Agri MCQ

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ICAR day is celebrated every year

on th
Ans.16 July
Quest.World Food Prize (2009) was awarded to
Ans.Gebisa Ejeta (Ethiopia) for 1st sorghum hybrid for drought and Striga weed.
Quest.Indian scientist shared World Food Prize for Miracle Maize
Ans.Dr. Sruinder K. Vasal
Quest.Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Dr. Norman Borlaug in
Quest.National Rural Employment Scheme was started on
Quest.National Agriculture Policy was started on
Quest.National Seed Policy was started on
Quest.National Food Security Mission (NFSM) was launched on
Ans.Rabi, 2007-08
Quest.Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) was launched on
Quest.National Horticulture Mission (NHM) was launched on
Quest.Integrated Scheme on Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM) started since
Ans.1 April, 2004
Quest.National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI) was launched on
Ans.June, 2010
Quest.National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is implemented from
Quest.Kishan Credit Card Scheme was launched on
Quest.National Agricultural Insurance Scheme was launched on
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Quest.Green revolution is mainly related with the
Ans.Wheat and Rice
Quest.‘Rainbow revolution’ refers to
Ans.Overall development of agril. sectors
Quest.Yellow revolution is associated with
Ans.Oilseeds production
Quest.Operation Flood denotes
Ans.3 fold increase in milk production in India
Quest.FCI is specially launched for
Ans.Rice, Wheat and Course millets
Quest.Hybrid rice for commercial production was first evolved at
Quest.Minimum support price of Paddy (2011-12)
Ans.1080 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Grade A-Paddy (2011-12)
Ans.1110 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Wheat (2011-12)
Ans.1285 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Maize, Hybrid Jowar and Barley (2011-12)
Ans.980 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Gram and Lentil (2011-12)
Ans.2800 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Arhar (2011-12)
Ans.3200 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Moong (2011-12)
Ans.3500 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Urd (2011-12)
Ans.3300 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Cotton (2011-12)
Ans.2800 Rs/qt (F-414/H-777, J34) and 3300 Rs/qt (H-4)
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Quest.Minimum support price of Soybean (2011-
Ans.1650 Rs/qt (Black) and 1690 Rs/qt (Yellow)
Quest.Minimum support price of Mustard and Sunflower (2011-12)
Ans.2500 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Safflower (2011-12)
Ans.1800 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Jute (2011-12)
Ans.1600 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Sesamum (2011-12)
Ans.3400 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Groundnut in shell (2011-12)
Ans.2700 Rs/qt
Quest.Minimum support price of Sugarcane (2011-12)
Ans.139.12 Rs/qt
Quest.First agriculture census in India conducted in
Quest.First livestock census in India conducted in
Quest.First All-India Co-ordinate Research Project (ACRIP) on
Ans.Maize (1957)
Quest.First State Agricultural University of India
Ans.GBPAUT, Pantnagar (1960)
Quest.First Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) was established at
Ans.Puducherry (Pondicherry, 1974)
Quest.Total no. of KVK in India
Ans.568 (Dec.2009)
Quest.Union Minister of Agriculture (2010-11)
Ans.Sharad Pawar
Quest.New Director-General of ICAR (2010-11)
Ans.Dr. S. Ayyappan
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Quest.Chairman of Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board (A S RB )o f
Ans.C. D. Mayee
w w w .h in
Quest.Insecticidal Act was passed by the Government of India in
Quest.Pesticides restricted for use in India
Quest.No. of Insecticides approved to control household pests
Quest.The rice having richness in beta-carotene and also contain vitamin A
Ans.Golden rice
Quest.The rice which can alleviate anaemia problem through dietary intake
Ans.Ferritin rice
Quest.The genetic modified egg with medicinal values is
Ans.Golden egg (developed in Australia in 1999)
Quest.Irritation of eye due to cutting onion is corrected by
Ans.Super Sweet Onion (developed in UK)
Quest.‘Indian farming’ is a publication from
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(I) Basic Principles of Crop Production

Quest.A very broad term encompassing all aspects of crop production, livestock farming,
fisheries, forestry etc.
Quest.‘Agriculture’ word is derived from
Ans.Latin word (agri+culture)
Quest.A branch of agricultural science which deals with principles and practices of soil, water
and crop management.
Quest.“Agronomy” word is derived from words?
Ans.Greek (agros+nomos)
Quest.Crops which are cultivated on ploughed land?
Ans.Arable crops
Quest.An agroforestry practice in which perennial, preferably leguminous trees or shrubs are
grown simultaneously with arable crop?
Ans.Alley crops or hedge-row intercrops
Quest.Crops which are grown to supplement the yield of the main crops?
Ans.Augment Crops
Quest.Crops, which protect another crops from trespassing of animals or restrict the speed of
wind and are mainly grown as border
Ans.Border/Guard Crops
Quest.A crop, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed or a crop grown by a farmer
primarily for sale to others rather than for his or her own use?
Ans.Cash Crops
Quest.Two major commercial crops are
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Ans.(i) Cotton (ii)
Quest.Crops which are cultivated to catch the forthcoming season when main crop is failed?
Ans.Catch/Contingent Crops
Quest.A close-growing crop, grown primarily to improve and protect the soil from erosion
through their ground covering foliage and/or rootmats between periods of regular crop
Ans.Cover Crops
Quest.When both main and intercrop is benefited to each other?
Ans.Complementary Crops
Quest.The crops leave the field exhaustive after growing?
Ans.Exhaustive Crops
Quest.Any crop or combination of crops is grown for grazing or harvesting for immediate or
future feeding to livestock?
Ans.Ley Crops
Quest.Such crops are grown to conserve the soil moisture through their ground covering foliage?
Ans.Mulch Crops
Quest.The seed of succeeding crops is sown broadcast at 10 to 15 days before harvesting rice
Ans.Paira/Utera Crops
Quest.Generally, the third row of crop is removed or growing of crop in pair row and the third
row is escaped with an object to conserve the soil moisture in Dryland areas?
Ans.Paired row Crops
Quest.Such cops are neither complementary nor competitive?
Ans.Supplementary Crops
Quest.Crops, those are grown to protect the main cash crop from a certain pest or several pests?
Ans.Trap Crops
Quest.Cereals are botanically
Quest.The more nutrient exhaustive family is
Ans.Poaceae (Graminae)
Quest.The non-conventional oilseed crop is
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Quest.The non-edible oilseed crops are
Ans.Castor and Linseed
Quest.The Indian originated field crops are
Ans.Arhar, Mung, Urd, Cotton, Jute, Kodo, Kutki, Oat etc.
Quest.Kharif crops are generally denoted as
Ans.Short day plants
Quest.Rabi crops are generally denoted as
Ans.Long day plants
Quest.Day neutral Plants are
Ans.Cotton, maize, sunflower, safflower, groundnut, buck wheat, tomato.
Quest.Optimum time of sowing for Kharif crop
Quest.Optimum time for Rabi crop
Ans.Last week of October to first week of November
Quest.Optimum depth of sowing for most of field crops
Ans.3-5 cm
Quest.The recommended fertilizer dose (N:P:K) for cereal crops are
Quest.The recommended fertilizer dose (N:P:K) for pulse crops are
Ans.1:2:1 or 1:2:2
Quest.The recommended fertilizer dose (N:P:K) for oilseed crops are
Quest.The recommended fertilizer dose (N:P:K) for fodder and fibre crops are
Quest.The C3 Plants are
Ans.Rice, Wheat, Barley, Pea, Gram, Mustard and Rye, Cotton, Arhar, Soybean,
Sunflower, Lentil, Sugarbeet, Tomato etc.
Quest.The C4 Plants are
Ans.Maize, Sorghum, Bajra, Sugarcane,
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Quest.The CAM Plants
Ans.Pineapple, khajur, cactus, sisal.
Quest.The optimum temperature for better crop production is between
Ans.18 – 240 C
Quest.The weight of 1000 seeds of a crop?
Ans.Test weight
Quest.The weight of 100 seeds of a crop?
Ans.Seed Index
Quest.The net assimilation rate is express in terms of
Ans.g cm–2 day–1
Quest.Which of the following crop geometry ensures uniform solar radiation availability to
Quest.Wavelength longer than m/μ is not visible to the eye, and are called infrared
Quest.The development stage of a plant after which no further increase in dry matter occurs in
the economic part is known as
Ans.Physiological maturity

(II) Modern Concepts of Til age

Quest.The mechanical manipulation of the soil is k/s as
Quest.The good physical condition of soil after tillage is
Quest.Who is the father of tillage?
Ans.Jethro Tull
Quest.The tillage operation mainly aims to break, open and turn the soil
Quest.The primary tillage implements are
Ans.Deshi plough, MB plough, Ridge plough, Disk plough etc.

Quest.The tillage operation, done to create a good seedbed for p ro pe r

w w w
Quest.The secondary tillage implements are
Ans.Cultivator, Harrows, Hoe, Planker, Roller etc.
Quest.The optimum range of available soil moisture for convenient and effective ploughing
Quest.An ideal condition of soil for crop growth?
Quest.Conventional tillage involves
Ans.Minimum tillage, Zero tillage and Conservation tillage.
Quest.The tillage aims to reduce tillage to the minimum necessary for ensuring a good seed-bed,
rapid germination, satisfactory stands and favourable growing condition?
Ans.Minimum tillage
Quest.The tillage referred as no tillage in which the crop is planted in unprepared soil
Ans.Zero tillage
Quest.The word ‘Zero tillage’ was termed by
Ans.Jethro Tull
Quest.A system of tillage in which organic residues are not inverted into the soil and used as a
protective cover against erosion and evaporational losses of soil moisture?
Ans.Conservation tillage or stubble mulch tillage
Quest.Conservation tillage tends to encourage
Ans.Higher microbial population
Quest.The tillage implement used to break subsoil is
Ans.Chisel plough
Quest.Ridge plough is used for
Ans.Earthing-up and form ridges and furrows.
Quest.Star weeder is used for
Ans.Weeding in dry lands and groundnut fields
Quest.Disc plough is used for
Ans.Deep ploughing in grassed field
Quest.Rotary plough is used for
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Ans.Cut and pulverizes the light
Quest.Harrows are used for
Ans.Preparation of seedbed, destroy weeds
Quest.Mechanization index is found highest in
Ans.Wheat crop

(III) Cultivation of Field Crops

1. Paddy
Quest.The botanical name and family of paddy
Ans.Oryza sativa, Poaceae
Quest.The chromosome number of paddy
Ans.2n = 24.
Quest.The cultivated spp. of paddy
Ans.O. sativa and O. glaberima
Quest.The protein (Oryzein) content in paddy
Quest.Indica rice is grown in
Quest.Japonica rice is grown in
Quest.Javanica rice is grown in
Quest.Rice inflorescence is called as
Quest.Optimum temperature for good rice crop growth is
Quest.Best pH for cultivation of rice is
Ans.4-6 pH
Quest.Sowing of paddy in April-May and harvesting in August-Sept. is called as
Ans.Aus/Autumn/Pre kharif paddy
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Quest.Sowing of paddy in June-July and harvesting in October is ca ll e d
w w w .h
Quest.Sowing of paddy in January-Feb and harvesting in April-May is called as
Quest.The best system of rice culture is
Quest.The tillage implement, most suitable for rice cultivation is
Ans.Power tiller
Quest.Hulling percentage of rice is
Quest.The gene responsible for dwarfness in rice is
Quest.First intervarietal cross variety of rice?
Ans.Jaya (TN1 = T141)
Quest.The rice variety called ‘miracle rice’ is
Quest.Normally rice plant is transplanted at
Ans.21-25 days after sowing (3-4 leaf stage)
Quest.Under SRI method, rice plant is transplanted at
Ans.10-12 DAS (Days After Sowing)
Quest.SRI denotes
Ans.System of Rice Intensification
Quest.In rice ‘Dapog seedlings’ are ready for transplanting
Ans.11-14 DAS
Quest.Dapog method is most commonly prevalent in
Quest.The nursery area required for providing seedlings for transplanting 1 ha rice field
Ans.1000 m2 (1/10 ha)
Quest.Most prominent cropping pattern of rice in India?
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Quest.Rice prefer nitrogen uptake
Ans.Ammonical form (NH4).
Quest.The best fertilizer for top dressing in rice?
Ans.Ammonium sulphate
Quest.The recommended dose of N, P and K for rice crop
Ans.100:60:40 kg ha–1
Quest.For correction of iron chlorosis in rice, following spray is recommended
Ans.1% solution of ferrous sulphate
Quest.The nitrogen fixing bacterium found on root surface of rice
Quest.The most important critical stage of rice for irrigation
Ans.Tillering to flowering stage
Quest.In low land rice, fertilizer is applied in
Ans.Reduced zone only
Quest.Nitrogen use efficiency in rice is around
Quest.Aroma in rice is due to presence of
Ans.“Di-acetyl 1 propaline” chemical
Quest.Anaerobic environment in rice soil is responsible for gaseous loss of fertilizer nitrogen
Quest.The Gall midge resistance varieties of rice is
Ans.Phalguna, Surekha, Suraksha
Quest.The Blast resistance varieties of rice is
Ans.Tulsi, IR64

Quest.The deep water rice are

Ans.Punkaj, Jagannath
Quest.Rice varieties suitable for Saline-alkaline soil are
Ans.CSR-10, CSR-13, CSR-27
Quest.Super rice variety is
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Quest.Gas emitted from rice field is
Ans.CH4 (Methan).

Quest.Weed caused relatively more loss in rice productivity, when it is

Ans.Direct seeded
Quest.Most dominated weed species in rice field is
Ans.Echinochloa spp.
Quest.Common herbicide used in rice crop field?
Ans.Anilophos and Butachlor.
Quest.Polish percentage of rice is
Quest.Khaira disease is caused by
Ans.Zn deficiency.
Quest.Akiochi disease is caused by
Ans.H2S toxicity.

Quest.White eye of rice is caused by

Ans.Fe deficiency.
Quest.Dead heart and white ear of rice is caused by
Ans.Yellow stem borer
Quest.Killer disease of rice are
Ans.Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) and Tungro virus
Quest.Hydrothermal process of rice which saves vitamin B12?

2. Wheat
Quest.The botanical name and family of wheat
Ans.Triticum spp., Poaceae
Quest.Wheat is a
Ans.Hexaploid plant. (2n = 42).
Quest.The Mexican dwarf wheat is
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Ans.T. aestivum (2n =
Quest.The bred wheat is
Ans.T. vulgare (2n= 42)
Quest.Marconi wheat is
Ans.T. durum (2n= 28)
Quest.Emmer wheat is
Ans.T. dicocum (2n= 28)
Quest.Indian dwarf/Club wheat is
Ans.T. spherococum (2n= 28)
Quest.The highest grown wheat species in India
Ans.T. aestivum
Quest.The optimum temperature range for sowing of wheat crop
Ans.20 to 25°C
Quest.Wheat protein is called as
Quest.The protein content in wheat
Quest.The flowering portion of wheat
Quest.Permanent roots of wheat, appeared after 20-22 days of sowing?
Ans.Crown roots
Quest.The shelling percentage of wheat
Quest.Pearling index in wheat measures
Ans.Kernel hardness
Quest.Gene responsible for dwarfness in wheat?
Quest.Sowing depth of dwarf wheat is directly depend upon
Ans.Length of coleoptyle
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Quest.Triple gene dwarf wheat varieties were released during ?
Quest.The Row to row spacing of wheat
Ans.22.5 - 23.0 cm
Quest.The seed rate of timely sown wheat
Ans.100 -125 kg/ha
Quest.The seed rate of Late sown wheat
Ans.125 -150 kg/ha
Quest.The most important critical stage of wheat is
Ans.Crown root initiation (CRI 20-25 DAS)
Quest.Single gene dwarf varieties are
Ans.Sonalika, UP-262, WL-711, Girja
Quest.Double gene dwarf varieties are
Ans.Kalyansona, UP-215, Arjun, Pratap, Janak
Quest.Triple gene dwarf varieties are
Ans.Jawahar, Jyoti, Hira, Moti, Sangam, UP-301, UP-319
Quest.The variety best suited for sowing in Rainfed areas?
Ans.C-306, Sujata, Shera, Mukta
Quest.Marconi wheat varieties are
Ans.Jayraj, Meghdoot, Malvika, HD-4530 etc.
Quest.Both blight and Rust resistant varieties are
Ans.UP 2425, PBW 273, WH 291
Quest.Most important crop variety during green revolution
Ans.HD 2329
Quest.Zinc and sulphates deficiency in wheat field reported in
Quest.Most suitable cropping system for wheat crop
Ans.Mixed cropping
Quest.Objectionable weed of wheat
Ans.Convolvulus arvensis
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Quest.Associated weeds of
Ans.Phalaris minor, Avena fatua and Chenopodium album
Quest.Common herbicide used to control weeds in wheat
Ans.2, 4-D
Quest.Initial distinguishing character for identification of Phalaris minor
Ans.It is basal node is pink upto 50 days
Quest.The moisture content at harvesting stage of wheat

3. Maize
Quest.The botanical name of maize is
Ans.Zea mays
Quest.Maize crop is also referred as
Ans.Queen of cereals
Quest.The maize protein is known as
Quest.Protein and oil per cent in Maize grain
Ans.8–10 per cent and 4–5 per cent
Quest.Most widely grown maize spp. in India?
Ans.Zea mays indurate (Flint corn)
Quest.Leading state of rabi maize?
Quest.Maize variety widely grown in USA?
Ans.Zea mays identata (Dent corn)
Quest.The sweetest maize species
Ans.Zea mays sacchrata (Sweet corn)
Quest.Maize species produce starch similar to tapioca
Ans.Zea mays ceretina (Waxy corn)
Quest.Seed rate of Hybrid maize
Ans.20 to 25 kg/ha
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Quest.Seed rate of Composite maize
Ans.15 to 20 kg/ha
Quest.First maize hybrid released in India?
Quest.Single cross technology of maize is given by
Ans.East and Shull (1910)
Quest.Double cross technique of maize is given by
Ans.D.F. Jones (1920)
Quest.Fodder crop maize varieties are
Ans.African tall, J1006
Quest.Pop corn maize varieties are
Ans.Amber pop, V L Amber. Pop, Pearl pop corn
Quest.Quality Protein Maize (QPM) varieties released by using
Ans.Opaqua-2 genes
Quest.QPM varieties are
Ans.Sakti, Shaktiman 1 & 2, HQPM
Quest.Hybrid varieties of maize
Ans.Ganga-1, 3, 5, 101, Ganga safed-2, Ranjit, Ganga-4
Quest.Composite varieties of maize
Ans.Jawahar, Vikram, Kishan, Ambar, Sona, Vijay.
Quest.The most critical stages for irrigation in maize
Ans.Silking stage.
Quest.Maize crop leaves show red and purple colour due to deficiency of
Ans.Phosphorus (P)

4. Sorghum/Jowar
Quest.Botanical name of sorghum is
Ans.Sorghum bicolor
Quest.Sorghum crop is also referred as
Ans.Camel crop
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Quest.The seed rate of
Ans.12-15 kg/ha
Quest.1st Hybrid variety of sorghum
Ans.CSH-1 (released in 1965)
Quest.Alkaloid content present in sorghum leaves
Ans.HCN (Dhurin alkaloid)
Quest.Sweet sorghum varieties
Ans.RSSV 46, 53, 59, 84, 96, NSS 216
Quest.Varieties suitable for both grain and fodder purpose
Ans.CSH 13 and CSV 15

5. Pearlmil et/Bajra
Quest.Botanical name of Pearlmillet
Ans.Pennisetum glaucum
Quest.Pearlmillet is also known as
Ans.Bulrush millet
Quest.The seed rate of Pearlmillet
Ans.5 kg/ha

Quest.1st Hybrid variety of Pearlmillet

Ans.HB-1 in 1965
Quest.Hybrids varieties of Pearlmillet
Ans.HB- 1 to 5 and Pusa 23.
Quest.80 per cent phosphorus in bajra grains stored in the form of
Quest.Productivity of Bajra is highest at

6. Barley
Quest.Botanical name of two rowed barley
Ans.Hardium distichoum

Quest.Six rowed barley

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Quest.The seed rate of barley is
Ans.75-80 kg/ha
Quest.Critical stage for irrigation in barley
Ans.Active Tiplering Stage (30–35 DAS)
Quest.‘Pearl Barley’ is suited for
Ans.Kidney disorders
Quest.Molya disease resistant variety of barley is
Ans.RD 2052
Quest.Melting quality is high in variety
Quest.Grassy weed in barley field can be effectively controlled by
Ans.Both Isoproturon and 2,4-D
Quest.Lugri is a fermented drink developed from
Ans.Hull less barley grains

7. Chickpea/Gram
Quest.Botanical name of Desi/Brown Chickpea?
Ans.Cicer aeritinum
Quest.Botanical name of Kabuli/White Chickpea?
Ans.Cicer kabulium
Quest.The most frost affected crop among all field crops?
Quest.The sour taste in leaf of chickpea is due to presence of?
Ans.Maleic and Oxalic acid
Quest.The type of root system in chickpea is
Ans.Tape root system
Quest.The requirement of seedbed for better cultivation of chickpea is?
Ans.Rough seedbed
Quest.Best soil for cultivation of chickpea?
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Ans.Light alluvial soil (a loose and well aerated soil)
Quest.The optimum time of sowing of chickpea is?
Ans.15th to 20th October
Quest.The seed rate for early sown chickpea is
Ans.75-80 kg/ha
Quest.Chickpea variety suitable for rainfed condition?
Ans.Vishal, Anubhav
Quest.The early maturing variety of gram is?
Ans.Chaff chaff, JG-62
Quest.Chickpea variety resistant to Wilt?
Ans.JG-74, JG-315, BG-256, Awarodhi
Quest.Most suitable variety of chickpea to drought
Quest.Late planting of chickpea is done to protect the seedlings from?
Ans.Wilt disease
Quest.A process of removal/tipping of apical buds of Chickpea is termed as
Quest.The average yield of chickpea in irrigated condition in India
Ans.12-15 qt/ha.

8. Pigeonpea/Arhar
Quest.Early maturing pigeonpea is
Ans.Cajanus cajan flavus
Quest.Late maturing pigeonpea is
Ans.Cajanus cajan bicolor
Quest.Pigeonpea belongs to the family of
Quest.The type of seed germination in pigeonpea is
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Quest.The sowing time of late maturing pigeonpea is
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Ans.1st week of July
Quest.The normal seed rate of pigeonpea?
Ans.10-15 kg/ha
Quest.Zn deficiency in Pigeonpea is rectified by spraying of
Ans.5 kg ZnSO4 + 2.5 kg Lime ha–1

Quest.Extra-short-duration variety of pigeonpea

Quest.Short duration varieties of pigeonpea?
Ans.Pusa Ageti, T21, HY2, Pusa 84

Quest.Sterility mosaic and wilt resistant variety of

Ans.Amar, Narendra Arhar 1, Azad
Quest.World’s first hybrid variety of Pigeonpea is
Quest.Harvest index (HI) of Pigeonpea is
Ans.0.19 (lowest among pulses).

9. Fieldpea
Quest.Botanical name of Fieldpea
Ans.Pisum sativum var. arvense
Quest.Botanical name of Garden pea
Ans.Pisum sativum var. hartense
Quest.Fieldpea/Grainpea is used for
Ans.Dal/pulse purpose
Quest.Gardenpea/Table pea is used for
Ans.Green pods used for vegetable
Quest.Seed treatment in pea is done by
Ans.Captan/Thirum 2.5 gm + Rhizobium leguminosarum 10 gm/kg seed
Quest.The spacing maintained in Fieldpea is
Ans.30 cm x 5-7 cm
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Quest.The common varieties of Fieldpea
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Ans.Rachana, Arpana, Ambika, T-65,163, Hans, KP-885, Pa n t C -
Quest.Leafless variety of Fieldpea? w w w
Quest.The recommended NPK dose for Fieldpeas
Ans.20:50:30 kg

10. Mungbean/Greengram
Quest.Latest botanical name of mung is
Ans.Phasiolus aureus.
Quest.The seed rate/ha of mungbean is
Ans.12-15 kg
Quest.Early maturing varieties of mungbean is
Ans.Pusa baisakhi, PS16, K851

Quest.Yellow Vein Mosaic resistant varieties of mungbean

Ans.Pant mung 3, Sumrat, Basanti
Quest.The average yield of mung in India
Ans.12-15 qt/ha

11. Urdbean/Blackgram
Quest.Latest botanical name of Urd is
Ans.Phasiolus mungo.
Quest.The seed rate/ha of mungbean is
Ans.20-25 kg
Quest.The normal recommended spacing of urdbean
Ans.40 cm=10 cm
Quest.Common varieties of urdbean
Ans.Pant U-30, JU-2, Type-9, Barkha, Gwalior-2
Quest.The average yield of Urd in India
Ans.10-12 qt/ha

12. Groundnut
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Quest.Bunch/Spanish/Erect type groundnut
Ans.Arachis hypogea fastigate
Quest.Spreading/Verginia runner type groundnut is
Ans.Arachis hypogea procumbens
Quest.Groundnut is a
Ans.Modified fruit
Quest.Fruit of groundnut is called
Quest.The oil and protein content of groundnut
Ans.45 and 26 %
Quest.Technology Mission on Pulses and Oilseeds (TEMPO) was started in
Quest.Most suitable soil for groundnut cultivation
Ans.Sandy loam soil
Quest.The seed rate of bunch type groundnut varieties
Ans.100-120 kg/ha
Quest.The seed rate of Spreading type groundnut varieties
Ans.100-120 kg/ha
Quest.The main critical stage of groundnut for irrigation
Ans.Flowering stage, Pegging stage and Pod formation stage
Quest.The most suitable irrigation method for groundnut
Ans.Check basin method
Quest.The common varieties of bunch type groundnut
Ans.Jyoti, Kishan, TMV-11, 12, AK-12, 24, Junagarh-11, ICGS-1, 10, 11, 44.
Quest.The common varieties of Spreading type groundnut
Ans.Chandra, Type-28, 64, TMV-1, 3, M- 13, 37, Vikram, Verginia, Gangapuri, Godheri-2,
Quest.Earthing-up is done in groundnut crop at
Ans.35 to 45 DAS
Quest.Interculture operation in groundnut crop should be avoided at
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.Strain used for biological N2 fixation in groundnut is
Ans.Rhizobium japonicum
Quest.Vector of virus in groundnut is
Quest.Early leaf spot disease of groundnut is caused by
Ans.Cercospora arachidicola
Quest.Late leaf spot disease of groundnut is caused by
Ans.Cercospora personata

13. Sunflower
Quest.The botanical name of sunflower
Ans.Helianthus annus
Quest.Sunflower is also known as
Ans.Non-conventional oilseed crop
Quest.Sunflower has high quality edible oil content of
Quest.The head of sunflower is called as
Quest.Best sowing time of rabi sunflower is
Ans.November 1st to 2nd week
Quest.The recommended seed rate of sunflower per hectare is
Ans.5-7.5 kg/ha
Quest.The recommended spacing between row to row and plant to plant of sunflower?
Ans.50 cm x 20 cm
Quest.The most common varieties of sunflower are
Ans.Modern, MSFH-8, 17, Jwalamukhi, KBSH-1, JS-1, Sunrise selection.
Quest.The average yield of sunflower in India
Ans.20-30 qt/ha

This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Quest.The botanical name of soybean
Ans.Glycine max
Quest.Soybean crop designated as
Ans.“Boneless meat”
Quest.The protein and oil content in soybean seeds
Ans.40-42%, and 20-22%
Quest.Soybean is popularly known as
Ans.Wonder crop
Quest.Nodule formation in soybean is done by
Ans.Rhizobium japonicum
Quest.The nitrogen fixation per hectare by soybean
Ans.40 kg
Quest.The recommended seed rate of soybean
Ans.75-80 kg/ha
Quest.The most common varieties of soybean are
Ans.JS-2, 335, Indira Soya-9, PK-472, 1024, Gaurav, Ankur, Brag, Clark
Quest.Manturian classified the soybean varieties based on
Ans.Seed colour
Quest.Most commonly cultivated soybean in India
Ans.Yellow coloured soybean
Quest.The average yield of soybean in India
Ans.20-25 qt/ha

15. Rapeseed and Mustard

Quest.The botanical name of Brown/Indian mustard
Ans.Brassica juncea
Quest.The botanical name of sarson is
Ans.Brassica compestris
Quest.The fruit of mustard is known as
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.The recommended seed rate of mustard as main crop is
Ans.4-6 kg/ha
Quest.The common varieties of brown sarson
Ans.Pusa kalyani, Sufla, BSH-1
Quest.Varieties of mustard are
Ans.Kranti, Varuna, Krishna, Pusa bold, Vardan, Rohni
Quest.Hybrid variety Pusa Jai Kisan is also called
Ans.Bio 902
Quest.Mustard crop planted at a spacing of 50 x 20 cm will have plants/ha.
Quest.Optimum moisture content for safe storage of mustard is
Quest.The critical stages for irrigation in Rapseed and mustard are
Ans.Rosette stage and Siliqua formation stage

16. Safflower
Quest.The botanical name of safflower
Ans.Carthamus tinctorius
Quest.Safflower crop is known as
Ans.Fencing crop/Border crop
Quest.The oil content in safflower
Quest.Fruit of safflower is called
Quest.The recommended seed rate of safflower
Ans.15-20 kg/ha
Quest.The common varieties of brown sarson are
Ans.JSF-1,2,5, JSI-7, EB-7, JSH-129
Quest.The average yield of safflower in India
Ans.18-20 qt/ha
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Quest.Linseed crop is also known as
Quest.The botanical name and family of linseed is
Ans.Linum usitatisium, Linaceae
Quest.The oil percentage in linseed is
Ans.40-42% oil
Quest.The linolinic acid present in linseed oil
Quest.The recommended seed rate of linseed is
Ans.25-30 kg/ha
Quest.The most common varieties of linseed
Ans.Jawahar-7,17,18, 552, Kiran, Mukta, Sweta, Gourav, Shital
Quest.Linseed crop require NPK dose of
Ans.60:40:20 kg ha
Quest.A process of treatment of stalks for final fibre extraction is termed as

18. Cotton
Quest.Cotton is popular in America as
Ans.White gold
Quest.Indian/old world cottons are
Ans.Gossipium arborium, G. herbacium
Quest.American/new world cotton is
Ans.G. hirsutum
Quest.Egyptian cotton/sea island cotton is
Ans.G. barbadence
Quest.The best soil for cultivation of cotton
Ans.Black cotton soil
Quest.The fibre colour of American cotton
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.The formulae to calculate ginning percentage

Ans.Ginning % =

Quest.The percent of lint in seed cotton

is Ans.33%

Quest.Interspecific varieties of cotton

Ans.Varalaxmi, DCH-32 (hybrid), HB-224, DHB-105
Quest.Intraspecific varieties of cotton
Ans.H-4, 6, Savita, Surya (hybrid), JKHY-1
Quest.Minimum Support Price is fixed by govt. for cotton varieties of
Ans.H-4, H 777, F 414
Quest.G-777 is a
Ans.Indian cotton variety
Quest.Nitrogenous fertilizer can be top dressed in the cotton up to
Ans.First flowering
Quest.The chemical used for delinting of cotton

Quest.Which part of the cotton plant contains lint and fuzz?

