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Article 1 of the Civil Code And finally, it’s for the common observance and benefit of
everyone. So in line with it being obligatory, all if not most
Article 1. This Act shall be known as the "Civil Code of the
Philippines. people are expected to comply with the law, subject of course
to a few exceptions. And everyone is presumably protected and
benefited by the laws in place.
Now, this chapter on persons and family relations, usually, or
rather pertains to the effect and application of laws. So under
this chapter, we will be discussing key concepts which in fact Civil Law - One of the bar exam components; consists 15%
will not only be applicable to your study of persons and family of your bar grade.
relations but to other laws as well because the civil code is in
fact a very broad code. It covers not just persons and family Now Civil Law, like I said earlier, is broad in scope because it
relations. It covers contracts, torts, sales, partnership, agency deals with the relationship of individuals with each other. So
–so in fact the civil code is very broad but for purposes of our person to person, individual to individual, whether natural or
discussion this evening we will only be talking about Articles 1- juridical.
14 of the Civil Code.
And then it also deals with the relationship of an individual
So the Civil Code became effective on August 30,1950 and it with society. So it covers plenty of possibilities like the
has been in effect ever since. However, some parts of the civil transaction between person A who is a natural person and
code have been repealed by the Family Code. person B who is also a natural person or it also covers the
transaction between person A who is a natural person and a
The first chapter of the Civil Code discusses the effect and corporation which is a juridical person and then of course
application of laws. So this covers Article 1-18. But before that there are multiple times a transaction that can happen
let’s have a preview or rather let’s briefly discuss what is civil between these individuals.
law in the first place or going back even further, we ask the
question, WHAT IS THE LAW? So that's why Civil Law is very broad in scope and that's also
why if you look at, for example, the bar coverage for civil law
Law it's very comprehensive.
1. Rule of conduct,
2. Just and obligatory, The Civil Law is a collection of laws which regulate the
3. Laid down by legitimate authority private relations of the members of civil society determining
4. For common observance and benefit. (Sanchez their respective rights and obligations with reference to
Roman) things and civil acts (2 Sherman 9)

So when we say rule of conduct, it is a set of rules that governs So this is what I am saying na there are many aspects of civil
the behaviors of persons and transactions which involve things law.
or institutions.

When we say just and obligatory, presumably the law is just Coverage of Civil Law
● The rights of a person and the rights of personality
meaning it is fair and harmonizes the rights of individuals as
● The family and the rights of a family
among themselves and with the greater society.

It’s obligatory because everyone is expected to observe the What is the coverage of Civil Law?
laws and non-compliance will merit some sort of penalty. ● rights of a person and the rights of
personality – the rights of a person what are
Thirdly, it has to be laid down by some legitimate authority you entitled to as a person and what is your
because if it’s not laid down by legitimate authority, then it personality. Personality usually pertains to
cannot be made binding as well. So in our country, who lays personality to sue, personality to be sued,
down these laws? It’s the legislative branch, our Congress. things like that.
● The family and the rights of a family What about the Civil Code? What is the Civil Code? Our Civil
Code is basically the compilation of existing civil laws,
scientifically arranged into book, titles, chapters, and sub-
Coverage of Civil Law heads. Again, promulgated by legislative authority. So our civil
code is divided into four books: Book I is Persons and Family
The rights of a person, and the rights of Relations. Book II is Property, Ownership and Its Modification.
personality Book III refers to the Different Modes of Acquiring Property,
The Family and rights of family and Book IV pertains to Obligations and Contracts.
Associations and partnerships
The human patrimony When you move further in law school, you will encounter
-The right to things or the many Civil Law subjects. Pero kasi naiba na yung curriculum
right of property and its modifications ngayon no? Pero it used to be that in the second semester, you
-The right to obligations have obligations and contracts, which is still the same right
-The right to hereditary now. You have obligations and contracts in your next
succession (Castan, 8th ed.) semester, but it will now be paired with sales. And then, for
your second year you have Property, Land Titles, Credit
Discussion: Transactions, Partnership, Succession, Torts and Damages,
Tackles questions like; who would constitute a family? What Conflict of Laws. So, madaming civil law subjects in law school.
right is a family? What rights do individuals in a family have?
What are they entitled to demand from each other? It also
Civil Law vs. Civil Code
covers Associations and Partnerships. Like when you form a
● Civil Law is wider in scope because it encompasses
business, what are you entitled to demand from your partner?
all laws relating to private relations between the
Collolarily, what are your obligations if you’re part of a
members of society.
partnership or a corporation? It also deals with Human
● Civil Code is a mere collection of these laws, but not
Patrimony. So, this refers to property. How do you own, trade,
all civil laws are found in the Civil Code. Other laws
maintain property? How do you deal with others in relation to
like PD 603 (Child and Youth Welfare Act), and EO
property? What are the rules? What are the laws? What makes
209 (Family Code) do not form part of the Civil
a contract binding? Things like that. These are just a few of the
Code, but form part of the Civil Law of the
things that are covered under Civil Law.

Civil Code So, how would you differentiate then the Civil law versus the
Civil Code?
Civil Code - compilation of existing civil ● Clearly, the Civil Law is wider in scope because it
laws, scientifically arranged into books, encompasses all laws relating to private relations
titles, chapters, and sub-heads promulgated between the members of society.
by legislative authority (Black’s Law
● On the other hand, the Civil Code is merely a
collection of these laws but not all civil laws are found
in the civil code. Precisely, we have PD 603 which is a
Civil Code is Divided into four (4) books:
Child and Youth Welfare Act, we have E.O 209 which
-Book I Persons and Family Relations is your Family Code and this does not form part of our
Civil Code however they form part of the Civil Law of
-Book II is Property, Ownership and
the Philippines..
Its Modification
-Book III Different Modes of
Very basic distinction.
Acquiring Property,
-Book IV Obligations and Contracts.
Classification of Laws
● Substantive v. Remedial
● Private v. Public
preventing the commission of crimes or meting punishment in
● Mandatory/Prohibitory v. Pemissive/Directory
order to deter the commission of crimes. So that is the interest
contained in the criminal cases filed against offenders versus
How do we classify law then? transactions which are private in nature, really the interest
There are three ways, or well actually this is not the only way being upheld there is the interest of one person against
no, but more or less this is how we generally classify laws. You another who violated that person’s rights.
Mandatory/ Prohibitory v. Permissive/ Directory
Substantive Laws vs Remedial Laws Mandatory or Prohibitory Laws these are laws from which
obviously no deviation is allowed and you’re not allowed to
When you say Substantive Law, it's that part of the law which violate them. Of course, when you violate them, there’s more
creates, defines, and regulates rights or which regulates the or less steeper penalties versus Directory Laws which allow
rights and duties which give rise to a cause of action. It is that some leniency in their compliance.
part of the law which the courts are established to administer.
So for example, criminal statutes and penal laws are
What about remedial law? mandatory or prohibitory in nature. There is no option to not
This one prescribes the method of enforcing rights or obtaining comply with them or not to obey them. We have to obey them
redress for their invasions. otherwise you will be sent to jail.

So, Substantive law is the law that provides you the reason for The period, for example, within which to decide a case on the
bringing your action. part of a judge, its directory meaning it can go beyond the
period, however, that is subject to probably the imposition of
On the other hand, remedial law provides you with a administrative penalties. But that’s not a certainty. It could be
procedure, the method as to how you will bring your action if that you can justify it na hindi mo siya madecide within that
your right is violated. period because of several circumstances but in Criminal Law,
the exception is super stringent. So that is why the period to
For example, the right to be recognized as an illegitimate child decide is merely directory as compared to the criminal statute
or a legitimate child, this one is a substantive right. which is mandatory/prohibitory.

But how you’re going to bring your action for recognition, that
is covered by remedial law.
Effectivity of Laws - Article 2. Laws shall take effect after
What about the classification between private law and public fifteen days following the completion of their publication in
law? When we talk about private law, obviously we talk about the Official Gazette, or in a newspaper of general circulation,
the relationship of private individuals, well public law governs unless it is otherwise provided. This Code shall take effect
the relationship between the individual and the State and one year after such publication.
seeks to regulate societal behaviors, so we have micro v macro

Obligations and contracts is an example of a private law, or Discussion:

rather a law that governs the transactions between private So previously publication was only limited to the Official
individuals. Gazette, but it proved to be inadequate because of
bureaucracy. Meaning, matagal yung process sa publication.
On another hand, Criminal Law is an example of a law that There was no way to publish laws regularly. So with the
governs the relationship between the individual and the State. amendment of E.O. 200, publication can now be made through
This is apparent in how you see the cases in Criminal Law are newspapers of general circulation which in our time refer to
captioned as People of the Philippines v ABC. the Inquirer, Philippine Star, Manila Bulletin etc.

This is because the action is being brought not in the interest

of the private offended party, but in the interest of the State
whose interest is to regulate the behavior of society by
A newspaper is of general circulation “if it is made within the Article 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
court’s jurisdiction, published at regular intervals for the following the completion of their publication in the Official
dissemination of local news and general information, with Gazette, or in a newspaper of general circulation, unless it is
bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers and if it is otherwise provided. This Code shall take effect one year
not devoted to the interest or published for the after such publication.
entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade,
calling, race or religious denomination.” (Basa vs. Mercado) ● Publication is mandatory for a law to take effect.
● The phrase “unless otherwise provided” pertains to
the date of effectivity, not to the requirement of
Now, what do you mean when a newspaper is of general
● Publication must be complete.
● Purpose: Due Process (in relation to Article
It is a general circulation if it is:
3 of the Civil Code)
1. It is made within the court’s jurisdiction,
2. Published at regular intervals for dissemination
of local news and general information, So, what are the things that we have to take note of under
3. With bonafide subscription list of paying article 2?
- Publication is mandatory for a law to take effect
4. And if it is not devoted to the interest or published
for the entertainment of a class, profession,
Firstly, Publication is mandatory for a law to take effect.
trade, calling, race, or religious denomination
Publication is indispensable, it’s never something that you
(Basa v. Mercado)
cannot do. It's indispensable, ok in more succinct terms.

