Hospitals

Attention: Marina Roney
1215 O Street, MS-1
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]


A. If Contractor is a California governmental entity, Contractor is not required to provide proof of


B. For all other Contractors, for Workers’ Compensation insurance, Contractor must be listed on the
Department of Industrial Relations website as having a Certificate of Consent to Self-Insure.

C. For all other Contractors, for all other insurance categories, Contractor must provide:

i. A cover letter from Contractor’s risk manager (or similar position) providing a description of
the self-insurance plan for the types of coverage required in this Agreement. The
description must detail what is covered by the plan and identify the source of funds for
financing the plan.

ii. An audited financial report from the most recent quarter, along with any applicable
accounting letters relative to the report.

iii. Evidence of firm having current equity of at least $5,000,000 and current net profit of at
least $500,000.

iv. A signed written statement from Contractor’s Certified Public Accountant (CPA) indicating
the firm’s annual net profit for the prior four (4) years has been a minimum of $500,000.

D. Contractor agrees to submit to DSH evidence of, upon request by DSH, and DSH reserves the
right to verify, or cause to be verified, the source of funds for financing the self-insurance plan.
DSH also reserves the right to require subsequent assistance from Contractor’s risk manager to
provide explanations of aspects of the self-insurance plan which need clarification. Upon request
by DSH, Contractor shall provide additional reasonable assurances and documentation to DSH of
its ability to meet the requirements to self-insure.

E. Contractors which are self-insured for a specific type of insurance do not need to add the State as
an additional insured.

Revision 4-3-19

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