Quest.1 bale of cotton is equal to
Ans.170 kg
Quest.The average wt. of Very fine fibre
Ans.< 3.0 mg
Quest.If the fiber length of a cotton hybrid variety is 25 mm, it classified under
Ans.Long staple cotton
Quest.Less number of knots in cotton is termed as
Ans.Superior quality cotton
Quest.Fibre of cotton contains
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This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.Bt cotton is resistant against the
Ans.Helicoverpa (Spotted bollworm)
19. Jute
Quest.The botanical name of white jute
Ans.Corchorus capsularis
Quest.Jute crop is planted in the month of
Quest.The seed rate of jute per ha
Ans.8-10 kg/ha
Quest.Bitterness in jute is due to
Quest.Low quality of jute fibre attributed to
Ans.Discolouration of fibre
Quest.The most common varieties of jute are
Ans.JRC-321 (Sonali), JRC-212 (Sabuj sona), JRC 7447 (Shyamli), Hybrid C (Padma),
KC1 (Joydev) etc.
Quest.Ideal stage of jute harvesting for fibre purpose
Ans.Small pod stage/initiation of pod formation (135-140 DAS)
Quest.Retting of jute fibre is a
Ans.Biochemical process

20. Sugarcane
Quest.The botanical name of tropical cane
Ans.Saccharum officinarum
Quest.Saccharum barberi and Saccharum sinensis are termed as
Ans.Indian cane
Quest.Leading state of India in sugarcane production is
Ans.U.P. (45% of total Prodtn.)
Quest.Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (IISR) is situated at
Ans.Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
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Quest.Sugarcane Breeding Institute (SBI) is situated
Ans.Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Quest.Optimum temperature for sugarcane growth
Quest.Inflorescence of sugarcane is called as
Quest.The permanent type root of sugarcane is
Ans.Shoot roots
Quest.Adsali sugarcane crop planted during the months
Quest.The requirement of 3 budded sett rate for planting in one hectare land is
Ans.35,000-40,000 setts
Quest.Planting material used for sugarcane planting is
Ans.Upper 1/3 to half part of cane
Quest.Flat bed method of sugarcane planting is most common in
Ans.North India
Quest.Ridge and furrow method is mostly used in
Ans.South India
Quest.The chemicals used for sett treatment of sugarcane
Ans.Agallal and Areton
Quest.The most critical stage of sugarcane for irrigation is
Ans.Formative stage (60-130 days after planting)
Quest.Which bacterium is used for nitrogen fixation in sugarcane field?
Ans.Acetobactor diazotrophicus
Quest.Varieties of sugarcane termed as “Wonder cane”
Ans.COC-671 and CO-419
Quest.Earthing up in sugarcane is done at
Ans.4 month after planting
Quest.Most commonly used herbicides in sugarcane are
Ans.Simazine, Atrazine and Alachlor
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Quest.A method of plant analysis for assessing nutrient
Ans.Crop Logging
require m ent in su g a rc a ne i s
w w responsible
Quest.Nutrient, w .h i forn translocation
d i g k 5of sugar0k.comin sugarcane
Ans.Potassium (K)
Quest.The most common symptoms to judge the maturity of sugarcane are
Ans.Cane become brittle, produces metallic sound and breaks easily at nodes.
Quest.Sugarcane is considered as mature, when Brix reading is between
Quest.Brix reading of juice indicates
Ans.Total soluble solids
Quest.Sugar yield from sugarcane is
Ans.6-10% from juice
Quest.The sugar content/recovery is more in the cane produced at
Ans.Southern India
Quest.By-product of S’cane
Ans.Molllasses and Baggasses
Quest.The most dangers disease of sugarcane is
Ans.Red rot disease

21. Berseem
Quest.Berseem is also known as
Ans.Egyptian clover
Quest.The botanical name of berseem is
Ans.Trifolium alexandrinum
Quest.Sowing of berseem crop is done by
Quest.The seed rate of berseem is
Ans.25-30 kg/ha
Quest.Seed treatment of berseem seed is done by
Ans.Rhizobium trifolium culture
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Quest.First cutting in berseem is done
Ans.50-55 days after sowing
Quest.The popular varieties of berseem
Ans.Vardan, chindwara, BL-1, 11, 22, 52, C-10 (Maskavi), IGFRI 99-1
Quest.The objectionable weed of berseem is
Ans.Kasini (Chicorium intybus)
Quest.Forage yield of berseem crop is
Ans.800 - 1000 qt/ha

22. Lucerne/Alfalfa
Quest.The botanical name of lucerne is
Ans.Medicago sativa
Quest.The seed rate of lucerne is
Ans.20-25 kg/ha
Quest.Seed treatment of lucerne seeds is done by
Ans.Rhizobium meliloti culture
Quest.Stem parasitic weed of lucerne is
Ans.Cuscuta reflexa (Doddar)
Quest.The popular varieties of lucerne
Ans.Moopa, Rambler, Anand-2, 3, Sirsa 1, 8, 9, Type - 8,9, IGFRI-5,54,244
Quest.Forage yield of berseem crop is
Ans.800 - 1100 qt/ha
Quest.The physiological disorder “Lucerne yellowing” is cause due to the deficiency of
Ans.Boron (B)

23. Oat
Quest.The botanical name of oat crop is
Ans.Avena sativa
Quest.The seed rate of oat crop is
Ans.80 -90 kg/ha
Quest.Recommended NPK dose for oat
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.Best stage for harvesting of oat is
Ans.Dough stage
Quest.The popular varieties of oat are
Ans.Kent, Algerian, UPO 50, Craig, Afterlee, Fulgham, Fleming gold, HFO-114.
Quest.Total number of cutting taken in oat crop are
Ans.2-3 cuttings
Quest.Forage yield of oat crop is
Ans.400 - 450 qt/ha

24. Potato
Quest.The botanical name of potato is
Ans.Solanum tuberosum
Quest.The origin place of potato is
Ans.South America (Peru)
Quest.The solanin content present in potato is
Ans.5 mg/100 gm of potato
Quest.Protein content in potato is
Quest.Potato is an
Ans.Underground stem
Quest.Potato crop requires an average temperature for tuberization is of
Quest.Potato crop favours the soil for best growth
Ans.Sandy loam soil
Quest.Tuber for selected for potato sowing should have
Ans.At least 3 buds, 2.5-3 cm diameter with 25-30 gm weight.
Quest.To break the tuber dormancy, the tuber should be treated with
Ans.1% thiourea + 1 ppm GA3 for 1 hour

Quest.The normal seed rate of potato for one hectare land is
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Ans.20-25 qt/ha
Quest.True potato seed (TPS) enough for planting one ha. crop.
Ans.40-45 gm
Quest.The most popular method for potato planting is
Ans.Ridge and Furrow
Quest.Earthing-up in potato is done at
Ans.30 – 45 DAS
Quest.The short duration varieties of potato is
Ans.Kufri alankar, Kufri chandramukhi, Kufri bahar, Kufri Jyoti etc.
Quest.The varieties suitable for late planting of potato is
Ans.Kufri sinduri, Kufri dewa, Kufri jeevan etc.
Quest.Most critical stage for irrigation in potato is
Ans.25% tuber formation stage
Quest.Dehulming of potato is used to
Ans.Obtain quality seed tuber by using the chemical CuSO4

Quest.Seed plot technique (SPT) in potato is used for

Ans.Producing virus free seed tubers
Quest.Special size (superior grade tubers) of potato should have
Ans.8 cm diameter
Quest.Potato tubers should be stored in ventilated closed room with maintenance of
Ans.4-50C temperature and 90-95% RH

25. Tobacco
Quest.The botanical name of tobacco is
Ans.Nicotiana tabacum
Quest.Nicotiana tabacum is growing for the purpose of
Ans.Smoking and chewing
Quest.Nicotiana rustica is growing for the purpose of
Ans.Hookah, chewing and snuff
Quest.Transplanting age of tobacco is
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Ans.7 to 9 weeks (4-5 leaf
Quest.Nicotine content (%) of tobacco is
Ans.0.5 to 5.5 (N. tabacum) and 3.5 to 8.0 (N. rustica)
Quest.Cigarette tobacco is prominent growing in states of
Ans.Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
Quest.The seed rate of tobacco is
Ans.2.5 to 3.0 kg/ha
Quest.Mutant varieties of tobacco are
Ans.Jayashri, Bhavya
Quest.Most critical stages for irrigation of tobacco is
Quest.As a source of N, potato crop require fertilizer of
Ans.Potassium nitrate
Quest.Desuckering of tobacco is done by
Ans.Melaic Hydracids (2%)
Quest.Priming method of harvesting is popular in
Ans.Cigarette, Wrapper and Chewing type
Quest.Flue curing is done for
Ans.Cigarette tobacco
Quest.Fire curing is done for
Ans.Bidi, Snuff, Chewing, Hookah tobacco
Quest.Nicotine content accumulates in which part of tobacco?

(IV) Cropping and Farming system

Quest.The repetitive cultivation of an ordered succession of crops or crops and fallow on the
same land is called as
Ans.Crop rotation
Quest.Which of the following rotations is likely to leave soil richer in organic matter?
Ans.Maize – Oats - Clovers
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Quest.Crop rotation practiced by the majority of the farmers
in a gi ve n a r ea o r l oc al ity i s c a lled
w w w .Pattern
Ans.Cropping h in d igk 5 0 k. c o m
Quest.The most prominent and adopted cropping pattern in India
Ans.Rice - Wheat.
Quest.The cropping pattern used on a farm and its interactions with farm resources, other
farm enterprises and available technology which determine their makeup is called as
Ans.Cropping system
Quest.An appropriate combination of farm enterprises viz., cropping system, livestock,
poultry, fisheries and the means available to the farmer to raise them for increasing
profitability is called as
Ans.Farming system
Quest.The raising of animals along with crop production is
Ans.Mixed farming
Quest.Growing of two or more crops simultaneously and intermingled without row
arrangements, wherethere is significant amount of intercrop competition is called as
Ans.Mixed cropping
Quest.Growing of two or more crops simultaneously in alternate rows or otherwise in the same
area, where there is significant amount of inter crop competition is called as
Quest.One crop variety grown alone in pure stands at normal density in a field
Ans.Sole cropping
Quest.The repetitive growing of the same sole crop on the same land is termed as
Quest.The growing of more than one crop on the same land in one year is termed as
Ans.Multiple cropping
Quest.Growing of two or more crops in quick succession on the same piece of land in a farming
year is termed as
Ans.Sequential/non-overlapping cropping
Quest.A cropping system where the land is hands over the succeeding crop before the harvest of
standing crop.
Ans.Relay or overlapping cropping
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Quest.Two or more than two crops of different heights
field is called as
cultivat ed si m u lta ne ou s ly o n th e s a m e
w w w . h in d i g kcropping
Ans.Multistoreyed/Multitired/Multi-level 50 m
Quest.Such crops have different growth habits and zero competition to each other.
Ans.Parallel cropping
Quest.The cropping system beneficial to prevent soil erosion due to winds is
Ans.Strip cropping
Quest.Cropping intensity of maize-potato-wheat
Quest.The example of parallel cropping is
Ans.Urd/Moong + Maize
Quest.Paira and Utera cropping are most probable in
Ans.Bihar, MP and Chhattisgarh states
Quest.When the productions of both inter crops is equal to that of its solid planting.
Ans.Companion cropping
Quest.Synergetic cropping means
Ans.When yield of both the crops are higher than their pure crops on unit area e.g.
Sugarcane + Potato
Quest.What does ‘jhuming’ refers to
Ans.Traditional method of cultivation in hilly area
Quest.The formulae of cropping intensity is

Ans.C.I. (%) =
Quest.The average cropping intensity of India
Quest.The formulae of rotational intensity

Ans.R.I. (%) =
Quest.“Relative land area under sole crop required to produce the same yield as obtained
under a mixed or intercropping system at the same level of management is termed as
Ans.Land equivalent ratio (LER)
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Quest.Two or more than two crops of different heights
Quest.Sustainability Yield index value lies between
cultivat ed si m u lta ne ou s ly o n th e s a m e
w w w . h in d i g k 5 0 k . c o m
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Ans.0 to
Quest.The formulae of cropping index is

Ans.C.I. (%) =
Quest.Organic farming excludes the application of

(V) Irrigation Water Management

Quest.The artificial application of water to supply moisture essential to plant growth is termed
Quest.First entry of water from the upper layer of soil is known as
Quest.Vertical movement of water or downward movement of water from different soil layer is
called as
Quest.Horizontal flow of water in irrigation channels or through canals is known as
Quest.The flow of excess water from the field after saturation of soil.
Quest.Downward movement of nutrients and salts from the root zone with the water
Quest.Life saving irrigation is also known as
Ans.Contingency irrigation
Quest.Volume or quantity of water required for irrigation to bring a crop to maturity
Ans.Duty of water
Quest.The total depth of water (cm) required y a crop during its duration in the field
Quest.The percentage of applied irrigation water stored in the soil and made available for
consumptive use by the crop
Ans.Irrigation Efficiency
Quest.Soil crusting
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Quest.Average annual rainfall of India is about
Ans.400 Mha.m
Quest.75% of rainfall is received by
Ans.S-W monsoon period (June-Sept)
Quest.Biggest river basin of India
Quest.The quantity of water (gm) necessary for a plant to produce 1 kg of dry matter is known as
Ans.Transpiration coefficient
Quest.The process of determining when to irrigate and how much water to apply is termed as
Ans.Irrigation scheduling
Quest.Irrigation is applied to the crop at
Ans.50% soil moisture depletion stage
Quest.Soil moisture content is determined by
Ans.Tensiometer (at 0.85 bar)

Quest.PF refers to
Ans.Logarithm of soil moisture tension
Quest.Which of the following is a method of indirect measurement of soil moisture?
Ans.Neutron moisture meter
Quest.Volumetric method of water measurement are
Ans.Furrows, Sprinklers and Drippers
Quest.For measuring uniform flow of water, weirs used are
Ans.Rectangular and Trapezoidal weir
Quest.Venturi meter is used to measure water, if
Ans.Water flow from the pipe
Quest.The most common water flow measuring device which measures water flow in open
conduit is
Ans.Parshall/Venturi flume
Quest.Irrigation method suitable for lowland rice and jute
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Quest.Most common method of surface irrigation to irrigate gr ou nd nu t an d
Ans.Check basin
w w w . h in
Quest.Ring basin method is suitable for
Ans.Fruit trees
Quest.The method in which field divided into number of strips by bunds of around 15 cm
height is
Ans.Border strip method
Quest.The method, suitable for crops i.e. Sorghum, cotton, maize, tobacco, potato, sugarcane
etc is
Ans.Furrow method
Quest.Micro irrigation method, in which water is applied as spray
Ans.Sprinkler method
Quest.Irrigation method, suitable for undulating land, sandy soils and Vegetable and fruit crops
Ans.Sprinkler method
Quest.Pressure, applied in sprinkler irrigation system
Ans.>2.5 bar
Quest.The rate of water delivery in sprinkler system is
Ans.>1000 litre/hrs.
Quest.Drip Irrigation is discovered at
Quest.Drip Irrigation method is also known as
Ans.Trickle irrigation
Quest.Micro irrigation method, in which water is applied as drop form through emitters
Ans.Drip method
Quest.Drip method is suitable for
Ans.Wider spaced orchard crops, sugarcane and for saline soils
Quest.Discharge rate of water per dripper is
Ans.1-4 litre/hrs
Quest.The saving of water in sprinkler and drip irrigation methods as compared to surface
irrigation methods
Ans.25-50% and 50-70% water,
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Quest.Which irrigation method has highest irrigation efficiency ?
Ans.Drip method
Quest.The water content between Field capacity (-1/3 bar) to PWP (-15 bar) is called
Ans.Available water
Quest.The amount of soil moisture or water content held in soil after excess water has drained
away is called
Ans.Field capacity (FC)
Quest.The moisture content of a soil at which plants permanently wilt and will not recover.
Ans.Permanent wilting point (PWP)
Quest.The water, that moves downward freely under the influence of gravity (< 1/3 bar) beyond
the root zone
Ans.Gravitational water
Quest.The water, retained by the soil in capillary pores (micropores), against gravity (-1/3 to -
31 bar) by the force of surface tension
Ans.Capillary water
Quest.When water is held tightly as thin film around soil particles by adsorption forces and
flows at gravity of > -31 bar, is called
Ans.Hygroscopic water
Quest.Capillary movement of water is complemented by
Ans.Root extension
Quest.A diffusive process by which liquid water in the form of vapour is lost in the atmosphere
Quest.The process in which soil water lost from leaves of plants in the form of vapour and
enters the surrounding atmosphere.
Quest.The quantity of water needed for normal crop growth and yield in a period of time to a
place and may be supplied by precipitation or by irrigation or by both.
Ans.Water requirement of a crop
Quest.The consumptive use of water is equal to
Ans.ET + Mw
Quest.Water requirement of rice is
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Quest.Water requirement of wheat, sorghum, soybean and tobb ac o
Ans.45-65 cm
w w
Quest.Water requirement of sugarcane
Ans.150-250 cm
Quest.Water requirement of cotton crop
Ans.70-130 cm
Quest.Water requirement of maize and groundnut are
Ans.50-80 cm
Quest.The period when water requirement is maximum is called as
Ans.Critical stages of water requirement
Quest.What will be CPE value when irrigation is scheduled at 0.8 IW/CPE with 6.0 cm depth of
irrigation water?
Ans.7.5 cm or 75 mm
Quest.The ratio of the crop yield to the total amount of water used for irrigation is called,
measured in kg/ha-cm is
Ans.Water use efficiency
Quest.Salt content in irrigation water evaluated as best quality
Ans.0.2 to 0.5 g/lt

Quest.The permissible and normal limit of EC, RSC, SAR (meq 1–1) and Boron content (ppm)
Ans.2–4, < 2.5, < 10 and <3, respectively.
Quest.Nitrate levels in drinking water above mg per litre are considered as a human
health hazard.
Quest.The process of removal of excess water from the field to ensure a favourable salt balance
in the soil
Ans.Agricultural drainage
Quest.In a waterlogged soil, the concentration of is high
Quest.The root developed due to water logging in most of the crops
Ans.Adventitious root
Quest.Under water logged conditions, which nutrients are found deficient for the crops
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Ans.Both Zn and
Quest.The depth of water (cm) to be drained in 24 hours period from the entire drainage area.
Ans.Drainage coefficient
Quest.Drainage of one ha cm (105 lt) in 24 hrs is equal to
Ans.1.157 litre/sec

(VI) Watershed Management

Quest.A natural hydrological unit having common runoff outlet point
Quest.The ratio of runoff to the volume of precipitation receive in a catchment area is known as
Ans.Runoff coefficient
Quest.Micro watershed covers an area of about
Ans.100 - 1000 ha
Quest.Major irrigation project covers an area of
Ans.>10,000 ha
Quest.Irrigation project covered >10,000 ha of catchments command area (CCA)
Ans.Major irrigation project
Quest.Irrigation project covered 2,000 to 10,000 ha of CCA
Ans.Medium irrigation project
Quest.Irrigation project covered < 2,000 ha of CCA
Ans.Minor irrigation project
Quest.Water harvesting in situ is known as
Ans.Runoff farming

(VII) Dryland Agriculture

Quest.Cultivation of crops in areas where average annual rainfall is <750 mm per annum
Ans.Dry Farming
Quest.Cultivation of crops in areas receiving rainfall from 750 to 1150 mm per annum.
Ans.Dryland Farming
Quest.The areas receiving average annual rain fall > 1150 mm are categories as
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Quest.Crop growing season of dryland farming
Ans.75 – 120 days
Quest.Change in normal crop planning to meet weather abnormalities is termed as
Ans.Contingent planning
Quest.The main important feature of Indian monsoon
Ans.Long breaks in the rainy season or Prolonged Dry spells
Quest.The most dangerous situation in dryland condition is
Ans.Early withdrawal of water
Quest.The contingent crop plan suggested when long gap in rainfall
Ans.Providing life saving irrigation only at critical growth stages
Quest.The alternate crops recommended to sow under late onset of monsoon
Ans.Castor, Greengram, Cowpea, Sunflower etc.
Quest.The crop sown under condition of early onset of monsoon
Ans.Pearlmillet and Sesamum
Quest.A period in which the available soil moisture is enough to meet the evapotranspiration
requirement of dry land crops
Ans.Length of growing period
Quest.The length of growing period, suitable for growing only a single dry land crop
Ans.14 weeks
Quest.The length of growing period, suitable for inter cropping system
Ans.14 to 20 weeks
Quest.The moisture deficit condition, results when the amount of water vapour available in the
soil is not sufficient to meet the demand of potential evapo-transpiration
Quest.The simplest way of adaptation of plant to drought is
Quest.The chemical accumulated during drought condition
Quest.Which is accumulated in the leaves of water stressed plants
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Quest.Most appropriate crops in dryland farming
Ans.Pearlmillet, sorghum, gram, toria
Quest.Which crop rotation under dryland situation will be more remunerative?
Quest.The chemicals used to check transpiration losses of water
Quest.2,4-D, Atrazine and PMA at low concentration act as which type of antitranspirents
Ans.Stomatal closing
Quest.Film farming type antitranspirents are
Ans.Hexadeconal, Mobileaf, Wax and Silicon
Quest.Reflectant type antitranspirents is
Ans.Kaoline (5%)
Quest.Growth retardant type antitranspirents is
Ans.Cycocel (CCC)

(VIII) Weed Management

Quest.An unwanted plant, growing where it is not desired?
Quest.Such weeds, that are grown in cultivated field?
Ans.Obligate weeds
Quest.Cropped along with wild land weed are known as?
Ans.Facultative weeds
Quest.Problematic weed, whose seed once mixed with crop seed is extremely difficult to
Ans.Objectionable weed
Quest.Undesirable, troublesome weed difficult to control
Ans.Noxious weed
Quest.Mimicry weeds of rice and wheat is
Ans.Phalaris and wild rice
Quest.Weed that depends for its growth on its host plant?
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Quest.Semi root parasitic weed of Sorghum and
Ans.Striga spp.
Quest.Semi stem parasitic weed of Mango?
Ans.Loranthus spp.
Quest.The total root parasitic weed of Tobacco?
Ans.Orabanchi spp.
Quest.The total stem parasitic weed of Lucerne?
Ans.Cuscuta spp
Quest.The off type crop varieties are
Quest.Which of the following stages of a crop are more prone to weed competition?
Ans.Germination to seedling
Quest.What is the Critical Period of Crop-Weed Competition for transplanted rice?
Ans.30-45 DAS
Quest.What is the Critical Period of Crop-Weed Competition for Upland rice condition?
Ans.Entire period of crop growth
Quest.What is the Critical Period of Crop-Weed Competition for sugarcane?
Ans.30-120 DAS
Quest.The detrimental effect of one of higher plants on other higher plants is known as
Quest.The practice of flushing out germinable weed seeds before crop sowing is called
Ans.Stale seed bed
Quest.Stale seed bed technique of weed control is a
Ans.Cultural method
Quest.2, 4-D, Simazine, Atrazine and Fluchloralin belongs to the selectivity group
Ans.Selective herbicides
Quest.Diquat, Paraquat, Oxadiargyl and Glyphosate etc. belongs to the selectivity group
Ans.Non-selective herbicides
Quest.The herbicides applied 1 day before sowing/planting or just are comes under
Ans.Pre-plant incorporated (PPI) herbicides.
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.The example of PPI herbicides
Ans.Fluchloralin, Alachlor, Trifluralin etc.
Quest.The herbicides applied 1-4 days after sowing are comes under
Ans.Pre-emergence herbicides.
Quest.The example of PRE herbicides are
Ans.Simazine, Atrazin, Alachlor, Butachlor, Nitrofen, Pendimethalin etc.
Quest.The herbicides applied 30-40 DAS are comes under
Ans.Post-emergence herbicides.
Quest.The example of POST herbicides are
Ans.2, 4-D, Diquat, Paraquat, Isoproturon, Fenoxaprop-ethyl, Sulfosulfuron, Chlorimuron-
ethyl etc.
Quest.2, 4-D belongs to the chemical group
Ans.Chloro phenoxy compound
Quest.Fluchloralin and Pendimethalin belong to the chemical group
Quest.Atazine and Simazine belong to the chemical group
Quest.Alachlor, Butachlor and Propanil belong to the chemical group
Quest.Glyphosate and Anilophos belong to the chemical group
Quest.What is the trade name of Alachlor?
Quest.What is the trade name of Chlorimuron-ethyl?
Ans.Classic, Kloben
Quest.What is the trade name of Chlorimuron 10% + Metasulfuron-methyl 10%?
Quest.What is the trade name of Ethoxy sulfuron?
Quest.What is the trade name of Glyphosate?
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Quest.What is the trade name of Nitrofen?
Ans.Toke E-25
Quest.What is the trade name of Pendimethalin?
Quest.What is the trade name of Fenoxa prop-ethyl?
Ans.Whip super
Quest.Paraquate is a
Ans.Contact herbicide
Quest.Which herbicide shows Knock down effect?
Ans.Paraquate, Diquate and Glyphosate
Quest.Which is a contact selective herbicide?
Quest.Herbicides are not used in dust formulation because of
Ans.Drifting hazards
Quest.What is the concentration of solution in ppm if 2 kg of 2,4-D is mixed with 1000 lit of
Quest.Which of the following weed having herbicide resistance?
Ans.Avena fatua
Quest.Which of the following is a indicator plant for the bioassay of Atrazine?
Quest.First biologically controlled weed is
Ans.Lantana camara
Quest.Parthenium hysteroforus is biologically controlled by
Ans.Zygrogramma bicolarata
Quest.The most dominant aquatic weed Eichhornia crassipes is controlled by
Ans.Neochetina bruchi
Quest.First commercial Bio-herbicide is
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Quest.BIPOLARIS is used to control
Ans.Johnson grass
Quest.Which of the following causes more wastage of herbicide by drift?
Ans.Ultra-low volume sprayer
Quest.The Bright Red coloured triangle in herbicide shows
Ans.Extremely toxic group