Now, this is not a definition that you need to really memorize, - The phrase “unless otherwise provided” pertains to
but if you look at the definition of what is a newspaper of the date of effectivity, not to the requirement of
general circulation the important elements here are that it is publication.
within the court’s jurisdiction published at regular intervals for
the dissemination of local news and general information. So, So, for a law to take effect, it has to be published. But the law
there must be the essence of regularity. Ok, so yung mga can provide for its own date of effectivity. Which is what the
major newspapers natin, araw-araw silang nag pa-published, phrase “unless otherwise provided” pertains to, it’s the date of
araw-araw silang dine-deliver. Although, the sad thing is, with effectivity, not the requirement of publication.
the pandemic, all these businesses took a hit. So, instead of
really printing, what they did was to produce online copies of So, if the law provides for its own date of effectivity, then we
it. follow that, if it is not, it will be effective on the 16th day from
its publication pursuant to Article 2.
We have yet to see, is that valid? SYEMPRE kasi, meron parin
naman siyang printed counterparts even if they reduced the So, remember it does not become effective on the 15th day,
production of these newspapers in print. Because of the but AFTER 15 days following completion of the publication.
pandemic, the production lessened. But it’s still being
produced at regular intervals for dissemination of local news If the law says “it will be effective immediately”. How would
and general information. you construe that?

So if it says “effective immediately”, then, you can construe it

as being effective the moment publication is finished.

But if it is silent, it does not say “to be effective immediately”,

then you follow Article 2.

Why is it that we put much stress or emphasis on publication?

Because, this is the basis for us to say that “ignorance of the
law excuses no one”. If you publish, then you can charge
-The publication of all presidential issuances “of a public
individuals with the responsibility to be aware and
nature” or “of general applicability” is mandated by law.
knowledgeable of the law. Kahit na basic understanding lang.
Obviously, presidential decrees that provide for fines,
But if you do not publish, there’s no basis for you to say na huy,
forfeitures or penalties […] fall within this category.
expected na dapat alam mo ‘to.

So this goes into the requirement of due process. You cannot Discussion:
charge someone when they have no knowledge of what they So consistent with the tenor of Article 2, The Supreme Court in
did. Publication creates the conclusive presumption that man Tanada vs. Tuvera held that publication is mandatory even if
should know the law he is being charged with. the law itself provides for the date of its effectivity. Otherwise,
there would be no basis to penalize a citizen who disobeys the
- Publication must be complete law when the citizen has no means to know what the law is.

Of course, the third point is that publication must be complete. This is in line with the Due Process clause espoused in our
So meaning, from the title of the law, to the effectivity clause. Constitution that no person shall be deprived of his life,
All provisions must be published. Bawal summary, bawal liberty, or property without due process of Law.
salient points lang. So, kung mahaba masyado yung law, ano
ang gawin mo tapos di magkasya sa newspaper? Then, it can What about Supreme Court decisions?
be published in tranches. So may portion lang na ipublish Because as you will learn later on, when we reach Article 8,
today, and then tomorrow, and then the following day. Judicial Decisions applying or interpreting the Laws or the
Constitution shall form a part of our Legal System in the
And when do we recon the effectivity if it says effective Philippines. In other words, the Supreme Court decisions, the
immediately? Then the date of the last portion of the law was one you’re reading now, become part of the law of the land.
published. Or if there’s no “effectively immediate“, then it
becomes effective on the 16th day after publication pursuant So the question is raised in De Roy vs. Court of Appeals, do we
to Article 2. have to publish these decisions in the Official Gazette as well?

- Purpose: Due Process (in relation to Article 3 of De Roy vs. Court of Appeals
the Civil Code) -Contrary to petitioners’ view, there is no law requiring the
publication of Supreme Court decisions in the Official
So like I said earlier, this requirement of publication is for Gazette before they can be binding and as a condition to
purposes of due process. And we will discuss Article 3 later on their becoming effective.
again reflecting back on Article 2.

Tañada vs. Tuvera -It is the bounden duty of counsel as lawyer in active law
-Considered in the light of other statutes… the conclusion is practice to keep abreast of decisions of the Supreme Court
easily reached that said Article 2 does not preclude the particularly where issues have been clarified, consistently
requirement of publication in the Official Gazette, even if reiterated, and published in the advance reports of Supreme
the law itself provides for the date of its effectivity. Court decisions (G.R.’s) and in such publications as the
Supreme Court Reports Annotated (SCRA) and law journals.
-The clear object of the [Article 2] is to give the general
public adequate notice of the various laws which are to Discussion on the case:
regulate their actions and conduct as citizens. Without such You know from your reading of De Roy vs. Court of Appeals
notice and publication, there would be no basis for the there is no need to publish them on the official Gazette
application of the maxim “ignorantia legis non excusat.” It because unlike the laws of the country which all citizens must
would be the height of injustice to punish or otherwise be familiar with, the Supreme Court decisions which apply or
burden a citizen for the transgression of a law of which he interpret these laws are the responsibilities of the lawyers, the
had no notice whatsoever, not even a constructive one. lawyers who are expected to familiarize and study the same
rigidity, the supreme court said when you look at case law it
requires a certain skill to understand jurisprudence owing to
its technicalities, there are terms there which we do not use in Court referred to Republic Act 7061 to determine whether
ordinary sense and there are also structures that are discussed Resolution No. 13-2013 which provides for the rule of
in jurisprudence that an ordinary citizen is not expected to procedure concerning the conduct of investigation against
learn on their own. This is why even if someone has knowledge municipal officials in provinces, should have been published
of the law; it is still different from a lawyer, because a lawyer before it was made effective. Because according to the
has the skill and expertise that a layman would not have when complainants or according to the petitioners the resolution
reading the law. provided for the jurisdiction of the sanggunian. But you know
from your reading that this is wrong, that this contention is
ARTICLE 2- EFFECTIVITY OF LAWS wrong because resolution No. 13-2013 did not provide for the
jurisdiction of the Sanggunian, it was the local government
Code that provided for the jurisdiction of the Sanggunian. The
Villafuerte vs. Cordial
resolution was only interpretive of Chapter 4 of the local
-In the instant case, what was being assailed is Resolution
government code. So if it's interpretive, not penal in nature
No. 13-2013, which provides for the rules of procedure
then there is no need to publish the said resolution.
concerning the conduct of investigation against municipal
officials in said province, issued by the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur. Clearly, it is neither penal in
nature as it does not provide for any sanction or punishment ARTICLE 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from
nor a tax measure. It is merely interpretative of Title II, compliance therewith.
Chapter 4 of the LGC , which outlines the procedure when a
● knowledge of the law is a conclusive presumption
disciplinary action is instituted against an elective local
under law. Applies only to prohibitive/mandatory
official. Based on the foregoing, Resolution No. 13-2013
laws, not permissive/suppletory laws.
need not be published.
● Ignorance of the law vs. Ignorance of fact
-Ignorance of the law is lack of knowledge of the
-Also, it bears stressing that the RTC erroneously concluded
law insofar as it applies to a particular act or
that the element of publication is an essential element of
circumstance. Inexcusable.
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Camarines Sur’s
-Ignorance of fact is lack of knowledge of some fact
jurisdiction over the proceedings of the case.
relating to a particular subject matter. Excusable.

