Literature Review On Water Yam

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Water resource management denotes the skilful, efficient as well as effective planning of the limited
fresh water resources available for consumption by populace. A thesis submitted to the Department
of Theoretical and Applied Biology, College of Science and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology Asante FG (2012) Physico-chemical quality of water sources in the gold mining areas of
Bibiani. Also, freshwater resources usage can be put into two main categories, namely ex situ
(withdrawal use) and in situ or in-stream use, and could also be referred to as the consumptive and
non-consumptive use, respectively. Results find 11 public health-related water insecurity
interventions including surveillance practices and indicator and policy development. A Systematic
Literature Review on Water Insecurity from an Oregon Public Health Perspective. Int. J. Environ.
Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 1122. Qualitative data from the HWI surveys paired with existing
quantitative data (for example, water quality data, service interruptions and water-borne illness rates)
will produce valuable information about the unobserved experiences of communities in mobile home
parks, communities with individual surface water domestic withdrawals and communities with
private wells. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is
cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Impoundments or reservoirs Reservoirs or
dams and impoundments have been created for the purpose of water supply, irrigation, hydroelectric
power generation and ecosystem support. Since 1990, there has been some success in meeting this
goal and significant increases in improved access to drinking water and sanitation. Pronouncement
made by chiefs, priestesses and priests is strongly adhered to and disobedience of such edicts is
prone to grave repercussion with the worst been death sentences for victims. Customary rules laid the
foundation for enforceable regulations and rules to evolve which were used for the water resource
management and conservation (Opoku-Agyeman 2001 ). Researchers hypothesized that households
receiving water service from small systems (defined in this study as systems not regulated by Safe
Drinking Water Act, or those systems that serve fewer than 15 connections or 25 people) experience
more interruptions in service than larger systems. Further, small potentially unregulated systems are
less likely to be properly maintained and thus are prone to gaps in service. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript. The acts do not provide mechanisms to reconcile
customary law and practices with statutory laws in the constitutional discourse. When using
VOSviewer software to analyze the co-occurrence of keywords, the larger the node means the more
frequently the keyword appeared ( Figure 5 ). As an ideal and opposite state, “water security”
describes the conditions where water quality, quantity and access are enough to protect public
health. Three key factors affecting water security include: Climate changes that are increasing the
frequency and severity of droughts, floods, wildfires and other natural disasters. Public health-
focused water insecurity programs, policies and practices could foster community resilience in the
face of climate change, droughts, floods, wildfires, earthquakes and other natural disasters and
communicable diseases related to water insecurity. The United Nations and California establishment
of the human right to water suggests policymakers and public health professionals are placing a
greater importance on environmental justice and water insecurity internationally and in the US. The
limestone aquifers have an average yield of about 184 cubic metres per hour (Ghana National Water
Policy 2007; WRC Ghana 2007 ). Regulatory institutions in Ghana Institutions mandated to direct
control and manage the standard of water include: Water Resources Commission (WRC),
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP), Public
Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC). Knowledge is still emerging on how to quantify water
insecurity to assess community needs and develop effective interventions to mitigate risk. These
rights, however, do not entitle people to free water, unlimited use or a household connection.
Customary laws and practices, statutory laws and IWRM have been the major management
mechanisms employed to manage Ghana’s water resources over the years and now. Ofori-Boateng J
(1977) Environmental law, Ghana water laws, review of Ghana law, Accra Opoku-Agyeman M
(2001) Shifting paradigms: towards the integration of customary practices into the environmental
law and policy in Ghana. And some of the studies even lack the process of screening ( Huang et al.,
2020; Mallawaarachchi et al., 2020; Secinaro et al., 2020 ), which will lead to less credibility of the
results. Since California is the only U.S. state thus far to declare a human right to water, it is too
early to determine the full impact of the Framework indicators. We can see that due to the similarity
of some research content, in order to obtain more accurate data in bibliometric research, it is very
necessary to finely screen results. Analysis results of research methods indicates that the most
frequently occurring research methods in the keyword co-occurrence graph are model and systems
dynamics. From the perspective of research objects, previous studies have focused more on some
provinces and cities. Thus, the researched opine that water scarcity pushed the region to adopt the
IWRM strategy inorder to mitigate the looming effects of climate change on surface water
availainility. 3.2.2 Trans-boundary water resources.
Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides
an outlook for. The literature that qualified for inclusion was thoroughly analysed and discussed..
Molobela I.P. and Sinha P., Management of water resources in South Africa: A review. Strategies for
increasing water-resource resilience include preserving and restoring forests and wetlands, and
conjunctive surface water and groundwater management. Qualitative data from the HWI surveys
paired with existing quantitative data (for example, water quality data, service interruptions and
water-borne illness rates) will produce valuable information about the unobserved experiences of
communities in mobile home parks, communities with individual surface water domestic withdrawals
and communities with private wells. Since this is the only study found which assesses these
interactions, we cannot assume that there will be a negative relationship between race and ethnicity
and SDWA compliance in all low SES communities. Among the 5 articles, 3 are from WATER
RESOUR MANAG, MATH COMPUT SIMULAT and ECOL MODEL, indicating that the journal
WATER RESOUR MANAG plays an important role in publishing WRCC papers, and papers
published in this journal have a greater impact. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the
paper. This research was funded by the Center for Disease Control, Cooperative Agreement Numbers
1 NUE1EH001347 and 5 NUE2EH001330. It is worth noting that the largest node connected to the
management node and the sustainable development node is the water resources carrying capacity
node, and the width of the connection with this node is the widest, indicating that they have the
largest frequency of co-occurrence. FIGURE 7. Connection of key nodes. Selecting indicators from
available data will capture a more informed picture of the five components of the index. The
alarming rate of this destruction has prompted the government of Ghana under the hospices of the
Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources to designate special task force to fight this menace and
safeguard our water resources. Was the Research Design Appropriate to Address the Aims of the
Research. In terms of freshwater resources usage, the two main categories are ex situ (withdrawal
use) and in situ or in-stream use and could also be referred to as the consumptive and non-
consumptive use, respectively. The number of articles published in the order in which the journals are
listed above are: 26, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 4, 4, and 4 respectively. There are recent and ongoing efforts
among Oregon natural resource agencies, led by the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD),
to develop an Integrated Water Resources Strategy, gain a better understanding of the quantity and
quality of water in aquifers, prepare for droughts, engage local communities in place-based planning
and develop a 100-year vision for water in Oregon. Attitudinal change cannot ensue overnight;
however well-planned awareness creation and proper advocacy as well as behavioural change public
services to these miners can make the currently situation better. User Manual- Household Water
Insecurity Experiences Scale. In Ghana as at 2014, the renewable freshwater resources per capita
were pegged at 1131. Adoption of the IWRM policy in West Africa is fraught with many challenges.
Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: 2015 Update and MDG Assessment. Generally, East
Africa is ranked as medium-high level with average score of 54% while Southern Africa and West
Africa are ranked as medium low-level at 46% and 42% respectively. For both countries, the water
and land reform agenda has a multiplicity of overlapping functionaries; however, they are managed
by separate government departments. Even though Jin et al. (2019 ) was published recently, their
work lacks a detailed screening process of the records (data) and also lacks rationality and accuracy
of the results. The study aimed to assess water reliability only (water access shutoffs), but
acknowledge that there are other relevant dimensions of household water access security (available
volume, quality, and cost of water) Limitations: The American Housing Survey (AHS) data from
2011 groups three metropolitan areas together (Portland-Beaverton-Vancouver). Understanding water
quality and quantity needs and inequities in access to safe water in Oregon is a prerequisite to
developing community-specific and culturally-relevant water security policy solutions to help
communities build adaptive capacity, strengthen resiliency and protect the health of all people in
Oregon. The top 10 authors with the most articles include Feng, Lihua, Lei, Kun, Meng, Lihong,
Berezowska-Azzag, Ewa, Fu, Qiang, Gao, Yang, Luo, Gaoyuan, Su, Haimin, Wang, Xin, Wang,
Zilong. Conflict of interest The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. The
scenario helps clarify the constraints of a conventional picture of water development and provides a
useful point of departure for examining alternative long-range scenarios and their implications for
water and development policy. The lighter the color of the node means that the research in that area is
the current hotspot. FIGURE 10. Keyword evolution process. This period belongs to the research
and development stage of WRCC study.