(IX) Soil and Water Conservation

Quest.Detachment and transportation of top soil particles by wind and or by water is known as.
Ans.Soil erosion
Quest.What are the types of soil movement in the process of wind erosion?
Ans.Saltation, Suspension and Surface creep
Quest.About 50-75% of soil erosion by wind is carried out by
Quest.Very fine soil particles (<0.1 mm dia) eroded by mechanism
Quest.Removal of soil particles due to rain drops (through bouncing) is called
Ans.Splash erosion
Quest.Which mechanism of water erosion is known as “Death of Farmers”?
Ans.Sheet erosion
Quest.Chanalization begins from which mechanism of water erosion?
Ans.Rill erosion.
Quest.The advanced stage of gully erosion is
Quest.Average soil loss million tonnes/year in India is
Quest.The land capability classes suitable for crop cultivation are
Ans.Class I to III
Quest.According to USDA classification, the land belongs to class VI and VII are suitable for
Ans.Timber cum fiber farming
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Quest.Agronomical measures are adopted only where land
slo pe is
w w
Quest.Mechanical measures are adopted only where land slope is
Quest.Vertical mulches are used only in
Ans.Black cotton soil
Quest.The most popular mechanical measure to control soil erosion and conserve is
Ans.Contour Bunding
Quest.Contour Bunding is adopted where
Ans.Land slope (6 %) and in areas where average annual rainfall is < 600 mm.
Quest.Bench Terracing is practiced on
Ans.Steep slopping (16-33%) and undulated land
Quest.The crop grown on degraded land for improvement is called
Ans.Conservation crop
Quest.The full form of LEISA is
Ans.Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture
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Quest.“The study of envelope of air surrounding the planet and of the phenomenon associated
with atmosphere.”
Quest.A weather condition over a given region during a longest period.
Quest.A condition of atmosphere at a given place at a given time.
Quest.Monsoon is a
Ans.Arabic word
Quest.Gaseous envelop surrounding the earth known as
Quest.The ultimate source of energy on the earth is
Ans.The sun
Quest.The mean distance between Earth and Sun
Ans.1.5 x 108 km
Quest.Temperature on the sun is around
Quest.Who discovered solar energy?
Ans.Auguste Mouchout
Quest.The radiation in the sunlight that gives us the feeling of hotness is
Quest.The radiations emitted by the sun and responsible for the cause of skin cancer
Quest.In the atmosphere, which of the following gases account for about 99.0 % per cent by
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Ans.Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide
Quest.Percentage concentration of CO2 in air and soil is
Ans.0.030% and 0.25%
Quest.An average % of solar radiation reaching to the earth
Quest.Who is the first scientist attempted to classify the climate?
Ans.De Condole (1900)
Quest.Koppen and Thornthwaite classified the climate on the basis of
Ans.Annual Rainfall and annual Evaporation
Quest.Troll classified the climate on the basis of
Ans.Humid month and temperature
Quest.The instrument able to record almost all meteorological data by desired interval at any
time and any place
Ans.Automatic weather station
Quest.The value of solar constant is
Ans.1.94 cal/cm2/min
Quest.A certain part of energy received from the sun, is reflected back to space by the earth
known as?
Quest.The structure of atmosphere is divided on the basis of
Ans.Vertical temperature difference
Quest.All weather phenomena (i.e. Rain, fog, frost, clouds) occur in the zone of
Quest.Closest and Densest layer of atmosphere
Ans.Troposphere (8-18 km height)
Quest.Ozone layer is present in
Ans.Stratosphere zone (20-48 km)
Quest.The coldest region of the atmosphere
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Quest.Radio transmission found
Ans.Ionosphere zone
Quest.Gas less zone is
Ans.Thermosphere (>80 km height)
Quest.Blue colour of the sky and red colour of sunset is due to
Quest.What is the wavelength of visible solar radiation?
Ans.0.39-0.7 nm
Quest.Wavelength longer than m/μ is not visible to the eye, and are called infrared
Quest.The weight of the carbon of air at any given place and time.
Ans.Atmospheric pressure
Quest.The mean sea level pressure is
Ans.1013.25 milibars
Quest.What is wind?
Ans.Air blowing at a point.
Quest.North of the equator, surface winds are known as
Ans.Northeast trade winds
Quest.Wind direction is determined with the help of instrument
Ans.Wind vane
Quest.Wind turbines uses
Ans.Kinetic energy
Quest.Heat flow in solid/soil takes place mainly through the process of
Quest.Heat flow in liquid/water by process of
Quest.Heat flow in air by process of
Quest.Evaporation is measured by
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Quest.Wind pressure is measured
Ans.Beaufort scale
Quest.Atmospheric pressure is measured by
Quest.Relative humidity (RH) is measured by
Quest.Total incoming solar radiation is measured by
Quest.Evapotranspiration is measured by
Quest.Combination of Dry bulb and Wet bulb thermometer used for
Ans.Relative Humidity
Quest.Rainfall is measured by
Quest.Instrument used for estimating ET under field condition
Ans.Can Evaporimeter
Quest.Continuous temperature record by which instrument
Quest.Which Instrument record temperature without contact the object
Ans.Infrared thermometer
Quest.Instrument used for measuring concentration of ozone in air
Quest.Imaginary line that represents the equal temperature
Quest.Lines of equal pressure
Quest.Lines of equal rainfall
Quest.Lines of equal cloud cover
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Quest.The optimum temperature for better crop production is
Ans.18 – 24°C
b et we en
w w w temperature
in a day is observed at
Ans.Just before sunshine
Quest.What is the dry adiabatic lapse rate in troposphere
Quest.The formulae of Relative humidity is

Ans.RH (%) =

Quest.The monsoon covers 75% rainfall in India

Ans.Southwest monsoon
Quest.Date of onset of Monsoon in India
Ans.1st June
Quest.Date of Monsoon withdrawal in India
Ans.31st Sept.
Quest.Average annual rainfall of India
Ans.400 Mha-m.
Quest.One particular day, if the rain received 2.5 mm or more
Ans.Rainy day
Quest.An average size of rain drop
Ans.2 mm dia
Quest.Atmospheric water is known as
Ans.Green water
Quest.Soil water is known as
Ans.Blue water
Quest.Which clouds are known as rainy clouds?
Ans.Nimbo-stratus and Cumulonimbus
Quest.Clouds types which give the heavy and continuous precipitation
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Quest.An aggregation of minute drops of water suspended in th e
Quest.The unit used to record clouds
Quest.Cold cloud seeding is done by use of chemical
Ans.Silver iodide (AgI2)

Quest.Warm cloud seeding is done by

Ans.Sodium chloride (NaCl)
Quest.Indian Meteorological Organization (IMD) situated in
Ans.Pune (1932)
Quest.Phenomenon of warming of eastern pacific
Ans.EI nino
Quest.Phenomenon of cooling of eastern pacific
Ans.LI nino
Quest.Which surface has least Albedo?
Ans.Moist black soil
Quest.An engine of desertification
Quest.A period of 4 consecutive weeks from May to mid October or 6 consecutive weeks during
rest of the year
Ans.Agriculture drought
Quest.Widely used index for classification of droughts
Ans.Palmer drought index
Quest.The branch of science in which, the collection and interpretation of information about a
target without being in physical contact with it?
Ans.Remote Sensing
Quest.National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) is situated at
Quest.Medium range weather forecasting is done for
Ans.3-10 days
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Quest.Forecast will help in planning cropping
Ans.Long range weather
Quest.According to Planning Commission, Agro Climatic Zones in India are
Quest.According to NBSSLUP, Agro Ecological Regions in India are
Quest.The relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit unit of temperature
Quest.A natural warming process involving the interaction of sunlight and carbon dioxide and
other gases from the atmosphere
Ans.Green house effect
Quest.Three common greenhouse gases include
Ans.Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
Quest.Chief green house gas responsible for global warming
Ans.CO2 (50%)

Quest.Which green house gas linked with rice crop?

Ans.Methane (CH4)

Quest.The gas, responsible for ozone depletion


Quest.Which one is a substitute for CFCs

Quest.The chemicals most commonly found in acid precipitation are
Ans.Sulphuric acid and nitric acid
Quest.Normal rain water is slightly acidic with a pH of about
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Soil Science and Biochemistry

(I) Soil Science

Quest.The fine earth covering land surface acts as a reservoir of nutrients and water
Quest.The word ‘Soil’ is derived from
Quest.Study of origin, classification, morphology of soil is known as
Quest.The study of soils in relation to crop growth.
Quest.The father of Soil Science
Quest.The concentration of soil water in soil
Quest.Organic matter content in Indian soil is
Ans.5 %
Quest.Natural soil aggregates/mass are known as
Quest.The science describes rocks
Quest.Granite and Basalt are
Ans.Igneous rocks
Quest.Lime stone, Sand stone and Dolomite are
Ans.Sedimentary rocks
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Quest.Gneiss, Marble, Quartzite and Slate
Ans.Metamorphic rocks
Quest.The rocks gets broken in pieces due to temperature is called
Quest.Feldspar, Quartz and Mica are
Ans.Primary minerals
Quest.Kaolinite, Halloysite and Dickite are
Ans.1:1 type silicate clay minerals
Quest.The example of 2 : 1 type silicate clay minerals are
Ans.Montmorillonite, Vermiculite and Illite
Quest.Chlorite is
Ans.2:1:1 or 2:2 type clay mineral
Quest.The most dominant mineral on earth crust
Ans.Feldspar (48%)
Quest.The weathering mineral, having most stable soil structure
Quest.Which mineral is a source of phosphorus and boron in soils?
Quest.The hydroxide act as cementing agent in binding the soil particles together
Ans.Fe and Al
Quest.A vertical section of soil through all its horizons
Ans.Soil Profile
Quest.Which horizon is called Fertile zone?
Ans.‘A’ horizon
Quest.The horizon absent in arable land
Ans.‘O’ horizon
Quest.The eluviation horizon is
Ans.‘E or A2’ horizon

Quest.The illuviation horizon is

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Quest.A+B horizons are collectively called
Quest.A+B+C horizons together called as
Quest.The formulae of bulk density of
soil Ans.BD (g/cc) =


density of normal soil is Ans.1-1.6 g/cc

Quest.The formulae of particle density of soil

Ans.PD (g/cc) =
Quest.Widely accepted fixed value of particle density is
Ans.2.65 g/cc
Quest.The soil having PD 2.50 g/cc and BD 1.25 g/cc will have % porosity.
Quest.A field soil sample weighing 60 g, lost12 g on over dying. What is the moisture percent
on dry weight basis?
Quest.The weight of one hectare of surface soil (O-15 cm) in kilograms
Ans.2.24×106 kg/ha
Quest.The arrangement of primary particles of soil
Ans.Soil structure
Quest.The relative proportion of sand, silt and clay is termed as
Ans.Soil texture
Quest.The best agricultural soil structure is
Quest.Soil structure proving less porosity in soil
Quest.The best agricultural texture is
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Quest.A+B horizons are collectively called
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Quest.NBSS and LUP centre is located
Quest.Commonly followed soil particle classified in India is
Ans.International Society of Soil Science (ISSS)
Quest.According to IISS, the particle size of course sand
Ans.2 - 0.2 mm
Quest.The particle size of fine sand
Ans.0.2 -0.02 mm
Quest.The particle size of silt
Ans.0.02 – 0.002
Quest.The particle size of clay
Ans.< 0.002
Quest.The maximum pore space are found in
Ans.Clay soil
Quest.Soil colour is determined by
Ans.Munsell Colour chart
Quest.It is the relative purity or strength of the spectral colour.
Quest.The capacity of the soil to change its shape under moist conditions
Ans.Soil Plasticity
Quest.The attraction of solid surface for water molecules is called as
Quest.The density of soil water is maximum at
Quest.The surface tension of water is at 25°C
Ans.72.7 dyne/cm2
Quest.Solution whose strength or concentration is accurately known is termed as
Ans.Standard solution

Quest.Water held between 1/3rd and 15 atm

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Quest.The process by which ions are taken into plant
Quest.The range of usefulness of tensiometer is between
Ans.0.0-0.8 bar
Quest.Mechanical analysis of soil is estimated by
Ans.Stock’s law

Quest.The negative logarithm of H+ ion concentration

Ans.Soil pH
Quest.The pH value varies from
Ans.0 to 14.00
Quest.The C : N ratio of the soil are fairly constant between
Ans.10 : 1 to 12 : 1
Quest.The C/N ratio in the organic matter of furrow slice (upper 15 cm) of arable soils
commonly ranges from
Ans.8:1 to 15:1
Quest.The smell of soil after fresh shower is due to
Quest.The most dominant soil order of India
Quest.Black soil belongs the soil order
Quest.The soil having more than 30% organic matter is placed in
Quest.The most important soil group of India
Ans.Alluvial Soils
Quest.Newly formed alluvial soil is called
Quest.Which micro-nutrient is most deficient in Indo-Gangatic alluvium soils?
Quest.Black soil contains the clay mineral
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Ans.Montmorillonite clay
Quest.The soil deficient in nitrogen content
Ans.Black soil
Quest.Black soil shows black colour due to compound
Quest.The vertical cracks are major problem in
Ans.Deep black soils
Quest.Red soil is red coloured due to
Ans.Ferric oxides
Quest.Phosphorus fixation is most probable in
Ans.Laterite Soil
Quest.Infiltration rate is relatively higher in
Ans.Sandy soil
Quest.Peaty soils are generally deficient of
Quest.Marshy soils are generally deficient of
Quest.The most deficient micronutrient in the Indian soil is
Quest.The inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in adequate amount and in
suitable proportions
Ans.Soil Fertility
Quest.The capacity of the soil to produce plants under a specified programme of management
and it is expressed in terms of yields
Ans.Soil Productivity
Quest.The process of decomposition of organic matter is termed as
Quest.Well decomposed FYM contains N, P and K content
Quest.A mass of rotted organic matter made from waste
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Quest.NPK content of farm compost
Quest.NPK content of town compost
Quest.The organic matter rich compost made by use of earthworms
Quest.A practice of turning un-decomposed fresh green plant tissue into the soil to improve
fertility status and physical structure of the soil.
Ans.Green Manuring
Quest.Green manure crops are turned in the field at the stage of
Quest.Green manure crops contributes nitrogen ranging from
Ans.50-175 kg/ha
Quest.The most widely used green manure crop
Ans.Sunhemp (Crotalaria juncea)
Quest.The green manure crop having both stem and root nodulation
Ans.Sesbania rostrata
Quest.Green leaf manuring crops
Ans.Karanj and Ipomea
Quest.NPK content of poultry manure
Quest.The crop oilcake, which has highest nitrification rate
Quest.Groundnut cake contains NPK
Quest.Fertilizer which contains only one primary or major nutrient, e.g. Urea.
Ans.Straight fertilizers
Quest.Those fertilizers having all the three major nutrients viz., N, P and K.
Ans.Complete fertilizers
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and 46% Pcontain
more than 25% of primary nutrients, e .g . U re a( 4 6
w w w .h i n d
Ans.High analysis fertilizers
Quest.The relative percentage of N2, P2O5 and K2O” in a fertilizer
Ans.Fertilizer ratio
Quest.The fertilizer which destroys soil aggregates
Ans.Sodium nitrate
Quest.Oldest N fertilizer, best for top dressing in rice
Ans.Ammonium sulphate (20.6% N and 24% S)
Quest.Most concentrated nitrogenous fertilizer
Ans.Anhydrous ammonia (81% N)
Quest.Explosive fertilizer is
Ans.Ammoniun nitrate (33% N)
Quest.Neutral fertilizer, also called Kishan khad
Ans.Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (26% N)
Quest.Cheapest N fertilizer, suitable for foliar spray
Ans.Urea (46% N)
Quest.Amid form of N fertilizer
Quest.Which one is considered as organic fertilizer?
Quest.Water soluble phosphatic fertilizers
Quest.Citric acid soluble phosphatic fertilizers
Ans.DCP, Basic slag and Bone meal
Quest.Oldest commercially available fertilizer
Ans.SSP (16-18% P2O5)

Quest.The fertilizer which supplies 3 essential plant nutrients


Quest.Least hygroscopic
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Ans.DAP (18% N and 46%
Quest.The phosphatic fertilizer suitable for acid soil
Ans.Bone meal (23-30% P2O5)

Quest.Potassic fertilizer containing highest amount of K2O

Ans.Muriate of potash/KCl (60% K2O)

Quest.Potassic fertilizer suitable for fertigation

Ans.Potassium Nitrate (44% K2O)

Quest.The medium range of available N in soil

Ans.280-560 kg/ha
Quest.Maximum amount of fertilizer is applied in
Quest.Fertilizer application in lowland paddy is done at
Ans.Reduced zone
Quest.Kjeldahl method is used to determine
Ans.Total N of soil
Quest.The maximum phosphorus availability in most of the soils is in the pH range
Ans.6.0 to 6.5
Quest.The method used to determine available phosphorus from soil is
Ans.Olsen’s method
Quest.Maximum concentration of urea for foliar spray
Quest.Solution of fertilizer specially applied at initial growth of plants in pulses and vegetable
Ans.Starter solution
Quest.The application of fertilizer along with irrigation water
Quest.Which nutrients can be applied by fertigation
Ans.Nitrogen and sulphur
Quest.The law of diminishing return was proposed by
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.Lowland applied nitrification inhibitors
Ans.Oxamide (31% N) and Thiourea (36.8% N)
Quest.Slowly released N fertilizers
Ans.Scoated urea, Neem coated urea, Urea super granule
Quest.Symbiotic N2 fixing bacteria in leguminous crop.
Quest.Asymbiotic N2 fixing bacteria
Ans.Azotobactor and Azospirillum
Quest.Rhizobium fixes atmospheric nitrogen/ha to the soil
Ans.50-100 kg
Quest.Azatobactor can fixes atmospheric nitrogen/ha to the soil.
Ans.20-30 kg
Quest.The essential element required by the N fixing bacterium Rhizobium
Quest.Conversion of NH4 to NO2 in soil is brought out by
Quest.Conversion of soil nitrate into gaseous nitrogen is
Quest.VAM belongs to the group of
Quest.Rhizobium japonicum culture is applied for crops
Ans.Soybean and Groundnut
Quest.Rhizobium leguminosarum is applied for
Ans.Pea, Lathyrus and Lentil
Quest.Rhizobium trifoli is applied for
Quest.In waterlogged rice field, atmospheric nitrogen can be fixed to the soil by
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Quest.The phosphate solubilizer species of micro organisms
Quest.Mychoryza increase availability of
Quest.Bio-super is made up of
Ans.Rock phosphate + Sulpher + Sulphur oxidizing bacteria
Quest.Zinc solubilizing bacterial biofertilizer is
Quest.Total no. of essential nutrients for plants
Quest.Total no. of functional nutrients
Ans.21 (Essential elements + Co, V, Si, Na)
Quest.Beneficial elements are
Ans.Ru, Sr, Ni, Cr and As
Quest.N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S are
Ans.Macro nutrients
Quest.N, P and K are
Ans.Primary nutrients
Quest.Ca, Mg and S are
Ans.Secondary nutrients
Quest.Essentiality of N was established by
Ans.De Saussure
Quest.Concept “Essentiality of elements” was proposed in 1939 by
Ans.Arnon and Stout
Quest.Arnon and Stout discovered the essentiality of
Quest.Nutrient uptake both charges form
Ans.N (NH4+ and NO3–)

Quest.Principle uptake form of phosphorus by plants
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Quest.Immobile element in soil is
Quest.Immobile element in plant is
Quest.Plant takes the nutrient in the form of
Quest.The nutrient required for quality maintenance in potato
Quest.Nutrient, which maximum uptake by the plants
Quest.Nutrient essential for oilseed crops
Quest.Structural component of Vit B12
Quest.Deficiency symptoms of N, P, K, Mg and Mo appear in
Ans.Older leaves
Quest.New leaves show deficiency symptoms of
Ans.Fe, Mn, Cu, S
Quest.Old and new leaves show deficiency symptoms of
Quest.Deficiency symptoms of Ca and B appear in
Ans.Terminal buds
Quest.Cereal crops show ‘V’ shaped pale yellowing at lower leaf tips due to deficiency of
Quest.Deficiency appears as short internodes in plant.
Quest.Purple coloration appeared in leaves due to
Ans.P deficiency
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Quest.Scorching and burning
plant are most commonon margins of
symptoms of bottom leaves and irr eg ul a r f r u it
w w w . h in d
Ans.K deficiency
Quest.Failure of terminal bud and root tips is the principle symptom of
Ans.Ca deficiency
Quest.Interveinal chlorosis occurs due to
Ans.Mg and Fe deficiency
Quest.Downward cupping of leaves in Tobacco and Tea shows
Ans.S deficiency
Quest.Whip like structure appeared in terminal bud
Ans.B deficiency
Quest.Burning quality of Tobacco decreased due to
Quest.Dia back and Little leaf disease in Citrus shows
Ans.Cu deficiency
Quest.Mn deficiency shows
Ans.Interveinal yellowing of younger leaves
Quest.Translucent spots of irregular shape between veins shows
Ans.Mo deficiency
Quest.Upper leaves will show chlorosis on midrib, veins green and dead spots occur in all parts
of leaf (veins, tips and margins) show
Ans.Zn deficiency
Quest.Zn toxicity is reduced by addition of
Quest.A situation in which a crop needs more of a given nutrient yet has shown no deficiency
Ans.Hidden Hunger
Quest.Luxury consumed nutrient by plants i.e. maize
Quest.Excess of N, P and K causes deficiency of
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Quest.Excess of Ca causes deficiency
Quest.Deficiency of N indicated by plant
Quest.Deficiency of Bo indicated by plant
Quest.The soil, which have <4.0 pH is
Ans.Cat soil
Quest.The residual effect of urea on soil reaction is
Quest.Soil pH > 8.5 indicates soil is
Quest.Saline soil is also called as
Ans.Solan chalk and White alkali
Quest.Alkaline soil is also called as
Ans.Solanetz and Black alkali
Quest.The saline – alkali soil is also known as
Quest.Lime (CaCO3) is added to neutralize
Ans.Acid soils
Quest.Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) is used for the reclamation of
Ans.Sodic/Alkaline soils
Quest.Pyrite (FeS2) is used to reclaim
Ans.Saline soils
Quest.Rock phosphate is applied in
Ans.Acid soil
Quest.Gypsum contains
Ans.29.2% Ca and 18.6% S
Quest.Method used for the determination of lime requirement of an acid soil is
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Quest.The crops prefer acidic soil
Ans.Rice, tea and potato
Quest.Highly salt tolerant crops
Ans.Barley and Sugarbeet
Quest.Which fertilizer is most beneficial for alkali soils?
Ans.Ammonium sulphate
Quest.Which of the plant species can be suggested on saline soil?
Ans.Haloxylon salicornium

(II) Biochemistry
Quest.The word ‘Biochemistry’ is a
Ans.Greek word
Quest.Father of Agricultural biochemistry
Ans.Justus von Liebig
Quest.First used the term ‘biochemistry’
Ans.Neuberg (1903)
Quest.The most abundant biomolecules on earth
Quest.The formulae of monosaccharide

Quest.Monosaccharide contains
Ans.Glucose, Fructose, Galactose and Mannose
Quest.Oligosaccharides contains
Ans.Sucrose, Maltose, Cellobiose, Lactose and Stachyose
Quest.Monosaccharides possess reducing property due to the presence of
Ans.Free aldehyde or keto group
Quest.Glucose is also known as
Quest.Glucose is
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Quest.Biologically active form of glucose
Quest.Fructose is
Ans.Fruit sugar
Quest.Sweetest sugar among all
Quest.Monosaccharides that are used as energy source
Ans.Glucose and fructose
Quest.Disaccharides contain
Ans.Sucrose, Maltose, Lactose and Cellobiose
Quest.Oligosaccharides that is used in preservation of foods
Quest.Trisaccharides contain
Quest.Tetrasacharides contain
Quest.Non reducing type sugar is
Quest.Reducing type sugars are
Ans.Maltose and Cellobiose
Quest.Glucose + Galactose consisting of
Quest.Sugar presents in milk
Quest.Glycogen present in
Ans.Animal cell
Quest.Polymer of glucose
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Quest.Man can not digest cellulose due to the absence
Quest.Total no. of essential amino acids are
Quest.The term ‘Protein’ was coined by
Ans.Moulder (1840)
Quest.The polymers of amino acid
Ans.Proteins and enzymes
Quest.Protein is discovered by
Quest.Protein that contains only amino acid
Ans.Simple protein
Quest.Regulatory proteins are
Quest.Transport proteins are
Ans.Haemoglobin and Myoglobin
Quest.Structural proteins are
Ans.Collagen and Elastin
Quest.The most abundant protein present in the world
Quest.Muscle protein is known as
Quest.Silk protein is known as
Quest.Soybean protein is known as
Quest.Wheat protein is known as
Quest.Rice protein is known as
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Quest.Maize protein is known as
Quest.Nucleic acids were first discovered by
Ans.Friedrich Meischer (1868)
Quest.DNA denotes
Ans.Deoxyribose nucleic acid
Quest.Who discovered the base composition of DNA?
Ans.Chargaff (1953)
Quest.Deoxyribose sugar + Nitrogenous base is
Quest.Deoxyribose sugar + Nitrogenous base + phosphate group (PO2)
Quest.Single stranded DNA
Quest.The form of DNA present in living organisms
Quest.RNA that transfer amino acids from cytoplasm to ribosome
Quest.Most abundant form of RNA that constitutes 80% parts of cellular RNA
Quest.Which nucleic acid controls all cellular activities?
Quest.Which nucleic acid is necessary for protein biosynthesis?
Quest.Double helix model of DNA was proposed by
Ans.Watson and Crick (1953)
Quest.The term ‘Enzyme’ was given by
Ans.W. Kuhne (1867)
Quest.Enzyme is discovered by
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Quest.1st enzyme which was discovered by
Quest.The enzyme involved in biological nitrogen fixation
Quest.Apoenzyme + Prosthetic group
Quest.Enzyme without Prosthetic group
Ans.Apo enzyme
Quest.Enzymes which exist in multiple forms within single specing of an organism
Quest.The non protein component of the enzyme
Quest.Vitamin was discovered by
Ans.Funk (1911)
Quest.Total well defined vitamins are
Quest.Vit. B complex (B1, B2, B12), B3, B6 and Vit. C are
Ans.Water soluble vitamins
Quest.Vit. A, D, E and K are
Ans.Fat soluble vitamins
Quest.Vitamin A is also known as
Quest.Vitamin A deficiency causes
Ans.Night blindness
Quest.Vitamin B1 is also known as
Quest.Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes
Quest.Vitamin B2 is also known as
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Quest.Deficiency of vitamin B2 causes
Ans.Skin cracking
Quest.Vitamin B3 is also known as
Ans.Pantathenic acid
Quest.Vitamin B3 deficiency causes
Ans.Whiteness of hairs
Quest.Vitamin B5 is also known as
Quest.Deficiency of vitamin B5 causes
Quest.Vitamin B7 is also known as
Quest.Deficiency of vitamin B7 causes
Quest.Vitamin B12 is also known as
Quest.Disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin B12
Ans.Pernicious anaemia
Quest.Vitamin C is also also known as
Ans.Ascorbic acid l
Quest.Vitamin C deficiency causes
Quest.Vitamin D is also known as
Quest.Vitamin D deficiency causes
Quest.The vitamin also called Sunshine vitamin
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Quest.Vitamin E is also known as
Quest.Vitamin K is also known as
Quest.Disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin E
Quest.Disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin K
Ans.Non-coagulation of blood
Quest.Cereals are deficient in amino acid
Quest.Pulses are deficient in amino acid
Quest.Which vitamin contains metal ion?
Ans.Vitamin B12

Quest.The reaction of oil/fat with NaOH/KOH as

Quest.The number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100 g fat or oil
Ans.Iodine value/number
Quest.Value, used to assess the degree of spoilage (rancidity) of a fat or oil
Ans.Acid Number/Value
Quest.A partial substitute for petroleum diesel
Quest.Golden rice is rich in
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Genetics, Plant Breeding, Seed Science and
Plant Biotechnology

(I) Genetics
Quest.The study of the way in which genes operate and the way in which they are transmitted
(heredity) from parents to offsprings
Quest.Who coined the term genetics?
Ans.W. Bateson (1905)
Quest.The ‘father of modern genetics’
Ans.Gregor John Mendal
Quest.Which is known as functional unit of life?
Quest.Who discovered the cell?
Ans.R. Hooke (1665)
Quest.Cell theory was given by
Ans.M.J. Schleiden and T.Schwann (1939)
Quest.Which is known as physical basis of life?
Quest.How many kind of cells are found in living world?
Ans.2 (Eukaryote and Prokaryote)
Quest.The plant cell is a type of cell
Quest.Which cell organelle is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
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Quest.The cells without cell
Quest.Controlling centre of cell
Quest.Nucleus was discovered by
Ans.Robert Brown (1983)
Quest.Which cell organelle is called as “Power house of the cell”?
Quest.Who discovered mitochondria?
Quest.Who coined the term mitochondria?
Ans.Benda (1897)
Quest.The term ‘Endoplasmic reticulum’ coined by
Ans.Porter (1948)
Quest.Which organelle of cell is known as engine of cell?
Quest.Rough ER is associated with
Quest.The main site of protein synthesis
Quest.70s type ribosome is found in
Quest.Name the prokaryotic organism which does not contain mitochondria?