-The publication requirement on laws accomplishes the

constitutional mandate of due process. In the 1985 and So you cannot have Article 3 if you do not comply with the
1986 Tañada cases, the Court explained that the object of publication requirement in Article 2 because the publication
Article 2 of the Civil Code is to give notice to the public of requirement in Article 2 provides the conclusive presumptive
the laws to allow them to properly conduct themselves as knowledge of the law. Of course. This only applies to
citizens. That omission of publication of laws is tantamount prohibitive/mandatory laws, not permissive/suppletory laws.
to denying the public of knowledge and information of the
laws that govern it; hence, a violation of due process. Permissive or Suppletory Prohibitive or Mandatory
Effectivity of laws, thus, depends on their publication. Law Law
Without such notice and publication, the conclusive
presumption cannot apply. Allowed to introduce Not allowed to produce
evidence of the evidence of why you do not
unawareness of a particular know of such law because
permissive law, hence the of the presumption that you
What about the case of municipal laws?
non-compliance should know it, which is
This was the question that was answered in Villafuerte vs.
already conclusive against
Cordiall because in cases of municipal laws, what you have to
remember is that their publication is not covered by the Civil
Code. The requirement of their publication is not covered by
the Civil Code but by the local government code because the Ignorance of law vs. Ignorance of fact
local government code is the more specific law that applies to
them. So in the case of Villafuerte vs. Cordial the Supreme
forcing his door open was a robber, was justified to attack the
Ignorance of law Ignorance of fact
man upon his entry in self-defense. Even if it turned out that
the man was not a robber and had not intended any harm
· The lack of · The lack of against Achiong. The Supreme Court said, justified siya sa
knowledge of knowledge of
kanyang hinala that it could have been a robber because what
the law insofar some fact happened in that instance is merely an ignorance of fact,
as it applies to relating to a therefore EXCUSABLE.
a particular act particular
or subject Now, is Article 3 an absolute maxim?
circumstance matter. Even if it is somewhat rigid or absolute there are of course
· Inexcusable. · Excusable. certain instances when the rule in Article 3 can be relaxed.
Article 3. Relaxation of Rules
Example: Example:
You are unaware that the In Criminal Law, US vs. ● A mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of
Cybercrime Law punishes Achiong, the Supreme Court the law (Art. 526)
cyber bullying. You cannot ruled that Ah Chong, who ● Minors (People v. Navarro)
raise the defense that you thought that the man ● Insane persons (Article 14 of the Revised Penal
were unable to read the law forcing his door open was a Code)
in its entirety; hence you robber, was justified to
are unaware. attack the man upon his (1) A mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of
entry in self-defense. Even if
the law.
it turned out that the man
● When we say mistake upon a doubtful or difficult
was not a robber and had question of the law–if there is for example confusion
not intended any harm as to how the law should be applied, and this happens
against Achiong. often–ay di naman often–but it happens sometimes.
Now we ask the question: What is the difference of ignorance ● For example, in cases in tax, where there is a dispute
of the law vs. ignorance of fact? as to how to compute periods, things like that…so, if
even the authorities are confused as to how to
Ignorance of law excuses no one from compliance therewith, interpret a particular law, then there is relaxation of
what is the consequence if there is ignorance of fact? IT IS the rules of Article 3.
(2) In case of minors, and
When we talk about ignorance of fact -it is the lack of ● Minors, also of course, are one of the instances where
knowledge of some fact relating to a particular subject matter. the rule is relaxed. Because, of course, there is a
presumption that they are not yet able to discern the
Juxtapose this to ignorance of the law -it is the lack of consequences of their actions.
knowledge of the law in sofar as it applies to a particular act or
circumstance. (3) In case of insane persons
● The same with insane persons because there is no
Ignorance of the law -INEXCUSABLE consciousness there that is capable of understanding
Ex. you are not aware that posting online made you liable for the law. Therefore, you cannot impose the law as
cyberbullying. You cannot say that, “ay hindi ko alam that the rigidly upon them if there is no consciousness–if there
cyber crime act already punishes cyberbullying, I’m sorry”. Just is no possibility to be aware of the law that was
because you do not know that cybercrime act punishes published.
cyberbullying does not mean you are excused from the
consequences of your action.

Ignorance of fact -EXCUSABLE

Ex. The closest example I can give is a cross reference to your
criminal law cases. U.S. v. Ah Chong who thought that the man
So there is a case under Article 3 which is Caranto v. Caranto.
Art. 4. Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the
Article 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from contrary is provided.
compliance therewith.
Statutes should be given prospective (future) operation.
This is consistent with Sec. 10 and Sec. 22 of Article III of the
Now later on, in your remedial law, you will learn that a
1987 Constitution, which state:
petition for review on certiorari is a mode of appeal. Whereby,
- Sec. 10. No law impairing the obligations of
ideally you are only allowed to raise questions of law.
contracts shall be passed.
- Sec. 22. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder
ARTICLE 3 -Knowledge of the Law shall be enacted.

Caranto v. Caranto
A question of law arises when there is doubt as to what
Next article provides that laws shall have no retroactive effect,
the law is on a certain state of facts, while there is a
unless the contrary is provided. So this provides the general
question of fact when the doubt arises as to the truth or
rule as to how we apply laws that are passed. So there’s no
falsity of the alleged facts. For a question to be one of law,
retroactive effect, meaning we do not apply to laws or rather
the question must not involve an examination of the
to circumstances which occurred before the effectiveness of
probative value of the evidence presented by the litigants
the law.
or any of them. The resolution of the issue must rest solely
on what the law provides on the given set of
Statutes should be given prospective or future operation. And
circumstances. Once it is clear that the issue invites a
this is consistent with Section 10 and Section 22 of Article III of
review of the evidence presented, the question posed is
the 1987 Constitution, which state that “no law impairing the
one of fact.
obligations of contracts shall be passed.” And Second, “no ex
post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enacted.”
Now ito si Caranto he brought a petition for review on So there’s impairment of contracts, I think this is or I’m not sure
certiorari before the supreme court where instead of raising if this will discussed in your Consti 1 or Consti 2, but anyway
questions of law, he raised questions of fact. So what is key in when we say “impairing the obligation of contracts”, we say
this case of Caranto v. Caranto is the discussion on the there is “impairment” if a subsequent law changes the terms
distinction on what is a question of law vs. a question of fact. of a contract between the parties, imposes new conditions,
So in this case the supreme court said, “a question of law dispenses with those agreed upon, or withdraws remedies for
arises when there is doubt as to what the law is on a certain the enforcement of the rights of the parties.
state of facts while there is a question of fact when the doubt
arises as to the truth or falsity of the alleged acts. For a For example, certificates of public convenience and these are
question to be one of law, the question must not involve an usually awarded to public utility vehicle operators. So if these
examination of the probative value of the evidence presented are amended, you amend the rules concerning the issuance of
by the litigants or any of them. The resolution of the issue the certificate of public convenience. They could possibly
must rest solely on what the law provides on the given set of affect the contract between bus operators and their drivers
circumstances.” and employees. Ok? But the only thing you also have to
remember is that, while there is a law or rather while there is
So if we have to summarize it, when we say a question of fact, a constitutional mandate that says we cannot pass laws which
it's a question of whether is it the truth or not. But when we would impair the obligation of contracts at the same time this
say a question of law, it's a question of how do we apply the protection is tempered by the existence of police power,
law to a certain or given set of facts. So it is pretty clear what because police power can regulate agreements like these.
the distinction is. Even if to some extent it may appear as if there is an
impairment of the contract. So anyway that’s more of a
Article 4 - Prospectivity of Laws discussion that’s better explored under your constitutional
law. But briefly that is also something that’s also something
that you would like to look at, probably.
Why do we discourage retroactive application of laws as a
general rule? Because number 1, impairing the obligation and
Article 4 - Prospectivity of Laws
contracts, it imposes a new duty or it cuts down on benefits
that supposedly were to be received out of that contract or it
Art. 4 Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the
creates a new obligation. And third, it attaches a new
contrary is provided.
disability in respect to a past transaction, which is exactly the
case in an ex post facto law. These are circumstances that are
Statutes should be given prospective (future) operation.
frowned upon by our constitution which is why as much as
This is consistent with Sec.
possible, there is no retroactive application of new laws.
10 and Sec. 22 of Article III of the 1987 Constitution, which
However, of course, as with any general rule, there are always
exceptions. What are laws that are typically given retroactive
- Sec. 10. No law impairing the obligation of
effect? Because the general rule, laws shall have no retroactive
contracts shall be passed.
- Sec. 22. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder
shall be enacted.
What's the relaxation or the exception to this general rule?
These are the following:
Now, ex post facto law, what is that ?
It’s a law that punishes an act which at the time it was
Article 4 - Laws with Retroactive Effect
committed, was not yet punishable by the law.
1. Remedial laws
2. Penal laws
Example: You are in the business of selling rare pearls and
3. Curative Laws
Congress suddenly passed a law, making punishable the sale of
4. Emergency Laws
these rare pearls kasi endangered species na yung clams that
5. Laws creating new rights
produced them. So if you sold the pearls a day before the law
6. Tax laws
was made effective, then those transactions prior to the
effectivity of the law, cannot be punished by the new law.
However, if the law says, those previous acts which you
committed are also punishable, then that becomes an ex post When you say Remedial Laws, this is demonstrated in Atienza
facto law because it extends its effectivity into the past. vs Brillantes, Carlos vs Sandoval. It's not in the syllabus
Hence, violating due process. anymore, but I still like talking about this case, Cheng vs Sy.

What is a bill of attainder, on the other hand? You also have Penal laws, like for example the Good Conduct
Time Allowance.
A bill of attainder is an act that automatically finds a person This is a law that you will encounter in your Criminal Law. I
guilty of a crime without trial. Obviously, It’s not allowed think Criminal Law I because it pertains to the computation of
because it violates due process. It’s prohibited because it penalties.
violates due process.
You also have Curative Laws, which is discussed in DBP vs
Example: Red tagging, although it’s not necessarily something Court of Appeals. Where the legality of DBP's purchase of
that leads to prosecution. But if for example, in the event that certain lands were called to question. And then, eventually
a law is passed saying, if you are red-tagged, automatic kulong Congress enacted Republic Act 3147 which eventually gave
ka. Then that’s already a bill of attainder because you’re found authority to DBP to purchase those lands. So it became
guilty of a crime without trial. curative in a sense that any questions as to the invalidity of the
acquisition were cured by the law that was passed.
You also have laws creating new rights.
Retroactive application is usually discouraged as: 1) it
So you have for example, the use of the father’s surname
imposes a new duty; 2) creates a new obligation; and 3)
under Article 176 as amended by RA9255 which was passed in
attaches a new disability in respect to a past transaction.
However, there is also a corresponding limitation to that right,
because later on you will see that illegitimate children may use
the surname of their father but if their filiation has been
expressly recognized by their father or when the birth is or Issue: So the question then becomes should AM No. 02-11-10
rather their filiation is recognized through their record of birth be given retroactive effect?
appearing in the civil register or when the father makes an
admission in a public document or private handwritten Rule: The Supreme Court said no, it must be applied
instrument, this is an example of laws that create new rights prospectively because if you look at Article 1 of AM No. 02-11-
given retroactive effect. 10, it reads:

Why do you think? Because they favor the child who seek “This rule shall govern petitions for declaration of absolute
recognition. nullity of void marriages and annulment of voidable marriages
under the Family Code of the Philippines”.
Of course, penal laws is favourable to the accused or convict.
This is self explanatory and this is also demonstrated, in think So it’s clear within AM No. 02-11-10 itself that it only applies
in the case of Demosparan v People. to marriages under the Family Code therefore it should be
given prospective application. So dito malinaw kung san
nagsisimula yung effectivity ng law.
ARTICLE 4 – General Rule

Article 4 - General Rule

Carlos v. Sandoval
The innovation incorporated in A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC sets
Carolino vs. Senga
forth a demarcation line between marriages covered by the
Family Code and those solemnized under the Civil Code. The
Firstly, PD No. 1638 was signed by then President Marcos on
Rule extends only to marriages entered into during the
Sept. 10, 1979. Under Article 4 of the Civil Code, it is
effectivity of the Family Code which took effect on August 3,
provided that laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless
the contrary is provided. It is said that the law looks to the
future only and has no retroactive effect unless the
It is emphasized, however, that the Rule does not apply to
legislator may have formally given that effect to some legal
cases already commenced before March 15, 2003 although
provisions; that all statutes are to be construed as having
the marriage involved is within the coverage of the Family
only prospective operation, unless the purpose and
Code. This is so, as the new Rule which became effective on
intention of the legislature to give them a retrospective
March 15, 200320 is prospective in its application.
effect is expressly declared or is necessarily implied from the
language used; and that every case of doubt must be
Discussion: resolved against retrospective effect.
In Carlos v. Sandoval have the demonstration of the general
rule of Article 4 on prospectivity.
So in this case, what was the issue? It’s the effectivity of A.M.
In this case, what was at issue is whether PD 1638 should
No. 02-11-10-SC which limits a person who may file a petition
have been given retroactive application? And here the
for declaration of absolute nullity of marriage to the husband
Supreme Court also applied the general rule that laws should
or wife.
not be given retroactive application. So in this case, since
Carolino retired under RA 340 not PD 1638 then PD 1638 could
In this case kasi, it was the heirs who brought the petition for
not be made to apply to him.
nullity of their parents’ marriage. Their parents’ marriage was
celebrated prior to the effectivity of the Family Code. So,
Cheng vs. Sy this pertains to BP Blg. 22
meaning what governed the marriage at that time was the Civil
Code. Cheng vs. Sy
Now under the Civil code, walang mention as to who may file
the petition for the nullity of marriage, but with the passage of Petitioner is in error when she insists that the 2000 Rules on
AM No. 02-11-10 it has been delimited. It can only be the Criminal Procedure should not apply because she filed her
husband or wife who can file the petition for nullity. BP Blg. 22 complaints in 1999. It is now settled that rules of
Next, we have Atienza vs Brilliantes.
procedure apply even to cases already pending at the time
of their promulgation. The fact that procedural statutes may Article 4 - Laws with Retroactive Effect
somehow affect the litigants’ _rights does not preclude their
retroactive application to pending actions. It is axiomatic Atienza vs Brillantes, Jr.
that the retroactive application of procedural laws does not -Article 40 is applicable to remarriages entered into after the
violate any right of a person who may feel that he is effectivity of the Family Code on August 3, 1988, regardless
adversely affected, nor is it constitutionally objectionable. of the date of the first marriage. Besides, under Article 256
The reason for this is that, as a general rule, no vested right of the Family Code, said Article is given “retroactive effect
may attach to, nor arise from, procedural laws. insofar as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired
rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws.” This
is particularly true with Article 40, which is a rule of
In this case, Cheng filed two cases for estafa and two cases for
procedure. Respondent has not shown any vested right that
BP Blg. 22 and she made no express reservation as to the civil
was impaired by the application of Article 40 to his case.
liability of the accused. Later on you will see that cases which
have the civil liability instituted already within the criminal
-The fact that procedural statutes may somehow affect the
liability and you cannot separate both. In this case, Cheng did
litigants’ rights may not preclude their retroactive
not make any express reservation as to the civil liability of the
application to pending actions. The retroactive application
accused. Now, the estafa cases were dismissed for failure to
of procedural laws is not violative of any right of a person
prove beyond reasonable doubt and the other estafa cases
who may feel that he is adversely affected. The reason is
have no pronouncement of a civil liability.
that as a general rule no vested right may attach to, nor arise
from procedural laws.
The Supreme Court said, this in its nature produced the legal
effect of a reservation by Cheng of her right to litigate the civil
action impliedly instituted with the estafa case. Discussion:
Brillantes married twice, in 1965 and 1991. In 1965, he married
But what about the BP Blg. 22 cases? Would the effect be the without a required marriage license, which you will later find
same? Kasi yung estaffa magkaiba yun sa BP Blg. 22 diba? out is a requirement for the validity of a marriage. When he
married again in 1991, he believed in good faith that he was
The BP Blg. 22 cases were brought in 1999, but the following capacitated to marry because he assumed all on his own that
year, the revised ROC on criminal procedure took effect in his previous marriage was void. He argues that because his first
2000. It was stated that the civil action in BP 22 cases cannot marriage was covered by the Civil Code, kasi 1965, the family
be reserved separately. Meaning, it cannot be separately filed code was passed and took effect in 1988. So tama sya, the first
from the criminal liability. So the Trial Court said that with the marriage was celebrated during the civil code. The question is,
dismissal of the BP 22 case, the civil liability was dismissed as can Art. 40 of the Family Code applied to him? YES!
The Supreme Court said YES. Because, Article 40 is merely a
So is the ruling correct? The Supreme Court said YES. rule of procedure and Brilliantes cannot claim that by giving it
retroactive application, his vested rights were prejudiced.
Because procedural statutes are one of the EXCEPTIONS under Again, because same with Cheng vs. Sy, PROCEDURAL RULES
the general rule of prospective application. Because do not give rise to vested rights because they do not create
procedural statutes do not create vested rights then they can rights. It is substantive law that creates rights. Procedural
be given retroactive effect. rules merely provide guidelines on how you can enforce a
RIGHT. So, Article 40 was given retroactive application and
As such, when the BP 22 case was dismissed, the dismissal of made to apply to Brilliantes.
the criminal complaint carried with it the dismissal of the civil
Article 4 - Laws with Retroactive Effect

Cheng’s remedy was then to appeal the dismissal of the civil Abalos vs. People
In the case of Hisoler vs. People, the court has ruled that amount of the fraud is over Twelve Thousand Pesos
since the penalty under the RPC is more beneficial to the (P12,000.00). but does not exceed Twenty-Two Thousand
accused, thus, it is the proper penalty to be imposed. It Pesos (P22,000.00). Thus, the penalty for estafa under the
ratiocinated as follows: new law should be given retroactive effect, being more
favorable to the petitioner.
● […] The court finds that the benefits that would
accrue to the Petitioner with the imposition of a -In contrast, for falsification of a commercial document, the
lower minimum sentence outweighs the longer penalty of imprisonment is the same for both Article 172 (1),
prison sentence and is more in keeping with the in relation to Article 171 (2), of the Revised Penal Code and
spirit of the Indeterminate Sentence Law. RA 10951 which is prision correccional in its medium and
● […] The basic purpose of the ISL is to “uplift and maximum periods, albeit, the imposable fine is different.
redeem valuable human material, and prevent Under the Revised Penal Code, the imposable fine is not
unnecessary and excessive deprivation of personal more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00); while under RA
liberty and economic usefulness.” Simply, an 10951, the imposable fine is not more than One Million
indeterminate sentence is imposed to give the Pesos (P1,000,000.00).
accused the opportunity to shorten the term of
imprisonment depending upon his or her We also have the case of Abalos vs. People and the case of
demeanor and physical, mental and moral record Desmoparan vs. People. Now what these two (2) cases have
as a prisoner… in common is that they all looked at

It is clear therefore that if R.A. No. 10951 would be ISSUE: Whether or not R.A. 10951 if given retroactive effect
given retroactive effect, the same will prejudice would benefit the offender.
petitioner. The penalty under the RPC, insofar as it
benefits the petitioner must prevail. RULE: In this case, in Abalos vs. People R.A. 10951 would not
benefit Abalos, because if we apply R.A. 10951 Abalos’ penalty
would get bigger. So instead of R.A. 10951, what was applied?
The penalty under the Revised Penal Code (RPC)

Article 4 – aws with Retroactive Effect

Here in Desmoparan, it happened the other way around. With
the passage of R.A. 10951 the penalty that should have been
Desmoparan vs. People
served by Desmoparan would be reduced. So rather than
-However, with the passage of RA 10951, the penalties of apply the Revised Penal Code (RPC), R.A. 10951 or the Good
some crimes which are dependent on the value of the Conduct Time Allowance Act was made to apply to
subject matter of the crimes have been greatly affected, and Desmoparan RETROACTIVELY.
one of these is estafa. The law being more favorable to the
How would you summarize Article 4?
petitioner, the same is given a retroactive effect. Below is
As a general rule, laws must be given prospective application.
the comparison of the penalty for estafa under the old
provisions of the Revised Penal code and RA 10951.