However if you include, medium low countries of Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia and South Sudan and
the low-level Somalia, then East Africa’s score drops to 39% (medium-low). The risk of selection
bias for both studies is low since researchers used random sampling to identify participants. The
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) administers the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and related state
laws to ensure that communities on public water systems have access to drinking water that meets
regulatory standards. Download citation file: Ris (Zotero) Reference Manager Water’s essential
function as drinking water is a significant daily intake. Quality of soil water and groundwater in the
southern High Plains, Texas. Social determinants that affect access to clean and safe water such as
socioeconomic conditions (for example, concentrated poverty), population distribution and
community engagement. About 60% of water bodies in Ghana are polluted with most of them in
critical condition (Ampomah 2017 ). Specifically, the need to give incentives and disincentives in
water use sectors to encourage water conservation. The fact is that the king or chief holds the water
in trust for his people therefore; the chiefs and their kinsmen control manage and regulate the use of
water resources. Publisher’s note All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the
editors and the reviewers. The color of this tuber can be pink, purple, yellow or white from inside.
Through a partnership between OHA and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ),
OHA’s Drinking Water Protection Program helps protect Oregon public water system sources
(streams, lakes and aquifers) from contamination. Water resource management denotes the skilful,
efficient as well as effective planning of the limited fresh water resources available for consumption
by populace. Operationally, IWRM approaches involve application of diverse knowledge from
disciplines and insights from stakeholders to devise and implement equitable, efficient and
sustainable solutions and development problems of water (GWP 2000 ). Adequate water use in
house-holds, businesses and manufacturing is a prerequisite of economic growth. Irrigation schemes
in Sudan and Egypt rely exclusively on the waters of River Nile and are therefore apprehensive of
the actions of upstream states notably Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY). The scenario helps clarify the constraints of a conventional picture of water
development and provides a useful point of departure for examining alternative long-range scenarios
and their implications for water and development policy. Limitations: The mapping tools in
California currently excludes data for small regulated-water systems or private wells. Researchers
used surveys and secondary data (for example, U.S. census and American Housing Survey data) to
identify disparities in water service reliability; therefore, it is feasible to conduct a similar study in
Oregon. Legionella accounted for all acute respiratory illness and the causes of acute gastrointestinal
illness outbreaks included exposures to Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Clostridium, E. The above two
scenarios are part of the foundations of this research. This study is suitable for assessing water
insecurity in low SES communities in Oregon from an environmental justice standpoint. Loading
metrics Open Access Peer-reviewed Research Article Water resource management: IWRM strategies
for improved water management. The scale is most applicable to low-income and unincorporated
peri-urban and rural communities connected to water services, but the scale can be adapted to assess
communities not connected to water services as well. Water acts and regulations for water resource
management in Ghana The major Acts enacted by the State in the quest to manage Ghana’s water
resources include: Dam safety regulation 2016, (LI 2236), Riparian buffer zone policy, 2011, Drilling
license and groundwater regulation 2006, (LI 1827), Water use regulation 2001, (LI 1692), Water
resource commission Act 19961, Act 522. When Switzer and Teodoro included SES as an interactive
term (descriptor of the population), the effects of increasing community race and ethnicity on
drinking water violations declined as SES increased. A relatively smaller impoundment was
constructed at Kpong with a coverage area of about 40 km 2 thus 17 years thereafter (about 20 km
downstream of Akosombo) (WRC 2012; WRC Ghana 2015 ). Leslie D (2010). The causes and
health effects of river pollution: A Case Study Of The Aboabo River, Kumasi. During the data
collection process, we used coding as suggested in the CEE’s systematic mapping guidelines to
uniformly describe each intervention (see Table 1 ).

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