Quest.The term Lysosome was 1st used by

Ans.Dave (1955)
Quest.Which organelle of cell is known as suicidal bag of cell?
Quest.The main function of Golgi body is
Ans.Packing and transport of food
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Quest.Which organelle of cell is known as dustbin of
Quest.Which organelle of cell is non living?
Ans.Cell wall
Quest.The material contained in vacuoles
Ans.Cell sap
Quest.A self replicating, extra-chromosomal genetic material found in plant cell
Quest.Plastids was introduced by
Quest.Which organelles of cell are found only in plants?
Ans.Plastids, Spherosome
Quest.Which plastid of cell is responsible for photosynthesis in plants?
Quest.Which plastid of cell is responsible for colour in plants?
Quest.Which plastid of cell is responsible for storage of starch and fat in plants?
Quest.Name the leucoplast which functions as the storage of oil?
Quest.Thread like bodies that carry gene
Quest.Who firstly discovered chromosome?
Ans.Strasburger (1875)
Quest.Who coined the term chromosome?
Ans.Waldeyer (1888)
Quest.Who gave the chromosomal theory of Inheritance?
Ans.Sutton and Boveri
Quest.What is the fundamental unit of chromosome?
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Quest.Which part of the chromosome is known as primary con str ict io n ?
w w w .h
Quest.The major genetic constituent of chromosome
Quest.How many daughter cells are formed in one cycle of mitosis?
Quest.‘Mitosis’ term was coined by
Ans.Walter Flemming (1882)
Quest.In which cells does mitosis occur?
Ans.Somatic cells
Quest.Longest phase of mitosis
Quest.Shortest phase of mitosis
Quest.The middle stage in which chromosomes are arranged in equatorial plate
Quest.The stage of DNA synthesis in mitosis
Quest.How many daughter cells are formed in one cycle of meiosis?

Quest.‘Meiosis’ term was 1st given by

Ans.J.B. Farmer (1905)
Quest.In which cells does the meiosis occur?
Ans.Reproductive cells
Quest.Crossing over and recombination occur during
Ans.Meiosis division
Quest.In which stage, crossing over takes place?
Ans.Pachytene stage
Quest.Chiasmata occurs at
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Quest.Spindle formation takes place
Ans.Metaphase 1
Quest.The process of separation of chromatids called
Quest.Mendal was born on
Ans.July 22, 1822
Quest.Mendal works on the 7 contrasting characters of crop
Ans.Garden pea
Quest.Rediscovery of Mendel’s work was done by
Ans.Hugo de Vries, Erich Correns and Erich Tschermak (1900)
Quest.The accepted theory of Mendal was
Ans.Law of Segregation
Quest.Mendelian population is also known as
Ans.Random mating population
Quest.A tall pea plant (DD) and a tall pea plant (Dd) have what in common?
Quest.The double helix model of DNA proposed by
Ans.Watson and Crick (1953)
Quest.The process of using information (genetic material) from DNA to construct m-RNA
Quest.Transfer of genetic material from m-RNA to Protein
Quest.An expression of one gene depends on the presence or absence of another gene in an
Ans.Epistasis/gene interaction
Quest.Phenotypic ratio of Monocross hybrid
Quest.Phenotypic ratio of Dicross hybrid
Quest.Triplet sequence found in mRNA which codes for single amino acid
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Quest.Triplet sequence in t-RNA
Quest.5 inbred lines will lead to ……. no. of single crosses.
Quest.The term “Genomics” was coined by
Ans.Thomas Roderick (1986)
Quest.Who developed the concept of pangenesis?
Quest.Theory of evolution through natural selection was given by
Ans.C.Darwin and A.R.Wallace (1858)
Quest.Who developed the theory of acquired character?
Quest.Chromosomal theory of heredity was proposed by
Ans.W. Sutton (1902)
Quest.Genes for sex-linked traits are located on
Ans.“Y” chromosome
Quest.How many pairs of homologous chromosomes do humans have?

(II) Plant Breeding

Quest.The science, which helps in changing the genetic make-up of plants in such a way that they
give rise to the maximum economic product for human use.
Ans.Plant Breeding
Quest.Basic chromosome/Genomic number is
Quest.Genetic chromosome number is
Quest.Haploid no. of Triticum aestivum
Ans.n = 21
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Quest.Heteroploid in which one or few chromosomes or
missi ng fr om 2 n
w w w hypoploid
Quest.Monosomic .h i
Ans.2n -1
Quest.Double monosomic
Quest.Hyperploid have one extra chromosome
Ans.Trisonic (2n+1)
Quest.Double trisomic
Quest.Double Tetrasomic
Quest.Polyploidy level in embryo and endosperm of seed
Quest.Polyploidy level of testa and pollen mother cell of seed
Quest.Polyploidy level in endosperm of Triticum aestivum
Quest.Triploids are useful for
Ans.Seedless fruits
Quest.Wheat, cotton, tobacco and oat are
Quest.The term “primary centres of origin’ was proposed by
Quest.Vegetative embryos develops without fertilization
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Quest.Development of fruit without
Quest.Embryo originates from unfertilized egg
Quest.Progeny of a single cross fertilized heterozygous individual
Quest.Male sterile line
Quest.Progeny of a single plant, obtained by asexual reproduction
Quest.A single gene affecting more than one character/governing multiple traits
Quest.Repeated crossing of hybrid progeny back to one of its parents
Ans.Back Cross
Quest.F1 x homozygous recessive parent
Ans.Test Cross
Quest.Intra-specific hybridization is a crossed between
Ans.Two plant of different varieties
Quest.When pollen grains from an another falls on receptive stigma of the same flowers
Ans.Self pollination
Quest.Self pollinated species are also known as
Ans.Autogamous species
Quest.When pollen grains from flower of one plant transferred to receptive stigmas of
flowers of another plant
Ans.Cross pollination/Allogamy
Quest.Rice, Wheat, Buckwheat and Oat are
Ans.Self pollinated crops
Quest.Maize, Pearl millet, Black mustard and Sunflower are
Ans.Cross pollinated crops
Quest.Often Cross pollination crops are
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Ans.Safflower, Arhar, Cotton and
Quest.Continuous inbreeding (Selfing) leads
Quest.Single seed descent method is a method of
Ans.Method of Self pollination
Quest.Mass selection is always based on
Quest.The oldest selection method of crop improvement
Ans.Mass selection
Quest.Concept of pure line was given by
Quest.A progeny of single homozygous, self pollinated crops
Ans.Pure line
Quest.A method of breeding for wheat
Ans.Pure line selection method
Quest.Breeding refers to selection procedure in which the segregating population of self
pollinated species is grown without selections
Quest.Most commonly used method for selection from segregation generations of crosses in self
pollinated crops
Ans.Pedigree method
Quest.A method which is not for handling segregating populations
Ans.Bulk method
Quest.A method for improving specific traits i.e. plant height, disease resistancy
Ans.Pedigree method
Quest.Multiline breeding is exploited widely in the crop
Quest.A method does not provide opportunity to practice selection for superior plant till F5
Ans.Single seed descent method
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variety. used method for transfer of disease resistanc y
Ans.Back cross method
Quest.Clonal selection mostly used in the crop
Quest.The parent which is used only once in back cross breeding method

Quest.Bulk method was 1st used by

Ans.Nilson Ehle (1908)
Quest.Progeny selection is also known as
Ans.Ear to row method of selection
Quest.Methods used for handling the segregating generation
Ans.Pedigree, Bulk and Single seed descent method
Quest.A method of breeding is appropriate for improvement of good variety.
Ans.Back cross method
Quest.A method in which desirable scattered favourable genes are selected in different plants in
each generation
Ans.Recurrent selection
Quest.A method of breeding is not appropriate for cross pollinated crops
Ans.Pure line selection
Quest.Cross between two genetically different homozygote plants is
Ans.Hybrid or F1

Quest.A x B = F1
Ans.Single cross hybrid
Quest.(A x B) x (C x D)
Ans.Double cross hybrid
Quest.Selected variety/line/clone x open pollinated variety
Ans.Top cross
Quest.A single cross (A x B) x OP variety
Ans.Double top cross
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otherproduced by crossing in all combinations a nu mb er o f li n e s
w w w .h i n d
Ans.Synthetic variety
Quest.Synthetic variety is maintained by
Ans.Self pollination
Quest.A variety produced by mixing the seeds of several phenotypically outstanding lines
Ans.Composite variety
Quest.Composite variety is developed by
Ans.Cross pollination
Quest.Hybrid variety was first exploited in
Quest.A mechanism of self pollination in which flowers open but only after pollination has take
Quest.Chasmogamy was found in
Ans.Rice Moong and Oat
Quest.Pollination and fertilization occurs before opening of flower is termed as
Quest.Cleistogamy was found in
Ans.Wheat and Barley
Quest.When male and female flowers of a hermaphrodite flower matures at different time
Quest.When female matures before male
Quest.Pollen from a flower of one plant falls on the stigmas of other flowers of the same plant.
Quest.When male and female flowers occur on the same plant
Quest.When male and female flowers occur on different plants
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Quest.Maize is
Ans.Monocius plant
Quest.Papaya is a
Ans.Diocious plant

Quest.1st Intergeneric hybrid was

Ans.Raphino brassica (Radish x Cabbage)
Quest.Hybrid variety of rice is developed by using
Ans.GMS and CGMS line
Quest.Double cross hybrids of maize are developed by
Ans.CGMS line
Quest.Exploitation of hybrids in tobacco was carried out by
Quest.Superiority of F1 hybrids over both of its parents is termed as
Quest.Term ‘Heterosis’ was given by
Quest.The average value for a character of the two parents of the concerned hybrid.
Ans.Mid parent/Average Heterosis
Quest.When heterosis estimated over the superior or better parent
Quest.When superiority of the hybrid to the standard commercial check variety
Ans.Economic heterosis
Quest.Exchange of chromatin between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes is
known as
Ans.Crossing over
Quest.Loss or decrease in vigour and fitness as a result of inbreeding.
Ans.Inbreeding Depression
Quest.Highly ID is found in
Ans.Alfalfa and Carrot

Quest.Sudden heritable change in any characteristics of an

organi sm This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga
Quest.X-rays as mutagen was 1st used by
Quest.The unit in which mutation occurs
Quest.Chemical or physical agent which greatly enhances the frequency of mutation.
Quest.A man made cereal
Quest.The cultivated banana is a
Quest.Removal of the entire tassel (male inflorescence of maize) from the plant before pollen to
initiate cross hybridization
Quest.A condition in which either pollen is absent or non functional in flowering plants.
Ans.Male Sterility
Quest.When pollen sterility is caused by cytoplasmic genes
Ans.Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS)
Quest.An important male sterility source of sorghum
Ans.Tift 60
Quest.Ethrel is used as Gametocide for
Ans.Wheat, Rice and Sugarbeet
Quest.Wheat is a
Quest.Sugarcane, Cotton and Brassica are
Quest.Potato is a
Quest.Brassica nigra was evolved from
Ans.B. compestris x B. oleracia
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Quest.Brassica juncia was evolved
Ans.B. compestris x B. nigra
Quest.Characters which are governed/controlled by several genes each having small individual
Ans.Polygenic Traits
Quest.Natural genetic engineer

(III) Seed Science

Quest.A fertilized ovule consisting of intact embryo, stored food and seed-coat which is viable
and has got the capacity to germinate
Quest.The seed of a crop variety produced by the breeder which is small in quantity is said
to be
Ans.Nucleus seed
Quest.Source of breeder seed
Ans.Nucleus seed
Quest.Progeny of breeder seed
Ans.Foundation seed
Quest.Certified tag colour of breeder seed
Ans.Golden brown
Quest.The seeds produced by NSC
Ans.Foundation seed
Quest.Certified tag colour of foundation seed
Ans.White tag
Quest.Progeny of foundation or registered seed
Ans.Certified seed
Quest.Certified seed is generally produced by
Quest.Certified seed tag having
Ans.Azure blue colour
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Quest.The emergence and development of seedlings from the s Quest.Isolation
condition ee d- em b distance
r y o for
w wsunflower
. hi n
Ans.500 m
Quest.Hypogeal germination is found in
Ans.Cereals, Gram, Arhar, Lentil Quest.Weight of 1000 seeds is
known as
Quest.Epigeal germination is found in
Ans.Mustard, Sunflower, Castor, Onion.
Quest.Varietal purity is checked by
Ans.Grow out test (GOT)
Quest.The impurity percentage of seed
Quest.Formulae of real value of seed
Ans.Real value of seed =

Quest.The capacity of the

seed to germinate
Ans.Seed vigour/viability
Quest.Seed viability is mostly tested by use of
Ans.2, 3, 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride
Quest.Formulae of pure live seed
Ans.Pure Live Seed =

Quest.The main aim to maintain isolation distance

Ans.To avoid contamination or cross
Quest.Isolation distance for self pollinated crops i.e. rice,
Ans.3 m
Quest.Isolation distance for certified maize seed
Ans.200 m
Quest.Isolation distance for certified pigeonpea
Ans.50 m
Quest.The emergence and development of seedlings from the s ee d- em b r y o
w w w . hi n
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Quest.Weight of 100 seeds
Ans.Seed Index
Quest.Seed testing refers to
Ans.Testing of Purity, Moisture and Germination of seeds
Quest.The standard method of seed moisture estimation
Ans.Oven dry method
Quest.The rice variety which has no seed dormancy
Quest.The dormancy due to hard seed coat or impermeable seed coats
Quest.The dormancy due to low temperature and moisture conditions
Quest.The PGR used to initiate seed germination
Ans.Gibberellic acid
Quest.Seed dormancy of potato tubers is broken by treating tubers with
Ans.Thiourea 1%
Quest.The main objective of field inspection is to examine
Ans.Disease incidence, Isolation distance and Off-types
Quest.Seed processing is termed as
Quest.National Seed Corporation (NSC) was registered in
Quest.Seed act was passed on
Quest.The Seed Rule was passed on
Quest.National Seed Project (NSP) was started on
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(IV) Plant Biotechnolog y
Quest.Applied use of molecular biology and recombinant DNA w
Technology known as
Quest.The term ‘Biotechnology’ was coined by
Ans.Karl Ereky (1919)
Quest.Multiplication of cell of large number of plants placed in appropriate environment
conditions with required nutrients is known as
Ans.Plant tissue or in vitro culture
Quest.The plant or plant part excised for the in vitro cultivation
Quest.An exact genetic replica of a specific gene or an entire organism.
Quest.General used nutrient medium in tissue culture
Ans.B-5 medium and MS medium
Quest.A culture of isolated mature or immature embryos
Ans.Meristem culture
Quest.Young embryo is removed from developing seeds and planted on a suitable nutrient
medium in vitro is called as
Ans.Embryo culture
Quest.Anther or pollen culture technique is used to obtained
Ans.Haploid plants
Quest.Culture of an organ in vitro
Ans.Organ culture
Quest.Capability of an isolated single cell to multiply and differentiate into multicellular
Quest.A biochemical process or reaction taking place in a test tube (in lab)
Ans.In vitro
Quest.Alternate forms of a gene
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Quest.A method for transforming DNA especially useful of
pla nt ce lls
w w w
Quest.DNA was
synthesized by
Ans.A. Kornberg (1953)
Quest.A DNA sequence that codes for a specific polypeptide
Quest.A library composed of complementary copies of cellular mRNA
Quest.The molecule which encodes genetic information
Quest.The molecule which helps in decoding genetic information carried by DNA
Quest.A process of formation of somatic embryos from callus
Quest.Crossing of plants through fusion of somatic cell
Ans.Somatic hybridization
Quest.A segment of DNA that codes for a specific characters
Quest.A DNA element which has the ability to move from one chromosomal position to another
Ans.Jumping gene
Quest.Father of genetic engineering
Ans.Paul Berg
Quest.A bacterium used in genetic engineering
Ans.E-coli (Agrobacterium rhizogenes)
Quest.Gene responsible for higher amount of lysine in maize
Quest.PCR denotes
Ans.Polymerase Chain Reactions
Quest.RFLD denotes
Ans.Restriction fragement length
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Ans.Random amplified polymorphic DNA
Quest.A hybrid produced using nucleous of one parent cell and cytoplasm of both the cell
Quest.Molecular scissors used in genetic engineering
Ans.Restriction endonuclease
Quest.Map of genome showing relative positions of genes and or markers on chromosomes
Ans.Genetic map
Quest.A single DNA molecule condensed into a compact structure in vivo by complexing with
accessory histones or histone-like proteins.
Quest.The process of synthesizing multiple copies of a particular DNA sequence
Ans.Gene cloning
Quest.The process of producing a protein from its DNA- and mRNA-coding sequences.
Ans.Gene expression
Quest.DNA amplification is done in the machine
Quest.Francis Crick’s seminal concept that in nature genetic information generally flows from
DNA to RNA to protein.
Ans.Central Dogma
Quest.Transplanting a cell, tissue or organ from one nutrient medium to another.
Quest.The first biotech plant is
Quest.Bt genes are introduced in cotton against the pest
Ans.Cotton Bollworm
Quest.The vegetable crop under approval for Bt. technology
Quest.Terminator technology is recently used in
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Plant Physiology

Quest.The science concerned with processes, functions, plant responses to external stimulus and
growth and development of plant.
Ans.Plant Physiology
Quest.Father of plant physiology
Ans.Stephan Hales
Quest.The cause of most of the gaseous interchange in soil
Quest.In diffusion, particle/molecules moves from region of
Ans.Higher to lower concentration
Quest.The concept ‘Osmosis’ is given by
Ans.Abbe Nollel
Quest.Plasma membrane is a type of
Ans.Semi-permeable membrane
Quest.The diffusion of solvent particles into a living cell
Quest.Strong solution having higher concentration
Ans.Hypertonic solution
Quest.Imbibition is coined by
Quest.The component of water potential which determine by the attraction between water and
hydrating colloids.
Ans.Matric potential
Quest.Shrinkage of protoplasm due to outward flow of water (exosmosis) in a concentrate
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.The Casparian strip is present
Quest.The hydrostatic pressure generated within the cell against cell wall as a result of entry of
water into it, due to osmosis.
Ans.Turgor pressure
Quest.During Osmosis, movement of water takes place from
Ans.Lower to higher concentration of solution
Quest.Water is absorption by plants mainly through
Ans.Root hairs
Quest.First step in absorption of water is
Quest.Absorbed of water against a concentration gradient by using energy released from
respiration is called as
Ans.Active absorption
Quest.Transpiration associated ion uptake is
Ans.Passive uptake process
Quest.Nutrients absorbed by plants from soil solution are carried upward through the
Quest.Downward movement of food synthesized in leaves takes place through
Quest.The movement of nutrient ions and salts along with moving water
Ans.Mass flow
Quest.Mass flow or pressure flow theory was given by
Ans.Godlewski (1884)
Quest.Pulsation theory was given by
Ans.J.C. Bose (1923)
Quest.The hydrostatic pressure developed due to the accumulation of water absorb by the root is
called root pressure.
Ans.Root pressure
Quest.Root pressure is measured by
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Quest.Upward translocation of fluid in xylem takes place due t o
Ans.Pull of transpiration stream
Quest.The most accepted theory of water absorption
Ans.Transpiration pull theory
Quest.Plant cell walls are
Ans.Permeable in nature
Quest.Minerals are translocated in plants as
Ans.Both organic and inorganic compounds
Quest.The plant meet their carbon requirement by absorbing
Ans.CO2 for atmosphere
Quest.The process by which plants convert light energy of photon (captured from sunrays) into
chemical energy
Quest.The oxidation reduction process is
Quest.Photosynthesis active radiation (PAR) occurs at
Ans.400-700 nm
Quest.Plant component responsible for photosynthesis is a pigment called
Quest.Chlorophyll contains
Quest.Pigment which are responsible for photosynthesis in higher plants
Ans.Chlorophyll a and b
Quest.The colour of chlorophyll a
Ans.Blue green
Quest.The colour of chlorophyll b
Ans.Yellow green
Quest.Oxygen required for photosynthesis comes from
Quest.The product of photosynthesis which is used for growth and development of plants
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.Photosynthesis can be measured by measuring
Ans.O2 given off and CO2 uptake

Quest.Chemicals which retard transpiration rate called

Quest.Which organism/groups do not have photosynthesizing capability?
Quest.The first biological process that begins in a seed soon after in imbibes water
Quest.C4/Light reaction/Hill reaction take place in
Ans.Grana of Chlorophyll
Quest.C3/Dark reaction/Calvin cycle take place in
Ans.Stroma of Chlorophyll
Quest.Grana and Stroma are found in
Quest.C3 cycle is also known as
Ans.Blackman reaction
Quest.Final product of C3 pathway is
Ans.3 PGA
Quest.C3 plants are
Ans.Rice, Wheat, Pea, Soybean etc
Quest.The most important enzyme involved in photosynthetic CO2 fixation in C3 plants
Quest.C4 cycle is also known as
Ans.Hatch and slack pathway
Quest.First product of C4 pathway is
Ans.Oxalo acetic acid (OAA)
Quest.C4 plants are
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Ans.Maize, Sorghum, Sugarcane, millets
Quest.The most important enzyme involved in photosynthetic CO2 fixation in C4 plants
Ans.PEP carboxylase
Quest.C4 plants have
Ans.Kranz type leaf
Quest.CAM denotes
Ans.Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
Quest.The example of CAM plants are
Ans.Pineapple and Opuntia
Quest.The water use efficiency of C4 is...........than C3 plants
Quest.The photosynthetic rate of C4 is...........than C3 plants
Quest.C4 plants normally give more biological yield than C3 plants because of
Ans.Less respiration
Quest.One NADH2 produces how many ATP molecules?
Quest.Oxygen is required by the plants for
Quest.Glycolysis occurs in
Quest.Final product of Glycolysis
Quest.Net gain ATP during glycolysis
Quest.Kreb cycle and ETC occurs in
Quest.Net gain ATP synthesis from one molecule of glucose in respiration
Ans.36 ATP
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Quest.One molecules of ATP
Ans.7.6 Kcal energy
Quest.An energy spending process
Quest.Photorespiration occurs in
Quest.Photorespiration occurs only in
Ans.Chlorophyllous cells
Quest.The loss of water in the form of vapour from the living aerial parts of the plant is known
Quest.The principle organ of transpiration is
Ans.Stomata of leaf (90% transpiration)
Quest.The water is lost during transpiration in the form of
Quest.Stomata is found mainly on
Ans.Lower surface of leaves
Quest.Opening and closing of stomata are due to its
Ans.Turgidity and faccidity
Quest.The types of stomata mostly present on lower surface of leaves
Ans.Potato type
Quest.Stomata that is present on only under surface of leaf.
Ans.Apple and Mulberry type
Quest.The loss of water (contains salts and minerals) through hydathodes in liquid form during
night and regulated by root pressure
Quest.The irreversible change in any plant part (s) with respect to size, form, weight, volume
Quest.The phasic change of individual cells into tissues, organs and organisms
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Quest.The growth rate of plants is measured
Ans.Auxanometer and Crescograph
Quest.The element which takes part in the growth and development of plants
Ans.Plant nutrients
Quest.Organic compounds which inhibit or modify any physiological process
Ans.Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)
Quest.Growth promoters are
Ans.Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinin
Quest.Example of growth inhibitors
Ans.Abscisic acid and Ethylene
Quest.The PGR causes apical bud dominance
Quest.The senescence is delayed by
Quest.Seed dormancy of seed is broken by
Quest.Seed dormancy is induced by
Ans.Abscisic acid
Quest.PGR used for fruit ripening
Quest.Abscisic acid is synthesized from
Ans.Actively growing points
Quest.Cytokinin is mainly synthesized in
Ans.Root tips
Quest.PGR related to drought tolerance and stress hardness in plants
Ans.Abscisic acid
Quest.The physiological response of plants in relation to length of light
Quest.Short day plants require day length
Ans.<10 hrs
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Quest.Kharif crops
Ans.Shorter day length
Quest.Generally rabi crops are
Ans.Long day plants
Quest.Long day plants require day length
Ans.>14 hrs
Quest.The sites of Vernalisation
Ans.Apical buds/Growing point
Quest.For germination, seed depends on external source for supply of
Quest.The temperature at which highest percentage of seed germination occurs in short period of
Ans.Optimum temperature
Quest.Ca is essential for
Ans.Cell wall formation
Quest.The region of plants in which food to be translocated originates
Quest.The region of plants in which translocated food is utilized or immobilized
Quest.Concentration of a nutrient in plant tissue where growth of the plant is slowed down
Ans.Critical concentration
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Major Pest and Diseases of Important Crops

(1) Pest of Rice

Quest.The scientific name of Yellow Stem Borer
Ans.Scirphophaga incertulas
Quest.The scientific name of Rice Gall Midge
Ans.Orseolia oryzae
Quest.The scientific name of Green Leaf hopper (GLH)
Ans.Nephotetrix nigropictus
Quest.The scientific name of White-backed Plant-hopper (WBPH)
Ans.Sogatella furcifera
Quest.The scientific name of Brown Plant hopper (BPH)
Ans.Nilaparvata lugens
Quest.Which pest causes severe damage to rice panicle at night?
Ans.Rice Army worm (Mythimna saparata)
Quest.Chaffy grains with black spot is the infestation of
Ans.Gundhi Bug (Leptocorisa acuta)
Quest.Clipping off the top of rice seedlings containing immature stages of insects reduces the
carry over of infestation of
Ans.Rice hispa

(2) Wheat
Quest.The scientific name of Pink Stem Borer
Ans.Sesamia inferens
Quest.Pink stem borer attacks to plants in
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.The scientific name of Wheat
Ans.Odentotermis obesus
Quest.The scientific name of Cut Worm
Ans.Agrotis ipsilon
Quest.Which pest attacks all the parts of the plant?