● To protect rights which have already accrued

-From the given comparisons, both under the Revised Penal
● To avoid creating new obligations
Code and RA 10951, the imposable penalty for estafa is
● Or attaching new disabilities to past transactions.
based on the amount of damage. In this case, the amount
defrauded is Forty Thousand Pesos (P40,000.00),
What is the EXCEPTION?
representing the total amount of money actually released
When the law itself provides for retroactive application.
and Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by
RA 10951, is arresto mayor in its medium and meanwhile, What if the law does not explicitly state that it should be given
under the old provisions of the Revised Penal Code, the a retroactive application? You look at the nature of the law. If
imposable penalty is prision correccional, in its maximum for example it is a remedial law or a remedial rule, then you
period, to prision mayor, in its minimum period, if the can give a retroactive effect because vested rights do not arise
from or attached to these rules. Likewise, if it’s a law which this is also without prejudice to any personal liability on the
pertains to the accused, benefits the accused, even if it is not part of the person who violated the directory law.
stated be given a retroactive application, the specific
circumstances of the accused must be taken into account first. Now, what if the contract is voidable? But there are ways to
cure contracts that have to be validated and these are the
Diba, tulad nung Abalos, hindi sya favorable sa accused, then four ways:
we do not give the retroactive application of the law. But if
tulad ng Desmoparan, na under the new law, mas favorable
Article 5 - Four Ways to Validate Acts/Contracts
para sa kanya, then we give retroactive application.


Article 5 - Mandatory/Prohibitory Laws (1) Expressly validating the contract;
(2) Making the invalidity depend on the will of the injured
Art. 5. Acts executed against the provisions of mandatory party;
or prohibitory laws shall be void, except when the law itself (3) By punishing it criminally but validating the act; and
authorizes their validity. (4) By invalidating the act but recognizing the legal effects of
the invalid act.

Article 5 refers to Mandatory or Prohibitory laws in any acts Discussion:
that are executed in violation of the same. Acts executed (1) Expressly Validating the contract.
against the provisions of the mandatory or prohibitory laws
shall be void, except when the law itself authorizes their Under expressly validating the contract, usually one of the
validity. So, it’s mandatory because you’re obliged to comply ways to validate a contract that you originally denied is to
the law. Mandatory/prohibitory laws are mandatory in a sense accept the benefits that you would get from the contract.
that you are obliged to comply. Otherwise, your act will be
void. That is, it is without force and effect. Example:
Supposedly there is a deed of sale or a contract of sale but it
For example, you agreed to bet in a horse race. It has been was against your conscience, you don't want to accept the
made illegal under our laws, you cannot go to court and ask money that was supposedly tendered in court for your
the court to enforce your agreement because under our laws, property but eventually you realize buti pa mag abroad nalang
that agreement is illegal and, thus, void under our mandatory ako at dun nalang mamuhay with that the money that will be
laws. given to me, so if you accept the money then that is an express
validation of the contract.

Mandatory Provision – in a statute is one, the omission to

(2) Making the invalidity depends on the will of the
follow which, renders the proceedings to which it relates
injured party.
void, while Directory Provision is one the observance of
which is not necessary to the validity of the proceeding
This is the second way of validating acts or contracts.
(Kavanaugh vs. Fash).

Directory means that the Constitution provides a certain There is an agreement to marry but the agreement is tainted
period in time wherein for example yung judges are supposed with violence or intimidation, in that case the marriage may be
to decide cases. If the case is not decided within that time voidable or annullable and the one who can opt to void or
frame, the decision produced by the judge does not become annul the marriage is the innocent party or the victim.
void. The decision is still valid, but it is without prejudice to any
administrative liability on the part of the judge. (3) Can punish it criminally but you still validate the act

If you violate a mandatory/prohibitory law, the act becomes Example:

void. But kung directory, it is not necessarily void. Although Sa family code kasi the judge who solemnizes the marriage
must of course have authority to officiate the marriage. and
sometimes judges officiate marriages outside their territorial
jurisdiction. Bakit? kasi kaibigian or kakilala nila and they were A right is a legally enforceable claim of one person against
asked a favor, etc . so in that case even if the judge solemnize another.
the marriage outside his territorial jurisdiction and technically
talaga dapat wala siyang authority, the marriage is still held to So when you say you have a right. It has to be legally
be valid so long as the parties believed in good faith that the enforceable, meaning it's founded in the law. The law provides
judge had authority to solemnized the marriage. that you can enforce that right as against someone else.

(4) To invalidate the act but you recognize the legal

● Perfect vs. Imperfect
effects of the invalid act
(1) Perfect vs. Imperfect
· Perfect – fixed in terms of scope and it is clear
Children born during a marriage that is subsequently voided
as to what can be done and cannot be done
due to psychological incapacity. In that case the act of being
under that right.
married to someone with psychological incapacity is not
· Imperfect –when it is general and ambiguous,
necessarily criminal, but it is an invalid union because there is
it does not dictate precisely can or cannot be
no capacity on the part of either of the parties to perform their
marital obligations. So in that case that's an invalid act but
there are legal effects such as, what about the children? So if
● In personam vs. In rem
a child is born of a marriage that is subsequently voided
because of the psychological incapacity of one of the parties,
we still recognize that a child is a legitimate child of these two So let’s go back to the discussion on remedies. If you want to
individuals who had their marriage voided. And that’s an enforce a right, typically the action can be an action in
example of recognizing the legal effects of the invalidating act personam or an action in rem.
between parties.
If it’s an ACTION IN PERSONAM - your right that you want to
enforce is actually being brought against a definite person.
Article 6 - Waiver
Ex. Inutangan ka. Ano yung right mo? Bayaran ka diba? So if
you file an action for collection of a specific sum of money.
ART. 6. Rights may be waived, unless the waiver is contrary
That is an action in personam because you are obligating one
to law, public order, public policy, morals, or good
definite person to pay you a certain amount.
customs, or prejudicial to a third person with a right
recognized by law.
On the other hand, a right could also be brought in an ACTION
IN REM. An ACTION IN REM, on the other hand, imposes an
Discussion: obligation on a definite person or persons in general.
Then you have probably heard of the word waiver before.
Napaka common niyan noh. Quit claim and waiver. Under Ex. If you file an action for legitimation (meaning from
Article 6. Rights may be waived, unless the same is contrary to illegitimate to a legitimate child) everyone including the
law, public order, public policy, morals or good customs, or government agencies, Civil Registrar, all people practically
prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law. within our jurisdiction and those of course who would consider
themselves filipinos are supposed to recognize that you have
Now there are actions which you can bring in court that are become a legitimate child. Okay? So ganun yung difference
classified according to the relief that you are praying for. between an action in personam and an action in rem.

Let’s define what is a RIGHT.

Article 6 - Waiver
● Right- is a legally enforceable claim of one person
against another, that the other shall do a given ● Rights as classified under the constitution
act, or shall not do a given act. ○ Natural rights- Those which grow out of
the nature of man and depend upon Article 6- Waiver
personality, as distinguished from such as
are created by law and depend upon Waiver - waiver is the intentional or voluntary
civilized society, like the right to life. relinquishment of a known right, or such
○ Civil rights- such as belong to every conduct as warrants an inference of
citizen of the state or country, or in a relinquishment of such right. Waiver can be
wider sense, to all its inhabitants and are expressed or implied.
not connected with the organization or
administration of government, like the Now what are the requisites of a valid waiver?
right to marry, right to property, 1. The waiving party must have the right
marriage, etc.
he is renouncing.
2. He must have the full capacity to make
○ Political rights- consist in the power to
the waiver.
participate, directly or indirectly, in the
3. The waiver must be clear and
establishment of or administration of
government, such as the right of
4. The waiver must not be contrary to
citizenship, that of suffrage, the right to
law. Public order, public policy, morals
hold public office, and the right of or good customs or prejudicial to a
petition. third person with a right recognized by
Now the classification of rights under the constitution are 5. When formalities are required as in
natural right, civil rights and political rights. So the definitions the case of an express condonation of
are actually quite straight forward. a debt, the formalities must be
complied with.

Natural rights- they grow out of the nature of man. Discussion:

Ex. The right to life. So what can you waive? Or what things can be waived?
Or what rights can be waived?
Civil rights- belong to every citizen because they are a civilian Actually, you can waive everything –all your rights.
residing in a society. It’s applicable to all inhabitants who are However, there are some or very small or very isolated
citizens in a state or country but they are not connected with rights that you cannot waive like the right to life. At least
the organization or administration of government. So more on in our jurisdiction, we cannot waive our right to life.
society in general talaga. Although, wala namang kukulong sayo kapag
Ex. Right to marry, right to property, rights to an
nagpakamaty ka but for example euthanasia, that is not
a valid act in our jurisdiction. And even though you are
estate etc.
the one executing the waiver, anyone who assists you in
proceeding with euthanasia can be held liable under our
Political Rights- obviously they consist in the power to
laws. So that’s already a statement that the right to life,
participate directly or indirectly in the establishment or the
at least, could not be waived in our jurisdiction. So given
administration of the government. that you can waive almost everything there are however
Ex. Right to vote or right to hold public office. strict requirements that must be followed whenever you
execute a waiver.
Now the question is, what rights can be waived?
So earlier I asked the question, what can you waive? But And these are what I just read to you. So as to the first
before that let’s back track, what is a waiver? requirement, of course this is obvious because you
know the saying that “you cannot give what you do not
A waiver is the intentional or voluntary relinquishment of have”. So as to waivers, you also cannot waive what is
a known right or such conduct as warrants an inference not yours. For example, you cannot waive a right to your
of relinquishment of such right. A waiver can be inheritance if the person you are supposed to inherit it
expressed or implied. from has not yet died. So yung mga nakikita niyo sa
teleserye na “hindi ko mamanahin yan” or yung mga
nagsasabi na “kahit na mamatay ka pa, hindi ko kukunin order etc etc. So, the waiver cannot not contravene these
yung mana ko sa iyo”. May mga ganoong teleserye pa ba principles.
ngayon? Parang lahat ng teleserye gusto ng may mana
diba? But anyway, in that instance, legally speaking at And the waiver must be in the form that is required.
least noh, you cannot waive your inheritance yet because Meaning, kung halimbawa may requirement na
technically an inheritance only comes or rather an halimbawa notarized siya or may requirement na in
inheritance only manifests once the person you are writing siya then the formality must be complied with for
supposed to inherit it from has died, under our law. a waiver to be valid.

Second requirement, yung full capacity, meaning under So let’s go to the cases
our law, you must not possess any of the
Article 6 - Waiver
disqualifications to make you capable of binding
someone with a contract. So it means for example, you
Famanila vs. Court of Appeals
are no longer a minor or apart from your age, you must
not be a civil interdictee. Ano yung civil interdictee? A
-Disability is not among the factors that may
civil interdictee is one who is civilly dead. Hindi ano ha,
vitiate consent (...) save for petitioner’s self-
hindi how would you say this, physically yung na parang
serving allegations, there is no proof on
gulay. Civil interdictee meaning you are incapable of
record that his consent was vitiated on the
performing almost all acts which are supposed to bind
account of his disability. In the absence of
other individuals. Okay? So if you are a civil interdictee,
such proof of vitiated consent, the validity of
ano ba yung mga rights na meron ka? You have the right
the Receipt and Release must be upheld
to marry, he can execute a marriage settlement because
you are given the right to marry, or you can make
-It is only where there is clear proof that the
donations. But these donations only become effective
waiver was wrangled from an unsuspecting or
after death. So pag full capacity, meaning we’re talking
gullible person, or the terms of the
about capacity to act and we’ll define what’s capacity to
settlement are unconscionable on its face,
act more clearly later. But I just want you to remember
that the law will step in to annul the
this requisite and later on maybe siguro on our third or
questionable transaction. But where it is
fourth week, we can refer back to this, tying it to the
shown that the person making the waiver did
concept of capacity to act. Alright?
so voluntarily, with full understanding of
what he was doig, and the consideration for
Third requisite is that waiver must be clear and
the quitclaim is credible and reasonable, the
unequivocal. What does that mean? Meaning, it must be
transaction must be recognized as a valid and
doubtless that the person meant to waive that right. In
binding undertaking, as in this case.
your mind there is no question that, that person
intended to waive that right. Whether from his conduct
or whether from his words. Pwede rin from his actions. It Discussion:
must be clear in either case that he no longer intends to In Famanila, you have Famanila who was hired by NLD
enforce the right. For example, you try to pay a debt to International Manning. He (Famanila) suffered an
someone whom you owe money, and the person to aneurysm and had to undergo surgery. Now since he
whom you owe money says “ay wag mo na ako bayaran could no longer turn to work as a result of the aneurysm,
okay na yun”. That is already a clear waiver of his right to NLD International settled with him and formally signed a
collect from you. waiver. Later on he argues that the waiver is void
because his disability allegedly affected his capacity to
Now, the other two requisites are pretty self explanatory fully give his consent to the waiver. So it goes to the
so if you look at the waiver it must not contravene any second requirement.
law or public order, public policy, morals or good
customs and if a third person has a right which is Now what did the Supreme Court say?
recognized by law, that third persons right also cannot The supreme court said, the language in the receipt and
be prejudiced by the waiver. So kahit pa na freedom mo release was clear and unambiguous. So if you look at the
to waive a particular right the state also controls that agreement the receipt and release, it was unambiguous.
freedom by putting in the limitation of the law, public It was clear that it acted as a general release of any
liability. So it was a waiver.
to him. A waiver may not be attributed to a
person when its terms do not explicitly and
But the question is, is it valid? Was Famanila’s disability
clearly evince an intent to abandon a right.
sufficient to prevent him from freely agreeing to the
terms offered by NFD International? Meaning, nung
-Parents and guardians may not therefore
pinirmahan nya, was he fully able to comprehend what
repudiate the inheritance of their wards
he signed? Or was he prevented by his disability?
without judicial approval. This is because
repudiation amounts to an alienation of
The supreme court said, generally, when you look at
property16 which must pass the court's scrutiny
disability, it’s not among the factors that will vitiate
in order to protect the interest of the ward. Not
consent. Meaning, it’s not one of the factors that affects,
having been judicially authorized, the Release
adversely, a person’s capacity to give his consent. In this
and Waiver of Claim in the instant case is void
case, aside from Famanila’s assertions that he wasn’t
and will not bar private respondents from
able to fully comprehend his commitment to or his
asserting their rights as heirs of the deceased.
signature on the waiver, then, the supreme court cannot
also rule that the waiver was invalid. Also, while the
-Furthermore, it must be emphasized that
supreme court says that generally, waivers are frowned
waiver is the intentional relinquishment of a
upon especially employee-employer relationships
known right. Where one lacks knowledge of a
because of the power imbalance there–meaning the
right, there is no basis upon which waiver of it
employee is in a lesser position to negotiate with the
can rest. Ignorance of a material fact negates
employer, there’s still a requirement on the part of the
waiver, and waiver cannot be established by a
employee who alleges that the waiver is invalid. It is that,
consent given under a mistake or
it is only where there is clear proof that the waiver was
misapprehension of fact.
wrangled from an unsuspecting or gullible person or the
terms of the settlement are unconscionable, meaning
unfair, that the law will step in to annul the Discussion:
questionable transaction. So this is the threshold. When In Guy vs Court of Appeals, it's a manifestation of how
the supreme court steps in to say, “baka there’s you cannot waive what right you do not have.
something wrong with the waiver.” If, for example, that So, why? What are the circumstances of this case?
the person who signed the waiver isn’t able to read and
write. In that case, how could he have understood the In this case the respondents allegedly are illegitimate
contract or the waiver? Actually itong mga circumstances children of Sima Wei, the known heirs among others
na toh as to what as to what vitiates consent, these are argue that the mother of these illegitimate children has
circumstances that you’ll encounter in obligations and already waived all the rights of the children and claims
contracts. These are more thoroughly discussed there. against the estate of Sima Wei, because the mother
But for now, dito sa Famanila vs Court of Appeals, the executed a waiver and quitclaim in exchange for
Supreme Court upheld the waiver because there was no receiving an educational plan.
showing that the consent of Famanila was vitiated on
account of his disability. So, the question is… Was there a valid waiver?
If you look at the waiver, sabi ng Supreme Court “it
What about in Guy vs Court of Appeals? merely states that Remedios (the mother of the
respondents) received the 300,000 and an educational
Article 6 – Waiver
plan by way of financial assistance and in full settlement
of any and all claims of whatsoever nature and kind.”
Guy v CA
-As regards Remedios' Release and Waiver of
But it did not pertain to any hereditary share in the
Claim, the same does not bar private
estate of Sima Wie. Kumbaga the way that the Court
respondents from claiming successional rights.
construed the waiver was for an existing claim during the
To be valid and effective, a waiver must be
lifetime of Rufino Guy Susim. It did not include the
couched in clear and unequivocal terms which
hereditary shares of the illegitimate children in the
leave no doubt as to the intention of a party to
estate of Sima Wei. And more importantly, apart from
give up a right or benefit which legally pertains
the fact that the waiver must be couched in clear and
unequivocal terms, if you look at the circumstances of
the case, the Supreme Court said… “it must be -The Deed of Assignment executed by Colonel
emphasized that the waiver is intentional relinquishment Otamias was not contrary to law; it was in
of a known right. Where one lacks knowledge of a right accordance with the provisions on support in
there is no basis upon which waiver of it can rest.” the Family Code. Hence, there was no reason
for the AFP PGMC not to recognize its validity.
So ignorance of a material fact negates waiver, and
waiver cannot be established by a consent given under a
mistake or misapprehension of fact. So ito yung sinasabi Discussion:
ko na, hindi niya kasi alam that there would be a share In Otamias vs. Republic, dito si Otamias executed a Deed
on the estate. of Assignment whereby he waived half of his salary and
pension benefits, in favor of Edna and their other
The Supreme Court said, you cannot expect her to have children, I’m sorry, and their children.
waived that when si Remedios did not know that the
children would inherit from the estate of Susim After a few years, the AFP decided to stop honoring the
eventually. agreement and so it stopped issuing checks to Edna and
her children, arguing that Otamias’ pension benefits are
And then, as a nail to the coffin, the Supreme Court also exempt from execution, hence it cannot be compelled to
said additionally, guardians do not have the capacity to issue a check in favor of Edna and their children.
repudiate the inheritance of their wards without
judicial approval, although this is not going to the So, the question in this case is, can the deed of
requisites of a the waiver, but this is an additional assignment be recognized as a valid waiver of the exempt
reason why the waiver cannot be construed as a waiver status granted to Otamias’ pension benefits.
of the share of the illegitimate children in the estate of
And the Supreme Court said yes. When he executed the
Rufino Guy Susim.
Deed of Assignment he effectively waived his right to
claim that his retirement benefits are exempt from
execution. The right to receive the retirement benefits
Article 6 – Waiver of Rights belongs to Colonel Otamias and his decision to waive his
retirement benefits does not infringe the right of third
Otamias v Republic persons but even protect the rights of his family to
-When Colonel Otamias executed the Deed of
Assignment, he effectively waived his right to Was the deed of assignment contrary to law? The court
claim that his retirement benefits are exempt said no because it was in accordance with the provisions
from execution. The right to receive on support in the Family Code.
retirement benefits belongs to Colonel
Otamias. His decision to waive a portion of his Was it contrary to morals, good customs? The Supreme
retirement benefits does not infringe on the Court also said no, because it would help support the
right of third persons, but even protects the children
right of his family to receive support