(3) Sorghum
Quest.The scientific name of Sorghum Shoofly
Ans.Atherigona varia soccata

(4) Chickpea
Quest.The scientific name of Cut
Ans.Agrotis ipsilon
Quest.The scientific name of Pod
Ans.Helicoverpa armigera (5) Pigeonpea

Quest.The scientific name of Pod

Ans.Etiella zincknella
Quest.The scientific name of Plume moth
Ans.Exelastis atomosa
Quest.The scientific name of Pod fly
Ans.Melanagromyza obtuse
Quest.The scientific name of Pod bug
Ans.Clavigralla gibbosa

(6) Soybean
Quest.The scientific name of Soybean Girdle beetle
Ans.Oberea brevis
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Quest.The scientific name of Wheat
Quest.The scientific name of stemfly
Ans.Melanagromyza sojae
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Quest.Which pest is known as stem borer of
Ans.Girdle beetle

(7) Groundnut
Quest.The scientific name of Groundnut aphid
Ans.Aphis craccivora
Quest.The scientific name of White Grub of groundnut
Ans.Holotrachia conseguina
Quest.The scientific name of Groundnut Leaf minor
Ans.Stomoperyx nertaria

(8) Mustard
Quest.The scientific name of Mustard aphid
Ans.Lipaphis erysimi
Quest.The scientific name of Mustard sawfly
Ans.Athaliya proxima
Quest.The scientific name of Mustard Painted Bug
Ans.Bargrada cruciferarum

(9) Sunflower and Linseed

Quest.The scientific name of Capitulai/Head borer
Ans.Helicoverpa armigera

(10) Cotton
Quest.Rosetting of flowers and double seed formation is the symptoms of
Ans.Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella)
Quest.The pest causing flaring of squares in cotton
Ans.Spotted Bollworm (Earias vitella)
Quest.The scientific name of American Bollworm
Ans.Helicoverpa armigera
Quest.The main symptom of American bollworm is
Ans.Larger circular bore holes with faecal pellets.
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Quest.The vector of leaf curl
Ans.White Fly (Bemisia tabaci)
Quest.The scientific name of Red Cotton Bug
Ans.Dysdercus koenigii
Quest.Which cotton pest causes hopper burn?
Ans.Cotton Jassid (Amrasca bigutulla)
Quest.Curling of leaf upwards and yellowing of terminal cotton shoots is a characteristics
symptom of presence of
Ans.Cotton Aphid
Quest.Highest consumption of pesticides found in
Ans.Cotton (54%)

(11) Sugarcane
Quest.The scientific name of Sugarcane Pyrilla/Leaf hopper
Ans.Pyrilla purpusilla
Quest.Which pest causes Bunchi top appearance in sugarcane
Ans.Top Borer (Tryporza novella)
Quest.The scientific name of Sugarcane shoot borer
Ans.Chilo sacchariphagus
Quest.The scientific name of Sugarcane root borer
Ans.Emmalocera depressella
Quest.The scientific name of Whitefly of sugarcane
Ans.Aleurolobus barodensis

(12) Potato and Tobacco

Quest.The scientific name of Potato aphid
Ans.Aphis gossypii
Quest.The scientific name of Potato tuber moth
Ans.Phthorimaea operculella
Quest.The scientific name of Tobacco cutworm
Ans.Spodoptera litura
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(13) Pest of Fruit Crop s
Quest.The scientific name of Mango hopper w
Ans.Amritodus atkinsoni
Quest.The scientific name of Mango mealy bug
Ans.Drosicha mangiferae
Quest.Sticky bands around tree trunks provide protection against
Ans.Mango mealy bug
Quest.The scientific name of Banana Stem weevil
Ans.Odoiporus longicollis
Quest.The scientific name of Guava fruitfly
Ans.Bactrocera diversus
Quest.The scientific name of Fruit sucking moth of citrus
Ans.Otheris materna
Quest.The scientific name of Lemon butterfly
Ans.Papillio demoleus
Quest.The scientific name of Citrus Psylla
Ans.Diaphorina citri
Quest.The scientific name of Papaya fruitfly
Ans.Bactrocera/Dacus dorsalis
Quest.The scientific name of Fruit Borer of pomegranate
Ans.Conogethes punctiferalis
Quest.The scientific name of Woolf aphis of apple
Ans.Eriosoma lanigerum

(14) Pest of Vegetable Crops

Quest.The scientific name of Tomato fruit borer
Ans.Helicoverpa armigera
Quest.The scientific name of Brinjal fruit and shoot borer
Ans.Leucinodes orbonalis
Quest.The scientific name of fruit and shoot borer of Okra
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Ans.Earias vitella
Quest.The scientific name of Chilly thrips
Ans.Thrips tabaci
Quest.The scientific name of Red Pumpkin beetles of cucurbits
Ans.Raphidopalpa foveicollis
Quest.The scientific name of Cucurbits fruitfly
Ans.Dacus cucurbitae
Quest.The scientific name of Diamond back moth (DBM) of cabbage
Ans.Plutella xylostella
Quest.The scientific name of Cabbage head borer
Ans.Hellula undalis

(15) Stored Grain Pests

Quest.The scientific name of Khapra beetle or Wheat beetle
Ans.Trogoderma granarium
Quest.The scientific name of Red flour beetle
Ans.Tribolium castaneum
Quest.The scientific name of Pulse beetle
Ans.Callosobruchus chinensis
Quest.The scientific name of Rice moth
Ans.Corcyra cephalonica


(1) Rice
Quest.The causal organism of brown spot of rice
Ans.Helminthosporium oryzae
Quest.The brown spot of rice is
Ans.Externally seed borne disease
Quest.Poor man’s disease of rice
Ans.Bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas oryzae)

Quest.The most destructive phase of the bacterial blight of rice

is kn ow n as This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga
Quest.The air borne disease of rice
Ans.Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae)
Quest.Rice blast is effectively controlled by spraying
Quest.The soil borne disease of rice
Ans.Sheath blight of rice (Rhizoctonia oryzae)
Quest.Khaira disease of rice is caused by
Ans.Zinc deficiency
Quest.Khaira disease of rice is controlled by spraying
Ans.Zinc sulphate (5 kg)+ lime (2.5 kg/ha) in 10 days nursery
Quest.The main symptom of Tungro disease of rice
Ans.Yellowing of leaves
Quest.The vector of Tungro disease
Quest.The disease responsible for the great Bengal famine in 1942-43
Ans.Brown spot of rice
Quest.Montek disease of rice is caused by
Ans.Rice root nematode

(2) Wheat and Barley

Quest.The soil, air and seed borne disease of wheat
Ans.Kernal bunt (Neovossia indica)
Quest.The foul smell of kernel bunt infected field is due to
Quest.Loose smut of wheat is a
Ans.Internally seed borne disease
Quest.Loose smut of wheat is caused by
Ans.Ustilego nuda triticii
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Quest.Loose smut of wheat can be controlled by seed treatment with
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.Solar heat treatment is used to control
Ans.Loose smut of wheat
Quest.Which rust was earliest appeared in India on wheat
Ans.Brown/Orange/Leaf rust
Quest.Alternate host of black stem rust of wheat in India is
Ans.Berberries sp.
Quest.The causal organism of Black/stem rust
Ans.Puccinia gramini triticii
Quest.The causal organism of Yellow/strip rust
Ans.Puccinia striformis
Quest.The causal organism of Brown/orange/leaf rust
Ans.Puccinia recondita
Quest.Which disease of wheat is discovered in Haryana?
Ans.Kernal bunt
Quest.Bacterial rot of wheat ears is also known as
Ans.Spike blight/Tundu/Yellow slime disease
Quest.The causal organism of covered smut of barley
Ans.Ustilago hardei
Quest.Sooty or charcoal like powdery mass usually appearing on floral organs particularly the
ovary is
Quest.Which stage of the wheat rust fungus is considered as the perfect stage ?
Ans.Telial stage

(3) Maize, Sorghum and Bajra

Quest.White bud of maize is caused by
Ans.Zn deficiency
Quest.The causal organism of Grain Smut of sorghum
Ans.Sphacelotheca sorghi
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Quest.Grain Smut of sorghum is also known
Ans.Covered/Kernel/Shoot smut
Quest.Grain and Head smuts are
Ans.Seed borne disease
Quest.The causal organism of Head Smut of sorghum
Ans.Sphacelotheca relliana
Quest.The most serious smut among the smuts affecting sorghum is
Ans.Grain smut
Quest.Downey Mildew/Green Ear disease of Bajra is caused by
Ans.Sclerospora graminicola
Quest.Ergot disease of Bajra is caused by
Ans.Claviceps fusiformis
Quest.Ear showing honey dew symptoms is characteristic feature of
Ans.Grain smut of bajra
Quest.Smut disease infect the plant at
Ans.Tillering stage

(4) Chickpea and Pigeonpea

Quest.Wilt disease is a
Ans.Soil borne disease
Quest.Wilt disease of chickpea is caused by
Ans.Fusarium oxisporium
Quest.Wilt of pigeonpea is caused by
Ans.Fusarium oxisporum f. sp. udum
Quest.The vector of sterility mosaic of pigeonpea
Ans.Mite (Aceria cajani)

(5) Groundnut
Quest.Leaf spot of groundnut is also known as
Ans.Tikka disease

Quest.Early leaf spot of groundnut is caused

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Quest.Late leaf spot of groundnut is caused by
Ans.Cercospora parsonata
Quest.The causal organism of collar rot disease
Ans.Aspergillus niger
Quest.Rust of groundnut is caused by
Ans.Puccinia arachidis
Quest.Vector for bud necrosis of groundnut is

(6) Rapseed and Mustard

Quest.Alternaria blight of mustard is caused by
Ans.Alternaria brasicae
Quest.White rust of crusifers is a
Ans.Pseudo rust
Quest.White rust/Blister is caused by
Ans.Albugo candida

(7) Soybean
Quest.Yellow Mosaic of soybean is caused by
Ans.Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV)
Quest.The causal organism of Anthracnose/Pod blight
Ans.Colletotrichum truncatum

(8) Sunflower and Sesame

Quest.Alternaria blight or leaf spot of sunflower is caused by
Ans.Alternaria helianthi
Quest.Root and collar rot of sunflower is caused by
Ans.Sclerotium rolfssi
Quest.The causal organism of Phyllody disease of sesame
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Quest.Fusarium wilt is caused by
Ans.Fusarium moniliform
Quest.The wilt of cotton is
Ans.Seed and Soil borne
Quest.Black arm or bacterial blight is due to
Ans.Xanthomonas compestris
Quest.Bacterial blight disease is
Ans.Internally seed borne
Quest.Bacterial blight/Angular leaf spot is caused by
Ans.Xanthmonas malvacearum

(10) Sugarcane
Quest.Most serious of sugarcane
Ans.Red rot disease
Quest.Red rot disease is caused by
Ans.Colletrotricum falcatum
Quest.Red strip of sugarcane is caused by
Ans.Pseudomonas riubrilinus
Quest.The causal organism of sugarcane smut
Ans.Ustilego citamini
Quest.Grassy shoot of sugarcane is cased by
Quest.The pith of the red rot affected can emits
Ans.Rotten fish like smell
Quest.The whip smut of sugarcane is caused by
Ans.Ustilago hordei

(11) Potato and Tobacco

Quest.Most dangerous disease of potato
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Quest.Late blight of potato is caused
Ans.Phytophthora infestans
Quest.Early blight of potato is caused by
Ans.Alternaria solani
Quest.The tuber borne disease of potato
Ans.Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani)
Quest.Which potato disease causes Irish famine (1845)?
Ans.Late blight
Quest.Wart disease of potato is caused by
Ans.Synchutium endobioticum
Quest.Potato virus diseases are spread by
Quest.Damping off of tobacco is caused by
Ans.Pythium aphanidermaum
Quest.Tobacco Mosaic disease is caused by
Ans.Nicotiana Virus-1
Quest.Root knot disease of tobacco is effective controlled by

(12) Mango
Quest.Mango Malformation is caused by
Ans.Fusarium monilliformae
Quest.Mango malformation is common in
Ans.North-West India
Quest.Black tip/Mango necrosis is caused by
Ans.Boron deficiency

(13) Other Fruit Diseases

Quest.Scab disease in apple is caused by
Ans.Venturia inaequalis
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Quest.Anthracnose of guava is caused
Ans.Collectotrichum psidii
Quest.Leaf curl and mosaic of papaya is caused by
Quest.Panama wilt of banana is also called as
Ans.Fusarium wilt
Quest.Bunchy top of banana is caused by
Quest.Which pathogen caused heavy losses to wine industry in France due to its epidemics in
Ans.Plasmopara viticola
Quest.Citrus canker is caused by
Ans.Xanthomonas compestris pv citri
Quest.Citrus gumosis is caused by
Ans.Phytophthora palmivora
Quest.Mottle leaf of citrus is due to deficiency of
Quest.Greening of citrus is caused by
Ans.Gracillicuts (a gram negative bacteria)
Quest.Downy mildew of grape vine is controlled by
Ans.Bordeaux mixture

(14) Tomato and Brinjal

Quest.Leaf curl of tomato is spread by
Ans.White fly
Quest.Early blight of tomato is caused by
Ans.Alternaria solani
Quest.Wilting in Brinjal is caused by
Ans.Pseudomonas solanacearum
Quest.Phomopsis blight or Fruit rot of Brinjal is caused by
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be
Quest.Damping off of Brinjal seedlings is due
Ans.Pithium sp

(15) Other Vegetable Diseases

Quest.Yellow vein mosaic of okra is transmitted through
Ans.White fly
Quest.Damping off of chilly seedlings is due to
Ans.Pithium sp
Quest.Anthracnose/Ripe rot/Die back of chilly is caused by
Ans.Collectotrichum capsici
Quest.White blister of cabbage is caused by
Ans.Albugo candida
Quest.Black rot of cabbage is caused by
Ans.Xanthomonas compestris
Quest.A cabbage disease which is known to be more severe in acidic soils is
Ans.Black rot
Quest.Powdery mildew of cucurbits is caused by
Ans.Erysiphe cichoracearum
Quest.Downey mildew of cucurbits is caused by
Ans.Pseudopernospora cubensis
Quest.Downy mildew disease can be effectively managed by spraying of
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Quest.The term ‘Horticulture’ is derived from
Ans.Latin word
Quest.The science of growing of fruits, vegetables, ornament plants and preservation of foods
Quest.The science of production of fruit crops
Quest.The term ‘Pomology’ is derived from
Ans.Latin word
Quest.The science of growing vegetable crops
Quest.The science of growing flower and ornamental plants.
Ans.Floriculture/Ornamental horticulture
Quest.A method by which food is kept out from spoilage after harvest
Quest.Which process is involved in the senescence of fruits and vegetables?
Quest.Fruits experiencing sudden increase in the rate of respiration at the time of ripening.
Ans.Climacteric Fruits
Quest.Mango, Banana, Guava, Papaya, Jackfruit, Sapota, Apple are known as
Ans.Climacteric Fruits
Quest.Fruits experiencing simple gradual decline in the rate of respiration at the time of
Ans.Non-Climacteric Fruits
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Quest.Litchi, Lemon, Citrus, Grape, Ber, Pineapple are
Ans.Non-Climacteric Fruits
known as
Quest.Which operation controls the shape of plant?
Quest.Most widely used training system for commercial fruits
Ans.Modified Leader System
Quest.Removal of any excess or undesirable/unproductive branches, shoots or any other parts of
Quest.Heading back and thinning out are associated with
Quest.The most common pit size for fruit planting
Ans.1 m × 1 m × 1 m
Quest.The simplest system of fruit planting
Ans.Square System
Quest.In which planting system, a tree is planted on a corner of each angle
Ans.Triangle System
Quest.The ‘filler tree technology’ is associated with
Ans.Quincunx System
Quest.A pruning process in which a circular ring of bark measuring about 3 cm in length is
Quest.Which fruit has the highest Vitamin A?
Quest.Which grafting is used for repairing the plant?
Ans.Bridge grafting


(1) Mango
Quest.Mango is also known as
Ans.King of fruits/National fruit/Bathroom fruit
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Quest.The botanical name of
Ans.Mangifera indica
Quest.Mango belongs to which family
Quest.The origin place of mango
Ans.Indo-Burma region
Quest.Leading Mango producing state having maximum area under mango
Ans.Uttar pradesh
Quest.The commercial propagation method of mango
Ans.Veneer grafting
Quest.The normal planting space of mango
Ans.10m × 10m
Quest.High density planting (2.5 m × 2.5 m) of mango is done in
Ans.Amrapalli variety
Quest.Most popular variety of India
Quest.Sweetest variety of mango
Quest.Regular bearer varieties of mango
Ans.Ratna, Neelum, Himsagar, Gulab khas, Pairy and Totapari
Quest.Seedless variety of mango
Quest.Mallika is a cross of
Ans.Neelam × Dashehari
Quest.Amrapalli is a cross of
Ans.Dashehari × Neelam
Quest.Ratna is a cross of
Ans.Neelam × Alphanso
Quest.Sindhu is a cross of
Ans.Ratna × Alphanso
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Quest.Most commonly used for flower
Quest.The pollinator of mango is
Quest.Bearing habit of mango is
Quest.Fruit drop in mango is controlled by
Ans.2, 4-D
Quest.Mango malformation is controlled by
Quest.Spongy tissue is due to
Ans.Convection heats
Quest.Internal fruit necrosis is due to
Ans.Boron deficiency

(2) Guava
Quest.The botanical name of guava
Ans.Psidium guajava
Quest.The normal planting space of guava
Ans.10m × 10m
Quest.The commercial propagation method of guava
Ans.Air layering
Quest.Which guava variety is known as Sardar
Ans.Lucknow- 49
Quest.Dual purpose variety of guava
Quest.Parthenocarpic variety of guava
Ans.Allahabad round
Quest.Kohir safed is a cross of
Ans.Kohir × Allahabad Safeda
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Quest.Safed Jam is a cross
Ans.AS × Kohir
Quest.The fruiting time of Mrig
(3) Papaya

Quest.Origin of Papaya
Ans.Tropical America
Quest.Yellow pigment in papaya
Quest.The commercial propagation method of papaya
Ans.Seed (500 g/ha)
Quest.Planting space of papaya
Quest.Best suited variety for high density planting of papaya
Ans.Pusa nanha (1.25m×1.25m)
Quest.Highest papain yielding variety
Ans.Pusa majesty

Quest.Pusa delicious, Pusa majesty, CO-3 and Coorg honew dew are
Ans.Gynodioecious varieties
Quest.The serious disease of papaya
Ans.Damping off
Quest.The fruiting time of papaya
Quest.The chemical used for better colour and keeping quality of papain
Ans.Potassium meta-bi-sulphite (KMS)
Quest.Enzyme present in dried latex of papaya
Quest.Pusa dwarf, Pusa Nanha and Pusa giant are naturally
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Quest.Safed Jam is a cross
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Quest.The botanical name of
Ans.Punica granatum
Quest.The normal planting space is
Ans.6m × 6m
Quest.Commercial propagation method
Ans.Air layering
Quest.The hybrid variety of pomegranate
Quest.Most popular vary
Ans.Ganesh and Dholka
Quest.Fruit cracking is most probable in
Ans.Mrig bahar season
(5) Citrus

Quest.The botanical name of acid lime

Ans.Citrus aurentifolia
Quest.Break fast fruit is
Ans.Grape fruit (C. paradise leaf)
Quest.The botanical name of Sweet Orange
Ans.Citrus sinensis
Quest.Which citrus species is known as Fancy fruit?
Ans.C. reticulate
Quest.Thornless species of citrus
Ans.Tahiti lime (C. latifolia)
Quest.Monoembryonic species of citrus
Quest.Polyembryonic species of citrus
Ans.Acid lime
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Quest.Which species of citrus produces seedless fruits?
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Ans.Tahiti lime
Quest.The normal planting space of citrus
Ans.5-6m × 5-6m
Quest.Commercial propagation method
Ans.Seed and Budding
Quest.Rootstock of mandarin orange is
Ans.Rangpur lime
Quest.Best method for irrigation of citrus
Ans.Ring method
Quest.‘Kinnow’ is a cross between
Ans.King × Willow leaf
Quest.Seedless variety of mandarin orange
Quest.Lucknow seedless is a variety of

(6) Banana
Quest.The banana is commonly known as
Ans.Adam’s fig and Tree of paradise
Quest.The normal planting space of banana
Ans.1.8-2m × 1.8-2m
Quest.Commercial propagation method
Ans.Sword Suckers
Quest.Banana inflorescence is known as
Quest.Best variety for chips making
Quest.Gold finger is a
Ans.Hybrid banana
Quest.How much sugar contains in ripe banana?
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.Degreening of banana is done by
Quest.Removal of male bud after completion of female phase is known as
Quest.Removal of undesired suckers, done once in 45 days of planting
Quest.Tetrazolium test is used for detection of
Ans.Bunchy top virus

(7) Other Fruit Crops

Quest.Which crop is commonly known as Single seeded nut?
Quest.Litchi is commercial propagated by
Ans.Air layering and Seed
Quest.Red pigment in litchi is due to
Quest.Sapota is grown in
Ans.Tropical climate
Quest.Commercial propagation method of sapota
Quest.Most popular varieties of sapota
Ans.Kali patti, Pili patti, Oval, Cricket ball, Chatri, Barahmasi.
Quest.CO-1 is a cross of
Ans.Cricket ball × oval
Quest.Botanical name of Monkey jack
Ans.Autocarpus heterophylus
Quest.Jackfruit is commercially propagated by
Ans.Air layering
Quest.The popular varieties of jackfruit
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Ans.Champa, Rudrakshi and
Quest.Aonla is commercially propagated by
Quest.The popular varieties of Aonla
Ans.Banarasi, Krishna, Chakaiya, Hathi jhul, Kanchan, NA-7, 9
Quest.Most widely used training system of aonla
Ans.Modified central leader system
Quest.Ber is commonly known as
Ans.Poor man’s fruit and king of arid fruits
Quest.The commercially cultivated variety of ber
Quest.Early variety of ber
Quest.Best time for prunning of ber
Ans.End of May to Mid June
Quest.Ber fruits are matured at
Ans.5-6 months after flowering
Quest.Richest source of Vit-B2
Quest.Active ingredient present in Bael
Quest.The most ideal stage of bael for making preserve
Ans.Mature green stage
Quest.Paras is a variety of
Quest.Seedless variety of Jamun is
Ans.Narendra Jamun-6
Quest.The commercial propagation method of pineapple
Ans.Suckers and slips
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Quest.Singapore, Mauritious and Giant Kew are the varieties o f
Quest.The enzyme contains in pineapple fruit
Quest.The chemical used for inducing flowering in pineapple
Ans.Ethrel and NAA
Quest.Queen of temperate fruit
Quest.Apple bowl of India
Ans.Himachal Pradesh
Quest.Apple is commercially propagated by
Ans.Tongue grafting and Whip budding
Quest.Redness in apple is due to
Quest.Delicious, Rome beauty and Parlin’s Beauty are
Ans.Late maturing apple
Quest.Diploid variety of apples are
Ans.Self fertile
Quest.Usually apple is graded on
Ans.6 size
Quest.Discolouration of apple after cutting is due to
Quest.Commercial propagating method of grapevine
Ans.Hard wood cutting
Quest.Arka Hans is a cross of
Ans.Banglore Blue × Anab-e-shahi
Quest.Most widely accepted training system of grapevine in India
Ans.Bower system
Quest.Which is used for improving fruit quality of grape?
Ans.20 ppm GA
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Quest.Which fruit is commonly known as
Quest.Cashew nut and almond are the richest source of
Quest.Richest source of Iron


(1) Tomato
Quest.No. 1 processing vegetable
Quest.The new botanical name of tomato
Ans.Solanum lycopersicon
Quest.A pigment responsible for red colour in tomato
Quest.Pusa Rubi is a cross of
Ans.Sioux × Improved Maruti
Quest.The best combiner variety of tomato
Ans.Pusa Rubi
Quest.Pusa Rubi, Arka sourav, Pant bahar and Best of all are
Ans.Indeterminate varieties
Quest.The best suited variety for drought condition
Ans.Arka Vikas
Quest.Most serious pest for tomato plant
Ans.Root knot nematode
Quest.Nematode and Bacterial wilt resistant variety of tomato
Ans.Arka vardan
Quest.Most important nutrients required for tomato cultivation
Ans.Boron and zinc

Quest.The recommended seed rate of tomato per

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Quest.Harvesting stage of tomato for distant market/transportation
Ans.Mature green stage
Quest.Best method of extraction of tomato seed
Ans.Alkali method
Quest.Blossom end rot of tomato is due to
Ans.Ca deficiency
Quest.Fruit cracking of tomato is due to
Ans.B deficiency

(2) Brinjal
Quest.Brinjal is also known as
Ans.Egg plant
Quest.Brinjal fruits are good source of
Quest.White brinjal is preferred by
Ans.Diabetics patients
Quest.The normal seed rate of brinjal
Ans.200 g/ha
Quest.Extra early maturing variety of brinjal
Ans.Pusa purple long
Quest.Phomopsis blight and Bacterial blight resistant variety of brinjal
Ans.Pant Samrat
Quest.The normal seed rate of brinjal
Ans.100 sq.m/ha
Quest.Nursery area of brinjal
Ans.1.5-2.0 kg/ha

(3) Chil y
Quest.The botanical name of chilly
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Quest.Causes of red colour in
Quest.The cause of pungency in chilli
Quest.Variety suitable for HDP
Quest.Leaf curl resistant varieties
Ans.Pusa Jwala, Pusa Sadabahar, Pant C-1
Quest.The chemical used for fruit setting
Quest.Green to dry chilli ratio

(4) Cucurbits
Quest.Cultivation practise followed in cucurbits
Ans.Daria cultivation
Quest.Cultivated pumpkin is botanically known as
Ans.Cucurbita moschata
Quest.Seed rate of pumpkin
Ans.1.0-1.5 kg/ha
Quest.Chief pollinator of pumpkin
Ans.Honey bee
Quest.PKM 1 is a variety of
Ans.Snake guord
Quest.Botanical name of bottle gourd
Ans.Lagenaria siceraria
Quest.Seed rate of bottle gourd
Ans.3-4 kg/ha
Quest.Popular varieties of bottle guard
Ans.Pusa Summer Prolific long, Summer Prolific Round, Pusa Manjari, Pusa Megdoot
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Quest.Which cucurbit is also known as Bitter
Ans.Bitter gourd
Quest.Seed rate of bitter gourd
Ans.4.5-5 kg/ha
Quest.Gynomonoecious flowers are found in
Quest.Pusa Sanyog is a variety of
Quest.Fruit type of cucumber is
Quest.Bitterness in cucumber is due to
Quest.Pusa Nasdar and Satputia are popular varieties of
Ans.Ridge guard
Quest.Trichosanthus dioca is botanical name of
Ans.Pointed gourd
Quest.Pointed gourd is propagated through
Ans.Vine cutting
Quest.Pusa Chikni, Pusa Supriya and Harita are the varieties of
Ans.Sponge guard
Quest.How much water contains by water melon fruit?
Quest.The seed rate of water melon
Ans.3.5-5 kg/ha
Quest.Sugar Baby is the popular variety of
Ans.Water melon
Quest.Pusa bedana is a cross of
Ans.Tetra-2 × Pusa Rasal
Quest.Pink bedana is the variety of
Ans.Musk melon
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Quest.Fruit of okra is known

(5) Other Vegetables

Quest.Richest source of protein
Quest.The seed rate of okra is
Ans.8-10 kg/ha
Quest.Pusa Sawani and Parbhani Kranti is famous variety of
Quest.Yellow vein mosaic resistant variety of okra
Ans.Pusa Sawani
Quest.A deep rooted crop is
Ans.Sweet potato
Quest.Edible part of cabbage
Quest.Seed rate of cabbage is
Ans.350-500 gm/ha
Quest.Anti-cancer property of cabbage is due to
Quest.The botanical name of cauliflower
Ans.Brassica oleracia.var botrytis
Quest.Seed rate of cauliflower is
Ans.500-600 gm/ha
Quest.Edible part of cauliflower
Quest.The important process of cauliflower
Quest.Pusa Snowball is a variety of
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Quest.Fruit of okra is known
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Quest.Seed rate of knol khol
Ans.1-1.5 kg/ha
Quest.Economic part of knol khol is
Ans.Extended stem
Quest.Temperature required for bolting in onion is
Ans.< 15 °C
Quest.Japanese white is a variety of
Quest.The variety of carrot which is richest source of vitamin A
Ans.Pusa Meghali
Quest.IIHR is located at
Quest.Which growth regulator is isolated from yam?
Quest.Only tuber crop, which is rich in protein?
Quest.Toxic substance present in colocasia
Ans.Ca oxalate
Quest.The product of cassava is
Quest.Pungency in garlic is due to
Ans.Alicin, Allinase
Quest.Economical part of sweet potato
Ans.Adventious roots
Quest.Pungency of onion is due to
Ans.Allyl Propide di-sulphide
Quest.Irritation of eye due to cutting onion is due to presence of
Ans.Pyruvic acid

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Quest.Leading cut flower exporter in the world
Quest.Concept of lawn was developed in
Quest.In which garden, arrangement of rocks is main feature?
Ans.Japanese garden
Quest.Shrubs or trees planted at regular intervals on boundry for fencing
Quest.The green carpet for the landscape maintained by growing and mowing grasses.
Quest.Thorny fencing plant used as a hedge
Ans.Inga dulcus
Quest.Planting of low growing plants along with paths, roads, flower beds, lawns etc. for
demarcation and beautification
Quest.The art of developing the plant or training the plant into different forms or shapes like
animals, birds, arches, etc.
Quest.The arrangement of colourful potted plants in different tiers around a central object which
may be tree trunk, lamp post or pillar.
Quest.Growing of shrubs in a group
Quest.A group of ornamental plants used to grow over walls, trellis, arches, pergolas, arbours,
pillars, bowers etc.
Ans.Climbers and Creepers
Quest.An art of growing and training of a plant to a miniature form having a natural look of old
Quest.The father of rose breeding
Ans.Dr. Bhattachaterji
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Quest.The fruit of rose is known
Quest.Rose can be cultivated up to
Ans.5 years
Quest.Commercial propagation method of rose
Ans.‘T’ budding
Quest.Floribundas is a cross of
Ans.Hybrid tea × Dwarf polyantha
Quest.Yellow coloured rose species is
Ans.R. foitida
Quest.Thornless variety of rose
Quest.The single borne rose species
Ans.Hybrid tea
Quest.Crimson Glory and Super Star are which type of rose
Ans.Hybrid tea
Quest.Rose species having large flowers in clusters
Quest.The growth habit of Chrysanthemum
Quest.Commercial propagation method of Chrysanthemum
Ans.Root suckers and Terminal cuttings
Quest.Which chrysanthemum allows single bloom on a branch?
Ans.Standard Chrysanthemum
Quest.Off-season variety of chrysanthemum
Ans.Haldi ghati, Himansu, Jaya and Jwala
Quest.Per hectare of seed rate of marigold
Ans.1.2-1.5 kg/ha
Quest.Commercial propagation method of gladiolus
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Quest.Annual carnation is propagated
Quest.True marigold is also known as
Quest.Golden Age and Crown of Gold are the variety of
Ans.African Marigold
Quest.Tuber is commercially propagated by
Quest.Queen Elizabeth is a variety of
Ans.Floribundas rose
Quest.The botanical name of hollyhock
Ans.Althaea rosea
Quest.The flower colour of Chrysanthemum
Ans.Yellow and white


Quest.Who is known as Father of food preservation?
Ans.Nicolas Apart
Quest.A heat treatment food material at 72°C for 15 seconds, or 63°C for 30 minutes
Quest.Juices are mostly preserved by
Quest.The original colour of beverages for longer period are retained by
Ans.Benzoic acid
Quest.Removal of moisture from the food materials for preservation
Quest.Which of the following is used for killing microorganisms in food?
Ans.Heat processing
Quest.The concentration of sugar required for preservation of fruits and jam
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Quest.The concentration of salt sufficient to preserve most of
t he fo od pr o d uc t s
w w thermal
Quest.A w .hprocess
i n mostly
d i gused
for vegetables prior to freezing, drying, or canning in
order to soften the texture.
Quest.The peeling of fruits and vegetables is known as
Ans.Lye peeling
Quest.The solution made by dissolving Salt (NaOH) in water is called as
Ans.Brine solution
Quest.Which fruit beverage contains atleast 10% fruit juice and 10% soluble solids?
Ans.Ready-To-Serve (RTS)
Quest.The fruit beverage commonly prepared from Mango, Papaya, Bel, Aonla
Quest.A fruit juice normally contains 25% juice and 40% TSS
Quest.Mango pulp is preserved by
Quest.Which fruit beverage is diluted before serving?
Quest.TSS of jam should not be
Ans.< 70%
Quest.TSS of cooking jam is measured by
Ans.Hand Refractometer
Quest.A semi-solid transparent product prepared from pectin containing fruit
Quest.For jelly making, fruit should be harvested at
Ans.Firm ripe stage
Quest.The pH of final jelly should be
Quest.The instrument used to know pectin content
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Quest.A fruit or vegetable impregnated with the cane sugar or glucose syrup
Ans.Candied fruit or vegetable
Quest.A product prepared from strained pulp of fully ripe tomato fruits after cooking
Ans.Tomato Sauce/Ketchup
Quest.TSS% of Tomato sauce is
Quest.The salt concentration in pickle is maintained at
Quest.CFTRI denotes
Ans.Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore
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Agricultural Extension and Economics

(I) Agricultural Extension

Quest.An educational process to bring about desirable changes
Quest.‘Extension’ is a
Ans.Latin word
Quest.Extension activity was started first time in
Quest.The term "Extension education" was originated from
Ans.England (1866)
Quest.The term "Extension education" was firsed used by
Ans.Cambridge University, England (1873)
Quest.The father of extension education in India
Ans.J.P. Leagans
Quest.Extension education is both
Ans.Science and Art
Quest.The basic principle of extension education is
Ans.Help to those who helps themselves.
Quest.The right approach of Agril. Extension
Ans.Bottom up approach
Quest.‘EDUCARE’ (Latin word) means
Ans.To bringup physically or mentally.
Quest.A statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions
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Quest.The process by which human behavior is
Quest.Extension education is
Ans.Informal educaion
Quest.School education is
Ans.Formal education
Quest.Situation, Objectives, teaching, evaluation and reconsideration are the steps of
Ans.Extension education
Quest.Attention interest desire conviction action satisfaction are the steps of
Ans.Extension teaching
Quest.An understood information possessed by a person
Quest.The process of working with rural people in an effort to recognize the problems and
determine possible solutions.
Ans.Programme planning
Quest.The father of rural sociology
Ans.August Compte
Quest.The science of human behaviours
Quest.The interchange of ideas between two persons, in such a way that they act on the existing
knowledge to achieve some useful results
Quest.The suitable medium to establish commonness between sender and receiver of message
Quest.Communication is a
Ans.Two way/Double way Process
Quest.Shannon and Weaver (1949) proposed model of communication
Ans.Source Transmitter Signal Receiver Destination
Quest.Berlo Model of communication (1960)
Ans.Source Encoder Message Signal Decoder Receiver
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Quest.Leagans Model (1963)
Ans.Communicator Message Channel Treatment
Audience Audience response
Quest.Speaker Speech Audience is a communication model proposed by
Quest.A specific way adopted by the communicator to communicate his message effectively so
that whole message is understood by maximum number of audience.
Ans.Treatment of message
Quest.The process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels overtime
among the members of a social system
Quest.A decision to continue full use of an innovation
Quest.The mental process through which individual passes from fires hearing about an
innovation to final adoption.
Ans.Adoption process
Quest.Stages of adoption are
Ans.Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption
Quest.An attention with a sense of concerns focused upon some object
Quest.Which stage of adoption helps to establish “Bench mark”?
Quest.The people who adopt immediately after getting knowledge and constitutes only 2.5% of
the total population.
Quest.The people adopt through local leaders and constitute only 13.5% of the total population.
Ans.Early adopters
Quest.The percentage population of early majority over total population
Quest.The farmer who accepts new practices very last with in his social system is known as
Ans.Laggard (16 per cent)
Quest.A process by which an idea or innovation spreads
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Quest.The process of arranging situations that stimulate and guide learning activities in order to
bring desirable changes in the behaviour of people
Quest.Traditional teaching method
Quest.Central element in learning situation
Quest.A mental and/or physical reaction that makes through seeing
Ans.Learning experience
Quest.Formulae of Intelligent Quotient

Ans.I.Q. (%) =
Quest.The method of face-to-face or person-to-person contact between the rural people and
extension workers
Ans.Individual contact
Quest.Farm and home visit, Office calls, Telephone calls, Personal letters, Result
Demonstration are comes under
Ans.Individual contact
Quest.A method in which 20 to 30 rural people or farmers are contacted in a group
Quest.Conferences, Pannel, Symposium, Discussion, Meeting, Workshops, Field trips, Tour are
comes under
Ans.Group contact
Quest.The media used for mass contact
Ans.Radio, Television, Exhibitions, Bulletins, Leaflets, News letter, Circular letters,
Posters, folder/pamphlet etc.
Quest.A sheet of paper with pictorial slogan, which is utilized to attract the mass attention for
single idea.
Quest.The most common size of poster
Ans.50cm x 75cm
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Quest.Round table discussion is
Quest.Mostly widely used pamphlet size
Ans.12 to 24 pages
Quest.A published material on a small paper in which there is brief information of a subject
Quest.When a paper folds ones or twice with detail information on specific aspects is called as
Quest.A small published book consisting of 24 to 48 pages
Quest.A series of illustrated cards flashed before a group in proper sequence to tell a complete
story step by step to the group of the learners.
Ans.Flash cards
Quest.For a group of 10-25, people use flash cards of size
Ans.10"x12" (25 cm x 30 cm)
Quest.The letter used to send the same information to many people at the same time is called
Ans.Circular Letter
Quest.When two or more brief talks presenting phases of the some general topic called
Quest.A systematic display of models, specimens, charts, real objects and any informative
Quest.The basic principle of Demonstration
Ans.Learning by seeing and doing
Quest.The concept of demonstration was given by
Ans.Dr. Seeman A. Knapp
Quest.Method demonstration is
Ans.Short -type demonstration
Quest.The oldest form of teaching
Ans.Method demonstration
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Quest.The main purpose of method demonstration
Ans.To provide skill
Quest.The basic principle of method demonstration
Ans.Learning by doing
Quest.The father of method demonstration
Ans.Dr. Seeman A. Knapp
Quest.A single practice demonstration used to show method of sowing
Ans.Method demonstration
Quest.A demonstration practice used to compare two technologies i.e. old and new
Ans.Result demonstration
Quest.The demonstration used to improve skill, knowledge and attitude
Ans.Result demonstration
Quest.Result demonstration is based on
Ans.Seeing by doing
Quest.The front-line demonstrations conducted by researchers on the farmers field
Ans.National demonstrations
Quest.Tape-recorder, Radio and Telephone are
Ans.Audio Aids
Quest.Non-projected visual aids
Ans.Posters, Charts, Flashcards, Bulletin board, Photograph etc.
Quest.Television is a type of
Ans.Projected Audio Visual Aid
Quest.The best media to communicate with farmers and for village people
Quest.A transparent picture or photograph in an individual mount, projected through slide
Quest.The basic unit of civilization
Quest.The basic unit of rural society
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.A family consists of husband, wife and their children known as
Ans.Nuclear family
Quest.The uniformly accepted ways of acting about some social aspects of life are known as :
Quest.They are uniformly accepted ways of thinking
Quest.Cooperative Movement (1904) was initiated by
Ans.F. Nicholson
Quest.Concept of Village Level Worker was related with the programme
Ans.Sri Niketan
Quest.Gurgaon Project (1920) was started by
Ans.Mr. F.L. Brayne
Quest.Young Men Christian Association was associated with
Ans.Marthandom Project (1928)
Quest.Rural Development programme was started on
Quest.The district level extension programme launched in independent India was in
Quest.Etawah Pilot Project (1948) was initiated by
Ans.Albert Mayer
Quest.Five year plans were started on
Quest.Community Development Project (CDP) was started on
Ans.2nd Oct, 1952
Quest.Which programme is called as Package programme
Ans.Intensive Agriculture District Programme (1960)
Quest.High Yielding Varietal Programme (HYVP) was started on
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Quest.The programme initiated at occasion of ICAR Golden
Ans.Lab to Land Programme (1979)
Ju bi lle c e le b r ati o n
w w w .and
Quest.Training h Visit
i n programme
d i g
(1974) is also known as
Ans.Baster and Benor Scheme
Quest.Who had recommended Panchayat Raj System?
Ans.Balwant Rai Mehata Committee
Quest.The basic principle/slogan of TRYSEM was
Ans.Learning by doing
Quest.The primary aim of Integrated Rural development Programme (IRDP)
Ans.All round development of family
Quest.NABARD is started on
Ans.12th July, 1982
Quest.A programme to provide atleast 100 days wage employment in rural areas
Ans.National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NAREGA, 2006)
Quest.A guarantee programme for the people below poverty line.
Ans.National Food Security Mission (2007)

(II) Agricultural Economics

Quest.The science of Wealth
Quest.The economic concerned with individual unit i.e., single industry, form or single
Ans.Micro economics
Quest.The economic deal with the whole economic setup i.e. total production, total expenditure,
total income etc.
Ans.Macro economics
Quest.Father of Agricultural Economics
Ans.Adam Smith
Quest.The potential exchangeable means of satisfying human wants
Quest.The part of wealth used for further regenerating
Quest.The programme initiated at occasion of ICAR Golden
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Ju bi lle c e le b r ati o n
w w w . h i n d i g
Quest.Reward of Labour
Quest.Reward of Capital
Quest.Population theory was proposed by
Quest.The market used for food grains
Ans.Regional or State market
Quest.The market used for durable goods
Ans.National market
Quest.A time based market basically for perishable goods
Ans.Short period market
Quest.Food grain markets, vegetable markets, wool market are the example of
Ans.Special market
Quest.Which market ensure fair price
Ans.Regulate market
Quest.Which one is a competitive market?
Ans.Perfect market
Quest.The market which is permanent in nature
Ans.Secular market

Quest.The 1st function performed in the marketing of agricultural commodities

Quest.Which is not a function of marketing
Quest.FCI was established in
Quest.The Warehousing Corporations Act came into operation on
Ans.18th March, 1962
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Quest.NAFED was established in the
Ans.October, 1958
Quest.When there is a single salers of a product
Ans.Monopoly market
Quest.A market consisting of single buyer of a product
Ans.Monosony market
Quest.When few salers of a commodity
Ans.Oligopoly market
Quest.When few buyers of a commodity
Ans.Oligopsony market
Quest.A market where homogenous products and large no. of buyers and salers are found
Ans.Pure Market
Quest.The contribution of central govt. in the capital share of Regional Rural Bank
Quest.WTO come in to effect from
Quest.The portion of the total produce in stock which the farmer is willing to sell.
Ans.Marketable surplus
Quest.The portion which is usually brought to the market at a particular time for sale.
Ans.Marketed surplus
Quest.The relationship between Marketable to Marketed surplus for perishable products
Quest.Marketable surplus is given by
Ans.MS = P – C
Quest.The minimum price at which the govt. is prepared to buy agril. commodities
Ans.Minimum Support Price (MSP)
Quest.MSP is fixed by
Ans.Commission of Agricultural Cost and Price (CACP)
Quest.National institute of Agricultural Marketing is situated at
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Quest.The difference between value in use and value in
Ans.Consumer surplus
exchan ge
w excess
of what we are prepared to pay over what we actually pay for a commodity is
known as
Ans.Consumer surplus
Quest.Short term loan is given for
Ans.1 to 1½ years
Quest.Long term loan is given for the period of
Ans.5 to 30 years
Quest.The 3 Rs of credit are
Ans.Returns, Repayment capacity and Risk bearing ability.
Quest.Loan repaying capacity of a farmer is judged on the basis of
Ans.Net income of farmer
Quest.Increase in money supply and fall in production causes
Quest.Risks arise due to changes in Government policies are termed as a
Ans.Institutional risk
Quest.AGMARK Act was passed in
Quest.Central AGMARK Lab is located at

Quest.1st bank in India was established on

Quest.Money supply in Indian national economy is regulated by
Quest.RBI was established and nationalized in
Ans.1st April, 1935 and 1st January, 1949
Quest.The bank who credits to marginal, small and Agricultural labours
Ans.RRB (1975)
Quest.The full form of NABARD
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Ans.National Bank for Agricultural and Rural
Quest.14 commercial banks were nationalization on
Ans.19th July,
Quest.Income Tax is an example of
Ans.Direct tax
Quest.The tax which is levied on goods or services produced or purchased.
Ans.Indirect tax
Quest.A multistage sales tax with credit for taxes paid on business purchases.
Quest.A farmer having an area of <1 ha
Ans.Marginal farmer
Quest.The operational land holding of small farmers
Ans.1-2 ha
Quest.The land holding of large farmers
Ans.> 10 ha
Quest.On which basis, CACP fixed minimum prices of crops
Ans.Cost of production
Quest.A science of decision making
Ans.Farm Management
Quest.Production function is also known as
Ans.Input Output relation
Quest.Transformation of physical inputs into physical outputs is termed as
Quest.Cost calculated per hectare is known as
Ans.Cost of Production (COC)
Quest.The most important unit of farm management
Ans.Production unit
Quest.The basis of Cobb - Douglas Production function is
Ans.Constant elasticity of substitution
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Quest.When MPPX > APPX; then APPX
Quest.Under perfect competition market, maximum profit is obtained when
Ans.Marginal Return = Marginal Cost
Quest.Optimum profit will be obtained at a point where
Ans.MC = MP
Quest.Marginal cost is equal to

Quest.When the demand and price are equal, called as
Ans.Equilibrium price
Quest.The principle applied for production function “How much to produce”
Ans.Principal of diminishing returns/costs
Quest.The principle applied for “How to produce”
Ans.Principal of least cost combination
Quest.The principle applied for “What to produce”
Ans.Principal of opportunity cost/Equimarginal returns
Quest.Optimum level of input use without resource limitation
Ans.Law of diminishing return
Quest.Basic fundamental law of agriculture is
Ans.Law of diminishing return
Quest.Choose best crop enterprises
Ans.Principal of opportunity cost
Quest.When total Assets are divided by total liabilities, called as
Ans.Net Capital Ratio (NCR)
Quest.The formulae of Rate of Turn Over
Ans.Rate of Turn Over =

Quest.When MP = 0, then

EP = 0 is called
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Quest.When MPPX > APPX; then APPX
Ans.Completely inelastic demand
Quest.When MP > AP then EP> 1 is called
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Quest.When MP = AP, then EP = 1
Ans.Unit inelastic demand
Quest.Demand of Agri. Products are always comes under
Ans.Unit inelastic demand
Quest.Inflexion point is found on
Ans.Irrational zone (Stage – I)
Quest.The zone at which TP increases but at decreasing rate
Ans.Rational zone (Stage – II)
Quest.EP is always less than zero in
Ans.Irrational zone (Stage – III)
Quest.Price Ratio is equal to

Ans.Cost per unit of added resource

Quest.Present value of future investment is calculated by

Quest.A line represents the different combinations of two variable inputs used in the production
of a given amount of output.
Quest.Isoquant is used in
Ans.F - F relationship
Quest.A line indicates all possible combinations of two inputs which can be purchased with a
given amount of investment fund
Ans.Iso-Cost line
Quest.The line join the end points of Isoquants
Ans.Ridge line
Quest.The line by which all the least cost combination points are joined to each other
Ans.Expansion Path
Quest.Two or more products when produced in the same production process called
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calledthe increase in one product is directly proportiona te to in c re as e
w w w . h in d
Ans.Complementary Production
Quest.Crop production and dairy enterprise having
Ans.Supplementary relationship
Quest.Fixed Cost + Variable Cost is
Ans.Total cost
Quest.The costs, related to fixed resources
Ans.Fixed Costs
Quest.Rent, interest on fixed capital, depreciation of building, taxes and wages of the permanent
labourers constitute
Ans.Fixed Costs
Quest.The cost related to the variable resources and change with the output
Ans.Variable Costs
Quest.Gross income - Total Cost is equal to
Quest.The change in cost associated with an increase of one unit of output.
Ans.Marginal cost (MC)
Quest.Variable cost is also known as
Ans.Prime cost/Input cost
Quest.Fixed cost is also known as
Ans.Overhead cost
Quest.All actual expenses in cash and kind incurred in production by owner operator
Quest.Cost A1 + rent paid for based in land
Ans.Cost A2

Quest.Cost A2 + interest on value of owned capital assets (including land)

Ans.Cost B1

Quest.Cost B1 + rental value of owned land and rent paid by leased in land
Ans.Cost B2
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Quest.The total cost of production which includes all cost item s, ac tu a l a s
Ans.Cost C
w w w . h in
Quest.Cost C is equal to
Ans.Cost B + imputed value of family human labour
Quest.Gross Returns – Cost A is
Ans.Farm business income
Quest.Gross returns - Cost B is
Ans.Family labour income
Quest.Net income is
Ans.Gross returns - Cost C
Quest.Benefit Cost Ratio is
Ans.Gross income/Cost C
Quest.When farms is classified on the basis of utilization of land and resources, termed as
Ans.Types of Farming
Quest.The farming having 50% income by single enterprise
Ans.Specialized farming
Quest.Crop Production + livestock raising is called
Ans.Mixed farming
Quest.The farming which has < 50% income by single enterprise
Ans.Diversified farming
Quest.Farming in an areas having average annual rainfall of £ 50 cm.
Ans.Dry farming
Quest.Natural grazing pattern is known as
Quest.When farm is classified on the basis of organizational setup, termed as
Ans.System of farming
Quest.The joint agriculture operation by farmer on voluntary basis
Ans.Cooperative farming
Quest.The cooperative farming in which Ownership and operations both Individual
Ans.Cooperative better farming
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Quest.The cooperative farming in which Ownership is individ ua l
Ans.Cooperative joint farming
w w
Quest.The farming in which investment of land and capital is done by big businessperson or
Ans.Capitalistic farming
Quest.Government carries out farming is
Ans.State farming
Quest.When farmers follows agricultural practices in their own way and managers and
organizers of their farm business
Ans.Peasant faming
Quest.A process of deciding in the present what to do in the future about the best combination of
crops and live stock to be raised
Ans.Farm Planning
Quest.Long-term planning is done for
Ans.5-10 years
Quest.A process of estimating costs, returns and net profit of a farm or a particular enterprise
Ans.Farm Budgeting
Quest.The basis of farm budgeting is
Ans.Cost benefit analysis
Quest.When new variety is recommended, which type of budget should be prepared?
Ans.Partial budget
Quest.Net worth is calculated from
Ans.Balance Sheet
Quest.The farm accounting/accountancy is also called as
Ans.Farm Book keeping
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Agricultural Statistics

(I) Elements of Statistics

Quest.Mean, Median and Mode are
Ans.Measures of Central tendency
Quest.A figure obtained by dividing the sum of all variable by their total number of variables.
Ans.Averages/Arithmetic Mean
Quest.Sum of deviation of items from the A.M. is
Quest.Which mean is affected by change in origin and scale both?
Quest.Middle most value of the series
Quest.Which one represents median?
Ans.50th Percentile
Quest.Most frequently occurred item
Quest.Relationship between AM, median and Mode in asymmetrical distribution
Ans.Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean
Quest.The best measures of central tendency
Ans.Arithmetic Mean (AM)
Quest.The ratio of no. of observations to the sum of the reciprocal of the value of the different
Ans.Harmonic Mean
Quest.The order of three averages for a given data
Ans.AM > GM > HM
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Quest.Mean applied when deals with rate, price and speed of a v eh ic l e
w w w .h
Quest.Mean applied when deals with relative changes eg. Bacterial growth, cell division,
Quest.The average of the sum of squares of the deviation about mean
Quest.The degree of scatterness or variation of the variable about a central tendency
Quest.MD, SD and Variance are
Ans.Measures of Disperson/Spread
Quest.½ of the interquartile range is
Ans.Quartile deviation
Quest.The best measure of Disperson is
Ans.Standard Deviation (SD)
Quest.SD is always calculated by
Quest.SD is ranges from
Ans.0 to ∞
Quest.The difference between highest and lowest value of the series
Quest.Unit less figure based on two values
Quest.Coefficient of variation calculated by
Ans.CV = (SD/Mean) x 100
Quest.The variation used to compare the variability between two series
Quest.Which is not a measure of Disperson?