-In addition, the Deed of Assignment should be Article 7 - Repeal of Laws

considered as the law between the parties,
and its provisions should be respected in the Article 7 - Repeal of Laws
absence of allegations that Colonel Otamias
was coerced or defrauded in executing it. The ARTICLE 7. Laws are repealed only by
general rule is that a contract is the law subsequent ones, and their violation or non-
between parties and parties are free to observance shall not be excused by disuse, or
stipulate terms and conditions that are not custom or practice to the contrary.
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
order, or public policy. When the courts declare a law to be
inconsistent with the Constitution, the
former shall be void and the latter shall -General law is enacted first, followed
govern. by the special law - special law is
considered an exception
Administrative or executive acts, orders and
regulations shall be valid only when they are -Special law is enacted first, followed
not contrary to the laws or the Constitution. by the general law -special law
prevails except when there is clear
and irreconcilable conflict between
Discussion: the two, or the general law clearly
The Constitution is the highest law of the land. intends to replace the special law.
Therefore everything must be consistent with or abide
by the Constitution. So between a law that is
inconsistent with the constitution and the constitution,
(1.) Even if we recognize Implied repeal, this is frowned
obviously it’s the constitution that takes precedence
upon – As much as possible we or the supreme court,
because it is the highest law of the land.
looks for the construction or interpretation of the law
that will allow for both laws to co-exist without one
From our reading of Article 7, we know that repeal may
having to repeal one another. But if we really have to
be expressed or implied.
choose which law should be repealed then the rule is
● Repeal may be express or implied.
(2.) If both laws are of the same category and they cover
the same subject matter, it is the more recent one that
Express – when a repealing law contains a repeal clause
explicitly stating that a particular existing law or a part of
So for example, you have a law on adoption that was
that law has been repealed.
passed in 1987 and then you have the same law passed
Ex. Just how the Family Code provides that it will
in 2010. So it is the one in 2010 that will prevail provided
repeal provisions in the Civil Code.
that there are inconsistent rules or laws laid down
Implied – when there is no repealing clause in the
between the two laws.
subsequent law but the prior law and the subsequent law
are substantially inconsistent that they cannot exist with
(3.)If one is a general law, and the other is a special law
each other. Therefore, necessitating the implied repeal.
General law is enacted first, followed by the special law.
● The Constitution is the highest law of What if ganon yung circumstance? Then we consider
the land. Therefore everything must yung special law as an exception to the general law.
be consistent with or abide by the
Constitution. But, what if the special law is enacted first, and then it’s
followed by the general law?
Special law prevails except when there is clear and
irreconcilable conflict between the two, or the general
Article 7 - repeal of Laws law clearly intends to replace the special law.

Rules on Repeal: Now typically there is what we call deliberations in

1. Implied repeal is frowned upon. forming the constitution or in passing a law, you have
2. If both laws are of the same category deliberations and you have minutes that will reveal these
and they cover the same subject deliberations and our justices used to look into these
matter, it is the more recent one that deliberations to identify the intent of the lawmakers
prevails. when they pass a particular law. So there is a subject
3. If one is a general law, and the other is called Statutory Construction dati, and basically what
a special law was discussed in that subject is how do we interpret laws
because there are in fact rules how to do it. It is not a free
for all.
So there is that practice whenever looking at the law or
third law (whether express or implied), the
the intent of the lawmakers is revealed in the
first law is revived. UNLESS the third law states
deliberations, senate hearings or in the hearings of the
that the first law shall not be revived.
house of representatives.
If a first law is repealed expressly by a second
Now if there is also a repeal, there is also in rare cases, a
law, and the second law is repealed by the
third law (whether express or implied, the first
RULES ON REVIVAL law is not revived. UNLESS the third law states
that the first law shall be revived.
Article 7-Repeal of Laws

Article 7. Rules on Revival: Repealed by the third law (whether express or implied),
the first law is not revived. UNLESS the third law states
General Rule: In case of implied repeal, there that the first law shall be revived. You have to read it in
is revival and in case of express repeal, there is order to understand fully what we’re talking about in
no revival. terms of revival.

Exception: If the contrary is provided.