Quest.The measures of the direction and degree of

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Quest.The formulae of Karl pearson’s coefficient of Skewness

Quest.Coefficient of skewness for normal distribution is
Quest.An idea about the flatness/peakedness of the curve
Quest.The term ‘Kurtosis’ was introduced by
Ans.Karl Pearson (1906)
Quest.The curve have β2 > 3 or Y2 > 0 is
Ans.Leptokurtic curve
Quest.The curve have b2 = 3 or Y2 = 0 is
Ans.Mesokurtic curve
Quest.The study the association or degree and deviation between two or more variables.
Quest.Correlation lies between
Ans.-1 to +1
Quest.Which is used to measure the average relationship between two or more variables?
Quest.Regression coefficient is independent of
Quest.The distribution in which Mean > Variance
Ans.Bionomial distribution
Quest.The distribution in which Mean = Variance
Ans.Poison distribution
Quest.The degree of freedom of Normal distribution
Quest.The term used to denote chance of happening or not happening of an event.
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Quest.Probability is formulated by
Ans.Probability =
Quest.Probability ranges from
Ans.0 to 1
Quest.The test used for comparing two means when sample size is small (up to 30)
Ans.‘T’ test
Quest.Students t test is used when
Ans.Small samples size and SD is unknown
Quest.Students t test was proposed by
Ans.W.S. Gosset
Quest.To test the proportions and variance, we use
Ans.‘F’ test
Quest.To test the goodness of fit or homogeneity, we use
Ans.CHI2 test

Quest.CHI2 test was given by

Quest.When the calculated F is greater than table F value at 5% only, the differences in
treatments is considered.
Quest.With increasing number of error degree of freedom, table F value follow trend.
Ans.Gradually decreased

(II) Field Experimentation

Quest.Logical constructions of the experiments in which the degree of uncertainty with which the
inference (Result/confusion) on may be well defined.
Ans.Design of Experiments
Quest.The objects of comparison, which an experiment has to try in the field for assessing their
Quest.The 3 basic principles of field experimentation
Ans.Replication, Randomization and Local control
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Quest.Repeated application of
Quest.Allocation of treatments to the different experimental units by a random process
Quest.Which principle of experimentation eliminates human biases
Quest.Local control helps in reducing the
Ans.Experimental error
Quest.The transformation required when data not follow normal distribution.
Ans.Data transformation
Quest.The most appropriate transformation for percentage
Ans.Angular transformation
Quest.Which transformation is applied when mean a variance
Ans.Square root
Quest.The hypothesis under test
Ans.Null hypothesis
Quest.The variation due to uncontrolled factors
Ans.Experimental error
Quest.The error in which hypothesis is true but our test rejects it.
Ans.Type I error
Quest.Out of the two types of error in testing, the more severe error is
Ans.Type II error
Quest.The simplest experimental design
Ans.Complete Randomized Design (CRD)
Quest.The experimental design which provides maximum degree of freedom for error
Quest.Which design is applied when experimental material are limited and homogenous
Quest.The error degree of freedom in CRD is formulated as
Ans.N - t
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Quest.The most commonly used
Ans.Randomized Block Design (RBD)
Quest.RBD is also called as
Ans.One way elimination of heterogeneity design/Two way classification of ANOVA
Quest.When fertility gradient in one direction, the statistical design to be used
Quest.The maximum no. of treatments adopted in RBD
Quest.In RBD, the number of blocks is equal to
Ans.No. of replications (b = r)
Quest.The error degree of freedom of RBD is formulated as
Ans.(t-1) (r-1)
Quest.The design in which fertility gradient is in two way direction
Ans.Latin Square Design (LSD)
Quest.LSD is also known as
Ans.Two way elimination of heterogeneity design/Three way classification of ANOVA
Quest.In LSD, the no. of row or column or treatment is equal to
Ans.No. of replications (r = c = t)
Quest.The optimum number of treatments studied in latin square design
Ans.5 to 12
Quest.The error degree of freedom of LSD is formulated as
Ans.(t-2) (t-1)
Quest.Which design provides main effects and interactions
Ans.Factorial RBD
Quest.The treatment df for 3 factors each at 2 levels is
Ans.23 = 6-1 = 5
Quest.The technique of reducing the size of replication over a number of blocks at the cost of
loosing some informations on same effect
Ans.Confounding Design
Quest.Which are unimportant in Confounding Design?
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Quest.Confounding Design is adopted when the number of treatments is
Quest.If an interaction effect is confounded with all the replicates of the treatment
Ans.Complete/total confounding
Quest.The most appropriate design, when all factors are not of equally important in
Ans.Split Plot Design (SPD)
Quest.To study two factors with different level of precision, which design is used
Ans.Split plot design
Quest.The factor requires larger units to be applied and may produce larger differences
Ans.Main plot
Quest.The error degree of freedom of SPD is formulated as
Ans.D (r-1) (d-1)
Quest.In a split plot design, 5 levels of main plot and 4 levels of sub plot treatments studied
with 3 replications. What will be the d.f. for error b source?
Quest.If sub treatments are laid out in strips then the design is called
Ans.Strip Plot Design
Quest.How many no. of error variance are applied in Strip Plot Design
Quest.In Strip Plot Design, which one is to be tested with higher precision
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Quest.A system where agriculture and forestry are practised either simultaneously or separately
on the same unit of land
Quest.Agroforestry is a form of
Ans.Multiple cropping
Quest.The area under forest land in India
Ans.67 mha (20.36%)
Quest.Optimum area under forest required
Ans.33% of total geographical area
Quest.Contribution of forest product in world GDP
Ans.1 %
Quest.Indian Forest Act was come in existence
Quest.Forest Conservation Act was made in
Quest.Forest school is established at
Quest.The Van Mahotsav Day in India is observed on
Ans.1 July
Quest.State having highest forest area in India
Quest.Forest type found maximum in India
Ans.Tropical dry deciduous forest

Quest.National Research Centre for Agroforestry is situated

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Quest.International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) is situated at
Ans.Nairobi, Kenya
Quest.The most important Agroforestry practice is
Ans.Acacia leucophloea + Cenchrus setigerus
Quest.The oldest known agro forestry practice
Ans.Shifting cultivation
Quest.Cultivation of Trees + Crops is known as
Quest.Perennial hedges + crops
Ans.Alley cropping
Quest.Fruit trees + crops
Quest.Trees + fruit trees + crops
Quest.Trees + crops + pasture/animals
Quest.Trees+ pasture/animals
Quest.Fruit trees + honeybees
Quest.Trees + fishes
Quest.Forage trees + pasture
Ans.Forage forestry
Quest.Trees + crops during initial years
Ans.Energy plantation
Quest.Multiple combination of trees, fruit trees, vegetables atc.
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Quest.Trees is on boundary +
Ans.Boundary plantation
Quest.Taungya system means
Ans.Hill cultivation
Quest.Most common example of taungya system
Ans.Planting of Teak in Myanmar
Quest.Nitrogen fixing tree
Ans.Leucaena leucocephala
Quest.Non leguminous nitrogen fixing trees
Ans.Alnus nepalensis
Quest.Bio-drainage plant
Ans.Eucalyptus tereticornis
Quest.Most suitable woodlot trees in India
Ans.Casuarina and Leucaena
Quest.Fodder producing tree
Ans.Prosopis cineraria
Quest.Fuel wood tree
Ans.Albizia lebbeck
Quest.Green manuring tree
Ans.Thespesia populnea
Quest.Shifting cultivation causes
Quest.Miracle forest tree (as it provides fodder, fuel, pulpwood and timber)
Quest.Fast growing forest tree species
Ans.Eucalyptus sp.
Quest.Multipurpose tree species
Ans.Albizia lebbeck
Quest.The most appropriate and effective type of crop cultivation in forests
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Quest.Ratanjot and Karanj
Ans.Biofuel plants
Quest.Oil percentage in Ratanjot (Jatropha sp.)
Ans.35% (from seed)
Quest.Spacing maintained between hedge row intercropping in alley cropping
Ans.4-8 meter
Quest.Tree species suitable for alley cropping
Ans.Cassia siamea, Leucaena and Sesbania
Quest.Forestry outside the conventional forests which primarily aim at providing continuous
flow of goods and services for the benefit of people
Ans.Social forestry
Quest.A forest system which promote commercial tree growing by farmers on their own land
Ans.Farm Forestry
Quest.Pollarding is done at
Ans.2 m height from ground
Quest.A belt of trees and or shrubs maintained for the purpose of shelter from wind, sun, snow
drift, etc.
Quest.A protective plantation in a certain area, against strong winds. It is usually comprised of a
few rows of trees (or shrubs)
Ans.Wind breaks
Quest.Raising of forests of public or community land
Ans.Community forestry
Quest.The ratio of height, width and length in shelterbelt system
Ans.1:25:10 meter
Quest.A process in which the branch of a plant is cut off in order to produce a flush of new
Quest.The main stem of a tree is called
Quest.Full form of ICARF
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Ans.International Centre for Research in
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Environmental Science and Ecology

Quest.The sum total condition in which organisms live is called as

Quest.A self supporting community - plants and animals interacting with each other and the non-
living environment to provide a balanced system is a
Quest.The word ‘ecosystem’ was coined by
Quest.The region existing between two ecosystems which contain species of both ecosystems is
Quest.The study of interactions between living organism and environment is called as
Quest.The term ecology was introduced by
Quest.Large portions of the earth with similar climate, soil, plant and animal life community is
known as
Quest.The earth contains a thin region known as the biosphere, in which life exists. The three
parts of the biosphere are
Ans.Atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere
Quest.Sphere of Water or 70% of global is occupied by
Quest.The characteristics of the type of environment where an organism normally lives?
Quest.All the populations of the different species living and inter-acting in the same ecosystem?
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Quest.The variety of living organisms (flora and fauna) is
calle d as
w wenvironment
which includes producers, consumers and decomposers?
Ans.Biotic environment
Quest.Abiotic environment does not include
Quest.The environment which has been modified by human activities is called
Ans.Anthropogenic environment
Quest.The group of organisms which convert light into food are called
Quest.The plants, which produce food themselves through photosynthesis?
Quest.The ecosystem component, feed on producer or consumers?
Quest.The Heterotrophs, feed on plants and called primary consumers?
Quest.The Heterotrophs, feed on meats and called secondary consumers?
Quest.The main constituent of CNG is
Quest.The Heterotrophs, feed on both plants and meats?
Quest.The base of the food chain in the ocean is the
Quest.Primary consumers in aquatic system are?
Quest.The ecosystem component, which break down dead organic matter and wastes?
Quest.Decomposers include
Ans.Bacteria and Fungi
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Quest.In which ecosystem, producers are of large
Ans.Grassland ecosystem
Quest.Natural resources which are renewable
Ans.Water and wood
Quest.Non Renewable resources are
Ans.Minerals, fossil, fuels.
Quest.The main constituent of LPG is
Quest.The source of energy for all plants is
Quest.The ecological factors, related to soil and substratum, are called
Ans.Edaphic Factor
Quest.The term used to refer the weight of all the organisms at a tropical level.
Quest.The unit of energy is
Quest.Which is not included under biomass?
Quest.Plants which grow on other plants are called
Quest.Increasing industrialisation is causing much danger to man’s life by
Ans.Polluting the environment
Quest.Major pollutants that contribute to 90% of global air pollution
Ans.CO and CO2

Quest.Global warming focuses on an increase in the level of which gas in the atmosphere?
Ans.Carbon dioxide
Quest.Colourless and odourless air pollutant is

Quest.Most poisonous pollutant in water

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Quest.Most commonly used disinfectant in water
Quest.The test which has self purification capacity of water body
Ans.BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) test
Quest.Materials that cause BOD include
Ans.Wood, animal wastes, sewage
Quest.Permissible limit of iron in drinking water
Ans.1 ppm
Quest.A disease caused by mercury (Hg) poisoning of water at Japan in 1953
Quest.Manimata disease is due to
Ans.Mercury toxicity
Quest.Itai-Itai disease is due to
Ans.Cadmium (Cd) toxicity
Quest.The chief green house gases are
Ans.CO2 and CH4
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About ICAR and IARI

The highest body controlling agricultural research and education in India is” Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).”
It was established on July 16, 1929 with the name “Imperial Council of Agricultural
Research” under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in pursuance of the report of the
Royal Commission on Agriculture.
ICAR headquarters at Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
The ICAR was bestowed with the King Baudouin Award in 1989 for its valuable
contribution in the Green Revolution. Again awarded King Baudouin Award in 2004 for
research and development efforts made under partnership in Rice Wheat Consortium.
First Director-General was Dr. B.P. Pal (1965)
Union Minister of Agriculture is the ex-officio President of the ICAR Society. (Present-
Sharad Pawar)
New Director-General of ICAR: Dr. S. Ayyappan (from
01.01.2011) 4 Deemed universities are part of the ICAR.

1905: Agricultural Research Institute was established at Pusa, Bihar by Lord Curzon. The
land was donated by Mr. Phipps of USA after whom the place was named as Pusa. The
Phipps laboratory in division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry.
1911: Renamed as Imperial Agricultural Research Institute.
1923: Institute started offering Diploma of Associateship.
1934: Major Earth quake damages the buildings at Pusa.
1936: Shifted to New Delhi.
1936: B. Vishwanath became the first Indian Director of the Institute.

1946: The Diploma of Associateship was recognised equiva le nt

w w
1947: Name Research
has beenInstitute.
changed from Imperial Agricult ur al
Agricultural w w
1958: Recognized as “Deemed University” under UGC Act of 1956.
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Agricultural Research,
Education and Extension

1. Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) : New Delhi
2. National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) : Karnal
3. Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) : Izatnagar
4. Central Institute on Fisheries Education (CIFE) : Mumbai


1. Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) : Cuttack
2. Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS) : Almora
3. Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR) : Kanpur
4. Central Tobacco Research Institute (CTRI) : Rajahmundry
5. Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (IISR) : Lucknow
6. Sugarcane Breeding Institute (SBI) : Coimbatore
7. Central Institute of Cotton Research (CICR) : Nagpur
8. Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (CRIJAF) : Barrackpore
9. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI) : Jhansi
10. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) : Bangalore
11. Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture (CISTH) : Lucknow
12. Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH) : Srinagar
13. Central Institute of Arid Horticulture (CIAR) : Bikaner
14. Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR) : Varanasi
15. Central Potato Research Institute (IPRI) : Shimla
16. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI) : Trivandrum
17. Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI) : Kasargod
18. Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) : Port Blair
19. Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR) : Calicut
20. Central Soil and Water Conservation Research & Training Institute (CSWCRTI) : Dehradun
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21. Indian Institute of Soil Sciences (IISS)
22. Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI) www.::hKarnal
i n d igk50k.c
B h op al

23. ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region including Centre of Makhana : Patna
24. Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA) : Hyderabad
25. Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) : Jodhpur
26. ICAR Research Complex : Goa
27. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region : Barapani
28. National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) : Malegaon
29. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) : Bhopal
30. Central Institute on Post-harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPET) : Ludhiana
31. Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (IINRG) : Ranchi
32. Central Institute of Research on Cotton Technology (CIRCT) : Mumbai
33. National Institute of Research on Jute & Allied Fibre Technology (NIRJAFT) : Kolkata
34. Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute (IASRI) : New Delhi
35. Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute (CSWRI) : Avikanagar
36. Central Institute for Research on Goats (CIRG) : Makhdoom
37. Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) : Hissar
38. National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP) : Bangalore
39. Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) : Izatnagar
40. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) : Kochi
41. Central Institute Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA) : Chennai
42. Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI) : Barrackpore
43. Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) : Cochin
44. Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) : Bhubneshwar
45. National Academy of Agricultural Research & Management (CAARM) : Hyderabad


1. National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology (NRCPB) : New Delhi
2. National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM) : New Delhi
3. National Research Centre for Litchi (NRCL) : Muzaffarpur
4. National Research Centre for Citrus (NRCC) : Nagpur
5. National Research Centre for Grapes (NRCG) : Pune
6. National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB) : Trichi
7. National Research Centre Seed Spices (NRCSS) : Ajmer
8. National Research Centre for Pomegranate (NRCP) : Solapur
9. National Research Centre on Orchids (NRCO) : Pakyong, Sikkim
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10. National Research Centre Agroforestry (NRCA) : Jhansi
11. National Research Centre on Camel (NRCC)
: Bikaner
12. National Research Centre on Equines (NRCE) : Hisar
13. National Research Centre on Meat (NRCM) : Hyderabad
14. National Research Centre on Pig (NRCP) : Guwahati
15. National Research Centre on Yak (NRCY) : West Kemang
16. National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM) : Medziphema
17. National Centre for Agril. Economics & Policy Research (NCAEPR) : New Delhi

1. National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources (NBPGR) : New Delhi
2. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Micro-organisms (NBAIM) : Mau
3. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAII) : Bangalore
4. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSSLUP) : Nagpur
5. National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) : Karnal
6. National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) : Lucknow


CIAT International Centre for Tropical Agriculture : Cali, Columbia

CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research : Jakarta, Indonesia

CIMMYT International Centre for Wheat and Maize Improvement : Baton, Mexico CIP
International Potato Centre : Lima, Peru

IBPGR International Board for Plant Genetic Resources : Rome, Italy

ICARDA International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas : Alleppo, Syria

ICGES International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology : Triesta, Italy

ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agroforestry : Nairobi, Kenya

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics : Hyderabad, India

IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute : Washington, USA

IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture : Ibadan, Nigeria

IIMI International Irrigation Management Institute : Colombo, Srilanka

ILRI International Livestock Research Institute : Nairobi, Kenya

INSFFER International Network on Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Evaluation on Rice : New Delhi, India
IPGRI International Plant Genetic Resource Institute : Rome, Italy

ISNAR International Service for National Agricultural Research : Netherlands

IRRI International Rice Research Institute : Manila, Phillipines

International Water Management Institute
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WFC World Fish Centre : Bayan Lepas, Malaysia

WARDA West African Rice Development Association : Monrovia, Liberia


1. Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University : Rajendra Nagar,
Hyderabad (AP)
2. Anand Agricultural University : Anand, Gujarat
3. Assam Agricultural University : Jorhat, Assam
4. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya : Mohanpur, Nadia, (WB)
5. Birsa Agricultural University : Ranchi, Jharkhand
6. Central Agricultural University : Imphal, Manipur
7. Chandra Shekar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology : Kanpur (UP)
8. Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University : Hisar, Haryana
9. CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya : Palampur, Himachal
10. Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth : Dapoli Distt,
11. Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth : Akola, Maharashtra
12. Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar Univ of Horticulture & Forestry : Solan, Himachal
13. Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology : Pantnagar, Uttaranchal
14. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science University : Ludhiana, Punjab
15. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya : Raipur, Chhattisgarh
16. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidyalaya : Jabalpur (MP)
17. Junagadh Agricultural University : Junagad, Gujarat
18. Kerala Agricultural University : Trichur, Kerala
19. Maharana Pratap Univ. of Agriculture & Technology : Udaipur, Rajasthan
20. Maharashtra Animal Science & Fishery University : Nagpur, Maharashtra
21. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth : Rahuri, Maharashtra
22. Marathwada Agricultural University : Parbhani, Maharashtra
23. Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology : Faizabad (UP)
24. Navsari Agricultural University : Navsari, Gujarat
25. Orissa Univ. of Agriculture & Technology : Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
26. Punjab Agricultural University : Ludhiana, Punjab
27. Rajasthan Agricultural University : Bikaner, Rajasthan
28. Rajendra Agricultural University : Pusa, Bihar

29. Sardarkrushinagar-Dantiwada Agricultural University

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30. Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel Univ. of Agriculture & Technology www.hind i g k(UP)50k
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: Modipuram
31. Sher-E-Kashmir Univ of Agricultural Sciences & Technology : Railway Road, Jammu
32. Sher-E-Kashmir Univ of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir : Srinagar, J &K
33. Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University : Tirupati
34. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University : Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
35. Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Science University : Chennai, Tamil Nadu
36. University of Agricultural Sciences : Bangalore, Karnataka
37. University of Agricultural Sciences : Dharwad, Karnataka
38. U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwa Vidhyalaya evam Go
Anusandhan Sansthan : Mathura (UP)

39. Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya : Coach Bihar (WB)

40. West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences : Kolkata, (WB)
41. Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University : BIDAR, Karnataka
42. University of Agricultural Sciences : Raichur, Karnataka
43. University of Horticultural Sciences : Bagalkot, Karnataka
44. Andhra Pradesh Horticultural University : Tadepalligudem, Andhra
45. Rajmata Vijay Raje Sciendia Krishi Vishwa- vidyalaya : Gwalior (MP)
New Approved Universities
46. Bihar Agricultural University : Bhagalpur, Bihar
47. Kerala University of Fisheries and Oceanography : Kochi (Kerala)
48. Manyavar Shri Kanshi Ramji Agriculture Technology : Banda (U.P.)
49. Rajasthan University of Veterinary Sciences : Bikaner (Rajasthan)
50. Tamilnadu Horticultural University : Krishnagiri (TN)
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Useful Information


Fatherof Name
Agronomy : Pietro Decrescenzi
Agro meteorology : D. N. Walia
Agricultural chemistry : Justus von Liebig
Bacteriology : Leuwenhoek
Biochemistry : Justus von Liebig
Cooperative movement in India : F. Nicholson Extension
education : A. Seaman/Leagnes
Experimental genetics : Thomas Hunt Morgan
Field plot experiment : J. B. Boussingault Fruit
and vegetable preservation : M. Nicholas Apart Genetics :
Gregor Johann Mendel
Green revolution : Dr. N. E. Borlaug
Green revolution in India : M.S.Swaminathan
Golden revolution in India : Dr. K.C. Chadha
Golden rice : Dr. Ingo Potrykus
Hybrid rice : Yuan Long Ping
Hybrid cotton : C.T. Patel
Indian plant pathology : E.J. Butler
Indian Rust : Dr. K.C. Mehta
Microbiology : Louis Pasture
Modern Genetics : T.H. Morgan
Mutation Theory : Hugo de vries
Ornamental Gardening : M. S. Randhawa
Plant Pathology : Anton De Bary
Plant Physiology : Stephen Hales
Pedology : V.V. Dokuchalev
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Plant Tissue Culture : G.
Sociology : Auguste compte
Statistics : R.A. Fisher
Soil Science : Dokuchalev
Soil Microbiology : S.N. Winogradsky
Super Rice : Dr. G.H. Khush
Tillage and Weeds : Jethro Tull
White Revolution : Dr. Varghese Kurien


Crops Botanical Name
Cereal Crops
Rice : Oryza sativa L.
Wheat : Triticum aestivum L.
Maize : Zea mays L.
Bajra/Pearlmillet : Pennisetum typhoides/P. glaucum L.
Sorghum/Jowar : Sorghum bicolor/S. vulgare L. Moench
Barley : Hordeum vulgare L.
Triticale : Secale cereal
Buckwheat/Pseudo cereal : Fagopyrum esculentum
Millet Crops :
Cheena/Proso millet : Panicum miliacearum
Foxtail/Italian /Jerman millet / : Seteria italica L. Beauv.
Kodo/Coarsest millet : Paspulum scrobiculatum L.
Little millet : Panicum sumatrense
Madua/Ragi/Finger millet : Eleusine coracana Gaertn
Sawan/Barnyard millet : Echinochloa frumentance
L. Pulse Crops :
Gram/Chickpea/Bengal gram : Cicer aeritinum L.
Field Pea/Grain pea : Pisum sativum var. arvense
Arhar/Pigeon pea/Red gram : Cajanus cajan L.
Millsp. Soybean : Glycine max L. Merril
Black gram/Urdbean : Vigna mungo/Phaseolus mungo L. Hepper
Green gram/Moong/Moongbean : Vigna radiate/Phaseolus aureus L. Wilczek
French bean/Rajmash : Phaseolus vulgaris

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: Vigna unguiculata/V. sinensis
Indian Cowpea/Lobia
Lentil : Lens esculantum/L. culinarisMoench
Lathyrus/Chickling pea/Grasspea : Lathyrus sativus
Mothbean : Vigna/Phaseolus aconotifolia
Horse gram/Kulthi : Macrotyloma uniflorum
Edible Oilseed Crops :
Groundnut/Peanut/Monkeynut : Arachis hypogea L.
Sunflower : Helianthus annus L.
Safflower : Carthamus tinctorius L.
Rapseed and Mustard : Brassica spp. L.
Sesamum/Til : Sesamum indicum L.
Niger : Guzotta abssicinia
Non edible Oilseed Crops :
Castor : Ricinus communis L.
Linseed/Flex : Linnum ussitatisimum L.
Fiber Crops :
Cotton : Gossipium spp.
Jute/tita pat : Corchorus capsularis
Sunhemp : Crotolaria juncea L.
Forage Crops
Berseem : Trifolium alexandrinum L.
Lucerne/Alfalfa : Medicago sativa L.
Oat : Avena sativa L.
Napier grass : Pennisetum purpureum L.
Clusterbean/Gaur : Cymopsis tetragonalaba L.
Sugar Crops :
Sugarcane/Cane : Saccharum officinarum L.
Sugarbeet : Beta vulgaris L.
Tuber Crops :
Potato : Solanum tuberosum L.
Tapioca : Manihot utilissima
Stimulate Crops :
Tobacco : Nicotiana spp.
Opium : Papaver somniferum
Medicinal Crops :
Safed : Chlorophytum
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Ashwagandha/Winter cherry : Withania somnifera
Rouvolfia/Sarpagandha : Rouvolfia serpentina
Isabgol : Plantago ovata
Butch : Acorus calamus
Bramhi : Bacopa morriei
Nux vomica : Strychnos Nuxvomica
Aromatic Crops :
Lemon grass : Cymbopogan flexuasus
Mentha/Mint : Menthe arvensis
Khus/Vetivar : Vetiveria zizanoides
Citronella : Cymbopogan winterianus
Tulsi/Basil : Ocimum sanctum
Fruit Crops :
Kiwi fruits : Actinidia chinensis
Bael : Aegle marmelos
Custard apple : Annona squamosa
Pineapple : Annanas comosus
Jackfruit : Autocarpus heterophyllus
(Kair) : Capparis decidue
Papaya : Carica papaya
Karonda : Carissa carandus
Pecanut : Carya illinoensis
Lime : Citrus aurantifolium
Kinnow : Citrus deliciosa
Lemon : Citrus limon
Orange : Citrus reticulata
Sweet orange : Citrus sinensis
Aonla : Emblica officinalis
Wood apple : Feronia limonia
Fig : Ficus carica
Strawberry : Fragaria sp.
Phalsa : Grewia subinaequalis
Walnut : Juglans regia
Litchi : Litchi chinensis
Apple : Malus domestica
Mango : Mangifera indica
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Mulberry : Morus sp.
Banana : Musa paradisiaca
Date palm : Phoenix dactylifera
Almond : Prunus amygdalus
Apricot : Prunus armeniaca
Pear : Prunus communis
Plum : Prunus domestica
Peach : Prunus persica
Guava : Psidium guajava
Pomegranate : Punica granatum
Raspberry : Rubus idaeus
Jamun : Syzygium cumini
Tamarind : Tamarindus indica
Ber : Zizyphus mauritiana
Grape : Vitis vinifera
Vegetable Crops :
Onion : Allium cepa
Garlic : Allium sativum
Elephant foot yam : Amorphophyllus campanulatus
Asparagus : A. officinalis
Beetroot : Beeta vulgaris
Palak : B. vulgaris var. bengalensis
Spinach : Spinacea oleraceae
Sweet Potato : Ipomea batatas
Cabbage : Brassica oleracea var. capitata
Cauliflower : B. o. var. botrytis
Brussel’s Broccoli : B. o. var. gemmifera
Knol-khol : B. caulorapa
Turnip : B. rapa
Raddish : Raphanus sativus
Cucumber : Cucumis sativus
Musk melon : Cucumis melo
Snap melon (foot) : Cucumis melo var. momordica
Long melon (Kakri) : C. melo var. utillisium
Gherkin : C. anguria
Water melon : Citrullus latanus
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Round : C. l. var.
Pumpkin : Cucurbita moschata
Bottle gourd : Lagenaria siceraria
Ridge gourd : Luffa acutangula
Sponge gourd : L. cylindrica
Pointed gourd : Trichosanthus dioca
Snake gourd : T. anguina
Ash gourd : Benincasa hispida
Ivy gourd : Coccinia indica
Spine gourd : Momordica chinensis
Bitter gourd : M. charantia
Peas : Pisum sativum var hartense
French bean : Phaseolus vulgaris
Cluster bean : Cymopsis tetragonalabus
Cowpea : Vigna unguiculata
Fenugreek : Trigonella foenugraecum
Okra : Abelmoschus esculantus
Potato : Solanum tuberosum
Tomato : S. lycopersicon
Brinjal : S. melongena
Chilli : Capsicum annum
Sweet pepper : C. annum
Carrot : Daucus carota
Coriander : Coriandrum sativum
Celery : Apium graveolens
Flower Crops :
Rosa : Rosa indica
Chrysanthemum : Chrysanthemum spp
Gladiolus : Gladiolus spp.
Carnation : Dianthus spp.
Marigold : Tagetes spp
Tuberose : Polianthes tuberose
Dahlia : Dahlia pinnata
Jasmine : Jasminum spp.
Bougainvillea : Bougainvillea spp.
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FamousName Crops
King of cereals : Wheat
Queen of cereals : Maize
King of pulses : Chickpea
Queen of pulses : Pea
King of oilseeds : Groundnut
Queen of oilseeds : Sesame (Til)
Coarsest of all food grains : Kodo (Paspulum scrobiculatum)
King of fruits : Mango
Queen of fruits : Pineapple
King of temperate fruits : Apple
King of spices : Black Pepper
Queen of spices : Cardamom
King of vegetables : Potato
Queen of vegetables : Okra
Wonder crop : Soybean
King of fodder crops : Berseem
Queen of fodder crops : Lucerne
King of Arid and semi fruits : Ber
National fruits of India : Mango
Wonder tree : Neem
Bio energy plant : Jatropha
King of flower crops : Rose
Queen of flower crops : Gladiolus
Adams fig : Banana
Oldest cultivated tropical fruits : Banana Tree
of heaven : Coconut
King of nut crops : Walnut
Queen of nut crops : Peanut
White gold of America : Cotton
Yellow jewel of America : Soybean
Backbone of America : Maize
Sugar bowl : Cuba


Terms Associated Crops
Curing : Tobacco, Tea
Nipping : Gram
Wrapping : Sugarcane
Dapog seedling : Rice seedling
De- suckering : Tobacco
De- tasseling : Maize
Pegging : Groundnut
Retting : Jute
Ginning : Cotton
Topping : Cotton
Arrowing : Sugarcane
Ratooning : Sugarcane
Parboiling : Rice
Earthing-up : Potato, Sugarcane


(I) Recommended Seed Rate of Field Crops
Crops SeedRate (kg/ha)
a) Transplanting : 50 - 60
b) Broadcasting : 80 - 100
Wheat : 100 - 125
a) Hybrid : 20 - 25
b) Composite : 15 - 20
Sorghum, Moong, Arhar : 12 - 15
Pearlmillet : 2-3
Gram : 60 - 80
Field Pea : 75 - 100
Urd, Cowpea, Sunhemp : 20 - 25
a) Pure crop : 40 - 50
b) Mixed crop : 8 - 10
Lentil, Linseed : 30 - 40
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Soybea : 70 -
Safflower : 15
Sunflower, Sugarbeet, Jute : 8 - 10
a) Bunch type : 100 - 120
b) Spreading type : 80 - 100
Til : 3-4
Rapseed and Mustard
a) Pure cropping : 4-6
b) Mixed cropping : 2-3
Castor : 10
Cotton : 10 - 12
Hybrid cotton, Tobacco : 2.5 - 3
Potato : 10 - 15 qt
Kodo : 6-8
Lucerne : 20
a) Diploid spp : 20 - 25
b) Tetraploid spp : 30 - 35
Fodder maize : 40 - 60
Fodder Bajra : 20 - 30
a) Small seeded : 80 - 100
b) Bold seeded : 100 - 120

(II) Nativity of Field Crops

Crops Nativity
Rice, Sugarcane : : South East Asia
Wheat, Barley, Buckwheat, Gram, Lucerne : South West Asia
Soybean, Rapseed and Mustard, Tea : China
Tobacco : America
Maize, Teosinate : Mexico
Potato, Tomato : Peru
Linseed : Afghanistan
Sunflower, : USA
Arhar, Mung, Urd, Cotton, Jute, Kodo, Kutki, Oat, Mango : India
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Soybea : 70 -
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Sorghum, Bajra, Sunhemp, Sesamum, Cowpea, Castor, Clusterbean :
Groundnut : Brazil
Berseem : Egypt
Napier grass : Rhodesia


Paddy : Aaditya, Purnima, IR36, 64, 20, MTU1001, 1010, Indira sona, Kranti, Mahamaya, Safri17,
Bumleshwari, Pusa basmati-1, Shyamla, etc.
Wheat : Lok-1, C306, HW 2004, WH 147, Sujata, GW 173, 273, Kanchan, Raj.
Maize : Ganga-1, 3, 5, 101, Ganga safed-2, Ranjit, Himalaya, VL-54, Ganga-4., Navjot, Chandan makka-3, Chandan
safed makka-1 etc.
Kodo : GPUK-3, ICCK 737, IPS 147-1, JK 1, 155, Pali.
Kutki : PRC3, IGL4, 10
Kulthi : BK-1, AK-21, JND-2 Ragi
: VL-147, PR 202, HR-374
Arhar : Type-21, Prabhat, UPAS-120, pragati, Asha, Gwalior-3, Bahar, Rajiv Lochan
Moong : Pairy moong 2, pragya, Pusa Baisakhi, JM-721, K-851, PDM-1, 3,11
Urd : Pant U-30, JU-2, Type-9, Gwalior-2, Sarla, Barkha, Prabha, CO-1 Gram
: JG-11, 74, 315, Vijay, Vaibhav, Shweta, JGK-1, 2, JGG-1
Pea : Rachna, Ambika, Subhra, Aparna, Paras, JP 855, KPMR 144-1, Vikash
Lathyrus : Ratan, Pratik, Mahativda.
Lentil : K 75, Lens 4076, Nuri, Sheri, JL-3.
Soybean : Indira soya-9, JS-2, 335, 93-05, PK 472, Gourav, Ankur, Durga
Groundnut : ICGS 1, 10, 11, 37, 44, SB-11, JL24, Chandra, Junagarh-11, Vikram, Verginia Sunflower :
Modern, Jwalamukhi, MSFH-8, 17, KBSH-1, 44
Safflower : JSF1, 2, 5, JS I7, JSH 129, Annagiri,
Mustard : Pusa kalyani, Sufla, Kranti, Varuna, Krishna, Pusa bold, Vardan, Rohni Til :
Selection-5, Krishna, JT-21, TC-25
Ramtil : IGP-76, GP 10, JNS-1, 6
Castor : Kranti, Jwala, Jyoti, JCH-4, DCH-32
Linseed : RLC 92 (Indravati), Deepika, Kiran, Indira Alsi-32 (RLC-81), Jwahar 552
Cotton : Anjali, Khandwa-2, Jwahar tapti, JKH-2, Pratima.
Sugarcane : CO 671, COJ 64, 8338, 86-141, CO 86032, 62175


Rice : Jaganna th, Prabha va ti
Chickpea : BGM-48, BGM-413,
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Pe :
Arhar : Trombay, Vishakha-1
Wheat : Sarbati sanora Cotton
: MCU-7, MCU-10
Tobacco : Jayshri, Bhavya
Moong : Dhulli, Pant mung 2, MUM 2
Urd : CO1, Sarla
Mango : Rosica


Sl.No. Botanical Name Family English Name Common Name
1. Achyranthes aspera Amaranthceae Prickly chafflower
2. Ageratum conyzoides Compositae Bill goat weed
3. Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthceae Spiny amaranthus
4. Amaranthus viridis Amaranthceae Slender amaranthus
5. Agremone maxicana Papaveraceae Mexican prickly poppy
6. Avena fatua Gramineae Wild oat
7. Boerhavia diffusa Nyctaginaceae Spreading hog weed
8. Brassica sinensis Cruciferae Wild mustard
9. Calotropis gigantean Ascletiabaceae Giant swallow wort
10. Carthamus oxyacanthe Compositae Wild safflower
11. Cassia tora Leguminosae Buffalo gram
12. Celosia argentea Amaranthceae White cock’s comb
13. Chenopodium album Chenopodiaceae Lambsquate/Dog tooth grass
14. Cichorium intybus Compositae Chicory/Blue daisy
15. Convolvulus arvensis Convolvulaceae Bind weed
16. Corchorus acutangulus Tilliaceae Wild jute
17. Cuscuta sp. Convolvulaceae Dodder
18. Cynodon dactylon Gramineae Bermuda grass
19. Cyperyus rotundus Cyperaceae Purple nutsedge
20. Cyperus iria Cyperaceae Yellow nutsedge/Rice flat sedge
21. Cyperyus difformis Cyperaceae Umbrella sedge
22. Datura alba Solanceae Thorne apple
23. Datura stramonium Solanceae Jimson weed
24. Dicanthum annulatum Gramineae Marvel grass
25. Digitaria sanguinalis Gramineae Crab grass
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26. Echinochloa colonum Gramineae Jungle rice
27. Echinochloa crusgalli Gramineae Barnyard grass
28. Eclipta alba Compositea False daisy
29. Eichhonia crassipes Pontederiaceae Water hyacinth
30. Eleusine indica Gramineae Goose grass
31. Euphorbia geniculata Compositae Garden spurge
32. Euphorbia hirta Compositae Pill pod spurge
33. Ipomea repens Convolvulaceae Swamp morning glory
34. Ischoemum rugosum Gramineae Wrinkle grass
35. Lantana camara Verbenaceae Prickly lantana
36. Lathyrus sativus Leguminoceae Lathyrus
37. Melilotus alba Leguminoceae White sweet clover
38. Melilotus indica Leguminoceae Yellow sweet clover
39. Mimosa pudica Leguminoceae Touch me not
40. Mimosa spinosa Leguminoceae Touch me not

41. Ocimum camum Labiatae Haory basin

42. Opuntia dilenaii Cacaceae Prickly pear
43. Oryza sativa var fatua Gramineae Wild rice
44. Orobanche sp. Orobanchaceae Broom rape
45. Oxalis ocetorella Oxalidaceae Sorrel
46. Oxalis corniculata Oxalidaceae Indian sorel
47. Parthenium hysterophorus Compositae Congress grass/Wild carrot grass
48. Paspalum sanguinale Gramineae Knot grass -
49. Phalaris minor Gramineae Canary grass
50. Portulaca oleracea Portulaceae Purslane
51. Portulaca quodrifolia Portulaceae Purslane
52. Phyllanthus nururi Euphorbiaceae Corn spurry/Niruri
53. Physalis minima Solanaceae Ground cherry/Hog weed
54. Saccharum spontaneum Gramineae Tiger grass
55. Sataria glauca Gramineae Green fox tail
56. Sida rhombifolia Malvaceae Sida
57. Sida spinosa Malvaceae Sida
58. Solanum nigrum Solanaceae Black night shade
59. Solanum xanthocarpum Solanaceae Prickly brinjal
60. Sorghum halepanse Gramineae Johnson grass
61. Spilanthus comelia Compositae Wild mint

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62. Striga lutea Scrophulariaceae Witch weed
63. Trianthema monegyna — Carpet weed
64. Tridex procumbens Compositae Mexican daisy
65. Typha sp. Typhaceae Cattail
66. Vicia hirsute Leguminoceae Common vetches
67. Vicia sativa Leguminoceae Vetches
68. Xanthium strumerium Compositae Cocklebur/Bur-weed
69. Zizyphus rotundifolis Rhamnaceae Wild ber


Sl.No. Botanical Name Common Name Toxicant Present
1. Acacia catechu Tannin
2. Acacia leucophloea Tannin
3. Acacia nilotica Tannin
4. Aegle marmelos Tannin
5. Albizia lebbeck Tannin
6. Albizia procera Tannin
7. Anthocephalus indicus —
8. Azadirachta indica Azadirachtin, Nimbin
9. Bambusa arundinacea HCN
10. Bauhinia variegata Tannin
11. Butea monosperma —
12. Cassia fistula —
13. Delbergia sissoo Tannin
14. Delonix regia —
15. Emblica officinalis —
16. Eucalyptus tereticornis —
17. Ficus banghalensis Tannin
18. Ficus religiosa Tannin
19. Leucaena leucocephala Mimosine
20. Madhuca latifolia Saponin
21. Mangifera indica Amylase inhibitors
22. Morus alba Tannin
23. Musa paradisiaca Amylase inhibitors, Seratonin
24. Polyalthia longifolia —
25. Pongamia pinnata Karanjin, Pongamol
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Populus deltoides —
Psidium guajava —
Pterocarpus marsupium —
Shorea robusta —
Syzygium cuminii Tannin
Tamarandus indica —
Tectona grandis —
Terminalia arjuna —
Terminalia belirica —
Terminalia chaibula —


Sl.No Botanical Name Common Name Plant Part Used Chemical Found
Medicinal crops
1.. Chlorophytum borivilianum Safed Musli Root Saponins
2. Withania somnifera Ashwagandha Leaves & Root Alkaloids
3. Rauvolfia serpentina Sarpagandha Root (Dried) Serpentine (alklo.)
4. Plantago ovata Isabgol Husk of the seed Glycoside
5. Acorus calamus Buch Rhizome (Dried) —
6. Bacopa morrieri Bramhi Whole plant Hydrolytin (alklo.)
7. Papaver somniferum Opium poppy Latex & Seeds Alkaloids
8. Strychnos nuxvomica Nux vomica Seeds Strychnine (alklo.)

Aromatic crops
9. Cymbopogan flexuosus Lemon grass Fresh grasses Citral a & b
10. Mentha arvensis Pudina or Mint Herbage Menthol
11. Hibiscus sabadriffa Roselle Fresh Calyces Fatty oils
12. Vetiveria zizanoides Khus/Vetiver Root Khusol, Vetiverone
13. Cymbopogan winterianus Citronella Fresh herbage Citronellol, Geraniol
14. Ferula foetida Asafoetida/Hing Gum resin Organic sulpher
15. Ocimum sanctum Tulsi/Basil Leaves Eugenol
16. Cymbopogon martini Palmarosa Floral shoots Geraniol


Crop Test Weight Crop Test Weight
Rice :25 Linseed, Safflower :10

Basmati : Lucern :2
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Wheat, Barley, Oat :30-40 Sunflow :40-
Soybean :55
Cotton, Arhar :70-72 Moong :34-36
Pea :100 Cowpea :80
Mustard :3-5 Bajra :5-7
Sorghum :25-30 French bean :38-44/1000 seeds

Tobacco :2.5-3/10000 seeds

Test weight: weight of 1000 seeds of a crop

Seed Index: weight of 100 seeds of a crop (used for bold seeded)


Crops/Fruits Fruit Types Edible Parts
All cereals crops and grasses Caryopsis Endosperm and Embryo
Most of leguminous crops i.e. gram, Pea, Arhar Legume/Pod Seed/Cotyledons Groundnut
Lomentum Seed/Cotyledons
Mango Drupe Mesocarp
Ber, Plum, Datpalm Drupe Apicarp and Mesocarp
Tomato, Grape, Brinjal, Banana, Chilli Berry Pericarp and Placenta
Papaya Berry Mesocarp
Citrus spp. Hesperidium Endocarpic juicy hairs
Pomegranate Blusta Aril
Apple, Pear Pome Mansal thalamus
Bael Amphisarca Succulent Placenta
Cucurbits Pipo Apicarp and Mesocarp
Coconut Nut Endosperm
Jackfruit, Pineapple Sorosis Bracts/Perianth

1. Stomatal closure : 2,4-D, Atrazine, PMA, Phosphon D, Potassium metabisulphate
2. Film farming type : Hexadeconol, Cetyl alcohol, Paclobutrazole Mobileaf, Waxol, S-800, Hico-110R, Folicot,
3. Reflectant type : Kaoline (5 per cent), China clay, Ca. bicarbonate, Lime water
4. Growth retardant : Cycocel (CCC), Phosphor

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Instruments Uses/Measures
Altimeter : Height
Aneroid barometer : Atmospheric pressure
Anemometer : Wind speed/velocity
Auxanometer : Growth of plant
Barograph : Continuous atmospheric pressure
Crescograph : Growth of plant Cambel
stokes recorder : Sunshine duration
Drosometer : Dew
Hygrometer/Psychrometer : Relative humidity (RH)
Evaporometer : Evapotranspiration
Irrometer : Water stress, soil moisture tension
Infiltrometer : Infiltration
Lactometer : Fats % in milk
Lysimeter : Evapotranspiration
Pyrheliometer : Direct solar radiation
PAR : Quantum sensor
Psychrometer : Leaf water potential/RH
Porometer : Transpiration rate (ET)
Pyranometer : Total incoming solar radiation
Peizometer : Depth of water table
Rain gauge : Amount of rainfall
Tensiometer : Soil moisture tension (0.8 bar)
Wind vane : Wind direction
Tensiometer : Soil moisture tension (0.8 bar)
Wind vane : Wind direction


Based on size (mm)
Classification IISS USDA
: > 250 > 250
: 75–250 75–250
: 2–75 2–75
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– 1.0–
Very course sand :
: 2–0.2 0.5–1.0
Course sand
Fine sand : 0.2–0.02 0.1–0.25

: – 0.05–0.1
Very Fine sand
Silt : 0.02–0.002 0.002–0.05
: < 0.002 < 0.002


Sl.No. Fertilizers Nutrient Content (%)

N P2O5 K2O S

Nitrogenous Fertilizers

(A) Nitrate form

1. Sodium nitrate : 16.0 - - -

2. Calcium nitrate : 15.5 - - -

(B) Ammomcal form

1. Ammonium phosphate : 16.0 20.0 - -

2. Ammonium chloride : 24-26 - - -

3. Ammonium sulphate : 20.6 - - 24

4. Anhydrous ammonia : 81.0 - - -

(C) Ammonical Nitrate form

1. Ammonium nitrate : 33-34 - - -

2. CAN : 26.0 - - -

3. Amm. sulphate nitrate : 26.0 - - 15

(D) Ammide form

1. Urea : 46.0 - - -

2. Calcium cyanide : 21.0 - - -

Phosphatic Fertilizers

(A) Water soluble

1. SSP (single) : - 16-18 - -

2. DSP (double) : - 32.0 - -

3. TSP (triple) : - 46-48 - -

4. DAP : 18 46 - -

(B) Citric acid soluble

1. Di calcium phosphate : - 34-39 - -

2. Basic slag : - 14-18 - -

Bone meal : - 23-30 - -
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(C) Insoluble
1. Rock phosphate : - 20-40 - -

2. Rock bone meal : - 20-25 - -

3. Steamed bone meal : - 22.0 - -
Phosphatic Fertilizers
1. Murate of potash/KCl : - - 60.0 -
2. Sulphate of potash : - - 48.0 -
3. Potassium nitrate : - - 44.0 -


Types of Soil EC (dSm) at 25°C ESP (%) pH

Saline soil : >4 < 15 < 8.5

Saline alkaline soil/Sodic : > 4 > 15 < 8.5

Alkaline soil : <4 > 15 8.5 - 10.0

1. Auxins : Cell division and root formation.
2. Gibberellin : Cell division, breaking dormancy and cell elongation.
3. Cytokinin : Delay senescence, breaking dormancy of seed and development of embryos in seed.

4. Abscisic
acid : Abscission of leaf and fruit, induce dormancy &#38; maintain cell turgidity, facilitate stomata closure.

5. Ethylene : Fruit ripening, iso-diametric growth of stems and roots.


Deficiency of CausesDiseases/Symptoms
N - Buttoning in cauliflower
P – Sickle leaf disease.
K – Scorching and burning of leaves.
Ca – Blossom end rot in tomato and Ber, Tip hooking/burning in Cauliflower. Mg
– Sand drawn disease of Tobacco.
S – Tea yellow disease.
Fe – White eye of Paddy, Leaf bleaching in Sugarcane
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M – Water core in Brassica, Marsh disease in Pea, Spotted
Cu – Dieback and little leaf in Citrus, Reclaimation disease in cereals. Mo
ye llow d is ea s e in S ug a rbe et .
w w w. h ind i g k5 0 k
– Yellow spot disorder in Citrus, Whiptail disease in Cauliflower.
Zn – Little leaf in Brinjal and Mango, Bronzing in Guava, White bud in Maize, Khaira disease in Paddy.
Bo – Internal necrosis in Aonla and Mango, Browning in Cauliflower, Heat rot in Sugarbeet, Hen and
Chicken disorder in Grape.

Revolution Related to
Green revolution : Food grain production
White revolution : Milk production
Yellow revolution : Oilseeds production
Gray revolution : Manures and Fertilizers
Blue revolution : Fish production
Red revolution : Meat/Tomato production
Round revolution : Potato production
Silver revolution : Egg production/Poultry
Pink revolution : Prawn production Golden
revolution : Fruit production (apple)
Brown revolution : Non-conventional energy source
Black revolution : Bio fuel (Jatropha) production
Rainbow revolution : Agriculture (1996)
Food chain revolution : Food grain production
Evergreen revolution : Reduction in wastage of food grains, fruits and vegetables
Parbhani revolution : Okra


Feb., 2 : National Wetland day Mar., 11 : Water Resources day
Mar., 21 : World Forest day Mar., 22 : World Water day
Apr., 22 : World Earth day May, 1 : International Labour day
Jun., 5 : World Environment day Jul., 1 : National Agricultural day Jul., 1-
7th : Van Mahotsava Jul., 16 : ICAR day

Sept., 16 : World Ozone day Oct. 4 : World Animal Welfare day

Oct., 16 : World Food day Dec., 4 : Agriculture Women day
Dec., 23 : National Farmer’s day
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Sl.No. IN
Crops IN D I A ( Final
2 01 0 -1 1 )
Estimates 2nd Advance
w wProduction
w . hi n d ig k 5 0
(Mt.) 2008-09 Production (Mt.) 2009-
Estimates of
10 (Mt.) 2010-11
1. Rice 99.02 89.13 94.01
2. Wheat 80.70 80.80 81.47
3. Maize 19.70 16.70 -
4. Sorghum 7.2 7.0 -
5. Bajra 8.9 6.5 -
6. Course cereals 39.48 33.77 40.08
7. Arhar 2.3 2.6 -
8. Gram 7.1 7.3 -
9. Total pulses 14.60 14.66 16.51
10. Total foodgrains 234.40 218.20 232.07
11. Groundnut 7.2 5.5 -
12. Rapseed & Mustard 7.2 6.4 -
13. 9 oilseeds (Total) 27.70 24.93 27.85
14. Cotton 22.30 24.22 33.93
15. Sugarcane 295.00 292.30 336.70
16. Jute & Mesta 10.30 11.82 10.08


Sl.No. Crops 2009-10 Final
Area (000Mha) Production (000 Mt.) Productivity (Mt/ha)
1. Mango 2312 15027 6.5
2. Banana 770 26470 34.4
3. Citrus 987 9638 9.8
4. Guava 220 2572 11.4
5. Grapes 106 881 8.3
6. Litchi 74 483 6.5
7. Papaya 96 3913 40.9
8. Pineapple 92 1387 15.1
9. Pomegranate 125 820 6.6
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10. 1 134 8
11. Apple 283 1777 6.3
12. Others 1105 7201 6.5
Total 6329 71516 11.3
1. Potato 1835 36577 19.9
2. Onion 756 12159 19.6
3. Tomato 634 12433 16.6
4. Brinjal 612 10563 17.2
5. Cabbage 331 7281 22.0
6. Cauliflower 348 6569 18.9
7. Okra 452 4803 10.6
8. Peas 365 3029 8.3
9. Sweet Potato 119 1095 9.2
10. Others 2300 31168 13.6
Total 7985 133738 16.7
Aromatic: 509 573 1.1
Almond/Walnut: 142 193 1.4
Flowers Loose: 183 1021 -
Plantation Crops: 3265 11928 3.7
Spices: 2464 4016 1.6


Sl.No. Crops 09-10 over 08-09
Area Production
1. Horticulture 1.0 3.9
2. Fruit 3.7 4.5
3. Vegetable 0.1 3.6

Availability of Agriculture Products/Capita/Day

Sl.No. Particular Requirement
1. Cereals 407 g
2. Pulses 37 g
3. Fruits 120 g
4. Vegetables 240 g
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5 M 263
6. Egg 45 (no.)
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Recent Research/Technologies in Agriculture

The term ‘Nanotechnology’ was The term ‘Nanotechnology’ was coined by Nario
Taniguchi in 1974 at Univ. of Tokyo.
Nanotechnology is understanding and control of matter of dimension of 1-100 nm.
Example of Nano based Smart Delivery System - Halloysite
Nano Pesticide – Nano Particles (NPs) of ZnO, SiO2 and TiO2 used for Bacterial and
Green algae.

Bio-informatics is the application of computer science and information technology to the
field of biology to the management of biological information.
Computers are used to gather, store, analyze and integrate biological and genetic
information which can then be applied to gene-based drug discovery and development.
The primary goal of bioinformatics is to increase the understanding of biological
processes and developing and applying computationally intensive techniques (e.g., pattern
recognition, data mining, machine learning algorithms, and visualization) to achieve this


Transgenic plants are crops which have been genetically modified with genes from
another organism to make the plants more agriculturally productive.
Transgenic plants are only those with genes from other species, whereas genetically
modified plants can have both new genes and a re-arrangement of the genes already found
in the plant.
Transgenic plants have been developed for a variety of reasons: longer shelf life, disease
resistance, herbicide resistance, pest resistance, and improved product quality.
The First transgenic plant - Flavr SavrTM tomato for delayed ripening was released for
commercial cultivation in 1994 by Calgene (Company).
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Crop having highest transgenic plant cultivation area –
Terminator technology refers to research of seeds/plants that produce sterile seeds.
This technology could be used to prevent any gene flow between biotechnology and
traditional crops.
Recently, it is used in Cotton.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water,
without soil.
Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in
an inert medium, such as gravel, mineral wool or coconut husk.
Hydroponics is a subset of soil less culture.

Aeroponics is a system wherein roots are continuously or discontinuously kept in an
environment saturated with fine drops (a mist or aerosol) of nutrient solution.
The method requires no substrate and entails growing plants with their roots suspended in
a deep air or growth chamber with the roots periodically wetted with a fine mist of
atomized nutrients.
Excellent aeration is the main advantage of aeroponics.

Vertical farming is a concept that argues that it is economically and environmentally
viable to cultivate plant or animal life within skyscrapers, or on vertically inclined


The System of Rice Intensification is an alternative system for growing rice that produces
substantially higher yields with fewer plants (planting far fewer seedlings per hill and per
square meter) and with fewer inputs than either traditional methods, ie., using less water,
or more “modern” methods, requiring chemical fertilizer or agrochemicals.
SRI is a combination of few practices that include changes in nursery management,
seedling age while planting, planting method, spacing, water and nutrients management.
The major components of SRI method are:
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Planting of young seedlings (8-12 days old).
Planting single seedlings/hill along with soil carefully.
Wider spacing of 25cm×25cm.
Weeding with conoweeder to provide aeration and incorporation of biomass.
Applying mostly organic manures.
Water just at saturation point but no flooding.

The main objectives are to improve the productivity and sustainability of rice-wheat
cropping systems through increased efficiency of water and nutrient use.
The aerobic rice practice includes:
Dry sowing of rice with minimum land preparation i.e. in non-puddled and non- flooded
Efficient seed coating technology either with suitable Phosphobacterium and or
Rhizobium cultures.
Square sowing with wider spacing to avoid root competition for crop growth.
Maintenance of moist soil but aerated soil during vegetative growth period.
Efficient weed management either by use of herbicide or by use of frequent hand
weeding especially in the early stages of crop.
Allowing a thin film of water (1-2 cm) to be maintained after panicle initiation.

Super rice” is also k/s New Plant Type (NPT).
“Super rice” is a redesigned rice plant to break the yield –barriers of popular grown
dwarf rice plant types and to face the new challenges of ever increasing population. In the
21st century. (acc. to Dr. G.S.KHUS)
Super rice is a N.P.T. developed by IRRI that can produce yield of 12-15 tones/ha has 2-
3 times greater no. of grains/panicle and thicker and sturdy stem.
The key aim of development of Super rice varieties is to increase per capita
availability of rice and to a decline in real price of rice in International and
Domestic markets.

Flooding affects 15–20 million hectares of lowland rice fields in Asia each year, it is a
major contributor to the food insecurity and widespread poverty in these areas.
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IRRI scientists incorporated the SUB1 gene into populawr lwocwal.hricine
dvairgiekti5es0cko.llceoctmively known as “scuba rice.
Scuba rice varieties, which can survive up to 2 weeks of being under water, are now used
by millions of farmers and serve as their first line of defence against flooding.

Golden rice or GM rice is genetically engineered vitamin A rich rice.
It was engineered to save million of children from blindness.

‘Super varieties’ of wheat resistant to the deadly stem rust fungus Ug99 and with up to 15
per cent better yields than today’s varieties.

It is also known as CAN (Calcium Ammonium Nitrate)
Kishan khad is commercially prepared from ammonium nitrate and ground limestone or
dolomite containing 20% nitrogen.
It contains 26% nitrogen.
One half of the nitrogen is in nitrate form and the remaining half in the ammonical
form. It is almost neutral in nature.

Cotton with Bt gene (Bacillus thuringiensis) is resistance against the pest, Helicoverpa.
It is developed by U.S. based seed company ‘Monsanto’ and registered the name
Bt variety obtained 25-27% more cotton along with reduced the cost of pesticides and
protect environment from pesticidal hazards.


Kisan Call Centre (KCC), started since 21st Jan 2004 (toll free No. 1551).


Kisan Credit Card Scheme was introduced in August 1998.
KCC aims at providing adequate and timely support from the banking system to the farmers
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for their short-term credit needs for cultivation of crops.
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This mainly helps farmer for purchase of inputs etc., durinwg
Credit card scheme proposed to introduce flexibility to the system and improve cost


National Agricultural Insurance Scheme was introduced in 1999-2000.
Crop insurance is purchased by agricultural producers, including farmers, ranchers, and
others to protect themselves against either the loss of their crops due to natural disasters,
such as hail, drought, and floods, or the loss of revenue due to declines in the prices of
agricultural commodities.
The two general categories of crop insurance are called crop-yield insurance and crop-
revenue insurance.

Precision farming means high tech agriculture, spatial variability management.
It is the technique or method to find out the use of appropriate inputs, appropriate
technology, decreasing cost of cultivation decisions, optimizing outputs for safety and
security of food according to site or soil condition.

Contract farming is a system for the production and supply of agricultural products under
forward contracts between cultivators and buyers.
Here, the cultivator commits to provide an agricultural product of a specific type at a
specific time and at a specified price that is required by the committed buyers.
The main feature is that the contractor supplies all the material inputs and technical
advice required for cultivation to the cultivator. In turn, the cultivator supplies the
required land and labour.

LEISA stands for Low-External-Input Sustainable Agriculture.
LEISA is an agricultural technique which makes optimal use of locally available natural
and human resources (such as soil, water, vegetation, local plants and animals, and human
labour, knowledge and skill) and which is economically feasible, ecologically sound,
culturally adapted and socially just.

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the warming
increase is the extraordinary
of greenhouse increase
gases concentration of atmosphere.”
on the Ear th ’s
w w
Greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFC) are the heat-
trapping gases in the atmosphere.
They trap the heat that came from the solar energy (sun radiation) which results continually
warming of the earth.

Ozone layer is a protective layer in our atmosphere.
It’s about 19 to 30 km in distance from the Earth surface.
It blocks the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun.
The concentration of the layer is usually under 10 parts ozone per million.
Ozone layer concentration is measured by Ozonometer.
The ozone layer is made up by the action of sunlight to oxygen, and the amount is stabled by
the existence of nitrogen.
If there was no ozone layer ever, cancer would dominate and even no life would be in this

The clouds are injected with a seeding agent like dry ice, sodium chloride and silver iodide
from an aircraft or using a ground generator for producing artificial rain.

Acid rain (CO2+Rain drops) basically have Carbonic acid with pH of less than 5.6.
This is caused by the presence of air pollutants, like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
They produce acids if combined with water.
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