Article 8- Judicial Decision
Revival is when a law that was previously repealed comes
Article 8. Judicial decisions applying or
back, or becomes effective once more. The general rule is
interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall
when it comes to revival, and the repeal is implied then
form a part of the legal system of the
there is a revival of the former law that was repealed.
What about in express repeal? In express repeal there is ● Judicial decisions are not laws, but
no revival. Walang revival because the express repealed they have the force and effect of laws
was already provided for in the subsequent law. Clearly, as they assume the same authority as
there is an intent to never have the former law see the the statutes themselves.
light of day. So that’s the difference. ● The Supreme Court’s interpretation of
a statute constitutes part of the laws
Sa implied repeal kasi there is an ambiguity as to the as of the date it was originally
intentions of the subsequent law. But in express repeal enacted, since the Court’s
there is clarity as to the repeal of the previous law. Sa construction merely establishes
implied repeal may revival sa express repeal walang contemporaneous legislative intent
revival. that the interpreted law purports to
EXCEPTION: Even if sa express repeal it is explicitly stated
that the particular law will be repealed BUT at the same
time the repealing law can also provide with steps if the
So Judicial decisions are not laws, but like I said earlier
repealing law disappears or is abrogated or is declared
they have the force and effect of laws as they assume the
null and void then the previous law which existed shall
same authority as the statutes themselves. Our case law
be revived.
is so ingrained in our laws that they have the force and
effect of our laws as equal with the authority of the
So, in express repeal, there can be a provision in the
statutes themselves.
repealing law that the formal law will be revived in case
the repealing law becomes null and void.
Now to be clear, Article 8 refers only to the Supreme
Court. It does not refer to the Court of Appeals, The
So eto yung laws that we discussed.
Regional Trial Court, The MTCC, MCTC.
If a first law is repealed impliedly by a second
law, and the second law is repealed by the The judicial decisions referred to in Article 8 only refer to
those decided by the Supreme Court.
Now, why is it that the Supreme Courts interpretation of
a statute is considered part of the law of the land?
● Res judicata
● That’s because the interpretation supposedly
- (a matter already adjudged)
should not be new. Like I said earlier, the
- Refers to the rule that a final judgment or
Supreme Court has a tendency to go back to the
decree on the merits by a court of competent
intention of the authors of the law. So, it's
jurisdiction is conclusive of the rights of the
presumed that that intention was carried into
parties or their privies in all later suits on all
the law.
points and matters determined in the former
So, that’s why the interpretation of the Supreme Court suit.
becomes part of the law of the land.
Now, what is Res judicata? Res judicata refers to a
So, there are a few more concepts that we need to matter already adjudged. It applies to specific tier of
discuss under Article 8 parties, who have already gone to court and had
matters settled between them. Once all the legal issues
Article 8 - Judicial Decisions have already been thrashed out in the case between
the parties, they can no longer go again to court for the
Stare decisis (et no quieta moevere) very same matters. Why? Because a final judgment or
● (stand by the thing and do not disturb decree has already been ordered by the court. So ano
the calm) yun, magpapachange ka, magpapamodify ka ng
● Refers to the principle of adherence judgment just because hindi mo gusto. Of course, hindi
to precedents for reasons in the pwede yun kaya tayo may Res judicata.
stability of law
● Could be vertical or horizontal Abandonment of a principle /rule of law/doctrine
● Vertical- lower courts are expected to established by the SC must be based only on strong and
follow the precedents laid down by compelling reasons and it can only be done by SC en
the SC before them banc.
- Admin offenses within an elected official are
● Horizontal- the Sc is expected to deemed forgiven when the public decide to re-elect
follow its own precedents because him/her for another term.
they established the precedents so
they should abide by their own Now, I want you to take note of the Abandonment of
precedent. the Aguinaldo Doctrine. This is actually a concept, or
rather a Doctrine that will be discussed in your public
administration. But, meron kasi yung Aguinaldo
It means that when the Supreme Court ruled on a
Doctrine, wherein admin offenses of an elected official
particular case, and the lower courts are confronted
are deemed forgiven when the public decides to re-
with another case of similar factual circumstances; the
elect him/her for another term.
same legal question or issue, even if the parties were
In the case of Junjun Binay. The SC finally abandoned
different, the lower courts must apply the ruling of the
this Aguinaldo doctrine.
Supreme Court for purposes of judicial stability.
Bakit, ano ba ang ginawa ni Junjun Binay? Naalala nyo
Ex. In cases of psychological incapacity, (which we will
ba yung infamous parking lot nga sa Makati na
encounter in the coverage of our 2nd exam under the
overpriced. Sabi ng SC, this is already to stop the abuse
family code) the courts are obviously expected to
of the condonation doctrine. In just one and a half
adhere to the guideline set by the Molina v Republic
years, over a 100 cases of alleged misconduct were
because the SC has consistently decided the nullity of
placed beyond the reach of the ombudsman’s
marriages due to psychological incapacity using the
investigatory and prosecutorial powers because of it.
Molina Guidelines. Lower courts should not invent new
Which more or less, means that countless cases of
guidelines because the SC has already established what
abuse that went uninvestigated because of the
guidelines to follow through Molina vs. Republic.
Aguinaldo Doctrine.
professors, applicable rules of
Abandonment of a principle / rule of law/ statutory construction, to decide the
doctrine established by the SC must be based matter.
only on strong and compelling reasons.
Why is this relevant? Article 9 is the duty to render judgment. No judge or
This is relevant because what they want to point out is court shall decline to render judgment by reason of the
that an abandonment of a principle or rule of law or silence, obscurity, or insufficiency of the law.
doctrine established by the SC must be based only on
strong and compelling reasons. What’s more, if they Kung ikaw yung judge, kahit na ayaw na ayaw mo yung
decide to abandon a doctrine, then the SC must be kaso, kasi sabihin nating hate mo yung complainant
sitting en banc. pero alam mong kawawa talaga yung complainant. So
sabihin mo, “ay di na lang ako mag ju-judge.
What is an obiter dictum? Naencounter nyo na ba ito? Magcompromise nalang kaya sila” or something like
that. Ultimately, compromise failed tapos sabi mo “ay,
Obiter dictum
ayokong magrule jan”. Why? So there has to be an
● an opinion expressed by the court
exceptionally valid reason because Article 9 is clear:
upon some question of law which is
Courts are not expected to legislate, but at the same
not necessary to the decision of the
time they should not hesitate to rule on a legal matter
case before it.
on account of the law’s seeming insufficiency.
● Remark made incidentally or
These are some factors that courts must take into
collaterally, and not directly upon the
consideration; customs, general principles, decisions of
question before him or upon a point
foreign courts and etc. point is if you're a judge or
not necessarily involved in the
become a judge in the future, do not decline to render
determination of the cause.
judgment because under Article 9 of the Civil Code it is
kumbaga, it’s a valuable discussion but it does not
belong to the pleading. That’s why it was made only One thing however I would like to point out or remind
incidentally or collaterally. you of is that this particular provision does not apply
when the law is clear or in criminal cases because of the
Article 9 - Duty to Render Judgment doctrine “nullum crimen nullum poena sine lege ''.
Make sure to remember the limitations of article 9.
Article 9. No judge or court shall decline to
render judgment by reason of the silence, Article 9 - Duty to Render Judgment
obscurity or insufficiency of the laws.
Silverio v. Court of Appeals
- Courts are not expected to legislate, -It is true that Article 9 of the Civil Code
but at the same time they should not mandates that “No judge or court shall decline
hesitate to rule on a legal matter on to render judgment by reason of the silence,
account of the law’s seeming obscurity or insufficiency of the law.”
insufficiency. However, it is not a license for courts to
engage in judicial legislation. The duty of the
- The judge must see to it that the courts is to apply or interpret the law, not to
decision is just equitable, and not make or amend it.
contrary to law, public order, public
policy, morals and good customs. The -In our system of government, it is for the
judge may use customs, general legislature, should it choose to do so, to
principles, decision of foreign courts, determine what guidelines should govern the
opinions of known authors and recognition of the effects of sex reassignment.
The need for legislative guidelines becomes be interpreted not by the letter that
particularly important in this case when the killeth but the spirit that giveth life.
claims asserted are statute-based.
Art. 10 pertains to presumptions and this one is of
course important because in case of doubt in the
interpretation or application of laws it is presumed that
the lawmaking body intended right and justice to
prevail. So article 10 just like how article 9 does not
apply when the law is clear. Article 10 also has that
Discussion: limitation so article 10 only applies when the law is
Under this Article, we have the case of Silverio v. Court doubtful or obscure. If a law can be construed in two
of Appeals, if you remember, Silverio petitioned to ways, that construction which will achieve the ends
change his first name and sex as appearing on the birth desired by Congress should be adopted. Now, one of
certificate, and the judgement granted this out of mercy the fundamental principles in statutory construction is
on Silverio, he said “on account of justice and equity” that a law should be interpreted not by the letter that
He allowed Silverio to go ahead and file a petition but if killeth but by the spirit that giveth life. So I think this
you look at the governing law RA 9048 of the Civil Code, maxim is pretty familiar to you noh and clear, I hope.
they do not allow for these changes on the ground of
sex reassignment surgery
Articles 11 & 12 pertain to customs.
So the Supreme Court set aside the decision of the Trial Art. 11. Customs which are contrary to law,
Court saying that “It is true that Article 9 of the Civil public order, public policy shall not be
Code mandates that “No judge or court shall decline to countenanced.
render judgment by reason of the silence, obscurity or
insufficiency of the law.” However, it is not a license for Art. 12. A custom must be proven as a fact,
courts to engage in judicial legislation. The duty of the according to the rules of evidence.
courts is to apply or interpret the law, not to make or
amend it.
Now, customs of course are important, there's no
question that they're important because they
That's the ruling on Silverio v. Court of Appeals
sometimes can pave the way for the establishment of a
law. And the custom then becomes the key to
I think madadaanan nyo pa ulit to sya kasi sa pagka-
understanding why a certain law exists. So of course, if
alala ko this case also comes up in, sa rule to change
the custom is contrary to law, public order, public
name. I think lalabas yan sa 4th exam coverage natin.
policy, it will not be accepted or recognized and of
course the custom, if you're alleging that you
Art. 10. In case of doubt in the interpretation committed a certain act as a custom then must prove it
or application of laws, it is presumed that the as a fact according to the rules of evidence. So meaning
lawmaking body intended right and justice to the courts do not take judicial notice of customs.
prevail. Customs can sometimes pave the way for the
establishment of a law. The custom then becomes the
● Applies only when the law is doubtful key to understanding why a certain law exists.
or obscure
● If a law can be construed in two ways, If a custom is contrary to law, public order, public policy,
that construction which will achieve it will not be accepted or recognized. If you are alleging
the ends desired by the Congress that you committed a certain act as a custom, you must
should be adopted. prove it as a fact.
● One of the fundamental principles in
statutory construction: A law should Courts do not take judicial notice of customs.
Example: Because of how Filipinos are raised, some of
and the same is brought to it again for
the members in congress are proposing to
penalize/sanction children who do not provide support
-So meaning may nagfile ng ganitong case at
to their aging parents. If you look at the proposal, it
may sinabi siyang, “uy ganito naman yung
comes from the custom of Filipinos to live with their
customs sa amin”. Tapos eventually siguro
parents or help them out if they are sick.
mga two months later may nagfile nanaman
ng ganong case –So yung same circumstances
If you look at our culture, these are our customs. But at
and same customs allegedly. Can the trial
the same time, not all customs can be judicially
court recognize the 2nd terms and take judicial
recognized by the court and not all customs are
notice of it? That depends pa but he(court) has
allowable under our Law.
the liberty to do it being he(court) is already
made aware of these stipulations made.

Rule of conduct formed by repetition of acts,
uniformly observed (practiced) as a social rule, Article 11 and 12 - Customs
legally binding and obligatory. ● General Principles of Law
-The general principles of law consists of the
- Customs do not prevail over laws, “universal juridical standards dictated by
nor when they are against public correct reason; those principles of justice
order or policy. beyond the variability and uncertainty of
facts, those high standards which serve as a
foundation to positive law, those rules
Kahit na may custom kang gustong ipaglaban, if the law
accepted by jurisconsults which constitute
finds that it is contrary to law, then the law shall prevail.
real axioms for all those who intervene in
juridical life, and which from a law superior to
that which is enacted (2 Sanchez Roman, 102)
OBLIGATORY RULE: ● In our written jurisdiction, the law is
(1) Plurality of acts or the acts have necessarily supreme to the general
been repeatedly done principles of law. Unwritten rules
- Maraming gumagawa at pauli ulit anchored on man’s sense of justice
siya. and equity cannot stand superior to
(2) It is generally practiced by the the written law which is equally
great mass of the social group anchored on the legislator’s sense of
(3) The practice has been going on for justice and equity.
a long period of time
(4) The community accepts it as a
proper way of acting, such that it
Ang haba noh? Ang importante you look at “universal
is considered obligatory upon all
juridical standards dictated by correct reason”, okay?

Now in our jurisdiction in the Philippines, the law is

GENERAL RULE: Customs must be proven as a
naturally supreme with regards to general principles of
-No court will go and call, “if jan ba sa brgy
niyo ganito ang customs?”. You have to prove
So we have the case of Anaban v. Anaban-Alfiler
it as the person alleging that the custom exists.
Article 11 and 12 - Customs
EXCEPTION: When the same court has
previously taken judicial notice of a custom Anaban vs. Anaban-Alfiler
So our law, which prevents divorce, takes precedence
-The issue of whether divorce based on
over customs. So even if sobrang tagal nang ginagawa ni
customs and practices can be legally
Anaban yung pagpapakasal and pag-divorce under their
recognized during the effectivity of Act No.
customs, the divorce will never be recognized by our
2710 has been resolved by the Court as early
as 1933 in People v. Bitdu.31 The Court held
that Mora Bitdu's divorce from Moro Halid in
accordance with the Mohammedan customs
cannot be recognized. For divorce cannot be
had except in that court upon which the state
has conferred jurisdiction, and then only for
those causes and with those formalities which
the state has, by statute, prescribed.

-As the trial court in Bitdu held, the laws

governing marriage and its incidents are moral
in nature and as such they are laws relating to
public policy. The habits and customs of a
people, the dogmas and doctrines of a religion
cannot be superior to or have precedence over
laws relating to public policy, because as
stated above laws relating to marriage and its
incidents are normal in nature and as such
they affect public policy. This holds true even
up to this time.

There is a question of whether since divorce is a custom

that the complainants have been used to, then will that
affect or rather will the divorce that was based on those
customs be legally recognized by our laws. So in short,
nagpakasal sila based on custom, they'll also divorce
based on custom.

Can that be allowed in our country?

And in this case, the Supreme Court said NO, “for

divorce cannot be had except in that court upon which
the state had conferred jurisdiction, and then only for
those causes and with those formalities which the state
has by statute prescribed.” So, in the case, “as the trial
court in Bitdu held, the laws governing and its incidents
are moral in nature and as such they are laws relating to
public policy”.

Now if our laws do not allow for divorce, say, someone

who is involved in the same law–sa customs na pwedeng
mag divorce– if there is someone who gets married by
custom, and then in that custom may divorce. Sa
national law natin, sa civil code natin, sa family code
natin, meron bang allowance on divorce? WALA.

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